#Polly Oc
wintrecat · 3 months
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[ID: A comic of two middle school girls having a conversation. Polly has curly blond hair, light skin, and gray eyes, and she's wearing a pink shirt with a strawberry on it. Jenny has dark hair, dark eyes, and light tan skin, and she's wearing a shirt that has the word "bacon" spelled out by elements of the periodic table. Both are wearing backpacks.
Polly asks Jenny, "Do you ever miss liking girls?"
Jenny stares back in confusion and says "Huh??" Small text pointing at Jenny says "bi"
Polly continues, "Well you used to be a boy so that means you liked girls. But now you're a girl so you have to like boys."
Jenny stares at Polly with an expression of befuddlement and exasperation.
Polly continues, "I don't want to be a boy but I think it would be fun to like girls. If I was a boy I'd probably like C-" Jenny interrupts by saying "Polly." This is bolded for emphasis.
Jenny inhales deeply, pressing her hands to her chest.
Jenny releases her hands and says: "Polly. Have you heard of gay people." Every word is capitalized for emphasis.
The next panel shows Polly's computer screen, with text at the top that says "later that evening..." Polly is searching "can girls kiss each other."
The last panel shows Polly viewing her search results and getting blasted with a beam in the colors of the lesbian flag, which blows her hair backwards off her face. Her eyes are wide and also full of the lesbian flag. end ID]
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vivigoatstuffs · 2 months
Gift @iconicarunxz I really like you're oc so I made a fanart for you remember her
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First one polly petting leina (LEINA IS NOT A OC but just I made a new character from mfn 2024)/in second she was afraid to Polly's siblings don't be scare little girl ~
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smollangrycat · 1 year
I Wish I Had Wings
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When OJ was young she would dream  of flying, high in the clouds where no one could catch her but sooner or later, she always had to wake up.
Groaning OJ untwisted herself from her blankets her back craving from another night on the incredibly uncomfortable bunk.  Begrudgingly, she sat up and combed her hand through her unruly copper curls, she was convinced one day her hair would throttle her in her sleep. 
She yawned, her attention wandering over to the dry laughter that made itself known from the other end of the room, a sleepy smile made its way onto OJs face. 
Trudy - “Morning sleepy head.” 
Trudy chuckled, walking over and throwing herself backwards on the rock hard bunk landing on top of OJs legs.
OJ - “Oi get off.”
The curly hair woman laughed as she halfheartedly tried to shove her friend off her legs. Trudy ignored her, getting comfortable (somehow).
Trudy - “I head we’re getting a new shipment of Science Sorties, wonder what Augustine will think of em?”
OJ wondered, Grace was definitely a character. She knew that will Grace had a hard, no nonsense exterior she was warm on the inside. She had take OJ under her wing and OJ isn’t even technically apart of the “science sorties” she’s one of the active medics on Graces team, joining when she was fifteen.  She just happened to pick up on some Pandorian fauna and ran with it. Grace supported her the entire time, encouraging her to explore Pandoras intriguing creatures.
OJs mind wondered a little of track but she soon came back to reality when Trudy elbowed her in the stomach. OJ winced slightly, slapping her friends shoulder but then it hit her. Oh shit. Her eyes widened and she jumped up, scrambling to change into her grey tank top and camo army pants (which coincidently belonged to Trudy). 
Trudy, alarmed by her friend sudden change in demeanour sat up on the bunk.
Trudy - “What? What going on, are you okey?”
OJ took a few minutes to answer as she looked around for her crocs and lab coat. They were both extra … unique, a pair of lavender crocs with little plant stickers on them and her lab coat was a faint pink colour. She tied the ends of the lab at into a bow before craving her lap top.
OJ “I said I would help Max unload the new avatars.”
Oh looked at her military grade watch that she’s drawn a happy face onto with yellow highlighter. 
OJ - “15 minutes ago.”
Trudy stood up, shaking her head while she laughed.
Trudy - “You’ve really gotta be more organised J”
She sighs in defeat, trying her best to wrestle her hair into a short pony tail. Finally she was ready! She rushed off down the corridor after hugging Trudy goodbye, hoping that there was still time to help Max unload the avatars.
