#Psychiatric treatment
krsonmar · 10 months
This is a question for people who have been treated for OCD. It's behind a cut so you can choose whether or not to engage with it, but basically I'm asking about potential treatments for my own case.
If you have a case and were treated for it in some way...exposure therapy, CBT, anything:
What treatments were you given? Did they work? How well? Was there something that worked but only one element of it did? Or did something unexpected happen? Did it just not work and completely suck?
I know treatment for OCD is supposed to be uncomfortable--they're getting you used to doing a thing you very much don't want to do--but I'm reading up on exposure therapy and so much of it seems to be about showing nOtHiNg BaD iS hApPeNiNg which...yes, duh, I know that, I know full well this is an irrationality and nothing is going to happen, that's a major factor in why it is driving me crazy. Reading some of this is making me wonder if the people writing these articles actually understand OCD. So I want to ask other people who have it.
Basically, my case eased up significantly at one point in my life that I've always just attributed to finding the right combo of meds (although in perfect honesty I'm wondering these days if other factors might have been at play. Regardless, it's barely noticeable now). The few compulsions that have persisted, I've just basically tolerated and I've been able to work around them for years. It's getting old, though, because they hold me back from a lot of things I'd like to try and fixing them or reducing them would make following several of my passions so, so much easier. I want to know what treatment options are out there, what they're like, and how they've gone for different people.
Honestly, I'm also worried that trying an incompatible method or trying it the wrong way could make things worse--that's happened to me before--and while I do expect it to be difficult and unpleasant, I'm basically trying to avoid additional trauma that could just cement these compulsions or give me new ones on top of them. I'm good at knowing my own mind and what is likely to work for me and what isn't, but I need to know what's out there and I want to hear from others how your experiences went.
If you're comfortable replying, I appreciate it, and feel free to use the notes or tags or PM me if you want. If you don't have anything you want to add, please reblog so more people see and have the opportunity to chime in...but also PLEASE consider potential triggers and sensitivities of anyone reading this further along and try your best to tag accordingly!! OCD takes so many weird forms, and in mental health spaces, everyone's experiences are so individualized that it's impossible to predict everything that will trigger anyone or aggravate anyone's symptoms, so please don't kick yourself or agonize about it, but I want to try to do my best due diligence in being considerate. And likewise, check the tags for yourself too so you don't accidentally stumble onto something that's going to cause problems for you, I don't want to do that to anybody, intentionally or not.
Thank you for reading this, and responding--or not--as you see fit!
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Fully Details about Phobia- Types, Symptoms, and Treatment?
A phobia may be a strong and incapacitating fear of a certain object, location, scenario, emotion, or animal.
Phobias stand out quite worries. They manifest when an individual feels an excessive or unwarranted dread of a situation or object.
If a phobia becomes severe, an individual’s life may become centered on avoiding the source of their anxiety. it’s going to cause a great deal of sadness and hinder their daily activities.
Phobias and psychological state
Many folks are terrified of certain circumstances or objects. this is often very normal. A fear becomes a phobia if:
The worry outweighs the danger and lasts for more than six months.
It features a significant impact on how you spend your days.
When should I buy help for a phobia?
It might be difficult to know when to get help for a phobia. Remember that phobias are a part of an anxiety disorder. If you’ve got any of the following symptoms, it’s going to be time to get professional treatment for your fear:
Avoiding the trigger item, scenario, location, or activity affects your lifestyle or causes you significant distress.
You can’t do the activities you sometimes like because of it.
It causes intense and overwhelming anxiety, dread, or panic.
You recognize that your fear is out of proportion to the threat.
The phobia has been in you for a minimum of six months.
It keeps you from getting looked after for other health conditions, like a dread of calling or visiting a doctor.
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hometownnp456 · 13 days
Handling Life's Obstacles with Compassion | Hometown NP
Psychiatric services are specialized medical services for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health issues. We evaluate a person's mental health symptoms and identify underlying conditions.
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focusdfw · 14 days
Psychiatric Treatment Services in Fort Worth, TX | Focus DFW
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At Focus DFW, we provide comprehensive psychiatric treatment in Fort Worth, TX, offering care for individuals facing mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and more. Our team of experienced psychiatrists and therapists work collaboratively to design personalized treatment plans, including therapy and medication management, aimed at improving overall well-being. With a patient-centered approach, we ensure that each individual receives the support they need in a compassionate and professional setting.
Benefits of Psychiatric Treatment
Choosing psychiatric treatment at Focus DFW offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking mental health care in Fort Worth, TX. Our personalized treatment plans can help reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and mood disorders, leading to improved emotional stability and overall well-being. With expert guidance, patients gain better coping mechanisms, enhanced clarity, and the ability to manage stress effectively. Our holistic approach,
Expert Psychiatric Care in Fort Worth
At Focus DFW, we are committed to delivering expert mental health services tailored to meet your unique needs. Our holistic approach ensures you receive both emotional and medical support for your mental wellness journey.
