#Prince Varyyn
sarcasticace · 7 years
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The many faces of Prince Varyyn of the Vaanti from Endless Summer
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alwaysanotherooc · 7 years
When Winter Reaches Vaanu
Prompt: The above song, Holland by Novo Amor. Thank you @hollyashton and @jessicamckenzie for hosting this week of Choices Creates! Rating: T to be safe, but not really necessary. Warnings: Sad and lots of pining. Fandoms: Endless Summer Characters: Prince Varyyn, Diego Ortiz Soto. Pairings: One sided Varyyn/Diego Ortiz Soto Description: Made for Round 20 of Choices Creates. Varyyn thinks on how he wishes he could have said goodbye to Diego, as they watch Sharktooth Isle grow smaller and smaller as they sail away.
Varyyn POV
His eyes were beautiful. 
That had been my first coherent thought upon meeting Diego. Those eyes that were the exact shade of the amber we used in our weapons, the same shade of the amber of the Idols. But his eyes...they were not cold or cruel mockeries of fate.
They were warm. They were kind. 
And they were sad, but that sadness was well hidden. He hid it behind bright smiles and easy laughter, that somehow he still meant with all of his heart. 
Diego was...fascinating. He made jokes I didn’t understand but still found amusing, he rolled his eyes at Seraxxa and indulged every whim Uqzhaal came to him with, no matter how trivial. And he mourned his friends, the other Catalysts, with such passion and such a look of deep agony that even Seraxa hadn’t asked him about their location again.
I knew that look he buried beneath his smiles and his laughter, that look of loss and hurt that could barely be comprehended. I’d felt it before as well. 
I hated to admit it but in the next few months, I allowed myself to get attached to Diego. I let myself...grow close with him. Laugh at his jokes and his whispered comments about Seraxa. I let him tell me about his friends, and for the first time I understood why they acted the way they did, and it had hit me that the Catalysts were not gods after all...
Just twelve people who had no idea what had been awaiting them when they came to Vaanu. They were simply people who were scared for their lives and for the lives of their friends. 
Diego spoke of them more and more often as time marched onward, although he only ever did so with me, late at night after our lessons in English. His eyes grew hazy and soft and...beautiful.
Love will do that to a person’s eyes. It makes them beautiful.
The months had dragged on and his smiles became more frequent, stronger, his laughs longer and more honest, and I ignored the glances my mother sent my way when he reached for me while learning about our history, about his own fate and legacy.
I ignored the hum of pleasure and the soft glow of happiness that came whenever Diego turned to me to share a new discovery, a new idea or thought, his eyes bright and wide and almost happy.
I pushed away the thoughts that crept into my head late, late at night as I lay sleeping in my own bed. Thought’s of Diego’s hands, his mouth, the way he moved, the sound of his voice when he whispered, the scent he carried that was purely his, the way the sunlight of Vaanu seemed to curve around his skin like an embrace. The beautiful hue of his eyes lingered in my thoughts for hours at night.
He began to haunt my every breath, lingering in my mind without reprieve, a ray of hopeful sunshine that warmed my entire being in a way I had never known I needed. I lived for every moment his eye met mine, every word he spoke to me, only to me, every single brush of his fingers against my skin, and every moment where he forgot himself and laughed, long and hard, head thrown back in glee.
I never let myself reach for him in that way, because he was not mine to crave or desire, he was a Catalyst and a possible bringer of destruction for my people’s way of life. It was not right to think of him as often as I did, to dream of him the way I did when I awoke in the middle of the night, panting and sweating with his name on my lips and the dream of his skin beneath my hands causing my heart to thunder in my chest. 
I knew it was twisted to desire him, a captive under my hold, and so I made no advances, and I said nothing and ignored Seraxa’s narrowed eyes and my mother’s own forceful gaze when he was near.
He was not...it would never have been right to voice any of the confused and tangled and...loving thoughts he invoked in me. So I kept silent and let him heal from his hurt and his pain.
Seeing him reunited with his friends had been both ecstasy and agony, for I knew what came next, and I couldn’t bear to be torn from him by death or exile, and yet his eyes shone with such relief and joy at seeing his friends again that I could not begrudge them their reunion.
We took the Catalysts to Sharktooth Isle, and as I stood looking into Diego’s beautiful amber eyes, I found desperation clawing at my gut, the words last chance ringing over and over and over again in my head.
But it was not right to push these feelings onto him, without even taking into consideration the fact I had just banished him and his friends into exile. So I merely forced a smile, clasped his shoulder and turned back from the boats before I forgot myself.
And as the boat sailed away, Uqzhaal’s eyes still locked onto the retreating island, I did not let myself look back, did not let the pain show on my face.
Diego was gone and now it was too late.
I let the others guide the boat back to the shore and imagined, for a single moment, what it would have been like.
To instead take Diego’s face in my hands and seal my lips to his, to feel him under my hands, to hold him against me, our arms wrapped tightly around one another. What it would have been like to press my adoration and passion into his skin, to whisper my...my love...
I blinked and let the image float away.
Diego was gone and it was too late.
Uqzhaal sighed, and I looked over at him.
He looked tired, and old, like the world had suddenly gotten much harder.
Which, actually, it had.
Uqzhaal spoke, his voice somewhat startling in the silence of the evening, “There is always snow.”
“What do you mean?” I questioned softly.
Uqzhaal looked back at me, eyes unfooled and sad. “When times are painful. There is always snow when times are painful.”
Uqzhaal pointed up towards the mountains, laid heavy with white snow that shone even in the dark of the night. “And this, my Prince, is winter.”
I said nothing and tried not to think of amber eyes and skin loved by the sun.
“Winter has come to Vaanu, my Prince. I think times are going to become more painful before they ease.” Uqzhaal’s voice was softer now.
He looked back towards Sharktooth Isle. “But I do not think we are the ones in danger of this pain.” As he turned back, his eyes caught on me, and he paused. “Well...not for most of us at least.”
I looked down at the blade at my side, the amber glinting in the moonlight, and the ever-present memory of Diego’s eyes haunting me. 
That was the awful thing about when you loved someone. They were always so beautiful, and it was always painful.
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Endless Winter (ES Book 2) Act 1, Scene 8 - High Council of the Vaanti
Title: Endless Winter
Main Pairings: Estela x Ian (M!MC), Jake x Alyssa (F!MC)
Other Pairings: Craig x Zahra, Grace x Aleister, Michelle x Quinn, Diego x Varyyn
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, violence, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The Catalysts are escorted through the city of Elyys'tel, where their fates will be decided.
Previous Scene: Lord of the Waves
Masterlist: Link
CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains a scene involving a character's struggles after being outed as gay. If such content is triggering or otherwise discomforting for you, please feel free to skip over this chapter; a link to the next one has been provided here for your convenience:
Next Chapter: Trial by Water
Escorted by a troop of warriors, Estela helps a still half-conscious Ian along as they and the others are brought to the base of the great tree that was seen earlier. Kele is notably absent from the group as they approach the tree. From up close, its true scale becomes apparent: the trunk alone is wider than a skyscraper, and countless branches strewn with walkways and staircases crisscross the area, making it seem even more massive. Seraxa signals to someone up above, and a wooden elevator descends, allowing the group to enter the city itself.
RAJ: Duuuuude... this is so dope--
One of the warriors pokes him in the back with a spear, and he yelps in surprise.
RAJ: Okay, okay! I’m going!
The remainder of their journey continues in silence as they are escorted along the winding walkways. Countless Vaanti civilians stare at them, a myriad of emotions evident on their faces: fear, awe, surprise, reverence, curiosity. As they continue walking, Varyyn starts to stir.
VARYYN (groggily): Marr sahn...
The two warriors carrying him immediately stop, setting him gently on his feet. Varyyn looks around, confused, and then spots Diego.
VARYYN: Diego! I do not-- What has happened?
DIEGO (shrugs): It’s... a long story.
As they continue through the city, Diego fills Varyyn in on what he missed. Finally, the group arrives at the entrance of an ornate set of double doors, carved into the trunk of the great tree itself. Seraxa turns to face Alyssa and the others, a prideful smirk upon her face.
SERAXA: Prepare yourselves, Catalysts. The Tribunal awaits.
The great double doors swing open, revealing a vast chamber into which the Hartfeld students and Jake are quickly shepherded inside. The Vaanti warriors file in behind them. At the far end of the room is an ornate wooden throne that appears to grow directly into the wall of the tree itself. Seated in the throne is an older Vaanti woman, her clothing significantly more ornate than anything seen previously. She wears an elaborate red headdress and gazes down at the new arrivals with a stern expression mixed with curiosity. This is XIMAEDRA.
XIMAEDRA: War-Chief Seraxa. Keeper Uqzhaal. What is the meaning of this?
SERAXA: These outsiders attacked our prince! They attempted to destroy the Temple of Canis, and--
MICHELLE: What? No we didn’t--
TUPAAN, a Vaanti wearing a ram’s head mask, hits Michelle sharply in the leg with the blunt end of his spear.
TUPAAN: Quiet!
XIMAEDRA (dismissively): And why bring them here? Exile them to Sharktooth Isle and be done with it.
Seraxa nods, her expression triumphant, but before she can give any orders to her warriors, Uqzhaal hobbles forward. He declares, surprisingly loudly:
UQZHAAL: I would invoke the Rule of Tribunal!
Seraxa glares at him as Varyyn’s jaw drops. Diego looks over at him, confused, as the other Vaanti all begin talking excitedly amongst themselves in the Vaant’igua language. Seraxa and two other Vaanti warriors, a man named VILOKO and a woman named CALVIA, take up positions on either side of Ximaedra’s throne.
ALEISTER: What on Earth is a “Rule of Tribunal?”
VARYYN: A process by which they shall judge your fate. Three will speak against you, and three in your defense...
SEAN: All right, that’s not so bad. I’ll do it--
Sean approaches the throne, but another warrior pushes him back. Varyyn shakes his head and frowns.
VARYYN: The speakers must be citizens of Elyys'tel. Outsiders are not permitted to speak for the Tribunal--
ZAHRA: What? That’s bullshit! How the hell are we supposed to--
Uqzhaal hobbles back toward the group, turning to face Seraxa, Calvia, and Viloko.
UQZHAAL: I shall speak for the accused.
Varyyn and Diego exchange a glance. Varyyn then nods and steps forward to stand beside Uqzhaal.
VARYYN: As shall I.
XIMAEDRA: Varyyn, what is the meaning of--
VARYYN: I know Diego’s heart. He is no destroyer.
Ximaedra sighs.
XIMAEDRA: ...Very well. And the third?
Uqzhaal and Varyyn exchange a glance. Jake nudges Diego.
JAKE: Any chance you’re close enough with these guys to step up?
Diego shakes his head.
DIEGO (apologetically): Sure, I know them well enough, but I’m still an outsider. Sorry.
XIMAEDRA: ...Does a third citizen of Elyys’tel deign to speak in defense of the accused?
There is an awkward silence. Seraxa crosses her arms and gazes triumphantly down at Uqzhaal and Varyyn. Varyyn looks back at the other warriors in the room, hoping for assistance, but no one volunteers.
SERAXA: As we are all well aware, without a third citizen willing to stand in defense of the accused, the Tribunal is forfeit. It would seem--
A thick mist suddenly fills the entire chamber, making it impossible to see anything.
VILOKO: Saneha?! Anco jest--
XIMAEDRA (calmly): It would seem they have their third defender, War-Chief.
The mist dissipates as abruptly as it had appeared, swirling out the windows and doors. Kele is now standing beside Varyyn and Uqzhaal, facing the throne.
RAJ: Wait a sec... who the...
KELE: That’s right, Elyyshar. I will speak for the accused.
SERAXA: You would interfere again, Wave-Lord?
KELE: I’m a citizen, aren’t I? I have that right.
Seraxa sighs and crosses her arms, but says nothing more. Kele nods back at the Hartfeld group.
KELE: Looks like I’m saving you all again, aren’t I?
JAKE: Listen, Mr. Waterbender, you owe us a lot of explanation after all this--
XIMAEDRA: Silence. The defenders may speak first. Varyyn?
