#Psychic Reader in uk
sassyfrassboss · 1 year
"I do...I have tapped into some energy this weekend and it was all very weird. Plus a few times full on sick feeling."
A few Tumblr tarot readers have expressed the same thing: very weird energy, cards all over the place, and experiencing some discomfort. Please take care.
Thanks! I said come cleansing prayers and sprayed some Sage. But yeah...it's a manic energy from all over. I think there is stuff going down in the UK and the US.
Not just tumblr. Astrologists and psychics on TikTok are also saying this too. They said bombshells are dropping.
My personal philosophy is that when it comes tarot readers, astrologists, and psychics, if it's one person saying something, then you can sit on it. But if it's a lot of them and they're all saying the same thing, wake up and pay attention.
And right now, a lot of them - tarot readers, astrologists, and psychics alike - are saying there's something coming. Not to mention Harry's astrological chart shows major upheaval in June 2023.
So my friend and I had the same sinking sensation right at the same time on Friday. Nothing we know happened but it was weird because we are states apart.
We need to send prayers.
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sadbigemini · 4 months
Hiya! I think this will be a short one but let's see. This is a fic prompt for an au, let's get into it, Readers!
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Sense8 AUs
This is a TV show I binged in two days and I absolutely loved it... I would even more if there were less nudity and sex scenes. So, FAIR WARNING if you want to try it out.
There are some Sense8 AUs on AO3 but none I've really wanted to read. But I'm probably going to try some out anyway bc I looove this concept.
So, some things you'll need are:
To watch the show lol, it's great and really gay. So, it's a good watch for pride! It's on N*tflix. It's only two seasons since it got cancelled 😭
Anywho, some lore from the show is that eight people from around the world are psychically and empathically linked. Kinda like a soul bond AU. (EDIT: their ability and link is called a sensorial link. There's more info about it on superpowerwiki)
They all need to be the same age, so if you're doing a crossover make sure they are.
For example, Buffy The Vampire Slayer goes from 16-22 in her show and Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) goes from 17-19. So, you could use these two.
It's not required but a variety of locations is preferred and I think would be more interesting. Like Buffy is in California and Steve is in Indiana. But also like Nakajima Atsushi (BSD) is in Japan while they reside in america. Y'know, what I mean??
I also understand if most of the things you watch are located in the country you live in. One solution for this is using headcanons. Like, a popular headcanon is that Sero Hanta (MHA) is at least half Hispanic. So, he could reside in a different country of those origins. Or Aoyama Yuuga (MHA) acts like he's French (not confirmed I don't think) so there you go lol
Since it's fanfiction you can just make them all have the same birthday. Maybe you can even find characters the same age with the same birthday?? Kinda like how Shirakumo Oboro (MHA) and Atsushi were both born on May 5th. They are close in age, I'm sure aging Shirakumo up a year or Atsushi down a year would be fine.
They don't need anybody hunting them like in the show but I think that instantly gives you a plot.
Polyamory representation is not needed but I love to see it! Also QPR representation would be appreciated as well! Just like how both are in Sense8!
Also with crossovers, you'll have to decide which world your story is in. Like, are Buffy, Steve, and Atsushi in the 90s fighting vampires and demons from Hell? Or are they fighting monsters from another universe in the 80s? Or are they fighting people with superpowers like they themselves might have in a more recent year? OR all the above just in the same time period? Alternatively, you can set it in like the Sense8 world where the world is mostly normal but sensates exist in secret (sensates are what the psychically linked people are called lmao).
I think that is all, lmk if you think anything should be added!
Some Character Ideas You Can Pick From
You will have to do the world-building and creating on your own tho, you can do it!
OMFG Scooby-Doo! I don't think Scooby himself would be a part of it tho lmao. Also that's only four people. So, idk add OCs, the older teen Stranger Things cast, or the Buffy cast??
17: Robin Buckley (Stranger Things, america), Willow Rosenberg (BTVS, america), Harry Potter (the UK), Young Aizawa Shouta (MHA, Japan), Akutagawa Gin (BSD, Japan), Donna Troy (DC, Greece?), Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf, France), and Young Sam Winchester (SPN, america)
20?: Yamada Hizashi (MHA, Japan), Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds, america), Dean Winchester (SPN, america), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel, Russia), T'Challa (Marvel, Africa), Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era, the UK), Higuchi Ichiyou (BSD, Japan), and Sherlock Holmes (BBC, the UK).
Around 200?: James 'Logan' Howlett (Marvel), Stefan Salvatore (TVD), Marcel Gerard (Originals), Aang (ATLA), Rowena MacLeod (SPN), Cole Turner (Charmed), Steve Rogers (Marvel), Raven Darkhölme (Marvel)
Now, I'm just going to suggest different fandoms bc that was a lot of hard work lmao
Supernatural: Charlie Bradbury, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, etc
Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Bobby Finstock, Derek Hale, etc
MHA: all the pros like Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama and all the students like Hatsume Mei
Demon Slayer/KNY: Kamado Tanjiro, Tomioka Giyu, Uzui Tengen, etc
DC: the Batfam, the Superfam, Teen Titans, Justice League, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, etc
Marvel/MCU: Avengers, Shang-Chi, Shuri, MJ, Yelena Belova, Rogue, Gambit, etc
I hope this all made sense!
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ambercoloredfox · 2 years
Crown of Curses II
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Summary: It's like a bad horror movie, but is Fawney Rig really haunted? Or have her troubles only just begun?
Pairing: Morpheus x f!Reader/OC
Rating: Teen. Maybe Mature for cursing (ha).
Notes: Content warning for mentions of child abuse. Nothing descriptive. Mentions of comic spoilers (Overture). Morpheus has no mouth and he must scream.
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There was a creak directly above his head. He could feel her enter the confines of the binding circle, though far above. Just as quickly her presence vanished.
Dream watched the ceiling with absent eyes.
He listened to her footsteps. Tried to deny that they came closer. Then there was silence.
A question arose in him. Why was the woman here?
She certainly walked around like she owned this place, making enough noise after so long of silence that it could surely wake the dead--
The noise echoed through his confines like a gunshot. His eyes watched where he knew the iron door to be.
There was a pause. Then, footsteps on stone. She was coming down the stairs.
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"You mean Fawney Rig?" The driver turned in his seat to look me in the eye.
Surprise. Distrust. The acrid taste of fear.
"If you're going there just ta have a laugh I ain't takin' you." He sneered.
I kept my face neutral and gripped the handle on my bag tighter. The chatter of the crowd was silenced as I shut the cab door with a defiant click.
"Do people come fly all the way to the UK to 'have a laugh' at Fawney Rig?"
