#distillery in Victoria
suburblocal · 6 months
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notmumtoday · 7 months
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techdriveplay · 4 months
The Rise of Australian Whisky
George Bekarian, Head Mixologist at Cardea & Spirit Specialist for Barrel Lane Whisky Club As the head mixologist at Cardea and spirit specialist for Barrel Lane Whisky Club, I’ve witnessed the evolution of Australian whisky firsthand. It’s a journey that spans centuries, shaped by rich history, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. When we talk about Australian whisky, we can’t…
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time-4-me-now · 3 months
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Gin as far as the eye can see.
Four Pillars Distillery. Healesville, Victoria, Australia.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
If I may get your thoughts on something. The fandom likes to throw out that because Malia was in a coyote state for x years that's used to say she should still be a child mentally. Not to completely defend him but shouldn't that also be the case for Peter. According to Derek he himself was still in high school when the fire happened. And with Peter being Peter with the flashbacks we probably say he was about 21 22 when that went down. So his selfish ways, although not forgiven, make a lot more sense when you realize this dude is still barely out of educational years. He's smart and cunning but he has no idea how to be an adult about things.
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To truly grapple with your question, there are some matters of lore established by the show that I think we all need to bear in mind.
Fully shifted werecreatures possess the cognitive abilities of humans, not animals. Talia understood the importance of the meeting in the distillery and timed her entrance for maximum impact as a high-status alpha. Derek recognized the tactical situation at La Iglesia and made decisions accordingly. Malia was able to analyze the crime scene with Alex's parents while a four-legged coyote.
Werecreatures' physical appearances do not match up with their chronological ages the same way humans do. Noshiko Yukimura looked in her twenties in 1943 when she was near 800 years old and in her forties in 2011 when she was near 900 years old. Satomi Ito looked pretty much the same age in 1943 and 2012. Cora Hale was seventeen "in how you measure in years."
Werecreatures (and humans with a motivation to do so) manipulate human institutions in order for the supernatural to remain hidden. They're quite proficient at it. The Argents had agents placed throughout the government and law enforcement and were able to get Gerard and Victoria installed in the local high school. Jennifer managed to create an entire identity for herself that passed muster. The Hales were pillars of the community without anyone suspecting they were werewolves. We can joke about a Nazi werelion teaching physics, but he was also facile enough to infiltrate the upper levels of the German military.
In other words, while an engaged viewer might question the quality of the presentation of Malia in terms of socialization and emotional development, there's no reason to insist she would have to act like a feral child. She wasn't a coyote, as Scott pointed out, she was a werecoyote. If we're going to accept the supernatural abilities that deny scientific reality -- and we have to in order to engage with the show -- we have to accept the story's rules as they are presented to us.
Which means, unfortunately, that I have to disagree with your second premise, mostly because we can't be sure about Peter's chronological age. His physical appearance is not admissible as evidence nor is the age given on his medical admission papers in Monstrous (4x10). This means that we have to rely on the position taken by the story itself, and that implied that Peter was fully an adult. Neither Young Derek nor Older Derek treated Peter as a peer; Peter always stood in the position of mentor and elder. After all, in Peter's own words when talking about Triskelion: "Talia used it to teach Laura; I tried to use it to teach Derek." Why would Talia put someone she considered a teenager in charge of something as important as her son learning self control, especially after the disaster with Paige? Cora treated Peter far differently than she treated Derek; in my opinion, she treated him like a member of the older generation.
All of the show's characters treated Peter as an adult who should have known better, including Cora, Lydia, Melissa, the Sheriff, Stiles, Malia: all of their words and actions clearly express this point of view. Even villains such as Kate, Jennifer, and Deucalion treated Peter as an adult and a peer. I think Derek's treatment of Peter is the key; I find it telling that Derek treated the twins differently than he treated Peter. Derek never acted as if Peter had diminished capacity or limited freedom to make decisions the way he did with Aiden and Ethan, and it certainly wasn't because he liked the twins better or because they hurt him less. The only person to express hope for Peter's rehabilitation was Scott, and that was seen as such an extreme position that Stiles used it against Scott during their argument in Parasomnia (5x02).