Varyyn takes a step forward, addressing Ximaedra directly.
VARYYN: Mother. Members of the Tribunal. You know that I have never given any of you reason to distrust me. And neither has the one we call Canis.
He turns, gesturing toward Diego.
VARYYN: For five sheaves of days now, I have spent more time with Diego than has any other citizen of Elyys’tel. I have worked alongside him, traveled with him, stood by him. I have taught him of our ways, and in turn he has taught all of us his language. And I wish to point out that in all this time, he did not once attempt to harm us or flee from us. In truth, as you all have witnessed, he has made every effort to try to understand us.
Diego gives Varyyn a grateful smile. The Vaanti warrior turns back to face the crowd.
VARYYN: And so I ask all of you, citizens of Elyys’tel: do we not owe him that same courtesy? Should we not make the effort to try and understand Diego’s people, just as he was willing to understand us? I believe we should. “For Time’s great cycle ever repeats, and that which is given, in Time one shall receive.”
There is a brief muttering among the Vaanti warriors. Varyyn gives a short bow and steps backward. Ximaedra smiles proudly for a moment, then turns serious.
XIMAEDRA: Well said, Varyyn. And now for the opposition. War-Chief Seraxa?
Seraxa nods and steps forward, glaring angrily at Varyyn before turning to face the rest of the crowd.
SERAXA: Hydra. Lyra.
Fear and anger ripple through the room in equal measure. Estela frowns in confusion as she leans in to whisper to Ian:
ESTELA: That’s the second time now she’s mentioned “Hydra.” What’s that about?
IAN (whispering): No idea.
SERAXA: We trusted outsiders once before, and we all remember how that story ended. They betrayed us. Tried to destroy us! Kidnapped the children of Vaanu from this very city! And now you would repeat that very same mistake? I refuse to risk another betrayal. Exile them and be done with it.
Seraxa stops talking and takes a step back, gazing out at the assembled Vaanti warriors around the chamber. Ximaedra nods.
XIMAEDRA: You are finished, War-Chief?
XIMAEDRA: Very well. Keeper Uqzhaal, you may speak.
Uqzhaal takes a few slow steps forward.
GRACE (quietly): I don’t like this.
ALYSSA: Yeah, the war-chief really hates us. I hope the old guy’s got a good argument...
UQZHAAL: War-Chief, you speak of the one we call Hydra, and the betrayal that he committed. Yet you would treat these outsiders the same, despite Hydra being their enemy as well! You forget that I was with them when the Temple of Canis was set alight. I witnessed with my own eyes as Hydra attempted to burn them alive within it! They are no friends of his, I can assure you that much.
SERAXA (angrily): They are still outsiders! This--
XIMAEDRA: Silence, War-Chief. You speak out of turn.
Seraxa bows her head, embarrassed at her sudden outburst. After a moment, Uqzhaal continues:
UQZHAAL: You mentioned as well the betrayal that Lyra inflicted upon us. How she took the children of Vaanu from our people, depriving us of such a blessing, and then sent her warriors to attack us, nearly burning Elyys’tel to the ground.
JAKE (whispering): Hey, ain’t he supposed to be on our side? That doesn’t sound like a defense.
SEAN (whispering): Yeah, I really hope he knows what he’s doing...
UQZHAAL: Yet none of you have recognized what is plain to see! That betrayal--that tragedy--has been corrected!
Uqzhaal suddenly turns and approaches the Hartfeld group, walking straight toward Alyssa and Ian. He uses his staff to reach out and pull the two of them forward, out of the group and into the space directly in front of Ximaedra’s throne. The Czasa twins look around in confusion as Uqzhaal declares:
UQZHAAL (proudly): At long last, the children of Vaanu are returned to us!
The entire chamber erupts in an uproar. Excitement, anger, and confusion can be felt in equal measure despite most of the words spoken being in the Vaant’igua language. Alyssa and Ian exchange confused glances, clearly bewildered.
SERAXA: Uqzhaal, how can you know that? Your gluptala fantasies have blinded you--
UQZHAAL (exasperated): Hydra vezm, War-Chief! I was there! I saw that one summon the Vaanulux with my own eyes!
He points to Ian.
IAN: What’s a ‘Vaan...’ uh, thing?
SERAXA: You see?! They do not even know our ways! They cannot be--
The entire room immediately goes silent. Ximaedra rises from her throne, stepping forward to stand between Seraxa and Uqzhaal. She takes a moment to allow her analytical gaze to sweep over first Ian, then Alyssa.
XIMAEDRA: If what you say is true, Keeper Uqzhaal... then we have not only the children of Vaanu, but truly the Thirteen Catalysts of legend standing in our midst. It may be a grave mistake to punish them.
Seraxa flinches, looking as though she desperately wants to object, but she holds her tongue. Ximaedra turns back to face Uqzhaal.
XIMAEDRA: If what you say is true. In order to know for certain, we shall need proof of this matter before proceeding. Tupaan? Sixal?
Tupaan and SIXAL, a female warrior wearing a golden mask, step forward.
XIMAEDRA: Go to the Temple of... hmm, Cygnus should do. Retrieve the vaalta there and bring it to us. We shall know the truth of Keeper Uqzhaal’s claim soon enough.
SIXAL: Yes, my elyyshar.
She and Tupaan move to leave the throne room, but Uqzhaal stops them with his staff.
UQZHAAL: Wait! There is no need. I have the vaalta of Canis right here.
He reaches into his satchel and withdraws the dog-headed statue he had taken from the temple earlier, holding it out before Ximaedra.
XIMAEDRA: Ah! Yes, this will work nicely. Keeper Uqzhaal, you have said nothing to the outsiders of the vaalta?
UQZHAAL: That is correct. They know nothing of our stories.
XIMAEDRA: Excellent. Will this suffice, War-Chief?
SERAXA: Yes. We shall witness their ignorance soon enough.
Uqzhaal turns and gestures to Diego, who steps nervously forward. Uqzhaal hands him the statue.
UQZHAAL: Canis. Take the vaalta.
DIEGO (hesitantly): Uh... okay.
He takes it, but nothing happens. Uqzhaal gestures toward the twins.
UQZHAAL: Let them touch it.
Diego approaches the twins and holds out the idol. Realization dawns on both Alyssa and Ian as they understand what the Vaanti are trying to do.
ALYSSA: Oh! They want us to--
IAN (simultaneously): Is this about the--
They reach out to touch the statue. The moment all three of them are touching it, a familiar blinding flash of light envelops the twins. When it clears, they are standing in the living room of a small house, near the front door. Ian and Alyssa stumble back in shock when they see it.
ALYSSA (emotionally): I... this is...
IAN (shocked): Home.
The two of them look almost on the verge of tears at the familiar sight. Before they can react further, the door swings open to reveal YOUNG IAN and YOUNG ALYSSA, about 12 years old, their backpacks slung over their shoulders. Behind them, looking terrified and so nervous that he seems to wish he could disappear on the spot, is an equally YOUNG DIEGO. He is disheveled, his hair messy and his clothes wrinkled. His own backpack is stuffed to bursting, and he holds a wrinkled bedsheet in his hands.
YOUNG IAN: It’ll be okay. I promise! They love you.
YOUNG DIEGO (shakily): I thought m-my parents did, too. And then--
YOUNG ALYSSA: Well, they’re stupid! None of that should matter. Want me to go yell at them for you? I could totally do that!
The adult Ian and Alyssa exchange a glance.
ALYSSA: This is... It’s another memory.
IAN: Yeah. Wait--you’ve seen this, too?
ALYSSA: Not this one, but... same concept. Wait, hang on--!
IAN (sighs): Yeah, I’ve seen one too. Gotta say, it’s really weird seeing ourselves like this.
ALYSSA: No kidding--
She stops talking as footsteps can be heard from upstairs. The younger Alyssa, Ian, and Diego enter the living room and shut the door. A woman in her late 40’s, her black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, walks down the stairs as the adult twins’ gazes are immediately drawn to her. This is BECKY CZASA, Alyssa and Ian’s adoptive mother.
IAN: Mom!
ALYSSA (simultaneously): Mom!
Without thinking, the two of them approach their mother, only to be interrupted as the younger Ian runs up to Becky, sprinting right through his older self in the process. The older Ian glances down and sighs, shaking his head.
IAN: Right. Memory.
BECKY: Hi, Ian! How was schoo--
She abruptly stops talking mid-sentence as she catches sight of Diego, taking in his disheveled appearance.
BECKY (concerned): Diego! Oh my Lord, what happened? You look like a mess! What’s wrong--
Diego flinches and attempts to hide behind Alyssa. Ian takes a deep breath and looks back at his sister and his best friend. Alyssa gives him a nod.
YOUNG IAN (nervously): Mom... uh... something did happen. It’s kind of a big deal. I... um... I don’t really know where to start. How to explain... um... it’s...
YOUNG ALYSSA (shouting): Diego’s gay, Mom!
Diego looks even more terrified. Ian fixes his sister with an angry glare.
YOUNG ALYSSA: What? You were taking too long. (furiously) Mom, if you think you’re about to kick Diego out like his mom did, then I’m kicking myself out, too! Nobody deserves to be treated like this for somethin’ they don’t choose! You don’t--
BECKY: What? Alyssa, please, I am not--
YOUNG ALYSSA: --and it's such a big bunch of crap, too! He’s so scared, and everyone keeps bullying him, and now even his own family won’t--
BECKY: Alyssa, listen to me--
YOUNG ALYSSA: --so if you and Dad think you can keep treating him like this, like everyone else does, than me and Ian are runnin’ away with him, you got that? You kick him out, you kick all of us out! I'm not gonna--
BECKY (suddenly shouting): Alyssa Meghan Agbayani Czasa!
Alyssa abruptly stops talking. Becky shakes her head, an amused smile on her face.
BECKY: I know you care about your friend. But your father and I would never dream of treating him any different because of who he loves! Diego, you have always been welcome in our home, and that has not changed. That will never change, do you understand?
The younger Alyssa blushes heavily at the realization that her whole rant was for nothing. The adult Alyssa, watching the vision, blushes heavily as well, from secondhand embarrassment. Ian gives her an amused smile.
ALYSSA: God, was I really that quick to start yelling all the time back then?
IAN: And I could barely work up the nerve to say anything at all. Wow...
ALYSSA (playfully): Not much has changed on that front.
IAN: That goes for both of us, y’know.
They share an amused grin before turning their attention back to the memory. Becky approaches Diego and bends down to pull him into a tight hug as Diego starts sobbing into her shoulder.
BECKY: Shh. It’s okay. You’re safe here.
YOUNG DIEGO (sobbing): I thought... I thought you’d--
YOUNG IAN: Mom? That’s why... I wanted to ask if he can stay with us. His parents kicked him out. He had to sleep on a couch in the library last night! And he barely had anything to eat besides my lunch from today! He needs--
BECKY: Of course he can stay. As long as he needs to, he can stay.
Becky stands up and gives young Ian a smile.
BECKY: He’s no stranger to that guest room of ours, after all! Come on, you three. Let’s get you all some food.
YOUNG DIEGO (tearfully): Thank you, Mrs. Czasa. Thank you. I-- thank you!
As the older Ian and Alyssa move to follow their younger selves into the kitchen, the blinding flash of light returns once again and the twins are yanked backward. Within the light, they hear a familiar voice:
VOICE (V.O.): Canis. Always quick to cast his own needs aside for fear of rejection. He must accept himself for who he is, in order to find the true strength he carries within. All of you must, if you wish to find the sole path forward.
In a flash, they are back in the throne room of Elyys’tel. The twins stare at Diego in shock.
DIEGO (confused): Uh... did something happen? Are you two okay?
IAN: We, er... we saw...
XIMAEDRA: Describe your experience upon touching the vaalta.
IAN: I... uh... it was kinda...
ALYSSA: We saw a vision. A memory. Diego’s memory.
DIEGO: Wait, what?
UQZHAAL (triumphantly): Oho! You see?
ALYSSA: We could, like, walk around and stuff. But we couldn’t interact with anything. We saw it as clear as day!
