#Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
knavcpa · 8 months
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Explore the intricacies of financial transparency with our comprehensive guide to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board standards. Gain insights into regulatory frameworks, auditing practices, and reporting requirements essential for navigating the dynamic landscape of public company accounting. This resource equips professionals and enthusiasts alike with a deep understanding of the PCAOB's standards, fostering a culture of accountability and integrity in the financial sector.
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mariacallous · 4 months
A group of current and former OpenAI employees have issued a public letter warning that the company and its rivals are building artificial intelligence with undue risk, without sufficient oversight, and while muzzling employees who might witness irresponsible activities.
“These risks range from the further entrenchment of existing inequalities, to manipulation and misinformation, to the loss of control of autonomous AI systems potentially resulting in human extinction,” reads the letter published at righttowarn.ai. “So long as there is no effective government oversight of these corporations, current and former employees are among the few people who can hold them accountable.”
The letter calls for not just OpenAI but all AI companies to commit to not punishing employees who speak out about their activities. It also calls for companies to establish “verifiable” ways for workers to provide anonymous feedback on their activities. “Ordinary whistleblower protections are insufficient because they focus on illegal activity, whereas many of the risks we are concerned about are not yet regulated,” the letter reads. “Some of us reasonably fear various forms of retaliation, given the history of such cases across the industry.”
OpenAI came under criticism last month after a Vox article revealed that the company has threatened to claw back employees’ equity if they do not sign non-disparagement agreements that forbid them from criticizing the company or even mentioning the existence of such an agreement. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, said on X recently that he was unaware of such arrangements and the company had never clawed back anyone’s equity. Altman also said the clause would be removed, freeing employees to speak out.
OpenAI has also recently changed its approach to managing safety. Last month, an OpenAI research group responsible for assessing and countering the long-term risks posed by the company’s more powerful AI models was effectively dissolved after several prominent figures left and the remaining members of the team were absorbed into other groups. A few weeks later, the company announced that it had created a Safety and Security Committee, led by Altman and other board members.
Last November, Altman was fired by OpenAI’s board for allegedly failing to disclose information and deliberately misleading them. After a very public tussle, Altman returned to the company and most of the board was ousted.
“We’re proud of our track record providing the most capable and safest AI systems and believe in our scientific approach to addressing risk,” said OpenAI spokesperson Liz Bourgeois in a statement. “We agree that rigorous debate is crucial given the significance of this technology and we'll continue to engage with governments, civil society and other communities around the world.”
The letters’ signatories include people who worked on safety and governance at OpenAI, current employees who signed anonymously, and researchers who currently work at rival AI companies. It was also endorsed by several big-name AI researchers including Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, who both won the Turing Award for pioneering AI research, and Stuart Russell, a leading expert on AI safety.
Former employees to have signed the letter include William Saunders, Carroll Wainwright, and Daniel Ziegler, all of whom worked on AI safety at OpenAI.
“The public at large is currently underestimating the pace at which this technology is developing,” says Jacob Hilton, a researcher who previously worked on reinforcement learning at OpenAI and who left the company more than a year ago to pursue a new research opportunity. Hilton says that although companies like OpenAI commit to building AI safely, there is little oversight to ensure that is the case. “The protections that we’re asking for, they’re intended to apply to all frontier AI companies, not just OpenAI,” he says.
“I left because I lost confidence that OpenAI would behave responsibly,” says Daniel Kokotajlo, a researcher who previously worked on AI governance at OpenAI. “There are things that happened that I think should have been disclosed to the public,” he adds, declining to provide specifics.
Kokotajlo says the letter’s proposal would provide greater transparency, and he believes there’s a good chance that OpenAI and others will reform their policies given the negative reaction to news of non-disparagement agreements. He also says that AI is advancing with worrying speed. “The stakes are going to get much, much, much higher in the next few years, he says, “at least so I believe.”
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Vivek's BASED Response to silly Colorado political stunt to "temporarily" remove Trump's name from the ballot.
This is what an *actual* attack on democracy looks like: in an un-American, unconstitutional, and *unprecedented* decision, a cabal of Democrat judges are barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate President Trump from running in this election, the bipartisan Establishment is now deploying a new tactic to bar him from ever holding office again: the 14th Amendment. I pledge to *withdraw* from the Colorado GOP primary unless Trump is also allowed to be on the state’s ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley to do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.   Today’s decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats put up this time by depriving Americans of the right to vote for their candidate of choice.   The 14th Amendment was part of the “Reconstruction Amendments” that were ratified following the Civil War. It was passed to prohibit former Confederate military and political leaders from holding high federal or state office. These men had clearly taken part in a rebellion against the United States: the Civil War. That makes it all the more absurd that a left-wing group in Colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the 45th President on the same grounds, equating his speech to rebellion against the United States. And there’s another legal problem: Trump is not a former “officer of the United States,” as that term is used in the Constitution, meaning Section 3 does not apply. As the Supreme Court explained in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2010), an “officer of the United States” is someone appointed by the President to aid him in his duties under Article II, Section 2. The term does not apply to elected officials, and certainly not to the President himself.   The Framers of the 14th Amendment would be appalled to see this narrow provision—intended to bar former U.S. officials who switched to the Confederacy from seeking public office—being weaponized by a sitting President and his political allies to prevent a former President from seeking reelection. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers.
6:56 PM · Dec 19, 2023
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The BOZO'S admit that this trick will NOT work.
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The Ukrainian oligarch Republicans claim bribed Joe Biden said he never actually talked to Biden, according to an interview transcript made public Thursday by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.).
Mykola Zlochevsky is a co-founder of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma that employed Biden’s son Hunter for several years. Zlochevsky served as Ukraine’s energy minister, but has been in hiding since fleeing corruption charges.
Republicans claim there’s evidence a Burisma executive — apparently Zlochevsky — paid Joe Biden a $5 million bribe when he was vice president in exchange for an official favor. They’ve demanded the FBI hand over a document reflecting a confidential source’s conversation with Zlochevsky.
Raskin has now countered with a document of his own — a three-page transcript of a 2019 interview between Zlochevsky and an acquaintance of Rudy Giuliani, who at the time was publicly seeking dirt on Biden on behalf of then-President Donald Trump.
