#Premium gin
notmumtoday · 5 months
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brogansway · 1 year
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suburblocal · 1 year
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manmanual-au · 11 months
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xxalphaclownxx · 2 months
how much money would it take for you to draw pregnant duncan
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oh hey, guess who i saw at planned parenthood the other day??
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frimleyblogger · 2 years
One Gin Sage Premium London Dry Gin
A #gin designed to make the world a better place, showcasing #sage as its principal botanical, from @TheSpiritofOne bought at @DrinkfinderUK
One Gin Sage Premium London Dry Gin is another one of those gins that I picked up on a recent trip to the headquarters of Drinkfinder UK in Constantine, down in Cornwall, although it is not Cornish in origin. Rather it is produced near the smoke in Richmond-upon-Thames. As is the modern way, it has an ethical and sustainable twist to its back story, one that, intriguingly, has its roots in…
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kasumichow · 1 year
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Long Island Iced Tea
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prof-peach · 8 months
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hey so you can buy this, and the site that hosts the Arcaeus Electus comic now has a shop!!
hopefully I can make more prints and items for you all with time ^^ let me know if somethign seems broken, we're still new to makign this kind of a thing.
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notmumtoday · 1 year
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brogansway · 1 year
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suburblocal · 1 year
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manmanual-au · 8 months
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Whisky, gin and beer
It was always going to be about beer, too - not only whisky and gin. And it was probably designed to be a simultaneous project, that might have been postponed for various reasons: funny how all those intelligent people across the street forget everything about COVID, when it does not fit their agendas. And by COVID, I do not mean only the prolonged lockdowns, but first and foremost the worldwide logistics crisis, with compromised supply chains and overall a huge blow on the transports' sector.
In fact, looking at those trademark websites, it becomes evident that first (now abandoned) trademark application for beer was filed in at the same time as the one for whisky, on December 28, 2018:
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Separate categories, as per US regulations, need separate filings, of course. And beer is a brilliant, simple idea, with high quality local ingredients (it's really barley, water, hops and yeast) relatively easy to source. Well, spare perhaps for the hops, but that is not really a problem, anymore:
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(Source: the James Hutton Institute's booklet Hops in Scotland, 2018 - well, then. The institute is based in Dundee, by the way, so I think they know exactly what they are talking about, especially after a four year long feasibility study with encouraging results: https://www.hutton.ac.uk/news/scottish-hops-viable-commercial-crop-hutton-research-finds)
As I always make a point of reminding anyone, this page does not deal in fantasy and empty, meaningless scouring of social media accounts. And cackle to your heart's content, Mordor, but S seems to have a genuine, informed interest in the industry, as shown above.
This is a different business plan and a different marketing model, based on affordable production costs and yield/volume (as compared to successive, 'limited batches' of tequila or whisky, where the accent is placed on the excellence of the product and know-how, as reflected in the final price tag). You can bottle that beer or you can sell it on tap, partnering with local bars and pubs first, then progressively extending that network. And I bet the farm it is going to be a premium, artisanal beer first, with options open for a more democratic product, once brand awareness is properly built: beer is versatile, like that.
Whisky and gin were expensive, carefully curated pet projects. Beer is a fun, easy and lucrative one, with a wider clientele and fast growing potential. And this is how that unknown, struggling Scottish actor who once was the face of Tennent's has a fair opportunity to strike it big. To be followed, which I might do. And this is also how his products could cover the entire price range, from luxury to affordable.
It is also always disheartening to see how all those bitter women congregating on certain Tumblr pages feel the need to dismiss anything he does. As I always said and I always will, many of them have no idea about the very basics of business and trade, no exposure to that world and, to be honest, no particular intellectual acuity. Plus I bet the farm many of them lie about their own circumstances: it's easy to pretend, on the Internet and always sexier (and lame, of course) to introduce yourself as a corporate whatever than a secretary. But I wonder how would they feel, in the unlikely situation they would be running their own lemonade stand, if passers by started cackling and bitching about their trade, out of the blue.
So, all in all, we seem to be dealing with some careful preparation, portfolio diversification and yes, taking much needed strides away from McGrandma. To be continued, of course...
PS: FMN Gin, still crickets? Ahhh...
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aishangotome · 9 days
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Premium Story
In the end, after getting soaked in the shower, we stood before a different kind of mess – our clothes.
Alfons: "Don't you hate the thought of putting these back on?"
Persuaded by his words, we spent the night in that room, naked.
By morning, new clothes had been delivered, somehow arranged overnight.
While dodging Alfons' mischievous hands that tried to play another prank, I got dressed, and we returned to the castle.