DIEGO: Wait, what memory?
IAN: From when we were little. The day you--
SERAXA: They lie!
XIMAEDRA: And how could they lie about this, War-Chief? They have no way of knowing what the correct answer could be--
Uqzhaal takes the statue from Diego’s hand and holds it aloft.
UQZHAAL: It is a proven truth! They are indeed the long-lost children of Vaanu, returned to us at last! Which means... before us stand the Thirteen Catalysts of legend!
Gasps of astonishment come from the surrounding crowd of Vaanti. The Hartfeld group simply look even more confused.
SERAXA: Claq shen zarvii, Uqzhaal. It is said that they will bring about great change, yes? And change itself can be good... or very, very bad. The Catalysts may prove to be our enemies yet.
Uqzhaal scowls in annoyance.
UQZHAAL: And you would make enemies out of them in the process? That is not--
XIMAEDRA: Keeper Uqzhaal. Tell me, is it not true that the Endless Ones once spoke of the Catalysts’ capacity for salvation and destruction?
UQZHAAL: It... it is true, my elyyshar.
XIMAEDRA: Then we may in fact be enemies, after all. Even the Catalysts--indeed, even the children of Vaanu--are not without the ability to choose. Even to choose evil, should they wish.
VARYYN: Diego is not--
Ximaedra holds out a hand for silence as she settles back into her throne.
XIMAEDRA: The Tribunal continues. Keeper Uqzhaal, you have said your peace. Warrior Viloko, step forward.
The male Vaanti warrior standing beside Seraxa takes a step forward and nods at the assembled crowd.
VILOKO: Our War-Chief speaks the truth! Even if they are the Catalysts, it changes nothing. We all know of what happened when our warriors went to retrieve them from the Torehydra! They attacked us without cause!
He points accusingly at Varyyn.
VILOKO: Varyyn, you should know full well that the Catalysts are our enemies! You were with us in that battle that should not have been a battle! We have no need to wonder. It has already been made clear: the Catalysts are our enemies!
He draws a ceremonial knife from its sheath at his waist and holds it aloft.
VILOKO: Why are we talking? We should be acting!
SERAXA: Heed my warrior’s words! He speaks the truth!
Piercing war cries erupt from the crowd. Ximaedra raises both hands in an attempt to quiet the crowd as Uqzhaal pounds his staff on the ground. The Vaanti warriors press closer toward the Catalysts, who huddle in more tightly together. As the din crescendoes, Kele stomps a foot on the ground and makes a few quick gestures. A thin surge of water whips in through a window to impact with a resounding CRACK! against the opposite wall. Immediately, the room goes quiet.
KELE: HEY! Tribunal’s not over.
He bows quickly to Ximaedra before stepping back to his original position.
KELE (respectfully): Elyyshar. Proceed.
Ximaedra nods gratefully in his direction before returning her gaze to Viloko and Seraxa.
XIMAEDRA: There is a time for war-frenzy, and a time for order. You would do well to remember this.
VILOKO (ashamed): Yes, my elyyshar.
XIMAEDRA: Have you any more to say, Warrior Viloko?
VILOKO: Only that I stand by my words. We must treat the Catalysts as our enemies, lest we wish to be--
He stops talking as a deep, shuddering rumble echoes throughout the chamber. The other Vaanti all look up in fear, as do the Catalysts.
SERAXA: Wave-Lord! What trick of yours is this?!
KELE: This isn’t me. I’m not--
An impossibly tall wave crashes into the side of the chamber, water dripping through the windows. Kele quickly runs toward the water, doing his best to keep the torrent from drowning everyone inside the chamber. He visibly strains to send the water pouring harmlessly out another window.
SERAXA: Go! Tell us what happened!
Calvia nods to her War-Chief and dashes out of the chamber. Not fifteen seconds later, she comes sprinting back inside, wide-eyed with terror.
CALVIA (quaking with fear): Elyyshar. War-Chief.
She swallows hard, then looks back up at Ximaedra nervously.
CALVIA: Cetus has returned.
Scene Notes: Yes, we're skipping Yvonne's entrance for now. Don't worry, I'd never miss including her in the story! She'll show up eventually. Next up: the battle with Cetus!
also I can finally start referring to them as 'Catalysts,' that was getting annoying
Next: Trial by Water
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie @mauvecatfic
Endless Summer Tag List: @mysteli @edgydepressedchoicesthot @endlessly-searching-for-you @lovelywrites
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I.t.a (Identity thief anon)
"WHAT THE FUCK" Is the most appropriate reaction to endless summer, specially towards the ending HAHAHAHASHS
Honestly? The Vaanti can do whatever, they deserve it, and I have the similar "how is the mc trying so hard to live?" question,, like I would be so tired, but honestly in Endless summer I feel it's more a "I'm incredibly desperate and willing to do anything to save my friends" than a "I'm going to do everything to survive, no matter how exhausting" (which is more common on transmigration stories I think)
Also, I have bad taste yet you are enjoying the book I recommended, hhhmmmm /joking (I was going to put "half joking" but I remembered I tried to make junior like me in my first play through so...)
Also I need more details of the Vaanti culture (except not because I wouldn't trust pb) to know what the fuck would Diego theoretically, need to do, like maybe he can just look pretty and cheer Vaaryn but what if he would need to do Vaanti politics and stuff ahhahshsh
Also I'm super curious of what you are going to think of the finale choices because... anyways is going to ve funny (to me)
I enjoyed perfect match, thought I would have liked to get more deep in some characters, but the story is very interesting, ahhshs
yeah i get that he's doing it for his friends which is admirable and all but also like king go to therapy to face ur survivor's guilt and grief like im really sorry this all happened but obviously there's nothing u can do anymore. i love them too but like dudndi at some point u just have to think "ive done everything i could"
also i just started book 3 and got to the ghost thing. what the fuck, man
by junior do you mean jake? urjdidndi cuz like yeah rip. but u dont have bad taste in books only in LIs 💅 or maybe u do have bad taste in books. my taste in media is notoriously awful so me liking them doesnt say much
U KNOW I DIDNT THINK ABT THAT UDNDIDB im sure he can be a trophy husband. prince varyyn and his boytoy i mean what. but im sure hed do great. maybe
also does that mean they stay together? cuz that is really important to me. dont answer tho i dont want spoilers. my investment in varyyn and diego is like half of my investment in the story at this point (im joking, i care about all the characters, but like.... i love them sm)
ill update u hddbiddjdjdj fear
also sounds like perfect match is exactly my type of media to hyperfixate over them! vague representation with interesting characters that arent well explored so i have to do it myself and analyze it and pretend its deep. marvelous! ill get to it asap jdbdushdushsusbsudbdidbsidndkdnsk
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itsbrindleybinch · 6 years
Hi! Choices ask: 16-23
Thanks for asking @brightpinkpeppercorn! 😘
16. What book have you replayed the most?
The Royal Romance. Actually, it's the only one I've replayed! I made the wrong choice the first time, so had to go back and redo the whole thing 🙃
I'm running out of books I haven't played though, so once I'm caught up I'll start replaying of the ones I can't remember as well.
17. What’s your favourite ship that doesn’t involve an MC?
I have a lot of love for Diego and Varyyn too.
18. What’s your favourite ship to read fan fic about?
I love reading everything, but I'm hunting down all of the Prince Hamid x MC at the moment 💕
19. Who’s the best looking female character?
This goddess 😍
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20. Who’s the best looking male character?
This beauty
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21. Who looks the best naked?
Tom. He has a beautiful bod 👀
Shreya also absolutely floored me
I might have said Maxwell, but he never takes his bloody jeans off!
22. What’s your favourite diamond scene?
Getting the silver medal (the answer to 23 gets gold) is Beckett's First Kiss. The amount of thirst from that boy... It was coming off him in waves!
23. What’s the hottest diamond scene?
Maxwell In Vegas 🤤 I get all quivery just thinking about it...
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ladyseaheart1668 · 7 years
Endless Summer Fan Novel (Book 2, Chapter 4)
The Watchers surround those of us who have just emerged from the burning temple, grabbing us to bind our hands in front of us, and shove us into the huddle with the rest of the group.
“Alodia!” Jake struggles to my side. “Are you all right?”
“I'm fine. You?”
“Not hurt.” He takes my bound hands in his and presses his forehead to mine. “...Not liking how this is turning out, though.”
“...Me neither,” I confess. I glance over at Quinn. She still looks far too pale, but she's standing under her own power. “...Is Quinn okay, do you know?”
“Not sure. She can breathe better anyway. Let's just hope they let Michelle look after her wherever they're taking us.”
The Watchers escort us back to their village, to a vast chamber within the massive central tree. A large crowd of blue and green bodies is gathered inside. Golden eyes watch us from behind gleaming masks. None of them speak.
“Silent treatment, huh?” Jake murmurs. “I guess I can handle that.”
A throne of woven roots sits on a dias at one end of the chamber, watched over by massive faces carved into the wall like the Presidents at Mount Rushmore. An elderly female watcher sits on a throne, dressed in a flowing white robe, with a sheer veil like lace covering her face. Auburn hair falls past her waist, decorated with blue flowers.
As the tall Watcher enters the hall beside Diego, his jaw drops.
“What is this?” Diego asks. “What's happening?”
“...The Tribunal has assembled to judge your fate,” he murmurs. “Three will speak for our tribe, and three for your group.”
“Bring them forward!” the Watcher on the throne commands.
Aleister, Lila, and I are freed of our restraints and pushed towards the throne.
“Get your hands off her!” Jake snarls.
“Hey, wait!” Craig yelps. “I'm goin' up there, too!”
The others strain towards us, but they're forcibly held back by a contingent of Watcher guards.
“Good luck, Alodia!” Quinn calls.
“Yeah, apparently we're all counting on you guys,” Zahra says. “No pressure or anything...”
The shaman hobbles forward, stopping in front of me.
“Crystallized destiny, idol of hope,” he chants in a low, resonant voice, bringing a hand to my forehead. I hold my breath and screw my eyes shut, bracing myself for whatever his touch brings. “Crystallized destiny, idol--”
In the distance, the sound of thunder cracks like a whip, and my eyes fly open. The shaman's eyes go wide. His hand trembles as he lowers it from my face. The shaman turns to the other Watchers.
“It is a proven truth! They are the Twelve Catalysts of legend!” A scatter of astonished murmurs rises from the crowd. I set my jaw, drawing myself up to my full height...which is admittedly rather unimpressive, but I hope I'm selling it.
“Correct!” I say. “Now kneel and offer us tribute!”
“Yeah!” Jake chimes in. “How about showing us a little respect?”
But my demand is met with blank stares. The shaman chuckles, the polite laughter of someone who has just heard a cringeworthy joke, but who doesn't want to hurt the teller's feelings.
“We respect your power, Catalyst, but we do not give worship. Does the apple admire the beast who comes along to devour it?” He chuckles again, more amused by his own joke.
“Hilarious,” Aleister mutters. “Release us immediately!”
“What is going on here?” I demand. “Who are you, anyway?”
“Of course,” the shaman says. “Forgive me. I am called Uqzhaal. Perhaps one of our oldest legends might shed a little light on your understanding. Long ago, our tribe was visited by one who moves unhindered among the branches of the Great Tree of Time. The Endless, as we call this one, foretold of twelve individuals whose arrival would herald Raan'losti, the unmaking of the world. Inspired by the visions of those who would come, our ancestors crafted the twelve idols of flawless amber. These vaalta pleased the Endless, and for many tranquil years they were kept in a temple deep in the forest.
“But peace is inevitably followed by strife. Conflict among our people saw the idols stolen and scattered across the island. The Endless consoled us, announcing that when the vaalta are finally reunited, the power to protect the island will be within reach. Clearly, you are the Twelve Catalysts, and Raan'losti is upon us!”
“...And...that's a good thing?” I ask hopefully.
“Some would say no. But I believe it is, for there is time yet to stop it.”
The Watcher on the throne speaks up. “If this is true, Uqzhaal, then we must proceed carefully.”
“...Since when can all of you speak English?”
