#Professor Ambrose Ali
asterioshq · 5 months
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Há dias estava focada em fazer alguma pegadinha com Phyllis de alguma forma, e foi quando viu um feitiço muito interessante que mexesse na personalidade da pessoa, a fazendo acatar tudo que lhes ordenassem. Claro, era algo bobo, mas ainda sim, funcionaria o suficiente para Cassie. Precisou juntar algumas coisas, na realidade, uma mistura especial que havia feito de forma improvisada, suas velas e, claro, seu grimório de feitiços. Para garantir que ocorresse tudo bem, preferiu fazer o feitiço pela noite, aproveitando que a lua estaria quase cheia e as habilidades dos filhos de Hécate ficavam mais fortes.
A gruta sempre foi um local calmo e que lhe ajudava a ficar bem focada quando ia praticar seus feitiços, então organizou tudo ali mesmo para realizá-lo. Seu corpo parecia flutuar e as palavras saiam bem fluidas e decoradas de sua boca. Uma onda de luz roxa emanava ao redor de Cassie e de seu grimório, o qual flutuava à sua frente. Foi quando esse mana pareceu se espalhar dentro da gruta e as coisas se acalmaram. Quando abriu os olhos, tudo parecia normal, então fechou seu livro, organizou suas coisas e voltou para o chalé. - Espero que tenha dado certo. Veremos ao amanhecer. - Foi finalmente dormir e o silêncio se fez presente por todo o acampamento. 
Se alguém com habilidades para ver almas estivesse acordado, com certeza poderia ver a bagunça de longe que se tornou aquele lugar, com diversas perdidas procurando por algum corpo para tomar posse. E por volta de uma hora, assim aconteceu até que tudo voltou a ficar silencioso novamente… Pelo menos, até a primeira pessoa acordar e os gritos começarem. 
O plotdrop foi pensado e organizado pela Jessie, player da Cassie, que foi devidamente pontuada pela sugestão.
Em IC, todos os personagens acordaram no domingo em um corpo diferente do seu próprio, conforme indicado abaixo:
Alma > Corpo:
Verona > Ndari Ndari > Ambrose Ambrose > Jude Jude > Vega Vega > Zale Zale > Leo Leo > Casper Casper > Vincenzo Vincenzo > Rowan Rowan > Devon Devon > Liese Liese > Buck Buck > Dahlia Dahlia > Yumi Yumi > Steven Steven > Elara Elara > Ajla Ajla > Cassie Cassie > Lola Lola > Antonn Argos > Ravenna Ravenna > Hektor Hektor > Kali Kali > Althea Althea > Oski  Oski > Hikari Hikari > Argos  Antonn > Theron Theron > Amber Amber > Rudi Rudi > Mara Mara > Fred Fred > Kyung Kyung > Alabama Alabama > Vito Vito > Magnolia Magnolia > Odessa Odessa > Rash Rash > Lion Lion > Seraphine Seraphine > Daewoo Daewoo > Verona
Para exemplificar como vai funcionar: a Verona acordará no corpo da Ndari, que por sua vez acordará no corpo de Ambrose, que por sua vez acordará no corpo de Jude, que vai acordar no corpo de Vega e assim as trocas continuam em um efeito cascata.
O feitiço de Cassie terminará completamente no mesmo dia por volta das 20h no horário de Brasília e a resolução será dada através de um contrafeitiço lançado pelos professores graças à ajuda da deusa Circe.
Postagens de fotos e conteúdos feitas durante o plotdrop devem conter a hashtag "#astertroca" e rendem ao personagem 10 pontos ao serem enviadas para o tweet indicado e para o canal de pontuação do discord;
Os POVs referentes a esse plotdrop poderão ser entregues até o próximo domingo (28) e rendem ao personagem 20 pontos.
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fictionz · 3 years
New Fiction 2021 - October
Short Stories
"Iqsinaqtutalik Piqtuq: The Haunted Blizzard" by Aviaq Johnston (2020) // "She’s too grown up to remember the scary parts of our land."
"Uironda" by Luigi Musolino & James D. Jenkins (trans.) (2018) // "From enormous, heinous acts derive enormous, heinous hells."
"The Bloody Chamber" by Angela Carter (1979) // "The worst thing was, the dead lips smiled."
"Tree of the Forest Seven Bells Turns the World Round Midnight" by Sheree Renée Thomas (2016) // "This he believed in, this he could follow — the curved finger of flesh."
"The Remorse of Professor Panebianco" by Greye La Spina (1925) // "Why does she look at me so? She is pitying me—me!"
"The House Party at Smoky Island" by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1935) // "Of the dead nothing but good; so I will say of Susette only that she was very beautiful and very rich."
"Calcutta, Lord of Nerves" by Poppy Z. Brite (1992) // "I could have crawled all the way into that wet crimson eternity, and kept crawling forever."
"Letter to a Young Lady in Paris" by Julio Cortázar (1951) // "Vomiting bunnies wasn't so terrible once one had gotten into the unvarying cycle, into the method."
"The Pelican Bar" by Karen Joy Fowler (2009) // "Humans do everything we did. Humans do more."
"Cargo" by E. Michael Lewis (2008) // "A noise sounded—a moist 'thunk.' From inside."
"The Erl-King" by Elizabeth Hand (1998) // "He's got her now and he won't want to give her back."
"Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" by Jorge Luis Borges & Norman Thomas di Giovanni (trans.) (1940) // "We found out (inevitably at such an hour) that there is something unnatural about mirrors."
"The Show" by Priya Sharma (2011) // "The world was ripe. She'd weighed it in her palm."
"Teratisms" by Kathe Koja (1991) // "What color does blood burn?"
"Kerfol" by Edith Wharton (1916) // "I can see the exchange of glances across the ermine collars under the Crucifix."
"Demon" by Joyce Carol Oates (1996) // "No he was loving, mad with love."
"The Other Place" by Mary Gaitskill (2011) // "She did not have a wedding ring, which meant that maybe no one would miss her. "
"Absit" by Angélica Gorodischer & Amalia Gladhart (trans.) (2013) // "The girl didn't move, she didn't speak, she did nothing against the black, black sky full of stars."
"Guess" by Meg Elison (2020) // "I am beginning to think we should drink all there is while we still can."
"Ghosts of August" by Gabriel García Márquez (1980) // "Just then the smell of fresh cut strawberries made me tremble."
"Aura" by Carlos Fuentes & Adrian Ziegler (trans.) (1962) // "They have forgotten that in solitude, temptation is greater."
"The Follower" by Nuzo Onoh (2014) // "Chairs tumbled to the ground; someone moaned. All was madness."
"The Death of Halpin Frayser" by Ambrose Bierce (1891) // "Halpin Frayser was a poet only as he was a penitent: in his dream."
"The Shadow" by Edith Nesbit (1905) // "The most horrid ghost-story I ever heard was one that was quite silly."
"The Story of Ming-Y" by Lafcadio Hearn (1887) // "Then their lips separated no more;—the night grew old, and they knew it not."
"What You Eat" by Alys Hobbs (2020) // "Look at all this cream and sugar..."
"Ammutseba Rising" by Ann K. Schwader (2015) // "Perhaps our daughters will walk in shadow gladly, holding hunger inside them for a weapon."
Comics/Single Issues
"Heavy Fog" by Abby Howard (2021) // "I can barely taste the burning."
"Tatter Up!" by Graham Ingels (1955) // "Such beautiful rags..."
"Rasberry Surprise" by W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran, Good Old Neon (2018) // "The process only lasts for as long as you're alive."
"Strung Along" by Richard Corben (2016) // "Ever see a skinned rabbit?"
"Free Ride" by Cameron Morris & Nina Matsumoto (2016) // "Always pay my debts."
Video Games
Silent Hill 2 dev. Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (2001) // "I'm not your Mary."
Little Nightmares II dev. Tarsier Studios (2021) // Not a word.
Maneater dev. Tripwire Interactive (2020) // "Shark hunters kill for the same reason we all do: to feel complete."
Twelve Minutes dev. Luís António (2021) // "Be honest with yourself. You knew this would happen."
Nightmare Collection: Dead of the Brain dev. FairyTale (1992) // "I don't think he can reply... he doesn't have a brain."
The Babysitter dir. McG (2017) // "Probably when your body starts to reek like cheese."
Dracula dir. Tod Browning & Karl Freund (1931) // "There are far worse things awaiting man than death."
Venom: Let There Be Carnage dir. Andy Serkis (2021) // "I have tasted blood before, my friend, and that is not it."
Titane dir. Julia Ducournau (2021) // "Can't you feel the energy? Between you and me?"
Frankenweenie dir. Tim Burton (2012) // "I don't want him in my heart. I want him here with me."
Gretel & Hansel dir. Oz Perkins (2020) // "What eats with its teeth, but never feels fed?"
Deep Red dir. Dario Argento (1975) // "It seems that there are some things which you just cannot do seriously with liberated women."
LandLocked dir. Paul Owens (2021) // "Somebody's been back here."
The Lure dir. Agnieszka Smoczynska (2015) // "Put your hand deep inside me and drag me onto the shore."
Lamb dir. Valdimar Jóhannsson (2021) // "She's not used to strangers."
Population 436 dir. Michelle MacLaren (2006) // "We are the union of the divine."
Pet Sematary Two dir. Mary Lambert (1992) // "No brain, no pain. Think about it."
The Slumber Party Massacre dir. Amy Holden Jones (1982) // "She drinks too much milk."
Messiah of Evil dir. Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz (1973) // "And they're waiting. They're waiting for you."
Track of the Vampire (aka Blood Bath) dir. Jack Hill & Stephanie Rothman (1966) // "The horror of death is that you desire it."
Halloween Kills dir. David Gordon Green (2021) // "There's a big fella in our bathroom, and he's wearing a monster mask!"
The Hitch-Hiker dir. Ida Lupino (1953) // "You guys are gonna die, that’s all. It’s just a question of when."
Office Killer dir. Cindy Sherman (1997) // "There now. He's a much more handsome boy."
Tigers Are Not Afraid dir. Issa López (2016) // "Bring him. To us. To where the dead wait for him."
Shin Godzilla dir. Hideaki Anno & Shinji Higuchi (2016) // "This is the reality. All else is just a dream."
Wolf's Hole dir. Věra Chytilová (1987) // "I'll tell on you! Monster! Pig!"
Saint Maud dir. Rose Glass (2020) // "Please don't let me fall again."
The Cursed Palace dir. Hasan Redha (1962) // "Do you see what money does? How it makes brothers eat one another's flesh?"
Dream Home dir. Pang Ho-cheung (2010) // "The market is extremely volatile, but the worst is yet to come."
Viy dir. Georgiy Kropachyov & Konstantin Ershov (1967) // "The devil take you and your wretched tongue."
Halloween dir. John Carpenter (1978) // "Death has come to your little town, Sheriff."
La Llorona dir. Jayro Bustamante (2019) // "She asked me not to drown."
Last Night in Soho dir. Edgar Wright (2021) // "I didn't want any of this."
The Invisible Man dir. James Whale (1933) // "I might even wreck a train or two... just these fingers around a signalman's throat, that's all."
The Wolf Man dir. George Waggner (1941) // "You policemen are always in such a hurry. As if dead men didn't have all eternity."
Blood Diner dir. Jackie Kong (1987) // "Seems like the work of pathological weirdos."
Antlers dir. Scott Cooper (2021) // "We found a part of a man in the woods today."
Single Episodes
The Simpsons - "Treehouse of Horror XXXII" (2021) // “Seeing all that horror and poverty makes me think... we should lower the corporate tax rate even further!"
Bob's Burgers - "The Pumpkinening" (2021) // "You live by the weird old candy, you die by the weird old candy."
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gostosaleitura · 4 years
No início do livro tem uma cena em que a protagonista Becca está numa casa estudando, e aí ela vê alguém conhecido, desbloqueia o alarme pra que a pessoa entre, mas ela é violentada após muita luta corporal entre eles.
A história vareia entre presente, onde uma colunista procura a verdade sobre o ocorrido com Becca, e passado onde mostra a vida que a protagonista tinha antes de morrer, tudo funciona como um cronometro, conforme a investigação avança, os relatos da vida de Becca se aproximam do momento de sua morte.
Após esse ataque que descrevi na palafita, ela foi levada ainda com vida para o hospital, mas não sobreviveu. Em vida ela era uma estudante, pais influentes, amigos com pais também influentes, tinha caso com um professor que lecionava em sua universidade, esse caso parecia estar se encerrando.
Kelsey a colunista que estava investigando teve ajuda do delegado da cidade, o mesmo acredita que alguém esta tentando esconder a verdade, a família da vítima tirou o caso das mãos dele, e encobriu dizendo que o caso foi decorrente de um roubo em residência.
Demais personagens são: Jack amigos de Becca e Brad que era muito apaixonado por Becca, aqueles amigos Friendzone.
Gail amiga que os namorados viviam terminando
Ex de Becca é Richard, ela não parece ficar muito contente quando ele aparece, mas não pode ser rude com ele pois os pais dele, sai amigos dos pais dela.
Brad chama Jack seu amigo e conta tudo que sente por Becca, na sequencia a cena muda e Jack vai correndo para o aeroporto, onde vai encontrar com Becca, irá conhecer seus pais, parece ansioso creio que pela diferenças de classe deles.