What types of conditions do you treat at Focus DFW? We treat a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, mood disorders, PTSD, and more.
What are the benefits of psychiatric treatment at Focus DFW? Psychiatric treatment offers symptom relief, better stress management, improved mental clarity, and overall enhanced well-being.
For more information, visit our website at Focus DFW or contact us directly to schedule an appointment.
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thesquishyfish · 2 months
hey so what’s with the psychiatric nurses on every single social media platform joking about being violent to their psychotic patients?
What’s up with all of the talk about shutting them up and strapping them down for petty reasons?
What’s with the talk of forcibly drugging OR forcibly withholding medication because it’s funny or because the patient is irritated? Is that funny?
If you saw any other type of medical professional talking about their patients like that you’d lose your minds over it.
Why is it okay to joke about abusing (and ACTUALLY ABUSE quite often) people that can’t tell you no, can’t leave, and can’t call for help?
Idk. Just a thing I’ve noticed while browsing mental health tags the past several years.
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When it comes to prioritizing your mental well-being, seeking professional help is key. Behavioral health care in Bowie, Maryland offer a lifeline for those navigating the complexities of their mental health. One crucial aspect of this journey is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation.
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ronk · 9 months
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Yeah, a lot of people are missing their therapist who went on a holiday
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Are you feeling down more often than not? Are you wondering if it could be something that needs psychiatric in Seattle, Washington? If you’re concerned about your mental health, here are some key questions you can ask yourself for an initial self-assessment.
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psychsquare · 1 year
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and relationships. It can be challenging not only for the individual diagnosed but also for their loved ones. In this blog post, we will explore the significant role of family in supporting individuals with BPD and the importance of seeking help from a mental health provider for effective management.
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Vivitrol Clinic: Your Path to Recovery from Alcohol & Opiate Disorders | NEP
Embark on your journey to recovery with NEP's Vivitrol Clinic. FDA-approved for alcohol and opiate disorders, Vivitrol offers hope and support. Contact us today to start your brighter, substance-free future.
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health78694 · 1 year
What Impact Does Social Media Have on our Mental Well-Being?
- July 04, 2023
Title: The Effect of Web-based Entertainment on Mental Prosperity: Exploring the Advanced Scene
Online entertainment has turned into a necessary piece of our regular routines, molding the manner in which we impart, accumulate data, and cooperate with others. Be that as it may, as its impact keeps on developing, concerns emerge with respect to the effect of web-based entertainment on mental prosperity. In this article, we investigate the complicated connection between virtual entertainment and emotional well-being, looking at both the positive and pessimistic impacts it can have on people.
Beneficial outcomes of Virtual Entertainment:
Web-based entertainment stages offer different advantages that can decidedly influence mental prosperity. They give valuable open doors to the social association, cultivating virtual networks and encouraging groups of people. People can interface with companions, family, and similar people, even across geological limits. Online entertainment likewise works with the trading of thoughts, encounters, and daily encouragement, which can add to a feeling of having a place and lessen sensations of disconnection.
Moreover, web-based entertainment offers instructive assets, emotional wellness mindfulness missions, and stages for self-articulation. It can give admittance to significant data, enabling people to find out about psychological wellness, look for help, and offer their accounts. Online people groups devoted to emotional wellness can make places of refuge for people to track down help, decrease disgrace, and advance getting it.
Adverse Consequences of Web-based Entertainment
While web-based entertainment has its advantages, it likewise presents expected dangers to mental prosperity. One main pressing issue is the effect of virtual entertainment on confidence and self-perception. The organized idea of virtual entertainment stages can prompt the examination of one's own life and appearance with glorified, separated portrayals of others. This can add to insecurities, body disappointment, and a negative self-insight.
In addition, virtual entertainment can enhance sensations of dejection and social disengagement. Regardless of the deception of consistent availability, online cooperation might miss the mark on the profundity and closeness of eye-to-eye connections. The consistent openness to others' apparently amazing lives and social exercises can fuel sensations of being forgotten about or "passing up a great opportunity" (FOMO), prompting expanded social correlation and gloomy feelings.
The habit-forming nature of web-based entertainment and extreme screen time can likewise influence mental prosperity. Investing unreasonable measures of energy in web-based entertainment stages can obstruct certifiable social collaborations, rest examples, and generally speaking efficiency. It might likewise add to sensations of uneasiness, stress, and a diminished feeling of life fulfillment.
Cyberbullying and online badgering are pervasive issues via virtual entertainment stages, presenting critical dangers to emotional wellness. The obscurity and distance given by the web-based climate can encourage people to participate in hurtful ways of behaving, prompting profound misery, uneasiness, and melancholy in casualties.
Exploring the Advanced Scene:
It is fundamental to embrace methodologies to explore virtual entertainment in a manner that advances positive mental prosperity:
Limit screen time: Put down stopping points for web-based entertainment use and focus on disconnected exercises that add to prosperity, like actual activity, side interests, and investing energy with friends and family.
