msweebyness · 2 months
Myvan May Mirrorverse Snippet- Post-Mylene Crossover
Hey y’all, it’s Weeby, with my second piece of Myvan May content! Enjoy some bonus bits me and Sparky did for the Mylene Mirrorverse crossover! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
The Villains…
Growling in anger, Ivan Oogie stormed out of the room with Mylensula, still unconscious, cradled in his arms. Ms. Warrior Princess (she was definitely on his list, he could still feel the sharp, insistent pain in the back of his neck) had said she would wake up soon, but like hell if that made him any less furious! How dare that little twit pull a stunt like this?! Knocking his girlfriend out without so much as blinking! She was going to pay for this, if it was the last thing he did!
It was at that moment that he felt Mylensula shift in his arms, and he looked down to see her eyes fluttering open and looking around in confusion. After a moment, she seemed to get her bearings and reached up to rub her forehead, where a bruise was starting to form. (She must have hit her head on that table pretty hard…)
“Darlin! Are ya alright?”, Ivan Oogie asked, emotion filling his voice, as his hollow eyes were full of concern. His sea witch gave him a reassuring smile before she furrowed deeper into his chest.
“I’ll be fine, Spookums, don’t worry.”, she placated him, resting a hand on his chest, before a scowl crossed her lips, “I just can’t believe that pathetic little treehugger pulled something like that!”
“She ain't gonna get away with it, Pun'Kin.”, the teen boogeyman snarled, his bugs hissing with fury, “Nobody messes with you on my watch.”, he said darkly, before he kissed her forehead, “She's gonna pay, her and her freak!”
The tentacled sorceress giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, a wicked smile entering her face.
“We'll make them suffer, my dearest. Every single one of them.”
The Heroes…
After the villainous lovebirds had left, with a heavy sigh, Snow Mylene sat down at the table with her hands fiddling in her lap. That had not gone in any way like she’d hoped. Was a simple, civil conversation too much to ask from these villains? Apparently so…
A soft smile crossed her lips as she felt a familiar pair of large, strong hands rest on her shoulders. Placing her own small, delicate hands over her boyfriend’s, she took a deep breath to relieve her tension before speaking.
“I really didn’t want there to be trouble. I didn’t mean to…”, the softhearted princess trailed off, unable to lift her eyes from the ground, “Maybe if I hadn’t…”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, songbird. That witch started it, trying to attack you. The only thing you did was defend yourself, and you didn’t even hurt her!”, QuasiIvan was quick to reassure his girlfriend, moving to sit besides her and allowing her to cuddle against his side, “You’ve got nothing to feel guilty about.”
“I probably shouldn’t have made that comment about her eels. I knew it was something that would make her angry.”, the petite royal said after a moment, the tiniest bit of shame at her pettiness creeping in the back of her mind.
“Knowing her, they would probably deserve it. I can’t imagine pets of hers being anything but rotten!”, the hunchbacked teen told his girlfriend, kissing her forehead before his expression grew solemn, “And don’t worry. If that oversized sack of fleas even tries to touch you, I’ll turn him into scrap fabric for Zoe’s clothing repairs.”, he said darkly, making the princess smile.
“We should probably get back to the others.”, Snow Mylene said softly, getting to her feet, only to squeal and then release a soft giggle as her boyfriend swooped her up in his arms.
“Let’s go, my princess.”, and with that, he carried her back to the rest of the heroes, all full of praise for her act of self defense.
And here it was! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
Mirrorverse Crossover - Mylene
The sea witch felt as though she could throw up as she watched the princess practically float to her seat. Sweet little songbirds fluttered around her, at her feet were some squirrels and rabbits.
“Revolting…” Mylensula sneered. “Simply revolting.”
“I’m sorry!” Snow Mylene explained. “My little friends feels comfortable around, and I wouldn’t shoo them away.”
“I’m going to be sick!” Mylensula groaned as Snow Mylene nuzzled a songbird against her cheek.
The other villains watching made gagging noises to show their disgust. Mylensula just rolled her eyes and let out a knowing chuckle.
“Oh come now. I’ve seen the way you take care of your ‘poopsies’.”
The sea witch let out a “hmph” and tossed her hair. “My little darlings are superior to your little fleabags! Just as I outclass you in every way” she said, her voice dripping with arrogance.
As expected, Snow Mylene remained humble. “Well you are quite the enchantress. I couldn’t make your sort of deals if my life depended on it.”
Mylensula didn’t soften at the compliment. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” she sneered.
At this point, QuasIvan couldn’t help but let out a grunt of annoyance. “Can’t she take a compliment?” he muttered.
“My scallop ain’t need any hero to tell ‘er how great she is! She’s perfect in every way!” Ivan Oogie gushed, with spiders spinning heart-shaped webs in his eyes.
“Doesn’t stop you from yapping about her constantly.” Kimton snarked. 
His hero counterpart waved him off. “There’s nothing wrong with letting the world know you’re dating a queen.” He said, snuggling AriOndine, who giggled and pecked his cheek.
“For once, I agree.” Juleficent admitted, grasping QRC’s hand.
Back in the meeting room, Mylensula began to grin once again.
“How on earth are you the fairest in all the land?” she said, her voice clearly mocking the idea. Snow Mylene began to frown, as she had always been rather insecure about the mirror’s declaration.
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never really felt as though I deserved that title.” she admitted. Mylensula’s grin became even wider.
“Oh but you didn’t have a choice, did you? After your daddy croaked and your mother was already six feet under.” The villain taunted, cackling with glee.
Snow Mylene felt time stop as she relived the memories of being driven away by her stepmother and watching her father die. She took deep breaths to calm herself.
“And even worse, you repay his sacrifices by partnering with a freak.” Mylensula jeered.
“I haven’t insulted your darling ‘bugaboo’, so I’ll ask for the same level of courtesy when you speak about my gentle harmony.” Snow Mylene replied, her tone incredibly curt.
“And what are you going to do about it? Sing me to death?” Mylensula mocked.
“Well, it’d be a shame if my woodland friends discovered a new type of seafood.”
The sea witch’s eyes dilated as she let out a roar of fury.
“DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN MY BABIES! YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WHELP! I WILL TURN YOU INTO A POLYP AND LOCK YOU IN THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA!!” Mylensula screamed, her tentacles whipping about as she rushed to attack the princess. AriOndine let out a gasp of fear and hid her face in Kimules’ chest.
Snow Mylene merely rolled her eyes and grasped the villain’s arm, giving it a small twist with her fingers. The sea witch immediately went down, out for the count. There was a moment of silence… before a deafening roar of fury from Mylensula’s boyfriend.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Ivan Oogie snarled, rushing to Mylensula.
“If you would let me explain-”
His wrist was suddenly grabbed by QuasiIvan, who had rushed in as well.
“If you so much as lay a finger on my songbird-”
“I can help with that!” Nath of Hearts offered, pulling out his axe.
Ivan Oogie suddenly freezed as a pair of delicate hands hit the pressure point on the back of his neck.
“She did no such thing.” Marilan stated icily. “Your precious sea witch is only unconscious, because of a nerve technique. She’ll wake up in ten minutes, tops. I would know, I’m the one who taught Mylene that move. Calm down now.”
She pressed harder on the spot, causing Ivan Oogie to yelp in pain.
“AAAGH! Alright! Alright! Just lemme go!” he squealed. She does so as he limps over to Mylensula and picks her up, scurrying away.
“Y’all are gonna pay! I swear!”
Finally we get our next crossover! As you can see, Snow Mylene isn't as dainy as she appears on the surface. Me and Weeby had so much fun writing it and we can't wait to see what you guys think in the comments and reblogs! @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Can we hear more about Prince Kiran’s crush on Sasha Oogie? Oooh, and does he also like her in the Monstrous AU? (I’m assuming she doesn’t exist in the Hero AU, given that QuasiIvan’s parents would have died when he was a baby)
Prince Kiran met Sasha Oogie when he was five
His thirteen-year-old brother, Marc, had decided now was the perfect time for him to torture the villagers with him. He even gave Kiran little bottles of poison to slip into peoples' food
However, when they arrived, they found that the villagers were already being tortured!
Marc was furious and demanded to know who was stepping on his turf. And there he was, the bug-filled burlap sack himself, Ivan Oogie. He was scaring both young and old with spiders and snakes that were the stuff of nightmares
Marc refused to stand for this and demanded that he leave, but Ivan, not bound by the rules of the Poison Prince, refused
While his brother and Ivan went at it, Kiran went to go find someone his age to torture and maybe poison. But, as he went further into the village, he found the sight of a young girl around his age and with a slight resemblance to Ivan, stuffing bugs into an unconscious man's mouth
The girl greeted him with some hostility at first, but when Kiran asked if she'd ever stuffed poison bugs into someone's mouth, she became intrigued
It took a minute for Marc to realize his brother had gone missing, and as he was frantically looking around for him, he found him stuffing bugs into someone's mouth with a girl his age
Ivan Oogie: Sasha! Just what're you doing with this royal brat's brother?!
Prince Marc: How... DARE YOU?! Kiran, you're coming back with me this instant, away from this bug-stuffed sack's sister!
The older siblings drag them away, never to be seen again... Until later that night when Sasha sneaks into the castle and slips by undetected through the shadows until she's in Kiran's room
They play together, come up with new pranks involving bugs, snakes, and different poisons, and then they have a tea party
It goes on like this for a while until Marc finds one of Sasha's snakes in Kiran's room. And he knows it's not one of his because the ones he keeps in jars down in his lab are red
Prince Marc: That is it, mister! You are grounded and forbidden from seeing Sasha! Get in your mirror!
Prince Kiran: You can't ground me!
Prince Marc: I basically raised you and kept you sheltered from the evils that plague this world, such as frown lines!... Great, now I'm getting them- My decision still stands, you are not allowed to see Sasha, and that is final!
Prince Kiran: You're old and mean, and I'm gonna poison you in your sleep!
Prince Marc: I've drank and built up a tolerance to every toxin! Try me, baby brother.
Prince Kiran: You are such a hypocrite! I know you're still seeing Nathaniel even though mommy and mamá told you to stop because he tried to kill his parents five times!
Prince Marc: Well... Well, that's different! You're too young to even have crushes, anyway.
Prince Kiran: I was old enough for you to spoon-feed me poison when I was two.
Sasha's not doing any better. Neither is Ivan
Ivan Oogie: *Dodging several projectiles* N-now, sis, calm down- *Ducks out of the way of a chainsaw* Let's not go n' do anything hasty!
Sasha Oogie: *Hisses, and crawls on the wall like like she's possessed*
Mylensula: Shouldn't have kept her from her sweetheart, Spookums.
Ivan Oogie: And risk being in-laws with that pompous asshole?! Not in a million years!
Mylensula: Is that it? Or do you just not like the thought of your baby sister growing up?
Ivan Oogie: What?! No! That's... Maybe a lil' bit.
So their younger siblings don't try to kill him, Prince Marc and Ivan Oogie reluctantly allow them to be friends
Doesn't mean they can't be enemies, though
Prince Marc: If that little sack of ants breaks my baby brother's heart, I will have the palace seamstresses use you for practice.
Ivan Oogie: Ditto, only you'll become the next ingredient in my snake and spider stew.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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msweebyness · 1 month
Question for Class of Heroes!
Quasivan, how did you and Mylene White met each other? And what were your lives like before you met?
(One of my very first Class of Heroes shorts was about this! Linked here!)
QuasiIvan: Well…we met on our first day here at DuPont. I’d run off into the forest to be alone, because, well, people weren’t being all that welcoming to me…but then I heard the most beautiful voice singing. Just like an angel.
Snow Mylene: (Giggles) That was me. When I first met him, I was just immediately drawn to how gentle and sincere he was. He had the kindest eyes and the sweetest smile.
QuasiIvan: I was just shocked that she was talking to me, that she wasn’t…afraid.
Snow Mylene: How could I possibly be afraid of you, my gentle harmony? (She stands up on her tiptoes and kisses his forehead, making him blush)
QuasiIvan: We’d…both prefer not to talk about some people from our past.