Em Summit Lake é o local onde fica a casa do lago dos pais de Becca, Kelsey a colunista entrevistou a Millie, uma senhora que a filha é amiga de Becca, ela lhe revelou que Becca tinha um diario e que veio para Summit para se casar em segredo. Outro dia Kelsey foi ao encontro do Dr. Ambrose, pois no hospital após uma conversa, ele prometeu que verificaria o laudo médico de Becca para ter detalhes de como ela chegou ao hospital, a conversa foi bastante reveladora, pois o relatório oficial nem sequer havia menção do estupro, em outro encontro eles veem o relatório oficial onde mencionava todo material genético coletado da cena do crime e da vitima, ali eles descobrem que Becca estava grávida de 5 a 6 meses.
Quando Becca apresenta Jack para seus pais, em Summit, ele também conhece se ex Richard, foi um momento bem hostil e constrangedor.
Brad vê Jack e Becca juntos, e cai em si que eles estão juntos, ficam sem se falar, mas isso acaba quando eles são obrigado a combinar suas historias pois o reitor da faculdade descobre que eles roubaram uma prova e divulgaram para todos da universidade, basicamente o culpado é Brad, mas Jack por ter menos provabilidade de sucesso(no ramo de advocacia) entre os demais do grupinho, decide se oferecer de bode expiatório para que investigações não levem até Becca que também sabia do roubo.
A investigação não avançou muito, mas Kelsey fica bem amiga de Rae que trabalha no Café que Millie e Livvy são donas,no café todas as manhãs um grupinho de fofoca local de reúne, Rae conta a Kelsey que Millie tem uma memoria fraca por já ser idosa, e que acha que ela sabe mais do que diz inclusive deixa a entender que sabe onde esta o diário de Becca, o que ajudaria muito na investigação, caso colocasse as mãos nesse diário, mais tarde Kelsey e o Dr invadem a casa de Millie e pegam o tal diário, estava escondido no livro de receitas que tanto Millie ficou protegendo quando kelsey a visitou. O plano não era esse de imediato, invadir a casa de uma idosa e roubar algo, mas na cidade um detetive chamado Madison começou a persegui-la, mandou que ela fosse embora da cidade, então o tempo de Kelsey estava curto por ali, Madison disse que ia prende-la pois sabia que ela e mais alguém invadiram um local privado e leram documentos confidenciais da autopsia de Becca, Kelsey negou pois sabia que ele ainda não teve provas, mas era só uma questão de tempo.
Poucos meses antes de sua morte, Brad se suicidou, quem o encontrou foi os três amigos, Jack, Gail e Becca, foi uma surpresa para mim, achava que ele matou Becca.
Não muitos meses antes da morte de Becca tudo ia razoavelmente bem,o casal estava apaixonado, ela estava instalada na pós graduação, Jack estava indo bem no novo emprego bem sucedido,onde o Senador Milt Ward deu um emprego para Jack, ele ia escrever os discursos para ele, era algo bem promissor, cada um estava correndo em seus afazeres, até que Becca se sentiu mal, após dois testes confirmarem ela contou para Jack que estava gravida, decidiram não contar agora para seus pais, eles estavam pensando ainda em uma maneira, acabou que ela morreu com esse segredo.
Aconteceu também um episódio bem suspeito, Becca estava em um local onde frequentava com Jack, quando o Professo que ela parecia dar uns pegas no inicio do livro apareceu, e rolou uma conversa estranha, pelo que compreendi o professor estava chateado por ela não ter ido fazer a pós na faculdade que ele estava lecionando, ele esperava por isso, ela disse que não fazia ideia que ele queria isso, que não ficou evidente na conversa deles que tiveram ano passado, e não ficou mesmo, ele a estava julgando como ingenua e ingrata pois ele moveu alguns pauzinhos para que ela fosse admitida lá, Becca não tinha conhecimento disso até agora, de repente entra uma mulher raivosa se dizendo esposa dele e o leva embora, ameaçando Becca dizendo para ficar longe de seu marido, Becca diz que não há nada entre eles e pra ressaltar ele nunca mencionou ser casado, o casal sai deixando aquele clima tenso no ar... Enquanto olhares no recinto ainda sondavam Becca, Richard seu ex aparece, e ela ainda ressentido tentando parar de pensar no ocorrido o chama para se juntar a ela na mesa, ali rola uma conversa muito medíocre, onde Richard tenta avaliar o que Becca realmente sentia por esse sujeito Jack, para ele era simplesmente inacreditável, uma garota como ela, gostar de alguém tão inferior quanto ela, Becca deixou bem claro que ele era o cara, nessas palavras.
Enquanto isso kelsey quando ia começar investigar sobre as pessoas citadas no diário, foi interrompida pela perseguição de Madison , ele estava por todo lugar caçando ela, o hotel que estava hospedada, a cafeteria, e provavelmente seu carro e a casa do Dr. então ela decidiu que não podiam cala-la, ocultar a história de Becca, com ajuda de Rae, ela se escondeu no segundo andar da cafeteria e começou a escrever tudo que descobriu ali até o momento, separou os suspeitos citados para que eles pudessem investigar, o Dr. Peter Ambrose estava fugindo da polícia que foi procura-lo no hospital, recebeu uma mensagem da Kelsey pedindo para ligar para Gail, ele ligou e questionou como era o relacionamento de Becca com Jack, Gail deixou claro que eram apaixonados, ele questionou se ela sabia do casamento deles e da gravidez, Gail não sabia de nada e afirmava que Jack não era o assassino, e não era mesmo, Jack morreu em um jatinho quando estava indo ao encontro de Becca. Nesse mesmo instante Becca recebe a visita de Brad na palafita, é inacreditável sim, mas o Brad tinha ido morar na cabana de caça de seu pai, nas montanhas após o episódio que “tentou” se matar. O que aconteceu a seguir quando Becca viu Brad, ali na soleira da casa do lago, ela desbloqueou o alarme, conversaram brevemente, o bastante para saber que Brad estava fora de si e depois foi uma sequência de Ctrl+C e Ctrl+V, a mesma cena de Becca lutando por sua vida no início do livro se repetiu aqui. Quando Brad se deu conta do que fez, ele pegou sua a bolsa de Becca para que achassem que foi um caso de roubo que acabara mal, e voltou para a cabana onde havia se isolado esse tempo todo.
Agora ali no presente, Era e Kelsey estavam indo até essa cabana em questão, quando descobriram quem era o Brad mencionado no diário, ligaram para seu pai e sua mãe deu o endereço da cabana onde ele estava atualmente, lá elas viram a bolsa de Becca e de quebra um santuário de fotos de Becca e sua rotina, havia também recortes do acidente no jatinho que aconteceu com Jack, que tinha acontecido a pouquíssimo tempo e tudo ficou claro, Rae notou o ruído de carro, elas não estavam mais sozinhas, fugindo pelos fundos sentiram um cheiro repugnante, logo viram Brad, o corpo inchado e em decomposição de Brad Reynolds, enforcado, imóvel, pendurado numa viga. O nó estava tão apertado em torno do pescoço que os olhos haviam saltado como os de alguém que sofre de hipertireoidismo. Sua língua, grossa e rígida, parecia uma baguete seca enfiada em sua boca. As moscas se banqueteavam, enquanto os vermes escavavam.
Kelsey escreveu sobre tudo que descobriu, e uns vinte dias antes de publicar ela deu para mãe de Becca o diário, no final ela ficou com o Peter, o que já era esperado.
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savewritingnsw · 4 years
Save Writing NSW
An open letter to Create NSW and the NSW Minister for the Arts
We, as writers and active members of the literary community, were dismayed by Create NSW’s decision not to grant Writing NSW Multi-Year Organisations Funding in their latest round, despite the fact that Writing NSW was recommended for funding.
This decision demonstrates the ongoing devaluation of literature within the Australian arts funding landscape. We know literature is the most popular artform in the country, with 87% of Australian reading some form of literary work in any given year, yet in this round Create NSW offered only 5.7% of their ongoing funding to literature organisations.
The decision to defund Writing NSW carries a particular sting. Writing NSW is the leading organisation representing writers in a state with a long literary history and one that is home to many of Australia’s leading publishers, writers, literary agents and other core participants in the Australian literary industry.
Writing NSW is an important stepping-stone for writers at the beginning of their careers, providing high quality professional development programs, and it also employs emerging and established writers to deliver and lead these programs. For decades the organisation has provided high-quality courses, seminars, workshops, festivals, events, grants and literary prizes. In putting such programs at risk, Create NSW is jeopardising both an entry point and an ongoing support system for writers.
Macquarie University research shows that the average income of an Australian author from their practice is $12,900. The current economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic makes the situation of writers even more precarious. Writing NSW offers key employment opportunities to writers, through teaching, publication, speaking engagements and both curatorial and judging positions. The removal of these opportunities will mean many writers will not be able to maintain the other income streams that support their writing careers.
The removal of $175,000 from a single source would be catastrophic for any business – not-for-profit or otherwise. For a government funding body to enact such a blunt economic withdrawal in the midst of a global pandemic and without concern for the economic flow-on effect to hundreds of industry professionals is deeply distressing.
We call on Create NSW to reverse this decision and ask them to reveal their future strategies for arts funding and how they plan to rectify the disparity in funding between other funded artforms and literature.
As writers, we will never accept the loss of a vibrant, essential cultural network such as Writing NSW.
What you can do We invite anyone affected by Create NSW’s decision – writers, publishers, literary agents, illustrators, readers alike – to co-sign this letter. You can copy and customise this letter to draft a version from your own point of view on this matter to send to a Member of Parliament.
To co-sign this letter, add your name here: shorturl.at/dERX6
Pip Smith, Writer, creative writing teacher Sam Twyford-Moore, Writer and arts administrator Fiona Wright, Writer, editor, critic, reader Gabrielle Tozer, Author, writer, editor Brigid Mullane, Editor Jules Faber, Author, Illustrator Dr Christopher Richardson, Author and academic Liz Ledden, Author, podcaster, book reviewer Kate Tracy Ashley Kalagian Blunt, Writer, reviewer, reader Julie Paine, Writer Nick Tapper, Editor Belinda Castles, Writer and academic Simon Veksner, Writer Amanda Ortlepp, Writer, reader, reviewer, High School English Teacher Bronwyn Birdsall, Writer, editor Robin Riedstra, Writer, reviewer, reader, English teacher Dr Delia Falconer, Writer, critic, academic Robert McDonald, Author, writer, creative writing teacher Dr Kathryn Heyman, Author Wai Chim, Author Kirsten Krauth, Writer, editor Tricia Dearborn, Poet, writer, editor Dr Mireille Juchau, Writer Gail Jones, Writer Dr Jeff Sparrow, Writer, editor, academic Linda Jaivin, Writer, editor, translator Adara Enthaler, Poet, editor, literary arts manager Keighley Bradford, Writer, editor, arts and festival administrator Nicole Priest, Reader and aspiring writer Shamin Fernando, Writer Andrew Pippos, Writer Bianca Nogrady, Writer and journalist James Bradley, Writer Ali Jane Smith, Writer Dr Eleanor Limprecht Idan Ben-Barak, Writer Jennifer Mills, Writer Nicole Hayes, Writer, podcaster Michelle Starr, Writer/journalist Phillipa McGuinness, Writer and publisher Vanessa Berry, Writer and academic Blake Ayshford, Screenwriter Emily Maguire, Writer Sarah Lambert, Screenwriter Anwen Crawford, Writer Sarah Bassiuoni, Screenwriter Jackson Ryan, Writer, journalist, academic Simon Thomsen, Journalist, editor, other wordy stuff Ivy Shih, Writer Miro Bilbrough, Writer, filmmaker, screenwriting teacher, script editor Graham Davidson, Writer, artist, festival director Christos Tsiolkas, Writer JZ Ting, Writer, lawyer Susan Francis, Writer, teacher Suneeta Peres da Costa, Writer Dr Harriet Cunningham, Writer, critic, journalist Adele Dumont, Writer, reader Sheree Strange, Writer, book reviewer, book seller Phil Robinson, Reader Ashleigh Meikle, Reader, writer, book blogger Naomi RIddle, Writer, editor Cathal Gwatkin-Higson, Writer, book seller Hannah Carroll Chapman, Screenwriter Angela Meyer, Writer, editor Steve Blunt, Reader, supporter Ambra Sancin, Writer, arts administrator Michelle Baddiley, Writer, reader, archive producer Dinuka McKenzie, Writer, reader Catherine C. Turner, Writer, reader, freelance editor and publisher, arts worker Hilary Davidson, Writer, poet, academic, reader Dr Eleanor Hogan, Writer Nicola Robinson, Commissioning Editor Kim Wilson, Screenwriter Jane Nicholls, Freelance writer and editor Lisa Kenway, Writer Virginia Peters, Writer Sarah Sasson, Physician-writer and reader Dr Joanna Nell, Writer Laura Clarke Author / Copywriter Nicole Reddy, Screenwriter Anna Downes, Writer Sharon Livingstone, Writer, editor, reader Lily Mulholland, Writer, screenwriter, technical editor Benjamin Dodds, Poet, reviewer, teacher Markus Zusak, Writer Alexandria Burnham, Writer, screenwriter Sam Coley, Writer Marian McGuinness, Writer Selina McGrath, Artist Adeline Teoh Natasha Rai, Writer Catherine Ferrari, Reader Jessica White, Writer & academic Zoe Downing, Writer, reader, creative