#Poseidon x daughter
atlabeth · 7 months
series masterlist
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
summary: percy learns about the first girl luke castellan ever loved.
a/n: this is a lil sad. sorry about that. but i really like it and it came out of nowhere in like 2 days so i hope you enjoy despite the sadness. title from the mitski song
wc: 6.5k
warning(s): major character death; not shown but hangs over the whole fic. angst made angstier by fluffy flashbacks. mostly told through percy’s pov but includes luke, annabeth, and reader povs
also if you saw this before on another account DONT WORRY... that account was also me. im just doing some stuff behind the scenes right now as i figure stuff out lol i promise no plagiarism is going on
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Percy thought that his head might explode. 
He didn’t know how he was still walking, honestly. His mom died, he killed a— no, the— Minotaur, all the Greek myths were real and his dad was one of them, and now he had to deal with that freak accident with Clarisse and the toilets. 
At least he would be ready next time she tried to beat him up. Percy had been the new kid enough to know there would be a next time.
All he could do was stare at the Minotaur horn in his hands, the only sign that what happened outside the border was real. The horn in his hands and the hole in his heart. 
Percy swallowed the lump in his throat. He’d been thrown into the deep end, and the only thing on his mind was when he would start to drown. 
“Hey.” Percy looked up to see the counselor he’d met earlier with Annabeth—Luke. He tossed a ziploc bag at him and he caught it, taking a moment to look at what was in it. 
“I stole you some toiletries from the camp store,” he explained. “Thought it might make you feel more at home.” 
“…Thanks.” He didn’t know if Luke was joking, but the damage had already been done. And it was the nicest thing someone had done for him so far. He set it down next to his Minotaur shoebox. “Is this the best that it gets?” 
Luke’s lips quirked up in a slight smile. “For now. We’re a little crowded, if you couldn’t tell.” 
“Just a little bit.” Percy stood up from his sleeping bag and worked out the knot in his shoulder. “Where’s your bed? Assuming you have one.” 
“I couldn’t wrangle all these cats without some back support,” he said, and he pointed to a bed in the corner. It was the only one on its own without a bunk, and he had a fair amount of decorations. Counselor privileges, he figured. Percy walked over, Luke trailing behind him. 
“Nice place,” he said. Percy picked up the Yankee’s cap on his bedside table and nodded as he looked back at him. “Nice taste.” 
“It’s for Annabeth,” Luke said. “She wanted us to match.” 
Percy nodded again in approval. “Good taste for both of you.”
Luke had various other things around — an alarm clock knocked over next to the baseball cap, a huskie sticker on the wall half-scraped off, a poster for an album he didn’t recognize. 
But the thing that caught his eye was a polaroid hanging on the wall, surrounded by a smattering of others varying in size. 
The first one had to be an old picture—Luke didn’t have his scar, and the biggest smile stretched across his face. He had a girl close with an arm slung around her waist, and she might’ve been smiling even more than Luke. A bright energy emanated around her, something that must have transferred through the picture, because Percy found himself feeling a little better just looking at her. He wondered if she was a camper. 
His eyes flicked to the next picture, which was another one of Luke and that girl. They were both laughing as she tried to put a blue hat on Luke’s head, and he protested with a hand on her wrist. They were in the forefront of a baseball game, Percy noticed.
There were other pictures, too—Luke, a girl dressed all punk, and what looked like a young version of Annabeth, most notably—but a majority of them were either Luke and that girl, or the girl all on her own. In every single one, she beamed brighter than the sun. 
Percy pointed at the picture of Luke and the girl at the baseball game, his curiosity getting the better of him. “Who’s that?”
That seemed to catch Luke off-guard, his lips parting for a moment as if he wanted to say something. It barely took him any time to get back on track, but Percy found himself frowning. 
“That’s…” Luke cleared his throat, wet his lips, shook his head. “A friend. A very good friend.”
“Does she go here?” Percy asked. 
“She did.” 
He frowned. “Where is she, then?” 
“Percy—” Luke’s voice was strained, but he didn’t really notice as he went on. 
“I didn’t see her around,” he continued, “and you look pretty close.” 
Luke blinked a couple times, and Percy swore he could see the telltale glimmer of tears starting in his eyes. A muscle worked in his jaw, and suddenly Percy was worried that he’d said something horribly wrong. He had a talent for that, it seemed. 
Fortunately, he was saved by the bell—conch shell?—and something like relief flooded through Luke’s expression. Tension still coiled in his body. 
“Come on,” he said, that camp counselor smile coming back as he put his hand on Percy’s shoulder and guided him away from the enclave. “That means dinner’s about to start.”
Percy’s frown deepened as curiosity won out again. “Was she your—”
“You don’t wanna be late,” Luke continued, ignoring his attempt. “I assume you’re pretty hungry after two days spent out?”
Well, that only made him want to push harder. But Percy figured he wouldn’t get anything out of him—especially not now. 
“…Yeah,” Percy said. “Starving.”
An odd look flickered across his face, but again, it only lasted for a second before he was back to normal. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Eleven! Fall in!” 
Percy was at the back of the line by virtue of him being the new kid, and he found himself looking back at that picture of Luke and the girl. He didn’t know why, but something drew him to her. Before Percy could think about it more, the line was moving and his growling stomach drew his attention away. 
He would have plenty of time to ask Luke about it later. 
Or rather, ask him and piss off the only person who’d tried to be his friend so far. 
Maybe he was going to drown sooner than he thought. 
“Luke, please!” 
“Annabeth will kill me if she knows—” 
“She won’t know!” 
“Alright, alright— stay still, you two!” 
Your mother laughed from behind the camera as you and Luke fought with each other, you trying your damnedest to get your Red Sox cap on his head as he tried his damnedest to stop you. The frantic laughter on both sides made it a little difficult for either of you to succeed in your quest, but eventually, you got the rock up the hill and the hat on his head. 
“Take the picture, Mom!” you exclaimed, pulling Luke even closer by his arms so he couldn’t get it off. “I need the proof!” 
“I knew this was a bad idea,” Luke groaned, staring at the camera as you wrapped your arm around his side and leaned into him. He could already imagine your victorious smile, brighter than the sun beating down on them in the stadium, and just the thought of it made one of his own flit across his lips. 
“Oh, shut up, Castellan,” you said. “You chose to come to this game. Everyone’s gonna know you’re a Red Sox fan now.”
“You said you wouldn’t tell her!” Luke defended, wrenching his arms free of your control to take the hat off his head. “I don’t even care about baseball!” 
“You care so much about it,” you said cloyingly, “and you’re ride or die for the Boston Red Sox.” 
“If you say a single word—” 
“Okay, kids!” Your mother pointed at the seats next to her. “The game’s about to start—you can keep arguing, but only if you sit down so I can see.” 
“Sorry, Mom.” You grinned at her as you pulled Luke over to your seats—they were a step up from nosebleeds, but they were the ones closest to the balcony so you could at least peer over the railing down to the diamond.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” She glanced at Luke with a smile, and he could really see where you got it from. “We’ve gotta make him a fan somehow.” 
“I guess I can live with the brand.” Luke set the cap back on your head once you were seated, purposefully pulling the brim a little over your eyes, and he smiled at you. “Even though it looks better on you, anyways.” 
“You just don’t have what it takes to be a Red Sox fan in the heart of Yank territory,” you mused, pushing the hat back up so you could see. “It’s fine.” 
Luke rolled his eyes, but he could hardly bite back his smile. 
“I am glad you came, though,” you said, glancing back at him. “I’m glad you came with me in the first place. This is gonna be the best semester.”
“Thanks for having me,” Luke said. “It’s… it’s been a while since I’ve left camp.” 
“Fingers crossed for no monster attacks, eh?” You held up your hand. “At least, not during the game. I could live with it happening any other time.” 
“Don’t speak it into existence,” your mom said. “We’re going to have a monster-free school year.” 
To humor her, you made a claw over your heart and pushed out. She hummed in satisfaction, and you looked over at Luke. “It’s gonna be fine.” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Because two kids like us aren’t gonna draw any attention.” 
“Oh, I know we will,” you said. “But I know it’ll be fine.” 
Luke frowned. “How can you be so sure?” 
You shrugged with a smile. “I’ve got you.”
And in that moment, he was thankful for the freakish heat that honestly made no sense in the spring—at least it covered up any sign of what your words did to him. 
Luke thought you were joking when you asked him if he wanted to come back home with you for the school year. He didn’t know why you wanted to go back in the first place, being a Big Three kid that apparently had a death wish, but the thought of him leaving camp was almost inconceivable. 
Even after you assured him you weren’t joking, he still wasn’t sure. He was on the run with you for three years, then… 
Well, he couldn’t think about it for too long. But Luke had been on the outskirts of regular society for so long, doing nothing but fighting for his life, that he didn’t know if he could actually function at a normal school.
But it felt right for you two to get some normal time together after you were separated for so long. It took him a semester to decide, but one day during your usual Iris message conversations, he told you he’d love to spend the rest of the year in Boston with you. Luke still remembered the grin you wore, your disbelieving but victorious cheers, the apology you yelled back at your mother for your noise. 
Luke watched you as you talked with your mom, discussing Boston’s chances and player statistics and baseball jargon he didn’t think he’d ever understand, and he knew he would sit through a thousand Red Sox games if it meant he would get to keep seeing your smile.
You must have felt his eyes on you, because you glanced over at him. “Are you okay?” 
Luke smiled. Gods, he was so glad you were here. 
“Never better.” 
“That one nearly got me,” Luke said. 
Percy huffed as he picked up his sword from the ground—he was pretty sure he would officially lose his mind if Luke disarmed him with that stupid move one more time. One benefit to the Hermes cabin being too scared to associate with him after getting claimed was that he wasn’t making a fool out of himself in front of other people. 
“Maybe I can only beat you when I pour water on myself,” he said. 
Luke chuckled as he took a bottle from the cooler on the side and held it up. “Wanna try?” 
He shook his head. “I think my arms will fall off if I keep going with you.” 
He tipped his shoulder. “Fair.” 
Percy stared at the ground as Luke gathered himself, trying to put the free range thoughts roaming around his head in order. It didn’t help that he’d gained a million questions after Poseidon claimed him, and it didn’t help that there’s been a newest addition to his dream last night. 
He still felt strange asking Luke about it, but he had to know more about her. Percy didn’t know why it felt like his mission to find out who this mysterious girl was, or why he felt that strange connection to her. Maybe it was the way Luke acted whenever he brought her up, maybe it was that she’d popped up in his dream next to him at the very end, maybe it was just plain old curiosity. 
“I’m not supposed to be alive,” Percy said, breaking the silence. “I could die at any time in a bunch of different horrible ways. So will you tell me more about that girl on your wall?”  
Again, Luke seemed to be caught off guard by it. Percy heard the crunch of plastic as his hand clenched ever so slightly around the bottle, and he tried to cover it up with an arched eyebrow. “Why do you want to know so badly?” 
He shrugged. What was he supposed to say? 
“I’m curious,” he decided. 
Luke huffed a dry laugh before he took a sip of water, and he stared off into the distance for a while. He did a lot of staring whenever this girl was brought up. They looked like they were best friends in those pictures, but maybe whatever they had ended badly. And if she was a demigod too…
Well, it would make sense why he didn’t want to talk about her. 
“You know that phrase about curiosity?” Luke asked. 
“And how it killed the cat?” 
He nodded, drinking some more. “It goes double for demigods.” 
“Everything else wants to kill me,” Percy said. “So curiosity’s gonna have to get in line.” 
Luke’s laugh was a little more genuine this time, and he shook his head. “I guess I can tell you a little about her. You actually probably have a right to know.” 
“Is she a half-blood?” Percy asked immediately. 
He nodded. “Yeah.” 
“Who’s her parent?” 
Luke capped his water bottle and looked at Percy for a good, long moment. His face glowed in the warm afternoon sun, his scar cast in a softer light than usual. The scar used to unnerve him, but he’d gotten used to it after weeks staring at it during sword fighting. 
“She was a child of Poseidon, Percy,” he said. “Just like you.” 
Percy felt short of breath, like Luke had just knocked his sword out of his hand and shoved him to the ground. But he stood on his own two legs that somehow still worked, and Luke hadn’t moved. 
He had a sister? 
“I have a sister?” 
“…Had,” Luke corrected. “She… she died a few years back.” 
A vice latched onto Percy’s heart. He was still having a hard time breathing. No wonder Luke always used past tense when he was talking about her. 
He had a sister, he wasn’t alone, but he was because she was dead. And if Luke was one of her friends, that meant she died young. 
“What about their oath?” Percy asked, trying to ignore the aching in his chest. “I’m already on thin ice for my whole existing thing. How did Poseidon get away with two kids so close to each other?” 
Luke shrugged. “I’ve never known why gods do things. Her mother was a great woman, though—I could see what drew Poseidon to her against the oath.” 
One half of Percy wanted to ask every question that kept popping into his head. The other side of him wanted to break down and cry. 
“How did you meet her?” 
“We ran into each other when we were both young,” he said. “Both child runaways, both demigods, both New Englanders—we decided to rough it out on the road together. Couldn’t be any worse than doing it on our own.”
Percy tried to imagine it. A young Luke and a younger version of that girl—maybe Percy’s age—living together in the wilderness and fighting monsters. Surviving off of nothing but their wit and skill, facing death each day before they’d even reached middle school. 
“It… it didn’t happen then, did it?” he asked hesitantly. 
Luke shook his head. “Couple years later. All we did was watch each other’s backs out there.” 
Percy couldn’t help himself. “What happened to her?”  
“The same thing that happens to everyone,” Luke said flatly. “There’s a reason I’m the oldest one here.” 
“That doesn’t make it better,” Percy insisted. “It— it makes it worse, Luke. You see that, right?”  
Luke stared at his empty water bottle then tossed it back into the cooler. When his gaze met Percy’s, he was shocked by how… tired he looked. Beyond exhausted—bone-weary. Percy wanted to say more, but he didn’t get the chance. 
“This isn’t good conversation,” Luke said, “and it’s getting late. You should hit the showers before dinner.” 
The sun still beat down on them, bright and angry in the sky, but Percy provided no argument. He had a lot to think about. 
Before they went their separate ways, Percy stopped and looked back at him. “I’m sorry she’s gone, Luke.” 
Luke’s gaze went unfocused for a moment, his eyes growing glossy. “So am I.” 
Percy sat on the floor of the Hermes cabin in the corner that used to be his, staring at his meager belongings. He had to decide what to take on his quest, which was made easier by the fact that he hardly had anything to his name. Things could always be worse, though. At least he would have a change of clothes. 
He should’ve been doing this in his own cabin, but it felt too empty, too suffocating in its silence. Eleven was still more familiar. He heard the door open and saw Luke walk in, and his eyes lit up when he saw Percy. 
“Hey,” he said. “I wanted to see you before you left. How’re you feeling pre-quest?” 
“Like the world’s about to end,” he said. 
Luke’s lips twitched into a smile as he sat on the bed across from Percy. “Understandable. It kinda is.” 
“It’s just overwhelming.” Percy shoved the unfolded clothes into his backpack. “I have to clear mine and my dad’s names and get Zeus’s bolt back, or else war will start. No pressure at all.” 
“You were chosen for a reason,” Luke said. “You may not see it, Percy, but you’ve improved a lot since you got here. If anyone can do this, I think it’s you.” 
Percy looked up at him, and he was reminded of the way their last conversation went. He was asking before he could really stop himself. 
“I could die on this quest and never see you again,” Percy said. “So could you tell me more about my sister before I go?”  
Luke smiled wistfully and sighed. “You really won’t let this go, will you?” 
“It’s not really something you just let go,” he said. “Besides, I… I saw her in my dream last night.” 
Luke’s smile faded. “You did?”  
Percy nodded. “For a split second, but I know it was her. I felt the same way I did whenever I looked at her pictures. And… it’s the second time she’s shown up.” 
He let out a long sigh and shook his head, his gaze trailing off to the wall. He always looked so much older when he talked about this girl, like he was a war veteran reminiscing on his lost love. And from what he’d gathered, it might not have been too far off. 
“I told you we ran together when we were young,” he said, and Percy nodded. “We were both nine, and it should’ve been terrible, but she had a way of making everything better. Always found the bright side of things, was always able to make me laugh.” 
“She was from Massachusetts—right in the middle of Boston.” Luke chuckled as he looked at Percy. “Huge Red Sox fan.” 
Percy grimaced. “We all make mistakes.” 
Luke smiled, though it faded a bit. “We got separated for a while, but we found each other again when I got to camp. Things were more peaceful than they are now, so she’d been claimed at camp pretty quickly. I figure Poseidon wanted her to have the protection of him openly standing behind her after what happened.” 
He frowned. “What do you mean, ‘what happened’?” 
Luke shook his head. “That would be an awful story to send you off on.” 
Percy wanted to protest, but he didn’t. Luke was probably right—Percy didn’t want to make him relive it and then have to go on a death quest right after.
“A happier part, then,” he suggested.
“She ran away from home as a kid to protect her mom, but now that she had an idea of what she was doing, she started going back to school. She invited me to stay with her during the school year one year, and I accepted. That—” Luke’s throat bobbed, and the other hand clenched into a fist— “that was when she died.” 
In his stunned silence, Luke got up and went over to his alcove. He pulled the drawer open on his bedside table and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. It must’ve been folded and crumpled a million other times in messier ways by all the creases he could see, but when Luke opened it, he could see handwriting all over the front. 
A letter. 
“We Iris messaged each other constantly while she was at school,” he said, “and we wrote back and forth when we couldn’t. This was the last letter she sent me.” 
Percy’s first instinct was to say he wouldn’t be able to read it, but he realized that he didn’t really care. These were words that his sister wrote—he would sit here the rest of the day forcing sentences to make sense if that was what it took. 
So he took the letter when Luke offered it. 