She smiles placidly at me. “We learn quickly, young one. Catalysts, I am Ximaedra, Elyyshar of the Vaanti. I would know your purpose on this island.”
Our purpose? I think bitterly. We just thought we were coming for a good time. A vacation. And yet, I already know we're long past that. That was never what we were really brought here for.
“...I...I think our purpose is to help save the world,” I say slowly.
“Of course we'll help!” Lila agrees. “This is a can-do group, and one of the best I've ever had.”
Ximeadra turns her golden eyes on Lila. “Uqzhaal, who is this? She wears the mark of the Hydra.”
Lila blinks. “You...you mean the logo on my shirt?”
“Unexpected indeed,” Uqzhaal agrees. “The Endless said nothing of another alongside the Twelve.”
“So the Endless was wrong.” A Vaanti woman in armor of leaves, leather, and bone, with the muscular body of a warrior and a battle-scarred face to match scowls down at us. “Perhaps about other matters as well.”
“War Chief Seraxa,” Ximaedra says, turning to the woman beside her. “What say you of the Catalysts?”
“The Twelve have brought great upheaval with them, yes. Not only did they reject their sacred journey, they've waged war upon our people at every opportunity! If we do not stop them here and now, Raan'losti will be our doom!” She pulls out a ceremonial knife, its obsidian blade glistening in the firelight. “As war chief of Elyys'tel, I declare the Catalysts blood enemies of the Vaanti!”
The crowd erupts into a chorus of piercing war cries. As the din crescendos, Seraxa cuts a gash in her arm and raises the bloodied knife above her head with wordless battle cry.
“Madness!” Uqzhaal protests.
“Such unnecessary theatrics,” Aleister mutters beside me.
“On what grounds do you invoke this?” Ximaedra demands.
“They violently resisted Prince Varyyn's escort! They attacked the Shore Guardian and irresponsibly manipulated the crystals of Vaanu! Now they've burned the Valley of Tombs! Not to mention endangered the life of our dear Keeper of the Old Faith.” She sneers at Uqzhaal, but the old shaman shakes his head dismissively.
“Shore Guardian?” Lila murmurs. “I don't remember any guardian...”
“She speaks of the great crab,” Uqzhaal explains. “One of the four mighty beasts who guard the island.”
“For generations, we've known the appearance of the Catalysts signaled great destruction. Now we know they are the destruction!” Seraxa shouts. “We have also been taught what we must do to save the island. The time has come. The Twelve must die.”
She lowers the knife, glaring unblinkingly at us. Ximeadra nods solemnly.
“...I see. Putting our faith in the Catalysts is clearly a great risk. But you would have us extinguish that risk and face Raan'losti on our own.” Her eyes find the tall Vaanti, standing amid the crowd. “And what do you think, Varyyn my son? Would you have us aid the Catalysts or sentence them to death?”
The tall Vaanti—Varyyn--looks up sharply, then quickly looks away. “I...It...is not my place to speak before the tribunal.”
...Varyyn. I think I always knew that was his name. From the moment he touched me on the beach, letting me into his mind and gaining access to mine. An idea occurs to me. I close my eyes, seeking out his presence in my mind. I breathe deeply, blocking out everything except Varyyn.
I find myself atop a looming cliff, overlooking the Vaanti village.
“Varyyn,” Ximeadra says gently in Vaanti. “Come. We are going to be late.”
Varynn turns to his mother, alarm in his eyes. “Mother, you should be resting! You've been ill for days!”
“The village depends on me, my son. When Elyys'tel's troubles rest, so shall I.”
“That is what Grandfather said before he died...” His expression turns to anger. “Our people just stood and watched as he gave his life!”
“Leave me be, Mother.” He turns away sharply. Ximeadra sighs and departs, leaving him alone on the cliffside. Suddenly, Varyyn seems to notice my presence. He turns sharply. “You! What are you doing in my head, mind-talker?”
“I didn't mean to intrude. But I need to ask for your help.”
He is quiet for a moment, perhaps taking the time to let the memory I am intruding on catch up with the present. “...With the Tribunal?”
“Yes. I know we've had our differences, but do you think you could speak on our behalf?”
“...Only my mother's advisors speak at court. And others who seek to manipulate her.”
“She seems interested in your opinion. ...Are you really gonna stand by while they sentence us to death? Sentence Diego?”
That makes him stop. He swallows. “I...very well. If the judgment does not go in your favor, I will do as you ask.”
I open my eyes again in the audience hall. I meet Varyyn's eyes in the crowd, and he gives me a subtle nod.
“Uqzhaal,” Ximeadra is saying, “did the Endless not speak of the Catalysts' capacity for salvation and destruction?”
“This is true, my elyyshar.”
“Then we may in fact be enemies after all. That is what we must determine here. Catalysts, do you strive for harmony or change?”
I consider the question carefully, looking around at each of my friends. Although harmony feels like the correct answer, something tells me it isn't right. It would be a lie. And something tells me they would quickly see through a lie.
“...It would seem clear to me that we are agents of change.”
“So you admit it!” Seraxa bellows. “You are here to disrupt the balance of Vaanu!”
“Perhaps your people have resisted change until now, but you have to admit that the island itself is in a constant state of flux.”
“Wisely spoken,” Uqzhaal says approvingly. “Truly, they are the children of the stars in body and spirit both!”
“Claq shen zarvii!” Seraxa snaps. “This means little. Our predetermined duty remains before us.”
Murmurs of dissent pass among the gathered Vaanti. Even with their faces hidden by masks, I can sense their distrust, their doubt, their fear. I sidle over to confer with Lila and Aleister.
“This isn't looking good for us,” Lila murmurs, for once looking truly unhappy.
“What if I just told them this was all a misunderstanding?” I suggest uncertainly. “We didn't know about their values or laws...”
“Or maybe I can vouch for what good kids you are? We can show them we're really not all that bad!”
“They won't care about that,” Aleister says with a snort. “I say we go on the offensive and push their own hypocrisy in their faces.”
I consider for a long moment. Then I sigh. “I think Aleister's right. The fact that we didn't know anything about their values or laws isn't likely to sway them. And call me stupid, but I don't really want to try groveling. I don't think I could pull it off, anyway.” I look at Aleister. “I'll leave it in your hands then. I trust you know what to say?”
His eyes flash. “I absolutely do.”
I nod. “Let 'em have it.”
Aleister saunters to the top of the audience hall's dias, looking every inch his father's son, confident, capable, and powerful.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and what have you...what we have here is a farcical excuse for justice!” He looks condescendingly around at the Vaanti with eyes that judge them and find them wanting. “I haven't seen such a poor appraisal of facts since Craig tried to convince me that Keanu Reeves was a vampire!”
“Have you looked at the dude?” Craig protests. “He hasn't aged a day in twenty years!”
“What foolishness is this?” Seraxa snaps, but she looks a little uncomfortable. “Get to the point!”
“In every encounter, it has been your people who've waged war on us, beginning with a certain 'follow or die' ultimatum on the beach. As for enemies of the island, Alodia and Estela discovered an amber arrowhead in the shell of the giant crab. Apparently, you call this creature the Shore Guardian? Judging by the resinous weaponry around me, it's obvious we weren't the only ones to have defended ourselves against that thing. Like you, we've sought to survive in an environment where all of nature seemed bent on killing us! But alas, it appears civilization is the most dangerous predator.”
With that, he steps off the dias, leaving the crowd utterly silent. Diego catches my eye and grins, miming a mic drop. I smile back.
Ximeadra clears her throat. “Seeking answers for what came before is less urgent than preparing for what will yet be. Given all that I've heard today, I can't help but agree that the Catalysts represent a major threat to the island. Catalysts, if you have anything else to say on your behalf, please do so now. Otherwise, I will be forced to sentence you accordingly.”
“These kids are just trying to get home!” Lila cries. “You can't punish them for that!”
“Such utter tripe!” Aleister snarls. “If this is the extent of your judicial system, your society is doomed with or without us!”
I should be more scared, with the lives of me and my friends in the balance, but I am too exhausted to be scared. I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of having to be brave. I'm tired of having to be clever against an island that always seems to be one step ahead. I am tired of being a pawn. I have been on this island for six goddamn months, having experienced ten days of that time. Everything of fear or courage or cleverness is being quickly burned out of me. And what's left is boiling, bubbling anger. I wheel on Seraxa.
“The only person who really seems to have a problem with us is the cranky one that looks like a pin cushion!” I snap.
“Mind your tongue!” she barks back. “As war chief I speak in defense of all Vaanti, Catalyst.”
“And you're such a model citizen? You really think you're so typical, you can speak for everyone else?!”
“Seraxa is most unusual,” Uqzhaal confirms mildly. “She lives alone. Has many cats.”
“That is of no importance here!” Seraxa replies indignantly.
“She also cares little for the Old Faith.”
“One wonders how someone who shirks tribal custom is able to invoke it against us,” Aleister remarks.
“Enough! You...question my faithfulness to my people? I fought and bled in the War of the Three Tribes! I was there when Quarr'tel burned!” Many of the Vaanti nod, murmuring in agreement. “The only thing I have no faith in is you! And I will not make the mistake of entrusting our future to oursiders, prophesied or otherwise!”
From somewhere in the crowd, a Vaanti calls out, “Death to the Catalysts!” Other voices rise to join the first, and suddenly the entire room is chanting as one, “Death! Death! Death!”
I look for Varyyn, my eyes pleading with him. He has already stepped forward, shouting to be heard.
“Mother! Members of the Tribunal! I would speak on the Catalysts' behalf!”
“Silence!” Ximeadra barks. “Let my son speak!”
The audience rapidly quiets. All eyes are on Varyyn now.
“The prince has never contributed his voice at court!” Uqzhaal murmurs.
“Varyyn,” Seraxa growls, “you may be the elyyshar's son, but you're also a warrior under my command. Consider your next words very carefully.”
Varyyn swallows. “I...I do not seek to sway the Tribunal's judgment. Instead, I would merely share the truth as I have witnessed it. I've had more dealings with the Twelve than any other who has testified today. While they are worthy opponents, they have also avoided battle whenever possible. On many occasions, I've observed them treating Vaanu and those who dwell here fairly and respectfully. Whether they herald Vaanu's destruction is yet uncertain. What makes it certain is if we deny them our help.”
Ripples of discussion pass through the hall as the Vaanti react to the prince's testimony. Ximeadra is silent, considering the matter carefully. She rises from her throne.
“I have reached a decision regarding the charges against the Twelve Catalysts.” She looks at us. “Catalysts, the threat you pose to the island and our way of life is unquestionable. However, I believe that the fate of the Vaanti may yet depend on you.”
“You...you're letting us go?” Lila asks hopefully.
“No. For our safety and your own, I must order your immediate imprisonment on Sharktooth Isle.”
“Imprisonment?!” I cry.
“It may be of little comfort, but at least you will be safe there while we seek to bring Raan'losti to a peaceful end.”
“You have no right to imprison us!” Aleister cries. “As travelers, our right to safety and agency are protected by international law!”
“...This might be the best we could hope for,” Lila says mournfully.
“Mercy?!” Seraxa snarls incredulously. “Mercy for the agents of our destruction?”
“You question my judgment, Seraxa?” Ximeadra asks calmly.
Seraxa knows the correct answer to that question. “...As you would have it, my elyyshar.”
Uqzhaal sighs. “Ah, natala dril arkharu. Such a grievous day.”
Guards begin to forcibly escort us out of the audience hall, once again placing bonds on me, Lila, and Aleister. Even Diego is bound again. I keep my head down as they lead us out, exhausted and heavy-hearted. A bit of pale blue directly beside me catches my eye.
I look down to see a male Vaanti child with pale, shaggy hair walking directly beside me. If I had to guess his age based on human children, I would put him at seven or eight.
“I'm not afraid of you,” he says. He smiles when he says it, and it sounds more like a reassurance than a challenge. I smile weakly back.
“You're not? Well, that's good to hear...”
He waves after us as we're brought down a winding staircase. I stick out my tongue, rolling it into a hot-dog bun shape. He giggles and sticks his tongue out at me.
“Bye-bye! Come back soon!”