“No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden’s engagement” with Burisma, Zlochevsky says in the transcript.
When asked if the Vice President had assisted him or his company “in any way,” Zlochevsky says no.
In 2015, however, a Burisma executive named Vadym Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden in an email for having had the chance to meet his father at a charity dinner, though other guests told The New York Times they didn’t recall the elder Biden having a substantive conversation with Pozharskyi.
Politico in 2020 reported the contents of the Zlochevsky transcript, and Democrats have repeatedly referred to it in response to Republican claims that the FBI is withholding derogatory material against Biden. Democrats obtained the transcript in 2019 in their impeachment inquiry into Trump for pressuring Ukraine to announce a sham investigation of the Bidens.
Raskin has said FBI officials told him the Justice Department assessed the derogatory material on Biden and found it wasn’t worth formally investigating, but the bureau has declined to make any public statements to that effect. So Raskin has turned to what lawmakers already have on hand from Zlochevsky.
“Despite being interviewed as part of a campaign by Mr. Giuliani and his proxies in 2019 and 2020 to procure damaging information about the Biden family, Mr. Zlochevsky explicitly and unequivocally denied those allegations,” Raskin said in a letter to House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) on Thursday.
“Mr. Zlochevsky’s statements are just one of the many that have debunked the corruption allegations against President Biden that were first leveled by Rudy Giuliani and have been reviewed by former President Trump’s own Justice Department,” Raskin said.
In response, Comer insisted the FBI’s tip from a confidential human source who spoke to the Burisma executive has nothing to do with Giuliani. (He has not explicitly said the source is Zlochevsky, but has noted the source is in hiding. Other Republicans, including Giuliani, have named Zlochevsky.)
“The Burisma executive claims then-Vice President Biden solicited and received a $5 million bribe in exchange for certain actions,” Comer said in a statement on Thursday. “The executive also claims he didn’t pay ‘the big guy’ directly but used so many bank accounts that it would take ten years to unravel.”
State Department officials have said they considered Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board during his father’s vice presidency awkward because it looked like a conflict of interest. Joe Biden at the time was the face of the U.S. government’s Ukraine policy and urged the country to root out corruption, including by firing its top prosecutor.
Trump dispatched Giuliani to find evidence that Biden’s action was designed to protect his son, but Republicans have been unable to substantiate claims that the elder Biden bent U.S. foreign policy in his family’s favor. An investigation by Senate Republicans in 2020 concluded it was “not clear” that Hunter Biden’s position with Burisma affected the U.S. government’s stance toward Ukraine.
Nevertheless, Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have kept the story alive this year, seizing on the FBI’s refusal to hand over unverified raw material to argue the bureau is protecting the Bidens.
They have stepped up their efforts following this month’s federal indictment of Donald Trump on Espionage Act charges.
On Wednesday, Comer asked the Treasury Department to hand over any “suspicious activity reports” filed by banks on accounts related to Zlochevsky and other Burisma executives. In his letter to Treasury, Comer claimed his committee “has reviewed government documents that allege President Biden, while serving as Vice President, solicited and received a bribe from a foreign source in return for certain actions.”
Other Republicans have suggested that Zlochevksy might not be a credible source. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), for instance, said earlier this month that the bribery allegation “could be coming from a very corrupt oligarch who could be making this stuff up.”
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) didn't report a staggering $7 billion in award-level obligations and outlays during fiscal year 2022, according to an inspector general audit released this week.
The EPA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) determined that the agency underreported its award-level outlays by $5.8 billion, or 99.9%, and its award-level obligations by $1.2 billion, or 12.9% during FY22, the period between October 2021 and September 2022. The agency further failed to report any of its Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act outlays and under-reported its coronavirus pandemic-related outlays.
"The lack of complete and accurate reporting also led to taxpayers being initially misinformed about the EPA’s spending, and policy-makers who relied on the data may not have been able to effectively track federal spending," the OIG report concluded.
In response to the audit, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., blasted the EPA and called for increased transparency into its activities. 
"It’s outrageous and unacceptable that the EPA cannot keep track of its spending or inform Congress — and the American people — of how it is using taxpayer dollars," McMorris Rodgers said in a statement Thursday. "This eye-opening report only further highlights the need for more transparency at the EPA."
"It also raises questions about whether the agency is incapable of managing its record-high budget or if the agency is attempting to hide the amount of taxpayer dollars it is spending to advance the administration’s radical rush-to-green agenda," she added. "The Energy and Commerce Committee will continue holding this administration accountable for its actions that are driving up costs across the board and hurting Americans."
The EPA ultimately corrected its FY22 figures in May 2023 as a result of the OIG audit while making configuration changes a month later. Overall, the inspector general made five recommendations which it said the agency agreed to make.
The report, meanwhile, comes as the EPA both manages a massive green energy fund and continues to request a larger budget. The Inflation Reduction, Democrats' massive climate and tax bill passed in 2022, created the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which in turn establishes a national green bank to fund green projects nationwide.
And the White House is requesting that Congress approve a FY24 EPA budget of more than $12 billion, a record level. Republicans have aimed to reduce the EPA budget to about $6 billion, which would be the agency's smallest budget since the early 1990s.
"The Biden administration is using EPA as a pass through for taxpayer dollars to fund left-wing groups that aim to get Democrats elected, not improve the environment," Mandy Gunasekara, a Heritage Foundation visiting fellow who served as the EPA's chief of staff during the Trump administration, told Fox News Digital.
"A failure to report $7 billion is absurd and unacceptable, but also symbolic of how Team Biden operates: prioritizing their political goals over the needs of the American people," she continued. "I’m glad Chair Rodgers is monitoring this and hope the committee brings forth the agency’s Chief Financial Officer to account for this serious oversight."