To the one and only Luke Castellan, 
My mom said yes! After a very long interrogation (she now knows basically everything about you) and a million promises that you would be as careful as possible and that you were good enough at sword fighting to take down anything that could come after us, she said you can spend the year here. We spent a couple hours every day making my mom’s study into a guest room, so you have a place to stay.
I’m an idiot that didn’t bring enough drachmas so that’s why I have to send this letter—hopefully it gets to you soon enough, because we’re gonna come get you a week before my winter break is over. Mom is letting me drive down because she says I have to get my permit soon. It makes sense that my first big test is getting to you. If we don’t make it, it’s because we died in a fiery crash. 
Just kidding. I’m a great driver. But tell me some of your favorite songs when you reply and I’ll burn a CD for the ride—I figured out how to use LimeWire. Oh, and throw in a couple drachmas with the envelope so I can Iris message you next time. I miss your face and your voice, and my hand is cramping up writing all of this. 
But this is so exciting! I can’t wait to introduce you to all my friends at school, and show you my favorite places in the city, and make you into a Red Sox fan. And you can come to my soccer games— I’m the greatest forward there is. 
Jokes aside, I’m going to make sure you have the best time. We’ll spend every second together, Luke. We’re gonna make up for the time we lost. 
I can’t wait to see you again.
Your hurricane.  
It took Percy a long time to get through it with the words swimming all over, and it didn’t help that his vision had grown blurry. 
Tears, he realized as he blinked, and he did it again to make sure they wouldn’t fall. He couldn’t cry in front of Luke, not over a girl he didn’t even know—even if she was his sister. But maybe he was grieving that—the fact that he would never get to know her. 
“God, man. I— I’m sorry.” Percy couldn’t think of anything else to say. “She sounds like she was great.” 
Luke couldn’t even manage a smile this time as he stared at the wall. Percy was surprised he could even talk to him about it. 
“She was,” he murmured. “You would’ve liked her. And gods,” this time, a bit of a smile broke through despite it all, “she would have loved a little brother.” 
“I’m gonna make her proud on this quest,” Percy vowed. “I’m gonna clear our dad’s name for her.”
Something in Luke’s gaze had changed—sadness, almost regret. “You’re a good kid, Percy. I hope your quest doesn’t change that.” 
I hope I come back alive, he wanted to say. But given the topic matter, he didn’t. Percy carefully folded the letter back up and handed it to Luke. 
“Thank you for telling me about her, man,” Percy said. “I… I know it can’t be easy.”
Luke let out a shuddering breath as he stared at the closed letter—Percy wondered how many times he must have sat in this same position, reading her words. “No better way to honor her memory than helping her brother.” He glanced at Percy. “I see a lot of her in you.” 
He’d been wondering if he had anything in common with her. Percy felt a sudden flare of anger shoot through him—it wasn’t fair that she was dead. Poseidon was a god, and she was a teenager. He should have saved her. 
Percy’s mouth was drier than a desert. A part of him wanted to curl up in a ball and sob over the sister he never got the chance to know, but the other part of him knew—from what little Luke had told him about her—that she wouldn’t want him to. 
“I should get going,” Percy said, standing up from the floor. “We have to leave for the quest soon, and Annabeth and Grover are probably wondering where I am, and…” 
Percy trailed off, and Luke nodded in understanding. He turned around and took one of the photos off the wall—one of you alone in the middle of a park, wearing a bucket hat and absolutely beaming. 
“You deserve to have a part of her with you,” he said. “For good luck.” 
He felt himself choking up, and he pushed it down as he accepted the photo. “Thanks, man. It means a lot.”
“Good luck, Percy,” Luke said. “You’ve got a lot of people rooting for you.”
Percy found himself studying the picture of you once he made it outside, trying to memorize your face. With your wide, infectious smile that emanated pure sunlight, he could have mistaken you for an Apollo kid. But when he looked at you, he got that same warmth that he felt every time he imagined his father. 
“I won’t let you down,” he murmured. “I promise.” 
After sleeping in his train seat for half the day, Percy vowed to never complain about his bed in Cabin Three again. He was gonna be going down to the Underworld with permanent cricks in his neck. 
Grover was still sound asleep—Percy envied him for how easily it came to him in the worst conditions—but thankfully, Annabeth wasn’t. Her gaze was focused on the view as their train chugged along. 
Percy cleared his throat in a flawless attempt at getting her attention, and it worked. 
“You’re awake,” she said. 
“Unfortunately.” Percy sighed. “How much longer do you think it’ll be?” 
“Another day, at least,” she said. “And we’ve got a layover in St. Louis.” 
“St. Louis,” he hummed. “Nice.” 
They sat in silence for a while—there wasn’t much to talk about when they were coming off of two— or was it three, now?—near-death experiences. But eventually, Annabeth cleared her throat, taking a page from his book, and it worked again. 
“There— there’s probably something you should know,” Annabeth said, and that worked even better than clearing her throat. “You’re not the only Big Three kid to come through Camp Half-blood lately.” 
“I know,” he said. “Grover and Luke explained it.” 
Her eyes widened slightly and she leaned forward in her seat. “Luke did?” 
“…Yeah. You all already told me about Thalia.” Percy glanced away, suddenly feeling a chill in the train car. “Luke told me about my sister.” 
Annabeth went silent. 
“It’s okay,” he said. “I kind of annoyed Luke until he told me. Doesn’t really seem like a subject people at camp like to talk about.” 
“I’m just surprised he did,” she murmured. “They were… they were close, Percy. Her death destroyed him—Thalia and your sister. All of it’s complicated.”  
“Yeah,” he sighed, “I got some of that.” 
“I only knew her for a year at camp, but everyone loved her,” she said. “She was nice. Popular. Always helped when she could, always had the biggest, most infectious smile on her face.” Annabeth looked down at her hands. “She didn’t deserve the fate she got.” 
Percy didn’t think he’d ever grieved so much for someone he never knew. “But her and Luke—were they…?” 
“Yeah,” Annabeth said, “they were a thing, later on.” 
That seemed to be all she wanted to say on the matter. Percy decided not to push. 
“How did you meet her?” he asked. 
Annabeth’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I met her on the day I thought I would die.”
For the first time in her life, Annabeth Chase couldn’t think. 
It had all happened so fast. One second she was running with Luke and Thalia and Grover, praying to her mother and any other gods that would listen to make the horde of monsters let up even a centimeter.
The next, she’d collapsed on the ground, never so grateful to have grass and dirt and dust in her face. But she could hear Luke yelling, barely able to make it out in her delirious state—she didn’t know when she’d last had a sip of water, and they’d been running for at least three miles—but he sounded hysterical. 
She remembered her last clear thought: they weren’t going to make it. 
But they had. They had, so why was Luke losing his mind? 
Annabeth pulled herself up from the ground—how long had she been bleeding out of those slashes on her arm?—and looked for the rest of her friends. Luke wasn’t yelling anymore, instead arguing with someone she didn’t recognize in a bright orange shirt. Grover’s furry legs trembled as he stared down the hill they’d just gotten up, completely silent, and Thalia— 
Where was Thalia? 
Annabeth tried to get up but her legs gave out almost immediately, and steady arms caught her before she could fall to the ground again. Kind eyes served to ease some of her panic—she was older than Annabeth, maybe around Luke or Thalia’s age. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” the voice said, and Annabeth’s attention was drawn back to you. “I’ve got you.” 
“Where’s Thalia?” she blurted out, because now she couldn’t think of anything else. 
Your brows creased and you glanced back down the hill—Annabeth did too, and she saw Grover and Luke arguing with each other. Or rather, Luke was yelling at him as Grover anxiously hooked his hands through his hair. 
“I don’t know,” you said, “but right now, I need to make sure you’re okay. Are you hurt?” 
Annabeth absentmindedly held up her arm, but she was only focused on her friends. Why wasn’t Thalia with them? Why was Luke so upset?
You cursed under your breath in Ancient Greek as you cradled her arm, and you looked back down the hill. Annabeth could see at least half a dozen other kids. 
“We’ve got two half-bloods and a satyr, one injured!” you yelled back. “Get Molly and Brayden!” 
“Three,” Annabeth found herself saying. “There’s three half-bloods—” 
Her head shot up at the sound of Luke calling her name as he bounded over, and her eyes widened at the blood steadily spidering across the fabric of his shirt. 
“Luke, you’re hurt—” 
“I’m fine,” he insisted. “It’s fine.” 
“We have Apollo kids coming,” you said, looking up at him, still cradling Annabeth’s arm. “We’ll get y—” 
Your sentence stuck in your throat, and Annabeth could see tears welling in your eyes as your brows furrowed. She thought Luke’s eyes might burst out of his skull as he stared at you, his lips parted but nothing coming out. Neither of you were able to form words. 
When he finally did get something out, it was a single name. One Annabeth knew by heart, one that he’d mourned for years. 
“Luke?” you whispered. 
Before he had the chance to do anything, two teenagers got over the hill and called out your name, the same one Luke used. He always said you were dead, but you clearly weren’t dead, because you were here and you had her arm in your grasp and while your hands were cold, they weren’t cold enough to be dead— 
“Molly’s gonna take care of you,” you said, looking back at Annabeth and cutting off her inner dialogue. “She’ll get you to the infirmary and heal you up, okay?” 
“My friends—” 
“They’re gonna be okay too,” you said. “I promise.” 
Annabeth looked up at Luke, and he nodded. “We’ll be with you soon, Annabeth. We�� we have to talk about some things.” 
So she went with Molly down the hill, and Annabeth put pressure on her bleeding wound when she told her to—it had started to sting like hell now that her adrenaline was fading. 
She looked back just in time to see you and Luke share the tightest hug ever. 
The hug of two people who realized they weren’t seeing ghosts, Annabeth thought. 
You bolted up in bed, eyes wide and your chest heaving as you rapidly sucked in air. Your fingers found purchase in your bedsheets, desperate for something familiar—it took a second for you to recognize your surroundings, that you weren’t in an endless void, but your childhood bedroom offered little comfort.  
You ran a hand over your forehead, damp with sweat, as you tried to calm down. Your breathing slowed, but you couldn’t shake that awful feeling that hung over you in your sleep. 
Your nightmares were getting worse, you knew that much. That raspy, demented voice used to be a rarity, and now it appeared every night. You could usually deal with your nightmares, but the sense of absolute dread that voice and the pit fostered in you was too much. You hadn’t managed to sleep through the night once since you came home for the school year.
You could deal with the monsters—to you, this was the worst part of your godly blood.
A knock rattled on the door out of nowhere, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. The only thing that calmed you down was the thought that monsters didn’t knock. 
“Come in,” you croaked, your throat drier than a desert. 
Thankfully, a monster hadn’t come to make your night even more miserable. Luke stood in the doorway, his eyebrows creased in concern, messy curls hanging just above his eyes. He wore the Red Sox t-shirt you’d bought for him at the game you dragged him to, and in your addled state, you didn’t even think to tease him about it. 
“Are you okay?” He should’ve been as disoriented as you, but his alerted eyes told a different story. 
You could only think of one thing. “How did you know?” 
Luke’s lips parted for a moment, as if he hadn’t even considered it. “I could just feel it.”
You managed a smile despite every atom in your body screaming at you. “I think that means you can come in.” 
He closed the door behind him, and you shifted over in your bed to make room for him. There wasn’t much in a twin, but you made it work. Luke’s weight pressed into the mattress, making you adjust your position, and it was more comforting than any amount of blankets. 
“You’re so cold,” he murmured, laying the back of his hand against your arm. “How do you live like that?” 
“Blame my dad,” you said. “I’ve got water in my blood.” 
“I think that’s probably a bad thing,” Luke said, and you knocked your shoulder into his with a huff. 
“You know what I mean.” 
Luke let his hand fall back in his lap, and as you brought your knees up to your chest, you pulled the covers with them. 
“So,” Luke said, glancing at you, “what’s got you awake at the witching hour?” 
“The usual,” you mumbled. 
“Nightmares that might be prophetic?” he asked. 
You made a lazy gesture with your hand. “Bingo.” 
“The worst sense of dread imaginable?” 
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
You shrugged. “It’s nothing I can’t deal with.” 
“You don’t always have to put on a front, y’know,” Luke said. You felt his eyes on you. “You don’t always have to be strong.” 
“I’m naturally strong,” you said with mock austerity. “Comes with the god for a dad.” 
Luke chuckled and shook his head. “You know what I mean.” 
“Yeah,” you murmured. 
You leaned into his side, fitting your head into the crook of his neck. Luke wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer, and you let out a contented sigh. 
That voice in your nightmares seemed so small when you had Luke. 
“Can you stay?” you asked softly. 
He didn’t hesitate. “Of course.” 
“Just like old times,” you whispered. 
“Just like old times,” he agreed. 
Luke ran hot, and you’d never been more thankful for it as you fully settled into his side. Icy blood ran through your veins, and you let out a shaky sigh. You could hear his steady breathing, feel his heartbeat through his chest, and the anxiety from earlier began to steadily fade. You never felt safer than when you were with Luke. 
There was something between you—you weren’t that stupid—but you hadn’t talked about it. With you and Luke, it was just… you and Luke. You didn’t have to put a label to it. 
How could you put a label to your relationship, when you’d spent your first few years together fighting for each day, and then the next few thinking the other was dead? 
Maybe someday, you would talk about it. But for now, this was more than enough. 
“Don’t worry,” Luke murmured in your ear as your eyes began to droop. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” 
And by the gods, you believed him. 
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
Omg I love Persassy LOL. I was thinking maybe you could do an imagine where Percy knows about Luke and Reader but doesn’t like it and sasses them all the time but so basically Luke and Reader are kind of having a “date night” but in Luke’s cabin and they’re just like laying in his bed and stuff but the morning after, Percy is wondering the Reader is because the Reader is his half sister and like he goes the Luke’s cabin to ask him where Reader is and he finds them asleep in the same bed and he gets mad and sassy and starts lecturing Reader and Luke while they’re all confused because they just woke up🤣🤣
omg yes i can totally do this
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (do i even have to say it?), fluff, general show plot ignorance
Percy was staring at you with an unpleasant look on his face as you stole glances at Luke from the Poseidon table.
“Can you not do that in front of my dinner?”
Luke met your eyes from across the room. He grinned at you and you smiled dreamily back at him. “Do what?”
“Ogle him,” Percy said as though it was obvious.
You snapped your gaze to Percy’s. “I’m not ogling him.”
“You so are. Please refrain,” he persisted.
“How about you refrain from having an attitude?” you countered.
“This attitude is your fault,” he sassed, flicking a pea at you.
You caught it before as it rolled off the table and flung it back at his face. He flinched as it hit him and it fell on the floor. “You’re impossible.”
Percy shrugged. “You love me.”
You didn’t say anything. You would be lying if you denied it. Percy seemed to understand anyway, as he held back from sharing any thoughts about Luke for the rest of the meal.
If there was one thing you knew about your half-brother, it was that he was a little menace. He was always telling off your boyfriend for random things. These things mostly consisted of Luke’s actions in hypothetical situations Percy had made up.
He was also always telling you that you were too good for Luke. You were sure he would say that about any guy you dated though, because Luke was probably the best guy around.
He was always nice to Percy, and he easily combatted his sass, which you honestly thought Percy secretly enjoyed.
Deep down, you knew Percy actually liked Luke and looked up to him a lot, not that he would ever admit it.
After campfire that night, Luke was at your cabin, swinging the door open and calling your name.
“What do you want?” Percy responded rudely.
“Take a guess,” Luke said, unbothered.
“Percy, watch your attitude,” you said, walking toward the door and giving Luke a quick kiss.
“Bleh. Stop being nasty in here,” Percy objected.
“Lucky for you, we’re leaving.”
“Where are you going?”
You didn’t answer him and let the door swing shut behind you as you left the cabin.
“Y/n?” he called from inside.
Luke held your hand as you walked together to his cabin. Some of his siblings were asleep when you entered, and some of them let out a few teasing comments, but all of them were used to you sleeping there every once in a while.
“Lights out,” Luke said, flipping the light switch. A few campers groaned in protest before collapsing onto their beds.
You climbed into Luke’s bunk after him and he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you into his chest. You relaxed into his touch, falling asleep quickly.
The next morning you were not awoken by the sun, but by your brother. “Well, well, well,” he said, standing over the bunk with his arms folded.
“Perce?” you said, sleep evident in your voice. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t in the cabin when I woke up, so I used my critical thinking skills, and here we are,” he explained.
Luke stirred next to you, taking his hand off of your hip to rub his eyes. “Baby? Has the conch blown yet?”
“Yeah, thirty minutes ago. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How irresponsible,” Percy scoffed.
“Next time, we’ll sleep in our cabin, so you can wake us up at the right time,” you suggested.
Percy scrunched up his face in disgust. “Absolutely not. I don’t need to hear whatever weird stuff you freaks get up to. I need my beauty sleep, but you probably wouldn’t understand that, Luke.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Luke asked, offended.
“Hurry up and get dressed. I hate sitting alone,” Percy demanded and left you and Luke alone in the cabin again.
You turned back into his warmth, refusing to get out of bed. Luke got the message, pulling the blanket up over you. Percy could survive one day without you at the table.
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positivelyholland · 9 months
"That explains a lot"
pairing: luke castellan x reader, percy jackson x half sister!reader
genre: fluff
summary: a short little blurb where percy finds his older sister in comprising situation with his friend/mentor
warnings: kissing, persassy
A warm summer evening at Camp Half-Blood finds you and Luke Castellan stealing a quiet moment by the lake, in your hidden spot that the two of you have reserved for moments like this one, where your lips are attached. 
Hidden by the shadows of the trees, you and Luke share an intimate embrace, lost in the magic of the moment. Unbeknownst to both of you, Percy Jackson, your younger half-brother, approaches the lakeside, unaware of your relationship.
As the moonlight dances on the water, Luke leans in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. The world fades away, and for a brief moment, it's just the two of you. However, your stolen moment is abruptly interrupted when Percy, with a playful grin, stumbles upon the scene.
