#Polish lithuanian commonwealth
mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Poster
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pol-ski · 2 years
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"Pan Thaddeus" illustrated by Jan Marcin Szancer (Polish, 1902-1973)
Pan Thaddeus (1834), by Polish writer, Adam Mickiewicz, is recognized as the national epic of Poland and it is considered by many to be the last great epic poem in European literature. The poem narrates the tale of two feuding noble families and the love story between Tadeusz and Zosia. It takes place in a fictional idyllic village, in 1811 and 1812.
"No European nation of our day has such an epic as Pan Thaddeus. In it Don Quixote has been fused with the Iliad. ... Pan Thaddeus is a true epic. No more can be said or need be said". (Zygmunt Krasiński)
"No play of Shakespeare, no long poem of Milton or Wordsworth or Tennyson, is so well known or so well beloved by the English people as is Pan Thaddeus by the Poles. To find a work equally well known one might turn to Defoe's prosaic tale of adventure, Robinson Crusoe; to find a work so beloved would be hardly possible". (George Rapall Noyes)
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
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lichozestudni · 2 years
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Ilekroć z Prus powracam, chcąc zmyć się z niemczyzny,
Wpadam do Soplicowa jak w centrum polszczyzny;
Tam się człowiek napije, nadysze ojczyzny!
- Adam Mickiewicz, "Pan Tadeusz"
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is polish-lithuanian commonwealth bothering you queen?
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azzydoesstuff · 24 days
we need to bring back the polish-lithuanian commonwealth
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mindrat · 9 months
In case you were wondering
Tamaulipas is not the name of a Lithuanian king from the Middle Ages. It is a state in Mexico.
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sollannaart · 3 months
Books about Napoleonic era (and Polish history) - 3
Good day, dear all, and let me share with you some books I've read recently.
And because today is the birthday of Tadeusz Kościuszko I'll start with a biography of him The Peasant Prince, by the American historian Alex Storozynski:
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2. One more position about the Polish history, in English, I'd like to recommend you is Richard Butterwick's The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1733–1795: Light and Flame, dedicated to the reigns of Polish-Lithuanian two last kings, Augustus III Wettin and Stanisław August Poniatowski:
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From the topic of Polish history let's switch to the French one.
3. One more addition to my collection of Talleyrand's biographies was this one, written by Robin Harris:
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4-5. Then, there were two books about Napoleon's private life, by Octave Aubry and Sigrid-Maria Größing:
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6-7. A study on the topic of French revolutionary and imperial generals, by Georges Six, and George Nafziger's Imperial Bayonets. (These were books with lots of military details, so I can't say I've enjoyed them thoroughly, rather not belonging to their target audience))
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8. And this is a book I really liked, The anatomy of Glory by Henry Lachouque! And though its subtitle (Napoleon and his Guards) kinda states the book will be focused on the Imperial Guards, in fact its topics turned out much more wider, including information on Napoleon himself, France and even some details of the usual life of that times:
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9. The book majority of you have already read, The Iron Marshal, a biography of Louis Nicolas Davout by John Gallaher:
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10-11. And the last but not the least - two books on Murat. The first is a book by the French historian Jean Tulard and the second is an impressive work of Sarah Hammel @joachimnapoleon.
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Thanks a lot, Sarah, for letting as see Joachim Murat through his letters, from his own point of view!
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zawissius · 5 months
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Armoured companions
by Anatoly Telenik.
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dailyhistoryposts · 1 year
On This Day In History
November 25th, 1795: Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last King of Poland before the partition of Poland among Prussia, Russia, and the Habsburgs, is forced to abdicate the throne.
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mapsontheweb · 9 months
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Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - administrative divisions in 1619.
by u/MaciejKazimierz
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zadig-fate · 5 months
I didn't know there would be a Vilnius livestream, but someone I don't know messaged me on ig with the link when it started because they remembered that I streamed a few days ago and wanted to make sure I got tonight's stream, omg 😭😭😭 I love this fandom
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
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You mean the guy who drew Samogitian warriors as half-naked strippers in animal skins, and Vytautas as a drag queen? Sure.
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council-of-beetroot · 9 months
You're a fantastic Town Crier. But I raise you this. You're the royal crier when important royal events happen. Lets be real here you're the commonwealths Royal Crier.
Ooh even better! I can spend my days going dzyń! dzyń! dzyń!
Si Deus et Anime Nobiscum Sunt, Quis Contra Nos?
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lichozestudni · 1 year
"Polska potrafiła w ciągu całej swojej tysiącletniej historii, a w każdym razie w ciągu ostatnich siedmiuset lat, dokonać czegoś niezwykłego, co dopiero teraz możemy zobaczyć w całej pełni. Polska - to zabrzmi brutalnie, ale to prawda - rozbiła wspólnotę ruską, wschodniosłowiańską. Nie mamy za sąsiadów jednego wielkiego, wielokrotnie od nas większego pod względem potencjału, państwa słowiańsko-bizantyjskiego. Ale mamy na wschód od nas Ukrainę, Białoruś i Litwę. Nie byłoby ani Białorusi, ani Litwy - niezależnie od szacunku jaki mam dla dzielnego narodu litewskiego to nie ostałby się on, gdyby nie unia z Polską, która pozwoliła mu przetrwać bez zniszczenia przez gigantyczną przewagę żywiołu rusko-prawosławnego, w którym rozpuściłoby się maleńkie liczebnie, nie duchem, plemię żmudzkie. Ukraina i Białoruś dzisiaj spełniają funkcję przedmurza. Jedna jest przedmurzem niestety wciąż jeszcze Rosji, mam na myśli Białoruś. Druga jest przedmurzem, może być, a na pewno w tej chwili taką rolę odgrywa, naszej cywilizacji. To, że tak się dzieje jest niesłychanie ważnym wynikiem, w jakiejś części przynajmniej, oddziaływania Polski na te ziemie przez ponad pięćset lat, (...) przez Polskę idących wpływów cywilizacji wolności i z Polski wynikającego doświadczenia wolności, wolności sejmików, wolności umowy między władcą, a obywatelami, a nie relacji poddany-pan. Historia tak rozpatrywana ma inny wydźwięk niż historia jaką wciąż często odpowiadamy z perspektywy rozbiorów, z perspektywy szkoły krakowskiej - z którą wciąż polemizuję, ponieważ jest kompletnie anachroniczna - tzn. z perspektywy klęski, jaką można było obserwować po powstaniu styczniowym, ale z którą nie musimy się godzić w roku obecnym".
— Prof. Andrzej Nowak
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
need to bring back marriage of state. like trudeau and biden marry so canada and the US can merge. hell it doesnt even have to be that big. senator for virginia and west virginia can unite the virginias through matrimony
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