#Public sector workforce matters
unpublicserviceday · 5 months
(8th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration.
Public sector workforce matters
- Expert panel moderated by the Vice-Chair
- Interactive dialogue with CEPA members, Member States, United Nations system and civil society organizations 
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) is a UN technical advisory body that studies and makes recommendations to improve governance and public administration structures and processes for development. It assists ECOSOC by reviewing trends, issues and priorities in public administration, notably in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and progress reviews of the SDGs.
Watch the (8th meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration!
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
Goldman Sachs, or Government Sachs as they are known in the industry, has bet on the establishment candidate. The person who has already spent four years in the White House will somehow repair the damage they caused to the US economy, according to Goldman Sachs, who strongly believes America should stay on the same losing trajectory.
“We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from maintaining most tax cuts, Goldman economists stated. Remember that Goldman Sachs places their employees within the US government as there is an ongoing revolving door. “We estimate that the contribution from immigration to labor force growth if Harris wins would be 10,000 per month higher than if Trump wins with divided government,” and 30,000 a month higher than if Trump secures the vote.
America has spent billions on the migrant crisis which has toppled state and city budgets. We have over 8 million newcomers now living solely off government assistance. Goldman is preaching the same propaganda that these migrants are needed for America’s workforce, despite recent data showing a major slow in hiring in addition to numerous adjusted jobs reports that show NO new jobs have been created outside the public sector under Biden-Harris. They believe GDP would peak by 0.5 percentage points in Q2 of 2025 under a Trump victory.
A Harris victory would lead to a “very slight” boost in GDP compared to Trump, as “new spending and expanded middle-income tax credits would slightly more than offset lower investment due to higher corporate tax rates.” The “experts” believe that “the effects of policy changes would be small and neutral on net,” but the truth of the matter is that a Harris victory would guarantee a major economic downturn. It is astonishing that they expect the public to believe that the middle class will increase their spending through tax credits. They simply do not understand that a lack of confidence is the reason that people hoard, and under this economy, the middle class does not have any disposable income to spend.
Then they state that Trump’s tariffs on China, Mexico, and EU would cause inflation to rise by 30 to 40 bps. I do not support tariffs but we are seeing the Biden Administration slam China with new tariffs and one could reasonably believe Kamala would do the same. Do they understand Kamala’s corporate tax hike proposition and how that would decimate America’s ability to compete?
Harris is proposing taxing capital gains including UNREALIZED gains. The American public has nothing left to offer Uncle Sam and rest assured Harris will raise taxes as her countless spending packages come at a price. Goldman Sachs completely failed to consider the impact government spending has had on the overall economy.
Most importantly, Government Sachs did not factor in the strongest driver of inflation – WAR. War produces nothing and will not lead to an economic increase. Kamala Harris along with Joe Biden helped America become completely embedded in Ukraine and now Israel. Trump is the only candidate who wants to stop sending endless checks to Ukraine and end the war.
These reports are meant to mislead the public and are nothing more than establishment propaganda.
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For years we’ve been hearing about Republican strategies to displace the Democrats as the party of the working class, but conservative efforts to define what that means have always faltered. The main strategy, dating to the Nixon years, has been to use racial and religious prejudice to drive a wedge into what’s left of the New Deal coalition. But “working class” is an economic designation, not a cultural one. In their 2008 book Grand New Party, Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam tried to argue that social issues were economic issues, but that’s too facile and sometimes plainly wrong. (What do working-class women gain by losing abortion rights?) In 2021, Representative Jim Banks wrote Representative Kevin McCarthy a memo on how to make the GOP “permanently … the Party of the Working Class.” But apart from hawkishness on trade and immigration, to which Trump had converted the GOP, Banks was silent on economic matters, relying instead on waging culture war.
American Compass was created three years ago to change that. Founded by Oren Cass, a fortyish former Bainie and domestic policy adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, American Compass is a conservative nonprofit that fashions itself pro-worker. It just produced a manifesto titled Rebuilding American Capitalism: A Handbook for Conservative Policymakers that attempts to define a set of conservative economic policies to help the working class. It will host a conference to discuss these on Wednesday afternoon in the Russell Senate Office Building, with remarks from Senators Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, J.D. “Hillbilly Elegy” Vance, and Todd Young.
Rebuilding American Capitalism acknowledges wage stagnation, decries stock buybacks, bemoans financialization, and rejects “market fundamentalism.” It knocks libertarians for disdaining government and mocks Glenn Hubbard, President George W. Bush’s chief economic adviser, for stating that “the goal of the economic system [is] optimizing consumption.” It recognizes the serious problem of growing economic inequality. Except for progressives, whom it denounces cartoonishly as disdainful of the private sector and overly “eager to use public programs to provide whatever the market does not,” the manifesto is against the right things. The trouble arises when it’s called upon to be for something—specifically, labor unions.
You can’t be serious about empowering the working class unless you want to strengthen organized labor. Does American Compass want to do that? Yes and no.
Give American Compass credit for including in its manifesto a chapter forthrightly titled “Labor.” Congressional Republicans are so nauseated by this word that whenever they regain control of the House they change the name of the Committee on Education and Labor to the Committee on Education and the Workforce. This revulsion does a disservice to the roughly one-third of union members who reliably vote Republican. Indeed, there’s a conservative argument to make in favor of labor unions, and I’m pleased to see American Compass make it:
“Especially for conservatives, who cherish the role of mediating institutions, prefer private ordering to government dictates, and believe prosperity must be earned rather than redistributed, reforming and reinvigorating the laws that govern organizing and collective bargaining should be an obvious priority.”
Amen. I would add only that Republicans show their true colors by relying, whenever they control the White House, on government power to impede the growth of private-sector unions at the National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB.
Also on the plus side, Rebuilding American Capitalism calls for sectoral bargaining, in which labor unions negotiate wages across industry sectors. The United Auto Workers and the United Steelworkers established a variation on sectoral bargaining called pattern bargaining back in the 1940s, though its efficacy diminished with the rise of foreign competition. The idea, which is a good one, is that competition within an industry (or its absence) shouldn’t drive down wages.
The section heading “Guarantee Workers’ Legal Right to Organize” got me very excited. But on closer inspection, the manifesto avoided any mention of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, the only serious vehicle right now to shore up labor rights, which has two Republican co-sponsors in the House (Pennsylvania’s Brian Fitzpatrick and New Jersey’s Christopher Smith), though none, alas, in the Senate. The PRO Act would reverse key anti-labor provisions in the 1947 Taft-Hartley amendments to the National Labor Relations Act, or NLRA, voiding, for instance, state “right-to-work” laws that allow union nonmembers to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining without paying union fees, and legalizing secondary boycotts like the supermarket boycotts that the United Farm Workers’ Cesar Chavez organized during the 1960s to bring grape growers to heel. (Chavez was allowed to target supermarkets that sold grapes only because agricultural workers weren’t covered by the NLRA, and they still aren’t.) The PRO Act would also for the first time allow the NLRB to impose serious monetary penalties on businesses that violate the NLRA; right now all it can do is require payment of back wages and reinstatement of a fired employee, which is why companies violate the act routinely.
How would Rebuilding American Capitalism guarantee workers’ right to organize? By doing, to quote Jake Gittes describing his instructions as a cop patrolling Chinatown (in the great 1974 film of that title), “as little as possible.” The PRO Act would require the NLRB to seek a court injunction to reinstate immediately any employee fired for union organizing. Rebuilding American Capitalism merely advises the NLRB to give its general counsel authority to seek such injunctions—authority the general counsel possesses already, and, under General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, is applying aggressively. Under a Republican president, the energetic pursuit of injunctions is a lot less likely to occur, and a polite request from American Compass will have no effect.
Even worse than its Chinatown approach to protecting workers’ right to organize is Rebuilding America’s section titled “Get Worker Organizations Out of Partisan Politics.” Organized labor’s political influence, even in its current greatly diminished form, is pretty much the only thing it has going for it at a time when private-sector union membership is down to 6%. Unions have always been a force in politics, and it would be suicide for them to withdraw now.
Or perhaps Rebuilding America means only that unions should withdraw from spending directly on political campaigns, something they were barred legally from doing before the Supreme Court turned corporations (and labor unions) into people in 2010’s Citizens United case. “The United States should prohibit political spending by worker organizations,” the manifesto says, “comparable to the prohibition on political spending by 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.” Spending by affiliated PACs would still be permissible. Fine by me—but only if corporations (which take much greater advantage of Citizens United than unions do) are similarly barred from political spending. Which of course would require the Supreme Court to overturn Citizens United. Good luck with that. Rebuilding America makes much of the fact that the AFL-CIO and SEIU don’t allow members to dictate how they allocate lobby resources, but neither do corporations allow stockholders to do the same. The prospect of unions disarming unilaterally and leaving politics to corporations doesn’t seem to worry American Compass.