His eyes widened in surprise,  the unexpected sight before him. Luke, realizing is slightly taken aback, releases you from the kiss, and the air becomes thick with a mixture of awkwardness and surprise. As you and Luke catch your breaths after being so unaware of the time, Percy blinks in disbelief. He stands there processing the scene before him as a thousand thoughts race through his mind.
After an awkward pause, you and Luke exchange sheepish glances, realizing the need for an explanation. Percy may technically only be your half brother, but as forbidden children with only each other’s presence in cabin 3, the two of you share an incredibly close bond. Due to this fact, Luke was preparing himself to deal with the anger of his girlfriend’s younger brother. 
Percy, breaking the silence, manages a grin, "Well, I guess that explains a few things." Despite the initial shock, Percy's acceptance surprises you, and he adds, "Just try not to make out in every secret spot at camp, okay?"
Laughter erupts, breaking the tension, and the three of you share a moment of camaraderie. Percy, though caught off guard, proves to be more understanding than expected.
That night as you and Percy were walking back to the Poseidon cabin, your younger brother decides to tease you about your newly-revealed relationship with the son of Hermes.
"Other than the fact that the sight of my sister locking lips with my mentor is permanently engraved in my brain, I'm happy for you y/n/n" he sincerely says with a teasing chuckle.
"What can I say, he's a really good kisser-" you say ruffling his curly blonde hair.
"STOP I don't want to hear any more of those details!!" Percy frantically interrupts.
 As you and Luke navigate the complexities of your relationship, Percy, the mischievous half-brother, becomes an unexpected source of support.
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aphroditeinthesea · 5 months
“ but (brother) i love him ”
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jason grace x daughter of poseidon ⚡️
a/n i saw someone wrote a fic with a super similar premise, i swear im not copying them, i just had bad timing of posting this
⚠️ swearing & references to sex and pregnancy
⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝 ⋆。˚
When Percy’s younger sister had joined the Seven on the Argo II, he hadn't expected to line up any boundaries. After all, why would any of the guys go after his baby sister. Even if she was only a year younger than him. However, that was until a day that had started like all the rest. Everyone had had breakfast that morning, gone over some plans, but when y/n subconsciously put her hair into a ponytail,
Percy looked up, “what’s that?”
Y/N froze as she locked eyes with her brother, “what’s what?”
He glanced around at everyone else. He raised an eyebrow, “on your neck?”
She nervously laughed, briefly looking towards the bewildered Jason, “oh, that?” she smiled, “I fell out of bed and hit my neck on my nightstand.”
“Really?” Percy crossed his arms, “when? That must’ve really hurt to have left two bruises.”
She nodded, puffing air out of her mouth, “yeah, it was yesterday. Let me tell you, it was a doozy.”
“I’m surprised you didn't mention before if it hurt that much.”
“Well, I, uh, forgot about it.”
“You forgot about it?” he nodded, “did you not, I don't know, look in a mirror?”
“Yeah, I was having a bad hair day, so-”
“Oh my gods,” Annabeth interjected, “you guys are actually painful to listen to.”
Piper agreed, “y/n, who was it?”
She stuttered, looking at everyone. Excuses cluttered her mind, not one seeming good enough to tell her brother. She took a deep breath before speaking again, “myself?”
“What the fuck?”
“It was me.”
Everyone’s eyes turned to Jason. Y/N eyes were torn between the two boys, she started wondering if Jason was actually going to be murdered right there and then.
“You made out with my sister?”
The blond locked eyes with the daughter of Poseidon, “no- technically, yes, but not just that, I- uhm.”
“Percy,” she added.
“What do you mean, not just that?”
Jason shook his head, “I don't mean, you know, I just mean that it wasn't like a one time thing-”
“Not like that, oh my gods,” the son of Jupiter panicked.
“What do you mean by that, weather boy?”
“I’m having his baby!” Y/N finally said. Everyone stared at her in shock. Both Jason and Percy had gone completely silent while the former tried to speak, but was at a loss for words.
“You- what- but-”
She slowly nodded before bursting into laughter, “no, I’m totally not, but you should see your faces.”
Percy held his forehead, “Y/N.”
Jason let out a breath, “that wasn't funny.”
“Come on, Jase,” she smiled, “it was kinda funny.”
“Y/N, that was not at all funny,” her brother responded, trying to stifle a laugh, “as much as I hate to agree with the perv,” he sent a glare towards Jason.
Her smile dropped, “I was just trying to get you to listen to me,” she defended, “have you even considered how I feel about this?”
“I’m just looking out for you,” he responded, “as your older brother, I know what’s best.”
“Oh my gods,” she exclaimed in disbelief, “you're ridiculous, I’m leaving.” She shook her head before running off to her room. She frowned as she thought about how her brother could be ignorant to her feelings. She crawled into her bed, wrapping herself in the covers. She tried to hold in tears as her anger grew. She wanted to scream and yell at her brother about how much the son of Jupiter meant to her.
The door creaked open, followed by a soft, “hey.” She didn't look up as she pretended to be asleep, “I know you're awake.”
She grumbled, “go away, Perce.”
“I overreacted about you and Jason,” he admitted, “I’m sorry.”
She sat up, “you don't get it.”
“I don't,” he nodded, “but, it’s not like dad’s around a lot, I’m the one who should be protecting you.”
“You can protect me,” she added, “but not from the boy I love.”
Percy raised his eyebrows, “you love him?”
She sighed, “I really do.”
He looked away for a second, not speaking, “you should be with him, y/n.”
“You mean that?”
He nodded, “of course, but if he hurts you, I’ll make his shroud myself.”
She laughed, “okay, but I trust him not to.”
“Good,” he smiled, “I’ll leave you alone now.”
Seconds after he left, a blond boy walked in, “y/n?”
She looked up at her boyfriend, grinning, “hi, baby.”
His cheeks turned pink at the nickname, “what did Percy say?” He asked as he sat down on her bed.
“He's okay with us, as long as you don't hurt me,” she giggled.
He softly chuckled, “I won't,” he slowly moved a piece of hair behind her ear, “I love you.”
“That's what I told him.”
The door opened again, “time’s up.”
They both looked up, “what?” she spoke.
“I’m okay with you two dating,” he turned his attention to Jason, “but you still screwed my sister.”
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fbfh · 5 months
Hello, a request please, how does Leo react if he discovers that his girlfriend (reader) is a minor goddess, daughter of Poseidon and host (Percy goes into brother mode)
disclaimer that I haven't read the kane chronicles yet and don't feel like I really know enough to write about that so this will be more focused on the whole minor goddess thing bc I LOVE this ask.
You're a minor - and very new - goddess, so most people haven't even heard of you. Your dad is poseidon, and your mom is a sweetbay magnolia dryad, so your dad ended up entrusting you to watch over the coast, and everyone who lives there. Anywhere the water meets the land is your domain. It's a pretty niche job, but you have fun quietly tending to the plants and animals, all the little otters and beavers and water birds. you especially loved the long island sound near camp half blood. eventually you asked your dad if you could stay there, pretend to be a normal teenager for a while. he thought of your brothers, Percy and Tyson, and decided that was a good idea. So he talked to Chiron and sent you over, informing Percy he has another half sibling. Even though it was a little rough at first, you bonded with him so fast, turning into the dynamic brother sister duo you'd both always hoped for.
then you met Leo.
He fell first, and he definitely fell harder. Leo has been enamored with you, practically drooling over you since day 1. Of course this really didn't do much to fix the occasionally tense relationship between him and Leo - if anything it exaserbated it more. You never really outright told Percy what you are, he just sort of... pieced it together over time. You were a little scared to tell him. You were scared of how he'd react, that he'd be mad at you for lying or hate you for what the other gods have put him through. You can still remember sitting at the bottom of the lake with him, watching the sun set from underwater.
"Percy, I need to tell you something. I just- I don't want you to be mad at me."
that got his attention.
"It's about- um- it's about me... who I am. What I am." You'd continued, the horrible knot in your stomach eating away at you, getting bigger and bigger. your pulse raced and your hands shook. He looked over at you, but you kept your eyes firmly on the surface of the water, glowing coral and green in the fading light.
"I know what you are."
he had said it so surely, your heart sunk.
"You're my sister."
you looked over at him, and he knew that if you were on the surface there would be tears prickling in your eyes. You sputtered something and he cut you off, his new york accent getting stronger as he felt a surge of older brother protectiveness through him.
"you're my fuckin' sister." You looked at him and saw everything else he wasn't saying. you're my sister, and that's it. I don't care what else you are, because I'm your brother and you're my sister and that's all I care about.
Ever since then you'd started feeling a little more comfortable about your status as a god. you didn't hide the way certain birds and animals would flock to you, or how just being near the water made all surrounding plants flourish. and eventually, with percy's unspoken support, you decided to tell Leo. You've been going out with him for long enough where you already know most of each other's secrets, and you just feel like it's time. You're walking along the coast, your hand entwined with Leo's warm one as he plays with your fingers.
"Did I- uh, did I ever tell you about my mom?"
You hadn't, and Leo's intrigued. He knows about your dad - hell, he's even met him once. But you never mentioned your mom. You start telling him about her and he listens with rapt attention.
"She's great with plants, too. She's, uh... a dryad, actually. Lives in a sweetbay magnolia tree."
You're quiet for a moment, hoping he'll put two and two together. You see a million thoughts and realizations and emotions flash through him so fast you'd miss it if you blinked. Then finally, he nods.
"So you're..."
"Yup." You say softly. "In charge of the coast. Where land meets sea."
A frog hops over to you and you smile, bending down and scooping him up. He puffs up his throat proudly, and you pet him a little. Leo watches you as you two continue to walk leisurely. The sun hits the water and the trees, basking you in a glittering light and soft shade at the same time. And it makes sense, he thinks. this little strip of land full of plants and animals, where you get your ankles splashed by the tide and get sand between your toes... you look at home here. And you are. Leo realizes that every time you've taken him on one of your little walks like this, you've been inviting him into your world without him even realizing it. it fills him with a sense of warmth and awe and gratitude like nothing he's experienced before. and in that comfortable silence, you know he has your back. Besides, he's sure Percy would kick his ass if he didn't.
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
♡ dedicated to covey @hopelesslyromanticshark the blueprint for the poseidon girlie x leo trope 😇 lovey > caleo 4eva (even the ship name is cuter!)
❝ daughter of poseidon x leo valdez!!!!! ❞ — anon
in which leo dates a daughter of poseidon
pairing leo valdez x poseidon!reader
warnings percys a bit of an ass in this lowk sorry guys (he didn't mean it i promise!!!), they have tech, andddd i lowk hate this but i haven’t posted in three days so 🙁 maybe i’ll rewrite it someday!!
on the radio . . . hey blondie (dominic fike)
an i’ve been DYING for someone to request this combo i love it sm …. also OGs remember when my bio was hey blondie 🫡 reader isn’t blonde dw (i’m not even blonde myself) !! also reader is a year younger than percy (making her the same age as leo)
Leo didn’t know Percy had a sister. Maybe he was living under a rock (he was - Leo spent the majority of his days at Bunker 9), but he just hadn’t considered the possibility of it, with Percy being a child of the big three and all
If Leo had known of your existence sooner, he would’ve burnt down Bunker 9 himself and spent the rest of his days glued to your side. He had met many people, but none as perfect and charming as you
You see, the boy was simply going to pass by Cabin 3 to show Percy this new gadget he’d made for him and see if he wanted to hang out sometime, since Leo hadn’t seen Percy in a while, when he met you - Y/N, Percy’s younger half-sister
“Hello, may I help you?” You asked, opening the front door of your cabin and being met with a boy with curly brown hair and big brown eyes. Immediately, you felt the heat radiating off of him increase and all of a sudden his brown curls were on fire
As a child of Poseidon, naturally, you’ve never been fond of fire, so this freaked you out. Knowing the water fountain was right behind you, you controlled the water with your hands and shot it at Leo, putting out the fire and drenching him in the process
Leo didn’t care, though. You could drown him for Hephaestus’ sake and he’d still come crawling back - okay, maybe that was a little much. He took in your worried expression and a wave of guilt washed over him as he realised how afraid you were
“I’m sorry, I have a hard time controlling my fire powers sometimes… Where’s Percy?” He asked, not even bothering to question your Godly heritage. You were very clearly a daughter of Poseidon
After that, things calmed down between you two. You let him in and although you were wary of Leo (and sat as far away from him as possible without being labelled as rude), patiently listened as he explained why he was looking for your brother
He then showed you the gadget he made and when Leo saw the way your eyes lit up at its mechanisms, he knew his life would no longer be complete if you weren’t in it
You gushed over the thing, pressing the buttons over and over again (which Leo didn’t have the heart to tell you would wear them down) and showering him in compliments - something that has never happened to Leo before
A grin made its way onto his lips. Sure, people have praised his creations before, but none of them did it the way you did, nearly bursting with excitement as you tried to handle it with utmost care
Part of Leo wished Percy would never come back to cabin 3 ever again, but speak (in this case, think) of the devil and he shall appear. That was his unfortunate cue to leave
He quickly showed Percy how to handle the device and was about to leave when you stopped him. Leo almost couldn’t believe his ears and almost leaped for joy when he heard you ask if you could pass by his cabin sometime, since you really wanted to see more of his stuff
That was the beginning of the most iconic friendship in Camp Half-Blood history
You quickly discovered you had a lot in common and so, you became attached at the hip. It was so bad that whenever someone was asked where one of you were, they’d give the location of the other since they knew there was an incredibly high possibility of you being together
Leo taught you how to use a screwdriver and weld and I can’t think of a third thing people who make machines do but you get the gist! And in return, you taught him how to swim
His ability to swim (or lack thereof) was something which was brought up your very first time hanging out together at bunker nine. After many attempts, you finally successfully hammered a nail into a piece of metal (fyi I’m a daughter of Demeter I know absolutely nothing about this subject) and in your enthusiastic state insisted you go to the beach together
At your suggestion, Leo got awfully quiet and began shyly playing with a stray piece of metal. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused for a second about the shift in his behaviour, when it finally clicked
“Oh my Gods, Leo, do you not know how to swim?” You asked, hesitant - you didn’t want to embarrass the poor guy. He looked up at you and nodded, pouting at the way your lips wobbled as you tried not to giggle. You weren’t laughing at him, of course, you just thought it was really cute
Grabbing him by the arm, you began to drag him to your cabin and said, “c’mon, I’ll teach you! It’ll be like me repaying you for teaching me how to do all the fancy things you do with metal!”
You guys started going to the beach more often after that. At first, you were just teaching Leo how to be in a body of water and not drown, but once he got the hang of it you started having swimming competitions and introducing him to all your fish friends!
They’re always telling you to hurry up and confess because it's so obvious that you like Leo and you keeping it to yourself isn’t doing you any favours but you can’t. Why? Because you don’t think Leo likes you back
Meanwhile Leo’s sitting on the sand next to you admiring the way you seem to gain life by being near a body of water, having to push his fire powers down whenever you’d pull him closer to you, the only thing filling the space between you being the water of the ocean
You are quite literally Mr and Mrs Oblivious. Everyone can tell you like each other but yourselves
It’s actually really funny because you run in the same circles so you tend to complain to the same people about how the other can’t tell you like them and they’re just sitting there trying SO hard not to facepalm
Most of the time you two go to Annabeth, simply because she’s the only one you believe can keep a secret as big as your crushes. Unfortunately for you she and Percy come as a packaged duo, which means Percy’s aware
She didn’t mean to tell him but one time after a heated discussion with you where you analysed Leo’s every move it was still fresh on her mind and she let it slip
Ever since then, Percy’s been eyeing Leo, who’s definitely noticed the behaviour switch. It’s not like Percy had anything against you dating - you were only a year younger than him, after all, and you never tried to stop him and Annabeth from dating - but he couldn’t help but feel a little protective
An extra year of life still made you his baby sister! He’d insist to Annabeth that it doesn’t bother him and Leo is a good guy and his friend so he’s happy that the two of you reciprocate each other’s feelings then turn and give the poor boy a glare so terrifying it’d make a hellhound cower in fear
While all of this is happening, Leo’s freaking out. He’s absolutely losing his mind because all of a sudden Percy no longer likes him which means he’s probably noticed he likes you and disapproves of your potential relationship
All these thoughts cause him to spiral and eventually distance himself from you. It was just occasionally rejecting plans but then it turned into him somehow always being busy, and it broke your heart
Percy, being the kind and loving brother he is, asked you what was wrong on one of those days and you had to fight the urge to burst into tears as you told him about how you thought you did something to hurt Leo
You see, Leo was your first real friend at camp. Sure, you had other friends, but they were all just casual acquaintances you’d talk to whenever you happened to see them. Leo was your first best friend, which meant a lot
In that moment, Percy knew what he had to do
“Hey, why’re you avoiding Y/N?” Percy asked, barging into bunker nine, his arms crossed as he stared down Leo, who was busy making something (as usual)
Leo, who hadn’t been fully listening, looked up to find none other than Percy Jackson standing in front of him, “what?” He asked, his eyes widening
“I said, why are you avoiding my sister?” He repeated, the scowl on his face deepening. Percy was usually a pretty nice guy, but that could change really quickly if anyone ever even thinks of hurting his loved ones (loyalty is his fatal flaw after all)
Putting his tools down, Leo stood up, suddenly defensive. Why was Percy putting the blame on him? He was the reason Leo decided to talk to you less in the first place. Doing that to you really hurt Leo, but he wasn’t going to let himself get close to you just to end up heartbroken and without two friends in the end
“Do you hate her all of a sudden, is that it? Because if that’s the case, you should at least be kind enough to voice those thoughts so she can find new friends–”
“Dude, I love Y/N. Who put that in your head?” Leo interrupted, “I’m avoiding Y/N because I’ve seen the way you look at me, Percy. I get it, you’re not happy that I like her, and I don’t want to bother you or put a strain in your relationship, so I’ve distanced myself.”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He avoided you because he loved you, because he didn’t want there to be any trouble between you and your brother because of him, and yet somehow here he was being accused of hating you?