Alfons: So, how was it?
Kate: Huh?
Alfons: Did I look like I was having fun while indulging in pleasure with you?
Kate: ......What!?
The direct question made my face flush instantly.
All I could recall were his sighs, his lips, the feeling of our skin rubbing together......
Kate: I-I couldn't tell.
Alfons: That's a shame. Then we'll have to do a lot more naughty things.
Kate: What......!
Alfons: Well then......I'm going to sleep now. I won't wake up until tonight, so feel free to do as you please, my exclusive Fairytale Keeper.
Alfons: You must be sleep-deprived too. Why don't you get some rest?
As always, Alfons left me abruptly.
(...Alfons' goodbyes are always so one-sided.)
I felt like I wouldn't be surprised if he disappeared like a phantom tomorrow.
That's how much Alfons seems unconnected to anything.
Not to his partying friends, not to Crown – and certainly not to me, whom he just met.
(...I feel like I shouldn't dwell on Alfons' "truth" any longer.)
It would only lead to pain.
That certain premonition suppressed the sweet ache that had sprouted in the depths of my chest.
(Just like Alfons said – "It's a relationship that won't last even a month.")
(If I let my heart be captured too...)
Kate: ......It will only hurt.
The words I coughed out to convince myself made my chest tighten more than I expected.
Pretending not to notice my wounded heart, I quickened my pace.
(It's okay. I... I don't like Alfons.)
Roger: ...Didn't you say you were going to bed?
Roger entered just as Alfons finished his first glass in one gulp.
Alfons: ...Eavesdropping on other people's conversations, as always, what an unpleasant ability.
Roger: I just happened to overhear it while passing by. I didn't use my ability to listen in.
Alfons, still frowning in displeasure, glanced at Roger's hand.
Alfons: Beer in the afternoon? A doctor neglecting his health is deplorable.
Roger: I was up all night. It's better than you drinking gin in the afternoon.
Roger lightly shook his beer mug and poured it down his throat.
After a satisfied gulp, he looked at Alfons again.
Roger: ...So, how is it? You like Kate, don't you?
Alfons: Of course.
Alfons: A straight, pure robin who has fallen into a den of evil and has never done anything wrong...
Alfons: Such an interesting toy is hard to come by.
Roger: ...Really?
At the suggestive tone, Alfons narrowed his eyes sharply.
Alfons: ...What?
Roger: It doesn't look like you're just interested in that kind of formal amusement anymore.
Roger: Don't you just simply like her?
Alfons: Is that a medical opinion? Unfortunately, you're wrong.
Alfons: I don't have the capacity to love.
Roger: Is that so? She seems to like you.
Alfons: Haha! Of course she does.
Alfons: This relationship is just a one-month entertainment.
Alfons: Even without love, it's bound to be fun.
Roger: ...Then don't let her get too serious.
Roger: Perhaps this is the fine line where you can look back and say, "That was a bad form of entertainment."
Alfons: ...Ha.
It was probably the most parched sigh he had ever let out.
Alfons: Since when did you become such a good person?
The day after returning with Alfons, there was a meeting to share the progress of our mission.
It seems they had been investigating the commonalities between the workhouse manager who led the gang of thugs and the orphanage manager where the bodies were first found. The name of a certain gentleman's club came up.
Kate: A gentleman's club... It's a members-only social club where only those recognized among the upper class can join, right?
William: Yes. It has accommodations, restaurants, bars, libraries... all of which are exclusive to members.
William: Important figures from various fields gather there to test each other and build connections.
Victor: It's highly likely that one of those clubs is directing the massacre of the poor happening in the East End right now.
London, with its burgeoning population, has a stark divide between rich and poor.
Hunger leads to conflict, and conflict leads to tragic events.
Having caught a glimpse of the darkness of this city that makes headlines, some people brandish eugenic ideas, claiming that "the poor are born criminals."
(But... no one deserves to be killed just for living.)
People in the slums, fleeing in terror as knives are indiscriminately wielded.
People clinging to the illusion of Alfons.
The images that surfaced in my mind tightened my chest.
(If they are indiscriminately killing innocent people like that... and think of it as "purification"...)
(...That's cruel arrogance.)
**flashback to dining room**
Alfons: There are children in this world who die without anyone knowing.
Alfons: And there are people who think of it as nothing more than clearing away bothersome garbage that has piled up on the street corner.
**end of flashback**
(...Alfons has known about the existence of such people long before this incident occurred.)
(Has he lived in a place where he could feel it firsthand?)
