#Priscilla Hon
rolandkaros · 13 days
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daikenkki · 2 days
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jazda-iga · 2 days
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bermudianabroad · 6 months
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March Listening
Guess who watched Sofia Coppola's Priscilla? Maybe diving into Elvis' back catalogue is a weird reaction considering the content matter of the film... but he's not an artist I'd ever paid much attention to, aside from the massive hits that had worked their way into my consciousness. Genuinely, and this isn't news by any stretch, he was something else as an artist. My two cents.
Moving onto Malvina Reynolds who stunned me with her political songs. A ballard mocking the KKK? A song about grass that's actually about the struggle to keep speaking the truth in the face of active adversity? A song about how tired the world makes you? A song about the filth under the sanitary self we present to the world? Old news again, but hey. Better late than never right?
Similarly, I was sleeping on Tori Amos. Like, I KNEW HER. I have spent time listening to her songs and watching her music videos and being aware of her in the world, but I wasn't AWARE of Tori Amos. This was an anthem album 12 year old me should have listened to.
Girl. First of all, check me with my finger on the zietgiest and all: I listened to COWBOY CARTER the day after it was released. And wow. Powerhouse anthemns i can't get out of my head (sixteen carriages, alligator tears), a remixed jolene wherein the aggrieved woman is actually just sad for you, jolene. (get your act together, hon).
Good month for listening in short.
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loving-elvis · 2 years
Interesting bit of info: According to Priscilla's book, "by the time filming began on Clambake, Elvis' growing distress with the quality of his films led to a despondency accompanied by overeating that had his weight balloon from his normal 170 lbs (77 kg) to 200 lbs (91 kg).  A movie studio executive ordered him to lose the weight in a hurry, marking the introduction of diet pills to his already excessive regimen of medications.
During this time, owing to the involvement of Larry Geller, a hair stylist who later became one of "The Guys" (also called the "Memphis Mafia", as Presley called his entourage), in his life, Presley was growing increasingly interested in religious studies and spirituality, and was reading a great deal on the subjects. 
Colonel Tom Parker felt that these pursuits were distracting Elvis from his performance, and he ordered the singer not to read any books while the film was being shot; there is no evidence to indicate that Presley complied with the directive."
So, it seems you weren't wrong about Hollywood hating stars gaining weight. What scumbags. And this just makes me hate the Colonel even more.
Oh Ariana, hon...if there's one thing that Hollywood cannot accept, it's when its stars gain weight. And while it's brutal now, back then it was even more cutthroat - studios would go to great efforts to ensure their stars fit into a certain mold or they would fire them, it was that simple. And Elvis was no different. How dare he not be 20 anymore?
I cannot tell you how much it breaks my heart that any attempt he made to branch out - to explore different sounds, religions, anything - was stifled not only by his friends (who often viewed it was 'boring' or lame' or just another 'fad' he was into) but by his manager as well. He so desperately wanted to learn, to read, to discover things he never knew before, and yet he was cut off at every turn. It's heartbreaking.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - that man deserved better.
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cristalconnors · 7 months
Shortlisted: All of Us Strangers / Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret / Priscilla
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KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON, written by Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese
NA-HON-ZHIN-GA: Tomorrow we will bury this one. This Pipe Person. Our Messenger to Wah-kon-tah. It is time to bury this pipe with dignity and put away its teachings. The children outside listening, they will learn another language. They will be taught by white people. They will learn new ways and will not know our ways.
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ORLANDO, MY POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY, written by Paul B. Preciado
PAUL: In your book, Orlando’s sex change happens in his sleep. I thought that if it happened to Orlando, maybe it could also happen to me. Then sleep became for me the magical realm in which the gender transition took place. Perhaps this explains why I sleep so much and so well. That’s why nights have become silent waiting rooms in which, immersed in my thoughts, I wait for the change to take place. I imagined the beds as a dreamlike, painless operating table where my lying body was re-coded. I believed sleep could act on the body like a chemical process acts on an element. I thought sleep was like freezing, or like evaporation: a process that induces a change in form but not in meaning.