You’re the first person Leo truly felt love for ever since his own mother. How could he hate you
“Tell her,” Percy said. He felt immensely guilty as the realisation that he was the reason why you’d almost lost your crush and best friend hit him. He never meant for it to go this far, and honestly, the glances weren’t even purposeful - he just couldn’t help it
“She likes you too, literally everyone at camp knows it, you’ll be fine. And Leo, I’m really sorry I made you feel that way. I didn’t mean to, honestly, I just really care about Y/N and don’t want her to get hurt. But I know you won’t hurt her, so… I approve.”
When I say Leo ran so fast to your cabin that he left a whole trail of fire behind him, I’m not exaggerating. He passed by Flowers and Vines (Demeter + Dionysus kid flower shop/fruits market iykyk) and set their crops on fire, quickly making himself their mortal enemy
He couldn’t care less though. You liked him back! In a few moments, he’d confess and you’d agree to date him and you’d finally be his
And confess he did <3 you were a little mad at Percy at first for unintentionally separating the two of you but after three days’ worth of grovelling you were fine
You couldn’t be too mad, after all, since you now had your fireboy
(The crowd cheers!!!! After 5 pages of backstory you get actual dating hcs)
Okay so I just want to start by saying that Leo is literally like a raven or a cat or whatever animal it is. He’s constantly finding the randomest trinkets and just giving them you for no reason
He goes to the beach a lot on his own whenever he misses you because the salty air smells just like the crook of your neck and often comes back with a bunch of seashells, randomly shaped rocks and one time an actually alive sand dollar
You spent so long teaching him how to spot one that’s alive and one that’s dead so when he saw a sand dollar he got really excited at the idea of you being proud of him remembering the difference that he’d forgotten it
His favourite things are the seashells though. Why? Well, because he can turn them into cute jewellery for you, duh!
It started off as a silly little idea. He found a cute seashell and thought ‘what if I strung a piece of thread through this and made it a necklace for my beautiful hot gorgeous pretty siren mermaid cutie pie Y/N?’
He ended up doing it and you loved it so much he decided he’d make you a whole collection of seashell jewellery
The second time around, he made an actual chain for the necklace because you’re deserving of more than some lousy thread!!!
Then he began making bracelets and rings and earrings and all sorts of other things for you. Somehow, despite making so many of them, Leo managed to make them all unique in their own way. Your favourite, however, was the seashell locket he made you for one of your anniversaries
Inside of the locket is a picture you took together on the beach. It was from back when you were just friends, but you looked so gorgeous in it Leo couldn’t help but choose it for the necklace
Also, you guys are LITERALLY fireboy and watergirl
You’d had an epiphany one day whilst lying your head on his chest and the gasp you let out had Leo worried you were dying for a second
When you told him this, Leo was confused. Being in the foster care system at a young age then sent to wilderness school then doing demigod things left very little room for him to discover modern things other people his age liked
You immediately took him to the little computer you shared with Percy and opened up fireboy and watergirl (the OG game of course, not one of the newer editions) and taught him how to play
Honestly, Leo’s really bad at it. Like at first you thought he just needed to get the hang of it but then you reached the one year anniversary of when you first showed him FB & WG and he was STILL awful at it (also yes you know what day that is. You and Leo have anniversaries for everything)
“Leo!” You exclaimed, unable to watch as the try again prompt popped up on the screen. After about 50 times doing this level (which you had completed on your own before just fine), you’d finally gotten to the last hurdle when, of course, fireboy had to fall into the green slime
Leo pouted, once again prepared to fight his case, “Fireboy’s an idiot! It’s not my fault you get to control the smarter one out of the two!”
“Nuh, uh! Fireboy’s so much easier to control! He has the arrows, watergirl has WASD, which is way harder!”
“Fine, you control him, since he’s so easy to use!”
“But I’m Watergirl! I can’t have you killing me too!”
You’d have this conversation almost every single time you played the game. It got so bad one time Percy had to block the fireboy and watergirl website from the computer
Which was stupid because Leo’s literally a son of Hephaestus so all he had to do was touch the computer and it quickly became unbanned!
Also I think all children of Poseidon have an obscene amount of fish/sea animal merch. Specifically plushies
Leo stayed the night at your cabin once thinking ‘oh my Gods I’m gonna be sleeping with Y/N for the first time WTF WTF WTF!!!’ only to end up sleeping with Chelsea the starfish instead
He teased you a little at first but you’d refused to talk to him after that so he accepted them into the L/N-Valdez family (despite them hogging the bed 😒)
Now, he also defends the plushies like his life depends on it. If someone even DARES to utter a word against Haley the seahorse its ON SIGHT fr
He also keeps a mental note of all the names of your plushies to see if he can figure out a theme with the kinds of names you like for when you name your future baby but that’s a story for another day!
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tsuvvy · 9 months
"Your Big Bro is Gonna Keep You Safe."
Pairing: platonic Percy Jackson x half-sibling reader
Summary: You have a nightmare, and your older brother protects you
Warning: Nightmares, mentions of death but only in nightmares, brief mentions of natural disasters, poisonous snakes and spiders, falling from high places, and drowning
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You've never had a good track of sleeping well. You've always had nightmares, some worse than others. You'd honestly just assumed you have insomnia. Going to sleep and staying asleep have both been a struggle for as long as you can remember. You'd often have sneak into your mom's bed at night to get any sleep at all.
Tonight, you've been tossing and turning. When you awoke abruptly, there was sweat on your forehead, and you could feel dry tears along your cheeks. Your blanket was laying only on half of your body, the rest of the blanket hanging off the bed.
You've come to hate these nights.. They'd become less frequent since coming to camp. You had assumed some monster or god placed a curse on you to have these nightmares because of that fact. But you still had them.
They were about all sorts of things. But mainly about you dying in all sorts of ways. Natural disasters, the Chimera, Medusa, the Fur- Kindly Ones (you still needed to get used to that), poisonous snakes and spiders, falling from great heights, and your worst one.. Drowning.
You looked around the cold and dark cabin built for Poseiden's kids. The few he had, anyway..
You gulped, trying to calm yourself down a little bit. You pulled your knees to your chest and hugged them while hiding your chin in between then. Every sound heard your gaze would whip towards. You were so scared and paranoid.
You looked to the next to yours. To your older brother, Percy. You swallowed again, jumping at the sound of rustling outside the cabin.
You let out a breath, "it's alright, y/n.." You muttered to yourself, "it's fine.. There's nothing there. Nothing can get into camp." You tried to calm yourself down. But your heart dropped, "unless someone summons a monster from inside..."
"Y/n..." You heard a groan, looking towards Percy, startled again. "Be quiet." He rubbed his face before yawning. He looked over at you, squinting as he tried to adjust to the light.
His lips parted when he realized how scared you looked. He blinked at you. And you stared at him.
"C'mere," he moved his blanket and made room for you.
You eyes widened slightly, you were taken aback, "huh?" Surely you heard him wrong.
"Come, here," he said, his words more enunciated this time.
You looked at over at the door to the cabin, hearing something outside. You practically shot out of your own bed and jumped into his.
You hugged him tightly, your arms landing around his middle while you shut your eyes tightly. You knew it was silly.. But you couldn't help feeling like something was about to burst through the door any minute now.
Percy laid the blanket over both of you and hugged you back tightly. He rubbed your back gently and soothingly.
"It's alright, sis," he said, kissing the top of your head, "your big bro is gonna keep you safe."
You calmed down a bit with his words and his soothing back rubs. You felt safe. You knew he would keep you safe. You knew you could let your guard down with him. You didn't need any more sleepless nights with your knees tightly hugged to your chest while your gaze darted to any noise or move seen. You could peacefully fall asleep.
And that's what you did. You were able to get one of the first good nights rests you ever had on a long time.
And it was because of your big brother who kept his word and kept you safe.
456 notes · View notes
graceslcver · 5 months
all da ladies love leo valdez ! leo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ in which, leo has a crush on yet another girl that’s beyond his league, percy’s sister … and his friends flame him for not being able to confess his feelings!
— this is set in like… university ?? obviously jason doesn’t die…hope u enjoy my first ever fic on here!! might be ooc, soz🫐 also jeyna is a thing…. sorry not sorry!! 🤓😂 (it’s actually not even relevant to this story, but i thought i’d let u know…)
IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 4th, 2024
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beauty queen
do yall ever wonder how it’s impossible to not pull hoes
like it sounds like a real SKILL issue
who are you talking about, pipes?
beauty queen
who do u think I’m talking about???
the only mfo who doesn’t have a gf???
do NOT play dumb jason grace
latino elf
oh wow
talking shit in the gc is crazzyyy
i wasn’t!
she was.
beauty queen
do not make me pull up our private messages
latino elf
i see how it is…..
😔 it’s always the bitches u think u can trust…
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beauty queen
why is he the driest man alive
this why we didn’t last ong😭
latino elf
or maybe because ur lebanese ???
she’s cherokee huh
wait is that supposed to say lesbian?
latino elf
isn’t that what it says…
beauty queen
ok… anyway can we talk about the fact that leo has
been madly in love with y/n since like… forever???
latino elf
no thanks
didn’t ask
not true
lying on my name
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yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night
beauty queen
he’s down bad shhh
latino elf
ok so what if i like her shes so fine
and so nice and sooo mermaid 🧜‍♀️
beauty queen
she is very fine and very nice
and yes she’s very mermaid
we all know he isn’t going to say
anything to her, though, right??
latino elf
hahaha 😂 wdym 😂
i’d tell her if percy weren’t her brother
that didn’t stop you from trying to
flirt with MY sister though???????
latino elf
yeah that’s different tho
she COULDNT go out with me
beauty queen
not like she wanted to anyway
latino elf
anyway i don’t plan on telling her that
i have any slight interest in her! 😎
you should though
bet she likes you too
beauty queen
don’t feed into his delusions
gosh pipes, pipe it down a notch
latino elf
fr listen to my bro ‼️
how would i even tell her dawggg
yeah i guess so
but yolo ???
latino elf
yolo my ass bro😒
ok sorry for trying to help
beauty queen
this why she dont want u
latino elf
yeah nd thats why yo relationship was a LIE 🤣
beauty queen
latino elf
lol ur mad
ok bye u guys are a snooze fest 😴
beauty queen
go talk to ur gf
latino elf
i will, beauty queen 🫡
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 4th, 2024
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leo 🛠️
hey hey mermaid
y/n 🦈
hi leo !
whats up :)
leo 🛠️
the sky duh
nothing much tho, just chilling in my dorm
u should totally pull up
y/n 🦈
we’ll see 🧐
i’m in the library rn
leo 🛠️
nerd alert ‼️
y/n 🦈
ok but when u fail our exams dont come crying
leo 🛠️
if it were math/science i would be resting peacefully
but no fr i did study, trust 🙏🏼
y/n 🦈
not that u needed it though
you’re smart enough
leo 🛠️
wowie thanks mermaid
da ladies wish they had my smarts
y/n 🦈
leo 🛠️
sorry that came out SO wrong 😭
y/n 🦈
ok ok well pull up to the library
perhaps i need ur smarts
leo 🛠️
si señora
will be there in a few 😎
shark_girl • 2h
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send message ♡ ➣
pipermstealer replied to your story
omg he wants uuu 😳😳🤣😂
why are u insane
i am not insane he wants u
what boy willingly wants to study w a girl
one that’s my friend???
friend my ass bro
he wanna kiss u so bad…
matching usernames??? THE MAAAN WANTS UU 😭
be fr we’ve had them since we were
like fifteen 🙄🙄
bro get out I’m actually DONE
u have to wake up queen 😭🙏🏼
IMESSAGE, PIPER & JASON July 5th, 2024
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pipes 🌸
i am so SO DONE with yn
jason ⚡️
pipes 🌸
bc she’s convinced that leo don’t want her
jason ⚡️
i think its very obvious
do you think yn wants leo thats the real question
pipes 🌸
she has extreme heart eyes for him
but she’s better at hiding it
jason ⚡️
wait are you being serious
a girl out of his league actually wants him 🤨
piper 🌸
wait I thought u knew???
jason ⚡️
uhm no
she must be good at hiding it
piper 🌸
or boys are just dense
jason ⚡️
ok well…….
we have to get them together
cause I’m so tired of hearing leo ramble abt her
piper 🌸
ok well i’m tired of yn too
how do we get them together
jason ⚡️
uh I don’t know?????
now why would you think I know
aren’t YOU the daughter of aphrodite
maybe YOU should know 😒
pipes 🌸
someone’s mad
but i don’t know?
one of them has to say something eventually….
jason ⚡️
no way, leo would never… not too sure about yn though.
leo cares too much about their friendship
and he is convinced she only sees him as a friend
and he’s deathly afraid to ruin their friendship
pipes 🌸
why do we have dumb friends
why can’t THEY SEEEE
jason ⚡️
yeah it’s very annoying
man, maybe we shouldn’t interfere?
let them figure it out themselves
pipes 🌸
unless u want leo to date the first girl
who gives him the opportunity to date her,
i think we SHOULD interfere! not a lot just a tiny bit 🤏🏼
jason ⚡️
well i guess you have a point… but how?
pipes 🌸
OK hear me out fr
u share a dorm with leo, yeah?
he always leaves his phone unattended
go into twt and make sure he isnt logged into his private account
jason ⚡️
where is this headed
pipes 🌸
ok shut up
OK but make sure hes on the main
since he always talks about her on his priv
so if yn sees a tweet about her then
jason ⚡️
FIRST OF ALL thats an invasion of privacy
SECOND OF ALL what if she doesn’t see it before
leo realizes that wasn’t tweeted on his private account
pipes 🌸
no she like stalks his twitter so she’ll see!
and uhm so what if it’s an invasion of privacy
he’ll thank us once he gets the girl of his dreams 🙄
jason ⚡️
ok then….
i’ll do it
but if this backfires i was not apart of it
pipes 🌸
yeah yeah whatever
i’ll take the blame
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IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 10th, 2024
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latino elf
it was so nice knowing u two
don’t kys ur so sexy haha
what happened though
latino elf
i accidentally tweeted something
about yn.
on my main.
hey man, maybe she didn’t see?
beauty queen
yeah she probably didn’t
latino elf
yeah u guys are RIGHT 😅
she DIDN’T SEE IT!!!
beauty queen
latino elf
you’re being oddly quiet…
beauty queen
sorry????? IM BUSY
latino elf
yeah huh
you’re crazy
latino elf
oh my god i’m gonna throw up
my friend ship is over with her
she messaged meEEE
latino elf
no i’m leaving her on delivered
beauty queen
i swear to gods if u don’t message her
jason and i WILL jump you 😭😭
latino elf
it was so nice being her friend 🫤
beauty queen
latino elf
ok fine
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 10th, 2024
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y/n 🦈
leo did u mean to tweet that?
leo 🛠️
tweet what 🤨
y/n 🦈
you know what I’m talking about
you’re not stupid
leo 🛠️
you’re crazy
i got hacked by
y/n 🦈
you’re crazier for thinking I’d believe you
so… u did mean to?
leo 🛠️
i don’t want to ruin our friendship
please don’t let this ruin it
you’re my bestest friend
y/n 🦈
gosh let me talk
i thought you didn’t like me
so i never said anything…?
but i like you, leo. i really do
leo 🛠️
oh my god
are you serious
wait i’m going to your dorm
y/n 🦈
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Leo looked at his phone for a good second and then left it on his bed, unattended. he ran to your residence hall— it didn’t matter to him that it was quite literally on the other side of campus. he needed to hear you say the words he had been waiting to hear since he was fifteen. he’d always had a slight crush on you, mostly off and on.
But during the summer, he had fallen for you even harder than he thought he could. he never thought that he could love someone as much as he loved you. anyway, he was practically dying as he ran to your dorm! his hair was disheveled, and he was panting a bit. he wasn’t sure if he was sweaty because he was nervous, or because he had just ran to get to your dorm.
He knocked on your door three times.
You jumped out of your bed. you felt like throwing up from how nervous you were. you quickly slid on your slippers, and looked in the mirror before you opened the door for him. (making the poor boy wait). you adjusted your hair, making sure it sat right.
You took a deep breath before opening the door. you almost didn’t, but a voice in your head was telling you that you’d be an idiot if you didn’t open the door. your hands gripped the doorknob, and then unlocked it. leo was practically dying because you were taking years to open the stupid door. you finally opened it, getting met by a disheveled-sweaty-flushed leo valdez.
“Hi.” he croaked out, his voice cracking slightly. he felt like he was on fire, literally. he wanted this to be over with! well, no, that’s a lie. he just wanted to be your boyfriend already.
“…Hi.” you answered, your voice was quiet. you had an awkward smile on your face. you were praying that you would just drown at this moment. you’d much rather enjoy that than this.
He cleared his throat, and finally spoke after a long minute of awkward silence. The two looked at each other “I really… really like you. I.. Uh.. You obviously know that already, but I wanna tell you in person?” he said, nodding along with his own words. his hands went to fumble with the hem of his shirt, anxiously waiting for your response.
“I really like you, too.” You replied. you didn’t feel as nervous as anymore when he started to talk. you felt your face getting hotter, and your smile getting bigger. he grinned at you like an idiot.
He thought that he was dreaming when you said you liked him. The start of something. “Really?” He asked, just wanting to hear you say it again. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He thought never in a million years that you’d ever like him! You were totally out of his league. you were so awesome, so pretty, and so sweet.
You nodded again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, really.”
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by percysbeth, lava_boy, pipermstealer, and 122 others
shark_girl happy three million years with my boy!!! i love u so so so much leo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
tagged: lava_boy
View all 16 comments
lava_boy who is that sexy man in the 2nd slide
→ shark_girl idk i found him at the store……
lava_boy we’re literally like this 🤞🏼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lava_boy te quiero !!
→ shark_girl 🤍🤍
lava_boy ugh why do we literally solo everyone in new rome
→ shark_girl ntm on percabeth !!!!