I was afraid to face the cruel incident happening in the East End.
(But now I want to face it properly...)
That feeling welled up in my chest.
Victor: To catch the mastermind, we need to infiltrate the 'Purification' club... but it's not easy to get in there.
Victor: Most gentlemen's clubs are exclusive, and they'll be even more vigilant since they have something to hide.
William: ...So, Alfons, we'd like to ask you to infiltrate.
Alfons: Leave it to me. I'm good at deceiving people and infiltrating.
Despite the dangerous mission of venturing into enemy territory, Alfons accepted with a nonchalant smile.
(If it's Alfons' mission... then I too–)
(As his exclusive "Fairytale Keeper," I have to see it through to the end this time and record it.)
Alfons: Oh... by the way, what about Kate?
William: If she's your "exclusive Fairytale Keeper," you'll have no choice but to take her along.
Kate: ...Yes.
For a moment, the atrocities I had witnessed at the "Purification" club flashed through my mind, and fear almost crept up from my feet, but I scolded my weak self and raised my face.
Kate: Um, how do we get into the gentleman's club? Women aren't allowed, are they...?
William: With Alfons' ability,
William: It's easy to make them believe that non-members are members, or that women are men.
Kate: ! I see...
Alfons: You don't have to push yourself, Kate.
The voice came from right behind my ear.
Even without turning around, I could sense Alfons' presence beside me, his lips close as he chuckled.
Alfons: If you're scared, you can just kill time at a nearby cafe and we'll match our stories later.
I don't want to run away
I have a responsibility
I want to help
Kate: This time, I don't want to run away. I'll be careful not to cause any more trouble, so please...
Kate: Let me go with you.
Alfons: It seems you are prepared to face death.
William: Haha, you've become quite a brave robin, haven't you?
Kate: Alfons, I'm counting on you.
Alfons: ...Goodness, you're really something else, aren't you?
His troubled, exasperated, yet gentle smile made my heart leap–
(I don't like him, I don't like him.)
I chanted like a mantra, pushing away the sweet emotions that welled up inside me.
Alfons: It can't be helped, then. I'll take you with me.
Alfons: It'll be fun, infiltrating enemy territory with just the two of us.
Alfons: I'm already excited to see what kind of trouble we'll get into.
And then, on a moonless night--.
(...We really got in easily.)
At the reception, Alfons used his ability, and we sneaked into the Purification Club's members-only hotel as members ourselves.
Elbert and Roger were waiting outside in case anything happened inside.
Kate: Let's go, Alfons.
As I stepped forward with determination, I felt a light tap on my shoulder...
Alfons: You look good in menswear, Kate.
Kate: !
He whispered in my ear teasingly.
Kate: Wh-What are you doing...?
I was wearing a pantsuit with a heavy overcoat to hide my figure.
I had also tied my long hair, which couldn't be completely hidden by the hat, and tucked it into my coat.
If anyone who wasn't under his ability realized I was a woman, the plan would be ruined.
(If I scream or anything, they might realize I'm a woman!)
Alfons: Hehe... you were so tense, I thought I'd loosen you up.
Kate: That's too dangerous!
It seems the word "tension" doesn't exist in his dictionary.
Kate: You do understand why we're here, right?
Alfons: Yes. To confirm that this club is behind the series of incidents. It would be best if we could identify the ringleader as well.
Alfons: If we can get evidence of them giving specific instructions for the incidents, we can mobilize the police.
Alfons: If we don't have that kind of evidence, we'll have to give up on the orthodox extermination, and...
Alfons: ...The Crown will have to carry out a bloody judgment, I suppose.
Kate: If you understand, then good!
I couldn't argue when he explained the plan so smoothly.
Seeing me like that, he narrowed his eyes in amusement and straightened his posture.
Alfons: Well then, let's get started--
Alfons: Shall we have a drink?
Kate: What? We're on a mission!
When I hurriedly stopped him as he headed towards the bar lounge, he turned around with a smile.
Alfons: Shh... it's for the mission, of course.
Alfons: Whether it's a slum like a garbage dump or a tidy social circle, humans have common habits.
Kate: Habits...?
Alfons: Yes. People get loose-lipped when they drink.
Chapter 12
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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mncxbe · 4 months
more people need to appreciate hirotsu :( hes so hot 😖
he is!! i mean just look at him– the face. that perfect hair. the air of mild annoyance. i bet he smells like expensive cologne and premium tobacco. he's so giving old pool club with wooden interior, dark red cushy couches and warm dim lit lights, liquour in crystal glasses and vanilla scented cigars and uuh– sorry I got a bit silly. point is i totally agree with you nonnie. Hirotsu is giving the most♡
also the fact that he's so sweet with basically everyone in the PM and always looks after Gin and Tachihara and he's genuinely an unproblematic character>>
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Runaway - Chapter Seventeen.
