#Princess Phenix
lady-phenix · 4 months
Blog intro, Rules, Tags, and character profile
Welcome one and all to the Court of Ravens! My name is Ash and this my new rp blog. I'm trying to be a little better about being "professional" on here, though I wouldn't honestly call myself a pro. I've been role-playing here on Tumblr on and off since 2012 and I just like to have fun with it! That all being said I do welcome almost any and all folks from any Fandom to interact, with only few exceptions. Please continue reading below the cut to fully enjoy your stay ^.^
1. Absolutely no minors. Sorry guys, but im 30+ years old and not that I don't love yall and wish you the best, but it'd feel kinda awkward interacting with you guys. If you need help or advice though feel free to ask. I'm a person first and an adult second. Still if you're under the age of 18 please wait until you reach that age before interacting/following.
2. I don't generally do NSFW unless I know you very well (I'm demi-sexual and this kinda also applies to my characters). Also I'm not a porn source. I only NSFW if it serves the plot (I may be RPing as a demon but I generally don't participate in stuff like Sinday. More power to you if you yourself do, it's just not my thing). Also if you're below the age of 20 please don't try to do NSFW plots with me. If you have teen at the end of your age, you're kinda still a teen in my eyes. It's like that awkward gray area for me...sorry.
3. We are tolerant on this blog. I don't accept any kind of -phobia or -ism on here of any kind. Please be nice to each other and be nice to me. Don't be a dick.
4. I don't do Fandom drama on this blog. Whatever is going on with Viviziepop or who/whatever has nothing to do with me nor do I share any parties views. The opinions/thoughts expressed on here are purely mine. Don't pull me into drama or there will be problems.
5. Please be patient as I do have a life outside of this blog, and I'm about to work two jobs as well as work on a novel! I have a lot going on in my life so replies aren't always gonna be on my top priority. I also run several other blogs and have other OCs that I sometimes get more of an urge to write for. Thank you for your patience.
6. As the mun of this blog I have every right to choose who I do or don't interact with. Please don't take it personal if I don't get back to you right away. I'm probably super busy or I'm occupied with another rp for the time being. I admit I'm bad at multi-replies but I'm trying to get better.
7. Don't bring politics or social drama on here. I'm here for a good time and not to be reminded that reality sucks. Thanks!
8. I don't tolerate abuse of any kind. Mistreat me or my muse (as in like your characters whole thing is being an asshole for no reason) I will not hesitate to end the interaction and block. Me and my characters do not exist to be your punching bags. Fight scenes are fine, and insults depending on context are okay too. But being needless or senselessly cruel without reason isn't okay. Kinda goes back to just don't be a dick!
9. I LOVE shipping! I LOVE crossovers! And I LOVE OCs! All of that stuff! As it says in my description I'm Canon divergent and crossover/oc friendly. If this is a problem for folks I'm definitely not the blog for you. Please be respectful of my rp partners!
10. Seriously just have fun with it! I don't mind a little chaos, just so long as it's the fun kind. I try to be the cool mun who isn't so stingy about everything.
*as a quick side note, music is a big deal on this blog, so by all means feel free to share music yall love with me, and I may just do the same for you ;) *
This is kinda more for me than it is anyone else cause I'm terrible with tags and I'm trying to get better. These are subject to change/be updated. I'll also try to tag NSFW and triggering subjects as necessary.
tag: The Phoenix Sings- usually song/music related.
tag: thoughts of the Phoenix- usually just stuff I think Phenix would think of. These can be kinda random.
tag: matters of the court- anytime the Court of Ravens is mentioned, usually for lore purposes.
tag: matters of the goetia- any time the ars goetia or the goetia family are brought up/interacted with. Again this is usually for lore purposes.
tag: OOC- out of character, pretty self explanatory, whenever I interact out of character.
tag: open starter- any time I post an open rp starter that can be answered by anyone.
tag: rp title- I like to title rps sometimes so I'll use the title I come up with as a tag to keep better track of it. More for fun/organization purposes.
tag: Phenix interacts-tag used when interacting with specific characters. Again more for organization purposes.
tag: NSFW- pretty self explanatory
tag: TW- trigger warning: then followed by triggering thing- Done more as a courtesy than anything else.
tag: Phenix Aesthetic- Anything that goes along with Phenix's aesthetic
tag: Phenix Fashion- Things I imagine Phenix would wear. can be clothes, make up, etc.
tag: Phenix Poetry- usually poetry and/or quote related. Sometimes it's about her, other times will be specified.
tag: Phenix family- anything pertaining to her family, biological or in law.
tag: fanart- whenever I reblog fanart. Pretty self explanatory. Will also tag characters.
tag: The Phoenix Calls- used when reblogging rp memes and starters.
tag: Phenix canons- used for dropping bits of lore about phenix and her family.
About Phenix
And those are all I can think of. If I come up with anymore ill update them! ^.^
Verses and AUs
1. Canon universe- formerly trapped in an abusive marriage, Phenix spends most of her time taking care of imps and other hellborn and sinners who escaped bad situations in her family home, Raven Hall. She wishes to continue her mother's legacy with the Raven Court, and wants to eventually make it an official branch of hells government to give the so called lessers in hell a voice.
*Canon for the blog, but not the show. Though I do try to work within the shows boundaries with this.
2. Ward of the Morningstars/ ward!phenix AU- in this alternative universe, Phenix was taken in by Lucifer after her mother was killed because he felt partly responsible for what happened to Ravenna and for Phenix's fall from favor with Paimon. She sees Luci as a second, but primary, father, Charlie as her sister, and Damian Morningstar as her brother. Vaggie is her future sister in law, and the deadly sins are her aunts and uncles (though some she favors more than others).
3. Royal Guard AU- this is an AU where Striker is a captain of the guard in the House of Andras. Realizing just how bad Andras actually is, Striker and Phenix concoct a plan to free her and put an end to Andras' wicked hold on her. This features the pair Striker/Phenix in a romantic way.
4. Human AU- Phenix is a human royal from the small kingdom of Goetia who's of marriageable age.
5. Genderbent AU- Male Phenix whos escaped from a bad marriage and just wants to raise his two kids, Javier and Viviane, in peace.
6. Queen of Wrath AU- This is based on a fanfic that I'm writing in which Paimon and Satan, the king of wrath, struck up a deal many years ago and has led to Phenix becoming the deadly sin's wife. Unsure if I'll post the story itself but this will be updated if and when I do.
*please note that all of these are subject to be changed/updated*
Full name: Phenix Quezala Goetia
Gender: female
Age: 30+
Demon bird form: a giant five eyed quetzal (two on each side of her head plus one in the middle of her head) that appears to be made of various colored flames.
Ordinary demon form: (terrible at drawing so I'll give a physical description) 9 feet at the tallest. She's mostly red feathered, though she has gold feathers on her face, particularly around her eyes and prominently in her long tail feathers. Her chest is black feathered, with what looks like a light red/orange heart on her bust. Her eyes are mostly black with red-gold irises and odd lavender pupils. She has a third eye in the middle of her two regular eyes, but its usually shut so not visible to most unless they have supernaturally goof eyesight. The feathers on her head start short at the neck and shoulders and but spread elegantly down her back, as though theyre layered atop of each other. They're mostly red but are tipped in black with gold accents. Her style of dress varies on the day and who she interacts with. Despite her fiery colors she actually has a deep fondness for cooler ones like emerald green, blues of any kind, and anything purple. Will on special occasions wear her husband's colors of cream, black, and purple...rarely.
Powers: pyrokinesis, sound manipulation, imitation of any voice, knowledge of most if not all instruments.
Nicknames: Nix, Nixi, Rose Red (I highly warn against calling her this, unless you want your vocal cords pecked out)
Titles: Princess of the Goetia family, Grand Marquess in the House of Andras, and Queen of the Court of Ravens.
Blood Family: Shax (maternal grandfather), Viviane (maternal grandmother), Ravenna (mother), Marchosias (older maternal uncle), Malphus (younger maternal uncle), Paimon (father), Stolas (older half brother), Octavia (niece)
Married family/in laws: Andras (husband, a just no, JN for short), Caim (Andras' brother, a just maybe, JM), Larissa (Andras' mother, JN MiL), Aamon (Andras' father, a total Just Yes, JY FiL)
Important information: There's a lot of backstory to her, but I might reveal that in increments rather than just dumping it all here. So here are the top ten things you should know about Phenix:
She's King Paimon's oldest daughter, but not his oldest child. She's younger than Stolas by about eight years. He went through wives like Henry the 8th. Phenix is the result of his second marriage and her mother's name was Ravenna, who started the Court of Ravens under everyone's noses.
Phenix and Stolas are close, despite their mothers having been serious enemies. He's one of the few people in her life who call her Nixi. She's also 100 percent supportive of his divorce and is close to Octavia.
She got her grimoire at 11, much like her brother, and was given the purpose to act as a muse for musicians and poets throughout the world and across time. She was also betrothed to her husband Andras at this time.
She married Andras at age 20. They've been married for ten years but have no children...yet. Andras has tried to keep her content through the use of illusions. On the blog, she's mostly out of his fog, and he's the reason she hates the nickname Rose Red.
The Court of Ravens was created by her mother Ravenna when Paimon attempted to divorce her but failed. She meant for it to be a safe haven for anyone seeking refuge from a bad situation. Anyone can join the Court, no matter their station, any and all hellborn and sinners are permitted to join the Court.
Phenix has a key to the Court, which is disguised as a portrait ring of her mother. There's more of these rings that are commissioned in Lust and Gluttony. They all look slightly different but always have Ravenna's flying raven signature on them somewhere. Gates to the Court can be found in Gluttony or Lust, and they can only be gained access by the rings which are guarded by Beelzebub and Asmodeus respectively.
Phenix is technically Queen of the Raven Court, and has been since her mother passed. However, she didn't know about the Court until she herself had need of it.
Phenix is accepting to any and everyone. She despises the Goetia's way of thinking, and when she takes her place as Raven Queen, she denounces the Goetia in favor of "her" people, the outcasts and needy of Hell who come to her for protection and sanctuary.
