#Aaron is also Technically a Jr.
ghostflowerhotpotch · 7 months
for the ship ask game, 26 and 27 👀
Funnily enough, I had kind of answered this two things, but let me see what I can add up!
26. Do they have any pets or kids?
I don't think they would have any pets; mostly because those need a lot of time commitment and they never went around that. They talk about it when they started living together; Miles wanted a dog, but needing to do regular walks and stuff with their schedule didn't seem feasible. Gwen wanted a snake, but those need a lot more extra care and the vet for them is crazy expensive.
For now, I headcanon they have two kids, Angelica (Angie) and Aaron Peter Jr. I know there are canon names for their kids in Earth 8, buuuuut I wasn't really that fan of the names, or the designs, so I decided that fuck it! I will do it on my own.
If you want an in-universe explanation, is because they know other versions of themselves, and while technically Charlotte is Angie and Peter is Max, they decided to give their kids different names because they didn't like the idea of that already being decided for them; also in case they met them, is less headache that way.
27. Who would propose? What would their wedding be like?
Wedding details
Despite the amount of people that they know, they make the wedding as small and feasible; mostly because weddings are a headache in and out itself.
I do think Gwen and Miles would want something rather intimidate, they aren't really into flashy, over the top stuff; they just need each other and their love ones.
If you ask who cried in the wedding, the answer is both; Miles went first, and Gwen called him a dork for it, but then Miles said his vows and she started crying, even if not as much as him. Friends tease them about it but everyone is happy for them.
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Leosagi/Leochi in Musicals
I have noticed that some people are putting the Epic Musical associated with ROTTMNT (Mostly revolving around Leo). I just have to say, I haven’t listened to the Epic Musical, but my God why hasn’t anyone done Leosagi in other musicals 😭. I haven’t watched many musicals, but here are some suggestions (that no one will use 💀).
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Musicals That Can Fit Leosagi/Leochi
Hamilton - Historical Musical about Founding Father Alexander Hamilton
I’ve seen people using this in other fandoms. For this one it’s mostly Casey and Future Leo. But to include Usagi:
“Helpless“ - The roles technically don’t matter, but Leo could be Eliza (because he has a lot of siblings and also is blue) and Usagi could be Alexander. Usagi’s friends could be Laf, Muligan, or Laurens. Very wholesome song! It could also be reversed with Leo as Alexander. His brothers would be Laf (Donnie), Mulligan (Mikey/Raph), Laurens (Mikey/Someone Else), or Aaron (Raph/Donnie) if this was the case.
“Satisfied” - For some Angst, Leo or Usagi wouldn’t be Eliza 💀 (or if people ship Donsagi, idk the name, then this is a perfect song LOL)! Usagi could be Angelica and Leo Alexander or vise versa. (Context: Angelica and Eliza are siblings, Angelica is the oldest and likes Hamilton. However, she sees her sister Eliza likes Alex as well, so Angelica sets Eliza and Alex up and the two are getting married. Basically, a love triangle)
“Congratulations“ or “First Burn” / “Burn” - This is just to cause more Angst and rub salt over the wound to match with “Satisfied”. “Burn” is basically Eliza and Alexander breaking up because of “Say No To This” when Alex has an affair.
“Dear Theodosia“ - Can be used for the headcanon of Jotaro as Leosagi’s kid & Aaron Burr as Cassandra which would make Theodosia as Casey Jr. 
“Blow Us All Away” and “Stay Alive (Reprise)” - Used as the above. Jotaro can be Phillip (Alex and Eliza’s son). Or maybe replace the son as Casey Jr. Either way, could be a fun idea.
In The Heights - Hispanic musical with people who have a dream and struggling with identity/poverty. (Idk how to describe it).
This musical can be use for those fans who like to headcanon the Hamato children knowing Spanish. There are 2 couples in this play (Benny and Nina | Vanessa and Usnavi) that could fit Leosagi and there is a musical and a movie (I prefer movie audio since it sounds newer than the musical since that’s kinda old).
“The Club“ - Just for funsies. Leo/Usagi getting jealous that the other is gaining a lot of attention on the dance floor with other men (Imma assume Leo aka Vanessa is on the dance floor).
“Blackout” - Follows right after the previous song. Only part that would fit here is an audio most might have heard. The whole “You barely even danced with me” and then “Don’t make me laugh, I’ve been trying all night, you’ve been shaking your ass with half of the Heights”.
“When You’re Home“ - Could be wholesome with using Usagi as Benny (since there’s no confirm race) and Leo as Nina (Afro-Latino and half Japanese moment? Black Hispanic and half Japanese?).
“Sunrise“ - This is only in the musical version, but it’s so cute!! Takes place after “Blackout” where Nina and Benny found each other and stayed with each other. Nina teaches Benny some Spanish. “Well how do you say kiss me?” “Besume” “and how do you say hold me?” All of that. And also a moment where Benny is scared that Nina’s dad is going to know that Nina is with him (Nina’s dad disproves of Benny). Obviously, Leo is Nina and Benny is Usagi.
Bare: A Pop Opera - (TW: Self-harm also Drugs) Gay musical with two boys struggling in a Catholic Boarding School. They are secretly dating, but one wants the come out and the other doesn’t because of his strict father (also he has a twin).
I really recommend this musical, it might be slow but it can get you in your feels. Btw, it’s a sad musical (Trigger warning). Honestly, any songs can fit because it’s literally a gay story. Also a theater Romeo and Juliet play they are doing. A play within a musical.
“You And I“ - Listening to the lyrics ummm, Leo fits almost TOO WELL with being Jason 😂 Jason is the one with a twin named Nadia (who believes she is fat and she harms herself). Their dad is rich and Jason is the favorite sibling. Anyways, Jason is Leo and Peter is Usagi. This song is an introduction to how they are together (always being in secret and having to pull away when people are around).
“Plain Jane Fat Ass“ - Twin moment with Jason (Leo) and Nadia (Donnie). Angst or Hurt/Comfort with the two.
“Best Kept Secret“ - Self explanatory
“Ever After” - THIS SONG OMG. So Leo and Usagi are having a heated argument and it’s tense and pretty sad.
“Wedding Bells“ - Angst. Usagi imagines Leo with another person.
“See Me“ - This is gonna have to change, so Peter is trying to come out to his mother, but she is clearly trying to ignore it. So This could be Leo being Peter and Splinter being the mom.
“God Don’t Make No Trash“ - Sister Chantelle (I didn’t spell that right. Anyways this is definitely Mikey aka Dr. Feels) and Peter talking about sexuality (kinda).
I don’t know who can be considered as “Father”. Maybe Draxum or Big Mama.
“Bare“ - Hurt, no comfort between Peter and Jason.
Be More Chill - Awkward teens who are trying to be cool so they take a pill (From JAPAAAAAAN) and they are controlled kinda.
Main character, Jeremy, likes this quirky girl named Christine, so he’s trying to be cool to get with her. If you heard the audio (”I’m waiting for my porno to load”) then that’s this musical. I did see multiple Donnie animations (and a Leo) with the song “Michael In The Bathroom”. Yeah that’s this musical. Maybe Christine (Usagi), Jeremy (Leo), and Michael (Donnie).
The Idea: I included this musical mainly because the whole idea if that teenagers are trying to be cool by taking a pill that (roughly, hard to explain) has a person in their head who “helps” them be cool (in actuality, a douche or a player). With the headcanons of The Krang still in control of certain Turtles, I thought well maybe instead of inserting something like “Mind Raph”, just make the person in the head (aka a Squip) just the Krang 😂 (Same can be used for BeetleJuice The Musical)
“A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into“ - Pretty cute song from Christine (Usagi).
“Be More Chill Pt. 1″ - Basically when the Squip comes in. Like listen and imagine the Krang behind the voices trying to manipulate people 💀
“The Pitiful Children“ - Basically a ‘world domination’ song. So just Krangs.
Heathers - Basically the movie.
This potentially fits the 2003 Leosagi more, I have no idea. At least, if we make JD Miyamoto. TW: Murders, Explosives, E.D., Suicide, Drugs/Alcohols, and attempt S.A.
“Beautiful” Or “Candy Store“ - The roles (based on colors) are Chandler (Raph), Duke (Donnie), MacAmera (Didn’t spell that right, Mikey), Kurt & Ram (The Foot Dudes? Bebop & Rocksteady), Martha (Todd? LOL), JD (Usagi).
“Meant To Be Yours” - Please, I need Psychopathic Usagi or Leo, I’ll take any 😭
Heathers: The Musical (2022), another version of the musical with some altered lyrics and added songs with a bit new style of musical form. “I Will Never Shut Up Again” - Wonderful song for Duke, would like to see an animation of Donnie (I like villain songs, lol).
“Seventeen“ - Wholesome song, hurt/comfort kinda, where Usagi and Leo are singing about having a life together (and not a life of being murderers).
I would add “Dead Girl Walking” but this fandom seems to not do much NSFW stuff with this ship, so I’ll exclude that song along with “Blue” as a suggestion.
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choppedmint · 5 months
If I commit to talking about Morganville Vampires, I need to share a list of OCs before I start claiming someone exists when they don't. If you see any of the below names (baring certain Goldmans mentioned to be canonical) than they are fictious. I love them, but I made them the heck up. XD
Samuel Salinas: A really new vampire. Like really new. Worryingly new. Part of a plot new. And he's also 12. And also heck it, toss him at Myrnin, because having him deal with a child in mental distress was apparently a good idea to younger me and I'm loath to change my post canon plots nooooow. At any rate, I love him dearly, little sunshine boy. Uses he/him.
Pax Salinas: We repeat, worryingly new vampire. Sam's brother. Uses he/him.
Worrying large amount of Goldman vampires. Why? Because RPs. Do I remember which are my OCs anymore? Nooope. Theo and Patience and Patience Jr, and Jakob are the only four I know I didn't make up out of my head, but if the others are appear in the books, I'm assuming I just gave them names? If there are no mention of them (I think for example I gave Theo another kid in Marcel) than they're just made up.
Anyway. Marcel Goldman: Son of Theo Goldman. He's dead by the time my post-canon stories usually take place. Whoops. I ... really wish I'd fleshed him out more, but we're making up for lost time. We'll get there. he/him
Aaron Goldman: Grandson of Theo Goldman. He's an ass. I love him. Another of Bishop's little messed up 'let's change the children' ideas, along with his cousins Jakob and Patience Jr. So fun times there! He's less of an ass than Aurelia. Will protect his family with his life, thank you very much. he/him
Aurelia Goldman: Granddaughter of Theo Goldman. Also a really angry person. But we love her anyway. she/her
Julius Goldman: Human. Married Marcel and into the family. he/him
Penny Goldman: adopted by Julius and Marcel Goldman. she/her
Bella: She sucks. All you need to know. Sam and Pax's mom and a piece of work. she/her
Harquin Day: Not actually a member of Day family, but sort of adopted on somewhere down the line. Their Protector and occassionally will use their roof for star-gazing. General opinion of him is iffy in recent generations, just as a general reaction to all vampires, but he's slowly improving in their books. Not particularly scary on first look, tends to give off cool uncle vibes. But he can stand up for himself in a way that proves how he's managed to survive in this life. Rather impressive scowl. More 'distant' than anything and totally started using the 'Day' last name without permission, but no body remembers a time he didn't, so there's no one around to fight him on it anymore. He's a therapist, usually reserved for vampires, but has been known to take in the occassional other.
