#Amare Spes
penumbramewtwos · 6 months
Short story around the time of Unova's capture, and of Okita's origins.
Hearing nothing but echoing corridors, Gary Oak was sure he was done for after his trip into an infamous Aunuran desert Trapinch hole. With his head bound, he knew he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He hears a familiar craggy voice address him as he's pushed onto a chair and bound in an unknown room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Said the unknown voice, Gary's ears piped up as the man continued.
"Just as nosy as your grandfather in the pursuit of knowledge, rest assured your nosiness ends here."
After the statement from the unknown man, Gary's head covering had been lifted off, revealing a dark room with a spotlight upon himself. He knows this man… Not only from the Kanto region, but as the head of Rocket industries in Aunura, Giovanni.
"tch, well well, I knew that old man stink was bound to be you. This whole place smells of retirement home and failed yakuza." Gary quipped.
Giovanni, looking the same as he did back in the mid 2000's aside from the hair dye running down his face, leaned in from his wheelchair towards Gary to offer a deal out of this place alive. "I know what you've been digging up… Our team has taken the liberty of confiscating your 'findings'. Rest assured, you won't be publishing any of them; in fact, you'll do as I say or you'll end up more dismembered than that arm you collected."
Giovanni leaned back in his wheelchair, with a large grin on his face creasing his crows feet even more. Gary was unphased by the threat and smirked back at the acquaintance as he spoke back in a nonchalant manner, "I heard on the grape-vine you're getting back into the genetics commissioning game, and had to check it out for myself! Seems like whichever geneticist you hired this time can't even get one of those creatures to form properl-"
"Enough talk!" shouted Giovanni. "There's one more thing, seeing as you're so interested in our development"
Giovanni leant forward once more with a stern look on his face, as Gary remained stonewalled. "Your skills will be needed here one day, 'Professor Oak', I know you've been collecting and studying Arceus plates for medical research for some time now."
Gary's eyes shuddered in anger, "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I W-"
"You despise the thought of pokemon in pain, and I'm giving you an opportunity to t-"
"Yeah yeah… So you'll put them in pain so I can take them out of it… Sounds completely ethical to do that to an innocent creature, Artificial or not…"
Giovanni paused and smirked as he leant back in his wheelchair. "So you know of the pokemon Mewtwo, and it's origins"
Gary Squirmed within his bound state in a fit of fury, "Why are you making so many!??! Some of them are still alive out there! The ones your disgusting cronies buried and chopped!"
"It doesn't matter, those ones are merely unable to form, as you put it yourself, Gary… We're nearly there, and I will have one obey my commands if it's the last thing I do on this Earth!" Givovanni coughed loud and hoarsely at the end of his statement. No one would tell if it was just his talking or the musty dark room that caused it.
Just as Gary was squirming around in his bindings, he'd been slowly able to get a pokeball to finally drop from his pants pocket, unleashing his Arcanine. "Grrrrwaarrh!!!"
In what felt like a flash, Arcanine chomped it's way through Gary's bindings and shoved Giovanni backwards into the wall with it's hind legs with no hesitation. Gary grabbed a hold of his Arcanine before using a teleportation device he refers to as 'Escape rope'.
Two Team rocket grunts charge into the room to assist the frail Giovanni as his phone rang, "Sir you need to see the medic! You shouldn't take thuds like tha-"
Groaning from the incident, Giovanni reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a black rotom phone, answering it in a huff. "This better be good news! Have you found more DNA from the Unovan experiment, Drake!?"
Through the video call is a bright, curly haired woman with a piercingly defiant voice. Some of the team rocket grunts refer to her as 'the clown', as a smile has barely ever wiped off her face. Except for those few who tell tales of a grim reality behind the mask… "It's always good news! You just don't know how to take progress, ahahaha!!!"
Giovanni stared blankly into the phone's camera as she cackled, before continuing, "ahah… Well, not only did we get the rest of the samples, but we got the main cretin themselves here! Well, we let it go after we t-"
"YOU LET IT GO!?!?!? THAT WAS OUR CHANCE TO CLONE HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF THEM, YOU FUCKING IMBI- what!?" As Giovanni began to unleash his tirade, the clown, known formally as Professor Kana Drake, showed him a fogged up glass and metal chamber with what appeared to be a nearly complete foetus of a mewtwo.
"I hope you're read to listen or you wont get your kitty cats!" She widely grinned and giggled through her words.
"We let her go, as we still don't know how she even got pregnant in the first place"
"P-Pregnant!?" Giovanni spluttered, "They're pokemon? They are meant to have"
"Yes, Eggs! Ahahaha! We thought it best to let her go and hope that she is found again with another baby just for us, Gio!"
She laughed more and more maniacally before continuing "This one will be a sure thing, fuse it with a docile psychic pokemon or psychically gifted human and it'll be too indecisive to think for itself!"
Giovanni grumbled with reluctance, putting more faith in the eccentric genetisist. "Drake… Once you bring it back here, I'll take care of the other component…"
"Hahahaha!! Of course sir! I knew you'd understa-"
Giovanni had hung up before she even had a chance to finish. He leans forward again, almost lost in thought. A grunt goes to ask about his condition before they're cut off by Giovanni. "Have the Gym leaders of Symphony come to their senses yet?"
The grunt blankly stares at him before checking his watch in a hurry "a-ahh! sorry sir, right away! … … Their last email reads… uh…'Get fucked, we own the gym by law, no 'protection' money will be paid… Sincerely, Ai and Amare Spes… P S … How do you plan on forcing it from us? Your pokemon are undertrained and undervalued'."
Giovanni must have been infected with the clown's disposition as his smile widened, wrinkling his elderly face as he looked at an email on his rotom phone.
"Well, how about that… According to my intelligence division, they've frozen an embryo in recent days… How lucky for us".
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ildiariodibeppe · 1 year
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Ave Crux Spes Unica
Santa Teresa Benedetta della Croce (Edith Stein)
“Ti salutiamo, Croce santa, nostra unica speranza!” Così la Chiesa ci fa dire nel tempo di passione dedicato alla contemplazione delle amare sofferenze di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.
Il mondo è in fiamme: la lotta tra Cristo e anticristo si è accanita apertamente, perciò se ti decidi per Cristo può esserti chiesto anche il sacrificio della vita.
Contempla il Signore che pende davanti a te sul legno, perché è stato obbediente fino alla morte di Croce. Egli venne nel mondo non per fare la sua volontà, ma quella del Padre. Se vuoi essere la sposa del Crocifisso devi rinunciare totalmente alla tua volontà e non avere altra aspirazione che quella di adempiere la volontà di Dio.
Di fronte a te il Redentore pende dalla Croce spogliato e nudo, perché ha scelto la povertà. Chi vuole seguirlo in modo perfetto deve rinunciare ad ogni possesso terreno. Stai davanti al Signore che pende dalla Croce con il cuore squarciato: Egli ha versato il sangue del suo Cuore per guadagnare il tuo cuore. Per poterlo seguire in santa castità, il tuo cuore dev’essere libero da ogni aspirazione terrena; Gesù Crocifisso dev’essere l’oggetto di ogni tua brama, di ogni tuo desiderio, di ogni tuo pensiero.
Il mondo è in fiamme: l’incendio potrebbe appiccarsi anche alla nostra casa, ma al di sopra di tutte le fiamme si erge la Croce che non può essere bruciata. La Croce è la via che dalla terra conduce al Cielo. Chi l’abbraccia con fede, amore, speranza viene portato in alto, fino al seno della Trinità.
Il mondo è in fiamme: desideri spegnerle? Contempla la Croce: dal Cuore aperto sgorga il sangue del Redentore, sangue capace di spegnere anche le fiamme dell’inferno. Attraverso la fedele osservanza dei voti religiosi rendi il tuo cuore libero e aperto; allora si potranno riversare in esso i flutti dell’amore divino, sì da farlo traboccare e renderlo fecondo fino ai confini della terra.
Attraverso la potenza della Croce puoi essere presente su tutti i luoghi del dolore, dovunque ti porta la tua compassionevole carità, quella carità che attingi dal Cuore Divino e che ti rende capace di spargere ovunque il suo preziosissimo sangue per lenire, salvare, redimere.
Gli occhi del Crocifisso ti fissano interrogandoti, interpellandoti. Vuoi stringere di nuovo con ogni serietà l’alleanza con Lui? Quale sarà la tua risposta? “Signore, dove andare? Tu solo hai parole di vita”.
(Edith Stein, Dottrina, Testi inediti, Roma, pp. 127-130)
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abensica · 1 year
¿Qué podemos aprender de los 21 mártires coptos que serán canonizados por el papa Francisco?
Hace pocos días, el papa Francisco anunció que 21 coptos egipcios, degollados por terroristas del Estado Islámico (ISIS) en 2015, serán incluidos en el Martirologio Romano “como signo de la comunión espiritual que une a la Iglesia Católica Romana y a la Iglesia Copta Ortodoxa”.
La ejecución de estos hombres se hizo viral en redes. El video, grabado por ISIS, mostraba a cada uno de los secuestrados vestidos con monos naranjas, arrodillados en una playa, con sus atacantes vestidos de negro parados detrás de ellos. Luego, cada hombre fue sistemáticamente decapitado. En sus momentos finales, claramente se ve a muchos de los hombres diciendo: "Señor Jesucristo".
Podríamos caer en la tentación de pensar que esto no tiene nada que ver con nosotros, que son luchas sin sentido entre religiones. Que eran hombres ignorantes, viviendo en una sociedad atrasada, en un continente miserable. Una situación ajena a nuestro mundo civilizado. Alejada de nuestras prioridades, de nuestra vida cómoda y tranquila. Sería un grave error. Muy al contrario, creo que estos 21 valientes deben ser un ejemplo para todos nosotros.
¿Alguna vez has estado en una situación que amenace directamente tu vida? ¿Has vivido el día en que pensaste que probablemente no llegarías al próximo? En una situación así de extrema es increíblemente fácil hacer lo que sea necesario para seguir viviendo. El ser humano tiene un instinto de supervivencia que lo hace capaz de todo. Nadie quiere morir.
Para salvar su vida estos 21 hombres no tenían que hacer nada extraordinario. Bastaba con un par de palabras. Los terroristas solo les pidieron renegar de su fe. ¿Era fácil, no? Una frase y vivirían, ni siquiera había que decirla en serio. Sin embargo, todos prefirieron la muerte como consecuencia de ser fieles a sí mismos. Esto es lo verdaderamente increíble y extraordinario.
