#Prototype Saber
dailyfigures · 2 years
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Arthur Pendragon ; Fate/Grand Order ☆ Orange Rouge
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hakhub · 2 years
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testing out drier brushes w/ small stuff...
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wawtif · 3 months
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some shitty meme I made at 3 AM the other day
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kikaruuni · 3 months
Return to Avalon -Fate Art Works- part 3
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rosinkar · 10 months
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I sure even in Saber form he will use Gate of Babylon I tried my best to create a cool Gilgamesh and I hope he is !!!
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snackugaki · 2 years
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tryptophan induced tmnt au bullshit: leo as the unofficial worldwide beat saber champion
EDIT: it’s fucking... 「側にいるから」. かかかかかかか I missed the dakuten marks in 「がんこ 」from another comic, I swear I know how to write I’m not tired this time but I am filled with 2 kinds of meat, 4 types vegetables, 5 kinds of fruits in varying stages of its original form, and more starchy complex carbohydrates than god pls i try
but frankly it’s what my dumbass gets for thinking it can hold more than one language at a time
EDIT 2: .... 直しまた I fixed it, it was getting on my nerves tanginang pisting yawa... yo cansada
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darksaiyangoku · 8 months
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How Arthur asserts his dominance.
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fate-inspiration · 1 year
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~Retrospective 2020 part 1~
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typemoonsmashorpass · 10 months
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gojoidyll · 11 months
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Drabble | Gilgamesh x Master ! Reader
Drabble | Arthur Prototype x Reader
Drabble | Merlin x Reader
Imagine | Merlin x Reader
Imagine | Merlin x Reader
Imagine | Merlin x Reader
Loathing Other Casters | Merlin x Master!Reader
Drabble | Charlemagne x Reader
Drabble | Charlemange x Reader
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madmanwonder · 1 year
A huge explosion ripple across Camelot which made the servants and guards stumble around the halls. The manical laughter coming from the source of the explosion cause more than few people to shiver in fear from the mad laughter of the explosion-obessed woman who earn the favor of their King.
Lancelot look at the direction of the explosion with a tired resignation on his comely face.
Lancelot: My Lord. I think you might need to tell Lady Tina to keep her experiment at a different location.
Arthur: And I agree with you, Lancelot. But there's one issue with that problem
Lancelot: And what issue would that be, Lord?
Another explosion ripple across Camelot and King Arthur look at his best friend with a deadpan look.
Arthur: Who will keep a eye on her if she go overboard with one of her idea?
Closing his eyes, the Knight of the Lake accept the wisdom of his old friend even as another explosion rock the castle foundation.
Lancelot: You are wise beyond your wisdom, My Lord.
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mydrugcandy · 4 months
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marblesphere · 2 months
Fate/Alternate Reality (Part 2)
(Part 1)
“Hah! I win again!” I grin smugly at the fallen boy. Once again, I won our sparring match for the nth time.
“I will beat you next time.” the blonde boy glared hatefully at me.
‘Ah… how I relish this victory and his glare.’
“You are still 100 years early to beat me, boy.”
“Shut up, this chibi fairy!”
“Hey! I am older than you!”
“With a stature like that, everyone will think you are 5 years old chibi!” this time, the boy grinned.
“Seems like I haven’t beaten you enough,” I growled. “Prepare to die.” My eyes glint.
I am a fairy… a fairy born of this planet’s inner sea. But strangely, I don’t know what kind of purpose I have. I don’t even know I am a fairy until Merlin, my teacher picks me up. She told me about my heritage and adopted me as her disciple.
That’s how I found out that my master will soon adopt another disciple. He is one destined to be the King, to lead Britain out of the Dark Age. And currently, the future king is just a 10-year-old prick.
At that time, I didn’t like the idea of master dividing her attention to another kid, so I secretly challenged him to a sparring match. The boy with his blonde hair shines as it reflects the sunset, the owner of the gentlest pair of emerald eyes. In a split second, I thought he was the incarnation of a prince on white horse… just like the prince I read in a book. I think my heart just skips a beat when he looks at me.
The boy with shiny blonde hair, the son of King Uther Pendragon, named Arthur Pendragon is just a boy spending his time in the countryside, dreaming of being a knight. And as his soon-to-be senior, I have to teach him the harsh bitter truth that he will experience.
The winner of the match? Of course it’s me. it’s my first win of many more matches that we will have. His cousin, Kay, who will later be called as Sir Kay, is also joining us. My master, who found out my secret hobby (read. tormenting Arthur) laughs until her stomach hurts. She then officially adopted Arthur as her disciple… to prepare him for his future. ~”~
“Ouch!” Arthur knocks my wooden sword out of my hand. The strength he used is no joke, my hand is stinging with pain. His wooden sword is pointed to me.
“Hah! It’s my win again!” he grins his triumphant boyish grin.
“Tsk.” I pout, pushing his sword away.
“Hehehe! It’s my win again, violent fairy.” He mocked.
“Shut up!” I puff my cheeks as I listen to his taunt.
It has been 6 years since our initial meeting. Under the guidance of Merlin and Kay and of course me, Arthur has grown into a healthy teenager, but still a prick. He started winning our sparring match when he hit 14 years old, and now he completely dominated the sparring match.
‘…Ouch…’ I feel stinging pain across my body. ‘Ah… it’s bruised again…’ a fairy… that should have been graceful and elegant and dainty… where would you find a fairy like me, who is covered in bruises because of a swordfight every day.
“I am going to wash up.” My body reeks of sweat. I ignore the still-celebrating teen. How long he is going to rub it into my face? Arrogant prick…
“Arthur, here.” Merlin throws the boy something, which he catches it easily.
“Bring it to Rein, would you? She forgot to bring it with her. We don’t want her to suffer from bruises now, do we?’ Merlin smiles, though Arthur knows this smile is a smile when she has something up her sleeves.
‘…tough luck…’ he thought as he wondered what kind of prank his master cooked for Rein. Somehow, he feels a little sorry for the said fairy. As much as they fight like cat and dog, the only time they can bond together is when they are avoiding their master pranks or console each other silently after the said pranks.
“You think he will realize it?” Kay asks Merlin as he sees Arthur trudge further to a waterfall near their house.
“You think he won’t start getting flustered after getting ambushed by that kind of scene?” Merlin smirks as she hums. You can see a devil's tail and horns on her.
“…I hope those two will quickly realize that they have been in love since forever.” Kay sighs.
“That’s the fun part, no?” Merlin cackles. “…really… what a group of troublesome children they are. Fall in love at the very first sight yet neither side realizes it.” she sighs indulgently.
“So, I thought of making one of them realize their feelings. It seems to be way more interesting this way.”
“…just do it moderately…” Kay sighs in resignation.
Arthur finally arrives at the usual waterfall where Rein should be. “Oi! Violent fairy, Merlin told me-!” the teen stopped dead in his tracks. He knew the fairy was bathing… heck, it’s not like they never bathed together. They used to have a water war… granted that the chibi violent fairy back then still had some clothing that covered her body…
“*gulp*” Arthur unknowingly swallows the lump in his throat. Why does he suddenly feel so hot and his throat so dry… like he hasn’t drunk water. He swore he did after he won their sparring match.
He can’t look away from her. The way her soft, dainty body curves around the right places. Even though her hip-down body is in the water, it still leaves little to no imagination. Until now… he has never thought that her body is much much smaller than he thought. Granted, he calls her chibi fairy, but it’s just to tick her off. But the girl in front of him looks so fragile... like she will break even if he only uses a fragment of his strength.
The droplets of water slide down her unblemished skin as they rejoin the water. Her soaked fluffy glossy silver hair and also her gem-like deep violet eyes sparkle under the sun. ‘A fairy…’ the creature in front of him is unmistakably a fairy… A creature of beauty and elegance…
“It hurts…” her pained voice snapped him back to reality. It’s then he noticed various bruises on her body. Did he really… use that much strength when sparring? He starts feeling guilty. Rein… never once complained about it, so he didn’t notice at all. So, all this time he used his almost full strength to defeat such a delicate creature…? And he even gloated about it…? What if he accidentally breaks her?!
“Ha! I haven’t used my full strength yet!” such is the taunt he often throws out after he wins the match, and now he just wants to crawl in a hole for such an embarrassing display.
“Who’s there?” Arthur fortunately managed to hide himself or else he would have a hard time explaining himself.
“You forgot to bring your ointment, so Merlin told me to bring it to you.” Arthur should thank himself that his voice is steady.
“Oh, okay, just put it there.” he heard Rein’s answer.
“Then, I will put it here.” Arthur puts down the small container and walks back to his house, leaving Rein confused.
“??? He didn’t mock me? What kind of prank he is going to pull now?” I knit my forehead. I expect him to actually throw the container at me or do something along that line.
I go back to his house just in time for lunch, Kay just finished plating the meal. “Oh, Rein, good timing. The lunch is ready, eat up.” Kay called.
“Yes.” I take my usual seat, which is beside Arthur. Again, I hear no mocking or any semblance of making fun from Arthur. Because he usually goes, ‘Hah! I bet you were crying.’ Or something along the line. But he is strangely quiet today.
“Huhuhuhu.” Merlin giggles quietly.
‘…Merlin is having fun…? Did she do something?’
“I didn’t do anything at all… at least not yet…” Merlin quickly defends herself.
‘…As if…’ Kay and I made a face at her.
“It’s true! I didn’t do anything yet.” She pouts, faking a hurt as if she was truly wounded by us. ~”~
Arthur lets out another groan for the umpteenth time. He has been tossing around to get some sleep. Unfortunately for him, sleep is eluding him. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees the same thing over and over again. The scene that involved a certain fairy.
