#QSMP angst
foveoexists · 2 months
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You've been sending Flowers to me
Send me no flowers today
Instead of sending flowers come back to me
And hold me in your arms again...
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sugahyeon · 2 months
Ramon had no one. No one but the sun, burning his exposed skin, putting a hint of golden light in the red pool surrounding him.
He was the first. The first to die. The first to fall. The first to meet Death, at least halfway through. The first to see the sun.
They were doomed. That was one way to say it.
Or, a canon compliant retelling of each egg deaths, in chronological order. (Two chapters out as of now)
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ghost-likes-drawing · 3 months
New random fear unlocked:
Madagio is going to posses Fit's body somehow (or like pretend to be him i guess??) and we're going to have fake Hideduo and fake Guapoduo co-exist for an unknown amount of time
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medlarmeadows · 4 months
the eggs are the babies, the kids, the children of the island. but what island requires these children to wear armor at all times? to learn the skills of combat? to have to know the horrors of being kidnapped and sent to a different dimension?
what kind of island causes parents to bury their own children?
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bloos-bloo · 4 months
This is kinda based off BBH’s stream today btw- more specifically, the scene where he has a memory lapse with the pillagers:
The night sky gently brushed through the windows. It’s soft light nudging it’s way throughout the room. The demon laid on a sleeping bag in the middle of this spiral tower. It’s been a day- spending time with his roommates, learning that he’s stuck on an island, learning that there’s bears and rabbits that act like a government. It was great.
Yet the uneasy feeling he had when he locked eyes with a lone pillager. It’s crossbow pointed directly at the demon. Bad tossed and turned on the sleeping cot- his hands slowly gripping onto his pillow.
A memory of endless white snow piling up underneath a vast black sky. His breathe clouding up his vision as he watched his blood spill over the floor, nearly matching the red carpet below. In front of him- a top hat backed into a corner. His little hands holding up a sword that was 2x as big as her.
“NO!” Bad shouted as his body collapsed. Waking up in a red bed surrounded by white pillows. He ran towards the mansion.
“Dapper! Crawl to the entrance!” The demon shouted, a pillager swiftly plunging arrows into his back.
“FUDGE!” He cried- his body limp on the floor. “Dapper- Crawl! You have to CRAWL!”
The demon continued shouting.
Watching in agony as his son held up her sword. The pillager knocking him down- the clang of the metal ringing throughout the room.
“NO!! DAPPER PLEASE!” Bad screamed, once again waking up with a jolt on the red bed. White pillows, cloudy breath.
The demon ran.
The image of the pillager’s smile as it drove a sword through his back.
The image of the little egg forced into a corner.
The image of her eyes welling up with tears.
The Vindicator stepping towards her.
Blood stains.
Dapper was slain by a Vindicator
“NO!” He wept, his knees weak from the message. “NO NO NO- DAPPER!!”
The demon cried, wiping his eyes as his fists slammed into the snow below. He felt a little tug as he beat at the ground. Each tug growing more frantic than the last.
“NO! NO NO!” He screamed, thinking the pillagers and vindicator found him outside. His fists going wild on the ground. He felt his hands be pinned- his eyes streaming at this point.
He felt his palm being forced open, rapid tapping followed soon after.
“I’m here!”
Bad gasped as his eyes shot wide open. The sleeping bag underneath him nearly ripped to shreds- the remains of it left over his claws.
It took a minute before his vision caught up with his brain. His tears still streaming down his face as he looked up. In front of him, holding his palm in her tiny hands- messy hair and tear filled eyes, was Dapper. Next to her, a concerned filled expression- red and blue blushed cheeks and neatly braided locks, was Pomme.
“I’m here. I’m here. It’s- It’s ok.. It was all a bad dream.” Dapper continued to tap on Bad’s palm. Bad taking the time to recollect his breath and wipe the tears away.
“I- I’m sorry. Was I too loud-? I didn’t- mean to wake you two…” He trailed.
Pomme shook her head, Dapper continued tapping. “No, it’s ok. We heard you calling me- and- we knew you were in distress.”
Bad clutched the tattered sleeping mat, “I- Thank you.. I never- had someone.. care so much about me.”
Pomme smiled. Holding up a little sign for her father to read. “Would you like for us to stay with you?”
The demon winced- he didn’t want to be a bother. Especially with how well these two have been treating him.
“I- I wouldn’t want to bother you guys- I’ll be fi-“
“Nope. We’re staying.” Dapper interrupted. Next thing he knew, both kids were lying on each side of the creature. Their faces carefully nudged on each side.
Bad felt a small ping in his chest- for some reason, this felt familiar. Everything about this felt right- but he couldn’t place why. He carefully laid back, his eyes gazing over the star decorations. The sun’s early morning light carefully kissing it hello.
The demon couldn’t help but wrap an arm around each child.