She has seriously thought of killing her husband and taking his prized angelic sword, Exnoctum, as her own.
She does eventually want to have children, not only to succeed her as Raven Queen/King, but to pass on her so called radical beliefs about equality in hopes of eventually ending the stigma that comes with the caste system of hell.
And that's pretty much all you need to know about Phenix. If I come up with anything else or change her canon, I'll be sure to update the list. Now as I said there's a lot of lore surrounding this character and a lot of it involves her family, and especially her mother and connections to the other sins. However, I feel like those should be revealed in time. Until then, by all means feel free to interact! Phenix is super friendly towards most folks. Thank you so much for reading! I know it was a lot! <3
-Mun Ash
4 notes · View notes
adarkrainbow · 5 months
Some scholarly notes about the Grimm fairytales (1)
Recently in France (well... for the last two dozen years), the publishing house José Corti has been specializing itself in scientific fairytales collections. While for the study of literary fairytales one would go towards Honoré Champion, when it comes to folktales and fairytales it is José Corti one must check. In their "Merveilleux" collection they have been publishing for the very first time in France or republishing out-of-prints collections of various European fairytales (from Denmark, Spain, Romania, and more) - with a few classics of the "literary" fairytales that marked deeply the evolution of the genre (such as Straparola's Facetious Nights or Ludwig Bechstein's fairytales).
All of that to say, José Corti has in 2009 published the most recent scientific (but for an all-public) edition of the brothers Grimm fairytales. The full collection of their fairytales, translated accurately in French, with annotations about their type/classification, their evolution throughout editions and their predecessors. I can't share all of these annotations with you, of course, but I can share a handful of them, about the most famous stories of the Grimm. They all come from the same person who translated the story in this edition: Natacha Rimasson-Fertin. (Of course my notes might be incomplete but hey, you'll have to buy the books to see the whole thing :p Or check them out at your local library)
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The devil with three golden hairs (Der Teufel mit den dre goldenen Haaren)
This story is at the crossroa between the Aa-Th 461 "Three hair from the devil's beard" ; the AT 460B "The quest for fortune" and the AT 93à "Urie's letter/The prophecy".
In the 1812 edition, there were two different versions of this tale. Story number 29 "The story of the devil with three golden hair", told by Amalia Hassenpflug, and number 75, "The phenix", told by her sister Mary. In the second version the devil was replaced by a phoenix, and the hero had to get three feathers. In the 1819 edition the two stories disappeared and were replaced by the version we know today, told by Dorothea Viehmann. Another version that the Grimms had collected in 1812 had a princess falling in love with the woodsman that cuts a tree below her window.
The final episode, where the hero asks three questions to the devil through the old woman, echoes the Pentamerone's "The Seven Doves". Other versions of this story include Asbjörnsen-Moe's "The wealthy Peter Krämer", and Afanassiev's "Marco the Wealthy and Vassili the Unfortunate". The story of the brothers Grimm gathers several references to the Bible: the child throw in the water echoes Moses' abandonment, the letter meant to kill the hero is similar to the one David uses to kill Urie, finally the hair as holders of a being's wisdom and strength is linked to the legend of Samson and Dalila. But many other elements of the story evoke older faiths. The idea of a body of water as the frontier with the Otherworld can be found in the Classical Antiquity with the Greek Charon, and is found in other stories of the volume, such as "Frau Holle" and "The Iron Stove" - it as believed that water formed an obstacle spirits could not cross. The hero's mission recalls a tale of Saxo Grammaticus where Thorkill enters Utgard (the realm of supernatural beings) to steal a hair from the beard of Utgard-loki. The brothers Grimm had noted that the belief in the exceptional fate of a child born with a "hood" was also found in Iceland, where the "caul", called Glückshaut (skin of luck) was the home of a genie that would follow the child all of his life. And indeed, modern research has proven that the name given to this caul, the "fyljia" was also the name of a spiritual double, a tutlar spirit tied to a person or a family. This is why the tradition was to preserve and hide this "pileus naturalis" - in Belgium, it was called a "hem" and its color allowed for divination rituals about the child's future.
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The girl without hands (Das Mädchen ohne Hände)
This fairytale is actually a cross between the AT type 706 "The maiden without hands" and the AT 930 "Urie's letter/The prophecy". The story was created by the brothers mixing two versions from Hesse, one told by Mary Hassenpflug, the other by Dorothea Viehmann. The second version lacks this story's introduction and begins with a father trying to marry his own daughter - when she refuses, he cuts off her hands and breasts, and chases her out of his house. It then follows the story. Meanwhile, the first version differs when the heroine is with her child in the forest: an old man tells her to hug three time a tree with her arms, which makes her hands grow again. He also tells her to only open the door of her house to one who will ask to enter "for the love of God" three times in a row - the king will be forced to do this before entering.
Outside of these two main versions, the brothers Grimm collected three additional ones. In the first, the angel that guides the girl is replaced by a small light that descends from the sky ; and the hands of the girl grow back when she plunges her arms in a stream after seeing a blind mouse enter its water to regain its sight. In the second version, a man is upset at his little girl praying for him day and night, but since she refuses to stop despite his demands, he cuts off her tongue. But she prays in thought and makes the sign of the cross, so he cuts off her right hand, then her arm all the way to the elbow, before banishing her. She is saved by a hunter that hides her in his master's domain and feeds her in secret with his master's dogs. When the master discovers this, he decides to raise the girl as his own child. One day she gives money to a poor man, who tells her she will regain her arm and tongue if she goes to drink of a certain stream, and he gives her a magical staff to protect her. When she returns at the lord's house, he marries her. The third version is about a queen banished by her husband with her two children, and is identical to the legend of saint Helen.
Other international versions of the tale include Zingerle's "The pretty daughter of the innkeeper", Basile's "Penta the one-armed girl" and Afanassiev's "The young girl without hands". There are some versions where it is a man that is mutlated, such as Afanassiev's "The brave without legs and the blind brave". The roots of this story date back to the end of the 12th century, and are located in southern England - this tale was the subject of numerous literary adaptations, the most famous being the verse romance of the 13th century "The Beautiful Helen of Constantinople".
The motif of the child sold to the devil is recurring among the Grimm fairytales - even though the character of the devil can be replaced by another supernatural being, such as in "Rapunzel" or "The Nixie of the Mill-Pond". The idea of offering the first thing one sees upon returning home is as old as the Ancient Testament (Judges). This story bears the signs of a heavy Christianiation, and was clearly inspired by the legend of Saint Genevieve of Brabant, falsefely accused of being unfaithful and condemned to death with her newborn child. The executioners take pity on her and she lives alone in the woods for seven years. As with other tales from the Grimm collection, this story mixes the Christian fantasy (the hands that regrow are treated as a Christian miracle) with pagan fantasy (there are several elements of folk-magic, such as the circle the girl draws around her to be protected from the devil, or the accusations of the queen giving birth to a changeling - a changeling also appears in the third story of "The Elves", KHM 39).
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The Robber Bridegroom (Der Räuberbräutigam)
This story belongs to the fairytale type Aa-Th 955, named after it: "The robber bridegroom".
The tale was told to Jacob Grimm by Mary Hassenpflug, and was present as early as the 1810 manuscript. However this first version, that the brothers deemed "incomplete" was replaced from the 1812 edition onward by a new version which mixed two versions from Lower-Hesse. The brothers noted the existence of another version where the robber indicated the road to his house to a princess, by tying ribbons around the trees.
Ludwig Bechstein took inspiration from the brothers Grimm's tale to create his own "The Robber Bridegroom". This fairytale, like "Fichter's Bird", belongs to the "Bluebeard cycle" (several tales that the brothers removed from their first edition also belonged to this cycle).
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Fitcher's Bird (Fitchers Vogel)
This tale is a variation of the Aa-Th 311 "The heroine rescues herself and her sisters", usually classified under the "Bluebeard" category.
The final text of the Grimms is actually a mix of two different versions of the same story that was told to the brothers by both Friedrike Mannel and Dortchen Wild. The Grimms noted the existence of a version from Hanovre which goes as follow: a poor woodcutter asks his daughter to bring him his meal in the forest, and to show them the way he places peas on the floor. However dwarves notice this, and change the emplacement of the pea so that their path leads to their grotto. The older girl follows the peas, and become the dwarves' slave. Then we have the Bluebeard "forbidden room" motif, and the story goes as the "Fitcher's Bird" goes, as the dwarves lure the two other sisters to their cave. The last sister sticks the feathers on her body by rolling herself in blood (presumably the blood of the dwarves' victims), and there is no resurrection of the sisters. Everybody that meets her on the way call her "geputzter Vogel". The dwarves hunt the girl down and almost catch her just as she reaches her father's house - she is so fast in closing the door that it cuts a piece of her heel. The Grimms also knew of a Dutch version of the story, translated in German, and that was identical to one of their first-editions tales, "The Murder-Castle".
The translation of the name of the "bird" always caused many problems, due to the difficulty of understanding the expression. The brothers Grimm themselves explained the name of the bird by the Icelandic "Fitfuglar", meaning "birds that swim" - as such, the girl would be called "Fitchers-Vogel" because she looks like a swan". However, other people do not agree with this etymology, some linking Fitcher with "Fitze", the thread. Rimasson-Fertin highlights that the expression "Fitchers Fitze", outside of a simple sonority game, might be two variations of the male name Fritz (the diminutive of Friedrich) - other usual diminutives were Fitze, Fitz and Fiete. The brothers Grimm noted that the motif of the blood that cannot be erased was much older than Perrault's Bluebeard - it could be found as early as the "Gesta Romanorum", where a mother who had murdered her child couldn't erase three blood-drops from her hand, forcing her to wear a glove. This story must be compared to the KHM 40, "The Robber Bridegroom".
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The Juniper Tree (Von dem Machandelboom)
It is the AaTh 720 "My mother killed me, my father ate me".
Just like the tale of "The Fisherman and his wife", this story was written by the painter P. O. Runge, and the brothers Grimm used it as a model for how they should present their own fairy tales. In fact, we can note sentences almost identical between the two tales.