→ percysbeth 🫡🫡
pipermstealer yeah you’re welcome 🥱
→ supermantaylorsversion i did all the work
→ pipermstealer i gave u the idea
→ lava_boy thank u jason 😒 thank u piper 🙄
→ pipermstealer i hope she leaves u
→ shark_girl woah guys no need to say that
percysbeth i support 🤫 (pls cook for me leo)
→ lava_boy on it 😎
🎶 ivy : frank ocean
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Liked by supermantaylorsversion, shark_girl, and 98 others
lava_boy I would like to thank poseidon for being a father to my wonderful girlfriend of THREE DECADES 😎
tagged: shark_girl
View all 19 comments
→ lava_boy the start of nothin 🦈
shark_girl i’m taylor lautner
→ lava_boy FORREAL
shark_girl hi bf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
→ lava_boy hello girlfriend.
→ shark_girl 😭😭😭
pipermstealer no because you guys are actually cute
→ lava_boy ACTUALLY cute 🤨
→ pipermstealer what do u want me to say yall are actually ugly
→ shark_girl pipe it down a notch 😔
supermantaylorsversion he’s a romantic now
→ lava_boy erm i’ve always been one get out 🤓
percysbeth no cause yn has actually dressed up as a shark
→ lava_boy send pics or it didn’t happen
→ percysbeth check imsg
→ shark_girl i thought that was PRIVATE
→ shark_girl you’re done….
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ hello….. first smau done 😎 hopefully u really like this bc i died ten times whilst making it !!! uhmm pls lmk what you thought about it 🥲!!! i was sort of rushing at the end, so umm.. shhh 🤫…. @thelostheroo @amoosarte
also i will have a master list soon….???? (hopefully) and my requests are OPEN! so, plsplsplspls request…. con amor, mo!
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asvterias · 2 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟪: 𝖬𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖴𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖬𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖮𝗎𝗍
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5 || chap. 6 || chap. 7 || chap. 8 || chap. 9
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#MakeUpAndMakeOut, #MuscularGirlsCanGetIt, #MyAgendaIsAllAboutGirlsSpeficallyClarisse, #KissingGirlsMakesAllMyProblemsDisappear
Protective!Reader, Reassuring!Sympathetic!Reader x Flustered!Clarisse, Flirty!Reader x Flirty!Clarisse,
Some Cursing, Reader HATES her deadbeat father!!, Reader is a Poseidon HATER 💯, Reader and Percy being Chaotic Siblings Goals, Typical Daily Foreshadowing, Smart!Reader having the best intuition, Mentions of Having Short Term Memory, Reader & Clarisse make up, Undertones of Love Langauges; Physical Touch & Acts of Services, Our Fav Couple Bonding, Detailed Making Out Scene
Italics Alone are Reader’s Thoughts
Bold Italics are Other Various Character’s POV
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word count: 6.4k+
tag list: @starless-nightz @starvviss @cherishmiya @random-girls-loves @coolgirl458 @kjisbae17 @s0r0ws @a-fucking-sappho @lvc-lv @watchesstuff @marve1stranger @theogirlovermattheogirl
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter. sorry, but i couldn’t leave reader and clarisse mad at each other for too long….so i decided to drag it out until chapter 10 😊! isn’t that so fun, to prolong the lesbian angst even further?!
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🌊 🐚 ✘ 🔥🗡️
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✧.* ࿐ CHAPTER 8 MIXTAPE ! ꩜ ·˚ ༘₊· ✿ ೀ ➳
001,  NOT MY PROBLEM . . . laila  (remix)
002, DRIVE BY . . . eric bellinger
003,  ADORN YOU . . . miguel
004, LOYALTY . . . kendrick lamar & rihanna
005, KISS ME MORE . . . doja cat & sza
006,  COMPANY . . . justin bieber
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Upon discovering that you were forbidden children, you packed up out of the Hermes cabin and headed over to Poseidon’s cabin. His cabin was a far distance from the other cabins, rather out of importance or avoidance.
You opened the door, leading the inside of the cabin, noticing how dirty and abandoned the cabin looked, and frowned in disgust.
Great, not only are you and Percy totally alone in this cabin, but now you also have to clean it. Yay, you hate this cabin and that deadbeat asshole of a father already! At least, no one will accidentally step on you while you sleep, that’s an upgrade here!
Once again, you and Percy met up with Chiron and Dionysus in the front office.
“As forbidden children of the Sea God, you are singular amongst demigods, and your father’s only hope to prevent the outbreak of war.” Chiron explained, “For months now, Zeus and Poseidon have been locked in a dispute over the master bolt. The symbol of Zeus’s authority, and it has been stolen.”
“Okay, and…?! What the fuck that gotta do with us?”
Get straight to the point!
“Who stole it?” Your brother blinked, baffled by this new information.
“You did.” Dionysus answered.
“What?” Confused as always, Percy stated.
“What, no he didn’t!” You exclaimed, defending your brother.
“Well, missy, probably you stole it then,”
“Real classic with the blame game, Mr. D,” You scoffed, crossing your arms, “How can either of us steal something we didn’t even know existed until now? Hmm…make it make sense.”
“Zeus is looking for a thief, and sees two forbidden children claimed by his jealous brother…it doesn’t look good for you, kiddos.”
“…I…we didn’t do anything,”
“Of course, you didn’t, but your father needs your help.”
“Fuck my father, okay, he finally shows up out of what 16 whole years, and suddenly we’re supposed to do everything to get his attention?”
“Ms. Matthews,” Chiron exhaled, “I know you’re angry with your father but please let me finish.”
“My bad, Chiron, you can continue,”
“Real classic with the blame game, Mr. D,” You scoffed, crossing your arms, “How can either of us steal something we didn’t even know existed until now? Hmm…make it make sense.”
“Zeus is looking for a thief, and sees two forbidden children claimed by his jealous brother…it doesn’t look good for you, kiddos.”
“…I…we didn’t do anything,”
“Of course, you didn’t, but your father needs your help.”
“Fuck my father, okay, he finally shows up out of what 16 whole years, and suddenly we’re supposed to do everything to get his attention?”
“Ms. Matthews,” Chiron exhaled, “I know you’re angry with your father but please let me finish.”
“My bad, Chiron, you can continue,”
“Thank you, Y/N, and as I was saying, An ultimatum has been given to him by Zeus that if he doesn’t return the bolt by the summer solstice in one week….” He finished with a neutral face, “There will be war, that is your quest.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Your eyes widened.
“There will be war, Y/N.” Percy restates, leaning forward, tugging slightly on his ear, “Listen, that’s what your ears are created to do.”
“Thanks so much for the brief health science topic,” You gritted at your younger brother.
“Anytime, big sis,” He smiles widely.
The siblings turned back to Chiron, waiting for his next announcement.
“You two must leave immediately.” Chiron commanded.
Percy questioned, “Leave? Leave for where?”
“But we just got here!” You complained.
“I know that.”
“Why are you kicking us out then?”
“I’m not kicking you two out, you just have to fulfill your quest,”
“A quest, like…a real-life quest.” You skeptically inquired, sending them a dumbfounded look.
“Yes, a real-life quest,” Dionysus mocked you. “It can’t get any more simpler than that.”
“Didn’t know that I required a fucking echo, Mr. D.”
“Well with your big mouth, it is necessary,” Dionysus jabbed back.
You nodded, impressed by his final jab, allowing your little loss at that while Dionysus huffed his chest in boastfulness and smiled to himself.
“Zeus is king on Olympus and Poseidon has always resented it, but there is a third brother who has always deeply resented them both,”
“It’s Hades,” Percy confirmed.
“Hold up,” You interrupted, “There’s more? How big is this goddamn family?”
“Bigger than you can imagine, missy,” Dionysus nods.
“The bolt is with Hades, in the underworld,”
“I know it sounds daunting.”
“Sounds daunting?! With all due respect Chiron it is daunting, probably even terrifying,” You frantically replied, “Hades might kill us when we reach his domain, did that thought ever cross your mind?”
“But…there is a silver lining in this gray mysterious cloud, Y/N,”
“And what’s that, Chiron?! The odds are looking so great right now!”
“You two won’t be alone, a quest is always undertaken by three, or in this case, six. Y/N chooses two people and Percy chooses two people as well,”
“Great. Good luck finding those guys, ‘cause it ain’t gonna be me, or my sister,” Percy shaked his head.
“Poseidon has claimed you two. This is his will.”
“Sounds like Poseidon has some personal issues with his brother that he needs to fix himself, which are none of my business nor my concern.” You quipped.
“Exactly!” The blonde boy agreed with your statement, “Poseidon has ignored us our entire life.”
“You are his children, his beloved son, and his fearless daughter.” Dionysus makes this clear.
“We are Sally Jackson’s and Jessica Matthew’s children.”
“Who is Sally and Jessica?”
You stared at him, clearing your throat, focusing on your upcoming words, “They’re the ones who cared enough to call herself our moms. They’re the ones who got themselves killed so that me and Percy could be safe here.”
“The fate of the world hangs in the balance!” Dionysus was getting impatient and louder.
“Why is the world’s fate left up to children, then? Shouldn’t the adults handle that?”
“You two will accept this quest!” He yells, his anger getting the best of him.
“No, we won’t!” Percy shouts back at the man.
“Last time I checked, these are grown men, millions of years old, and they’re squabbling over a bolt like two spoiled annoying kids. It’s time they act their age, it’s getting too ridiculous now. So if it means me going on this quest I’d be beyond happy to put them in their places.” You cleared your throat, “So forgive me and my brother if we don’t wanna go on this suicide mission, considering we’re still coping with our own grief.”
“Hey everybody,” A familiar voice chirps up, interrupting the impending screaming match.
It was Grover, awkwardly walking closer, diffusing the heated conversation with a crooked smile.
“Grover now is not the time,” Chiron chastised lightly, looking at the satyr.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I have news.”
“Grover…” Chiron trailed off, disapproval laced in his tone.
“Sally Jackson is alive.” He claims, determined and filled with hope.
Oh, this is great! If your mother, Sally is alive then that must mean your mom, Jessica is alive too. You should ask Grover just to be sure and don’t get your hopes up for nothing.
“It looked like she died, but it only looked that way.”
“Grover…” This time, Dionysus is steady with a warning tone.
“Your mother was stolen by Hades, which means she’s with him now, in the underworld. That’s where they want you to go too, isn’t it?”
You and Percy drifted your attention back to the two adults, who looked annoyed at Grover’s sudden assumption. Regardless of that, they knew it was the truth, and withholding that vital information wasn’t a good idea on their behalf.
“Do you know if my mom’s alive too, Grover?” You beamingly asked, clasping your hands together in anticipation.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I’m having a strong feeling she’s not.”
“Oh…” You looked dejected, feeling your heart clenching in sadness once again, “Well…okay.”
You really hoped she was still alive. At least, one of your moms is still alive, right, that’s something to be grateful for.
“If you can find her there…I think you two can bring her back.”
That statement slowly dawned on the two siblings as you pondered on a final decision. It was certainly a no-brainer that you’d do anything to save your mother, Sally from the clutches of Hades’ and his underworld, almost risking your lives too.
You breathed out, determination now replacing your anguish as you looked at the two adults, “When do we leave?”
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After that dreadful conversation, Chiron allowed you and Percy to leave, giving you time to process the entire situation. Later that same day, it was evening and dinner was soon approaching.
Sticking to the same routine, you and Adrianna had joined Percy, Chris, and Luke at a table, all of you eating in contentment.
For some odd reason, you couldn’t direct your eyes away from the Ares table, noticing the absence of a person.
“Hey, where’s Clarisse?” You asked Adrianna, eyes trained at the empty seat where the curly-haired girl supposedly sits.
Your best friend shrugged her shoulders, not having a care in the world as she continued to feast on her dinner.
“Don’t know and don’t care,” She groans, munching on her food, “I’m not La Rue’s keeper, her pesky siblings already do that. Besides why do you care, did you forget she completely humiliated you yesterday?”
“Nobody’s seen her since Capture The Flag,” Chris informed you.
“Best not to bother her, especially after the argument,” Luke advised.
“Yeah, an argument which Clarisse initiated! I was defending myself and Percy whereas she brought up my dead parents!”
“Well, you disrespected her dad,” Adrianna recalls.
“Who’s a god, who’s immortal…” You narrowed your eyes, “She also made it seem like my moms being human was the main cause of their demise. Who fucking does that?”
“Despite all of that, you two were both in the wrong. Although I hate to admit it, Clarisse looked really hurt during the argument, probably because you were demolishing her reputation and her so-called feelings.” Your blonde best friend states.
“Does that make me a bad person?” You covered your face with your hands, groaning as Adrianna patted your back.
Percy looked at you. “No, you can try to apologize. That’s always better than nothing!”
“Wow, you’re rational, for the first time in your life.”
“Haha! You’re hilarious!” Percy sends you a half-lipped smile, “This coming from the same girl who gave away her first kiss for a game distraction,”
“Doesn’t matter anyway, we still won!”
“No thanks to you,”
“Or you!”
“You don’t know that!”
“Yes, I do!”
“Calm down, you guys.”
“I’m calm!”
“Never been more calmer,”
“Moving on…” Luke trails off, staring at you, “So what are you gonna do about the whole Clarisse fiasco?”
“You can shove this whole pie in her face.” Percy’s smile widened, handing you an entire plate of pumpkin pie.
“That’s just a waste of good pie,” Chris comments.
“No thanks, but save me a piece,”
“Yeah, if you’re lucky,” He murmurs, resting the pie on the table down in front of him.
“I wonder if she’s eaten yet,” You murmured to yourself.
“You’re worrying about her even though she disrespected your moms’ deaths just like that?!” She scoffed, gulping down some of her drink, “Could not be me,”
“Whatever, Adri, it’s not like I forgive her already.”
“Good, make her beg for it,” She listed off, “Make her chase you around for a bit. By the time you actually forgive her, she’ll be absolutely desperate for you and you’d be unbothered.”
“That was my intention all along,” You grinned at her as she nodded at your statement, continuing her dinner. “Wait, do just wanna see Clarisse at her lowest?”
“This is why we’re best friends.” She smirks, drinking some of her juice.
“You know me so well,”
“Evil masterminds, the both of you,” Percy chuckled.
“What do you think of the plan, little dude? Too extreme for our dear Clarisse?”
“No, no, in fact, I think you should amplify it, like 10x times more,”
“You two are bad influences,”
“Doesn’t matter anyways, you’re still gonna do it regardless,”
“That I am,”
Very quickly, you consumed the rest of your food, discarding the dirty dishes on the rack, and bidding your friends goodnight.
Without any explanation, you stood up from the table, venturing towards the loud boastful Ares table. You recognized the familiar blonde buff girl, who helped terrorize your brother earlier today and considered she might be of help. Tapping on the girl’s shoulder’s lightly, you smiled as she turned around to face you.
“What do you want?!” She scowled at you.
“What’s Clarisse’s favorite dinner dish?” You blankly asked with a neutral face.
“Excuse me?!”
“I don’t like repeating myself,” You scoffed, “You will tell me what’s her favorite dinner dish and you’ll do so with either a goddamn smile or a frown, I don’t fucking care! I’m not leaving this table until I get it, I’m known to be very persuasive,”
Long story short, you managed to get the information you needed from Clarisse’s sister and prepared a plate for her.
Deciding to bring dessert as well, you skipped off to your regular table, grabbing the pumpkin pie off the table.
“Hey, I was eating that!” Your brother incredulously yelled, holding his plastic fork in midair.
“Not anymore you’re not!” You kissed his forehead, “Thanks for the desert,”
“Sleep with one eye open tonight,” He warned, handing you two clean packaged forks.
“Sure, I’ll try,” You rolled your eyes, appreciating his consideration for giving you two forks, and began to skip off in the direction of the cabins.
Soon enough, you headed off to the Ares cabin, humming along to a random melody with your hands full.
That was easy! If only people were so cooperative then there would be world peace. Oh well, one problem at a time!
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Standing right outside of the Ares cabin, you gulped down your anxiety and knocked on the door a few times. When there was silence on return, you rolled your eyes at that.
Hesitantly, you turned the doorknob slowly and stepped inside, cautious of your surroundings as the loud creaking of the door exposed you.
“Room service,” You awkwardly knocked on the side of the door, slightly startling the La Rue girl out of her silent trance.
“Not in the mood for conversation, Matthews,” She snarls, avoiding eye contact with you.
You stumbled further inside of the cabin, closing the door, and spotting Clarisse on her bed with her back turned to you.
“Really?? We’re on a first-name basis after you stuck your tongue down my throat?”
“…I was strategizing a game plan, sorry if you actually felt something.”
Wow, okay, yikes. She didn’t have use to use that harsh tone with you.
“And look at which team won now,” You snarked back, still feeling a little hostile to your prior argument.
“Shut up,” She seethes, clenching the top half of the spear in her hand.
Releasing a tired sigh, knowing your judgment got ahold of your speech. You just wanted to talk to her without any complications. “Look I didn’t come here to argue with you,”
“So why are you here then?” She retorted with a demanding tone that held some annoyance to it, “Come to gloat even further in my face about your team winning Capture the Flag,”
“No, I came to apologize for my behavior earlier,”
“If I was actually bullshitting you, it’ll be painfully clear.” You mentioned, nervously biting down on your lower lip, “I’m trying to be the bigger person here, but you’re not making it very easy.”
Clarisse was quiet, allowing her thoughts to run freely, keeping her outburst of emotions at bay. She thought to herself of your consideration of your genuine words.
You felt sympathetic towards her, willing to apologize for your wrongdoings and even prepared her favorite dinner dish. Not many people would do that for her, nor would she accept it without any hesitation either. Yet, your presence made her hesitate, considering if she was losing her aggressive nature.
She faced you, “Do you always bite your lip?” She pointed out, glancing at your chapped lips.
To be honest, that question caught you off guard, hoping you'd receive a reply from your earlier statement. For some reason, she seemed to be dodging that particular statement, but whatever got her talking to you again was fine.