Arthur groans as he messes his hair, trying hard to cool down his heated cheeks. he pours a glass of water from the pitcher to quench his thirst. He will really go crazy sooner or later if he is coped here. Thus, he chooses to take a walk.
“You can’t sleep? How rare.” I say as I feel someone stops beside me.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching stars. The sky is clear tonight. I can see a lot of stars. It’s a great view.” I lay down on the grass. “If you can’t sleep, you are welcome to star gazing. As long as you are not noisy.”
Arthur wordlessly plops on the space next to me. And just like that, the two of us are enjoying the stars… a rare moment where we are not bickering.
“So, what did Merlin do to you?”
“Ah?” Arthur is taken aback by the question.
“You were so quiet, while Merlin was giggling like she was enjoying something. So, she must have done something to you. You might feel better after you let it out.” I said.
“Merlin… didn’t do anything…?”
“You sure about that?” I frown. “Then, are you feeling sick?” I sit up and pull him to me, forehead against forehead.
“…you are warm… a fever?” I opened my eyes and saw how red his face was. “You definitely got a fever!” I gasped. “Let’s get Kay and-bwah!” Arthur pulled me back and now I crashed into him. My face crashed into his abdomen and my nose suffered the most damage.
“I don’t have a fever.” He growled.
“But your face…”
“It’s all because of you, stupid fairy!” with that he stood up and briskly went back to his house.
“…what did I do?” I blinked owlishly. ~”~
‘…Strange…’ I frown. ‘This is completely and absolutely weird.’ I narrow my eyes at a certain teen. Arthur hasn’t bothered me for a week straight. We don’t even have our daily sparring match. Instead, he opts to spar with Kay. What's more, he doesn’t talk to me at all.
Usually, I won’t be bothered so much… I mean, we had our fair share of fights where we didn’t talk to each other afterwards for a few days. Kay always drags us and makes us apologize to each other and then we will talk again.
But somehow… I don’t like this… I don’t like how he avoids me without explanation. We didn’t even have a fight yet he refused to talk to me. What’s wrong with him? And Kay refuses to meddle this time. I don’t hate Arthur… even if we bicker every day, even though I don’t like that he is a prick to me if he really hates me… then…
‘…Did I really do something despicable to him? Unknowingly…?’ I clenched my fists hard.
“Did you two get into a fight again?”
“Merlin!” I gasped, not noticing her presence.
“So, what happened?”
“…I don’t know…” I shake my head. “He just… stopped talking to me suddenly…”
“So, what did you guys talk about before he stopped talking to you?”
Then I explained what happened on that day. How he was so quiet and I thought Merlin pranked him. And also what we talked about when stargazing. The last time he talked to me.
Finish listening to this, Merlin is officially clutching her stomach. “He…help… my… my stomach…”
“Merlin, this is not funny…” I pout. “…forget it. I am the idiot for talking to you.”
“Hey hey hey. It’s not a nice thing to say about your teacher.” Merlin pouts. “If it bothers you so much, why don’t you just apologize?”
“Apologize? Me?” I blink, pointing to myself.
“That’s right. You said it yourself. You are not sure if you have done something wrong to him. So, just apologize to him and ask what did you do wrong. I don’t think Arthur will keep ignoring you after that… rather… he can’t… the more he avoids you… the worse he will dream of you…”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing.” Merlin beams. “Anyway, just talk to him and he will definitely crumble down to your feet.”
“…why are you saying something so scary?” I sweatdropped at my inhuman master.
So, following my dear teacher’s advice, I decided to talk to Arthur. At the very least, I want to know what did I do wrong. I gingerly knock on the door, waiting for him to answer.
“What’s… Rein…?”
“Umm… I just want to say sorry.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know you are that uncomfortable having your forehead touched. I have been thinking about what made you avoid me and this is the only thing I could think of. So, I am sorry. If you are still uncomfortable, I will stay out of your sight… That’s all I want to say. Good night.” I finished my piece.
“Wait!” Arthur grabs my wrist.
“You… don’t need to apologize.” He mumbles. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” He grumbled.
“So… why are you avoiding me?”
“It’s…” he averted his eyes.
“It’s?” I urged softly. The next thing I know is, I stand on my tiptoe, head awkwardly on his shoulder. “Arthur?”
“…let me stay like this for a moment… I want to make sure of something…”
“Oh… okay…” I don’t know what kind of thing he wants to make sure of, but I kind of feel guilty so, I let him do his thing.
Meanwhile, Arthur… who has been battling with his sleep because ever since that day, his dream is not as wholesome as he would like. He will wake up sweaty, hot and bothered and pent up. And it’s all starring a certain delicate fairy pinned underneath him, crying and writhing in pleasure.
Thus, he avoids her altogether. He thought it must be because he accidentally saw her naked once and after some time passed, he would return back to normal. Except it’s not. The longer he avoids her, the worse his dream becomes. And in his waking moment, every time he catches her figure, he has this impulse to want to hide her away from prying eyes.
The worst part of all of this is Merlin knows and relishes in his agony… truly, sometimes he wonders why she is his teacher again. Merlin explained that he was born with a dragon trait because he has the concept of a red dragon heart. And dragon is known to be very possessive of the things he likes and has a tendency to hide a treasure in his nest.
Arthur begins to put two and two together. “Do you remember what you thought when you first met her?”
“…I thought a fairy has come to human world… she was so pretty… ethereal and very otherworldly… And I want to hide her away so Kay wouldn’t see her…” he recounted his feelings at that time.
He still remembers how a fairy-like petite girl who is actually a real fairy suddenly appeared one day. She was breathtaking, and literally stole his breath away. Her shiny fluffy silver hair and gem-like violet eyes. He did think they were real gems.
“…But her first sentence ruins everything…”
“I challenge you to a duel of honour!”
“Ahahahaha!!” Merlin laughed at that.
It’s not like his possessiveness is gone after she ruined his first impression. It’s just he was so vexed being beaten by such a petite fairy that his competitive spirit was ignited. He wanted to be recognized as her equal… not some weakling, thus begins the day they bicker and fight with each other.
“…so I… have fallen for her at the first sight…?” Arthur slowly comes to realization.
“Yep, I swear you two are so slow. Even Kay caught on 5 years early.”
“That long ago?!” he gaped.
“You… really didn’t notice that you want to hog her attention all day long?” Merlin is amused at her disciple. “I remember seeing you trying to get her attention when she talked to Kay, or anybody of the opposite gender for that matter.”
“That…” Arthur blushed as he scratched his cheek. He might or might not have done it…
“Well, I guess you finally realize it now.” Merlin shrugged. “Seeing her naked must have made your feelings explode.” She cackles, revealing that it was her scheme.
“Well, good luck in making her realize her own feelings too. Rein has absolutely zero sense about herself.” Merlin wished her disciple good luck.
And that’s how the future King of Knights realizes he had long fallen in love with a fairy. A beautiful, ethereal, cute smol fairy who is actually strong enough in swordfight and a genius in magecraft. ~”~
“So, Rein, what kind of man you like?” Such is Merlin’s weird question in one morning.
“Ah?” I blink. “Why are you asking that?”
“Just curious. I mean, you are 16 years old now and are considered as an adult fairy. I wonder what kind of quality you seek in a partner.”
“Fairy reproduces differently from humans. If we died, another one would be born.” I said.
“No no no. it doesn’t work like that, my darling disciple. You know very well that fairy is capable of human-style reproduction. I just want to make sure my cute disciple won’t make a mistake picking up trash.” Merlin grins.
“It’s pointless to think about it now. I live a lot longer than a human and will age slowly after passing a certain age. I have a lot of time to think it slowly.” I sighed.
“Eh~ but I want to know. Come on, it’s just qualities you seek from your partner. Tell me~” she basically will pester me until I answer her question.
“Then… someone who is gentle with me?” I said after a consideration. “He won’t yell or scold me, pamper me to death, and will only look at me even after his death?”
“…the last one is really a requirement?” Kay sweatdropped.
“Unlike human, fairy really takes things seriously about their possession. Well… I know it’s rude to say your partner is a possession, but that’s how fairy sees things. Fairy hates it when other people covet their possessions. Or… if the fairy senses their partner has a change of heart… be prepared to accept the wrath of fairy. At best he will die, at worst he will die after being toyed by fairy.” I explained.
“That’s why I don’t think I will have any partner,” I said. “Humans are different from fairy and fairies don’t need to actually mate to reproduce, thus most are indifferent in this regard. I do know few fairies that take humans as partners and well… some couldn’t accept fairies’ possessiveness and died a gruesome death. I have no wish to impose that on other people.”
“What if there is someone out there who can rival your possessiveness? If you two are madly in love (read. possessive of) with each other, then the problem will be solved.” Merlin smirks.
“Another mythical creature that can rival fairy in terms of possessiveness…” I sink into a thinking mode. “…probably a dragon.” I mused. “But dragon is no more.” Forgetting the fact, there is a human with dragon traits sitting with me, calmly calculating his next move. ~”~
Arthur is…being weird… That’s my current assessment even after we have made up with each other. He is…odd… like he has 180 degrees of complete change of his attitude to me…
For example, we usually have a morning routine of sparring matches, but he refused to do it again… granted I lost to him for the nth time and I am originally is more proficient in magecraft. I guess he doesn’t want to spar with a weakling. And I do half expect him to say something like, ‘You are still 100 years early to spar with me’ or ‘We will have a match after you train more’
Instead, he says, ‘…You are more proficient in magecraft, you should hone it to perfection. I will cover the swordfighting part. No worry, I will buy you enough time to cast a spell…’ and he pats my head. I repeat, he pats my head.
I… for some reason… actually enjoyed his head pat? Me? Of all people?
And he also doesn’t make fun of me anymore. instead of calling me ‘a chibi violent fairy’ he calls my name. Umm… it doesn’t feel bad hearing him calling my name. In fact, I quite like it.