The brothers noted a variation of the story where the stepmother places her daughter near the pot where her brother cooks, and she forbids her from looking inside. But since the pot boils too much, the girl lifts the lid - then her brother's hand reaches out to her from the cauldron. There is yet another version noted by the Grimm where there are three children, not two, and the stepmother sends them pick up strawberries in the wood, promising an apple to whoever comes back first.
The cruelty of this fairytale earned the brothers a serious criticism from Achim von Arnim - who only tolerated such violence because it echoed the one present in Goethe's Faust. The description "red as blood, white as snow" of course echoes the tale of "Snow-White". The brothers Grimm mentionned in their notes that the juniper tree was a plant believed to have the power to bring back youth - and Rölleke noted that the juniper-tree's red berries were used in folk-magic. It seems to be a very ancient tale due to several very old motifs such as the soul returning in the shape of a bird, a resurrection out of bones, and cannibalism. This tale must be compared to "Brother Lustig", "The Singing Bone" and, of course, "The Fisherman and his wife".
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Briar Rose (Dornröschen)
Of course, it is the AaTh 410 "Sleeping Beauty".
This fairytale was present as early as the 1810 manuscript, written by Jacob Grimm from a tale told by Marie Hassenpflug. Research has proven that this story is derived from Charles Perrault's own Sleeping Beauty. We also find back in the German story a motif coming from another famous French literary fairytale, madame d'Aulnoy's "The Hind in the Woods/The Doe in the Woods" (also known as the White Doe). In this story a Crayfish/Lobster fairy announces to the queen she will have a child, and later the same fairy curses the princess as she is born - and what a coincidence! In the first edition of "Briar Rose", the animal that announces the princess' birth is not a frog... but a crayfish. Proving that there is a direct link. As for the name of the princess n German, "Dornröschen", "small briar rose", it actually first appeared in the German translation of a 1730 fairytale by Anthony Hamilton (an Irish man who however spoke and wrote French), "Fleur d'épine" (Thorn flower/Briar flower) - it had been translated in 1790. Bolte and Polivka have also noted a comedy by Gryphius from 1660 whch was named "Die geliebte Dornrose", "The beloved briar rose".
In their notes about the fairytale, the Grimm brothers explicitely compare Briar Rose to the legend of Brunhild asleep behind a wall of fire, cursed into a magical slumber by Odin's "sleep-thorn" and woken up by Sigurd, the only one able to cross the wall of flames. The brothers Grimm were also aware of Basile's version of the story, "Thalia, Sun and Moon", which they compared to their own Briar Rose in their notes. The brothers were very fascinated by the consistant naming of the princess' children from Perrault (Dawn, Day) to Basile (Sun, Moon) and compared it to the occurences of "Day, Sun and Moon" as names within the Eddas. However we know that Perrault was heavily inspired by Basile's story when writing his own Sleeping Beauty, and only modified some parts so as to erase the more shocking and "unpleasant" parts (such as the married prince having sex with the sleeping girl). Of course, this story is also to be compared with the 14th century medieval tale of the Roman de Perceforest.
The wise women that appear in this story are the Germanic equivalent of the fairies. In fact, we know that the brothers Grimm carefully avoided (or erased) any mention of "Fee" (the German word for the English "fairy" and French "fée") from their tales, so as to better differentiate them from the French "fairy tales", "contes de fées". By turning the fairies into wise women making predictions at the child's birth, the Grimms notably opened an entire set of symbolism and interpretations linking them to the mythological figures of the Norns, Parcae and Moirai.
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Snow White (Schneewittchen)
Of course, it is the AaTh 709 "Snow-White".
The full editing history of this tale was only "recently" recreated (the book was published in 2009, it was recent back then) in its entirety. We know that it begins in 1808 with a version collected by Ferdinand Grimm, brother of Jacob and Wilhelm, called "Schneeweibchen". It seems Ferdinand might have invented the story on his own. Wilhelm and Jacob then slowly modified it, by adding details from other collected versions, before publishing it in their first edition in 1810 (they did note at the time that it was a Lower-Germany story, and that in Upper-Germany the tale did exist but with the deformed name of "Schliwitchen". When the Grimms did their second edition, the main change they performed onto this story was the modification of the wicked mother into a wicked stepmother - something they also did for "Hansel and Gretel". In fact, from edition to edition the Grimms kept adding adjectives and expressons highlighting the opposition between the girl and the vain queen.
Th Grimms had collected several variations of the tale. One was much closer to the tale of "The Juniper Tree" and in it the queen, as she was with the king on a hunting sled, cut her finger while peeling an apple. In another variation the king and queen were walking by three mounts of snow, than went by three pools of blood, and finally saw three ravens in the sky, and each time the king wishes for a girl with the corresponding colors - soon afterward the couple encountered a little girl fitting this description. The king, immediately attached to her, takes her with him in their royal carriage, but the queen immediately hates her and tries to get rid of her - so she asks the girl to go seek a glove she threw out of the window, and while she is out of the carriage she asks the driver to leave as fast as he can. Then the little girl takes refuge at the seven dwarves' house.
The fairytale existed in German literature before the brothers Grimm published it. Indeed J. A. Musaüs had published in 1782 a fairytale called "Richilde" - and the Grimm were influenced by this tale, since in the margins of their first edition, they noted about Snow-White "It is Musaüs' Richilde". There was also a Snow-White story that had been published in 1809 in a fairytale book by A. L. Grimm (no relationship to the brothers Grimm). The Brothers Grimm did note the striking similarity between this story and the Norse pseudo-historical legend of Snäsridr, the beautiful wife of "Harald with fair hair", a wife that, when she died, stayed in her prime state so that it seemed she was still alive.
This fairy-tale has a very wide area of spreading, as it can be found from Ireland to Turkey passing by central Africa. It is especially present in the literary Italian compilations of fairytales. Basile has three variations of the story in his Pentamerone: "The raven", "Nennillo and Nennella" as well as "The she-cook".
The various virtues that Snow-White shows in this tale made her one of the big role models within the education of bourgeoisie girls in the 19th century - alongside Cinderella, of course. In fact, according to H-J Uther's analysis of the story, it is because of all her virtues that Snow-White's beauty does not fade away and stays undamaged even in death, unlike her wicked stepmother whose vices causes the fading of her charms. Finally, this fairytale is actually the proof that the brothers Grimm did not simply listed their fairytales one after the other in a random order, but deliberately created "bridges" and internal references to create a cohesive world within their book. Indeed, the mention of the snowflakes looking like feathers references "Frau Holle", while the glass coffin can be found back in, of course, "The Glass Coffin", and the blood-drops on the snow evokes "The Juniper Tree".
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Yes this story is the famous "Rumpelstilskin" (or Rumpelstiltskin? I never know how to write it in English). But why keep the German spelling? Because Rimasson-Fertin has some stuff to say about it: this name is the diminutive form of "Rumpelstilz", a term that Jacob Grimm defined in his "German Dictionary" as being synonymous with "poltergeist" (he noted a similarity between Poltergeist and Rumpelgeist, both designated a very loud spirit). While today "poltergeist" is mostly associated with ghosts, in a much broader way it designate a dwarf, a dead or a devil - or just any kind of phenomenon caused by witchcraft.
This story corresponds to the AaTh 500 "The name of the supernatural being". This fairytale has an interesting evolution history... Jacob Grimm had a version of it as early as 1808, named "Rumpenstünzchen", which was then slightly modified for the 1810 manuscript. This tale was actually the mix of two different versions - and one of these versions had a different ending. The queen didn't sent messengers searching for the dwarf's name, rather the king spotted the little man while returning from hunting on the third day. The Grimm also noted a variation where the initial situation was reversed: a young girl who had to spin hemp but could only manage to spin gold much to everybody's despair, and a small man appeared to promise her a wedding to a king's son in exchange for her firstborn child. It ended in such a way: the queen herself spotted the small man singing his name, jumping around a fire while riding a ladle like a horse. When she guessed his name, he flew out of the window and into the sky, riding the ladle like a witch's broom. We know that the episode of the spinning of the straw was only added by the Grimm in 1812 (it is not in the 1810 version), and that the final scene of the dwarf self-mutilating comes from a story of Lisette Wild and was added in 1819.
The first literary record of this story is a French fairytale published in 1705 and written by Mlle Marie-Jeanne L'Héritier de Villandon. It was "L'Histoire de Ricdin-Ricdon" (The Tale of Ricdin-Ricdon), published in her "La Tour ténébreuse et les jours lumineux" (The Shadowy tower and the luminous days). It had been translated in German by Johann Gottwert Müller in 1790, under the title "Straubfedern", "Ostrich feathers". As for the name "Rumpelstilzchen", it actually originates from Johann Fischart's Grman adaptation of the French "Gargantua", "Geschichtklitterung" (1584) - in it, Fischart lists various children game by name, and mentions a "Rumpele stilt oder der Poppart".
This fairytale type is very present in Western, Central and Northern Europe (British Isles and Ireland included), with also a few spottings in the Baltic countries, China and Japan. The name of the supernatural being always changes from one region or country to the next (in Swiss it is Hans-Öfeli, in Dutch Trillevip, in Swedish Titteliture, in Finnish Tuttirituli, in the Suffolk it is Tom Tit Tot, in Welsh Gnarwynathrot, in Irish it is Eve-Trot or Trit-a-Trot...). It is part of the enormous success of this tale-type: every country has to invent its own brand of nonsensical, un-guessable name. As for the rhymed song through which the dwarf betrays its name, it is found in England as "Nimmy nimmy not / My name is Tom Tit Tot", and in an Afro-American version of North Carolina "I'm so glad that she do not know / That my name is Tabutoe Tambutoe".
