#Police Keeper
crispyafterdark · 11 days
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Various members of the NYPD in Gargoyles' "Her Brother's Keeper" in the locker room.
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okay. i caved
(individual versions under the cut!)
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i had SO much fun rendering their skin tbh
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a little break from the work! Victor surely can fall asleep wherever he is
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finleythequeer · 11 months
Secret Life
Dude It's only 4th EP And Jimmy and Martyn are already reds, I don't think Jimmy is Going to break his curse.
Tim and Martyn Don't die in next week's episode.
Also, here is a head cannon for the PAWprity Police
-The 'Secret Keeper' Is a Watcher in disguise. (Maybe cannon?)
-Timmy knows that the 'Secret Keeper' is a Watcher. (Martyn Doesn't)
-Jimmy is a Golden Retriever
-Martyn is a Labrador
-The reason why Martyn and Timmy are already red is that the watchers know that Timmy knows about the 'Secret Keeper' being a watcher and trying to keep him (Tim) from telling Martyn, so they are trying to get them out fast.
-Tim and Martyn are (Identical) twins, and that caused the 'Secret Keeper' to think Martyn was Timmy, which Martyn had his first death. Because the 'Secret Keeper' was tasked by another Watcher to continue Jimmy's Canary Curse.
-Jimmy will never break his curse, or maybe? (Sorry, not sorry)
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[At the police station]
Sophie: Hi, I’m here for my boyfriend
Police officer: Who’s your boyfriend?
Sophie: ...
Sophie: You must be new here.
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Internal Secret Service emails obtained by CREW show special agents in close communication with Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes, while failing to acknowledge the group’s ties to white nationalists and clashes with law enforcement.
In September 2020, a Secret Service agent sent an email to others within the agency, informing them that he had just spoken to Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes about an upcoming visit by then-President Trump to Fayetteville, NC. The agent, who referred to himself as “the unofficial liaison to the Oath Keepers (inching towards official),” described the group as “primarily retired law enforcement/former military members who are very pro-LEO [law enforcement officer] and Pro Trump. Their stated purpose is to provide protection and medical attention to Trump supporters if they come under attack by leftist groups.” He went on to say that Rhodes, “had specific questions and wanted to liaison [sic] with our personnel” and shared Rhodes’s cell phone number.
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The emails obtained by CREW as part of an ongoing public records request offer only a snapshot of the communication between the Oath Keepers and the Secret Service. As they focus solely on the time period around the Fayetteville event, the extent of the contact Stewart Rhodes had with the agency remains unknown. The agent “inching towards” being the “official” liaison for Oath Keepers suggests a more longstanding relationship with Rhodes.
Another Secret Service agent spoke to Rhodes and informed the other agents that “their desire is to assist those attending the event make it to and from their cars safely. They are NOT there to demonstrate or push a political agenda.” In October 2022, a former member of the Oath Keepers testified that Rhodes had spoken to the Secret Service to coordinate around the rally, but an agency spokesman told CNN that, “The US Secret Service doesn’t have enough information to say whether or not this call actually took place.” These emails show that it did.
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When one agent requested intelligence about the Oath Keepers another responded: “General searches revealed news articles that touched on the background of the founder Stewart Rhodes and the group. Rhodes has denounced White Nationalists ideals while sharing his dislike for ANTIFA…The group claims it is a local community response team for natural or civil disorders.” Agents also noted that a Facebook account associated with the group “contained pro-gun content, commentary on racism in the US, and news articles about politics,” but failed to find anything else.
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There was plenty of other publicly available information about Rhodes and the Oath Keepers at the time that should have easily raised alarm.
In 2014, Oath Keepers traveled to Ferguson, Missouri with assault rifles claiming they were providing security for businesses in the area after the grand jury decision not to indict the white police officer who killed Michael Brown. The St. Louis County Police Department had to demand that the Oath Keepers stop patrolling the city, explaining in a statement that members were walking on rooftops of businesses holding semi-automatic rifles, breaking the county’s ordinance regulating security officers and guards. The police reportedly threatened arrest, and the Oath Keepers began protesting the authorities.
On the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s shooting, Oath Keepers again arrived in Ferguson with assault rifles and flak jackets, apparently intending to “protect” businesses and right-wing journalists, including an employee from InfoWars. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar called their presence “both unnecessary and inflammatory.” This was also covered extensively by national media.
The group has also compared Hillary Clinton to Hitler on its website, and on May 5, 2015, Rhodes was recorded saying that then-Sen. John McCain should be tried for treason, convicted and “hung by the neck until dead.” A long list of former Oath Keepers allegedly cut ties with the group by 2017, citing concerns with Rhodes’s leadership.
