#Prosthetic Facility
lexicled · 1 year
why is it that doing cool things requires me to make phone calls and send emails and whatnot. they should make internships that you apply to telepathically with your mind and positive vibes
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yan-maid-cafe · 6 months
Yandere Scientist
Imagine being taken care of by a yandere scientist...
Lev was a down on his luck scientist. He had been obsessed with marine biology since he was a young boy. Researching various forms of aquatic life, it was his passion. So when he got out of college and got a job as an assistent at one of the biggest marine biology facilities in the country. Slowly climbing the ranks until he became a researcher of his own.
But he felt the passion slowly begin to die. It wasn't the deep sea expiditions and discovering long forgotten species like he had expected. Instead it was mostly busy work. Look at these scales, watch this video, go to this lecture. It was a drag. Nothing like the life he wanted for himself. And he couldn't escape it. Life felt like a drag...
He just wanted to end it all...
Than something unexpected happened. He was doing his standard report on his recent findings when he got a sudden call from one of the higher ups, the ones who rarely spoke to anybody. They told him that he was selected for a top secret project and wanted to know if he was in. His curiosity got the better him and agreed, filling out all the NDAs and paper work immediantly. What could be so important that he needed to sign all of this?
He was escorted to a new lab, being told it was where he would be staying for the forseeable future. He was confused by what assignment he had been given. But than he saw it. He saw you...
In a small holding tank was a creature he had only ever seen in myth. A large fish like tail that appeared to have been torn up with large gashes in the tail and a ripped caudal fin, all wrapped in water proof bandages. Or at least the best they could wrap it. But from the waist up was a person. They looked human, except for the scaled texture on various parts of their skin, the webbed hands, and fins in place of ears. They were scratched up there as well, with wrapped up arms and even a damaged facial fin. They were a merfolk.
One of the higher ups told him the story. How a group of fisherman went to a new area by their home to fish, but when they went to leave something had gotten caught in the propeller and when they looked again there was just a large thing of blood. They believed that you had gone to investigate the new boat only to get caught in the propeller when they went to leave. Which left your body scared and damaged. Though they had no confirmation, mainly due to the fact there seemed to be some kind of language barrier. With the merfolk only speaking in chirps and chatters, leaving them unable to get anykind of information out of you.
So that just left Lev's new job. He was meant to take care of you until your body healed while also observing you. It was a nice change of pace from the boring life he was used to, and there was something so thrilling about being on an assignment that so few people knew about. But he didn't expect thing to change so much...
There was something about you that just made him feel alive. Maybe it was your cute face or childish curiosity. There was just something there that he adored. He could spend all day watching you. Just witnessing you play with the various bath and water toys he had bought you in his off time. And he couldn't stop the ache in his heart whenever you struggled. Having to stop swimming when the pain in your tail became too much to bare, or when you're unable to control your swimming due to your damaged caudal fin leaving you to bump into the glass of the tank constantly. He just wanted to stay by you, he just wanted to care for you. You were all he had anymore...
So when he was called into a meeting with the higher ups, he was in shock. They believed you were healed as much as you could on your own, and it was time for them to step in. That some of the scientists had been making a prosthetic tail fin, something meant to replace your caudal fin. And that once you got the hang of the prosthetic they'd let you return home. He couldn't believe it.
When he got back to his lab, he threw everything on his desk to the floor. They couldn't do this to him. Not after everything you two had gone through. What did they think would happen? Did they just plan to chip you like some kind of animal and let you back out? You were almost killed once already, they were just throwing you back into the jaws of death. You hadn't even been around danger in months, almost a year. You couldn't function on your own in the cold dangerous ocean. You couldn't function without him. And he couldn't function without you either. You needed eachother, what would you do seperated?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he looked over at the tank. How long had his hand been pressed against it? But that wasn't what he cared about, all he cared about was your webbed hand on the other side of the glass. Pressed to the same spot as his. A broken laugh spilled from his lips as he pressed he cheek against the glass, tears in his eyes as he spoke to you. Uncaring of whether you could understand him or not.
"I-I knew it. I knew you felt the same. You don't want to go back to that cold dark place. You want to stay with me too. I just know it. They won't take you away. They can't take you away. I'll take both of us out of the picture before I let them rip you out of my arms. My world. My life~..."
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thetrueressii · 2 months
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after arti naturally, hunter was next tho i don't have as much lore for them this time around compared to arti
i think next would be either gourmand + monk + survivor + nightcat or spearmaster, anyways lore belong cut
despite nsh already having established colonies near his facility grounds, he created hunter to assert some control over the delivery of the green neuron fly rather than entrusting it with a regular slugcat or scavenger
due to an array of possible reasons, hunter was afflicted with rot from birth but resources were low so they would have to do and was introduced to the nearest colony to help socialize and train them for the delivery
though they were an outcast due to their artificial birth and affliction and over time their rot only grew worse and worse, but despite this, they always went on hunts/expeditions, whether it be in a group or alone, to train themself and acceptance
amputations, surgeries, and prosthetics could only slow its growth and eventually nsh had decided it was time for hunter to go as any later might've been too late
hunter crossed path with spearmaster and even gourmand's colony (at least when it was much smaller) along their journey and eventually makes it to five pebbles to receive possible treatment, remembering that five pebbles was afflicted with a similar disease
they were met with the unfortunate news that not even five pebbles could cure them, but five pebbles requested a task on top of their delivery task, which was to kill arti, or at least make her leave
taking pity or empathizing with the only other person afflicted, they accepted and well, yknow how that goes if you read the arti post
afterward, they make their delivery to moon and, after she adjusts from being well dead for so long and inquiring about hunter's journey, she suggests that hunter should spend what little time they have left with the closest colony, gourmand's
and thats about it for what i have rn for hunter really, if i were to do a comic or something like that for this au, it would take place either gourmand's colony has moved into metropolis/five pebbles facility grounds or right before
i have more plans for hunter so dw they arent doomed (yet), but for now they just chill in gourmands colony as a hunter/expeditioner i guess lol
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pretzel-box · 1 month
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—Scenario: You are currently filming a movie called Pressure with your co-star, Sebastian.
words: 1,3k
tags: gn!reader
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You were running for your life, your breath hitching as your heart raced. Panic clouded your mind as you forced your legs to move faster. The lights started to flicker above you, a clear sign of impending danger. And before you knew it, the ear-piercing scream echoed down the hallway. You spotted a locker shining under the dim light near the door, sprinting toward it with everything you had.
And then you slipped and fell.
“CUT!” the director yelled, his voice slicing through the tension like a knife. The film crew immediately broke into chatter, some chuckling softly at the unexpected turn of events. Your co-star, Sebastian, walked over, half-dressed in his elaborate costume. His anglerfish lure was still tucked away, and the prosthetic tail was nowhere to be seen.
“You okay?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he offered you a hand. 
“Yeah, the special effects crew really went overboard with all the water,” you replied with a grin, taking his hand and allowing him to help you up. Your costume was drenched, the fake blood and grime smearing as you wiped at it.
Sebastian guided you to your seats at the edge of the set, handing you a bottle of water and a towel. “Shouldn't you be getting ready for your own scene, Mr. Solace?” you teased, glancing at him from the side as you tried to dry off your costume.
He shrugged, a lazy smile spreading across his face. “I still have a bit of time before they need me in full monster mode,” he said, referring to the process of getting into his character's tail and the other intricate parts of his costume. “Besides, I wanted to make sure you were okay after that dive you took.”
You laughed, dabbing at the fake grime on your face with the towel. “Well, that’s what I get for trying to sprint across a slick floor. I thought we had safety protocols in place for this sort of thing.”
