#Pome Blog Rule
twstedpometea · 1 year
Rules-Memo for this blog!
Considering the situation that happened with Crowstales, I’m going to be setting some ground rules. Including about messaging me. I will ask people to please read this post if you plan to interact with this blog! Blog Rules: 1. Please remember my posts (and their topics) are for just educating the fandom and not meant to be used as an excuse to harass someone!  
Yes, Ugi has traced stuff and done other stuff, but it is better to just protect ourselves from her. I can only suggest is that people don’t support her or Block her. By doing so we disable her range in the fandom space. We also need to alert people she’s traced from so they can handle stuff (as a lot of social media limits who can report about tracing.)
I do not want people Doxxing anyone within the Twst-Fandom! I do not support Doxxing. That is against the law!
You can also educate people if you want about the situation but please do not harass, message bomb or spread misinformation! There is a way to educate and make others aware of the tracing issue without annoying others.
You should also respect that people don’t want to deal with drama and that's fine. Everyone has their boundaries. This is why I also made tags so if people want they can blacklist stuff out. Block and move on if need be!
2. No Anon messages! Anon is disabled for this blog!
Again; I will not be supporting any Doxxing and as such if you want to share something your going to have to message or ask me normally.
Despite Anon being off though; I can promise if people do find any traced images and their sources I will keep all messages/asks private between myself and whoever sends the message if your so concerned about privacy.  
If people want me to answer their asks publicly, then please also let me know when you send a message to me.
3.This blog is only going to focus on tracing/plagiarism issues.
As an artist myself, this is where my main focus will be about all this.
All I would like to do is help source things to the original fan-artists/creators because they deserve credit for their artwork and because I don’t support blatant tracing/plagiarism.
Yes, there is a difference in tracing/copying/referencing. I will go over this in a later post to help educate people.
4.  4. Do not copy pasting and altering any of my posts
I do not appreciate anyone taking my posts and copy pasting them and altering anything from them to be used for whatever reason.
5. I will respond when I can!
I have a life outside this Twsty-dramaland. So just be patient. I might not reply quickly given apparently how many messages/people are currently pinging me so please bare with me.
6. Please be civil when interacting with this blog!
I am just a human myself and I have my boundaries as well. Keep that in mind! Thank you!
(Rules will be added if I see fit to edit stuff) -TwstedPomeTea
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polypomefiore · 6 months
hello im ghost, i made this blog for twst/pomefiore ramblings
❀ please do not follow or interact if you’re under 18, this blog will contain adult/dark content
❀ i tag ns/fw as lemon
❀ im proship! i wont engage in discourse, im too busy getting stoned or thinking about my favs kissing until my break is over
❀ im f2p and focused on collecting pome cards, but i love all the characters, im just weak for pretty ppl
❀ my main ship is polypome/rookvilpel, but i also really love trey/riddle. i am open to most ships/dynamics my only rule is epel isn’t allowed to top
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❀ idk what else to add. i like making ocs and fankids too
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Here comes the Mob Squad!
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*Artwork by @shimmeryspark!*
Happy April Fools’!
I know we just had Magic Mystery Letters in March, but I wanted to do another another blog event (this one’s short and sweet!) for early April before my final exams set in!
Who are the april fools? The main NRC boys, of course! They’ll take the backseat and become the background characters for this holiday—and the mob students will rise up to take their places and shine as the “main characters”. (For newcomers, Octa A, Scarab B, and Pome B are popular recurring side characters on this blog!)
Here’s how “Here comes the Mob Squad!” will work:
Requests for this event will be open for 48 hours as of this post going live to account for April Fools’ day in both JST and EST time zones.
Character interactions are open, but ONLY for the mob students. You need to start these off with dialogue, as if you are directly talking to the mob students. Ask them things like maybe how they feel about their dorm leader, or just chill out with them!
NPC POV - Give me a line that is said or a scene that happens in the main story or personal stories (please specify which chaper or personal story the line/scene comes from)! I’ll write a short scenario from the involved mob character’s point of view during that scene or line.
Keep in mind, the usual blog rules still apply. (This means no NSFW, no OCs, etc.)
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draceempressa · 3 years
TW chapters before, have always been social and psychological, but chapter 5 in particular is a huge middle finger to stereotype-and common beliefs/views of stereotypes. 