The EPA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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transarsonist · 9 months
if i was president the presidential orders id make DAY ONE would have me killed by DAY TWO heres a hot one! "no entity may handle the entirety of, or process taxes besides the irs, under penalty of identity theft" basically fuck turbotax and fuck corporate accountants. private accountants are Relatively unaffected as they dont nessicarily have to hand the entirety of taxes to be effective and worth their weight in paper cash
you want another hot one? "no government employee may make in exess of 3x minimum wage at 40 hours a week as Any form of income. the punishment must be immediate and permanant removal from office and a lifelong ban from public work" IM SAYIN YOU CANT TAKE A 20 FROM JOE FOR GAS cause you already MADE all your money this month. im talking anyone from the president to the DMV. watch how fast minimum wage goes up
oh another? "sex work shall hereby be legalized and folded into existing workers protections, a new oversight board must be created to regulate and keep sex workers safe"
"no company may, by negligence or by malice, allow our planet to come to harm" and then bring EVERY coal and gas company to bear on it
i'd be making presidential orders every day till they killed me but by god if HALF of them worked our society would be saved
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masllp · 2 months
Why Choose PCAOB Registered Firms in Delhi: An Insight by MAS LLP
Introduction: When it comes to financial auditing and compliance, selecting the right auditing firm is crucial for businesses aiming to ensure accuracy, transparency, and adherence to regulatory standards. PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) registered firms stand out for their commitment to maintaining high standards of audit quality and integrity. In this blog, we will explore the significance of PCAOB registration, the benefits of working with PCAOB registered firms in Delhi, and how MAS LLP can support your business with top-tier auditing services.
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What is PCAOB Registration? The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is a regulatory body established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Its primary mission is to oversee the audits of public companies to protect investors and the public interest by promoting informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. PCAOB registration signifies that an auditing firm has met stringent requirements and adheres to high standards of audit quality and ethics. The Importance of PCAOB Registered Firms
Enhanced Credibility and Trust PCAOB registered firms are subject to regular inspections and evaluations to ensure compliance with rigorous audit standards. This enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of their audit reports, providing stakeholders with confidence in the financial statements of your business.
Compliance with Regulatory Standards For businesses, especially those operating in regulated industries or planning to go public, compliance with regulatory standards is paramount. PCAOB registered firms are well-versed in the latest regulatory requirements and ensure that your financial practices align with these standards, minimizing the risk of legal issues and penalties.
High-Quality Audits PCAOB registered firms are committed to delivering high-quality audits that are thorough, accurate, and independent. This ensures that your financial statements provide a true and fair view of your business’s financial position, aiding in better decision-making and strategic planning.
Investor Confidence Investors rely heavily on the integrity and accuracy of financial statements when making investment decisions. Working with a PCAOB registered firm can enhance investor confidence in your business, potentially attracting more investment and supporting your growth objectives. Why Choose MAS LLP as Your PCAOB Registered Firm in Delhi? Expertise and Experience MAS LLP boasts a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in financial auditing and compliance. Our experts are well-versed in PCAOB standards and bring a wealth of knowledge to every audit engagement, ensuring that your business receives the highest level of service and support. Comprehensive Auditing Services At MAS LLP, we offer a full range of auditing services tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. From statutory audits and internal audits to compliance audits and due diligence reviews, our comprehensive services ensure that all aspects of your financial operations are thoroughly examined and reported. Client-Centric Approach We prioritize our clients’ needs and work closely with them to understand their business operations, challenges, and goals. Our client-centric approach ensures that our auditing services are aligned with your strategic objectives, providing valuable insights and recommendations for improvement. Advanced Audit Techniques Leveraging the latest audit tools and technologies, MAS LLP ensures that our audit processes are efficient, accurate, and thorough. Our advanced audit techniques enable us to identify potential risks, areas for improvement, and opportunities for enhancing your financial practices. Commitment to Quality and Integrity At MAS LLP, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of audit quality and integrity. Our PCAOB registration is a testament to our dedication to maintaining these standards and delivering audit reports that stakeholders can trust. The Advantages of Partnering with PCAOB Registered Firms in Delhi Partnering with PCAOB registered firms in Delhi, like MAS LLP, offers numerous advantages for your business. Here’s how:
Local Expertise with Global Standards PCAOB registered firms in Delhi combine local market expertise with adherence to global auditing standards. This unique blend ensures that your audits are not only compliant with Indian regulations but also meet international standards, providing a comprehensive evaluation of your financial practices.
Efficient and Reliable Audit Processes PCAOB registered firms in Delhi are known for their efficient and reliable audit processes. With streamlined methodologies and a focus on accuracy, these firms help businesses maintain transparency and trustworthiness in their financial reporting.
Proactive Risk Management One of the key benefits of working with PCAOB registered firms in Delhi is their proactive approach to risk management. By identifying potential risks early and providing actionable recommendations, these firms help businesses mitigate risks and ensure long-term financial stability.
Enhanced Corporate Governance Strong corporate governance is essential for business success. PCAOB registered firms in Delhi assist in enhancing your corporate governance framework by ensuring that all financial and operational practices are transparent, ethical, and compliant with regulatory standards. Conclusion Choosing a PCAOB registered firm for your auditing needs is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance the credibility, compliance, and quality of your financial statements. PCAOB registered firms in Delhi, like MAS LLP, offer unparalleled expertise, comprehensive services, and a commitment to excellence. Partner with MAS LLP for your auditing needs and ensure that your business is on the path to financial transparency and success. Contact MAS LLP today to learn more about our auditing services and how we can support your business with our PCAOB registered expertise. By choosing PCAOB registered firms in Delhi, you’re not just investing in a service provider; you’re gaining a partner committed to your business’s financial integrity and growth.
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locustheologicus · 2 months
The infamous Project 2025 can be found here for all to see. It presents itself as a thorough conservative agenda, which it is, but at the level of completely undermining our already weak democratic system and gutting the last remnants of economic regulations.
The video above does a good job in offering a broad overview of the expressed concerns. Most groups shine a light on the issue of reproductive rights, however. For my part, I am deeply concerned about two items. The erosion of our democratic systems, in lieu of a self-perpetuating conservative recruitment process, and the gutting of any existing and already weakened economic and ecological regulations. Two such concerns of the latter point are what Project 2025 plans to do to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Security and Exchange Commission. "Financial regulators should remove regulatory impediments to entrepreneur­ial capital formation." Here are the word for word recommendations.