He smiled, his eyes fluttering shut. “Thank you- kids.”
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callm3-q · 4 months
This has me sobbing rn...
If Dapper isn't back (which he probably won't be) in the morning, Pomme will just be fully alone when she wakes up. I can see her just sitting on her bed waiting for Dapper, wherever he may be. Holding her stuffed rabbit and her flower, just waiting and waiting. Wondering if both Dapper and Bad have abandoned her...
Also... With everyone gone... I need a placeholder comfort ship with constant enough posts on media platforms, and now poly morning crew is my best friend... help, I think I'm already to far gone...
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rockstar-pinkbug · 4 months
Hey guys,
Richarlyson was the one that took Tubbo's life.
Richarlyson was Tubbo's favorite egg when he first arrived on the island.
Have fun thinking about that.
(If I have to have a horrifying realization about this, so do you.)
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lucky-whispers · 4 months
Oh, the tragedy that is q!bad.
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thecoddaughter · 5 months
QSMP - I'd Hate Me Too by Susannah Joffe
again, I am here with a written concept in replacement for the animatics that live in my brain... i am cursed with not being an animator (but I am a writer, so deal with this chaos) Everything is below the line break <3
When we last spoke I was a dog with a broken leg
Flashes of Charlie, Wilbur, and Cellbit, each flash is a different expression
I couldn't run to you, so l'd bite 'til you'd shoot me dead
Juana pointing a gun at the screen, which glitches into Sunny holding her hand out
I am a coward but first I was a kid
Tallulah holding a wavering sword while being swarmed, which glitches to her holding a flower, still being swarmed
Lost you like a sore loser with my tail between my legs
Little kid Bagi looking scared, which glitches to adult Bagi looking furious
Mary please let me repent
Zooming into the church, through stained glass of Felps, to see Tina praying
Broke my own limb and blamed you for the limp
Richas and Pepito standing with the statue of Bobby looming behind them
And like a spoiled only child I thought l'd be forgiven
the camera spins around Sunny and Leo standing back to back
I lied through my canines and I pulled at your hair
the camera spins around Bad and Foolish standing back to back
I wanted you to hate me, so, you'd know l was still there
Tubbo (whos features are shifting slightly to look like Etoiles and Pac) standing above FitPac with flyers raining down on them
I wanted you to hate me
Flashes/Glitches of all the hybrid experiments faces (Jaiden, Bags, Phil, etc)
Told the world that you kicked me to the curb but l'll admit
Tallulah standing on the grounds of her old house, tears on her cheeks, wind in her hair
I said it just so you'd see how bad I hurt
Wilbur standing in the same spot, reading the notes in his mail, confusion on his face.
I whined and cried so all the neighbors heard
Wilbur and Tallulah's faces flashing back and force as they scream at Phil
And like a skinhead Christian, I screamed my cherry-picked words
Phil staring at piles of books and letters, crying after both are gone.
Mary, your name makes my guilt simmer like that summer's sunburn
Tina looks up and sees Bad's hand on her shoulder. Both their horns visible.
Broke my own limb and blamed you for the limp
The new eggs with the older eggs standing behind them kinda menacingly
And like a spoiled only child I thought l'd be forgiven
the camera spins around Jaiden and Roier, standing back to back
I lied through my canines and I pulled at your hair
Cucuchro staring forward, slowly tilting their head
I wanted you to hate me so you'd know I was still there
Mariana and Charlie scream fighting. Charlie glitching into code with CodeFlippa behind him. Mariana is crying, Pepito and Sunny behind him.
I wanted you to hate me
Em looking at all the pictures of Jaiden in people's homes
If I were you, l'd hate me too
Sunny sitting on the dock, staring at an unmoving Lenay
I'd hate me too if I were you
Bagi smashing a photo of her and Cellbit as kids
If I were you, l'd hate me too
Fit and Ramón watching Pac build when a cat crawls into Fit's lap
I'd hate me too if I were you
Leo and Foolish staring up at the statue of Vegetta
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tiger-willow · 5 months
“I’m not the same Tallulah I was…”
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(I forgot to post this cuz I drew it on my hiatus lmao also plz ignore the messy erase marks lol)
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sun-5h1ne · 5 months
Do you ever think that if Vegetta ever come back and him and Foolish decided to get married right away it would probably scare Vegetta away even more.
They couldn’t have their small intimate wedding with just Leo and Roier anymore. Foolish couldnt possibly imagine not sharing one of the most important moments of his life without all of his family. Without Peptio, Richas, Jaiden, Mouse, and Tina. Without the entirety of Bolas, Agent 18, and the Capybaras. Even Badboyhalo and Dapper. Soon enough the whole server is coming and its exactly what Vegetta was afraid of. Foolish will leave him or it was just for his money and Foolish is just like all the others. Vegetta can’t do it.