writing student Amanda Tink, Writer, researcher, reader Lisa Nicol, Children's author, screenwriter, copywriter Aurora Scott, Writer Gillian Polack, Writer, academic Susan Lever, Critic and writer Denise Kirby, Writer Michele Seminara, Poet & editor Meredith Curnow, Publisher, Penguin Random House David Ryding, Arts Manager Catherine Hill Genevieve Buzo, Editor Hugo Wilcken DJ Daniels, Writer Linda Vergnani, Freelance journalist, writer and editor Tony Spencer-Smith, Author, writing trainer & editor Dr Viki Cramer, Freelance writer and editor Petronella McGovern, Author, freelance writer and editor Jacqui Stone, Writer and editor Talia Horwitz, Writer, reader & writing student Sophie Ambrose, Publisher, Penguin Random House Rebecca Starford, Publishing director, KYD; editor and writer David Blumenstein, Writer, artist Rashida Tayabali, Freelance writer Sheila Ngoc Pham, Writer, editor and producer Rosalind Gustafson, Writer Alan Vaarwerk, Editor, Kill Your Darlings Gillian Handley, Editor, journalist, writer Karina Machado Isabelle Yates, Commissioning Editor, Penguin Random House Michelle Barraclough, Writer Natalie Scerra, Writer Melanie Myers, Writer, editor and Creative Writing teacher Emily Lawrence, Aspiring Writer Nicola Aken, Screenwriter Jennifer Nash, Librarian, writer Clare Millar, Writer and editor Kathryn Knight, Editor, Penguin Random House Linda Funnell, Editor, reviewer, tutor, Newtown Review of Books Stacey Clair, Editor, writer, former events/projects producer at Queensland Writers Centre Virginia Muzik, Writer, copyeditor, proofreader, aspiring author Lisa Walker, Writer Sarah Morton, Copywriter, aspiring author, Member of Writing NSW Board Laura Russo, Writer and editor Vivienne Pearson, Freelance writer Justin Ractliffe, Publishing Director, Penguin Random House Australia James Ley, Contributing Editor, Sydney Review of Books Alison Urquhart, PublisherPenguin Random House Debra Adelaide, Author and associate professor of creative writing, University of Technology Sydney Magdalena Ball, Writer, Reviewer, Compulsive Reader Anna Spargo-Ryan, Writer, writing teacher, editor, reader Charlie Hester, Social media & project officer, Queensland Writers Centre Mandy Beaumont, Writer, researcher and reviewer Chloe Barber-Hancock, Writer, reader, pre-service teacher Dr Patrick Mullins, Academic and writer Wendy Hanna, Screenwriter Chloe Warren Dianne Masri, Social Media Consultant Jane Gibian, Writer, librarian, reader Dr Airlie Lawson, Academic and writer Karen Andrews, Writer, teacher, reader Tim Coronel, General manager, Small Press Network and Industry adjunct lecturer, University of Melbourne Tommy Murphy, Playwright and screenwriter Evlin DuBose, Editor, writer, screenwriter, director, poet, UTS's Vertigo Magazine Tony Maniaty, Writer Emma Ashmere, Writer, reader, teacher Alicia Gilmore, Writer Suzanne O'Sullivan, Publisher, Hachette Australia Jacqui DentWriter, Content Strategist Rachel Smith, Writer Intan Paramaditha, Writer Cassandra Wunsch, Director TasWriters (The Tasmanian Writers Centre) Meera Atkinson Eileen Chong, Poet, Writer, Educator Debra Tidball, Author, reviewer Beth Spencer, Author, poet, reader Lou Pollard, Comedy writer, blogger Bronwyn Stuart/Tilley, Author and program coordinator, Writers SA Gemma Patience, Writer, illustrator, reviewer Amarlie Foster, Writer, teacher Dr Felicity Plunkett, writer Angela Betzien Drew Rooke, Journalist and author Michael Mazengarb, Journalist RenewEconomy Katrina Roe, Children's author, broadcaster, audiobook narrator Liz Doran, Screenwriter Arnold Zable, Writer. Tom Langshaw, Editor, Penguin Random House Brooke Maddison Monica O'Brien, ProducerAmbience Entertainment Jacinta Dimase, Literary AgentJacinta Dimase Management Jane Novak, Literary AgentJane Novak Literary Agency Sarah Hollingsworth, Arts Organisation ManagerMarketing and Communications Manager, Writers Victoria Barbara Temperton, Writer Sandra van Doorn, Publisher Red Paper Kite Alex Eldridge, Writer Karen Beilharz, Writer, editor, comic creator Esther Rivers, Writer, editor, poet Jane Pochon, Board Member, lawyer and reader Zoe Walton, Publisher, Penguin Random House Eliza Twaddell Alison Green, CEO, Board Member, Pantera Press Emma Rafferty, Editor Sarah Swarbrick, Writer Dayne Kelly, Literary Agent, RGM Léa Antigny, Head of Publicity and Communications, Pantera Press Jenny Green, Finance, Pantera Press Sarah Begg, Writer Mark Harding, Writer, Brand Manager, Social Media and Content Specialist Shanulisa Prasad, Bookseller Katy McEwen, Rights Manager, Pantera Press Olivia Fricot, Content Writer/Bookseller, Booktopia Jack Peck, Writer, Open Genre Group Convenor, Writing NSW, Retired Kathy Skantzos, Writer, Editor Serene Conneeley, Author, Editor Kerry Littrich, Writer Merran Hughes, Creative Cassie Watson, Writer Lisa Seltzer, Copywriter, Social Media Manager and Marketing Consultant Gemma Noon, Writer and Librarian Tanya Tabone, Reader Laura Franks, Reader, Editor, Writer Dani Netherclift, Writer Who to contact We urge you to join us in advocating for Writing NSW and the state of funding for Australian literature, by contacting Create NSW, your NSW Member of Parliament, and the NSW Minister for the Arts.
Chris Keely Executive Director, Create NSW Email: [email protected]
The Hon. Don Harwin, MLC Phone: (02) 8574 7200 Email: [email protected]
Who to else to contact
The Hon. (Walt) Walter Secord, MLC Shadow Minister for the Arts Phone: (02) 9230 2111 Email: [email protected] Ms. Cate Faehrmann, MLC Greens representative for Arts, Music, Night-Time Economy and Culture Phone: (02) 9230 3771 Email: [email protected] A full list of names and contact details for NSW State MPs is available here.
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penguru100 · 4 years
COVID-19: President Buhari Releases 2600 Inmates
President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the release to 2,600 inmates nationwide.
This follows the granting of presidential pardon to the former inmates.
Bittertruth Media gathered that out of the said number, President Buhari granted amnesty to five ex-convicts among whom are Late Professor Ambrose Ali, Late Chief Anthony Enahoro, Ex Lt. Col Moses Effiong, Major E. J Olanrewaju and Mr Ajay I…
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wazobia9ja · 3 years
Abducted Ambrose Ali University professor released by kidnappers
Abducted Ambrose Ali University professor released by kidnappers--
Abducted Ambrose Ali University professor released by kidnappers Professor Osadolor Odia, a senior lecturer at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma, Edo State, who was abducted by gunmen, has been released.   Last Thursday, the Professor of Engineering and former Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering was kidnapped on his way to the farm in Eboro, Esan West Local Government Area of the…
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essencepoints · 3 years
Kidnapped Ambrose Ali University professor regains freedom
Kidnapped Ambrose Ali University professor regains freedom
The senior lecturer at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Professor Osadolor Odia, who was kidnapped by gunmen has regained his freedom.  LIB reported that the Professor of Engineering and former Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was kidnapped on his way to the farm at Eboro area of Ekpoma, Esan West Local Government Area of the state last Thursday. The kidnappers…
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theolympusrp · 4 years
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Indo além das imediações do instituto, ainda dentro do mundo em que vivem, esse será o destino dos participantes do segundo acampamento. Irão conhecer um pouco mais da fauna e da flora vivente do mundo mágico, tal como colocar em prática suas habilidades de sobrevivência ao meio natural. Não serão encontrados apenas mosquitos dessa vez, mas também animais selvagens, tanto os comuns que habitam ambos os mundos, como alguns seres minotauros, aves de estínfalos, ciclopes e touros de colchis, mas em seus habitats mais naturais. Eles podem se sentir ameaçados, então tomem cuidado.
Os professores que irão acompanhar no acampamento, ensinar e ajudar são: Psique, Moros e Quiron. Aproveitem ao máximo esse tempo de vocês junto a eles para adquirirem conhecimento. A saída do instituto ocorrerá às 7:00 da manhã e o retorno às 20:00 no domingo.
- Não haverá um plotdrop fixo, mas sábado e domingo (29 - 30/08) todos os POVs relacionados ao acampamento valerão 10 pontos.
- Vocês irão fazer uma thread própria onde irão ir postando os POVs de vocês, e por fim colocar apenas essa thread no tweet da base.
- Poderão entregar a thread até dia 31/08 às 20:00. Lembrando novamente que só serão POVs aceitos relacionados ao acampamento e que leremos todos para confirmar.
- Lembrem que estarão lá para aprender questões de sobrevivência, então os POVs devem ser voltados a coisas feitas em um acampamento, ok?!
- POVs feitos com outros propósitos, flashbacks, etc só valerão 5 pontos e devem ser mantidas as entregas no info caso o façam.
- Seu personagem poderá se encontrar por acaso com qualquer animal ou estes seres em seus habitats, então fiquem a vontade para montar isso.
- Qualquer dúvida, estaremos a disposição na base.
Bom acampamento!
1. Psique 2. Quiron 3. Ravena e Moros 4. Bonnibel e Paris 5. Kasper e Phelix 6. Antonina e Rize 7. Anushka, Jaeho e Isabella 8. Gael e Aspen 9. Amber, Morgana e Ramona 10. Wolfgang e Mia 11. Luna, Leon e Hannibal 12. Jinhwan e Ella 13. Aaron e Chiara 14. Subin e Lilibeth 15. Kevin e Lule 16. Robin e Dohyun 17. Nicholas e Joseph 18. Devon e Maggie 19. Angel, Gioconda, Manoela 20. Malika, Alejandra e Ashton 21. Ambrose, Annika e Yujin 22.  Weiqi, Zoey e Javier 23. Kenji, Scarlet e Ali 24. Maya, Scorpius e Bomi 25. Saint e Rubi 26. Vinícius e Juliana
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TOMORROW IS PREGNANT: When Iva Esu was a Lecturer at Kaduna State Polytechnic in 1975, Benedict Ayade was just a 6-year-old boy in Primary school in Obudu in Calabar Cross Rivers State. When Ayade was in the University doing his masters degree at The University of Ibadan after He had just concluded his BSC at Ambrose Ali University in Benin, Ivara Esu was already a Professor and then The Commissioner for Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development in Cross Rivers State. When Ben Ayade finished his PHd and Became a Junior Lecturer in Delta State University Abraka, Ivara Esu was already The Dean of Faculty of Agriculture in The University of Calabar. When Ben Ayade became a senior Lecturer and was working towards publishing journals and making international Researches, Professor Ivara Esu was made The Vice Chancellor of The University of Calabar in the Year 2000. When Ayade became a Professor and was appointed as Chairman Ecological Funds and then Member of Cross River State Poverty Alleviation Board, Prof. Ivara Esu had recieved a National honour from Fmr. President Olusegun Obasanjo as An Officer of the Federal Republic(OFR) in 2005 for his patriotic contribution to building of our nation. He was later appointed The Hon. Minister for State for Tourism, Culture and National Orientation in January 2007 and Then the Chairman Board of Management FMC Owerri. In 2011, Ben Ayade ventured into Politics and ran for Senate, He won in a Landslide victory. Prof Ivara Esu(OFR) was appointed Chairman Nnamdi Azikiwe Teaching Hospital and a National Consultant. In 2015, Prof.(Sen) Ben Ayade ran for Governor of Cross Rivers State and Prof. Ivara Esu ran as His deputy instead of the other way round.. That is the irony of Life. Now look at the Timeline of Events and How God elevated "a very Small Boy into a Biggy man". His own deputy who was already a Lecturer while He was in Primary school. A man who graduated from the University a Year after He (Ben Ayade) was Born now answers to him. A man whose C.V and pedigree beats his own hands down but now serves under his Leadership and administration. Follow us on Twitter @celesylvupdates https://www.instagram.com/p/CA7U8DEp4BH/?igshid=kh3f41gs1b4x
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calistapledger · 7 years
The Thrill of First Love
A/N: This actually takes place before the reaction fic but it was still a work in progress when I posted the reaction. I’ll post a masterlist of all the pics in chronological order tomorrow. Props to anyone who can guess which fave book character inspired Cal to become an inventor (hint: the character is from a beloved children’s book series that became Netflix series recently). Tagging @isabellafaulkner, @ariciaeast, @debbieker and @evadne-leventhorpe beause I know they loveee reading about Calystair.
I settled in college perfectly well. The workload was rather intensive but I knew what I was signing up for when I sent in my application. The experience was made even better when I was given the most helpful professors who were willing to go over the lesson again after the class in case I missed anything. I had easy going acquaintances but never anyone to truly open up to until Eurus showed up. Yes, Eurus Ledger, my annoying little brother or best friend since birth. It really depends on my mood.
I had finished a successful term and I was all ready for my second term. I breathed in the fresh air of the college campus as I made my way to my Creative Writing class. Engineering was my major but it didn't hurt to deepen my love for my hobby. I was minding my own business when I heard a loud thud slump next to me.