El camino de la verdad es siempre el más difícil. Es el más doloroso y el más solitario. Casi siempre la verdad nos lleva al sufrimiento, ese que buscamos evitar con tanto afán. Para nuestra sociedad sufrir es perder. Morir como lo hicieron estos 21 hombres es un fracaso. ¿Pero mejora realmente la vida humana si eliminamos del todo el sufrimiento? ¿Hubiese sido preferible para estos egipcios salvarse de la muerte y vivir una vida promedio?
Muchos llegamos a descubrir que solo a través del sufrimiento la vida llega a ser verdaderamente humana. Que mantenerse fiel a sí mismo y sufrir por ello no es sinónimo de derrota, sino que muchas veces es, simplemente, la consecuencia de un amor real, maduro y pleno por nuestros ideales, por el bien y por el otro. Es entonces cuando sufrir es bello.
Así lo decía el papa Benedicto XVI: “Sufrir con el otro, por los otros; sufrir por amor de la verdad y de la justicia; sufrir a causa del amor y con el fin de convertirse en una persona que ama realmente, son elementos fundamentales de humanidad, cuya pérdida destruiría al hombre mismo” (Encíclica “Spe salvi” n. 39).
El papa preguntaba en la misma encíclica: “¿Somos capaces de ello? ¿El otro es tan importante como para que, por él, yo me convierta en una persona que sufre? ¿Es tan importante para mí la verdad como para compensar el sufrimiento? ¿Es tan grande la promesa del amor que justifique el don de mí mismo?”. Y responde el papa: “La verdad y la justicia han de estar por encima de mi comodidad e incolumidad física, de otro modo mi propia vida se convierte en mentira. Y también el ‘sí’ al amor es fuente de sufrimiento, porque el amor exige siempre nuevas renuncias de mi yo, en las cuales me dejo modelar y herir. En efecto, no puede existir el amor sin esta renuncia también dolorosa para mí, de otro modo se convierte en puro egoísmo y, con ello, se anula a sí mismo como amor”.
Entonces, ¿qué podemos aprender de estos nuevos 21 mártires? A defender la verdad y el bien hasta las últimas consecuencias. A amar nuestros ideales y, a través de ellos, a amar a los demás, aunque eso implique negarnos a nosotros mismos. En un mundo donde es cada vez más difícil pensar distinto y donde es cada vez más fácil seguir la opinión de la mayoría para no ser cancelado, estos valientes egipcios nos dan testimonio: amar la verdad, el bien y la libertad pase lo que pase.
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amicidomenicani · 1 year
Pregunta  Buenas tardes Padre, hoy como muchas otras veces, me di cuenta de repente, mientras rezaba la coronilla de la divina Misericordia, de un detalle cuanto se dice: “Alma y divinidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo!” Nuestro Señor, Verbo de Dios, con la encarnación adquiere un alma, como todo ser humano? Espontáneamente diríamos que así es, pero Él es Dios y la Divinidad es completa de por sí, el alma no puede ser como algo más… o me equivoco? Perdone mi ignorancia, tal vez si hubiera prestado más atención al catecismo, ahora sabría la respuesta. Gracias desde ya por su atención, si tendrá la paciencia de explicarme este aspecto de nuestra fe. Saludos. Respuesta del sacerdote Muy querida, 1. Jesús es la segunda persona de la Santísima Trinidad que se hizo hombre, y que asumió la naturaleza humana. Ahora bien, la naturaleza humana está constituida por alma y cuerpo. Por lo tanto también Jesús, en cuanto hombre, tenía un cuerpo y un alma. Y sí que es cierto que la naturaleza humana no agregó nada a su naturaleza divina. 2. El cuerpo de Jesús estaba animado por su alma humana. En el momento de la muerte,el alma de Jesús se separó del cuerpo. Por eso el cuerpo de Jesús fue momentáneamente cadáver.  3. Con la resurrección, el alma de Jesús volvió a unirse al cuerpo. 4. Puesto que el alma posee dos facultades, la inteligencia y la voluntad, debemos decir que Jesús, aun siendo Dios, quiso pensar con mente humana y amar con corazón humano. 5. El Concilio Vaticano II dice: “El Hijo de Dios,Trabajó con manos de hombre, pensó con inteligencia de hombre, obró con voluntad de hombre, amó con corazón de hombre. Nacido de la Virgen María, se hizo verdaderamente uno de los nuestros, semejante en todo a nosotros, excepto en el pecado”(Gaudium et Spes 22). 6. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica acerca del conocimiento del alma humana de Jesús anota: Este alma humana que el Hijo de Dios asumió está dotada de un verdadero conocimiento humano. Como tal, éste no podía ser de por sí ilimitado: se desenvolvía en las condiciones históricas de su existencia en el espacio y en el tiempo. Por eso el Hijo de Dios, al hacerse hombre, quiso progresar "en sabiduría, en estatura y en gracia" (Lc 2, 52) e igualmente adquirir aquello que en la condición humana se adquiere de manera experimental (cf. Mc 6, 38; 8, 27; Jn 11, 34; etc.). Eso correspondía a la realidad de su anonadamiento voluntario en "la condición de esclavo" (Flp 2, 7) (CCC 472). Sin embargo al mismo tiempo la mente humana de Jesús poseía un “conocimiento íntimo e inmediato de su Padre” (CCC 473). En otras palabras, gozaba de la visión beatífica y “también de la penetración divina que tenía de los pensamientos secretos del corazón de los hombres” (CCC 473). Además “debido a su unión con la Sabiduría divina en la persona del Verbo encarnado, el conocimiento humano de Cristo gozaba en plenitud de la ciencia de los designios eternos que había venido a revelar. Lo que reconoce ignorar en este campo, declara en otro lugar no tener misión de revelarlo” (CCC 474). 7. Asimismo sobre la voluntad humana de Jesús el Concilio dice: De manera paralela, la Iglesia confesó en el sexto Concilio Ecuménico que Cristo posee dos voluntades y dos operaciones naturales, divinas y humanas, no opuestas, sino cooperantes, de forma que el Verbo hecho carne, en su obediencia al Padre, ha querido humanamente todo lo que ha decidido divinamente con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo para nuestra salvación. La voluntad humana de Cristo "sigue a su voluntad divina sin hacerle resistencia ni oposición, sino todo lo contrario, estando subordinada a esta voluntad omnipotente" (CCC 475). 8. Justamente porque Cristo tenía un alma humana pudo cumplir la redención en nombre de toda la humanidad y merecer para todos nosotros. Sus méritos están unidos a su naturaleza humana. Estos méritos, que para nosotros son un tesoro preciosísimo de infinito valor, los ofrecemos al Padre Eterno en la coron
illa de la divina misericordia para que distribuya generosamente su perdón a los pecadores y los colme con su santa vida. Te bendigo, te deseo todo bien y te recuerdo en la oración. Padre Angelo
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andromedainruins · 2 years
Final Exam Worksheet: Latin pt 1
Horatius semper adiuuabat amicum suum Maecenatem.  sed dum quiescit in fundo, quem amicus suus sibi dederat (nam Horatium urbis taedebat), carmina meditandi causā, omnes Romani timebant ne bellum ciuile iterum fieret.  utinam hostes pacem servarent!  tandem, ut Octauianus sensit, cum Antonio pugnandum erat.  tota Italia heredem Iulii Caesaris ducem belli poscebat ut hostes suos uinceret.  Octauianum bellum gerere ferociter oportuit! Antonius Cleopatram, quae omnibus bonis Romanis odio diu erat, uxorem suam pronuntiauit.  Octauianus ipse audiuit eum istam reginam iam amare et Octauiam amisisse; sensit igitur quid illi in animo haberent;  Brundisium profectus est ut copias trans mare duceret.  ibi castra sua non procul ab castris Antonii posuit.  Agrippa, qui erat optimus dux Octauiano, ita uicit hostes ut in mari dominaretur.  Antonius ueritus ne milites sui fame perirent, pugnam uitare coactus est.  subito Cleopatra ad Aegyptiam fugit.  eam fugientem cum uidisset Antonius, sibi rogabat:  “quid faciam?”  deinde gubernatori imperauit ut nauem reginae sequeretur.  milites Antonii, spe depositā, se dediderunt; quos Octauianus ualde humane tractauit.   si Antonius Cleopatraque cum Octauiano proelium iam commisissent, ei resistere diu non potuissent.  
Horatius was always helping his friend Maecenas. While he rests on the farm, which his friend had given to him (for Horatius was tired of the city), for the sake of planning out poems, all the Romans were fearing that civil war would happen. If only the enemies were keeping the peace. Finally, as Octavian realized, he had to fight with Antony. All of Italy was demanding the heir of Julius Caesar to be leader of the war in order to conquer their enemy. It behooved Octavian to wage war ferociously. Antony proclaimed Cleopatra, who for a long time was hateful to all good Romans, his wife. Octavius himself heard that he now was in love with that Queen and had sent Octavia away; he realized what they had in mind; He set out for Brindisi in order to lead his forces across the sea. There his camp was pitched not far away from the camp of Antony. Agrippa, who was Octavian's best commander, defeated the enemy in such a way that he dominated the sea. Antony, fearing that his soldiers would perish from hunger, was compelled to avoid battle. Suddenly Cleopatra fled to Egypt. When Antony had seen her fleeing, he asked himself: “What am I to do?” He ordered the pilot to follow the ship of the queen. The soldiers of Antony, having given up hope, surrender themselves; whom Octavian treated very humanely. If Antony and Cleopatra had joined in battle with Octavian at that time, they would not have been able to stand against them for a long time.
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forlovepat13 · 2 years
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Me quedo con esta frase hoy 24 de Setiembre del 2022, ya cerró la esperanza que tenía en mi mente, es momento de aplicar todo lo que tengo planteado en mi vida.
En amistad se traduce todo, se traduce en que no soy la persona que desearía en su vida. Soy la persona que todos deberían desear, siempre actuaré bajo mis valores y principios Veritas🧐, Honoris🤓, Amare ❤, Et ⏳, Patientia 😌, Probitatis😃, Spe 😉, Serendipity 🤩 P.L.G. La vida me enseño que todo buen acto tiene su recompensa y que la vida con buenos actos lo recompensa es cierto, encontrare aquello que lo mi corazón desea en esta vida. Patricia Shirley Leiva Gonzales.