Some people choose to be selfish; some people choose to act ruthlessly and unethically. We're not supposed to believe that everything Peter's done is due to his inability to process the fire and the resulting coma. I've witnessed too many people expressing disbelief that Peter would work with the person who burned his family, and I want to shake them: that's the point! There's no trauma pushing him to work with Kate in Season 4; he chooses to do it because it's the most effective means to get what he wants. Peter is not a victim in Seasons 1-4; he's an opportunist. He uses Kate because she has the power and the history to distract everyone from what he's trying to achieve, just as he used Jennifer's threat in Season 3 to distract everyone from his plans and to remove Derek as a possible obstacle to those plans without killing him.
His selfish ways make sense because he's selfish. He manipulates people to gain power because he wants power. He's not one-dimensional by any measure, but the narrative makes it clear that until he realizes that people exist to be more than just means to his ends he will be an antagonist. Until he accepts that -- which he starts to do in Season 6 -- he will be exactly how Scott described him "always a monster."
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logi1974 · 1 year
Südengland 2023 - Tag 9
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Heute gehen wir shoppen - und zwar nicht irgendwo, sondern im königlichen Windsor Farm Shop.
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Wusstet Ihr, dass die Queen ihren eigenen Hofladen, gleich die Straße runter von Windsor Castle, hatte?
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Im Jahr 2001 hatte Prinz Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) die Idee, hochwertige Waren aus den zahlreichen königlichen Anwesen zu verkaufen und gleichzeitig weitere kleine lokale Anbieter zu unterstützen.
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Durch den Umbau eines Töpferschuppen aus der Zeit Queen Victorias und den Bau zweier neuer Gebäude entstanden der Farm Shop und der dazu gehörige Coffee Shop. Heute gibt es neben dem Coffee Shop auch ein helles und luftiges Gartenzelt und eine kleine Auswahl an Pflanzen zum Verkauf.
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Das Royal Estate in Windsor wird als gemischte Farm mit 1000 Morgen Ackerland und 2000 Morgen Grünland betrieben, die hauptsächlich zur Fütterung des eigenen Viehs genutzt werden.
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Die Milch der 200 reinrassigen Jerseykühe wird zur Herstellung von Windsor Castle-Eis verwendet, das zum Kauf angeboten wird. Das erstklassige Rindfleisch aus der Sussex-Rinderherde wird mindestens 21 Tage lang gereift und jede Woche im Geschäft verkauft.
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Außerdem gibt Speck, Schinken, Schweinefleisch und Würstchen von den 140 Zuchtsauen und Eier von den 1500 Lohmann Brown-Hühnern. Wildprodukte werden aus dem Windsor Great Park, dem königlichen Park, geliefert. 
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Der Park war viele Jahrhunderte lang das private Jagdrevier von Windsor Castle und stammt hauptsächlich aus der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts.  
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Die Brottheke ist mit frisch gebackenen Produkten von The Jolly Baker bestückt. Besucher können Honig kaufen, der im Didlington Manor von den Bienen im Windsor Great Park stammt (es gibt aber auch Honig vom Sandringham Estate in Norfolk).
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Die Windsor and Eton Brewery liegt gleich die Straße runter und produziert eine einzigartige Auswahl an Windsor-inspirierten Bieren und Ales.
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Andere britische Produkte, die man im Geschäft findet, sind Meeresfrüchte aus dem Inverawe Smokehouse in Schottland, Käse aus dem Sharpham Estate in Devon, Chutneys von der Garlic Farm auf der Isle of Wight, Wodka aus der Chase Distillery und Lyme Bay Cider.
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Ebenfalls erhältlich ist der Duke's Afternoon Tea. Bei einem königlichen Besuch in Ceylon im Jahr 1945 wurde der damalige Herzog von Edinburgh gebeten, auf dem berühmten Lovers Leap-Anwesen in Nuwara Eliya einen Busch zu pflanzen. 
