raiisakitsune · 2 years
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Pogues + onion headlines
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bfs + john b 🫶
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
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Falling for you
Jj Maybank x female reader.
TW: implied sex, swearing, fluff, mentions of underage drinking/smoking and domestic violence
You grew up living next door to the maybanks, mostly alone, you’re parents worked and weren’t the most reliable.
You first met Jj when you were 10 years old, you heard banging and yelling from next door, so you ran onto the porch to see Mr Maybank beating the shit out of jj.
You were ashamed of yourself but you froze, not knowing what to do. Until you saw Mr Maybank drive away, leaving jj at home.
You walked across the connected yard and up onto their porch.
You knocked on the door, hearing crying from inside. “Go away!” He yelled.
You knocked again.
“What?” He almost screamed as he opened the door, taken aback when he saw you. He always watched you when you stood on your porch painting for hours on end, but he never had the courage to talk to you.
You stared at each other for a moment.
“Do you wanna come over?” You blurted out, unaware of what else to say.
He just nodded and followed you back to your house, less than 30 steps away.
You lead him to your extremely neat bedroom full of beautiful paintings and books, white and green were the most prominent colors as he looked around.
“You painted these?” He asked, although he knew the answer.
“Yeah, it’s my favorite thing to do….other than read.”
He nodded. There was a silence, neither of you knew what to say.
“I heard what happened.” You spoke.
He just looked down.
“My dad does it too you know?”
“What?” He was shocked that someone could bring themselves to hurt such a sweet individual. He has seen you reading in the garden, or sitting by the water on the pier or helping injured animals.
You simply hugged him. He stood for a moment, before tears fell from his eyes and he hugged back.
After that day, you’d occasionally listen to him talk about John B, another pouge or a fish he caught that day. But you were never really that close, but he always remembered the day you hugged him, the day you made him feel like he deserved more than what he was given.
As Jj grew older you admired him a little more, tall, handsome, muscles.
And as you grew jj admired you, he never seemed to commit to a girl but hell- if he had the chance you’d be his forever.
Your long hair, sweet smile, pretty little eyes and the perfect body. You seemed like an Angel where as he seemed to carry trouble around with him.
It was one year at the bonfire, both of you were now 17 when jj saw you through the flames, beer in hand. Everyone was either drinking or smoking, dancing or talking, you sat alone, reading your book, in your own little world.
“Jj!” Pope yelled.
“Yeah.” He snapped back into reality.
“Dude!Are you staring at y/n l/n?” John B scoffed.
Jj was quiet.
“Oh my god dude, there’s no way!” Pope smiled.
“What what?”
“She’s just-“ John B shrugged.
“She’s gorgeous dude, but she’s so…I don’t know nice, you can’t have like a one night stand with her, it’s like throwing away a puppy.” Pope explained
“Imma do it”
Jj thought for a moment before walking over to you, ignoring his friends. He sat down next to you, and your head didn’t move from the pages.
“Hey.” He spoke.
“Oh.” You smiled. “Hi.”
He looked at you for a second before speaking. “Do you maybe wanna hang out with me and my friends for a while?” He asked.
It took you a second to realize he wanted to spend time with you.
You nodded and he helped you up, leading you to John B, pope and Kiara and Sarah who had now joined them.
“This is y/n everybody, and that’s John B, Sarah, pope and kie.” Jj introduced as you waved innocently.
“Hey, hi.” Everyone waved.
“You guys wanna hit the water?” Jj asked and soon enough everyone was on John Bs boat, just riding slowly along the water.
“I really like your top.” You told Sarah and her smile grew wide, immediately telling you about this store she loved.
You smiled and nodded.
“Y/n you want a beer?” Jj asked.
“I’m okay thanks…I don’t drink.” You spoke softly.
They all frowned.
“Just makes me anxious, besides when all of you are falling overboard I’ll be the designated captain.” You smiled and they all chuckled.
The night went on, smiling and talking, enjoying the air. You and jj were lying at the back of the boat playing 20 questions which ended up just being questions.
“Favorite musician ?” Jj asked staring at the sky.