“Hey sis.” Came his sultry voice. Did he really have to use the flirty tone with me? I jumped in my seat before turning to his direction. “What are you doing here?” Wasn't he off parading as a model? He came close enough to show off his grin and I pursed my lips in a tight smile. “Mom and dad said that if I was gonna be a model I’d have to get a formal education for after my looks fade.” He fainted dramatically on my lap. What a baby. I rolled my eyes before pulling him up.
“Okay...that doesn't explain why you're here.”
“Oh please, you aren't the only one who got Mom’s brains. Besides Angeles Uni is near where I work, Cal.” He scoffed. I raised an eyebrow. “Where exactly do you work?” “We aren't called the Angeles Angels for fun, sis.” Have I been so caught up with my life here that I've completely shut out my brothers? He must have caught the guilty expression I wore and chuckled.
“I forgive you, sis. Let's get together for lunch to catch up. Now pay attention, class’s starting.” New friends can be nice but there’s nothing like reconciling with your best friend.
Lunch had another surprise awaiting me. Eurus and I walked laughing over Zephy starting a food fight in school. Father had turned red as a fire truck when the school called him up. Seems like Zeph is going a rebel phrase. I was laughing and the next thing I know I'm in Aly’s arms. His aftershave was always too prominent for me to ignore. He kisses me and I hear Eurus making a gagging noise. Real mature, E. In retaliation, I stuck out my tongue in his direction. I smooth over Aly's shirt and grin up at my boyfriend.
“This is the best surprise. How did you manage to get off work?”
“There's only a few girls left in the competition so security isn't as tight as it used to be. I managed to get Emory to cover for me.” Trusty Emory, he was Aly’s second in command and always reliable. “I also realised it's due time that we went out on a real date.” 
I gasped, I’d been so busy with college that I didn't realise Aly and I hadn't gone on a real date. Before I could excitedly agree, Eurus cleared his throat behind me. I internally groaned. I did promise him that we'd catch up during lunch. I turned to smile at him before going back to my boyfriend.
“I promised Eurus we'd have lunch. Aly, this is my kid brother and best friend, Eurus. E, this is Aly, my -” “The guy who ruined your chances of becoming Queen.” My brother sneered. “Excuse me?” I was completely caught off guard. I didn't know E cared so much about the Selection. “You could have had a better life, Cal.” I have never heard my brother be this upset before, it was unnerving to see him so. I could tell Aly was too stunned to say anything, his breathing was all messed up.
“I am having a better life! Dominic would have probably stuck me in that cage in a prison of a dress, playing shadow to his rule! Here I'm with the man I love and going to Uni, something I never thought possible without Aly and my friends suggesting it. So don't you dare talk to him like that, E.” I was seething. It was not fair to Aly to be yelled at just because Dominic was a douche and I didn't like him. Eurus could only scoff bitterly.
“That doesn’t mean I have to like this one.” “His name is Alystair and you will treat him like a person but I understand. I owe you lunch so I’ll meet you at the cafeteria.” I waited for him to be out of earshot before turning to Aly.
“I’m so sorry he did that, it completely blindsided me.” I giggled softly at the pun, “Pun intended. I’ll meet you after lunch, alright?” I kissed him goodbye and headed off to find my brother. Lucky for me, E caught me as soon as I made a pass for the cafeteria. I loved being independant and all, navigating the campus on my own but sometimes it was nice having someone to guide me around.
“I’m not going to pretend I’m not upset with you. That was completely uncalled for, I thought you thought the Selection was a joke?” Was the first thing I said to him when we sat down. I knew he was rolling his eyes. “We all saw how happy you were at the Palace. And to throw it all away for that guard, was a waste.” I narrowed my eyes at him when he spat out the word ‘guard’.
“Being a guard is not beneath you, Eurus. In fact, they are a caste above you, you will do well to remember that. I did not throw it away for a guard, why can’t you believe that I’m truly happy? You know what, I thought I could do this without being furious with you but I am. I need to cool off. Let’s take a raincheck on this lunch.” With that, I stormed out of the dining hall. The nerve my brother had to act this way. I exited the campus, and always there when I needed him was Aly, waiting for me.
“I knew you couldn’t talk to him while you were still upset. Are you okay to go on a real date?” He pulled me closer to his side, comfortingly. I leaned in gratefully and nodded. I just needed to be whisked away and pampered today. I knew I could trust Aly to do just that. We got into the car and next thing I know, I hear waves crashing against the sand. I have never heard a more lovely sound at the moment. The sea breeze hit my face as soon as I stepped out of the car. I inhaled deeply, taking it all in.
“Now I know you can’t see how lovely the water looks but I know how much you love the sound of waves crashing and the smell of the sea. So I thought the beach would be a perfect place for our first date.” I practically tackled him with my hug. I thanked him over and over before kissing him all over. We giggled as we clumsily made our way to a table he had someone set up for us. I felt extremely fancy, and couldn’t stop grinning.
“Hello, I’m Jeeves and I’ll be your personal waiter for the day.” A personal waiter! He really shouldn’t have. Once Jeeves was away, collecting our drink selection, I pounced on Aly.
“You shouldn’t have spent so much on me!” He slipped his hand on top of mine, sneakily. “I wanted to so don’t protest. Just enjoy it.” I huffed before giving in. Jeeves brought us our drink selection; I opted for cider while Aly settled for red wine. Then came out a full course meal, I could barely keep up. They were hard to keep track of so I just focused on the most important thing: My date.
“How do we go about this? This isn’t exactly a proper first date, we know so much about each other.” I asked, I didn’t want to royally screw this up like I did my last first date. He reached out and rubbed my shoulder, comfortingly.
“Hey, relax. It’s just me. And you know I’ll definitely be more interactive than your last date.” We laughed at that. I wondered how my friends were faring, being in the Elite. Half of us managed to get in and I was so proud of them, I just hope Dominic wouldn’t break their hearts. I thought about what Aly and I could talk about when it hit me.
“You just lit up, what brilliant idea do you have now?” I heard the smile in his voice. “I realised you only know so much about me is because of all the media exposure I’ve gotten from the Selection. We’ve never really talked about your life before the palace. I only know you were a Five and you played the violin. I’ll be honest, I pegged you to be a pianist.”
“A pianist? With these hands?” He snorted as he splayed out his fingers towards me. I took them in my own hands and fiddled with them “I happen to like these hands, thank you very much.” I stuck my tongue at him before continuing, “Well, tell me more! I want to know all about your life.”
He was quiet for a moment and I could hear the gears turning in his head. He was probably putting it all together in his head coherently.
“Where do I even begin?”
I can tell you firsthand, Alystair Ajax Costas has had an interesting life. His Grandfather is the Royal General and his Mother was Major Anya Costas, next in line to be General after the General retires. Before that could happen, Anya fell in love with Aly’s father, Ajax. Of course General Costas didn’t approve of the match, seeing that she was a Two and his father was a painter, a Five. Anya didn’t care for her father’s opinion and ran off with her lover. She became a Five and soon had Aly, Alice and later Ambrose. I didn’t even know he had a brother until now. He simply chuckled when I relayed this to him.
He was raised in a loving household full of art and music - his mother picked up the piano soon after marrying Ajax. So I was right about him having pianist fingers, it was literally in his blood. At some point in his youth, he became fascinated with the Royal Guards and his mother eventually revealed to him that he came from a long line of Royal Generals, Majors and Captains. Immediately, he was taken to living up to that dream and begged his mother to take him to see his Grandfather. Long story short, his Grandfather was too happy to see his grandson and offered him a position right away. The General never really forgave Anya for her life choices but they were civil now.
“Within the next five years, I’m looking to be Major Costas.” That was a wonderful life story and I was completely enticed.
“Oh, that was a treat! I want to know more! How did you decide that you wanted to play the violin instead of going into arts?” “How did you know you wanted to be an inventor?” He countered, teasingly, “It was a gut feeling, although I always knew I was meant for something bigger.”
“You’re wrong, it wasn’t a gut feeling for me. A favourite book character inspired my want to be an inventor and with Uncle Ro, it all fell into place.” I finished the last of my dessert and propped my elbows up on the table, resting my face on my fists.
“Now tell me more about Ambrose! I can’t believe you never told me about him.” “He never came up.” “You could have just been, ‘Hey, this is Alice, we have little Ambrose back at the mansion.’” I dropped my voice really low to mimic him but failed miserably.
“I do not sound like that!” He grinned goofily, I could tell, his voice lightened up but then continued to tell me more about his brother. Ambrose dabbled in both music and art. He was a painter and photographer; he usually melded the two mediums together, and played all sorts of instruments beautifully.
“He’s gay as well so we can set him up with Eurus, if that would earn me brownie points.” I froze momentarily at that statement. Aly seemed to notice and froze with me. “Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to offend you.” “What are you going on about, you nutter? I’m pansexual, remember? I’m completely fine with gay people, it just never occurred to me that Eurus could be gay.”
“Ah.” With that one word, I could tell how relieved my boyfriend was.
“It makes sense.” I shrugged and we moved on. Eventually we were done with our meal and getting to know one another for the day. We decided to call it a day. We stood up and I sincerely thanked him for a wonderful date. He kissed my hand like a perfect gentleman in response. I simply rolled my eyes and pulled him to me.
When we kissed, it felt like the very first time. My chest was exploding with fireworks and I felt completely at home. He smelled like the sea breeze that had washed over him during the last few hours we spent at the beach. He tasted of chocolates and I couldn’t get enough.
“Now, that was a proper thank you.” He laughed when we pulled away. “Take me out more often. There’s more where that came from.” I winked at him.
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Nigeria my beloved country, as we mark our 59th independent day, my wish for every Nigeria most especially every elected politicians should reformat their brains and install new software that are programmed to operate only Nigerians Interest, make Nigeria look like or even better than countries you run to with stolen money.. Ask your self, when you die, what will you be remembered for.. late Ambrose Ali governor of the then Bendel State is remembered till tomorrow for His good work.. not Because he was a Professor, or a formal Governor..but because of how He served His people..#borrowsense #naijaat59 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FwbZYAB-i/?igshid=1m045jtu6vqc6
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fictionz · 3 years
New Fiction 2021
Previously: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
2021: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Short Stories
Jan - “The Night Face Up” by Julio Cortazar and Paul Blackburn (trans.) (1967)
Jan - “The Use of Force” by William Carlos Williams (1938)
Jan - “A Conversation from the Third Floor” by Mohamed Al Bisatie (2003)
Jan - “The Mexican” by Jack London (1911)
Jan - “Battles in the Desert” by Jose Emilio Pacheco (1980)
Jan - “Second Star to the Right…” by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (1999)
Jan - “First Steps” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (1999)
Jan - “Dead Man's Hand” by Jeffrey Lang (1999)
Jan - “Old Souls” by Michael Jan Friedman (1999)
Jan - “Sins of the Mother” by S.D. Perry (1999)
Jan - “Infinity” by Susan Wright (1999)
Jan - “Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor” by S.D. Perry and Robert Simpson (1999)
Jan - “The Music Between the Notes” by Steven Barnes (1999)
Jan - “Reflections” by L.A. Graf (1999)
Jan - “…and straight on 'til morning” by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (1999)
Feb - “Time capsule found on the dead planet” by Margaret Atwood (2009)
Feb - “The Street” by H.P. Lovecraft (1920)
Feb - “The Crooked Man” by Charles Beaumont (1955)
Jun - “What Is Remembered” by Alice Munro (2001)
Jun - “Old Babes in the Wood” by Margaret Atwood (2021)
Jul - “Revisited, Part One” by Anonymous (2003)
Jul - “Ha'mara” by Kevin G. Summers (2003)
Jul - “The Orb of Opportunity” by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels (2003)
Jul - “Broken Oaths” by Keith R. A. DeCandido (2003)
Jul - “... Loved I Not Honor More” by Christopher L. Bennett (2003)
Jul - “Three Sides to Every Story” by Terri Osborne (2003)
Jul - “The Devil You Know” by Heather Jarman (2003)
Jul - “Foundlings” by Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Jul - “Chiaroscuro” by Geoffrey Thorne (2003)
Jul - “Face Value” by Una McCormack (2003)
