#Princess Ghida Talal
jordanianroyals · 2 months
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Princess Ghida Talal of Jordan in traditional outfit, 1994
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Queen Rania, Princess Gida Talal and Prince Talal Bin Muhammad attended the Al Hussein Cancer Foundation's Hope Gala || 12 JUNE 2023
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قبل 6ايام الاميرة غيداء طلال تحتفل مع اختها دالية سلام و اخوانها وعائلته بمناسبة عيد ميلاد والدتها السيدة رجاء عرب🌼🤍.
نتمنى له عيد ميلاد سعيد وان تضل بخير وصحة وسعادة.
6 days ago, Princess Ghida Talal celebrates with her sister Dalia Salam, her brothers and his family, on the occasion of her mother's birthday, Mrs. Rajaa Arab 🌼🤍.
We wish him a happy birthday and stay well, healthy and happy.
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“Iman is unworthy to be called a Princess. Her charm ends with luxury brands and makeup. She is the eldest daughter of King but haven't worked like other hashimites. Princess ghida and her children, princess dina mired, Princess talal's daughter's. If she doesn't want to serve the country and only wants lavish life why the hell the title. Just remove it and live like ordinary people. But salma is a real queen. Always values her nation and people. Iman needs to learn from salma” - Submitted by Anonymous
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jordanianprincesses · 10 months
I think Rajwa and Ghida Talal (wife of Talal bin Mohammed, cousin of King Abdullah) are very similar in appearance. 🇱🇧❤️
I honestly can't see that. Maybe here a lil bit
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Rajwa has Palestinian roots through her paternal grandmother. However Princess Ghida is Lebanese not Palestinian.
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thehashemitefamily · 3 years
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الاميرة غيداء طلال عبر حسابها على انستقرام
ما أروع مبادرة طلاب مدرسة الشويفات الدولية، مبادرة القمم السبعة التي يجددون من خلالها تعهدهم لدعم مرضى السرطان بتسلق جبال البرانس في إسبانيا
نتمنى لكم السلامة والتوفيق في كل خطوة بقيادة البطل العالمي مصطفى سلامة ومديركم الملهم لؤي الشوملي وتعودوا لنا بالسلامة بإذن الله
Princess Ghida Talal via her Instagram account
How wonderful is the initiative of the International School of Choueifat students, the Seven Summits initiative, through which they renew their pledge to support cancer patients by climbing the Pyrenees in Spain
We wish you safety and success in every step led by the world champion Mustafa Salama and your inspiring director Louay Al-Shomali.
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hashemitefamily · 2 years
No 4 – rumours  about CPH marrying rajaa and related posts. Some posts on tumblr praise rajaa and her family as hardworking royals than King, Queen and their children. Also one or two posts claims like rajaa is the only beautiful women. I accept she is beautiful like every other girls of her age with filters and photoshop. I feel like these rumours are spreader by rajaa or her mother itself. Doesn’t seems real. 
I don't agree with the last statement. Let me tell you something. If they really launched the rumors they will ruin the relationship between them and king. So I don't think they started these rumors.
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Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan Hosts an Iftar at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts.
Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan Hosts an Iftar at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts.
On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan accompanied by Her Royal Highness Princess Rym al-Ali of Jordan, Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal of Jordan, Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan of Jordan along with several other Jordanian princesses, hosted an Iftar for accomplished young women held at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in Amman. Photos courtesy of HM…
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plsbyallmeans · 5 years
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HRH Princess Ghida Talal and Her Children Prince Hussein, Prince Muhammad and Princess Rajaa Bint Talal With King Felipe VI of Spain and Former US President Bill Clinton at Georgetown University’s celebration of its School of Foreign Service Centennial #sfs100.
📣 https://t.co/rTypNtiQYO
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felipeandletizia · 5 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 11/??
On April 12, 2011, before heading to Jordan, Felipe and Letizia visited the Palestinian Territories, where they were received by the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, intermediate point of the trip that has taken them to Israel and concludes in Jordan.
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In Ramallah, after being greeted by Mahmoud Abbas, His Royal Highnesses, the Princes of Asturias listened to the national anthems, before the magazine was produced to the troops and the greeting to the delegations.
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Subsequently, Don Felipe met with the president of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jiménez. After this meeting, a lunch was offered to them by the President of the Palestinian National Authority.
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Later on April 12, they started their official visit to Jordan, in response to an invitation from the King of Jordan. At the airport in Amman they were met by Prince Talal Bin Mohamed and Princess Ghida Talal, who accompanied them during their visit to the Hashemite Kingdom. The day concluded with a private dinner with the King and Queen of Jordan.