Sebastian leaned back in his chair, his gaze flicking to the crew as they reset the scene. “We do, but I guess even those can’t account for everything. At least you didn’t faceplant—could’ve been a lot worse.”
You rolled your eyes, though a smile tugged at your lips. “Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll try to keep my feet under me next time.”
“Good plan,” he chuckled. “Though if you fall again, I’ll be sure to swoop in and save you. Just like the hero I am.”
“Hero, huh? You’re supposed to be the terrifying sea monster, remember?” you quipped, giving him a playful nudge.
He grinned, showing off his sharp, prosthetic teeth. “Maybe I’m a misunderstood sea monster. One with a heart of gold, who just happens to shoot people every now and then.”
“Every now and then?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow. “That’s quite the statement.”
“Well, they keep telling me it’s all about balance,” he said, feigning seriousness before breaking into a laugh.
You shook your head, enjoying the banter as the two of you watched the crew work. The set was a marvel in itself, a meticulously constructed underwater facility complete with flickering lights, ominous shadows, and that eerie sense of something lurking just out of sight. It was hard to believe that only moments ago, you had been completely immersed in the horror of the scene, your mind fully in character as you ran for your life. Now, though, it was just another day at work, surrounded by talented people who were just as dedicated to bringing this fictional world to life as you were.
“Alright, places everyone!” the director called out, snapping you both back to the task at hand. “Let’s try that again, from the top. And can we get the floor dried up a bit more this time?”
Sebastian sighed dramatically, getting to his feet and rolling his shoulders. “Looks like it’s showtime. I’ll see you on the other side.”
You gave him a mock salute, grinning as he headed off to the makeup and effects team. “Break a leg, sea monster.”
He turned back with a smirk. “I’d say the same, but I think you already beat me to it.”
“Seriously,” he said, his voice low so only you could hear, “you’re killing it out there. Keep it up.”
You met his gaze, and the sincerity in his eyes made your heart skip a beat. “Thanks, Sebastian. I will.”
He gave you a warm smile before heading off to the makeup and effects team to finish getting into character. As you watched him go, you couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of determination. His support meant the world to you, and you were ready to give the next take everything you had.
With that, he was gone, leaving you to take your place on the set once more. As you stood there, waiting for the cameras to roll, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. Sure, the scene was intense, and the stakes were high, but this was what you loved—bringing a story to life, even if it meant slipping and falling every now and then.
“Action!” the director called, and just like that, you were back in character, running for your life as the lights flickered ominously overhead.
This time, you managed to avoid the slick spot on the floor, skidding to a stop just in time to dive into the locker. Your heart pounded in your chest as you pulled the door closed behind you, the sound of your breathing echoing in the tiny, cramped space. The flickering lights outside the locker cast eerie shadows through the slats, and you could almost feel the presence of something dangerous just beyond the door.
A loud crash resounded from somewhere in the distance, the sound reverberating through the metal walls of the locker. You held your breath, waiting for the next cue, the next scare that would push your character to the brink of terror.
Finally, the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the take.
“Cut!” the director called, and the tension in the air dissipated.
As you emerged from the locker, Sebastian was already waiting for you, now fully transformed into his terrifying character. But the moment his eyes met yours, the fearsome facade melted away, replaced with a proud grin.
“That was perfect,” he said, his voice slightly muffled by the prosthetics but still full of warmth. “You nailed it.”
You felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over you, Sebastian’s words making all the hard work worth it. “Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
He shrugged, his grin widening. “We make a good team.”
As the crew began resetting the scene once more, you and Sebastian stood off to the side, sharing a quiet moment amidst the chaos of the set. His presence was comforting, a reminder that no matter how intense the scenes got, you were in this together.
“You ready to do it all over again?” he asked, his playful tone back.
“Always,” you replied with a smile, feeling that familiar rush of excitement as you prepared to step back into character.
And as the lights dimmed once more, the cameras rolling, you couldn’t help but think how lucky you were to be working alongside someone who not only respected your craft but also went out of his way to support you. No matter how many times you ran down that hallway, no matter how many takes you had to do, you knew you’d do it all again in a heartbeat—because at the end of the day, it was moments like these, with co-stars like Sebastian, that made it all worth it.
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captain-h0pe · 4 months
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I dont know tumblr limit on how much skin is too much skin but im going from the idea that if the bathing suit area are covered im in the clear
Anyway so gebura but with physical headcanon more explanation below :
Content warning for: description of scars, description of breast and prosthetic breast and feminity
So its gebura during library of ruina has both the body of kali (white scars) and her body in the facility (a robotic body but still damaged)
- Scars pattern : i place most of them on the hand and arm, i genuinely headcanon that the back also has a lot of them. Like any part that is consider outer skin is littered with scar the red one being the most recent.
- red scars : so the most recent one i place them on her hands because she would get small cut on her hands way too many time out of changing weapon so often in the library
- scar on her stomach i didn’t have too much idea but most of the scar in the inside is whats left from the surgeries and any kind of bio enhancement she got (there is no way her organic lung survive that long with tobaco and she still manage to run that fast )
- scar on her chest : this is full personal headcanon and also because i just associate gebura a lot with the casual feminity. I genuinely think she had a fight were her left breast got cut off. Now she has a prosthesis for it mostly to keep her feminine figure and an healthy aspect to the very fucked up city
-body hair : happy trail and your honor she is not clean shaved i will die on this hill
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
It's My Choice
Summary: Echo is in recovery at a GAR medical facility on Coruscant after being assumed KIA. You want to see him, more than anything, and you hope he knows that he's your choice.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1190
Warnings: reader is described as having hair long enough to style, and as a supermodel.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I had an idea, and I decided to run with it. It might not flow well, simply because I'm very sick and have been for the last two days, but I'm happy with it. (Also, pardon any typos/grammar errors, I typed this while not wearing my eyes.)
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You lean back in the hard, uncomfortable chair of the GAR medical facility, your gaze drifting to the ceiling as you wait for an update on Echo. The chairs really are terrible, but then the clones were never meant to have worried family you suppose.
Jokes on them. Echo has you.
You allow the back of your head to thump against the wall behind you and you stretch your legs out in front of you and cross your ankles.
You've been here for almost 12 hours now.
Fives contacted you as soon as the Resolute landed on Coruscant and informed you that Echo was alive and was being treated for his injuries here. He mentioned that you didn't have to come, but clearly he's lost his damned mind.
As if you'd be anywhere else.
Of course, you probably should have taken the time to make sure that you fixed your hair and washed the extreme make-up off…and changed out of the six inch stilettos you had been forced into for work today.
But, whatever. Echo's alive. Nothing else matters.
Even if your agent has been blowing up your com for the last six hours. And even if General Skywalker has been side-eyeing you like he thinks you're trespassing. 
Your comma chimes again, and you absently lift it over your head to read the message. And then promptly deleted it. Your agent will just have to deal.
A door at the end of the hall opens, and you tilt your head to the side, before you sit up straight as Fives steps into the hall and walks over to you.
He takes in your carefully styled hair —artfully tousled, your stylist called it— the dark make-up, and the impossibly high stilettos and he huffs out a laugh, “You come here right from a shoot?”
“Echo’s more important than any photo shoot. Besides, I had already finished when you called.” You reply as you kick your heels off and scramble to your feet, “Can I see him?”
Fives smiles at you, “Yeah. Follow me.” He waits for you to scoop your heels, and your bag, off the ground before he starts walking, “I should warn you…he looks bad.” Fives says quietly as he stops next to the door.
You lift your chin and glare at him, “Contrary to what you, and apparently everyone else, believes. I'm not dating Echo because of his pretty face.”