Many assumes Vil’s backstory involved him being poor, but Kalim already proves just because you’re rich doesn’t mean your life have no problem. And before the chapter starts, many people antagonize Vil for he is harsh towards Epel, and he’s the prettily elegant one, “the mean girl”, in haters’ words, when Leona and Idia, who are objectively bigger jerks, who are understandably more disliked in-universe, get passed in the fandom for they are relatable/more masculine/boyish. Yes, ugly people have their own problem. That doesn’t mean pretty people don’t have their problem, ranging from being harassed, prejudiced as superficial or being bitch, etc.
Media and culture, for years, have been painting masculinity as strength and femininity as weakness, lawful is bad and chaotic is good, the beautiful/elegant people is wrong and the cute ones are innocent/on the right side. 
Riddle already have it bad for he is lawful, but Vil has it worse for he is not only lawful, but also being feminine and pretty. Not to say we have to be unreasonably lawful like Riddle or super strict like Vil, what’s I’m trying to say is, the mindset of law and femininity is purely bad and chaos and masculinity is purely good is wrong-though,  generally “pure” mindset is wrong. 
Related to this, TW actually run on gray morality, not black and white. You’re too black and you get hated (like Leona and Idia) , but if you’re too white you get laughed (like Deuce, Jack, Kalim) And it’s fine. Everyone can be both wrong and right in different times , and that’s how it is in real life too. Nobody is pure evil nor they are pure good . Purity  (in concept and principle)is never good actually.
Many people are rooting for Epel for the points above, for he is both chaotic and want to be masculine, and antagonize the pretty, lawful and feminine Vil, but overtime fandom are proven to be wrong. Pome chapter is huge callout for  the stereotyping mindset, as well, the previous points. What Epel wants isn’t “for people to look past his looks”, it’s “to be as masculine as possible in both looks and personality” . He is not fighting prejudice, he is simply giving in to the idea of toxic masculinity. He doesn’t want people to think he’s a badass despite his look, he want to be beefy so ppl can tell he’s a badass in first glance.  His idea of masculinity is to talk shit to people , be beefy as possible, to pick fights and only fight with fists. He is projecting the idea of masculinity to Jack, like how he says he wants to be beefy as Jack. It’s like when girls using a model, or basically someone else, to be her base of ideal beauty, which is equally unhealthy. It’s not fine even if it’s boys who do it, as it’s still not accepting who you actually are. 
Speaking about Jack, he too is a victim of prejudice. In his robe story, Ace is surprised he’s from Pyroxene and not the Savannah., implying the prejudice beastmen only come from the savannah (and gladly Riddle immediately calls Ace out for it),  in his voice lines, he is offended by  Ruggie’s disbelief reaction when he says he never got red mark in exams, and he is also offended when MC is shocked he says he want to go to the library, implying the prejudice “beefy men must be brainless muscle”. Jack, is still proud of his beastmen heritage and is sporty and active, but he is also fighting prejudice of beefy men are dumbasses by studying as hard as he does his physical exercises. 
We are also fed by culture and media that the word “ugly” and “beautiful” is limited to just visual things, when Pomefiore, Rook and Vil makes it clear “beauty” is everything that can be your advantage/power or your every good trait (like being unyielding, having bond and understanding others, and having special code of conduct). Which it means, the opposite also applies-that the word “ugly”  Vil mentioned to himself before his overblot is more referring to his other traits. That he finally cheats, that he is weak and gives in to his stress-if he thinks strength is beautiful then he must thought weakness is ugly. 
Not to say looks doesn’t matter, because it is, as we humans are visual creatures, and if visuals don’t matter, we don’t only wouldn’t have fashion or beauty care products, or visual arts, but even visual informations like newspapers, books, or even socmed pages, and fashion can be a form of self expression. The problem is when people don’t use their brain and see past through someone’s looks. Looks is part of one’s identity, but it’s not all there is to them.