“Mmm, Taylor swift.” You answered and he pushed himself up onto his elbow to look at you.
“Dude!” He exclaimed.
“Really? She’s so- I don’t know.” He sighs.
“Amazing, talented, gorgeous, phenomenal?” You asked. “Come on who’s yours?”
“Metallica.” He lay back down.
“Dude !” You copied.
“What?” He laughed and you just shook your head.
“Nothing they’re a great band.” You laughed again. He smiled at the sound, it gave him butterflies.
The game went on for ages until John B dropped you both off at the pier by your houses.
“Okay okay, but seriously what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” Jj asked.
“Ummm, I haven’t really-“
“Oh come on! Everyone says your so reserved and quiet I think there’s a catch.” Jj added as you both sat on the pier looking at the water.
“You know the cliff, above the water near the center of obx?” I asked and he nodded, “I once did a backflip off of there.”
“Bullshit!” He smiled.
“It is not!” You pushed his shoulder playfully.
“I bet you can’t even do a backflip.”
“Can too!”
“Prove it.” He smirked, cocking his head at the water.
“Fine….on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“I get to paint you….while we listen to Taylor swift.” You smiled.
You stood up and removed your baggy t-shirt to reveal your stripy bikini top, slipping off your white jean shorts, leaving them on the pier.
You caught jj’s eyes lingering a little too long and prayed he couldn’t see you blush.
“You ready?” You asked him.
“Yeah.” He smiled at you.
You stood at the edge of the pier and pushed off, doing a backflip into the water.
“Shit that’s cold!” You yelled as you surfaced.
“You alright?” Jj asked with genuine concern.
You nodded as he helped you back onto the pier.
“That was great!” He smirked.
“Okay wait here!” You yelled, quickly sprinting to your house to get your speaker and paint.
Pretty soon you were sitting on your porch in your shorts and bikini top, painting jj onto a small canvas.
“You paint people often?” He asked as Taylor swift blared into the night, she wasn’t that bad he thought.
“No! Ive got no one to paint, I mostly paint landscapes, the beach, the outer banks.” You explained.
He watched the way you focused. And smiled to himself.
“What?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He shook his head still smiling.
“It’s just- you’re really pretty.” He spoke softer then before.
You blushed like crazy as a feeling you’d never experienced flew around inside. A buzz of bliss and admiration.
“Almost done?” Jj asked, clearing his throat.
“No, but I’ve got the basics down, just need to shade and stuff-“ you paused when you head all too well start to play.
You smiled.
“What?” He asked.
“I love this song.”
He almost laughed at your excitement.
You stood up and helped him off the floor as well.
“Dance with me?” You smiled all giddy like a child playing with their favorite toy.
“I don’t dance.” He shook his head.
“Please!” You started swinging his hands.
He sighed heavily as he spun you around, and you giggled happily.
The hold you had over him was unreal, especially considering you barely knew each other.
You mouthed the lyrics dramatically as he laughed. His smile made you happy.
He grabbed your hips and you swayed as the song slowed, and jumped around when it picked up, spinning and singing for 10 whole minutes. Jj hadn’t had this much fun in years.
He saw the sky start to turn orange, signaling the sunrise. “Come on.” He pulled you by the hand towards his house.
“Where are we going?” You asked grabbing your shirt and your book.
“You’ll see!” See smiled and dragged you towards his bike.
He climbed on but you stopped.
“You scared?” He asked.
“A little.”
“Don’t be. I’ve got you.” He spoke in such an assuring manner that you climbed on to the back of the bike, arms loosely around his waist.
As the bike moved forwards your grip tightened dramatically. He smiled, the feeling of you so close made him weak.
Your eyes were shut tightly as you felt the bike climb up hill until the road felt flat again.
“You seeing this?” He shouted over the wind.
You shook your head against his back.
“Oh come on n/n!” He smiled.
The nickname made you flustered as you opened your eyes and saw the sun peaking over the ocean, the sky red and orange.
“It beautiful.” You whispered.
“Perfect for you then.” Jj spoke.
There was that feeling again, and it only heightened as he sped up, climbing higher and higher, up on the island.