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POOR THINGS, written by Tony McNamara
MAX: I wondered if perhaps you were raising her to be your mistress, a dark thought unworthy of me I know. So you are not laying with her…
GOD: Spermatic ejaculation can only induce homeostasis in me if accompanied by prolonged stimulation of higher nerve centres whose pressure upon the ductless glands changes the chemistry of my blood not for a few spasmodic minutes, but for many days!
MAX: …what??
GOD: I am a eunuch and can’t fuck her. To get a sexual response from my body would take the same amount of electricity as runs North London. Besides, my paternal feelings seem to outweigh my sexual thoughts.
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THE ZONE OF INTEREST, written by Jonathan Glazer
HEDWIG: They’d have to carry me out of here. This is our home! We’re living how we dreamed we would, since we were seventeen. Beyond how we dreamed! Out of the city finally. Everything we want on our doorstep. And our children strong and healthy and happy. Everything the Führer said about how we should live is exactly how we do. Drive east, lebensraum. This is our lebensraum.
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THE TASTE OF THINGS, written by Trần Anh Hùng
EUGÉNIE: How did you feel after your first bite of the Baked Alaska?
PAULINE: I almost cried.
PAULINE: ...I don’t know.
EUGÉNIE: Have you ever cried before while eating something?
EUGÉNIE: What do you think happened?
PAULINE: I don’t know.
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steele-soulmate · 9 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 544, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
Happy New Year, goils!
WORDS: 1197
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“Flooting lan lan, Eor tail, Dum Dum fetter, Tink Bell wings, pwetty flower, app app, shoo, spin spin, map cor mir mirs, hon hon pot, baoon house, wand, snoofake, ice scate, bow aroow, pwetty flower, drag drag, leaf, castle!” giggled Baby Tommy as he played with my Disney charm bracelet tattoo that was wrapped around my left wrist.
“Yes, that’s right!” I cooed at the chubby little man in my lap, Baby Noah toddling up to us. “Oh, look at who’s here- did you by to say hello?”
“Hihi Baa bee Nono!” Baby Tommy chirped happily, sliding out of my lap.
“Baa bee Tomm Tomm, wesies taksies walksies walks?” he asked, taking his older cousin’s hand and the both of the bopping off to go on a little adventure in the backyard.
“Mommy?” I stood and went over to where Elizabeth was standing at the backdoor with an anxious look on her face. “Jonathan and Priscilla are out front.”
An ugly expression overtook my face as I stood and stormed inside the house, wondering what in the name of Saint Barnabas my sperm doner and his whore of a wife were doing back at my home again.
“What the fuck do you want?” I snarled at the two the second I met them at the front, balling my fist so tightly that I felt my fingernails drawing blood. “The both of you are not welcomed here.”
“Mary Claire, wonderful to see you again, my dear.” Jonathan nodded at me as he held Priscilla close to him. the blonde’s face wearing an ugly expression plastered across it as she very clearly sulked. “How have you and Peter been doing?”
“Fucking terrific, until you two dumb ass fuckers showed up.” I sent the two of them an irritated glare. “Now what the fuck do you want?”
“Mary Claire Bradley, don’t you dare use that kind of language with us.” Jonathan tried to establish his long since abolished right as my elder.
“Well then- fuck the ever fucking fuck off,” I snarled dangerously. “NOW.”
“Well, I don’t quite like your language, young lady,” he said, Priscila shooting me a nasty smile.
“You are not welcomed here, now get off the property before I remove you by force.”
I relaxed once my husband joined us- he had been up in little girl’s nursery, changing the triplets’ diapers. He stepped out in front of me, gently nudging me behind him as he loomed up in front of the two trespassers.
I didn’t have to look to see the look of pissed rage on his handsomely bearded face, his body positioning practically screaming GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAND.