Curate your web-based entertainment feed: 
Be aware of the records and content you follow. Unfollow or quiet records that trigger pessimistic feelings or advance unreasonable standards. Search out accounts that advance energy, variety, and emotional wellness promotion.
Practice computerized detox: 
Enjoy occasional reprieves from web-based entertainment to revive and reconnect with the current second. Utilize this chance to participate in taking care of oneself exercises, reflect, and take part in disconnected social cooperations.
Encourage significant associations: 
While online entertainment can work with virtual associations, focus on building and sustaining true connections. Concentrate on up close and personal associations, local area inclusion, and exercises that advance certified human association.
Be aware of your close to home prosperity: 
Screen your profound state while drawing in with virtual entertainment. Enjoy reprieves on the off chance that you notice sensations of stress, nervousness, or insufficiency. Look for help from confided in companions, family, or psychological well-being experts if necessary.
End Results:
Web-based entertainment diversely affects mental prosperity, with both positive and adverse consequences. While it can give open doors to association, backing, and training, it likewise presents dangers to confidence, social examination, and generally emotional wellness. By embracing careful and adjusted ways to deal with web-based entertainment utilization, people can explore the computerized scene in a manner that advances positive mental prosperity and shields themselves from expected unfavorable impacts.
Read More:
Health and Fitness Mental Health
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World Mental Health Day 2022
World Mental Health Day. “Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.”
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docdattamd · 1 year
Mending Minds: A Comprehensive Guide to Psychiatric Treatment in New York
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Psychiatric treatment is essential for individuals struggling with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other mental problems. In New York, many resources are available to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. This article will explore how psychiatric treatment in New York can help individuals cope with depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.
Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for depression and anxiety. Through therapy, individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment. Therapy can help individuals identify negative thought patterns and develop new coping strategies to manage their symptoms. Different types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be tailored to specific needs and provide effective relief for depression and anxiety.
Medication Management for Mental Health Conditions
In some cases, medication can be an effective tool to manage symptoms of mental health conditions. Psychiatric medications can help individuals with depression, anxiety, and other conditions achieve a more balanced and stable mood. Psychiatrists in New York can help determine the right medication and dosage for each individual's unique needs. With proper medication management, individuals can significantly improve their overall mood and quality of life.
Support Groups for Mental Health
Support groups provide individuals a sense of community and support as they navigate mental health conditions. These groups can be found in New York City for individuals with various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more. Support groups allow individuals to share their experiences and connect with others who are going through similar struggles. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may feel isolated or alone in their struggles with mental health.
Holistic Approaches to Mental Health
New York City also offers many holistic approaches to mental health that can complement traditional psychiatric treatments. Holistic approaches can include meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and more. These approaches can help individuals manage stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost overall well-being. Holistic approaches can also help individuals build resilience and coping skills that can be used with traditional treatments.
Community Mental Health Resources
New York City also provides many community mental health resources for individuals to receive psychiatric treatment. These resources can include community mental health clinics, sliding-scale therapy options, and crisis hotlines. Many of these resources are low-cost or free, and they can provide essential support to individuals who may not otherwise have access to psychiatric treatment.
Why look at Dr. Arnab Datta's Psychiatric Treatment in New York?
Dr. Arnab Datta is a highly experienced and skilled psychiatrist in New York who provides top-quality psychiatric treatment. There are several reasons why individuals may want to consider seeking treatment with Dr. Datta:
Expertise in Mental Health Conditions: Dr. Datta has extensive experience and expertise in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. He uses evidence-based treatments to ensure his patients receive the best care.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Datta understands that every individual is unique and therefore requires personalized treatment plans that cater to their needs. He works closely with his patients to develop treatment plans tailored to their individual goals, preferences, and circumstances.
Convenient Location: Dr. Datta's practice is conveniently located in the heart of New York City, making it easy for individuals to access high-quality psychiatric treatment.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Datta is known for his compassionate and empathetic approach to patient care. He takes the time to listen to his patient's concerns and works collaboratively with them to help them achieve their treatment goals.
In conclusion, psychiatric treatment in New York can provide individuals with effective tools to manage depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Through therapy, medication management, support groups, holistic approaches, and community mental health resources, individuals can access various options to improve their overall well-being. By seeking out the help they need, individuals can take control of their mental health and lead fulfilling lives.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
As Felitti has pointed out, we may be treating today experiences that happened fifty years ago – at ever-increasing cost.
"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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Internet addiction is one of the commonest complaints put forward by parents of teenage kids. Another common complaint is disinterest in socializing in the real world. Youth today are like isolated islands, glued to their i- pad, i-pod and all kinds of intelligent gadgets, lost in the  virtual world.
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auschizm · 3 months
I'm sorry, but I just don't think jokes about lobotomies are funny. I don't think the deliberate physical destruction of millions of mentally ill and mentally disabled people's brains, often without consent, frequently just to make them easier to manhandle, is a laughing matter. I think it's a humanitarian tragedy
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