The brothers Grimm noted that in Germanic mythology it was typical for underground beings (aka dwarfs) to have names that are not usual among humankind, which is why, again according to them, the dwarf of this story would feel in perfect safety proposing the queen such a game. The rule according to which obtaining the name of a supernatural being means gaining a form of power over them is very common, and is even reused in another one of the Grimm stories: KHM 136, "Iron John". H. Rölleke did an analysis of the names the queen proposes at first: we have the three names of the Magi, aka the Three Wise Men, or King-Magi, which gives a Christian setting to the story, and could also serve as a metonymy for all the saint names found in the Christian calendar. As for "Heinz" and "Kunz", Rölleke sees in them the diminutives of the names of the medieval emperors Heinrich and Konrad, which used to be some of the most popular male names among German-speaking countries.
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All-Kinds-of-Fur (Allerleirauh)
It corresponds to the AaTh 510B "The dresses of gold, silver and stars", also known as "Donkey Skin", after the famous Charles Perrault fairytales.
The story we read today was the one told to the Grimm by Dortchen Wild, but there was a variation of it told to the brothers by Jeannette Hassenpflug, "Princess Mouse-Skin", which was present in the 1812's edition of the volume (n°71) but was then moves to the annotations as a mere mention. The version of the story from the first draft (the 1810 manuscript) was called "Allerlei Rauch", "All Kinds of Smoke", and was heavily inspired by one of the tales present within the novel "Schilly" by Carl Nehrlich.
The line "God forbade a father from marrying his daughter. Nothing good can come from this sin which will cause the kingdom's decadence" was added in the 1819 edition, and references a tale of Albert Ludwig Grimm called "Brunnenhold und Brunnenstark". The brothers Grimm insisted even more on the condamnation of the sin of incest when rewriting the story for their "small collection" for kids, and also insisted heavily upon a political extension of such a decision, which would damage the state itself. It is actually an allussion to the failure of the Frankfort Parliament, which had been gathered in 1848 at the Paulskirche in an attempt to create a constitution for all of Germany - to which Jacob Grimm had taken part.
A variation of the story collected in Paderborn has the last coat made of all the furs of the kingdom, plus moss and various forest-related material. In this version, the heroine puts the cloak on top of her three beautiful dresses before fleeing, and she hides in an empty tree where she is discovered, not during a hunting party, but by woodsman that cut off the tree she was sleeping into, to bring wood to the king. All-Kinds-of-Fur works in the castle's kitchen but one day as she is preparing the soup, the king has her sit on his chair so she can delouse him (a motif also present in "The Devil with Three Golden Hair). As she does, the king glimpses the beautiful shining dress under the cloak's sleeve, and this is how he discovers the girl's true appearance. Another variation of the story yet, also collected in Paderborn, has the heroine pretending to be mute. One day the king hits her with a whip, it rips apart the coat, revealing the golden dress underneath.
Not all the German versions of the story include the incest motif. In Musaüs' take on the story, "Die Nymphe des Brunnens", "The Nymph of the Well", the heroine leaves her father's castle because it has been destroyed. Her godmother, an undine, gifts her a small magical box and when she leaves the ball she says "Night behind me and day before me / Might nobody see me!". As for the version of Hassenpflug, "Princess Mouse-Skin", it begins as the KHM 179, "The Goose-Girl at the Well": a king wants to know which of his three daughters love him the most, the first says she loves him more than the whole kingdom, the second more than pearls and precious stones, the third more than salt. The furious father has the last princess be sent into the woods to be killed, but the servant tasked with the execution spares her out of pity, and gives her, by her request, a coat made of mice skin. The rest of the story goes like within "All-Kinds-of-Fur", except for the final wedding, to which the father-king is invited. All the dishes served to him are without salt, and he ends up saying he prefers to die rather than continue eating without salt. The princess-daughter reveals herself and points out how he tried to had her killed for loving him more than salt. Her father begs her for forgiveness, and the tale ends with her accepting.
The motif of the incest can, however, be found back in a variation of the KHM 31 (The Girl Without Hands) that the Grimms collected, and where the father mutilates the daughter for refusing to marry him. The motif of the king trying to marry his own daughter has been attested in many, many European stories ever since the 12th century. As for the boots that are thrown in the heroine's face in the Grimm story, while in the final edition it has no follow-up, in the 1812 edition it was a recurring element forming a motif within the tale. Another German version of the story that preserved this structure that the Grimms erased is the story collected by Vernaleken, "Throw-Broom, Throw-Brush and Throw-Comb". In it the king throws out of anger at the face of the heroine (Adelaide) a broom, a brush and a comb. Every time she goes to the ball, she changes her pseudonym to fit which item hit her (one night she is "Throw-Broom", another she is "Throw-Brush", etc...). There are many, many variations of the story containing such a "name play".
Other famous examples of this variation, outside of Charles Perrault's Donkeyskin, include Straparola's "The maiden in the chest", Basile's "The She-Bear", Afanassiev's "Pig-Skin".
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Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde und Joringel)
It corresponds to the AaTH 405, named and created after this story, "Jorinde and Joringel".
The interesting thing with this story is that the brothers Grimm did not collect it from a direct source. Rather they lifted it, to the exact word, from the autobiography of Johann Heinrich Jung, "Jugend/Youth", published in 1779. The brothers deemed that the way Jung-Stilling had written the tale was the "perfect" way to tell the story, according to their definition of a fairytale. Though they did note the existence of a version of the story told in Schwalm - but which differs very little from the story of Jung-Stilling.
The brothers Grimm themselves noted a similarity between this story, and the KHM 123, "The Old Woman in the Wood". Rimasson-Fertin notes that the witch in this story is to be compared to the ones appearing in "Hansel and Gretel" and in "Little Brother and Little Sister". As for the name of the demon the witch invokes, "Zachiel", H. Rölleke identified it as a form of "Zachariel", a demon name coming from the very popular 17th century demonology grimoire "Clavicula Salomonis", "The Clavicles of Salomon".
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itisweselton · 4 months
[Betrothed, for Edgar and Phenix! She's human in this of course]
She was the oldest daughter of King Paimon of Goetia. It was always her duty to one day marry and secure alliances for her father and family, as well as extend their power and influence. It had been expected of her since birth. She had hoped to marry a prince but was instead betrothed to the Duke at eleven years old. She was twenty, more than ready to be married, and was now officially meeting her groom to be for the first time. Her father was accompanying her, not for comfort but rather to insure all went well.
"Smile dear" the tall king looked down at his daughter as they were presented to the court, "you want to show your best for your future husband"
Princess Phenix took her father's words to heart and forced herself to smile kindly. She should've been used to doing that by now at least...
"This is my daughter, Princess Phenix, my lord...isn't she lovely?".
Phenix bowed politely. "I'm honored to make your acquaintance, your grace. I am...looking forward to a long and lovely life together" her voice was clear and soft, almost like wind chimes in a soft breeze.
Edgar bowed back, flattered by the King's choice of him to be Princess Phoenix's husband. "I am honored to be your betrothed, milady. You are indeed far lovelier than mere descriptions."
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rimeiii · 10 months
Matching WHB kings, nobles, angels, and humans to songs in my playlist
All of them are like. Video game music, unfortunately. And mostly based on vibes. So...
(More below the cut because it's a lot)
(And it would mean the world to me if you checked out these songs because they're all bangers tbf-)
Satan: Operation Basepoint by Life Awaits, from the Arknights OST (Contingency Contract #12, menu theme)
Sitri: Tea Break by the Atlus Sound Team, from the Persona Q Shadows of the Labyrinth OST (cutscene theme)
Leraye: The "Bad Guy" is Here! by Adam Gubman, from the Arknights OST (Ceobe's Fungimist, Dreadful Foe theme)
Zagan: Operation Spectrum Battle Theme by Cybermiso, DOT96, and Tigerlily, from the Arknights OST (Contingency Contract #5 permanent map theme)
Paimon: Light the Fire Up in the Night 'MAYONAKA' by Lotus Juice and Shihoko Hirata, from the Persona Q Shadows of the Labyrinth OST (Persona 4 side regular battle theme)
Belial: Heaven by Shihoko Hirata, from the Persona 4 OST (Heaven dungeon theme)
Astaroth: Rhythm in Literature by Adam Gubman, from the Arknights OST (Integrated Strategies 2: Phantom and the Crimson Solitaire, The Playwright's boss theme)
Mammon: Operation Blade by Obadiah Brown-Beach and Xueran Chen, from the Arknights OST (Contingency Contract #2, menu theme)
Bimet: Princess Amagi by the Atlus Sound Team, from the Persona 4 Arena OST (Yukiko Amagi's theme)
Eligos: Active Angel by Daisuke Ishiwatari, from the BlazBlue OST (Platinum the Trinity's theme)
Valefor: Wecgas fore tham Cynge, Searu fore tham Ethle by LJGH, from the Arknights OST (Episode 11, Steam Knight's boss theme)
Leviathan: Абсолю́тный нуль температу́ры by Bao.Uner, from the Arknights OST (Episode 6, FrostNova's boss theme in H6-4)
Foras: Keter Battle 1-3 by Project Moon, from the Library of Ruina OST (Keter floor battle themes)
Glasyalabolas: Unseen Entities by Raito, from the Under Night In Birth OST (Merkava's theme)
Barbatos: Ready? by D.D.D., from the Arknights OST (one of the menu themes of Heart of Surging Flame)
Beelzebub: The Mushroom...Moves? by Adam Gubman, from the Arknights OST (Ceobe's Fungimist, menu and regular navigation theme)
Bael: Bullet Dance by Daisuke Ishiwatari, from the BlazBlue OST (Noel Vermillion's theme)
Stolas: Operation Pyrite by Jason Walsh and Alan Day, from the Arknights OST (Contingency Contract #1 menu theme)
Amon: Splash by PMP Music, from the Arknights OST (one of Ideal City's battle themes)
Naberius: Signore dei Lupi/wlfmstr by Adam Gubman and Shawn W. Smith, from the Arknights OST (IL Siracusano, Zaaro's boss theme)
Paradise Lost
Lucifer: Mortal Eye by Adam Gubman, BONZIE, and Christine Hals, from the Arknights OST (Typhon's character song)
Marbas: Conciliation by Kikuo, from the BlazBlue OST (Es's theme)