But… is this some kind of new prank of his? Like he is getting all friendly and then suddenly, ‘I got you, chibi violent fairy!’ or something like that?
“Yes?” and lately Arthur likes coming to my room. If I am to be honest, I like this version more than the previous one. At least, he is not being a prick to me.
“…can you help me comb my hair?”
Yup, Arthur request is simple like this. He said I comb a better hairstyle and frankly I agree. “Okay, come here.”
Arthur sits on the chair and I take a brush from the vanity table, gently threading his soft tresses before finally getting to work on combing it. “It’s done.”
“Thanks.” Arthur shot me a grin. A boyish grin that I am very familiar with and I think… my heart skips a beat again… I wonder why…
“Rein? Are you alright?” Arthur looks quite worried at my silence.
“Don’t worry. I am fine.” I said, assuring him.
“Really? Are you sure? You are not hiding something, aren’t you?”
“…why are you staring at me?” pinkish hue covered his cheeks.
“It’s…odd to see you openly worry about me.”
“Th-there’s nothing weird about worrying you. We have known each other for so long.”
“I know. But usually, you will act like a tsundere. For example, ‘I-It’s not like I worry about you. It’s just I prefer you are healthy so I won’t need to take care of you’ something like that.”
“…I am not doing that anymore!” he cried out.
“That so? I did enjoy your reaction back then, but I like this more.” I grin. “Yup, I like this version more.” I repeat with more confidence.
“…you are really… clueless, aren’t you?” Arthur traps a lock of my hair between his fingers and presses a kiss on it.
“Eh?” I blanked, literally, my mind blanked. I... my mind fails to comprehend the situation right now. The sight of that unusually gentle boy… no, he is a man now, he is kissing my hair, keeping his gaze on me.
I suddenly feel my ears and cheeks getting warm at top speed. “I guess if this is your reaction, I still have some hope. I will satisfy myself with this for now.” he tucks my hair behind my ears, flashing a mischievous grin that definitely spells trouble for me… and my heart. ~”~
Arthur pulls out the Sword of Selection, Caliburn and then obtained Excalibur and becomes the King of Britain. And he will lead Britain out of its Dark Age. Such is the prophecy that was told. But now, there is one more additional prophecy so that Britain will be everlasting.
“…marry Princess Guinevere and use her dowry, a round wooden table to establish a foundation of Knight of Round Table.”
This prophecy is splitting Camelot into two factions, those who agree and those who don’t agree. I… along with Merlin have been given position as Camelot court mages right after Arthur ascended as King.
Those who don’t agree with the prophecy factions are a group of people who believe that their king has given his heart to a fairy. Most probably stemmed from the testimonies of people who saw a silver-haired with violet gem-like eyes lady enter their king’s bedroom at dead night. And also, the rejection statement from the king about marrying noble daughters of Camelot.
“I have given my heart to a fairy, you see. I’d rather not suffer her wrath.”
They thought it’s a joke at first, until the testimonies of people who work in the castle prove it to be the truth.
The fairy they are gossiping about is in fact me. Why do I enter his bedroom dead at night? Obviously, because he is mine. Is there anything wrong with a fairy to seek out her beloved? Nope, there’s nothing wrong. So, there, you have it.
Due to the possessive nature of Arthur… whom I finally realized he was born with dragon traits, he refused the notion of me being exposed. So… I wear a hood and cast a disguise spell in the daytime.
Eh? You want to know when we affirmed our feelings? And who confesses to who? Well, I guess Arthur has been wooing me ever since that fateful day… I was just… realizing my own feelings shortly after he ascended as King. It’s truly a heaven-defying, earth-shattering revelation for me.
“Now that he has become a king. It probably won’t be long for him to take a wife.” Merlin said.
“Yeah, actually, there is already a list of noble daughters being put up as the candidate for his wife.” Kay nodded.
“Eh? Why?!” I gaped in shock.
Merlin and Kay look at me weirdly and then at each other, “Because… right?”
“Right.” Kay nodded.
“I don’t want that!” I blurted out.
“Why?” Merlin asked.
“Be-because…” I stuttered. ‘Why am I so against this? This is what naturally will happen, no? A king can’t be without a queen. And… I… shouldn’t meddle much in Arthur’s affair. He is a human… A fairy… will make his life complicated. But… I don’t like it. I want to stay with him. I like him.’
“Oh…” A small gasp escaped my lips. I finally understand… everything makes sense now… I… I am in love with Arthur. That’s why I am so against his marriage. The revelation is truly a heaven-defying and earth-shattering for me.
‘Why am I just realizing it now?!’
“Because?” Kay waited for my answer.
“Be…because he won’t give me headpats anymore…” I spouted a ridiculous excuse instead. It’s not completely false, I love his headpats. It became a thing that I expected daily. But…
‘…I will need to bury this feeling. After he found a wife… he won’t look at me like that anymore…’ ~”~
After the coronation is over, next is the ceremony of me and Merlin being given position as court mage. I am glad that all went well smoothly and I can keep my feelings in check.
“…Stupid Rein… why do you have to realize it now…” I scold myself. “It’s better if I stay oblivious forever. But now I have gone and done it.” I groan, pulling my knees to my chest.
“…why don’t you confess your love to him?” Lady of the Lake rolls her eyes.
“Eehh… I can’t do that. Fairy has a different fundamental value from humans. They don’t take well with our possessive nature.”
“…Are you an idiot?” Lady of the Lake looked at me with deadpan eyes and flicked my forehead hard. “You do know that he is born with a dragon heart. He possessed the nature of a dragon.” She sighs. “And let me tell you something about a dragon. They like to hide away the things they like.”
“…he is born with a dragon heart? Who? Arthur?” I tilt my head, it’s my first time hearing this.
Vivian, the name of Lady of the Lake, hand chops my head, literally. “This stupid fairy!” she hisses and gives me a noggie.
“I give… I give… I am sorry!” I cried for mercy. “But Merlin never told me those.” I defended myself. “…or maybe she had and I had forgotten it?” I mumble softly to myself.
“Haaa…” Vivian exhales a long, loud and tired sigh and I flinch at that, afraid of her wrath. “He is here now, so you can take your time confessing your undying love.” Vivian motions her head to the direction behind me.
“Ah? Wh-” she disappears before I could finish my words.
“Rein… I finally found you.” the familiar presence of Arthur’s mana floods my senses. “I was worried that you were not in your room.” He sighs and plops on the grass beside me.
Yep, I sneaked away from my room to the forest near the castle. This forest clearing is a place where I can meet with Vivian after all.
“Oh…” I draw my knees to my chest again, feeling a little awkward. ‘Now… how do I talk to him without accidentally spilling out everything?’
“Haaa…” this time it’s Arthur who lets out a long exasperated sigh, with his head down.
“…sorry…” I must have made him worried sick if he acted like that.
“…Did Merlin force you into that?” Arthur takes a peek at me.
“That?” I tilt my head. “Ah! You mean this dress?” I stand up so he can see better. The dress… is a spaghetti strapped short lacy white dress, which falls down to my mid-thigh. I also wear the provided accessories, like silk lace cuffs and also a ribbon lace on my right thigh.
Actually, it looks more like a negligee by human standards because no woman would dare to dress like this. But I guess, being a fairy, it doesn’t matter much to me. My wardrobe is full of Merlin’s choices anyway.
“…You shouldn’t wear anything Merlin wants…” he groans, closing his eyes.
“But I am cute, aren’t I?” I giggle, dipping my bare feet into the small lake. “Hehehe, the moon is pretty, it’s a shame for you to come without enjoying it.” I giggle.
Arthur finally opens his eyes and looks at the moon (read. me), “Isn’t it beautiful?”
“…yeah… very…” Arthur enters the lake and stands in front of me. “…you are so beautiful.” His hand gently tucks my hair behind my ears.
I feel heat creeping to my cheeks again and I quickly slap my palms on them, cooling them down. Arthur chuckles at my weird reaction. “Arthur…” his gentle eyes are hypnotizing.
‘No, I can’t….’
‘Stop! I can’t say that!’
“I… love you…” just as my confession falls into my ears, Arthur stops smiling and his eyes open wide as if he is in disbelief.
“Ah…” I slap my mouth due to my blunder. “I… I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” I quickly added. “I know you are going to take a human wife and we won’t be able to spend time like we used to.” I blabbed. “I am sorry that I made you uncomfortable, I… I will give back the court mage title and disappear from your sight.” I turn around to escape from this predicament.
“No.” my back collides with his strong chest. “You can’t… you are not allowed to run away.” His arms tighten around my shoulders and stomach. “Stay…” I feel the weight of his head on my shoulder as he whispers to my ear.
“Ar…Arthur…” I squeaked.
“Hm? Let me enjoy this for a little longer.” His soft whisper, accompanied by his gentle kisses on my ear and neck… not to mention, his other hand is drawing pattern on my stomach… sometimes dipping lower and going upward again. My heart is thumping like crazy… he is driving me crazy.
“Your face is so red… so cute…” he chuckled as he continued his ministration. “You don’t know…*chu* how long I have been… *chu* waiting for this…” he finally turns me to face him.
“You are really… adorable…” another kiss on the forehead.
“You… you… are you sure you want to be mine?” I exclaimed, shattering the sweet atmosphere. As much as I enjoy it, I still need something to be clear.
“I am a fairy… I have told you how possessive fairy is. It’s not a joke. Once you vow yourself to me, you won’t be able to escape from me. Even when you don’t want me anymore, I won’t let you go.” My chest heaves up and down.