Congress should abolish the CFPB and reverse Dodd–Frank Section 1061, thus returning the consumer protection function of the CFPB to banking regulators
The SEC on the other hand will continue to exist but serving the executive agenda by removing any independant oversight.
both the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)... should be abolished, and their regulatory functions should be merged into the SEC.
Politically, people will focus on the reproductive rights issue, but I think the pro-corporate agenda should be a greater concern for all of us. Just look at how it will completely undermine any social issues in Favor of corporate profit.
Prohibit the SEC from requiring issuer disclosure of social, ideological, political, or “human capital” information that is not material to investors’ financial, economic, or pecuniary risks or returns. The proposed SEC climate change rule, which would quadruple the costs of being a public company, is particularly problematic.
Repeal the Dodd–Frank mandated disclosures relating to conflict minerals, mine safety, resource extraction, and CEO pay ratios.
Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics; or common­good capitalism.
Prohibit securities regulators, including SROs, from promulgating rules or taking other actions that discriminate, either favorably or unfavorably, on the basis of the race, color, religion, sex, or national origin of such individual or group.
Now, it seems that Candidate Trump is attempting to distance himself from this agenda. But as you can see, he is clearly wedded to this for his potential administration.
I have mentioned some of my earlier concerns with Project 2025 when I first heard of it. Now, as Candidate Trump seems to be inching ever closer to the Presidency again, it is more important than ever to be aware of this policy paper and its repercussions. Here is a further analysis on the democratic concerns we should all have over this agenda.
Thanks to the Lincoln Project, here is a tongue and cheek presentation of what we can expect from Trump and Project 2025.
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What are the Job Prospects for CPAs in India?
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Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) have excellent job prospects in India, as the country’s growing economy and increasing globalization drive demand for professionals with international accounting credentials. The CPA designation, awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), is recognized worldwide and provides a competitive edge in the Indian job market.
CPAs in India are highly sought after in public accounting, particularly by the Big Four firms—Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG. These firms offer roles in auditing, tax advisory, and consulting, where CPAs work with both domestic and international clients, providing services that require a deep understanding of U.S. GAAP, IFRS, and global taxation laws.
In the corporate sector, CPAs can pursue careers as financial analysts, controllers, or chief financial officers (CFOs). These roles involve managing company finances, ensuring compliance with international accounting standards, and offering strategic advice on financial planning and management. Multinational corporations (MNCs) in India, in particular, value the expertise that CPAs bring to the table, especially in navigating the complexities of cross-border financial regulations.
The banking and financial services industry is another major employer of CPAs in India. Here, CPAs work in roles such as internal auditors, risk managers, and financial planners, helping financial institutions manage risks, comply with regulatory requirements, and optimize their financial performance.
Government agencies like the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) also employ CPAs for roles in regulatory compliance, financial oversight, and policy development.
Overall, CPAs in India enjoy a wide range of career opportunities across various sectors, with competitive salaries and the potential for rapid career advancement. As more Indian companies expand globally, the demand for CPAs is likely to continue growing, making it a lucrative career choice.
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cpapartners · 1 month
PCAOB awards record 676 student scholarships
By Paige Hagy
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board announced its largest-ever cohort of students will receive $15,000 each, up from $10,000 in previous years.
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bllsbailey · 2 months
Which social media platforms have banned Trump and why? An overview
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Former President Donald Trump has been blocked from five of the top social media platforms over the years, and all except one have returned his accounts as he runs for re-election in 2024. 
During his presidency, Trump saw his Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts all suspended in 2021 following the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.
"Since President Trump first ran for office, liberals in big tech have allowed terrorists and dictators to spout hate speech on their platforms while banning President Trump in a shameless attempt to help Democrats win elections," RNC Spokesperson Anna Kelly told Fox News Digital in a statement. "It won’t work – President Trump’s message is resonating with voters across the country, which is why he had the most successful TikTok launch in history, and he will continue to speak directly to the American people about his agenda to Make America Great Again."
Trump's Snapchat account was suspended in 2021 after the outlet claimed he was responsible for "multiple policy violations." It has not been restored since. 
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Former President Trump during a campaign event at Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami, Florida, on July 9, 2024. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Asked why the profile could not be restored several years later, a spokesperson for Snapchat told Trump's team their terms of service prevented them from reinstating his account.
Trump War Room, an account working on behalf of the former president's 2024 re-election campaign, blasted Snapchat in a post on X.
"Snapchat REFUSES to reinstate President Trump’s account — but then shamelessly asks the Trump campaign to advertise with Snapchat Big Tech is all in for Kamala!" Trump War Room wrote, alongside a screenshot of their communication with Snapchat.
Snapchat's terms of service reportedly don't allow for a terminated user to create a new account or be reinstated to their old one. 
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The Instagram logo is seen on a cell phone in Boston, Oct. 14, 2022.  (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)
Meta suspended Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts in 2021, but it reinstated them two years later.
"Two years ago, we took action in what were extreme and highly unusual circumstances. We indefinitely suspended then-US President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts following his praise for people engaged in violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021," Meta said in a statement. 
"We then referred that decision to the Oversight Board — an expert body established to be an independent check and balance on our decision-making. The Board upheld the decision but criticized the open-ended nature of the suspension and the lack of clear criteria for when and whether suspended accounts will be restored, directing us to review the matter to determine a more proportionate response." 
Trump was also suspended from Twitter in 2021, but was given his account back after Elon Musk bought the company.
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Truth Social has posted big losses. A logo displayed on a smartphone with Donald J. Trump seen in the background, in this photo illustration.  (Photo illustration by Jonathan Raa/NurPhoto)
Musk recently suggested that Google's autocomplete search feature was omitting results for the assassination attempt against Trump.
"Wow, Google has a search ban on President Donald Trump," Musk wrote. "Election interference?" A Google spokesperson told FOX Business that there was no "manual action taken on these predictions."
After being blocked from several of the top social media companies in the U.S., Trump launched his own platform, Truth Social, which he frequently uses to make public statements regarding his 2024 presidential campaign.
Fox News' Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.
Aubrie Spady is a Writer for Fox News Digital.