But still, Jonathan acted like an idiot.
“Ah, Peter, my boy!” he greeted my pissed off husband. “Prissy and I both heard through the grapevine that the Bradley family has newcomers- triplets, none the less! So my wife and I both took it upon ourselves to come on by with gifts and I have some advice for you-”
Peter tugged me inside the house and loudly shut the door in their faces, breathing heavily as he forced himself not to break anything.
“Hey MC, Elizabeth told us to help you,” Frank announced as he and my older six older brother wandered in from the party out in the backyard. Adam was wearing three party hats on his head, Daniel paused long enough to rap three times into the doorframe and Caleb was cradling his sleeping nephew. Gideon was carrying two of the three triplets while Benjamin was cradling the other baby. “What’s going on?”
“Jonathan and Priscila are out front, being buttheads,” I announced, not missing the look that the seven of them exchanged. “As per usual.”
“Hey, do you need us to go out and do damage control?” Adam asked as he sent the front door a withering glare.
“Oh no, please don’t,” I begged them. “Hopefully, they’ll get the hint that they are not invited soon enough.”
“Presuming that they even got any brains left in them!” Frank grumbled as he followed me back out into the backyard.
“Mama Wen Wen! Mama Wen Wen!” little girl screeched as she barreled into my legs, wrapping her arms tightly around my knees. “Time for cakesies?”
I took my cell phone out from my back pocket to glance at the time.
3:49 PM
“Heyn James? Aaron?” I called out- James had been playing a rather rambunctious game of duck-duck-goose with the kids and his husband had been sitting with an ice bag to his knee, which he pulled a few weeks ago while down at the batting range getting ready for the 2027 baseball season. “Little girl wants to know if it’s time for cake yet?”
“It’s fine by- YEEPS!” James yelped as an ambush of babies swarmed him, knocking him down into the grass before jumped on his fallen body with gleeful cackles.
“What James said!” Aaron laughed, summoning everyone to the army of frosted cupcakes that covered the concussion table.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!”
“Yay yay!” cheered Baby Tommy, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet with Baby Noah copying him. “Yay yay!”
“Let’s make a wish!” I urged little girl, the both of us blowing out our assigned cupcuakes- mine was had pretty turquoise frosting and was wrapped in a royal blue wrapper while little girl had cupcakes that were frosted with purple and were bundled in green wrappers. I had baked enough for everyone to have multiples, knowing that Peter would probably devour at least sixteen.
“Mama Wen Wen?” I turned me face to smile at my daughter, a shocked yell fluttering out past my lips as she smashed a cupcake onto my face.
“Little girl!”
Giggle giggle giggle giggle
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musispoedmacarsiv · 16 days
7 Eylül 2024 Jessica Pegula Aryna Sabalenka Maçı
*Arthur Ashe Stadyumu'nda saat 23:15'te başlayacak olan ABD Açık Tek Kadınlar Final maçı. Ev sahibi konumundaki Pegula kariyerinde ilk kez bir Grand Slam finali heyecanını yaşayacak. ABD'li raket toplamda da 7. turnuva galibiyetini arayacak. Bu yılı Avustralya Açık zaferi ile açan Sabalenka ise kariyerinin 3. Grand Slam zaferini kovalayacak. Sabalenka kazanırsa 2016'da Angelique Kerber'den sonra Avustralya ve ABD dublesi yapan ilk kadın olacak. İki isim geçen ay Cincinnati finalinde de oynamış ve 6-3, 7-5 ile Sabalenka mutlu sona erişmişti. Güzel bir heyecanla noktayı koyalım. Başarılar iki tarafa da.