His eyes finally slid from my face as he glanced back at the airport. The weight of the ruby hung like a noose under my clothes.
"'Suppose not." He muttered, starting up the car.
I stared out the window as we made our way to Wych Cross, thankful for the silence. My mind whirled with possibilities, each more unpleasant than the last. After finding this accursed jewel and living with it for nearly half a year, I wasn't sure if I wanted answers anymore.
I mean, I certainly wanted the curse lifted.
But I had lost hope that it was even a possibility at this point. Everything had only gotten worse since I started digging.
Now I wasn't just unlucky. Now I had a damn manifestation of the curse chained around my neck.
One that made emotions that weren't my own rise up inside me each time I looked someone in the eye. Like some useless knock-off psychic.
I rested my temple against the cool glass and sighed. I had stopped looking for answers only to have this now fall into my damn lap. My curse was the world's shittiest rollercoaster.
"So." The cabby said curtly, snapping me from my thoughts. "What had you comin' all the way here just to get to a place like Fawney Rig?"
He spat the name out like it left a bad taste in his mouth. It piqued my interest.
"Long story." One I wasn't about to share. "Why? Is the place famous or something?"
His eyes met mine through the rearview mirror.
"You mean ya don't know?"
All I knew was some long lost uncle had paid the best private investigator a lot of money to find me-- only to leave me Fawney Rig in his will. On the condition I never sold it.
And made sure no one entered the property.
So, naturally, I booked the first flight over to see it for myself.
"Nope." I popped the 'p' sound with an air of nonchalance I didn't feel.
"That place is haunted. Like properly, bloody haunted."
I raised an eyebrow and met him with a deadpan stare. The taste of deception was absent, but that didn't mean I trusted him.
"My brother used to work there," The cabby continued, licking his lips. "As a security guard. Wouldn't talk about it. Said they made him sign a bunch of shi- stuff. So he couldn't talk about it."
"So? That doesn't mean it's haunted."
"Maybe not, maybe not." He nodded. "But then there's the rumors."
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "They say there used to be a cult that met there. In the 1920s. Led by a bloke named Roderick Burgess."
Burgess? That name sounded familiar. My foot tapped against my pack which had the copy of the will and the deed to Fawney Rig. I'd have to check it later.
"The Burgess fella was rumored to be some knock off Crowley. Ya know, like Alistair Crowley? Right crazies, the lot of them."
I nodded along, hoping my silence would encourage him to continue.
"Well, this cult-- Order of Ancient Mysteries, they called 'em-- they did some real magic. Like they was some fu- messed up occult devil worshippers."
I tried not to roll my eyes. One thing I knew for sure, being raised in a Catholic orphanage, was all that religious crap was complete bullshit. Just another tool the powerful used to oppress the powerless.
The disbelief must have shown on my face.
"It's true, miss! They say the cult summoned the devil and locked 'im away in the basement there!"
I couldn't help but scoff. "Sounds like a bad ghost story. If the literal devil was locked up in some random basement, wouldn't that mean there'd be no more sin, no more temptation?"
The cabby looked a bit like a dry drowning goldfish as his 'O' shaped mouth flapped, before he finally recovered and shook his head.
"Look, all's I know is that my brother never slept right after he took that job. Always looked over his shoulder like he was expecting ta find somethin'."
He twisted in his seat to meet my eye again, an act to emphasize his seriousness.
The stomach rotting curl of sharp anxiety.
"If I was you, I'd stay far away from that place, miss. Better off a crumblin' ruin, I say."
A crumbling ruin that, for some god awful reason, I now own, I thought to myself.
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It wasn't as much of a crumbled ruin as I had expected. Or maybe my reoccurring dreams about that ghostly palace had changed my expectations on what 'ruin' meant.
Fawney Rig did look like a stereo typical haunted mansion, though. Even in broad daylight.
I readjusted the strap of my pack and took a deep breath. I let the teeth of the key bite into the palm of my hand in an attempt to ground myself.
Even if I didn't believe the rumor about a devil being locked in the basement, I knew most lies were coated in a sprinkle of truth. Maybe there had been some cult here. Maybe there had been some magic.
Maybe this building held the answers to why I was cursed.
Only one way to find out.
The lock opened with a poignant click and I let the door swing open without removing the key. The squeaking of the hinges were so stereotypical of a bad horror movie I might've laughed.
Instead I just really really didn't want to go inside.
I blinked until my eyes adjusted to the dim light. It looked like the place had truly been abandoned. Like pictures of those ghost towns where dinner was still left out on the table. Nothing had been touched.
Floor boards creaked beneath my feet. It wasn't as dusty as I had expected it to be. Then again my uncle hadn't died all that long ago.
I turned down the east hall to find it was lined with glass display shelves holding an array of antiques and taxidermied animals. So much so that the displays crowded into the walk way, demanding attention and giving me a sense of acute claustrophobia.
Whoever designed this place was obnoxious. Like modern rich assholes who decided everything they owned had to be completely white or plated in gold.
I guess the rich never fucking change.
My eyes stopped their wandering when they found a grey stone bust behind a glass case, set directly in the middle of the hall.
Roderick Burgess, the gold plaque read.
"You even look like a prick." I muttered to myself, flicking the glass.
I dropped my pack on the floor with a careless thump. Time to figure out why that name seemed familiar. I sat cross legged and pulled out all the paperwork I had for Fawney Rig.
"You're shitting me."
The name of my long lost uncle, my father's brother, was Alex Burgess.
I glanced back up at the bust. "Please tell me it's only through marriage. I will lose my shit if I'm related by blood--"
The blood running through your veins was spilled in an ancient rite, upsetting the balance of the universe.
Air caught in my chest like a stab wound at the memory.
"Fuck." I muttered, blinking away tears. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
I pressed the heel of my palms into my eyes, trying to get a grip on myself. Panicking wasn't going to help. Leaning my head against the bottom of the case, I sucked in long even breaths.
When my heart finally slowed to an acceptable speed, I raised my head and looked up into cold stone eyes.
"What the fuck did you do?"
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Like most old mansions, it wasn't as big as you expected it to be. Of course, it was big for a victorian era home, especially one in Europe. But thanks to my particular path in life, I had been in much bigger mansions.
I passed the door in the east wing with a keypad lock for what must have been the hundredth time. A room with a secret important enough to be guarded. I kept my eyes forward.
Just like a coward.
Behind door number 12 or so, was a fairly bare and small guest bedroom. Or maybe it had been a servants bedroom. A four poster bed, a dresser, and two chairs next to a small fireplace, were the only things inside.