Ultimately, Rebuilding American Capitalism, for all its proletarian posturing, can’t muster much enthusiasm for labor unions. After its very good review early on of the data on growing income inequality, and a less-good section accusing liberals of not supporting apprenticeship programs (not remotely true), the manifesto gives the game away by stating that “although most Americans … wish they had more opportunities for their voice to be heard” in the workplace, “the traditional labor union is not the model they prefer.” Oh, please. Anybody who’s paid the slightest attention knows that labor unions enjoy more public support today than they have in half a century. It’s inconceivable that the authors of Rebuilding American Capitalism don’t know this.
To justify its claim that workers don’t especially like unions, Rebuilding American Capitalism cites polling data (from a poll conducted by American Compass) that says 63% would prefer a “worker organization” (whatever that is) to be run by labor and management, as opposed to 37% who would prefer it to be run solely by workers. This is a testament not to any wariness of unions on the public’s part but to the public’s naïveté about American management’s willingness to cooperate with labor. It’s different in Europe, of course, where they have works councils and other organizations where these things get hashed out by labor, management, and the government. American corporations rejected this model after World War II, when Walter Reuther and other union leaders proposed it. If they could now be persuaded otherwise, that would be lovely. But after reading American Compass’s manifesto, I wouldn’t trust any conservative to write the enabling legislation. Rebuilding American Capitalism has some good ideas about what ails America, but it balks at furnishing the means to fix it.
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dot-24 · 5 months
Driving Success: Mastering DOT Drug Testing for Transportation Entrepreneurs
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As a transportation entrepreneur, navigating the intricate landscape of DOT drug testing is not just a regulatory requirement but a crucial step in ensuring safety, reliability, and compliance within your business. In this blog, we'll explore the ins and outs of DOT drug testing, its importance, challenges, solutions, and the role of technology and service providers in simplifying compliance. Let's dive in!
Why DOT Drug Testing Matters:
DOT drug testing isn't just about following rules; it's about safeguarding lives. By ensuring a sober workforce, transportation businesses mitigate the risks of substance-related accidents, protecting employees, passengers, and the public. Compliance with DOT regulations fosters a culture of safety and responsibility, essential for maintaining trust and credibility in the industry.
Who Needs to Comply:
Understanding who falls under DOT drug testing requirements is essential. From commercial truck drivers to aviation personnel, railroad workers to mariners, employees in safety-sensitive positions across various transportation sectors must adhere to strict testing protocols to uphold integrity and reliability within the industry.
Testing Procedures and Requirements:
DOT drug testing involves screening for a range of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, phencyclidine, and alcohol. Testing procedures follow rigorous guidelines, from sample collection to laboratory testing, review by Medical Review Officers (MROs), and follow-up protocols in case of positive results.
When Tests Are Required:
DOT drug and alcohol tests are mandated in various situations, including pre-employment, random testing throughout the year, reasonable suspicion testing, post-accident testing, return-to-duty testing after a violation, and follow-up testing for employees undergoing substance abuse treatment.
Practical Tips for Compliance:
Staying informed about DOT regulations, educating your team, partnering with reliable testing services, implementing clear policies, and providing support for employees struggling with substance abuse are vital steps in ensuring compliance with DOT drug testing requirements.
The Importance of Compliance:
Compliance with DOT drug testing regulations isn't just about adhering to government rules; it's about cultivating a safety culture, maintaining reliability and trust, avoiding legal and financial consequences, mitigating insurance and liability risks, and promoting long-term business health.
Implementing a Drug Testing Program:
Establishing a comprehensive drug testing program involves understanding DOT regulations, selecting qualified service agents, crafting clear policies, conducting pre-employment and random testing, managing post-accident and reasonable suspicion testing, and ensuring confidentiality and record-keeping compliance.
Challenges and Solutions:
While DOT drug testing poses challenges such as managing costs, ensuring privacy, and handling positive test results, practical solutions such as negotiating discounts, maintaining confidentiality, and establishing clear policies can mitigate these challenges and ensure effective management of drug testing programs.
The Role of Technology and Service Providers:
Technology and service providers play a crucial role in simplifying DOT drug testing compliance through digital scheduling and management systems, electronic chain of custody forms, integration with HR systems, mobile apps, expert guidance, comprehensive testing services, training, legal assistance, and compliance support.
Navigating DOT drug testing is a multifaceted endeavor that requires diligence, expertise, and strategic partnerships. By prioritizing safety, reliability, and compliance, transportation entrepreneurs can ensure the well-being of their workforce, passengers, and the public while maintaining a competitive edge in the industry. Embrace DOT drug testing as a cornerstone of your entrepreneurial journey, and pave the way for a safer, more responsible future in transportation.
1. Who needs to comply with DOT drug testing regulations?
Businesses in the transportation sector, including trucking, aviation, and public transportation, among others.
2. What substances does DOT drug testing screen for?
Typically, the test screens for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and amphetamines/methamphetamines.
3. How often should DOT drug tests be conducted?
It depends on various factors, including the specific industry and whether the testing is pre-employment, random, post-accident, or other types.
4. What happens if an employee fails a DOT drug test?
The procedures can include removal from safety-sensitive duties, a mandatory evaluation by a substance abuse professional, and completion of a return-to-duty process.
5. Can small businesses afford to comply with DOT drug testing?
Yes, there are cost-effective solutions and service providers that can help small businesses manage the requirements efficiently.
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
The Ministry of Defence has been reported to the equalities watchdog after claims from female civil servants that it has failed adequately to address allegations of sexual harassment and assault.
The union Prospect wrote to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) asking for an investigation into whether the MoD was failing in its public sector equalities duty in relation to discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The EHRC will now have to decide whether to take action.
The union called for an inquiry after about 60 senior women at the department wrote to the permanent secretary to the MoD, David Williams, in October with a joint letter that alleged sexual assault, harassment and abuse by male colleagues.
After that, a MoD civil servant came forward to Prospect to tell of being subjected to three separate incidents of sexual assault by male colleagues.
In its letter, Prospect said: “We are increasingly concerned that the MoD has failed to comply with its obligations under the PSED [public sector equality duty], in particular the requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010.
“As the body responsible for enforcing the PSED and monitoring compliance, we ask that the Equality and Human Rights Commission urgently investigates the MoD’s compliance with the general and specific duties under the PSED.”
Mike Clancy, the general secretary of Prospect, said recent revelations about a culture of sexual harassment and abuse within the department and a failure to take action on that culture, suggested the MoD was failing to meet its obligation.
“It is our hope that the EHRC will investigate this matter and force the MoD to take appropriate action to ensure equality and a safe working environment for its female employees,” he said.
“It is frankly ridiculous that in 2024 a government department should have to be compelled to take action when employees are being sexually harassed and assaulted in this way. It’s time they properly engaged with unions to put adequate systems in place to protect their workforce and root out unacceptable behaviour.”
Prospect said it had been calling for a review of the MoD’s bullying, harassment and victimisation policies since September 2022, but that the department HR forum had not engaged with the union.
A spokesperson for the watchdog said: “The EHRC receives complaints each week about allegations of unlawful activity contrary to the Equality Act 2010. We consider each complaint carefully and take action where appropriate.”
A spokesperson for the MoD said: “Harassment and discrimination is not tolerated and no one should be made to feel unsafe. We are committed to stamping this out and we continue to encourage anyone who has experienced or witnessed unacceptable behaviour to report it immediately.”
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Action is needed to show nurses of colour that their contribution is valued and their lives matter, as opposed to words, nursing leaders have warned on the third annual Windrush Day.
On this day in 1948, the first group of people arrived in Essex from the Caribbean on the Empire Windrush cruise ship, pictured above, answering the UK’s call for public sector workers following the Second World War.
“There is still so much to do to level the playing field for people of colour in the UK" Trevor Sterling
Many of these passengers and the other members of the Windrush Generation – along with their descendants – were or would go on to become nurses, helping to create the National Health Service.
The government announced in 2018 that 22 July would become an annual holiday to celebrate the British-Caribbean community and to thank those who helped to rebuild Britain after the war.
The designation came in the wake of the Windrush Scandal in which stories of Commonwealth citizens being wrongfully detained, deported and denied their rights came to light.
Windrush Day this year is particularly poignant as it coincides with a time of national and international reflection on the racial inequalities in our society brought to stark attention by Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matters movement.
