#Prayer Of Consecration
A Prayer for Patience – Your Daily Prayer
[ad_1] A Prayer for PatienceBy Emma Danzey Proverbs 16:32 says, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.” Patience is not easy for everyone; in fact, it is a struggle for everyone to some degree. The fact is that we are all sinners, and patience does not […] A Prayer for Patience – Your Daily Prayer Like, Shares and Follow Please don’t forget to…
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
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Oh most noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies, valorous warrior of Almighty God and zealous lover of His glory, terror of the rebellious angels, [...] my beloved Archangel [...] with your powerful weapon cast far from me into the infernal abysses that prevaricator and proud angel that one day you prostrated in the celestial battle. Amen.
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fiat-veritas · 9 months
There may be some hope for the situation with my family but I really need all of your prayers. Please, please, ask God for a miracle with them. I am so hopeful and trusting that He will provide for me but a lot of grace will be needed for my family to come around. Please keep praying!
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forward-in-joy · 11 months
"The Spirit moves us to see God in the littleness and vulnerability of a baby, yet we at times risk seeing our consecration only in terms of results, goals, and success: we look for influence, for visibility, for numbers. This is a temptation. The Spirit, on the other hand, asks for none of this. He wants us to cultivate daily fidelity and to be attentive to the little things entrusted to our care. How touching is the fidelity shown by Simeon and Anna! Each day they go to the Temple, each day they keep watch and pray, even though time passes and nothing seems to happen. They live their lives in expectation, without discouragement or complaint, persevering in fidelity and nourishing the flame of hope that the Spirit has kindled in their hearts."
-- Pope Francis
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tinyshe · 11 months
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mongrelmutt · 8 months
Off to Omaha, Nebraska to renew my promises and (more importantly) celebrate my sisters who are making their first consecration and renewing for life! Please keep us in your prayers!
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strywoven · 2 months
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so a little lore for those that asked ( no-one asked ) : kaëltyr was regarded in long-lived mythos as this IMMACULATE LIGHT to humanity ( hence how it has been able to sustain faith for so long , methinks , bc people sought it as a benevolent creature & arbiter of fate , thus immortalized ) .  anyways , a primary facet of its existence is the motif of fire - “the breath of life” , according to some - an element distinguishable for being both a force for ruin as much as for creation ; for kaëltyr , each was true.
it’s well-known that kaëltyr would perform purifying rites by immolation when taking on souls into its realm ( literally , a brutalizing act that would purge away all former darkness & replace it with a cleansed , blessed existence ; in effect , what was left could barely be deemed “human” ) .  and many of their punishments were done with fire ( such as forcing those who broke the commandment “speak with virtue” to choke on their burning lies for the rest of eternity ) .
however , another aspect i find fascinating is the trial kaëltyr forced mankind to endure when coming to supplant it for a blessing.  so do you know ( you probably don’t ) how in dragon prince , the sun elves pretty much basically utilized the essence of the SUN ITSELF to test the virtue of someone ( rather , their “light” ) ?  i wager it was basically the same here.  kaëltyr would rip itself open , forcing a kneeling human to be exposed to the unbearable radiance of ITS OWN SOUL ( much like the sceptre the sun elves used ) .  humans would have to gaze , unblinking and unflinching , into this light for several arduous seconds while kaëltyr scried their soul.  Based upon what it found , it would pass judgment , either finding them worthy or unworthy of blessing and boon.  you can probably assume the rest.  those found to be “pure” were not given the option of leaving , though , they ( well , most ) were immediately taken and inoculated , never to be seen again ( though assumed to be well taken care of ) .
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you-are-my-angel-love · 2 months
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And just like that his wings turned into two doves and a promise in marriage to a holy wife in matrimony. ♥
In the tranquil expanse of the celestial realm, the Guardian Angel Frederick finds himself engaged in a profound conversation with himself, contemplating the purpose of his existence and his yearning for true love. With a deep breath, he begins to speak:
Frederick: “Why am I here? Is my sole purpose to watch over humanity and shield them from harm? Or is there a deeper calling, a destiny awaiting me?”
As he reflects on his celestial duties, Frederick’s thoughts turn to Sara, the woman who has captured his heart, the one whose presence fills him with a joy beyond compare. With a gleam of excitement in his eyes, he continues:
Frederick: “But then there’s Sara. Oh, Sara. In her, I find solace, a sanctuary away from the tumult of this world. She embodies all that is good – kindness, sincerity, and a love that knows no bounds. I yearn to stand by her side, to share in her laughter and bask in the warmth of her love.”