Uses they/he pronouns. Not old-old, but certainly has been around several centuries.
Janus: Officer in the police force. Vampire. Shane partners with her sometimes when he needs vampiric backup. I've only used her once, we'll see if I use her again. she/her Arthur Dee:
Historical figure, so technically exists, so heh? Anyway, was a brief fling of Myrnin's back in the early 16th century. I refuse to believe Myrnin is not queer shaped in some way, so I poked around for an old alchemist and found this man and now I've adopted him and writing a book about him. Please ask me about Arthur Dee, I can tell you how he accidently maybe on purpose murdered his in-law, it's great. ANYWAY he's not a vampire. 100% human and died in the mid 16th century. Myrnin does not like mentioning him. It ended very poorly. he/him John Smith:
Not that John Smith. I just lifted him from another story to briefly use as Amelie's bodyguard. I use him for the same purpose now and again. he/him
One would think I'd have more human characters, but noooo, not me. Though Julius is one of my favs, so like, maybe he makes up for it.
I have ART. These characters live on Art Fight, 'cause of course they do. I don't have anything for Harquin, Pax, Aaron, or Aurelia, despite having pages and pages of writing about all of them. Whoopsy. One would think the length of description equated to how much I liked them, but if anything it's the reverse. Don't get me wrong, love Harquin, but I've used them as a character (RP or stories) all of ... three times give or take. While the others are, like, practically main characters. But whatever.
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ejzah · 2 years
When I first started watching The Rookie, I started compiling a list of actors I’ve seen in other shows/movies. I never had time to catch everyone, so if you want to add anyone, feel free.
And for reference, I list where I recognize the actor from specifically.
As most people are fully aware, John Nolan played by Nathan Fillion, also appeared in Castle.
Wesley Evers, played by Shawn Ashmore. Technically, it was his twin, brother, Aaron Ashmore, (someone just recently pointed this out to me) who appeared as Jimmy Olsen on Smallville but I’m still counting it as a sighting.
Captain Zoe Anderson, played by Mercedes Mason. Appears as Talia Del Campo on NCIS: LA.
Yvonne Thorsen, played by Tamala Jones. She appeared on Castle as Lanie Parish.
Doug Stanton, played by Brandon Routh. Also played Clark Kent/Superman in The Return of Superman and Ray Palmer in a variety of CW shows.
ADA Sean Del Monte, played by Michael Trucco. Also played Detective Tom Demming on Castle (I’m seeing a pattern here).
Nora Valdez, played by Natalia del Riego. Plays Rosa Reyes on NCIS: LA.
Detective Murphy, played by Alicia Coppola. Also played Agent Lisa Rand on NCIS: LA and a guest role on Castle.
Chaz Bachman, played by Seamus Dever. And of course, also plates Ryan on Castle as well as a guest role on NCIS: LA
Antonio Hernandez, played by Julian Acosta. Also appeared on NCIS: LA and Castle in guest roles.
Caleb Wright, played by Michael Cassidy. Once again, played a (less creepy) guest character on Castle.
Agent Michael Banks, played by Bailey Chase. Guest starred as Will Sorensen on Castle.
Evelyn Dyer, played by Annie Wersching. Also appeared on Castle as Kelly Nieman. Thanks for the addition, katherinesdoris!
Lou Ferrigno Jr. played guest rolls on the Rookie and NCIS LA.
This took me way too long to do and I know there’s people I’ve missed. If you have any to add, please do.
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
G1 Climax Night 4 preview
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Jay White (1-0, 2pts) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (0-1, 0pts) - This is for 2 points in B Block. White is the IWGP world champion, so if Ishii can beat him in this non-title match, he would likely get a title shot before the end of the year.
Because of this year's tournament format, Ishii is already in trouble coming into his second match. If he loses to Jay, he'll be at 0-2 while Jay improves to 2-0. If Jay goes 6-0 or 5-1, Ishii can't win the block. If Ishii and Jay tie at 4-2, Ishii can't win the block because winning here would give Jay the tiebreaker. So unless we get into weird edge cases, if Ishii loses here he will need Jay to finish at 3-3. That's technically possible, but realistically there's no way the world champion is going to collapse that badly. So basically, Ishii is behind the eight-ball, and he needs this win.
The good news for Ishii is that he's 3-1 against White in singles matches. Also, Ishii is just the type of guy they use to put over the champion at one of the big September/October shows, so it'd make a lot of sense to set that up with an Ishii win here. Although I can easily see Jay beating Ishii, I think it works better to keep Ishii alive and give Jay his own hole to climb out of.
Kazuchika Okada (1-0, 2pts) vs. Toru Yano (1-0, 2pts) - 2 points in A Block are at stake. Yano is a member of Okada's stable, CHAOS, but that won't ensure a clean fight. Yano is always pulling out different stunts and chicanery to keep his opponents guessing. Based on the tag match these two had on July 20, Yano is planning to hearken back to the mean brawler he used to be a decade ago, and mercilessly punish Okada. That said, Okada is 3-0 against Yano in one-on-one matches, so I wouldn't count on an upset. But it'd be cool to see.
Shingo Takagi (0-1, 0pts) vs. YOSHI-HASHI (0-0, 0pts) - This is for 2 points in D Block. I can't find any record of these two meeting one-on-one, which is surprising given how long they've been in the same promotion.
As usual, Yoshi is one of the biggest underdogs in the tournament, so on paper this looks like an easy win for a former world champion like Shingo. But I figure Yoshi is bound to score an upset or two, and Takagi can't afford to be one of them. Shingo should be favored to win most of his block matches, but he's already lost to Juice Robinson and his August 6 match against Will Ospreay could easily go either way A slip-up against someone like Yoshi could be disastrous for him.
That said, if Yoshi was going to beat someone at Shingo's level, I'd expect it to be scheduled to close the show, and this match is not. So I'm counting on a straightforward Takagi victory.
Zack Sabre Jr. (1-0, 2pts) vs. Aaron Henare (1-0, 2pts) - The winner gets 2 points in C Block. This looks like another first-time-ever singles match. Sabre is coming off of a tough win against KENTA, while Henare just won the biggest match of his career against Hiroshi Tanahashi. Hopefully they lay this out so Henare proves he can hang with a technical wizard like Sabre. However, I don't think Henare can score two upsets in a row. Sabre should improve to 2-0.
Tetsuya Naito & SANDA & BUSHI vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tama Tonga & Jado - Tanahashi and Naito will headline the July 24 show, and Sanada vs. Tonga is booked for August 2. As usual, look for the guys who aren't in the G1 (Bushi and Jado) to lose the fall. In this case, I think Jado will get pinned.
Will Ospreay & Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan vs. EVIL & SHO & Dick Togo - So far every show on this tour has had a United Empire vs. House of Torture tag match. This seems to be the last one, at least for a while. The only block match it could possibly set up is Evil vs. Henare on August 7, and Henare ain't even in this one. Count on the Empire to clobber Dick Togo again.
Lance Archer & Taichi & TAKA Michinoku vs. Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi - This mostly about the fallout from Archer vs. Fale on July 20. Taichi vs. Owens is coming up, but not until August 5. Taka should get beat here.
Tom Lawlor & Royce Isaacs vs. JONAH & Bad Dude Tito - This is a rematch from July 20, and a preview of Lawlor vs. Jonah on July 30. I doubt it'll be a carbon-copy of the last match, but I'm not expecting to get much new out of it. This could go either way.
Juice Robinson & KENTA & El Phantasmo vs. Hirooki Goto & David Finlay & Ryohei Oiwa - Robinson vs. Finlay is coming up on July 26. Kenta vs. Goto is happening later on, on August 2. Oiwa's here to lose get pinned, so Juice's team has to win.
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4bso1 · 9 months
Indecisiveness, my greatest weakness 😔
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Ok so my 4sure team vs. Possible contenders (originally was gonna bring my hatched happiny Egg n if I got down to her I automatically lost but uhhhh I'm not gonna do that lol also not bringing palkia aka Pal :) bc if u kill a legendary u are going to Jail sooo)
Samwise (bibarel) she was the first pokemon I caught, she and jr were besties, I literally named her samwise bc I knew she would be our rock and she would carry us n since jr can't be here I feel like she has to fill his spot (also works out bc they r both water types anyway) ✨️ [ability: simple (Stat changes are doubled) • item: mystic water (boosts water moves + belonged to free jr previously) • moves: super fang / surf / yawn / swords dance] fun fact: super fang halves hp and brine is super effective on half hp or lower targets and I am SOOOO SALTY that she CANNOT learn brine 😔😔😔
Jubilee (blissey) SHES A TANK obv. Will hopefully mostly be used for emergency healing during battle ✨️ [ability: natural cure (status conditions cured upon switch out) • item: TBH I don't rly have one for her so rn she just has a cheri berry, I might change it but idk lol • moves: soft-boiled / echoed voice / dazzling gleam / last resort]
Evil >:3 (weavile) this beast has been been raised for one (1) purpose and that is to destroy Cynthia's garchomp (but im hoping she can handle some of lucians team too ;_;) ✨️ [ability: pressure (ups enemy PP usage) • item: icicle plate (boosts ice moves) • moves: shadow claw / dark pulse / ice beam / hone claws]
Dewey (roserade) has some pretty good moves (toxic does work in the long run and grass knot hits pretty hard on most pokemon), can do work vs Bertha, won't be helpful vs aaron or flint ✨️ [ability: natural cure • item: big root (increases healing from absorb) • moves: absorb / synthesis / grass knot / toxic]
King (purugly) only recently started training him so im not sure if his friendship is maxed out BUT he knows retaliate so if I do have a casualty 😤 ✨️ [ability: thick fat (halves damage from fire and ice type moves) • item: no item yet! • moves: body slam / substitute (I also have protect and endure TMs that I can use instead?? I think having one move where he can like. Fully negate damage might be helpful?) / attract (I might replace this one OTL LMFAO)
Rolf (medicham) high dps/move combo ✨️ [ability: pure power (doubles his attack stat) • item: fist plate (boosts fighting moves) • moves: reversal / drain punch / mind reader / high jump kick]
Mystery (rapidash) fast + has kind of a type advantage, she feels like a safe bet ✨️ [ability: run away (useless in this setting lmao) • item: amulet coin (subject to change obv) • moves: fire blast / flame wheel / smart strike / flare blitz
Teeny (raichu) another high dps but with special attack type moves instead of regular (on the other hand teenys uhhhh not my fastest pokemon but its fine) [ability: static (may inflict paralyze on contact) • item: wise glasses (ups sp attack moves) • moves: charm / light screen / thunder / thunder punch]
Cupquake (quagsire) is ONLY weak to grass type moves also knows earthquake And toxic, feels like another pretty safe bet?? ✨️ [ability: water absorb (gains hp from water attacks) • item: metronome (increases damage from consecutive moves, might use a different item) • moves: mud shot / earthquake / sludge bomb / toxic]
On the flip side I can try to believe in the power of friendship and bring someone else in place of Jubilee and hope for the best?? (On the other hand: dazzling gleam can help vs Cynthia's spiritomb)
I feel like king is like. A gimmick pick, he'll mostly pay off if someone goes down and even that's kind of a long shot?? No offense to him ofc but like.. get in line lol.