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knavcpa · 8 months
Unlocking Transparency: Navigating the PCAOB Audit Landscape for Enhanced Corporate Accountability
In the intricate web of corporate governance, ensuring transparency is paramount for fostering trust among stakeholders. One crucial aspect that contributes to this transparency is the PCAOB audit, a vital component of the financial reporting ecosystem. In this blog, we will delve into the nuances of PCAOB audits and explore how they play a pivotal role in enhancing corporate accountability.
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The Foundation of Accountability
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was established in response to corporate accounting scandals in the early 2000s, most notably the Enron scandal. The PCAOB was given the mandate to oversee and regulate auditors of public companies to protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports.
Understanding PCAOB Audits
The PCAOB audit process involves a thorough examination of a company’s financial statements and internal controls by an external auditor. The aim is to ensure that the financial information provided to shareholders and the public is accurate and reliable. PCAOB audits are not only about compliance but also about maintaining the integrity of financial reporting, instilling confidence in investors, and ultimately upholding corporate accountability.
Rigorous Standards and Guidelines
PCAOB has established stringent standards and guidelines for auditors to follow during the audit process. These standards cover various aspects, including audit planning, risk assessment, evidence gathering, and communication of audit findings. Adherence to these standards is crucial for maintaining the quality and credibility of the audit process.
Enhancing Independence and Objectivity
One of the key principles of PCAOB audits is ensuring the independence and objectivity of auditors. Auditors must maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit, critically evaluating evidence and challenging management assertions. This commitment to independence is designed to prevent conflicts of interest and biases that could compromise the integrity of the audit.
The Role in Financial Statement Assurance
PCAOB audits focus on providing assurance regarding the accuracy of a company’s financial statements. This assurance is invaluable for investors and other stakeholders who rely on financial information to make informed decisions. By scrutinizing financial statements, PCAOB audits contribute to the reliability of financial reporting and, consequently, foster corporate accountability.
Challenges and Continuous Improvement
While PCAOB audits have significantly strengthened the audit process, challenges persist. Evolving business environments, technological advancements, and complex financial instruments present ongoing challenges for auditors. The PCAOB is continually adapting its standards to address these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of audits.
Click here to know about the CPA Services in the USA.
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In conclusion, the PCAOB audit is a cornerstone of corporate accountability, playing a vital role in maintaining transparency and trust in financial reporting. As businesses navigate the dynamic landscape of corporate governance, understanding and embracing the principles of PCAOB audits become imperative. By upholding rigorous standards, fostering independence, and adapting to changing realities, PCAOB audits contribute to the enduring credibility of financial information and, ultimately, enhance corporate accountability in the global business arena.
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mariacallous · 1 year
When insurrectionists stormed the US capitol on January 6, 2021, in support of former president Donald Trump, Meta had to confront the reality that world leaders—even those in democratic nations—might use its platform to call for violence against their own citizens and political rivals. The company had long kept a policy that forbade users from inciting attacks, but political figures had typically been given greater leeway, on the basis that a tech platform couldn’t be seen to interfere in political discourse.
But, facing immense pressure, Meta did, finally, suspend Trump’s Facebook account on January 7, and later announced a new policy on incitement to violence by public figures on its platforms, which threatens bans of between six months and two years for violations.
That policy was tested this January in Cambodia, when the autocratic prime minister Hun Sen went on a livestream to threaten opponents of his Cambodian People’s Party, saying he would “gather CPP people to protest and beat you up,” and send “gangsters” to their houses. Hun Sen, who has 14 million followers on Facebook, has a credible history of violence and intimidation against activists and political opponents. Though the video was reported for violating the company’s policies against hate speech and incitement, Meta left the video up, arguing that Hun Sen, as a world leader, made the video newsworthy. In June, Facebook’s independent Oversight Board, which makes judgements on select content moderation decisions, said that the platform had made a mistake, requiring it to remove the video and recommending that Hun Sen’s Facebook page and Instagram account be suspended for six months. The company took down the video, but said it would conduct a review of the board’s recommendation to suspend Hun Sen’s accounts.
Meta usually implements the Oversight Board’s recommendations. But this time, the company seems to be hesitating. It has until August 28 to review the board’s recommendation, and take action—or not—on Hun Sen’s Facebook page. The company now faces a decision that is fraught with risk, with consequences for itself and for users in Cambodia, and which could set an important precedent ahead of 2024, when more than 30 countries—including the US, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and the UK—are due to hold elections. How Meta deals with Hun Sen’s account could set precedent for the standard to which world leaders are held on its platforms, which are used by billions of people around the world, and test the legitimacy of the Oversight Board.
“The difficulty is going to be where you draw that line of when a world leader demonstrated enough that they should be kicked off the platform,” says Katie Harbath, a fellow at the Integrity Institute and who formerly oversaw Facebook’s elections operations until 2021. “No platform has taken action in the middle of an election in terms of taking down a world leader. What does this look like in the case of India? Or Indonesia, or Mexico, all of these countries with elections next year?”
Just hours after the Oversight Board’s decision was released on June 29, Hun Sen announced on Telegram, where his channel has just over 1 million followers, that he would be leaving Facebook, and took down his page. The Cambodian government issued a ban on all of the Oversight Board’s members, and Hun Sen threatened to shut off access to Facebook in the country. But the departure didn’t last long. On July 20, three days before Cambodia held national elections, the page returned, managed by one of Hun Sen’s advisers, Duong Dara.
The speed of the prime minister’s about turn, and his unwillingness to act against Facebook, show how important the platform is in Cambodia.
More than 10 million of Cambodia’s 16.6 million citizens—or about 92 percent of the people who have access to the internet—use Facebook. Hun Sen, the country’s leader since 1985, has had an active page since 2010. In 2015, Facebook introduced its Free Basics program in the country, partnering with a local telecom company to make a select group of websites and apps, including Facebook and Messenger, effectively free for users. This meant that even poor Cambodians could access Facebook, and that for many, Facebook and its products were the internet.
“Facebook has been very important for [Hun Sen’s] political message, as well as in making him close to the electorate and the citizens of different parts of the country,” says Sokphea Young, a researcher at University College London who has studied the role the platform has played in Cambodia. In particular, people in remote areas of the country have been able to connect with the ruling party over the platform, Young says.