* * *
At the shore, our bonds are cut, and we're loaded into a Vaanti boat large enough for all of us. I sit quietly between Jake and Diego, clutching both their hands. Jake bends to kiss the top of my head. Varyyn and Uqzhaal join us in the boat, and the Vaanti on shore push us off. Everyone is quiet as we drift through the moonlit waters towards a distant inlet. Finally, Sean speaks up.
“Where are you taking us?”
“Sharktooth Isle,” Uqzhaal says solemnly. “It is a place of exile. Those who set foot upon its shores will never return to Vaanu.”
“And so we reap the folly of island justice,” Aleister says bitterly.
“Allie, look at this!”  Diego points to the water where a school of large, dark fish are visible swimming alongside the boat. Varyyn gently reaches out to pull Diego's arm back into the boat. Diego looks at him questioningly.
“They're fish,” Zahra mutters. “It's not like they're gonna get offended.”
“No,” Varyyn says gently. “It's dangerous. Watch.”
He pulls a long feather from his braided topknot and drops it off the side of the boat. In an instant, the fish are upon it, tearing the feather to shreds with razor-sharp teeth.
“Woooah, okay. My hand was almost a supporting cast member in a remake of Piranha 3D... Thanks, Varyyn.”
Varyyn smiles sadly. “Of course.”
“The klaawyi eat anything that crosses these waters,” Uqzhaal explains. “The wood of our boats is coated with a rare sap that they find poisonous, else this vessel would soon be torn apart.”
“Of course there are wood-eating barracudas here,” Jake sighs. “Why wouldn't there be?”
As the shaman turns to gaze out across the sea, I glimpse a strange tattoo on his back. Like a
mountain with a face jutting out of the side.
“What's the story with your back tat?” Zahra asks.
“A symbol of the Old Faith. It would be difficult to explain to you, Catalyst.”
“Does it have to do with the Endless?” I ask. At that, the old shaman's eyes brighten. He begins to recite something in Vaanti, his voice reverent. In my head, I can hear the words translated. I'm not sure if that's through my connection to Varyyn, or if Uqzhaal himself has found a way into my mind.
“Twelve before the door, standing silent guard. At the base of the mountain, the One begins.” He continues in spoken English. “It is the legend of the Threshold, a place I've etched into my skin.”
“The Threshold...is a place? On the slope of the volcano?”
“It is indeed! But it no longer matters. Now that we may never see the prophecies of the Endless fulfilled...”
The shaman abruptly stands and hobbles towards Quinn. She blinks at him, confused.
“...Mm...no, no, not good,” he murmurs. “I sense that a withering has taken root in you. If left untended it may soon claim your life.”
“I don't...I don't know what you're talking about...” Quinn mumbles.
“...I think you do,” Michelle says gently. “The way you collapsed in the rainforest earlier? Something's going on, Quinn.”
Quinn swallows. “...Promise me you guys won't be...shocked...or sad...”
“Is it that bad?” Diego asks worriedly.
“I...have a condition called Rotterdam's Syndrome. It's an autoimmune disease. There's no cure.”
I feel my heart freeze and sink into my belly. A heavy silence hangs over the group.
“...When were you diagnosed?” Michelle asks softly.
“When I was four. My parents tried everything. My dad spent the last of his savings on an experimental treatment, which actually made it go away...until a few weeks ago. ...Just before I left on this trip.” She clutches her left hand in a vain attempt to keep it from trembling. She blinks and a few tears trickle down her cheeks. “...I'm going to die. In the next six months. Maybe sooner.”
“Oh, Quinn...” Michelle draws her into a hug.
I press my lips together, trying for Quinn's sake not to look as shocked or sad as I feel.
“...You won't go through this alone,” I say at last. “Whatever happens, we're going to be here for you. You can count on it.”
She smiles. “...Thank you. I...needed to hear that. I just don't want to burden you with all this...”
Jake shakes his head. “It's a burden we all want. You're one of us, Red. We all got into this together, and we're getting out of it together.”
“We would never turn our backs on you,” Diego adds.
“...Thank you...”
About then, two Vaanti leap into the shallows and guide the boat ashore.
“We have arrived,” Uqzhaal says sorrowfully. “This...is Sharktooth Isle.”
One by one, we climb out of the boat onto the sandy shore.
“This is where you guys put prisoners?” Craig asks incredulously. “It totally looks like--”
“The final level of Dino Melee!” Zahra finishes. “Graphics on ultra.”
“Exac...” Craig catches himself, clearing his throat. “I mean...I was gonna say something else.”
“...I am sorry, Diego,” Varyyn says softly. “I must leave you here.”
“It's not your fault.” Diego shifts awkwardly, looking down at the sand. “Um...your English is getting really good, by the way. Keep working on it.”
“Yes. I promise to do so.”
They lock eyes as Varyyn grips Diego's shoulder in a sad farewell. Uqzhaal leans heavily on his staff and gazes down at us from the boat.
“It has truly been an honor, Catalysts. Perhaps one day, upon another branch of the Great Tree, we'll meet again. Stars guide you.”
The Vaanti guide their ship back into the sea. I come up beside Diego to watch it drift into the distance.
“So...tell me. Are you and Varyyn an item?”
“What? Me and Varyyn?” He blushes. “I mean, he is easy on the eyes, but...please don't tell me you've gotten into Aladdin/Genie fanfiction again. Is that what you've been doing for three days?”
“...All I've been doing for three days is trying to get you back,” I say softly.
“Aw, Allie...” He pulls me into a fierce hug. I cling to him, letting all the tension of the past three days come spilling out of me in a flood of tears. He holds me gently, rubbing my back. “I'm okay, Allie. We're all okay.”
“...I was afraid I'd lost you,” I whisper.
“Yeah, same,” he admits. “I knew you wouldn't forget about me, but...after six months, it was really hard not to be scared that you weren't coming back. ...I was terrified that you'd gotten lost or hurt...or worse...”
“Nothing like that,” Jake says, coming up beside us. “She has been crazy grumpy since you went missing.”
Diego chuckles, but when he pulls back to look me in the eye, his expression is clouded with concern.
“Allie, sweetie, you look exhausted.” He looks around at the rest of the group. “Frankly, you all do.”
I wipe at my eyes. “...I don't think any of us has slept more than a few hours since...God, since before the marina...”
“Which was how long ago for you guys?!” Diego cries.
“Three...no...four days? Maybe five?”
Diego sighs. “...Goddammit, Allie...”
I dissolve into helpless, exhausted giggles. Jake puts his hands on my shoulders to steady me.
“We should probably find a place to set up camp. Get some real rest.”
“Um...how about there?” Grace points to an imposing three-story manor house overlooking the shore. It has clearly been abandoned for some time, and it's walls are covered in vines, but it looks like  sturdy and solid shelter.
“It's beautiful,” Quinn breathes. “Or at least, it was...”
“What exactly is this place?” Michelle wonders.
“Looks like the set of a soap opera,” Diego remarks. “Or maybe Jack Sparrow's hideout.”
“I think it's our new home,” Jake murmurs, his tone unreadable.
We make our way inside. Within thirty minutes, we're gathered in the manor's once-resplendent foyer, the ancient oil lanterns casting a soft, warm light. A small fire burns in a cleared area of the floor in the center of the foyer.
“Is this place for real?” Sean wonders, staring in awe at the intricate designs on the banisters of the ornamental staircases. “Who do you think lived here?”
“This is a jail cell built for a king, bro!” Craig says with a grin.
“It's Rourke who belongs here,” Estela mutters. “Not us.”
Aleister rises abruptly, wandering off to the corner of the room. Grace watches him, concerned.
“He looks really upset...Alodia, do you think we should talk to him?”
We get up and wander over. “Aleister...? Alodia and I...we just wanted to see how you were doing...”
“I can't believe I trusted my father. After everything he's done. He's been playing us since before we even landed on La Huerta.”
“I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now,” I say softly.
In a sudden burst of rage, he picks up an old chair and hurls it against the wall. Grace jumps, squeaking.
“Bastard! The next time I see him, I'll--” He notices Grace trembling, looking at him with wide, frightened eyes. “Grace, I...I didn't mean to...”
“Aleister...this is exactly what your father wants. We're all furious with him.”
“Very,” Grace agrees. “But Alodia's right. Based on his actions so far, he probably wants us emotional and out of control.”
“Astute observation, Grace. I've...we've been pawns in his game for long enough.” Grace reaches over and rubs Aleister's back.
“We're here for you. Always.”
“I can't imagine why. But thank you, Grace.” When Grace clears her throat, he looks at me. “And you, Alodia.”
“No problem. You guys were here for me when I needed you. I'm just happy to return the favor. ...Come on back to the fire now, okay?”
He comes back with us, sitting down beside Grace. Sean sighs.
“All right, crew, we need a new plan. There's gotta be some way off this isle, right? Diego? Did you ever hear any talk about this place?”
“You know, Varyyn once told me about something really unusual on this isle. It's called the Singing Cliffs. He says the Vaanti go there to hear the voice of La Huerta itself.”
“Great,” Jake says. “Maybe it'll have some ideas on how to outswim a straight full of bloodthirsty fish.”
“You never know,” Diego replies. “The Vaanti believe that the island speaks a unique message to each individual who visits the area.”
“If the cliffs are half as pretty as their name, I'm in,” Quinn says. “Maybe it'll even inspire me to do some painting.”
“I could come with you,” I offer. “If you'd like some company.”
“I would love to have you along, Alodia.”
“If I remember correctly, it's supposed to be just south of here through the trees.”
“Stay within shouting distance, you two,” Sean warns. “We don't know what else is on this isle...”
* * *
Quinn and I make our way southward through a forested region of the isle.
“This is exciting,” Quinn says brightly. “For all of the dangers we've faced on La Huerta, there are just as many amazing sights to see...”
“You manage to find a bright side in almost anything. Do you feel more inspired to paint?”
“Absolutely. To be honest, even though I love painting, I have been able to in awhile. It's been hard to get my mind off everything. ...I came here hoping the island's beauty would shake me out of  this slump.”
“...Did it?”
“No...but you did.”
“You flirt,” I say with a grin. Then my smile slips. “...I know it must have been hard, telling everyone about your illness...”
“Actually, I'm really glad I did. It's like I finally put down this great big burden I've been dragging around since we got here. I...didn't mean to be so secretive. I just knew that as soon as I told anyone, my illness would define me. But you've shown me different, Alodia. You taught me that no one thing could ever define me.”
I open my mouth to respond, but then an ethereal melody reaches my ears, carried on the wind.
Quinn gasps. “Alodia! Do you hear that? I think it's coming from this way!”
She grabs my hand and pulls me along the path. Ahead, the trees finally give way to a stunning expanse of beach. Wind races ashore from the sea, creating harmonic tones as it passes through hollows in the eroded cliff face.
“It really is like voices singing,” Quinn murmurs.
As the winds drone on, I try to make out specific words.
“It's pretty, but I don't know if it's actually saying anything,” Quinn murmurs.
I don't answer. I close my eyes and let the winds speak to me.
Across the seeeeeeeeeeaaa....iiiiit comes....Crruuuuuuushing everything....in its path.....to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....
I gasp, my eyes flying open. “Well that's...eerie...”
“What did it say to you?”
“Something's coming across the sea to reach me. Something dangerous.”
“I think I heard the words, 'our destined union'.”
“I guess we'll have to wait to find out what it means.”
The bright moonlight shines into a cave in the cliff face. We make our way across the beach toward it.
“Oh, look!” Quinn kneels next to a cluster of tide pools beside the cave mouth. Each one contains a different color of wet, glistening clay. She carefully dabs her finger into a pool and proceeds to paint an orange streak across a flat section of rock. “These make pretty decent paints.”
“I guessed it worked well enough for cavemen.”
“Would you like me to paint something for you?”
“How about painting this beautiful seaside view?”
“Ohh, yes...Maybe looking out across the sea with the moonlight on the water.”
“It could be your own 'Starry Night'.”
“I don't know about that, but I'll give it a shot.”
“Just don't cut off your ear.”