You giggled. “WHOOOOHOOOOO.” You screamed and laughed again. Jj laughed too and copied you.
When you reached the highest point in the outer backs jj pulled you to the edge of the cliff where you both sat. Just in time to watch the sunrise.
“This is amazing.” You smiled.
“Isn’t it?”
You both watched the sun on the water for a while in a comfortable silence, legs swinging off the ledge. Feeling more alive than ever.
You turned to jj at the same time he turned to you, realizing how close you were.
He examined your face and you examined his.
He glanced at your lips. “Jj.” You whispered.
“Mm.” He hummed still staring at your lips.
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You spoke so softly, almost embarrassed you looked down.
“Then you’re all mine.” He lifted your chin and your lips collided.
Passion exploding inside of you.
His lips were softer than you expected and he pulled you closer as your hands played with his hair.
you pulled away smiling shyly at him. “You’re beautiful n/n.”
Normally he would be taking you back to his place by now, but you were different than the other girls he’d gone out with. You were sweet, and smart, kind and worth spending time with.
“Thank you…for everything.” You smiled. He frowned. “This is the most fun I’ve had in…forever.”
“Me too.”
It only took 2 weeks for you to officially start dating.
Jj quickly became your best friend and you became his.
You would lie under the willow tree behind your houses, his head on your stomach as you read to him. He didn’t admit it but that was his favorite thing to do, hearing you read.
He taught you how to surf, he was cocky at first until you got the hang of it and we’re almost as good as him…almost.
One day you got knocked of your board and something stung you, Jj quickly stopped cheering you on along with pope and Sarah when he noticed your face.
He helped you onto the beach most of your leg was red and purple, and some blood poured from it.
“Shit baby are you okay?” Jj asked, looking more scared than you.
“Yeah just hit some coral or something when I fell.” You spoke, face twisted in pain.
“C-can you walk?” He asked and you simply shook your head.
“Pope call the ambulance.” He spoke firmly.
“Pope!” Jj yelled so frantically both Sarah and pope sprinted to go find help.
Jj was so protective over you it was a little concerning at times.
“Jayj- I’m okay.” You half smiled at him and he shook his head frantically, picking you up bridal style to take you closer to the road where the ambulance would be.
You were fine a week later, and it was no big deal but Sarah swears she’s never seen anyone look as terrified as Jj was that day.
But you had seen him more scared, more protective…only once.
When he saw you sitting by the pier and he walked over to surprise you, only to realise that you were crying as he got closer.
“Hey it’s okay! What’s wrong baby!” He sat down and tried to hug you when he realised your lip was bleeding and you’d eye was black.
He pulled you into him as you sobbed. “Who did this to you?” He asked. Angrier than ever. Who the fuck would lay a finger on his girl. His sweet y/n.
“Was it your dad!?” He asked.
You just nodded. You had held him as he cried many times after an encounter with his father, cleaned him up and told him you loved him many times. But he had never seen you like this.
“I’ll kill him.” He stood up.
“Jayj- he left, gone to Vegas or some shit!” You called.
All these bad experiences only made you love him more.
But so did the good times. Like when he took you dancing by the beach. Or when you’d paint and he’d just talk to you like nothing else mattered, or when you’d get a new outfit or a bikini and he’d tell you that you were gorgeous and kiss you like it was the first time.
Or when he took you fishing, he would fish and you would read.
Or when he finally admitted that he’d become a swiftie and that it was strictly between the two of you.
Jj swore you were an Angel that was sent to even out his evil. When he got angry you’d calm him down, you’d make sure he never smoke or drink too much, you kept him healthy.
About 6 months into your relationship jj decided to tease you a little. While you were cooking he hugged you from behind and you smiled.
“I love you.” He whispered. “I love you too.” You answered.
“Stand over there.” He pointed to a spot in the lounge.” Before you could ask why he gave you a look that said trust me.
So you did.
“What now?” You asked as he stood in front of you.
“This.” He whispered as he smiled, slamming you into the wall, pinning you there while his other hand grabbed your thigh and wrapped it around his hip. He smiled into the kiss and you smiled wider and slid out from his grasp giggling like a little kid.