The ubiquity of the platform, he says, also allows it to function as a tool of state surveillance. “If you do anything ‘bad’ on Facebook, try to mobilize anything that does not go along with the law, you will be arrested,” he says. “Facebook is run in a democratic country, but in this way is supporting the ruling party.”
That function—and the economic significance of Facebook, which is used by many businesses in Cambodia—makes it unlikely that the country would completely ban the platform, Young says.
However, a ban is not impossible. The CPP won the national election, amid allegations of vote-rigging. In a widely anticipated move, Hun Sen announced that he would step down on August 22 and hand over the premiership to his son, Hun Manet. Hun Sen will become president of the Senate and acting head of state when Cambodia’s king travels abroad.
The country has previously ordered telecoms companies to block dozens of sites, including most independent media, and last year created its own internet gateway that gives it more control over what people in the country can access.
With the regime’s power over the country secured, there is less jeopardy for the government in blocking Facebook. “We see that as a real threat now,” says Golda Benjamin, Asia-Pacific campaigner with Access Now. “Because the election is over, I think there’s a real threat of blocking the platform and then also threatening the physical presence of any Facebook staff in Cambodia.”
The threat of a ban complicates Meta’s decisionmaking, and introduces both commercial and freedom-of-speech considerations into its deliberations: Is it better for the platform to enforce its policy strictly and risk millions of people losing access to information and services, or to compromise its policy—and the integrity of the Oversight Board—to keep them online?
Meta spokesperson Corey Chambliss told WIRED that the company “remains focused on making sure as many people as possible can use our services to share what matters to them, while removing content that breaks our rules.”
An Oversight Board member, speaking to WIRED on condition of anonymity, says the board did take into consideration the possibility of a countrywide ban of Meta’s platforms when formulating its decision. “It was our judgment that it was more important to keep the regime from being able to use the platform to threaten the political opposition, even at the risk that Facebook might be shut down now,” they say. “The point of a decision of this sort is not just to take down one post, but to try to nudge the company in the direction of more consistent enforcement of its already existing rules having to do with abuse of the platform.”
It’s not clear that suspending Hun Sen would have a material impact on his ability to reach supporters.
An analysis of mentions of Donald Trump after his suspension from Facebook and Twitter found that conversations around him did indeed decrease, but researchers were unable to tell whether that was also due to a simultaneous crackdown on many far-right groups that supported him as well.
Hun Sen’s supporters and other party members will almost certainly remain active on the platform. He uses Telegram, and has a popular TikTok account—although neither has as many followers as his Facebook page. Instead of an outright suspension, Access Now’s Benjamin says the company could take some half measures, such as removing the ability to share content from Hun Sen’s page or deprioritizing its reach. In its current policy, Meta says that pages that violate its community guidelines may “be removed from recommendations and have their distribution reduced.”
But Piseth Duch, a Cambodian human rights lawyer and legal analyst, says that Meta should remain consistent in its policies, no matter the risks. “I believe that they should strictly follow their principles, regardless of every country’s leader,” he says.
Even if, as some have argued, the threat of being suspended from the platform might have been enough to convince Hun Sen to stay within Facebook’s community guidelines since January, the lack of consequences for breaking the rules means that others will inevitably test the boundaries in the future. If Meta doesn’t impose consequences, “other people will continue to use Facebook to incite violence or speech of speech,” Duch says.
Meta’s decision could have consequences for the Oversight Board, which is a core part of the company’s governance. The body was set up in 2018 to act as a sort of independent judiciary for Meta platforms, particularly around issues of content moderation. Meta funds it via an irrevocable trust, but does not have any say in its decisions.
The board can issue binding decisions as well as non-binding recommendations. Its first decisions were released in January 2021, and since then it has submitted 191 recommendations to Meta, some of which have forced the platform to reevaluate its internal policies. Many of them dealt with thorny topics, such as whether content from a news outlet covering Afghanistan’s Taliban government (considered a “dangerous organization”) could stay up (it could), or whether a Croatian cartoon implying ethnic Serbians were “rats” violated Meta’s hate speech rules (it did). In the case of Hun Sen’s account, the board issued a binding decision that the offending video be removed, and recommended a suspension of the prime minister’s account.
Access Now’s Benjamin says that not following the board’s recommendation could throw into question how the company will approach issues of violent and hateful speech moving forward—particularly with how it handles the context in which a post is made. “If Meta doesn’t not comply with the recommendation of the Oversight Board, it also speaks so much about its sincerity and commitment to its own policies against violent and harmful content,” she says. “If they disobey this recommendation, we are forced to go back to the drawing board of looking at freedom of expression on a per-post basis.”
The Oversight Board member says that the body isn’t issuing any one-size-fits-all recommendations for how Meta should approach future elections. “Every election is going to be unique, the timing is going to be different, the nature of the issues that come up are different,” they say. But the board has recommended that Meta should adopt a new system so that when heads of state attempt to incite violence on its platforms, there is a rapid escalation to try to limit the harm it causes.
But what seems like a question relegated to a smaller market could have massive repercussions in other countries. In India, Facebook’s largest market, the far-right, Hindu-nationalist ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has already banned TikTok and accused Meta of censoring nationalist users, even as reporting from The Wall Street Journal found that the company routinely let hateful and violent content by BJP members stay up on Facebook. Last year, the country announced the creation of a Grievance Appellate Committee meant to oversee moderation decisions made by large tech companies. The government also requires foreign tech companies to have in-country representatives who can be held legally responsible for company decisions, and has set up a state-run fact-checking arm that can flag content it determines to be misleading about the government, which companies, and even internet service providers, must comply with. After the US, India has submitted the most requests to have content taken off Meta’s platforms.
If a situation similar to Cambodia were to play out in India’s elections, Meta might face not only a possible ban, shutting off hundreds of millions of users, but also the arrest of its in-country staff.
And possibly nowhere else is this question more alive than in the United States, where Donald Trump, the person for whom Meta’s policy was originally written, has already begun to campaign for the presidency. His suspension from Facebook ended at the beginning of 2023, but “guardrails” remain in place–if he violates the company’s policies again, he will be suspended for between a month to another two years. How that will play out in the midst of an election is anyone’s guess.