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On the 13th, accompanied by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Ibero-American Affairs, Juan Antonio Yáñez-Barnuevo, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the Jordanian Parliament, where they met with the president of the Chamber, Taher Masri, and heads of parliamentary commissions. They also made a tribute in front of the tree of life in the Martyrs Memory Museum. Don Felipe also had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Jordan, Marouf Bakhit. At noon, Felipe and Letizia had lunch at the Royal Palace.
At the University of Jordan, they were able to learn about Jordanian university reality and, in particular, a resource center used for the activities of the Spanish department, one of the most demanded languages ​​in this country. Created in 1962, the University of Jordan, which has 18 faculties, studies more than 37,000 students.
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Later on, Felipe and Letizia received the Spanish community in Jordan. In the speech before the Spaniards residing in Jordan, Don Felipe recalled that, 12 years ago he made a first official visit to Jordan, a few months after the death of King Hussein, and that, on the current official trip, "we had the opportunity to see the progress of this beloved country in various fields."
"We know that you represent several generations of compatriots; some are here for family reasons; others for dedication to the teaching of Spanish, for business reasons or for your activity as civil servants, volunteers or cooperators" and "you all live intensely what happens both in Spain as in Jordan; you care and contribute, in a commendable way and sometimes without realizing it, that our two peoples get to know each other better and get closer every day, with their cultures and languages, with their traditions and their history, also with their hopes," said Don Felipe.
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On the 14th, Felipe and Letizia held a meeting with Jordanian personalities related to the economic and commercial field during a working breakfast, before leaving.
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jordanianroyals · 2 months
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31 July 2024: Queen Rania visited the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in Amman, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty’s accession to the Throne.
During her visit, Queen Rania inaugurated KHCC’s new Radiation Oncology building, in the presence of Prince Talal bin Muhammad, Special Advisor to His Majesty, and Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center.
Covering over 2,700 square meters and featuring state-of-the-art medical equipment, the new facility was established to meet the rising need and increase the Radiation Oncology Department's monthly capacity from 260 patients to approximately 400. An estimated 60 percent of KHCC patients require radiotherapy as part of their treatment plan.
Princess Ghida Talal explained that, over the past 25 years, the King Hussein Cancer Center has become a cornerstone of cancer care in the region, serving more than 70,000 patients. She also expressed her deepest gratitude to Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania for their steadfast support of this Jordanian institution.
The building’s inauguration was attended by Prince Hussein bin Talal, Prince Muhammad bin Talal, Princess Rajaa bint Talal, Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Court Chief, Yousef Issawi, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Azmi Mahafzah, Minister of Health Feras Hawari, KHCC CEO and Director General Asem Mansour, KHCF Director General Nisreen Qatamish, and several members of the KHCF/KHCC Board of Trustees.
The Queen also toured several KHCC departments, including Jordan's first neurosurgery suite, in which more than 300 operations have been conducted since its opening in 2019. She also visited the center’s pediatric department, which treats approximately 90 percent of Jordan's pediatric cancer patients.
Spanning 108,700 square meters, KHCC receives approximately 7,000 new patients, 14,000 admissions, and 250,000 outpatient visits each year. Its key facilities include Jordan’s first public umbilical cord blood bank, intensive care units for children and adults, diagnostic and therapeutic radiology departments, a cellular therapy and applied genomics department, and a bone marrow transplant program.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Queen Rania, Princess Gida Talal and Prince Talal Bin Muhammad attended the Al Hussein Cancer Foundation's Hope Gala || 12 JUNE 2023
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“I would like to know whether princess Ghida Talal and her daughter Rajaa are really nice or evil. I found some praises but most of Jordanians whom I have met said opposite. Ghida plans to marry Rajaa to CP Hussein. and she have even spread rumor that hussein likes her. But hussein denied that in an interview. I have found only one interview where CPH speaks in Arabic. Also heard that people are not really happy with mother and daughter. I just want to know the truth. Coz I like CPH.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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thehashemitefamily · 3 years
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was a great honor to meet and talk to HRH Princess Ghida Talal this week.
Her Royal Highness met with the members of the Seven Mountains Initiative 2020-2021 Team and praised their hard-work and dedication which made them raise almost $100,000 to help fund the treatment of children at KHCC.
The Seven Mountains Initiative at ISC Amman has raised nearly $400,000 over the past 4 years, and aims to reach the half-a-million USD milestone this year.
تشرفنا بلقاء صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة غيداء طلال و الحديث معها في مركز الحسين للسرطان هذا الأسبوع.
التقت سموها بأعضاء فريق مبادرة الجبال السبعة 2020-2021 وأشادت بعملهم الجاد وتفانيهم في جمع التبرعات ما مكنهم من جمع حوالي 100 ألف دولار للمساعدة في تمويل علاج الأطفال في مركز الحسين للسرطان.