“Okay, okay. Sheathe your claws, kitten. I just wanted to warn you.” Some of the offended tension drains from your shoulders, you didn’t mean to snap at him, but it wouldn’t be the first time someone made an assumption about you and your choice to have a relationship with Echo.
Fives opens the door and moves to the side to let you into the room, and your breath catches when you see him.
Like Fives said, he looks bad. Thin, too thin by far, and so pale. The prosthetics and cybernetics are new, but honestly, you’re only bothered by them because you’re sure that they must have hurt.
“Echo,” You step into the room, and set your heels and your bag in a chair, before you move closer to his side. There are tears in your eyes, but they’re happy tears, “Welcome home.”
Echo blinks at you, twice, and then he slowly slides up in the hospital bed, “Cyar’ika…when…how did you know I was here?”
“Fives commed me and told me. I’ve been sitting out there for hours.” You look around and then huff out a sigh, before dumping your stuff on the floor and moving the chair next to the bed. You lightly take his prosthetic in your hand, a scomp, rather than a hand.
You hope that it was his choice, rather than one made for him. 
He tenses, but he doesn’t pull away from you, “You didn’t have to.”
You smile at him, “Echo. You’re here, and you’re alive. Where else would I be?”
His gaze flickers across your face, and then over to the heels lying on the floor, “Well, judging by the height of those heels, a photoshoot.”
“Not half as important as you.” You reply dismissively.
He shifts and slowly sits up, properly, before reaching out and pressing his flesh hand against your cheek, “Cyar’ika…” Echo hesitates, and then flashes a wry, self-deprecating smile, “I don’t think I’m pretty enough for you.”
You bite your tongue to stem your immediate, and loud, disagreement. Instead you reach up and press your hand over his, rubbing your cheek against his hand. “Why would you say that?”
“Why-? Cyare. Look at me!”
“I am looking.”
“Then I shouldn’t have to explain-”
“Would you like to know what I see when I look at you, Echo?”
“Not really.” You tilt your head, and he sighs, “Tell me.”
“The man who, after meeting me, an actual supermodel, invited me to go to a bookstore with him.” Echo flushes, and it’s obvious due to how pale he is, “A man who overheard me mentioning to my agent that I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to meet my favorite author and made sure that I arrived on time.” Your smile widens, “A man who learned who my favorite author was, simply so he could read the books too, so he’d have something to talk about with me.”
Echo averts his gaze, “We talked all night.” He murmurs.
“We did. And I got in so much trouble the next morning because I had dark circles under my eyes, and you got in trouble because you were late to formation…but we did the exact same thing three nights later.”
Echo laughs softly, “I thought Rex’s head was going to explode.” He admits.
You release his scomp hand and reach up to press your hand against his cheek, “I see the man I fell in love with. The man who looks at me and sees more than the dumb supermodel that everyone expects me to be.” You scan his face, almost anxiously, “And I’m hoping he still loves me.”
He looks at you, something soft in his gaze, “You still want me-?”
“Always. Forever. Until the stars go cold.”
“Your agent is not going to approve.” Echo warns as he lightly tugs you off the chair and onto the edge of the bed.
“I cannot emphasize enough how little I care about my agent’s opinion.” You admit quietly, “If I have to choose, I know who my choice will be.”
Echo exhales slowly, and slowly tugs you in until your forehead lightly bumps against his, “I love you.” He whispers, “I never stopped loving you. Even when I could barely remember anything, I still remembered your smile and the smell of your lotion and the feel of your skin under my fingers.”
“Charmer.” You whisper.
“Mean every word.” Echo whispers right back, and then he tugs you once more and catches your lips in a kiss that’s soft and loving enough that it nearly brings you to tears.
You have your Echo back. He might look a little different, but he’s here and it’s all you’ve ever wanted.
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astral-realities · 2 months
[To the one and only BROS] We know that you used to be a medical facility but if you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate on some of the specifics about your functions back in your hayday? More accureatly back where there were still patients around, since I dunno if you'd consider that time your "hayday".
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Sure thing!
I was responsible for, well... everything. I diagnosed the patients, suggested treatment, performed surgery, analyzed their state, nursed them back to health, fabricated prosthetics and medicine, et cetera. All at once - I had hundreds, if not thousands of visitors on the regular, so it was a task that demanded all of my attention! So, you could be describing your problem to a projection of me, while another part of my consciousness was performing an organ transplant one block over. And before you ask - no, I did not mix things up~
My creator, Rains, mostly wanted to focus on the strictly medical side of things, but given how popular cosmetic body modification was in my creators' culture, it was only a matter of time before I had to specialize in it as well. Anything from piercings to adding or removing fingers, eyes, tails.... Mask fitting. Turns out I had to be well versed in the latest fashion trends too!
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electricbathsalt · 2 months
what would your ideal Overhaul conclusion look like? Your word is fact to me
Hello!! I have a few different ideas for what an “ideal conclusion” could look like, so I suppose I’ll just supply which one I like most, bc I am nothing if not self-indulgent. Also, you put too much power in my hands lol :3
First and foremost: He would get prosthetics. No matter what the situation or plan, he’d be provided with prosthetics.
I’d retain him not meeting with Eri, because Eri does not want to see him. She isn’t ready. It won’t help anyone at this point in time for the two to see each-other again.
Pops is alive, although he and Chisaki have not met again face-to-face. Chisaki still apologized via letter, since that’s all they allowed him. They prohibited Pops from contacting Chisaki, because they don’t think it’s a good idea for now.
He faces consequences, but they are not simply “you’re going back into solitary confinement to rot for the rest of your days”. That’s quite a waste. In my world, there’d be facilities made that are what prisons are actually supposed to be—a rehabilitation center. There’d be strict regulations/schedules, limited freedom, rules on socializing, and monitoring (when outside your room, which is equipped with a bed, table, kitchen, and bathroom), but you also get genuine help in ways such as therapy, and you’re treated with actual humanity. The LOV and some of the Shie Hassaikai would be in one. Their prison sentences include community service, which is typically the only time they spend off facility grounds. I’d want Chisaki to be working in a hospital as part of his community service, although he doesn’t work directly with any civilian patients (yet).
But that’s all to be explained outside the actual scene. As for what the actual scene would theoretically look like…
We find out Chisaki’s working in a hospital as his community service via Midoriya coming to visit him. Chisaki is shown with prosthetics, clean-shaven, and doing genuine work. They have a not-friendly-but-not-hostile conversation where it’s basically Midoriya explaining that he wanted to see what Chisaki was up to, and saying that, despite everything, he wishes the best for Chisaki and hopes that he stays on the right path. That he hopes that one day, Chisaki will learn how to sincerely apologize to Eri, because he’ll understand what he put her through; because he’ll also understand what he himself went through, too. This is when it’s confirmed Chisaki had been experimented on in Garaki/AFO’s orphanage via flashbacks. In these flashbacks, it’s also shown that a lot of the things Chisaki said during the Hassaikai arc were, in fact, taken from things that’d been said to him. It’s shown that Chisaki had sacrificed things multiple times as a child in order to protect others. He always got hurt and betrayed. It was not his tenth act of kindness that had freed him, but his first act of apathy. It’s also shown how anytime Chisaki did anything Pops didn’t want him to, or ‘wrong’, Pops’ only response was to punish him (a lot of the things Pops punished him for as a kid were neurodivergent behaviors).
Midoriya smiles at Chisaki, which mildly surprises him and breaks him out of the flashbacks. “Do you hate me?” Chisaki would ask, impassive. “Do you hate me?” Midoriya would retort.