Jul - “The Calling” by Andrew J. Robinson (2003)
Jul - “Revisited, Part Two” by Anonymous (2003)
Aug - “A Delicate Architecture” by Catherynne M. Valente (2010)
Oct - “Iqsinaqtutalik Piqtuq: The Haunted Blizzard” by Aviaq Johnston (2020)
Oct - “Uironda” by Luigi Musolino & James D. Jenkins (trans.) (2018)
Oct - “The Bloody Chamber” by Angela Carter (1979)
Oct - “Tree of the Forest Seven Bells Turns the World Round Midnight” by Sheree Renee Thomas (2016)
Oct - “The Remorse of Professor Panebianco” by Greye La Spina (1925)
Oct - “The House Party at Smoky Island” by Lucy Maud Montgomery (1935)
Oct - “Calcutta, Lord of Nerves” by Poppy Z. Brite (1992)
Oct - “Letter to a Young Lady in Paris” by Julio Cortazar (1951)
Oct - “The Pelican Bar” by Karen Joy Fowler (2009)
Oct - “Cargo” by E. Michael Lewis (2008)
Oct - “The Erl-King” by Elizabeth Hand (1998)
Oct - “Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges & Norman Thomas di Giovanni (trans.) (1940)
Oct - “The Show” by Priya Sharma (2011)
Oct - “Teratisms” by Kathe Koja (1991)
Oct - “Kerfol” by Edith Wharton (1916)
Oct - “Demon” by Joyce Carol Oates (1996)
Oct - “The Other Place” by Mary Gaitskill (2011)
Oct - “Absit” by Angelica Gorodischer & Amalia Gladhart (trans.) (2013)
Oct - “Guess” by Meg Elison (2020)
Oct - “Ghosts of August” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1980)
Oct - “Aura” by Carlos Fuentes & Adrian Ziegler (trans.) (1962)
Oct - “The Follower” by Nuzo Onoh (2014)
Oct - “The Death of Halpin Frayser” by Ambrose Bierce (1891)
Oct - “The Shadow” by Edith Nesbit (1905)
Oct - “The Story of Ming-Y” by Lafcadio Hearn (1887)
Oct - “Free Ride” by Cameron Morris & Nina Matsumoto (2016)
Oct - “What You Eat” by Alys Hobbs (2020)
Nov - “The Quiet Boy” by Nick Antosca (2019)
Feb - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One by J.G. Hertzler & Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Feb - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two by J.G. Hertzler & Jeffrey Lang (2003)
Apr - A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson (2000)
Jun - Altered Egos by Kenneth Girard (1983)
Nov - Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (2000)
Nov - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (2009)
Dec - Inferno by Dan Brown (2013)
Dec - Origin by Dan Brown (2016)
Jan - “Guernica” by James Johnson Sweeney (1940)
Jan - “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forche (1978)
Jan - “The Diameter of the Bomb” by Yehuda Amichai (1979)
Jan - “Sonnet” by Yehuda Amichai (1958)
Jan - “1937? What did they tell you? Que te contaron? Ki konte ou?” by Julia Alvarez (2019)
Jan - “The Octopus” by Jose Emilio Pacheco (1985)
Feb - “Assembly Line” by Shu Ting (1992)
Feb - “Bride” by Maggie Smith (2020)
Feb - “Words Heard, By Accident, Over The Phone” by Sylvia Plath (1962)
Feb - “Diving into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich (1973)
Oct - “Ammutseba Rising” by Ann K. Schwader (2015)
Comic Shorts/Single Issues
Jan - “The Girl In The Fields” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Mattress, Used” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “The Boy From The Sea” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Our Lake Monster” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jan - “Kindred Spirits” by Abby Howard (2021)
Jun - “The Ghoul Man” by Jaime Hernandez (2002)
Jun - “Futon” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Wooden Spirit” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Tomio - Red Turtleneck” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jun - “Gentle Goodbye” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Dissection-chan” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Blackbird” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Magami Nanakuse” by Junji Ito (2015)
Jul - “Whispering Woman” by Junji Ito (2015)
Oct - “Heavy Fog” by Abby Howard (2021)
Oct - “Tatter Up!” by Graham Ingels (1955)
Oct - “Rasberry Surprise” by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran, Good Old Neon (2018)
Oct - “Strung Along” by Richard Corben (2016)
Nov - “Mother Whale's Funeral” by Taishe (2021)
Nov - “The Suit” by Bad Space Comics (2021)
Dec - “Breaking the News” by Cosmignion (2021)
Graphic Novels/Trades
Feb - Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book One by Alan Moore, Stephen Bisette, John Totleben, Dan Day, Rick Veitch, Tatjana Wood, John Costanza, & Todd Klein (1984-1987)
Dec - Chew, Vol. 1: Taster's Choice by John Layman & Rob Guillory (2009) 
Short Games/Demos
Mar - “Berserker and Thumbnail Maker” dev. andretchen (2021)
Mar - “In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines” dev. Dead Idle Games (2019)
Jul - “Security Booth” dev. Kyle Horwood (2021) 
Video Games
Feb - Sayonara Wild Hearts dev. Simogo (2019)
Feb - Outer Wilds dev. Mobius Digital (2019)
Mar - West of Loathing dev. Asymmetric Publications (2017)
Mar - Sonic Mania dev. Christian Whitehead, PagodaWest Games, & Headcannon (2017)
Mar - Snatcher dev. Konami (1994)
Apr - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time dev. Novotrade International (1995)
Apr - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger dev. Stormfront Studios (1996)
May - What Remains of Edith Finch dev. Giant Sparrow (2017)
May - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen dev. The Collective (2000)
Jun - If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers dev. Dead Idle Games (2021)
Jul - Simply Mindy dev. Sexums (2016)
Aug - Mega Man 5 dev. Capcom (1992)
Aug - Psychonauts 2 dev. Double Fine Productions (2021)
Sep - The Curse of Monkey Island dev. LucasArts (1997)
Sep - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars dev. Gizmo Games (2001)
Oct - Silent Hill 2 dev. Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (2001)
Oct - Little Nightmares II dev. Tarsier Studios (2021)
Oct - Maneater dev. Tripwire Interactive (2020)
Oct - Twelve Minutes dev. Luis Antonio (2021)
Oct - Nightmare Collection: Dead of the Brain dev. FairyTale (1992)
Nov - NIER dev. Cavia (2010)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: Light Puzzle dev. Impressionware (2006)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: The Quest Begins dev. Sandcastle Studios, Inc. (2006)
Dec - Inferno: Journey Through Hell dev. Part IV (2016)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code: Helix dev. Sandcastle Studios, Inc. (2006)
Dec - Angels & Demons dev. Glu Mobile (2009)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code 3D dev. SouthEnd Interactive (2006)
Dec - The Da Vinci Code dev. The Collective (2006)
Feb - The Piano Lesson by August Wilson (1987)
Short Films
Jan - “How to Fish” dir. Jack Kinney (1942)
Jan - “Croissant de Triomphe” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “No Service” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “Yodelberg” dir. Aaron Springer (2013)
Jan - “New York Weenie” dir. Aaron Springer (2013)
Jan - “Tokyo Go” dir. Paul Rudish (2013)
Jan - “Stayin' Cool” dir. Dave Wasson (2013)
Feb - “The Legend of Beavis” dir. KhalidSMShahin (2021)
Mar - “Where's Ghislaine” dir. Molly Lambert (2020)
Mar - “Weirdos Go Shopping” dir. Carrie Brownstein (2016)
Apr - “Burrow” dir. Madeline Sharafian (2020)
Apr - “Genius Loci” dir. Adrien Merigeau (2019)
Apr - “Opera” dir. Erick Oh (2020)
Apr - “If anything happens I love you” dir. Will McCormack & Michael Govier (2020)
Apr - “Ja-Folkio” dir. Gísli Darri (2020)
Apr - “Kapaemahu” dir. Kanaka (2020)
Apr - “The Snail and the Whale” dir. Max Lang & Daniel Snaddon (2020)
Apr - “To: Gerard” dir. Taylor Meacham (2020)
Apr - “The Present” dir. Farah Nabulsi (2020)
Apr - “Feeling Through” dir. Doug Roland (2020)
Apr - “Two Distant Strangers” dir. Travon Free & Martin Desmond Roe (2020)
Apr - “Ayn Levana” dir. Tomer Shushan (2020)
Apr - “The Letter Room” dir. Elvira Lind (2020)
Apr - “Monsters in The Dark” dir. Apollonia Thomaier (2021)
Apr - “The Tell-Tale Heart” dir. Ted Parmelee (1953)
Apr - “Captain Yajima” dir. Worthikids (2021)
Jun - “Are You Lost in the World Like Me?” dir. Steve Cutts (2017)
Aug - “Little Runmo” dir. Gooseworx (2019)
Aug - “Three Robots” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “Beyond the Aquila Rift” dir. Leon Berelle, Dominique Boidin, Remi Kozyra, Maxime Luere (2019)
Aug - “Ice Age” dir. Tim Miller (2019)
Aug - “Sonnie's Edge” dir. Dave Wilson (2019)
Aug - “When the Yogurt Took Over” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “The Secret War” dir. Istvan Zorkoczy (2019)
Aug - “Sucker of Souls” dir. Owen Sullivan (2019)
Aug - “The Witness” dir. Alberto Mielgo (2019)
Aug - “Suits” dir. Franck Balson (2019)
Aug - “Good Hunting” dir. Oliver Thomas (2019)
Aug - “The Dump” dir. Javier Recio Gracia (2019)
Aug - “Shape-Shifters” dir. Gabriele Pennacchioli (2019)
Aug - “Fish Night” dir. Damian Nenow (2019)
Aug - “Helping Hand” dir. Jon Yeo (2019)
Aug - “Alternate Histories” dir. Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres (2019)
Aug - “Lucky 13” dir. Jerome Chen (2019)
Aug - “Blindspot” dir. Vitaliy Shushko (2019)
Aug - “Zima Blue” dir. Robert Valley (2019)
Sep - “Old Buck” dir. David James Armsby (2021)
Nov - “Ghost Castle” dir. Louie Zong (2021)
Nov - “Expectations” dir. Elena Rogova & Zhenia Pavlenko (2020)
Dec - “Little Fella Farms” dir. Alec Smith (2021)
Jan - Chef dir. Jon Favreau (2014)
Jan - The Old Guard dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood (2020)
Jan - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World dir. Edgar Wright (2010)
Jan - The Lovebirds dir. Michael Showalter (2020)
Jan - Creature from the Black Lagoon dir. Jack Arnold (1954)
Jan - The Midnight Sky dir. George Clooney (2020)
Jan - Promising Young Woman dir. Emerald Fennell (2020)
Jan - Wonder Woman 1984 dir. Patty Jenkins (2020)
Jan - The Little Things dir. John Lee Hancock (2021)
Feb - Psycho Goreman dir. Steven Kostanski (2021)
Feb - Judas and the Black Messiah dir. Shaka King (2021)
Feb - Willy's Wonderland dir. Kevin Lewis (2021)
Feb - Minari dir. Lee Isaac Chung (2020)
Feb - Nomadland dir. Chloe Zhao (2020)
Apr - The Pianist dir. Roman Polanski (2002)
Apr - The Journey of Natty Gann dir. Jeremy Kagan (1985)
Apr - Aeon Flux dir. Karyn Kusama (2005)
Apr - Lucky dir. Natasha Kermani (2021)
Apr - A New Leaf dir. Elaine May (1971)
Apr - The Dig dir. Simon Stone (2021)
Apr - Shipwrecked dir. Nils Gaup (1990)
Apr - Godzilla vs. Kong dir. Adam Wingard (2021)
Apr - Avalon dir. Mamoru Oshii (2001)
Apr - Nobody dir. Ilya Naishuller (2021)
Apr - The Fog dir. John Carpenter (1980)
Apr - Blood Simple dir. Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (1984)
Apr - Rango dir. Gore Verbinski (2011)
Apr - The Black Cauldron dir. Ted Berman & Richard Rich (1984)
Apr - Batman: The Killing Joke dir. Sam Liu (2016)
Apr - Tangled dir. Nathan Greno & Byron Howard (2010)
Apr - The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run dir. Tim Hill (2020)
Apr - Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown dir. Bill Melendez & Phil Roman (1977)
Apr - La Casa Lobo dir. Cristobal Leon & Joaquin Cocina (2018)
Apr - Seoul Station dir. Yeon Sang-ho (2016)
Apr - The Last Unicorn dir. Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass (1982)
Apr - Fantastic Planet dir. Rene Laloux (1973)
May - Bone Tomahawk dir. S. Craig Zahler (2015)
Jun - Fatherhood dir. Paul Weitz (2021)
Jun - Hachi: A Dog's Tale dir. Lasse Hallstrom (2009)
Jun - The Squid and the Whale dir. Noah Baumbach (2005)
Jul - Zola dir. Janicza Bravo (2021)
Jul - A Quiet Place Part II dir. John Krasinski (2021)
Jul - Black Widow dir. Cate Shortland (2021)
Jul - F9 dir. Justin Lin (2021)
Jul - Pig dir. Michael Sarnoski (2021)
Jul - Old dir. M. Night Shyamalan (2021)
Jul - Snake Eyes dir. Robert Schwentke (2021)
Jul - Jungle Cruise dir. Jaume Collet-Serra (2021)
Aug - The Green Knight dir. David Lowery (2021)
Aug - The Suicide Squad dir. James Gunn (2021)
Aug - Escape from Mogadishu dir. Ryoo Seung-wan (2021)
Aug - Free Guy dir. Shawn Levy (2021)
Aug - Don't Breathe 2 dir. Rodo Sayagues (2021)
Aug - The Night House dir. David Bruckner (2021)
Aug - The Protege dir. Martin Campbell (2021)
Aug - Reminiscence dir. Lisa Joy (2021)
Sep - Candyman dir. Nia DaCosta (2021)
Sep - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings dir. Destin Daniel Cretton (2021)
Sep - Malignant dir. James Wan (2021)
Sep - Copshop dir. Joe Carnahan (2021)
Sep - The Card Counter dir. Paul Schrader (2021)
Sep - Carrie dir. Brian De Palma (1976)
Oct - The Babysitter dir. McG (2017)
Oct - Dracula dir. Tod Browning & Karl Freund (1931)
Oct - Venom: Let There Be Carnage dir. Andy Serkis (2021)
Oct - Titane dir. Julia Ducournau (2021)
Oct - Frankenweenie dir. Tim Burton (2012)
Oct - Gretel & Hansel dir. Oz Perkins (2020)
Oct - Deep Red dir. Dario Argento (1975)
Oct - LandLocked dir. Paul Owens (2021)
Oct - The Lure dir. Agnieszka Smoczynska (2015)
Oct - Lamb dir. Valdimar Johannsson (2021)
Oct - Population 436 dir. Michelle MacLaren (2006)
Oct - Pet Sematary Two dir. Mary Lambert (1992)
Oct - The Slumber Party Massacre dir. Amy Holden Jones (1982)
Oct - Messiah of Evil dir. Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz (1973)
Oct - Track of the Vampire (aka Blood Bath) dir. Jack Hill & Stephanie Rothman (1966)
Oct - Halloween Kills dir. David Gordon Green (2021)
Oct - The Hitch-Hiker dir. Ida Lupino (1953)
Oct - Office Killer dir. Cindy Sherman (1997)
Oct - Tigers Are Not Afraid dir. Issa Lopez (2016)
Oct - Shin Godzilla dir. Hideaki Anno & Shinji Higuchi (2016)
Oct - Wolf's Hole dir. Vera Chytilova (1987)
Oct - Saint Maud dir. Rose Glass (2020)
Oct - The Cursed Palace dir. Hasan Redha (1962)
Oct - Dream Home dir. Pang Ho-cheung (2010)
Oct - Viy dir. Georgiy Kropachyov & Konstantin Ershov (1967)
Oct - Halloween dir. John Carpenter (1978)
Oct - La Llorona dir. Jayro Bustamante (2019)
Oct - Last Night in Soho dir. Edgar Wright (2021)
Oct - The Invisible Man dir. James Whale (1933)
Oct - The Wolf Man dir. George Waggner (1941)
Oct - Blood Diner dir. Jackie Kong (1987)
Oct - Antlers dir. Scott Cooper (2021)