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Der Duke's Afternoon Tea wird direkt auf dem Anwesen geerntet und wird von Kennern wegen seines einzigartigen Geschmacks geschätzt.
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Das angrenzende wetterfeste Festzelt mit seinen Porträts der königlichen Familie ist ein nettes Plätzchen, um ein warmes Mittagessen zu genießen oder einen leichten Lunch.
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Heute ist das Wetter aber so fantastisch, dass wir lieber draußen sitzen und das schöne Wetter genießen. Diese Idee hatten wir natürlich nicht alleine: es ist brechend voll.
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Geboten werden eine verlockende Auswahl an traditionellen Kuchen wie Sussex-Obstkuchen, Plundergebäck und kalorienreichen Sahnetorten.
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Leider wird diese Idylle von den heran donnernden Flugzeugen des nahen Heathrow Airports sehr stark beeinträchtigt. 
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Im Minutentakt fliegen die Maschinen über unsere Köpfe, teilweise so tief, dass man mühelos die Aufschrift erkennen kann.
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Die Lärmbeeinträchtigung ist doch erheblich. Wir können teilweise unser eigenes Wort nicht mehr verstehen.
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Nachdem wir unseren Einkauf erledigt und alles im Auto verstaut haben, machen wir uns auf den Weg zurück zum Appartement. Etliche Lebensmittel müssen im Kühlschrank verstaut werden.
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Auf dem Rückweg werfen wir noch einen Blick, rechts und links, auf den Longwalk, der vom Windsor Castle bis zum Denkmal Georg III reicht.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha and Mr. Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.22
Abolition Day (Martinique)
Bălți Day (Moldova)
Bear Waking Day (Norway)
Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Canadian Immigrants' Day
Carpet Day (Turkmenistan)
Clover Day (French Republic)
Dia do Abraço (National Hugging Day; Brazil)
EMS Education Day
Ethernet Day
Find Your Soul Mate Day
Flag Adoption Day (Australia)
Goth Day
Growing Flavor in the Garden Day
Harvey Milk Day (California)
Heat Awareness Safety Day
International Being You Day
International Coco Mom Day
International Day For Biological Diversity (UN)
International Day of Syndrome 22q11
International Sherlock Holmes Day
Jumping Frog Jubilee Day (Angel's Camp, California)
Lee Rigby Memorial Day
Leiria Day (Portugal)
Loch Ness Monster Day
Manchester Arena Remembrance / 22 Angels Day (UK)
Mattie Stepanek Day (Rockville, Maryland)
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Day
National Boss Babes Day
National Coco Mom Day
National Curly Hair Day
National Day of First Nations Fishing Rights (Canada)
National Desert Storm Reservists Day
National Gout Awareness Day
National Heroes Day (Sri Lanka)
National Julie Day
National Maritime Day
National Psychopath Day
National Solitaire Day
National Sovereignty Day (Haiti)
National Title Track Day
National Toothpaste Tube Day
NF2 & Schwannomatosis Awareness Day
Pac-Man Day
Recliner Day
Republic Day (Sri Lanka)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 1.6]
Toothpaste Tube Day
Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari (Ukraine)
Unification Day (Yemen)
United States Colored Troops Day
Unity Day (Yemen)
Watch Movies All Day Day
World Goth Day
World Pre-Eclampsia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitcoin Pizza Day
National Craft Distillery Day
Vanilla Pudding Day
World Paloma Day
4th Monday in May
Victoria Day (Canada) [Monday before 25th]
Independence Days
Dale Empire (Declared; 201) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Basiliecus, Bishop of Corinna (Christian; Saint)
Biological Diversity Day (Pastafarian)
Bobo (Christian; Saint)
Castus and Emilius (a.k.a. Cactus and Æmilius; Christian; Martyrs)
Conall (Christian; Saint)
Elphinstone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Fulk (Christian; Saint)
Humilita (Christian; Saint)
Julia of Corsica (Christian; Saint)
The Mackerel (Muppetism)
Mary Cassatt (Artology)
Michael Hồ Đình Hy (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Quiteria (Christian; Saint)
Ragnar Lodbrok (Viking)
Rita of Cascia (Christian; Saint)
Romanus of Subiaco (Christian; Saint)
St. Cyprian (Positivist; Saint)