يذكر أن مبادرة الجبال السبعة في مدرسة الشويفات الدولية - عمّان جمعت ما يقرب من 400 ألف دولار على مدى السنوات الأربع الماضية ، وتهدف إلى الوصول إلى نصف مليون دولار هذا العام.
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lavotha · 6 years
The GP F1 track transformed into jumping arena 
Like a veritable theater stage the Port Hercules in the Principality transforms itself periodically. Even when the last remnants of the F1 Grand Prix were still in place waiting to be disassembled, over 1100 tons of sand transported on 60 trucks were carefully spread over the quay on the southern dock, at the foot of the Prince’s Palace, to create a 2025m2 ephemeral arena designed by Luc Musette, plus 1100m2 paddock for 195 horses, an spectator’s tribune, stunning VIP corporate hospitality loges, chic boutiques and the double deck riders’ club, for the traditional and highly anticipated 13thedition of the International Jumping of Monte-Carlo, from June 28-30, 2018, one of the most prestigious stops of the Longines Global Champions Tour (LGCT).
A view of the arena in Monaco@Mario Grassia/LGCT 2018
Flawlessly organized and presided by Diane Fissore, and Jan Tops, professional Gold medal rider and leader in the horse-trading world, the competition is one of the highlights of the LGCT, and it is the third most important sporting event  in the Principality together with the F1 Grand Prix and the Tennis Masters.
Each lap of the LGCT is a Grand Prix of Euro 300,000, with approximately Euro 100,000 for the winner, allotting the emerging points to the general classification: at the end of the circuit, the eighteen best riders will share a purse of Euro 1,000,000. In Monaco the total purse amounts to Euro 393,500 with €285,000 allocated to the Grand Prix prize. A wonderful three-day program including amateur competitions during the day followed by top-level fixtures after sunset.
A cast of star riders & horses on the Monaco’s arena
Only the 30 world best are invited to this illustrious competition with a truly exception casting of riders in a breathtaking venue. The top three in the LGCT ranking came to compete in the Principality:  Two-time LGCT Champion Edwina Tops-Alexander (AUS) leads the field on 172 points, just a LGCT Grand Prix win away from Ben Maher (GBR) in second who has 143 points overall. Breathing down his neck is another two time LGCT Champion, Scott Brash (GBR), who sits a further 12 points away.
Former winners were back in action this weekend including 2017 winner Alberto Zorzi (ITA), 2016 winner Emanuele Guadiano (ITA) and 2014 winner Bassem Hassan Mohammed (QAT). Amongst the stars, big names, rising talent and legends of the sport battled for the coveted LGCT Grand Prix du Prince de Monaco presented by Sapinda win, one of the most prestigious accolades in show jumping.
Completing the list of competitors were: World Number 1 Harrie Smolders (NED), John Whitaker (GBR), Marcus Ehning (GER), Bertram Allen (IRL), Rolf-Göran Bengtsson (SWE), Simon Delestre (FRA), Maikel van der Vleuten (NED), Roger-Yves Bost (FRA), Marlon Zanotelli (BRA), Michael Whitaker (GBR), Georgina Bloomberg (USA), Pieter Devos (BEL), Jennifer Gates (USA), Gerco Schroder (NED), Philipp Weishaupt (GER), and Sheikh Ali Bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT).
Equestrian Federation team of Monaco claimed victory
On Friday, June 29, 2018 in the evening, the Longines Global Champions Tour of Monaco once again played host to the 8th edition of the Longines Pro Am Cup on Friday evening, which sees an amateur and professional rider pair up to compete for the coveted title with a focus on speed and agility.
Launched by Patron Charlotte Casiraghi in 2010, it emphasizes the family spirit of the sport, with its pace and relay format the audience loves. Set over two rounds, 13 teams took part – including reigning champions Team Sapinda, as well as Team House of Sillage, Team Monte-Carlo Polo Team and Team Virtus, all battling to jump clear and with the fastest combined time.
As the competition went on the eight qualifying teams continued to fight for a podium finish as the crowd clapped and cheered for the riders. Victory went to Mona Ferry and Christian Rhomberg of Team Equestrian Federation of the Principality of Monaco, second to Florence Schwizer-Seydoux and Roger-Yves Bost of Team Equitheme, and third to Team Monaco Aces featuring Jeanne Sadran and Julian Epaillard.
