ruthbancroftgarden · 5 months
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Puya venusta
Puyas belong to the Bromeliad Family, and they mostly occur along the Andes mountain range, from Colombia in the north down to Argentina and Chile in the south. This one is Puya venusta, from north-central Chile. When not in flower, its large clumps of silvery rosettes look a lot like those of Puya coerulea, also from Chile, but its amazing flowers are distinctive. When it emerges, the inflorescence sports little pink clubs jutting out from the main flower stalk, but the WOW factor comes in when the contrasting blue or purple tubular flowers protrude from the pink bracts. Our plant was a donation from Annie's Annuals, a well-known nursery in the San Francisco Bay Area. It had been planted in one of their demonstration beds, but it became too large to keep there, so we were happy to give it a permanent home.
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kingofthefus · 1 year
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nuclearnerves · 6 months
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i havent drawn puya in a while. i should fix that.
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Thursday 26 January 2023
In the Cacti House of the David Welch Winter Gardens in Duthie Park, Aberdeen, there was a specimen plant of Puya chilensis (Chilean puya). This is an evergreen, clumping, perennial which will produce a flower stem up to 1.5m high, covered with yellow-green, bell-shaped flowers interspersed with bird perches for the pollinators. The plant is monocarpic and dies after setting green fruit containing winged seeds.
Jill Raggett
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sakuramoussy · 6 months
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Posting some concepts for Cozy Gamers (which I might eventually touch again? idk, im more focused on Whistold and Primordial Life)
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alexandrudan · 8 months
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dantesmaiden · 2 years
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minglana · 1 year
Puya-Au d'astí
i stopped making this series over a year ago, but the band Au d'astí! released this song a year ago and i think it deserves to be translated, even if only on tumblr. if you like the song, make sure to watch the video on youtube, and listen to their album, Rock trabucaire. the band also has an instagram if you want to follow and support them (i am in no way affiliated to them, i just think that what theyre doing is neat)
lyrics and english translation under the cut:
Van dixar de fer-mos caso
They stopped paying attention to us
mientres van pasar els anyos
while the years went by
i casi vam ir perdent tota fe.
and we almost lost all faith.
Van fer marchar las pallabras,
They made our words go away,
la llengua que aquí charravam
the language we spoke
de poco se mos olvida veyer.
and we almost forgot how to see.
Querivan fer que callasem,
They wanted us to shut up
que la boca mos tapasem,
to cover our mouths,
arriba la hora de responder:
the time has come to respond:
Aragón, llevánta-te,
Aragon, rise up,
puya el punyo i rebela-te
put up your fists and revolt
organiça-te, llluita i resiste,
organize, fight and resist,
ell é parte tuya tamé tú d'ell.
He is part of you and you part of him.
Ells van fer que mos chuntasem
They made us stick together
quan querivan el trasvase,
when they wanted the [Ebro] water exchange,
per ixo é que vam poder vencer.
that's why we were able to win.
Tamé querivan montanyas
They also wanted mountains
pa dixa-las emporcadas,
to leave them dirty,
sacar-ne la craba i l'esparver.
take away the goats and the hawks.
Querivan fer que marchasem,
They wanted us to shut up
que l'aigua mos afoga-se,
the water to drown us,
arriba la hora de responder:
the time has come to respond:
Aragón, llevánta-te,
Aragon, rise up,
puya el punyo i rebela-te
put up your fists and revolt
organiça-te, llluita i resiste,
organize, fight and resist,
ell é parte tuya tamé tú d'ell.
He is part of you and you part of him.
Aragón tornam de frente,
Aragon we are coming back
que s'enteren que pllantam fuerte
let them know we are still here
i que mai mos farán rebllar.
and that we will never give up
Aragón saca l'orgullo,
Aragon take out your pride
puya la voz i puya el punyo.
raise your voice and your fist
Arriba la hora de despertar
The time has come to wake up
Aragón, llevánta-te,
Aragon, rise up,
puya el punyo i rebela-te
put up your fists and revolt
organiça-te, llluita i resiste,
organize, fight and resist,
ell é parte tuya tamé tú d'ell.
He is part of you and you part of him.
Aragón, llevánta-te,
Aragon, rise up,
puya el punyo i rebela-te
put up your fists and revolt
organiça-te, llluita i resiste,
organize, fight and resist,
ell é parte tuya tamé tú d'ell.
He is part of you and you part of him.
*i took the liberty of correcting some thing i felt were orthography errors (mainly changing some y's to i's)
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tumbwubbsnuts · 4 months
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Joe Mer-May: Day 31 - Mermaid Day Today is the last day of Joe Mer-may! and the Joe Murray mermaids wants to thank you all for experiencing their marine life! Stay Safe and the Joe Murray mermaids wish you luck! Have fun in the pride month of June!
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ruthbancroftgarden · 2 months
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Puya vasquezii
Puya is a large genus in the Bromeliad Family, with the various species mainly found along the Andes Range, along the western side of South America. They have very sharp teeth along the edges of the leaves, so they must be approached with caution. This one is Puya vasquezii, from Bolivia, and it is not often seen in gardens, The 2nd and 3rd photos show how different the upper and lower leaf surfaces are: the upper surface is glossy, with a frosted-looking white band along the edge, while the underside has very fine white pinstripes and only the narrowest edging of white on the margin, contrasting nicely with the black teeth. The flowers (see lowest photo) are dark, with a color scheme only a Puya could dream up. an olive-green to purple-black fade.
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potterheadsforever · 8 months
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nuclearnerves · 1 year
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Puya and her buddy Karpuz! Karpuz (and the whole forbidden fruitbat species) belongs to my buddy Tooty! She drew the Karpuz on the bottom
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timetolearnoclock · 1 year
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puya beanstalk
“Indian Jack climbs the Puya beanstalk.”
October 1950
Quote taken from original text included with the image in the magazine
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sakuramoussy · 5 months
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Puya and their character Yaya
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bastianklak · 2 years
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Chagual con su mariposa del Chagual
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