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templeofthought · 7 years
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i found it, this is quite old art of ritter from the fallout 3 au. he is a wildman from the pitt, suffering from the delusion that all of his blood and guts will rush out of his scarred hands if they are left unwrapped
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celioxavier · 2 years
E se alguém quer saber de que maneira se pode superar esta situação miserável, os cristãos professam que todas as actividades humanas, constantemente ameaçadas pela soberba e amor próprio desordenado, devem ser purificadas e levadas à perfeição pela cruz e ressurreição de Cristo. Porque, remido por Cristo e tornado nova criatura no Espírito Santo, o homem pode e deve amar até as coisas criadas por Deus. Pois recebeu-as de Deus e considera-as e respeita-as como vindas da mão do Senhor. Dando por elas graças ao benfeitor e usando e aproveitando as criaturas em pobreza e liberdade de espírito, é introduzido no verdadeiro senhorio do mundo, como quem nada tem e tudo possui (9). «Todas as coisas são vossas; mas vós sois de Cristo e Cristo é de Deus» (1 Cor. 3, 22-23).CONSTITUIÇÃO PASTORAL - GAUDIUM ET SPES - SOBRE A IGREJA NO MUNDO ATUAL - CONCÍLIO VATICANO II
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penumbramewtwos · 12 days
What powers does Okita's human parents have?
Okita's human parents have very strong psychic senses for humans ^^ They're both from separate long family-lines' of psychic trainers, and even know how to combine their own minds to increase their pokemon's telekinesis, which is done with much training and pokemon partnership ofc. That's the only powers they really have, and yeah, when their daughter was 'created' they sensed a family member was in danger, and tracked the psychic connection to her :>
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Instantia n° 978: "Amor pulchram Africam (🌍)" ______________________________________
第 一个 非洲 👤✡️
⚫ Africa, fac me manere!
⚫ Africa, spirare me fac!
⚫ Africa, fac me somniare!
⚫ Africa, fac me progredi!
⚫Africa, viridis terra!
Sicut cubilia, in terra tua crevi et sicut florida, oculi nostri in te semper amore plenus est, quia adhuc rationis copia est te amare et in te credere.
⚫Africa, spes amittenda!
Draco tu es, qui leviora quaerens, velatis oculis, vaga vi et mente confusa. Veniet autem dies cum iter ad hanc renascendi inquisitionem repetes. Gratias ago Deo quod sub schedae Matris Africae nascens.
⚫ Africa, es artium cunabula!
Vita satis ars est, praeteritorum historia est lectio, sed occasus spei plenus est. Quid oculis tuis plura dicam, nisi quod Africanae matres meae feminae sunt honore dignae, bonis, pulchris coloribus. Mira et intestabilis pellis nigra cum mille inconcussis et incomparabili pulchri- tudine.
⚫ Africa, terra pulcherrima!
Mille landscapes; decem millia somniorum excantata, suavitatis et felicitatis cum mollibus relucentibus. Ibi nunc esse volo, cras et semper olfacies acutos tuos odores, me litoribus tuis undis amplecti, et aurae tuae.
⚫Africa, millenis cicatricibus continens, sed fabulosa adhuc!
Africa, qui diu fles, sed qui semper amas!
⚫ Africa, formae tuae, eam semper contemplari vellem!
Africa, imaginis tuae quam semper meminisse volo!
⚫ Africa, fac ut iterum credam!
Africa te oblivisci nolo!
Africa manere volo!
⚫ Africa, fac me manere!
⚫ Africa, spirare me fac!
⚫ Africa, fac me somniare!
⚫ Africa, fac me progredi!
......... Finis publicationis procedentis n°978.
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Creados para amar (Teología del cuerpo I)
¿Para que hemos sido creados?
En el principio (Gn. 1, 1) Vemos que en el principio Dios crea todo cuanto hay y ve “que es bueno” (Gn 1, 4). Sin embargo cuando crea al ser humano dice “Hagamos” (Gn. 1, 26) “hagamos” una palabra que engloba la trinidad de Dios, la comunión de personas que Dios es, después dice el libro del Génesis que Dios ve que todo cuanto había creado ese día (o sea el hombre) era “Muy bueno” (Gn. 1, 31)
Ve que ese ser, creado a su imagen y semejanza… todo cuanto ese ser es, es MUY BUENO, y hago énfasis en TODO… No hay una parte del ser humano que Dios considere como “mala” pues repito: Dios vio que todo cuanto había hecho era muy bueno.
El hombre no fue creado para estar solo. Dios se da cuenta de que éste hombre que es imagen y semejanza suya, que es MUY BUENO, no puede estar solo, pues a fin de cuentas Dios no está solo, Dios es, como decía con anterioridad, una comunión de personas. Es así que Dios Dice… “No es bueno que el hombre esté solo.”(Gn 2, 18). Dios crea pájaros, animales y los lleva a Adán para que los nombre. Luego de dar nombre a todos los animales, el hombre se dio cuenta que estaba solo en el mundo, no encuentra su ayuda idónea.
Esta es la experiencia de la soledad original que vivimos los seres humanos. Experimentamos un anhelo de vivir en comunión con otras personas, no hemos sido creados para amar objetos o animales, tampoco para entregarnos plenamente a ellos. Lo que descubrimos en nosotros, aún en nuestros deseos más torcidos, es un deseo de amar y ser amados. Experimentamos que somos diferentes a “los animales”. El hombre (Adán) se da cuenta de que su libertad le permite ser don para otro… pero para poder ser don (regalo) necesitaba a alguien semejante a sí mismo, alguien que en libertad pudiese recibirle como don, y a su vez, con reciprocidad, entregarse libre y totalmente a él.
Es así como Dios, conociendo ese anhelo que Él mismo había sembrado en el corazón del hombre, le hace caer en un profundo sueño que puede ser traducido como un “éxtasis” (lleno de alegría y admiración) pues descubrir que alguien nos ama y descubrir a alguien a quien podemos amar, definitivamente nos llena de alegría y admiración. Dios presenta a Adán esa ayuda idónea, una persona igual a él pero increíblemente diferente, llena de diferencias complementarias. No es que el hombre estuviese incompleto, sino que esas diferencias le complementan y potencian. Es así que podemos afirmar que el hombre es más imagen y semejanza de Dios en una comunión de personas (el matrimonio por ejemplo). Inmediatamente el hombre exclama: “Esta sí que es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne” (Gn. 2, 23). Es decir, “Por fin, después de tanto buscar, tengo frente a mi una persona con la que puedo compartir el regalo de la vida. ¡Finalmente una persona a quién puedo amar y por la cual puedo ser amado!”.
Es por esta razón, porque ambos son personas creados el uno para el otro, que “el hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su mujer y se harán una sola carne” (Gn. 2, 24). Esta es la experiencia de la unidad: descubrir que no están solos, confirmar que son únicos como personas y diferentes del mundo visible de las criaturas, mientras al mismo tiempo lograr romper su soledad al encontrar a otra persona igual que ellos y a la vez complementariamente distinta a quien pueden amar.
Y ¿Cómo crea Dios a Adán y Eva?
Desnudos: “Y no se avergonzaban uno del otro” (Gn. 2, 25) esto es un punto muy importante… El hecho de que estuviesen desnudos da a conocer 2 cosas sobre el hombre:
Todo cuanto hay en el es “MUY BUENO” incluyendo su cuerpo, el cuerpo no es algo malo que nos hace pecar como afirmaba en el cristianismo primitivo el maniqueísmo.
El hombre y la mujer no sentían vergüenza pues sabían que habían sido CREADOS PARA AMAR, que su vocación, su llamado, era al amor. ¿Y? Pues que no tenían miedo de que uno pudiese intentar usar al otro, no tenían miedo de que uno pudiese mirar con deseo de poseer o de usar (lujuria) al otro, no temían la posibilidad de romper la dignidad del otro incluso con la mirada. Sabían que eran hechos para ser uno y en libertad, entregarse al otro, esto estaba inscrito en su naturaleza la cual es MUY BUENA. Adán y Eva sabían que su función en este mundo era el de ser comunión de personas a imagen del Dios trinitario que es una comunión de personas.
Comunión de personas.
El ser humano fue creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios y sabemos que Dios es amor (1 Jn. 4, 8)
El amor no se da en aislamiento ni en la soledad, por eso una persona no puede casarse consigo misma, por eso cuando amas debes tener a una persona para amar y alguien que te ame, por eso debe haber forzosamente una COMUNIÓN DE PERSONAS unidas en el amor. Una comunión de personas se crea cuando dos o mas personas se dan a si mismas unas a otras en el amor, así como Dios: El padre se da completamente al Hijo, el Hijo se da completamente al Padre, todo cuanto son y todo su amor y; de esa comunión procede el Espíritu Santo, por eso en el Credo repetimos que “procede del Padre y del Hijo”. De esta forma una comunión de personas, por ejemplo el matrimonio, es icono de la comunión de Dios. El ser humano en comunión con otros es MÁS IMAGEN Y SEMEJANZA DE DIOS que estando solo, porque se potencia, se perfecciona.
La vocación al amor: creados para amar.
Es así como Adán y Eva siendo hombres originales, tenían conciencia de que habían sido creados para amar, puesto que estaban perfectamente unidos el uno al otro pero sobre todo unidos a Dios. La desnudez original nos habla del “significado nupcial del cuerpo” como la llama Juan Pablo II en sus escritos.
Este tema tan importante en la catequesis del Juan Pablo II (el significado nupcial del cuerpo), hace referencia a “la capacidad del (cuerpo) para expresar amor: precisamente ese amor donde la persona se entrega como algo valioso y, de esta forma, cumple el verdadero significado de su ser (descubre realmente quién es) y de su existencia (descubre su razón de vivir)” (Audiencia General 16/1/80).
En este estado de inocencia, su desnudez les reveló que estaban llamados a compartir en este Amor, siendo “regalo” el uno para el otro. En unión al Amor de Dios su amor recrearía el misterio de la creación (la procreación). Antes del pecado, este era el verdadero sentimiento del deseo sexual, amar como Dios ama, entrega total que da fruto y receptividad.
Toda la creación ha sido creada para el bien del hombre y la mujer, estando llamados a tener dominio sobre ella (Gen. 1, 28). La persona humana, sin embargo, está creada “para su propio bien”, (cf. Gaudium et Spes 24). Las personas no pueden someterse o dominarse unas a otras. Así que el primer hombre y la primer mujer no tenían deseo de poseerse el uno al otro, el único deseo que experimentaban era el de ser regalo o don para el otro.
Podemos darnos cuenta de que el ser humano ha sido creado para amar, no para usar al otro, ni para aprovecharse de él. Ha sido creado para vivir en una comunión de personas en donde se da a sí mismo como don, y recibe al otro también como don.
Quise exponer aquí el: “¿para que fuimos creados?” que respondo con el título del artículo… ¡para amar! Desde el principio este fue el plan de Dios, ¡y aún lo es! pero necesitamos acercarnos a su gracia y dejarnos tocar todos los días por Él para así, vivir en plenitud nuestra única vocación: el amor.