It felt much more like my shitty little Brooklyn studio apartment than any of the other bedrooms. Plus it had the bonus of being on the first floor. Easier to hear a break in that way.
I tossed my pack onto the bed and sat down after it. Absent mindedly, my fingers traced where the ruby sat under my shirt. It seemed like answers were going to find me, whether I wanted them or not. I sighed and placed my head in my hands.
No use delaying the inevitable.
Taking a screwdriver and wire cutters from my pack, I pocketed them and left my cowardice in the bedroom.
The keypad came off the wall with little effort. It was an older model, likely not updated since the 90s.
Why did the rich always skimp out on the most important stuff?
I cut the wires to the lock and heard the magnets disengage with a quiet whir. The door was so old that the physical lock on the handle could be jammed open with the screwdriver.
It swung open and hit the wall with an echoing bang. I stared at the stone steps that led down to into the darkness.
If there was the devil down there, he was sure to be awake now.
The lights flickered when I turned them on. Cautiously, I decended. My feet touched the bottom step. I turned, heart racing in my chest.
I didn't know what I expected. But it certainly hadn't been this.
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It had been far, far too long, Dream decided. Since his captor's death and the absence of his daily pleadings, time seemed to blur together ceaselessly. He was left in complete darkness without even the mindless chatter of the guards to distract him.
Everything felt so... empty.
Yet it had not been long enough. How many more years would he have to suffer this oppressive silence, the numbing cold, the black that had seemed to manifest itself in his very being?
How long before the building gave way and he could finally return home?
Dream had long since given up the hope that someone would free him.
That hope had died with his raven.
Even his siblings had not been bothered by his absence. Dream would not lower himself to beg for their help. He had done so before, eons ago.
It had not ended well.
Dream was not a being that forgot. Nor did he make the same mistake twice.
A noise cut through the quiet. The creaking of wood.
He dismissed it as noises of an old house adjusting to its own weight. Yet some deep dark part of him wished it to be the beginning of something.
The beginning of collapse.
Before long he heard it again.
Dream focused intently on the sound, expecting nothing, but still feeling the start of some long lost emotion stoke to life within him. He tried to smoother the seething embers.
There was nothing here but dust. His imagination was getting carried away.
Or perhaps he was falling apart. Changing, irreversibly, like his sister had.
Creak. Creak. Creak.
Was that it? Was he going mad?
Or were those truly footsteps he was hearing?
A woman's voice drifted to him, so quietly that he could not make out the words. No, that was impossible. He must be going mad.
Dream's head snapped up. The noise echoed off the stone walls, making a hallucination seem improbable. Then came a woman's voice again.
The same woman.
Hope roared to life inside him like a wildfire. Dream desperately tried to douse the flames.
Though he may not be alone, it did not mean he was going to be freed. After all, how many had seen him trapped and had done nothing?
Humanity had proven their cruelty knew no bounds.
He did not know how long he listened to the woman walk around above him, her quiet voice occasionally finding it's way to him. It mattered not.
She was not here to free him.
Perhaps it would be better if she did not find him at all. He much prefered the absence of their petty demands.
Even if it meant a hundred more years in this empty darkness.
There was a creak directly above his head. He could feel her enter the confines of the binding circle, though far above. Just as quickly her presence vanished.
Dream watched the ceiling with absent eyes.
He listened to her footsteps. Tried to deny that they came closer. Then there was silence.
A question arose in him. Why was the woman here?
She certainly walked around like she owned this place, making enough noise after so long of silence that it could surely wake the dead--
The noise echoed through his confines like a gunshot. His eyes watched where he knew the iron door to be.
There was a pause. Then, footsteps on stone. She was coming down the stairs.
Dream felt his body tense, as if his limbs were vipers preparing to strike. The wildfire had become a supernova, consuming him from the inside and drawing all the breath from his lungs.
And yet.
And yet...
He heard the woman let out a huff.
"This is what I get, listening to goddamn ghost stories. A cellar full of--" There was the clinking of glass. "--pickled eggs? Gross."
All at once, the light within him was snuffed out. The darkness had never felt more suffocating. Dream let his head fall back down.
How could she be expected to know that he lay just beyond the brick wall? One that had been built to hide his prison?
You're never getting out of there...
Perhaps Roderick Burgess had been right.
"This is hopeless." Her voice could have been his echo. "What am I even fucking doing here?"
Dream felt the woman's sigh somewhere deep in his soul. As she grew quiet, he felt the silence companionable, like the ghost of an old friend. They sat together in the same darkness, separated only by the illusion of a wall.
Too quickly, her footsteps proceeded back up the stairs. Once again, he was alone. It shouldn't matter, and yet he felt the truth of it like a weight upon his shoulders.
I think you're lonely.
Some strange part of him even missed his reflection in the cold glass cage. He did not know whether it was because it simply reminded him he existed, or if his mind had decided to pretend his reflection had been company. Someone to share in his suffering.
Proof that his suffering existed. That he was not the nothing they had made him to feel.
Another creak above his head. The woman's presence entered his awareness, inside the binding circle once more. Dream felt completely powerless. And yet.
If he stretched his mind far enough...
The act was akin to holding a heavy weight on an outstretched arm.
She was so far away and he was nearly completely depleted; drained of his power after the assault of time, the absence of his tools, and the great act that had made him susceptible to such a spell in the first place. Still, he continued onward, stretching the bounds of his power.
The woman felt so tired. Some journey had left her weary. Dream nursed that feeling, beckoning her mind to enter his realm.
It would not be enough to free him, not in his state. He may not even be able to manifest himself properly in her dream. None the less, it was some small scrap of power, of control, that he would not soon give up.
Invisible hands forced her under the warm blanket of sleep, fingers digging into her brain. As he slipped into her dream, he discovered why she was there.
And who she was.
His heart sank. The Fates were surely mocking him.
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It felt like being back in that storage room, surrounded by too much junk and not knowing where to start. Answers were right at my fingertips, yet hidden like a needle in a pile of needles. I sighed and collapsed back on the bed, letting my uncle's will fall to the floor.
God, I was just so tired of it all. Forever getting no where. What was the point of it all? My unfocused gaze stared at the ceiling.
A yawn caused my eyes to tear up. Then another.
Maybe a nap would reset my brain. Give me some idea on what to do. When was the last time I had had a decent night's sleep, anyway?
I felt myself begin to drift... then I startled back awake with force.
Sitting up, I blinked at the darkness of the room. When had the sun set? I must've been asleep for a while.
Shadows danced across the wallpaper from the lit fireplace. Surprised, I turned towards it.
Gleaming eyes met my own.
I yelped and shot to my feet, backing into the dresser but not daring to take my eyes off what I saw.