Riddle paints himself as the judge and executioner, not only establishing law of the Queen of Hearts but also punishes people who crossed her rules on the place with his UM and decapitating them from their magic. Vil, meanwhile, paints himself as a tutor. He’s strict, but he’s not lawful for the sake of law. He seeks to help people grow, to taught people things, but being strict teacher he is, he refuses to teach in first go, letting you try your own method first (Deuce’s lab coat story),or that  when he agrees to help, he will teach you how to do it instead of doing it and gives you the final result (Jamil’s dorm uniform) . He is explicitly nicer to people who are willing to learn (his own Halloween card) Alternatively, he can be pestered to help (Halloween, Malleus pretty much pestering him with the whole western dragon vs eastern dragon difference for one hour ), or,despite all his complaints, he will help anyway (Ghost Marriage, Vil mentions Idia often asks for his help) . He also congratulates ppl who did grow well, even if they did beat him. (fairy gala ending, Epel when finally admitting cuteness is advantage too, Deuce right after he beats him) ,  he is fine with people hating him as long they actually develop themselves-that he thinks his responsibility is to help ppl grow, not to make ppl simply adore him (his own dorm uniform)And he also breaks the pattern of great seven incarnate harassing MC and gets gradually more hostile about it. He can also appreciate other’s kindness (his own robe story), as well strong point (PE voice line, he openly admits Epel’s strong point in flying), and can even show some sympathy (not empathy ) (Ortho’s ceremony gear)
Leona insults others to feed his superiority inferiority complex and knows where it hurt (like calling Riddle Red Midget or bastard octopus to Azul-note, that was the insult Azul used on himself on his self deprecating moment after his overblot) , Vil insults other as the ones he deems unworthy yet to call with name, but potatoes, French for potatoes is “earth’s apple”, also back in the day ppl are scared to eat potatoes bc they are still related to nightshade/belladonna and said to be devil’s plant , only after they get past the prejudice they eat potatoes. So yeah if he call you by name , it means he already acknowledge you to certain degree, and if he still uses vegetables he’s still deems you unworthy-no romantic hc blogs it’s not what he will call his s/o
Fandom complained, “save Epel, he doesn’t fit in Pomefiore, and he’s stuck” but is he? He did , in fact, have a choice, mentioned in Jade’s dorm uniform by Vil “You know how to change dorms, right Epel?” It’s by his  own admission he stays in Pomefiore bc his pride to prove Vil wrong that “cute isn’t a strength on its own”  Besides, Pome isn’t just about being yourself (despite being art neurodivergent and defying gender norms), it’s also not about picking your fight-instead, it’s about picking the method.
Again, we are fed to the idea femininity is weak by other media and culture. In TW,yes,  Vil is obectively the most feminine of TW cast, but weak? Definitely not.He can beat the beefy guys physically (PE uniform voice line), easily, and magically, he is strong enough to be able to make barrier than can protect people from MALLEUS (Cater halloween) , and when he’s overblot, he is the only one so far you failed to beat until Deuce used the counterattack using his own magic. Kalim isn’t joking or is in the clouds when he says Vil is one of the strongest mage of the school.
Yes, Yana says fuck patterns and stereotypes, but it’s not like she pulls plot twists randomly out of her ass.She always put foreshadowings first. Vil being bullying victim already mentioned as early as his robe story,, that the overblot cause is always something that is already problem to them even BEFORE NRC-Epel was able to curb people before NRC and get away with being a jerk, it wasn’t until Vil beat him in opening day that he started to be stressed about the whole manner thing.  that he doesn’t like things that doesn’t last from his school uniform, and the previous mentions of Vil’s tutor traits above that he’s not as malicious , not just the mean girl fandom make him to be. Chapter titles always refer to the local great seven incarnate, not specifically the prefect. “Desert’s Tactician” is clearly Jamil, not Kalim.Being a strategist is certainly not Kalim’s trait. Chapter title not referring to him, he wasn’t stressed before NRC, and the blot dripping scene happes without him, why the surprise it’s not Epel who overblot ? the build up is all there.
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rainhorn6-blog · 5 years
how to prep fruit for pies
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I wanted to start doing more things with this space, including more videos, tutorials, basics and other fun stuff. I'll keep this intro short and sweet, but consider this my first official foray into basics! Get excited.