She met Max just outside the lab, the avatars had been brought to them (for a change) so after she helped Max check them over she headed to her desk, her desk was covered with papers and note books as well as little bits and bobs. OJ had left out some of her research so she could finish off her most recent report on the study of  Thanators aka “Palulukan” breeding patterns and mating rituals. She got busy with her work, sticking in her wire earphones and selecting a motivational playlist.
A little while later as more people started to filter into the lab OJ decided to take a break. Unplugging her earphones and putting them to the side she stretched and walked over towards Max. He was standing next to the avatars watching their electronic charts, OJ studied the avatars for a few moments until one of them caught her eye. A make, maybe early twenties with a mischievous look on his face - she picked up his electronic chart and read the name. She faintly recognised it but couldn’t quite put her finger on who it was.
OJ - “Tom Sully”
Max visibly paused, his face changed and OJ immediately noticed. She wanted to ask why the sudden change in demeanour but instead Max hastily passed her his pad. Reading the information her eyes widened.
Thomas Sully 
22, Male
Thomas Sully (deceased)
Avatar replacement 
Jake Sully
22, Male
Ex Marine.
OJ heart broke for this poor guy, he looses his brother and then gets shipped off to another planet. Handing the pad back to Max she stares sympathetically at the avatar. And other hour of so past, OJ buddies herself around the lab checking that her fist aid pack was fully packed and not missing anything. 
Another paramedic, Mara sat beside her checking over her own pack. She wasn’t apart of OJs group but they had grown close over the years.
Mara - “Your mom said anything to you?”
OJ froze, she hadn’t spoken to her mother in years - not since their big argument. Since then, if they ever crossed each other path Kate pretended that her daughter didn’t exist and would walk right by her without as much as a glance.
OJ - “No.”
It was short and OJ felt bad about her brashness but her mother was a topic she didn’t like discussing. Thankfully Maras attention was drawn to two men who had entered the lab. Maxes waved her over, OJ said goodbye to Mara and made her way over to her friend.
Max - “And this is OJ she’ll be the paramedic on your team.”
Max introduced to the two men. Oh recognised them, they where the riders to the avatars she had helped unload earlier. OJ waved, she shook one of the man’s hand who introduced himself as norm and then turned to the man in the wheelchair. He held his hand out for her and quirked his brow slightly.
Jake - “OJ?”
The woman laughed, rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand.
OJ - “Yeah, long story. Mostly involving Orange juice.”
The both laughed a small blush tinted OJ face. Shit, he’s really hot. Max noticed the slight rosy tint of OJ face, he smile. He had grown close to OJ over the years - she was only a teenager when she fist started working in the lab. He thought for a moment and then a mischievous smile crossed his face.
Max - “OJ why don’t you help Jake set up his video logs?”
The woman smiled completely oblivious to Maxes intentions, she was just happy to help.
OJ - “Yeah sure, follow me and I’ll get you set up.”
OJ waged him over to the station next to hers and started filling in the computer log in details. After that she got his log ready and started explaining how it works.
OJ - “You can say anything thoughts, feelings all sorts it’s mostly so you won’t lose your mind for the next six years.”
Jake nodded, in a honestly he wasn’t really paying attention. He couldn’t pull his focus from her eyes, big warm grey eyes that seemed so gentle and caring. His attention snapped back when he noticed OJ putting something on his desk, it was a little blue dinosaur with pink speckles. 
OJ - “There! Now it’s officially OJ approved.”
Jake smiled, OJ seemed odd but in the best kind of way. He picked up the little dinosaur inspecting it, it was carved from wood and it looked kinda rough up close but you could see the care and effort that went into it. OJ must have noticed him starting at the little wooden thing because she covered her eyes and sighed.
OJ - “Oh Eywa, I’m so sorry! Your gunna think I’m a compleat space case, I promise I’m not. I give one to every newbie in the lab so they have something to personalise they’re desk with.”
Jake looked at her with confusion, how could he not like this little dinosaur? It was hella cute and anyone would be lucky to revive something that thoughtful on their first day.
Jake - “No I like it, it’s gunna be my second in command”
OJ smiled.
OJ - “Honestly, it won’t offend me if you don’t like it I kinda jumped the ball with it.”
Jake put on a mock offended look.
Jake - “You better show some respect to my second in command.”
He laughed while he said it, making OJ smile more. She mock saluted the little dinosaur.