A dark silhouette of a figure, flames flickering behind him to cast him in shadow. No, he seemed to be made of shadow, save for two pinpricks of bright light that glowed like a predator in the night. The edges of him wavered and twisted, made of smoke. His eyes watched me and emotions rose like bile up my throat.
Fury. Disgust. Contempt.
Whatever this thing was, it hated me with such ashy depth that I felt I might choke on it. My hands shook. There was no where to run. I tried to swallow everything back down, including my own fear.
"Who are you?" I whispered.
The shadow man said nothing, but his eyes continued to burn into my own.
Despair. Anguish. Longing.
It ached like a fish hook in my throat, the bone deep sense of longing ringing in my ears. He needed something, to the point of desperation and the exclusion of all else.
"What, what do you want?" Tears stung my eyes as I stuttered.
He didn't move. Smudged blackness twisted around him. Pain throbbed in my mouth as I looked into his eyes. He looked like some dark ghost.
"Look, I can't..." I tapped into some strange well of courage I didn't know I had. "I can't help you if you won't even talk to me!"
The shadow's rage pushed into me, a physical force shoving my backwards in it's intensity. I gasped and struggled to breathe, falling to my knees as his anger knocked the wind out of me. He glided towards me, lower part of him moving like a poor mimic of normal walking. The darkness of his form ate up my vision.
My tears finally broke the confines of my lashes. "Just, just tell me. Please, I don't know what you want." I choked. "Just tell me wh-what to do."
We watched each other for a moment, both of us equally uncertain. Then he raised his arm and I flinched, a learned child-like instinct preparing me for the blow I knew would come.
Nothing happened.
I peaked over my raised, shaking arms.
His hand was stretched out towards me, palm up as if waiting for something. Glimmering lights were frozen on me.
Surprise. Curiosity. Pity.
His emotions went down like a bitter pill I had to swallow. I could no longer look the shadow man in the eye, feeling strangely exposed, despite being the one who read his emotions.
A hand still reached towards me. It was held out like he expected me to give him something. His fingers curled slowly, beckoning me with a new found gentleness.
I still didn't understand what he wanted. So I did the only thing I could think to do. Slowly, I placed my hand in his.
Cold shadows curled around my hand, not quite fingers, only the poor approximation of them. It felt like the memory of touch, long since faded. I hesitated. He did not. The shadow man pulled me to my feet, my legs wobbling like a newborn deer's as they took my weight again.
He dropped my hand and I avoided his gaze. Pity was a taste I couldn't seem to get out of my mouth. Without a second glance, he turned and glided towards the door.
"H-hey!" I called as he disappeared out to the hallway. "Wait! Where are you..."
I bit the inside of my cheek as if that would somehow calm my nerves. A smarter person would've left well enough alone and been glad to see the entity leave.
So of course I followed the shadow man.
Just as I entered a room, he would slip into the next, trailing me along with his starlit eyes. The taste of encouragement and anticipation mixed on my tongue like melting spun sugar. It clashed harshly with my own growing anxiety, the sweetness making me feel sick as I began to suspect where he was leading me.
I froze when my worst fears were realized. His dark figure watched me from the door to the basement. My hesitation didn't bother him. As soon as he was sure I had seen him, he disappeared inside.
Memories of the rumors roared in my ears. Was this the devil? Or a ghost? Both seemed equally unlikely.
In the end, I decided it didn't matter. I couldn't get any more cursed.
Numb stiff legs carried me to the doorway. He looked up at me from the bottom of the stairs, his eyes the only things visible in the dark. When I flicked on the light switch he was gone.
I took a deep breath, remembering the oppressive sorrow I had felt coming from within the shadow man. For something akin to an eldritch entity, he seemed to have downright human emotions. Maybe he was a ghost.
As I took my first step down the stairs, I prayed this was more of a Lovely Bones situation than an episode of Supernatural. When I reached the landing, he was no where to be found. The same musty cellar as before met me. Even the shelf of dusty wine bottles was exactly as it had been the first time.
Confused, I stepped deeper inside, turning my back on the shelf of wine and the red brick wall. Further in the cellar were more shelves with forgotten jars and crates of junk. My eyes caught sight of a particularly colorful jar and an idea struck me.
Weren't djinn beings made of smoke? Maybe he was neither a devil nor a ghost.
Maybe he was a genie, trapped in a bottle.
My hand pressed the skin warmed ruby into my chest, still hidden under my clothes. I could wish for the curse to be lifted, couldn't I? Would that really work?
It was worth a shot.
But as my hands reached for the colorful jar, I felt his gaze return. His eyes were a physical presence, sucking the oxygen out of the room like a fire to burn a blistering hole in the back of my head. I spun around, lungs aching, forgetting how to breathe.
Our eyes met.
His unspoken demand evaporated all the moisture from my mouth. It seared into me like a white hot brand. A black mirage of a head nodded imperceptibly.
Then he stepped back and vanished into the brick wall behind him.
"Wait!" I started after him. "I don't under--"
I woke with a start, forcefully, pushed into consciousness. Dusty air settled into my lungs and cemented the fear in my gut. My eyes blinked at the darkness. I was no longer in the room I had fallen asleep in.
Sleepwalking. I had been sleepwalking. I had never done that before.
What was far worse was where I had ended up. The only light came from the open door at the top of the stairs. But it was enough for me to recognize.
I was in the fucking basement.
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There is a lot of social stigma and confusion generated from the spiritual concept of “Channeling” as it has been defined in its popularity in the New Age materials as a blanket statement which describes the nature of spiritual mediumship. Spiritual mediumship or Channeling is used in this context to define the process of which a living person allows another entities energy body and/or mental intelligence body to inhabit a portion of the physical human beings energetic aura and sometimes fully inhabit their physical body. Through the allowance and acceptance of this etheric connection made in the astral layersbetween the entity and channel, the entity may have energetic or spiritual influence, manipulation or control upon the person and/or direct the nervous system functions which impulse the brain of the “Channeler”. 
The Guardian Host refers to this type of “take-over” channeling as a high risk behavior during the Ascension cycle and to be completely avoided because of the nature of negative entity abuse and the NAA agenda to suppress human consciousness on the earth.
