#Brogan’s Way
suburblocal · 6 months
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
poor shiro cannot catch a fucking break can he. first he gets a crippling disease he's got two years to live. then an angsty wattpad breakup with his boyfriend then he gets kidnapped by aliens and pumped full of alien weed then he crashes on earth with so much walking midlife crisis energy that he gains the skinning puppies to make a fur coat hair, and then he immediately gets shot right back into space by his shittass little brother and weirdo friends with the literal matt clone. then this poor man is made the leader of an alien war, becomes a father to four fuckass teenagers through accidental child acquisition, is forced into the kim kardashian lifestyle by a ginger on drugs, gets kidnapped again, gets cloned, fucking dies, somehow comes back (yeah I'm not really clear about this) then this pathetic wet cat of a man, this stressed jean valjean father of four, experiencing his fourth midlife crisis and millionth mental breakdown, gains that senior citizen swag at twenty five. you could colour match his hair with a polar bear. then he witnesses a walking loreal ad (derogatory) get melted alive, watches a castle get blown up, loses three years in a space time jump and then finds out his ex- fiance who broke up with him right before he left has fucking died in a purple thumb invasion before he got to marry him. but oh no no no that's not the end for this poor sad man. poor guy doesn't get a second to grieve before he is visually assaulted by a less cunty sue sylvester ripoff and her gang of bitchy cheerios (this is admiral s*nda), and yet again made a leader against his will, and shot right back off into space again. then he watches the only other responsible adult in this entire franchise (hot badass space princess who like shiro did not catch a break) sacrifice herself and is left a struggling father. ends up marrying some random fucko. all while suffering through his shitass hot topic brother and blueberry disaster's doomed yaoi romance. oh yeah and he's only got one arm. give the guy a BREAK. FREE my man he doesn't deserve this 🔥🔥
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notmumtoday · 8 months
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brogansway · 1 year
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scattered-winter · 1 year
the chapter of quintenary stars im writing rn is so fucking funny because pidge lance and hunk are having goofysilly adventures while keith and shiro are collectively getting the shit kicked out of them (mostly shiro)
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manmanual-au · 1 year
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pinguwrites · 6 months
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔' 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒆 ⸻ Chapter Two
series masterlist. previous chapter. next chapter
𝒑𝙖𝒊𝙧𝒊𝙣𝒈 | francis mosses x reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 1.5k
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Warnings: lowkey hating on a girl, mention of church and God bc it's the 50s and that's what they did
A/N: Would you guys rather me upload short chapters frequently or long chapters but it takes more time in between?
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It was twelve in the afternoon, and you hadn’t seen Francis yet. You were worried that something had happened, maybe he got hurt in his apartment, hit his head and was bleeding on the floor, or maybe slipped and sprained an ankle, but you couldn’t just call his number to make sure — that would be unprofessional. Not only that, but the most likely case was that he left earlier than you got to work, which used to happen a lot when you first started working here.
In the meanwhile, you sat at your desk, trying to pass the time. There wasn’t much to do, and you found yourself thinking of Anastacha and what she had said last night. You reasoned with yourself that she was just getting your hopes up high. She was a little girl and didn’t know anything at all. But now that she had said what she said, you couldn’t get it out of your head. The thought of Francis liking you back . . . did he daydream about you like you did? Get nervous when talking to you? When he worked, did he miss your presence?
Ugh. How come he could torture you like this, consume your mind and heart without knowing what he was doing? It wasn’t fair. For once, you’d like for someone else to feel that way about you. To spend their every waking hour, every slumber, feeling the way you did. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when the elevator bell rang. Attention perked, you hoped that it was Francis, and as if your wish was granted, it was.
He walked out, glancing over at you. You tried to look nonchalant, but inside your worries were relieved. So he was okay. Everything is fine.
Before he could approach you, however, he was blocked by another woman. You internally rolled your eyes as you saw Selenne strike up a conversation with him. The Svertch twins were models, quite famous, actually. They were well-known within the city. The most tiresome part of your job was probably shooing away the paparazzi, convincing them that it was another Selenne and Elenois who lived in Sama Place, not the celebrities they were thinking of. 
Elenois was nice enough. She was a little full of herself, but you were sure that came with the job. After all, if you earned money just because of how pretty you were, you would have an ego as well. But her sister . . . oh, her sister was far worse. She was always rude to staff, making passive-aggressive comments all the time, and you knew for a fact that she didn’t like you. It may have been because you were a woman, and she didn’t like women very much, despite being one herself, but you were sure it had to do with much more than that. 
When you thought about how grateful you were to work in a place like this, you always forgot about Selenne, and how miserable she made you feel. Maybe that was the price of having a reasonably good job. There was always a downside to everything.
You watched as she flirted with Francis. He looked mildly uncomfortable, a little stoic in his expressions, but that was how he always looked. What Anastacha said last night was true — he was nice, but a little aloof. Maybe he was enjoying whatever conversation he was having with Selenne, only it didn’t show on his face. You wondered if that’s how he looked when he was talking to you.
“Ah, there you are!”
You looked to the side and saw your boss approaching you. His name was Samuel Brogan. He was a rather short man, with a tanned complexion and thin lips. He had coarse, straightened hair, and a stubble on his chin. He was the one responsible for hiring you. He owned Sama Place — at least, he was in charge of this specific building. 
“This is where I always am,” you responded, and he laughed. 
“Sorry, darling. I don’t expect a person to be able to sit in that chair all day.”
You gave a polite smile. You never really liked Samuel, call it instinct, but he was your boss, so you had to be nice. 
“You’re not busy this weekend, are you?” he asked, leaning his arms against your desk. Shifting uncomfortably, you glanced over at Francis again, but he was still talking to Selenne.
“I was planning on . . .” Not able to come up with a lie quick enough, you gave up. “Not doing much. I just want to go home and relax — it’s been a long week.”
“Yeah, yeah, I understand. You’ve been a wonderful employee, I want you to have time for yourself.”