“Habit of mines,”
“Oh, okay…You should buy a chapstick then,” She nodded, trying to change the conversation once the awkwardness settled in the atmosphere. Her eyes landed on the plate in your hand, “Why’d you bring that plate of dinner?”
“Your siblings demand that I bring it to you,” You handed her the plate, ignoring the awkward exchange. “Besides I also got dessert, hope you like pumpkin pie,” You showed her the pie plate.
“Yeah right,” She snorts with an eye roll, clearly unconvinced, glancing at the dessert plate before resuming her attention on her broken spear, “Because if my siblings did that, you could have refused and carried on with your business. You don’t give a shit about me,”
“But I didn’t, and technically it was more like me demanding they tell me what was your favorite food.” You huffed, irritated that she didn’t accept the plate, “And no, it’s kinda sad that you think that I don’t give a shit about you when I do. Believe it or not, I do care about your well-being, risse,”
“Oh, really…” Clarisse’s amusement is soon replaced with a hushed whisper, keeping her eyes focused on the plate, “Thanks, I guess.”
“You’re welcome. Eat it while it’s still hot,” You suggested, smiling and beckoning her towards the prepared plate.
Going off your kind instructions, Clarisse gently discarded her broken spear on her bedside table. She settled herself beside you, sitting on the floor and the mattress was her back support. Grabbing the plate out of your hand, place it on her lap, and unwrap her utensils. After she uncovered her food wrap that was carefully wrapped, she remembered your presence looming over her.
Pausing her movements entirely, she slowly turned to look at you.
“Why are you still standing?”
“Because I want you to eat.”
“Thanks, captain obvious, but at least sit on the bed,” She negotiated with a soft smile, patting a space on her bed.
“No thanks, I’m gonna leave. Do you want half of this pie?”
“What? Why? You don’t have to.” Clarisse protested, an instant frown tugging at her lips, “Please, stay, I want to talk things out.”
“Nah, that’s too easy,”
“What’s too easy?”
“You should put more effort into wanting me to stay,”
“Do you want me to get on my knees and beg?”
“Now that you mention it, yes I do,”
“Sorry, pretty girl, I’m not doing that,”
“Worth a shot,”
“But, please stay, I genuinely want to discuss with you properly,”
Eventually, you gave into her begging, loving how hopeless she sounded, sitting down beside her. Waiting for her to eat but she doesn’t, instead, she rests her dinner plate on her bedside table and continues to hover over her broken spear.
“Clarisse…” Worry overtook your features at her reluctance to consume her food.
Was she not hungry? Perhaps, she doesn’t like eating in front of other people. Okay, that’s bullshit, you’ve seen her eat in public multiple times, so that wasn’t the issue. Did she want you to leave? There were so many questions you wanted to ask her but was afraid of being rejected.
She hummed in response, mindlessly acknowledging your presence.
Oh fuck it, you only live once and you’d rather live your life not controlled by fear.
“Are you not hungry right now?” You frowned, placing a hand on the upper arm, unintentionally pressing against her muscles. Fighting back the wicked smirk that tugged at your lips, you let your hand linger there for a while, “I brought this to you because it’s not good to skip out on meals.”
At first, Clarisse kept quiet, accepting your touch as you tried to comfort her.
Growing impatient and worried by her lack of speech, you gently gripped her upper arm, tugging her in your direction. Yet, the La Rue girl resisted your actions against you, wanting to remain unseen.
Clarisse kept her head turned the other way, her voice suddenly sounding hoarse and tired…like she’d been crying. Ever since you walked into the cabin, Clarisse forcefully withheld her tears, not wanting to be deemed weak. That was why she kept her back facing you, to conceal her upcoming tears and saddened state. “Oh, hey, what did you say?”
Did she not hear what you said earlier? Was she zoning out and purposefully ignoring you? Although you couldn’t blame her, you talked horribly about her father, one who she so righteously claimed was there for her.
You decided to play along, “Nothing much,” You noticed her quiet sniffles and tense shoulders as she kept her back turned to you. Curiosity got a hold of you, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you finally spun her around to look at you, realizing she was wiping away tears.
Maybe, urging a desperate Clarisse at the moment wasn’t a good idea. Forget about the personal vendetta right now, it seems as if Clarisse needs comfort and you were giving it to her.
“Hey, are you okay- are you crying?” You shuffled closer to her, “Who made you cry? Just say their name and it’ll be dealt with, all I need is the name,” Your hands softly made their way onto her face, turning her head to look at you. You smiled at her recognition, caressing her face slightly, adoring how she fawns from the simple touch.
No wonder why you had her so whipped! She’s in pure fascination by just your touch alone.
“I’m fine, and I wasn’t crying.” She defended herself, chuckling at your protective nature.
It was sweet to see you care for her.
“Oh really, then, why are tears all over your face? Your eyes are puffy and red, and your cheeks are soaked with tears,”
“Must be the room dust or my eyes are easily irritated,” She sniffled, slightly shuddering when your fingers brushed away the tears, “Anyways, this doesn’t matter, it’s not a big deal.”
“It’s fine to admit that you were crying, Clarisse, I’m not going to hold it against you. No matter what you think of me, I’m not the type of girl to expose your business,”
“I don’t really want to talk about it,”
“That’s okay, it’s your feelings, it’s none of my business.” You reassured, tucking a stray curly hair behind her ear.
Although, you really wanted it to be. No, stop acting too fast Y/N! Don’t forget what she said to you.
“But that’s the problem,” She complained.
You frowned at her complaint. “What?”
Is she serious, like at all right now?
You were offering consolation while respecting her boundaries and still, she managed to find a problem.
Never have you been so utterly confused by just one person as much as Clarisse did to you. What does it take to get through this girl?
“Your energy; I want to talk to you. You’re an easily approachable person and I hate that…”
“Oh, well.” You rolled your eyes, dropping your hands and onto your lap, “I apologize for being such an easy approachable girl,”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that, Matthews,” she exhales, closing her eyes and momentarily missing your soft touch which still lingered on her cheeks. The Ares girl stammered on her upcoming words, silently cursing in her head for being too straightforward. “You make it so, so fucking hard for me to think properly.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, catching you off guard as a devious smile appeared.
Oh, you made it hard to think properly?! Now it was only suitable to flirt with her.
“That is really flattering, Clarisse,” You smirked. “So, I must be on your mind a lot these days,”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Matthews.” She grabbed an extra fork, dug into the pumpkin pie, and joined you.
“Your mind was in there, long before mine,” You countered, piecing away a mouthful of pie, “I should be telling you that.”
“Stop getting off track,”
“I’d rather be off track with you,” You leaned in closer.
“You’re such a damn flirt, Matthews,” she chuckles, ignoring the butterflies swarming around her stomach.
“And you love it,” You taunted, “Almost much as you love kissing me,”
“I never said that,”
“You didn’t need to,”
“Why not?”
“Because I can see it in your eyes, you know you wanna kiss me,”
Making immediate eye contact, she flushed under her piercing gaze and her smile never faltered. Smoothly you placed your finger underneath her chin, Clarisse swooning just by your simple touch as you lifted her face to meet your eyes.
“And what will you do if I want to kiss you?”
“Maybe I’ll accept it,” You teased, bringing her in closer to you.
“Don’t start something you know you can’t finish,” She mutters, eyes glancing at both your lips and eyes.
“Are you calling me a pussy, La Rue?” A teasing smirk forms on your face.
“No, I’m not, but to quote you ‘you are what you eat,’” She reaffirmed in a low tone.
“I adore hearing you quote me, makes me feel more superior,” You murmured, your lips hovering over hers, barely inches away from touching.
“But now you need to eat,” You spoke, pulling away from her as if nothing intensely happened just now.
“Eat?! You want me to eat when you were that close to me, I can’t possibly focus on anything else other than you.” She exclaimed, still processing your near kiss.
The idea of her eating food was long gone and what she truly wanted to eat wasn’t technically edible for her.
“Yet you’re the one telling me to get my mind out of the gutter,” You huffed out, snatching the pumpkin pie from her hand, “Hypocritical much,”
“Call me whatever you want, pretty girl, but I crave to taste your lips again,”
“Don’t you have a better reconciliation of today?”
“No, I don’t. In fact, I can’t remember anything from the past hours.”
“You can’t?”
“I can’t,”
“Oh, really, risse?”
“Yes, really, pretty girl,”
“What happened to your precious spear?”
“It broke,”
“Exactly, who broke it?”
She sharply answered, “Your menace of a brother,” She discovered you caught her in a lie, and sheepishly stared at you.
“Nice try, I never believed you from the start,”
You stared at the untouched plate of food, and anxiously scanned Clarisse’s face, trying to decipher any negative expression.
“You’re not gonna stop looking at me like that until I eat this pumpkin pie, do you?”
She smiles, continuing to closed-mouth chew on the pumpkin pie, having already her dinner and now finishing off dessert.
“This feels weird to me.”
“What’s so weird?”
“I never used to care about any of the small things other people do for me. I don’t wanna sound like a sap, but it feels different with you, almost natural. I’m inclined to appreciate the acts of service you do for me, even if they’re as small as bringing me dinner. All my demigod life, I’ve been told by my father to only look out for myself and pay no mind to others. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, I never really had anyone else to care for me, so thank you,”
“Well, now you do,”
“Tie up your hair so it won’t get in our pie,” You advise, holding her hair back, “Do you have a scrunchie?”
“Yeah, I do,” She gets up, walking over to her bedside drawer and rummages through it until she finds it.
She hands you the scrunchie, grabs her plate again, and continues to eat.
“Do you mind?” Although she still was considerate enough to ask, it was rather a declaration than a question.
“Of course not,” You grinned.
You put the black scrunchie around your wrist, pulling her hair back in a tight ponytail, switching it with the scrunchie, finalizing her ponytail.
Somehow, Clarisse was a fast eater and finished her food in a matter of seconds.
“Look…Clarisse,” You kept your head down, avoiding eye contact, “About what I said earlier today at Capture The Flag–“
“Forget about,” She interrupted, placing her hand on top of yours, “Seriously, I don’t give a fuck about our argument anymore.”
“You don’t?!” Puzzled as ever, you asked, needing to be certain.
“I don’t…after our argument, I calmed down and started to soak in your words….and I realized you were right…I seek too much validation from my father and I can’t fucking believe it took your brother breaking my precious spear to realize that.”
“Clarisse…I didn’t mean that, sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain and I know that’s no excuse but, I really am sorry for saying what I said. It was shitty for me to talk about your dad when I knew nothing about your relationship with him.”
“But you did,” She shakes her head, discarding the empty pie plate in a nearby mini trash can, “And surprisingly I’m okay with that…like ‘let’s get past this okay’ not ‘i’m gonna fight with you okay’,”
“You sure?” You squinted your eyes, tracing your fingers over her hand, “You’re not holding back on me or anything?”
“If I was, you would have known. I think you know me better than I know myself,”
“But we met less than a week ago,”
“Oh, I know, that’s the scary part,”
Clarisse looked down, fidgeting with her bracelet in her hand, contemplating how to proceed. Her final decision was quick as she nodded to herself, taking off the jewelry on her wrist.
“This is my mom’s bracelet, she gave it to me when I first arrived at this camp.”
You admired the bracelet as she dropped it in your hand. “It’s absolutely beautiful, Clarisse,”
“I know,”
“But why are you giving it to me?”
“I figure you needed it more than me,”
“How so?”
“Dumbass, look at the inside,” she instructed. As you did exactly what was expected, you brought the bracelet closer to your face and squinted your eyes to read the fine print.
“It says ‘never give up hope, even if things aren’t perfect’.” You recited, trying to understand the deeper meaning, “I appreciate the kind gift but how exactly is this…relating to me at all?”
“About having a chance to save your mother?”
“Oh…right, forgot about that,”
“Do you have short-term memory loss or something?”
“I think I just might,”
“Uhh, okay makes sense,”
“But, wait, how did you know about my mother, Sally?”
“You told me about her.” She stated.
“I did?”
“Not technically, but let’s ignore that. Point is, you have a possibility of rescuing your mother, and that’s awesome,”
“Sure, but how’d you know about my mother?”
“Don’t stress your pretty little head over the small things,” She let out a low whistle, shushing you, “What I said about your moms was totally uncalled for. Never should have disrespected their deaths, and used it against you in that way. Your moms dying as humans didn’t change the fact that you still horribly lost them.” She continued, clearing her throat, “No matter what I say, how many words I can describe to express what it felt for you in that moment, to witness and gain trauma alongside it. The bottom line is that I’m sorry for acting like an asshole and for my shitty words. None of my words were true, it can be stressful finding out so much devastating news in under short time and you’re managing pretty well, even more than most of these other campers. I’m just…really sorry.”
You plastered on a weak smile, “Out of sight, out of mind,”
“You don’t have to fake a smile,” She affirmed, “Not around me,”
“I’m not,”
“Yes you are; you’re doing it right now,”
“You’re getting quite observant today,”
“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better about it?”
“No, it’s fine. It’s getting pretty late and I’m tired. Just going to head to bed,”
“Wait,” She grabbed your wrist, stopping you from standing up.
“Can I walk with you? I’ll walk with you to your cabin so you don’t have to be alone,”
“Stop fucking with me, Clarisse,”
“Trust me, I’m not fucking with you,”
“Really? I thought Clarisse kept to herself, doesn’t bother herself with other people’s shit and feelings.” You rhetorically stated, “Who’s Clarisse and what have you done to her?”
“First of all, I’m still the same Clarisse, and there’s always room for improvement,”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I genuinely want to walk you to your cabin,”
“No ulterior motives; like sneak attack part 2 or any of the sort?”
“Purely genuine, I swear,”
“Okay, wash your hands and we can leave.”
“Yes ma’am,”
“Then, we’ll talk about how you broke our pinky promise.”
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The two teenage girls left the Ares cabin and headed towards the Poseidon cabin, keeping each other company.
Finally, you two reached to the cabin’s porch and stood around there, not wanting your conversation to end so soon.
“Good night, Clarisse,”
“Good night, pretty girl,”
Taking in a short breath, you stepped forward to her, caressing her cheek, noticing her slight shudder at your soft touch. However, she leaned in, pressing her lips gently against yours, giving you a short chaste kiss.
Too stunned to react, you reciprocated the kiss as your eyes fluttered closed, melting into it. Eventually, the kiss became more ferocious as her hands moved downwards, pulling you by the waist closer.
Finding yourself melting over the passionate kiss, a small smile formed on Clarisse’s face, gaining the confidence to dominate the kiss. Just like that, her lips found yours and it was another competition between the two except it was more than friendly.
Pulling away from her lips, desperately needing a breather, but Clarisse refused that, briefly shaking her head. You felt Clarisse’s grip tightened, walking forward and pushing you by the hips until your back hit the doorframe, doing all that without breaking the kiss. She yearned for more, more of you, more of your lips, she just needed you with her right now at this moment, it was so obvious. Both of your lips were swollen but neither of you chose to acknowledge it, wanting more of the other in your presence.
With your lips moving one accord, your hands lost themselves in her hair, unloosing the scrunchie you tied up previously, and tugging your fingers across her curly hair.
Breaking away from the heated kiss, your breaths intermingled as you pressed your forehead together, staring at the other girl in contentment.
Guess that was one way to end the night off.
Your lips were swollen as you hazily stared at the Ares girl, your chest slowly heaving, attempting to ease your alternating heartbeat.
“I should really…go inside and get some sleep,”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,”
“Of course, it is,” You stammered out, playing with your braids. To save yourself from further embarrassment, you spin around, the seashell accessories in your braids clacking loudly. Facing your cabin door and quickly twisted the doorknob to enter as you heard a slight chuckle escape from Clarisse’s lips.
Normally, you would have recognized a new silver bracelet on your wrist right away so the dangling noise gave you away. It was only when the noise fully captivated you, looking down at your wrist to notice that Clarisse’s bracelet was still on.
Shit, you almost forgot! This was Clarisse’s bracelet, and you can’t believe she forgot to ask for it back.
Internally groaning as you tiredly faced Clarisse, your fingers lingering over the bracelet, ready to take it off.
“Clarisse, your mother’s bracelet, I completely forgot,”
She halted your movements, resting her hand on top of yours again for the second time today.
“No, you can keep it for now,”
“But I can’t, it’s sentimental to you,” The La Rue girl removed her hand from yours.
“And it’ll be even more sentimental to me if you’re wearing it,”
“Is the Clarisse La Rue getting sappy? That’s certainly a must-see!”
“Don’t push it,” She lightly warns.
“Only because you said so…at least for tonight.” You bargained with a small grin, analyzing her silver bracelet, “If we’re exchanging bracelets temporarily, then I want you to wear this,”
You took off your mother’s bracelet, putting the piece of jewelry around Clarisse’s right wrist. “Now we both have a reason to look for the other, and we’re wearing a sentimental value of each other.”
“I love it,” She admired the gold bracelet, “I must say gold isn’t my color, but I’ll manage,”
“No one likes a complainer,” You pouted, “Good night, risse, for real this time,”
“Good night, pretty girl,” She bid you goodbye, watching as you entered your cabin and closed the door behind you.
If only all of your nights needed a passionate makeout with Clarisse underneath the shining stars, you’d be the happiest forbidden demigod alive.
Shit, you completely forget you were supposed to have Clarisse at your mercy. This also doesn’t mean you forgive her just yet, she’d have a lot more apologies coming your way.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
Can you do a blurb about Jason x fem readers, but reader is a child of Poseidon and loves to read but she is clingy so they just have a little reading date? Or cuddling while reading together??
as long as I'm with you... ❥
— jason grace x fem!daughter of poseidon!reader
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warnings; none! a/n; yeppppppp, I hope you like it 🥹
You were almost halfway through your book, the characters were great, the story fascinating, and the writing so addictive that the world could be ending around you and you wouldn't stop reading.
— Babe — called a sweet voice, and you immediately looked up from the book. Okay, maybe you wouldn't stop reading for the end of the world, but you definitely would if your boyfriend called you in that irresistible way.