Bloody hell, you guys got to those thirty notes quickly, didn’t you? Thank you so much for your engagement! I really love reading through all your comments, and I concur with you all, too. They’re bad, but I’m sorry, you will all be despairing of them for a while yet. But, that does mean to get smut, so I guess it evens out, doesn’t it? :D 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 1,734
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“All I’ve been able to think about all morning is coming up here and getting to watch this perfect fuckin’ ass bounce on me. Mmmmm, shit, darlin’.”
That deep grit of a groan, his voice gone to gravel entirely as he clutched her ass cheeks in a firm grip, releasing one to spank it hard, sent a bonfire of lust burning straight through Hannah, riding him reverse cowgirl on the couch during her work break. Some people chose a sandwich; she chose an outlaw with a nine-inch cock.  
An affair. To say it was anything less at that point, ten days after they’ve first had sex would be a complete lie. They had no idea where it was going, if anywhere at all, their mouths buttoned where actually communicating it with each other was concerned, focusing solely on the thrill of it.  
Because it was thrilling. Make no mistake.  
“How’d you want to finish?” she panted, looking back over her shoulder with a smouldering pout, winking at him. “Deep in my pussy, all over my tits, or in my mouth?”  
His eyes closed tightly for a second, his jaw twitching. God, she was such a temptress when she was getting fucked. He enjoyed it so much, the different parts that made up Hannah Gray. An elegant lady in business, a buddy on the couch with drinks and snacks while screaming at the football game on TV, and an absolute freak in the sheets.  
“In your mouth, so back that fine assed little pussy right on up here so I can make you cum in mine, too.” He grabbed her hips, towing her towards his face, his lips wrapping her soaking slit in a strong suck as he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, spanking her again hard, her lily-white ass red from the handprints he’d left behind.  
He ate her like a starving animal, groaning the entire time, hand pounding her so hard combined with his cock rooted so deep in her throat, her eyes streamed, her hand cupping his balls as she felt glimmers rushing up her spine, a bolt of pure, white-hot and fever rich pleasure consuming her, his cock flooding her mouth a second later.  
That was Wednesday. On Saturday, with Lola staying over with her granny Val, Hannah at a loose end and Carmen away with her sister, Manny saw a surprise walk into the clubhouse at just gone 8pm.  
“Dude, the fuckin’ blonde who just walked up in here. Premium hottie, man,” Gilly spoke, giving Manny several digs in the side with his elbow.  
Manny turned, his grin widening when he saw Hannah there, looking gorgeous, dressed in all black other than the pair of deep pink heels upon her pretty feet. “Y’all need to chill, mano. That’s my baby mama.” Sliding from the barstool as she approached, he felt his heart racing. God, she was so effortlessly beautiful, her eyes accentuated with a smudge of dark kohl, her cheeks soft pink and glossy, the scent of her fluttering under his nose. Peonies.  
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”  
Hannah tilted her head back, her throat flexing in a way that made him want to immediately take a tour of her swan-like neck with his mouth. “Casablanca, huh?”
“Hell yeah. Bogart was a straight up G.” He looked her up and down, dark eyes burning through the feathery concealment of the longest eyelashes she’d ever witnessed, her pulse flickering rapidly. “So, what can I do for you tonight, Hannah banana?”  
She stepped closer, her hands reaching for his flannel, pulling him close, her lips ghosting the outer edge of his ear, sending a pleasant chill right through him. “I need you to take me somewhere, bend me over, and give me every last inch of that perfect cock.”  
He always did appreciate it when a woman got right to the point. “I think that can be arranged.” He nodded to the doors, Hannah taking the lead, his attention attracted by a nearby Angel and Lily, the latter letting out a piercing wolf whistle.  
“Quit it,” he warned through a burst of laughter.
“Make me!” she chirped, waving. “Hey, Hannah!”
“Hiya.” she called, waving back, a little embarrassed as the rest of the guys caught on, jeering, slapping tables, adding a few more choruses of whistles. They knew the score. No one walked in looking as smoking as Hannah had if all she wanted from the father of her child was a casual chat. 
Some might think it deplorable, to encourage Manny’s blatant cheating on his fiancée, but much like Hannah’s loved ones with Michael, none of them could stand Carmen. Also, they didn’t consider it their business to chastise him. He’d gotten himself into this, it was up to him to get himself out. 