Morax: The Cure by Obadiah Brown-Beach and Denney, from the Arknights OST (Silence the Paradigmatic's character song)
Buer: Canto IV Boss Theme 1 by Studio EIM, from the Limbus Company OST (Effloresced E.G.O. Dongbaek boss theme)
Phenix: Lust SIN by Daisuke Ishiwatari, from the BlazBlue OST (Jin Kisaragi's theme)
Dantalian: Tumult - Raise Thy Sword in Pride by Yuzo Koshiro, from the Etrian Odyssey III The Drowned City OST (labyrinth boss theme)
Ronove: Torture + A Gifted Tormentor by Hironao Nagayama, from the Dragalia Lost OST (Legend Agito boss theme)
Andrealphus: Gazing from Great Heights by Obadiah Brown-Beach, from the Arknights OST (Children of Ursus menu theme)
Gusion: Aleph-0 by LeaF (featured in Phigros and Chunithm)
Bathin: Ad astra by Steven Grove, from the Arknights OST (Lone Trail menu theme)
Gabriel: Fear of God by Shoji Meguro, from the Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey OST (regular encounter theme)
Michael: Judgment Day by Hironao Nagayama, from the Dragalia Lost OST (Rise of the Sinister Dominion boss theme)
Raphael: The Fifth Primarch by Tsutomu Narita, from the Granblue Fantasy OST (What Makes the Sky Blue, Sandalphon's boss theme)
Minhyeok: Morning Dew by Adam Gubman and Nini Guerry, from the Arknights OST (Muelsyse character theme)
Solomon: case i by Lucrezia, from the Dragalia Lost OST (Chapter 14 insert song)
MC: Battleplan Pyrolysis by Monster Siren Records, from the Arknights OST (Contingency Contract #1 Battleplan Pyrolysis menu theme, event literally came out today kekw)
#what in hell is bad#whb#that is a lot of arknights songs#and i mean a LOT#also rip dragalia you and your stellar ost (promise of blue and unique and stealth dance and more) shall be missed#can you guess what i was watching while making this#if you guessed 25thnight sciel and kyostinv's battleplan pyrolysis attempts then you'd be correct#you thought the screamers in whb were bad just look at the drones from ak episode 12. they appear in pyrolysis apparently.#a lot of them play with the lyrics and the context#others just by song title and vibes#gusion's makes sense if you watch the animation tied to the song (it's also a great track overall! check out LeaF's stuff y'all)#for the blazblue songs i'm going by the original versions#i think most of them got remixes starting chronophantasma?#((i have not listened to most of the remixes for chronophantasma))#((lust sin and sword of doom's remixes are amazing though))#why did the tags turn into video game music gushing#smt songs are consistent bangers tbf#strange journey (both game and ost) underrated af go check it out#same with etrian odyssey#even though eo is insanely hard#the music is always top tier and the third entry (the drowned city) has some of my favorite tracks in any video game ever#crest of a violent wave and waterfall woodlands you will always hold a special place in my heart#and for persona 4...your affection and snowflakes are some of my other faves#especially the reincarnation version for your affection (i may be biased bc yosuke dances to that in dancing all night)#specialist too!!! it's a meme song atp kinda but the exam theme has no business being that catchy#footsteps of time from persona q is also a top pick from me i really love the contrast between electrical and instruments#under night has a lot of great songs too!!! i couldn't put in night walker and beat eat nest but they're also some of my faves lol#and as much as i rag on granblue fantasy the songs are unironically amazing. last gloaming and paradise lost always remain on my playlist#project moon may have faced That Controversy but the songs are really cool tbf#dongbaek's ego boss theme is beautiful. so is fly my wings and sarajinae (i'm biased towards gregor's version) and between two worlds
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sparkbeast20 · 10 months
This is not a headcanon just some food for thought (you can expand on this if you want).
I think we all know most demons are assigned an animal of some sort... Do you think they have them like pets? For example, Paimon, I like to imagine he has a camel at his place ironically called princess. Or like Bael having either a cat a toad or a spider (or all) that just stay with him.
Okay, so... As a Monster fucker lover. I like doing things like this cause I need a center animal when I think for they're demonic forms.
But since some of the Ars Goetia do have a center Animal. I would just go from there.
Leviathan - Would be a Sea serpent or Sea monster, so Sea Snake.
Foras - Horse, since I'm going by his status as a knight cause his demon form in Goetia is just some guy.
Glasyalabolas - Dog, and a creepy one if fact XD
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Bathin - Since I don't know him too well since he barely have content in game, I'll put him on hold.
Gusion - Is a Monkey or Mandrill.
Andrealphus - Peacock
Stolas - Owl
Amon - We do get something in part of Beelzebub's bloodshed that he grow feathers and uses them to rush back to get help when we found Beelzebub hurt in that story, so Safe to assume that he had a bird as his animal.
Naberius - Dog, he is the easier ones XD
Bael - I would say, Spider of the three animal that you suggested. Mostly because it a complimentary with Beelzebub since Beelzebub is the Lord of the files.
Paradise Lost
Marbas - Lion...
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Morax - Bull
Buer - It would be easy to say Fox with the whole fox eyes his having, I could see it or Just a another canine in general.
Eligos - Snake (This was a suggestion of a friend)
Valefor - Lion (Basing on the Goetia look)
Bimet - (Since they just change Bune to Bimet, I'm basing on Bune's description) Which is Dragon or if we're sticking with real animals, Lizard more so a Monitor Lizard.
Phenix - Phoenix or a Lyrebird.
Dantalian - Hmm... I'll put him at a hold too.
Ronove - Hyena, more so I think that these animal are misunderstood and that people think that they're bad (Mostly because of how the Lion King depict them) and that they're Scavengers But they are actually Beautiful animals and I can see Ronove having this as his Animal (Yes, I know his a cat dad, but I don't see him being a cat or big cat)
Sitri - Leopard
Paimon - Camel
Astaroth - Snake, more so a Venomous one
Leraye and Zagan - I have no clue aside dog, but that's even just me basing on how the fandom describe them (Puppy/Dog energy lol)
Belial - He'll also me put on hold cause I really don't have a animal in mind for him.
Note: I'm happy to hear you guys thoughts in this.
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extended-play · 4 months
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very very low effort meet the artist thing that i started and am not gonna finish
Text on left reads: Meet the Artist! EXTENDED-PLAY otherwise known as EP or SNUF! @ Snufcake on Instagram, Discord, Ao3
An arrow pointing to drawings of my two lovely cats Andy (The one on the left) and Phenix (the one on the right).
Theres a drawing of myself and all of my interests dotted around (Minecraft, Sun and Moon, J. Egbert, one of my OCs (Taylor) and Etho (minecraft youtuber))
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and these are my cats! Princess Andromeda (left) Phenix Bo-Jingles (right).
Andy is a youngin, only bout a year old, she likes attention, smelling bad, and purring like a lawn mower.
Phenix is almost 5! Hes big and strong (14 pounds and stronger than a 30 pound dog hes also like 2 feet long)! He enjoys sleeping all day, shedding on absolutely anything and getting into fights with the neighbors cats!
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slowpoke123321 · 8 months
(One-shot SelZant)
Hello! This is a short fic I made between the ship, selene(oc) and Zant(from loz Twilight princess).
[Midnight Dancing]
Selene watch the sun finally set from her window. A grin slowly grew on her face. She had began to grow impatient throughout the day, but now the time was right.
She rushed out of her room and down the hallway towards a certain Twili’s room. She stopped in front of his door and knocked intensely. After a few seconds, Zant slowly opened his door a crack. He grumbled with irritation, "Who goes there?" Selene peeked at him through the crack with a grin. "It's me, pretty boy. Did ya forget our plan already?" She teased.
The Ursper looked surprised for a minute before his face lit up and he smiled. He chuckled slightly before opening the door completely. "Hello, [my raven]. Let me prepare before you drag me off into the wild, will you?" He teased back. She nodded and the Twili crept out before closing the door behind them.
They walked down the long hallway of the base side by side. Zant spoke up, "If I may ask, where are we going exactly, [my phenix]?" Selene looked up at him with a mischievous grin. She spoke in what could only be described as a sing-song tone, "You'll see. Just give me your hand." As she rose her hand to offer to him, he tilted his head curiously. This was odd for her, at least to him it was. Zant then heard a cough and looked up from her hand to see her face, a raised eyebrow clearly visible.
"Well? You gonna take it, princey?"
Zant narrowed his eyes at her and grumbled, "I am not a prince, I'm a king, you [horrid vulture]."
Selene rolled her eyes before grabbing his hand quickly, earning a surprised squeak from the Ursper. Smug yellow eyes met confused and pouty orange ones before she snapped her fingers and both disappeared in a flurry of black specs.
When Zant opened his eyes, he could see that Selene had teleported them at the bottom of staircase at some old ruins. Selene rushed up to the top of the stairs. She turned around and offered her hand to him, a mischievous grin on her face. "Well then come on, your majesty~" He stared at her, his curiosity becoming greater than his suspicion. Zant caved and slowly, but surely, took her hand.
The bird-like women smiled brightly at him. Who was he kidding? To try and resist Selene's charm was like trying to control the weather. It was both frustrating and wonderful to Zant. Selene brought his hand up to her face and kissed his hand. All the Ursper could do was stare at her in awe. Selene walked him up the stairs and into the large room of the ruin. Zant's breath was taken away as he took in the area. Vines with glowing blue flowers ran across the crumbled pillars. A spherical roof above them with a large, blue, glowing flower hanging from it. The floor faded but intact. The moon full and lighting the rest of the thick forest surrounding the ruin.
As Zant stood in the middle and looked around in complete wonder, Selene watched him. She walked over to him and bowed how you would before dancing. She lifted her head up, smirked up at him, and spoke, "Care to share a dance with me, my darling king?" He looked down to her before smiling and speaking, his voice softer than usual, "I would love to, [my dearest shadow]."
And so Selene stood up straight and retracted her wings into her back so they were no longer out and in the way. She took a step closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Zant gently held her hips and tilted his head down to let his forehead touch hers. They stared into each other's eyes as they slowly danced together. Their steps in sync with each other. Movements matching. The flowers of the ruins and the moon glowed onto them. It looked like something straight out of a fairy tale.
