#Puddle Soft
thickthighdommymommy · 4 months
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I love the cuddle puddle that happens after a good scene and aftercare 🥰
Artist: soushiyo
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driaswrld · 6 months
it's raining outside, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor.
the soft pit-patter of raindrops coupled with his dancing fingertips against the exposed skin of your waist is a song you haven't quite learnt the tune to yet — he lays on his side, hair tousled and damp, dark strands curling over his forehead, sleeves rolled up and tie forgotten somewhere in the doorway.
admittedly, you're in no better shape. your cheeks are cold, skin of your calves wet with rainwater from running across the busy streets with him, armful of whatever ingredients you two picked out for dinner, his suit jacket held above your head and the occasional chorus of laughter when either of you stomp a puddle and splash the other.
it's raining, and higuruma thinks he falls in love with you every single day, like it's born anew.
he falls in love with the girl he wakes up next to, mouth open and cheek smooshed into the pillows. he falls in love with the girl who doesn't know a thing about law, but argues better than him in the heat of the moment. he falls in love with the girl who kicked her boots through puddles of rain, ruining his pants — the girl who made him laugh about something so mundane.
it's raining, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor, oddly paired with his formal white shirt and a pair of pajamas, his dress pants draped over the washer — the dryer broke a few days ago, he forgot — he holds you close as he watches the water droplets race against the glass window.
he loves you.
“do you like the rain?” you ask him, head tucked into his neck, his eyes fluttering shut for a second, the question is lost on him for a moment.
“i like you.”
you don't respond yet, and higuruma opens one of his eyes, only to find you staring at him. “more than you like the rain?” he almost laughs at that, almost, and he pulls you impossibly closer.
“a lot more than i like the rain, i’m sure.”
it's raining outside, and higuruma never really liked when it rained, not at all.
he proposed to you in spring. married you in summer.
but now he hopes it rains tomorrow, he hopes you still want him then, and he hopes you'll splash him with another puddle.
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ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 10: love is devotion ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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naffeclipse · 26 days
Okay hear me out.... Journey to west au. Sun being the monkey king from the book and Y/N a traveller. Y/N rescues him from under the mountain and he joins them in their travels. Moon is a demon that's terrorising a town until Y/N and Sun stop him. Moon then joins the two. Finally Eclipse is another demon that kidnaps Y/N in order to eat them but instead is so utterly charmed by them that he joins the party. Shenanigans ensue... Thoughts?
The great monkey king is indebted to a mortal but he has little qualms with escorting you on your travels as a way to give his thanks for rescuing him from underneath the mountain. His magic and strength are at your disposal. Strangely, you prefer traveling peacefully and quietly, avoiding trouble and helping those in need when the two of you come upon them. The monkey king thinks you are vulnerable and too trusting, and he decides to protect you at all costs.
The lunar demon does not take kindly to his mischievousness and destruction being wrought, but when you and the monkey king stop the mayhem he inflicts upon a small town, the lunar demon can't help but become amused and intrigued by a daring, bold mortal who is so calm in the face of dangerous, sharp teeth, red eye demon. He thinks you are naive and foolish, but he follows you and the monkey king because who else will watch over you at night? Who will keep you safe from the other toothy and red-eye demons?
It is not too long down the road of your seemingly endless travels that a problem arises. The monkey king and the lunar demon venture to the river to fetch you food and drink and while you toil, you feel the shadow of a great personage fall upon you before you are snatched away. You struggle and call for your dear, new friends, but the dark being smuggles you into his cave. He ties you up and leaves you on the floor of his home as he prepares to eat you. You, however, remain calm and speak with the great demon and learn he is the eclipse prince. The eclipse prince wants nothing more than to cook and devour you, but you convince him to allow you to serve him tea first. Pleased by the offer, the eclipse prince unties you. You serve him a tea you have used to comfort the monkey king and calm the lunar demon, and speak with the eclipse prince. The conversation continues until the pot of tea is gone and he tells you to prepare another, pot after pot until he is laughing and telling you that he has forgotten his hunger—your charm and allure have sated him. He will let you go and return you to your companions, but you invite him to join your company.
The eclipse prince is pleased to accept. He opens his cave and returns with you to the monkey king and the lunar demon. When you come upon them, they are furious and frantic. They act quickly to take you back and prepare to attack the one who carried you away before you calm them. The eclipse prince stands rather unapologetically as you explain that he is now joining the three of you. The lunar demon does not take kindly to this change and the monkey king hovers close to you, refusing to let you leave his sights while the eclipse prince seamlessly joins the camp and prepares a pot of tea for you to drink.
You continue your travels, glad to have such devoted company.