Entonces… ¿por qué es tan difícil amar hoy en día? Lo desarrollaré en otro artículo ya que necesitaría extenderme más. Sin embargo gran parte de esa dificultad tiene que ver con la caída. Te invito a estar pendiente para que leas el siguiente artículo.
Dios te bendiga.
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danielamansurtattoo · 7 years
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Frases para tatuar: Românticas 1.Amor tudo sofre, tudo crê, tudo espera, tudo suporta, o amor jamais acaba. 2. Do nada em mim o amor fez o infinito. 3. O verdadeiro amor nunca se desgasta. Quanto mais se dá mais se tem. 4. É melhor sofrer junto do que ser feliz sozinho. 5. De tudo ao meu amor serei atento. 6. Tão bom morrer de amor e continuar vivendo. 7. Que seja eterno enquanto dure. 8. A melhor coisa da vida é amar e ser amado. 9. Se o amor é fantasia, eu me encontro ultimamente em pleno carnaval. 10. A medida do amor é amar sem medida. 11. Amar não é olhar um para o outro, é olhar juntos na mesma direção. 12. Amar é admirar com o coração. Admirar é amar com o cérebro. 13. Amar é ultrapassarmo-nos. 14. Os sensíveis sofrem mais, mas amam mais e sonham mais. 15. Para estar junto não é preciso estar perto, e sim do lado de dentro. Latim 1. Carpe diem – Aproveite o dia 2. Carpe vita – Aproveite a vida 3. Omnia vincit amor – O amor supera tudo 4. Veni, vidi, vici – Vim, vi, venci 5. Verba volant, scripta manent – Palavras “voam”, o que é escrito permanece 6. Veritas lux mea – A verdade é minha luz 7. Alis volat propris – Ela voa com suas próprias asas 8. Cogito ergo sum – Penso, logo existo 9. Dum vita est, spes est – Enquanto houver vida, haverá esperança 10. Luceat lux vestra – Deixe sua luz brilhar Inglês 1.Forever young – Jovem para sempre 2. Let it be – Deixe ser / deixe estar 3. Imagine – Imagine 4. To infinity and beyond – Ao infinito e além 5. Stay strong – Mantenha-se firme 6. Think positive – Pense positivo 7. Open your eyes – Abra seus olhos 8. Dream big – Sonhe alto 9. Free soul – Alma livre 10. Wild & free – Selvagem & livre 11. Choose freedom – Escolha ser livre 12. Just breathe – Apenas respire 13. Live, laugh, love – Viva, ria, ame 14. We are not our failures – Não somos nossos erros 15. Make it count – Faça valer a pena 16. Be kind to yourself – Seja bom consigo mesmo 17. Believe in yourself – Acredite em si mesmo 18. Love yourself – Ame-se 19. Art never comes from happiness – A arte nunca vem da alegria 20. If you don’t live for something, you’ll die for nothing – Se você não viver por algo, morrerá por nada 21. Life’s too short to wait – A vida (em Black Magic Tattoo)
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celioxavier · 2 years
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CONCÍLIO VATICANO II A Sagrada Escritura ensina que o homem foi criado «à imagem de Deus», capaz de conhecer e amar o seu Criador, e por este constituído senhor de todas as criaturas terrenas (1), para as dominar e delas se servir, dando glória a Deus (2). «Que é, pois, o homem, para que dele te lembres? ou o filho do homem, para que te preocupes com ele? Fizeste dele pouco menos que um anjo, coroando-o de glória e de esplendor. Estabeleceste-o sobre a obra de tuas mãos, tudo puseste sob os seus pés» (Salmo 8, 5-7). Deus, porém, não criou o homem sòzinho: desde o princípio criou-os «varão e mulher (Gén. 1,27); e a sua união constitui a primeira forma de comunhão entre pessoas. Pois o homem, por sua própria natureza, é um ser social, que não pode viver nem desenvolver as suas qualidades sem entrar em relação com os outros. Como também lemos na Sagrada Escritura, Deus viu «todas as coisas que fizera, e eram excelentes» (Gén. 1,31). CONSTITUIÇÃO PASTORAL - GAUDIUM ET SPES - SOBRE A IGREJA NO MUNDO ACTUAL. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb94hOJuQmn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
An insight for Mama Okita, one of her earliest memories
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Despite Okita being who she is, her earliest memory is waking up in her tank. Later in the series, she remembers a feeling of warmth, and Grannewts heartbeat. Confirming who she really is.
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witchofapollo · 7 years
Gods and Goddesses Master List
Greek Gods
Achelois - One of the moon goddesses.
Achelous - The patron god of the Achelous river.
Aeolus - (a.k.a. Aeolos, Aiolos, Aiolus, Eolus) God of air and the winds.
Aether - (a.k.a. Aither, Akmon, Ether) God of light and the atmosphere.
Alastor - God of family feuds.
Alcyone - One of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione.
Alectrona - Early Greek goddess of the sun.
Amphitrite - (a.k.a. Salacia) The wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.
Antheia - Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
Aphaea - (a.k.a. Aphaia) A Greek goddess who was worshipped exclusively at a single sanctuary on the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf.
Aphrodite - (a.k.a. Anadyomene, Turan, Venus) Goddess of love and beauty.
Apollo - (a.k.a. Apollon, Apulu, Phoebus) God of the sun, music, healing, and herding.
Ares - (a.k.a. Enyalius, Mars, Aries) God of chaotic war.
Aristaeus - (a.k.a. Aristaios) Patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees.
Artemis - (a.k.a. Agrotora, Amarynthia, Cynthia, Kourotrophos, Locheia, Orthia, Phoebe, Potnia Theron) Goddess of the moon, hunting, and nursing.
Asclepius - (a.k.a. Aesculapius, Asklepios) God of health and medicine.
Astraea - The Star Maiden - a goddess of justice, included in Virgo and Libra mythologies.
Até - Goddess of mischief.
Athena - (a.k.a. Asana, Athene, Minerva, Menerva) Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and the strategic side of war.
Atlas - The Primordial Titan who carried the weight of the heavens on his back.
Atropos - (a.k.a. Aisa, Morta) One of The Fates - She cut the thread of life and chose the manner of a persons death.
Attis - The (minor) god of rebirth.
Bia - The goddess of force.
Boreas - (a.k.a. Aquilo, Aquilon) The North Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).
Brizo - Protector of Mariners.
Caerus - (a.k.a. Kairos, Occasio, Tempus) The (minor) god of luck and opportunity.
Calliope - One of the Muses. Represented epic poetry.
Calypso - (a.k.a. Kalypso) The sea nymph who held Odysseus prisoner for seven years.
Castor - (a.k.a. Castore, Kastor) One of the twins who represent Gemini.
Celaeno - The name of a wife of Poseidon.
Cerus - The wild bull tamed by Persephone, made into the Taurus constellation.
Ceto - (a.k.a. Keto) a sea monster goddess who was also the mother of other sea monsters.
Chaos - (a.k.a. Khaos) The nothingness that all else sprung from.
Charon - (a.k.a. Charun) The Ferryman of Hades. He had to be paid to help one cross the river Styx.
Chronos - (a.k.a. Chronus, Khronos) God of time.
Circe - (a.k.a. Kirke) A goddess who transformed her enemies into beasts.
Clio - One of the Muses. She represented History.
Clotho - (a.k.a. Nona) One of the Fates - Spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle.
Crios - The crab who protected the sea nymphs, made into the Cancer constellation.
Cronus - (a.k.a. Cronos, Kronos, Saturn) God of agriculture, father of the Titans.
Cybele - (a.k.a. Agdistis, Magna Mater, Meter, Meter Oreie) Goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.
List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - D
Demeter - (a.k.a. Ceres, Demetra, Tvath) Goddess of the harvest.
Dinlas - Guardian of the ancient city of Lamark, where wounded heroes could heal after battle.
Dionysus - (a.k.a. Bacchus, Dionysos, Liber) God of wine and pleasure.
Doris - A Sea Nymph, mother of the Nereids.
Eileithyia - (a.k.a. Eileithyiai, Eilithia, Eilythia, Eleuthia, Ilithia, Ilithyia, Lucina) Goddess of childbirth.
Eireisone - The deity who embodied the sacred ceremonial olive branch.
Electra - (a.k.a. Atlantis) One of the seven Pleiades.
Elpis - (a.k.a. Spes) The spirit of Hope.
Enyo - (a.k.a. Bellona) A (minor) goddess of war, connected to Eris.
Eos - (a.k.a. Aurora, Eosphorus, Mater Matuta, Thesan) Goddess of the Dawn.
Erato - One of the Muses - represents Lyrics/Love Poetry.
Erebus - (a.k.a. Erebos) God of darkness.
Eris - (a.k.a. Discordia) Goddess of strife, connected to Enyo.
Eros - (a.k.a. Amor, Cupid, Eleutherios) God of love, procreation and sexual desire.
Eurus - (a.k.a. Euros, Vulturnus) The East Wind - One of the Anemoi (wind gods).
Euterpe - One of the Muses - represents Music/Lyrics/Poetry.
Gaia - (a.k.a. Celu, Gaea, Terra) Goddess of the Earth, also known as Mother Earth.
Glaucus - (a.k.a. Glacus, Glaukos) A fisherman turned immortal, turned Argonaut, turned a god of the sea.
Hades - (a.k.a. Aita, Dis Pater, Haidou, Orcus, Plouton, Pluto) God of the Dead, King of the Underworld.
Harmonia - (a.k.a. Concordia) Goddess of Harmony and Concord.
Hebe - (a.k.a. Juventas) Goddess of youth.
Hecate - (a.k.a. Hekat, Hekate, Trivia) Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the undead.
Helios - (a.k.a. Sol) God of the Sun.
Hemera - (a.k.a. Amar, Dies, Hemere) Goddess of daylight.
Hephaestus - (a.k.a. Hephaistos, Vulcan, Sethlans, Mulciber) God of fire and blacksmithing who created weapons for the gods.
Hera - (a.k.a. Juno, Uni) Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage and wife of Zeus.
Heracles - (a.k.a. Herakles, Hercules, Hercle) An immortal hero of many Greek legends, the strongest man on Earth.
Hermes - (a.k.a. Pyschopompus, Mercury, Turms) God of commerce and travel, and messenger of the gods.
Hesperus - (a.k.a. Hesperos, Vesper) The Evening Star.
Hestia - (a.k.a. Vesta) Greek goddess of the home and fertility. One of the Hesperides.
Hygea - (a.k.a. Hygieia, Salus) Goddess of cleanliness and hygeine.