Dewey and Cupquake both kno toxic and they both have high damage moves (earthquake and grass knot) given that cupquake technically has fewer weaknesses she would Probably be safer to choose? Flip side Dewey has absorb and synthesize so he should have a lil self sustaining (maybe 🥲, esp if the enemy has been hit w/ toxic he can tank a few hits w/ absorb + synthesize n then use grass knot)
I feel like. I won't be able to one shot most of these guys like they are built to not be one shot so playing slow might be the move and teeny is also set up for that a lil bit: charm to lower attack and light screen to lessen damage, thunder and thunder punch also do a lot of damage on their own.
Rolf's move combo of mind reader + high jump kick, with drain punch for poke damage + sustain is also a decent choice??
N finally Mystery is fast and has high damage, she is quite literally a one trick pony tho bc that's. P much all she is good at.... i think she and Evil >:3 could both do damage to Aaron's team, but Mystery may be able to hold her own vs. Flint's team. Then again: Cupquake would also probably be a good pick
In conclusion IDK LMAO I'm gonna go have lunch, I'm glad I typed all of this out! I'll come back later when I decide I'm gonna try to get thru all of it tonight bc haha I realized recently that I started this nuzlocke like......................2............... years... ago............. SOOOO YOU KNOWWWWW UM 😶‍🌫️🫣😅🥲🫡💀
ps. if u read all this mwah
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Name Predictions for Rodrigues-Keller #2
While I planned on doing Jill and Derick’s post first, I was so inspired by Nathan and Nurie’s sex reveal last night that I went ahead and typed up their post. In case you missed it, they’re having their second boy.
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Previous Naming Information
So what do we know so far? Well for starters, as mentioned above, Nurie and Nathan are having another boy. Nurie and Nathan welcomed their first son, Nehemiah David Keller, in October of 2021. In the year of his birth, Nehemiah ranked #410 on the Social Security Administration’s list of most popular baby names, and his middle name, David, ranked #30. After his birth, Nurie and Nathan confirmed they would be using an “N” naming theme for their children. Additionally, I’m thinking it is extremely likely that Nathan and Nurie will choose Biblical names for their sons (at least until they run out of those starting with N-). All of Nurie’s brothers, as well as Nathan and his two brothers have Biblical names. It’s likely the middle name will be a family name, a Biblical name, or both, as David is the name of Nurie’s father. Given all of this information, let’s look at our options.
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Preliminary Predictions
Looking at SSA top 1000 boy names in 2021 beginning with “N” gives us this:
Noah (#2) / Noe (#800)
Nathan (#59)
Nolan (#60)
Nicholas (#92) / Nicolas (#188) / Nikolas (#587) / Niklaus (#839)
Nathaniel (#133) / Nathanael (#780)
Nash (#233)
Niko (#291)
Nasir (#356)
Noel (#397)
Nikolai (#480)
Nixon (#695)
Neil (#719)
Nelson (#725)
Nova (#853)
Neo (#980)
Since we think Biblical names have an especially high chance of being chosen, let’s look at some other Biblical names that didn’t make the top 1000: 
Nadab (a son of Aaron)
Nahor (name of grandfather and brother of Abraham)
Nahum (a minor prophet and has his own book of the Bible)
Naphtali (one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel)
Nereus (a Christian in the New Testament, but probably unlikely since it’s also the name of a Greek god)
Nicodemus (known for being told by Jesus that he must be “born again” and for helping bury Jesus after his crucifixion)
Nogah (one of the sons of King David)
And just one more wild card I’d like to throw in: Noyes. This is the maiden name of Nurie’s mother Jill, and given how obsessive close Jill is to Nurie, I could see them using this one day.
And what about the middle? I am predicting that Nathan and Nurie will choose to use a family name for this baby’s middle name like they did for Nehemiah David. David is the first name of Nurie’s father, David John Rodrigues, the middle name of Nurie’s brother, Timothy David Rodrigues, and the first name of Nathan’s brother, David Nathaniel Keller. Since Nurie and Nathan honored her father with their first son, I am predicting they will honor his father, Michael Edward Keller, with their second son. The real question is whether they will use Michael or Edward. Michael (or more specifically Mike) is the name he goes by and the middle name of Nathan’s brother Daniel Michael Keller, but Edward is Nathan’s middle name. 
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My Final Predictions
My top choices for a first name are Noah, Nicholas, Nolan, and Nahum, with a chance of Noyes. While Noah may seem like the obvious first choice, my gut is telling me that it’s going to be Nahum. It checks many of the same boxes as Nehemiah: relatively minor Biblical character, familiar (at least in their circles) but not very popular, and has his own book of the Bible. Nahum and Nehemiah are derived from the same Hebrew root Nachum, meaning “comforter,” but I think they are distinct enough in English that this will not prevent Nurie and Nathan from choosing it.
Something is telling me that if they really wanted to use Noah, that would have been an easy choice for their first baby, as it is much more popular than Nehemiah. Also, I’m not counting on it being Nathan or Nathaniel. If they were going to have a little Nathan Jr., I think it would have been their first baby, and while Nathaniel is technically a distinct name from Nathan, it’s pretty darn close. (Although that didn’t stop Mike and Suzette Keller who have a Nathan Edward and a David Nathaniel).
I’m picking Michael to slightly edge out over Edward for the middle name, just because they used David’s first name last time (and frankly I think Nahum Michael sounds better than Nahum Edward). My top few choices are listed below from what I think is most to least likely.
Nahum Michael
Nahum Edward
Noah Michael
Noah Edward
Nicholas Michael
Nicholas Edward
Nolan Michael
Nolan Edward
Noyes Michael
Noyes Edward
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Er, families of the Pokèmon GO Project Leaders, their vices, and Gou.
I suppose.
I feel like I needed to get this out here...
Team Mystic Leader Blanche Laverre
Aeris Laverre - (Paternal Grandfather)
Luvenis Laverre - (Paternal Grandmother)
Acier Laverre - (Biological Aunt)
Aurum Laverre - (Biological Uncle)
Revah Laverre - (Aunt via Marriage)
Sasaki Misao - (Soon to be Aunt via Marriage)
Feyrè Laverre - (Father)
Ayaka Laverre - (Mother)
Jacqueline Laverre - (Younger Sister)
Allegra Laverre - (Younger Sister)
[A significant multitude of honorary cousins, aunt's, and uncle's.]
Team Valor Leader Candela Anais Flint
George Michaels - (Maternal Grandfather)
Gregory Flint - (Father)
Nadia Flint - (Mother)
Kyra Flint - (Younger Sister)
Justina Flint - (Younger Sister)
Tanner Flint - (Younger Brother)
Verde Flint - (Younger Brother)
Benjamin Flint - (Younger Brother)
Florence Flint - (Younger Brother)
Azura Flint - (Younger Sister)
Odette Flint - (Younger Sister)
Nathaniel Flint - (Younger Brother)
Royce Flint - (Younger Sister)
Hadrian Flint - (Younger Brother)
Match Flint - (Younger Sister)
Team Nexus Leader Aaron Brodeur [Extremely Strained Relationship, Has Cut All Contact]
Juliette Brodeur - (Mother)
Aaron Brodeur Sr. - (Father)
Yves Brodeur - (Older Brother)
Delphine Auclàir - (Older Sister)
Laurent Brodeur - (Younger Brother)
Dominique Brodeur - (Sister-in-law)
Olivier Auclàir - (Brother-in-law)
Bernadette Auclàir - (Niece)
Team Instinct Leader Spark Levin Audra
Surge Addison - (Paternal Uncle) - [Absolute No Contact]
Rikka Park - (Maternal Aunt) - [Antagonistic Relationship]
Levin Addison - (Father) - [Deceased]
Mace Audra - (Mother)
Annalise Park-Audra - (Adopted Sister/Cousin)
Team Mystic Vice Leader Gabrielle Morgendy [No Listed Biological Family]
Yamamoto Jun - (Ex-Caregiver)
Yamamoto Koneko - (Ex-Caregiver)
Takai Kojimaru - (Self-Proclaimed Uncle)
Yamamoto Kazuto - (Self-Proclaimed Brother)
Yamamoto Mikasa - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
Yamamoto Sakurako - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
Sakaguchi Makiko - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
[Somewhere off to the side, there's a long list full of people with the family name 'Evert', a hastily added trio of names with 'Sakaguchi', and a single 'Ishikawa'. Blanche has never had the courage to ask about whether or not this is a actually hitlist or reference sheet.]
Team Valor Vice Leader Asher Hassenfeld
Castor Salem - (Maternal Uncle)
Pollux Salem - (Maternal Uncle)
Felix Hassenfeld - (Father)
Timandra Salem-Hassenfeld - (Mother) - [Deceased]
Kai Hassenfeld - (Older Brother)
Veronica Hassenfeld - (Sister-in-law)
Team Nexus Vice Leader Yarrow Cael
Elise Montague - (Maternal Grandmother) - [Deceased]
Wren Avatar - (Paternal Grandfather)
Kain Cael - (Father) - [Cut Contact]
Morgan Cael - (Mother) - [Cut Contact]
Cordelia Cael - (Younger Sister) - [Status Unknown, Presumedly Deceased]
Team Instinct Vice Leader Yanagi Sakuya
Yanagi Eiji - (Father) - [No Consistent Contact Since Ten]
Yanagi Asuka - (Mother) - [No Consistent Contact Since Ten]
Yanagi Matsuri - (Older Sister) - [Deceased]
Yanagi Seimei - (Older Brother, Paternal Figure) - [Cut Contact After Falling Out When Fifteen]
Kunugi Sorahiko - (Self-Proclaimed Older Sister, Maternal Figure, Legal Guardian From Ages 14-19)
Team Mystic Field Trainer Intern Kimisawa Gou
Kimisawa Hachirou - (Father)
Yamasaki Satsuki - (Mother)
Kimisawa Shion - (Younger Sister)
Sasaki Bijou - (Younger Half-Brother)
0 notes
sheep-from-rad · 2 years
Oh and definitely Traveler as John Laurens
It’s also gonna bring me happy tears when Kaeya and Diluc sing Dear Theodosia because of how soft they sing
- Hamilton Anon
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Masterlist Part 1 to this post: SAGAU: Reenacting Schuyler sisters
I can imagine Diluc and Kaeya might end up crying on Dear Theodosia part especially the 'My father wasn't around' part. Technically, Crepus passed on when they are 18 right? But even though they are 18 they are still too young. Also, that day he passed on ended up with two teenagers with a bigger trauma other than watching their father die.