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royalarchivist · 1 year
I was watching some old VODs and completely forgot that when JuanaFlippa leapt off the edge of the wall (leaving behind a worried Charlie, who had no paraglider at the time and couldn't follow or revive her if she ran out of stamina and fell), Rubius went after her to make sure she landed safely and wasn't hurt.
Rubius likes to pretend he's ambivalent toward the Eggs, but he was really a secret guardian angel for many of them. He cares :(
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evanskinard-moved · 1 month
i want tommy calling buck soft pet names. i can't imagine any of his past girlfriends calling him anything other than 'babe', and i don't know if tommy's a 'darling', 'sweetheart', or a different pet name kinda guy, but i just know that buck would LOVE it. he would do that cute little head duck + shy, pleased smile combination of his the first time tommy uses one on him, and probably be a blushing and stuttering mess as he assures tommy that he likes it. wants him to say it again.
the only thing he'd love more than tommy calling him soft pet names, is tommy calling him evan.
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astridsbirdskulls · 9 months
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They probably fell asleep after a game
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Here's more jerejean, including the projectile squean @emry-stars-art
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tervaneula · 2 months
There's a tug on Yuichi's sleeve and he puts down the vegetables he just got done washing before turning his head to look over his shoulder.
"Oh, kitten, is something wrong?" he murmurs, brow furrowing at the sight of his daughter's concerned gaze. Hana is visiting him in the Hidden City and he's aware that something has been bothering her – he hasn't asked about it yet, hoping that she'd open up about her worries in her own time.
Maybe she's ready now.
"Not really, I just…" Hana stops, chewing on her lip before letting go of Yuichi's yukata and stepping closer to hug him from behind instead. Yuichi decides to halt his dinner preparations for the time being and leans into the embrace.
"...are you happy?"
Yuichi startles. He didn't expect to be asked that.
"I am. Is that what you've been worried about?"
The calico squeezes him tighter for a moment, then sighs.
"Have I been that obvious?"
Yuichi chuckles and rubs the back of his head against Hana's ear. "Nope, it's just impossible to hide anything from me."
Hana laughs. “Sure. Just like you noticed right away when your favourite kimono went missing, among other things.” 
“Just so you know, I pretended not to notice, young lady. As a parent, some things are worth sacrificing. Like one’s dignity.” 
“Yeah right,” Hana giggles but then quiets down before speaking again. 
“Dad… Does he make you happy?”
“Leonardo? Oh, sweetie,” Yuichi murmurs and turns in Hana's arms to hold her instead, tucking her head under his chin. 
“The happiest,” he sighs, smiling. “I'm so lucky. All these years of being single… he was well worth the wait.” 
“He better be,” Hana mutters, “if he breaks your heart, I'm breaking his face.” 
“Not his face!” Yuichi laughs. “Haven't you seen how handsome he is?” 
“Oh, I'm aware.”
Yuichi can feel her grin against his neck and he holds his kitten tighter. He knows she's joking… kind of. He’s under no illusions about the seriousness of her threat and while a breakup doesn't seem likely, he feels sorry for his boyfriend. 
If they ever get into an argument or Yuichi shows even the tiniest signs of upset because of his relationship and Hana gets a whiff of it, he knows that Leonardo will be in for a world of hurt – and not only because of Hana; he’s certain that all of his daughters would have a bone to pick with the slider, then. He might be a ninja but so are the girls and Yuichi wouldn’t wish their ire upon anyone… especially not the man he’s fallen in love with. 
However, he thinks he’s very lucky to have such a protective family. 
Hana sighs but the exhale sounds less tense than before and she buries her face into his chest. “I'm happy for you,” come the muffled words against his collar, and Yuichi feels emotional almost to the point of tears. 
He’s so very lucky, indeed. 
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Something that would fix me: see on my screen Cas or Dean hug the other from behind in the bunker's kitchen, arms wrapped around the waist and head resting on the shoulder. You get it. You get the visual.
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ginpotts · 1 year
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► Bokura no Shokutaku (Our Dining Table), Episode Six
Don’t you have someone?
     Have what?
Someone... you want to spend time with. No one at all?
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Hey, not to alarm you two, but I think Gustavo is coming in.
Peppino, I’d suggest prepping an explanation, and maybe tell Pep to stay calm and use the grounding exercises we taught him.
If you don’t think Pep is up to it though, there’s a box out next to the dumpster. It seems to be his safe place.
Pep, don’t worry, people a lot smarter than me can help put the pieces together, but for now we need you to breathe. You’re in the restaurant right now, and you’re safe.
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Peppino: "Gus is here???"
Gustavo: "Sorry, we're late, Peppino! Brick saw a cat, and we ended up the next town over-"
Peppino: "GUSTAVO!!!"
Gustavo: "AAA-!?!?"