Midoriya would bring up wanting to help everyone he can, wanting to inspire others to help those next to them. He asks Chisaki if he wants to see Kurono again. “Is this blackmail, a threat, or leverage?” Chisaki would ask. “Is ‘none of the above’ an option?” Midoriya would say with a wobbly smile. Kurono then enters the room. Both Chisaki and Kurono’s eyes widen as they see each-other. A pause.
Then, “Your hair is longer,” Kurono would say. “Your hair is shorter,” Chisaki would say. Kurono hesitantly smiles as he steps as close to Chisaki as he can without touching him, always so aware of Chisaki’s wants and boundaries. “How are you? How’ve they been treating you?” Kurono would quietly ask with his signature note of protectiveness. Chisaki’s eyes gloss. He pulls Kurono into a hug, Kurono yelping in surprise, and Chisaki’s skin breaks out in hives. He buries his face in Kurono’s shoulder. “I’m sorry,” Chisaki would sob into Kurono’s shirt. Kurono wraps his arms around Chisaki, smile returning even softer than it was before. “It’s okay,” Kurono would whisper.
After a moment, Kurono lightly pushes Chisaki back by the shoulders. “We really messed up, didn’t we?” Kurono would tearily laugh. Chisaki deeply frowns. “I messed up,” he would argue. “Yeah, okay,” Kurono would say, raising a brow, “Like when we accidentally poisoned our classmate.”
Chisaki’s frown somehow deepens even more. “That is not the same,” he’d adamantly say, voice cracking, and Kurono bursts out laughing while still crying. Then, that panel switches to one of the two of them as young teens; Chisaki had been indignant and ranting about something while Kurono had just laughed.
Midoriya watches the two, shakily smiling while tearing up himself. Then, he catches sight of something that makes his eyes widen and jaw go slack.
Chisaki’s smiling. Something nearly unnoticeably small and unbelievably hesitant, but there on quivering lips. Genuine and real.
Or something like that? It might be wishful thinking/unrealistic, but I really want Chisaki to smile. I also tried to make it kinda summarized bc I don’t want it to be unrealistically long, although I’m pretty sure it still is unrealistically long for a conclusion of a side character that nobody cares about lmao. Or, two side characters nobody cares about lol. I’m just saying I would’ve eaten up a Kurono/Chisaki reunion
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soon-palestine · 30 days
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Hundreds of patients urgently need the services of the Artificial Limbs and Polio Center in Gaza.
Gaza Municipality: Immediate action is needed to reopen the Artificial Limbs and Polio Center to assist individuals with disabilities, particularly children.
Gaza Municipality stresses the critical need to resume operations at the Artificial Limbs and Polio Center to support individuals with disabilities and provide essential medical care. Currently, dozens of patients and people with disabilities are reaching out for services that are unavailable due to the center's closure since the onset of the ongoing aggression.
The relentless war has led to a surge in the number of people suffering from amputations and disabilities, making it imperative to reopen the center quickly to deliver the necessary support. In addition, hundreds of children with clubfoot require early treatment within the first few months of life to achieve effective outcomes. The elderly and those suffering from paralysis also depend on the center’s physical therapy and mobility training programs.
Key needs for reopening the center include ensuring the safety and access of the staff, securing the necessary medical supplies for prosthetics and assistive devices, and obtaining fuel for the center’s generator. These are crucial for maintaining the essential services for individuals with disabilities and the elderly.
Artificial Limbs and Polio Center is the in Gaza used to provide critical services to thousands of individuals with limb disabilities, particularly those injured by Israeli attacks, as well as newborns with clubfoot. It offered physical therapy services and was the only facility of its kind available in Gaza. This is especially vital now as the Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Hospital for Rehabilitation and Prosthetics has also ceased operations due to the ongoing aggression.
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theyapper0 · 2 months
Litte details abt my Hazbin rewrite that i wanna share :)
So I FINALLY finished drawing out everything I wrote out for some major plot point in my hazbin rewrite 😋 BUT!!!
There's some things that I have made art of or talked about that are sorta important (but they're really not, just some silly things that I pictured in this that I never got the chance to talk about yet LOL!!!)
If you don't really care, feel free to skip this but there are some little doodles here too that will basically get all my points across just as well!
-So first point, I've touched on this a little bit here but Niffty and Husk are BROS. Like fr ride or die with each other.
In this rewrite, I want Niffty to have been an overlord like Husk (or at least just as powerful as he is because I feel like Alastor is EXTREMELY attracted to power and he wouldn't just make deals with weak as shit people unless he was gaining something GRAND).
But Husk and Niffty, they both.... really hate Alastor. I think Husk is much more vocal with his hatred towards Alastor but do NOT be fooled, NIFFTY WANTS HIS ASS IN THE GROUND TOO!!!!!!
And I think it's because of this hatred, because of this shared, unfortunate situation that they've both found themselves in in regards to being contracted to the Radio Demon, I think they are really close. Like, they look out for each other and watch each others backs because who else is gonna do it? ALASTOR? LOL!!!!
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-Here's my Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb designs!! I realized when I was making all those drawings for the rewrite that I never drew them! So here they are! 😋
Pentious has prosthetic arms that he made himself not too long after he arrived in Hell YEARS AGO bc I wanted to REAAALLY lean into the whole snake thing. And I also made him more steampunk-y because I think it's cool and that he'd look super adorable with little gear markings on his scales
And I read that Cherri died in around the 80's so I wanted to give her an aussie rocker look LMAOO Wild hair, big ol' hoop earrings and tattered clothes because she's COOL!!
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-Niffty is the (m)hotel's maid/rooms keeper still (and it was only SLIGHTLY degrading in the beginning). The biggest reasons Alastor made her the maid is because of her OCD (he's an old man from the 1930's, he thinks OCD means being a neat freak) and because she is able to control all kinds of insects and vermin- which the hotel is INFESTED with
Niffty is also the only one with a spare key to Charlie and Vaggie's house, she's honestly the one they trust the MOST out of everyone at the hotel to have a key to their place in case of an emergency (and she only abuses it SOMETIMES)
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When I designed the hotel to look more like a motel, obviously there was no place to put a bar and I WANTED THAT! Like, I understand the humor in having a bar in a rehabilitation facility (it IS REALLY FUNNY I KNOW) but I really don't think that, even in this, neither Charlie or Vaggie would allow Alastor or Angel or anyone else to tell THEM what the hotel needs.
Like, they LITERALLY built this place with their BARE HANDS, I think they're both verrrry resistant to any changes and such that others may want to implement (for both the good and bad), even if that person was THE Radio Demon
So instead, Alastor had brought him in as a sorta bodyguard for the hotel (as a huge middle finger to Vaggie, who is not only the hotel manager but also is a very ready protector of this place)
(Husk DOES still sell liquor though, like that is something that is totally happening, it's just very hush-hush. He keeps it in his room and sells it to the patrons of the hotel (sometimes Pretentious and most of the time it's just Angel. Charlie and Vaggie have no idea this is happening))
(Niffty 100% knows since she's the one who cleans the rooms but she wouldn't sell out Husk because that's her bro)
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-And speaking of the Radio Demon!!! Neither Charlie or Vaggie are scared of him. I mean, they're not really scared of him in canon (they could be sometimes tho ig)
Charlie is one of the strongest beings in Hell and Vaggie is (secretly) an angel who, as far as they all know, can't be killed by a Sinner. So neither of them are really threatened by him. Vaggie definitely voices this more than Charlie does, in fact, Charlie is almost always more than happy to just let Alastor talk and threaten as much as he wants because she's not violent and is very humble (that's what good people do, right?)