Rhodes’s conduct outside of the Oath Keepers had also repeatedly come into question. In October 2015, the Montana Supreme Court’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel recommended that Rhodes be disbarred for violating his attorney oath following a number of ethics and conduct complaints against him, joining Arizona, which admonished Rhodes in 2012 for practicing without a license.
While the nearly all-white Oath Keepers themselves are purportedly not a white nationalist organization, and Rhodes may have “denounced” white nationalist ideals, Oath Keepers have repeatedly worked alongside white supremacist and white nationalist groups. In 2016, as neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups such as the National Socialist Movement, factions of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Freedom Party deployed members at polling sites, the Oath Keepers advised its members to do the same undercover. The Washington Post reported in 2017 that white supremacists in the alt-right scene “seem to have a lot in common with the Oath Keepers,” but that the Oath Keepers were not as racist or radical as certain far-right white nationalists would “prefer.” The Oath Keepers have repeatedly been highlighted in national articles as part of the landscape of white supremacist militias, and are often tied to their public ally the Proud Boys, a group that has been categorized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Proud Boys similarly are allied with the American Guard, a white nationalist group according to SPLC.
Rhodes is now best known for his role in organizing significant turnout of insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, just a few months after he was in contact with the Secret Service. Rhodes and other Oath Keepers planned to participate in violence at the Capitol—against Secret Service protectees, no less—and he gave followers instructions like “stay fully armed” and “get ready to fight” leading up to the attack.
In November 2022, Rhodes was convicted of seditious conspiracy by a jury for his role in the attempt to keep Donald Trump in power, and was sentenced to 18 years in prison in May—the longest of any convicted January 6th defendant so far. U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta found that Rhodes’s role in January 6th amounted to terrorism and said that he presents “an ongoing threat and peril to this country.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"BOOTLEGGER SENTENCED TO FOUR MONTHS," Edmonton Bulletin. March 4, 1913. Page 5. ---- Fine of $490 Imposed on Frank Henri and Prison Term. ==== AFTERMATH OF A SENSATIONAL RAID === Total of $700 Inflicted in Fines - Great Excitement Prevails at Edson. --- Over $700 was collected in fines on Saturday from persons concerned in the recent raid on bootleggers in Edson, which was carried out by R. S. Stafford, of the Alert Detective Agency and Town Constable Tatham. Inspector Raven, of the mounted police of Edmonton, went west to hear the cases. The principal in the case was Frank Henri, proprietor of Cotton's restaurant, who was fined $490 and costs with the alternative of twelve months imprisonment, for selling of liquor without a license. The fine and costs were paid. For running a house of ill fame Henri was sentenced to four months' imprisonment without the option of a fine.
Mildred Howell for selling liquor without a license was fined $150 and costs, and for keeping, a house of ill fame, she was fined $45, and costs. The fines and costs in both cases were paid. Margaret Clark and Mignor Martin, charged with being inmates, were each fined $25 and costs. A similar charge against Grace Bedford or Bredford, was dismissed, there being insufficient evidence.
Stafford Paid On. Detective Stafford, who is charged with shooting a bystander when effecting the arrests, did not appear on Friday when the case came up before Mr. Bradley, justice of the peace, acting on the advice of his solicitor, Mr McCaffray. Application was made by the solicitor for the prosecution, C. J. Roberts, to have the bail of $1,000 estreated, but this was refused and the case adjourned for eight days.
A remarkable situation exists at Edson in connection with the affair. Stafford, who was acting as temporary chief of police on the instructions of Mayor Lawrence, has been paid off, while town constable Tatham; who was dismissed by the council, has been reinstated by the mayor.
There seems to be a continual war between the council and the mayor, each undoing what's done by the other. An effort is on foot to institute proceedings against the mayor. The town is very much excited over the whole affair and it is freely alleged that some citizens are in league with the bootleggers.
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munvermaniac · 2 years
OK, but Jason is a cop and he transfers back to Hawkins. Hopper is still the sheriff, there are more Deputy since the town got larger. Billy and Steve are detectives, Chrissy also as a detective, which is the most surprising part. Jason assumes that she’s going to be us partner but no.
Eddie, legs on table and wolf eating grin on his face.
“Munson.” Jason, greets, sits at his desk next to Eddie’s and wonders why, and what he might’ve done to Hopper for this to be his punishment.