Yvo (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Alien 3 (Film; 1992)
Bone Sweet Bone (WB MM Cartoon; 1948)
Bullwinkle Goes to Press or All the Moose That’s Fit to Print (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 52; 1960)
Claws for Alarm (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Clean Pastures (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Far and Away (Film; 1992)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Film; 1998)
The Four Seasons (Film; 1981)
The Girlfriend Experience (Film; 2009)
Great Expectations (Film; 1947)
Gunga Din, by Rudyard Kipling (Poem; 1890)
Headquarters, by The Monks (Album; 1967)
Imperial Woman, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1956)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Film; 2008)
Mission Impossible (Film; 1996)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Film; 2009)
The Opposite of Sex (Film; 1998)
Outland (Film; 1981)
Preacher (TV Series; 2016)
Rocketman (Film; 2019)
That’s What You Get, by the Castiles featuring Bruce Springsteen (Song; 1966)
Tomorrowland (Film; 2015)
Water on the Brain or The Deep Six and 7/8 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 51; 1960)
Well Worn Daffy (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
When Marnie Was There (Animated Film; 2015)
The Wind and the Lion (Film; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Julia, Ortwin, Rita (Austria)
Julija, Rita (Croatia)
Emil (Czech Republic)
Castus (Denmark)
Leivo, Oliver (Estonia)
Hemminki, Hemmo (Finland)
Émile, Quitter, Rita (France)
Julia, Ortwin, Renate, Rita (Germany)
Emilios, Kodros (Greece)
Júlia, Rita (Hungary)
Rita, Valente (Italy)
Emīlija, Mile (Latvia)
Aldona, Eimantas, Elena, Julija, Rita (Lithuania)
Henning, Henny (Norway)
Emil, Helena, Jan, Julia, Krzesisława, Rita, Wiesław, Wiesława, Wisława (Poland)
Vasilisc (România)
Júlia, Juliana (Slovakia)
Joaquina, Julia, Rita (Spain)
Hemming, Henning (Sweden)
Jolee, Joleen, Jolene, Jolie, Marshall (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 142 of 2024; 223 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 4 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 21 Bīja; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 9 May 2023
Moon: 9%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 2 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Cyprian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 64 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 2 of 32)
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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It’s a tradition that’s carried through the beginning of time, over many decades, finding it’s way into the year of 2022. The host of the annual end of the summer celebration has always been a mystery, the rumors in the mill ranging anywhere and everywhere from Chief of Police Jordan Walker hosting himself to Victoria Carlyle planning the entire event just to snag the biggest scoop of drama that happens. While the host has never been confirmed nor have any of the theories been denied, it doesn’t stop the adults of Providence Peak from pregaming with wine and distllery tastings and meandering their way around the corn maze during the warm day and drinking around the bonfire to avoid the newfound chill of the night.
Winery, Distillery, and Cocktail Tastings - Free tastings provided by several local businesses will begin promptly at noon on the day of the bonefire. Check in at the roped off entrance and with a $20 ticket receive a tasting glass and access to the free tastings and entrance to the corn maze - enter if you dare!
The following local wineries, distilleries, and bars will be offering tasings during this time:
Crane Brothers - Expect in-house distilled flavors such as British Blackberry Gin, Warm Spiced Apple, and Cranberry and Cinnamon to be among their classic flavors and be sure to pick up a bottle of Fireball Spiced Whiskey or Hair of the Dog while you’re there!
Holy Spirits - Prepare to be brought to your knees by the unique bar’s autumnal offerings including flavors of sweet apple, a seasonal pumpkin, and a cinnamon that will be sure to spice up anyone’s night.
The Grape Escape - Nothing is more perfect on a breezy fall afternoon than the spice of the winery’s famous warm pumpkin wine or the sweet crisp of their apple wine, bother offered during the tasting and as a full bottle available for purchase.