This brings me to another question, in this AU we have Bennett as Philip Jr and Klee as Angelica Hamilton (the baby sister), so, who's going to play Theodosia?
On the subject of Theodosia as well, the song 'Wait for it' (Aaron Burr's theme) can we just imagine Kaeya in the center of the stage all dark singing his heart out reveling all his memories from being abandoned to being adopted to being kicked out and now being the Calvary Captain.
The line 'love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints' for sure it will make him remember Diluc and Crepus and the whole of Mondstadt and that's just wholesome but the last line of the song 'if there's a reason I'm still alive when so many have died, I'm willing to wait for it' it's gonna be heart breaking.
Why heartbreaking? If you break the line and piece is again it means like this:
'If there's a reason I'm still alive'- His mission as a spy. 'When so many have died'- Crepus and Khaen'riah's death 'I'm willing to wait for it'- As what Mona said in her profile, she said that one day Kaeya's destiny will catch on to him. Meaning, even though he confessed to being a spy and stopped it, that role of his will be revealed to everyone and might cause his downfall or even the end of his life.
The final lines will probably have him standing in front of the stage, sadly whispering 'I'm willing to wait for it' because he knew it's gonna happen whether he prevent it or not.
Going back to Dear Theodosia though, Theodosia wasn't in the play unless you count Theodosia reprise...who's gonna play Theodosia?
Traveler as John Laurens really fits cause John Laurens in the play is very helpful and willing to duel just to prove Hamilton's point. I really love John Laurens and then The Laurens Interlude part of the play.
I can imagine the traveler singing it with everyone's eyes just on them even those who are on stage (Diluc, Jean and Kaeya) cause Traveler goes around to fight basically everyone including archons which means no matter what the situation is they are always one foot on the grave.
One day they might passed on and a letter just like that will be sent to those who they fought with in their journey and if that time ever comes, it might be one of the darkest days in Teyvat's history.
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Taglist: @chihawari @zurithegalaxywolf
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 8 months
My (second) take on Miles and Gwen’s future kid
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My art skills are still not the most impressive, but hey, is not the same face as Angelica and is decent, so i will take what I can.
Some fun facts about him!
The name was Miles idea; Gwen wanted to prioritize Miles' idea for a name, since Angelica's was really her idea; however Miles wanted to prioritize both someone important that they lost.
He hates his name, he feels he is just being compared to these guys he never really met (or not the version he is named after at least.) It also made things confusing in a few occasions.
At some point when he was a kid, his grandpa Jeff joked with calling him junior to make things easier, and it kind of stuck. He is called Junior around friends and family for the most part.
He has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and is a few shades lighter than his sister. He can pass as white.
Aaron indeed, uses glasses. Since the society had people from the future and such, Aaron was able to get on the eyes of his mask to act in the same way glasses would.
While a lot of people peg him for a nerd thanks to his glasses, he is really laid back and jokes around a lot.
Despite technically being the "baby" in the house (being just a couple of years younger than Angelica), he feels he is just on his sister shadow.
Jr is kind of clumsy, if his healing factor wasn't as good as it is he would be covered in small scars all over the place; he wasn't allowed on missions until much later than his sister's for that reason.
HATES being compared. Aaron constantly feels he is measuring up to someone, "You look a bit like your great uncle", "Your sister can answer while barely looking at the blackboard and you make these type of mistakes?"
Can make friends with anyone, knows how to blend in and get people in a good mood.
Had a thousandth hobbies on his short lifetime, he never stuck with anything for him to be great at something, but it gave him a lot of passive knowledge in different things, as well as being kind of a jack of all trades.
Wishes to be a great hero like his dad and mom, but they don't let him do much because of his clumsiness and not really being good at combat.
Teachers dislike him because they see him as a good for nothing and a class clown. In reality, a lot of times he mix stuff up or made a mistake, and decided to play it as a joke to avoid feeling humiliated. Hasn't revealed that to someone for who embarrassed he is.
Extremely jealous and bitter towards his sister; because she can be amazing in school, an incredible hero, and has jack shit interest in either of them.
(He doesn't know it, but Angelica is actually really bitter towards him; because he makes friends everywhere he goes and people like him; while she tends to be more awkward and standoffish. The type of girl who is in a corner and you think she may look cool, but is panicking thinking how she knows no one.)
Likes to do small magic tricks for funzies, it was a way for him to keep his hands busy with something, and it can be very amusing.
You can clearly see where I was going/being inspired with Angelica and Aaron, but I couldn't help it. Just like I couldn't help with the cliche of siblings who are jealous of what the other have, is just fun.
Oh boy, I wish Miles and Gwen good look with these kids; specially since I was considering Aaron being tempted to get a Symbiote, and the results of that are as good as you can imagine.
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d-pennants · 4 years
Through the Moon Instagram Live
Partial transcript of the Instagram Live with Justin Richmond and Aaron Ehasz. It was only posted for 24 hours and a lot of stuff was talked about. I tried to copy the answers as close to what was actually said, but I won’t guarantee I didn’t mishear or miss stuff. I just focused on the stuff about tDP.
No S4 announcement today.
Do you have a favorite character? Are you allowed to play favorites? JR: Yeah. I definitely have characters that I like more than other characters, but I’ll never admit who they are. [laughs]
Fine, how about hints about S5 then?
AE: Justin and I were working on a scene this morning, a scene in which someone makes a sacred promise to Bait. Hope that’s not to big a spoiler.
[Explaining about Through the Moon which is out today (Oct 6th) Shout out to Xanthe Bouma & Peter Wartman, who will be there for the AMA on Friday. And shout out to the team at Scholastic.]
[Technical issues made the audio break up while JR was relocating. I couldn’t catch what the actually questions were for this little bit, but I caught some of the answers.]
Question about Zuko’s VA Dante Basco
AE: He’s amazing to work with. I’d definitely be happy to work with him.
Question about Callum’s Mage Wings
AE: I’d just get mage wing out even just to go to the bathroom at night if I were Callum.
Question about Runaan
AE: I don’t know. That’s a mystery. Runaan is certainly in the magical cursed coin in some form. But I don’t know what he’ll do or if he can survive it. But that’s a story we’ll be certain to tell.
[JR relocated & AE had to log out and rejoin, which fixed the issue.]
Are there other graphic novels coming? Is Through the Moon part of a series with an over arching plot?
JR: Hopefully yes. Hopefully we get to do some more with Scholastic. This is a standalone. It is part of the core story of the Dragon Prince. It counts as canon. But there’s not a sequel to Though the Moon.
AE: We would love to do more graphic novels. We are actively talking about and planning it. Definitely in the cards. But not necessarily an over arching story.
Asking about Janai’s brother?
AE: We’re going to find out about Janai’s brother for sure. He’s a really cool character, a lot of fun.
What do Moonshadow elves do during a full moon? Do they just become invisible.
AE: It’s not just invisibility. It is a stealth mode. I think we talk about it as like they’re almost partially slipping into a “Moon dimension” that partially obscures how visible they are. But also their physically is maybe changed at bit so they can partially materialize for a split instant to do damage, then they’re phasing out. I think they’re phasing in and out of some kind of Moon dimension. So it’s partially invisibility, but there’s also some defense and fighting stuff that happens.
What does Moonberry juice taste like?
AE: In my mind the things that are conjured are some kind of juice blend. Mulberry juice, pomegranate. Justin talked about a bit of cran involved? But I always think mulberries.
JR: Try mulberry juice. Mulberries have like the weirdest, coolest taste. If you haven’t tried it you should do it.
AE: Not ignoring S4 questions, but we just don’t have a good answer. We are working on it. But we don’t have a S4 date. We getting things moving in a good way and we’re excited but we won’t have the information on a date for S4. We really appreciate you being patient for that. Don’t have any age criteria that we can reveal right now.
Will there be outfit changes for the dragon squad?
JR: There’s already some in the graphic novel. Rayla gets some pretty great pyjamas.
AE: They’re just going to rotate outfits. They’re just gonna trade clothes. You should see how great Soren gonna looks wearing Claudia’s clothes. How Callum’s going to look squeezed into some of Ezran’s outfits. Everybody’s just gonna try on each other’s stuff.
JR: I like it. Too bad that actually 3D doesn’t work like that, where you just trade outfits. Because it’d be hilarious. Yeah, of course, people are going to change outfits. There’s going to be some cool new stuff to see. Absolutely going forward.
Is Callum close to obtaining any other arcanum / going to learn any other arcanum in the future?
JR: No spoilers, but there’s little bit of a hint of some of the answer to this in this graphic novel, so you should check it out. I don’t want to spoil anything. I think Callum fascinated by all the arcanum. He’s not just limiting his interest to Sky.
AE: If you’re a betting person, isn’t Callum’s going to be the first human archmage. A little bit trolling, but yeah, he loves magic. He’s fascinated. But he’s groundbreaking. He’s doing things humans haven’t done before and his potential is limitless. May not be S4, may be S17 at that point.
Will there there be more Sarai? I really want Callum and Ezran to visit her memorial statue.
JR: That would be a beautiful moment. That’d be great, that’d be pretty cool to see. There will be some more Sarai, we’ll find out more about their family. I’m not sure how much we’re aware, but Sarai is certainly not gone from the series. You’ll see Sarai again.
Is the Key of Aaravos actually the key of where he was imprisoned?
AE & JR: We can’t tell you.
JR: We don’t even know. We haven’t even discovered the answer yet.
AE: We know! Actually, that was one of the first things we knew at the very beginning. We’ll get to it.
Is the Sun arcanum the only one that can heal? Or maybe the Ocean arcanum can heal as well/or to?
AE: Great question. Yes. I suspect there are healing abilities possible through different primals. Ocean is a perfect example. I think it’s likely different kinds of healers that call on different energy to restore life and health to those who are injured or sick.
Could original characters introduced in the graphic novels potentially make it into the show?
JR: Absolutely. It’s a huge universe, so we won’t hold back if we think somebody from a graphic novel or the game will fit into the show in the right way, of course we would do that. One of the cool things about working with all the same team is that stuff like that can happen, because we can control all of it. Which is amazing. It’s a great feeling.
AE: There’s a character we’ve talked about for a while from the video game and recently that character finally had their moment in the show. We wanna see different ways to access the world and characters.
JR: Also we’re working with Fandom on a tabletop RPG so that can go another way. You can see characters coming into the show.
Do we have to read the graphic novel before we watch S4?
AE: I don’t think we should say too much. You don’t have too, but everything that happened in the graphic novel happened before S4, it really happened. So can probably infer some of it, but best experience will be read the graphic novel. Get yourself up to date.