Nov - No Time to Die dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga (2021)
Nov - Dune dir. Denis Villeneuve (2021)
Nov - The French Dispatch dir. Wes Anderson (2021)
Nov - Eternals dir. Chloe Zhao (2021)
Nov - Ghostbusters: Afterlife dir. Jason Reitman (2021)
Nov - Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City dir. Johannes Roberts (2021)
Dec - House of Gucci dir. Ridley Scott (2021)
Dec - Looper dir. Rian Johnson (2012)
Dec - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword dir. Guy Ritchie (2017)
Dec - Spider-Man: No Way Home dir. Jon Watts (2021)
Dec - Midnight Run dir. Martin Brest (1988)
Dec - Encanto dir. Byron Howard, Jared Bush, & Charise Castro Smith (2021)
Dec - El Camino Christmas dir. David E. Talbert (2017)
Dec - The Matrix Resurrections dir. Lana Wachowski (2021)
Dec - Don't Look Up dir. Adam McKay (2021)
Dec - Nightmare Alley dir. Guillermo del Toro (2021)
TV Episodes
Feb - The Simpsons - “Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington” (2003)
Feb - The Simpsons - “C.E. D'oh” (2003)
Jun - La Rosa de Guadalupe - “Cachito de loteria” (2018)
Jun - Dr. Candido Perez - “El premio y el tesorito” (2021)
Aug - Star Trek: Lower Decks - “Strange Energies” (2021)
Oct - The Simpsons  - “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” (2021)
Oct - Bob's Burgers - “The Pumpkinening” (2021)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Pilgrim of Eternity” (2013)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Lolani” (2014)
Nov - Star Trek Continues - “Fairest of Them All” (2014)
Dec - Vencer el pasado - “Lo que nos define ante los demas” (2021)
Dec - La desalmada - “El hijo que espera Isabela es mio” (2021)
Dec - La Rosa de Guadalupe - “La vendedora de ilusiones” (2021)
TV Series
Jan - The Queen's Gambit (2020)
Jan - The Boys - Seasons 1 & 2 (2019-2020)
Jan - Hunters - Season 1 (2020)
Jan - The Mandalorian - Season 2 (2020)
Jan - Cobra Kai - Seasons 1-3 (2018-2019, 2021)
Jan - Virgin River - Seasons 1 & 2 (2019-2020)
Feb - Fleabag - Series 1 & 2 (2016, 2019)
Feb - Undone (2019)
Mar - WandaVision (2021)
Apr - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
Aug - Star Trek: Discovery - Season 3 (2020)
Aug - Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 1 (2020)
Aug - Loki (2021)
Aug - Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021)
Nov - The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992-1996)
Dec - Hawkeye (2021)
Dec - The Lost Symbol (2021)
0 notes
smoshblog-blog1 · 6 years
Ambrose Ali University ASUU chairman suspended over sex-for-marks scandal
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The management of the Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma in Edo state, has suspended the Chairman of ASUU branch of the University, Dr. Monday Igbafen over alleged gross misconduct bordering on sexual harassment and threats of sex for marks.   Leadership reports that Igbafen's suspension order was contained in University’s News Bulletin, dated 13th February and signed by the Deputy Registrar information/Public Relations Officer, Edward Aihevba, titled “Suspension of Dr. M.L. Ugandan, associate professor in the department of philosophy.”   The statement reads in part: “The university community is hereby informed that Dr. M. L. Igbafen, Associate Professor in the department of philosophy, has been suspended from duty, following his arraignment before the Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee (SSDC) on allegation of gross misconduct bordering on sexual harassment and threats of marks for sex. He had earlier been accused of this offence and an investigative panel set up, which found him culpable and indicted. Recently, there was petition by the family of the female student involved, asking that Dr. M. L. Igbafen be brought to book, failing which the university management would be reported to ICPC for failure to act. On receipt of the petition, the University management asked for his comments. His response was found unsatisfactory. He was therefore arraigned before the senior staff disciplinary committee (SSDC)…As due process demands, he has been suspended from the university, pending the determination of the allegation leveled against him. He is therefore not allowed to participate or be involved in any university duties, activities or functions, except those related to senior staff disciplinary committee (SSDC) during the period of suspension''. Reacting to the allegation levelled against him, Igbafen said he was being framed by the school management. “If you have been monitoring development in AAU, Ekpoma, you will not be surprised that a paper like that is coming from the university administration. It is the climax of a desperate Vice Chancellor who has so many things to hide, which we will bring to the press. We have been battling the Vice Chancellor who wants to impose himself to the University. I am doing my job as ASUU Chairman, there have been several attempts to compromise me, but I refused, and when they discovered that they are unable to compromise me, the next thing is to resort to blackmail. Ask the Vice Chancellor, when did this issue of sexual harassment happened. The issue at stake is an attempt to cow the ASUU Chairman. We will address a world press conference to address the issue.” (LIB) Read the full article
0 notes
mastcomm · 4 years
Anthony Enahoro: Buhari’s phoney pardon, Obasanjo and all that
Pa Anthony Enahoro: received posthumous phoney pardon from Buhari
By Peter Enahoro (Peter Pan)
Older heads within the Enahoro clan know sufficient about political state pardons to not get excited by it.
It’s not a pension annuity, not a struggle ornament or a medal for distinctive providers to society. You don’t even get to have a handshake with the President.
What’s to have fun?
You don’t get a State Pardon for smoking a pipe in church. It’s a must to have been in jail or had your popularity wrongfully dragged via hell. You’re then informed, “your sins are forgiven you” and it’s possible you’ll not have sinned in any respect, as we’re at present witnessing within the case of my late brother, Tony versus President Buhari’s pathetic propaganda machine.
I’d thought controversy surrounding the announcement of President Muhammadu Buhari’s so-called posthumous state pardon for Professor Ambrose Ali and my brother, Chief Anthony Enahoro, would have subsided by now.
I famous the studied silence on the federal government facet concerning Tony’s properties. Greater than thirty years after the properties had been seized, what’s their seemingly standing at the moment? I do know that one of many properties (on Amodu Tijani Shut, Victoria Island, Lagos) handed from the desk of late Admiral Akhigbe when he was Lagos State Governor, to Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar’s possession when he (Akhigbe) was Chief of Employees in Abdulsalami’s authorities.
I believed, wrongly, it will develop into self-evident that there was nothing to pardon Tony for as social media and different printed commons exploded.
After which Buhari.
What introduced him into this? Staggering sleepless nights? A conscience revolt? A fast session with a Senegalese marabout maybe? I puzzled why Buhari’s feeble propagandists needlessly trapped him in a political manoeuvre trailing again to Edo State and a dissembling rivalry between Governor Godwin Obaseki and Adams Oshiomhole, who’s a political godfather in his personal thoughts.
I used to be irritated that official Twitter account stated Buhari pardoned “5 convicted folks”. Tony was not convicted, he was indicted. I believed the error was a matter of literacy and left it at that. Later, I used to be glad attorneys agreed with me.
If Tony had been alive, he would have rejected Buhari’s phoney pardon.
I do know this as a result of I used to be immediately concerned in a situation that will have offered alternative for Tony to have a one-on-one secluded assembly with departing President Ibrahim Babangida in 1993. The matter of his properties certainly would have been on the agenda. Tony turned down the possibility. If a gathering occurred he wished it “on impartial floor”. That scuppered it.
Tony steadfastly maintained his innocence. He would do nothing that threatened to compromise his dignity, akin to accepting unsolicited favours.
He met with President Obasanjo on intervention by our cousin, the late Tony Anenih. No one in uniform had executed worse than Obasanjo to humiliate Tony and attempt to destroy his political picture.
An end result of their assembly in Abuja, to which Obasanjo grandly despatched a airplane to fetch him from Benin, was then President Obasanjo’s provide that Tony ought to nominate 5 candidates for political appointments. Tony didn’t increase the difficulty of his sequestered properties. And he didn’t nominate anybody for a job with Obasanjo. He was a proud man to the final. God bless his soul.
The primary anniversary of “June 12” was arising. Abacha’s Authorities had intelligence about deliberate widespread demonstrations. I took a message from Abacha regime to Tony in Port Harcourt, the place he was in jail detention. I ought to inform Tony it had been determined to launch him on situation he gave his phrase he wouldn’t take part an indication or subject statements.
I ended over in Benin to take his eldest son, Ken, with me. Ken delivered a transferring message from his mom. Tony’s response was easy. He wouldn’t give an enterprise he was unsure he may fulfil. He was prepared to stay within the solitary floor flooring room within the College of Port Harcourt campus with its completely shut curtains the place he had been briefly transferred when his well being deteriorated within the jail cell he shared with two others. That was the brother I had.
His political enemies got here to know that behind that exterior allure was a person of robust resolve.
Buhari’s curious pardon is just not the primary merciless turmoil surrounding Tony and State Pardons.
There was the “Queen’s Pardon” within the years previous Independence.
Chief Awolowo had named him for Ministerial appointment in his Western Area Cupboard within the fifties. The then Governor of Western Area, Sir John Rankin, refused assent as a result of Tony had not been granted the Queen’s Pardon for the three phrases of imprisonment he’d served as an offending journalist.
The costs for which he stood trial had been clear reduce. The primary time was for a wartime remark in assist of a employees’ strike for pay rise. Tony criticised the unwisdom of elevating the Governor’s wage simply then. He was jailed 9 months.
The second time was when addressing an indoor viewers in Burutu he urged the police to refuse to shoot at demonstrators. The sentence this time was eighteen months.
The third and closing British conviction was when he turned up at Glover Memorial Corridor in Lagos to listen to his Zikist Motion associates current their ready paper titled “A Name to Revolution”, which was timed to be learn concurrently at chosen rallies throughout Nigeria.
In line with the organizers, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe after whom the Motion was named had promised to chair the rally. When it grew to become apparent he wasn’t going to show up, twenty-five-year-old Tony Enahoro, lately out of a second time period in jail for sedition, was summoned from the viewers and invited to take the chair.
As quickly as the primary speaker started to learn the seditious doc, plain-clothes policemen mounted the rostrum, arrested all on it and took them to lockup. In courtroom, the decide rejected the lawyer’s plea that Tony had no foreknowledge of the paper’s fiery content material and despatched him to the cooler for six months.
Processing the request for Queen’s Pardon was procedural. No lobbying of a Buckingham Palace cabal. And the Queen, who’d by no means dedicated an act of treason by overthrowing a democratically elected authorities, didn’t count on her praises to be sung by Tony’s household.
Tony was serving a ten-year sentence (decreased from 15 years) when the “Revenge Coup” that took Gowon to energy blew up in our faces in 1966. He was launched and pardoned by Gowon in whose Cupboard he served for 9 years. Gowon appointed him Commissioner for Data and Labour and later Particular Duties, making him the civilian politician closest to the seat of energy.
It was a sign of how effectively the 2 received on collectively on private phrases.
To be a favorite civilian in a navy regime promotes you to a lion’s den. It additionally implies that outdoors of that dangerous enclosure there are lions on the prowl able to eat you to your error, akin to when you neglect you don’t have a gun. People who carry facet arms have the primary and the final say.
Tony had three issues for which he wanted to look at his again. The least of those was hypothesis that the primary post-military rule chief can be an ethnic minority. A proponent of Tony’s candidacy was J.S. Tarka, the outstanding Center Belt minorities chief.
A second downside was Muritala Muhammed. This got here out of Gowon’s frequent use of Tony as emissary on international missions. It could have began as a result of apart from Normal Yakubu Gowon who was Head of State, Tony Enahoro’s identify was arguably essentially the most simply recognised internationally within the Cupboard, notably within the UK.
Tony fled Nigeria having evaded arrest that will have led to a cost of treasonable felony. The thought was to develop into the general public face of the Opposition Motion Group overseas. He moved from Ghana to Eire which had no extradition treaty with Nigeria. England would have been the extra appropriate base, for causes of nearer ties.
Pals and British political sympathisers had been assured by authorities that he may reside advert conduct his illustration freely in England.
Tony arrived quietly in London. The third night time Scotland Yard detectives got here and took him away to Brixton Jail awaiting extradition to Nigeria to face a cost of treasonable felony.
