alwaysactuality · 2 years
صاحب ثاني اكبر سرقة بتاريخ العراق ” بهاء كي كارد” حر طليق ويمتلك فضائية للتغطية على الفاسدين
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أسوار // في يوماً من ايام العراق الديمقراطي، الذي وعدنا من كان يروج له بتحقيق العدالة والمساواة بين افراد الشعب الواحد، حكم قاضي على صبي بالسجن عاماً كاملاً لسرقته مناديل ورقية لكنه في نفس الوقت افرج عن “بهاء عبد الحسين” صاحب ثاني اكبر سرقة حدثت بتاريخ العراق.
وبهاء عبد الحسين عبد الهادي رجل أعمال عراقي ومدير شركة البطاقة الذكية كي كارد ومؤسس قناة الرابعة.
واستطاع رئيس شركة كي كارد بهاء عبد الحسين حجز مكان مميز له ضمن قائمة الفاسدين الكبار، بعد استحواذه على ثاني اكبر سرقة حدثت في تأريخ العراق، ستة تريليونات دينار سرقت من خزينة الدولة، وهي اموال تعادل سرقة القرن، وقد تمت الاطاحة به وهو يحاول الهروب خارج العراق قبل عامين.
وفي أيلول 2020 اعتقلت قوة أمنية (بهاء عبد الحسين عبد الهادي) مدير شركة كي كارد في مطار بغداد الدولي أثناء محاولته الهرب خارج العراق.
وأصدرت محكمة مكافحة الفساد، في 24 كانون الثاني 2021، حكما بالسجن لـ 4 سنوات بحق مدير شركة كي كارد، إحدى شركات القطاع الخاص.
وعادت محكمة جنايات الكرخ لمكافحة الفساد، في 8 تموز 2021 لتصدر حكما على بهاء عبد الحسين عبد الهادي وافراح محمد عبد علي وولاء عبد الجواد حسين العاملين بشركة كي كارد بالحبس الشديد لمدة ثلاثة سنوات نتيجة تورطهم باختلاس مبلغ مالي ضخم.
وكشفت مصادر، عن اقامة احتفالية كبيرة في فضائية الرابعة بمشاركة النائبة حنان الفتلاوي، بعدما اصبح مالك القناة “بهاء”حر طليق.
وتقول المصادر انه تم الاخلاء عن بهاء عبد الحسين بعدما تدخلت جهات سياسية وضغطت في سبيل اخلاء سبيله بحجة عدم كفاية الادلة.
واحدة من التهم الكثيرة التي وجهت الى مالك قناة الرابعة ومدير شركة كي كارد “بهاء عبد الحسين” هي الاستحواذ على 4 ترليون دينار عراقي من البنك المركزي، ولم يسددوها حتى اللحظة وفق المتداول. 

واحدة من الملفات المتداولة، ان مدير الدائرة الإدارية بالبنك المركزي الهارب صالح ماهود استلم 450 مليون دولار من عبد الحسين المعموري ووضعها بحسابه في مصرف. 
اما عن الـ 4 ترليون دينار، فلا أحد يعلم مصيرها، اذ تم استلامها على الكي كارد ولا يوجد للمبلغ أي بيانات داخل البنك المركزي.
  وكالة اسوار تنشر ابرز اعترفات مدير شركة كي كارد “بهاء عبد الحسين” عند اعتقاله:
-استحوذ على 70 بالمئة من من اسهم الشركة العالمية للبطاقة الذكية (كي كارد ) بعد دفع رشاوى للموظفين وابقاء 30 بالمئة لمصرفي الرشيد والرافدين دون استحصال اجازة من البنك المركزي.
-دخول وخروج الاموال لهذه الشركة لم تكن تخضع لاي رقابة من البنك المركزي او وزارة المالية حيث كان يتم سحب الاموال من خلال منافذ من اي دولة حتى وصلت اجهزة السحب لتنظيم داعش خلال سيطرته على بعض المناطق ( 2014 -2017 ).