I’m a good person, thanks Jason. I’m a good person and I deserve nice things and this is not a nice thing. Even if Eddy with his hair toss, stop in a loose bun, even if he has filled out his clothes and there was that one unfortunate moment where he had to wear his actual uniform, and Jason walked in on him, changing into it.
So what if the freak is good looking and probably always has been, shut up Chrissy I’m not admitting to anything. Being partnered with Eddy is the worst possible thing. The guy is loud, listens to horrible music, everything he puts into his mouth is an abomination of mixes and sauces and grossness.
But Jason thinks that if it’s at all possible, sometimes Eddy will actually be polite and just do his job without being a disgusting lecherous pervert. Jason, assume that this is one of those days.
He noticed a penny on the floor and before he sits he beds down to pick it up-
-only to hear aloud whistle.
“Damn baby is that all for me?”
Jason glares, blushes Vermillion, and throws a stapler at Eddie as he sits down. And he catches it, cackling, and mentions a steak out and how much he cannot wait to get Jason in a car
A few hours later, they are on their way to the parking lot towards the cruiser, Jason passes Chrissy’s desk and flips for the bird when she starts to giggle.
UGH eddie with a bun how have I not heard of that yet!!! God now i wanna draw jason drooling over eddie in stereotypical detective wear. Eddie 1000% would join the force just to be a mole, and GOD now I'm thinking about a mafia/detective au where eddie is a police mole and jason is a detective trying to take down the mob he works for. Definitely gonna write more about this later!
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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wololo-01 · 2 months
Wish my neighbor didn't exist, I would have such a silent yet peaceful night and sleep rn, but unfortunately this wish can't never became true 😔
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wausaupilot · 11 months
Names of Milwaukee-area cops found on Oath Keepers membership list
An investigation by The Badger Project discovered the names of three Wisconsin police officers among the 38,000 on the leaked list.
By Peter Cameron, THE BADGER PROJECT The names of at least three active police officers in the Milwaukee area are on a leaked membership list for the far-right, anti-government group the Oath Keepers, an investigation by The Badger Project found. Two of the officers — Cory Dale Fuller and Ryan T. Bowe — work for the Bayside Police Department just a few miles north of the city of Milwaukee. A…
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andreai04 · 11 months
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“We can live through more than we ever give ourselves credit for, I've found. We all have that sense of survival instinct within us.”
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acmeoop · 2 years
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That’s My Pop!
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buff-borf-bork · 2 years
tried to play my first ttrpg like 3 years ago but it never got past the first session and the first part i'd planned still lives in my head rent free so i'm putting it here (and hoping that like most things, once ive put it down somewhere, it will leave me alone and i can move on with my life lol)
i was using the monster of the week system which seems to lend itself better to investigation and role play, plus loved the idea of using character archetypes for character creation.
as any good motw series it was in a small town i named Empierced. the town had the look of an old stone work town being consumed by stale corporate modernism, like how people talk about Ottowa.
the PCs were just passing through and stopped for a fly over view of the area (a tourist attraction). Hours later when the pilot was a no show, one way or another they would get the news of the pilots death, turned out his body was inside the hanger they were waiting outside of the whole time.
at the same time the town had a college hosting a student art exhibition and the towns known to have a strong love of the arts.
one of the students, who is the pilots son, has a love for furbys and sculpture. he would make all these off furbys by constructing skeletons, sewing, ectre.
the monster of the story was going to be a demon which had possessed one of his creations (long furby with lots of metal spider like legs) and needed blood, this one had a taste for human.
one of its attacks was that it could poison targets attacking it with excess blood it was holding.
the way to defeat it would be to have it possess an unborn child because in this world, any human can be possessed by a demon and have no consequences as humans had free will and the demon would simply be trapped. the whole idea of humans being possessed in the way we think of it is a distortion of history. the players would learn this through various avenues and i also left other ways for them to get rid of the demon, but as per motw rules, in that case it would come back later.
so there, missing a lot of details and everything about the town and npcs but this is what the og idea was lol
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"PRISONER WAVED A FAREWELL TO FAMILY," Toronto Star. March 11, 1913. Page 14. --- Wife and Baby in Corridor When He Was Sent Down Into the Cells. --- CASES IN POLICE COURT ---- Man Accused of Beating Wife Begs for Mercy, But Fails to Get Freedom. ---- Walter Heald, who pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of jewelry from his employer, Thomas Cuff, was dismissed by Magistrate Denison to-day on the assurance of Mr. Cuff that he would take Heald back into his employ, and watch over him and see that he could get even with the game again.
"I shall discharge you," said the magistrate, "because the spirit evinced by your employer is so rare that it would be a shame to discourage it."