“That… that should be my line, my silly dense fairy.” Arthur pulls me into his arms again. “I am born with dragon heart. You also know the nature of a dragon, don’t you?” he spoke softly. “I have wanted to hide you away from other people's prying eyes for a long long time ago. In a place only the two of us exist. So you can only look at me.” he lifts my chin up, making me stare at the bottomless hunger in his eyes.
“Since I know our feelings are mutual, I won’t hold back anymore. Even if you run away to fairy world or back to Avalon, I will still chase after you… Your place is only beside me… forever and ever…”
My heart thumps and my body shivers at his declaration. To humans, his declaration will invoke fear, but to me… there’s nothing sweeter than this confession. ‘Ah… I want… I really want him… I want Arthur…’
“I… want you…” I reach up to cup his face. “Give me… give yourself to me, Arthur…”
“Your wish is my command, my fairy…” And so, we sealed our fates with a kiss. ~”~
Anyway, the other agree to take Guinevere as queen faction doesn’t believe it at all. It’s not like they don’t believe the existence of mythical creatures, but they don’t believe that their king has a fairy lover. If he has one, they want her to show up. Having a fairy as queen is actually beneficial to Camelot, her existence itself will deter a lot of nations from conquering the kingdom.
But the fact their king never revealed the said fairy, only by hearing the testimonies of the palace workers, they believe their king is only stalling the marriage problem. So, with this prophecy being told, they pushed him to take her as his wife.
While I trust Arthur that he will stay committed and faithful to me. Sometimes, I mull over the fact that I am a just a fairy… who doesn’t even know her own purpose of being born. Technically, I am a failure of a fairy. I keep thinking if we affirmed our love before he ascended as king, would it be different?
No one can say for certain, but looking at the state of Camelot retainers, I will say they might force their daughters to be taken as wife to help the commoner me sorting the internal affairs. But when they do, their daughters will probably die a gruesome death. Fairy doesn’t take well seeing people covet her possessions.
For now, nobody knows I am a fairy except for a few close knights, but they do know about Merlin being a half succubus. I am sitting in this position comfortably partly because of Merlin’s influence.
“…should I… whisk him away to Avalon altogether? Then we don’t need to listen to this nonsense?” I seriously think about this, but Arthur will definitely reject my offer. He… takes his responsibility as king very seriously. Completely different from when he was just a carefree little boy and also when he is on the journey across Britain.
“Who do you want to whisk away without my knowing?” I jump at the sudden intrusion in my ear.
“You haven’t answered my question. Who are you going to whisk away without my knowing?” he smiles ever so gently. But this time it’s a scary gentle smile.
“…someone…” I avert my eyes.
“Hmm… my fairy is being naughty today. What to do, hm?” Arthur sits beside me, patting his lap while smiling at me, looking at me expectantly.
I sigh and crawl to his lap, resting my head on his broad chest. “Are you worried about the prophecy?” his hand comes up to pat my hair.
“…If I am to be honest, I fear for the princess’ life,” I said. “You know how fairy is.”
“You don’t need to worry about it. I will take care of it,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss on the crown of my head. “My fairy… just need to stay beside me.” a kiss on the forehead, corners of my eyes and finally my lips.
“As long as you are here, I won’t fall.” ~”~
“Kya! This is the rumoured fairy!” Princess Guinevere walks in a circle around me while gushing about my appearance. “No wonder King Arthur forbids you to show off your true appearance! You are so cute!”
The rumoured Princess Guinevere is… vastly different from what I had imagined. After our last secret rendezvous in the garden, Arthur went on a business trip so to speak and came back very happy like he accomplished his mission. I know he is happy because he is particularly clingy and needs more praise than usual. It’s times like this that I think Arthur is a Golden Retriever rather than a lion or dragon. I can practically see the imaginary wagging tail and ears and a sign with ‘praise me more’.
And few days later, Princess Guinevere is visiting Camelot. If I wasn’t in a special circumstance, Princess Guinevere might have perished on the very same day she visited Camelot. On that day, I couldn’t walk… let alone getting out of my bed…
‘Curse him and his A+ endurance.’ He did try his best to appease my mood for a whole day though. Princess Guinevere has no intention to marry Arthur, that’s what he told me. But she did make a deal with him. In exchange for the much-needed round table, he has to fulfil her requests.
One of the requests is, want to meet his rumoured secret fairy lover, a.k.a me. That’s why we are having a secret tea party in Merlin’s tower, just the two of us.
After her few rounds of gushing out loud, we are finally settling down for tea. I use magic to pour the prepared tea. “Ahem.” She cleared her throat. “As King Arthur has explained. I come here not with the intention of marrying him.” she started.
“If I am to be honest, King Arthur is not my type at all.” she dropped the bombshell while smiling.
“…” I blink.
“You don’t believe me?” she frowned.
“No, I do believe you. I can see through lies after all. it’s just a little unexpected.” I said.
“Yes, he seems like possessing all the attributes that many women seek out from a male. Isn’t that why all the noble women in Camelot and some even from kingdom far away are vying for his attention?”
“…You sure are bragging out loud…” Guinevere is absolutely sure the fairy doesn’t know how terrifying he is.
“Bragging?” I tilt my head.
“Even though he possessed a lot attributes that women find alluring… I still don’t like him. That guy is definitely a black belly type.”
“Black belly? He doesn’t have any black spot on his belly though?”
“…Too much information…” Princess Guinevere facepalmed. “What I mean is, he is the type that will scheme behind the scene to get what he wants.” Actually, as for why Princess Guinevere is so sure about this was because he visited her to make a deal. The deal for the round table she possessed and clearly, the fairy doesn’t know about it or the king didn’t tell her the whole plan.
“And I like black haired man better than blonde. That’s the most basic attribute I won’t give up.” Princess Guinevere said in excitement.
“Ah, Arthur has been disqualified since the beginning.”
“That’s right. Thus my second request is involving you, Fairy-chan.”
“I heard you are a genius at magecraft. So, I want you to create a disguising potion. One potent enough to stay permanent.”
“Can I know the reason?”
“I… want to elope with my escort knight.” She began. “But that damn prophecy destroyed everything!” she growls in frustration. “In the end, Camelot only need my dowry to establish the Knight of Round Table or whatever it is.” She sighs.
“So, when King Arthur came incognito and offered the deal. I accept it immediately. The deal is, by giving him the table, he will help me with my elopement plan… and also I have always want to meet a fairy, that’s why I came here.”
“Ah…” I let out a small ‘ah’, finally understanding everything. So, the reason Princess Guinevere came was to truly meet me. Now, I do feel a little guilty. Arthur must have known what my reaction would be, so he made sure I would be confined in bed for that day.
“I suppose I owe Princess Guinevere an apology,” I said.
“Why?” she blinks owlishly.
“Because I wasn’t told anything, I almost murdered you on the very day you arrived,” I say casually.
The cup she is holding falls to the floor, Princess Guinevere is staring at me with wide eyes and mouth agape.
“Oh, I will clean it up, don’t worry.” With a wave of my hand, the cup’s pieces gathered on its own, along with the tea. They easily make their way to the trashcan.
“W-why?” her voice trembles, her whole body is trembling.
“Because I thought you came to marry Arthur. I apologize for my almost-blunder. Fortunately, Arthur seemed to know what would happen so, I was confined in bed due to special circumstances.” I answer casually.
“Rest assured, I promise not to lay a hand on you under any circumstances. Unless you are aiming for him.” I smile as I put down my teacup.
“…fairy is… scary…” ~”~
So, the exchange is successful. We got the table and Guinevere eloped with her lover. While there is some dissatisfaction from marry the princess faction, the fact that KoRT is successfully established even without marrying her is used to pressure them. Now, Camelot is entering the era of peace.
But as always, peace doesn’t last long. King Leodegrance, Princess Guinevere’s father rallied neighbouring kingdom to invade Camelot, the reason being Camelot killed her daughter and stole the table. Princess Guinevere did pull an extreme stunt. She faked her death on her way back home. Of course she faked it after she had gone outside territory and she also gifted the table to us formally, but King Leodgrance didn’t believe it… and the war broke out. While Camelot managed to repel their invasion, again and again, it was an exhausting endeavour for humans.
I also sense Arthur’s fatigue is piling up day by day. And, this is the countdown of our doom. “Arthur… you are not thinking about weird things, aren’t you?”
“Thinking about a weird thing? Me? I don’t think so.”
“The speech you did in the morning… about making Camelot an eternal kingdom. That’s a dangerous thought, Arthur.” I narrow my eyes.
“It’s just a figure speech. There’s no need to worry about it.” he smiles… his smile looks so tired.
“…If you say so…”
“Come here, I want my fairy to recharge me.” he holds out his hands for a hug. ~”~
“Arthur, is there any need to conquer any neighbouring nations? Camelot is plenty vast as it is. I don’t think you need to expand more territory.” I frowned.
“You don’t understand anything, Rein. I need to nip trouble in the bud.”
“But there’s no trouble. You are so aggressive lately that even allied nations are afraid of you.”
“That is necessary for Camelot to survive. Camelot will be the strongest… and then… there will be no more…”
“There’s no need to shoulder the burden alone.” I bite my lips. “If there’s one thing I learned from humans is that they are capable of passing wishes to the future”
“There won’t be any future if I don’t protect present.”
“That’s not what I mean, listen Arthur…
“Rein.” He shushed my lips. “It’s okay. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“I have! I worry about you!” I finally had enough. His mind is clearly distorted. Arthur… my Arthur isn’t like this.
“Arthur, if there’s one thing I learn from humans, to them nothing is eternal.”
“…how ironic. Then are you telling me my love for you is not eternal, I am a human too.”
“No, I don’t mean that. Because to human, there’s nothing eternal, that’s why they strive their best today to connect to tomorrow. To pass their wishes to future. It’s something that only humans are capable of… I really… really admire that.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. As long as Excalibur is here, I will bring victories to Camelot. The past, present and future too. I will protect them all.”