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Gustavo: "You know I am always happy to help you, Peppino, but can you please explain that again a little slower?"
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Pep: *muffled hyperventilating*
Pep: "!!!"
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Pep: "Si tahw...?"
Pep: "Efas... Mraw... …Tfos si…"
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Gustavo: "Oh, good job, Brick!"
Peppino: "Yes, thank you, Brick. She's nice to cuddle with, huh, Pep?"
Pep: "...Mhm..."
Peppino: "Good, good. Now, what were your-a friends saying? There's a box outside? Would you like me to get it?"
Pep: "...Yes please..."
Peppino: "Alright, I will be right back."
Peppino: "Oh, there is-a box here..."
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Peppino: "Oh... It is conveniently covering that hole in the wall I forgot about... Mm, fixing it will have to be put off again... Getting stuff for Pep is more important."
Peppino: "Hm? What's this? 'Peppino's Special Things'? I should-a bring this inside too. Must be important to Pep."
Peppino: "Pep, I got your box! But are you-a sure it's the right one? It seems-a really small for you-"
Peppino: "!!!"
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Peppino: "Well, that answers that. You feel better?"
Pep: *quiet but relived gurgle*
Peppino: "Good. Here, let's let you rest with Brick and with-a your friends. It's been quite the day for you."
Peppino: "Okay, so Gus and I are going to-a continue the work day, but we'll put your pizzas aside for later, and when you feel up to it, you can finish them off. But if you feel like resting for the rest of the day, that's alright too. Does that sound okay?"
Pep: *soft burble that vaguely sounds like the word 'okay'*
Peppino: "Alright then. We'll be in the kitchen if you need us."
(Gustavo and Brick (the Rat) are now available for asks!
Pep is having a little break and is too tired to form a mouth, but you can still leave asks for him)
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chilledagridolce27 · 8 months
no because why is elemental the literal embodiment of the absolute PRESSURE 1st & 2nd gen migrant kids face? the overwhelming reality of the unfathomable and tremendous sacrifice your parents made to give you the opportunities they never had...the weight of all that expectation to not only succeed but to succeed excellently because you are the culmination of generations of hopes and dreams, of blood, sweat and tears... The hopelessness of wondering how you could EVER pay back that kind of sacrifice and loss? the desperate need to be strong and do it anyway? The frantic desire to never disappoint, to never be the reason they regret it all... The constant internal struggle between your dreams and their legacy, your desires vs weight of their sacrifice, your future vs their past?? The burden of having to carry all of that and hating yourself for hating it because how could you spit in the face of all that sacrifice???! Why can't you just be grateful??!!
I'm a bad daughter
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2aceofspades · 8 months
Okay, so...amid the chaos that is my brain and the feelings arising regarding my comic...please accept this tiny doodle of Cassandra. I doodled this at the very humble beginnings of this comic.
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I literally just made this comic cuz I wanted to draw Cassandra in my style and now...welp y'all know the rest. Now I am so overwhelmed with this comic cuz I am ~deeply~ regretting everything I put Cassandra and Leo and Casey and Mikey through oh stars and it's not even over yet haha...🫠
Just know that I see and hear y'all and I appreciate all your support, seriously, it keeps me going. Thank you 💙✨
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foxbirdy · 27 days
just drove 8 hours stopping once for gas (one of only three gas stations I encountered across hundreds of miles) through the pouring rain and then pouring sleet and then blizzard and then sleet again and then rain: infinity war. but I'm alive & I got my tent set up in five minutes flat in the most PRIME location. I can't believe no one else snatched this real estate
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softcuddledrone · 23 days
When you’re absolutely blasted on dronedruggies and cuddling another cuddledrone and they’re hugging you back and you can feel everything they’re feeling and they feel everything you’re feeling and you keep touching each other and
you get stuck in a blissed out sensory feedback loop until the entire network is twitching and writhing in a pile of soft flesh and latex-coated metal that Mistress has to sort out and disentangle
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Listen. Listen. I love Bucky with a spitfire because we all know that man needs to get a taste of his own medicine. But. BUT. I also love the idea of him with a girl who creeps up on him. She’s the Gale of her group, running after her lovely and insane friends. She and Bucky are acquainted, but she knows she’s not his type (even though she’s very aware of how hot he is, and absolutely has a crush like everyone else) and so the pressure is off. Then they start running into each other without the buffer of other people. Actually talk! And this continues off and on for quite a while until in the middle of something totally unrelated Bucky has an existential crisis OH SHIT moment. I’m just a big fan of idiots (even when the idiots are actually smart) to lovers, and Bucky is an idiot (affectionate).
The way I clutched my heart upon reading this!!! I NEED IT BABY, I NEED THIS SO BADLY IN MY LIFE!
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