The Integrity Institute’s Harbath says that the Cambodia decision could have afforded the Oversight Board the opportunity to help prepare Meta for these upcoming elections.
“I think that the Oversight Board put Facebook in a bit of a difficult spot with this one because they didn't really adequately address what this will look like in a place like India or a fairly free country ahead of an election,” she says. "I feel like they kind of kicked the can down the road.”
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pipara · 3 months
Demystifying PCAOB Audits for US Listings: Your Guide with a Leading PCAOB Firm in India
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Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) audits are a crucial stepping stone for companies aiming to list on US stock exchanges or the OTC Markets. As a leading PCAOB firm, Pipara & Co LLP is here to guide you through the intricacies of PCAOB audits and how they can empower your US listing journey.
What is a PCAOB Firm?
The PCAOB is a non-profit organization established by the US Congress to oversee the audits of public companies. Essentially, a PCAOB firm is an auditing firm registered with the PCAOB, demonstrating its adherence to rigorous international auditing standards.
Why are PCAOB Audits Important for US Listings?
For companies considering a US listing, a PCAOB audit is not just an option, it's a necessity. Here's why:
Enhanced Credibility: A PCAOB audit signifies a higher level of financial scrutiny conducted according to internationally recognized standards. This bolsters investor confidence in the accuracy and transparency of your financial statements, making your company a more attractive investment proposition.
Improved Liquidity: Investors often prioritize companies with audited financials, especially those conducted by PCAOB firms. A PCAOB audit can potentially improve your stock's liquidity by attracting a wider investor base in the US market.
Smoother Uplisting: If you plan to uplist from the OTC Markets to a major exchange like NYSE or NASDAQ, a PCAOB audit is mandatory. By having a PCAOB audit in place from the outset, you avoid unnecessary delays and complications during the uplisting process.
Understanding PCAOB Requirements for Different US Listing Options:
The specific PCAOB requirements can vary depending on the type of US listing you pursue:
Major Stock Exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ): All companies listed on major US exchanges must have their financial statements audited by a PCAOB-registered firm.
OTC Markets: The OTC Markets offer an alternative trading system for companies not yet listed on major exchanges. However, specific tiers within the OTC Markets have varying audit requirements:
OTCQX: Companies seeking to uplist to OTCQX must have current financial reporting with a national securities exchange or a banking or insurance regulator, often translating to audited financials prepared in accordance with US GAAP or IFRS (for International Reporting Companies).
OTCQB: This tier requires annual financial statements audited by a PCAOB firm in USA, prepared in accordance with US GAAP or IFRS.
OTC Pink: The most basic tier with minimal requirements. However, companies aiming to attract investors often choose to have their financials audited by a PCAOB firm for increased transparency.
Pipara & Co LLP: Your Trusted PCAOB Firm Partner
As a PCAOB-registered firm with a strong global presence, Pipara & Co LLP is your one-stop shop for navigating the complexities of PCAOB audits for US listings. Our team of experienced professionals possesses in-depth knowledge of both US GAAP and international accounting standards (IFRS), ensuring seamless compliance throughout the audit process.
Here's what sets Pipara & Co LLP apart:
Global Reach with Local Expertise: We leverage our experience serving clients across India, Dubai, and the USA to provide a comprehensive understanding of international financial landscapes.
Seamless Communication: Our dedicated team ensures clear and consistent communication throughout the audit process, keeping you informed and involved at every step.
Commitment to Quality: We prioritize delivering high-quality audits that meet the highest international standards, fostering investor confidence in your company.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Contact Pipara & Co LLP today for a free consultation to discuss your specific US listing goals and how a PCAOB audit can pave the way for success. With our expertise and dedication, we will ensure a smooth and efficient audit process that empowers your company's journey towards a successful US listing.
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csanoopjain1 · 4 months
Best CS Coaching in Laxmi Nagar
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An Introduction to CS Coaching in Laxmi Nagar
Selecting an appropriate coaching programme is essential for anyone hoping to work as a company secretary (CS). There are several coaching centres in Laxmi Nagar, a busy educational district in Delhi, but CS Anoop Jain Coaching stands out for its quality and commitment. This article explores the reasons behind this institute’s reputation as the top choice for CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar.
Why CS Coaching Is Best in Laxmi Nagar
Because of its ideal location in East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar is easily accessible from all areas of the city. It has a bustling academic scene with lots of bookstores, libraries, and study spaces that make it the perfect place for students to learn. Public transit in the area is well-connected, making it easy for students to commute.
About CS Anoop Jain Coaching
CS Anoop Jain Coaching has become a well-known school for those aspiring to work in computer science. The institute has a long history of helping students succeed, and it is now widely recognised as a symbol of excellence in education. The coaching centre was established with the goal of producing professionals who are prepared for the workforce and provide excellent instruction. Its goal is to equip students with the knowledge, abilities, and self-assurance they need to succeed in the workplace.
The core of CS Anoop Jain Coaching is its professors. Renowned CS Anoop Jain, who has a wealth of knowledge and comprehension in the field, is in charge of the faculty. Faculty members also include other seasoned professionals who bring real-world experience and perspectives to the classroom.
In today’s commercial world, company secretaries have a significantly different role. They play a crucial role in protecting stakeholders’ interests, promoting sustainable development, and assisting individuals in navigating the intricate web of laws, regulations, and moral precepts. In their capacity as guardians of good governance, they mediate disputes and facilitate effective communication and decision-making between the board, management, and shareholders.
Company Secrtary Role
Corporate Oversight: Company Secretaries i.e CS make sure that the business is operated efficiently and that all rules and regulations are adhered to.
Strategic consultants: They provide guidance for the company’s strategic decisions in addition to carrying out administrative tasks.
Accountability, ethics, and transparency: Company secretaries assist in making sure that the business acts in an ethical, accountable, and transparent manner.
Board Meetings and Regulatory Compliance: They plan and run board meetings and make sure the business abides by all applicable laws.
Stakeholder protection: Company secretaries assist in defending the interests of all parties involved in the business, including creditors, employees, shareholders, and customers.