Drenched in fantasy worlds, fervent loves, and perfect characters, Jason made a place above them all. He immediately put them in second place because he was a real-life dream and surely the dream of any romance fan—and you were his girlfriend.
— Babe — he called again until he shyly peeked his head around your bedroom door. The reflection in his glasses kept you from enjoying his eyes, but the golden light hitting his face gave you a great view of his pink lips stretched in a tender smile, meant for you.
— There you are...
— Here I am — you replied, batting your eyelashes as you made space on your bed for him. Jason saw the book in your hands and understood why you hadn't responded immediately. He knew well that when you read, you checked out. A bad habit, in your opinion, but a cute one, according to him. You never agreed on it and weren’t sure you ever would.
— Now, who is the man taking my sweet lady away from me?
You smiled goofily as you put your bookmark in the book, and he sat at the edge of your bed, genuinely interested in your new read.
— Not like that! — The blond raised an eyebrow, looking at you over the rim of his glasses, and you blushed because sometimes it was true—or, well, almost always. But unlike what you might think, he could never be bothered by something that made you happy, because for Jason, that would be like spitting in the wind.
You sighed, fidgeting in your seat with puffed cheeks, trying to hide how your anxiety grew with every passing second, ignoring the fact that he knew you too well not to realize you were dying to get back to your book.
The blond propped his knee on the mattress to position himself a bit more on your bed, and without much effort, ended up semi-reclining while you watched him closely, trying to figure out what he was up to.
— If that man wants to take you away, he better do it with you leaning on me.
He didn't have to hint twice for you to snuggle up on his chest while somehow opening the book again to resume your reading, now with Jason's breath as white noise. He didn’t have to be doing anything in particular when you were like this—although he sometimes read his own books, and you occasionally ended up having reading dates—but it was enough for him to just be with you.
— I love you — you whispered to him as he stroked your hair. Jason adjusted his glasses with his free hand and smiled.
— I love you too.
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field-of-la-fleur · 2 months
hiya I’m pretty sure I saw that requests were open, but if I’m wrong feel free to delete this!
something with Leo Valdez x daughter of Poseidon reader! I dont mind if it’s more of like a drabble or headcanons or a smau, or anything else! Whatever comes to mind!
If you do decide to do this (there is no pressure to complete this request ofc), thank you so much!
⊹₊ ⋆ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨����𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠’
masterlist | home | rules
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contains: general leo valdez x daughter of poseidon dating headcanons
warnings: use of yn and language
author's note: thank you so so so much anonie 😚😚
you and leo.
a very… destructive force indeed
not in the way that you guys ruin everything but in the way that y’all are walking chaos
first of all, friends to lovers
yall would have the biggest denial phase, it hurts
leo definitely realized it first but he didn’t want to ruin your friendship
which is so sweet love him so much 😚😚
he really did Overthink It to The Max™
really thought that if he told you, he might as well kill you
(it was also his self esteem problems 😔)
but once yall are together, you help him realize he is worth loving 🥰
he confessed on the beach
he said it was a “friendly hang out” but he spilled his guts
(i’m incapable of writing that sorry y’all)
so now you guys are inseparable
if you’re more of a chill person, then you guys would be like yin and yang???
but if you are sometimes more anxious and strung up, then he’d understand too
you guys would take video game breaks in between studying 😌
he often forgets to eat so you bring him food
and he brings metal flowers and rings and necklaces for you which is so sweet
i have a feeling that he is an amazing cook
so y’all would have tv dinners 🤭
and you know you guys are having tea spillings every week
yap sessions about the most random things
and when yall hang out with friend it’s like you guys are in a diff world
on a different plane of reality
but always inner connected
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atlabeth · 1 month
time’s blur - ialwbty au
series masterlist
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader but this primarily features percy jackson & sister!reader
summary: somehow, someway, you come back.
a/n: wow it has been a while hasn't it!! 148 days to be exact!! im always thinking about these two in the corner of my mind and ive been wanting to write this au since i got an ask about it, originally i was going to do it all as a big long one shot but i just want to get something out lol. and this will give me more freedom to do wte i want with this au instead of just having one big one shot and leaving it. anyways enjoy there is actually some fluff for once but still some emotional damage and there is more to come!! also reader is 19 and percy is 15
wc: 3.5k
warning(s): hurricane dies but she has come back!! told through percy's pov. angst, hurt/comfort, signature percy jackson guilt, but some fluffy sibling moments<3
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Percy doesn’t end up in the infirmary at 2:29 in the morning out of instinct, foresight, or any kind of divine ‘chosen one’ intervention. 
He ends up in the infirmary at 2:29 in the morning because some Apollo kid was hooking up with an Ares kid on the beach, and they found you. 
They found you, not Percy. He didn’t even have a clue until he woke up to Chiron in his cabin.
Percy had had his fair share of rude awakenings over the years, usually because of horrific demigod prophetic dreams, but the expression on Chiron’s face immediately alerted Percy that something was wrong, even through his groggy haze. 
“Chiron?” he rasps, and he sits up as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He has to make sure he’s not still dreaming. 
“I’m sorry to wake you, Percy,” he says. “But I need you to come with me.” 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. “Is everyone okay? Is camp okay? Is there an invasion?” 
“Nothing so ghastly,” Chiron says. Though his tone is a bit lighter, it still doesn’t ease Percy’s concerns. “But it does concern you.” 
“Great,” Percy mumbles, and he pulls himself out of bed. Normally he would have the foresight to change, but a part of him is still worried that Christmas has come early and Kronos has already invaded the city. 
So he follows Chiron—with all the sneaking around he’s done since getting to camp, it’s strange to be out this late and not have to worry about being eaten alive—clad in flannel pajama pants, a Yankee’s tee, and Converse he didn’t get the chance to fully lace up. 
“You’d tell me if something was wrong,” Percy says, glancing up at him. “Right?” 
“Of course,” he nods. “I wouldn’t classify this as something going wrong. Just… rather shocking.” 
“Great,” he repeats. “Are you going to tell me?” 
Chiron is silent for a moment, and Percy frowns. “Now I’m really worried.” 
“I suppose it’s best to rip the bandage off,” Chiron says. He stops right outside the Big House and lets out a sigh. “An hour ago, a girl was found on the beach. She looked as if she’d been washed ashore.” 
Percy’s frown deepens. “What? Gods— is she okay?” 
“Yes,” Chiron says. “I checked her over for injuries, but she only had some minor bruises. No water in her lungs, somehow.” 
“That’s crazy,” he says. “How could someone even wash up here? Even with demigods— don’t we have protections against that?” 
“All of this makes me believe there was some… divine intervention,” Chiron says slowly. “Especially with who she is.” 
Percy crosses his arms. “You’re making this sound like a huge deal. Who is she?”
“Percy,” Chiron says, soft but firm, “it’s your sister. Somehow, she’s come back to life.” 
And for a second, all he can do is stare. 
“I could never forget her face,” he says. “Or the presence of a child of Poseidon.” 
Percy shakes his head. “No, Chiron— if this is a joke, it’s not funny.” He huffs a mirthless laugh and looks down at his hands. “And if this is a shitty dream, then it’s really shitty.” 
“Perseus, this is real,” he states. 
He’s still shaking his head. “How can it be real? She’s dead— she’s been dead for years.”
“I don’t know,” he admits. “Mr. D has already gone back to Olympus to figure it out. But if I had to guess, your father decided to meddle.”
He wants to call it a lie. Honestly, he wants to punch Chiron for getting his hopes up about something like this. But deep down, Percy knows he’s telling the truth. 
“Can I see her?” he asks. “Is— is she okay? Does she know who she is?”
“In time,” Chiron says. “I cannot be sure, but it doesn’t look like she remembers anything from her life.” 
Percy shakes his head again. It doesn’t feel real. He’s imagined what it would feel like to meet you since the moment Luke told him about you, but he knew it could never happen. 
But now, all that stands between Percy and his sister is a few doors. 
“I want to see her,” he says.
“Of course,” Chiron nods. “I just need to make sure it won’t mess with her further. This isn’t like Thalia coming back with the fleece—though I have suspicions, I can’t be sure how this happened. It could be a very delicate matter.” 
“As long as it doesn’t hurt her more.” 
Chiron nods again and he opens the door to the Big House. He follows him up to his office door, then stops when Chiron gestures at the couch. 
“I just need to discuss a few more things with her.” 
Percy nods wordlessly and sits down, then Chiron disappears into his office. 
A million things are running through Percy’s mind, namely guilt. 
Shouldn’t he have been the one to find you? 
Maybe it doesn’t make sense, but it’s you. 
You’re his sister. He’s always had a connection to you, even when you were gone—gods, the night after he found out you existed you appeared in his dreams. Percy’s spent almost every moment since he found out about you wishing you were still here, that he could meet you, and when it finally does happen—somehow, because he still doesn’t understand what the fuck went on for this to happen—he’s not even the one to find you? He’s just asleep like every other night?
He huffs a sigh as he hunches over, his forearms on his knees. His leg bounces up and down at a rapid pace, moving his entire body with it, but this is one time he can’t lay his ADHD to rest. He’s more surprised he isn’t up pacing the entire room for the hundredth time. 
If Percy feels like this, he can’t even imagine how you must feel. To come back for seemingly no reason with no memories, after four years in Elysium. 
Luke said you’d been killed by a monster. You were buried like any other person. 
You were gone.
But you just… came back.  
He lets out another harried sigh and falls back against the couch. He’s exhausted, but there’s no chance of him being able to go back to sleep. Not with you around. 
Suddenly, the door opens, and Percy instantly darts up from his seat. You walk out with Chiron and it’s almost surreal.
You look like all the pictures, all his dreams, just older—more mature. He wants to cry and scream and hug you all at once. 
Your eyes widen slightly, and you glance at Chiron for a moment before you focus back on Percy.
“Uh— sorry,” he says, wincing a bit. He doesn’t know how to act around you, not when he knows you but you don’t know him. “I waited for you. I thought it would be good to have someone on the other side.” 
“That’s really nice,” you murmur. “I… I see why. Word on the street is that you’re my brother.” 
Percy nods way too many times. “Yeah. Uh— yeah. We’re both children of—” 
He pauses, his gaze moving past you to Chiron. He has to have explained all this to you, right? 
“Poseidon,” you finish, and you let out a slightly shaky laugh. “Chiron laid out all the basics.” 
“This has all got to be really confusing,” he says. “I remember how lost I was when I first got to camp, and I didn’t even…” 
“Die?” you ask wryly. He nods again. He really can’t finish any sentence around you—he’s so worried of saying the wrong thing and accidentally hurting you. Percy doesn’t know how any of this works.
“It’s strange,” you admit. “I… I lived this whole life before this, and I don’t even remember any of it.”
Percy’s heart clenches painfully. He doesn’t know how he’s going to explain everything to you when you start remembering. 
When you start remembering Luke. 
“Really?” he asks. “There’s nothing?”
You shake your head. “I have my name, but that’s all. And…”
Percy frowns. “What?”
You pause for a moment before you shake your head again. “Nothing. This is just…”
You nod with a slight laugh. “Yeah. To say the least.”
“If it makes you feel better, you’re not the first person to come back to life,” Percy says. “Uh, a girl named Thalia used to be a tree before she was turned back into a human.”
You frown. “Wow.”
“We can get to all of that some other day,” Chiron thankfully interrupts. “Percy, will you take her back to your cabin?”
“You’re sure we won’t get eaten by the harpies?” Percy asks. “Aello is out for my blood.”
“I promise,” Chiron says. He glances at you, your frown noticeably deeper, and he looks back at Percy. “Perhaps we should, ah, hold off on this sort of discussion. Until tomorrow, at least.”
“Of course,” Percy says. “Sorry. You must be exhausted.” 
“A little,” you admit. “Apparently coming back to life takes it out of you.” 
“Come back here first thing in the morning,” Chiron says. “We have… quite a bit to talk about.” 
“That’s an understatement,” you murmur. 
Percy smiles a bit, and he gestures with his head for you to follow him. You do, and Chiron goes back into his office. He nabs a bag of ambrosia squares from an empty bedside as the two of you go through the infirmary just to be safe, and when he glances back at you he sees you frowning. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. “Does anything hurt?” 
“You’re a Yankees fan?” you say instead. 
Percy blinks, then he realizes you’re looking at his shirt. “Uh— yeah.” He chuckles. “I’m from New York, and my mom loves them, so…” he tugs at his shirt. “I know you like the Red Sox. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say. “We can’t all be perfect.” 
Percy can’t help but smile. You died and came back to life, and you remember nothing but your name and your love for the Boston Red Sox. 
“That means you keep up with baseball, right?” 
“When I can,” he says. “We don’t really have technology out here.” 
“Have the Red Sox won a world series since I’ve been gone?” 
“They won last year, actually.”
Your eyes widen and you instantly grin. “Really?”
He nods. “They beat the Cardinals.”
“That— that’s huge!” you exclaim. “Oh my god, they broke the curse and I didn’t get to see it? This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me!”
“You know you died, right?”
“And look how well that worked out for me.” You shake your head. “I need to go to the library or something and find some footage.”
“As much as I would love to do that,” Percy says, “we have a few other things we have to focus on.”
You huff and shake your head. “Fine. But as soon as we figure all this out, I’m figuring out some way to see those games.” 
Percy chuckles. “I don’t think anyone’ll deny you that.” 
Silence settles over the two of you as you walk back to the Poseidon cabin, and Percy just feels awkward. 
He always thought about what he would say to you if he finally got to see you again, and now you’re alive somehow and right next to him and he has no idea what to do. 
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” Percy finally decides on. “Chiron said you just washed up on shore.” 
“I feel surprisingly okay,” you say. “All I remember is waking up at the bottom of the lake. I thought I was going to drown, so I kicked my way up, and then got to shore.” You shake your head. “Somehow, I didn’t drown. My clothes weren’t even wet. I’ve got to be the luckiest person out there.” 
“You’re a child of Poseidon,” he says. “We can’t breathe underwater so we can’t drown, and our clothes don’t get wet unless we want them to.” 
“Like I said,” you incline your head, “luckiest person out there.” 
“I just don’t get why you’re back,” Percy says. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you are. I just don’t understand how, or why— or why now.” 
You open your mouth to say something, but you’re not able to get any words out before a yawn interrupts it. 
“Maybe that’s a tomorrow problem,” you say. 
“I think you’re right,” Percy says. He opens the door to the camp store and you follow him inside, but you frown. 
“What is this?” 
“The camp store,” he says. “You don’t really have anything, so I wanted to get you some things.” 
You just stare as he starts taking things. “You’re just… stealing?” 
“Just a couple toiletries and some clothing,” he says. “They won’t miss it.” He stashes it all in a Camp Halfblood tote bag and holds it out to you, and though you’re a bit hesitant, you still take it. 
“Thanks,” you say. “We won’t get in trouble?” 
“I think everyone will cut you some slack for a while,” Percy says. “A guy did this for me my first day and it helps—makes you feel more at home.” 
You hum, and this time you open the door for Percy. “Nice guy.” 
Percy swallows the sudden lump in his throat, trying to ignore the chill that trickles down his spine as he realizes the implications of his words. 
“Yeah,” Percy mutters. “He was.” 
Eventually, the two of you get back to the Poseidon cabin. He opens the door for you and you slowly walk inside. 
Again, it’s strange that you’re here. It’s like if a piece of his history textbook suddenly came to life and started walking around—he’s heard so much about you, imagined what he thought would be an impossible meeting so many times, but now that it’s actually happening he doesn’t know what to do. 
And it hits even more as you walk over to a picture of yourself hanging on the wall, surrounded by a myriad of others. 
It’s one of many of you and Luke, him holding you close with an arm slung around your shoulder as you beam at the camera with the brightest smile imaginable. Before Luke got his scar, before you died, before he went off the deep end. 
“I put a couple of your pictures up,” Percy rushes to explain, his throat feeling scratchy, “and a few of your old things. As— as a way to remember you.”
“I love it,” you say, and the tension dissolves in his shoulders when he sees your smile. It really is so much brighter in person. “I— I can’t believe I don’t remember any of this.”
“We’ll figure out a way to get it back,” Percy says. “I promise.” 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you say idly as you continue to take all the pictures in. He can’t imagine what it must feel like to see all these memories of a past life you have no recollection of. 
“I don’t,” he says. “We’re gonna figure it out.”
You’re silent for a while as you keep looking at them. Then you take one of the pictures off the wall, the one of you and Luke at a baseball game. 
“Luke,” you murmur, as if you don’t realize you’re saying it out loud. You blink, then you turn to Percy. “His name is Luke, isn’t it?”
He nods, almost in disbelief. You don’t remember a damn thing about your old life but you know Luke’s name.
How is Percy supposed to tell you what he did? 
You laugh softly as you trail your nail over the edge. “We must’ve been pretty close if I got him to go to a Red Sox game.” You look over at Percy. “Does he go here too?”
After a moment, Percy shakes his head. “He— uh, he used to.”
“Makes sense,” you murmur, and you put the picture back on the wall. “I got the easy way out. Everyone else had to deal with the fallout.”
Percy frowns. “You were killed by a monster. I don’t think anyone considers that the easy way out.” 
“It kinda was,” you say with a shrug. “I— I don’t remember much about it, but Chiron said I was in Elysium. There aren’t any monsters down there, and there certainly aren’t any responsibilities.”
“Well,” Percy sits down on his bed, “I’m glad you’re here. You don’t know how many times I’ve imagined meeting you.” 
You chuckle. “I didn’t know I was so popular.” 
“I’m serious,” he says. “Poseidon is one of the Big Three, and they made an oath not to have kids. I was the only Big Three kid in general when I got to camp—when I found out about you, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to have a sister to talk about all of this with.” 
Your eyes soften, and you lean against his bed frame. “I’m sorry.” 
“What are you sorry about?” 
“I— I don’t know,” you say with a slight laugh. “I just feel bad that I couldn’t be there for you.” 
“You’re already doing a pretty good job at being a big sister,” Percy says wryly. 