“No! You are…not Arthur… My Arthur isn’t like this! Give him back!”
“THEN LEAVE!” he raised his voice. It’s the first time he ever did it to me. “If your Arthur is not here then feel free to go. I don’t need a useless court mage. You don’t have the right to order me, your king. If you are not satisfied with this, you can leave like your master.” For a while, neither of us are speaking.
“…you… don’t want me anymore…?”
“That’s what I said. A court mage who didn’t participate in a war is just baggage. It’s better for you to go back to your fairy world.”
“…Oh…” I feel something shatter inside me. By the time I have come back to my senses, I am already outside Camelot and in the forest’s clearing where we swore our oath.
“Ha…hahahahaha!” tears stream down my face as I laugh. And just like that, I disappeared from his life. ~”~
Is it weird that my shattered heart can still and want to weep for him? For my beloved who severed our bonds by his own hands?
I guess it’s a yes, since I am still crying for him, amidst a mountain of corpses. The remnant of a big battle. The Battle of Camlann. The battle that brought downfall to his kingdom, his era.
“…I…am sorry…”
“…don’t talk… I will take you somewhere safe first.” The heavy stench of blood is making my skin crawl.
“I…always… want to… apologize…”
“I will listen to you later.” I heave his dying body up.
“Rein… my… beloved…fairy… I didn’t mean… to make you…cry…” his dull eyes are getting dimmer.
“If you die now, I will hate you forever.”
“…aahh… it’s what… I deserve…”
“You… dummy! Big idiot!”
“…sounds… about right…”
“Rein… I…love…you…always…not a…single day…without missing…you…”
“Don’t die… please don’t die… if you die… I will…”
It’s all my fault. I was a useless lover and even more of a useless court mage. I can’t save him or his heart. A fairy without a purpose like me… is nothing but a bearer of misfortune. ~”~
Arthur who put me on the bed, fusses around the medicine cabinet for something. “…I am not sick… I don’t need medicine.”
“Rein, you say you feel under weather. It’s a symptom of an early stage of sickness.”
“You worry too much.” I deadpanned.
“I can never not worry about you… nor I can stop worrying about you…”
“…Archer must have influenced you too much.” I let out a mushroom sigh. “…If you are so kind to me… I will go ahead and fall in love with you, you know.”
Arthur’s whole body freezes in shock and he looks at me with wide eyes and faint blush. “Just kidding!” I added the punch line.
“Ahahaha! I got you, didn’t I?” I laugh gleefully and jump down from the bed. “Let’s see if Archer will remember. Maybe I should pull the same prank? I wonder what’s his reaction will be?” I slide open the door, only to have a shadow towering upon me.
“What if… what if I want you to fall in love with me?” our gazes meet and he looks so serious.
“…pfft…” I giggle.
“You are so funny. Don’t take my joke seriously.” I stand on my tip-toe to pat his head. “Even if you are a servant now, you do have a wife when you are alive.”
“I-I don’t…”
“You can’t make your true love cry. It’s not good. Not good at all.” I shake my head in disappointment as if scolding a child.
‘…Make Ayaka happy, you big idiot…’
His attraction to Ayaka is clear as day. I have no intention of getting on both their ways. For I am... nothing but a bearer of misfortune. A fairy that doesn’t have a purpose, a fairy that will forever wander on Earth. Our fates… had been severed that night…
The first thing we do is to recover my friends’ memories. Apparently, the scene of me being carried by Arthur is a hot topic now. Hakunon is practically pestering me to spill all the beans.
“He carried me because I felt sick. That’s all. No need to exaggerate anything.” I said flatly.
“But why?! He doesn’t even know you… Huh…? That’s… not right… How can he not…know…” Hakunon becomes confused.
“That’s because I am his master and he is my servant.”
“Master… servant…I…Master…Archer…Ah!”
“Have you remembered?”
“Rein-chan! This!” I shushed her.
“Calm down, right now, only you, Saber (Male) and I remembered. We need to act without the dungeon master knowing.”
“I understand, I will get Nameless back in a jiffy.”
“Yes. In your case, just flash your panties to him and he will remember.”
“Rein-chan!!!!” I laugh at her shriek.
But really, the next day, Nameless remembered. “Wow, so the panties flashing did wor-”
“Panties flashing…?” Saber is stunned.
“No! I didn’t do it! I just did it normally!”
“Did it normally? Like?” we tilt our head.
“That’s… Why are we talking about this?! It’s fine as long as Nameless remember!” flustered Hakunon cried out. Teasing her sure is fun.
In the next few days, we recovered our allies’ memories. Archer is pretty easy, I just called him Super Maid-san and he would snap on his own. And as we expected, the bosses of this dungeon are Souichirou-sensei and Caster.
“Stay still.” I smiled at Caster with glinting eyes. I will need to undo her spell like the others.
“No… no… Don’t come near me! Help me! Souichirou-samaaaa!!!!”
“Again… I just undid the spell…” Excellion is joining me in my ‘woe is me’ corner. We are back at our home base operation for now.
“That’s right. I am just a talking book. Not scary at all.”
“R-Rein-chan, as an apology, here, I will give you this.” Caster handed me something.
“This is?”
“A charm. I heard from Saber (Male) and Archer that you are so gullible so, they want me to make a tracker charm for you.”
“…I am not going to follow a stranger just because they give me candy…” I sweatdropped.
“It also doubled as a good luck charm.”
Caster’s good luck charm = luck = free foods. “Okay, I forgive you.” I nod, slipping the charm into my pocket. ~”~
“Rein, can I sit here?”
“Go ahead.” I smile back to Ayaka. Right now, I am chilling on the rooftop.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hmm… just thinking about a lot of things. “How about you, Ayaka?”
“Oh, I… I actually want to talk to you.”
“Talk to me?” I pointed to myself.
“Yes. It’s about Saber and I…”
“Oh! You two are going to be official now? Congratulation! Now, let’s share the news with others! Ah, let’s have Archer cook too.”
“No, not that!” she grabs my hand.
“No?” I tilt my head.
“No. Saber and I are not in that kind of relationship. Never have and never will.”
“…Even if he is my servant, I won’t restrict him not to have a relationship, you know.”
“As I said, you got it all wrong.” Ayaka sighs.
“Really?” I blink.
“Yes. Positively, absolutely. I don’t have that kind of love for him. It’s true that Saber is my saviour, but he is strictly some kind of brother figure to me.”
“That so?” I sit back down. “That’s too bad. He really likes you though.”
“…I guess everyone is right about saying how blind you are…”
“How mean.” I pout. “I still can see clearly. Too clear in fact… about myself…”
“…no no. I am absolutely sure you are blind.” She waved her hand. “Saber… already has someone he loved for a long long time ago…”
“Ah?” I blinked. “Well, he is a servant now. None of that matters. Go for the kill, Ayaka. I will support you. In fact… I can use a spell to make him horny for you right away.
“I don’t need it!” Ayaka cried out. “Mou… listen to me first!”
“…yes…” I sit quietly and prettily in seiza.
“Ahem.” She clears her throat. “So, Saber told me about someone precious to him when he was my servant. He never said her name, but he did tell me she is a fairy.”
“…fairy…?” my heart thumps loudly. “Like, the small creature with bug’s wing?”
“…not that… well… normal human’s concept of fairy is like that…”
“…I am just kidding.” I giggle. “So… Saber had a relationship with a fairy?”
“Woah… that’s amazing. I wonder what kind of fairy she is…” I mused.
“I heard she is so beautiful… like a beauty that can ruin a nation.”
“Because she is so beautiful, Saber hides her true appearance. And also, she is good at swordsmanship and a magecraft genius. Saber said she beat him a lot in their early training.” Ayaka excitedly chatters away about what the fairy looks like.
“…he is exaggerating…” I sigh. “She is just a failure of a fairy.”
“A fairy is born with a purpose, yet she doesn’t have one. She doesn’t even know what she is until someone tells her her true heritage… she can’t follow her king’s order and become a useless court mage… and most importantly… though she vows she loves him deeply, she still fails to save his heart…”
“Rein, you…”
“To sum it up, she is just a failure. She is nothing like what she had been described. She must put him under a spell or something.” I laugh. “But I suppose… the fairy owes you her thanks.”
“Thank you, for saving his heart… for she had failed to…”
“You are…”
“The fairy told me to thank you like that. I met her in a dream. However, I was quite confused when a girl who claimed to be a fairy suddenly appeared in my dream. Well, this talk is over now. I think I am going to sleep… hm?”
Why… why suddenly I see a hand wrap around my mid-section. “Thanks, Ayaka. I will take it from here.”
“Ah, okay.”
“Bwah!” I let out a very unladylike voice as my view suddenly distorted and finally realised that I was being hauled like a potato sack. “A…Saber?”
The said servant either doesn’t hear me or just plain ignores me. I am starting to sweat a bucket. “I…I am sorry if you are offended by my description of your lover. I will apologize, so… let me down?”
I am sweating even more profusely, ‘He is angry… He is definitely angry… Angry Arthur is not good…’
“Ah, Archer hel-”
“Good luck, Saber.” Archer who just standing there praying for my servant's luck instead of mine.
“You traitor!!!” my screech echoes in the hallway.
Saber dumps me on something soft… ‘A bed?’
*Click* and I definitely hear the ominous sound of the door being locked. My eyes dart back and forth to secure another escape route. ‘The window!’
“The window is locked too.” a calm voice whispered to my ears, making me jump.
“!!!!” In a next moment, I am pinned in between the mattress and Arthur.
“Um… um… I am sorry.” With swimming eyes, I mutter an apology. “I am sorry for bad-mouthing your lover. Umm… I will apologize to her too later. So-!!!” I blink rapidly as I feel something soft touch my forehead.