He remembered that from one of your books.
“You like that?” He asked as you were still flustered.
You nodded excitedly.
“Let’s do that again.” You pointed to your bedroom. “In there.” You smirked.
His eyes widened. “You sure you’re ready n/n?” He asked, you’d been putting it off for months, scared because it was new.
But you knew jj was who you wanted to be with forever. “Because you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” He spoke.
It only made you more sure you were ready.
“I’m sure let’s goooo.” You smiled walking towards your room.
“Not gonna say no to that.”
You were safe with him and he was safe with you.
Sure he was loud and you were quiet, he was messy and you were neat. And sure you seemed like polar opposites but he was yours.
It was the silly things he did that allowed you to loosen up a little, be more like yourself and be less reserved. The way you joked with each other or the way you jumped up and down when you were excited, the way he licked your cheek and you lick him back with a frown. The way he’d grab your ass in public just to make you jump. Or how you’d drag him around the bookstore for hours.
It just worked.
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skarsgardwise · 2 years
Why do you love me? - "The Scare" - Rafe Cameron Series
Chapter two is here! Enjoy. Please understand that I am a college student and the chapters are short!
btw, this series is a slowish burn between the reader and Rafe
warnings?: A tiny TINY bit of angst, swearing!!
Anyways, happy reading and comment on your ideas for this series:)
my love,
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"Stop it, dude. You're destroying my puzzle!" You squeak out, swatting at JJ's grasping hands for the puzzle pieces. "It doesn't seem right!" "It appears to have been hit by a car," JJ responds. You froze at his remark and slowly turned to face him. JJ's eyes squint at you, unsure of what you're going to do next. 
"You're the one who appears to have been hit by a car!" You stand up and bite back, getting close to JJ's face. Your remark causes his eyes to widen and his mouth to gape open. "Did you-" he tries to respond, but you quickly respond.
 "I did say it! You, pufferfish!"
JJ was at a loss for words. Your remark completely stunned him. Does he really resemble a pufferfish? His mouth was still agape. "JJ, you might want to close your mouth before the flies start coming in," another deep voice says, slapping JJ on the back. "By the way, nice comeback y/n," he continues. 
"Thank you very much, John B!" You bow down and salute him, smirking at him. "The show is over, people! Come back the next time!" You added to it. 
JJ slowly turns around and walks toward the mirror in the corner of John B's room. He examines his face and hair. The realization dawns on him quickly. "Oh my god," he exhales. He quickly spins around to face you and John B. "I do look like a pufferfish!" he exclaims as he falls to his knees.  
You and John B both roll your eyes at each other. "How come we're best friends with him?" you wonder. "Do not ask me; ask yourself. "You first became friends with him," he responds to your question. You scoff at his response and hit on JB's shins. He collapses to the ground, groaning in agony. Trying to rub the pain away to make it go away. "What the fuck!" he exclaims. 
That is correct. You did first become best friends with JJ. Yall practically grew up and lived together. You both had bad parents and relied on each other. Then JB entered the picture, and you've been the trio ever since.
“Y/n! You need to start treating my knees with respect; they don't deserve this." JB squeaks out, groaning in agony. You sighed and rolled your eyes. Men are always dramatic, regardless of the situation... "Look at me, JB," you demanded, your face solemn. He looks up, perplexed by what you're doing.
"Do you see my face? "Do I look like I'm giving a fuck?" you ask calmly. He sighs and lowers his gaze to the ground. "No..." he says.
“Exactly. Get up, pussies. We've got work to do!" You clap your hands, grab your belongings, and leave the house. JJ and JB exchange a look, their lips pursed. "Is it possible that she is using drugs?" JB inquires JJ, who looks at him as if he is stupid.
"Are you insane? No!”
𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓 𖤓
You arrived at the beach to spend time with Kie and Pope. You got out of twinkie, shut the doors, and went to the back of the car to get some stuff for later. JB swings open the back door, almost hitting you in the face.
 “Aye! "Watch out, bastard!" you yell at JB. "It's okay princess," JJ says as he stifles a laugh. His hand rubbing your back. "Oh, quiet down, you little bitch!" You snap back, your gaze fixed on him. He laughs at your retort.