Alastor is also just as good of a Facility Manager of the Hazbin Hotel as he is in canon, and by that I mean he does not do his job and when he does, he sucks at it LOLLLL. He is very unhelpful.
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-Sundays are the only day where the hotel isn't doing any reformative work/lessons so it's everyones' day off (it's holy day AMEN!) 
(Charlie WOULD make them pray on Sundays if it wasn't for the fact that every time she would try to guide a prayer, she would bleed from every hole in her body) 
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The Hazbin Hotel doesn't JUST do lessons in goodness, they also teach about the 10 Commandments and go on “field trips” to do volunteer work (soup kitchens, cleaning parks, helping Hell with one smile at a time :)
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Thanks for reading and be sure to check in tomorrow for the first page of a comic retelling Charlie's meeting with Adam in episode one!!!
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silverskye13 · 1 year
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I've... been watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood again.....
Blurbles about all the hermits under the cut!
Rendog: Wolf Chimera. He has a human form he rarely uses, and generally gets away in public with the glaringly obvious lie of "Oh all this hair? It's a... uh... rare skin condition." It does help that his best friend is a known doctor and somewhat mad scientist. Shortly after he was created he killed his creator and stole their philosopher stone, entrusting it to Doc, a friend he had before his chimera-fication. He and Mumbo came from the same facility.
Docm77: Military and Cosmetic Automail Engineer. Started off in Rush Valley and, once he decided he knew enough about automail, started to work his way up through the military building specialized prosthetics. He's been trying to launch a body modification program for years, viewing it as a more humane was of augmenting humanity than the fleshcraft that comes with human transmutation. He was, understandably, horrified when Ren showed up on his doorstep one day as a chimera.
Bdubs: Istvalan Creation Alchemist. Bdubs is a freelance alchemist not associated with any military powers -- and he's trying desperately to keep it that way. His creations are intricate, and he specializes in a wide variety of materials. He's best known for his experimental [and extremely temperamental] "Pretty-Alchemy", where he McGuivers transmutation circles and equations on how they "feel" instead of how alchemically sound they are.
Welsknight [and Helsknight]: Soul-bound armor. A pair of swordsmen who were forced into a suit of armor to guard the chimeric facility that created so many monsters. Welsknight, the brains of the operation, is situated in the helmet while Helsknight, the stronger fighter, is bound to the chestplate. They spent a lot of time bickering amongst each other, but when their goals happen to align, they are a force to be reckoned with. When their facility was destroyed, they were ordered to kill the escaping chimeras -- until a very charismatic Ren convinced them to flee instead.
False: Military sniper. She spends a lot of time fending off Doc's advances [ie. automail modifications to help her shoot and aim better]. She's worked her way up through the ranks because of her skill, but her general aversion to leading and governing keeps her out of the upper echelons of Central Command. Instead she finds herself bouncing between command stations whenever uprisings occur in Amestris. She was one of the military officers sent to respond to the chimera facility's collapse. When she recognized Ren among the people escaping, she found there was "too much smoke" to take proper aim at the escaping creatures. She was demoted shortly after the event, not that it bothered her much.
Grian: The Updraft Alchemist. One of the few alchemists who have ever taken up Doc on his offer for cosmetic automail. The wings attach to nerves in his shoulder blades, and after several years of tweaking, actually respond to his movements. He can't fly with them per-se, they function more like an incredibly sensitive glider -- which works just fine for Grian, since he specializes in temperature alchemy, causing dramatic updraft/downdrafts. He was not at the chimera facility event, but has become good friends with many of the people involved through Doc -- he spends so much time getting his wings repaired after his various crashes, he almost lives in Doc's work room.
Tangotek: The Fuse-Metal Alchemist. He mostly uses alchemy in welding and crafting, though he's been known to create fire and weapons on the fly when he needs to. As a state alchemist, he's expected to be a living weapon on some level -- and his powerful alchemy definitely helps with that, though he's best at making walls and fortresses than he is at real standing combat. No one knows how he got ahold of his philosopher's stone -- in fact, most people don't even know he has one. He only uses it when he feels like his life is threatened [or needs a good kick to make something truly impressive]. He used to work in the chimera facility, making containment for the more volatile creatures. He's absorbed a lot of the theory on human transmutation, but has yet to use it.
Mumbo: Lizard Chimera and Chimera Expert. Mumbo's first miraculous use of transmutation was to turn himself into a chimera. Unfortunately, lizards aren't quite as smart as people are, so it took some time to relearn the formula and materials involved. He was subject 0 at the chimera facility, and, once he'd regained his wits, helped in the experimentation into chimera crafting -- though he was under the impression all the subjects were willing volunteers like he was... oh dear. He was the one who orchestrated the escape, and, having befriended Ren by then, escaped with him when the facility collapsed. He swears he'll never do human transmutation again -- except maybe on himself. Like, being able to climb up walls is nice and all, but imagine what he could do with bird wings? Or a bull's strength? Or--
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materassassino · 4 months
a DinLuke kiss for either 30, 24 or 9 please 👀
This meanders like hell but they really were not cooperating with this.
Kiss roulette!
30 - A kiss to the palm of the hand
It is their third mission.
They work well together, once they get over their initial standoffishness. Din keeping his guard up, still wary of this man he trusted to once train his child, and Luke maintaining that impenetrable, aloof façade last only until the end of the first mission, when they are trapped and that distance might kill them. They make it out, and something shifts.
Luke smiles more, wider, more glittering things. Din talks more, allowing himself to be drawn into actual conversation. Small, concentric shifts that surprise the both of them.
Their second mission is seamless, goes off without a hitch: the Imps are too terrified by the presence of Luke Skywalker for anything but gibbering surrender, which Din is grateful for.
But then their third mission is the complete opposite.
The intel was faulty, there were numbers at the facility two men alone, even with one of them a nigh-omnipotent Jedi master, could never have dreamt of dealing with. They should be attacking this place with a squadron, a whole army, not two men and an astromech.
They have to cut their losses, run limping away to lick their wounds. Din’s going to kick Carson Teva’s ass for this one. As they run for their ship, Luke turns, throws his hands up. There are stormtroopers swarming towards them, an unstoppable white tidal wave of idiot true believers, and Luke digs into the Force to throw them back. He tries to wrench the blast doors closed, gets pretty far, there’s a sliver left between them…
And for once, a stormtrooper actually has good aim.
The blaster bolt goes right through Luke’s right hand, making him yell in pain. Din stares as he cradles it, teeth gritted, and he has to haul Luke away, back to their borrowed ship, depositing him with perhaps less gentleness than the moment would warrant into the co-pilot seat, but he’s desperate to get them off this kriffing moon.
He deftly dodges laser cannon fire, working the engines to screaming point to get them away as fast as possible. A retreat is, of course, dishonourable, but Din’s run from more overwhelming odds than he’d care to count at this point. He has a kid to take care of, so sue him. Once the rippling blue of hyperspace is around them, on course back to Nevarro, he whirls in his seat, hands reaching for Luke but not daring to touch, hovering weirdly.
Luke unfolds from himself with less of a pained moan and more of an inconvenienced sigh. Din watches him peel back his single glove with a grimace, to reveal a smouldering hole. Thank the manda Din’s helmet has filters, otherwise he’s certain the smell of charred flesh would be nauseating.
“That’s another one gone,” Luke grumbles, holding it up.
Din stares. “What do you mean ‘another one’?”
Luke turns his hand so the palm is facing Din. Din winces, but then he realises something. There’s no horrid sight of burnt flesh, but rather the snapped wires and broken servos of a prosthetic. Din stares some more, before sinking into his seat in relief.
Just a prosthetic. No horrendous, life-altering injury. Well… not a recent one, anyway.