“Ar…!!!!” this time it’s on the corner of my eyes and then my cheeks. “You…” my breath hitches when I stare back at him. His gaze is way too intense for me. I can see a lot of emotion swirling inside, and he is holding them back at bay, like a dam waiting to burst.
I avert my eyes, “…you shouldn’t do this…” a rejection with a soft voice. To be honest, it feels weak.
“Rein… it’s not your fault…”
“It’s not your fault. You are not a failure. You are not useless. My death is not because of you… so don’t blame yourself. It was never your fault…” he looks so sad. “It’s all mine. I made you cry, I got angry at you for worrying about me, you can hate me, but please… don’t ever blame yourself…” he looks like he is almost crying.
‘Ah… he is crying…’ Even though I know I shouldn’t do this, my hands still reach out to cup his cheeks, wiping his tears away, “…don’t cry… I am not worth your tears.”
“You are worth it. You are worthy of my everything.” His hand covers mine. “I am the one who is not worthy of you. You gave me your heart, yet I shattered it. I am sorry… I always want to apologize to you… I always regret that day… not a day passed without regretting it… without missing you…”
“…I know… I forgive you…”
“I am sorry… I am sorry…” he mutters the apology repeatedly, like a kid begging for forgiveness. For now, I will let him do it until he is satisfied.
“…I will try to tell the fairy about this… really… you shouldn’t just pin your master down even if I look like her…” I sigh. Arthur has finally calmed down after his small mental breakdown.
“…” Arthur looks at me in disbelief. “…you really… still want to stick to your lie?” he sighs. “…I did expect this though…” I heard him mumbling softly.
“Ah? What do you mean?”
“You know, Rein…” I was once again pinned underneath him.
‘Huh? What? Why? How?’
“When you lie, your mouth twitches.” His eyes are glinting with mischief. In response, I slap my hands to my mouth.
“Ah, it’s not that actually.”
“You lied?!” I glare at him.
Merlin had told me everything.”
“Tsk… Merlin, you traitor…” I grumble.
“But you do have a bad habit when you lie. I am not going to tell you what though.”
“Tell me!”
“Tell me?” I pull a puppy dog's eyes on him.
With a smile, he answers with the most gentle tone, “No.”
“Arthur! You meanie!” instead of continuing this game, Arthur smiles at me, a bright smile, his boyish grin.
“You finally called my name.” he leans in and peppers kisses on my face again.
“No. I have been *chu* waiting for *chu* so long… hey, call me more *chu*.”
“Wrong.” As a punishment, my lips are blocked and bruised to his liking. My body reacts much more honestly than my brain. I carve for his kiss. Years and years of longing and yearning are so tangible, to the point the two of us can taste it. The way he nibbles and sucks my lips, the way he stuck out his tongue, slipping the hot appendage to my cavern. The way all of him floods my senses to the point of overdrive. My body shudders delightfully, finally finding the place it belongs to rightfully. He is intoxicating.
A streak of broken saliva, teary eyes and the puff of breaths that are escaping from our lips are the leftover evidence of the said kiss.
“Arthur… you… meanie…” My whole body is hot. I don’t know how much I have missed this until now.
“Yup, so call my name again.” he laughs lightly, obviously enjoying my predicament. And his expression turns to ‘that’ expression which is bad for me and my heart. The mischievous face that says, be prepared, I am going to tease you a lot until you cry begging for me.
“I remember you are weak around here.” his hand slides to my back, rubbing that one particular weak spot, on the lower back… right above my rear.
“!!!!” I let out a soundless scream, squirming and wriggling my body away from him.
“Nuh-uh, nope, you are not getting away from me.”
“huff…huff…” my face is flushing, my teary eyes are glaring at him while being bundled with a blanket and I puff my cheeks.
“Rein… I am sorry… I got carried away… come here, please…” he coaxes gently.
“…fshaaa!” I bare my teeth instead. Unaware that I was being seen as a cat throwing a tantrum.
“…” Arthur’s body is trembling, trying hard to stifle his laughter. ‘…She really doesn’t have any awareness of how adorable she is.’
“…hiss…” Arthur suddenly lets out a pained hiss.
Worry and panic overtake my body. ‘He is hurt? When? Did I hurt him?’
“Where are you hurt?!” I throw the blanket off and crawl to him. I stretch his hands up, check his face and grope his body to see where it’s hurting.
‘He is trembling so much… does it really hurt? Where is the wound?’ I knit my forehead.
“Arthur, where are you hurt…” I pouted when I finally realized I had been played. He is not trembling because of pain, because he is holding his laughter. He is looking sideways while using his palm to clamp his mouth shut.
“…” I get my blanket back, burrito myself and try to crawl back to the corner, ignoring this man. Keyword ‘try’
“Where is my fairy going again?” Arthur pulls me to his lap and I glare at him with an unamused face. “You are not allowed to disappear again… No more… I don’t want to… through that anymore…” he nestles me into the crook of his neck.
“…It’s your fault…”
“Yeah, I know. I am sorry.” His fingers trap my hair between them, playing with it… my black hair which turns back to silver.
“You broke your promise.”
“I am sorry about it too.”
“…you said… you don’t want me anymore…”
“…I am… sorry.” He brought my hand to his mouth, pressing kisses on the fingertips. “It’s a lie… I can’t not want you…”
“But… I failed to save you and… your heart…”
“You did not…” a light feather kiss upon the crown of my head. “Rein… you can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. I… was in that state for some time… but the first Holy Grail War made me doubt my choice and Ayaka gave me the final push.” He smiled bitterly.
“It’s ironic… you had plainly told me at that time, yet I was too blind to see it. It takes me to almost destroy the whole world to realize that the answer is always in front of me.” his digits mindlessly play with my hair.
“This time… I will finish this with my own hands. These rotten intertwined fates… with this sacred sword, I shall sever it. That’s why… please, always stay by my side, my beloved fairy.” Tucking a small lock of my hair, he leans down to grace my forehead with a soft light kiss.
“…when you make a deal with fairy, you should be prepared to give something precious to you.” I smile cheekily.
“What should I give to my fairy so she shall agree?” he smiles fondly.
“I want… this.” I lift myself up a little and plant my lips on his. “Okay, now the deal is made. You have my word. I shall stay by your side.” I grin.
“…” stunned Arthur lets out a soft chuckle after a moment of silence. “But…”
“I hope you know that… a kiss is not enough to satisfy this man who has been deprived of his lover for so long.”
‘I have a real bad feeling about this…’ I am starting to sweat a bucket again, trying stealthily to escape from his arms…
“Erm… I… I have something to tell the others…” I said timidly. If there’s one thing I know… is that I won’t be able to escape…
“Hmmm~” he sang. “That can wait.” His strong limbs tighten around me, fingers hovering dangerously close to my weak spot. Now, I have only one option left…
“…be gentle with me?” I squeak out softly.
His smile drops and his eyes turn a shade darker. “Yeah, I promise…”
‘Liar! That’s not the voice of someone who will hold up his promise!!!!’
So, the dragon finally captures the fairy and spoils her a lot for the rest of the night… and they live happily ever after… ~”~
“…mmmn… still sleepy…” I mumble as I feel gentle touches across my face. “…Why are you so energetic in the morning…?”
“I actually feel a lot refreshed and better than ever.” Arthur smiles.
“Even though you were… doing rigorous exercise yesterday?”
“Yes, since I am a servant now, I got a lot of mana from you too, which is good for a servant.”
“…No, you were like this too when you were alive.” I stare him dead in the eyes, remembering the countless morning after the deed, the man was more vigorous and full of vitality than ever. Isn’t this weird? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? How come common sense doesn’t work for him?
I get a small poke on my forehead. “You are thinking weird things again.” Arthur laughs lightly.
“I am not.” I pout, Arthur just looks at me with mirth and amusement.
“Okay, let’s have a bath together.” ~”~
“Good morning…” I trudge downstairs while yawning.
“Good morning, Re…in-chan?!” Hakunon is gasping
“Huh? Why is your hair silver?” Rin is shocked
“I guess you two finally talk about it.” Archer sighs.
“I am sure they did more than talking.” Lancer whistles.
“Agreed. Saber (Male) must have done something else.” Proto Lancer agreed with his older self.
“I thought it would take forever for you two.” Saber (Female) smiled.
“Yeah, we talked it out and resolved everything.” Arthur is smiling happily.
“So, what’s the deal?” Nameless smirks.
“Actually…” it’s as if everything becomes a slow motion. The faces of my friends morph into horror.
“Oh…” I am falling. Something is pulling me down…
Arthur reaches out his hand to me, trying desperately to grasp my hand. “Don’t worr-”
“REINNNNNN!!!!!!” ~”~
I think I lost consciousness due to the sudden kidnapping. Because the moment I woke up… my still bleary eyes saw my friends and their servants, weapons drawn ready to fight with… a monster, a black reddish beast-like dragon with seven heads, wearing ten crowns symbolizing the sins and greed of humanity and a woman…
‘I thought Manaka is a little…ah, astral projection doesn’t need to follow the original shape…’
“Ah… ah…” The woman’s eyes clearly have become heart eyes and of course her target is… “You finally come to me, Saber.”
“Manaka! Give back Rein to me.”
“That I can’t do. Even if it’s your wish, Saber.” Manaka spoke softly. “That’s because… that’s because she stole what’s mine!” she snarled.
‘I didn’t steal anything of hers though?’
“Saber is my prince! I will be the one who will grant his wish! Even if nobody understood him, I do! That’s because I love him!”
“…Listen, Manaka… My wish… has been entrusted to the future. I always thought if I can’t protect my ‘present’ the future will be lost. That’s why I wished… just before my demise, I wished for it strongly… my ideal world.” Arthur said.