“Thanks,” you say. “You’re doing a pretty good job at being a younger brother.” 
Percy laughs and smiles, and you smile too. He’s beginning to understand what Luke always said, about your presence embodying warmth. He’s only been around you for a few minutes and he already feels better. 
“I’ve never had a brother before this,” you say. “So there might be a couple speed bumps.” 
“We’ll get through them together,” Percy says. “Besides, I… I kind of always considered you my sister. Ever since I found out about you, even though you were…” 
“Dead?” you guess, and he winces. You chuckle a bit. “It’s still weird for me, too. Can’t imagine what it must be like for all of you.” 
“Weird,” he says without really thinking. “Really weird. But I’m thankful that you’re back.” 
You smile. “So am I, Percy.” 
You let out another yawn, and you sit down on the bed across from him. “God, what time is it?” 
Percy glances at the clock in the corner. “3:34.” 
You whistle. “I really chose a great time to come back, huh?” 
He chuckles, and he kicks off his shoes as gets up to turn the lights off. “I think some sleep would do us both some good.” 
You nod and do the same. As you lay back, one hand behind your head, you continue to look around the cabin. 
“Are these your band posters?” 
He shakes his head as he sits back down. “They’re yours, actually, but you’ve got good taste. I love Pearl Jam.” 
“I used to have good taste, you mean,” you say wryly. 
“Hey,” he says. “I meant what I told you. We’re gonna get your memories back.” 
“How are you so sure?” 
“I’ve done a lot of impossible things,” Percy says. “And so have you, from what I’ve heard. It’s kind of the Poseidon kid way, honestly.” 
“You’ll have to teach me some things, then.” 
“And when you get your memory back, you’ll have to do the same,” he says. 
You smile and nod. “Deal.” 
Percy smiles too, and he lays down. “You really should try and get some sleep. Chiron wasn’t joking when he said we have a lot to talk about.” He huffs a slight laugh. “Whatever the reason is for you coming back, I guarantee there’s gonna be some people upstairs that are mad about it.” 
Your eyebrows rise. “Upstairs?” 
“Olympus,” he says. “The gods don’t really like things happening out of their control.” 
You hum, and for a moment there’s nothing but silence and the sound of both your breathing. It’s a little strange having someone else here other than Tyson, but he’s thankful for it. 
“What’s gonna happen to me?” you ask. There’s an edge of fear in your voice, and Percy frowns. 
“Don’t lie.” 
“Nothing is going to happen,” he repeats. “I’m not going to let anything happen. The gods have already messed with your life enough—they don’t get to do it again.” 
Percy half-expects to hear the sound of thunder echoing across camp, but the silence continues. Maybe Zeus isn’t listening in on him for once, or maybe he just expects the disrespect at this point. 
“I really am the luckiest person,” you say. “I’ve got someone like you looking out for me.” 
“You were looking out for me when you were gone,” he says. “You might not remember, but I could feel it. So I’m just repaying the favor.” 
Again, silence. It’s temporarily interrupted by the sound of sheets shifting, then you speak. 
“I’m really glad I got to meet you, Percy,” you murmur. 
He can’t help but smile, and he tries to ignore the tears beginning to spring in his eyes. He has no idea why you’re back—no idea what this could mean. Maybe your dad did bring you back, maybe it’s a bizarre case like Thalia, maybe you play a part in something that they don’t even know about yet and it's nothing but bad news.
But for once in his life, Percy’s not going to question it. 
You’re alive and you’re here. 
For now, that’s all he needs. 
“Me too,” he whispers.
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
omg omg i would LOVVVEEE if like [reader] and luke were dating behind percy’s back cuz of how sassy he would be n stuff but after like a date or kiss from luke the reader would gush about it to either annabeth, grover, or clarisse and one of them tells percy by accident during a convo and then percy like goes up to reader and confronts the reader about it and like scolds the reader and give them a whole lecture about how luke isn’t the right guy then luke overhears and like joins in <333
i love this idea!!
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (once again), fluff, mention of kissing, ignorance of the plot of the show for the sake of my happiness
nobody: me gaslighting myself into thinking i could fix luke:
You and your boyfriend had an agreement. Your relationship was private. It wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was private.
This was a conclusion you came to before Percy arrived at camp, before you knew you had a brother. At first, you didn’t care much if he figured it out.
That was until you realized what a sassafras he was.
Percy was always sassing you about chores, about activities, and especially about camp boys.
You thought it was cute in the beginning, your little brother being protective over you, but then it became a real nuisance.
“Y/n, stay away from the Ares boys, I don’t like them.”
“Y/n, don’t date an Apollo guy, he’d write you some crappy poetry.”
“Y/n, for the love of gods, stay away from the Dionysus twins, I never want to have Mr. D as a relative.”
These were the types of things you would hear throughout the day as Percy got to know the other campers better.
You thought it better if you kept a low profile when you were around Luke, at least until Percy calmed down a little.
Most of the older campers knew about your relationship, but they were used to it and rarely talked about it.
“Having marriage problems?” Annabeth asked you one day during arts and crafts, where you were both about to give up on your ugly collaborative birdhouse.
“What? I’m not married,” you said, trying to fix a particularly garish looking bird.
She set her paintbrush down, officially proving she was over it. “Obviously. I mean Luke. I noticed you haven’t been around each other as much.”
You could tell she was a little worried. She wouldn’t be asking if she wasn’t. Annabeth had known you and Luke longer than any other campers, and she looked up to both of you. Plus, she always wanted to know about your experience with romance.
“It’s not what you think, Annabeth. We’re really fine,” you said. “In fact, just last night, he took me out on the dock.”
Your nightly meetups with Luke had always been a thing, but had become more frequent as of late.
“And?” Annabeth prompted.
“And, we hung out.” You were now furiously painting over the entire bird you failed to fix.
“You mean you made out,” she said, giving you a knowing look.
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think you were interested in that part,” you said. “Now pick up that paintbrush, missy. I’m not doing this whole thing myself.”
Annabeth reluctantly dipped the brush in some blue paint, looking like she wanted more details about your date.
Private means private, you thought dismissively.
At campfire, you discovered that private didn’t mean private. You were sitting alone when Percy plopped down next to you. You frowned because you were saving that spot for Luke.
“Annabeth has just told me something very interesting,” he said, glaring at the spot where Luke stood, talking to one of his brothers.
“What would that be, Perce?” you said absentmindedly.
“Apparently Luke was macking on you last night.” He made a sound to imitate vomiting.
You grimaced. “Please never say that word again.”
“So? Is it true or not true?”
You sighed. No point in denying it now. “It’s true.”
Percy somehow managed to look even more disgusted. “Ew, why him?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve known him for years, he’s kind, strong, and handsome. Wouldn’t you think that had something to do with it?”
“Oh, gods, forget I even asked,” Percy said, retching. “I just think you could do better. Look at all of these lovely candidates. Apollo guys are poets.”
“I thought that was too cringe for you.”
He ignored you and went on, “A Hephaestus guy could forge you some nice jewelry, and Athena guys are smart. You deserve a smart guy. Not Luke, no, he doesn’t have any good qualities like that.”
You noticed a figure approaching you over Percy’s shoulder, and you tried your best to hide the amused smile threatening to break across your face as Luke came to a stop behind him, waiting for the right moment to interrupt.
“All in all, Y/n, I think Luke’s a pretty bad guy for you. You should really reconsider.”
“Oh, I’m a bad guy, am I?” Luke finally spoke up, smirking as Percy slowly turned around to see him peering down at him.
“Not like a bad guy- just, you know, not right for my sister,” Percy said, his confidence leaving him.
“What makes me not right for her?” Luke asked, clearly loving the reaction he was getting.
“I- uh- you know,” Percy stammered.
“Oh, knock it off, Luke. Leave the poor kid alone,” you said, failing to hide your laughter.
“That sound is music to my ears,” Luke said seriously. Jeez, he was really laying it on thick.
Percy’s face returned to the look of disgust. “I’ll be leaving now,” he excused himself, hurrying off to where Grover and Annabeth were sitting on the other side of the fire. You could still see him glaring at Luke as he sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You leaned into him, relishing in the combined warmth of the fire and his body heat. “What do you think? Am I getting sassed out tomorrow?” Luke asked, looking down at you.
“No, he looked pretty grossed out. I’m hoping he just avoids the topic altogether,” you said, trailing your fingers over the fabric of his shirt.
“We both know that’s not going to happen,” he concluded, smiling as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
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white-wolf-buckaroo · 8 months
In his own twisted way✨
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A daughter of Ares fanfiction because seriously, we needed a dad!Ares fic after the Pjo show
Prologue Chapter 1: Percy becomes supreme lord of the Bathroom Chapter 2: Do you want me to burn your cookie? Chapter 3: We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium Chapter 4: My loyalty is bound by blood Chapter 5: I Plunge to my Death Chapter 6: Goodbye, Emily Chapter 7: A God buys us Cheeseburgers Chapter 8: You're on your own, kid Chapter 9: We take a Zebra to Vegas Chapter 10: Remember that night? Chapter 11: We find out the truth, Sort Of Chapter 12: All is fair in love and war Chapter 13: The Prophecy comes True Epilogue
in italics are the chapters that will be flashbacks of Emily's (my og daughter of Ares character) childhood
✨Official Playlist here!
Annabeth and Emily friendship video <3 here
Taglist: @strawberryys-stuff @ladysybilchronicles @kyuupidwrites @nhloversblog @beansficreblogs @priyajoyy @zeeader @lightsgore
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aphroditeinthesea · 4 months
hey!! I was wondering if you could do a Poseidon fem reader x Jason Grace blurb or hcs about their relationship with each other, but she has a pet cat that she is obsessed with and Jason is just admiring the two while his gf is treating her cat like a baby and saying it our kid? If that makes sense??
“ with two cats in the yard (life used to be so hard) ”
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jason grace x daughter of poseidon ⚡
a/n this is my favorite request i have ever gotten, whoever sent this in ilysm & ik u said blurb but i got carried away
tw none
. ݁₊ ⊹ 🐾 . ݁₊ ⊹
“Where’s the baby?” Y/N spoke right as Jason opened the door to his cabin.
He laughed, “she’s asleep,” he let her in, softly kissing her cheek as she entered.
He had been spending the past two days with y/n’s cat while she had to go on a quest.
She smiled as she softly brushed her index finger along the cat’s forehead, whispering, “mommy’s home.” The tabby let out a small noise while she opened her eyes. Just like an infant would, the cat reached up her front paws, leaning up on y/n.
She picked up the cat, who made herself comfortable on her owner’s shoulder, “did you miss me?”
“Are you asking me or her?” Jason remarked.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “maybe both.”
He grinned as he stepped closer to her, “I think I speak for both of us when I say, I missed you.”
She giggled, leaning up to kiss her boyfriend, “good, you know I was hoping you two would bond while I was gone.”
He gently petted the back of the cat, “yeah, we’re best friends now.”
Y/N held the cat in front of her to look at her face, “did you have fun with daddy?”
The boy choked on his spit, “daddy?”
“Yes, daddy,” she faced the cat towards him, “this is our daughter.”
He smiled, “I’d hope that our future kids have better names than Purrmaid.”
“Hey!” She pulled the cat away, “I named her when I had just gotten claimed,” she defended, “and that’s Madame Purrmaid of the Atlantic to you.”
“Oh gods, that’s even worse.”
“I was twelve!”
The cat meowed.
She handed Purrmaid to Jason, “tell her you’re sorry.”
He grabbed the cat, cradling her, “daddy’s sorry for making fun of your name.” He went to let her, but she swatted his hand, leaving a scratch.
“She’s mad at you.”
“She is not,” he went to pet her again, instead getting scratched once more, “she might be.” He placed her on the ground before she swatted one of his legs, “what did I do?!”
His girlfriend cackled, “she’s going through a phase.” He exaggeratedly frowned, she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “it’s okay, I still love you.”
He held her waist, “promise?”
“Promise,” she reached up to kiss him again, “can I crash in your bed? I’m exhausted.”
“That’s what it’s there for,” he replied.
She sluggishly crawled under his covers. Purrmaid followed, laying on y/n’s chest.
Jason laid down next to the two, “is that comfortable?”
“I can’t breathe, but it’s okay.” She grabbed his hand, “you okay?”
“I’m fine, they’re small,” he comforted, “unlike Purrmaid.”
“You take that back!”
“I will once you stop feeding her your leftover lunch.”
“She gets hungry!”
“I don’t think cats are supposed to eat broccoli, my love.”
“Hmph,” she looked away for a second before turning back to the bright blue eyes, “we should get another one.”
He smiled, “you wanna?”
“We can get a boy, and you can name him!” She planned out.
“I won’t be naming him Thun-purr.”
“Aww, that’d be so cute though.”
“Fine,” he kissed her forehead, “I’ll name him whatever you want me to.”
“It’ll depend on what he looks like,” she replied, “because if it’s a tabby, he’ll be Harry, if he’s light, he’ll be Niall-”
“I take it back, you’re not naming him after One Direction.”
She lightly hit his shoulder, “I was joking, loser.”
“Sure, you were.”
“Seriously, what would you name a cat?” She softly questioned.
He sighed, “I’ve always kind of wanted to get a cat named, uh,” he hesitated, “don't make fun of me.”
“Babe, my cat is named Madame Purrmaid of the… I can't even finish.”
He chuckled, twirling his fingers in her hair, “fine, I wanted a cat to name Cannoli.”
She grinned, “that’s adorable!”
“Thanks,” he embarrassedly looked down while still smiling, “there used to be this bakery in New Rome where they had the world’s best cannolis and one time I saw this giant orange cat walking by it and I always thought that’s exactly the kind of cat I wanted.”
“Then you shall have your very own Cannoli,” she declared in a British accent, “I’ve actually never had a cannoli.” “Next time I head to New Rome, you're coming with me,” he smiled, “you and Purry.”
“Like that was a question,” she replied, petting the feline.
He breathily laughed, “do you want anything to eat?”
“I’m kinda craving a cannoli.”
“You’ve never had one,” he responded, confused.
“Yeah, but you love them so much, they must be good,” she added, “you have good taste.”
“I do?”
“You like me, I think that’s enough proof.”
“That’s a good point.”
She opened her arms, “come give mommy some sugar,” she said using a strange Boston accent.
“Y/N,” he rubbed his temples, “what are you talking about?”
“I don't know, I haven't slept in 20 hours.”
“Here,” he moved the blanket further over her and the cat, “get some sleep and I’ll get you something to eat, okay?”
She nodded as he began to walk away, “wait!”
He turned around, “yeah?”
“I love you.”
He grinned, he jogged back over to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I love you, sweetheart.”
“Sorry,” he put his hand on Purrmaid, “love you, too.”
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thornnii · 7 months
⎯ ☆ she's my girlfriend
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genre: platonic, fluff wordcount: 0.6k pairing: percy jackson x older sister!reader tags: older sister/daughter of poseidon!reader (she/her), all poseidon children contain Ryan Reynolds level sass, inspired by this, swearing (obviously), percabeth summary: percy introduces his older sister to his girlfriend notes: short & sweet
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ancient greek sucked ass [reader] decided as she stared down at her notebook. her handwriting was messy and rushed from frustration as she compared her work to that of the textbook balanced precariously on her knee that she was learning from. in no way did she expect the learning process to be quick and/or easy, but it would have helped if greek characters weren’t such a hassle to draw in the first place. shutting both books with a sigh, [reader] instead pulled her reading book from her bag. it was a book annabeth had recommended a few months ago and it wasn’t until [reader] had been on a quest in maine that she’d had the chance to purchase the book and see if it really was as good as the young athena girl’s recommendation. not that she had any doubts, annabeth always gave the best reading recommendations.
[reader] spent the next few hours getting lost within the world that the pages of her book created. it was a fantasy story, a rare recommendation from annabeth who seemed to prefer nonfiction books. it had been roughly 2 hours since [reader] started the book and the sun had begun it’s descent towards the ocean as the breeze began to cool. [reader] took this as a sign to take her belongings back to her cabin before dinner was called. placing the receipt for the book as a bookmark, [reader] packed the book away and headed off towards cabin 3.
there were very few other campers by the cabins, most were trying to squeeze in a few more minutes before dinner to get their training or some other chore done. cabin 3 was seeming empty as [reader] walked up to the heavy wooden door, though her opinion was quickly changed when she pushed the door open. inside the cabin sat both her half-brother percy and annabeth. the pair were cuddled up on percy’s bed, seemingly having been reading together, but their eyes had snapped away from the book and towards the door upon [reader]’s entrance.
“what in the fuck knuckles is this?” [reader] raised an eyebrow, shutting the door behind her.
percy rolled his eyes at his sister’s blunt question before responding, “she’s my girlfriend, you intolerant shit.” he wrapped a protective arm around annabeth.
once again all [reader] could do was raise her eyebrow and stifle a giggle at her brother’s antics. “pump the hate-breaks, fox and friends.” [reader] put up a hand in surrender, “I’m just surprised anyone would date you, especially miss wise girl over here.”
percy frowned at his sister using his nickname for annabeth. not that the girl in question minded, she was trying and failing to suppress a wide grin from adorning her features at the poseidon siblings’ banter. “well, she is dating me so…” percy ended his sentence by flipping the bird at his sister, who just laughed. annabeth joined in with the older girl’s laughter and percy pouted in response.
percy opened his mouth to defend himself but before he could get a word in, he was interrupted by the call for dinner. [reader] dropped her bag on her bed before calling to the pair, “c’mon, might as well get there before we’re left with crumbs to pick from.” as she made her way to the dining pavilion.
a smile graced [reader]’s features as she walked. she was happy that her brother had found someone good and strong as a partner, and she already knew that if the couple ever argued she’d take annabeth’s side, no questions asked. [reader] was grateful for the few minutes it took to walk to the dining pavilion where she could have a moment of peace from her brother. she knew that as soon as the two were sat by themselves at the poseidon table that she would be getting an earful from percy. oh well.
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