Nigerian authorities attorneys had found an previous regulation below which the British authorities was obliged to repatriate a fugitive Dominion or Empire citizen sought by his nation to face trial.
British public opinion was outraged by the way of Tony’s arrest. Newspapers cried foul at what they judged a grimy trick that lured Tony to Britain.
Tony’s attorneys argued that the cost was political, that their shopper wouldn’t obtain a good trial.
The federal government’s attorneys countered strongly that Nigerian courts could possibly be British. The judges and magistrates graduated in Legislation in Britain. They wore black capes and had been adorned in wigs.
Tony was repatriated. When he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment the uproar within the British Parliament led to a overview of the Fugitive Offender’s Act. Not is a Commonwealth fugitive sought by his nation robotically repatriated. There should be a courtroom trial and if there’s a trace of political motive the request shall be refused. Tony’s ordeal did that.
Dr Okoi Arikpo was Commissioner for Exterior Affairs nevertheless it was Tony who led the Federal delegation to Addis Ababa to face Ojukwu. It was Tony that led the crew for peace talks with a Biafra illustration in Kampala.
The Civil Warfare reached a stage at which it grew to become strategically very important to knock out Uli airstrip, Biafra’s solely remaining outlet to the world. Britain was reluctant to provide lengthy vary weapons essential for the operation.
British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, who had an uncomfortably small majority in parliament had issues inside his Labour Celebration and throughout the aisle in parliament over the Federal Authorities’s dealing with of the struggle.
Two points had been particularly discovered unpalatable: third Marine Commando’s commander “Black Scorpion” Adekunle’s unscrupulous order to his troops to “shoot something that strikes and something that doesn’t transfer.”
The opposite was a crazed bloodbath in Asaba by Federal troops below the command of Murtala Muhammed whose two disastrous makes an attempt to land troops in Onitsha had been expensive in lives misplaced. British Intelligence had been unimpressed concerning the whisky and marijuana as effectively.
The British wished the 2 males relieved of their command to ease issues for Wilson, so the federal government may significantly think about supplying the requested weapons.
This was the message Tony introduced again from London.
For those who don’t just like the message shoot the messenger.
Phrase will need to have reached Muhammed that redeployment was a definite possibility. It was a measure of his energy and indiscipline that he took off to hometown Kano, to go and sulk in the midst of a struggle. In the meantime, kudos for Tony was his delegation’s success in persuading Moscow, the place George Kurubo, former Chief of Air Employees was a useful ambassador, to offer the weapons that shot down Ulli.
Tony grew to become a marked man with the Muhammed camp.
Extra was to comply with.
It got here quickly sufficient within the particular person of Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo. Uncouth the place just a little finesse would have higher served his function, OBJ is a bully who doesn’t neglect, doesn’t forgive. He then was Federal Commissioner of Works and Housing.
What set him on a collision course with Tony was that the Minister of Data had full duty for the Second World Black and African Pageant of African Arts and Tradition, a mouthful identified merely as Festac.
Crucially, realisation of Festac Village was in Tony’s purview.
He was in London having problem attempting to barter a mortgage of priceless Emotan bust, image of the pageant. The British Museum feared that Nigeria wouldn’t return the stolen Benin artwork treasure.
It was within the midst of this consideration that Obasanjo rang from Rome to say he had organized for Tony to carry talks with a constructing firm that specialised in prefabricated housing. Prefab would scale back the price of constructing Festac Village. And sooner too, so was the proposition.
How previous was Obasanjo when African American Firm (Afamaco) gave prefab bungalows a reputation to not keep in mind in Nigeria? Successful report made “Afamaco” a synonym for sham. There was no actual enthusiasm for Obj’s concrete slabs.
Though Tony thought it impolite that Obasanjo didn’t seek the advice of him earlier than committing him to fulfill the Italians, he despatched his Everlasting Secretary – future Governor of Bauchi State, Tartari Ali – to Rome.
By and by, Commissioners had been popping out of a Cupboard assembly, Obasanjo stated in a raised voice from behind Tony, “Chief-I-arranged-for-you-to-meet-some-people. You despatched any individual else!” It was a rebuke and Tony replied in variety, “You organized a gathering for Rome; with out asking my plans. I despatched my principal adviser.” You discuss like that to Obj? Haven’t you learn his memoir, “My Command”. He singlehandedly gained the civil struggle. Effectively, nearly.
Murtala took his revenge on the person his “revenge coup” of 1966 helped make Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. He overthrew Gowon. Fact be informed, it was a populist coup. Gowon had been lengthy in workplace, in a rustic the place folks love change for the sake of change.
Gowon was in Kampala attending an OAU Summit. His crew was gathered round him when Muhammed was talked about as the brand new chief. Tony blurted, “What?! That mad man?” The suspicion was that champion of the “talakawa”, Aminu Kano, gave his fellow Kano son, Murtala, an account of who stated what.
Murtala was charging about like a raging bull, with outpouring of coverage bulletins that happy his city constituents baying for retribution in need of bloodshed on Gowonites. That was the ambiance by which a Federal Property Investigation Panel was appointed. With Muhammed and Obasanjo heading the regime was there any shock that Festac was a serious goal of curiosity?
Tony had returned from Kampala assured he had nothing to concern. Nevertheless, sure Press feedback indicated that some particular person or individuals had been briefing negatively in opposition to Festac, suggesting a marketing campaign.
The hostility was evident when Tony appeared earlier than the Panel. He was requested, “Chief, what number of financial institution accounts do you will have overseas?” Tony stated the query shocked him. He went on that he’d learn statements within the Press stated to be by authoritative sources near the Panel claiming he had a number of international financial institution accounts.
These had not been denied.
He’d anticipated to be confronted with these ‘international financial institution accounts’. The very query what number of accounts he had presumed he had any. He felt the Panel had already reached its conclusion on him. The listening to was a present.
Authorities didn’t launch the Panel’s report. As an alternative it printed a White Paper by which it claimed the Panel indicted Tony.
Tony had nevertheless seen the unique report. He knew what it stated. What the Panel acknowledged was, “Chief Enahoro refused to cooperate with the Panel”. On that foundation, he challenged the federal government to publish the unique.
He was at residence in Benin when safety operatives arrived from Lagos to conduct a seek for what they stated was a secret doc. They didn’t discover no matter they had been searching for.
On to Lagos in handcuffs they took him to Ikoyi Resort the place they knew he stored rooms. They discovered the report along with his annotations in ink. The searchers weren’t glad along with his clarification of how the key state doc got here into his possession. They took him to Moloney Road Police headquarters for continued interrogation.
Three weeks later a decide ordered his launch on his spouse’s petition for habeas corpus. He nevertheless was rearrested outdoors the courtroom and brought again to Police Hq. This time his spouse, Helen, went straight off to see Gen. Musa Yar’Adua.
Hours of ready paid off. The Quantity Two man in Obasanjo’s navy administration known as up Inspector-Normal of Police M. D. Yussuf. Why was Chief Enahoro re-arrested? Orders from the highest man, the IG retorted. If the courtroom says he ought to be discharged so it ought to be, stated Yar’Adua overruling the boss.
Helen reported she was on the door when Yar’Adua stopped her. “Madam, please inform Chief to attempt to see the Head of State.” Yar Adua claimed he as soon as requested why there was all of the palaver with Chief Enahoro and quoted Obasanjo saying it was being sorted, including, “go away it to us Southerners.”
Tony was extra upset concerning the allegation that he had acted corruptly than concerning the reality his properties had been seized. He insisted they had been properties he acquired earlier than his serving within the Federal Authorities. I believe although deeply damage, he believed it was solely a matter of time earlier than the folly can be uncovered. He was fairly content material to go away protests within the fingers of his buddy and lawyer, Kessington Momoh.
Obasanjo had been vindictive.
His letter ordering Tony to vacate his Ministerial quarters was brusque and callous. I personally have a philosophy that if a brute writes a impolite letter be impolite again!
Tony stored his public profile cool, the ache and embarrassment was contained within the letter he wrote solely to his sister and brothers. He categorically denied he’d executed something to disgrace us. He laid the blame for the pernicious assaults on his particular person, on the toes of Obasanjo. He stated he’d thought lengthy and exhausting why. He may suppose solely of Obasanjo’s disappointment at not securing Festac Village for his Italian associates. Set the damage apart, there didn’t look like a menace that the Property Investigation Panel’s indictment can be taken to the subsequent degree: i.e., prosecution.
The 12 months I returned to experiment with resettling in Nigeria was when President Babangida’s govt returned property seized by Muritala/Obasanjo regime. I knew nothing of this. It was a very long time after the Gazette announcement {that a} buddy at golf requested if I knew why my brother was excluded from “the generosity”.
I confessed my ignorance. However I did suppose why would they try this? Right here we go once more.
My informer stated, “I’m certain Chief is aware of the correct folks, however he refuses to do the correct factor.” Mafia script. He will need to have seen The Godfather.
Tony knew I’d made the acquaintance of Vice-President Augustus Aikhomu. It will have been very in contrast to him or any of my brothers to ask me to intercede. If I proposed it, fantastic.
My mother and father handed on throughout my first sortie in exile. Perhaps by means of compensation for not being at both funeral I travelled to go to their graves as incessantly as I may throughout a four-year stint in Nigeria. On one among my visits, I used to be returning to Lagos and coming as much as Admiral Aikhomu’s walled compound within the coronary heart of Irrua City, I made a decision to make an unplanned cease for a fast “hey”. It was Boxing Day. Coming into the lounge I recognised solely three faces among the many Vice President’s visitors: Cousin Anenih, Chief Tom Ikimi and Edo State Governor Oyegun. Strangers all put me on my guard.
I used to be thrown when Aikhomu stated to me, “Ah, Peter you’ll reside lengthy. We had been simply speaking about you and your brother. Why he has by no means supported us. He goes previous my home each day on his approach to Uromi. He has by no means stopped by to say hey.”
I couldn’t say one thing jokey immediately, which might have been my choice, so I stated the very first thing that got here into my head: “Admiral, he may say you’ve by no means invited him.”
Aikhomu pressed his case: “He calling doesn’t want invitation. You suppose Tony Enahoro can be on the gate and anyone will cease him?”
I requested to make use of the telephone. I known as Tony, informed him the place I used to be and narrated the proceedings precisely as had occurred. He agreed with my reasoning that the Vice President had by no means invited him to his residence. At my request Tony agreed to say this to the VP himself.
My understanding was that they’d by no means beforehand spoken.
Aikhomu was visibly thrilled on the finish of their temporary chat. He took a be aware pad and wrote, “Owanlen, you already know you might be at all times welcome in my residence”. Owanlen, actually “sensible man” is an on a regular basis Esan tackle to an older man, therefore its connotation, respectfully is, “My Elder”. Aikhomu was beaming disarmingly. He took the telephone and dialled a quantity. IBB was on the different finish. He was scheduled to go to Benin as a part of a tour earlier than stepping apart.
Aikhomu stated to him, “Once you come to Benin I’ve an enormous shock for you. I’ve Peter Enahoro right here. You’ll meet Tony Enahoro one on one. Simply the 2 of you. You’ll ask why he by no means supported us.”
I delivered the be aware within the sealed envelope to Helen. Tony was having a nap. I informed Helen the content material. She was happy. Naively the difficulty of the properties had not been on my thoughts.
Not one bit.
I ended by Tony’s the subsequent morning. Chief Olu Akpata was presiding over the bottle of gin he stored in Tony’s home for a refreshing after golf, as a result of he was now not allowed it at residence. I received a tongue lashing from him. “You’re a silly boy,” Chief Akpata swore at me.
“You introduced an insulting letter from Aikhomu. He says your brother ought to come to his home. It’s he who ought to come right here and apologise for the nonsense they’re doing.”
On the time a 24-hour surveillance examine was posted in entrance of Tony’s compound in Benin. The black Peugeot salon quantity adopted him wherever he went.
Tony tried to mitigate my sin. “Pete since will probably be the primary time of assembly I believe it ought to be on impartial grounds. It may be in your own home after I’m in Lagos.”
It took me two days to summon the braveness to name the Vice President.
A gathering wasn’t going to occur, I informed him. He laughed. “Don’t fear,” “We all know your brother. Once I didn’t hear from you, I knew what will need to have occurred.”
After Tony handed on, my late brother, Christian, was introduced in by Tony’s kids to assist out. He was appalled by what he noticed in what I described because the Obasanjo Papers. Christian recommended the 2 of us as elders of Tony’s start household ought to petition President Jonathan, urging him to order the return of Tony’s properties to his kids.
President Jonathan referred the petition to a standing committee, Civil Service fashion.
The committee wrote to us in language solely Civil Servants that means to frustrate are able to. We went no additional. My perception is that our petition was laid to relaxation lifeless below a heap of bureaucratic claptrap.
Copies had across the identical time gone to the Governors of Lagos and Edo States soliciting their assist. Governor Fashola of Lagos was extremely supportive, mentioning specifically Akhigbe’s extraordinary cheek the way in which he disposed of it to his buddy, Abdulsalami Abubakar.
Adams Oshiomhole was Governor of our residence State. We anticipated the little man to behave large and take a lead in defence of Tony. He didn’t even acknowledge receipt of our protecting letter. It’s an irony that by a flip of destiny his identify is linked with a backroad to the working controversy over a pardon that ought to by no means have been related to Tony.
Oshiomhole is in a bitter feud with incumbent Governor Godwin Obaseki. Oshiomhole has delusions that he can fill the boots of godfather of Edo State politics at present too large for him.