"You're really feisty today!"
You sigh, ignoring his remark. JJ smirked to himself when he saw you upset. He grabs both of your hips and lifts you off the ground, slinging you over his shoulder as he sprints to the water. You squeak in response to the sudden movement.
“JJ! I swear to fucking God, don't throw me in the water!" You threaten him by slamming your fists into his back. He laughs at your comment. He was getting closer to the water. He threw you into the water as soon as he arrived.
You were quickly submerged when you felt the cold water touch you. You could feel your anxiety rising quickly, and you felt like you couldn't swim back up. It was awful; you couldn't feel anything. Then you noticed your eyes closing.
You were suddenly pulled up by frantic hands gripping your waist. You gasp for air because there is no water around you. You blinked quickly as you opened your eyes. Your gaze met JJ's, who was holding your cheeks and looking around to make sure you weren't hurt. You could see the panic in his eyes as he looked for any indication that you were okay.
"JJ," you said quietly. He didn't hear you because he was too focused on his thoughts. He felt like a jerk after what he did to you. You have a firm grip on his wrist. "JJ!" you yell at him. He finally fixes his gaze on you.
"I'm fine," you say quietly, afraid that saying anything louder will scare him away. You gradually relax your grip on his wrist. He exhales loudly, relieved that you were not hurt. "I can't lose you now," he said, bringing his forehead to yours. "Never, ever."
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allfavz · 2 years
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obx headers like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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bitchyycapricorn · 2 years
OBX Masterlist (Currently not writing for)
Main Masterlist
♧= Series 
JJ Maybanks
Trouble*♤♧ part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
High ride*
Cuts and Bruises♤♡☆
Short imagine♡
Sarah Cameron
Sister's girlfriend*♤
Wheezie Cameron
Sister's Girlfriend*♤
Rafe Cameron
Coming down*♤
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grabity112 · 1 year
Hello gorgeous people,
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I will be writing one shots or even stories for Rafe Cameron to begin with- using my original character Astrid Maybank who is a pouge to create that enemies to lovers properly- so send in any requests you have for one shots or scenarios you want me to write and I’ll happily do it.
And of course if you have any other specific requests away from other characters by all means send them in.
Love you all <3
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ehmahlee26 · 2 years
JJ & Kiara || Arms (+3x10)
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shootingskyeward · 2 years
Things I can't wait to see in OBX4:
Jiara holding hands 😍
Boyfriend JJ (I love this man with my whole heart)
The pouges treasure hunting together
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pankowperfection · 2 years
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Why yes, I did buy merch from American Eagle. P4L baby
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raiisakitsune · 2 years
The most important person to JJ is John B. JJ’s treasure is Kiara and his real family are the pouges.
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the pouges were so out of sync this season like you’re telling me that they were like “oh well” to kie getting taken off to camp like no way i’m going to choose to pretend that s3 doesn’t exist
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westidia · 2 years
Also them doing that 18 month time jump, I didn’t like it. We missed so much shit between Big Jon and up to this scene. Some many questions.
Also I believe season four will be the last unfortunately. I also get the feeling that the plot of season 4 won’t be about the pirates/ships (how s3 ended)
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littlebugs · 2 years
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my personal outer banks rant (character based) A/N: i have absolutely nothing against the actors of the show, this is just my full on review of outer banks and it's characters (i loveee the show so much tho, can't wait for obx 3!!!!)
see my site! https://littlebugs.tumblr.com/
jj maybanks obviously i had to start with jj.... this man has some serious trauma but somehow the series almost manages to play it off? i feel like there are a few key moments in the series but you don't really see his character getting a lot of sympathy from the other characters except for whenever it just manages to come up (sic the hot tub scene). also this man is straight up gorgeous MWAH! cut like a diamond, and he has that beach boy vibe. favorite vanilla boy in this series.
john b john b has an interesting personality and tbh it confuses me sometimes. maybe it's because his actor is like way old to play a 16-17 year old, he has this air of an adult while like doing stupid stuff, and he looks like an adult as well. he also got... married. not legally, but he got married. and honestly hes been through so much i don't even blame him- man just wants something stable in his life.