More on this topic:
Workplace racism linked to BAME nurses’ higher virus risk
Action on BAME nurse risks coming, minister tells Nursing Times
Nurses from Asian backgrounds at highest Covid-19 risk, finds PHE review
‘Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter have placed racism in the spotlight’
High death rates among Filipino nurses in UK now on global radar
BAME groups at ‘higher risk’ of getting Covid-19 with deprivation among factors
Exclusive: BME nurses ‘feel targeted’ to work on Covid-19 wards
NHS leaders set out new measures to protect BME staff in pandemic
Professor Greta Westwood, chief executive of the Florence Nightingale Foundation, said more needed to be done to “redress the current imbalance” in nursing in terms of race.
While 20% of the overall NHS nursing and midwifery workforce in England is from a black, Asian or ethnic minority (BAME) background, the percentage reduces to 4% for director-level nursing posts.
“It saddens me today to see that our BAME staff, whose own ancestors helped to build the NHS, still feel that they have to break through glass ceilings to succeed,” said Professor Westwood.
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Greta Westwood
The foundation launched the Windrush Leadership Programme to help BAME nurses at bands 5 to 6 reach senior leadership positions and now also runs Windrush Leadership Scholarships.
Some of the BAME nurses and midwives who applied to the programme had been in their band 5 roles for more than 20 years.
“Since its foundation, the Windrush Leadership Programme has helped BAME staff find their voice and rightfully claim their place as senior leaders in the NHS,” added Professor Westwood.
“I urge my fellow NHS and other healthcare leaders to redress the current imbalance. We as the foundation will continue to foster this talent, but it is our collective responsibility to work together. Action not words create change.”
One Windrush scholar, Deborah Hylton, said when she joined the programme, she was working as a band 6 health visitor and was struggling with “self-doubt” after being continuously turned down for band 7 roles.
Inspired by her sister and sister-in-law who both came to the UK from the Caribbean when she was 13 and trained as nurses, Ms Hylton joined the nursing profession as a mature student with two young children to “give back to my community”.
She said the “confidence and skills” she gained through the course helped her to secure her current role as a lecturer in children’s nursing at London South Bank University.
“I am now in a position where I can encourage student nurses from all ethnic groups that nothing is impossible. I am able to stand in front of them as their lecturer and role model and make them aware of another career direction that nursing can offer,” said Ms Hylton.
Meanwhile, staff from four London hospitals will tonight mark Windrush Day by gathering outside their buildings at 5pm and taking a knee to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.
The protest will be observed by workers at St Thomas Hospital, Kings College Hospital, South London and Maudsley Hospitals, and Lewisham University Hospital.
The action is being organised by Unite the union at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, and Royal College of Nursing Inner South East London.
Mark Boothroyd, Unite branch secretary for Guy's and St Thomas', said: “The NHS has the same problems of systemic racism as every other part of society.
“With over 50% of nursing staff in London being from BME backgrounds and directly affected by this, its important staff can show their support for Black Lives Matter, and push their own employers to make changes to tackle the ongoing issue of racism in the NHS.”
The RCN is also using Windrush Day to urge the Home Office to grant indefinite leave to remain to all international health and care workers who have worked in the UK during the pandemic.
“The NHS has the same problems of systemic racism as every other part of society" Mark Boothroyd
Dame Donna Kinnair, RCN chief executive and general secretary, said: “The best way to honour the legacy of Windrush Day is to ensure no nurse, or health and care worker, who trained overseas, and helped in this pandemic, feels alien in this country.
“Granting automatic, indefinite leave to remain to international health and care workers who helped tackle this virus should be instinctive.
“The services and support that they provide, though brought to the fore through this pandemic, have always been essential. They are, and always will be, key workers.”
More than one in 10 of the total registered nursing workforce in the UK come from overseas, according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council. As of September 2019, 77,065 registered nurses came from outside the European Economic Area.
However, international nursing staff must wait five years before they can apply for indefinite leave to remain and are required to take a test to prove their Britishness before they are granted it.
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Donna Kinnair
Another organisation demanding action over words is the Mary Seacole Trust which exists to educate the public about the life of the British-Jamaican nursing pioneer who cared for soldiers during the Crimean War, working against both racism and sexism.
The trust oversaw the creation of a Mary Seacole statue in 2016 in the grounds of St Thomas' Hospital, becoming the first statue in the UK in honour of a named black woman.
To mark Windrush Day, the organisation is calling for a national “black plaque scheme” to educate the public on UK black history.
It has written to the prime minister and London mayor to request that plaques are put up next to all British statues to explain the historical context, with the wording decided in collaboration with members of the black community.
Trevor Sterling, chair of the Mary Seacole Trust, said: “Windrush Day has a huge significance for me, my family and countless other black people in the UK.
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Trevor Sterling
“Since the Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury in 1948, we have been contributing to our communities in Britain, and yet like Mary Seacole, our contributions are not fully recognised.
“There is still so much to do to level the playing field for people of colour in the UK, as seen most recently in the disproportionate number of BAME coronavirus deaths.
“Education about black British history must be central to all policy changes. If we are to truly address racism in the UK, we must first educate British citizens."
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mariacallous · 1 year
Editor's note: This research brief is the first in a two-part series exploring how cities can support green workers, especially amid historic federal infrastructure investment. The second brief focuses on specific federal funding opportunities.
The transition to a cleaner and more resilient economy will be one of the most significant economic and physical transformations in U.S. history. Trillions of dollars will be required to adopt clean electricity, retrofit homes and businesses, establish new manufacturing processes, and protect cities and towns from changing weather patterns. Now, with landmark federal laws—including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act—bringing significant public capital and tax credits to further incentivize private investment, the transition is poised to gain speed in the coming decade.
The rise of a green economy has also brought a renewed focus on green jobs. To put all this public and private capital to use, the country needs a sizable workforce to construct new power plants and transmission lines, modernize older buildings, and plan and deliver more resilient communities. Ideally, the transition to a green economy should offer durable and growing career pathways while it cleans the air, protects American neighborhoods, and grows U.S. industries.
However, there is reason for skepticism over whether there are enough workers ready to pursue all these projects. The workers who construct, operate, and maintain U.S. infrastructure are either in short supply, aging, or leaving their jobs rapidly. Transportation departments, water utilities, and other employers are struggling to retain talent, let alone find the millions of new workers needed in the skilled trades and other related positions in the coming years. Growing a clean economy will require more analysts, managers, and other white-collar professionals to oversee and assess humanmade and natural infrastructure systems. The concept of a green job is still far too amorphous, with little understanding of the knowledge and skills it will take to execute more climate-focused work.
Preparing a climate-ready workforce requires an all-hands-on-deck approach among public and private leaders across the country—including federal policymakers, state community college systems, and individual employers—but these capacity-related gaps often come to ground in U.S. cities and regions. Past Brookings research has highlighted how cities are essential to driving climate action. Many cities continue to make bold climate pledges, including commitments to achieve net zero emissions and protect the most vulnerable. They also play an active role in workforce development, including by funding educational and related training programs. But without a coordinated, comprehensive plan to retrain and recruit workers in well-defined, green-related careers, city leaders will be unable to achieve their climate ambitions.
This brief assesses 50 large cities’ climate action plans (CAPs), which ideally should encapsulate many of the elements essential to local infrastructure workforce development. Local leaders need to articulate their training and hiring priorities, the various sectors in need of talent, and the funding and timelines required to accelerate action. Of course, CAPs are not the only planning efforts addressing such needs—amid other programs launched by federal and state leaders, in addition to innovations in the private sector—but this brief shows that many local leaders are not in a position to harness new funding and that they have more workforce planning to do:
Most of the relevant cities—47 of 50—mention green jobs in their CAPs, but they only tend to do so in passing. While some cities do not refer to green jobs at all in their plans, most cities only include a more general call for equity and greater net opportunities.
Most of the cities—40 of 50—emphasize energy projects when discussing workforce needs, but considerably fewer cities emphasize workforce needs in terms of buildings, transportation, or other parts of the built environment. Only about half of the cities (24) emphasize workforce needs around building upgrades and retrofits, while even fewer (20) emphasize these needs around transportation improvements.
Only 19 of the 50 cities include detailed information on collaboration with other institutional and organizational partners when discussing workforce development. Examples of these partners include community colleges, community-based organizations, and other groups essential to engaging new workers, training them, and providing supportive services.
Only 11 of the 50 cities include information on funding—or additional programmatic support—for workforce development. Many cities do not spell out clear costs for needed training programs or propose specific funding and financing to support them.
Only 9 of the 50 cities include specific dates, benchmarks, or timelines for workforce development. Most CAPs lack details on the duration of any green workforce development efforts or benchmarks to measure success.