For #weeknightbakingbook, I developed a pie recipe that allows you to use any kind of fruit that you want for its filling. The ingredients list calls for the fruit to be "washed, cored, and sliced into 1- to 2-inch chunks". Later, as I was editing myself, it occurred to me that I was likely taking that knowledge for granted. Because just between you and me, it took me a long time (in addition to an incredibly helpful knife skills class at Williams-Sonoma's test kitchen in San Francisco) to figure out how to prep various fruits for pies.
Below is a short (but hopefully helpful) guide on how to prep most fruit for almost any kind of pie recipe. Careful recipes will provide specifics in how to prep the fruit in advance, but in the event you find a recipe with vague instructions like "2lbs apples, sliced", you can turn to this guide to help you out.
The Basics
Although you can probably get away with just using a chef's knife in your kitchen, I like to have a variety of knives on hand for different purposes. Serrated knives are good for slicing anything with a tough crust (think: rustic artisan bread) or anything mealy like tomatoes. Chef's knives are good all-purpose knives but can usually be unwieldy since they usually only come in 8-inches or 10-inches — I like to have a smaller 6- or 7-inch one on hand for smaller produce. Santoku knives function a lot like chef's knives, but are shaped differently and are easier to chop produce in rapid, short movements due to its shape. Paring knives are the smallest knife that can be used for produce and are good for micro tasks.
Pome Fruits: Apples, Pears, Quinces and more
Pome fruits are literally any kind of fruit that has a core in the center. Some recipes call on you to peel and skin the fruit before using in a pie recipe; I always skip this step because I'm lazy, it's time-consuming, and I find that leaving the skins on adds extra flavor, vitamins, and fiber to my already non-nutrient dense pie.
To prepare a pome fruit for pie, you'll first need to remove its core. I do this by slicing the apple into four parts around its core:
Note that the parts of the apple don't have to be even — we'll get to that in the next step. For now, all you need to worry about is getting that core out of there and discarding it.
Once the apple has been sliced into four parts, take a look at each part. If there are some that are larger than the other parts, slice it lengthwise or in thirds so that the larger parts are equal in size to the smaller parts of the apple. At this point, you should have pretty even sized wedges. Gather the wedges so that they fit like a puzzle, forming half an apple with its cut side on the chopping board. Use your knife to slice the wedges either in half or in thirds; depending on the size of your apple, the former should result in 1 1/2- to 2-inch chunks, while the latter results in 1- to 1 1/2-inch chunks. I like a variety of sizes for more texture in the pie.
Looking for some pome fruit recipes? Check out my recipe for Vegan Apple and Apricot Tart; Apple Crisp; Salted Caramel and Apple Crostata; Blueberry, Apple, and Caramel Pi Day Slab Pie; Pear Pie with Creme Fraiche Caramel; Bacon Apple Cheddar Pie; Maple Pear Pie with a Cream Cheese Crust; and Apple and Pear Mini Herringbone Pies.
Stone Fruit: Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, and More
Stone fruits are the kind of fruits that, when you slice them open, they have a small pit (also known as a "stone") in the center. Similar to pome fruits, you can choose to either peel them or leave them unpeeled when using in a pie. 
To use a stone fruit in baking, you'll first need to remove its stone. Note that most stone fruits are softer and easier to cut than pome fruits; as a result, I find it easier and safer to slice them in my hand as opposed to a chopping board for the first initial step. Hold the stone fruit in one hand and use your dominant hand to slice until your knife hits the stone center. Hold the knife steady as you rotate the fruit around the blade so that it cuts around the diameter of the fruit:
At this point, you can set the knife down and use your hands to pull the fruit apart. You should have two even halves. Pluck the stone from the center of the fruit and slice each half in half to create quarters.
At this point, you can slice each quarter widthwise in half or thirds; similar to pome fruit, slicing in half should create 1 1/2 to 2-inch chunks depending on the size of your stone fruit, and thirds will result in 1 to 1 1/2-inch chunks.
While the instructions above will work for most stone fruit, there is an exception to the rule —cherries. Slicing and pitting cherries this way is time consuming; I suggest investing in a cherry pitter, or finding a recipe like clafotuis that calls for the cherry pits to stay in tact (apparently the pits impart almond flavor in the final product). If you don't want to invest in a cherry pitter, it's best to use a smaller knife like a paring knife for the job.