The Jagged Yard - A city staple, the bar is offering tastes of their specialty cocktails including a toasty s’mores based Campfire cocktail and a Fireball infused Cider Slush.
Cloud Wine - As a new winery in town, Cloud Wine is offering only their best to impress the city of Providence Peak. Between their specialty Autumn Harvest, a robust red cranberry fruit wine, and Colorado Pines, a spicy twist on a traditional white, they’ll be sure to knock the socks off of anyone who comes out to taste.
Bonfire Bash - After finding their way out of the corn maze, the city of Providence Peak is invited to a raging bonfire on one of the city’s lesser-known lakes in Bighorn Hills where all alcoholic beverages will be BYOB (or W if you’re feeling a bit fancy and picked up a bottle of local reserves at the tastings). Located near the bonfire will be QR codes for local Uber drivers and numbers for taxis and the local police department for anyone who finds themselves in need of a ride home.
This event will be kicking off Wednesday, September 28th at 12pm EST. It will run until Friday, October 7th at Midnight, 12am EST. No new starters should be posted after this time, but members may take the next few days to wrap up their threads.
Previous threads do not have to be paused and may be continued.
Activity checks and acceptances will be held as usual.
Dress is casual and temperature is expected to be in the low 80s during the day and 60s at night. A light jacket or thick flannel is recommended.
Have fun and be sure to relax and enjoy this event! Please tag all event related posts with providence.event and be sure to check the starter blog for open event starters.
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#Energy-Efficient Lighting: Implementing energy-efficient lighting solutions throughout the hotel, such as LED bulbs and automated lighting controls, can significantly reduce electricity consumption.
#HVAC Systems: Upgrading heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to more energy-efficient models can lead to substantial energy savings. Regular maintenance and optimization of HVAC systems also help improve efficiency.
#Water Conservation: Installing water-saving fixtures in guest rooms, bathrooms, and public areas can reduce water consumption. This includes low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.
#Energy Management Systems: Utilizing advanced energy management systems (EMS) to monitor and control energy use in guest rooms and common areas can optimize energy efficiency. These systems can automatically adjust temperature settings and lighting based on occupancy and time of day.
#Guest Education: Encouraging guests to participate in energy conservation efforts through signage, information cards, and incentives can raise awareness and promote responsible energy use.
#Waste Reduction: Implementing strategies to reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place, such as minimizing packaging, promoting digital communication over paper, and offering guests options to decline unnecessary amenities.
#Recycling Programs: Setting up comprehensive recycling programs for various waste streams, including paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, and metals. This involves providing clearly labeled recycling bins in guest rooms, public areas, and back-of-house facilities.
#Food Waste Management: Implementing food waste reduction and diversion programs, such as donating surplus food to local charities or composting organic waste to create nutrient-rich soil amendments.
#Single-Use Plastics Reduction: Phasing out or reducing the use of single-use plastics throughout the hotel, including plastic straws, stirrers, and toiletry bottles, and replacing them with sustainable alternatives.
#Energy Recovery: Exploring opportunities to recover energy from waste materials through technologies such as waste-to-energy systems or anaerobic digestion, which can generate electricity or heat.
#History: The Omni King Edward Hotel has a rich history dating back to its opening in 1903. It has hosted numerous dignitaries, celebrities, and notable guests over the decades, establishing itself as a landmark in Toronto's hospitality scene.
#Location: Situated in the heart of downtown Toronto, the Omni King Edward Hotel offers convenient access to major attractions such as the St. Lawrence Market, the Financial District, the Distillery District, and the Eaton Centre shopping mall.
#Accommodation: The hotel features elegant and luxurious rooms and suites, blending historic charm with modern amenities. Guests can expect spacious accommodations, plush bedding, and sophisticated decor.
#Dining: The Omni King Edward Hotel boasts several dining options, including the Victoria's Restaurant, which offers fine dining with a focus on local and seasonal ingredients. The hotel also features the Consort Bar, known for its classic cocktails and elegant ambiance.