“But I was wrong. What I did was not in vain. To humans… nothing is eternal… that’s why they entrusted their wishes to future generations. I was too blind to see that. In turn, I hurt someone important to me. Someone who is always staying beside me, supporting me, even going as far as punishing herself for my fault. She tried to save me and Ayaka’s words finally got through me. I have been released from that wish. I don’t have anything to wish for as a king. Just… as a man, I do have a small wish… to be reunited with my fairy…”
“I won’t allow it!” Manaka’s face is distorted with rage. “I will make Saber’s wish come true. And then… and then you will finally look at me…”
“That fairy…” murderous intent suddenly directed to me. “As long as that fairy doesn’t exist… that failure of a fairy… Beast!”
“Devour that fairy!”
Just as I feel the entity known as ‘Beast 666’ draws closer and closer and almost touches me, a magic circle appears beneath it, trapping and sending it a shockwave as a gift.
“Manaka… there’s one thing you need to know about her. My fairy is strong.”
“I have been listening… you… really ran your mouth as you pleased…” I look at Manaka disdainfully.
“What I said is truth. You are a failure of a fairy! You were born without a purpose, let alone know what you are. You are not fit to be by Saber’s side!” she glared at me with unconcealed hatred.
“That’s right. What you said is true. I didn’t know for what purpose I was born, nor did I know my own heritage until Merlin told me.” I don’t deny the truth. “And some part deep in my mind is still uneasy about this. Fairies are born with a purpose… and if they fail to achieve it at the end of their lives, a new fairy will be born. But… what about a fairy without a purpose? Are they doomed to wander the planet for eternity? Or is this some kind of punishment? That kind of thought keeps gnawing at me.”
“Even if Arthur said I was not to blame, part of me still thought maybe everything would turn out differently if I had known my purpose,” I said. “But… I finally realized the reason for my existence.”
“Hmph! You think you can just make out a random purpose and call it a day?” Manaka snorted.
“No. it’s not a random purpose. I am a fairy… a fairy born in the planet’s inner sea… from Avalon itself. I am a Fairy of Paradise… my purpose is to defeat you and fix that stupid knight’s mistake!”
“…” The shocked and flabbergasted expressions of everyone are priceless. I should have captured the moments. Ah… I think I heard something being stabbed.
“Stu-stu-stu-stupid, you say?! How dare you to call Saber stupid?!” Manaka shrieked.
“What’s wrong with calling a stupid person stupid? Arthur is stupid.” I blink. Ah, there it is, I hear the sound of something being stabbed.
“Saber is not stupid!”
“Well, if he is not stupid then he won’t make this stupid mistake, no?” I said. Ah, this time I hear the same stabbing sounds twice.
“…Master, I don’t think Saber (Male) will hold another ‘stupid’ word coming out of your mouth.” Archer sigh.
“Ah.” I look at now dying Saber with only 1 hp.
“You!” Manaka turns to me with a renewed hateful glare. “I will never forgive you!”
Well… to be exact my purpose is to help him with his Beast hunting mission, but… if he doesn’t wish for it… then he wouldn’t meet Manaka and then Manaka wouldn’t go blind because of love and make Beast and we wouldn’t be in this kind of situation…
To sum it up…”Yup, Arthur is stupid.”
Finishing blow to Arthur, now his hp is 0,1.
“Saber! Hold yourself together!” (Archer)
Manaka… the omnipotent child who was connected to Root since her birth, due to that, every magecraft that is known to humanity is in her grasp, and she herself is stronger than regular servants… with her magic circuits’ quality is immeasurable and unprecedented and a talent that surpassed magi in the Age of Gods era. But… that is only if she is still alive.
Now, Manaka is only an astral projection of her real body’s strong lingering attachment… while she looks like a separate entity from Beast, that’s actually not true. She and the Beast have combined into one. The only way for her to survive until now.
A single woman who astride a red beast… This beast, whose entire body was full of numerous blasphemous names, had seven heads and ten horns. The beast and woman, while two, are as one, and it is impossible to think of them separately. Beast of 666 or known as Beast VI/G, the Evil of Humanity which manifests in civilizations which have reached the height of their prosperity and are now past their transitional period.
“Yes, Master.” Excellion flies to me and the moment I touch it, it shines brighter and brighter… turning back into a familiar-looking large sword that has the appearance of a staff.
“Thank you for coming back to me, Marmyadose.” I smile at it. The only thing that always accompanies me in my journey…
Beast VI/G breaks out of the entrapment. “Everyone, I need help. Buy me some time.”
“Heh! Don’t blame me if I kill it first.” Proto Archer grins and they start attacking the Beast.
“Sorry to make you worry, Arthur. I am fine. Let’s talk a lot more after all of this is settled.”
“…yeah… we will…” Arthur smiles as he cups my face. “Then, I am going.”
“Yes.” Arthur joins the battlefield.
“Now…” a magic circle appears beneath my feet. First… I will need to connect to the planet itself. The gems on Marmyadose shine as golden lines appear on my feet, arms and neck.
The temperature surrounding me drops rapidly, a thin layer of frost covers my whole body and the place I am standing on is frozen. ‘Still not enough…’
I concentrated more and the mana condensed even faster, the ground beneath me, the water molecules in the air froze within 10 meter radius. ‘A little bit more…’ my breaths come out as white puff and my feet have been frozen.
“Maximum output: Niflheim!” A large-scale magic circle appears right above Beast VI/G. The servants quickly retreat to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Thousands of icicles rain down on it, freezing whatever they touch.
Obviously, Manaka doesn’t just sit and take them all. She retaliates back, the seven heads each spit out scarlet-coloured flame, burning the icicles.
Archer, Nameless and Proto Archer fire their arrows to the heads. “This is annoying!” Proto Archer clicked his tongue and drew his twin swords from his back, combining them into a bow.
“As a special service, I shall show you my Noble Phantasm.” With an arrogant laugh, he fires his bow to Beast. “Behold! The inferno of destruction fills the heavens! Come forth! The surge of Utnapishtim! This is what it means to destroy the World! Beast of 666, suffer the curse that the insolence of challenging the King of Heroes has brought upon ye!”
The arrow fired at Beast acts as a tracer round, as his true trump card is deployed high in satellite orbits beyond the sky…
“Everyone, take cover!” Proto Lancer and Arthur shouted at the same time. I quickly conjure a forcefield for each person, protecting us from Proto Archer’s Noble Phantasm. Utnapishtim… the true form of it is a giant tsunami that deluges the myth of Noah.
A spear falls toward Beast and disappears in the sky and in an instant a giant Magic circle appears, cleaving the space itself to summon the Surge of Utnapishtim. The tsunami quickly drowns Beast… along with us…
A red circle appears on the spot where Beast is, the circle shines brighter and then explodes, evaporating the water. Beast lets out a deafening howl. Most of its body is already being frozen or torn by the tsunami.
“Not yet… this time… for sure… I shall grant Saber’s wish…” Beast… murmured. “I won’t let anything obstruct me! Especially you, Fairy of Paradise! You better not think you can kill me easily.”
“I know. I never thought that was enough to kill you. That was just a distraction.” I replied. The dimmed line markings shine once more. “Loading… Rhongomyniad: Spirit Vein Closing Armament. Round Table Holy Lance, 12 units anchored in parallel. Anti-Calamnity Grand Ritual, open. O’ Sacred Lance, grant this pitiful creature a salvation.”
Twelve giant magic circles appear, circling Beast. Rhongomyniad shoots out from the twelve magic circles and explodes into a pillar of light as Beast screams out loud in agony.
“Did we get it?” Lancer trained his eyes on the light.
“Oi oi, are you serious?” A bead of sweat rolls down Proto Lancer’s head. Not only Proto Lancer, but everyone is clearly shocked at this scene. After the pillar of light dissipated. Beast… is still standing… even if it’s already half destroyed.
Manaka laughs in madness and glee with her half-destroyed body. “It’s my win!”
“That’s incorrect. Rhongomyniad is also a distraction. The one who will finish you is… the knight who swore to hunt Beast down and annihilate it before going back to Avalon…” I speak softly.
“Eh?” Manaka turns her body.
“Ah…” the beam of light swallowed Beast. “Saber… I…”
“…love you…” her last words echo before vanishing completely. Beast of 666 has been completely annihilated… along with the corrupted Holy Grail.
“…Manaka… I hope next time you will be reborn as a normal girl… away from magecraft and magus…”
“Oh…” I fall onto my knees… my legs have lost all of their strength.
“Rein!” Arthur rushed to me. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“Don’t worry. I just cut off the connection with the planet… just a little tired that’s all.” I smile, assuring the knight.
“We won, right?” Ayaka is still in daze.
“Yes, we won.” Proto Lancer said.
“Onee-chan won’t be coming back again…will she?”
“Don’t worry. She could revive because of Beast. But now, Beast is no more. She won’t be coming back for the third time.” I smile at her.
“…I guess…so…” Ayaka murmurs. “Really, I still couldn’t believe that it’s all over now.” she continued. “But… I do pity her a little. She… I always thought of her being a superwoman, but I was wrong. She was lonely… and I never noticed it… As I thought…I… still like her… even though she is like that. She is my one and only sister after all.”
“That’s also fine.” I smile.
“And Saber… here…” Ayaka gave something to him.
“This is…” Arthur’s eyes widened at the item given to him.
“It’s Avalon. Excalibur’s scabbard… well, it’s originally yours to begin with. Now… it can finally back to its owner.”
“Thank you, Ayaka.”
“You are welcome.” Ayaka smiles. “Oh…” Ayaka, Proto Lancer and Proto Archer shine.
“Ah, it’s time for us to go back.” Proto Lancer said.