Solomon Siegel, accused of picking pockets, was committed for trial before a jury, and was let out on bail of $1,000.
Wife Complains. John Andrews' sobbing in the dock moved everyone in the court-room but Alice Andrews, his wife, who laid a charge against him for doing bodily harm to her.
"I worship my wife," cried Andrews, "and I don't know why I scratched her. She was nagging because I had taken a couple of drinks, and got me into a rage."
"I'll send you down for three days, and we will examine the case in the meantime."
Andrews clung to the rail, and begged the magistrate, the constables, and the prisoners not to torture him "down there." Both he and his wife are young, married not more than two years.
Arthur Francis, the young man who is accused of passing bogus checks on boarding house landladies, was committed for trial on the charge of forgery, and is remanded in Jail until his trial. During the time he was in the dock Francis was peering out the door of the court-room, where his wife and two-year-old baby were sitting in the corridor. Francis antics to catch the baby's eye, and his waving and kiss-throwing were pathetic in the extreme, and even the court-room constables, whose thundering "sit down!" greets any movement on the part of prisoners, were touched a little, and cleared a path for the baby to see through.
Only One Woman. There was only one sentence handed out in the Women's Police Court to-day, and that was to Bertha Jacobs, who was sent to the Mercer for three months, for keeping a house of ill-fame.
An unfortunate case is that of Alex McPherson, who pleaded guilty to vagrancy, and who was handed over to the Salvation Army. McPherson has been suffering from heart weakness for years, and came to this city two weeks ago from a farm district around Galt and Berlin, to find some relatives he thought were here. Now he wants to get back to the farms, and the Salvation Army will find him some work, to enable him to pay his way.
Domestic Trouble. "I married Henry Chapman five years ago," said Mrs. Mary Chapman. in giving her evidence in a case of non-support. "He gets drunk and he deserted me for three weeks-left me alone to feed twenty-three starving chickens."
"Do you want to go back to your husband?"
"Yes! I was married for life and not for five years!"
Chapman claims that his wife was always nagging at him, and the case was adjourned till the 18th.
Robert H. Wood was committed for trial on a charge of committing assaults on two little girls, four and six years old.
After being set up in the plumbing business by William Marshall, George Brown started signing his friend's name to notes and L.LO.U's and defrauded Marshall out of $13.50, for which Brown was given a month in jail.
"I bought him a horse and wagon," said Marshall, "and put him on to the game in the plumbing business. Then I began to receive notes with my name forged."
Preyed On a Woman. Three months in the Central Prison were given to Wilber Ryan, for being an inmate of a house of ill-fame kept by Mary Howard. The Morality Department put forward facts showing that Ryan was keeping the Howard girl, who is still quite young, for immoral purposes. The house was raided, the girl sentenced and frequenters fined.
Ryan lived at the house, and had no visible means of support beyond what money was earned by Mary Howard.
The Department's record shows that this girl had a baby a couple of years Lago, and that since then she has been identified with houses run by Ryan.
"Three months in Central," said Magistrate Denison," and hereafter an eye will be kept on you! We will look for further light on your life."
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 5 months
““The girls are unable to say anything because they are always being policed. You can’t ask questions, you won’t get the evidence on a silver platter. But when you are going around, you hear things and see things,” Singh explains, sitting in a nondescript office, piles of cardboard files all over the floor, documenting the thousands of girls they have rescued over the years, approximately 4,000 at last count. 
“Most of the time the girls are locked up and they are only allowed out when a customer comes in. To ensure they are not interacting with the customers, the brothel keepers are always banging on the door and take away the mobiles of the customers.”
As a result of an 11-month long operation, conducted before the pandemic, Guria India were able to rescue 136 underage victims of traffickers, resulting in 61 brothels being shut down.”
In the narrow alleyways of Meerganj, the notorious red light district in the city of Allahbad, a man dressed in a brown kurta with a rucksack walks past the dilapidated brothels shouting ‘lipsticks for sale, good prices.’ 
He barely warrants a glance, one of dozens of street sellers who stroll down the alley daily, hawking their wares, a common sight in the hustle and bustle of cities in India.
Word has got around that he’s selling good quality products like Max Factor and other brands the brothel girls recognise from billboards featuring their favourite Bollywood actresses. He’s cheaper than the other sellers and lets them pay in instalments. 
A group of young girls flock to him, picking up bright lipsticks and face powders, to make them look older than they are, or perhaps not, depending on the client’s preferences.