#Meetings and Events: With over 22,000 square feet of event space, the Omni King Edward Hotel is a popular venue for weddings, conferences, and social gatherings. The event spaces include historic ballrooms and modern meeting rooms equipped with state-of-the-art
Created by Simarjeet Singh (A00295527)
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robertnelson2-blog · 9 months
Exploring Southern Hemisphere Spirits: Australian & New Zealand Whiskies on viskit.eu
The whiskies of the Southern Hemisphere have carved their own niche in the spirit's world. Explore Australia's and New Zealand's finest on viskit.eu.
Australia: A Frontier of Whisky Innovation
With a distinct climate and diverse regions, Australia offers a range of unique whiskies. Whisky Online Australia
Tasmania's Liquid Gold
The island of Tasmania, with its pure waters and rich soils, produces some of the most coveted Australian whiskies.
Victoria's Vibrant Varieties
From fruity undertones to smoky finishes, Victoria's distilleries present a spectrum of flavors.
New Zealand: Nature's Whisky Canvas
Enveloped by pristine landscapes, New Zealand distilleries capture nature in every bottle. New Zealand Whiskey
The Alpine Elixirs
With snow-fed rivers and alpine air, New Zealand's mountain regions offer whiskies with unparalleled purity.
Coastal Character
Experience the essence of New Zealand's coasts, where salty breezes influence every dram.
Why Choose Viskit.eu?
Embarking on a Southern Hemisphere whisky journey? Here's why viskit.eu should be your compass.
Authentic Selection
We prioritize genuine experiences, ensuring every bottle is a true representation of its origins.
Convenient Exploration
Navigate through a curated collection and discover the hidden gems of Australian and New Zealand whiskies.
Travel through time and terroir with the whiskies of Australia and New Zealand at viskit.eu. It's more than just a drink; it's an experience waiting to unfold.
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suburblocal · 6 months
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notmumtoday · 7 months
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This area of NSW is so unique with great scenery and attractions you could spend a month travelling around. Sadly we only had a few days so elected to drive up to Parkes the home of the “Dish”, famous for its role in the first moon landing.
Wow is the best way to describe the Dish driving towards this massive structure placed, seemingly, in the middle of no where. Surrounded by fields of yellow Canola fields it is a must visit Australian icon that all families should do.
Took the time to watch a video where one realises just how insignificant we are. The explanation of size is something that while we try to understand one can not imagine.
While in Parkes we also took the time to visit the “Graceland” museum a working tribute to the great Ellis Presley located at the information Centre at start of town.
Back in Dubbo we had and early night getting ready for our drive tomorrow to Woollombi which turned out to be a real bummer. The drive there was great but when we arrived we discovered the ability to park at the pub was in fact not true. This had been confirmed earlier that day but when you arrive they advise not so. A bit of a scam I feel.
We were offered however parking next door for $50 a night with NO power, water or toiletries access. Easy decision to move on to Cessnock where we booked in for two full days of wine tasting. Recommend this to all as group therapy.
Ended the day by visiting the Cessnock Leagues Club which is a blast from the past with great food and entertainment. The local pick up bus drives in massive circles taking home happy members and picking up those looking who want to be happy. Cheapest city tour we have ever done.
Sunday refreshed we headed off for our wine tour and must say super impressed with variety, quality and price. We visited eight different wineries, cheese makers, chocolate factory, liquor and cider distilleries along with breweries,all within a short drive of each other. This is a lot better then similar tours we have done in South Australia and Victoria.
Now back at our park we have all gone down for a “nanny nap” listening to the sorting trombone playing from the camp kitchen. This guy is good and the tunes are varied and calming.