With each word, Frederick’s heart swells with affection and anticipation, envisioning a future brimming with shared dreams, whispered promises, and moments of pure contentment with Sara. He envisions a life far removed from the allure of fame and fortune, where their love can blossom in the simplicity of a small town, shielded from the prying eyes of the outside world.
Frederick: “Yes, that’s it. My purpose lies not in the pursuit of earthly acclaim, but in the pursuit of love – a love that transcends boundaries and endures through eternity. And with Sara, I have found my true calling, my raison d'être. Together, we will forge our own path, where our love will shine brighter than the brightest star.”
With newfound resolve, Frederick sets his sights on a future with Sara, his heart brimming with hope and anticipation for the love that awaits them. And in that moment, he knows that his journey has only just begun, guided by the boundless power of love and the unwavering desire to be with the one who holds his heart.
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pittsburghbeautiful · 5 months
Immaculate Heart of Mary in Polish Hill
Unfolding the Legacy of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Pittsburgh Situated atop the historic Polish Hill in Pittsburgh, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (or Ko?ció? Matki Boskiej in Polish) stands as a testament to the faith and perseverance of the early Polish immigrants who settled this region. With its grand scale and opulent design, the church is an iconic example of the Polish Cathedral…
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srndpt2024 · 8 months
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angeltreasure · 2 years
Lebanon Is Consecrated to St. Michael the Archangel
Dominic Chikhani, of the Marys Heart prayer initiative, said the evening was ‘like a pilgrimage in heaven.’
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Fast Quietly With Quite Prayers
First foremost, Prayer is the best weapon Citizens of Nations can arm themselves with. Actually, no weapon is ever sharp likewise to the Holy Bible, with obedience of all the instructions from Commandments. Nevertheless, with all the Commands from Commandments, towards an unbeliever, heathen or either carnal individual, it seems like a fairytale which had never and would never occur. Hence, once…
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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fiat-veritas · 10 months
Welcome to my blog! If you would be so kind, please feel free to read this post before scrolling:
I am now officially a candidate for religious life, with a non-cloistered contemplative community. Because of this, I generally attempt to use this blog a maximum of 2 days a week (usually Saturday and Sunday). My queue still runs during the week and I welcome prayer requests and messages at all times! Please especially message me if you’d like to talk about discernment, religious life, or would just like a Catholic friend.
I hold all of you who follow me and send me your requests and intentions in prayer each day, and I thank you in advance for your prayers too. Please pray that I might clearly discern God’s will for my life, and know His peace, joy, and healing.
Please know how much our Lord Jesus loves each of you. He wants nothing more than to love you with your permission. Please join me in praying:
My Lord and my God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You! I ask pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You.
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fierysword · 1 year
We give Nourishment to our Bodies; therefore let us also give Nourishment to our Souls. We spend so much Time idly; let us dedicate a Part of it to God; which Part alone will be called Time not lost... Inward Prayer is the Nourishment of the Soul; it is in this holy Rest that the Soul obtains [Strength]... The Soul is solely engaged with God... This active Prayer may be performed in two Ways, one with Words out of the [Affections of the] Heart...and the other is the Prayer of the Heart, without Words or Thoughts... For one may pray without forming or uttering of any Words, without Consideration or Speculation of the Mind... [The] straitened Heart lays itself open before God... Now the Soul that will perform this inward Prayer, has in the Beginning only two Exercises to use towards her Excitation: First, the Representation of the Presence of God... The infinite Majesty of God and the whole adorable Trinity fills all Things;  so must the Soul undertake an inward Exercise of this Faith, and stir herself up, firmly believing this Truth, that [God] is in her, as well as in the Place where she is, and in all Places, truly present. Secondly...the Soul must practise a resigned committing herself into his fatherly Hands, most sincerely resolving to dedicate herself, her inward and outward Man, with all her Faculties and Performances, to his most holy Will;  that with regard to her, he may direct and order everything according to this his good Will... When this is done...remain in Peace and Silence; endeavouring to continue in this loving Remembrance of God, who is so truly present... You know the Lord's Prayer, in which you have enough to perform this mental or inward Prayer... When these Petitions are repeated, and we penetrate into them livingly, or ruminate on them in our Hearts, it has a quite different Effect than when they are uttered with the Mouth only. 
A Short, Easy, and Comprehensive Method of Prayer by Johannes Kelpius
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tinyshe · 11 months
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