Her iki raketin de final yolu:
-Jessica Pegula-
#1. Tur = Shelby Rogers (6-4, 6-3)
#2. Tur = Sofia Kenin (7-6[7-4], 6-3)
#3. Tur = Jessica Bouzas Maneiro (6-3, 6-3)
#4. Tur = Diana Shnaider (6-4, 6-2)
#Çeyrek Final = Iga Swiatek (6-2, 6-4)
#Yarı Final = Karolina Muchova (1-6, 6-4, 6-2)
-Aryna Sabalenka-
#1. Tur = Priscilla Hon (6-3, 6-3)
#2. Tur = Lucia Bronzetti (6-3, 6-1)
#3. Tur = Ekaterina Alexandrova (2-6, 6-1, 6-2)
#4. Tur = Elise Mertens (6-2, 6-4)
#Çeyrek Final = Zheng Qinwen (6-1, 6-2)
#Yarı Final = Emma Navarro (6-3, 7-6[7-2])
*Eurosport 1'den naklen yayınlanacak olan maç.
*İlk seti 7-5 alan Sabalenka 1-0 öne geçti. Pegula 3. oyunda break'i ilk bulan isim oldu ama Sabalenka cevabı hemen verdi. Ardından uçtu bir anda ve 5-2 yaptı. Bu sefer de Pegula'dan reaksiyon geldi ve geri dönmeyi başardı. 5-5'ten sonra iki müthiş yoğunlukta oyun izledik. Sabalenka son oyunda 5. şansını değerlendirdi ve ilk adımı attı. Finale yakışan bir giriş yaşandı.
*İkinci sette de 7-5 üstünlük kuran Sabalenka 2-0 kazandı ve ilk ABD Açık zaferine ulaştı. Toplamdaki 3. Slam zaferine erişti. Sezon içinde Avustralya Açık - ABD Açık dublesi yaparak Graff, Seles, Hingis ve Kerber'in olduğu elit sınıfa katıldı. Sabalenka 3-0'la sete girdikten sonra bir anda yolu yarılayınca herkes erken bir bitiş bekledi. Ancak Pegula'nın çok büyük cevabı vardı ve 5-3'e çevirdi. Oradan sonra ise saz yine Sabalenka'ya geçti ve bitime kadar da çalarak rakibine umut ışığını yakmadı. İstikrarın sezonu oldu bu kez kadınlar için. Tebriklerimizi sunuyoruz iki oyuncuya da.
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patronspatronesses · 4 months
𝅄 𐚁‌ ࣪ 𓈒 The Nobbyovolents ׅ  ۫੭ ᳝ ׄ
*Seharusnya, first daughter dan second son disebut hanya dengan (LadyLod) (Surname), namun Briton's ingin semua nobbies saling mengenali nama panggilan satu sama lain. *Kami memutuskan untuk tidak mengikuti pakem penulisan gelar dan nama yang sama persis dengan peraturan kerajaan pada saat itu untuk mempermudah penyebutan.
Haris Hanggara, The Duke of Somerset
Maitreya Jumantara, The Duke of Devonshire
Petra Suhardi, The Marquess of Anglesey
Arjun Ganendra, The Marquess of Winchester
Gabriel Arsen, The Marquess of Northampton
Arsad Dirgantara, The Earl of Harrington
Felicel Emilio, The Earl of Dalkeith
Jerricho Eiser, The Earl of Spencer
Marcelino Austin, The Earl of Montgomery
Khai Sutanagara, The Viscount Lake
Abimana Endaru, Marquess of Tavistock
Dean Guthrie, Marquess of Worcester
Jonathan Rice, Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford
Manhattan Rainer, Marquess of Douro
Saddam Barradan, Marquess of Douglas and Clydedale
Aziel Reviano, Earl of Euston
Gavian Hananta, Earl of Wessex
Gian Gevariel, Viscount Lumley
Heenan Adhitama, Earl of Percy
Theodore Kastora, Viscount Grey de Wilton
Abraham Maesha, Baron Guernsey
Lord Arvin Sagara, the Son of The Duke of Rutland
Lord Auddravi Hawkhelm, the Second Son of The Duke of Devonshire
Lord Christopher Mario, the Second Son of The Duke of Somerset
Lord Eiser Nawasena, the First Son of The Duke of Marlborough
Lord Hans Finnegan, the Son of The Duke of Atholl
Lord Jan Leinz, the Son of The Duke of Argyll
Lord Marcello Antonio, The Second Son of the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
Lord Rifat Kenji, the Second Son of The Duke of Bedford
The Hon Sanggala Jagawana, the Third Son of The Earl of Winchilsea
Lady Adelynn Séanne, the Daughter of The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
Lady Aeriel Deimena, the Daughter of The Earl of Bristol