Zant took in the quiet atmosphere, the only noise being their light breathing and the clicks of their shoes on the floor. He slowly leaned his mouth closer to hers, begging that she'd understand without words breaking the moment. Selene took one glance at his lips before pressing hers against his. Zant quickly took advantage of her approval and poured all of his passion for her into it. She looked deep into his now glazed over eyes with her striking yellow eyes. Zant eyes widened when he suddenly saw a vision. He saw a flash of similar yellow eyes and red hair on brown skin. That familiar face shook his core, that awful, wonderful, familiar face.
When the vision disappeared, loose tears ran down his cheeks. Selene slowly pull away and rested her forehead on his again. She wiped away his tears with her thumb. They stood there, still in each other's embrace. The only noise now was the soft sobs from Zant and the quiet hushs from Selene.
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Princess Ingrid Alexandra  ||  Phenix
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Once upon a time in a far away kingdom there lived a beautiful princess named Ellie and one day a noble knight rode into town seeking a place to rest. The king took notice to the young man and invited him to spend the night in the castle.
His name was Sir. Charles and he and the princess hit it off right away. Over dinner he told stories of his travels. A Snow White dragon who kept stealing riches from a town who in the end turned out to be a kind soul and agreed to be a protector of the villagers rather than a threat. A old king who could turn anything into gold with a single touch, but rather than sharing this gift he turned all of the kingdom into golden statues. Charles had to destroy him, which ended the curse!And a fierce phenix who’s spent his entire life racing the sun. He was very kind and provided the night a warm place to sleep for the night.
Ellie loved every single one of his stories and the next morning they shared a nice walk through the garden.
The king took notice of their closeness and offered them an idea.
“You have been travelling for a long time, young knight. You have my permission to marry my daughter and take my throne when when I pass.”
There was a moment of silence before
“WHAT?!?” Shrieked the princess, “YOU’D JUST HAND ME, AND THE TROWN, OVER TO A COMPLETE STRANGER? ALSO, what makes you think I’d want to marry him? My heart already belongs to another!” “And I like boys.” the knight added.
The old king raised his hands to silence them and with a chuckle he replied “Well in that case I still insist you stay, young one. Your travels have been long, you deserve a home and clearly Ellie has made a friend out of you. If you do not want to stay as my daughter’s suitor then you may stay as my son.” Ellie cleared her through “Who will not take the throne.”
The princess grinned and the knight’s eyes widened.
“Y-you want to be my family?” He spluttered out.
Charles had to sit down and think for awhile. It was true he didn't have family and while he still liked adventuring, knowing that he had a home to rest at would be nice.
After a few minutes, Charles stood up and spoke "I accept your offer to be your son, King Galeforce."
The King was ecstatic, hugging and twirling Charles around as he laughed "You don't need to call me King anymore, son! You are my new son and can call me father!"
Ellie could only smile at the prospect of having Charles as her brother.
Weeks passed and Charles was officially crowned royal Prince. Though he didn't stay too long as the winds of adventure was calling and Charles happy to follow.
Though Galeforce made sure that Charles had plenty of gold and supplies and was there to see his new son off, knowing he would be back home when he needed to rest.
And Ellie, well she watched Charles leave from her castle window, wrapped in the arms of her beloved, the fiery phoenix himself, currently in human form, Right.
Charles made it up one of the tallest hills of the kingdom and saw the castle from a distance. Though it might be months before he sees his home again, he would be sure to bring many stories and trinkets from his journeys.
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lady-phenix · 4 months
Ward of the Morningstars
(Closed rp with @charlotte-morning-star)
It was an unexpected arrangement, really. A goetia in the house of the Morningstars...she looked out of place among them. Lucifer had only known the girl's mother briefly, had been the one to decide that she and her husband would stay married. However, the king of hell had truly underestimated how far Paimon would go to be free of his marriage. All so he could in turn marry his mistress...
Perhaps the king felt responsible for the fate that fell queen Ravenna of the goetia. Or he felt a sense of obligation to the girl as he stood by her mother. Either way, an arrangement was struck between Paimon and Lucifer. Not a soul binding agreement, but rather a legal one. Lucifer agreed to take in Paimon's so called declared "bastard" in exchange for him allowing her to inherit her mother's old home, Raven Hall, when she came of age. The owl like king agreed, and Lucifer had taken the quetzal under his wing since then.
Now, ten years after the death of Queen Ravenna, phenix had grown up quite lovely alongside Charlie. They were best friends, playmates, sisters not in blood but in bond. So when the princess told her about her plan to redeem sinners, Phenix was quick to jump on to help with the planning.
"We need to keep something in mind though. Not every sinner will want to be redeemed, Charlie. There may even be some who can't be. Evil...truly does exist...and it's not always visible" Phenix paced in the library, her long tail feathers trailing behind her as she looked down thoughtfully.
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themagicianshea · 5 years
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hold my like a (liar) lover does, based on The Mistletoe Promise. Fic by @highkingmariot, art by @unresolvednothing. Ship: Queliot Rating: Explicit.
The Cat Who Came For Christmas, based on The Nine Lives of Christmas. Fic by @touchpass, art by MalicesRose. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
where the love light gleams, based on Christmas Getaway. Fic by @nancy-wheels, art by @lizayscueaquestion. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
Missed Connections, based on Picking Up and Dropping Off. Fic by @myasphodelmeadow, art by @dreamsparkle. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
No Place Like Here For the Holidays, based on Time For Me To Come Home For Christmas. Fic by @two-crabs, art by @three-course-fillorian-feast. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Mature.
Christmas Courage, based on Hope at Christmas. Fic by @ramblingsofaqueerwoman, art by @sogvozdeva. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
Because I Found You, based on Christmas Pen Pals. Fic by @anniebibananie, art by @froggy-iced-tea. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
12 Days Of Queliot, based on My Christmas Love. Fic by @thursdayeuclid and @clancynacht, art by anthemofourlives. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
How to See Lexington, Kentucky on Twenty Dollars a Day, based on The Flight Before Christmas. Fic by @havingbeenbreathedout, art by @kazhig-pm. Ship: Penny/Frankie. Rating: Explicit.
A (Gingerbread) House that we can Build, based on A Gingerbread Romance. Fic by @summersteve, art by @eliotsvests. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
A Sky full of Stars, based on Christmas at the Palace. Fic byItty_bitty_blondie, art by @leighbirdart. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
Waiting at the cottage door (where two hearts become one), based on The Christmas Cottage. Fic by @textsfromumbridge, art by @highlizardking. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
What if I Came Knocking?, based on A Christmas Prince. Fic by @lovelyquentin, art by @melleh17. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Mature.
wish me a wonder and wish me to sleep, based on No Sleep Till Christmas. Fic by @missgoalie75, art by @skittlestrash. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
The Magicians Queen, based on A Royal Christmas. Fic by @rythmicjea, art by @ebstout. Ship: Qualice. Rating: Mature.
The Mistle-Tones, based on The Mistle-Tones. Fic by @nemainofthewater, art by @conversationswithtv. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
is it the truth (or merely a description)?, based on Every Christmas Has A Story. Fic by @kindofdazzled, art by @maliro-t. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
Like gravity from underneath, we can’t outrun our destiny, based on Christmas Land. Fic by wordsputtopaper, art by @keenwanderer. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
A Winter Prince, based on A Winter Princess. Fic by @dreamsparkle, art by @lukeawesm. Ship: Queliot. Rating: General.
like snowflakes in the air, based on A Shoe Addict’s Christmas. Fic by @filloryandfurthest, art by @twentythousandleagues. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
I’d be the last shred of truth (in the lost myth of true love), based on I’m Not Ready For Christmas. Fic by @disasterbiquentin, art by @gil-estel. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
betting warmth against the cold, based on A Princess For Christmas. Fic by @skittlestrash, art by @madwomanwithawarehouse. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
Blame it on the Stardust, based on One Starry Christmas. Fic by @lilyaceofdiamonds, art by indestructress. Ship: Wickadiyoff. Rating: Mature.
Come See About Me, based on Christmas Inheritance. Fic by @nightjarpatronus, art by @assuredentropy. Ship: Fargo. Rating: Mature.
Santa’s Secret, based on With Love, Christmas. Fic by @thoughtsappear, art by @estelofimladris. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
A Special Holiday Connection, based on Christmas Connection. Fic by @aiden-phenix-rper-at-law and @rxnningfreetoday, art by @kazhig-pm. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
our place in the family of things, based on The Holiday Calendar. Fic by @greywash, art by @yourtinseltinkerbell. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
your eyes look like coming home, based on Catch A Christmas Star. Fic by @allthemagicthings, art by @highlizardking. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
somewhere so bright, based on Frozen in Love. Fic by sugarlessgum, art by @madwomanwithawarehouse. Ship: Kalice. Rating: Teen.
I’m Something Else When I See You, based on A Christmas Detour. Fic by @electricpurple89, art by @braveque. Ship: Queliot, Tick Pickwick/Ellie Pickwick. Rating: Teen.
Of Nutcrackers, Parties & Seasick Crocodiles, based on Best Christmas Party Ever. Fic by @ofthedirewolves, art by @highkingfen. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Mature.
My Words Will Be Your Light, based on Winter Love Story. Fic by Page161of180, art by @slytherin-ace. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Mature.
half-forgotten faces and friends we used to know, based on The Christmas Secret. Fic by @justafrailhuman, art by @unresolvednothing. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Teen.
crazy to suppose (that I would be the one you chose), based on Hitched for the Holidays. Fic by @margosfairyeye, art by @dreamsparkle. Ship: Queliot. Rating: Explicit.
by the light of another moon, based on Finding Christmas. Fic by @butterflydm, art by @anniebibananie. Ship: Queliot, Fargo. Rating: Explicit.
avenues of light (guide us home), based on Royal New Year’s Eve. Fic by @junes-discotheque, art by @ruinscollector. Ship: Queliot, Malice. Rating: Mature.