How will Zym progress throughout the seasons? Will he grow up and learn to talk and how to manage his powers?
JR: I don’t want to say too much. Zym is going to grow along with the other characters. He’s not static. He’s a puppy, he’s a little baby, and he’s growing up.
AE: We’ll see Zym growing up more for sure.
Will there be more Gren content?
AE & JR: Yeah! [Laughing] AE: Of course. JR: How could there not be? AE: Didn’t we announce already that season 5’s Book 5: Gren? JR: Books 5 through 14 is all Gren. Then we’ll come back around to the other arcanum.
Will we ever get to see Ellis and Ava again?
AE & JR: Maybe? Probably. JR: Not 100%
How did the idea of making the graphic novel come about?
JR: Couple of things. We were talking to Scholastic and they were saying “what if we did this thing together” and we were fascinated by that idea. We’ve always been interested in comics. It sorta came up very naturally with them. And then we started talking about the story, Aaron and I, that could fit in here with the writers and stuff. I felt like a natural thing. That’s how I remember it - Aaron may have other memories of it.
AE: I think that the whole dream of this partnership with Scholastic has been to serve the community by being able to continue tell stories in the wider world of Xadia, through graphic novels, and novels and other books. That part of why we’re so excited about this partnership. It’s so much more depth and insight into different characters parts of the world that we may not have time for in the 22 minutes on Netflix. So the partnership with Scholastic is perfect for deepening and expanding those stories. That’s what it comes down to.
JR: They introduced us to Xanthe and Peter, who just absolutely crushed it.
AE: Yes. [Name?] is still at Wonderstorm if someone asks. It’s still happening. JR: Yes, I talked to him yesterday. He absolutely still here. Xanthe and Peter, we got introduced to them through Scholastic and they just absolutely knocked this out the park. It was a joy to work with both of them and what an amazing job they both did on this. We’re super excited to have gotten to work with them on a graphic novel.
AE: More shout outs to Xanthe Bouma and Peter Wartman.
What did Aaravos say to Khessa?
JR: We can’t say. AE: We can’t, but Janai is wondering that too. And we’re excited about it. It’s weird - I’m not being helpful, but it’s a good question. I may not be giving a satisfying answer, but it’s a good question.
How does Janai know Aaravos spoke to Khessa?
AE: She might not have seen it, but she’s going to find out about it.
Someone asked about the Orphan Queen.
AE: We love the Orphan Queen and there are more references coming seasons 4 and onward. It’s a story I’ve always wanted to tell. We think it will be a great movie someday, maybe. The story of the Orphan Queen is certainly relevant to the story and the saga as it’s unfolding now. It’s a cool story we wanna tell.
We know only some Skywing elves have wings, and not all Sunfire have fire-mode, but what about Moonshadow elves. As they can only use their powers once a month, rather than at any given moment, is it an ability all (or at least most) of them have or is it just some of them?
AE: I think it’s one of those things where Moonshadow elves are in tune with the Moon primal, and one of the very powerful skills that a Moonshadow elf being in tune with that arcanum can master is moonshadow mode, that makes you an excellent assassin, so they evolved this culture that does some of this stealthy, assassin work. It’s certainly possible that there are other powers and abilities that come from connecting to that arcanum that can be directly realized - that a Moonshadow elf might be able to manifest. So you may see some of that in the future. Maybe you have some ideas for your fanfiction or your cool art to show some of those powers, but the powers and abilities really come from them being attuned to these primals and some of it comes naturally and some it comes with training and bringing out the ability to do the special thing. I don’t see why it’s limited. In learning, for example, that Sunfire elves have at least two abilities that can connect to the arcanum is part of what may help understand that.
Do we read fanfictions?
AE: Yes and no - not so much. We highly encourage it and we love people do it. Every once in a while we get someone saying “you gotta look at this, it’s so charming” or “oh, this is so cool.” Or someone will bring something to our attention. There is some really amazing work out there and there’s some writers who are terrific. But as a rule I don’t think we do it regularly when someone says “check this out”.
Will there be more dark mages?
JR: Yes. You will see more dark mages, 100%. But I don’t want to say any more than that. AE: It’s interesting too. This is one of the great things about Scholastic partnership again, that there’s this sort of interplay about things you find out in the show and I think at least one of the dark mages is very significant. The first time people will hear about that person will be in Book 2: Sky the core novel. That’s someone who plays him in the story, in the saga, once the series comes back. But yeah, there’s a very important dark mage who will come up in that book.
Did Aaravos create dark magic?
AE: No, it was discovered not created. Did Aaravos turn them onto it or help them discover it? That’s very possible. Whether Aaravos played a role in developing their ability to do dark magic. Exploring the possibilities of dark magic.
Will we meet other types of dragon and/or archdragons?
JR: 100% yes. Dragon’s in the name. We’re bound by oath! AE: There will be dragons.
Is it possible the dragon king will unfreeze?
AE: Should we not answer that? I feel like it’s possible, but I don’t want to encourage or get anyone too excited. I think being turned to stone is a pretty dismal fate.
Can elves do dark magic?
AE: Can we just say yes? JR: Absolutely. Elves can do dark magic. Totally possible.
How do you go about populating Xadia with cities and landmarks? Do you have the landmarks and find places that fit or did you have the shape and find things to fill it? Or mixture of both? JR: A bit of both. There were some places we’d talked about and generally knew where it is or what this place is going to be. But some of it, when we saw the first version of that map, and the details, we were like “oh my goodness,” there were some obvious things we wanted to put in there. Then there’s some easter eggy stuff that just fun.
Do we think Claudia deserves a redemption arc?
AE: Why does she need a redemption arc. Why are you judging her? What has see done that requires redemption? She’s pretty much in the clear. JR: I’m insulted for her. (laughs)
Is Corvus’ middle name Dennis?
AE: Do you want it to be Dennis? JR: It can absolutely be Dennis. No reason it can’t be. I think I know where this comes from. There was a running gag in the writers between Devon and myself where we call Corvus “Dennis Trackerman.” There was a whole thing. It went on way too long. AE: We hadn’t named him yet. JR: We were talking about if there were a whole family of Trackerman, cousins and it went on way too long. I think his middle name could absolutely be Dennis. AE: Seems right to me. JR: So it’s official - Corvus Dennis Trackerman.
Is there a certain reason Rayla is scared of water and if there is will we find out more about it in the show?
AE: I think there may be. We may find out more about it. Part of it is because of the way she’s wired. I think she’s great at running through the trees and balancing and doing the things she does, is she senses the stability of the earth beneath her, the amount of stability or flexibility of a tree limb or side of a cliff. She’s very sensitive and in tuned. I think when you take someone like that and put them in the water, I think it - whoosh - overwhelms them. It alarming. Some of it’s a little physical, but I suspect there may have been something that happened. She certainly brings a sense of emotion around it, feels like it’s beyond discomfort. JR: I feel like there was a tra-
[There was a bit of a pause so they ending up talking over each other. AE starts asking the next question while JR gets cut off].
Someone asked if we can learn the backstory on Ethari?
AE: I know that there’s a beautiful story about Ethari’s birthday on our website that can give you a glimmer. But I think that’s something I would love to hear. I’m sure it’s something that Devon and Ian - perhaps Neil has thought about.
Do you think you’ll explore Callum’s dad or is he not important to the story?
AE: I think it’s possible we’ll learn more about Callum’s dad in the sense of the role he played in Sarai’s life and Callum’s own life. Hopefully in one of the books that comes out. JR: Yes, he is important. He’s foundational to how Callum became Callum.
Will the Dragon Queen in more involved in Season 4?
AE & JR: Yes. Dragons.
Is Rayla the main character of the story of Through the Moon?
JR: It’s Rayla focused, but it’s like the show, there’s various non-Rayla bits. But if I had to pick a main I’d say yeah, Rayla. AE: Probably ask Xanthe what she thought about that question.
Do we see more Crow Master?
JR: We can never get enough Crow Master as far as I’m concerned. If the show was just the Gren and Crow Master show I feel like we can make some stuff happen. We’ll definitely see more of him.
AE: Yesterday we were working on a Crow Master scene, and the writers were like, do we need it, and like, It’s a Crow Master scene!
Is it canon elves have 6 toes?
JR: I think they have 4 toes, right? AE: I’m not sure what happened there. I think that’s an oops someone made. I suspect they have 4 digits per hand or foot.
[Side note: I think Jack DeSena was talking about 6 toes on Zoom into Xadia]
“Gren” is that the main spinoff?
AE: We were gonna a have a spinoff that was just Gren, like the character’s life. Even if it was just mainly Gren enjoying the morning and getting ready for work and winding down at the end of the day and possibly waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about things and going back to sleep. Cause, things will be fine.
Will the history of Xadia’s splitting be important in the future?
JR: Yes, absolutely. That event is crazy important in terms of the history of the continent. You may not see more of the actually event of it, the getting split, but it’s a huge deal that matters a lot.
Soulfang serpents feed on the souls of their prey, does that make them a Moon primal creature?
AE & JR: I think that’s right. JR: And they’re terrifying.
Does Bait have a middle name or a glowtoad tribal name? They’d love to see how Ezran found or got Bait?
JR: I think we’ve said Ezran got Bait from Harrow. Harrow gave him Bait. Glowtoad tribal name is some sort of grunt noise that’s specific, it’s pretty funny to think about. Also, how would you know which is the tribal name and which is the middle? I guess they’d know. It’s only for glowtoads.
Will we see how people react to Rayllum or elf/human relationships in general?
JR: Yes. It could be a huge thing in the show. Human and elf relationships are a big deal, absolutely we will see that stuff going forward. Yes, you will definitely see that stuff.
How long did it take from conception to production for Through the Moon?
JR: I think it was about a year / nine months. To go from story idea all the way to finished. AE: If we’re talking story idea it’s almost a year and a half. It’s a lot of work. We worked with Peter on a number of drafts and outlines and scripts. Then with Xanthe for quite some time.
What is the time gap between the comic and season 3?
AE: Couple of weeks? JR: It’s pretty short. It’s almost immediately following season 3.
Is Opeli actually Soren and Claudia mom, but they  don’t remember her?
JR: No, she’s not. But that would be kinda funny. AE: Do you maybe ship Opeli & Viren a little bit. JR: That would be a pretty funny relationship.
The time gap between Through the Moon and Season 4?
AE: Can’t say. JR: You’ll find out in season 4. Lots of weeks.
How long does it usually take to animate a scene?
JR: That’s a pretty variable answer. The way it works is; we write a script, it gets recorded, there’s a bunch of 2D passes where we do storyboards and animatics and those are all hand drawn, and that takes weeks and weeks of time. At some point that’s approved and it gets handed off to the animators. In our show we do 3D animation with a sort of 2D sheet or look to it. So 3D animators would get that animatic, and they’d be handed a shot. Sometimes, depending on how complex the shot is, there’s sometime multiple animators will work on a single sequence. If there’s a lots of stuff going on with multiple characters you’ll get more than one person working on a shot. But it totally depends how much facial animation there is, how much action, how much running around, if they’re standing or talking. It totally depends. There’s a sort of variable number of seconds the animator can do a week. There’s not like a hard or fast answer here. Sometimes if it’s simple they can animate maybe 20 seconds a week, if it’s crazy complicated they may be doing half that. On average, it on the 20 seconds a week range. But wildly variable depending on the shot and what happening.