Whether Vegetta runs or just doesn’t show, all that matters is that the wedding would be a bust and Foolish would be alone again. Maybe Foolish wouldn’t let anyone see how hurt he obviously was or maybe that would be the final straw. Maybe Foolish would be bitter, angry. Maybe he would yell, scream. Maybe they would talk about it but maybe they never do and it ends right there. Who knows
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backfromtwitterforw · 5 months
Q!tubbo's rp is soooo sad rn. He's shutting everything and everyone to the point of being willing to give up on his daughter (for a while, but still) instead of trying to find ways to fight. He even began to deny all deep reflection about lore points, almost pushing away the friends that came to his place to debrief, hiding whatever he feels being sarcasm and jokes... It seems like he doesn't trust anyone at this point, not even sunny. He's so defeated and it's easy to understand why, but it's still very sad to see...
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sugahyeon · 5 months
The Universe is very small, too small perhaps to contain enough souls for everyone.
Leo had learned it 10 days after coming into this world, a propeller hat in her hands and a grave to have sleepovers with.
She had her 10 days of happiness, her 10 days with a friend, her 10 days with a functionnal family.
Perhaps the Universe had grown too small for that too.
Perhaps she was the one taking too much space.
Perhaps she was the cause of her own loneliness.
For all confident she pretended to be, Leo was as small as the Universe.
Or, after Trump's death and Vegetta's disappearance, Leo is left only a step away from complete solitude.
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bloos-bloo · 4 months
So like I’ve been thinking a lot about Bad’s lore, especially from the stream earlier this week:
Imagine Dapper waking up in the middle of the night, the nightmares that plague her mind about the months she had to spend in the forest and at egg island. The things she had to do in order for her siblings to survive, in order for them to see their parents once again. The way she had to find comfort in the audio recordings of Bad’s voice singing ’You are my sunshine’
The idea of never hearing his voice again in person.
Imagine waking up from that to see his father gone. It’s terrifying, he’s in a new place, a place that’s not secure, a place that’s filled with new mobs, a place where he has no good protection to keep him safe. The thought of losing her dad like that, it’s horrifying.
Imagine her rushing out of bed, barely putting on her boots and checking the farms. Checking her makeshift kitchen outside. Checking the storage room downstairs. Next thing she knows, he’s climbing to the roof of her house, tears streaming down her face as she looks through her eyeglass, looking over the vast ocean, the pirate ship catching an ounce of warm orange glow as the sun crept in, waiting to see that familiar demon coming to embrace her with open arms.
And nothing, just an empty flower field. Purples and pinks. Not him, not him. As the sun appeared over the horizon, so did a figure. She nearly thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Nearly mistaking the silhouette for the crane walking by in the early morning sun.
Feeling defeated, he slowly climbed down from the roof. Suddenly, she spots movement in the corner of her eye. His head nearly giving him whiplash as his eyeglass darted towards it.
A flowing black coat trailing behind, the oh so familiar white eyes, the long elegant tail that always swished gently across the grass.
Imagine Dapper leaping for joy and feeling relieved as her anxieties melt away. Leaping towards her father’s arm.
Only for him to stare at the child. A glossy dazed look glued onto his supposedly cheerful expression. Half of his face looking like he was splashed with light blue iridescent paint with a matching backside.
Imagine the fear that sunk into her heart as he heard his father’s voice confidently speaking-
“I’m looking for my son, Dapper. Have you seen him?”
Don’t imagine the one silent tear trail down her face, her anxieties slowly being brought into fruition.
Her nightmares no longer dreams, but a slow decent into reality.
‘It’s me! Your son!’ Her hands shook as she held up her sign.
Please don’t forget me-
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callm3-q · 4 months
It will make me sob more than I already have, but, I need Bad to just not log on tomorrow. People need to finally notice how bad Bad's situation was, how long he was suffering unnoticed. I need them to read his letters and think about it, I need them to think about it and miss him. They need to miss him even If they know it's not permanent. I need them to comfort Dapper and Pomme and all the other eggs in the loss of their Dad/Tio on their first birthday without him. I need them to tell Dapper and Pomme that their dad will come back, and that it will be ok. I need to Bad's best friends to miss him more, and think about what they could've done.
but in all seriousness, Bad's stream today was PEAK cinema. I'm really happy with how this turned out all in all ^^
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rockstar-pinkbug · 5 months
I just had an angst au idea because of the song 'Why' by Derivakat.
Purgatory 2 happens, and everyone who participated actually dies. (Aside from Aldo.)
So, Tubbo, BBH, Pac, Mike, Bagi, and Etoiles are actually dead.
Eventually, the other islanders and the eggs find them, and when Richarlyson and Pomme see Cellbit and Baghera, they start to blame them for all this happening, not realizing they weren't the main cause.
That scene just popped into my head when listening to the song, so it might be slightly out of character, but I still wanted to share it.
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