For stone fruit recipes, be sure to check out the following in my archives: Rustic Blackberry and Peach Pie; Plum and Marzipan Crumble Galette; Rhubarb and Peach Summer Fruit Pie; Pineapple and Peach Pie with a Coconut Oil Crust; and Blueberry and Cherry American Flag Pie.
Strawberries are relatively easy to slice into halves and quarters, but I'm here to show you how to hull the berries with a paring knife. I used to just slice each individual berry of their tops by laying each one flat on a chopping board and lopping the top off; however, I noticed a technique on The Great British Bake Off where one of the contestants was using a paring knife to slice the top of each berry off in her hand. The method seemed much more efficient — the top of each berry went flying off immediately, landing in the bin underneath her.
To hull strawberries, hold a single berry in your non-dominant hand and a small paring knife in your dominant hand. Hold the knife steady at the top of the fruit and twist the berry around the steady blade to lop off the top:
Of course, it's best to do this over a trash can or compost bin, but it really doesn't look as cute in photos. 😉
Alright folks, that's all for now! If you have any other basic skills — baking-related or otherwise — that you'd like to see on this blog, please leave a comment below with your request or shoot me an email at [email protected].
A big thanks to Williams-Sonoma for providing the Wusthof Crafter knife set you see in these pictures! Shop the post here:
5-inch Serrated Utility Knife || 8-inch Chef's Knife || 6-inch Chef's Knife 
Santoku Knife || Paring Knife 
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Source: https://www.hummingbirdhigh.com/2018/08/how-to-prep-fruit-for-pies.html
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castlehead · 7 years
\, check this^^ outt -whenever u feel like, of course
the blog itself is a life's work in the making that i'll probably work on till i die
sureeee, you say, haha. but i mean it. i want the -art- i make to be public as u have probably noticed, and free. at least for now.
i have made a few things and that is alright
and these things need fixing bc a lot of them are not up to par and merely 'alright' pieces, as well
they need to abolish any and all parts of a middle flight. and soar well and good
will write you a proper letter with fresh content soon
we all want to be one of the greats but this cannot be your reason for wanting to do art
one day people will remember forever what i have lived and wrote. i think
and i will say from my invalid bulk of form beneath the earth
that i had done my duty well enough, to picture the world in my own way, for reasons tht were my own
and that if even in the deeps of an ocean stricken would not stand to remain mute ETC.
PS -below you will find the start of the poem in the link situated at the top of this email, a preface to explain my intentions, somewhat like dantes vita nova [but not as good], the creator of the art dissecting her own work. i used to practice my analytical skills, and bc i felt drawn to doing it, by writing explanations for a piece of writing below the piece itself, as a part of its whole composition. its a healthy exercise and not as self-eating as it seems to be, and a way to, if you trail off in your explanation to someplace completely unexpected, demonstrate the arbitrary nature of dissecting pomes. this comes thru with a certain parodistic force sometimes. but then, i have always made fun of my own style, using the style itself.
ellipsis    ellipsis   ellipsis
. . . . . . .
"the formatting of these older pieces i have returned to is a drastic departure from my usual fare in that besides line breaks here and there there is none. the words in bold represent some liminal being or something of the sort. i wanted to try and tease out a conversation from the writing itself because i always feel there is one in my works though it isnt always acknowledged. these are, predictably, unstructured pieces, as is my modus. but ive taken a hacksaw to them over the past month, removed most of the odd spelling errors. i was tentative about changing them at all at risk of losing the frankness of the automatic writing, which is what these pieces were. so i leave in some spelling errors, here and there, to adequately represent the original chaos of their composition: literally the only rule was to keep writing. i put all this in a more understandable context so you can understand my state of mind, as well: these words were written when i was at -pavilion- at mclean receiving electroconvulsive therapy. it was a dark time, so permit me some dark patches in the work itself, whether in obfuscating reason or in grimness of the content.
poetical praxis: i deliver my vision of god; perhaps, gods vision of itself or something else. either way it comes not from me. one thinks of this and conceives of a false messiah, which is quite as i mean it to be: i should just call a spade a spade and write using -our- actual dialogue. -a ‘god: / me:’ conversation would have a favorable flavor of satire; and would be outrageousness, moreover, if i was not so sure that at least at one point in my life, unhinged by drugs, i did see god in actual form peek through the mania."
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