-استخدم المتهم أجهزة عديدة بعمليات غسيل الاموال وتهريبها الى الخارج.
-كان يقوم بتشغيل اموال رواتب المتقاعدين والمضاربة بها في سوق العملة قبل اطلاق توزيعها.
-أنشأ شبكة عنكبوتية لتهريب الاموال عبر ايداعها باكثر من حساب وتحويلها من حساب لاخر لاخفاء عملية التهريب.
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letusbindme1 · 4 years
A prison sentence on corruption charges for a former director of an Iraqi payment card company, linked to the Popular Mobilization Forces
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News: After a months-long investigation, the Iraqi judiciary issued a prison sentence against the former director of Qi Card, Bahaa Abdul Hussein, who was arrested in September 2020 and remained in the custody of the authorities until he was convicted on corruption charges, and a fine of more than 10 million was imposed on him. Millions of Iraqi dinars (6,846 US dollars). Qi Card is considered a pioneer in providing electronic payment services in the country, as it facilitates the payment of salaries and pensions for more than a million Iraqis.
Coverage: The official Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported on January 24 that the Iraqi Anti-Corruption Court issued a four-year prison sentence against the director of Qi Card for bribing the former head of the National Retirement Authority, Ahmed Abdel Jalil Al-Saadi. The agency added that the sentence against Abdul Hussein came based on the investigations of the Corruption and Important Crimes Committee that was established by the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi , last August. It should be noted that the Iraqi journalist, Mazen Al-Zaidi, had published a tweet  on January 13, attaching it to a television interview by the politician Faiq Sheikh Ali, in which he claimed that the former director of Qi Card, Abdul Hussein, had made his confessions under torture.
Most Iraqi and regional media covered this news with coverage similar to that of the official Iraqi News Agency (INA), including the Iraqi National News Agency (NINA) , Baghdad Al-Youm , The National website , and the Ultra Iraq website .
The independent Iraqi media outlet, Nas, also published a report on January 24 focusing on the charges against the former head of the National Retirement Authority, Al-Saadi, against whom the court issued a six-year prison sentence and a fine of 10 million Iraqi dinars (US$6,846). ) for receiving bribes from Abdul Hussein. A special security force, SWAT , arrested Al -Saadi at his home, and six other officials, as part of an anti-corruption campaign.
The arrest of Abdul Hussein and Al-Saadi last fall generated shock waves on social media in Iraq, as reactions varied among users on the Yalla page , a Facebook page that is very popular in Iraq. While some considered that the sentences were intended to sacrifice scapegoats in order to protect prominent figures, others expected that pardons would be issued for the convicted corrupt people in the end.
Context/Analysis: Qi Card was established as a joint project between the private sector, represented by the Iraqi Electronic Payment Systems Company, and the government sector, represented by Rafidain Bank. This project established the International Smart Card Company (ISC) in Baghdad in 2007, which manages the Qi card.
According to a report reported by the Financial Times (FT) in 2019, the International Smart Card Company (ISC) had transferred salaries, benefits, and pensions to seven million Iraqis through the Qi Card prepaid card service. Reports issued in 2017 indicated that only 23 percent of Iraqis over the age of 15 have accounts in financial institutions.
Several media outlets claimed that the Popular Mobilization Forces had misused Qi Card services. Last July , the New York Times made strong allegations accusing the Popular Mobilization Forces of registering 70,000 “alien” elements in the Qi Card electronic payment system.
According to the Times, the goal was to embezzle approximately $800 million annually. In a recent report published on January 2 of this year, the Middle East Eye website claimed that the slain deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, was personally involved in the alleged plot.
The dispute over Qi Card is likely to have political dimensions. Given the existing tension between Al-Kadhimi and the Popular Mobilization Forces, the Prime Minister may attempt to put pressure on the Mobilization Forces or on its leaders who may be involved in suspicious transactions alongside the former Key Card director, Abdul Hussein. According to the Middle East Eye report , Abdul Hussein’s arrest affected the payment of the salaries of tens of thousands of Popular Mobilization Forces fighters and retirees.