Luke pokes at his own fingers, frowning. They don’t even twitch, the only movement left all in his wrist. Din sits up straight again, eyeing it. He wants to reach for it, study it, hold it gently. He blinks the thoughts away.
“How…?” He doesn’t know how to finish. Luke has never not answered a question from him, but he knows he’s being incredibly rude. “No, forget it…”
Luke looks up. “Oh. Uh… during the War.” His face is tight, pinched, something haunted in his eyes. It’s not a face Din has ever seen him wear. “I kriffed up, badly.”
“I’m sorry,” Din says, but Luke shakes his head.
“No, it’s fine.” He manages to hitch on a smile, something reassuring. “I’ll just need to go to Chandrila for a new one.”
That’s not what Din meant, but he doesn’t know how to correct Luke without making it worse.
“Can you not fix it?” he asks instead. Luke shakes his head.
“I’m a mechanic, but this is a little beyond me. It’s fried. Plus the synthskin needs replacing as well.”
Din nods. He knows Luke can probably fly his X-Wing perfectly well one-handed, but still… he can’t keep the worry from gnawing at him. He gazes at Luke, who has slumped into his seat now. He looks exhausted, truth be told, and Din feels the same, now the adrenaline is fading. He wants to sleep for about seven business days.
They travel on in silence, a rare thing for Luke, the both of them wrapped in their own thoughts for a long while. Din loses track of time as his eyelids grow heavy. They can afford to sleep until they get to Nevarro, he’s certain no one is giving chase, and he folds his hands over his sternum. They could have died, back there. Even with all Luke’s skill and power and his own experience, they came dangerously, terrifyingly close. Who would take care of Grogu? His gut twists sickeningly.
And he hates the way Luke stopped, putting his very unarmoured self between Din and a horde of stormtroopers, lightsaber disengaged. As if Luke was expendable. His gut twists again, some cold horror clawing itself up his throat, his heart thudding. What if? What if? His fist clenches on the armrest and he looks at Luke.
“Hey, Luke?” he says.
Luke hums, just enough of a reply that Din knows he’s still awake.
“Don’t… don’t try shit like that again,” he says. Luke opens his eyes, though they droop heavily, and he frowns.
“Like what?” he asks.
“I’m the one wearing the beskar,” Din says. “Let me take the hits.”
Luke blinks at him, then smiles, something sleepy and pleasant and something stutters in Din’s chest, something winged the colour of sunlight. He swallows.
“I can’t promise that,” he says, and that makes Din scowl.
“Are all Jedi this foolish?” he grumbles. Luke shrugs.
“I don’t know, I’m the only one.”
Another twist within Din, his heart aching. He isn’t fully in control of himself when he leans over, working almost on autopilot. He reaches out, his hand perhaps trembling ever-so-slightly, and takes Luke’s left.
“Then perhaps side-by-side would be a compromise?” he says. Luke looks down at his hand and Din’s, and back up again. Din sees his throat bob, swallowing just like Din did earlier.
“That could work,” he replies, his voice slightly hoarse in a way that makes Din’s heart stutter again, stop-start-stop-start, out of rhythm. He leans forward, tipping his helmet up, and kisses Luke’s palm. He hears Luke’s breath hitch, feels his hand quiver, his fingers twitch. Din rubs circles with his thumb where his lips just touched, feeling mystified by his own bravery.
“Good,” he replies, replacing his helmet. “We’re a team.”
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1. the state of enticement and or lure.
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“Anyone with the illecebra Illness is destined to die at the age of 22. There is no cure.”
You were destined to die in 22 years. Since the moment of your birth, you have known your downfall. The age in which you die. You aren’t sure why your parents told you, why they wanted you to know on your tenth birthday, but they did. Holding back tears as if they were the ones to suffer, as if they knew the exact moments they’d die. You like to pretend they prepared you, made you live your life without fear, but—
You’re 22 this year. With no cure in sight, and no way to prevent what is bound to happen to you. You’ll die and you’ll die soon. Unless you can make a deal.
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Nearly two thousand years ago, creatures assumed only myth broke free from the ground and ripped away the sky. Fighting amongst themselves and fighting and killing humans. Unable to fight against these creatures, the creation of districts came into being, representing states, nations, and countries, bound to crawl amongst the floor and a dome of safety for the humans living.
Your story begins within the District of Six, one of the first domes built, and the location of the Eclipse Facility, which is in charge of studying Subjects who are monsters from the outside.
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☼ Bring Death to a vicious cycle and allow destiny to take a course or Save a vicious world, which seems to be beyond saving. It is up to you.
☼ Customizable MC
[Name, Personality, Gender, Pronouns, Appearance(tattoos n scars), Traits, Allergies, Diet, Piercings, Aesthetics, & More]
☼ Ability to have certain traits, likes, and disabilities
[Favorite Foods, Smoking/Drinking Habits, & More]
[Personality, Mental Illness, Hearing Aids, Prosthetic Arms or Legs and choosing how you lost + MORE]
☼ Options that have and effect on romantic and platonic relationships.
☼ Choose between seven romanceable Love Interests or None at All.
☼ Stats that will affect the story.
☼ The ability to fight, run, hide, and survive.
[Harem Route & Poly Routes Optional]
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A sadistic and sarcastic demon that is often quiet and looms around you like a shadow, he's oddly cold to others and can be described as being dosed with water. He's smart, far smarter than the others, and only cares for your input. He's murderous and has no qualms about killing others for you. No matter how good they seem. He's lazy but has an extremely good sense of smell and exceptional hearing.
“What the others think, matter not. I’m here for you and you alone.”
༺ Appearance:
6’7FT[200.66CM] He says long, shaggy black hair that reaches his waist and messy side hair pieces that messily shape his face. He has striking almond-shaped gold eyes that seem to glow. He has an athletic build and warm tan skin that's littered with scars, such as cuts, bites, gashes, healed bullet holes, and claw marks. He has a facial scar that runs vertically along his lip's left side.
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A calm and energetic person who switches often. Sometimes being extremely energetic and loud, while others, she's calming, and sometimes you forget she's even there. She's kind and loves humans and mortals. She finds their short lifespans adorable and thinks humans are adorable since she's lived many lifetimes. She is quite the birdbrain and often jumps from topic to topic.
“Aw, humans are the cutest~ I just love, love, love ‘em!”
༺ Appearance:
6’0FT[182.88CM] She's a tall woman with the orangish-yellow talons and legs of a harpy eagle, with two large white wings that fade into a pastel yellow. She has the tail of a bird, which is a pastel yellow that fades into a pastel blue. Her skin is white, almost yellow, and she's covered in an assortment of blue freckles, varying in color.
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A quiet and soft-spoken woman who spends most of his time reading. She's very straightforward, blunt, and struggles to pick up on social cues. He likes the dark and spends time in the dark corners, only speaking up when necessary. She's obedient and kind but dislikes humans.
“… No. It is simply easier for my skin to remain in the dark.”
༺ Appearance:
5’11FT(180.34CM) She's a tall and slender woman with dark brown skin that looks almost black and black eyes. She has raven black hair that reaches her feet, with two long dark blue horns. Her back is lined with dark blue spikes. Her wrist, upper thighs, upper arms, and ankles have white armbands. She also has a thick lizard-like tail with spikes that run along the middle. While her forehead has an intricate design, similar to a circlet.
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A hardheaded and stubborn individual who is strong-willed but hates change. They often spend time sleeping, curled up into a ball like a rolly-polly. They hate humans and don't shy away from letting you know; they're sometimes outspoken and aggressive.
“Get away, please! The last thing I need is human cooties!”