sarah cameron to be honest about her... i dont hate her! i though sarah might be stuck up in her old ways but she actually is quite a "go w/ the flow" girl. but home girl looses her dad (for a short time anyways) literally watched him die with leads to like a huge amount of trauma, has her brother attempt to murder her (yikes) and is on the run from police after being framed an accomplice in murder? not to mention getting kidnpped by her dad who turns out to be alive... i kinda forgive her for any rash actions because she arguably has one of the hardest times in the series.
kiarra carrera im sorry. I HATE IT. kiarra is a privileged girl who decides to run with underprivileged guys. i have not problem with that whatsoever! the problem is that now from hanging out with them, she calls herself one of them. you can't just think that (almost) poverty is easy peasy. yeah it's fun to hang out with the pouges, but at the end of the day she goes home to a warm house with food and a bed. people like jj and possibly john b might not have food in the house. she calls herself one of "them" but shes truly just glorifying the lifestyle and taking the advantages. not to mention her unstable relationship with pope who actually likes her. shes incredibly self centered and unaware and I HATE IT.
pope heyward POPE! i love popes rational thinking skills, hes one of my favorite characters. he rlly cares for his friends, but he also wants to have a future, unlike some of the other pouges who seems to be just lounging around. he works hard, and then works harder. he is probably one of the most underrated characters in obx. there is also something just so aesthetically pleasing about his voice it's crazy. pope arguabbly has a better home than most of the charecters with a mother and father who care bout him, but what hurts is when he runs away from them with his friends (i know he comes back, but the looks in his dads face almost made me cry istg).
rafe cameron ok... controversial character alarm!!! a lot of people like rafe but i can't understand it! yes rafe is... very handsome. yes rafe is.... also probably a psychopath. rafe definitely has something physiologically going on, and it seems like his family isn't intent on getting him help. rose cameron even says rafe has been like this since eleven. eleven!!! and they still haven;t helped him... sounds like it's getting worse to me. that may also be the reason rafe seems to fall into drugs more than any other character- it might - per say - let him escape his mind. all in all mr. rafe cameron needs some serious help and i would love to see if he has a healing process in season 3
ward cameron i do not like this man. not at all. he seems to completely ignore wheezie, honestly poor wheezie (we'll dig deeper later), he lets one of his children kill someone for him, and the other framed for the murder, murders people, marries rose (a mistake on his part because shes def toxic), and puts his children through immense trauma by killing himself and coming back to life. he also kidnaps people and blames the people HE murdered on some poor 17 year old. i can't.
topper to be honest i kinda like topper. topper is yes, a white, cis, straight male, but aren't rafe and jj? he is rlly respectful to be honest. he friends and some of the other kooks on figure eight are kind of jerks, but topper seems to be nicer. despite pushing john b of a tree or something he hasn't done anything wrong. he literately gets broken up with by sarah and WILL STILL risk himself for her. he also tells her he will never stop loving her, but gives up on the chase because hse doesn't want him. this man has a very very decent amount of respect and i adore him.
wheezie oh my god this poor kid. she's what 12 or 13? so uhm... i dont even know where to start. ok so her dad is a crazy murderer who scars her for life. her brother is also a murderer. her sister has been framed for murder. her mother is an accomplice in wards murder..... ugh. just let me whisk poor wheezie away and adopt her. also like ward does not seem to care about wheezie he speaks to her like 10 times -_- its crazzzy. i hope she turns out okay and honestly i would like to see some more wheezie character development.
carla limbrey poor carla. shes a jerk, but i feel bad. kinda. girl was dying and just wanted a cure, something to hold onto. she didn't have any sinister intentions, but it kinda turned evil because of her overwhelming urge for this cross and garment.. and omg renfield you jerk i hate him.
anyways this took an hour give or take so i hope you liked it!
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liliegrayson · 2 years
i'm a pouge polycule truther. they are all dating each other.
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snixxjj13-blog · 2 years
maybe its bc kiara betrayed rafe for them but the pouges lost their special light tbh (im still on ep 5 so dont come @ me this could change)
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