Is there a bigger world out there or is Xadia all there is?
AE: There’s some stuff on the periphery of the map that is part of a bigger world. But the main focus is this continent. It’s where the key action is. I think there are things on the periphery. We sometimes do jokes the Avatar world is on the other side. JR: If you flip the world over.
Are the elven face marking henna tattoo or are they permanent? JR: They’re more like henna tattoo. AE: Depends on the culture. There are probably some elven cultures where they more permanently tattoo some of the marking and they’re some where they’re more temporary makeup. But I think we’ve said for the Moonshadow elves it’s more like henna. Semi-permanent tattoos.
Will there be more Queen Aanya?
JR:  Yeah. AE: I hope so too. JR: I love Queen Aanya. She’s awesome and a very exciting character. Also she has the coolest bow ever and I want to see more of that not matter what.
Aanya/Ezran friendship?
AE: I want to see that. We talked about that. JR: We can’t talk about that yet, but yes.
Who is the best fighter in the show?
JR: I don’t know if there’s a best fighter. There’s a lot of awesome fighters in the show. AE: Rayla and Soren both have different fighting skills. Corvus has different set of fighting skill. They’re all great fighters. Amaya’s incredible. Actually, the answer might be Amaya. If I had to put an answer on it. Just fundamentals. That be my answer. JR: That makes sense. I agree. I bet Soren would disagree.
Do you guys ever play D&D after work?
JR: Yes, we have a whole D&D crew after work. We love Dungeons & Dragons. We love Tabletop RPG We play all kinds of board games, not just Dungeons & Dragons. We had a whole series of board game nights - when we can be at the office - that were really fun. Continue that when we can all get back together. Played some virtual version too since Covid.
Will we ever see Villads again? JR: I don’t know if we should answer that one? AE: I think so, yeah. JR: Also, Villads is the name of a person who worked on the show - he’s an amazing director. AE: Not just a person, the supervising director of the show. Wonderful leader. Inspirational. JR: And a big sailor.
Then they wrapped up. Thanks, shout outs, reminder of AMA etc.
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nclkafilms · 3 years
My 2021 Oscar Predictions
It seems like it was a decade ago, that I cheered for and celebrated a historic night for Parasite as Bong Joon-Ho first surprised by taking home the Best Directing Oscar ahead of Sam Mendes only for the film itself to surprise even further by taking home the biggest of them all. What a film, what a night! And what a year it has been since then; the film industry - as anything else in our lives - has been turned on its head by the global pandemic that continues to redefine our reality. Many big films and award contenders have been postponed. But where one could have feared that this would have given us a lacklustre group of nominees, this is in no way the case. Instead the lack of the big budget films has granted space for smaller, indie films treating us to interesting visions, stellar performances and new cinematic experiences. The biggest loss of course being the lack of cinema experiences; out of all the 56 nominees I have shockingly and sadly only seen 2 in the cinema: Tenet and Mank. I did, however, manage to see ALL nominated films before the show for the first time ever.
So who will win? Here are my predictions: (In paranthesis are my personal ratings of the films from 1-5)
Best Picture
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The Father (4,5)
Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
Mank (3,5)
Minari (4,5)
Nomadland (5,0)
Promising Young Woman (5,0)
Sound of Metal (4,5)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (4,0)
The biggest of them all seems likely to be one of the most predictable of them all. Chloe Zhao’s Nomadland, which triumphantly transcends the boundaries between documentary and fiction, has taken home close to every major award possible. The story of Fran, who’s lost everything and embarks on a spiritual journey through the America of the modern day nomads, is an awe-inspiring achievement and will be a deserved winner. The only films that might have a slight chance of causing upset seems to be my personal favourite, Promising Young Woman, the wonderful Minari, that could continue the Korean triumph of last year, and Aaron Sorkin’s Oscar-bait ensemble hit, The Trial of the Chicago 7, which could end up as the Green Book of this year. It is amazing to see films such as The Father, Judas and the Black Messiah and Sound of Metal be acknowledged with this particular nomination, but I don’t see them winning. Mank seems like an easy film to like, but a hard film to love and as such, I don’t see it winning - especially taking the preferential ballot system into consideration. I would have loved to see Soul continue the tradition of nominating animated features for its beautiful take on life. 
Who will win: Nomadland
Potential spoiler: The Trial of the Chicago 7
Personal favourite: Promising Young Woman
Should have been there: Soul 
Actor in a Leading Role
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Riz Ahmed, Sound of Metal (4,5)
Chadwick Boseman, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (3,5)
Anthony Hopkins, The Father (4,5)
Gary Oldman, Mank (3,5)
Steven Yeun, Minari (4,5)
Chadwick Boseman is the only actor here, whose film is not nominated in the Best Picture race, but yet, he is the one on everyone’s lips before the big night. Sadly, this - of course - is partly due to his tragic and way to early death. The entire narrative surrounding his death and the fact that only he knew about the illness, while filming Ma Rainey, adds a truly tragic nuance to his powerhouse performance. To me, he does, however, balance on the edge of being too theatrical (goes for everything concerning that film) and it is mostly in his more subtle scenes that he surprised and impressed me the most. The performance of the year is undoubtedly Anthony Hopkins in The Father in my opinion; he manages to capture all the little nuances, confusions and frustrations of growing dementia. A truly ruthless performance! I also have tons of gratitude for Ahmed’s deeply moving and involving work in Sound of Metal, and Steven Yeun’s subtle performance in Minari. Gary Oldman is good as always in Mank, but yet, I see him as the one who could have been snubbed. I would have liked to see the likes of Delroy Lindo (Da 5 Bloods) or Mads Mikkelsen (Another Round) here.
Who will win: Chadwick Boseman
Potential spoiler: Anthony Hopkins
Personal favourite: Anthony Hopkins
Should have been there: Delroy Lindo/Mads Mikkelsen
Actor in a Supporting Role
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Sacha Baron Cohen, The Trial of the Chicago 7 (4,0)
Daniel Kaluuya, Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
Leslie Odom Jr., One Night in Miami… (4,0)
Paul Raci, Sound of Metal (4,5)
Lakeith Stanfield, Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
This one is Daniel Kaluuya’s to lose. And he will not be doing that. While you can argue that he might close to a leading role in Judas, but that does not take anything from his truly stunning performance. Such an interesting actor creating such an interesting character! His closest competitors seem to be Cohen for a role that hopefully can open up more dramatic chances for him and Paul Raci, who creates an endearing character in Sound of Metal. Oh, I would also love for him to win! Leslie Odom Jr. will probably have more open doors in Hollywood after his deserved nomination and Lakeith Stanfield will be asking himself how come he ends up as a supporting role for a film in which he was clearly the leading force of the story. His performance, however, is brilliant and impressed me further upon a recent rewatch of Judas. Could have been great to see Bo Burnham here for Promising Young Woman, but honestly I do not see who he should have replaced apart from Stanfield, who - as said - belongs in another category.
Who will win: Daniel Kaluuya
Potential spoiler: Sacha Baron Cohen
Personal Favourite: Daniel Kaluuya / Paul Raci
Could have been there: Bo Burnham
Actress in a Leading Role
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Viola Davis, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (3,5)
Andra Day, The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2,0)
Vanessa Kirby, Pieces of a Woman (3,5)
Frances McDormand, Nomadland (5,0)
Carey Mulligan, Promising Young Woman (5,0)
Perhaps the most unpredictable race of the evening! Everyone except Kirby has taken home a major award in the run-in to the Oscars. For that reason, I am having a hard time seeing Kirby take home the win for her otherwise stunning and powerful turn in mediocre Pieces of a Woman. Andra Day took home the Golden Globe, but I think the questionable quality (nicely put) of the film will make it hard for her to repeat that victory here. McDormand is beautifully subtle in Nomadland and could easily deserve the award, but the narrative is against her as she has already won two Oscars and took one just a couple of years ago. With this in mind, I think this is between Davis and Mulligan. Davis’ performance - not unlike Boseman’s in the same film - is close to being overdone, although it is a truly transformative performance. I will, however, say it should have been nominated as a supporting role. She took home the SAG and has a strong narrative for a win. Mulligan, in Promising Young Woman, is the best performance in my opinion and a minor favourite to win; she surprises with something completely new and risk-taking while still delivering the quality and nuance we have come to expect from her. A cheeky bid for who I would have liked to see, would be Jasna Duricic of Quo Vadis, Aida?, who I think carried that film on her shoulders with an intense performance.
Who will win: Carey Mulligan
Potential spoiler: Viola Davis
Personal favourite: Carey Mulligan
Could have been there: Jasna Duricic
Actress in a Supporting Role
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Maria Bakalova, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (3,5)
Glenn Close, Hillbilly Elegy (1,5)
Oliva Colman, The Father (4,5)
Amanda Seyfried, Mank (3,5)
Yuh-Jung Youn, Minari (4,5)
For a long time, Seyfried seemed like the one to beat here with a lot of buzz before Mank was released. While her performance is delightful, her role is, however, extremely limited and I actually ended up being surprised she was even there on nomination morning. Colman and Close famously battled for the leading actress award two years ago with Colman surprisingly (yet, deservedly) taking home the award. That left Close Oscar-less still, but while the narrative might be with her, it would be a shame to give her the award for this performance in this film. Bakalova is the surprise: raunchy and ruthless, she is not only the rare comedic nomination, but also one of the most daring performances of the year. I would love for her to win, and should she win it will not just be because of THAT hotel room scene. Her turn in Borat is surprisingly funny and layered. I do - however - think that everyone has been as charmed by Youn as I have been. Her grandmother in Minari is the heart of the film and she creates one of the most memorable on-screen grandmothers in recent time. I would have loved to see Dominique Fishback from Judas, although her role was also quite small.
Who will win: Yuh-Jung Youn
Potential spoiler: Maria Bakalova / Glenn Close
Personal favourite: Yuh-Jung Youn
Should have been there: Dominique Fishback
Animated Feature Film
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Onward (3,5)
Over the Moon (3,0)
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (3,5)
Soul (4,5)
Wolfwalkers (4,0)
Soul is winning this one with no real competitor. It is an amazing film by Pixar - both storywise, philosophically and in particular technically. But it is also daring as it is close to being there first truly film MAINLY for adults. Pixar competes against themselves, as Onward is also here. Netflix joins the animation race with the charming Over the Moon, while Aardman Studios are here with Farmageddon, which is a simply delightful children’s film. Wolfwalkers is perhaps the most interesting when it comes to animation style as the handdrawn animation follows the emotions of the characters.