New Age Channeler Defined
Some examples of Channeler’s are described on Wikipedia here: 
Excerpt : In the later half of the 20th century, Western mediumship developed in two different ways. One type involves psychics or sensitives who speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients. Clairvoyant Danielle Egnew is known for her alleged communication with angelic entities. The other incarnation of non-physical mediumship is a form of channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance, or "leaves their body". He or she allows the spirit-person to borrow his/her body, who then talks through them. In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state marked by extreme rigidity. As the control spirit takes over, the medium's voice may change completely. The spirit answers the questions of those in its presence or giving spiritual knowledge. A widely known channeler of this variety is J. Z. Knight, who channels the spirit of Ramtha, a 30 thousand-year-old man. Others claim to channel spirits from "future dimensions", ascended masters, or, in the case of the trance mediums of the Brahma Kumaris, God. Other notable channels are Jane Roberts for Seth, Esther Hicks for Abraham, Darryl Anka for Bashar, and Lee Carroll for Kryon.
What is Channeling?
Channeling (UK spelling: channelling, also called psychic reading or channeled reading) is the reception of thought from the spirit world for the purpose of communicating with spirits (non-corporal entities, spirits of the deceased, or nature spirits) and angels. The person receiving and passing on the information is called medium or psychic reader. Some mediums go into a full trance, thus allowing the spirit to take full control over their body, permitting the spirit to speak through the medium directly. Other mediums use a meditative state to connect to spirit.
Dangers of New Age Channeling
Spiritual mediumship includes the channeling of “entities” which transpires through a etheric made connection in the lower astral bodies between the physical human being and the spiritual aura of an disembodied entity, or a group gestalt of entities. These states have been also defined as Trance Mediumship, Physical Mediumship and Mental Mediumship. In these methods of "mediumship” or channeling, the spiritual-energetic body of either a human or nonhuman from another dimension in time and space, merges or attaches itself with the energy body (auric field) of the physical human being in the 3D timeline that represents the body of the “channeler”. If the Channeler is unaware of the NAA agenda, nor how to discern energetic signatures of communication, nor the various forms of dark manipulation through masquerading entities claiming to be something they are not, this deception can illicit harm to the person and set them up for bodily or spiritual possession. 
From the Krystal Star Guardian Host perspective, this definition of Channeling or Spiritual Mediumship is to be avoided as it is regarded as spiritually detrimental and dangerous to the energetic aura of the human being’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The damage that can be incurred upon the physical human being when acting as a spiritual medium type of channeler:
1. Central nervous system (CNS) is damaged over repeated use of another entity using the Channeler’s body in a variety of functions which opens the human being to potential spiritual and physical possession. 
2. CNS damage from channeling without discernment or shielding practices, or being adept at Psychic Self-defense practices may damage the Soul Matrix layers and prevent the organic embodiment of the original soul spirit that is born with the human channels body aura. 
3. The nervous system and resulting soul layer damage ultimately will stunt or distort the original DNA template of the human channeler. This is the process of crashing the DNA codes, stealing the DNA imprint, alien abduction and a variety of other issues that negative entities use to deceive, therefore, enslave the human race. 
4. A channeler is in servitude to multiple entity bodies and will not be able to spiritually evolve into a single-soul occupied human being, evolving into spiritual integration with and between their multiple auric layers. This means the spiritual energetic layers remain fragmented and disconnected, rather than integrated and merged.
5. Psychotic break, ego magnification and lack of emotional body stability can be symptoms of a repeated channeler, which over time leads to more spiritual-energetic body fragmentation and Negative Ego problems. 
6. Spiritual body fragmentation deposits the channelers body parts in other times and spaces, resulting in the merging of wrongful body parts and mismatched body parts being affixed, attached or corded to the channeler physical body.
7. Clairaudience (hearing voices) and Clairvoyance (seeing movies) are high risk behaviors associated with “Holographic Inserts” directed to undiscerning channelers. Until mastery over dark manipulation tactics and Alien Machinery is achieved, it is emphasized to not seek spiritual development though clairaudience or clairvoyance, instead to comprehend Higher Sensory Perception as direct cellular knowing. Direct Cellular knowing can be discerned correctly only through the feeling heart complex and not the mental body. Any external sense governance is not desired, as one seeking truth beyond manipulation learns to self-source all communications from within and become free from external manipulations. 
8. It is important to not judge others and also understand there are some humans on earth with chosen spiritual contracts to balance energetic transgressions in other Timelines (for other entities) while representing them as a channeler. However, it is important to remember this type of channeling entities is not an action taken that allows for personal spiritual freedom or sovereignty. Only that channeler can decide what action is the most beneficial for them during the Ascension cycle. 
In conclusion there has been a tremendous amount of deception and fraud involving channeling and spiritual mediumship as well as a direct Mind Controlagenda to discredit any forms of spiritual communication and contact with enlightened extradimensional beings. The main source of discrediting those who are seeking spiritual truth or promoting human freedoms through the open source material (free information society) is through the defamation of character, persecution, promoting disinformation, active technological use of mind control and mind slides, targeting attacks through the Victim-Victimizerprograms, and employing divide and conquer strategies which are the instigation of chaos and confusion to blur the truth of the matter. All of these tactics are used to further confuse the matter at hand that the human race is a multidimensional spiritual being that shares this Universe with many other forms of intelligent life, both positive, negative and neutral.
The core practices that are learned in the Energetic Synthesis community are to protect the human aura from high risk behaviors, some of which are being promoted in many New Age materials that encourage Channeling and astral projection without any type of learned Psychic Self Defense. 
Expanding Consciousness is all about training the mind.
The many free foundation materials such as the 12D Shield, the Psychic Self Defense Series and the Ascension materials are designed to reeducate humans to access the higher truth of the current agendas on planet earth. Through being informed one is empowered to consciously participate with personal spiritual growth, Expanding Consciousness and cultivating energetic discernment through increased Higher Sensory Perception. The controllers do not want this knowledge to spread therefore they spread all methods to discredit and dismiss the information. 
The ES Core Triad[1] practice is free on the Energetic Synthesis website. The ES Core Triad is also Step Three on the  Krystal Aegis website.
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Psychic Today
Just Googled “Psychic Today?”
Then You’re In The Right Place
Hey Beautiful Soul
Been Searching ‘Psychic Today?’
Then you’ve probably also been searching for Psychic Readings, Psychic Phone Readings, Online Psychic Readings or Trusted Tarot Readings? And here’s why you’re in the right place (but may not know it yet!)
As a TV Psychic and a Psychic Medium who’s worked on TV I know Psychic Hotlines like Psychic Today that offer Online Psychic Readings, Psychic Phone Readings and Psychic Chats have rules and regulations they have to adhere too by law which has a massive impact on the quality of your online psychic reading.
So before you book your psychic reading with any of Psychic Today or Psychic TV’s Clairvoyant Readers like Sarah May, Nicola C or Devi on Psychic TV here’s a few things you need to know.