Fillory, Royals, and Further, based on A Royal Winter. Fic by @physicalkideliot​, art by @allthemagicthings​. Ship: Marqueliot. Rating: General.
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kururu418 · 5 years
Maria Kelpbottom Facts
1. Maria is considered the most beautiful princess throughout mewni, which is hardly surprising considering her mother Camie Kelpbottom was considered a great beauty as well.
2. Though not as skilled as her brother, Maria has some training and is skilled as using a trident. More often than not she relies on her magic to defend herself. Her control over water is less powerful, but more controlled than Hody’s.
3. Maria’s magical ability is called “Siren Screech”. She can release a hypersonic wave that disorients and stuns her targets. It can effect everyone within a certain range, or be focused on one target for an even more devastating effect. She rarely uses it since the backlash leaves her feeling lightheaded herself.
4. Maria is a well known and loved diplomat for the Waterfolk Kingdom. In the few years she’s acted on her kingdoms behalf, she’s strengthened the ties with several other Kingdoms on the surface.
5. Maria attended Phenix Academy a few years back. She was a very popular student and was even voted as school Queen, despite not even entering herself in the competition.
6. For a short period, Maria was often at odds with Sear, who seemed to be jealous as how much time she was spending with Astro. He grew used to it after a while, but it became a very awkward time for both the young princess and prince.
7. Maria tends to get jealous very easily when it comes to Astro, even if she will never admit it. Though she’s on friendly terms with the girl, she’s somewhat worried about Amber since some people (Typhon) seem to think there’s something between them.
8. Occasionally Maria will visit the Septerian tribe and bring a traditional Waterfolk dish for Coral and Dottie.
9. Maria is often viewed as the true heir to the Waterfolk Kingdom, since she contributes to their alliances and ties far more than Hody cares to. She’s accepted that she won’t have the throne, but resolved not to let her brother ruin all their hard work, and will do what she can behind the scenes.
10. Maria is an excellent singer, and often sings at the reopened Bounce Lounge. She’s always a huge hit and they’ve tried to get her to sing there full time.
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gildedink · 6 years
Jiteo-Sengu, THE Center OF TENRUON’OU - Religion
Those in the Center ascribe to Vidy’aa, the primary religion of Tenruon’ou. There are key differences with regard to worship, ceremonies, and certain festivals that are unique to the local cultus within Jiteo-Sengu. However, the base of the religion is the same; the worship of the Five Gods of Tenruon’ou. Those gods are Zoleko, the God of the Sun; Tsakiri, the Goddess of the Moon; Haakshul, the Being of Death; Seressia, the Goddess of Time; and Ferah’ai, the God of the Afterlife.
While the gods being worshiped are no different than any other region in Tenruon’ou, priority of the Gods does differ within the cultus. Because the capitol of Tenruon’our – Gyumo-Ang – resides in Jiteo-Sengu and thus houses the Oracle of Humanity, there is an emphasis of giving worship to Seressia, the Goddess of Time. The power of the Oracle stems from the Blessing of the Spirit Orchid who pulls its visions from Seressia. Because of this, there is also heavy household worship of the Spirit Orchid, Esfir’mya, which is unusual. While both Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu show reverence to The Golden Phenix and Great Silver Shark respectively, it is not to the same degree of veneration as the Orchid Spirit in the Center. It is also confirmed by the Royal Lanhua Family that a part of the Spirit Orchid does indeed reside physically within the Grand Palace, making it a holy place in of itself. It is not unheard of for the common folk to leave with guards offerings, notes of pleading and prayers to be delivered to the Spirit Orchid. The current Princess-Priestess, Princess Weilai, has taken it upon herself to hand-deliver these offerings though in the past, other Oracles have decided not to do so; it varies from Oracle to Oracle.
Ceremonies to the Gods tend to revolve around flowers, dance and the cycle of nature within the local cultus of the Center. Purification through meditation, incense, herbal smoke cleansing, signing bowls and bells are popular methods. Vibrant colors and patterns are important elements to religious ceremonies and as such, the clergy within Jiteo-Sengu wear brightly adorned and decorated vestiges, unlike in the North and South where the clothing of the clergy is simpler. Religious processions tend to be accompanied by much instrument playing and singing. Ceremonies tend to occur at dawn or in the morning but can sometimes occur in the afternoon. During religious processions, there is always an acolyte, usually male, assigned to keep watch over the procession in case a vision strikes a member of the parade as well as a scribe to write the prophesy down. Many clergy men and woman hold the gift of prophesy to some degree with the Oracle of Humanity being the most powerful.
Along with the general festivals that are celebrated by all who ascribe to Vidy’aa, there are several festivals that are either specific to local cultus or special to certain villages. Listed below are some additional festivals of note.
The Grand Orchid Festival – Occurring once a year during the birth week of the current Oracle of Humanity. It is the largest festival held in Tenruon’ou. People come from all over to participate and it is one of the few times during the year the Heads of the Jurai and Tanaka households meet to discuss affairs with one another, amongst their nobility and with the Royal Lanhua Family. The 10-day festival always holds a banquet on the day of the Oracle’s birth; one within the walls with the nobility and one externally within the festival for the common folk. A tradition that has arisen within the festival is a one-match knockout sparring tournament between any and all who wish to apply. Both nobility and common folk enter. The winner receives a special gift from the Oracle of Humanity, of which is up to his/her discretion. One of the most famous matches was between the current heads of the Jurai and Tanaka Clans, Jisame Jurai and Tengfei Tanaka. After fighting for almost 20 minutes, it ended with a double knock-out.
Segyeui Kkoch Festival – A festival occurring throughout the month of Haneki, it is a festival celebrating the coming of spring and the flowers unfurling all over Tenruon’ou. This is a busy time for perfume makers and flower sellers. Local temples will typically host day festivals and contests. Reverence and offerings are left for all flowering, plant-based Spirits as thanks.
Beseechment of the All-Maker – An obscure holiday observed primarily by the priesthood. It is a ritual appeasing The Void and to ask for continued peace and existence. Invocations to Seressia and the Spirit Orchid are also given so that they may continue to pity humanity and forewarn them of doom.
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crimsonshadow323 · 6 years
Through Phoenix Fire
So this year I wrote (or more accurately I am in the process of writing) a story for my friend for Christmas (Yes. I do realize that Christmas has passed, I had trouble with writers block. shut it.) And, after consulting my friend, I have decided to post it here as well. 
@moonknight29837  @mrshyrockstar
So without further ado, may I present Through Phenix Fire...
The land of Zalmon is gripped with a war betwixt the Dark and Light Elves. During the height of tensions between the two warring factors Keraug, the naïve Princess of the Light Elves goes missing and she ends up meeting a quite mysterious girl named Shaaug. 
Meanwhile, Rudmar, the prince of the Dark Elves is out hunting in the forest and finds an odd fellow. His name is Tysjan. He fell into a river and would have drowned if not for Rud saving his life. These two groups come together. But Tysjan and Shaaug are both keeping secrets... One is a princess from a different time sent by MistJul the Ancient Phoenix to save her parents, and the other a minion of a dark Ancient, Allfeb the Wolfe who craves power...
It seems cliché to say that the night was dark and stormy. But, the night was dark and there was certainly a storm brewing in the dark clouds that hung over the lands of Zalmon. And, like one would assume to happen on a night quite like this, someone was plotting.
In a dark room the last of an Ancient race pondered where he had gone wrong in his bid to take over the land of Zalmon. His gray eyes narrowed in thought, he sat back bringing his hand up to form a fist at his chin. His dark hair seemed to glint in the light of the fire, bringing the scar on his face into sharp relief. A long and jagged line slashed through his right eye and down into his cheek. Draped in thick coats of fur and with wild untamable hair he looked quite menacing.
As he was thus pondering there came a knock at the door. The man looked up from the fire looking towards the door with eager anticipation. “Enter.”
A young man who looked to be in his late twenties came in looking slightly fearful but mostly determined. He gave a bow and presented a small velvet bag keeping his eyes adverted from the man before him. “My lord Allfeb, I have found what you asked for.”
“Perfect,” Allfeb said giving a satisfied smirk. He snatched the bag from the man’s grasp, fingering the small bag. He glanced up, noticing that the man had not left yet. “You have done well Alesep. Leave now.”
Alesep bowed again, backing towards the door. “Yes Milord.”
The moment Alesep had left Allfeb opened the bag and tipped it over his hand watching as a small stone fell into his palm. The stone was slightly larger then an almond and shared a similar shape. It’s color was an amber color that reminded one of a flickering fire which shone brightly.
“At last, I have found it. The Phoenix Eye.” Allfeb rumbled in his deep voice.
He had been searching for this particular stone for decades and at last he held it in his grasp. He had lost so many men chasing rumors and the like but now he had finally found it. His followers, he knew didn’t grasp how powerful it actually was. They only thought it a stone of great importance.
“Fools.” Allfeb scoffed a hand absently fingering the scar that ran through his left eye and up into the eyebrow. “Their ignorance will cost them. But not as much as it will cost those who oppose me. Once I use the eye to stop the ‘Holy Union’ then the kingdom will fall and I will rule all.”
Elsewhere a woman came awake with a loud gasp. Something flashed golden and a candle lit casting light upon the woman. She seemed to be in her late twenties with auburn hair that was currently stuck to her face with sweat. A trembling hand came up to cover her left eye—or at least to cover where her left eye had been.
“Must warn the King,” She muttered half still in the vision that had held her captive moments before. “His life is in danger!” She paused a frown coming on her face. “His life will be in danger? Or has it already happened?” She sighed inwardly grumbling at the nuisances of time and all of the tenses.
Rising to her feet she got dressed in the dress that she favored, liking how the colors reflected a burning fire. The material was comprised of all the different shades of red, orange and gold of a fire. Once she had deemed herself ready she spun on the spot becoming encircled about with flames.
She appeared in a great hall of what looked to be a castle or some important building. The moment she had appeared the guards stationed nearby drew their weapons, alarm on their face. The woman payed them no attention however, only having eyes for the couple who sat upon the thrones.