Sustainable Growth: They support the company’s efforts to grow sustainably.
Bridge between the board, management, and shareholders: They help the board, management, and shareholders communicate and make decisions together.
Why is Laxmi Nagar renowned as a centre for coaching?
Varied Coaching Classes: Laxmi Nagar provides coaching for government entrance examinations like Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), as well as national entrance exams like Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations (JEE and NEET). Coaching classes are available for level entrance examinations.
Experienced Teachers: Many CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar have some of the best teachers in the country, who have wide experience in helping students achieve success.
Study Material: These coaching institutes also provide study material to the students, which includes practice papers, mock tests and shortcut techniques.
Library and other facilities: Many CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar also have library, canteen and hostel facilities available to the students.
CS Classes Coaching In Laxmi Nagar : Anoop Jain CS Classes
Our institute, which is run by seasoned professionals and business leaders and is centrally located in Laxmi Nagar, is the pinnacle of corporate governance coaching expertise. Aspiring corporate secretaries receive our guidance for a bright future. Visit us to discover our advantages and why we are the best option for CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar.
Why Choose CS Anoop jain Classes ?
Vision: Established with a vision to develop the future mentors of the corporate world, Anoop Jain CS Classes is an epitome of excellence, integrity and dedication to quality education.
Founder: With years of experience in the industry, our esteemed Founder Mr. Anoop Jain, brings unparalleled expertise and insight in the area of corporate governance.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to succeed in the field of company secretarial practice.From Company Law and Corporate Governance to Securities Law and Regulatory Compliance, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics essential for a good understanding of corporate governance.
Experienced Teacher: At Anoop Jain CS Classes, learning is not just about acquiring information but gaining knowledge from experienced gurus who have experienced the corporate scenario. Our teachers include industry veterans, experienced business people and subject matter experts who bring real-world knowledge to the classroom, thereby enriching the learning experience.
Individual attention: We understand that every student is unique, with different learning needs and aspirations. Therefore we prefer individual attention and small batches to ensure that each student gets personalized guidance and support. Our teachers are available both inside and outside the classroom, creating a conducive learning environment where doubts are resolved and concepts are strengthened.
Overall Development: Apart from academics, we believe in holistic development by nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving skills and professional ethics in our students.Through interactive sessions, case studies and group discussions, we encourage students to think analytically, communicate effectively and develop a proactive approach to challenges in the corporate world.
Success stories: The success of our students speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our coaching methodology. Many of our alumni have secured top positions in Company Secretary examinations and are becoming successful in their professional careers.We are proud to be the catalyst in taking him on his journey to success as an accomplished Company Secretary.
As we come to the end of our investigation into CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar, it is evident that the company secretary plays a crucial role in corporate governance. By upholding accountability, integrity, and openness within organisations, these quiet custodians help safeguard stakeholders’ interests and advance sustainable development.
Laxmi Nagar presents a bright spot for prospective business secretaries due to its active coaching culture, which offers a plethora of chances to initiate their career. In the middle of congested areas and cutthroat coaching facilities, Anoop Jain CS Classes stands out as a beacon of brilliance, helping students to grasp corporate governance.
Anoop Jain CS Classes is in the forefront of developing future corporate governance mentors thanks to its visionary founder, extensive curriculum, skilled teachers, and individualised attention. Our steadfast devotion to excellence is attested to by our success stories among our alumni and our commitment to holistic development.
Aspiring corporate secretaries should keep in mind that the coaching centre they select will have a significant impact on the course of their career as they set out on their path to success. They may confidently negotiate the challenges of the corporate world and become model professionals with the correct mentoring and interactions.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Oct. 30 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday that slaps new requirements on tech developers to mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence and establishes new safety standards that aim to protect privacy and national security.
Biden's directive is the most sweeping action yet to regulate AI, and entails several strategies to limit safety and security risks to the nation, including a trust-but-verify arrangement between the government and the private sector.
The order requires AI system developers to share safety test results and other critical information with the administration as they become available, especially in cases where an AI model poses a serious risk to national security, national economic security, or national public health and safety, the White House announced in a statement.
Under the order, Biden also calls on the National Institute of Standards and Technology to establish rigorous safety testing for the technology before it's made available to the public.
Biden directed the Department of Homeland Security to establish the AI Safety and Security Board, which will apply the standards to critical infrastructure in an effort to limit chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and cybersecurity threats.
The president told agencies that fund scientific research to attach specific conditions to federal funding for companies responsible for mitigating risks associated with AI-engineered biological materials.
"These measures will ensure AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy before companies make them public," the White House said.
Biden also ordered the Department of Commerce to develop public guidance for content authentication and watermarking to clearly label AI-generated content.
"Federal agencies will use these tools to make it easy for Americans to know that the communications they receive from their government are authentic -- and set an example for the private sector and governments around the world," the statement said.
Biden ordered White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and the National Security Council to develop further AI security actions to protect the military and intelligence communities.
The order also creates an advanced cybersecurity program to develop tools that would fix vulnerabilities in AI software.
Biden's order builds on several previous actions by the president to ensure safe and transparent development of the emerging technology, while he was also preparing to deliver legislation to Congress that seeks to protect the nation from AI's harmful potential.
The administration has secured commitments from more than a dozen tech companies to take a responsible approach to developing artificial intelligence for ethical purposes.
The order also contains priorities to protect individual privacy through stronger cryptographic tools and other protective technologies.
Biden called for government agencies to evaluate how they collect and use commercially available information to account for any AI risks.
The executive order builds on the administration's Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which was released earlier this year to promote responsible innovation in the field.
In February, Biden ordered all federal agencies to uproot bias in their technological action plans and to protect the public from algorithmic racial discrimination, which is also one of the primary capabilities of AI technology.
Biden's executive order reiterates these commitments, emphasizing the importance of countering bias and other forms of discrimination in AI to maintain equity in areas such as justice, healthcare, and housing.
Previously, the administration said it would continue working with the companies over time to keep controls on pace with AI's future development.
Biden's order also addresses AI's potential impact on the labor market, education, and consumer spending.
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