Who will win: Soul
Potential spoiler: Wolfwalkers
Personal favourite: Soul
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Sean Bobbitt, Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
Erik Messerschmidt, Mank (3,5)
Dariusz Wolski, News of the World (3,0)
Joshua James Richards, Nomadland (5,0)
Phedon Papamichael, The Trial of the Chicago 7 (4,0)
I was happy to see Judas being recognised here, but it hardly stands a chance, despite its great work with depth. The same can be said about Papamichael, whose nomination I honestly do not understand, and Wolski, who produces some stunning vistas in the otherwise disappointing News of the World. Messerschmidt’s black and white work on Mank is a joy to behold, and while the Academy typically love black and white cinematography, I only see it as a potential spoiler. Joshua James Richards manages the otherwise small Nomadland into a grand and stunning film with some of the most beautiful images that I cannot wait to enjoy in a cinema. I would have loved to see Hoyte van Hoytema be nominated for his work on the otherwise faulty Tenet. 
Who will win: Nomadland
Potential spoiler: Mank
Personal favourite: Nomadland
Should have been there: Tenet
Costume Design
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Emma (3,0)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (3,5)
Mank (3,5)
Mulan (3,0)
Pinocchio (1,5)
This is Ma Rainey’s to lose with all of its broadway costumes. Personally I rate the costumes in both Pinocchio higher and I would have liked to see Promising Young Woman nominated, although I know how rarely contemporary nominees are in this category.
Who will win: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Potential spoiler: Mank
Personal favourite: Pinocchio
Could have been there: Promising Young Woman
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Thomas Vinterberg, Another Round (5,0)
David Fincher, Mank (3,5)
Lee Isaac Chung, Minari (4,5)
Chloé Zhao, Nomadland (5,0)
Emerald Fennell, Promising Young Woman (5,0)
It is a historic year for this category; the first time that two female directors are nominated in the same year. Chloé Zhao will also find her way into the history books as the only second female winner of the category for her work with Nomadland; a film which would never have existed without her. Fennell and Chung are her closest competitors, but despite their deeply personal and commited work they do not stand a chance. Mank is as Fincher as it gets, but the films is just not very good in the end. Finally, as a Dane, I am of course ecstatic to see Vinterberg here for his masterful work on Another Round. I would have loved to see Florian Zeller for The Father, though!
Who will win: Chloé Zhao
Potential spoiler: Lee Isaac Chung
Personal favourite: Chloé Zhao
Could have been there: Florian Zeller
Documentary (Feature)
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Collective (4,5)
Crip Camp (4,0)
The Mole Agent (3,0)
My Octopus Teacher (4,0)
Time (5,0)
For a long time, Time or Collective seemed to be the ones to beat here. While Time, which I reckon to be one of the best, most impactful films of the year, remains my favourite, I think it might be too slow for some people. Collective shares the same issue as the entertaining The Mole Agent; they are in a foreign language. Thus, we end up with Crip Camp and My Octopus Teacher. The first is undoubtedly the most important of the two, but I do think that the heart-warming and surprisingly effective story of man and nature in Octopus Teacher will charm its way to a surprising Oscar! The fascinating micro-cosmos of American politics portrayed in Boys State was snubbed here!
Who will win: My Octopus Teacher
Potential spoiler: Crip Camp
Personal favourite: Time
Should have been there: Boys State
Documentary (Short Subject)
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Colette (3,5)
A Concerto is a Conversation (3,5)
Do Not Split (4,5)
Hunger Ward (3,5)
A Love Song for Latasha (4,0)
Notoriously difficult to predict, this years documentary shorts are no exception. Four of them are mainly journalistic, with A Love Song for Latasha standing out with its artistic aspects. I think that will tip the votes in its favour.
Who will win: A Love Song for Latasha
Potential spoiler: A Concerto is a Conversation
Personal Favourite: Do Not Split
Film Editing
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The Father (4,5)
Nomadland (5,0)
Promising Young Woman (5,0)
Sound of Metal (4,5)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (4,0)
Traditionally the film featuring the most and the most clear cuts will take home this Oscar, making Trial the traditional favourite here. However, Mikkel E.G. Nielsen’s close collaboration with the sound designers of Sound of Metal seems to have pushed that film closer to a suprising yet deserved award. For me, however, the confusing, unstructured work of Yorgos Lamprinos in The Father is the best of the year. Mank would have liked to have this on nomination morning.
Who will win: Sound of Metal
Potential spoiler: The Trial of the Chicago 7
Personal favourite: The Father
International Feature Film
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Another Round (5,0)
Better Days (3,5)
Collective (4,5)
The Man Who Sold His Skin (3,5)
Quo Vadis, Aida? (4,5)
Collective follows Honeyland’s example from last year with a double nomination for international and documentary, but it will not win despite its high quality. The Man Who Sold His Skin is an interesting and thought-provoking take on the refugee crisis and Better Days is a surprisingly effective YA adaptation with some criticism of the Chinese school system - they will be happy just be there. Quo Vadis, Aida? Is a really good film with a towering lead performance about one of the most gruesome historical events post WWII. However, and this is not just because I am Danish, Another Round will take this home. The film that grew from initially being a celebration of the Danish alcohol culture organically grew into a celebration of life in the shadows of a personal tragedy for director Vinterberg. At its heart is a beautiful performance from Mads Mikkelsen and a fascinating study of the Danish alcohol culture in the universally recognisable struggle of life. Its take on the built in paradox of our teenagers being stressed out in order to gain access to the same life that the film’s four protagonists desperately try to escape, is thought-provoking and well-portrayed.
Who will win: Another Round
Potential spoiler: Quo Vadis, Aida?
Personal favourite: Another Round
Makeup and Hairstyling
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Emma (3,0)
Hillbilly Elegy (2,0)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (3,5)
Mank (3,5)
Pinocchio (1,5)
Despite being a horrible film, the makeup and prosthetic work in Pinocchio ought to secure it an Oscar here. However, this will be given to the theatre makeup work in Ma Rainey.
Who will win: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Potential spoiler: Hillbilly Elegy
Personal favourite: Pinocchio
Music (Original Score)
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Da 5 Bloods (3,5)
Mank (3,5)
Minari (4,5)
News of the World (3,0)
Soul (4,5)
News of the World is a good yet classic western score, Da 5 Bloods is a nice score to listen to but does not fit in the film and Emile Mosseri’s brilliant score in Minari might be a bit too simple for some people. This means that this a battle between Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross and themselves for their buzzing 40’s score in Mank and amazing collaboration with Jon Batiste in Soul. Reznor and Ross will be taking the stage along with Batiste! It is close to robbery that Ludwig Göransson is not nominated for his towering Tenet score!!
Who will win: Soul
Potential spoiler: Mank
Personal favourite: Soul
Should have been there: Tenet
Music (Original Song)
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“Fight for You”, Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
“Hear My Voice”, The Trial of the Chicago 7 (4,0)
“Husavik”, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (3,0)
“Io Si (Seen”), The Life Ahead (3,0)
“Speak Now”, One Night in Miami… (4,0)
“Husavik” is a great song and is the only of the songs to truly play a part in the film rather than just being a credits song and I think that should always be a factor! However, this is Leslie Odom Jr.’s for the beautifully subtle “Speak Now” - he is an amazing singer! “Green” from Sound of Metal should have been here, I have to say.
Who will win: “Speak Now”
Potential spoiler: “Husavik”
Personal favourite: “Husavik”
Should have been there: “Green”
Production Design
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The Father (4,5)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (3,5)
Mank (3,5)
News of the World (3,0)
Tenet (3,0)
The wonderfully simple, yet effective production design of The Father really should be winning this. However, The Academy always love representations of Hollywood and - to be fair - the work in Mank is incredibly detailed and beautiful to look at. Honestly, I would have loved to see Emma - that film was one of the most beautiful of the year!
Who will win: Mank
Potential spoiler: The Father / Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Personal favourite: The Father
Could have been there: Emma
Short Film (Animation)
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Burrow (4,0)
Genius Loci (3,0)
If Anything Happens I Love You (4,5)
Opera (5,0)
Yes-People (3,0)
Yes-People is funny but uninteresting. Genius Loci is visually fascinating but also very abstract. Burrow is classic Pixar charm. If Anything Happens I Love You is an emotional gut-punch. Opera is transcending the film media being more of an art installation rather than an actual shortfilm; it is however both visually and visionary in a league of its own. So obviously, it will not win. Disappointing not to see Out here!
Who will win: If Anything Happens I Love You
Potential spoiler: Burrow
Personal favourite: Opera
Should have been there: Out
Short Film (Live Action)
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Feeling Through (4,0)
The Letter Room (3,5)
The Present (4,0)
Two Distant Strangers (2,0)
White Eye (3,0)
Two Distant Strangers seems like a late frontrunner here, and while it is impossible to disasgree with the importance of the film’s topic, I simply did not like the film. I found it both exploitative and overly symbolic leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth; difficult opinions to have regarding a film about such an important topic. None of the other four truly stand out, but I would love to see the inclusive and touching Feeling Through receive the Oscar.
Who will win: Two Distant Strangers
Potential spoiler: The Letter Room
Personal favourite: Feeling Through
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Greyhound (2,0)
Mank (3,5)
News of the World (3,0)
Soul (4,5)
Sound of Metal (4,5)
Rarely has a film been so defined by its sound as Sound of Metal. It is not only groundbreaking but also deeply fascinating, impressive and involving; a main factor in the film’s success. It is difficult to predict as this is the first year the two awards (Editing/Mixing) have been combined. Greyhound might have been able to grab an editing award had they been separated still…
Who will win: Sound of Metal
Potential spoiler: Soul
Personal favourite: Sound of Metal
Visual Effects
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Love and Monsters (3,0)
The Midnight Sky (2,5) 
Mulan (3,0)
The One and Only Ivan (3,0)
Tenet (3,0)
A category that would probably have been dominated by films such as Godzilla vs. Kong, Dune and Black Widow in a normal 2020, has now granted space for the charming animals of The One and Only Ivan and the surprisingly entertaining and heartfelt Love and Monsters. It does, however, seem like an obvious opportunity to give the supposed “saviour of cinema” Tenet one award. 
Who will win: Tenet
Potential spoiler: The Midnight Sky
Personal favourite: Tenet
Should have been there: Soul
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (3,5)
The Father (4,5)
Nomadland (5,0)
One Night in Miami… (4,0)
The White Tiger (3,0)
The White Tiger is the odd one out here with its overly told and clumsy voice-over, whereas Borat is another example of the weird definition. While the main character is not new, the film is obviously an original story. One Night in Miami… is a much better adaption than Ma Rainey, but The Father is even more successful in its journey from stage to silver screen. Zeller’s screenplay is masterful and daring in its ruthless depiction of dementia. However, it faces stern competition from Chloé Zhao who might add her first of many Oscars of the evening with this award for a rare adaptation of a non-fiction work into a fictional story. 