You stared. Where was this going?
“But I need you to work this weekend,” he finally said, and your heart dropped.
“I don’t understand. What about that teenager you hired?”
On Saturday, he didn’t need someone working full-time. Sundays were reserved for Church and God, obviously, so for that one day, he hired a kid who was willing to work with little pay to just sit at the desk and make sure everything was going smoothly. 
“He got sick,” Samuel explained. “It’s just an extra day, and it’s only half your usual hours.”
Reluctantly, you agreed. You were sure you wouldn’t get any compensation for it, but it wasn’t that bad. 
“Oh, and I need you to run a few errands for me,” he added, setting down a list of items in front of you. “Whenever you can, but have it by the end of this week.”
He left, and you sighed. 
Picking up the list, you scanned through it. Wallpaper, a toolkit, canned fruit? Surely he didn’t expect you to pay for this out of your own pocket . . .
You folded the note and put it in your pocket, just in time for Francis to approach you. You looked around for Selenne, but she was already walking out of the building with sunglasses.
“What were you two talking about?” you blurted out, feeling immediately ashamed of yourself afterward. What were you thinking asking that kind of question? What would he think of you?
Francis looked taken off guard for a moment, but he answered anyway. “Oh, nothing. What were you and Brogan talking about?”
“Nothing,” you responded pettily. 
It was quiet for a moment, that kind of awkward silence that you hated.
You relented. “Alright, he wants me to work tomorrow, and run some errands. That’s it.”
“Selenne was curious about my work. I told her that I had taken a day off and was going to visit my parents,” he said.
“Now, that wasn’t too difficult, was it?” you teased, reveling in the way he averted his eyes.
“No, ma’am.”
God. The way he said it. He was so beautiful, in every possible way. Sometimes, you wished you could keep him in your room forever.
“Do they live nearby?” you asked. “Your parents, I mean.”
“Somewhat. I’ll be back before nightfall. I’m sorry Brogan is making you work the weekend. If you want, I’ll convince him to change his mind.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay. It’s not like I was planning to do much tomorrow. Just fix some furniture and do a bit of housekeeping.”
“Fix furniture?” he repeated. “I don’t think you should be doing that. You could get hurt.”
You giggled. “I’m not a dainty princess.”
He frowned. “I know. I don’t mean to undermine you. You’re a very capable woman. It’s just that . . . I would feel better if someone was there to help you.”
“Mhm. And who’s gonna do that?”
Francis looked up at you with expectant eyes. “I’m free Sunday.”
You paused, not believing what he was saying. Was he offering to come over to your place? Him? Inside your house? The place you slept and changed your clothes and took baths . . . Lord, you didn’t know if you could handle this intimacy. Was it even right? Oh, who were you kidding? You didn’t care if it was acceptable or not. If Francis was offering to spend time with you (help you fix furniture, but whatever) there was no way you were going to turn down that offer. 
“Yes,” you said, more eagerly than you liked. “I could give you my address and you could stop by around eleven?”
He smiled. “Mmm. Alright, then,” he agreed. “I look forward to seeing you.”
“Me too.”
He gave a slight tip of his hat, a motion you could have fainted at had you not been sitting on a chair, and left, leaving you with nothing but the anticipation of this Sunday.
Imagine him — shirtless as he nails screws and lifts planks of wood. I’d give him cool lemonade as he worked and watch him as he wipes the sweat from his forehead . . . For the rest of the day, you couldn’t get the image out of your head. You greeted your neighbors as they walked by, and helped the occasional person with a problem, but all that was floating around in your head was Francis, Francis, Francis.
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Taglist: @Meetmeatyourworst @hanawrites404 @Emimurphy2008
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
A Scream to the Gods
Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Non idol, Medieval
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Warnings: Cheating, Swearing, Death, Description of blood, Major character death (reader), (Sorry if I missed any tags)
Notes: Hyunjin's POV + I enjoyed writing this but I'm anxious to share it. It's pretty angsty but I enjoy writing in this style. I hope that you enjoy the story!
Word Count: 2538
Summary: Despite you doing your best to make your realm proud Hyunjin couldn't be more opposed to the idea of marrying you. So much so that he's done a great deal of things behind your back to ease the pain. What will happen when everything comes to light and it becomes way too much to handle?
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Hyunjin's POV
She was feared, envied even. Every woman she walked past wanted to be her and all of the men wanted a woman of her equal on his arm but no one could ever compare. She was a fair height and her skin was golden like a pool of honey, her mouth was presumably the most craved thing in the kingdom after her body. I’ve heard another man say that she has “The body of a true woman.” One would think that I am happy, ecstatic even for her to be my bride but in reality I’m far from it. 
“Hyunjin, we’ll be late if we wait any longer, can't we leave now?” As much as I’d love to remain in my chambers and hide from my mother it is no use, either I go to her or she comes to me. 
“Very well, I suppose I’ve waited long enough.” Turning to Lady Y/n I forced a smile and offered her my hand. “Shall we?” 
Confidently, she takes my hand and I lead her to my chamber doors. The guards visibly perk up as I exit and close the doors behind me. “Brogan, call for my sister. I'll be needing assistance dealing with my mother” The guard rushes off in the other direction as Lady Y/n and I make our way across the palace to my mother's quarters.
“Would it really be so horrible?” With furrowed brows I look over to Lady Y/n, she halts her movement on the garden bridge and stands in front of me. “Marrying me, is it really that frightening to you?” 
A smirk plays upon my lips as I look around to make sure that we are alone, I look her directly in the eyes “Yes, it would be, I’d rather fall into a war with the North than marry the likes of you.” My shoulder bumps into hers as I make my way past her. "Come, let's not waste anymore time." 
The remainder of the walk to my mother's quarters felt as if it lasted a thousand lunar cycles. Lady Y/n dragged herself behind me just close enough to look as if we were actually together. 