Snow Mylene: Yes, we both had someone who would have preferred us dead than alive, the minister and my stepmother. But we’ve left those people behind, found better families, and we’re happier for it.
QuasiIvan: Much happier. (They rest their foreheads together)
@artzychic27 @imsparky2002
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msweebyness · 9 months
Class of Heroes AU- Meeting Canon: Ivan
Here’s the second in this series, and it’s the big guy! I think Ivan is severely underrated, he’s such a teddy bear! As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
QuasiIvan: (Notices his counterpart seems to be trying his hardest not to give attention to his...physical differences. He gives a dry, humorless chuckle.) It's okay to look, dude. I'm used to people staring at me, and worse, at this point.
Ivan: (Hesitates before responding) ...You shouldn't have to be. (His expression darkens) Just because you look different, or seem intimidating, doesn't give people the right to be rude.
QuasiIvan: Yeah...(He looks down) It just gets hard to stand up for yourself and break the cycle when it's what you've always had to put up with...being labeled as a freak...getting blamed for things that go wrong...
Ivan: Yeah...I know what you mean... (He thinks back to what happened before he became Stoneheart the first time.) I actually got akumatized because of it, at least the first time.
QuasiIvan: That was a shitty move by your teacher, to be honest. She should have gotten the details of what happened instead of automatically blaming you. Has your Kim even apologized for what he did? That note was total dick move.
Ivan: No...I don't think he has...at least not that I remember...
QuasiIvan: Why am I not surprised? Sorry, man.
Ivan: (Shrugs) It is what it is. At least in the end, I kinda ended up being able to confess to Mylene, with Ladybug's help, and we ended up together. (He smiles softly) I don't know what I'd do without her.
QuasiIvan: Yeah...same here. (He smiles as well as he's thinking about his gentle princess.) She's really something special...
Awww, I loved getting to write these two teddy bears interacting! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs, and expect to see more soon!
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msweebyness · 1 month
Mirrorverse Crossover- What Happened Before…
Here’s a special from ya girl, Weeby! I figured we could use a little expansion on Sparky’s intro to the AU, and thanks so much to him for helping with this! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
The heroes all stood, gathered around IsmaGenie as he prepared to grant Max’s wish, to see alternative versions of themselves from another world, like had happened to a hero of one of his comics. Whatever happened, it would surely be…interesting!
“Alright, is everyone ready?”, the blue-skinned genie asked, and at the nods from his companions, clapped his hands together, igniting a bright flash.
A portal suddenly opened up over the ceiling, and a certain wicked group of teens were dropped through it onto the floor, shouting and cursing at their painful landing.
“What the devil?!”, Mari DeVil shrieked, fretting as attempted to sort out her now ruffled fur coat.
“Again! AGAIN!”, MimRore squealed, clapping her hands and giggling maniacally as her friends gave her looks of annoyance.
“Where in the Sam Hill are we?”, Ivan Oogie groused, rubbing his head, which he had smacked on the floor as Mylensula fussed over him.
“Um, better question: Who in blazes are they?”, YzAlya piped up, pointing and drawing the other villains’ attention to the heroes, both groups just staring at each other.
“Why does that one dude have so much hair?”, Honest Nino whispered to IsmaScar, his eyes focused on Adripunzel, who was nervously messing with his long braid.
“Jeez, that one has to be like ten feet tall!”, Mireides muttered to her girlfriend, gawking at Demolition Denise.
“I feel the inexplicably strong urge to put a curse on that redhead.”, Juleficent said to QRC, her eyes narrowing as she looked at a nervous Sleeping Nath. The dark fae witch then yelped as her scepter was suddenly coated in ice beneath her fingers.
“Unless you want to have the worst case of frostbite you could even imagine experiencing, I’d suggest you leave Nathaniel alone.”, MarcElsa said darkly, summoning a barrage of icicles to his hand. A few of the villains nervously backed away.
“Looks like some of ‘em got a little magic of their own…”, Doctor Cabello mused.
“Marc, hold on.”, said Snow Mylene, gently placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Let’s not jump to violence. What she said was out of line, yes, but they weren’t expecting to be brought here. Maybe they’re just a bit confused.”
This earned her a sneer of disgust from the sea witch, before IsmaGenie stepped up and explained the whole situation to the villains, the whole ‘Alternate-Universe-Counterparts’ thing. The villains looked the heroes over with varying degrees of disbelief and disgust. They were do-gooders in this world? How revolting!
“WAIT, WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT THING?!”, Kimton suddenly shouted, pointing at Julebeast, and looking at her fur, horns and claws with utter revulsion.
“A person, asshole.”, the beastly princess snarled, showing off her sharp teeth as she glared at the hunter, who tried to appear as if he wasn’t intimidated. QuasiIvan stepped up and put a bracing hand on his best friend’s shoulder.
“Ignore him, Jules. He's obviously an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks.”, the bulky teen placated, pointedly ignoring the looks of disgust he was getting from King Marc and some of the other more vain villains.
“Who needs brains when you have guns like these?”, Kimton said smugly, flexing his arms with an arrogant grin. LeOnDine swooned, while the heroes could only watch in disbelief. This was the Kim of the other world?
“Gods, ego much?”, Kimules scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest (without meaning to, showing off that they were respectively buffer and broader than his counterpart’s) with annoyance. But at that moment his attention was caught by his girlfriend, who seemed to be having some trouble breathing as she stared at a certain villain who was bringing back unpleasant memories from the recent past.
As the young demigod tried to help the mermaid calm down, it was then that her condition was noticed by the villains, who saw the opportunity to strike. Mylensula noticed it seemed to be her the princess was afraid of, and gained a particularly wicked grin.
“Oh, whatever’s the matter, little mermaid? You’ve hardly said a word. Speak up! I'm sure you have a lovely voice.”, the sea witch said in a taunting cadence, fingering the shell necklace draped over her collar, which was starting to glow…only to yelp when there was suddenly an arrow pointing at her face.
“Leave her be, witch.”, Kagamerida said darkly, her eyes like flint as she glared at Mylensula, until Ivan Oogie stepped protectively in front of her and glared, which failed to intimidate the diminutive-statured princess in the slightest.