Hymenaios - (a.k.a. Hymenaeus, Hymen) God of weddings.
Hypnos - (a.k.a. Somnus) God of sleep.
Iris - Goddess of rainbows.
Khione - The goddess of snow and daughter of the North Wind (Boreas).
Kotys - (a.k.a. Cotys, Cottyto, Cottytus) A Dionysian goddess whose celebrations were wild and liscivious.
Kratos - A god of strength and power.
Lacheses - (a.k.a. Decima) One of the Fates. Measured the thread of life with her rod.
Maia - (a.k.a. Mya, Fauna, Maia Maiestas, Bono Dea) One of the seven Pleiades, Goddess of fields.
Mania - (a.k.a. Mania, Manea) Goddess of insanity and the dead.
Melpomene - One of the Muses - represented Tragedy.
Merope - One of the seven Pleiades, married to king Sisyphos.
Metis - Titan goddess of wisdom.
Momus - (a.k.a. Momos) God of satire, writers, and poets.
Morpheus - God of dreams and sleep.
Nemesis - (a.k.a. Rhamnousia, Invidia) Goddess of retribution (vengeance).
Nereus - (a.k.a. Phorcys, Phorkys) Titan God who Fathered the Nereids. God of the Sea before Poseidon.
Nike - (a.k.a. Victoria, Nice) Goddess of victory.
Notus - (a.k.a. Auster) The South Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).
Nyx - (a.k.a. Nox) Goddess of night.
Oceanus - Titan god of the ocean.
Pallas - A giant who was one of the ancient Titan gods of war.
Pan - (a.k.a. Faunus, Inuus) God of woods, fields, and flocks. Also a Satyr.
Peitha - (a.k.a. Peitho, Suadela) Goddess of persuasion.
Persephone - (a.k.a. Persephassa, Persipina, Persipnei, Persephatta, Proserpina, Kore, Kora, Libera) Goddess of the Spring who lives off-season in the Underworld.
Pheme - (a.k.a. Fama) Goddess of fame and gossip.
Phosphorus - (a.k.a. Phosphor, Lucifer) The Morning Star.
Plutus - God of wealth.
Pollux - (a.k.a. Polydeuces) One of the twins who represent Gemini.
Polyhymnia - One of the Muses - represents sacred poetry and geometry.
Pontus - (a.k.a. Pontos) Ancient god of the deep sea.
Poseidon - (a.k.a. Neptune, Nethuns, Neptunus) God of the sea and earthquakes.
Priapus - (a.k.a. Priapus, Mutinus, Mutunus) A (minor) god of gardens and fertility, best known for having an enormous penis.
Pricus - The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.
Proteus - An early sea god before Poseidon.
Rhea - (a.k.a. Cybele) Goddess of nature.
Selene - (a.k.a. Luna) Goddess of the Moon and the 'mother' of vampires.
Sterope - (a.k.a. Asterope) One of the seven Pleiades, who bore a child of Ares.
Styx - A Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the Titan war. (Not to be confused with the river Styx).
Tartarus - (a.k.a. Tartaros, Tartarizo) God of the depths of the Underworld - a great storm pit - and the father of Typhon.
Taygete - (a.k.a. Taygeti, Taigeti) One of the seven Pleiades, a mountain nymph.
Terpsichore - One of the Muses - represented Dancing.
Thalia - One of the Muses - represented Comedy.
Thanatos - (a.k.a. Mors) God of death.
Themis - Ancient goddess of divine order, law, and custom.
Thetis - Leader of the Nereids, a shapeshifter, and a prophet.
Triton - Trumpeter of the sea and messenger of the deep.
Tyche - (a.k.a. Fortuna, Nortia) Goddess of fortune and prosperity.
Typhon - (a.k.a. Typhaon, Typhoeus, Typhus) God of monsters, storms, and volcanoes. Challenged Zeus for control of Mount Olympus.
Urania - One of the Muses - represented Astronomy and Astrology.
Uranus - (a.k.a. Ouranos, Caelus) God of the sky and the heavens. Father of the Titans.
Zelus - The god of zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.
Zephyrus - (a.k.a. Zephyros, Favonius, Zephyr) The West Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).
Zeus - (a.k.a. Dias, Jupiter, Tinia, Jove, Jovis Pater) Leader of the Olympic gods, and god of lightning, thunder, and the heavens.
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Aah - (a.k.a. Aa, Ah) The god of the 360 day Egyptian calendar. He famously lost the other 5 days to Thoth in a game of dice.
Abtu - A fish deity, paired with Anet. Together they swim in front of Ra's boat to warn and protect him from danger.
Ahti - With the body of a hippo and the head of a wasp, this goddess was considered spiteful and chaotic and was rarely worshipped.
Aken - The ferryman who takes dead souls to the afterlife. Is often asleep, which means souls have to wake him for passage.
Aker - An earth god whose primary function is to protect the gateway into and out of the Underworld.
Amathaunta - Brought to Egypt from Sumerian myth, little is known of this goddess other than that she was associated with the sea.
Amaunet - The goddess of the North Wind in Lower Egypt. Also one of the 8 original gods, the Ogdoad.
Amenhotep - A pharoah who constructed so many great buildings he became the god of architecture and construction.
Ament - (a.k.a. Amentet, Amentit) The hostess of the Underworld. Greets new souls brought in by her husband Aken.
Ammit - (a.k.a. Ammam, Amemait, Ammut, Ahemait) A goddess of judgement. If one's soul is judged unworthy at the end of their life, this hippo/lion/crocodile goddess swallows it.
Amn - A greeter goddess of the Underworld. Possibly the same deity as Ament, except she is invisible.
Amsit - (a.k.a. Imset, Imsety) One of the 4 sons of Horus who protected the mummified remains of the dead. Amsit protected jars of livers.
Amun - (a.k.a. Amon, Ammon, Amen) One of the 8 Ogdoads (original gods) of Egypt who through time evolved to become the chief deity of all Egyptian mythology.
Amun Ra - (a.k.a. Amun Re, Amen Ra, Amen Re, Amon Ra, Amon Re, Ammon Ra, Ammon Re) The joining of Amun and Ra into one super-deity which occurred later in Egyptian mythology.
Anat - A war goddess brought to Egypt from Mesopotamia. Was also romantically linked to Set.
Andjety - (a.k.a. Anedjti, Anezti) The god of rebirth in the Underworld. Allowed souls to remain alive after their bodies died. Husband of Anit.
Anet - A fish deity, paired with Abtu. Together they swim in front of Ra's boat to warn and protect him from danger.
Anhur - (a.k.a. Inher, Onuris) A god of creativity who is best known for slaying the enemies of the Egyptian people.
Anit - Goddess of fertility, sex, war, and hunting. Originally from Canaan but also worshipped by early Hebrews.
Ankhet - (a.k.a. Ankt, Anuket) Goddess of the Nile, specifically flooding, fertility, and fertilization.
Anouke - (a.k.a. Anuke) An ancient Egyptian war goddess who was always shown with a bow and arrow.
Anti - An ancient god who became the patron god of ferrymen and travellers by sea.
Anubis - (a.k.a. Anpu, Imeut, Ienpw, Inpu, Lenpw, Yinepu) The jackal-headed god of Death in early Egyptian mythology. He holds the scales that weigh the souls of the dead.
Apedemak - (a.k.a. Apademak) A little known god of the Meroitic people. He had the head of a lion and was considered a warrior god.
Apep - (a.k.a. Aapep, Apepi, Apophis) A god of darkness in the form of a serpent. Would try to swallow sunlight and was the reason for eclipses.
Apis - (a.k.a. Hap, Haap, Hep, Hepi) A holy bull god in Memphis. Any bulls born all black with a white triangle on the forehead were considered him reborn.
Arensnuphis - (a.k.a. Arsnuphis, Harensnuphis, Ari-Hes-Nefer) A lion headed god of Nubia who wore a crown of feathers. His mythological function is unknown.
Aten - (a.k.a. Aten-Ra, Aten-Re, Aton, Aton-Ra, Aton-Re) A little known sun god until Pharoah Amenhotep IV decreed him to be the ONLY god. Also known as the "sun disc".
Atum - (a.k.a. Atum-Ra, Atum-Re, Tem, Tum, Temu) The creator of the world who began life as a single hill emerging from the water. Created the other gods from his semen.
Ba - A fertility god with a ram's head. Women hoping to get pregnant would invoke his name.
Ba-Pef - A minor Egyptian god whose name means "That Soul". Little is known except that he is often sad and woeful.
Babi - (a.k.a. Bab, Babay) A baboon demon who was considered a god of sexual prowess in the underworld. Rarely wore pants.
Banebdjetet - (a.k.a. Banebtetet, Banebdjedet, Banebdedet, Ba-Neb-Tetet, Baneb-Djedet, Banephthysdjedet) An Egyptian ram god from Mendes. Intervened in the great war between Horus and Seth. Possibly the same deity as Ba.
Bast - (a.k.a. Bastet, Ubastet, Ailuros) A famous cat-headed goddess who protected Egyptians from foreign attacks as well as fires. Later became known for cat-like sensuality.
Bat - (a.k.a. Bata) A fertility goddess in the form of a cow. Was known in Upper Egypt.
Benu - A sun god in the form of a golden bird. Is connected to Atum, the creator of the world.
Bes - (a.k.a. Bisu) An ugly, scary looking dwarf god who uses his appearance to ward off evil spirits and vibrations. Commonly invoked for protection.
Beset - Beset is the female version of Bes. Most likely a later spelling of the same name.
Buto - A cobra goddess who protected the pharaohs. Pharaohs would wear a cobra on their crown to invoke her protection.
Chenti-Cheti - A minor Egyptian god who took the form of a crocodile, then later a falcon.
Chenti-Irti - A minor Egyptian god of law and order who took the form of a falcon. Possibly Horus in disguise.
Cherti - (a.k.a. Kherty) Another ferryman of the dead, he took the form of a ram or a man with a ram's head.
Chontamenti - (a.k.a. Chonti-Amentiu, Khentamenti) A death god in Western Egypt. Took the form of a dog with horns and lived in the Underworld.
Dedun - (a.k.a. Dedwen) God of wealth symbolized by his association with then-precious incense.
Dua - The god of toilets and sanitation.
Duamutef - One of the four sons of Horus who protected embalmed stomachs of mummified corpses. Has a jackal's head.
Ehi - (a.k.a. Ihu) The Egyptian god of the sistrum, a rattle used in sacred ceremonies.
Geb - (a.k.a. Keb, Seb, Qeb) God of the Earth. Represented by the goose. His laughter caused earthquakes. His twin sister/consort was Nut, the sky goddess.