"My Lord." My mother's personal guards greeted me as I approached her chamber doors. Opening the tall doors I enter, neglecting to wait for Lady Y/n. 
I halt in my tracks and my heartbeat starts to quicken as I take in the scene before me. My mother, The general and his wife and the high priest of the realm all sat before me in a quiet huddle around my mother's common room table. 
"Look who's decided to join us." My mother's cold tone gave way to the reason that such a scene is being displayed before me. Finally, Lady Y/n makes her way Into the room and bows to my mother. 
"What the hell is this?" Scoffing my mother sets her tea cup onto the table before her. Grabbing the hand of the general's wife she lifts her to her feet. 
"Are you familiar with this woman?" My first thought is that this must be a trap, another one of my mother's creative ploys to get me to marry Lady Y/n.
"What kind of question is that mother? Of course I am familiar with the general's wife." It took everything out of me not to call her by her birth given name, Reyna, my - I mean the general's wife. 
"Do you take me as a fool, son?" Exasperated, my mother motions for the general to stand. "Jisung, inform my son of what you've been told." 
"Yes, My Queen." Standing to his feet, Han Jisung, the grand general of this realm and a dear friend of mine, looked at me with eyes I did not recognize. With a sigh he followed my mother's orders.  "It has been brought to my attention by one of my men that you've been seeing my wife." 
"Jisung, don't be ridiculous. Do you believe your men over me?"
"My men have a loyalty to me that you don't seem to have, My Lord." 
From the corner of my eye I notice Lady Y/n tense, it is at this point that I think the both of us realize the severity of this situation.
"I foresaw that you would try to deny the truth so I took it upon myself to get the answer out of your mistress." Coming from around the table my mother trails Reyna behind her. "I told her that she can either admit to seeing the King and be sent away to the Central Realm or she can keep your dirty secret and be placed on trial for manipulating and seducing the King."
No no no no no, she's lying, my mother lies all the time to get her way this can't be any different, but when my eyes meet Reyna's it is clear to me that my mother is not bluffing. Tears well up in her honey glazed eyes causing anger to boil in my veins. 
"Do not punish Reyna for my mistakes, I will stop seeing her." The pain I felt while speaking these words is a feeling I wish to never experience again. At this point every pair of eyes in the chamber are on me, waiting for me to fix what I've done in some way.
"There you go playing me for a fool again, I don't believe you anyway. You're too passionate to stay away from this woman especially while she's with your child." 
"I'm sorry." Reyna's whispered words were all I needed to hear to break me down just enough for me to nearly give up but by the grace of the Gods I remembered something, something that may turn this into a victory. 
“You can not send your Queen away to the Central Kingdom.” Once again all eyes were on me as I revealed my deepest dearest secret. I’ve held these words inside my chest for far too long. “Unhand your Queen, at once.” The maniacal laugh that ripped through my mother could silence any realm within earshot.   
“How can she be your wife when she’s married to me?” Jisung’s face may have been just as painful for me to take in as Reyna’s terrified one. He is a good man and I’ve gone behind his back and slept with his wife. 
“Your marriage was never officiated by the priest. Therefore Reyna is technically an unmarried woman, well, she was an unmarried woman.” The hard swallow that followed once Jisung realized Reyna was no longer his wife was clearly an attempt at keeping his temper in check. 
“You married this girl!?” My mothers grip on Reyna’s wrist visibly tightened 
"She has every right to the throne as I do. With that being said I suggest that you unhand your queen before I smite you. You've already tested my patience." My mother throws Reyna's arm away from her in disgust. Reyna holds her wrist to her chest and begins to sob. 
"My queen, if you don't mind I need a moment. " With a bow Jisung makes his way to the chamber doors. Stopping before the guards at the entrance, he seems to be in deep thought.  "Reyna, if you come with me now I will forget this ever happened.  We can move to the Southern realm and live the life that we've always wanted.  If you stay I know you've chosen your corrupt king over me. "
With every word that Jisung spoke I wished that he was struck down by lightning.  He's trying to take my bride away from me? Without another word he moved outside of the chambers and Reyna watched him leave with pain glazed eyes. My gaze stayed on her until her eyes flickered to mine. The Queen mother watched in silence almost as if she were taking part in a mental prayer. 
"My Lord, I love you more than the Gods love this land. You've given me one of the most wonderful gifts that life could ever give and I can never fully repay you for all that you've done. " The tear that fell from Reyna's right eye gave way to my darling's response. 
"No, you're not leaving. You're with my child."
"And he will know who his father is. My Lord, I am not worthy of a life with you. I am not fit to be Queen."
"No, you can't leave, I won't let you." Reyna makes her way towards me, stopping right before me. 
"Saranghaeyo" I couldn't help the tears that sprung to my eyes. 
Without another word she hurried out of my mother's chambers avoiding all eye contact.  "Reyna." I called for her hoping she'd return but it was no use. She chose the safest option, she knows that my mother will have her killed if she stays and for that reason alone I will make sure that my mother feels the exact fear that Reyna feels right now. Directing my gaze to the queen mother I warn her. 
"Watch your step, you never know which one will have a trap door underneath it." With a smile my mother sits at her common room table and sips her tea. 
"I think it's fair to say that we can annul the union you had with your mistress and marry you and Lady Y/n." I glance over to find that Lady Y/n is gone. Not that I care.  
"I will not marry that woman, I have no feelings for her. If you're willing to force your son into a loveless marriage you have no business calling yourself a mother. "
"You're right. I'm not a mother,  I'm a queen protecting her kingdom from my son who loves to fall in love with the help.  Now go find Lady Y/n and apologize for your ignominious behavior." Charging towards my mother I slam my hands onto her common room table shaking her tea cup and startling the priest. 
"I will make every day of Lady Y/n's life a living hell and I will be sure to remind her that you are to blame for her eternal suffering." Before my mother could rebuttal a guard came rushing into her quarters. 