The Future: Corruption issues are likely to increase, before the Iraqi parliamentary elections scheduled to be held next fall, as the opposing forces, in the political and security spheres, are expected to attempt to settle scores and mobilize voter support.
 If the sentences against Abdul Hussein and Al-Saadi do not spark an anti-Kadhimi political backlash, the latter will likely be emboldened to take bolder steps to target corrupt (and rival) figures with stronger political support from influential parties and paramilitary groups.
The more Al-Kadhimi takes such measures - even if they are extremely dangerous - the more likely he is to remain in office after the elections. However, Al-Kadhimi has significantly announced that he is determined to step down after the end of his current term later this year.
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archonfurina · 8 months
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Love and Deepspace: Rafayel - 5* Deep Sea Promise
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Let the revenge games begin.
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recently popular mermaid tail nail art on xiaohongshu
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jumpy-buggy-33 · 2 months
Why am I just now realizing the Pokemon cards with lmk characters on it are canon and made by the actual creator/helper(?) of lmk-
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Ok now I’m confused and irritated like someone said it isn’t canon WDYM I DONT FREAKINN UNDERSTAND😭😭😭
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thebvbbletea · 2 months
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Love And Deepspace: Misty Invasion
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0ccuria · 4 months
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new bio-cards! used @tav-dex's template as a base to build off of.
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xinyuehui · 8 months
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╰┈➤ Achievement unlocked ! Shining Deepspace
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hananoami · 4 days
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Wander In Wonder
Here's a preview of upcoming new events! Embark on an unexpected journey and enjoy the stunning views with him.
🏞New Limited 5-Star Wish Pool [Wander In Wonder], Zayne's Main Story Branch [Thorns Under the Moon], the [Mountain Journey] event, new Outfits, Accessories, and a limited-time rerun of Kittycat Meow Badges… And that's not all! Tap the images below for more details.
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honeyinapot · 7 months
I just saw a clip of the in person Rafayel event of him peeling away the tape on his picture to show a girls blank outline…and it made me think of all of rafayels pictures are just places he wants MC to remember
Like he just dedicates his life in her memory
And he works so hard to get the colors right because maybe, just maybe MC will remember the same memories if he paints it the way he saw it that day with her in front of him enjoying the views
I feel ill
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lunar-alden · 7 months
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archonfurina · 8 months
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Love and Deepspace: Rafayel - 5* Tipsy Invitation
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mqfx · 10 months
jesus the greater xianle polycule would have been so goddamn messy that in hindsight maybe the empire had to fall apart for everyone's mental health. ok imagine xianle didn't fall and everyone grows up normal and xie lian marries jian lan who has eyes for feng xin who has homoerotic rivalry with mu qing who has a twisted admiration for xie lian who has a something with hua cheng who only has anything for xie lian who is guarded by feng xin who is into jian lan. and qi rong is there
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reallyghostlypost · 4 months
Poker night with the farmer and the adventurers
Who would be good at poker?
I think Lance and Camilla would be the best since they would both keep a vague smiling face and it would be impossible to guess what they are thinking.
The farmer is also be surprisingly good at it since they will have a wide variety of expression that don't necessarily match with whatever cards they have.
Marlon and Gill are old adventurers who are very familiar with game nights among their peers and know their fair share of tricks (and cheats).
Isaac would suck at it since he's too easy to annoy.
Alesia and Jolyne are good at the game but prefer to watch others play.
Magnus is a joy killer who finds these types of game a waste of time.
Jadu probably prefers more complex and engaging table top games but gets outvoted every time and has to play card games with the rest of the players.
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lara635kookie · 2 months
While my faves are: Zayne > Sylus > Rafayel > Xavier, in that order, for Misty Invasion I will provably go for Zayne, Sylus and Xavier instead of Rafayel because XAVIER IS WAY TOO FREAKY to miss. Also Rafayel's card seems like the less interesting so far AND not only he is the default thumbnail of the game he also has a five star FREE card
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