Ha - The god of deserts west of Egypt. Had a bull's tail.
Hah - (a.k.a. Heh, Huh, Hu) God of infinity and formlessness. One of the first Egyptian gods who supports the universe. He himself is the symbol for the number 1,000,000.
Hapi - God of the Nile who appears as a man but pregnant looking, representing his dedication to the fertility provided by the Nile.
Hapy - One of the four sons of Horus who protected embalmed lungs of mummified corpses. Has a baboon's head.
Har-Nedj-Hef - An incarnation of the god Horus, this one dedicated to protecting Osiris in the Underworld.
Har-Pa-Khered - (a.k.a. Harpakhered, Har-Pa-Khruti, Harpakhruti) An incarnation of the god Horus, this one as a child sitting on his mother's lap. Was invoked to ward off evil creatures.
Harmakhis - (a.k.a. Harmatchis) An incarnation of the god Horus, this one appearing as the Sphinx of Giza and representing ressurection identified by the setting and rising sun.
Haroeris - (a.k.a. Har-Wer) An ancient incarnation of Horus, considered "Horus the Elder", a combination of falcon-headed Horus and Wer, an ancient creation god.
Hat-Mehit - (a.k.a. Hatmehit, Hatmehyt, Het-Mehit, Hetmehit) A fish goddess primarily worshipped in the Nile Delta. Her husband was Banebdjetet.
Hathor - (a.k.a. Heret) The goddess of Happiness, Frolicing, and Cavorting. Was also a protector of women and had a complex history.
Hauhet - (a.k.a. Hehet) Goddess of infinity and formlessness. The female counterpart to Hah.
Hedetet - A little known goddess who took the form of a scorpion.
Heket - (a.k.a. Hek, Hektet, Heqat, Heget) An Egyptian goddess of childbirth. Was depicted on temple walls as a woman with a frogs head and on amulets as a frog.
Hemen - A little known Egyptian falcon god.
Hemsut - (a.k.a. Hemuset) A goddess of fate.
Henet - A pelican headed goddess who seemed to be linked to one's passing into the afterlife.
Heptet - The goddess who protected Osiris's body and soul in the afterlife. Had the head of a snake and held twin daggers.
Herishep - (a.k.a. Herishef) A minor god in Northern Egypt, he had a ram's head and horns and was associated with fertility.
Heru-Behudti - Horus in the form of the scorching sun.
Hez-Ur - A little known Egyptian baboon god.
Heka - (a.k.a. Hike) God of magic and magical rituals. Son of the Egyptian creator god Atum.
Horus - The great Egyptian sky god whose eyes were the sun and the moon. Son of Isis and Osiris and nephew of Seth.
Iat - A minor goddess of milk, childbirth, and nursing.
Ihy - God of music and dancing.
Imentet - An ancient Egyptian goddess who welcomed the deceased to the afterlife in Western Egypt.
Imhotep - (a.k.a. Imhetep, Immutef, Iunmutef) A mortal commoner whose brilliance in sculpture, architecture, and mathematics helped him ascend to the rank of a god.
Imiut - An ancient Egyptian god whose name means "He who is in his wrappings". May have been connected with the Underworld.
Iptet - A goddess of childbirth who took on the form of a hippopotamus.
Isis - (a.k.a. Aset) An extremely popular goddess, originally protected sailors but then became the Great Mother Goddess after giving birth to Horus.
Jah - (a.k.a. Joh) A god of the moon
Kebechet - (a.k.a. Khebhut, Kabehchet) The goddess of embalming fluid used in mummification.
Kebechsenef - One of the four sons of Horus. He would protect the intenstinal remains of the mummified.
Kek - (a.k.a. Kuk, Keket, Keku, Kauket) The great unknown darkness in Egyptian mythology. Took male form as a frog-man and female form as a snake-woman.
Kemur - (a.k.a. Kemwer) An oracular deity taking the form of a pure black bull in the Mnevis region.
Ken - An egyptian love goddess.
Khepri - (a.k.a. Kehperi, Kheper, Kehpera, Chepri) The god of ressurection. Symbolized by the scarab (dung beetle), which became a representation of ressurection itself.
Khnum - (a.k.a. Knum, Khnemu, Kemu, Knouphis, Chnum, Chnemu, Chnoumis, Chnuphis) He is where babies come from according to the ancient Egyptians. He would make a baby's body out of clay then sneak into a woman's home and impregnate her with it.
Khons - (a.k.a. Khonsu, Khensu, Chons) A brilliant young moon god who also was a god of time. Also an exorcist of sorts.
Kneph - (a.k.a. Cneph) One of the first Egyptian gods who is known to be connected to the creation of the universe.
Maat - (a.k.a. Ma'at) Goddess of Justice and Law.
Mafdet - (a.k.a. Maftet) Egyptian goddess of Protection.
Mahes - (a.k.a. Maahes) A lion-headed god of war. Possibly the Eastern Egyptian version of Apedemak.
Mehen - A large snake god who protectively coils around Ra during the night.
Mehurt - (a.k.a. Mehturt, Mehet-Uret, Mehet-Weret) The mother of the sky in Egyptian mythology. Takes form as a cow and represents the flowing water of life.
Menhit - (a.k.a. Menchit) Warrior goddess with the head of a lion and a lust for war. The female version of Mahes.
Monthu - (a.k.a. Mentu, Menthu, Monto, Month) A popular war god in Ancient Egypt. Mostly seen as a falcon-headed man, but occassionally as a white bull with a black face.
Meret - (a.k.a. Mert) Goddess of Rejoicing. Presided over song and dance and was often considered the wife of Hapy.
Meretseger - (a.k.a. Mertseger) Cobra-headed goddess who was both dangerous and merciful. She protected the Valley of the Kings and laid waste to graverobbers.
Meskhenet - (a.k.a. Meskhent) An important goddess of childbirth who breathed the soul into each child as they were born.
Min - The god of male fertility and sexual prowess and potency, once called the Chief of Heaven.
Mnewer - (a.k.a. Mnevis, Mer-Wer) A sacred black bull worshipped in Heliopolis. Was considered an aspect of sun god Atum-Ra and represented virility.
Mut - Mother goddess of nurturing and protecting, she was depicted as a vulture - whoichancient Egyptians believed to be excellent parents.
Nephthys - (a.k.a. Neb Hut, Nebthet) Could be called the "goddess of sympathy". Comforts both the living and dead after a person has died. Sister of Isis and Osiris.
Nef - (a.k.a. Nehab) A serpent god.
Nefertem - (a.k.a. Nefer Tem, Nefer Temu, Nefertum) Was born from a blue lotus flower at the beginning of creation. Created mankind from his tears.
Nehebkau - (a.k.a. Nehebkhau, Nehebu Kau) Protects against poisonous snake bites and scorpion stings. Also binds the souls (Ba and Ka) after death.
Neith - (a.k.a. Neit) A goddess of war, hunting, and wisdom. Was very wise and was said to be the mother of Ra.
Nekhbet - (a.k.a. Nekhabed) Patron goddess of the city of Nekheb, and seen as an "adoptive mother" in Egyptian myth. Depicted as a white vulture.
Neper - (a.k.a. Nepra, Nepri) A god of grain and corn. Paired with the goddess Nepit.
Nepit - A goddess of grain and corn. Paired with the god Neper.
Nun - (a.k.a. Nu) God of primeival and stormy waters. Was one of the 8 Ogdoad (early gods) of Hermopolis. His wife is Nunet.
Nunet - (a.k.a. Naunet) Goddess of the skies above stormy waters. Was one of the 8 Ogdoad (early gods) of Hermopolis. Her husband is Nun.
Nut - (a.k.a. Nuit, Newet) Goddess of the sky. One of the oldest and most prominent goddesses. Portrayed as a nude woman covered in stars.
Osiris - (a.k.a. Ned Er Tcher, Usire) Former god of vegetation and fertility until he was killed by his brother and ressurrected by his sister. Now the Judge of the Dead.
Petbe - The Egyptian god of revenge.
Ptah - (a.k.a. Ptha) The crafting god who covered all sorts of industry - masonry, craftsmanship, carpentry, sculpture, metalworking, and shipbuilding.
Qetesh - (a.k.a. Qadeshet, Qadesh, Qudshu) A goddess of fertility, representing sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure.
Ra - (a.k.a. Re) The great sun god. Often considered the most important deity in Egyptian mythology.
Renenet - (a.k.a. Ernutet, Renenutet) Goddess of Prosperity. An important cobra-headed goddess associated with motherhood, the harvest, and the magical properties of linen for mumification.
Renpet - Goddess of youth and the spring season.
Reshep - (a.k.a. Reshpu) Originally known by the Syrians as Ramman, this storm god became an Egyptian war god. Associated with Min and Qadesh.
Sahu - The Egyptian incarnation of the constellation Orion. A star god associated with the change between night and day.
Satet - (a.k.a. Satis, Satjit, Sati, Sates) The Egyptian goddess associated with flooding the Nile River - the key source of life in ancient Egypt.
Sebek - (a.k.a. Sobek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki, Suchos) The deification of the power of the Egyptian pharoahs. He was associated with the Nile river and had the head of a crocodile.
Seker - (a.k.a. Sokar, Sokaris, Soker) Falcon god of death and ressurection. Shown as a mummified falcon or hawk. Associated with gods Ptah and Osiris.
Sekhmet - (a.k.a. Sachmet, Sachmis, Sekhet, Sakhmet) An important, multi-faceted goddess of war, healing, and the desert. Depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness.
Sepa - (a.k.a. Sep) The god who protected dead bodies from insects. Most often seen in the form of a venemous centipede.
Serket - (a.k.a. Selket, Serqet, Serquet, Selcis) The goddess protector against poisonous animal bites and stings. She wore a scorpion crown.
Seshat - (a.k.a. Sesat, Seshet, Sesheta, Seshata, Safkhet) Her name means "She Who Is A Scribe". This goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and writing is the record keeper of the gods.
Sesmu - (a.k.a. Shesmu, Shezmu, Schezemu, Sezmu) A minor "demonic" god of slaughter. He also embodied blood, wine, pressed oils, and perfumes.
Set - (a.k.a. Seth, Seti, Setekh, Setakh, Setesh, Sutekh, Suty) One of the major gods, representing violence, chaos, and evil, as well as storms, the desert, and foreign wars. Famously killed his own brother Osiris.
Shai - (a.k.a. Shay) The gender-changing god of fate (see Shait). Often seen paired with Renenet (fortune) as the "hands of Toth" - the divine knowledge of the gods.