"Pardon me, my queen. There's an emergency in the garden. Lady Y/n has threatened to take her life." Jumping up from her seat my mother begins to panic. 
"Is she armed?" 
"Yes, my queen"
"Unarm her and bring her to me" Scoffing, I straighten my garments before turning my back to my mother.
"No, allow me to support my bride. Stay put, you've done enough
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"Lady Y/n" she halted all movement at the sound of my voice. Her face was scrunched into one of a perplexed woman as she circled the rose bushes. I had them planted for her earlier this year, she often came here to think or practice archery. I remember the day that I presented the bushes to her, she was so happy, practically glowing. The look of confusion on her face almost makes me miss that happiness… that glow. 
"Stay away from me."
"My darling, please come inside. Let me talk to you about this." She turned to me with a look of betrayal stronger than I've ever seen before. 
"Talk about what? Your affairs with a married woman? You're hatred for me? I've never acted in an ill manner towards you my lord, yet you treat me as if I'm a pauper begging for your gold. I did not want to come and marry you, I had a love of my own in the Central Kingdom but I left him to be here and serve my born duty. You seem to forget that, you're not my first choice either."
"Darling -"
"Don't call me that" she points her dagger towards me as I take a step towards her."
"Y/n, please. I'll speak to my mother and convince her to have you honorably sent back to the Central kingdom. We've made an alliance with your father, all will be well." Tears fall from her eyes as she listens to my proposition. I slowly take a step towards her as she's distracted. 
"Why would I want to be sent back to the Central Realm?  To be executed for loving a merchant? That's why my father sent me here. He didn't give a fuck about your alliance, Hyunjin. He wanted a reason to get rid of his sinned seed. I've heard that man pray to the Gods that my love was a mistake. I heard Felix scream to the Gods as my father's court hung him for loving me. Why on earth would I go back to the Central Realm? To die? I'd rather die by my own hand." 
Turning her dagger to her chest she holds it firmly with her right hand.  Stopping dead in my tracks I begin to panic. Lady Y/n is no fool, if I take another step she'll drive that dagger right through her heart. 
"Y/n… my queen… please." Swallowing hard, I try to slowly move towards her. "I've been evil to you. I've shown you the hatred that I did not have the heart to show my mother. I belittled you and I am eternally regretful of my actions. It is only now that I'm being forced to face my mistakes that I realize that you have been the only person to genuinely care about me and my well-being. You came here to honor your late lover's death, not your father's wishes. Let me help you, we'll get married and change this kingdom for the better. We'll make certain that no one will ever have to endure what you have. Especially our daughter, we can turn this all around."
With a weak grin Y/n tightens her grip on the dagger. "My Lord, you can't fool me. You do not care for me and I will not force you to. Besides, I died the moment that my love was taken from me." Y/n's face went blank as she whispered to herself “I’m coming back to you sunshine.”
"Guards!" I ran towards Y/n hoping to save her. Hoping to kiss her like I meant it for once. I wanted to drop to my knees and apologize for the way I've mistreated her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. The gasps that fell from her mouth gave me the answer that I dreaded before I even looked. "Get me a healer, now!"
Dropping to my knees with her body in my arms I laid her down onto the grass. "Lady Y/n. Darling, please." I held her head up and caressed her flushed cheek. "No, no, no, no you can't leave me too. Come on, wake up." 
Blood soaked into the garden soil as my bride bled out. Her eyes fluttered shut peacefully and a mere grin was left on her face. Shaking her body softly I called out to her, praying to the gods that she'd wake up. Praying that the healers could bring my love back. In a whisper I said the words that I didn't have the courage to mutter earlier. 
"It wouldn't be horrible at all… to marry you."
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cainnleacghlovers · 2 years
World Cup Shenanigans - CP
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Pairing: Christian Pulisic x fem!reader
Summary: The USA have beat England, who would’ve thought? Christian only wants to celebrate in one way. (I know they drew, but for the sake of this fic, they won.)
Warnings: smut
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The final who she blew. The USA had beaten England. Read that again. The USA (the idiots who call it soccer) beat England. In what world does this happen?
You watch, as your boyfriend slides across the grass on his knees with his team mates. No, they were more than that. His brothers, his family. And you’d grown to love them too. American accents and all.
You watch, with a massive smile on your face, as Christian does his lap around the pitch. The one and a half year old, perched on your hip. Clapping his baby hands, at his dada.
Your son, Brogan, was a bit of a surprise for you and Christian. Not that your relationship was new, the pair of you dating since you did a transfer year in America, joining his high school. You two managed, and your son was the best thing that had happened either of you. The minute he was placed on your chest, you’d felt complete.
Bouncing Brogan up and down, you and Christians mum (you can practically hear him mocking your accent, and saying ‘babe it’s mom’) head onto the pitch. Christian seems to be doing a quick interview, and you congratulated Weston. He had a banger of a match.
“Dada!” Brogan exclaimed. Recognising the shirt Weston was wearing, one his dad has worn so often. The comment left Weston chucking, and he squeezed the babies cheeks. The whole squad grew very fond of Brogan.
“We’ll find your dada soon Broggy.” Kelley remarked. Dotting over her grandson. Walking across the grass, you seen Mason. Giving him a quick wave. Brogan too, recognised Mase, and gave him a wave. Mason wasting no time to wave back at the boy, he too, very fond of the toddler currently in your arms.
Kelley took the boy off of you, knowing you’d want a moment with Christian.
And there he was. Number 10. Your number 10.
His hair sticking to his forehead, as you’d finally convinced him to grow out the curls. Recognising his babies laugh, Christian turned and made his way over to you. The grin on his face, exactly the same as the boy in Kelley’s arms. Brogan was Christians copy. The same freckles, that you liked to call constellations, and the same brown eyes you’d fallen in love with, all those years ago in Mrs Browns English class.
Christian gave you a kiss. A loving kiss, as if he he was pouring all the love he had for you into it, because believe me, that boy had a lot. The kiss lingered, probably too long for tv. Awkwardly turning away to some other player in the team, maybe even a sad English player.