Tonight we will endeavour to eat responsibly while enjoying the fruits of our hard days toil. Stay safe everyone and sleep well. We will. Haha
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Como Lake Cocktail Week 2023
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La miscelazione d’autore direttamente dallo shaker al bicchiere torna con la quarta edizione della Como Lake Cocktail Week dal 28 giugno al 4 luglio, che è una grande occasione per tutti gli appassionati ma anche per le attività coinvolte, perché la mixology è oggi un ben riuscito veicolo di business. Se nel mondo della miscelazione la creatività è forza generatrice di innumerevoli attività e progetti votati alla scoperta di nuove esperienze, quello che accade dietro al bancone del bar è un tema di interesse primario soprattutto per quelle manifestazioni che attorno alla mixology costruiscono storie di assaggi e sperimentazioni. Su queste coordinate si muove ad esempio la Como Lake Cocktail Week 2023, privilegiata per la particolare concentrazione di luoghi deputati all’hospitality e alla ristorazione che nella miscelazione trovano il proprio fiore all’occhiello, infatti sono più di trenta i cocktail bar presenti sul territorio tra hotel cinque stelle, storici street bar e ristoranti stellati. Per l’edizione 2023 rinnovano la presenza Villa d’Este, il Grand Hotel Tremezzo e Villa Passalacqua, new entry insieme all’hotel Musa Lago di Como, dal Grand Hotel Victoria di Menaggio, passando per il ristorante Una Finestra sul Lago e il suo nuovo Onda Cernobbio, fino a Scalo Craft Drink di Cremia. Sulla sponda di levante ci sono la storica Villa Serbelloni di Bellagio, il Filario Hotel & Residences di Lezzeno, Il Sereno di Torno e il Mandarin Oriental, Lago di Como di Blevio. In città si aprono i giardini del Palace Hotel, la Terrazza 241 dell’Hilton e Piazzetta Lake Como di Cernobbio, il nuovo tapas & cocktail bar del gruppo Cookerz, nato in partnership con Tessabit, retailer di lusso del Lago di Como, fino al dehors del Posta Design Hotel e al rinnovato Kincho nel giardino dello Sheraton Lake Como che, lunedì 3 luglio, ospita la Cocktail Competition. Non manca il cuore della movida comasca, dal Fresco Cocktail Shop al ristorante Da Pietro con il suo Da Pietro Pop Up, e ancora il Vintage Jazz, Krudo, The Brothers Cafe, Hemingway Cocktail Bar e il nuovo Spirit Cafè & Cocktail Room di Piazza Volta. Si può preparare un’opera d’arte formato cocktail ispirandosi al claim A ticket to.. e utilizzando ingredienti inaspettati è la mission dei trenta cocktail bar che aderiscono alla competizione, con a disposizione un’attenta selezione di spirits alcolici e analcolici del mercato. Main sponsor è il gruppo Moët Hennessy, accompagnato dal Gruppo Bacardi Martini ritorna sulle sponde del lago Bombay Sapphire Premier Cru, il London Dry che celebra la freschezza dei limoni Fino della Murcia, oltre alla presenza di Altamura Distilleries con la sua Premium Vodka, l’unica al mondo ottenuta esclusivamente da Grano 100% di Altamura, il gruppo Diageo con il portfolio Reserve e  la collezione di distillati ultra premium che include Tanqueray No. Ten, Zacapa 23, Casamigos. Read the full article
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life-of-luxe · 1 year
Cheer to Empress 1908 Gin & Spirits
Victoria Distillers is a family run small batch premium gin facility in the Canada. For over 10 years, they have been producing some of the best handmade spirits on the waterfront of Sidney, British Columbia. 