Quinn giggles. Dipping her fingers in the clay, she creates several lines on the rock face,
“What subjects do you usually paint?”
“All kinds of things. People, animals...Sometimes I just start putting paint on the canvas and let it take me somewhere.”
“You mean you start to envision a place?”
“Not always an actual place. Sometimes I end up painting...an emotional place. I think there are things you can say with a painting that can't otherwise be expressed. You can show someone how something really feels.”
“I hadn't thought of it that way, before.”
Quinn steps back from the rock wall, and I step up to observe her work. I gasp a little. The sea has been painted in soft, cloudy colors on the rock wall. Staring at it, I feel a lump rising in my throat.
“Wow...you're really good...”
“Really? You like it?”
“It seems kind of...sad...forlorn...”
“You can see that?”
“The sea is relinquishing its hold on the shore. It feels...final.”
“Nothing lasts forever, right?” she says softly. I look over at her. The moonlight catches in her copper hair and reflects off her porcelean skin. I impulsively pull her into my arms, cradling her head against my shoulder. She holds me back.
“...I like being in your arms,” she murmurs.
“...I like having you here,” I reply. ...And I do. More than I like the idea of being naked in bed with her. A part of me still wants to kiss her, to fondle her breasts and the softness between her legs...but it seems that if given the choice between holding her and doing more, I would sooner choose just to hold her. To feel the way she fits in my arms, to stroke her soft red hair. I pull back, suddenly realizing how warm she feels in my arms.
She turns a flushed face upward towards me. “Hmm...?”
I put a hand to her forehead. “...You feel warm...”
She sighs. “...Yes...Rotterdam's causes fevers...”
“We should get you back to the manor. We could both use a good night's sleep.”
“I suppose you're right...”
By the time we reach the manor, Quinn is leaning heavily on me, breathing hard. Sweat runs down her face in rivers. Michelle and Sean immediately leap up to take her from me, easing her into a spot near the fire and covering her with whatever they can find to keep her warm. I start to go with them, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Jake.
“...They've got her, Princess. Come get some rest. I've claimed a nice soft spot for us.”
I hesitate a moment, then I nod. Jake leads me into a corner and curls up with me. I lay my head on his chest. “...I'm scared, Jake,” I confess. “...I don't want her to die...”
“Neither do I,” he says softly. “...To be honest, I don't think I can accept it yet. ...This island is so crazy, why couldn't we find something to cure her here?”
“I hope you're right...”
He sighs and kisses the top of my head. “...But ain't nothing gonna get done if we're all too exhausted. You know, you're turning into quite the mama bear when it comes to this ragtag bunch of misfits.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah. You're the mama grizzly, and we're all your cubs. Just be careful, or you'll develop a bigger hero complex than Sean.”
I snort. Somehow, it turns into a yawn. “...Don't you worry about that...I...I'm gonna...”
I close my eyes, and I am asleep within moments. I awake in the early daylight hours. Everyone around me seems to still be asleep. As I sit up, Jake grunts beside me, rolling over. I stand, careful not to wake him, and stretch experimentally. I wince. My head feels clearer after the night's rest, but my body is still aching. I need to have a proper stretch.
I wander out of the manor, exploring the grounds, and come across a felled tree. After warming myself up, I mount it like a beam. I take a deep breath, and move slow-motion through my favorite routine.
The log isn't high enough for me to safely do a real dismount, but I let myself back-walkover off it. That's when I realize I have an audience.
“You know when I first noticed you,” Sean says, “you were doing something pretty similar on the bleachers by the football field.”
“...I remember you mentioned that once.” I blot bit of sweat off my brow with the sleeve of the camo gear I'm still wearing. Though the Vaanti took the three idols, they did allow me to keep the rest of my belongings. But I only brought a couple changes of clothing. “How did you sleep?”
“All things considered, okay. I guess at some point, exhaustion just gets louder than your racing thoughts.”
“Got a lot on your mind?”
“...Too much.” He sighs. “Things have gotten steadily worse since we arrived. I hate feeling so helpless. A part of me just feels like I should be able to do something...and if don't it's because I failed.”
“You've been nothing but a source of strength for us all, Sean.”
“Well...not nothing...”
“Okay, so you got off track a little once. It doesn't change the fact that this nightmare is not your fault.”
He smiles wearily. “...Thanks. ...How are you holding up?”
“Now that I've got Diego back, I'm much better. ...I'm scared about Quinn, though.”
“We all are. ...That's one thing that really makes me feel helpless...”
“Yeah. Something none of us have the knowledge or skillset to really fight...the idea that all we can do is sit beside her and watch her die...” I shiver. “...I'm glad she trusted us enough to tell us, though.”
“...Trust is a very fragile thing...” he murmurs. He goes quiet for a long time, staring into the jungle.
“...You okay there?”
“...Just...thinking about trust.”
“In what way?” When he hesitates, I press him. “You can tell me.”
“...I once trusted someone I cared deeply for...”
I swallow. I have a feeling I know who he's talking about. “...I take it that didn't end well...”
“I was the last to know,” he says softly. “We'd been together for two years, and somehow everyone except me knew that she'd started seeing someone else. ...Her closest friends finally told me out of pity. When I confronted her, true to form, she made it a huge production. ...And then it was over.”
I can't bear it any longer. “Sean, if this is about Michelle, there's something you should know.”
He shakes his head. “I don't want to talk about her anymore. I don't know why I'm even thinking about her...”
“...Because she's trapped here with us?” I sigh, giving up. Maybe it isn't my secret to tell anyway. “...Whatever happened, I know you'd never do that to someone. You're probably the most caring person I know.”
“I appreciate that.” He pauses. “...I do trust you, Alodia.”
“...I trust you, too, Sean.”
“Alodia! Sean!” Lila comes jogging up to us, looking a bit frantic. “Come quick! I think Raj is about to do something foolish!”
Exchanging a glance with Sean, I hurry after Lila. Several of the others are also drawn out by the commotion. We run down to the beach to find Raj dangling precariously from the prow of an old shipwreck.
“Raj!” I yelp. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“I see a barrel in the ship's hold! It's gotta be Caribbean rum!”
“Please come down!” Lila pleads. “You're going to get hurt!”
Sean and I move to the water's edge near the ship. Raj tries to swing closer to the deck. The desiccated wood of the prow groans in protest.
“There's something else...I see something else!”
“What is it?”
“I think it's one of those idol things! Alodia, if I come down and boost you up, do you think you could reach into the window of the ship?”
“...All right, let's give it a shot...”
Sean helps Raj down from the prow. Raj wanders ankle-deep into the water beside the hull of the ship and hoists my small form onto his shoulders. I wobble as his shoulders shift under me.
“Sorry! I'm ticklish!” He struggles not to laugh without much success. A swarm of dark shapes writhe in the deeper water, way too close to Raj's feet for my comfort.
“Oh, god! Please try to keep still!”
I grasp the frame of the window in the ship's hull. Poking my head into the window, I can see the amber idol of a rearing centaur with a bow and arrow just inside. I reach for it.
“Got it!”
“Sweet! Let's get out of here!”
“No need to tell me twice!”
I dismount off his shoulders, landing gracefully on the shore. Raj splashes out of the water, and I turn to hand him the idol. His fingers brush the crystalline surface...
… There's a party raging at a frat house on Hartfeld campus. Party lights pulse in time with the pounding dance music. Hartfeld students, exhausted after a week of classes and activities and heady with cheap beer, bump and grind with abandon. The front door opens and Raj comes barreling through.
“Guess who's off academic probaaaaaation!” he sings.
“That's my dude!” Craig cheers, coming to give him a high-five.
“Way to go!” Michelle says with a grin.
Sean claps him on the back. “Nice! Congrats, man! I knew you'd win the case.”
“Time for a celebratory keg stand!” Raj vaults onto a nearby keg and inverts himself. The whole party chants as Raj guzzles beer. He gets up and raises his fists in triumph. “I'm back dudes!”
“So what ended up happening at the hearing?” Sean asks.
“Professor McCarty dropped the charges. He couldn't prove I cheated.”
Craig raises his hand for another high-five.
“Good job,” Michelle says. “Seriously, I hate Professor McCarty. Screw him. ...How did you cheat without him catching you, anyway?”
“What are you talking about? I didn't cheat...”
“Dude, it's cool. They can't get you now. Double jeopardy.”
“...Not sure that applies to college ethics proceedings...Seriously though, I didn't cheat.”
“You, Raj Bhandarkar, the guy who accidentally burned down Pi Omega...”
“...The guy who made a goat tackle Camden State's quarterback in a live game...”
“...The guy who jumped off the library roof into the Meyer fountain...”
“...You got 100% on the econ final, where the next highest score was a 73%?” Michelle finishes.
“Well...yeah!” Raj insists.
There is a moment of silence. Then everyone bursts out laughing.
“Dude, you are hilarious!” Sean cries.
“I love you, Raj,” Michelle says. “Kinda pissed that you blew the curve, but I still love you.”
“You play it close to the vest,” Craig says. “I feel ya. One day, I'm gonna find out how you did it, though.”
“Heh...yeah...” Raj mumbles. Then he forces a bright smile. “Who wants to see me do another keg stand?!”
The crowd roars in approval, and then everything folds inward on itself as time rockets me forward.
… I'm in the kitchen of The Celestial. Raj stands behind the counter, slicing vegetables and dropping them into a pot of simmering water. He swallows hard, wiping tears from his eyes that might not have anything to do with the onions.
“Pies...make peace...” he mutters to himself, drawing in a shuddering breath.
Rourke saunters into the kitchen. There's something noticeably off about him. ...Perhaps it is the fact that he's totally naked.
“Splendid lunch, Raj. Truly outdid yourself.” He picks his teeth with the jagged edge of a broken femur bone. “Who knew grilled sabertooth could be so incredibly savory?”
“This kinda stuff wasn't in the job description, dude,” Raj mumbles. “And you might wanna lay off the time crystals. They're turning you into a full-on Dr. Moreau head case.”
“Nonsense. Each time I get just a little bit closer to the one I seek.”
“You're never gonna find that red spacesuit person.”
Rourke snarls, but his attention is suddenly drawn to a small drone hovering into the room. “Ahh, Iris! Have you brought the special ingredient for this evening's dinner?”
“As you requested, Mr. Rourke.” A cable attached to the drone tows a wheeled cart to the center of the kitchen.
“Very good. Let's show our head chef what he'll be preparing!”
Rourke reaches for a box on the cart, carefully prying open the lid. Inside, Murphy whimpers, quaking with fear. Raj reaches back to untie his apron and whips it off.
“No! You've pushed me too far this time!”
“Oh come now. It's just one teeny, tiny, freezy, sneezy fox.”
“Murphy is my friend! You don't eat friends!” Rourke sighs irritably and turns away, but Raj isn't finished. “Besides, I've prepared something else for you tonight...”
Raj twists the apron in his hands and wields it like a whip, striking a hanging rack. The rack swings free of one of its supports, and a pile of pans and heavy cookware suddenly tumbles onto Rourke. He cries out.
“Murphy, come on!”
Raj and Murphy race out of the kitchen. Whatever consciousness I have follows them outside, where alarms are blaring across the courtyard.
“Hurry! He's coming!”
Rourke, battered and bruised, shambles after them, hefting a harpoon gun.
“I have had enough of your insubordination, Head Chef Raj!” He gains on them, aiming his weapon. Murphy scampers ahead, then stops and looks back for Raj, whining.
“Just go! Run, little guy!” There is a loud blast as Rourke fires the harpoon gun. “Run for your li--” …
I suck in a sharp breath as I find myself back in my own body on Sharktooth Isle. Raj passes the idol back to me.
“Why don't you hold onto this for now, Alodia? I'm gonna go get lunch started! Hope you're hungry!”
I blink at him. For a moment, I have an almost overwhelming urge to stop him. But I just smile weakly. “Yeah...I am pretty hungry...”
I turn to head back to the manor with the others.
“Uh, guys?” Diego says suddenly. “Someone's coming!”
I turn to look, shading my eyes against the glaring sunlight. I can just make out a small Vaanti sailboat racing over the water towards us.