“Alright.”, BluRore piped up, “Let’s try to keep some semblance of civility here. We’re young adults, there’s no need for this nonsense.”, earning nods from the heroes and scoffs from the villains.
Madame Sabrina sneered in disgust as she looked over the group of heroes, her eyes finally coming to rest on the heroic Ismael, who met her glare head on with a quirked eyebrow.
“Why does one of your friends look like an oversized smurf?”, the purple-clad redhead demanded, pointing a manicured nail at the young genie.
“Why does one of your friends look like the lovechild of a burlap sack and the Pilsbury Doughboy?”, Aladdix sniped right back, leaving the villains agape, one in particular.
“WHY YOU LITTLE-”, Ivan Oogie started to shout, only for Mylensula to jump in and comfort him.
“Don’t listen to her, Spookyboo. You’re the most terrifyingly attractive man in the world in my eyes, and you always will be.”, she cooed, and much to the heroes’ discomfort and the villains’ resigned annoyance, the two began making out.
“Okay…can we PLEASE just try to have a normal, non-confrontational conversation here?”, BluRore said in exasperation, placing her head in her hands.
“And just what makes you think you can tell us what to do, Pixie Prick?”, Alix Khan snarled, stalking towards the fairy. Only to be stopped in her tracks by Miremba stepping in front of her girlfriend.
“Back off, runt.”, the royal lioness growled, and the two bared their teeth at each other.
“Alright, that’s just about enough!”, TiAlya called out, “Now, I’ll tell y’all what’s gonna happen. There ain’t gonna be any more insults, or any more fightin’. We’ll take it slow, one at a time, and we’ll sit down and get to know each other! Now, doesn’t that sound nice?”, she spoke in her “Mom Tone” which left no room for argument.
“And what if we refuse?”, Nath of Hearts snarled, reaching for his dagger, only to yelp when an arrow pierced the wall just to the side of his head, “Understood.”
“Alright…let’s get started! Who wants to go first?”, Fairy GodBro said with a nervous smile.
And there you have it! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 2 months
💖💖💖Myvan May Headcanons💖💖💖
Hello, all! I’m celebrating my favorite couple in the Miraculous universe with some cute headcanons for them in canon as well as all our various AU’s! Enjoy some Myvan cuteness as a kickoff, before we officially get into Myvan May! (I just learned that’s a thing and am so happy!) I’m gonna be releasing a lot of Myvan content this upcoming month! The parentheses let you know when I’m switching to a different AU! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(‘Canon’) Mylene often comes over to help Ivan babysit Sasha, as she finds the girl to be the sweetest, cutest thing in the world. The three of them always have so much fun playing games and going on little outings together. They even did a little group costume for Halloween one year, with Sasha being Boo, Ivan as Sulley, and Mylene as Mike.
Ivan sometimes still worries that other people, especially Mylene are afraid of him. He knows he didn’t have the best control over his temper in the past, and he was the very first akuma. Whenever he starts to sink into these kinds of thoughts, Mylene is quick to remind him of all the reasons she could never be afraid of him now, and how much she loves him.
(Class of Heroes) The first time QuasiIvan met the seven dwarves he was incredibly nervous because he was sure they weren’t going to like him, that they would think he wasn’t good enough for Snow Mylene. To his surprise, they didn’t care about his appearance and accepted him as part of the family pretty much off the bat. Even Grumpy liked him! (Snow Mylene was similarly nervous upon meeting Esmeralda for the first time, but left that day with a bevy of cute and embarrassing stories about when her boyfriend was a child. Esme loved her.)
After their marriage, besides ruling over the kingdom of Mylene’s family, they start a side project based on something they’re both passionate about: helping animals. They set up a clinic to care for wounded creatures in a smaller wing of their palace, where they help critters of all shape and size.
(Class of Villainy) Of all the villainous couples, Ivan Oogie and Mylensula are the absolute WORST when it comes to PDA. At least once a day, they start making out in the middle of the hallway with no regard for the discomfort of the people around them. Most people know better than to say anything.
Whenever the school gets fumigated, Mylensula is usually the one who ends up having to care for Ivan Oogie if he accidentally breathes it in and gets high as a kite. She doesn’t mind this though, because sometimes he just randomly says the cutest things (in her opinion) and he mostly just gets really cuddly with her.
(School for Monstrous Youths) Ivan Bumble has a strong bond with MyLeaf’s ‘babies’, who he often helps her take care of during his free time. He’ll usually bring sticks to play fetch with Brutus and Gigi, and Cookie loves when he brings his drumsticks to play music for her. He’s a pretty good Plant Dad, to be sure.
Most students at DuPont avoid upsetting or harming MyLeaf in any way at all costs, because her Bumble almost seems to have a sense for when this is happening, and will be there faster than you can blink, with the Yeti Death Glare™️ and ready to deal with whatever threat is presenting itself before carrying his flower away.
(Creepsters) Ivan’s temper in his full werebear form can be considerably more volatile than in his normal state, but this is nothing cuddling from his witch of nature can’t fix. Mylene loves how fluffy and soft he is in his huge bear form, and he’s very gentle with her.
(Ghoul Squad) Ivan Kong and Mylentasma first met when they were younger and some bullies had upset him so much that he took on his full Kong form. Her singing calmed him down and the two just kept spending time together from there.
Mylentasma confessed to Ivan Kong that she loved him by way of an entire operatic piece that detailed everything she loved about him. By the time it was done, he was in tears because he was so happy and he loves this girl so much. She still performs the piece for him on their anniversary every year!
(MiracOlympus) As the god of blacksmithing, some of Ivan’s best work have been gifts for his beloved girlfriend. He made Mylene the golden wreath of wheat sheafs with flecks of amber that she wears almost every day, as well as numerous other gifts. In return, she created a new species of flower for him, the gladiolus, which today symbolizes strength and honesty.
Mylene is fiercely protective of her boyfriend and does NOT tolerate any disrespect being shown to him. Once, a mortal king made the grave mistake of leaving Ivan out of the statue line-up in a temple honoring the Olympians, because he didn’t want ‘the ugly one’ to ‘ruin the image’ of the temple. A furious Mylene turned him into a goat for the insult, and he was forced to spend the rest of his days on a run-down old farm.