Inside the distillery ar
... via JustLuxe.com via https://ift.tt/Ms2eaWo
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.22
Abolition Day (Martinique)
Bălți Day (Moldova)
Bear Waking Day (Norway)
Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Canadian Immigrants' Day
Carpet Day (Turkmenistan)
Clover Day (French Republic)
Dia do Abraço (National Hugging Day; Brazil)
EMS Education Day
Ethernet Day
Find Your Soul Mate Day
Flag Adoption Day (Australia)
Goth Day
Growing Flavor in the Garden Day
Harvey Milk Day (California)
Heat Awareness Safety Day
International Being You Day
International Coco Mom Day
International Day For Biological Diversity (UN)
International Day of Syndrome 22q11
International Sherlock Holmes Day
Jumping Frog Jubilee Day (Angel's Camp, California)
Lee Rigby Memorial Day
Leiria Day (Portugal)
Loch Ness Monster Day
Manchester Arena Remembrance / 22 Angels Day (UK)
Mattie Stepanek Day (Rockville, Maryland)
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Day
National Boss Babes Day
National Coco Mom Day
National Curly Hair Day
National Day of First Nations Fishing Rights (Canada)
National Desert Storm Reservists Day
National Gout Awareness Day
National Heroes Day (Sri Lanka)
National Julie Day
National Maritime Day
National Psychopath Day
National Solitaire Day
National Sovereignty Day (Haiti)
National Title Track Day
National Toothpaste Tube Day
NF2 & Schwannomatosis Awareness Day
Pac-Man Day
Recliner Day
Republic Day (Sri Lanka)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 1.6]
Toothpaste Tube Day
Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari (Ukraine)
Unification Day (Yemen)
United States Colored Troops Day
Unity Day (Yemen)
Watch Movies All Day Day
World Goth Day
World Pre-Eclampsia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitcoin Pizza Day
National Craft Distillery Day
Vanilla Pudding Day
World Paloma Day
4th Monday in May
Victoria Day (Canada) [Monday before 25th]
Independence Days
Dale Empire (Declared; 201) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Basiliecus, Bishop of Corinna (Christian; Saint)
Biological Diversity Day (Pastafarian)
Bobo (Christian; Saint)
Castus and Emilius (a.k.a. Cactus and Æmilius; Christian; Martyrs)
Conall (Christian; Saint)
Elphinstone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Fulk (Christian; Saint)
Humilita (Christian; Saint)
Julia of Corsica (Christian; Saint)
The Mackerel (Muppetism)
Mary Cassatt (Artology)
Michael Hồ Đình Hy (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Quiteria (Christian; Saint)
Ragnar Lodbrok (Viking)
Rita of Cascia (Christian; Saint)
Romanus of Subiaco (Christian; Saint)
St. Cyprian (Positivist; Saint)
Yvo (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Alien 3 (Film; 1992)
Bone Sweet Bone (WB MM Cartoon; 1948)
Bullwinkle Goes to Press or All the Moose That’s Fit to Print (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 52; 1960)
Claws for Alarm (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Clean Pastures (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Far and Away (Film; 1992)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Film; 1998)
The Four Seasons (Film; 1981)
The Girlfriend Experience (Film; 2009)
Great Expectations (Film; 1947)
Gunga Din, by Rudyard Kipling (Poem; 1890)
Headquarters, by The Monks (Album; 1967)
Imperial Woman, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1956)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Film; 2008)
Mission Impossible (Film; 1996)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Film; 2009)
The Opposite of Sex (Film; 1998)
Outland (Film; 1981)
Preacher (TV Series; 2016)
Rocketman (Film; 2019)
That’s What You Get, by the Castiles featuring Bruce Springsteen (Song; 1966)
Tomorrowland (Film; 2015)
Water on the Brain or The Deep Six and 7/8 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 51; 1960)
Well Worn Daffy (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
When Marnie Was There (Animated Film; 2015)
The Wind and the Lion (Film; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Julia, Ortwin, Rita (Austria)
Julija, Rita (Croatia)
Emil (Czech Republic)
Castus (Denmark)
Leivo, Oliver (Estonia)
Hemminki, Hemmo (Finland)
Émile, Quitter, Rita (France)
Julia, Ortwin, Renate, Rita (Germany)
Emilios, Kodros (Greece)
Júlia, Rita (Hungary)
Rita, Valente (Italy)
Emīlija, Mile (Latvia)
Aldona, Eimantas, Elena, Julija, Rita (Lithuania)
Henning, Henny (Norway)
Emil, Helena, Jan, Julia, Krzesisława, Rita, Wiesław, Wiesława, Wisława (Poland)
Vasilisc (România)
Júlia, Juliana (Slovakia)
Joaquina, Julia, Rita (Spain)
Hemming, Henning (Sweden)
Jolee, Joleen, Jolene, Jolie, Marshall (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 142 of 2024; 223 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 4 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 21 Bīja; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 9 May 2023
Moon: 9%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 2 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Cyprian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 64 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 2 of 32)
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