This research brief does not aim to precisely define green jobs, especially amid continued debates among policymakers and researchers on how to isolate, measure, or forecast such employment figures. Rather, this brief seeks to address the information deficits limiting local and regional planning about green jobs. It first examines the scope of the green jobs challenge by outlining the major skills and training needs, before considering some of the essential ingredients for ongoing local workforce development planning. Then, using detailed findings from our review of 50 municipal CAPs, we describe many of the successful practices that city leaders and other stakeholders can adopt to expand climate-focused talent development. America is poised to unleash generation-defining climate investment—and the American worker is poised to be a central part of these efforts.
A full list of the 50 cities analyzed is available in an interactive map below and described more extensively in a downloadable methods appendix.
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eaglesnick · 1 year
No Society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable” Adam Smith
The Metro had this headline yesterday.
"Rishi Sunak is demanding “restraint “ on pay - what a joke.” (Metro: (13/07/23)
The Metro goes on to point out that although pay may be going up, people are becoming poorer, especially those that work in the public sector, because inflation is far outstripping pay awards.
“Pay may be going up, but people are undeniably getting poorer. They’re feeling financially hopeless and helpless. Yet now, the Government and the Bank of England are joining forces to imply it’s all your fault for daring to ask for higher pay in the middle of a cost of living scandal."  (Metro: 13/07/23)
Multi-millionaire Sunak could of course, have followed the Metro's demand that he tax the rich a little more to help restore public sector pay and to encourage recruitment and retention within our public services. But Sunak is not going to increase taxes on the rich. After all, why would he when he and his wife are members of the Times Rich List with a combined wealth of £529million?
Sunak, for the tax year 2021/22, paid only 22% tax on a total income of £1.9million.  If you or I had earned that amount of money we would have been paying a tax rate of 45% on earned income over £150,000. The reason Sunak and his fellow multi-millionaire friends do not pay that higher tax rate is because much of their money comes from UNEARNED income: unearned income in the form of capital gains is only taxed at 20% no matter how many millions that happens to be.
 “The super-rich pay lower taxes than you …because the forms of income they often rely on are taxed much lower than the income of a typical person who has to rely on a salary.” (views-voices.Oxfam.ork.uk: 18/01/23)
Some will argue that calls to tax the rich fairly are merely the politics of envy. I would argue it’s more a question of morality than envy but lets leave that discussion aside for now. Lets look at Sunak’s claim that public sector pay rises are inflationary and that is why they have to be restrained.
“Rishi Sunak has said he would make the "responsible" decision on pay increases for public sector workers, in order to control inflation.”  (BBC News: 26/06/23)
Commentating on a £5billion increase in public sector pay, the financial journalist Andy Verity said on BBC news yesterday:
“£5billion pounds may sound a lot but, when the total spending in the economy is expected to be £2,200billion this year, it amounts to an increment of barely a fifth of one percentage point” (Andy Verity: BBC News:13/07/23)
Many economists dismiss the idea that public sector pay rises  add to inflation' as the public sector does not increases charges to reflect higher staff pay as happens in the private sector. But lets leave that argument aside as well. If a pay rise to match inflation was given for ALL public sector then economists estimate this would cost the Treasury an additional £23.5billion.
However, if you take into account what the government has already agreed to pay, and then also take into account the 30% in higher taxes and VAT receipts the government will claw back, then the total bill is below £10 billion. (Phillip Inman, Observer: 11/12/22)
This figure is twice the cost talked about by Andy Verity but it still only amounts to  TWO FIFTHS of a percentage point of total UK spending.
The sad truth is we are governed by a rich elite who put their own wealth and well-being before that of ordinary working people. For Sunak and his friends, the public sector is seen as a missed opportunity for them to make even more money than they already possess. The NHS in particular holds the potential for some individuals to make billions but first they will have to privatise it. What better way to do that than to starve it of funds, underpay and undermine its workforce, and run it into the ground.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Re economy question it tickles me how the Ministry looks like the biggest employer of Wizarding Britain…their economy is a mishmash of preindustrial commerce and landholding held together by a kleptocracy
The number of people employed by the Ministry is like, absurd. To the point where I assumed it was overrepresented for Plot Reasons. Like, we need Arthur to have a Ministry job so he has the inside scoop on Bertha Jorkins and a bunch of stuff in fifth year, we meet a lot of Aurors because this is a story about a war, a lot of the bureaucrats who get involved with Harry's hearing/school administration are a result of the Umbridge Arc, and I take it as implicit that most of all jobs Just Happen Somewhere Else, because like.
Okay sidebar about the Ministry. Let me talk to you about the Ministry. Can I talk to you about the fucking Ministry? Put aside the fact that there are more named Ministry employees in this story than there are normal taxpayers. Put aside the fact that the banking system being run exclusively by a disenfranchised underclass that you happen to treat like shit is a policy move that ranks up there with "invading the Soviet Union in December." Put aside the fact that this is basically a modern welfare state stapled on top of a market that's still hammering out the kinks of industrial economics in 19-fucking-91. Here's my question, alright:
Let's do an exercise. In 1990, public sector employment was 27% of the British national workforce (and growing). The population dynamics of Harry Potter are irrevocably fucked, so this is only going to even-sort-of-work if we fudge it, as I'm about to do: I'm setting the number of Ministry workers, e.g. salaried bureaucrats, at 10,000. Base pay for a government bureaucrat in 1990, is, what, £25-30,000? Let's say so. Multiply that by 10k, you get a personnel budget of £300 million. Sounds like a lot of money, right?
Except what the fuck does the Ministry do? The reason employment costs balloon in the late twentieth century is because we see the rise of social services that require a lot more administrators to vet and deliver — social security in the United States, the NHS in Britain, public education, etc., etc. Public housing! This is why Maggie Thatcher goes postal and starts hack-sawing the national budget. But what, exactly, does the Ministry of Magic deliver? We don't see any poverty relief programs being administered to the Weasleys. Pensions are a thing, but only for Ministry workers. Health services? Sure, let's say St. Mungo's is a public hospital, fair enough. And Hogwarts is free for all British citizens, that's cool, that's probably some expense. But those are two institutions. Where's the rest of it? Where are the big-ticket items that justify this huge corpus of employees? A pure regulatory state does not require this much personnel! There's a whole Department for Games and Sports (e.g. quidditch — oh wait, that's a private league sport!), but not a Department of Energy, or Department of Housing? Fuck off! There is not!
That's not even the biggest problem, though. There's a much, much bigger issue with Ministry organization: There's no fucking Inland Revenue! It doesn't matter how the budgets are balanced, frankly, because unless IR is hidden somewhere in a secret department we don't know about, nobody is paying the government for fuck!
Admittedly, this is pedantry, at some point. JKR was frankly under no obligation to explore the finer points of tax collection in her series of children's novels. I get that, I do. But I'm reminded of what George R. R. Martin said about his annoyance with fantasy novels — the fact that you never got to judge these mythical kings and Chosen Ones by their actual leadership choices. You never see what Aragorn's tax policy is like. And in reality, that's much more important than how good you are with a sword. So — especially in things like The Cursed Child, which actually does try to explore the "adult" world of Harry Potter — it's fascinating that there are so are so many parts of the universe that just live in the world of inference.
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Introducing Necrophilic Quasiperiodic Reaggregations: Rebuild Your Future with the Government’s Revolutionary Initiative!
In an unprecedented leap forward, the Department of Temporal Innovation proudly unveils the Necrophilic Quasiperiodic Reaggregations Program! Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional post-mortem memorials and hello to a new era of societal regeneration. Thanks to cutting-edge quantum entropy stabilization technology, our reaggregations harness the cyclical decay of necrotic matter, reintegrating it into living systems with a new vibrancy! Every reaggregation, timed with quasiperiodic precision, reinvigorates the biological energy flows of our communities. No longer is death the end—it is a gateway to renewed civic participation, economic growth, and unparalleled environmental harmony!
What does this mean for you? It’s simple. Through this government-backed initiative, families can opt into a future where their loved ones never truly leave. Every 7.3 years, like clockwork, reaggregated entities will phase back into physical existence, offering the collective wisdom and experience they acquired during their time in the non-linear quantum stasis field. This continual reemergence promises to fuel public sector innovation, as reaggregated citizens are reintegrated into all aspects of society—from city planning to blockchain enforcement. The days of workforce shortages and stagnant bureaucracy are over, as our timeless citizens ensure a robust, ever-replenishing talent pool. And who better to serve than those who’ve transcended the boundaries of life itself?
Act now and seize your opportunity to be part of the future’s most exciting endeavor! The government is offering early enrollment packages for forward-thinking families, with guaranteed placements in the Necrophilic Quasiperiodic Reaggregations Program. With reaggregation centers set to open in every major metropolis, you’ll soon be able to reconnect with those who matter most—on a schedule as reliable as the tides. In this bold new era, the government's commitment to sustainability, economic prosperity, and eternal civic engagement has never been stronger. Welcome to the age where life and death converge for the greater good!