(WereMiraculous) As the pack medic, Mylene is responsible for treating the wounds of her packmates. One of her most frequent patients is, much to her dismay, her own mate. She understands that Ivan is doing his job as a guard to protect her and the pack, but it still pains her heart to see him hurt.
(DC/Arkham AU) When Venom Bringer first met MalevoLyricist, he was just so slightly jealous of his closeness to Nightmare Weaver, all the affection they showed each other and the multitude of inside jokes. Mylene was quick to notice this however and assured Ivan she saw Jesse as a brother and that he had nothing to fear.
(Marvel AU) Ivan and Mylene have a game they play on slow days where he throws his shield up in the air and she tries to nail the center of it with one of her arrows. She’s never missed, so he tries to throw it in different ways to make it more challenging for her.
(Phantoms of Paris) In Ivan’s opinion, Mylene has one of the most beautiful and haunting singing voices of any of the phantoms. After a particularly stressful akuma battle, his favorite thing to do is lay down with his head in her lap and listen to her sing some of the soft lullabies she uses to calm the children they rescue.
(Batraculous) Ivan and Mylene are one of the only couples that don’t use the lounge space for making out. They like to cuddle in the Bat Quad’s comfy seats, and there’s less of a chance of someone bursting in on them. They also like to drive out to the parks for picnics, where they help community groups with clean-up efforts.
(Land Before Time AU) Ivan once got his tail stuck in a tree he was ramming with Alix and it took hours to get him free. Mylene sat with him and kept him company the entire time until the others were able to find his parents to help free him.
(Actor AU) Ivan actually gets incredibly nervous in front of the camera, so Mylene does breathing exercises with him before takes. She’ll also hold his hand to keep him calm when they’re not in frame. Sometimes when they are too.
(Akuma AU) Stoneheart carries Horrificator pretty much everywhere, no matter how long or short the trip. It’s easy for him since he’s enormous and incredibly strong, and he just finds her too cute not to want to hold her all the time.
Very few people know that Horrificator, the ‘Queen of Fear’, actually has a fear of thunderstorms herself, and she plans to keep it that way. However, whenever a storm rolls through Paris, she prefers to spend the duration of it curled up in her boyfriend’s arms, listening to his heartbeat through the stone of his chest. It keeps her calm.
(Shadyverse) Ivan has a serious jealous streak when it comes to his girlfriend, and everyone knows about it. Most guys avoid even talking to Mylene because they know they’ll get pummeled into the dust if Ivan catches them. (Mylene thinks it’s adorable when he gets jealous and often actively creates situations that would have that outcome.)
Here’s to arguably the most wholesome and healthy ship in the entire show! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 4 months
Mirrorverse Mini-Snippet- Why We Don’t Scare Marilan
(Before reading this, go to this link, and refer to the second rule, lol.)
I thought back to my Class of Heroes dorm rules, and remembered that we DON’T try to scare Marilan, but with his pride, you know the teen boogeyman isn’t going to heed that advice… @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
QuasiIvan: (Sighs) I tried to tell him it was a bad idea.
(We see Ivan Oogie crying on the floor, clutching his… ‘No Zone’ as he lets out an impossibly high, mournful squeak.)
Honest Nino: Dude, I felt that.
Alix Khan: I felt that, and I don’t even have one!
Adripunzel: Mari’s low kick is deadly, we tried to warn you guys.
Marilan: I regret nothing.
Mylensula: (Death Glare) Not that it seems to matter to you, but I would like to be able to have children with the love of my life someday!
Juleficent: Not to worry, darling. Magic can heal just about anything if needed.
Ivan Oogie: (Squeaks) Will ya’ll quit yappin’ and get me some fuckin’ ice already?!
MarcElsa: I’m guessing you don’t mean me?
Thankfully, judging by June and Hector, no permanent damage. Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 7 months
A Few More Class of Villainy/Heroes HC's
Random MirrorVerse thoughts from ya girl, Weeby! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Unlike his canon counterpart, Kimules doesn't engage in many team or contact sports due to his immense strength posing a serious risk to both his opponents and his teammates.
Honest Nino absolutely loathes the song 'What Does the Fox Say', and will punt anyone who sings it in his presence. Naturally, his villainous classmates tease him with it as much as possible.
Miremba actually dislikes the fact that she has a mane in her lion form, as they feel that it invalidates lionesses as royalty and leaders and implies the role is meant for a male.
Sea witches are known to be incredibly seductive and persuasive, so Mylensula is often called upon to charm needed information out of people for the villains. Despite knowing this is done merely for the purpose of gathering intel, Ivan Oogie still gets incredibly jealous. Mylensula thinks it’s adorable.
Austin (Q) of Motanui will maim anyone who suggests he should have his pet chicken, Hei Hei, put down. Just because he doesn't have a brain doesn't make him any less valid, dammit!
MisShark is the only hybrid in the school that IsmaScar and Alix Khan are genuinely afraid of, though they'd never admit it. She is fully capable of breaking their spines, and they know it.
Despite being fluent in European French, some of Robette's pronunciations and statements are still hilariously Canadian. The others like to playfully tease her for this.
YzAlya often words her threats as if she's going to perform whatever horrible action she promised regardless of whether her demands are complied with. Kronkora often has to correct her.
Snow Mylene is very insecure about her looks, particularly her height and weight, not understanding how she was named the 'Fairest Of Them All'. QuasiIvan and her friends are always quick to assure her she is more than deserving of the title.
When the mood catches her right, Juleficent will sing duets with her twin. Only their fellow villains have been fortunate enough to witness this.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 4 months
weeby made a short about how QuasiIvan and Snow Mylene met…what about their villain selves?
Ooh I can answer that!
They were 8 when they first met, when Ivan tried to scare her in her nightmares. She tried scaring him right back. They found eachother adorable and over the years, their relationship became more than just platonic.