Lady Caroline Meredith, the Only Daughter of The Marquess of Exeter
Lady Cassabelle Amelyn, the Only Daughter of The Duke of Edinburgh
Lady Chelsya Dominique, the Only Daughter of The Duke of York
Lady Emmanuelle Este, the First Daughter of The Marquess of Salisbury
 Lady Gavyolé Orione, the only Daughter of The Duke of Lennox
Lady Geeta Reverie, the Daughter of The Earl of Dartmouth
Lady Isaralyn Alurea, the Daughter of The Earl of Aylesford
Lady Jovanka Kahiyang, the Only Daughter of The Marquess of Worcester
Lady Kaia Anindya, tthe Daughter of The Duke of Queensberry
Lady Kalula Priscilla, the Daughter of The Earl of Carlisle
Lady Kayana Amellie, the Daughter of The Duke of Wellington
Lady Leora Pramudita, the First Daughter of The Duke of Norfolk
Lady Meracellea dKailee, the Only Daughter of The Duke of Montrose
Lady Mirabel Rosalinda, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Arundel
Lady Namia Oliver, the Daughter of The Duke of St. Albans
Lady Natasha Josephine, the First DaughterEarl of Quartzford
Lady Sheira Anastasya, the First Daughter of The Earl of Newcastle
Lady Sierra Nafara, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Rosslyn
Lady Vivianne Eleanora, the Daughter of The Earl of Jersey
Lady Yoriel Rachiella, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Derby
Lady Ysabela Eden, the Daughter of The Duke of Northumberland
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monsterpokemoon · 7 months
Rune Factory 5!
Recently got myself a Switch Lite, and I've been having so much fun w/ it, even if I only have Pokemon Scarlet, Let's Go Eevee, and Rune Factory 5.
Speaking of RF5, Alice seems like that innocent but wants to help and gets serious when she needs to, much like my AJ muse.
Murakumo is practically perfect in every way, and so adorable. The way Misa makes him cower is so cute.
Elsje's boobs should not be that big, I kinda wanted to punt Scarlett in the beginning, and Yuki & Randolph are the wholesome grandparents everyone deserves.
Fuuka & Cecil are simply adorable, but I feel like they seem too young to marry. Probably just their personalities, though. Speaking of Fuuka, it would be adorable if Misa and Kumo treated her as a little sister.
Ryker, you are trying too hard to live up to your family's name. Chill.
Martin needs a break, but he's okay. Reinhard I have no complaints with.
Lucy is pushy but okay. Priscilla is sweet and I just want to spoil her.
Beatrice, hon, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious you're a princess. No complaints though-she's sweet.
I don't even care about beating the game at this point-I just like to play.
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daikenkki · 27 days
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cdntennis · 8 months
Australian Open 2024 (Day 6)
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Women’s doubles second round [4] Gabriela Dabrowski (CAN) / Erin Routliffe (NZL) def. Veronika Kudermetova (RUS) / Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) by walkover
Mixed doubles first round [6] Gabriela Dabrowski (CAN) / Nathaniel Lammons (USA) def. [WC] Priscilla Hon (AUS) / Adam Walton (AUS) 6-3, 6-2
(Picture : © Mauricio Paiz/Tennis Canada)
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hollywocd · 1 year
Hi hon! May I ask icons of cailee spaeny as Priscilla in the promo pics please?
hi dear! I hope you like them <3
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prnanayarquah · 1 year
ExGlo Foundation, a Ghanaian NGO, has again scored another feat with another project undertaken.