༺ Appearance:
6’10FT(208.28CM) He has deep brown skin and glowing emerald green eyes, with pale brown armor plates along his back, starting at the base of his neck, with a long flat tail that drags behind him. He has short curly dark brown hair, and his face is dusted in white and pale brown freckles.
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A towering, intimidating man that rarely speaks but is quite sadistic. He cares for order more than justice and is okay with playing the role of the bad guy. He prefers it. He's seen as emotionless and uncaring but constantly aware of his surroundings. He demands attention and unwavering loyalty.
“You must simply follow the rules. Or die. There is no other option.”
༺ Appearance:
6’7FT[200.66CM] Simple black slacks, thick black winter trench with silver buckles and chains, and a black helmet similar to a 12th Century English Knight.
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F-24, L-18, R-12, X-6, WARDEN, & MC
Poly Route One: F-24, WARDEN, & MC
Poly Route Two: L-18, R-12, & MC
Poly Route Three: L-18, R-12, X-6, & MC
Poly Route Four: R-12, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Five: X-6, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Six: F-24, R-12, Warden, & MC
Poly Route Seven: F-24, R-12, & MC
[You’ll learn their names in book]
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ⓒ 2023 CVLUTOSGAMES & the-six-that-thrive-if — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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live-love-be-unique · 7 months
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Summary: You had been friends with Alex for years. When he comes back from his latest mission injured the lines of friendship blur.
Parings: Alex Keller x f reader
Warnings: female reader, oral (m!receiving), vaginal sex 18+ Minors DNI
“I can still feel it, you know” he muttered, taking a sip of the beer you snuck into the rehab facility for him. You blushed deeply as you realised he’d caught you stealing glances at his now missing lower limb.
“Feel what?”
“My leg” he gestured towards his left leg, now replaced by a prosthetic from the knee down.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really. Kind of aches every now and then” he offered a halfhearted shrug “the painkillers they have me on are pretty good though” he jokes.
You chuckled, taking a sip of your own drink. You couldn’t lie, it hurt to see your usually happy-go-lucky friend like this. His perma-smile was replaced with frowns and grimaces as he learnt to live with his new limb. He was usually so upbeat, offering everyone he met an easy smile and friendly chat, but since returning injured he seemed like a shell of his former self.
“Everyone said they missed you at the bar last night” you tried changing the subject. Tucking your feet underneath you as you sat on the bed next to him.
“You didn’t go”
“You know me, I’m not one for social interaction, unlike you” you joke, sipping your beer “I don’t understand why you didn’t go though? You love bar nights with the team”
“I would have gone if you were there” he shrugged, meeting your eyes. The heat behind his stare spoke volumes.
“What?” He asked, his eyes never leaving yours “you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed?”
“Noticed what?”
“I’m not one for grand gestures” he smirked looking down at the half empty bottle in his hand
“Not too great with explaining yourself either are yo…” he didn't give you a chance to finish as he tangled his hand into the hair at the nap of your neck, pulling you in against his lips. You felt his tongue along the edge of your lip teasing you, you parted your lips instantly to let him in. His tongue pressed between your parted lips in ticklish kitten licks, Alex’s lips were warm and soft and your head spun as he tilted your chin to allow his lips to travel down your neck.
Your bodies pressed together heatedly as he pulled you from your seat on the bed next to him onto his lap, breathing heavily as your lips pressed together. You could taste your shared breath, feel the thud of your combined heartbeat as you fumbled to take off one another’s clothes.
You reluctantly pulled away from his lips as you climbed off his lap. Alex’s eyes followed you with a questioning look; did you not want this?; you answered his unasked question as you stood in front of him, running the palms of your hands over his thighs. He groaned as you palmed him through his pants.
“You don’t have to do this” he ran a hand through his hair as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
“Sure I do, if we’re admitting things…wanted to for a while now”
“That so boss?” He smirked, tilting his head to the side, studying you on your knees in front of him, hands pausing as you reach for the waistband of his pants.
You smirked, taking his cock in your hands, he was hot and heavy and leaking pre-cum, you run your thumb over the tip, earning a deep groan from Alex, you smirk up at him and slowly roll your hand all the way down his length and then back up a few times before you took him into your mouth. The sounds he made, god, you could live off the sounds he made. The groans, the whimpers, the whispers of your name, the soft 'fuck' that slipped its way past his lips when you rake your nails down his thighs.
You look up at him and see him watching you with a hungry look “ fuck…good girl. Look at you, so fucking gorgeous. So good for me” He rests the fat tip of his erection on your tongue and you suck him greedily, eager to please and earn more of his praise.
You form a rythym quickly as Alex starts fucking into your mouth. You moan around his length, your throat relaxing and opening to let him go deeper with each movement.
Alex looked down at you with flushed cheeks and hooded eyes “Wait, wait” he chuckled, lifting you off him “baby wait”
“What is it?” Worried you had done something wrong or worse, you had made his injuries worse.
“You keep doing that and I’m not going to last long. I need to be inside you” he said with a lopsided grin, brushing your hair away from your face.
Alex pulls you back onto his lap as he takes one hand off your arse to tilt your chin up so he has greater access to your neck, licking and sucking at it as he maintains a rhythm between you with his other hand and hips. Every noise you makes vibrates through his lips
You tug at his hair and smile smugly as he groans deeply. He trails his hands from your hips downwards, massaging your arse and pushing you against him more firmly. His hands burn a path of pleasure as he runs his hands over your body and gasp against his mouth as his large palms cup the swell of your breast.
He slowly drags one hand down over your stomach between the two of you and slides the tip of a finger up the center of your pussy, slowly circling your clit. You gasp and rock harder against him as he traces your swollen lips with feather-light, and sucks a sharp breath between his teeth.
His eyes bore into yours as he slowly pressed into you, the stretch making your eyes close shut and a moan build in your throat. The intensity in his eyes as he buries himself in you makes you shudder and you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and press your chest against him. He only gives you a moment to catch your breath before he starts moving, his thrusts making you whine and cry out his name. His grip on your hips will leave a bruise tomorrow but your focus is completely on the delicious feeling of Alex’s cock, filling you over and over again.
“God you’re beautiful” he says, staring up at you as you rocked faster against his lap.
“You’re just saying that because I’m literally riding you” you chuckle out between gasps and whines.
“No I’m not” he implores, smiling before wrapping your hair in his fingers and kissing you.
Alex wraps his arms around you tighter as he maneuvers you onto your back on the bed. He hovers over you for a moment before sinking back into you. He grips your thighs tightly as you wrap your ankles around his waist. His thrusts hit deeper than before as your body tenses and your back arches. Alex’s grip on your body tightens as his movements quicken and his body tenses. Your nails dig into his skin as your legs get all tense and squeeze against his waist as you cry out in pleasure.
"gonna cum, Alex," you whine into his ear, clinging even closer to his chest.
“I know baby, I know”
With a final thrust, Alex pressed his cock inside of you deeply and felt his climax as it spread its way throughout you. Your orgasm spread like wildfire across your skin, blazing in your hips and rushing through your veins, burning you inside and out. Shallow thrusts painted his come inside of you as you gasped out for breath.
Alex rolls off you and pulls you against his chest as you both come down from your highs.
“Oh my god” you groan and roll off his broad chest.
“Where’re you going?” He chuckles, wrapping his arms tighter around you, pulling you back into place against him, burying his face in your hair and mumbling some sweet nonsense in between placing soft kisses on the top of your head.