“The Vaanti are coming back!” Michelle exclaims.
“What are they gonna do to us now?” Grace wonders fearfully.
“Uh...I don't think that's the Vaanti...” Craig says slowly.
As the ship races closer, I see he's right. A woman—a human woman—with ruddy skin grasps the mast of the sailboat. She wears old-fashioned breeches, knee-high leather boots, and a leather bodice over a billowy linen shirt. A bandolier over her chest holds a knife, and a wheellock pistol hangs at her waist. Under an elegant tricorn hat, a shoulder-length mane of dark hair dances in the breeze.
“...Someone want to explain why a woman who looks like Jack Sparrow's girlfriend is heading this way?” Diego asks.
As the outrigger skids up onto the shore, the pirate woman leaps off, landing gracefully on the sand. She looks us over, dark eyes glittering.
“It would appear the captain has sent out a welcoming party. Tres, tres gentil,” she says in a thick accent. In one swift motion, she pulls out her pistol and aims it at me. “Take me to Malatesta!”
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helentwombly · 7 years
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The Beat of Variego’s Hearts 💞 
“Life means nothing without people to care about.” 
-Diego to Varyyn before their deaths in Diego’s idol scene
Here it is! My entry for this month’s Choices Creates and PlayChoices Finale Giveaway!
Ready? Here you go @meikah-the-sheep and @hollyashton! plus Happy 1st Anniversary @playchoices!
 One of the most touching animated short film together with one of my fave visual novel. (In a Heartbeat + Endless Summer)
Choices Creates Carnival - Prompt 25: Any Choices character who is NOT a Love Interest for MC
Okay this cutie couple was introduced during Endless Summer Book 2 but there were already few people shipping them together back in Book 1 including me. Thanks to @airwreckyoface‘s  My heart finally told me to stop wasting my time meme hahaha! They’re already my OTP and I’m happy they became canon.
Just like PB said, MC is not the only one experiencing love in La Huerta, the gang also have their own romantic adventure. So I made something that portray MC’s bestie, Diego and Prince now King, Varyyn’s heartwarming relationship. Since I dont see much Variego fanarts, I made one during my free time. Yay!
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ziggypop · 7 years
I was tagged by @maxnotverywell . missed being tagged by you! 
Favourite book(s): The Royal Romance by far! i also like tf/ts and red carpet diaries is quickly becoming one of my favorties
Your MC’s LI for each story you’re playing:
The freshman/the sophomore: Zig
The Royal Romance: ... drake and liam... i cANT CHOOSE
Home for the Holidays: Wyatt
Red Carpet Diaries: still deciding between gorgeous matt rodriguez and funny, witty seth 
High School Story: Michael
Rules of Engagement: Prince at first but always had a secret flame for bartender. i was so happy when he was made into an LI
Endless Summer: Jake
Hero: Kenji
LoveHacks: Ben. I miss my funny, handsome, smart dork
Favourite MC ship: I CANT DECIDE! IM A LIBRA! Top 5 6: Zig x MC (duh), drake x mc, liam x mc, maxwell x mc (yeah i love trr ok), mark x mc (i got a thing for love that never dies, but i still loved ben too much more), michael x mc
Least favourite MC ship: probably nick x mc
Favourite non-MC ship: Mom x Charles (lolz), Craig x Zahra, or Diego x Varyyn
Least favourite non-MC ship: ugh tyler x abbie
Favourite character and why: Liam. Under his composed demeanor and grandiose speeches is such a complex character. Or drake for similar reasons.
Least favourite character and why: Abbie. Self-centered, righteous in the worst way, judgemental 
Character you like that most people don’t: Jake, yall say hes overrated but that boy has a spot in my heart
Character you don’t like that most people do: Grayson (only bc i didnt buy his diamond scenes and got little to no interaction whim)
Which character are you most like in real life: Mix between Maria and Emma i would say... ambitious but shy and kinda awkward
If you could be in any Choices story, which would you choose: IM SUCH A BASIC BITCH BUT... probably ts. im a sophomore in college now and to be able to not go to class, throw elaborate murder mystery parties and be basically irresistible (w a mega-hot, mega talented bf)? im down
I’m tagging @teamdraketrr @beaumontchoices @endlesszig @zigislatino
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romaniandollar · 7 years
CCA 2017
Hey everyone! 
I just found the Choices Community Awards 2017 post, which you can see here. And I decided I’d fill it out. If you haven’t yet, and you love Choices, by all means check it out! 
Okay...*breaths in* *Eye of the Tiger starts playing* 
Let’s do this.
1: Best Male Love Interest - Jake Mckenzie, Prince Liam, Dom Hunter
2: Best Female Love Interest - Estela Montoya, Val Greaves, Quinn Kelly
3: Best Supporting Character - Noah, Dan Pierce, Varyyn
4: Best Antagonist - King Luthor, Rourke
5: Best Main Character - ES!MC, ILITW!MC 
6: Funniest Character - Raj, Craig, Zack
7: Cutest Pet Character - The dog from TC&TF B3, the kitten from ROE, and Hilda from ILITW
8: Best Anti-Hero - Caleb (Hero), and what’s-her-name...*too lazy to Google it lol* The warrior lady that knocked off Gabriel in TC&TF Book 1. 
9: Best Side Romance - Craig x Zahra, Abbie x Tyler, Brother x Elena
10: Best Book - It Lives In the Woods, The Crown and the Flame Book 1, The Royal Romance Book 2, Endless Summer Book 1
11: Best Series - The Crown and the Flame, Endless Summer
I can’t wait to see the results! 
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catsrtheboss-blog · 7 years
#ChoicesCreates Round 21 Masterlist!
This has been an exciting week! I'm very happy that @hollyashton was able to let me host. It has been an enjoyable experience for me. I found so many new choicers (apparently that’s what we call ourselves now) in this fandom with so many talents. I felt that I was part of a very big family. If you ever consider hosting, let me say one thing: DO IT. It might be a bit scary and crazy at first, but it’s a lot of fun.
I said it before and I’ll say it again. This fandom is really talented! I’ve enjoyed every entry that has been presented, and I can't wait to see more from you guys.
This week, we had a total of 45 entries! I honestly did not expect that many to enter. Thank you everyone for your amazing creations! I'm glad you guys were all inspired by my prompt one way or another!
This week’s prompt was:
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Spooky, isn’t it? Now enough talking, here is the list! 
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The Crown & The Flame 👑 🔥
1. What if the characters from The Crown and the Flame formed a power metal band? by @endlessflame
2. The Former Flame (Kenna/Raydan) by @gracetamaras
3. The New Empress by @superpotato824
4. What if? Part one (Tevan/Zenobia) by @endless-vall
5. What If? (Minor Kenna/Dom; Kenna/Raydan; Kenna/Diavolos) by @misha726author
6. There are no happy endings by @lauraotaku2234
7. The Aftermath (Kenna/Annelyse) by @delphinusbae
Endless Summer 🏝☀️
1. Child of the Island by @ivyschoice
2. The Past is Beyond Our Control (Jake/MC; Grace/Aleister; Zahra/Craig; Diego/Varyyn; Sean/Michelle) by @zahranamazis
3. ICE by @choochoochoosy
4. The Last One Standing (Jake/MC) by @princessmckenzie
5. [NSFW!] Fast (Sean/MC) by @hartfeld
6. Pábitel by @peace-coast-island
7. Run Away (Jake/MC) by @angelschoices
The Freshman/The Sophomore 📚
1. What If... (James/MC) by @destinio1
2. What if (James/MC; Zack/MC bromance) by @keltic-moon
3. Aftershock (Becca/MC) by @texanhusker
4. What if... (James/MC) by @hhiggs
5. Date Night (Chris/Zig) by @zayschoices
6. What if it was You and Me? (Becca/MC) by @lacksubstance-productions
7. [NSFW!] Insecurities (James/MC) by @keltic-moon
8. What If... (James/MC) by @angelschoices
9. Three Days For US (Zig/MC) by @kittenmusicals 
10. What If by @niasusanto
11. Summertime Sadness (Becca/MC; Zig/MC) by @rantingchoices
12. [NSFW!] I Close My Eyes (Zig/MC) by @hollyashton
Most Wanted 🔫👮🏽
1. What if... (Sam/Dave) by @samantha-massey
The Royal Romance 👑❤️
1. Nighttime Musings Part 3 (Drake/MC) by @massivelysilentchaos
2. Winter’s Bride (Drake/MC) by @hollyashton 
3. What If? (Prince/MC) by @ladyashtonofcordonia
4. “The sunlight, it scatters” (Maxwell/MC) by @diamondsaregold
5. Shadowed Loyalty pt. 2 by @indiacater 
6. What if you chose wrong? (Drake/MC) by @storiesbehindyoureyes
7. Road Less Travelled (Prince/MC) by @carlotta-the-winters
8. Crossroads (Prince/MC) by @misha726author
9. Ready To Run (Drake/MC) by @jonna811
10. [NSFW!] Second Chances Part 2 (Drake/MC) by @joyfulchoices
11. Fairytale Gone Bad (Drake/MC) by @choicessa
12. May I Have This Dance? (Maxwell/MC) by @zigisbisexual
13. “What if........” (Prince/MC) by @princess-scarletxx
Rules of Engagement 💍
1. Cold Feet by @player-sguide
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Endless Summer 🏝☀️
1. What if Endless Summer was an anime? by @aleister-rourke-is-a-tsundere
The Royal Romance 👑❤️
1. “Why Bertrand Never Listens To Maxwell Anymore” by @firefly-hwufanficwriter
2. Winter’s Bride Playlist (Drake/MC) by @hollyashton
Rules of Engagement 💍
1. What if Jess was actually pregnant? by @lucetteriellabritton
And that’s the list! If there’s seems to be something wrong with the links or your entry isn’t here, please tell me! And make sure you send me the link for a missing entry. Thank you for your help! I hope you enjoy #ChoicesCreates Round 21 as much as I did!
Have a nice day!
Disclaimer: These are works of fan fiction/art using characters from the Choices world, owned by Pixelberry. We do not claim ownership over them or the world of Choices. The stories we tell through our writing and art are our own interpretation and invention. They are not purported to be part of Choices’ story canon. These creative works are for entertainment only and not part of Choices’ official storylines. No copyright infringement is intended.
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jakemckenzie · 7 years
Isn't that's quite a negative way to interpret it? I've always felt that Diego ended up with Varyyn bc he deserved something more than an average person. Varyyn isn't some random alien that Diego tamed, he's a heroic prince whos been misunderstood and Diego ended up with him bc of his kind nature. It's kind of like Avatar, or the kdrama My Love From the Stars. People ship it not because they're "not human enough" but bc the LI is special, and I think part of us wants to be in that position.
See this is where I'm confused. Part of me wants to look at it this way and hope for a good relationship but another part of me is concerned with the homophobic trope of it. Because they seem to have some sort of bond, but that is only because the watchers captured and kept Diego away for 6 months so I'm stuck. anyone else want to weigh in?
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jessicamckenzie · 7 years
#ChoicesCreates Round 20 Masterlist!
Can you guys believe that there’s already been 20 rounds of #ChoicesCreates?!  I am beyond honoured to be the host for this round! Lets give a round of applause to the fabulous @hollyashton for starting off the entire thing! And lets have another round of applause for this awesome, talented fandom for submitting so many amazing entries!
This week’s prompt was the song ‘Holland’ by Novo Amor! It’s a favourite of mine and @hollyashton so I’m really glad that so many of you guys have enjoyed it!
So without further ado, here’s the masterlist!
P.s. if I’ve accidentally left out your work please message me and I’ll add it to the masterlist straight away!
