#Professor Kana Drake (OC)
penumbramewtwos · 6 months
Short story around the time of Unova's capture, and of Okita's origins.
Hearing nothing but echoing corridors, Gary Oak was sure he was done for after his trip into an infamous Aunuran desert Trapinch hole. With his head bound, he knew he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He hears a familiar craggy voice address him as he's pushed onto a chair and bound in an unknown room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Said the unknown voice, Gary's ears piped up as the man continued.
"Just as nosy as your grandfather in the pursuit of knowledge, rest assured your nosiness ends here."
After the statement from the unknown man, Gary's head covering had been lifted off, revealing a dark room with a spotlight upon himself. He knows this man… Not only from the Kanto region, but as the head of Rocket industries in Aunura, Giovanni.
"tch, well well, I knew that old man stink was bound to be you. This whole place smells of retirement home and failed yakuza." Gary quipped.
Giovanni, looking the same as he did back in the mid 2000's aside from the hair dye running down his face, leaned in from his wheelchair towards Gary to offer a deal out of this place alive. "I know what you've been digging up… Our team has taken the liberty of confiscating your 'findings'. Rest assured, you won't be publishing any of them; in fact, you'll do as I say or you'll end up more dismembered than that arm you collected."
Giovanni leaned back in his wheelchair, with a large grin on his face creasing his crows feet even more. Gary was unphased by the threat and smirked back at the acquaintance as he spoke back in a nonchalant manner, "I heard on the grape-vine you're getting back into the genetics commissioning game, and had to check it out for myself! Seems like whichever geneticist you hired this time can't even get one of those creatures to form properl-"
"Enough talk!" shouted Giovanni. "There's one more thing, seeing as you're so interested in our development"
Giovanni leant forward once more with a stern look on his face, as Gary remained stonewalled. "Your skills will be needed here one day, 'Professor Oak', I know you've been collecting and studying Arceus plates for medical research for some time now."
Gary's eyes shuddered in anger, "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I W-"
"You despise the thought of pokemon in pain, and I'm giving you an opportunity to t-"
"Yeah yeah… So you'll put them in pain so I can take them out of it… Sounds completely ethical to do that to an innocent creature, Artificial or not…"
Giovanni paused and smirked as he leant back in his wheelchair. "So you know of the pokemon Mewtwo, and it's origins"
Gary Squirmed within his bound state in a fit of fury, "Why are you making so many!??! Some of them are still alive out there! The ones your disgusting cronies buried and chopped!"
"It doesn't matter, those ones are merely unable to form, as you put it yourself, Gary… We're nearly there, and I will have one obey my commands if it's the last thing I do on this Earth!" Givovanni coughed loud and hoarsely at the end of his statement. No one would tell if it was just his talking or the musty dark room that caused it.
Just as Gary was squirming around in his bindings, he'd been slowly able to get a pokeball to finally drop from his pants pocket, unleashing his Arcanine. "Grrrrwaarrh!!!"
In what felt like a flash, Arcanine chomped it's way through Gary's bindings and shoved Giovanni backwards into the wall with it's hind legs with no hesitation. Gary grabbed a hold of his Arcanine before using a teleportation device he refers to as 'Escape rope'.
Two Team rocket grunts charge into the room to assist the frail Giovanni as his phone rang, "Sir you need to see the medic! You shouldn't take thuds like tha-"
Groaning from the incident, Giovanni reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a black rotom phone, answering it in a huff. "This better be good news! Have you found more DNA from the Unovan experiment, Drake!?"
Through the video call is a bright, curly haired woman with a piercingly defiant voice. Some of the team rocket grunts refer to her as 'the clown', as a smile has barely ever wiped off her face. Except for those few who tell tales of a grim reality behind the mask… "It's always good news! You just don't know how to take progress, ahahaha!!!"
Giovanni stared blankly into the phone's camera as she cackled, before continuing, "ahah… Well, not only did we get the rest of the samples, but we got the main cretin themselves here! Well, we let it go after we t-"
"YOU LET IT GO!?!?!? THAT WAS OUR CHANCE TO CLONE HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF THEM, YOU FUCKING IMBI- what!?" As Giovanni began to unleash his tirade, the clown, known formally as Professor Kana Drake, showed him a fogged up glass and metal chamber with what appeared to be a nearly complete foetus of a mewtwo.
"I hope you're read to listen or you wont get your kitty cats!" She widely grinned and giggled through her words.