“I’m so proud of you Chris.” You mumbled again this lips, his arms finding your neck, as he pulled you closer to him. Chest to chest. Heart to heart.
“Thank you sweetheart.” He said, with another peck to your lips. “Did you like my goal?” He smiled against your lips, knowing that goal was dedicated to you and your little boy. They all were.
“Which one?” You smirked at him, it was true. Christian scoring twice.
“The one where I showed my love to the Irish.” He smirked down at you. The shamrock tattoo that armoured his chest, dedicated to you. His shamrock, as he’d call you, when he was feeling particularly lovey.
“The one where you took your top off? Oh i loved that one.” Dragging out the d, on loved, he gave you another kiss.
“Now where’s my boy?” Christian said, his eyes scanning for his son. Which he found, in his mums arms. Making a face at Brogan, which caused the baby to erupt on a fit of laughter, he took him out of his mums arms, and threw the toddler up in the air. Tickling his side, as he smiled lovingly at him.
Christian had so much love for his son, and any worry you’d had, of being young parents was gone as soon as Christian held that baby. He was meant to be a dad. And by god, was he a good one.
Watching Christian kiss Brogans cheeks, you made your way over to Kelley, as you both watched the boys with so much love.
“I don’t think I had any say in Brogan. Biggest betrayal ever. I carried him for 9 months, for him to have the nerve to be an absolute replica of his dad.”
Kelley laughed.
“Sure have another one.” The woman said, making you laugh.
“No chance.”
You two chatted away pleasantly, Kelley had became a second mum to you. Christian came over to his mum, and gave her a hug as he continued to play with Brogan. Walker, someone Brogan was very fond of, found us.
“There’s my favourite Puliśić!” Walker exclaimed, dramatically dropping to his knees as Brogan ran over to him, falling into his arms.
Walker came over to you, Brogan in his arms.
“I’d say you’re my favourite Puliśić, but Christian’s taking his sweet time.” Nodding his head to your empty ring finger.
“I might as well be one at this point. I’ve had two inside me at some point.” That comment earned a laugh from Walker, as he played with Brogans cheeks. God, you weren’t ready for the toddler cheeks to go.
Christian snuck up behind you, arms around your waist, as he span you around to face him. His hands drawing random shapes on your back. You knew the ‘Pulisic’ on your back was driving him absolutely insane.
“I know what you’re gonna say. The answers still no.”
Knowing Christian would love another mini him, or you, running around.
“But look, we make such cute babies!” He pouted, looking down at you.
“Well that’s true. But get back to me in a few years.”
“Oh don’t worry. I will. I have to go do a stupid interview now. I just wanna spend time with my two favourite people.” He said, holding you close.
“Well you have to show the world how much of a superstar you are. Captain America.”
Laughing at the nickname, he placed a light kiss on your forehead. No one else could call him that. Ever.
“Well i’ll see you later, because mom is taking Brogan, and I am taking you out.”
“Did you check with me? See if i’m free?” You joked.
“Well are you free? To go on a date. With your sexy, super hot, talented, man of the match boyfriend?” He joked along. You loved the banter you had in your relationship.
“Oh! Somethings freed up. Looks like I can go after all.”
“Amazing. I’ll see you in a bit sweetheart. I love you. So much.”
“And I love you Chris. So much.”
With one last kiss, he jogged off, giving his son a kiss goodbye. We’d both decided that we weren’t gonna post Brogans face. He was after all, only a baby. And he didn’t deserve that.
Brógan came trotting back over to you, Kelley close in hand. You picked up your baby, giving him a kiss, right when you got a mouthful of muck. The wonders of mother hood.
“I’m home sweetheart!” You heard Christian shout through the house of where you were staying for the world cup, thankfully your boss, let you have time off, so you could join Christian.
“Bathroom!” You quickly shouted back. As Christian came into the bathroom, he seen you kneeling on the floor, your son covered head to toe in muck.
“He’s your son.” You joked, Christian laughing softly. He kneeled down beside you, his hand cupping his sons cheeks as he lightly squeezed them.
“You’re making work for mama, eh?” Playing with Brogans cheeks, as he made the boy laugh.
“Dada!” He squealed, that word making Christians heart swell. He always wanted to be a dad, and you’d given him that.
“That’s right buddy. Dada. Here let me do it.” Christian knew you did a lot with Brogan, especially when he was away for international duty. He wanted to give you a break. Not that you minded, your son was your entire world.
“Christian, no offence, but go shower.” You joked.
“Your mama is so mean to me Broggy. Saying I smell.”
“Mama!” The baby smiled.
“That’s right Broggy. Dada does smell. See Brogan agrees with me. Daddy doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“You won’t be saying that later.” Christian smirks at you. Giving you a nudge, earning a smack on the arm from you.
“No Christian. I won’t be saying that.”
“Hmm we’ll see.” Leaving one last kiss on Brogans head, Christian got up. Giving him the finger, as he gave it back.
“Let’s get you all clean pumpkin.”
Packing a bag for Brogan to stay with his grandparents, Christian offered to drop him off, which you were thankful for. You wanted to get a shower before you two headed out.
“I’ll drop him off with mom.”
“Thank you Chris.” Giving him a kiss, as you went upstairs to get ready. Stripping your clothes to get into the shower. As you soaked your hair, you heard the door open, and clothes fall on the floor, as a pair of familiar hands found your waist. You span around to face him, hands falling loosely around his neck.
“You were so good today Chris.” You smiled at him, as he worked his way down your neck, stopping at your collar bone, and sucking a little at the skin. He hummed against you, as he spoke.
“How good?” He decided to try his luck, see how far his teasing could get him.
“Really really really good.” You said, giving him exactly what he wanted.
“I was?” He hums against your breast. Evoking a light moan out of you.