Who will win: The Father
Potential spoiler: Nomadland
Personal favourite: The Father
Writing (Original Screenplay)
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Judas and the Black Messiah (4,5)
Minari (4,5)
Promising Young Woman (5,0)
Sound of Metal (4,5)
The Trial of Chicago 7 (4,0)
I was immensely happy to see Judas and Sound of Metal here as they told well-structured and well-paced stories, while this was the biggest nail in the coffin for Mank as David Fincher’s father missed out on a nomination for the film about one of history’s best screenplays. The battle is seems to be between the king of screenplays Aaron Sorkin and a certain promising young woman, Emerald Fennell, who has written the best screenplay of the year in my opinion. Look out for Lee Isaac Chung as he will be ready to pounce with his deeply personal screenplay for Minari, should the battle between Fennell and Sorkin fall flat. The extremely charming and funny Palm Springs should have been here!
Who will win: Promising Young Woman
Potential spoiler: The Trial of the Chicago 7
Personal favourite: Promising Young Woman
Should have been there: Palm Springs
I wish everyone the best of Oscar nights! May the best films win!
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mstriaianderror · 4 years
Wizards is coming this week, and i’d just like to say... I love the ToA fandom so much.
(this post is mushy so turn back if ur not into that kinda stuff)
Tales of Arcadia means more to me than anybody could ever imagine. I won’t get into anything major, but when I found Trollhunters, I was going through the most difficult time of my life. Trollhunters saved me.
It gave me a distraction for all of the horrible things that were happening around me. With ToA, I could just follow Jim Lake Jr, and his adventures as the Trollhunter. I had never been more invested in a show in my entire life. It also introduced me to fandoms and to platforms like Tumblr, where other people liked the show just as much as me.
This is probably kinda weird to some of you, but this is my experience with ToA.
I know ToA technically isn’t over yet, but after the final installment (Wizards) a lot of people might lose interest in the fandom. Maybe after a couple of months or a year.
Since I know this is all ending soon, that’s why I made this post. To thank Tales of Arcadia, Guillermo Del Toro, Aaron Waltke, the voice actors, the writers, and anybody else who’s worked on any of the triology series.
Thank you, for everything.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 years
Fanfic asks: 1, 2, 18, & 19. 💖
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!) Uhm... technically, officially... 4 - including the one I’m currently writing (today’s flufftober fic is coming!) but not oneshots I said I’d continue but never did. But I’m determined to finish all of my multi chapter fics by the end of the year (let’s see how that goes)
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise) Books - LOADS. I keep buying them but i never get around to reading them. Fics - the Aaron goes to get his man back and moves to the Isle of Wight fic @starwitness42 is writing and finally her Boy with the broken halo that i’ve been meaning to read FOREVER. And also @robron-til-the-end-of-time amazing Political AU. I lost track of it somewhere halfway through and as soon as I’m done with flufftober I plan to catch up because I loved it so far. 18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine? reading - not so much. writing... the routine is that there is no routine. I usually have a vague idea or a line or two/part of a conversation in my head and then try to write the rest of the fic around it. some times more successful than others. 19. What’s your favorite character headcanon? ooh tough one. I’m not really sure. I mean I have *my* version of emmerdale, which includes Robert and Seb home with Aaron where they belong, Chaddy history as they should be, Chas with Al who is a doting step father to Eve (much to the egg and Marlon’s dismay), Vic is with Ellis and Harry is Ellis’ son (Luke/lee/wendy Posner who?), Sarah sr is alive and well, Sarah jr is Robert’s daughter, baby Sugden-Dingle was born a few months ago and robron have forgotten what sleep is.
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melusine0811 · 4 years
Another tag game! Thanks @saecookie♥
Icon: The fairy Mélusine, a legend from near Nantes, France. It’s a fascinating story, and when deconstructed we can see the desexualization and grooming of women. It’s also very interesting to note that this is the very mermaid or fairy we can see on the Starbucks logo. I can talk about this for hours, and have done a fair amount of research and writing about it. Here’s a link if you are interested: http://www.rupertwilloughby.co.uk/gleanings/the-legend-of-melusine-how-the-tutelary-fairy-of-the-lusignans-came-to-reign-over-starbucks/
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URL meaning: Same as icon.
Relationship status: Technically married, but just came out of the closet as gay. My marriage to my husband is truly just an incredibly strong friendship now, and we will continue to live together as long as it is good for both of us. We have a son together, and he comes first
Fav colors: blues and greens
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick/gloss
Last song I listened to on Spotify or other: “Hungry Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran
Last Movie I watched: Hamilton on Disney+
Book I’m currently reading:  Endless fanfiction (YES THEY COUNT), and some spirituality books
What Im currently wearing: t-shirt and shorts
Last thing I googled: The above link about Melusine so that I could share it
Song Stuck in my head: “Wait for It” by Leslie Odom Jr, playing Aaron Burr
Dream Trip: New Zealand (or literally anywhere) with my best friend♥♥♥. Back to Japan to see my “other” family, a cruise to Alaska, Australia and SCUBA diving on the Great Barrier Reef, Mexico to see the Mayan ruins, Costa Rica, Thailand, Peru, back to France next summer (don’t consider that a dream trip since it’s like going home and Europe is easily accessible from here when there’s no pandemic) I HAVE A WANDERLUST PROBLEM. I also desperately want to get my mom back to France to take her to Giverny (Monet’s house and gardens) because it’s her ultimate thing to see, and she CRIED the last time I took her to to Louvre and the Musée D’Orsay.
Tagging: I don’t want to bother anyone, but consider if you’re seeing this, you’re tagged. DO IT!
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gdwessel · 3 years
Road to Power Struggle Night 3 - 10/26/2021; Official Statement on Kota Ibushi Injuries; Suzuki’s Tour of America Ends
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The tour continued today, with a show you can see now on NJPWWorld. A title match topped the bill today.
- 10/26/2021, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
SANADA & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] d. Yuji Nagata & Ryusuke Taguchi (SANADA > Nagata, O’Connor Bridge, 9:58)
EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, SHO & Dick Togo [Bullet Club] d. Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] & Master Wato (Yujiro > Wato, Pimp Juice, 11:27)
Great O-Khan & Aaron Henare [United Empire] d. Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Tomoaki Honma (Henare > Honma, Streets Of Rage, 10:15)
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Togi Makabe d. KENTA & Gedo [Bullet Club] (Tanahashi > Gedo, DQ, 9:20)
Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club] d. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima (Loa > Kojima, Apeshit, 11:34)
Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] d. Shingo Takagi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (Sabre > BUSHI, Zack Driver, 11:28)
IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship: Robbie Eagles [CHAOS] & Tiger Mask IV d. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] © (Eagles > Kanemaru, Ron Miller Special, 20:30) - Despy/Kanemaru fail their 1st defense - Flying Tiger are the 68th champions
Well that’s a bit of a surprise! Robbie Eagles is now a junior double-champion, the second we’ve had in NJPW this year, neither of which was Hiromu Takahashi, shockingly. Eagles will face the other one, El Desperado, at Power Struggle. This is also the first time Tiger Mask IV has held these titles since he & Jushin Thunder Liger briefly held them from 6/16/2012 - 7/22/2012; also shockingly, this is only the second time Tiger Mask IV has been the junior tag champion. You wouldn’t think. One wonders if Ryusuke Taguchi will scare up a partner (maybe Master Wato again) and challenge to try to be the 69th champion, again.
The heels all made statements today in the final streamed run-ups to Power Struggle (no other shows will be streamed on this tour). KENTA even went and stole the IWGP US title from Tanahashi again for good measure.
NJPW released an official statement on the injury status of Kota Ibushi:
On October 21’s G1 final, Kota Ibushi suffered an injury in the ring that led to the match being stopped. After treatment from ringside medical staff, he was taken for a thorough evaluation.
The evaluation revealed a right anterior dislocation of the shoulder, and joint lip damage. Recovery is expected to take two months.
Further updates will be provided as to Ibushi’s return when more information is available.
We apologise for any concern caused, and join fans in wishing Ibushi the very best in his recovery.
As I said before, when Naoki Sugabayashi said this was the case, a dislocated shoulder sucks badly, but could have been far worse. I will also reiterate that I hope NJPW don’t try to rush Ibushi back for Wrestle Kingdom 16. They say “two months” which technically is before Jaunary 4, but also, he needs to rest and fully recuperate before returning to full-time ring action.
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We all knew it was going to be over sometime. As of this morning, Minoru Suzuki is travelling back home to Japan, after being here in the USA since the beginning of September, kicking off his tour with a shock appearance at AEW All Out, and it pretty well went from there. 
His final weekend in the USA began near Fargo, ND, as Suzuki beat Dominic Garrini in Timebomb Pro. I’ve still not been able to watch this show yet, but I’ve heard the entire show was a thrill, and you can see it on IWTV on-demand.
Friday and Saturday were spent in LA, in Game Changer Wrestling. Suzuki main evented both nights, first submitting Chris Dickinson at Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport 7. Other NJPW talents were on this show too: Yuya Uemura tapped to Davey Richards, whilst Team Filthy members “Filthy” Tom Lawlor and JR Kratos both won their matches, Lawlor submitting Alex Coughlin, whilst Kratos beat Calvin Tankman by TKO. Clark Connors got the only win over Team Filthy, tapping out Royce Isaacs. Rocky Romero even did commentary on this show.
Saturday was GCW War Ready, which saw Suzuki take on deathmatch king Nick Gage, in a wild brawl that went all over the Ukrainian Cultural Center. Suzuki would win here as well, but the final words that night were from Gage. What was said, I don’t know, because FITE TV nonsensically cut the feed in the middle of the promo, so no MDK All Fuckin Day that time. Sunday and Monday was spent in Las Vegas, as Suzuki took part in the Impact Wrestling TV tapings there. I’ve not seen any results there yet, but I’m sure we’ll see them soon enough.
There are some matches yet to be shown on NJPW Strong, so we have those to look forward to. There is still a batch of matches I’ve not seen yet (from WrestleMax, PWX and Glory Pro). I wish this was the tape trading era still because this would be a hot seller on that market. Maybe I’ll work on getting a compilation of the matches he had here in the States in some fashion, probably a Google Drive or something.
Whatever the case, this was a special, special time, and I’m sorry to see it end. We all should be so lucky that this happened, especially during a pandemic that’s still not quite abated yet. Hope he makes it back home safe and sound, and we see him back in NJPW soon too.
The tour continues tomorrow, but as I noted, we’re done with any streamed shows from this batch of shows until Power Struggle on 11/6/2021.
- 10/27/2021, Ibaraki Lily Arena Mito
Kosei Fujita v. SHO [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato v. Robbie Eagles [CHAOS], Tiger Mask IV & Ryohei Oiwa
Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Yuji Nagata v. Great O-Khan & Aaron Henare [United Empire]
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma v. KENTA & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Jado [Bullet Club]
Shingo Takagi, SANADA, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Zack Sabre Jr., El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG]
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