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Australia PR for Healthcare Professionals.
Australia PR for healthcare professionals is the best opportunity to advance their career plans in one of the most desired destinations worldwide. With a world-class healthcare system, high demand for skilled professionals, and an exceptional quality of life, Australia is considered an ideal destination that helps set benchmarks in their respective fields. The Australian healthcare sector is also thriving, offering competitive salaries and benefits, besides being very welcoming to ensure a culturally and linguistically diverse and inclusive environment. In the given comprehensive guide, we will look into the Scope of Healthcare in Australia, Why Australia is the right place for health care and the step-by-step process that helps an individual navigate the journey of living and working in Australia.  
The Scope of Healthcare in Australia
Skilled professionals in various specializations are in demand and thus are considered one of the major reasons contributing to the recent, sudden growth of the healthcare sector in Australia. The following are just glimpses into what scope this industry in Australia has been offering and just how bright the opportunities it has extended:
1. Expanding Opportunities in the Healthcare Specialties
Australia's health sector is highly diversified, hence offering a wide array of opportunities in various specializations. The demand for professionals keeps on increasing, starting from nursing and mental health to allied health and public health. Such a wide array of roles in the healthcare industry allows an individual to find a particular area or niche that best suits their interest and skills.
2. Emerging Demand at a Regional and Rural Level
The Australian government invests hugely in health infrastructure, especially in regional and rural areas, where the situation with health professionals is catastrophically bad. It is just this bias toward less privileged communities that brings enormous opportunities to health workers who are willing to relocate to less-populated areas, offering financial benefits and professional advancement in most cases. 3. Nursing: a matter of critical need
Nursing is still one of the most in-demand occupations available on the whole Australian continent. As a matter of fact, with over 100,000 nurses projected to be in shortage by 2025, the need to have skilled professionals within this field is becoming quite critical. All these gaps are supposed to be streamed up through the government with initiatives such as the Workforce Incentive Program: Practice Stream, ensuring adequate health services throughout the country.
4. Mental Health: A Sector in the Spotlight
Within Australia, the mental health field has recently become focused on more than, in fact, since COVID-19. Concerning government investment in the expansion of these services to include health and regional mental health support, counsellors, psychologists, and mental health nurses remain in demand. That thus makes quite a decent route of career opportunities for a person passionate about such a field when it comes to mental health.
5. Public Health: Key to Community Wellbeing
It protects community health. During pandemics or any kind of disaster, it is this field of health that holds more prominence. Professionals related to public health like epidemiologists, health educators, and community health workers have recently been in great demand. Great recognition of this important field opens the door for those who wish to make considerable effects on policies and practices in public health.
6. Allied Health: Central to Holistic Care
Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and dietitians-the many allied health professionals so crucially in demand within the workforce that is the Australian health care system. Though this industry has seen phenomenal growth between the years of 2015 and 2020, there are still shortages, particularly in rural locations. Allied health professionals have many career types in which they take part in patient care and patient well-being in various settings.
 7. Medical Practitioners: In Demand across the Country
There is always a demand for medical practitioners, especially in regional and remote areas of Australia. The government actively encourages medical professionals to serve in these areas, offering them numerous financial and support programs. This creates an avenue for a career path that some have chosen to practice medicine to give back to less fortunate communities.
Domains in healthcare on the Australian continent are hugely wide, with many career possibilities in different sectors. On the other hand, the Australian government invests more and more in health care, especially in regional or rural areas, so there is an increasing need for good and skilled professionals in this field. Whether you want to specialize in nursing, mental health, public health, become an allied health professional, or a medical practitioner, Australia has an ideal surrounding in which to create a truly satisfying healthcare career.
Healthcare Professionals with Highest Demand in Australia
Health is an important and boisterous sector in the Australian labour market, creating a lot of immigration opportunities for individuals interested in immigrating. In developing a pathway for those healthcare professionals who plan to migrate to Australia, high-need roles must be specified, along with the demands that correspond to such needs.
Some of the high-demand roles in Australia include:
Registered Nurses
Medical Doctors
Occupational Therapists
Speech Pathologists
Radiographers and Sonographers
Why Australia is the right place for Health Care
Australia is an ideal destination for healthcare professionals, offering a unique blend of career advancement, lifestyle benefits, and opportunities for long-term residency through Australia PR (Permanent Residency).
1. Diverse Career Opportunities:
Australia has one of the largest healthcare workforces in the world.
The available opportunities encompass a broad spectrum of specializations, including general practice, radiology, speech therapy, and many others.
2. Variety of Work Environments:
Health professionals have a wide choice of work environments such as public and private hospitals, aged care homes, mental health centres, or community health facilities.
3. Competitive Salaries:
High demand for health professionals allows competitive salaries to be offered, in many cases higher than the rest of the world.
Although the cost of living would be higher, the compensation packages offered would provide a better quality of life.
4. Career Development and Growth:
Australia offers excellent career growth opportunities along with quality education provided by educational institutions and in-house training.
The professionals will get ample opportunity for upskilling to take on new roles or specializations that would further extend their careers.
5. Work-Life Balance:
The Australian health sector has a focus on work-life balance, manageable patient ratios, and reasonable hours.
This approach to work-life balance enables health professionals to have quality personal time while serving with professionalism.
6. Livable Cities:
Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane are repeatedly listed among the top livable cities in the world.
These cities have been considered to accord safety, excellent public transport, a clean environment, and the best in healthcare infrastructure.
7. Good Weather and Lifestyle:
The perfect climate of Australia for outdoor activities lets one enjoy sunny days at most times of the year and experience only mild winters.
The lively arts scene, the rich food culture, and the laid-back lifestyle of the country are magnets that draw many in.
Australia PR Process Step by Step for Medical Healthcare Workers:
Australia PR Process for Healthcare Workers
1. Eligibility Assessment:
Occupation Lists: Check whether your profession is on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) or the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), since many healthcare professions, such as nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals, usually fall under it.
Skill Assessment: A positive skill assessment from the assessing authority concerned for your occupation. For example, nurses are assessed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
 Generally, yes; health professionals need a license to practice in Australia. The requirements differ from profession to profession, and each has its own state or territory variations, so this is but a general overview:
 A. Medical Practitioners (Doctors)
Medical Registration: It is required for physicians to be registered to practice in Australia with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Specialist Recognition: Specialists should have their qualifications recognized by the appropriate Australian speciality college.
B. Nurses and Midwives
Nursing and Midwifery Registration: The nurse/midwife needs to be registered on the list of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) under AHPRA.
English Language Requirements: Nurses and midwives are required to demonstrate specific English language competency, which is most often assured through test certificates like IELTS or PTE Academic.
 C. Dentists
Dental Registration: The dentists shall be listed on the Dental Board of Australia, similarly managed by AHPRA.
Overseas Qualifications: Overseas-trained dentists may have to go through an examination process via the Australian Dental Council (ADC) before getting their registration.
D. Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy Registration: The physiotherapists are supposed to be registered with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Competency Assessment: Overseas qualifications must be assessed by the Australian Physiotherapy Council (APC) before registration.
 E. Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapy Registration: Occupational therapists have to register themselves with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Qualification Assessment: Overseas qualifications are assessed by the Occupational Therapy Council (OTC).
 F. Pharmacists
Registration in Pharmacy: Pharmacists must be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Qualification and Exam: Overseas-trained pharmacists can apply but must pass the APC exams, held by the Australian Pharmacy Council.
 G. Other Allied Health Professionals
Registration: Physiotherapy, radiography, and speech pathology are included and hence require registration with their respective boards under AHPRA.
Assessment and Registration: Each profession has its requirements for assessment and registration that commonly involve the verification of qualifications and proficiency in the English language.
 H. Special Cases
Mutual Recognition Agreements: Some countries have agreements with Australia that may facilitate the registration process of particular healthcare professionals.
With proper AHPRA registration or professional board registration, before practice, practitioners are proven to satisfy the standards to ensure the offering of safe and effective health care across Australia.
2. English Proficiency Requirement:
IELTS/PTE: Pass the required scores in the English language test that ranges from IELTS to PTE Academic. Usually, healthcare professionals need high-level proficiency.
3. Expression of Interest:
Skill Select: You will have to lodge an EOI through the Skill Select system of the Australian government, which will then outline your skills, experience, and qualifications.
Points Test: The system gives you points for different things, including your age, education, work experience, and competency in the English language. While the minimum a person needs to qualify is 65 points, higher scores make a person's possibility of getting an invitation even higher.