“Hmm hmm. I was thinking of ways to show you how good you were.” Your turn to tease, your hand traced along his collar bone, and down along the grooves of his abs, right until his v-line. Feeling his hard dick against your leg, you were satisfied.
“What’d you come up with?” He mumbled, breath hitching as your hand made its way to his crotch. Giving him a few light pumps, his tip leaking pre cum.
“A few things.” You said innocently, dropping to your knees and looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“Oh baby you’re killing me here.” As your hands traced along his thigh, and your nose bumped his pubic bone. Giving him a few light strokes, before you took his tip in your mouth, giving a few light licks. He moaned, and threw his head back.
“Baby please. No teasing. I need you. Now.” He whined, and you were satisfied with his begging. You took his length in your mouth, and stroking with firm motions, what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. He threw his head back in pleasure, as his hips bucked towards your face, making you gag a little. Looking down to see if you were okay, Christian groaned at the sight in front of him. Saliva dripping down your chin, as you took him in your mouth. One hand gripping his thigh, the other palming the part of his dick that wasn’t in your mouth. His hands found your hair, as he made it into a makeshift ponytail, tugging on it slightly whenever you took him deep in your throat.
“Not gonna last long baby. I-i.” Christian groaned one last time, pushing his hips forward as he came in your mouth. You looked up at him, swallowing as he helped you to your feet. He gave you a passionate kiss, that had you groaning in his mouth. He pulled away, grinning at you.
“Wash my hair will you?” You said.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He replied sweetly, flipping you around so he could wash your hair.
Stepping out of the shower, Christian ah did you a towel, which you wrapped around your body. His eyes raking up and down your body.
“Now get out so I can get ready.” You shooed him out, plopping down in front of the mirror.
Turning the straighter off, and taking a photo of it, so you knew you’d done it. You were debating on which lip colour.
“Chris babe, could you come in here a quick min!” You shouted out the door.
Christian came in, his shirt half buttoned. His tinned chest on display. And boy, did you take full advantage of that. Your eyes widened as you stared, and he smirked. Loving that he still worked you up after all these years.
“You’re drooling baby.” He stated, making you blush. He wasn’t gonna win that easily. Bending down in front of him, you took of the hotel robe you had on, showing him the bra and pantie set you had on. Now it was his turn to drool.
“You’re drooling Chris.” He laughed, slapping your arse lightly.
“What was it you wanted sweetheart?”
“Red lip or pinky lip.” He didn’t didn’t even have to think about that one.
“You look so sexy with ref lips.” He hadn’t realised he’d said that out loud. Whoops.
“Red lip it is.”
You two had an enjoyable night, sharing a few drinks and chatting with his teammates, and their partners. At around half past 12, Christian had enough of pretending like he didn’t want to fuck your brains out, so you two excused yourself, and rushed hastily home.
Feet sore from your heels, you took them off. Christian seeing this as an opportunity to carry you, so he took your waist, and carried you bridal style into the house. Cursing as he fumbled with the locks, eventually getting it open.
“It’s like you’re trying to get in my pants Christian.” You giggled as he hastily carried you up the stairs, needing to feel you around him. Now.
“That’s exactly what i’m trying to do baby.” He replied, kicking the door open with his foot, and dropping you on the bed lightly as he took his own shoes off. He grabbed your ankles, and dragged you to the end of the bed, where he was. Leaning over you, and pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. He bit your bottom lip, a sign for you to open your mouth. His tongue entangled with yours, and the kiss shared so many things. The love you had for each other, and the desire to be as close to one another as possible.
Grabbing him by the belt buckle, and without breaking the kiss, you pulled him closer. Groaning in your mouth, as his hard dick met your clothed pussy. Moving your hair out of the way, he began to press feverish kisses down your neck, sucking on the bruised he’d already made earlier in the shower. Pushing the strap of your dress down for more skin. Hands in his hair, slightly tugging on it, he moaned against your skin. Knowing you had him where you wanted him, you flipped over so you were on top. Looking down at him, as your thighs were on the other side of his, straddling him.
“Fuck, this is gonna be a fun night.” Christian moaned, as your lips once again, found his. Your lips fit like puzzle pieces. You were meant to be, and nothing was ever gonna change that. Grinding down against his hard dick, he was sure he was gonna burst out of his jeans. Pushing your dress down, to show your black lacy bra. He groaned hungrily at the sight, and made quick word of discarding the bra. He wasted no time in taking your right nipple in his mouth, and you moaned at the contact. Christian knew your body so well, and licked a strip between your breast, as his finger rolled your other nipple. You moved his arms up, to take his shirt off, and your legs instantly shuddered when you seen him.
Beginning at his neck, you kissed down his chest, moans escaping his lips as his hands gripped your waist. His hips bucking up at yours reflexively. He craved your touch, and god, he wanted to be in you.
Pushing your dress down over your hips, and using his finger to hook your panties off. You sat on top of Christian, naked, and he’d never seen anything more beautiful.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. You know that right.” He groaned against you, as he discarded his jeans, and you began to rock against him. The friction too much for him. He flipped you back over, as began kissing up your thighs.
“Christian. This is supposed to be all-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, as he lips attached them to your aching core, as he licked up and down, the exact motion you’d taught him 7 years ago, when you were 17. Your back arched uncontrollably, as your fingers found his hair. The slight stubble he head, adding to the erotic pleasure you were feeling right now. He added a finger, and you cried out in pure pleasure. Moaning his name, as you felt him too, moan against your core, sending vibrations through your whole body. You felt your stomach tightening, as your vision became dazed.
“Christian i’m gonna-”
“I know you are baby. I can feel you clenching against my fingers. You look so pretty like this. My head between your thighs. I love you. So much.”
You couldn’t even breath out an ‘I love you’ as he sucked on your cliff. You moaned loudly, cursing every which way as you came around him. He licked up your cum, as he made his way up your body. Feather like kisses against your abdomen, as his lips connected with yours.