“It was quite a venture. Fortunately, it’s not boring. Nothing is more troublesome than a bored king.” Proto Archer smirked. “On that note, Ayaka-san. Become my wi-”
“I refuse.” Ayaka rejected him firmly.
“Bahahaha! You got rejected!” Lancer laughs. “This is how you woo a girl.” Our blue Lancer approaches Ayaka. “You, become my woman.”
“I refuse.”
“That’s the same thing that he did…” Arthur commented.
“But… I am a bit sad, we get along so well… yet we can’t meet each other anymore.” Ayaka said.
“Even though we are far apart, we are still friends.” I grin.
“That’s right… See you again, Rein, Saber (Male), everyone.” Ayaka smiles.
“See you again.” with a last smile Ayaka vanishes along with Proto Lancer and Proto Archer.
Golden light also starts enveloping us. “Looks like our time is up too.”
“Rein-chan!” Hakunon tackles me into a hug. “Really… thank you for everything…” she cried.
“Will you be alright?” I asked.
“…” Hakunon tilts her head and then a big smile appears. “Yes, I will be fine now. These memories… I am sure I will remember it even my real body wakes up. Thank you, Rein… I am glad that I met you.”
“Me too. I am glad that I meet you, Hakunon.”
“Well, I hope you will get a break for a while,” Archer smirks at his counterpart.
“I hope so too.” Nameless agreed. Then Hakunon and Nameless vanish.
“Well, it’s one hella adventure.” Lancer grinned.
“Haaa… if only you can fix your manner.” Rin sighs.
“Rein.” Arthur ruffled my hair. “I am glad you grew up well.”
“But of course. Because you raised me.” I giggled.
“…Just for a short 7 days though…” he smiled.
“Be well…” They smile at each other.
“Rider, take care of yourself.”
“Yes, Master Sakura.”
“!!!!!” Heracles lifts Illya up for one last time.
“Souichirou-sama, I…”
“Caster… thank you for your hard work…”
“Yes… thank you to you too, Souichirou-sama…”
“Arthur, you finally finished your mission. You can now finally rest in Avalon.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Arthur said.
To be honest, I want him to stay longer with me. But… I can’t. This is for the best. He has worked enough. It’s his time to rest. Arthur must have realized it too. The two of us now live in a different world.
“Be well.” So, I give him my biggest smile, wishing all the happiness there is for him. I blink owlishly at the next moment. I couldn’t comprehend what had just happened.
“It’s a deposit.” Arthur sticks his tongue out mischievously. “So you will keep thinking of me.”
“!” A pinkish tint appears on my cheek.
“I will definitely…” I couldn’t hear the rest of his words because we were sent back to our world.
“…stupid Arthur…” my lips are still warm from the kiss. “…I love you…” ~”~
2 years later
I have graduated from high school and am now in college. Rin goes to the Clock Tower, Shirou and Sakura go to the college in Fuyuki. Illya is in the middle school. By the way, they live together in Shiro’s house with Taiga-sensei.
With my mission finished… I should be able to go back to Avalon… Yet… Avalon seems to be adamant not to let me in. Maybe it got angry when I called Arthur stupid? …That can’t be right, no?
“Rein, watcha doing?” my teacher, Merlin is communicating to me using Excellion… Marmyados turns to Excellion for easier-to-handle purpose. I can’t bring a staff out every time I go outside.
And now that Merlin meddles in, all my wardrobe is getting a makeover. To be fair, Merlin’s choices of clothing is very cute and fashionable and always have the newest update.
“…doing homework…” Yes, I am currently in the living room, doing my college homework on coffee table.
“Boo… that’s so boring.”
“Then, Merlin you go watch some drama or better yet play those ikemen games you are into.”
“I have finished all the events so, I am bored.”
“Well, I guess I will give you some privacy for a while.” She giggles with a mischievous tone. A tone she often uses when she is up to something bad.
“What are you planning?”
“Me? I don’t plan anything at all. I am just being a nice teacher by giving you privacy.” She giggled. “But I will ask for the detail later though. See ya!” she ran away before I could ask for more.
“…Let’s not try to think what Merlin had planned… I will just have a headache.” I gave up after contemplating for a while.
A few minutes later, my phone rings, indicating an incoming call. “Hello, Rin?”
“The homestay guy is on the way to your house.”
“Home… oh, the foreign exchange student. Understood, he is on his way here? Should I pick him up?”
“There’s no need. He will get there eventually.”
“Eeeeh… will he really be alright? Japanese is not exactly the easiest language to learn.”
“No problem. He had that down on pat.”
“So, Rin. You haven’t exactly told me who this person is. All I get from you is his gender. Are you sure he is safe to be around?”
“Well… he is…”
“Hmmm… Rin who always nags me for being cautious suddenly sent some unknown guy to my house for homestay. Suspicious…”
“Sh-shut up! You will thank me later for this anyway.”
“Hahaha…” I laughed dryly. “Well… if he passed your security check, he must be a good guy.”
“Then, this is it. I have to do my homework. Call me later. If you have a holiday, come to Clock Tower.”
“Okay, good luck, Rin.” Then she hangs up.
“Foreign exchange student… well… I guess it’s okay. The house has been pretty quiet. A little noise should make the atmosphere better. He will use… Archer’s room. I guess I will have to clean it up right now.”
*Ding Dong*
“Huh? He is already here? So fast!” I quickly open the door. “Welco…me…”
“Ah, this is Mutsuki residence, isn’t it?” the same appearance with the same voice and the same politeness.
“Yes, I am Arthur Pendragon, a foreign homestay student. Nice to meet you.”
‘Silly me, what do I expect? He is just this world Arthur. There’s no way he is him. Even if he is, this person… doesn’t have any memories of me.’
“Welcome, my name is Mutsuki R-”
“Rein. I know your name, Mutsuki Rein.”
“Oh, Rin must have told you about me. Why don’t we talk in the living room?” I smile.
“I am back, Rein.”
“You… what did you say…?”
“I am back, Rein. I am sorry I have made you wait for so long.”
“Ar…thur…?” I mumble his name. “Are you really Arthur? My Arthur?”
“That’s right. I am your Arthur.” He draws me in. “I am back, Rein. I am really here now. I am not going anywhere anymore.”
“Really?” My voice trembles, tears pooling in the corner of my eyes, threatening to flow down.
“That’s right. I promised you after all, I will definitely come back.”
“Arthur… I miss you… I really really miss you so much.”
“Me too. I really miss you too. From now on, we will be together.”
The tearful reunion lasts a lot longer. Arthur told me that he told Avalon that he would pick me up first… so… Avalon decided to grant his wish as a reward for all of his hard work.
So, the whole reason Avalon doesn’t allow me to go back…
“So I can finally realize my longstanding wish… to live with you forever.”
“Let’s stay together… even after we go back to Avalon.”
“Yeah, let’s be together… forever and ever… my fairy…” ~”~
“Hmmm? Arthur?” I woke up groggily. “Arthur?” I blink when I hear no response or warmth from the said person beside me. I become alert instantly. ‘Was it all a dream?’ I throw the comforter off and get out of bed, only to collapse on the floor.
“…my legs…” Then, memories of a few hours ago are starting to play back. “Oh…” I finally remembered why my legs were rendered useless. Not the first time happening…
“Rein, I heard a loud sound, are you alright?” Arthur pokes his head to the room. “Rein! Are you alright?” with ease, he lifts me up, sits me on the bed and fusses over me.
“You went overboard,” I say with a flat tone and a dead stare at him.
Arthur blushes and scratches his cheek sheepishly. “Sorry… does it still hurt?”
“My legs… have no strength.” I pout. My other body parts are not as sore as I imagined…
“I will give you a leg massage later.”
“Okay… where were you? I thought it was all my imagination…” Arthur seems to catch my worry.
“I am very real. Here.” he puts my hand on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeats.
“You were nowhere when I woke up. I…”
“I am sorry, Rein. I was making dinner for us. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“…okay… I forgive you…” I nod. “And…”
“Carry me, I want to have a bath,” I mumbled.
“Let me finish dinner and we will bath together.” Arthur kisses my cheek and goes back to the kitchen downstairs.
The bath… actually ends without any further disruption and we have supper after that. ~”~
“Rein-chan, spill the details.” Few days of peace and Merlin is back bothering me.
“Nothing to share,” I answered.
“Eh? You are lying. What kind of position Arthur made you do?”
See, even Arthur is choking on nothing now. “…Merlin… I don’t think I need to disclose our privacy.” Flustered Arthur who finally calm enough to speak told his master.
“But I am bored here!!!” we can already imagine her flailing her limbs.
“Why don’t you do something worthwhile then?” Arthur suggested.
“Helping people.”
“…Yup, I will watch my drama and play my games. Oh, I think I will also do a streaming video. I think it’s trending to have an anime character as your avatar and interact with your fans.” She babbled. “I will go make one and join into streamer community. Bye.” Just like that, she is gone.
“At least she leaves us alone now,” I said.
“Yeah.” Arthur agreed. “So…” Arthur looks at me.
“Which position you enjoy the most?”
“…” I blink owlishly and then smile as I suddenly have an idea. “If you want to know…” I crawl to his lap, straddling him perfectly, squishing my chest against his, “Shall we try and see which one I like?”
“A tempting idea…” Arthur murmurs, his eyes are trained on my lips.
“Just kidding.” I stick out my tongue. “I still haven’t finished my homework…hmm?” I can’t seem to get up from his lap.
…I look at Arthur who is beaming gently… at me. “I have homework.”
“I will help you do it later.” Arthur attacks my neck, nibbling and sucking it. “Since my fairy wants it. I will have to grant everything she wishes for.”
…Somehow, I managed to finish my homework late at night… ~”~
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