The Freshman/ The Sophomore:
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1. Not good enough- James x MC @hhiggs
2. My Man- James x MC @hhiggs
3. Too Much- James x MC @keltic-moon
Endless Summer:
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4. What He Should Have Said- Jake x MC @princessmckenzie
5. When Winter Reaches Vaanu- Varyyn x Diego @alwaysanotheroc
6. The winter brings a new- Jake x MC @endless-vall
7. Way Over There- Jake x MC @diamondlessoption
8. Jake x MC fanart @jessicamckenzie
The Crown and the Flame:
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9. I’d Follow (playlist mix) - Raydan x Kenna @lucetteriellabritton
The Royal Romance:
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10. Saving myself- Drake x MC @andromeda117
11. Winter’s Roses- King Constantine x his first wife @hollyashton
12. Winter Brings a New- Drake x MC @lolablackwrites
13. Poudrerie- Hana x MC @peace-coast-island​
14. Happy Together- Prince Liam x MC @thatocladyplayschoices
15.Winter’s Lament- Drake x MC, Prince Liam x MC, Maxwell x MC, Hana x MC @punexpectedly
16. Battered, Not Broken- Prince Liam x Olivia, Prince Liam x MC @misha726author
Rules of Engagement/ Hero
17. A Man of Your Talents- Dean the bartender @ladyashtonofcordonia
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feisty-mary · 7 years
Masterlist of Tags
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ivyschoice · 7 years
Child of the Island
the day you’ve dreaded has come! Hide your kids and lock your doors - I have produced something for Choices Creates again! no really it’s been way too long, but moving on:
Story: endless summer
Rating: T
Plot: based on the theory that MC is half/ part Watcher: What if MC had grown up on the Island with the Wacthers? What would happen when the other Catalysts come to La Huerta?
I couldn’t hold back so this is way too long (sorry not sorry)
thanks to @catsrtheboss for hosting and to @hollyashton for bringing us #ChoicesCreates weekly for 21 times now like wow!
I’m on my way back to the village when Varyyn comes running towards me.
“Hurry up! You gotta hear this!” He grabs my wrist and pulls me with him so that I almost drop the fruits I’ve been collecting all afternoon.
“Woah, Varyyn, slow down! What’s going on?” “You’ll see!” He answers and accelerates. The trees seem to fly past us. Normally I’d assume we or the village were in danger if Varyyn was in such a hurry, but he sounded more excited than scared, like something good had happened.
We cross the first bridges and I notice that no one is to be seen. Where is everyone? My question is answered as we reach the center of Elyy’stel. There is a big gathering going on. Aunt Ximaedra is standing in the middle and is making an announcement. I’m out of breath, but I try to be quiet, so I can hear what she says.
“Scouts have seen them in and around the Hydra’s lair. They could be working for him, but we don’t know that, yet.” Is she talking about-? “It is important that we bring them here, no matter which actions have to be taken. Seraxa will lead a mission to keep a closer eye on them. We have decided that the following warriors will accompany her to watch them.”
Whispers go through the crowd. It’s the Vaalta carriers. I see it in the faces of the people around me. They’re here and we will get them to stop Raan’losti. My heart starts beating faster. I’ve dreamed of being one of those who get to meet them since I’ve been a child. I have to be part of this mission.
Everyone holds their breath as Ximaedra lists a few names. Varyyn is among them. I’m not. That’s not fair. Before I can stop myself I hear myself saying: “I want to go, too.” Dozens of faces turn towards me. As they stare me down I realize that I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. It’s not my place. Ximaedra’s eyes scan the crowd and find me.
“Moryin, I can-“ She’s cut off abruptly.
“You won’t go. That’s a final decision.” It’s my father. If he weren’t the Queen’s brother he would never get away with interrupting her.
I make my way to the center, till I stand right before him. “Why, father? You know I can do this!”
“No, you cannot. You don’t understand what’s at stake here!” He looks down at me and I see the anger in his eyes. But is there more? Worry? He seems more emotional than usual, not that guarded.
“I know you lost mother, but you won’t lose me, okay? I’ve got this. I’m as skilled as Varyyn!” He swallows. Suddenly it’s so quiet you could hear a butterfly’s wings. Mentioning mother is risky. Father never talks about her. I just know that she died shortly after I was born and that he still misses her a lot. And he’s overprotective of me because I’m the only thing he has left of her.
“Don’t. Argue. With. Me.”, he presses out and this time I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut. Ximaedra puts a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Let’s come back to important matters…” She’s trying to smooth out the situation and I’m grateful for that, but not even the Elyyshar can make being scolded like a child in front of the entire village less embarrassing. I back away and start running as soon as I’m out of sight.
“What is he thinking? I’m not a baby! And it’s just scouting! I wouldn’t even come in direct contact with them!” I let my frustration out loudly and let my fist crash against a tree. Which hurts me more than the plant, but I can’t help it.
“What has that poor tree done to you?” I jump. Varyyn has snuck up on me.
“Nothing.” I mutter.
Varyyn sighs. “Too bad that your father won’t let you come see them… I actually didn’t want to have to do this, but it seems like we have no other choice but to go by ourselves…” I stare at my cousin with wide eyes. Did Varyyn just suggest going rogue? The ‘Prince’? The mother’s boy himself? I don’t know whether to laugh or to gasp.
“Varyyn, you never ever go behind Ximaedra’s back…” He cracks a smile that makes him look surprisingly rebellious.  “There’s a first time for everything, you know…” I role my eyes, but have to grin, too. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a mask. A green and blue chameleon. My mask. I reach for it and as he puts on his own I follow suit.
We make our way through the forest, setting our feet on paths we learned to see when we were young. I’m ecstatic and nervous at the same time. What if we get caught? Father is gonna be so mad, if he ever finds out… But we’ll see the twelve!
Varyyn nudges my side and when I look up I can see the top of Hydra’s lair between the tree tops. With a deep breath I keep following Varyyn. I’ve never been closer to the strange building – probably because of father, I now realize – and I really want to get a closer look.
It’s even bigger from close up. We have stopped and look up taking the whole thing in. I clench my fists and take a step forward, but Varyyn holds me back from crossing the tree line. He shakes his head. I want to answer, but he puts his finger over his lips to signal me to be quiet. This is the point where it get serious.
We carefully make our way through the underwood and up to a tall tree. Varyyn starts to climb with strong and graceful movements and after a moment I do the same. I’ve climbed trees a thousand times, but this time I can barely concentrate on grabbing the right branches.
When I reach the top, Varyyn is waiting for me with a smug grin. Show-off. He has taken off his mask for better sight and I push mine up, too. Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is imitate my cousin.
We have a perfect look on the area in front of Hydra’s building. But will we actually get to see them from here? I prepare myself for a long time of waiting, when the door flies open and a group of people storms outside. Humans. I’ve never seen so many of them at once.
I lean forward to get a better look. They all look so… different. Not only from us, but also from each other. So many skin and hair colors and the clothes they’re wearing are so colorful. I’m in awe. They’re beautiful. And they’ll stop Raan’losti. One of them especially catches my eye – the way they walk and move and how their hair shines in the sun. I really want to-
“They’re fighting”, Varyyn says. Now I see it, too. They seem to be shouting at each other and two of them are chest to chest ready to punch each other until one of the others steps in between them. This seems to be not the first time it happens.
“Monsters”, growls Varyyn and as I turn to him, I’m surprised by his hard expression. “They come here to a place they’re strangers to and the first thing they do is getting violent with each other…”
“But it’s normal to have disagreements”, I answer, because I feel like he is misjudging them. “We have fights in the village all the time.”
“Yeah, but with words and words only. What kind of person do you have to be to physically harm your own people?” His fists are clenched and his face is full of disgust. “Let’s go back”, he adds and it’s more a command than anything else. The normal Varyyn is back. The one that does as his mother says and believes that only we are good people.
Doesn’t he get that they are in an extreme situation? And they stopped the fight, so they can’t be that bad…
I take a last look down at them walking around, talking to each other and get the feeling that they’re more important than we know. They seem so small from up here and I want to be closer. Want to meet them. Be the one that brings them to the village. My calling. I feel it like a pain in my chest that tries to pull me down there. My whole body is tingling.
“Moryin! Your skin!” At the sound of my cousin’s voice I look down at myself and almost lose balance on the branch. My skin is blurry like it’s in motion. What is happening? Varryn’s eyes meet mine and I see the confusion and panic I feel in his face.
“Let’s get out of here!” He orders, suddenly the leader he’s born to be. He begins to climb down. I’m still staring at my hands. The blurring continues and brown spots start to appear on my fingertips.
“Come on!” Varyyn shouts when he notices I’m not following him. I snap out of it and make my way down.
When I’m on the ground I can’t even remember the climb down. I’m shaken. Why do I suddenly feel so strange in my own body?
“Hey”, Varyyn says, “breathe slowly and concentrate on me, ok?” I do as he says and focus on his face. A face I’ve known own my entire life. With blue skin and green hair – like it’s supposed to be. Slowly my skin stops feeling like there are hundreds of fire ants walking over it.
“See, you’re fine”, Varyyn says nonchalantly, but I can also hear the relief in his voice. I nod and smile at him. “Well, we better get back before anyone notices we snuck off”, he decides and guides me away with an arm around my shoulder.
I look back at the high building and shiver. Varyyn had not seen my hands, before I went back to normal. But I had – and they had looked… human. What is going on with me?
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ladyseaheart1668 · 7 years
Choices Fan Interview
I wasn’t tagged by anyone, I just wanted to do this. 
Favorite book and why?
Before it ended, my favorite was the Crown and the Flame, which still has a special place in my heart. My current favorite is Endless Summer. The characters are unique and interesting, and the story is gripping. 
Least Favorite Story and why?
The Sophomore. I still like it, but it has gotten rather…episodic, I suppose. There is less of a cohesive story. 
Your MC’S LI for each story:
Endless summer: Jake
The Sophomore: Kaitlyn
The Royal Romance: The Prince/King, whom I have named Arthur
Hero: Grayson
High School Story: Aiden
Love Hacks: Ben
Rules of Engagement: The Bartender (David)
The Crown and the Flame: Dominic
Favorite MC ship:
-Jake/MC, Kenna/Dom , MC/Kaitlyn
Least Favorite MC ship:
-For my MC’s? I suppose MC/Grayson, whom I currently find the least interesting. But that may change later. 
Favorite non-MC ship:
Diego/Varyyn, Zahra/Craig, Grace/Aleister 
Least favorite non-MC ship:
Favorite Character & Why:
-Diego. My baby Diego. MC’s platonic soulmate. Also, Kenna Rys. 
Least Favorite Character & Why:
-Empress Azura. Seriously, Kenna deserved to see that arrogant witch beg for her life a little more. 
Character you like that most people don’t:
Character you don’t like but most people do:
-Zig. I can’t stand his hotheadedness. 
Which Character are you most like in real life:
Most of my MC’s, I suppose. I have to put a little of myself into them. 
If you could live in any choices story which one would it be and why:
Ohhh, gosh…It’s probably foolish of me and I’m sure I would regret it, but I would choose Endless Summer. 
How long have you been playing:
-Since about…March or April, I think. Not long. 
Not tagging anyone in particular. Do it if you want to. 
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helentwombly · 7 years
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Lets go to La Huerta! 🌋🏝
Here at La Huerta you’ll sure have the adventure of a lifetime! 🛣
A paradise where you and your friends might never see home again! 🏡
Run for your lives as Sabertooths and Colossal Crabs chase and eat you alive, unless you catch them first for supper! 🐯🦀🍽
Hop in line and go jet skiing in the water with an actual beast that’s going to kill you, name’s Cetus, a sea monster that looks like a disco stick and probably the reincarnation of Azura. 🌊🚤🦈🙊⚡️
Get close and personal with these half-naked plant people called the Vaanti who you really dont give a shit about until you meet this adorable young boy named Taari and soon realize that their prince Varyyn is probably your BFF’s special someone. 👦👑👨‍❤️‍👨
Feeling bold? Collect all idols and get a realistic view of your friends’ horrible and painful demise! ☠️⚰️
Beat the boss Rourke! the bane of your existence but that doesn’t guarantee that you and your friends gonna escape death and leave the island! Thats part of the fun! 👨🏼🌄💀
At La Huerta, each ride is guarantee to leave you petrified! 🛶🗺
But hey! It’s still okay, cause you can poly smashing all the way! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💖💏💖👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
So what are you waiting for? Fly to La Huerta now and experience the Fate in your Stars and we will welcome you with open arms! ✈️🗾🌌
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