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/exglo-foundation-a-ghanaian-ngo-has-again-scored-another-feat-with-another-project-undertaken/
ExGlo Foundation, a Ghanaian NGO, has again scored another feat with another project undertaken.
Early this year (2023), they selected 2 Regions out of their needs assessments; the Regions were the Upper East and Upper West Regions for skills training. Two institutions were chosen, Our Lady of Lourdes Girls’ Senior High (Upper East) and Daffiama Senior High (Upper West).
These skills trainings in the selected schools were based solely on helping students develop income generating or entrepreneurial skills to enable them to attain some level of financial independence and economic empowerment. Stemming from Exglo Foundation’s prior needs assessments in these regions, they discovered in both institutions, that the majority of these students were more likely to venture into entrepreneurship to make a living for themselves after school. But there are little to no skill acquisition avenues in the school and the few existing ones are expensive and thus unaffordable. Hence, they are not able to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations when they leave school.
  “This is a major problem in our target regions and almost all the students involved, end up becoming delinquent and living reckless lives. In the case of the girls, the majority of them become pregnant a few months after coming out of school with no financial support for themselves and their kids,” says ExGlo Foundation, in a communiqué.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS. (SKILL TRAINING DEVELOPMENT 2023) 1. Skill development training at Daffiama Senior High School. 2. Skill development training at Our Lady of Lourdes Girls’ Senior High School. ExGlo visited Daffiama Senior High School on the 28th day of April 2023 in the Upper West Region. Volunteers from ExGlo trained about 150 students in beadmaking/ jewellery and liquid soap. On the 29th day in April, the ExGlo foundation paid a visit to Our Lady of Lourdes Girls’ Senior High in the Upper East Region and trained about 150 students in making liquid and bar soaps. Visibly, all projects undertaken by ExGlo Foundation were completed successfully.
The key sponsors and collaborators for this year’s activities are the Management of St John’s Hospital and Fertility Centre, Tantra Hill Roundabout, Accra, as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility and Best Western Premier, Accra Airport Hotel. Other contributors included Mr. Michael Sandow Ali (Chairman Of The Board), Prof. Joshua Y. Abor (Board Member), Hon. Ayew Afriyie (Effiduase/Asokore Constituency, Ashanti Region), Dr Celestina Allotey (Vice President of Sustainability for Gold Fields Ghana Limited), Ms. Yvonne Ehchill, Mr. Fiifi Enchill, Pastor Stephen Mwinkaara, Mr. Samuel Frank Osei, Prof. Kobby Mensah, Ms Agnes Tanye and other family and friends. We are grateful to all our patrons, sponsors and contributors for helping us teach these students. God continue to bless all abundantly for your kind gestures.
 APPRECIATION The foundation would like to thank our hardworking volunteers who helped to make these projects successful. The team was led by Ms Nancy Abena Manko, the project manager for the foundation with oversight provided by the Executive Director, Dr Patience Aseweh Abor. Our volunteers for this year’s projects were;
Ms Jennifer Yaa Andorful Wilson Mr Moses Quarshie Nana Tawiah Gaisie Ms Priscilla Wiah Ms Amina Kassim Ms Abuu Belinda Ms Alice Atuligiya Ms Saani Rufiatu Ms Banning Mujeeba
Ms Mahama Amamata
Ms Kafari Dominica
Ms Matina Song-Aaba
Ms Mensah Gloria Aba
The ExGlo Foundation has succeeded in training beneficiaries in our focused regions. However, there are issues of funding for both the foundation as well as beneficiaries, and general logistics for organising these projects in the rural communities. Complaints from the majority of the beneficiaries were on how to start a business with the skills they have acquired since they do not have any startup capital. Therefore, the foundation is appealing to the banking sector/financial institutions, other NGOs, corporate bodies etc to help provide funding for these new entrepreneurs. Thank you.