OJ - “My apologies lance corporal sir.”
Once they where finished laughing at OJ silly antics, Jake got lost in her eyes again but then he got curious - how did she know marine ranks? 
Before he could ask the moment was interrupted by Grace coming out of her link pod.
Grace - “Where’s my god damn cigarette? Guys, what is wrong with this picture?”
OJ watched as another scientist rushed to grab Graces lab coat, lighter and a cigarette.
OJ - “Morning sleeping beauty.”
Grace playfully rolled her eyes at OJ antics. 
All four of them moved closer to the link pods, Max and Norm introduced Jake to Graces reputation and when they finally meet grace by the link pods Max introduced Grace to both Norm and Jake.
Grace talked to Norm about his Na’vi and she was quite impressed but gave him a few pointers. Her expression changed when she looked at Jake.
Max introduced Jake and Grace stood annoyance resisting from her body language. 
Jake - “Ma’am”
Grace - “Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don’t need you. I need your brother”
OJ winced at the look on Jakes face.
OJ - “Grace.”
She tried but was ignored as the older woman continued.
Grace - “I know the PhD who trained for three years for this mission.”
Jake - “He’s dead. I know it’s a big inconvenience for everyone.”
Graces eyes widen slightly before she regains her original composure.
Grace - “How much lab training have you had?”
Jake - “I dissected a frog once.”
OJ totally caught of guard burst out laughing but after she sees the pointed look Grace give her she is quick to shut up.
Grace annoyed by the hole situation, declares that she is going to see Selfrig as she is sick of having the shit taken out of her.
Grace - “You see? There pissing in use without even the Curtiss of calling it rain.”
Max tried to stop her but it was to no avail and after giving a few words of wisdom to Jake he left. At some point Norm had also left, probably introducing himself to the other scientists.
OJ and Jake spent the rest of the day talking. Ok asked him about his time on earth and Jake asked her about her time on Pandora, by the time they were finished it was late and they both headed their separate ways. When OJ finally got back to her room a goofy smiled stayed in her face all night. 
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voidcats-0ne5ive · 2 years
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Some character sheets I’ve been making for my oc story.
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sugar-on-fries · 1 month
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This took three daysss but it was worth it :]
also the oc's :3
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very creative names I know wouldn't it be funny if sunny's twisted form was crawling on the ceiling with a stupid spotlight
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ecstasydemon · 1 year
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watch out
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apotheoseity · 6 months
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lovely goo girl friday
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ecstasysemen · 1 month
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give this dog ⬆️ attention
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bellhopping · 22 days
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happy snektember :3
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zu-is-here · 7 months
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Commission for @janeelyakiri ♪ Thank you so much for your support! (〃ω〃)♡
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mintsuwu · 5 months
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pencilbrony · 2 months
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Toony to lanky
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
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Bonus from the series Heaven in Your Eyes (Arthur Shelby x You):
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Also, I was completely drunk when I made this. So, sorry for the nonsense.
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smollangrycat · 1 year
I Wish I Had Wings
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OJ was slumped over her desk, hyper focused on her report - she promised it would be finished by Friday and it was no where near done. 
Groaning she threw her head back and spun on her chair but came to a jerking stop when someone grabbed the back of her chair. OJ momentarily caught off guard, yelped as she was almost flung from the chair. Wiping her head up as fast as she can to confront whoever thought it would be a good idea to almost give her a heart attack.
OJ - “Hey what the he….”
OJs mouth went dry as she met her mothers eyes, she swallowed thickly all words that were dancing in her tongue had suddenly disappeared as a nervous expression molded itself onto his face.
Kate stared at her daughter a slight look of annoyance on her face. Kate has a … difficult relationship with her daughter - It tends to happen when you leave your nine year old for six years and wake up to a fifteen year old who you know nothing about.
Kate - “Joe, I see you’re working hard.”
It was forced and awkward but she was trying and OJ was grateful for that. Kate didn’t try often but OJ enjoyed the moments where her mother took interest in her.
OJ smiled slightly.
OJ - “Yeah I promised to have this report done by the end of the week, it still has a lot of work to be done on it before I can say it’s finished but I’m getting there.”