You were overwhelmed with that fact, two people could share this much love and infatuation for each other, as he rid himself of his boxers, lining up with your entrance. He looked you in the eye, a devilish glint twisting in his beautiful eyes.
“Will you ride me baby?” He said against your left tit. You moaned at his words and nodded, as he flipped the two of you over, his hands on your hips, as he raised you slightly, so you could position yourself on top of him. You sank down on him, both of you moaning into each others mouths, as you began to rock your hips back and forth, your clit exploding in pleasure as his dick rubbed against it. His hands on your hips, guided your movements as he threw his head back in pleasure.
He’d died and gone to heaven. The sight of you on top of him, your tits in his face, his, his, name leaving your mouth in breathy moans was enough for him to cum his pants like his 16 year old self might of done, after seeing you in your cheer uniform.
Deciding that he wanted more, he flipped you over, and drove into you. His lips trailing across your boobs, as you moaned in pure pleasure.”
“You feel so fucking good. Doing such a good taking me cock baby.” He moaned into your skin, leaving trails of his love for you, in the form on dark purple bruises.
His hand, that wasn’t playing with your nipples, doing your hand, and he clasped it tightly. Your nails digging into his palms, as his hand snaked down your body to your rub your clit. The pleasure erupting through your body.
His hand rubbed your thumb lovingly, as he titled your chin up to look you in the eye.
“I love you Y/N. so damn much.” He said into your mouth.
“I love you too Chris.” You managed to get out, that familiar feeling in your stomach coming back.
Chris knew your body too well. “Go on beautiful, come for me again.”
That was all you needed, as you came around dick, he threw in a few more sloppy thrusts before he too, came inside you. Lying down to look you in the eye, he gave you a loving kiss. He waited for both your breaths to come back, before he pulled out of you. Lying down beside you, tucking you into his chest. The place you were meant to be. He stroked your hair, as he placed a kiss on your forehead. Flipping you over, and kissing all over you face. Ah, here you were. Squirming under him, yet again.
He grabbed your cheeks with hands, and looked at you, with those beautiful brown eyes of his. You’d always thought they looked like a warm hearth, burning brightly.
“I. Love. You.” He said between kisses, and you giggled.
He gave you one last kiss before getting up to get you a towel, wiping your legs down before he flopped onto bed, pulling you tightly into him.
“Thank you.” Was all he said, as tiredness both over came you.
You woke up that morning, reaching out for Chris, only to be met with empty sheets. Adjusting your eyes to the sun peaking in through the blinds, you pulled your shorts on, and put your bra back on. Making your way to the kitchen.
There, in all his glory, stood Christian Puliśić. His bare back facing you, as he fried something on the oven. You wrapped your arms around his back, peppering kisses down it. Paying attention to the freckles that adorned it.
“Morning baby.” You mumbled against his back.
“Morning beautiful.” He turned around, giving you a proper kiss.
“You hungry?” You just nodded, and he laughed, plating up eggs, and the toast he’s already made you. Just now you liked it. God you were so in love with this man.
Finishing your breakfast, Christian added.
“Funny enough, i’m still hungry.” You thought nothing of this comment, considering you had eaten half of his breakfast.
“Oh. What do you want? Cereal-” His hands found the leg of your chair, as he dragged it closer to him. Pulling you onto his lap.
“Baby.” He said, his hands snaking up your legs, and know you knew what he meant. Moving your legs, so both were opposite his. He stood up, your legs wrapped around his torso.
“What times Broggy coming home?” You asked, not wanting to traumatise Kelley and Brogan, when Christian was knuckles deep inside you.
“12. Plenty of time.”
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A long one!! This was loosely inspired by @thoseboysinblue amazing fic about the world cup, which was just 😙🤌
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 50
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
you've got to take a chance on something, sometime by spirkylurkey
Lance McClain is the office secretary. Salesman Keith is smitten, but Lance is dating Lotor from Corporate. (An Office AU in which I just TORTURE PINING KEITH)
I LOVE THIS FIC. im not generally huge on office aus, but i LOVE this one. messy gay love triangles, GNC lance, and pining keith being the one who shows UP. god i love them. and keith. just so goddamn badly. he is loyalty personified.
2. Something Borrowed, Something Blue, by @shyfoxes
Keith asks Shiro to help him make Lance a betrothal necklace. The results are less than stellar, but that’s okay. ATLA AU.
atla au!!! proposal fic!!! 2016 fic!!! dorky broganes!!!! this fic is so fucking cute. also this line: "He stepped aside to let Keith in then swiftly kicked him in the behind as revenge." is siblings at the core of them truly
3. Kitten Sneezes by @tomminowrites
Imagine: Keith’s kitten sneezes - The Red paladin wiggles his face desperately, trying to cram the sneeze back down to the depths. Instead, the feeling just crescendos, until… “ha-tchu!” There’s a beat of silence. Then Hunk and Lance are cooing into the mics with an infuriating awwwwwww.
keith having kitten sneezes is so goddamn funny to me. like here is this gruff guy who is awkward but does his best and is also obsessed with knives. and when he sneezes it sounds like a cat. ALSO. lance calls keith kitten in this
4. to tell the truth by @tomminowrites
Other than a few scuffs on his armor, Lance looks unharmed - but he just stares stupidly at the Red paladin’s outstretched hand instead of trying to rise. Keith leans closer. “The fight’s still on, you coming?” Lance looks up suddenly. “Dude you… you have really beautiful eyes, did you know that? I feel like nobody has told you that.” Uhhhhhhh. -- Lance is hit with a truth serum, and his unintended honesty hour will continue until Voltron finds the cure planet-side. Keith, meanwhile, can't shake off the part where Lance is... flirting? With him??