For donations and further information, please contact us on; 0264234016/0245581612 [email protected] www.exglo.org
  About ExGlo Foundation
Since 2012, ExGlo Foundation has provided decent education, healthcare and sustainable livelihood projects to improve the lives of people in deprived rural areas across the poorest regions in Ghana, i.e., Central, Upper East, Upper West and Northern regions. For the past ten years, we have engaged in various projects, including covering the tuition fees of some brilliant students whose parents were not financially sound to cater for their children’s education. We made Stationeries, clothing and furniture available for students, teachers and community members in the focus regions. A good healthcare system increases the percentage of the attainment of success, hence, ExGlo has for many years, organized health talks and screening and first aid kits donations to our beneficiaries.
One of the surest ways of alleviating poverty is education and this is the mission of the ExGlo foundation as we facilitate teaching and learning in schools in deprived rural communities in the aforementioned regions. As one of our strategies for economic empowerment, ExGlo has in recent years been undertaking various skills training for both women in rural communities as well as students in Senior High schools. Membership of ExGlo is open to professionals, graduates, students, foundations, corporate bodies and generally anyone with the heart for community development and hands to reach out to the poor and vulnerable. Together we pledge to work towards the realization of the vision of the ExGlo foundation under the guidance of the rules and regulations of the organization.
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loving-elvis · 1 year
Any advice for fans on what to do about the Priscilla movie? I don’t want to let it ruin my mood but it’s hard :/
Hello Anon --
Lordy, I know it already seems to be kind of a mess already, huh? The best advice I can give is to cultivate your own peace. Follow the people you share ideas with, and use that block/unfollow button as you will.
The thing to keep in mind is that Elvis wanted to shared love. He had so much love to give to his fans, his friends, and everybody he seemed to come across. No matter what people said, or whatever reporters would claim, he always said that 'they have a job to do, and they do it'. You can't let the negativity get you down, hon 💖
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hardynwa · 2 years
Cradle Steps Foundation Hold Workshop For Niger Delta Youths On Electoral Violence
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With electoral violence being one of the things that marred the last Presidential and National Assembly elections in Imo State and Nigeria generally, groups are doing everything possible to cut down on that. One of such groups Cradle Steps Foundation has organized a one-day sensitization orientation for youths in Imo state on the dangers of electoral violence and other vices. The event which was held on Saturday March 4, 2023 in Owerri, Imo State, saw resource persons educate the youths on the right ways to participate in an election without violence. Chief Victor Igbokwe, a legal practitioner who was one of the resource persons urged the youths not to attack INEC officials no matter the situation. He called on them to rather use their phones to film any abnormalities they notice for evidence, adding that there are laws for a reason. https://youtu.be/4X-pVaY9VT8 A participant said that peace should not just be manufactured from nothing but will be paid for through investments in the lives of young people and provision of basic infrastructures for the citizens. Another participant said that electoral violence is on the rise because incompetent people who are afraid of failure are allowed to run for positions, saying that when the right people who are competent and confident are running for elections, they will have no need for ballot box snatchers. The reactions of the participants showed how successful the event was according to Hon. Amaechi Adibuo who spoke to OtownGist after the event. He noted that youths are angry because of what happened at the presidential election, adding that events like that will help to soften their minds. Speaking for the organizers Cradle Steps Foundation, Mazi MacNelson Okafor thanked the participants and resource persons for making the event worth it. He also thanked the Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC who supported the event, also calling on youths to go out and vote during the governorship and State Assembly elections. Some resource persons and special guests at the event include Hon. Amaechi Adibuo, Rev. Fr. Utazi Prince Bnejamin, Hon. Onyemaeechi Alozie, Comr. Barth Umeh, Onyeocha Priscilla, Chief Victor Igbokwe and Mr. Vincent Ndukwem. Read the full article
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