Shait - The feminine incarnation of Shai (as a goddess rather than as a god).
Shed - He is the god of salvation, tied to Horus in the form of "Horus the Child".
Shesmetet - An ancient Egyptian goddess from the land of "Punt" - a close foreign trading neighbor. Possibly an incarnation of Sekhmet or Bastet.
Shu - (a.k.a. Su) A very ancient Egyptian god of air, father of Nut and Geb (the sky and earth, respectively), and pacifier of the winds and the earth.
Sopdet - (a.k.a. Sothis) Goddess of the star Sirius - the brightest in the night sky - which also represented the upcoming flooding of the Nile.
Sopdu - (a.k.a. Septu, Sopedu, Sopd) A god of war and the sky god of eastern Egypt. Protected Egypt from foreign attacks from the East and by the Red Sea.
Sphinx - With a human head and the body of a lion, the great Egyptian statue is dedicated to the very same figure from Greek mythology
Tatenen - (a.k.a. Ta-tenen, Tatjenen, Tathenen, Tanen, Tenen, Tanenu, Tanuu) A Memphis god who was associated with creation from the primoridal mounds of the Earth.
Taweret - (a.k.a. Taueret, Taurt, Thoeris, Thureris, Apet, Aptet, Ipy, Ipet, Opet, Reret, Reret Weret) An important goddess of Maternity and Childbirth she took the form of a pregnant hippopotamus.
Tefen - A male associate of Tefnut who helped with the weighing of the hearts of the dead.
Tefnut - (a.k.a. Tefnet, Tefenet, Tphenis) The goddess of moisture in Egyptian myth. She consorted with Shu, the air god to create rain and humidity.
Thoth - (a.k.a. Thot, Tetu, Techu, Tehuty, Tehuti, Tahuti, Djehuty, Zehuti) One of the most powerful and heralded gods in Egyptian mythology. Said to have created himself, then created the Universe.
Tutu - A unique monster god who protected the Egyptian people from demons, ill-willed gods, and later dreams and nightmares.
Un Nefer - A name for either Osiris, Horus, or Ra (depending on who you ask) that refers to one of their roles judging and preparing the dead.
Unut - (a.k.a. Un, Wenut, Wenet) A rare, rabbit-headed goddess who symbolized birth and fertility. Formerly took the form of a swift-moving snake.
Wadj Wer - (a.k.a. Wadj-Wer) A somewhat androgynous god who represents the fertility of water and land, personified by the flooding of the Nile.
Wadjet - (a.k.a. Uadjet) A snake goddess often worshipped along with Bast, she protected pharoahs and pregnant women in cities who worshipped her.
Weneg - (a.k.a. Uneg) A sky and death god who could be invoked via a spell via the Pyramid Texts.
Wepawet - (a.k.a. Wepwawet) A war deity in the form of a wolf. He was first known as a scout, then as one who opened the way to victory, then to the afterlife.
Wosyet - (a.k.a. Waset, Wosret, Wasret, Wosret) A guardian goddess of Thebes whose name means "The Powerful"
Nordic Gods and Goddesses
Baldur - God of beauty, innocence, peace, and rebirth. Consort: Nanna, Killed by Loki, who tricked his blind brother Hodr into killing him with a spear of mistletoe.
Borr - Father of Odin, Vili and Vé. Consort: Bestla
Bragi - God of poetry, music and the harp. Consort: Iðunn.
Búri - Ruler of Prehistory, the first god and father of Borr.
Dagr - God of the daytime, son of Dellingr and Nótt.
Dellingr - God of dawn. Father of Dagr. Husband of Nótt.
Eir - Goddess of healing.
Ēostre - Goddess of spring.
Elli - Goddess of old age.
Forseti - God of justice, peace and truth. Son of Baldur and Nanna.
Freyja - Goddess of love, fertility, and battle. Consort: Óðr.
Freyr - God of fertility. Consort: Gerðr.
Frigg - Goddess of marriage and motherhood. Consort: Odin. Can also be pronounced "Frigga".
Fulla - Frigg´s handmaid.
Gefjun - Goddess of fertility and plough.
Hel - Queen of Helheim, the Norse underworld.
Heimdall - One of the Æsir and guardian of Asgard, their realm.
Hermóðr - The heroic son of Odin.Tried to rescue Baldur.
Hlín - Goddess of consolation and protection.
Höðr - God of winter. Killed by Vali.
Hœnir - The silent god.
Iðunn - Goddess of youth. Consort: Bragi.
Jörð - Goddess of the Earth. Mother of Thor by Odin.
Kvasir - God of inspiration. Killed by Dwarves.
Lofn - Goddess of forbidden loves.
Loki - Trickster and god of mischief . Consort: Sigyn (also called Saeter).
Magni - God of strength. Son of Thor.
Máni - God of the Moon.
Mímir - Odin's uncle. Decapitated by Vanir.
Nanna - Goddess of joy and peace, an Ásynja married with Baldur and mother to Forseti. Died because of Baldur's death.
Nerthus - A goddess mentioned by Tacitus. Her name is connected to that of Njord.
Njord - God of sea, wind, fish, and wealth. Killed in Ragnarok.
Nótt - Goddess of night, daughter of Narvi and mother of Auðr, Jörð and Dagr by Naglfari, Annar and Dellingr, respectively.
Odin - The "All Father" God of war, associated with wisdom and poetry (The Ruler of the gods).
Rán - Goddess of the sea.
Sága - An obscure goddess, possibly another name for Frigg.
Sif - Wife of Thor. Goddess of harvest.
Sjöfn - Goddess of love.
Skadi - Goddess of winter; Njord's wife.
Snotra - Goddess of prudence.
Sól (Sunna) - Goddess of Sun. Swallowed by Skoll.
Thor - son of Óðinn God of thunder and battle. Consort: Sif.
Thrud - daughter of Thor and Sif.
Tyr - God of war. Also the god of the skies.
Ull - God of ski/winter, hunt, and duel. Son of Sif.
Váli - God of revenge.
Vár - Goddess of contract.
Vé - One of the three gods of creation. Brother of Óðinn and Vili.
Vidar - God of the forest, revenge and silence.
Vör - Goddess of wisdom.
Yggdrasil - Tree of life. Connects the 9 worlds.
Roman Gods and Goddesses
Jupiter: The mighty king of the gods. Roman god of the sky, thunderstorms, lightning, weather and air. Also god of law, order, justice, governance and strength. Most important god of the Romans and usually had the highest divine authority over other gods. Husband of Juno.
Neptune: One of the brothers of Jupiter, one of the prime gods and ruler of the seas. The patron of sailors and the protector of ships.
Juno: Queen of the gods and wife of Jupiter. Goddess of Marriage and Women. Protector and Counsellor of Rome.
Mars: God of War, Spring and Justice. Patron of the Roman Legions and divine father of Romulus and Remus.
Venus: Goddess of Love and consort of Mars. Divine mother of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans.
Bellona: Goddess of War, Conquest and Peace.
Minerva: Goddess of Wisdom, Divine Counsel, Useful Arts, Crafts and Later War.
Janus: God of Beginnings, Endings, Transition, Doorways and Keys.
Vesta: Goddess of the Home and the Hearth. Matron of Rome.
Indian Gods and Goddesses
Bhadrakali, a peaceful form of Kali
Venkateshwara, as Vishnu is known in parts of South India.
Vaikuntha Chaturmurti
Vaikuntha Kamalaja
Lakshmi Narayan
Dasavatara, the 10 incarnations of Vishnu
Ananta Shayana
Radha, the life energy, the soul of lord Krishna and the goddess of kindness, humanity, beauty.
Brahma, despite being the creator god among the Trimurti, is rarely worshiped today
Parvati, a form of Shakti and the wife of Shiva
Ganesh, son of Shiva and Parvati and was also called Ganpati, the Ganapatya sectary worshipped Ganesh as their chief deity. He is god of wisdom and remover of all obstacles. He is worshipped before any other devi or deiti.
Subramanya, son of Shiva and Parvati and was also called Muruga, Karthik, Kumara or Shanmukha, the Kaumaram sectary worshipped Subramanya as their chief deity. He's also the brother of Lord Ganesha.
Ayyappa, son of Shiva and Mohini and was also called Shastha
Saraswati, also known as Gayatri, is the wife of Brahma and goddess of knowledge and the arts
Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu and goddess of wealth and prosperity
Hanuman, the 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva, is the monkey devotee and messenger of Rama (incarnation of Vishnu) and was also called Anjaneya, since his mother is anjana
Shesha Naga, the serpent devotee of Vishnu
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Ao:  The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Jun and Ao Shun.  Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an area of sea.  During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped with noisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of a dragon.  Every stream and river had its own Ao.
Ch'ang-o:  Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.
Ch'eng-Huang :  God of walls and ditches.  Each town/village had its own local Ch'eng-Huang. Rules Over:  Protection, justice.
Chih-Nii:  Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds. Rules Over:  Handcrafts, rain.
Ch'in-Shu-Pao:  Guardian God.  T'ang dynasty military hero elevated to the job of guarding doors. Rules Over:  Protection, privacy.
Chuang-Mu:  Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights. Rules Over:  Sex.
Chu-Jung :  God of fire and executions. Rules Over:  Justice, revenge, death.
Erh-Lang :  God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifter who had up to 72 different bodily forms.  Widely worshipped. Rules Over:  Protection from evil.
Feng-Po-Po Description:  Goddess of winds. Rules Over:  Storms, moisture.
Fu-Hsi :  God of happiness, symbolized by the bat. Rules Over:  Destiny, love, success.
Hou-Chi:  Ancient harvest God.  Depicted as a kindly old man with millet stalks growing on his head. Rules Over:  Harvest, crops.
Hsi Wang Mu :  Highest Goddess of ancient China.  Her palace iss in the Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb of immortality. Rules Over:  Curing disease.
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti  Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits and demons. Rules Over:  Exorcism.
Hu-Tu:  Female deity Earth.  The Emperor offered sacrifices to her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summer solstice. Rules Over:  Earth magick, fertility.
I-Ti :  God of wine who invented winemaking. Rules Over:  Wine.
Kuan Ti :  God of war and fortunetelling.  Shown dressed in green and had a red face. Rules Over:  Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge, death, dark magick, prophecy.
Kuan Yin  :  Great Mother, patroness of priestesses.  Sometime depicted holding a child.  It is thought this Goddess sits on her paradise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.Rules Over:  Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children, motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.
K'uei-Hsing :  Protector of travelers.  God of tests and examinations, literature and students. Rules Over:  Protection during travel, tests, literature, students.