But this is no ordinary seller. He is from Guria India, an organisation which rescues and rehabilitates women and underage girls trapped in the sex trade. 
He has been working undercover, disguised as a cosmetics seller, gathering evidence of victims of traffickers who have been forced into sex work, many of whom are underage and often thousands of miles away from home.
“You are working on a razor’s edge. There are no second chances. One wrong move and you could be killed. It’s not like a movie where you get a retake,” says Ajeet Singh, Director of Guria India.  
The nature of trafficking is changing and so activists are having to find new and innovative  means to take them on. 
Singh said he came up with the idea of posing as a make-up seller after he found that the brothel owners were always one step ahead of him. 
“It was always very difficult to rescue the girls because someone would leak the information and the brothel keepers would move the girls. The girls were not a priority for the system, so the police were not helpful. We had to be proactive in getting the evidence.”
Using rudimentary equipment he bought from Delhi, including spy cams concealed in a pen and button, he began scouring the streets of the red light district for almost a year. 
“Make-up is something very enticing for girls. If you go to India, you’ll see street sellers in every city so I knew I would blend in,” he said.
“The girls are unable to say anything because they are always being policed. You can’t ask questions, you won’t get the evidence on a silver platter. But when you are going around, you hear things and see things,” Singh explains, sitting in a nondescript office, piles of cardboard files all over the floor, documenting the thousands of girls they have rescued over the years, approximately 4,000 at last count. 
“Most of the time the girls are locked up and they are only allowed out when a customer comes in. To ensure they are not interacting with the customers, the brothel keepers are always banging on the door and take away the mobiles of the customers.”
As a result of an 11-month long operation, conducted before the pandemic, Guria India were able to rescue 136 underage victims of traffickers, resulting in 61 brothels being shut down. 
Social media ‘weapon of choice’ for traffickers
The sting, which was signed off by local people, used undercover filming to collect evidence against offenders. When enough had been gathered, ten members of the Guria India team joined police as they carried out dawn raids, using iron cutters to access properties where the victims were being held.
There are an estimated 1.2 million children under 18 working in brothels in India, many of whom have been victims of sex traffickers. Approximately 75 per cent of the cases Guria India dealt with involved under age victims ranging from just six months to 17.
The majority of these trafficked children are from lower castes and more than half of them are from families living below the poverty line.  
While many of the girls sold to brothels are trafficked by relatives or family friends, in recent years, social media, with its low-risk and high rewards, has become the weapon of choice of traffickers, luring victims in with lucrative job offers or promises of marriage. 
“The internet and exploitative romantic relationships are key factors for trafficking in recent times,” said children’s rights activist Bharti Ali.
“Often, the police don’t start their search in cases of adolescent girls immediately as they believe it to be a case of elopement. Many cases end up in girls being sold further by the boy/person they trusted or who promised them false marriage.
“When girls go missing, parents often try to search within their own community, her friends and relatives. This is when they lose critical time. When they suspect that she may have eloped, they may tend to not report at all to protect family honour … The girls too are unable to report as the traffickers keep a close watch on them.”
For victims of traffickers, their introduction into the world of prostitution is a brutal and violent one, in which they face beatings, gang rape and starvation. Some victims also reported having chilli powder placed on their genitalia and being subjected to electric shocks. 
Among the girls they have rescued is Sarita, who was just 12-years-old when she was sold to a sex trafficker by her older brother and was transported 700 km away to work in a brothel. 
“My mum was working in Mumbai and I lived with my sister. My brother was a drug addict. He told me he was taking me to see my mum but instead he sold me to a trafficker. I was locked in a room and beaten and raped by several men. I managed to find a phone and called my mum,” she said.
Sarita’s mother, along with the police and Guria India activists, were able to rescue her and relocate the family. However, the majority of victims are not so lucky. India remains a socially conservative society and victims of trafficking will often be ostracised by their families and community. 
Rescuing victims of trafficking is only half the battle, while keeping them out of the hands of traffickers presents another challenge. 
Rehabilitating victims back into a society which was already hostile to them in the first place is difficult and often the girls will end up falling back into the hands of traffickers. 
In one case, 57 girls who were rescued by Guria were sent to a shelter home in Agra for rehabilitation, but were re-trafficked by the superintendent of the centre. Just this week, the superintendent was acquitted by the Supreme Court and Guria India is currently fighting the decision. 
Despite the setbacks, Singh remains hopeful. “Although I don’t think we can eradicate child prostitution in my lifetime, I’m hopeful we can set the foundations to make the change,” he said.
And sometimes all it takes is a rucksack and a Max Factor lipstick. 
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