“Keep that up Keller and I’ll never leave”
“Planning on that boss”
Taglist: @seppys-return-to-madness, @imshymorph, @matavishlOver, @ripoffsteveharrington, @musicxliife @shadofireshinob, @cumikering, @louvisonebraincell
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 7 months
I don't know if you've answered this question b4 but is Angel a toy or a human? it was shown that they were a toy in one of your comics but they bleed and lived outside the facility so presumably they look human enough.
Here's EVERYTHING you need to know about Angel.
Angel is only HALF Toy.
This was mentioned several times through the story and when I first posted them, basically the process of toyification to me is several convoluted surgerys and many experiments.
Basically, Angel was an orphan in Playcare, but they grew up smart enough to be recruited as an employee. Once they were an employee they found out the horrific trueth of what Playtime was really doing to the children and was terribly repulsed and frightened. In order to keep their reputation, Playtime Co. Typically turned employees that found out to much into toys- and they were planning on doing that to Angel.
Angel fled from the Playtime factory mid surgery- leaving half their body as unmodeled plastic and rearranged muscles, the other half (while scarred) is still relatively human. Most normal people think that Angel is just badly injured with plastic prosthetics, not that the plastic is actually part of them.
When they first fled, Playtime factory inexplicably shut down after everyone disappeared (hour of joy)...with no way to sue an abandoned company- Angel was homeless and unfortunatly most peoppe wouldnt hire them due to their general lack of....everything. theyre an orphan. They ended up taking residence in a kindly church and becoming a kind pacifist man of faith.
When they received their letter from Playtime about their missing coworkers, calling them back after 10 years? They thought it was a sign from God to save and redeem what they had done so long ago. The people they abandoned. The fact that they helped the factory before they found out about its darker side.
They've basically spent the last 10 years under the impression that they are partly responsible for what happened to the kids (they really werent...but they're guilt ridden.) And are using now, and their shared toyification with them, to redeem themself and the kids.
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Q Fever
Aka, Query fever. What a weird name for a disease. Imagine telling people that's what you got.
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in the 30s-40s, an Australian pathologist in QLD/Brisbane, came across an outbreak of the same or similar illness among abbatoir or slaughterhouse workers.
At the time, he called the disease "Q" fever or query as a temporary name until the pathogen could be identified. Unfortunately it stuck.
decades later, now nobel prize winner and virologist, MacFarlane Burnett isolated and identified the microbe responsible. I think this discovery contributed to his prize. i forget already.
Microbe responsible: Coxiella burnetti. Named for Burnett and HR Cox, the American bacteriologist who found the genus Coxiella where C burnetti falls under.
Initially they felt it was related to Rickettsia, responsible for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, but as science progressed, this was disproven.
Now for a Case Report
A 55 yo Italian man with a history of aortic valve replacement was diagnosed with pyrexia of unknown origin twice. Further signs included myalgias/splenomegaly/night sweats. The 2nd time he was admitted for PUO he deteriorated rather dramatically and was put on meropenem and teicoplanin.
A host of organisms was tested for on serological testing based on the man's travel and epidemiological history, all negative. Even a rheumatological panel was done, also less revealing. He also had a history of MGUS (a haem disoder), which is kind of a red herring here.
Cultures were negative, no vegetations were seen on a TTE - so they did consider IE. Which is an important differential for PUO.
Eventually a PET-CT was done (often favoured when investigations do not yield much for a sick patient with fevers), finally revealing a focus of infectious on his ascending aorta, where he'd also had previous surgery done. And in a round about way, they also further identified Coxiella Burnetti. He was treated doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine. As it's so rare in Italy, it wasn't really considered even though he mentioned rural travel.
Bottomline: Q Fever is an important consideration in the work up for culture negative IE. Further to this, always consider IE in the differentials for PUO particularly if they're at increased risk for IE (prosthetic valves, damaged valves, select congenital heart issues, previous IE). IE can present with night sweats, fevers, weight loss and splenomegaly. It can be insidious and chronic in nature. other risk factors can be more suggestive as we'll get into below.
Causative organism
Coxiella burnetti, it's a zoonoses - i.e. transmissible from animals. Special powers: very tough/hardy, can survive extreme environments (high temps and UV light etc.) over prolonged periods and is resistant to many common disinfectants/surface cleaners.
It's an intracellular pathogen and gram negative coccobacilli (PINK!)
name coccobaccili reminds me of cocopuffs.
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it's mainly associated with farm animals, which the CDC so wholesomely displays on its website on Q fever (wtf).
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goats, sheep, cattle typically (but many other animals, even birds, dogs and horses can be reservoirs)
in particular bodily fluids - amniotic fluid, placenta, faeces/urine, milk etc.
you can get it through unpasteurized milk and through inhaling it if it lands on dust in the area
ever visit a farm or petting zoo lately? OMG WASH YOU HANDS.
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That said, it's typically inhaled in inorganic dust. You inhale it, it goes to the lungs, and then the bloodstream.
Increased risk for Coxiella burnetti (What to take on history of exposures and when to strongly consider it)
live on a farm or near one
exposure to a farm
work as a vet on a farm
farm worker, dairy workers, researchers on these animals/facilities
Also from CDC:
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Clinical presentation
Most won't get sick after exposure and remain asymptomatic, a very small minority does. even though it is highly infectious.
incubation time is 2-3 weeks (consider this time in your history of exposure, did they work on the farm 2-3 weeks ago as opposed to yesterday).
Nonspecific acute infectious symptoms:
nonspecific systemic fevers/malaise/arthralgias/myalgias--> key is high fevers though and can be associated with headache and photophobia.
non specific GI - N/V/diarrhoea
respiratory ones - SOB or cough, consider it as atypical cause of community acquired pneumonia.
rare: hepatitis and jaundice (granulomatous) or encephalitis with neurological complications such as demyelinating disease or CN palsies, also haemolytic anaemia and HLH (yikes)
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really it's the history of exposure that will lead you down the garden path to Q fever.
Chronic Q fever is perhaps worse, and can present as culture negative IE/PUO. Months/years later, as B symptoms as above above + LOW/LOA, night sweats. More likely to occur if you are predisposed for IE as above, have a weakened immune system for any reason, including pregnancy.
Chronic Q fever has a mortality of 10% if left untreated. About <5% of those with acute Q fever develop this if left untreated. Speculation is that it's more of an autoimmune process or abnormal immunological response to the bacteria.
To be honest, most who walk in the door with community acquired pneumonia get treated empirically for atypicals anyway, (standard course of doxycycline), so we hardly really ponder the question of Q fever in every patient. But if they present chronically and did not have atypical cover at the onset of acute symptoms, then it's something important to consider.
Other important conditions - can cause complications in pregnant women and 20% will get post Q fever syndrome. like chronic fatigue.
Serology! nice and easy. Look for IgG antibodies in the chronic presentation. Or PCR. Down side to serology - can take 2-3 days for the body to make said antibodies to the bacteria for detection. PCR can be done on any fluids/tissue sent.
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Cultures useless, hence it fall under the umbrella of culture negative (hard to grow outside a host cell, it is an obligate intracellular pathogen).
Other hints on bloods (as serology/PCR takes time to return) - elevated or low platelet's, transaminitis with normal bili, opacities in CXR with hilar lymphadenopathy, CSF will show raised protein levels if done when encephalitis is suspected.
imaging can also support the diagnosis.. as illustrated by the case report.
Acute disease - as standard for atypical bugs, doxycycline 100 mg BD for 14 days. Alternatives - TMP SMX or Clarithromycin.
Chronic Q fever or IE:
native valves: doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine (200 TDS) for 18 months
prosthetic: same but 24 months
why hydroxy: enhances the action of doxycycline (increases the pH of the phagolysosome)
Follow-up: look for 4 fold decrease in IGG
Stat Pearls
Wiki as linked above
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