In your goals Obaseki tells him.
Considered one of Obaseki’s methods to be able to crush his rival is to safe the assist of Esan land. There Oshiomhole deprived himself when he selected to construct a 3rd college in Edo State : further to Federal-owned Uniben in Benin Metropolis, and State-owned Ambrose Ali College In Ali’s Ekpoma hometown, in Esan heartland.
Oshiomhole’s challenge is positioned immediately reverse his home off the North-bound freeway exit of Auchi City. It’s a huge instantaneous development in an space that features Iyanmho, Oshiomhol’s start place; a hamlet so reclusive when three or 4 are gathered they make a crowd.
The tertiary establishment implies that all the primary Edo State clans every now has a college they will acclaim their very own. However it has been expensive for Ambrose Ali College which noticed its assets thinned down as funds went to the founding of Iyanmho.
Two years in the past, at a public celebration in reminiscence of Ambrose Ali in Ekpoma, Obaseki made two pledges to a cheering crowd: 1) He would pump the city’s college with new funding; 2) He would combat to his toe nail for State Pardon for Ambrose Ali.
Ali was sentenced to 100 years imprisonment in 1984, on conviction allegedly for misappropriating N983,000. It was a interval of shaming historical past in Nigeria’s judicial course of. Ludicrously lengthy jail phrases had been spewing out of courtrooms inspired by madcap Decrees and fascistic rhetorics of the navy authorities.
What had Ambrose Ali executed mistaken?
He was Governor of defunct Bendel State. A grateful contractor provided him a “sprint” following conclusion of a street challenge. Ali refused the largesse and directed the insistent contractor to contribute it to his social gathering, UPN, led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo. The courtroom’s judgement was that he ought to have had the cash refunded to govt coffers.
Ambrose Ali had no cash when he died. He got here out of jail a damaged man. He had misplaced his sight. His jailers will need to have identified he was strolling to his demise the day he left jail. It’s a pity the State can’t be despatched to jail when it does this to a person.
I’ve not succeeded find out how Tony’s identify got here to be included within the State Pardon checklist. As I’ve clearly proven he was not convicted by the Panel.
Earlier than getting down to write this, not being a lawyer, I took the precaution to ask the opinion of a realized buddy:
“Is a Panel of Inquiry/Administrative Panel and subsequent confiscation of properties a conviction below the regulation that requires a pardon?”
My lawyer buddy is a cautious particular person. So, earlier than replying he consulted the opinion of a lawyer buddy who wrote:
“The truth that the household of Enahoro ignorantly accepted and swallowed a Greek reward doesn’t imply we will’t interrogate the correctness or in any other case of the so-called pardon.
“Pardon for what? Do you pardon an harmless man or lady not first convicted of any offence? I believe not.”
I used to be grateful for the free recommendation.
But I used to be touched, pondering of my brother, the youngsters, my nephews and nieces, cousins , grandchildren, daughters, and spouses – these are “the household of Enahoro” – inadvertently portrayed as a bunch of ignoramuses, who gave Buhari’s pardon a thumbs up.
No, they haven’t.
However I understood. Tony’s eldest surviving son, Eugene, signed an explanatory be aware that urged “appreciation” and he signed it “for and on behalf of the household of Late Chief Anthony Enahoro”.
My opinion as I expressed to everybody that contacted me urging repudiation was the right way to clarify that the declare was on behalf of Tony’ instant household solely – assuming he had obtained that authority.
In equity to the siblings, there are properties concerned.
That’s their inheritance; their entitlement. Sadly, entitlement incessantly evolves as free lunch whereas free lunch is rarely an entitlement.
If the Buhari cabal actually needs to honour Tony’s reminiscence it ought to erase the stigma of a dodgy indictment by restoring his professional properties to his kids.
*Peter Enahoro (Peter Pan), legendary journalist and columnist, wrote from the UK.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com.ng/opinion/anthony-enahoro-buharis-phoney-pardon-obasanjo-and-all-that/
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frankiss249802 · 4 years
Top 10 Best State Universities in Nigeria
opera.comApr 28, 2020 1:47 PM
The perceptions to select the best state university among others is always welcomed and appreciable by the aspirant who which to have a good qualitative education in the country.
Most educationalist believed that federal university is the best to study but some state owned university proves that as a wrong ideology and thinking due to their capability and ability to provide adequate educational system, advanced communication & technology , productive scholars , fast academic calendar and good learning environment.
1. Lagos State University (LASU)
Lagos State University is first on our list of best state universities in Nigeria this 2020. They offer undergraduate degrees and postgraduate degrees and is very well equipped.
LASU also has a lot of notable Nigerians on its alumni list. The school was established in 1983 and has a student population of about 60,000 active students.
Currently LASU School fees is set at N25,000.00 while the acceptance fee for both indigenes and non-indigenes is N20,000. To view the accredited courses offered in LASU, refer to their website.
2. Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma (AAU)
AAU is currently ranked as the 2nd best state university in Nigeria 2020. Established in 1981, this academic institution has released thousands of graduates into the society. It also has best facilities for learning and research.
When you speak about a school of experience, AAU has it. In fact they are known to be one of the best universities to study Law as a course in the country.
AAU school fees ranges from N40,000 to N60,000. This price depends on the course of study.
3. Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)
Third on the list of best state universities in Nigeria is OOU. Founded in 1982, the school also offers undergraduate, postgraduate and accredited diploma courses. It has a population of around 70,000 students.
4. Delta State University, DELSU
Third on the list is DELSU. This tertiary institution has always competed with other top universities in the country providing quality education with its well conducive environment and state of art facilities.
Established in the south-south region of the country, DELSU was one time the first on this list of best state academic institution in Nigeria but due to mismanagement of finances and resources, it has fallen down the pecking order in terms of its educational standards.
DELSU school fees for its indigene ranges from N63,600 per student, while non-Indigenes are expected to pay between N83,000 to N85,000 per session.
Acceptance fee is pegged at N30,000 for indigenes while non-indigenes pay a N40,000 fee.
5. Rivers State University of Science and Technology
With a well built Library, Rivers State University of Science and Technology is accredited by the NUC and ranked fifth best state university in Nigeria. The tertiary institution is located in Orowrukwo area of Rivers state.
The Rivers State University of Science and Technology School fees ranges from N25,000 to 27,000 for indigenous students and for non-indigenous students, its twice the amount.
6. Plateau State University (PLASUN)
One of the most equipped state schools in the country with top lecturers in various disciplines that provide students with quality education. Students at this school pay from N50,000 to N100, 000 as school fees.
7. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
ESUT is also one of top 10 best state universities in Nigeria accredited by the NUC. Although, the school fee for this academic institution is kind of expensive.
ESUT school fees is estimated at N124,900 for various levels with an extra N10,500 for late payment.
8. Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti
Also known as EKSU, this top state university offer various degree courses that are accredited. They also have a fast academic calendar and are ranked with the state with the highest professors in Nigeria.
EKSU School fees for full time undergraduate is N77,500, while par-time students pay N78,000.
9. Anambra State University (ANSU)
This is another top state university to attend in the country. With a cut-off pegged at 180 and above, ANSU has always been the choice of most students since its the most sought after school located in the south east.
The various courses offered in the school campus are accredited and ANSU has the the following faculties: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Management Science, Faculty of Natural Science, Uli, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, etc.
10. Ondo State University of Science and Technology
OSUSTECH is another NUC accredited state university with their current school fee for freshers pegged between N200,000 and N250,000. Returning students are expected to pay N70,000.
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Lit Review
Ali Ibrahim
WRIT 1133
October 8, 2019
Lit Review Draft #1
The connection between happiness and self-wellness
          The relationship between diet/exercise with happiness in terms of biologically, psychologically, and socially has been well documented for years. In this piece, I will be sampling some of this research in order to provide links between my points along with the different research samples. Understanding this relationship will help to understand what factors one can take into account when living the fullest life one can live. Not only that but live their longest life possible. Happiness is a long-coveted feeling that many struggle to achieve. If this research helps to get closer to that goal, it should be deemed important.
Diet and Happiness
          To begin with, a study from Iran, based on a slew of professors have found that, “Measure of happiness was positively associated with eating breakfast, number of meals eaten daily and the amount of fruit and vegetable consumption” (Lesani, 2016). They used a self-reporting method on 450 students at Qazvin University of Medical studies. They found that those who ate at least 8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day held the highest happiness score (Lesani, 2016). One study that directly supports this study was one conducted in Australia with over 12,000 participants conducted by Redzo Mujcic, Ph.D. at the University of Queensland. They limited their study to the correlation between fruit and vegetable intake among Australian adults. The study found that 8 servings, as stated by the other study, of fruits and veggies led to a higher level of happiness. More specifically, they compared the gain of going from unemployment to employment. (Mujcic, 2016). This is a highly significant increase given that maintaining a reliable source of income is a basic essential to survival in this world. One’s happiness can come from their current situation and their future outlook. But mainly from their train of thought. Someone who can live in the moment will tend to have a more positive outlook than one not knowing what will happen next.
Diet detrimental to happiness
          According to two magazine articles, one from Forbes and one from Healthline, the types of food we eat has an impact on our psychological well-being. They gave a general list of foods to avoid, including junk food, processed food, simple sugars, and starch. These tend to give you a short-term boost, but in the long run, it will lower happiness and brain function. They go on to provide foods that boost energy which in turn boosts mood. These include  lean protein (eggs, fish, white meat), Fiber, Healthy carbs (vegetables, oats, lentils), and other foods that might support the bacteria in our gut (Bridges, 2019); (Butler, 2016). These sources stem from well-known magazines read by millions. Given that, I would say that their reliance on the truth has made them credibility in that one would not read something that they know to be false.
Exercise and happiness
Now moving onto a more physical aspect of wellness.  We have 3 sources that contribute to the idea that physical exercise contributes to overall mental health. While neurotransmitters create benefits that are clearly correlated to increased mood and decreased stress. In my first source, the author finds that exercise increases endorphin production, a “feel good” neurotransmitter. This increase positively affects mood, giving you a sense of euphoria and decreasing pain (Harber, 1984). There are also other variables that can attribute to the change in mood associated with exercise, this could include, “taking part in team sports can increase your social support network, and it is this increase in social support that is improving happiness. Or, if exercise is taking place outside, it could be that the exposure to nature increases happiness” (Dominic, 2018). Continuing on a biological note, one study found that in children, lack of physical activity tends to be correlated with poorer academic performance (Voss, 2011). In 2012, another study was published showing that exercise made a difference in social cognition, mental health, and physical health (Gatab, 2012). Given that mental health hinders optimal brain function, I would say these two works back each other up in an in-direct way. Better mental health leads to better brain function leads to better performance including academically. Another interesting thing to note is the duration and its effects. There are reports that show even working out for 10 minutes a week can significantly make a difference in one’s mood. This fact is brought about by both a New York Times article, as well as an academic one. (Reynolds, 2018)/ (Dominic, 2018).
Philosophy on happiness
          Finally, I was able to find an article bringing these topics of happiness together. In my paper I will be examining the physiological, psychological, and social aspects of exercise and diet, and how they contribute to satisfaction. This article is geared towards the philosophy of happiness. It states that happiness is a mindset and that one can be happy in even any situation. We live in a world where there will always be someone who has something that you want. Whether it be a better house, more friends, or an attractive spouse. The key is to not place happiness on the external, but on the internal, and what you do with what life you have. The things you can change about yourself are your own habits. Not to say that the end goal is what will bring you happiness, but that you are simply doing something about to make you feel better about yourself.
Cited Works
Ahmadi-Gataba, T. (2012, September 1). The Effect of the Selected Exercise on Male Students' Happiness and Mental Health. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042812016795.
Anthony, D., & Producer, C. (2018). 150 minutes of weekly exercise directly boosts happiness, new study says. Club Industry, Retrieved from http://du.idm.oclc.org/login?Url=?url=https://search-proquest-com.du.idm.oclc.org/docview/2027475504?accountid=1460
Bridges, F. (2019, February 25). Healthy Food Makes You Happy: Research Shows A Healthy Diet Improves Your Mental Health. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/francesbridges/2019/01/26/food-makes-you-happy-a-healthy-diet-improves-mental-health/#6afb22a926f8.
Harber, V. J., & Sutton, J. R. (2012, September 30). Endorphins and Exercise. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.2165/00007256-198401020-00004.
Lesani, A., Mohammadpoorasl, A., Javadi, M., Esfeh, J. M., & Fakhari, A. (2016, February 29). Eating breakfast, fruit and vegetable intake and their relationship with happiness in college students. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40519-016-0261-0.
Voss, M., Nagamatsu, L., Ambrose, T., Kramer, A. (2011, November 1) Exercise, brain, and cognition across the life span. Retrieved October 15, 2019 from https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00210.2011
Mujcic, R., & J Oswald, A. (2016, August). Evolution of Well-Being and Happiness After Increases in Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4940663/.
Reynolds, G. (2018, May 2). Even a Little Exercise Might Make Us Happier. Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/02/well/move/even-a-little-exercise-might-make-us-happier.html.
Wisdom on Happiness – Recurring Themes from the Literature on Happiness. (2018, July 1). Retrieved October 8, 2019, from https://academyofideas.com/2017/12/wisdom-on-happiness-recurring-themes-from-the-literature-on-happiness/.
Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1424733/.
Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). The 4 most important types of exercise. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/exercise-and-fitness/the-4-most-important-types-of-exercise.      
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