this is the only truth serum fic ive ever really liked bc it's super respectul u know?? doesn't rly feel like it's crossing boundaries. just sweet and funny. lance flirting with keith like its fact is so real
5. Starsong by @tomminowrites
The paladins are crewmates aboard a mercenary space vessel, sent to the outer reaches of the system to investigate the recent disappearance of Empire ships. Keith discovers that the ship's captain, Sendak, has actually been hired to capture a different prize: mermaids. With siren calls that interfere with ship scanners and songs that mimic the distress beacons of friendly crafts, astral mermaids are a threat commonly believed to be myth among most spacefarers. But when lives are at stake, the crew is soon to discover that one among them is not quite as human as he appears to be...
i feel like there's NO way i havent recced this before but onward regardless!!! this fic has the COOLEST premise ever like holy shit. mermaids?? who SWIM in SPACE?? among the STARS??? LIKE???and in an au with an atlantis like crew??? SIGN ME UP
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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suburblocal · 6 months
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astralscrivener · 1 year
✨ fic directory ✨
i’ve created a post to keep all of my fics in one place. all fics can be found on ao3. (last updated may 4th, 2024)
major ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: a rewrite of vld seasons 4-8. - team focus, broganes, klance, adashi, romellura - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 22/45 chapters, 251k words (december 25th, 2022) - last posted: chapter 22: season 7, episode 3: elliptical orbit
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent au in which keith and shiro are captured by the galra at a coalition gala. things become more complicated when the team’s search for shiro turns up someone else: adam, shiro’s fiancé.  - broganes, klance, adashi - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 8/? chapters, 25k words (september 2nd, 2023) - last posted: chapter 8: division and discord
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots, one prompt for each letter of the alphabet, focused on keith and lance’s relationship - variety of aus, some overlap with squad up (2017-19 modern au), mostly established relationship klance - 18 works, 87k words (may 4th, 2024) - a: artistry • b: brutality • c: comfort • d: defeat • e: elegance • f: faithfulness • g: grief • h: homelessness • i: information • j: jealousy • k: knell • l: loyalty • m: mercy • n: need • o: opportunity • p: pain • q: quest • r: rumor • s: sleep • t: trust • u: uncertainty • v: victory • w: worry • x: xenon • y: yearning • z: zero - last posted: lightning in a bottle (y: yearning)
other ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au + d&d series started in 2020 as a stress response to quarantine - team focus, klance, adashi, romellua, hunay
• main work: the rawring 20s XD - chatfic that only updates if i think it will be funny - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author notes - 5/5 chapters, 17k words - last posted: chapter 5: there is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, (september 8th, 2022)
- other works include klance-centric oneshots + snippets of the group’s ongoing d&d campaign - 5 works, 37k words - last posted: midnight into morning coffee (february 7th, 2024)
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots across a variety of aus written in response to prompts from friends and followers - variety of ships, but mainly klance and adashi - some overlap with squad up  - 15 works, 92k words (july 8th, 2023) - last posted: distraction
major completed works
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent trilogy in which lance and keith fool their way behind enemy lines and onto lotor’s ship to steal vital information on the galra empire—only for lotor to become far more dangerous than anyone anticipated. - mainly klance, extremely one-sided lancelot - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura - 3 works, 315k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• WHERE PEOPLE GO TO DIE - lotor mistakenly believes that lance is a galra soldier spying on the paladins, and invites him to return home. keith follows him undercover as a prisoner, and quickly draws lotor’s ire as things spiral rapidly out of control. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 14/14 chapters, 49k words - completed july 9th, 2017
• DYNASTY DECAPITATED - lotor becomes vindictive after having been played for a fool by team voltron, and the team struggles to hold the voltron alliance together while fending off his rapid advances. meanwhile, keith and lance explore a new stage of their relationship and learn exactly what the other means to them. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 18/18 chapters, 67k words - completed august 7th, 2017
• STARS GO DOWN - lotor has captured lance and sentenced keith to death halfway across the universe. lance struggles to hold onto himself as he plays the role of an amnesiac, while keith attempts to fight his way back to the team, alone. meanwhile, the team, down two lions and two paladins, scrambles to bring keith and lance home amidst betrayals and tumult in the voltron alliance. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence, temporary major character death + other warnings in author notes - 37/37 chapters, 198k words - completed june 15th, 2018
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au written from 2017-19 to cope with the horrors of being in high school and the transition into college - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura and shiro/allura/matt - 25 works, 561k words - completed may 10th, 2019
• main work: squad up - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last year of high school - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 140/140 chapters, 327k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• main work: a midsummer night’s meme - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last summer before college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 27/27 chapters, 79k words - completed august 31st, 2018
• main work: because guys like us are cool in college - series of oneshots/snippets following keith and lance’s freshman year of college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 84/84 chapters, 83k words - completed may 10th, 2019
- voltron: legendary defender: 28 oneshots completed for klance au month february 2019. - klance - variety of aus, including but not limited to modern au, canon-divergent/other paladinsverse, fantasy au, and more - rated M, creator chose not to use archive warnings + other warnings in author note - 28/28 chapters, 49k words - completed february 28th, 2019
additional oneshots not mentioned here can be found on archive of our own ✨ other writing (including drabbles, snippets, and prompts from tumblr ask games) can be found in my writing tag ✨
happy reading!
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notmumtoday · 1 year
4 notes · View notes
brogansway · 1 year
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blueblueberryjam · 5 months
Chapter 25 Excerpt from Lost and Found: A Broganes Story
"Adam," Shiro said, "Keith is not okay. He's... I don't know. He's being slow. When he talks it's almost like he's slurring. I think even his eyes are tracking slowly. He's got no expression. He tried to get up earlier, and he couldn't. I gave him a piece of candy, and he moved so slowly. He missed his mouth, and he just sat there, I don't know what to do..." 
"First, calm down. Take a deep breath. I'm on my way. It sounds like he could be dissociating. It's not technically dangerous to him, but it's not something we want to keep happening. Keep giving him sensations to focus on. Make him tea. Hug him. Tell him to focus on what's happening around him. I'll be home soon. I love you." 
Read more on AO3
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manmanual-au · 11 months
0 notes