They were both Elves, as were most in the land of Zalmon, and both possessed that unearthly beauty that all elves seemed to carry.
On the left throne sat Rudmar Taujun, who had the colorings of a Dark elf. As the Dark Elves were believed to have been created by Nebat god of night they all shared common traits. Namely: dark hair, eyes and skin color.  Rudmar was no different, with skin a rich chestnut brown and black hair that reflected the night sky and dark almond brown eyes that seemed to pierce anyone who looked into them. Garbed in a royal purple tunic with brown breeches he looked regal and intimidating.
His wife, Keraug Lydmar, on the other hand had the colorings of a Light Elf. The Light Elves were said to be created by Ava the goddess of light and created after a similar fashion. With skin that adopted a lighter tone and long golden hair that shone like the sun.
“Milord Rudmar, my lady Keraug… it’s time.” The woman said much to the confusion of those around her.
Queen Keraug’s face looked pained at the news. In fact she looked positively distraught. “You mean…” Her voice trailed off as tears came to her green eyes.
“Indeed my queen,” The woman intoned gravely.
Queen Keraug stood up looking first to her husband and then to the woman. “I’ll go and get her.”
As soon as she was gone the King looked at the woman, face pained as well but there was an air of acceptance. “You will watch out for her MistJul? You will keep our daughter safe?”
“I will,” MistJul said her remaining eye pinning the king with a solemn amber gaze. “I will not let the princess die.”
The king nodded and turned to watch as his wife and daughter walked into the room. His daughter, much to her mother’s dismay, opted out of wearing the customary dresses that were so popular with the ladies of the court. Instead she wore a deep sapphire blue tunic with black breeches.
The king felt a spark of pride as he looked at her. Though her skin tone was darker than her mother’s it was still lighter than her father’s making it a perfect balance between the two. To him she symbolized the fact that the two races could live together in harmony. She was a symbol of hope and peace and he was filled with awe and gratitude every time he looked at her. Her mid-length golden-brown hair was in a tight plait down her back, likely done in preparation of such an outing as the King knew she was about to embark on.
“Shaaug, this is the Ancient Phoenix MistJul.” Rudmar spoke, smiling at his daughters brief look of confusion. “She has something to ask of you.”
Shaaug gave a polite half-bow to her father before turning to face MistJul. “What is it you require of me Milady?”
MistJul smiled, though her eye held both pain and pride. “You, Princess, must go on a quest to save your kingdom. And life as you know it.”
Allfeb looked down at the elf knelt before him a hint of a sneer on his face. “Tysjan, I have a task for you. Should you complete it you will be rewarded handsomely but if you should fail the consequences will be great.”
Tysjan ducked his head in a nervous bow, his dark cherry red hair falling in his face. In the low lighting his skin seemed even paler. “What would my lord have me do?”
“I need you to stop the King and Queen from meeting. By any means necessary.” Allfeb said his mouth twisting into a dark smirk.
Ty’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help but ask, if a little incredulously. “But, my lord, how is it possible to stop them from meeting if they’ve already met? You’d have to have some way to go back in time.”
“Indeed Tysjan, I see that you’re not completely inept.” Allfeb sneered cruelly. He held up the Phoenix eye so it glinted in the light of the fire. “That is why I have this. Now do you understand what is required of you and what will happen if you should fail?”
“Yes my lord.” Tysjan said bowing his head.
“Good.” Allfeb said before giving a victorious smirk. “Now let us begin.”
back in time.
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The Flame made up with enthusiasm, what they lacked in wins.
I could hear the excited gasp from everyone in the stands when the metallic thunk of the aluminum bat sent the ball sailing into the darkness like a giant yellow day glow comet on a reverse course toward destiny. The batter, who looked old and strong enough to be a forklift operator despite supposedly being only 11 years old, strutted around the bases, knowing she’d hit a home run.
Though, in her defense, given that it’s kid-pitch softball, I’ve seen bunts turn into triples, and since she hit this ball like she was Mark McGwire jacked up on Creatin, there was probably no need to rush.
But she didn’t count on Jellybean being.
It was the kind of moment that only parents of little league outfielders can appreciate. Since early March, Jellybean has spent hours during practice and 25 games waiting in the down-and-ready position, but that ball never comes.
Sometimes, I think the coaches even forget she and the other outfielders are even there. They become like lawn furniture as they hit endless grounders and pop flies to the infielders – generally the best players (AKA the Coaches Kids) – while my little princess feels the grass grow beneath her feet. Then they shout something like, “Look alive …” and wonder why the kids have the loafing reaction time of a Walking Dead zombie.
And in truth, the only actual game action the outfielders get comes from backing up the back-up and by the point the play’s pretty much over.
But not on this night, not with this batter.
It was the last game, in what’s been a long and frustrating season for our Flames. We weren’t very good, a reality made all the worse by the fact that we really should have been. We were the last seed in the tournament, down 13-7 to the dreaded, and seriously hated, Peaches. After four days of torrential rain – and three straight days of game cancellations – it was hot and muggy and gross, and everyone from the parents in the stands to the kids swatting mosquitoes in the field just wanted it all to be over.
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Then Andrea the Giant stepped up to the plate and sent a moon shot hurtling toward my child, who, as always, was in the down-and-ready position.  It was like a dream come true. When the ball left the bat, I left my seat. In that frozen moment, I remembered the hours we spent in the back yard, listening to Princess Rap Battles and tossing pop flies. Jellybean had gotten so good.
She held her glove right. She moved her feet. She kept her eye on the ball. She blocked out everything going on around her. One time, she caught 13 flies in a row, and I’m not talking easy ones either. I mean, I reared back like I was throwing a haymaker at God, and she shagged it with a flip of her hair and gleam in her eye (after I got smart enough to buy her sunglasses before she went blind from starting into the sun).
It was all about to pay off. She felt it too, running forward when all her fellow outfielders would have run the other way in terror. Jellybean WANTED the spotlight, the pressure. Sure the game was a blowout, but I could already hear the roar of the crowd and see her teammates running out to give her high-fives and maybe even hoist her on their shoulders and carry her off the field.
It would be a glorious triumph for every kid who’s every been spent more time applying bug spray and sunscreen than actually … ya … know … feeling like a part of the team. From here, Jellybean would be catapult to a position that didn’t require visiting grandparents to say, “now where is she? Oh, way out there.”
Down. Down. Down. The ball came, fire trailing behind as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere. Other parents stood up for a better look. Bam-Bam shucked off his headphones and ignored the Shrek movie he was watching to see what all the excitement was about.
The entire stadium fell silent as Jellybean extended her glove while still running forward. It was so still, so quiet that I heard the gentle scratch of leather as the ball skipped off the tip of her glove and fell dead to the ground.
Disbelief and disappoint spread through the stands, like the seconds right after the fireworks have ended and the sky is still filled with smoke. It would have been the perfect ending. But instead, the Behemoth in a pink batter’s helmet ran around the bases as Jellybean picked up the ball and hit the relay throw to second.
I wanted to cry, to scream the unfairness to the heavens, but I had to be strong for my little girl, whom I knew would be devastated as the game and season were over.
After the obligatory “good game” handshakes and the “I’m so proud of you … never gave up … fought right up to the end …” speeches from the coaches, I hugged my little ballplayer, ready to offer words of wisdom, experience, encouragement, and, most of all love. She, in turn, looked up to me with those big blue eyes and said:
“Can we get a Frostie?”
So brave. So brave.
‘So Done’
When the game was over, I wasn’t exactly sad. Jellybean was downright elated.
It had been a long, season. The weather had gone from freezing to that kind of sticky hot that seems to fester around ball field. The Flames were the epitome of the “always played hard” but fell short in the win column.
I knew I’d grow to miss it all more than I do now. Jellybean vows she’s “so done” with softball. She promises we’ll keep tossing the ball around from time to time, but I know better. Pretty soon dance recitals will take the place of backyard pop flies, and that makes me sad. Softball was something we could do together. I could toss her grounders, show her how to watch the ball into her glove. It was something we could bond over. I cannot dance … unless the white boy prom sway is an actual dance move.
What I’ll miss most is how softball brought our weird little broken family together. Two or three days a week, we’d get to hang out a couple of hours and just enjoy each other’s company. It was like a family reunion but only with the family members you actually like.
She so little, and cute
Jase tries not to sleep, fails
The Diva, a great mom
Grandma gets some baby time.
All of Jellybean’s scattered grandparents made it to multiple games, but best of all was the visits with The Diva and her brood. Sure, I usually had to drive all the way to Phenix City then back to Midland to pick ‘em up, but were it not for those trips, I’d never have known that 2-year old Bam-Bam knows every word to the Scooby-Doo theme song.
After picking our spots right by the fence so we could sit in the shade and still see Jellybean in the outfield, I’d get Bam-Bam set up with his toys – brought over from my house. There was Han Solo and Chewbacca, a Hulk bobble head, the Xenomorph from Alien and a tiny key chain figure of GhostFace from the Scream movies, which he called, “Stabby” – all carried in a battered old KISS lunchbox along with some almonds.
Bam-Bam has loves KISS
Heeeer’s Stabby
Booty-Head the dinosaur
Once the game started, he’d climb up in my lap and using Jellybean’s iPad, watch episodes of Boss Baby or PJ Mask while trying not to fall asleep.
On the other side, The Lovely Mother of My Children, always dressed in scrubs after rushing to the field from the hospital, would sit by The Diva and just talk. Things haven’t always been great between those two over the last few years, but during those games, things were pretty good, and I’d like to think some of those good vibes carried over after the game.
But with her newest bundle of beautiful still not at the sitting-up phase, The Diva wants all the help and advice she can get, while her momma can’t help but love the baby, even if she still worries about her own child.
There are still problems and there always will be, but for a little while at least they don’t matter much. It’s just nice being together, being happy, and cheering. And even if there’s not another “next year,” at least we had this one.
But maybe … just maybe Jellybean will change her mind. I’d sure like to see her get another chance to catch a pop fly.
  Take me out to the ballgame … one final time SO … DAMN … CLOSE. I could hear the excited gasp from everyone in the stands when the metallic…
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