Walking across the yard, Manny felt the blood rushing to his cock just from watching the smooth glide of her gait and the sensual roll of her hips, watching as she turned, biting her lower lip.
“So, where are we going?”
He didn’t reply in words, ducking down and throwing her over his shoulder, Hannah squeaking as he carried her in the direction of the office, rooting in his kutte pocket for his bunch of keys. The ache of arousal had her flooding her underwear before he’d even set her down on the other side, Manny kicking the door shut, his mouth upon hers as soon as she’d slid from his shoulder, impatient hands unfastening her tight, black jeans.  
Stealing his mouth from hers, he turned her roughly, yanking her jeans and undies to her knees before he pushed her down over the counter, pulling his cock free and bending to reach her, rubbing the head of his hardness through the warm silk of her slit.  
“Yeah, is that what you want?”  
Her breath hitched tight in her throat, sparks skittering through her clit as hard, hot heat rubbed over it. “Please, don’t tease me. Just fuck me.” Her mouth dropped open at feeling him slide into her fully, Manny realising the vast height difference would work against them, his hands grasping her hips and lifting her, holding her little body with ease as he began to thrust into her with long, firm strokes.  
It was ebullience dipped in raw lust, her fingers curling around the counter as she was shunted across it with the power of his cock hitting her summit again and again, her walls clenching around him, bathing him in the warm wet of her cunt, Manny watching his cock become slicker with every thrust, the lights from the yard providing just enough illumination to see her dew sparkling on his shaft, his short nails leaving crescents upon her hips as they dug in, his pounding merciless, torrid, exactly what she needed.  
Each snap of his hips had her mumbling in incoherence, choked pleas tumbling from her lips as he dragged the velvet clasp of her, hitting a spot deep within that lit her up, igniting her pleasure, his groans all smoke and rasp. His thighs tensed, his abs quaking as he felt her flutter around him, his hips stuttering as he spilled into her, hot ropes of cum flooding her quivering walls as her voice broke upon a shrill cry. Colours bloomed behind her closed eyelids, her light gleaming over the dark horizon of her lover, leaving her fighting for breath.
“Holy fuck,” he panted, resting his head between her shoulders.  
“Right?” she exclaimed, still dizzy from the burst of her orgasm. “We’re the best at sex.”
“Damned straight.” He put her down, sliding from within her with a slippery pop, fastening himself back into his jeans, Hannah noticing the restroom and going to make use. Once straightened out, she walked back to him, his arms encircling her waist as he pulled her close, leaning to kiss her. “For making me cum so fucking hard, I feel like I’m about to pass out, let me get you a drink.”
“Alright, that’s fair,” she agreed. “Only one, though. I’m driving.” He nodded, walking back out and locking the office behind them, heading back into the clubhouse and a scene of complete hilarity, at the expense of one Coco Cruz.
“I swear to god, Jodie. If you get any of your baby soup on me, imma go ape shit!” he protested, Hannah witnessing the sight of Jodie walking up and down, stopping every so often with a pained face. She then moved to sit on his lap, bearing down with a grimace, Coco aghast as she laughed at his disgust. “EZ! Control your wife, homes!”
His friend shrugged, sipping his soda. “She’s gone four days overdue, she’s past the point of control now.”  
Hannah took her drink from Manny, reaching to touch a hand to Jodie’s shoulder as she heaved herself up again. “It’s Jodie, right?”
“Yes, hi!” she confirmed, giving her a little hug. “You’re Hannah, aren’t you?”
“I am, and I have advice. If you want your waters to break, get your man to take you home and straight to bed. I went overdue with Lola, and while I didn’t have anyone to do that for me, the other mothers who were in the maternity unit at the same time as I assured me that sex was a great way to speed things up. You having Braxton Hicks or anything?”
“I’ve been having contractions all afternoon, but they aren’t speeding up, or going away, so I think I am I labour opposed to them being false, but they told me to only come in if my waters break or they begin to become more regular. I’m tired, I’m uncomfortable and I just want him out now!”
Hannah nodded in understanding. “I hear you, girl. You feel like someone fed you three gallons of laxatives and sewed your butt up, right?”  
“Oh, yeah. That’s exactly it!” She then winced, her hands flapping. “Contraction.”
Grabbing her hand, Hannah reached to rub her lower back. “Breathe deep, in for six, out for eight, repeat. There you go.”  
Manny couldn’t help but notice it, how swiftly and seamlessly Hannah had blended into his world. The difference between her and Carmen was like night and day, and it wasn’t lost on him at all. Not even for a second.
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