Any Psychic, Medium or Clairvoyant working on Psychic Today (Or any other Psychic Hotline like Psychic Sofa, Sally Morgan, Chris Riley) whether they’re on Psychic TV Live or giving Psychic Phone Readings, Online Psychic Readings, Clairvoyant Readings or just having a Psychic Chat, they’re not allowed to predict pregnancies and they’re also NOT allowed to discuss ANY health issues at all or discuss ANY financial matters this includes any on going legal matters such as divorce or inheritance issues.
Basically ALL the IMPORTANT questions you need to ask about your life, they’re not allowed to answer by law. And all calls are recorded and monitored (which means a complete stranger is listening in to your reading)
Trusted Psychics - Trusted Psychics UK - Trusted Psychic Readings.
You’ve probably spent hours searching Trusted Psychics, Trusted Psychics UK or Trusted Psychic Readings and found this blog and you may be a little disappointed to hear Psychic Today and Psychic TV Live or any Psychic Hotline can’t help with the questions you’ve got about your life right now.
Stop Don’t Panic
Let me say ‘Hi’ my name is David William and I’m a Clairvoyant, Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader and over the past 25 years I’ve earned the reputation as being ‘The A List Celebrities Go To’ trusted psychic and trusted tarot card reader and that’s why my clients have named me “The Best Psychic Medium in Cheshire and Beyond.”
Not heard of me? That’s because you won’t find me hanging out all over social media. But here’s an interesting fact: I was the 1st Psychic Medium in the UK to do a Free Live Psychic Reading over Facebook that was watched by thousands of people.
Psychic Readings - Online Psychic Readings - Psychic Phone Readings - Clairvoyant Readings
I get the fact finding a Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant or Tarot Card Reader is not easy. There has to be trust between you and the Psychic Medium providing you your psychic reading whether that’s an Online Psychic Reading, Clairvoyant Reading, Tarot Card Reading or a Psychic Phone Reading.
That’s why I offer a 10 minute money back guarantee because I get the fact that I may not be the Psychic Medium for and I guarantee that within the first 10 minutes of us getting together if you don’t feel like we’ve connected or feel that I’m the right Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader for you then you get your money back guaranteed.
I don’t know of any other Psychic Medium who advertises a money back guarantee but I do because your satisfaction and happiness are important to me.
Get Clarity In Your Life Today
If you’re searching for something in your life but don’t know what or looking to change your life and all you’re seeing is brick walls. You know you need to change but don’t know how and find yourself putting everything off until tomorrow then you’re in the right place. I’m here and ready to provide you the clarity you need in order to get your life out of this rut.
Remember unlike Psychic Today (or other Psychic Hotlines) there are NO limitations or restrictions when having your psychic reading with me. We can talk about EVERYTHING.
Over the years I’ve been blessed and fortunate to have been involved with many Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings where things like pregnancies that were NEVER meant to happen, happened.
I remember reading for a couple from Devon who’d been trying for a baby and were on the verge of giving up. A recent passing in the family was also causing pain and grief and the father came through from Spirit with the message ‘A baby is coming”. Two months later as predicted she fell pregnant and now they’re the proud parents to a beautiful healthy son. The amazing thing is the doctors told this couple that they would never conceive.
I can also talk about health issues, finances and legal matters, love life, life path and career.
Your Clarity, Peace of Mind and Privacy is sacred to me. 
My clients range from Soap Stars, Pop Stars to Sports personalities and everyday folk like you and me. Many of whom have been having readings with me for years. 
Why? Because they know they’ll always get the clarity the seek (not just the answers they think they want to hear) and that their privacy is safe. They know that everything we talk about will stay private ALWAYS. 
Plus I’ve a proven track record as a trusted psychic not just in the UK but also in countries like America, Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia as well as other parts of the world where I’ve gained the reputation of providing excellent trusted psychic readings for many years.
And finally with my online diary booking your clairvoyant reading, psychic reading and tarot card reading has never been easier. In fact it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Pick from one of the following 3 options:
50 Minute Clarity & Guidance Reading
40 Minute Clarity & Connection Reading
30 Memories From Heaven Reading
2. Pick a time and date that suits
3. Go through my secure online payment
And viola you’re all booked in. It’s as easy as that.
Check my online diary below for my latest availability and I look forward to connecting with you soon.
David William Psychic Medium x
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konmarkimageswords · 1 year
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Tree Carr is a published author and TEDx speaker who works in the field of Transpersonal Psychology with a focus on dreams, death, altered states of consciousness and psychedelic assisted therapy. She holds a professional certificate in Psychedelics, Altered States & Transpersonal Psychology with the Alef Trust and is a CPD Crossfields Institute Certified Death Doula. A high priestess witch and master of Wicca she was ordained in 2021 at The Universal Life Church and has studied at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science, is a faculty member at The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft and a teacher at the acclaimed College of Psychic Studies in London, UK.
In her role as a Dreaming Guide, Tree helps those seeking to activate, explore and further understand their dream realms by cultivating a bespoke daily dreaming practise. Her workshops, courses and retreats have ventured from London throughout the UK, Europe, Canada and USA. She is also booked for one on one dreaming guidance where the session delves into dream interpretation, meditations, rescripting of recurring dreams and methods for lucid dreaming.  Tree works closely with oneirogens ( dreaming plants and herbs) as part of her conscious dreaming practise and facilitates workshops and retreats to connect people more deeply into their dream-work vis-a -vis the world of plants and herbs. 
Her work as a Death Doula involves helping people spiritually, emotionally, existentially and practically at the end of their lives. Tree holds the space for healing, peace, support and compassion during the profound and sacred time of death and dying.
As a published author, her book ‘DREAMS: How to Connect With Your Dreams to Enrich Your Life’, was released in 2018 with Octopus Publishing. Her second book '‘Conscious Dreamer’’ published in 2021 by Quarto Publishing Group, guides the reader through 30 days of capturing dreams for creative practise.  Her third book "The Artists' Oracle" which captured the dreams of 30 artists in the form of an Oracle deck saw publication in 2021 with White Crypt. Her latest book “A Spell a Day’ was internationally released June 2023 with Watkins Publishing.
As a writer, Tree is a regular esoteric columnist at Woman&Home magazine and has also contributed to The Wild Alchemy Journal.
Tree has been featured in a wide variety of press, TV and news outlets including:  Sky History Channel, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The New York Times, ES Magazine, Stylist Magazine, Grazia, VICE, Daily Star and Express
Her clients and collaborations include:  The Freud Museum London, Virgin Media, The Psychedelic Society, Presencing Institute, Awake Academy and Guerilla Science.