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msweebyness · 10 months
Class of Heroes AU: Worst Deeds
Today I have a bit of a special treat for you all! As wonderful as our hero kids are, no one is perfect! Detailed below are the least virtuous deeds ever performed by our heroes, both in their personal views and objective standpoints! As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! (TW: Mentions of some unpleasant things, mentions of violence)
Marilan: Marinette still feels incredible shame for the way she embarassed herself before the matchmaker, considering it a dishonor to her family. She also carries great guilt for the fact that she deceived and ran away from her family to attend the school.
Adripunzel: As much as he despises Gabriel, the man still raised Adrien, who at times, though he wouldn’t realize it, would use emotionally manipulative tactics to get his way. He always catches himself quickly though, and hates himself for it afterward. He’s working hard to curb this habit completely. He also will never get over the guilt of failing to heal Ondine when she was crushed by that pillar.
TiAlya: On a day when Alya’s mind was in a very dark place, she found herself in a shady part of town, talking to the Shadow Man about how unfair it was that other people had it so easy. She nearly made a deal with him to achieve her own dreams, but was able to refuse when she realized how disappointed her loved ones would be.
Fairy GodBro: Nino tries his best to be a good and peaceful fairy, but there are times when everyone snaps. Which was what happened when Nino became so angry with Gabriel after meeting Adrien that he placed a bad luck curse on him. He was, of course, punished for this and had to earn back his magic.
Roselle: Rose is one of the sweetest and most kind-hearted people in the world...but even she has her limits. Xavier's...persistence in pursuing her is well known, and one day, before coming to the school...Rose just had enough. She blew up at him and brutally told him off in front of the entire village, topping it off by tripping him into the muddy streambed. While what she did was completely understandable, she still feels guilty for her harsh conduct.
Julebeast: Being transformed into a beast by a dark spell is bound to have some side effects, which Juleka quickly found out as she would spiral with her dark thoughts and descend into destructive rages. But her darkest moment was when she was first cursed, when she was so consumed by fury that she legitimately considered hunting down the sorcerer and killing him for what he had done.
Maxiro: Max takes a lot of pride in the majority of his technological work...but he does have some less ethical items on his resume. When his family was especially strapped for cash, Max entered a bot-fighting circuit, and won quite a bit of money. He knew it was illegal, but he felt like it was his best option. He donated it anonymously to his mother's bank account, but the guilt still haunts him.
Kimules: Kim’s worst nightmare is to harm others and cause damage. One of the worst days of his life happened just before he was invited to the school, when, in an attempt to assist one of the shopkeepers, he managed to demolish the entire town square. This was the final straw for the citizens, who decided the ban the boy entirely.
Aladdix: Alix has always been one to hold grudges, though she acknowledges that this is a problem. She has never been able to fully forgive Chloe for her past behavior, and will still antagonize her if the mood hits her right. She carries a lot of resentment for the wealthy due to past treatment, but even she admits that she goes too far at times. Such as when she stole a family heirloom from a noble in Agrabah, though she returned it once she found that out.
QuasiIvan: Ivan is a gentle soul at heart, but he can be pushed to the breaking point over those he cares about. One such instance when he was twelve haunts him to this day. Upon seeing a soldier assault Esmeralda, he completely lost control and nearly beat the man to death before his sister was able to bring him back to his senses. Though his reasons were noble, the reality of what he almost did still terrifies him.
Snow Mylene: Mylene is gentle and kind by nature, but she is also highly protective of those she cares for, particularly her gentle harmony. She is guilty in the past of calling in some of her aggressive animal friends to 'teach a lesson' to some of his royal tormentors. She also carries a great deal of guilt for hiding from her stepmother and leaving her people to suffer under the cruel woman.
Chloéstasia: Chloe knows well that she was not the nicest person freshman year, harming most of her classmates in some way or another, and never accepting responsibility for it. Not to mention her abuse towards Zoe and of her wealth and status. She knows her behavior will follow her for a long time, but she is willing to work for forgiveness.
Sabrinocchio: Sabrina has always been looked at as a 'goody-two-shoes', a little teacher's pet who never does anything wrong. Having that kind of reputation can weigh heavily on a young child, and these feelings of stress led Sabrina to take some advice from a less than reputable source and go to a party on Pleasure Island, against her father's wishes. Thankfully, she realized when things were getting dangerous, and called for Aurore.
Sleeping Nath: Nathaniel's curse weighed heavily on him throughout his life, and one of his darkest moments came when he first learned of it from his mother at the age of eight. He was so upset and consumed by despair at feeling that he was already doomed to die that he exploded at Queen Aya and fled from the palace into the woods, where he remained throughout the night, leaving his mother to fear for his safety.
MarcElsa: Though it was an accident and no permanent damage was done, Marc is still haunted by accidentally striking Kiran with his magic as children, Su-Han being no help at all, of course. Living with these self-deprecating thoughts for years got to Marc, and one day, he was in such a dark place that he was nearly pushed to the brink, so convinced that everyone was against him, that he sincerely contemplated freezing the kingdom and running away. He stopped when he thought of how Kiran would be hurt.
CinderZoé: No matter how kind and gentle they may be, a person can only handle being abused and mistreated for so long. On a day when Zoe had been locked in her 'punishment closet' for three days, she was so furious with her mother that she grabbed a mildly poisonous and sickening herb from the woods and slipped it into her mother's tea. Audrey became violently ill and was bedridden for two days.
AriOndine: Despite knowing it was the right choice to come to the surface, Ondine still deeply regrets the way she left things with her family, never giving them a proper goodbye and likely leaving them worried sick for weeks before they learned of her whereabouts. She knows she could have at least left a letter, and the guilt of feeling she abandoned them haunts her. (She also feels pretty bad about ditching the concert and leaving her sisters hanging.)
Kagamerida: Kagami has never liked having decisions made for her, especially by her mother. So when Tomoe announced she had plans for Kagami to be betrothed to the son of a nearby clan...the princess snapped. She was so angry that she slashed the family tapestry in half and fled the castle. She ended up at a witch's cottage, and came incredibly close to using a spell on her mother to escape her arranged marriage.
Blurore: Aurore prides herself on her morally upright behavior and for doing the right thing, but there are times even she can fall off. In her younger years, after having rescued Sabrina from Stromboli's clutches, she was so incensed with the man that she used her magic on the coach's wheels, causing it to crash and leaving him devastatingly injured. She was, like Nino, punished for this and had to earn back access to her wand.