Kate wished she could say she heard what her daughter said but that would be a lie. While OJ was explaining her work Kate stared intently at the faint, small scar that sat just about OJs eyebrow.
She had done that, years ago now but it felt like it was yesterday.
Kate finished filling out the paperwork that was handed to her, a contract stating that if something where to happen to her child in the six years that it would take to get to Pandora that the RDA not the company could be held responsible.
Kate signed it without a second thought, if this is what it would take to bring her daughter with her then she’d do it. She’d do anything.
Handing it back to the whoever the hell was dealing with the legal shit Kate watched as the man made a swift exit after sighting his own name.
After a few more moments Joe was brought into the room, wide eyed and curious. Kate smiled as she wrapped her daughter into a hug before pulling back an examining her. Joes hair was pulled into a tight military bun and she had a modified RDA jumpsuit and black shirt on underneath. Joe smiled at her mom holding her hand as they made their way out of that room and onto the ships holding bay. The ship that would take them to Pandora, the ship that would take them to their new lives.
Kate lined up with the other soldiers before being personally escorted to the front by one of the staff as she was to be in charge of weaponry and safety alongside Miles Quadritch - a good personal friend of hers. So she was taken to be debriefed on her new role and her responsibility’s that she would have once they reached Pandora.
However, before she left Kate pulled Joe into a hug. The older woman pulled away, looking her daughter in the eyes.
Kate - “I’ll see you soon.”
Joe nodded.
Joe - “Love you mom.”
Kate nodded before kissing Joes fore head and turning to follow the staff member from earlier.
The next time Kate saw her daughter was six years later.
The woman had settled into the makeshift cafeteria on the ship, tired and hungry from her six years in cryo.
Kate snacked on some dried artificial fruits and as she waited for one of the staff to bring her daughter to her. 
 So let’s just say she was more than a little surprised when a copper haired girl with her grey eyes introduced herself to Kate as her daughter.
Joe - “Hey mom, it’s been awhile.”
Joe moved closer to the older woman ready to embrace her, it had been six years since the girl had last been in her mothers arms and in all honesty she had missed it.
In a moment of panic, wondering where her little girl had gone only for a fifteen year old to be claiming to be said little girl. She lashed out, striking the girl face when she got too close - catching the teenagers skin on her wedding band. Kate watched as droplets of blood slid down the girls face and the girl recoiled, covering the injured area with her hand as she took a few shakey steps backwards.
Kate will never forget the look in the girls eyes - fear, confusion and what stung most of all … betrayal.
(End of flashback)
OJ waited expectantly but Kate had nothing to say, just gave a curt nod.
Kate - “You will be joining Grace and her team as the medic, you will show Sully how Pandora works. Am I clear.”
OJ sighs, she had been so naive to think that her mother was actually interested in her. The girl nodded and watched the older woman’s swift retreat out of the labs.
It took a moment for OJ to settle back down, her feathers successfully ruffled. She combed a hand through her curly hair and winced as it snagged on a particularly large curl.
Trudy watched as OJ threw hands with the punching bag. Concern laced her features as she watched her friend - OJ was shaky and frustrated.
It was all HER fault.
Trudy didn’t like Kate, didn’t like they way she spoke to OJ or the way OJ would flinch if Kate got to close. Her momentary mental bitch about the woman stoped as the sound of hushed shudders caught her attention.
Trudy frowned as she enveloped OJ who continued to break down. The room was empty apart from the two women so OJ allowed herself a few moments to fall apart before collecting herself.
Trudy continued to hold her close and once OJ had composed herself a big smile made its way back into the freckles girls face. Trudy watch in aw, she had seen OJ break down the pull the peace’s back together.
The two girls headed to the canteen where they are dinner together while sharing funny stories from the early years in Pandora.  
OJ might of missed it but Trudy could see from the corner of her eye the frequent glances that the newbie marine was giving her friend, a cheeky smile covered her own face.
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pollyannawog · 8 months
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Kieranpon doodles.... (Mostly based on my fic)
Original AU by @shima-draws
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muppet-facts · 8 months
Muppet Fact #969
Emily Perl Kingsley, a former writer for Sesame Street, created the character Polly Darton who is a parody of Dolly Parton.
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Sesame Street: A Celebration - 40 Years of Life on the Street. Louise Gikow. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. 2009. Page 277.
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