"We let her go, as we still don't know how she even got pregnant in the first place"
"P-Pregnant!?" Giovanni spluttered, "They're pokemon? They are meant to have"
"Yes, Eggs! Ahahaha! We thought it best to let her go and hope that she is found again with another baby just for us, Gio!"
She laughed more and more maniacally before continuing "This one will be a sure thing, fuse it with a docile psychic pokemon or psychically gifted human and it'll be too indecisive to think for itself!"
Giovanni grumbled with reluctance, putting more faith in the eccentric genetisist. "Drake… Once you bring it back here, I'll take care of the other component…"
"Hahahaha!! Of course sir! I knew you'd understa-"
Giovanni had hung up before she even had a chance to finish. He leans forward again, almost lost in thought. A grunt goes to ask about his condition before they're cut off by Giovanni. "Have the Gym leaders of Symphony come to their senses yet?"
The grunt blankly stares at him before checking his watch in a hurry "a-ahh! sorry sir, right away! … … Their last email reads… uh…'Get fucked, we own the gym by law, no 'protection' money will be paid… Sincerely, Ai and Amare Spes… P S … How do you plan on forcing it from us? Your pokemon are undertrained and undervalued'."
Giovanni must have been infected with the clown's disposition as his smile widened, wrinkling his elderly face as he looked at an email on his rotom phone.
"Well, how about that… According to my intelligence division, they've frozen an embryo in recent days… How lucky for us".
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penumbramewtwos · 5 months
So- I'm new to the blog, so please forgive me if this has already been answered...
What happened to Racheal?
She looked like she was still quite young in the pictures you've shown...
You're all good m8, and welcome to the blog ^^ It's humbling to have people come across it and want to know more!
Rachael in her 60's still looks like she would be in her adult years mostly due to better skin care and healthcare in the future. some of the shitposts I've made with her, she's been younger but sometimes older. The photo of them together in the comic, she's probably 40ish. (I do have to make it a habit of marking her age more often lol) The more unsatisfying answer to her age is: When I designed her, my art skills weren't (and still probably aren't) capable of aging her up in a fashion I was happy with, she was stuck in an uncanny valley. I'll retry it one day soon :> but I'll stick with the skincare lore XD
In regards to what happened to Rachael? (assuming you mean what was her cause of death?) I can give the vague answer (below) or the nitty gritty truth under the 'keep reading'. Spoilers for that one (as it's meant to happen in the fanfic).
Rachael was severely poisoned when battling Okita's creator (Professor Drake) and her Deoxys. Rachael and Okita were trespassing in the early hours, before they were caught and a fight broke out.
Thanks for the ask! [spoiler content under here]
Both Rachael and Okita were sneaking into Professor Drake's mansion to retrieve documents to prove that Aunuran mewtwos were created by her, to incriminate both her and Team Helix Rocket. Rachael was both severely poisoned by an enhanced poison jab from Deoxys. In an attempt to save her from Deoxys' attack, Okita used her black hole attack for the first time in battle, hitting both of them; breaking their bones in the process. The difference being, Deoxys are immortal, just like mewtwos.
That leads into the events that are 'dreamt' up by Okita in the first chapter. :>
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
Why was Okita given those plate implants?
[First off disclaimer: I've recently noticed that I have rather confusing lore, for which have to organise better ^^; apologies for that. I will be keeping it consistent from here on]
As for, 'Why was Okita given the plate implants?': She was given them as a one off trial from her creators after professor Gary Oak (middle age) found out about the experiments. All the factory produced mewtwos in my lore are spliced from Newtwos DNA left over from her creation, and a young vessel; human or pokemon, it didn't matter... ...All except one... Gary created the plates as a way to give one of the mewtwos their normal life back. He begged the professor in-charge, Professor Kana Drake, to have a heart and give them back some normality. Professor Drake, on the other hand, had an idea to disprove his invention: Prof. Drake thought by using the Inhibitor and Incubator plates on Okita, her normal forme would be a Mewtwo. She was wrong. Okita can take on the forme of the human that she was merged with, with the help of the inhibitor plate which harbours a specific medicine.
[Info on what the Incubator and Inhibitor plates do, and how they operate can be found on a link, on my pinned post, for anyone interested] ^^ [Okita was created from a mewtwo fetus, a human fetus, and extra spliced genes from Newtwo (Grannewt)]
She is one of 76 surviving mewtwo, created in the Aunura region by Team Helix Rocket, under commission by an elderly Giovanni. This will all come to light in my fanfic, but, I will also be drawing key moments from my fanfic, including this; before starting my comic series (which takes place after said fanfic)
Thanks for the ask @violetjazz25! I really appreciate this! Apologies for the late and long answer
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