#Project Scope:
anmksteeldetailing · 9 months
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"Unlocking Success: Where Vision Meets Precision."
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trainwreckgenerator · 2 years
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sorry for what, bud?
hello hi um hey i just finished dungeons and daddies season 1 today. and uhh ummmmm uhhhhHHHHH
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tanzdoesthings · 4 months
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<3 moon
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sleepnoises · 29 days
just read a book that is not good enough to be named here that mentioned the author's husband taking her on a hike that he didn't warn her was four hours & her having to add snacks to their bag last-second & then the husband started getting annoyed when she was slow. truly many hiking problems are communication problems. or being an asshole problems
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catwafers · 6 months
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11/23 is good big brother day in japan (11/23 = ii nii-san) so, with that, after one and a half months of working on this, i present my very self-indulgent scenario of vash and knives being brothers and taking that first step to heal.
if you want to throw some support my way i have a higher-res pdf version on my ko-fi shop for $3 - no pressure obviously, this will remain free to read here on my blog indefinitely!
also i would like to give a quick thank you to @/nimpnawakproduction for their references on vash's scars which were pretty much my bible when drawing this LMAO
(not ship art)
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datexpunged · 2 months
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another phoobster for u guys..... *slides it over like a plate of food*
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birbgalaxy · 8 months
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redraw of a piece from a few years ago. if it happens to be on here. please dont look at it thanks
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celestialscribbler · 1 year
Wittebane fandom: Can I propose something crazy?
Ok, so Watching and Dreaming was great, but despite knowing in my heart we weren't going to get the wittebane story I wanted i still cant help but feel kinda disappointed. But there's so many talented artists and animators in our little corner of the fandom. Any chance we could band together and make a fan episode focusing on their story? Probably an animatic. Maybe reply or reach out if you may be interested in being involved?
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Trailers and Posters
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bonefall · 7 months
clanmew-ish question here:
if a human were to ever listen to different cats speak clanmew, parkmew, etc. (different dialects) would they be able to tell the difference? does it sound different to them? had say, a human who owns a cat then later encounters a clan cat and heard them both speak, would there be a difference in the kittypet’s dialect and the clan cat’s dialect that the human can actually notice?
are the humans able to decode / kinda of understand what the cats are saying if they pay attention to say, erin’s project? say one cat keeps saying “Krrrp” at a stone then would the humans figure out that “Krrrp” is the cat word for stone? and if they do, can they figure out other cat words? and finally, if they can, can they “talk” to cats like pointing to a stone and going “Krrrp” and having the cat actually understand them?
Laypeople cannot; Researchers eventually can.
It's EXACTLY like cetaceans. The noises don't hit human ears quite right unless you're extremely familiar with the sounds a certain pod makes. Orcas have "accents" and you can call a dolphin by playing back a recording of its name, though we haven't proven actual grammar and language yet.
Clanmew is not discovered until sometime around 2030 or later, though, despite the project starting in 2008 when a cat attacks a bulldozer and sets off a chain of events that finally allows a program to get funding. Other languages aren't discovered until much, much later.
Generally though, in-universe, humans have a hard time speaking cat words and vice versa. It's not impossible, but it takes a ton of training and most housecats are just as laidback and uneager to please as their real counterparts.
(Though out of universe, it is possible to speak Clanmew and I make sure all words are technically pronouncible. Because it's more fun that way.)
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 3 months
i still don't think there's any implied dynamic funnier than whatever the hell was going on between zor and solaris. it tears me up. why does this multibillionare got beef with some swiss freak?? what's their fucking damage honestly?
solaris breaks her back making all manner of death traps and lethal inventions that she never signed onto zoraxis to make. and zor doesn't even give her a seat at their table, in the office where the controls for HER death engine have been installed. they send her up to space with a couple of crumbs and pond water for rations, and interns for a crew.
and in exchange she just sasses them out? it makes me delirious. i mean i would do that too but i would know full well i would be tempting death every time.
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I was looking into my local zoo and they say they're zaa accredited, that's not the same thing as aza, right? I was curious if zaa was reputable and whether an accreditation from them really means anything
I think a better question, unfortunately, is "does any accreditation mean anything?" Followed closely by "how can a member of the public tell what it means?"
AKA you've poked to one of my giant projects of indeterminate length that I might, hopefully, maybe, get enough of a conclusion on to start submitting for peer review and publication this year.
Now if you've been following the blog for a while, you're probably thinking wait! Accreditations require standards! So to know what an accreditation means, we could just go read what standards they hold facilities to, right?
...and the answer is yes, but, that won't give you the whole picture for a lot of reasons. Many standards are performance standards: they say what has to be achieved, but don't specify how it's done. That means whether the standard is met is up to a significant amount of interpretation. Maybe the standards are in flux/being updated, and you can't guarantee that what you can find publicly is what's currently being used. Most accrediting bodies allow facilities to petition for variances, and there's no information available about what facilities have ones, for what, and why. On top of that, there's always questions about enforcement, oversight, consistency, anonymous reporting options, and of course, the risk of nepotism and/or politics impacting how accrediting decisions are made.
Here's the thing that never gets talked about, but is really important to know: accreditation is branding. Accreditation groups are trade organizations - they are responsible for advocating for the success of the businesses that are members. Being part of specific "accreditations" is like being in a fancy club. Members get certain perks, non-members don't get those perks, there's in-groups and out-groups, except it's all playing out with regards to federal and state level regulation, legislation, government funding, etc. That's why it's so political - it isn't only about guaranteeing a facility's quality. It's about guaranteeing that they're good enough to be part of the club, and will function and act the way the people who run the club want.
So honestly, at this point? All I can confidently say at this point in time is that accreditation by any entity in the zoological or sanctuary world means that X facility aligns with the ethos/zeitgeist of the accrediting body such that they're willing to stake their brand to it. You can read up on accrediting body to get a sense of what that means - if you do, make sure you look at things like the website and comments they make to the media, because there's a lot of information about organization culture and ethos in that than in just the published standards.
Give me like, six months (I hope) and I'd be able to answer your question with a lot more specifics, but I'm still in the nitty-gritty of spreadsheets and I don't want to speak before my analysis is finished.
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blujaydoodles · 7 months
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[trips and falls and a dozen gnomes spill out of my arms and scatter across the floor] oh god oh fuc
In theory, a reference tool for myself so that in the future I can more easily draw my and my friends' little guys getting up to shenanigans together! In practice, drawing height charts continues to be its own reward for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They're in undies and mostly in a boring symmetry-tool neutral pose because it was only meant to be a rough height ref, but then I also colored it because I was having fun and I like coloring 😌 Only the first four are mine; all the others are various friends' OCs (and one NPC)! ALSO none of my other friends have A Tumblr Presence but Pepper, the sorcerer at the end, belongs to my friend Socket!!
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goonlalagoon · 1 month
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Winter 28 - snowman
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hotvampireadjacent · 18 days
I think this is gonna become my new local lurk. I need a nature spot to lurk around or I get more insane. This place is also close to my house. I never saw a muskrat cause this is a ? Idk if spillway is the right term? Small little river? And my place at home was a small pond. It’s so cool to see a lil fella like that. Not so much see as I hear them swimming
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a-passing-storm · 8 months
A thing that I found out that I think is interesting (fucked up) is that the US Supreme Court doesn't recognize any kind of parent-child or familial evidentiary privilege. It recognizes spousal privilege, but not familial privilege. I think that's so fucked up!
(Also, this was from a really quick search. Don't take this information as the absolute truth or anything.)
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