4. Visa Application:
Skilled Independent Visa, subclass 189: You can live and work anywhere in Australia without any sponsorship requirements.
Subclass 190, Skilled Nominated Visa: Must be nominated by a state or territory government of Australia. You must commit to living and working in that state for at least two years.
Skilled Work Regional Visa Subclass 491: Availability for applicants willing to stay in and work from regional areas of Australia. These can be nominated by any state/territory government or can also get sponsorship from eligible family members.
5. Letter of Invitation:
An invitation allows one to submit a visa application within 60 days with all required documents such as skills assessment, English test results, and proof of work experience.
6. Health and Character Requirements:
Medical Clearance: You need to undertake a health check to prove that you meet the required health standards in Australia. You will need to show police clearance certificates of every country that you have stayed in for more than 6 months during the last 10 years.
7. Visa Grant:
If selected, you will be issued with a PR visa for Australia, which you can use to reside and work as a healthcare professional in Australia for your lifetime.
8. Relocate and Get Employed:
On receipt of PR, you can relocate to Australia and practice your profession. Some may be expected to get additional licenses or their credentials registered if that is asked by the state or territory.
This process will ensure that the qualified healthcare worker can contribute to Australia's healthcare system while reaping benefits accruing from permanent residency.
Australia PR offers a direct route to long-term residency among medical practitioners. Permanent residency will give you all the rights and freedoms to stay in the country with probably the most developed healthcare system in the world.
Australia has provided immense opportunities for you to make a career in healthcare. Its high-demand health and care sector requires skilled and committed professionals. Indeed, this career pathway in Australia will grant you Australia PR and make your professional journey successful and lucrative. Contemplating this vital step in life, allow Aptech Visa to assist and guide you through the Australia PR process of Australia in the most impeccable manner. For more queries and concerns you can write to us at [email protected] you can also give a call to our Australia PR consultants at 7503832132 you can also refer to https://www.aptechvisa.com/australia-pr
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charcha-equity · 26 days
India’s STEM Challenge: Bridging Gaps for a Brighter Future
As we witness rapid global changes, education has become one of the most critical factors in determining a country’s success. In India, where diversity is abundant, there’s an urgent need for a dynamic education system that meets the requirements of a rapidly globalizing world. STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—has emerged as a vital element in this journey, helping to prepare India’s young minds for future challenges.
Why STEM Matters in Today’s India
STEM education is much more than the sum of its parts. It’s about developing a way of thinking that integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines to solve real-life problems. This holistic approach is vital in a world where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are deeply interconnected. For India, a country aspiring to be at the forefront of global innovation, prioritizing STEM education is not an option—it’s a necessity.
India's path to becoming a global innovation leader hinges on nurturing a strong STEM workforce. The country’s youthful demographic presents a unique opportunity, but to seize it, there must be a focused commitment to STEM education. This education is the key to filling the skill gaps that exist, particularly in high-demand sectors like information technology, biotechnology, engineering, and data science.
Beyond economic growth, STEM education also plays a critical role in promoting social mobility. When students from diverse backgrounds are given the opportunity to study STEM, it helps to reduce inequality and fosters a more inclusive society. This is especially important in rural and underserved communities where access to quality education is limited. Furthermore, encouraging more girls and women to enter STEM fields is crucial for bridging the gender gap and promoting equality in the workforce, empowering women to excel in fields traditionally dominated by men.
Also Read: STEM Kits from Abhay Bhutada Foundation Empower Pune Students
Navigating the Current Landscape of STEM Education in India
While the importance of STEM is well-recognized, India faces numerous challenges in implementing effective STEM education. The country has made progress through initiatives like the Atal Innovation Mission and the National Education Policy 2020, both of which emphasize quality education and innovation. However, the road ahead is filled with obstacles, particularly in rural areas where infrastructure and resources are often lacking.
Many schools do not have the necessary equipment, such as modern labs, technology, or adequately trained teachers, which are crucial for effective STEM learning. Moreover, the focus on rote learning—where memorization takes precedence over understanding—remains a major hurdle. This outdated method is at odds with STEM education’s focus on critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.
Also Read: The Role of Abhay Bhutada in Steering His Foundation Towards Social Change
The Way Forward: Strategies for Strengthening STEM Education
To unlock the full potential of STEM education, several steps must be taken. Both public and private sectors need to invest in building and upgrading school infrastructure, especially in rural areas. This includes setting up modern laboratories, equipping schools with the latest technologies, and ensuring that they have the resources to offer high-quality STEM education.
Teachers play a pivotal role in this journey. Providing continuous professional development and training is essential to ensure they have the skills to teach STEM subjects effectively. This training should cover modern teaching techniques, technological tools, and practical applications of STEM principles.
Encouraging hands-on learning is another priority. Schools should create spaces where students can engage in activities like science fairs, robotics contests, and coding clubs, fostering a culture of experimentation and creativity. Efforts must also be made to make STEM education accessible to all, with targeted initiatives aimed at encouraging girls and students from marginalized backgrounds to pursue these fields.
Also Read: Empowering Future Generations: A Look at Prominent Educational Initiatives in India
Conclusion: Building a Future-Ready India
STEM education is crucial for India’s development. It provides the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the modern world, promotes economic progress, and contributes to a more inclusive society. However, to harness its full potential, India must overcome challenges related to infrastructure, teacher training, and access. With focused investments and strategic policies, India can lay the foundation for a future where its youth are equipped to lead, innovate, and succeed on the global stage.
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healthaide · 1 month
Start Your Journey: Healthcare Jobs in Dublin
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Dublin, the thriving heart of Ireland, offers a wealth of opportunities for healthcare professionals ready to make a difference. Whether you're a nurse, doctor, therapist, or healthcare assistant, Dublin’s healthcare sector is a dynamic and rewarding place to build your career.
Why Dublin is the Perfect Place to Start Your Healthcare Career
World-Class Healthcare Facilities: Dublin is home to some of Ireland’s leading hospitals and medical institutions, including St. Vincent’s University Hospital, The Rotunda Hospital, and The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. These institutions are renowned for their high standards of care and cutting-edge medical practices, offering an ideal environment for both new and experienced healthcare professionals.
Diverse Career Opportunities: From roles in acute care and surgery to positions in mental health, community care, and private practice, Dublin’s healthcare sector is vast and varied. No matter your specialization, you’ll find opportunities that align with your skills and career aspirations.
Professional Growth and Development: Dublin is committed to the continuous professional development of its healthcare workforce. Whether you’re looking to advance your skills through specialized training or aiming for a leadership role, Dublin provides the resources and support to help you reach your goals.
Key Sectors for Healthcare Jobs in Dublin
Hospital Careers: Work in one of Dublin’s top hospitals, where you can join multidisciplinary teams in delivering exceptional patient care across various departments.
Community Health: Engage with Dublin’s diverse communities by providing essential care and support through public health programs, home care, and outpatient services.
Private Healthcare: Explore opportunities in Dublin’s growing private healthcare sector, known for offering personalized patient care and innovative medical solutions.
Allied Health Professions: From physiotherapists to radiographers and occupational therapists, Dublin offers roles in a wide range of allied health professions, crucial to patient care and recovery.
Living and Working in Dublin
A Vibrant City with Rich Culture: Dublin is more than just a place to work; it’s a city full of life and culture. With its historic landmarks, lively arts scene, and a calendar full of festivals and events, Dublin offers a perfect blend of professional opportunity and personal enjoyment.
Supportive Work Environment: Dublin’s healthcare institutions are known for their collaborative and supportive work environments. You’ll be part of a team that values your contributions and is dedicated to improving patient outcomes.
Work-Life Balance: With its mix of urban excitement and easy access to the serene Irish countryside, Dublin offers an excellent work-life balance. Enjoy your time off exploring the city’s parks, coastal walks, or taking short trips to nearby attractions.
How to Start Your Healthcare Journey in Dublin
Explore Job Listings: Begin your search by browsing through the latest healthcare job openings in Dublin, tailored to your expertise and career goals.
Connect with Recruitment Agencies: Work with specialized recruitment agencies to find the roles that best match your skills and ambitions.
Learn About Employers: Get insights into Dublin’s top healthcare employers, including their work culture, benefits, and career progression opportunities.
Your Future Awaits in Dublin
Dublin is a city of opportunities, and your next healthcare job could be just around the corner. Whether you’re taking your first steps in the healthcare industry or seeking to advance your career, Dublin is the place to start your journey. Explore the possibilities today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career in one of Europe’s most exciting cities.