Born in 1972,  Tree has explored the zones of spirituality and consciousness since she was a child. Tree is skilled in divinatory guidance: The Tarot and Astrology and has facilitated readings, rituals, classes and courses spanning a wide variety of esoteric subjects. As a Tarot scholar, Tree has taught masterclasses on the Rider-Waite Deck since 2016. 
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psychicreadingsuk · 14 days
Unveiling the Best Psychic in the UK: Experience Clairvoyance with Psychic Text Readers
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When life presents uncertainty and doubt, finding guidance becomes essential. That’s where the power of a genuine psychic comes into play. If you are searching for the best psychic in  UK, look no further than Gail Keenan Psychics, a trusted name in the world of spiritual insight and psychic readings.
Why Choose the Best Psychic in the UK?
A psychic reading is more than just a glimpse into the future; it is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The best psychic in UK understands this delicate balance and offers insights that are both empowering and enlightening. Gail Keenan Psychics, renowned for their high standards and professional approach, stand out in this field. With a team of experienced psychics, they provide readings that help you gain clarity on relationships, career paths, and other life decisions.
The Power of Psychic Text Readers
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Gail Keenan Psychics brings the wisdom of the best psychic in UK to your fingertips with their innovative psychic text readers service. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, you can easily connect with a psychic through text messaging. This approach allows you to ask questions and receive guidance whenever you need it, without the need for scheduling an appointment or traveling.
Psychic text readers provide a quick, private, and reliable way to gain insight. Whether it’s a single question or a deeper inquiry into your life’s journey, these readings offer profound answers, tailored to your unique needs. At Gail Keenan Psychics, the text reading service is handled by gifted psychics who bring years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to each interaction.
Read More: - phone readings.
How Gail Keenan Psychics Differentiates Itself
Gail Keenan Psychics is not just another psychic service provider. They have built a reputation as the best psychic in UK by focusing on quality and authenticity. Each psychic undergoes a rigorous selection process to ensure they possess the skills and integrity required to provide meaningful readings. This dedication to excellence has earned them a loyal clientele who return time and time again for advice and support.
The psychic text readers at Gail Keenan Psychics are specially trained to interpret subtle energies and provide clear, concise answers. Whether you’re dealing with love and relationships, family issues, or career uncertainties, their psychics are here to help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence.
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Discover Your Path Today
Don’t let life’s uncertainties overwhelm you. By consulting the best psychic in the UK through Gail Keenan Psychics, you can find the guidance and clarity you need to move forward with confidence. Their psychic text readers offer a unique and accessible way to connect with skilled psychics, ensuring you have support whenever you need it. Take the first step towards a brighter future today by reaching out to Gail Keenan Psychics and experience the profound impact of a professional psychic reading.
Whether you are seeking answers or looking for a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, Gail Keenan Psychics is here to help you every step of the way. Connect with them now and see how their gifted team of psychics can make a difference in your life.
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grizzlybigfoot · 1 year
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05-26-23 at 9:00 PM EST Time!-Come Join us with Psychic Medium Derek Green From The UK! Live! Psychics and readings are often associated with the exploration of paranormal phenomena and the ability to gain insight into the future or connect with the spirit realm. While belief in psychic abilities and the effectiveness of psychic readings varies among individuals, it remains a topic of great interest and curiosity for many. Psychics are individuals who claim to possess extrasensory perception (ESP) or the ability to perceive information beyond the five physical senses. They may use various methods to tap into this perceived information, such as clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), or other intuitive senses. Some psychics also use divination tools like tarot cards, astrology charts, or crystal balls to assist in their readings. Psychic readings can take different forms, including one-on-one sessions, phone readings, or even online readings. During a reading, a psychic may provide information, guidance, or predictions about various aspects of an individual's life, such as relationships, career, health, or future events. It's important to note that while some people find psychic readings to be insightful and helpful, others remain skeptical due to the lack of scientific evidence supporting the existence of psychic abilities. Haunted dolls, on the other hand, are objects that are believed to be inhabited or influenced by spirits or supernatural entities. These dolls are often associated with eerie or paranormal experiences reported by individuals who claim to have encountered them. Haunted dolls can be found in folklore, horror stories, and even within certain paranormal investigations. The belief in haunted dolls is rooted in the idea that spirits can attach themselves to objects, including toys. Some people believe that these dolls may have a history of negative or tragic events, which contributes to their alleged haunting. Reports of haunted dolls include strange occurrences, such as moving or changing positions, unexplained noises, or a sense of being watched. These experiences are largely subjective and vary from person to person. It's important to note that claims of haunted dolls and psychic phenomena are highly controversial and often lack scientific evidence. Skeptics attribute reported experiences to psychological factors, suggestibility, or the power of suggestion. Nonetheless, haunted dolls and psychic readings continue to captivate the imagination of many individuals and remain popular subjects within the realm of the paranormal. Certainly! Tarot reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of Tarot cards to gain insight into various aspects of a person's life, including relationships, career, spirituality, and personal development. Tarot cards are typically illustrated with symbolic imagery that represents different archetypes, situations, and emotions. During a Tarot reading, the reader shuffles the deck and lays out a spread of cards in a specific pattern. The most common spread is the Celtic Cross, which consists of ten cards that provide a comprehensive view of the person's situation. Each card is then interpreted based on its position in the spread, its symbolic meaning, and the reader's intuitive insights. The interpretation of Tarot cards can vary depending on the reader's style, the question asked, and the context of the reading. Some readers rely solely on the card meanings and traditional interpretations, while others incorporate their intuition and psychic abilities to provide additional insights.
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 month
Discover the Power of Psychics in London with Gail Keenan Psychics
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In today's fast-paced world, many people seek guidance and insight to navigate the complexities of life. Whether it's understanding a challenging situation, finding clarity in relationships, or exploring future possibilities, the wisdom of psychics London can be a transformative resource. One of the most trusted names in the field is Gail Keenan Psychics, offering a range of services that cater to your spiritual and emotional needs.
The Growing Demand for Psychics in London
London, a city known for its rich history and diverse culture, has a thriving community of spiritual practitioners. Among them, psychics London stands out as a popular choice for those looking to connect with their inner selves and seek answers to life's pressing questions. The demand for psychic readings has surged in recent years, as more people turn to these gifted individuals for advice on everything from love and career to health and personal growth.
Gail Keenan Psychics has been at the forefront of this movement, offering a variety of psychic services to meet the unique needs of their clients. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, you can access their expertise through online psychics UK, making it easier than ever to find the guidance you need.
The Convenience of Online Psychics UK
In our digital age, the availability of online psychics UK has made it possible for anyone, anywhere, to connect with a trusted psychic reader. This accessibility has revolutionized the way people seek spiritual guidance, offering a convenient and private way to explore life's mysteries. Gail Keenan Psychics provides a platform where you can connect with experienced psychics from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that you receive personalized readings tailored to your specific situation.