Miremba: While, despite feeling to the contrary, Mireille is not truly responsible for the death of her mother, she knows she was still wrong in avoiding the Pride Lands and confronting their uncle for as long as they did. Seeing her home left in ruins while she was absent left her with a great deal of guilt. There was also, of course, the Elephant Graveyard incident...
Jeanzco: Jean is by no means a malicious person and never means to cause harm, but his bluntness and lack of foresight can at times cause…issues. Such as when they quite abruptly fired Yzma from her position, which unleashed a hellstorm on the empire. Not to mention his, erm, spending habits as emperor, though they’re working on managing this better.
Robette: Cosette prides themselves on being able to keep a cool head in most situations, but it has its limits, like when those that she loves are uncomfortable or put at risk. On one occasion, while Cosette was trying to enjoy a date with Zoe, a paparazzo was so persistent and rude towards the blonde that the young singer snapped, ending up striking him and breaking his camera. They later issued a public apology, though their fans were sympathetic.
Demolition Denise: While the denizens of their own game know Denise is no bad guy, and have always treated them with kindness, the treatment they received outside of those safe walls has lead them to consider abandoning the game world entirely and never coming back. They ultimately stayed, not wanting to endanger their game. But then they were fired... They also have an infamous temper, which can lead to some unplanned demolition.
Simon Pan: Simon will concede that he may have gone a bit too far with cutting off Hook's hand and feeding it to a crocodile, but after an attack by the pirate on the Lost Kids left one of the children with permanently crippling injuries, he was too blinded by fury to be fully aware of what he was doing and the ramifications of it.
IsmaGenie: Though he acknowledges that he really had no choice in the matter, Ismael is still deeply affected by his time serving under less than morally sound finders. He had to grant a number of wishes that did harm to others, and the guilt from this follows him even now.
Reshmabela: Anyone who knows Reshma knows how much she loves her family, and she will go to great lengths to protect them. But there are times when she can take things a bit too far. In her hometown, there was a boy who never stopped harassing Mithra for her lack of a gift. Reshma got so fed up with his actions that she filled his room with poison oak, and was rewarded by a harsh scolding from her grandmother.
Lacey Bell: Lacey has always been headstrong and likes to do things her own way, and at times this can be to the detriment of others. When she thinks something can be done better, she will go to great lengths to prove it. Like when her attempts to speed up the Spring preparation process with her inventions ended up going haywire and destroying most of what was already done.
Even heroes aren't perfect! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 2 months
Myvan May- Weeby’s Poll
Hey, ya’ll! To kick us off for Myvan May, I wanted to post a poll for you all to tell us your fave version of them from some of our many AU’s! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Heroes - Lil’ Heroes (Part 1)
Screw it, here’s a weird lil thing where all the Heroes are toddlers. Yeah, it’s like a magical daycare.
Marilan: A little fighter who always carries around her toy sword. She’s a bit clumsy, but a true warrior. Loves playing with fireworks.
AdriPunzel: The prince of Corona, who was almost kidnapped by Gabriel Gothel. A cheery boy with hair that can heal booboos with a song he learned.
TiAlya: A kid who loves to cook and act like an adult. She likes making pretend food for her friends. Keep frogs out of the daycare, she’s been known to turn them into princes with her kiss.
Fairy GodBro: This tiny fairy is only a toddler, but he’s already learning how to make his friends happy with wishes. Poor guy keeps losing his wand. He always likes to help out CinderZoe and AdriPunzel with their struggles.
Maxiro: Though he’s only an infant, Max is a genius with a love for making toy robots. Has a stuffed animal called Markov. Loves to hang with his older cousin.
Alladix: This cute troublemaker is always one jump ahead of the teachers. Always nabbing toys and candy to share with her fellow toddlers.
Kimules: The demigod son of Zeus and Hera. Kim was stripped of most of his godliness by Hades, so he’s just a really strong toddler. A happy and sporty little boy who sometimes doesn’t know his own strength.
AriOndine: The youngest daughter of King Arturo. A curious and bright little ball of sunshine who’s excited to meet new friends on the surface. Still has trouble with walking, not just because used to have fins, but because she’s also a toddler. Her and Kim are in an adorable “puppy-love” relationship.
MarcElsa: A timid and smart little prince with the power of creating ice. He likes scribbling nonsense (which he thinks is writing) and playing with his best friend, Nath. (He’s the one who always helps put Nath to sleep with his cold hands.) He loves creating snowmen who can give him warm hugs.
Sleeping Nath: A quiet prince who’s always doodling and finger painting. Due to a curse, Nath gets very sleepy and will randomly nod off during daycare. For him, it’s always naptime. He’s really scared of spinning needles.
Sabrinnochio: A wooden toddler who’ll tell you she doesn’t like strings. Sticks very close to BluRore, the little fairy who gave her life. Loves putting on little shows for her friends.
Snow Mylene: The nicest kid in daycare, who’s songs always attract little animal friends. Always trying to let her friends know about the environment and nature.
QuasiIvan: A toddler with a hunched back, Ivan’s a shy kid who’s afraid of being seen as scary. Was taken in by the Church as a baby, and likes talking to his gargoyle friends. He protects his daycare pals from bullies.
JuleBeast: A little goth who’s family was cursed by a sorcerer. At random times in the day, Juleka becomes an adorable little beast. She loves being with Roselle, and tries to be scary, but everyone knows she’s an adorable sweetie.
MaestroLuka: A mellow and musical boy who’s Juleka’s twin brother. Sometimes he transforms into a toy piano, and lets Juleka play him. Has a lil crush on Marilan.
Roselle: A kind girl with a love for fairytales. She is incredibly helpful and loves to read stories to her classmates. Helps Juleka when she’s feeling upset.
Chloestasia: A bratty kid who brags about herself to other kids. She is learning how to not be so mean, starting by being nicer to Zoe.
And that’s part 1! Aren’t they just adorable? If you like it, make sure to check out Class of Heroes by @msweebyness. @artzychic27 and @msweebyness as usual.