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Dave Antrobus Inc & Co: Ethical Considerations in AI Development
Imagine this: 65% of patients with certain hormone deficiencies also have other complex medical issues. This shows the deep connection between genetics and health. Similarly, in technology, ethics in AI development is a big topic. Dave Antrobus from Inc & Co stresses the need for ethics in AI. He says it’s key for responsible and innovative technology.
The more AI grows, the bigger its impact on society. Antrobus plays a major role in pushing for ethical AI practices. He aims to find a balance between new tech and its benefits for people. He believes in developing AI that not only innovates but also respects ethical principles to help humanity.
Introduction to Dave Antrobus and His Work
Dave Antrobus Inc & Co shines as a key tech expert, deeply committed to AI ethics. He has spent his career working for responsible AI use. Dave’s focus on ethical AI has made him a top voice for moral tech progress.
He has a broad tech background, which he uses to tackle AI’s ethical issues. Dave’s efforts show the need for AI that is both new and morally upright. His work reminds us it’s vital to build tech that respects people and fairness.
The Importance of AI Ethics
In the world of artificial intelligence, AI ethics are crucial. This field has grown since the mid-1970s. With Generative AI and Large Language Models, we face new ethical challenges. These include making sure decisions are clear, protecting data, and avoiding bias.
These ethical issues matter a lot in situations like setting bail, choosing job candidates, or ensuring accurate medical tests for all ethnicities. The effect of AI isn’t the same in all fields. In sectors like health, transport, and retail, AI can be good. But it raises concerns in areas such as law enforcement and warfare.
Addressing these concerns requires a variety of ethical theories. This means using approaches like utilitarianism and virtue ethics. We’re trying to make sure AI acts in ways that match our society’s morals and values. Specifically, virtue ethics focuses on respectful and honest AI interactions.
For AI to be trusted, it must be used responsibly. AI should be clear about being artificial and where its information comes from. Not following these rules should have consequences. It’s critical to set high ethical standards for technology. This helps protect privacy and ensure fairness, especially in medicine.
Getting AI ethics right means listening to many voices in decision-making. The AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium includes big names like Google and IBM. They stress the importance of understanding AI. As AI changes jobs, sticking to ethical and responsible AI practices is essential.
Responsible AI: A Principle of Modern Technology
Responsible AI is a growing principle. It calls for putting ethical AI principles into how we develop artificial intelligence. It ensures AI is fair, clear, and responsible. This supports AI to work for the good of humanity. As the ethics of modern technology improve, responsible AI is key for public trust and legal needs.
Statistics show why this is important. A report from June 2024 says 75% of users find AI migration vital. Platforms like Microsoft Learn AI Hub offer vast AI learning resources. They aid in developing skills in areas such as Azure AI Fundamentals.
Data governance and security are at the heart of responsible AI. Tools like Microsoft Purview and Azure Information Protection help keep AI adoption safe and within the law. Also, managing large language models through LLMOps is important. It helps make AI investments better and safer.
Azure AI Studio provides powerful platforms for AI. They come with ready-to-use and custom models, generative AI, and ethical AI tools. For AI solutions on Azure to work well and safely, they need continual checks, security reviews, and performance checks.
It’s crucial to test Azure OpenAI Service endpoints. This shows how well they work and helps find the best deployment strategy. Cases like Sierra Club v. Morton (1972) show the growing ethical concerns in AI and technology. Te Urewera’s legal recognition in New Zealand is another example.
Key Ethical Concerns in AI Development
Key ethical issues in AI involve risks of bias, chances for privacy breaches, and accountability lapses. Ventures like those of Dave Antrobus work with developers and policymakers. They aim to tackle these issues. Their goal is to advance AI without compromising ethics or harming society.
Bias in AI can lead to unfair outcomes, such as in hiring or law enforcement. It’s crucial to examine how AI algorithms are trained. Also, there’s a need to protect personal data from misuse. With AI’s ability to process and surveil data, privacy risks increase.
It’s important for users to understand and question AI decisions. This highlights the need for Explainable AI (XAI). Addressing AI accountability requires clear regulatory frameworks. Everyone involved should know their responsibilities. As AI grows, updating ethical guidelines is key to tackling tech ethics responsibly.
AI in the UK: Current Trends and Future Directions
The UK is rapidly advancing in AI, making it a leader in tech and ethical AI. AI is spreading across many areas, from healthcare to finance in the UK. This shows how fast technology is changing in Britain.
AI is getting more common in many fields. In healthcare, it’s used for early diagnosis and custom care. Banks use AI to spot fraud and help customers better. This shows big progress in AI’s future in the UK.
Also, the UK focuses on guiding AI’s growth with strong rules and ethical advice. This effort ensures tech growth matches our societal values, making AI use responsible. The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation highlights the UK’s role in ethical AI.
In the future, the UK’s focus on ethics and strict rules will shape its AI journey. As new tech develops, the UK’s commitment to ethics will set worldwide AI standards. This is key for responsible AI use globally.
Dave Antrobus’s Perspective on Responsible AI
Dave Antrobus believes in making AI with people’s welfare in mind. He thinks it’s vital to use AI in a way that respects everyone’s rights. He calls for AI to be developed responsibly, with a strong ethical guide from start to finish. For him, ethics aren’t just an extra — they’re a key part of creating AI.
He says that building AI responsibly means thinking about ethics all the way through. From the first design to when it’s used, everything must be done carefully. This makes sure AI helps society and follows moral rules. Dave sees technology as a tool for good, but only if it’s made the right way.
Dave understands the big effect AI can have on society. He always pushes for a careful approach to AI, highlighting both its opportunities and dangers. By pushing for strict ethical rules, he wants to lower the risks and increase AI’s benefits. His take on responsible AI comes at a crucial time, as AI quickly grows both in the UK and around the world.
The Role of Digital Ethics in Shaping AI
Digital ethics plays a key role in today’s tech world, especially with AI. As AI grows, thinking about ethics becomes more important. It’s crucial to align technology innovations with our core values.
Look at how laws protect the environment for an example. The Sierra Club v. Morton case and Ecuador’s nature rights show ethics can change policies. These ideas also help guide AI, ensuring it develops responsibly.
Society started to notice digital ethics when AI began affecting our lives. Issues like privacy and fairness are now front and centre. It’s about following rules and spotting risks early on in AI’s development.
In New Zealand, the Whanganui River got legal status, a step towards protecting interests beyond humans. This is similar to how we must ensure AI technology protects rights and benefits everyone.
In the UK, there’s a growing discussion on how to develop AI with care. Policymakers and tech experts are joining forces. Their work helps steer AI in a way that matches our ethics and values.
Case Studies: Ethical AI in Practice
Looking at ethical AI case studies helps us see how AI ethics are put into action across different areas. These examples show how the ideas behind AI ethics become real solutions. For instance, in healthcare, AI helps doctors spot diseases like cancer early on. This improves chances for patients.
In the financial world, AI is used to make fast, large trades and better spot fraud. Another key area is in cars that drive themselves. AI systems help these cars understand and move through roads safely. AI is also making big changes in how we talk and write online. It can translate languages in real time and create text that sounds like a human wrote it.
The journal Future Internet recently discussed human-centred AI. Topics like explainable AI, fairness, and how humans and robots get along were covered. Edited by experts from top universities, it stresses that AI should be made with human values in mind. Their work calls for more studies to keep improving AI for everyone’s benefit.
AI is also changing how we learn. It promises to make learning more personal with smart tutoring and understanding emotions. It might even change how tests and feedback work, using advanced tech to help students right away.
These case studies of ethical AI show how implementing AI ethics can lead to new, good ideas. They offer clear examples of how to make AI work well with our values. These stories encourage us to keep making AI that helps everyone.
Human-Centric AI: Balancing Innovation and Ethics
Putting AI into our daily lives means we must make sure it’s designed with people in mind. This makes sure new tech doesn’t push aside what’s right and wrong. It’s all about making AI that helps us out, without forgetting to be fair and ethical.
Now, a good chunk of research, about 7.1%, focuses on this new kind of AI. And a smaller part, 2.8%, looks specifically at making AI that thinks about us. Important work, like in the Special Issue “Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence,” open until 31 March 2025, shows we’re keen on keeping innovation and ethics in balance.
To get this balance right, we need solid ethical guidelines when we make AI. Countries leading in tech are key in making AI that’s good and fair. This worldwide effort aims to move tech forward in a way that’s good for everyone, sticking to what’s morally right.
As we make more AI, it’s crucial to always think about ethics. By focusing on human-centric AI and balancing tech with what’s right, we can create tools that help society and respect our values.
AI Policy and Regulation in the UK
The UK is always changing its AI policy to keep up with its challenges and opportunities. It’s key for Britain to have strong AI laws. This ensures innovation and public safety can go hand in hand.