Whether you're dealing with a challenging decision, looking for insight into a relationship, or simply curious about what the future holds, online psychics UK can provide the clarity and direction you need. The psychics at Gail Keenan Psychics are known for their accuracy, empathy, and deep understanding of the human experience, making them a top choice for those seeking spiritual guidance.
Exploring psychic Light Readers with Gail Keenan Psychics
Among the various types of psychic readings available, psychic light readers offer a unique and powerful way to connect with your inner self. These specialized readers use light energy to tap into your aura and reveal hidden truths about your life. This form of reading is particularly effective for those seeking to understand the deeper aspects of their personality and life path.
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Gail Keenan Psychics features some of the most talented psychic light readers in the UK, providing clients with profound insights that can lead to meaningful life changes. Whether you're new to psychic readings or have been exploring them for years, a session with a psychic light reader from Gail Keenan Psychics can be a transformative experience.
The world of psychics offers a wealth of opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, Gail Keenan Psychics is your trusted partner in this journey. With their expert psychics London, convenient online psychics UK services, and skilled psychic light readers, you can find the guidance and clarity you need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and peace of mind.
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visionarygu · 2 years
What is Psychic Reading in the UK?
Recognizing the truth may be painful, but it is better than closing one's eyes. In such a circumstance, a clairvoyant may be able to reveal the truth before it happens to you! A fortune teller is someone who claims to foretell future events or provide insight into a person's life using divination techniques such as tarot card reading, palmistry,astrology, etc. A fortune teller in the UK may work at a psychic fair, in a shop, or offer private readings, the most well-known varieties are:
Couples Psychic Reading: A couples psychic reading in the UK is a session designed to help couples in understanding and improving their relationship. The psychic's intuitive powers may be used to help with communication, trust, and compatibility. The psychic may employ tarot cards, astrology, numerology, or clairvoyance throughout the reading to get insight into the dynamics of the relationship, as well as the couple's unique energies and prospective future together. A couples psychic reading's purpose is to help the couple in understanding and navigating any issues they may be encountering, and to provide suggestions for establishing a stronger, more harmonious relationship.
Life Coaching: Life coaching in the UKis a profession that involves helping individuals in setting and achieving personal and professional goals. They can help clients with a wide range of issues, including professional development, relationships, fitness, health and wellbeing, and personal growth. A life coach is a qualified professional who has finished a coaching course of study and holds a professional certification. They can work with clients in person, on the phone, or online. Coaches employ various techniques and strategies to help clients in identifying their strengths and shortcomings, setting goals, and devising a plan to attain them. It is important to choose a coach who is qualified and experienced, and who aligns with your values and goals. Life coaching in the UK can be a powerful tool for personal and professional development, helping individuals to make meaningful changes in their lives and achieve their goals.
There are many famous psychics in the UK who offer their services to the public, and have been practising for over 30 years, having a large fan following. But it is important to note that fortune telling is not a scientifically proven practice and should be approached with caution and expertise. So, if you are looking for an expert clairvoyant in London, then look no further but Psychicvisionarygu.com.
For more info:-
psychicvisionarygu.com (uk)
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Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/best-psychic-in-ontario/home
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chiefimran20000 · 2 years
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Top Psychic chief imran - ☎ "+27763069612"Feeling Stuck? Feeling Lost? Need Re-Direction in Life? Contact a VOODOO EXPERT. A Tarot ReaderDiscover Psychic Readings from a Reliable Source. Contact Us for More Details. Our Services Include Psychic Readings for Relationships and Careers. Get Answers to Your Questions. Satisfaction guaranteed. We are leading and best tarot card reader in USA,UK, SPAIN, FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG, CANADA, PORTUGAL, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE with great experience & expertise in tarot card reading, astrology, healing, Call | Whatssapp ☎ +27763069612Email:[email protected]:http://blackmagicexpert.over-blog.com/
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psychicreadingsuk · 4 months
Unlocking the Mysteries of Your Future with Psychic Readings by Gail Keenan Psychics
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In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of our lives, seeking spiritual guidance has never been easier. If you're looking to gain insight into your future, resolve personal dilemmas, or simply explore the unknown, psychic by phone services offer a convenient and effective solution. Gail Keenan Psychics stands out as a leading provider of such services, ensuring you connect with some of the most trusted psychics UK has to offer.
The Convenience of Psychic by Phone
Gone are the days when you needed to visit a psychic in person to receive a reading. Today, psychic by phone services make it possible to get the same level of insight and guidance from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're facing a challenging decision, experiencing relationship troubles, or seeking career advice, a psychic by phone can provide the clarity you need. Gail Keenan Psychics offers a diverse range of psychic readers who specialize in various fields, ensuring you find the perfect match for your needs.
Why Choose Gail Keenan Psychics?
Gail Keenan Psychics is renowned for its commitment to providing authentic and insightful readings. The platform carefully vets each psychic to ensure they are experienced and genuine, making it one of the most trusted psychics UK services available. Whether you opt for a tarot reading, mediumship, or astrology session, you can be confident that you're receiving guidance from a professional who truly understands their craft.
Exploring Psychic Text Services
In addition to phone readings, Gail Keenan Psychics also offers psychic text services. This option is perfect for those who prefer written communication or need a quick response. With psychic text, you can ask questions and receive detailed answers in real-time, making it an excellent choice for busy individuals or those who need immediate insight. This service is just as comprehensive as a phone reading, with the added convenience of being able to refer back to the conversation at any time.
The Benefits of Psychic Readings
Psychic readings can provide numerous benefits beyond mere curiosity about the future. They can offer emotional healing, closure, and a sense of direction during uncertain times. With the guidance of a psychic, you can uncover hidden truths about yourself and your life path, helping you make more informed decisions. The ability to access such profound insights through psychic by phone and psychic text services ensures that help is always at your fingertips, whenever you need it.
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A Trustworthy Experience
Trust is paramount when it comes to psychic readings. Gail Keenan Psychics understands this and strives to create a safe, confidential, and trustworthy environment for all clients. By choosing their services, you're not only connecting with the trusted psychics UK residents rely on but also ensuring that your personal information and experiences remain private and respected.
In conclusion, whether you're seeking detailed future insights, personal guidance, or simply exploring your spiritual side, Gail Keenan Psychics provides an array of services to meet your needs. The convenience of psychic by phone and psychic text ensures that you can receive the support you need, anytime and anywhere. Trust in the expertise of Gail Keenan Psychics and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment today.
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