Longines Pro-Am Cup, 1st Team Federation Equestre P. of Monaco, 2 Team Equitheme, 3 team Monaco. Trophies presented by HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi, D. Fissore, S. Guelat @Stfano Grasso/LCGT
Longines Pro-Am Cup, 1st Team Federation Equestre P. of Monaco, 2 Team Equitheme, 3 team Monaco. Trophies presented by HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi, D. Fissore, S. Guelat @Stfano Grasso/LCGT
A smiling Christian had said after his blistering round: “It’s fun! I’m lucky I have a fast mare that makes even a slow rider like me fast! My teammate did a really good job. I just tried to make her go faster in the second round, but we have a few problems with our language – I don’t speak French!”
Breen claimed victory in thrilling LGCT Grand Prix Prince of Monaco
Under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, the 9th leg of the Championship race is a long-standing and popular stop on the calendar, with illustrious names listed on the winners’ roster over the years. The Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix Prince of Monaco took place on Saturday, June 30 in the evening, the last day of the competition.
With 35 riders qualified, Ireland’s Shane Breen, who was the last rider to go, took the biggest win of his career and dashed Alberto Zorzi’s (ITA) hopes of a back-to-back Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix Prince of Monaco Presented by Sapinda win, after a spectacular performance aboard Ipswich van de Wolfsakker on Saturday, June 30, 2018. Breen’s win means he is the latest addition to the GC Playoffs, with a ticket to the elite line-up in the Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix that will take place in Prague this December.
Lap of honour for Shane Breen, winner of the LGCT Grand Prix du Prince de Monaco presented by Sapinda @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco presents the trophy to Shane Breen, winner of the LGCT Grand Prix du Prince de Monaco presented by Sapinda @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
The podium 1 Shane Breen (IRL), 2 Alberto Zorzi (ITA) 3 Denis Lynch (IRL). Twith Jan Tops, D. Fissore, Jung Woo-Sung, Samuel Guelat @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
Breen finished just tenths of a second ahead of Zorzi and Fair Light van T Heike with Denis Lynch (IRL) and RMF Bella Baloubet taking third.
This would be the biggest win of Breen’s career, and the Irishman punched the air in triumph ecstatic at his win, and place in the GC Playoffs. Breen was quoted saying: “This is my biggest career win and my first time winning at the LGCT Grand Prix. It is a great honor to be here and to be part of the GCL – it’s a great atmosphere. Ipswich is quite a green horse at this level and has had a few fences down this season.  We’ve been knocking on the door but today he jumped fantastically.
He was surprisingly relaxed as he can be quite sharp and has a lot of nervous energy but that was in our favor this evening in Monaco. He produced two super rounds and with Dennis leaving the door slightly open and Aberto with a fantastic quick round, the guys on the ground were saying that if I could do the same numbers my horse is naturally very quick.When I turned for number one, I didn’t have a flier at it, then I went nine strides to the second jump and I had to remind myself not to panick.I got the double jumped and moved on a bit then and fortunately when addressing the last I saw a good stride and took it! I’m now in the LGCT [Super Grand Prix] and I’m elated – it’s an elite group of riders, so I hope I can take Ipswich there again and do well.”
Shane Breen on Ipswich van de Wolfsakker
Shane Breen is the winner of the LGCT Grand Prix du Prince de Monaco presented by Sapinda @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
Competing in front of a royal audience
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, H.R.H. Princess Caroline of Hanover and Charlotte Casiraghi watched from the Royal Hospitality as the first riders navigated the exceedingly technical course in the compact sand arena.
Members of Royal Families from around the world, including H.E. Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, H.E. Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and Prince Talal of Jordan taking their seats for a feast of top show jumping. Bill and Melinda Gates with ringside seats were clearly absorbed in the highest level of show jumping in which their daughter Jennifer competes. The family cheered on Jennifer’s trainer Harrie Smolders (NED) as they watched the Grand Prix from the VIP area.
Melinda and Bill Gates with their daughter Jennifer @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
Sheikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad Al-Thani, Prince Talal of Jordan and his wife Ghida, Jan Tops @Mario Grassia/LCGT
Edwina Tops-Alexander, Jan Tops, Mike Kawai, Athina Onassis and Julia Tops @Stefano Grasso/LGCT
Next stop is the City of Lights
The Tour moves on to Paris, July 5-8, for the 10th leg of the 2018 Championship race as the action intensifies.
Today’s quote
“To ride a horse is to fly without wings.”Anonymous
The best riders in the world gathered at International Jumping of Monte-Carlo The GP F1 track transformed into jumping arena  Like a veritable theater stage the Port Hercules in the Principality transforms itself periodically.
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seldagoktas · 7 years
Ürdün Prensesi Rajaa Princess Rajaa, daughter of Princess Ghida al-Talal of Jordan FOTOĞRAFLAR – PHOTOS
PRINCESS RAJAA Ürdün Prensesi Rajaa Princess Rajaa, daughter of Princess Ghida al-Talal of Jordan
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