Recent changes in the UK’s tech rules show the need for strict control. The Police Digital Service saw major shifts in its leadership. Allan Fairley stepped down from the PDS board in July 2024 due to a conflict of interest. His departure, along with CEO Ian Bell leaving, highlights the need for clear and accountable AI rules.
The arrest of two PDS workers for suspected fraud and bribery shows the dangers of AI. Such incidents point out the issues with AI, like lack of transparency and the risk of misuse.
The High Court made a big decision involving former BHS directors. They were held liable for wrongful actions, leading to a minimum £18 million charge. This judgement is a warning about the serious duties directors have, especially in AI.
The AI sector in the UK also faces privacy and surveillance risks. The potential for creating autonomous weapons adds to these concerns. Therefore, the UK needs strong AI policies that meet global and local needs. Looking to the United States, we see similar actions being taken with AI safety rules.
In summary, the UK must keep its AI laws flexible and up-to-date. This is crucial for making the most of AI benefits while reducing its risks. The way Britain is adapting its AI rules shows a dedication to careful innovation and protecting the public.
The Future of AI: Ethical Challenges and Opportunities
The future of AI is filled with both rewards and risks. Innovation in technology promises to transform many areas of life. However, it brings the vital task of making sure these advances are ethical. Leaders in policy, business, and research need to focus on ethics in AI to benefit everyone.
The “Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence” Special Issue is seeking papers until 31 March 2025. It will explore essential topics like understandable AI, fairness, and working together with AI. These topics highlight the need to think about ethics while creating and using AI technologies.
Looking at real examples helps understand how to use AI in the right way. For instance, Pipio shows how AI can change things for the better when used ethically. With 140+ AI voices and 60+ avatars, Pipio offers varied and fair AI solutions, aiming for a future where AI does good.
How Generation Z views work also shows why we must focus on ethical AI. Almost all of them want their jobs to reflect their values. Ethical AI creation is key here. Keeping ethics and innovation in balance will let us use AI in ways that are both cutting-edge and ethical.
The study of AI ethics is crucial as AI technology moves forward. Dave Antrobus highlights the need for ethical guidelines in AI development. His work shows the importance of keeping human values at the heart of AI innovation. This ensures AI enhances our lives without lowering our moral standards.
Examples like KFC’s partnership with Instacart and Wendy’s AI-powered drive-thru show AI’s potential. They also point out how crucial ethics are in AI use. These cases, along with the struggles faced by McDonald’s, underline the need for human oversight. This helps fix mistakes and improves AI in customer service. They show why it’s vital to use AI responsibly in real-world situations.
In image creation technology, there’s a debate between generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models. GANs have problems like non-convergence, while diffusion models struggle with their complexity despite creating high-quality images. These models’ ability to fill in missing parts of pictures and turn text into images highlights the need for ethical use as they develop.
As AI grows, addressing ethical issues becomes more important. Legal, ethical, and cost matters will influence AI’s future. Dave Antrobus argues that sticking to responsible methods is key. This approach will help ensure that AI advancements are both cutting-edge and ethically sound.
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ibovi-staffing · 2 months
It’s The Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: October 2024
October is a crucial month dedicated to bolstering our digital defenses through Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Initiated by a Presidential proclamation in 2004, this month-long observance aims to elevate our collective understanding of cybersecurity threats and best practices. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) spearhead this initiative, working alongside both government and private sectors to foster a safer online environment.
2024 Theme: "See Yourself in Cyber"
This year's theme, "See Yourself in Cyber," emphasizes the personal responsibility everyone holds in the realm of cybersecurity. While cybersecurity might seem complex, it ultimately revolves around individual actions and choices. The campaign encourages all individuals—whether professionals in the field, students, job seekers, or casual internet users—to recognize their role in maintaining online safety.
Why This Matters
Jen Easterly, Director of CISA, highlights that every person has a role in enhancing our national cybersecurity posture. From network defenders to everyday users, the collective effort of each individual contributes to a more secure digital landscape. CISA’s goal for this month is to promote basic cyber hygiene practices that everyone can adopt. This includes enabling multi-factor authentication, using robust passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and keeping software up to date.
Key Actions for Cybersecurity Awareness Month
See Yourself Taking Action to Stay Safe Online
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: Go beyond passwords to protect your sensitive accounts. Multi-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security that helps safeguard your data from unauthorized access.
Update Your Software: Regular updates are crucial as they often include patches for security vulnerabilities.
Think Before You Click: Be cautious of suspicious emails and links. If it looks dubious, it’s better to avoid clicking.
Use Strong Passwords: Employ complex passwords or a password manager to ensure your accounts are less susceptible to breaches.
See Yourself Joining the Cyber Workforce
Explore Cybersecurity Careers: Consider a career in cybersecurity to contribute to a more secure digital world. A diverse and skilled workforce is essential for addressing and mitigating cybersecurity threats effectively.
See Yourself as Part of the Solution
Collaborate and Share Information: Industry partners are encouraged to collaborate and share real-time information to mitigate risks and enhance resilience. By working together, we can strengthen our defenses and protect vital systems.
Organizations Leading the Charge
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) CISA is the national agency responsible for safeguarding our physical and digital infrastructure. The agency focuses on reducing risks and enhancing the resilience of critical systems through partnerships and proactive threat management.
National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) The NCA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting secure and responsible technology use. It strives to educate the public on how to protect themselves and their organizations from online threats, fostering partnerships to advance cybersecurity awareness.
iBovi Cybersecurity: Our Role iBovi Cybersecurity is proud to be a Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion. We are committed to enhancing cybersecurity awareness and protection. Our services are designed to help individuals and organizations achieve optimal security, safeguarding crucial data and preventing cyber threats. With a focus on strategic security, we aim to minimize the risk of data breaches and ensure privacy. As a dedicated partner in this initiative, we encourage you to engage with us and explore how our cybersecurity solutions can benefit you.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an opportunity for everyone to reflect on their role in maintaining a secure online environment. By embracing the "See Yourself in Cyber" theme, we can all contribute to a safer digital world. Whether by adopting better cyber practices, exploring career opportunities in cybersecurity, or participating in collaborative efforts, each action makes a difference. Together, we can enhance our cybersecurity posture and protect against the evolving threats in our interconnected world.
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groupelkg · 4 months
Enhancing Well-being with Online Sanitary and Safety Products in Montreal
Imagine a world where basic health protections are but a click away—this is the reality for Montreal's residents today. The convenience and necessity of purchasing sanitary products online Montreal and health and safety products Montreal have never been more apparent than in our current climate, where health awareness and preventive measures shape our daily routines. This article delves into the importance of these indispensable products and elucidates the manner in which they are revolutionizing the enforcement of health and safety protocols in urban environments.
The Surge in Demand for Sanitary Products Online in Montreal
The recent global health crises have underscored the importance of having reliable access to sanitary products online Montreal. This digital shift ensures that individuals, families, and businesses can conveniently procure sanitary supplies without the need to compromise their health by venturing into crowded stores. Online platforms propose a collection of products, from hand sanitizers to disinfectant wipes, ensuring that the public can uphold cleanliness and hygiene from the comfort of their homes.
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Why Online Access Matters
The benefits of purchasing sanitary supplies online include:
Convenience: Shopping from home at any time without geographical or time constraints.
Wide Selection: Access to a broader range of products than might be available in local stores.
Discreet Purchases: Ability to buy sensitive items privately, enhancing consumer comfort.
Health and Safety Products: A Staple in Montreal’s Public and Private Sectors
As businesses and public spaces strive to meet and maintain health standards, the demand for health and safety products Montreal continues to grow. These products are crucial in creating safe environments for both the workforce and the general public. They include protective gear, first aid kits, and other tools designed to prevent health hazards and ensure a swift response to any incidents.
Strategies for Implementing Effective Health and Safety Measures
For businesses and institutions, choosing the right products is just one part of ensuring safety. Implementation of effective strategies is essential, involving:
Regular Training: Educating staff on the proper use of safety equipment and best hygiene practices.
Routine Updates: Keeping safety gear and protocols up to date with the latest health regulations and standards.
Quality Assurance: Selecting products from reputable suppliers that meet safety certifications and standards.
In conclusion, access to sanitary products online Montreal and health and safety products Montreal play a pivotal role in safeguarding the city's health standards. For those looking to source high-quality sanitary and safety supplies, groupelkg.com stands out as a premier provider. Groupe LK is dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of products that meet the stringent requirements of today’s health and safety standards. By partnering with Groupe LK, individuals and organizations in Montreal can ensure they are equipped with the best tools to maintain a safe and healthy environment. This commitment to excellence in health and safety is more than just business; it’s a vital part of building a safer community for everyone.
Our website is the perfect resource for further details.
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