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msweebyness · 1 year
Miracuclass (+Others)
Science Kids (w)Bonus HC’s)
Plot Details
Sparky’s HCs
Artzy's HC's
More of My HCs
Worst Experiences w) Bustier
Ship List
Cute Ship Stuff
DuPont Royals (by Artzy!)
Friendship Fluff
Artzy Fluff HC’s
Lila & Felix (& Casting)
Francois Preparatory Academy
Cast List
Quirky Facts
Out of the Waves, Into Your Arms (Kimdine)
Family Members
A Song for a Warm Heart (Nathmarc)
Heroic Quotes
Royal Kidnappings
Who Would Be Scared of You? (Myvan)
Roommates & Dorms
Chloé’s Redemption
Dormroom Hangouts
Daughters of the Sea King (Ondine…kinda)
Pet Peeves
Here Comes Luka!
More Friendship Fluff
Worst Fears
Himbo Vs. Horsebo (Kimdine+Xuppu)
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Zoé)
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? (Marc+Kiran)
Sparky’s Lil Heroes
Sparky’s Lil Heroes 2
Songfic Line Up
Lil Heroes First Day
Lil Heroes & Big Heroes Crossover
Zero to Hero (Kim)
For the First Time in Forever (Marc & Kiran)
Royal Kidnappings, Part 2
BatB Prologue
Family Members, Part 2
Introducing my OC’s
When Will My Life Begin? (Adrien)
Marc’s Troubles (By Sparky)
Father Knows Best (by Sparky)
A Seductive Greeting (by Sparky)
Group Chat Names
Some More HC’s
Dorm Rules
Worst Deeds
More Artzy HC’s
Theater Kid Casting
Character Pages:
Fairy GodBro
Sleeping Nath
Snow Mylene
Demolition Denise
Simon Pan
Lacey Bell
Lila De La Cruz
Maestro Luka
Austin La Bouff
Austin of Motanui
Austin Deavor
Meeting Canon:
AriOndine: Mermaid Blues
Best Voice
(Masterlist Part 2)
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Royal Kidnappings, Part 2
Ya girl comes to you with a bit of a sequel post! So this is kinda the general routine whenever one of the royals gets kidnapped. As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27, special thanks to Artzy for inspiring the Nath scene. Enjoy!
Part 1
Adrien, Incident 9:
Marilan: Bow and arrows?
Kagamerida: Got them. Sword?
Marilan: Right here. Okay, rope and hook, food and water in case they’re that kind of assholes, smoke bombs for if we need a diversion. Looks like we’ve got everything. You have the MagiTrack unit?
Kagamerida: Right here, locked on the Sundrop. And Sass. (The color-changing snake hisses on her shoulder)
Marilan: Can’t forget the comfort snake.
Ondine, Incident 7:
Kimules: No no no no no nononononosomebodytookherohmyfuckingparentssomebodykidnappedmyprincessI’mtheworstboyfriendeverhowcouldIlethishappenI’msoFUCKINGSTUPI-*Aladdix slaps him across the face*
Aladdix: For fuck’s sake, Kim, pull it together! This has happened six times already! ‘Dine’s gonna be fine.
Maxiro: While I may disagree with her methods, Alix is right, Kim. If we leave now, there’s an 87% chance that we’ll get her back, and mostly unharmed.
Kimules: *Deep breath* Okay. *Death expression* Time to break some fuckers’ everything.
Mylene, Incident 2:
Julebeast: Uh…Ivan? ….Are you okay? Because you’re actually starting to scare me.
QuasiIvan: (Turns to her with a pleasant expression) Oh, I’m fine. Just thinking about the different ways I’m going to maim the fuckheads who kidnapped my songbird, that’s it. A skull can break six different ways, after all. (Picks up a club from the school’s armory) Should we get going?
Julebeast: …Yeah…sure.
Nathaniel, Incident 5:
BluRore: Now, Marc, I know this is upsetting, but let’s just take a breath, try to get calmed down-
MarcElsa: I will do NO SUCH THING. I will have VENGEANCE on those who stole my Rose Petal. (Cackles maniacally) I’ll leave them frozen for a few days, let them think they’re getting off easy. But years from now, when they’ve forgotten all about this, when they’re feeling their safest… DIE BITCHES DIE! (Laughs like a lunatic, growing ice stalagmites around himself)
Simon Pan: Dude….
Jeanzco: I don’t feel safe right now…
Austin, Incident 3:
Jeanzco: Okay, let’s go over the facts, shall we? We were all having a nice day, not a care in the world. Hell, TGIF, ya’ll. But that’s all out the window now, and you know why? Well, because some FUCKING BITCH. Had the balls-to-the-wall audacity to kidnap my FUCKING BOYFRIEND, apropos of FUCKING nothing. So, now, I have to add some murders to my already packed schedule, because no one has any fucking courtesy these days! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
Aladdix: ….Hell yeah! Let’s wreck some motherfuckers! (Slams a bat against her hand)
IsmaGenie: Normally, I wouldn’t really be on board with killing someone, but this time…(traces black face paint under his eyes) let’s fuck up their shit.
And there it was ya’ll! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Heroes - QuasiIvan
Ivan - Quasimodo
A teenager who was mistreated and harassed as a child for having a hunched back and wonky eye. Cruel treatment by Minister Frollo caused him to see himself as a monster. It was only with the help of his adoptive sisters and school friends that he began to love himself.
His job is to ring the bell tower of Paris, which he feels is the only thing that will always comfort him.
A quiet and humble boy, Ivan is a gentle giant who only uses violence as a last resort. He finds his wonderful girlfriend Mylene to be his sanctuary and a soothing presence in his life.
Very protective of Esmeralda, his older adopted sister. Didn’t like Phoebus when he first showed up, and only tolerates him because he makes her happy.
Him and Juleka are close friends. They’re both people who have been mistreated for their “monstrous” appearances, and they also share a love for gothic culture. You can find them up on the highest point of the school, brooding together.
He’s finally out there, living in the sun. The hunchbacked bell ringer was the perfect fit for Ivan. As usual, you can check Ivan out in Weeby’s Class of Heroes. Also, reblog, reply, post and ask to share the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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