Lan Ts'ai-Ho :  One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, this Goddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice.  Carried a flute and basket of fruit.Rules Over:  Music, fertility.
Lao-Tien-Yeh :  The Jade Emperor.  "Father Heaven."
Lei-King :  God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.  Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in a loincloth.  He punished the guilty that human law did not touch. Rules Over:  Justice, punishment.
Lo Shen :  Goddess of rivers. Rules Over:  Water magick.
Lu-Hsing :  God of pay and employees.  Symbol was a deer which he rode on.Rules Over:  Prosperity, success, law, employment.
Lu-Pan :  God of carpenters and masons. Rules Over:  Artistic abilities, fame.
Ma-Ku:  Goddess of springtime. Rules Over:  Spring rites.
Men Shen:  Two deities who warded the door against evil spirits and hostile influences.  One had a red or black face, the other a white face.  They both wore military dress, holding a long-handled mace.Rules Over:  Protection.
Meng-Po Niang Niang:  Goddess who lived just inside the door to hell where those reincarnating would depart.  Her sacred potion, of which she gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humans forget previous lives. Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.
Nu Kua:  Creator Goddess who made humankind. Rules Over:  Creation.
Pa:  Goddess of droughts. Rules Over:  Droughts.
P'an-Chin-Lien:  Goddess of prostitutes. Rules Over:  Prostitution.
Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin :  Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings health and good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother. Rules Over:  Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth, labor.
Sao-Ts'ing Niang:  Goddess of the clouds.Rules Over:  Ending droughts.
Shaka-Nyorai:  Historical Buddha. Rules Over:  Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.
Shang-Ti :  The Supreme God.
Shen Nung :  God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture. Rules Over:  Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.
Shou-Hsing :  God of longevity and old people, keeper of the book of the life-span of men.  Shown with a prominent bald head with white eyebrows and whiskers.  A stag beside him, he leaned on a staff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality. Rules Over:  Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.
Shui-Khan:  God who defends men against all evil and forgives sins. Rules Over:  Averting evil.
T'ai-Yueh-Ta-Ti:  God of the affairs of men, protector of men and animals. Rules Over:  Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment of good and bad karma, prosperity, success.
Tien-Hou:  Protectress of sailors and others in time of danger. Rules Over:  Protection.
T'ien-Khuan :  God who bestows happiness. Rules Over:  Happiness.
Tien-Mu:  Goddess of lightning. Rules Over:  Lightning.
Ti-Khuan:  God who grants remission of sins.
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa:  God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried to arrange for a good reincarnation.  Depicted as a smiling robed monk with a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave off light. Rules Over:  Knowledge for reincarnation.
Tou-Mou:  Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribe of the Immortals.  Judge of all peoples. Rules Over:  Stars, records, writing, judgement.
Tsai Shen: God of wealth, most popular chinese god.  Shown dressed in exquisite silks. Rules Over:  Abundance, success.
Tsao-Wang:  Kitchen god, god of the hearth.  Protector of families and recorder of the actions and words of each family.  His wife recorded the behavior of women in particular.  He gave his report to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's coming fortunes.
Tsi-Ku:  Goddess of the outhouse.  It is said that when a woman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and asked Tsi-Ku. Rules Over:  Outhouses, divination.:  God of literature and poetry. Rules Over:  Writing, publishing, artistic fame.
Yao-Shih :  "Master of healing." Rules Over:  Psychic abilities, healing powers.
Yeng-Wang-Yeh:  FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.  Ruler of hell.  He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determining if they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sent straight back to the Wheel of Life. Rules Over:  Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.
Gaulish and Brythonic Gods and Goddesses
Abandinus, possibly a river-god Abellio (Abelio, Abelionni), god of apple trees Alaunus (Fin), god of healing and prophecy Alisanos (Alisaunus) Ambisagrus, a god of thunder and lightning, Ancestor God, Sky God, God of Wind, Rain & Hail Anextiomarus (Anextlomarus, Anextlomara), a protector god Ankou, a god of death Atepomarus, a horse god Arvernus, a tribal god Arausio, a god of water Barinthus (Manannán mac Lir), a god of the sea and water Belatucadros, a god of war Belenus, a god of healing. Borvo (Bormo, Bormanus), a god of mineral and hot springs Borrum, a god of the winds. Buxenus, a god of box trees Camulus (Camulus, Camalos), a god of war and sky Canetonnessis Cernunnos horned God or God of fertility, life, animals, wealth and the underworld. Cicolluis god of Celtic army Cimbrianus Cissonius (Cisonius, Cesonius), a god of trade Mars Cnabetius, a god of war[1] Cocidius, a god of war Condatis, a god of the confluences of rivers Contrebis (Contrebis, Contrebus), a god of a city Dii Casses god of refuse Dis Pater (Dispater), a god of the underworld Esus (Hesus)(possibly) the God of vegatation Fagus, a god of beech trees Genii Cucullati, Hooded Spirits Grannus, a god of healing and mineral springs Intarabus Iovantucarus, a protector of youth Latobius[2] Lenus, a healing god Leucetios (Leucetius), a god of thunder Lugus, creation and learning Luxovius (Luxovius), a god of a city's water Maponos (Maponus), a god of youth Mogons (Moguns) Moritasgus, a healing badger god Mullo Nemausus, a god worshipped at Nîmes Nerius Nodens (Nudens, Nodons), a god of healing, the sea, hunting and dogs Ogmios Robor, a god of oak trees Rudianos, a god of war Sedatus[2] Segomo, a god of war Smertrios (Smertios, Smertrius), a god of war Sucellus (Sucellos), a god of nature Taranis, a god of thunder Toutatis (Caturix, Teutates), a tribal god Tridamos bovine triplication and abundance Veteris (Vitiris, Vheteris, Huetiris, Hueteris) Virotutis Visucius Vindonnus, a hunting and healing god Vinotonus Vosegus, a god of the Vosges Mountains
Abnoba, a goddess of rivers and forests Adsullata, goddess of the River Savubalabada Aericura Agrona, a goddess of war Ancamna, a water goddess Ancasta, goddess of the River Itchen Andarta, a goddess of war Andraste, goddess of victory Arduinna, goddess of the Ardennes Forest Aufaniae Arnemetia, a water goddess Artio, goddess of the bear Aventia Aveta, a mother goddess, associated with the fresh-water spring at Trier, in what is now Germany Belisama, a goddess of lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light, consort of the god Belenus Brigantia Britannia, originally a personification of the island, later made into a goddess Campestres Clota, patron goddess of the River Clyde Coventina, goddess of wells and springs Damara, a fertility goddess Damona, consort of Apollo Borvo and of Apollo Moritasgus Dea Matrona, "divine mother goddess" and goddess of the River Marne in Gaul Dea Sequana, goddess of the River Seine Debranua, a goddess of speed and fat Epona, fertility goddess, protector of horses, donkeys, and mules Erecura, earth goddess Icaunus, a goddess of a river Icovellauna, a water goddess Litavis Mairiae Nantosuelta, goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility in Gaul Nemetona Ritona (Pritona), goddess of fjords Rosmerta, goddess of fertility and abundance Sabrina, goddess of the River Severn Senua Sequana, goddess of the River Seine Sirona, goddess of healing and fertility Suleviae, a triune version of Sulis Sulis, a solar nourishing, life-giving goddess and an agent of curses Tamesisaddas, goddess of the River Thames Verbeia, goddess of the River Wharfe
Welsh Gods and Goddesses
Aeron - god of war
Amaethon - god of agriculture
Arawn - king of the otherworld realm of Annwn
Afallach - descendant of Beli Mawr and father of Mabon ap Modron
Beli Mawr - ancestor deity
Bendigeidfran - giant and king of Britain
Dylan Ail Don
Gwyddno Garanhir
Gwyn ap Nudd
Lleu Llaw Gyffes
Lludd Llaw Eraint
Math fab Mathonwy
Myrddin Wyllt
Nisien and Efnysien (twin brothers)
Modron, Welsh derivation of Dea Matrona, possible prototype for Morgan le Fay
Gaelic Gods and Goddesses
Abean (Abhean)
Aed (Aodh)
Aengus a.k.a. Óengus (Aonghus)
Aí (Aoi)
Bodb Dearg (Bodhbh Dearg)
Bres (Breas)
Brian, Iuchar, and Iucharba
Cichol a.k.a. Cíocal
Conand (Conann)
Credne (Creidhne)
Crom Cruach
Crom Dubh
Dagda a.k.a. Dag Dia (Daghdha)
Delbáeth (Dealbhaeth)
Dian Cecht
Elatha (Ealadha)
Elcmar (Ealcmhar)
Goibniu (Goibhniu)
Luchtaine a.k.a. Luchta
Lug a.k.a. Lugh (Lú)
Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, and Mac Gréine
Manannán mac Lir
Midir (Midhir)
Mug Ruith
Neit, Irish god of war, husband of Nemain and/or Badb
Nuada (Nuadha)
Ogma (Oghma)
Tuirenn (Tuireann)
Aibell (Aoibheall)
Airmed a.k.a. Airmid
Anand a.k.a. Anann a.k.a. Anu
Badb (Badhbh)
Banba (Banbha)
Bec (Beag)
Bébinn a.k.a. Béfind (Bébhinn, Bébhionn or Béfhionn)
Bé Chuille
Boand a.k.a. Boann (Bóinn)
Brigit (Brighid or Bríd)
Caillech (Cailleach)
Cessair (Ceasair)
Cethlenn (Cethleann)
Clídna (Clíodhna or Clíona)
Crob Derg (Crobh Dearg)
Danu (Dana)
Ériu (Éire)
Étaín (Éadaoin)
Ethniu (Eithne)
Finnguala (Fionnghuala or Fionnuala)
Fódla (Fódhla)
Lí Ban- (Líban or Liban)
Medb (Meadhbh or Méabh)
Medb Lethderg (Meadhbh or Méabh Leathdhearg)
Mongfind (Mongfhionn)
Morrígan (Morríghan)
Mór Muman (Mór Mumhan)
Nemain (Nemhain)
Niam (Niamh)
Nic Naomhín
Plor na mBan
Sheela na Gig
Tailtiu (Taillte)
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cheyj05 · 4 years
Many Deadly Sins group chat names continued Casi- Maid Marian
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Donan- Thank you
Humil- No, thank you
Indus- AFK
Huma - fluttershy
Cari-  Wine Mom
Patien- Target Practice
Spe- Bagels
Amar- Stop! In The Name Of Looooooove
Pepe- Smooth Jazz
Compa- Spectrum
Cogni- Big Brain Time
Veri- applejack
Liber- Statue Of LiberTy
Cons- A Safe Ship Harbored
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