#snow mylene
msweebyness · 5 months
Myvan May Mirrorverse Snippet- Post-Mylene Crossover
Hey y’all, it’s Weeby, with my second piece of Myvan May content! Enjoy some bonus bits me and Sparky did for the Mylene Mirrorverse crossover! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
The Villains…
Growling in anger, Ivan Oogie stormed out of the room with Mylensula, still unconscious, cradled in his arms. Ms. Warrior Princess (she was definitely on his list, he could still feel the sharp, insistent pain in the back of his neck) had said she would wake up soon, but like hell if that made him any less furious! How dare that little twit pull a stunt like this?! Knocking his girlfriend out without so much as blinking! She was going to pay for this, if it was the last thing he did!
It was at that moment that he felt Mylensula shift in his arms, and he looked down to see her eyes fluttering open and looking around in confusion. After a moment, she seemed to get her bearings and reached up to rub her forehead, where a bruise was starting to form. (She must have hit her head on that table pretty hard…)
“Darlin! Are ya alright?”, Ivan Oogie asked, emotion filling his voice, as his hollow eyes were full of concern. His sea witch gave him a reassuring smile before she furrowed deeper into his chest.
“I’ll be fine, Spookums, don’t worry.”, she placated him, resting a hand on his chest, before a scowl crossed her lips, “I just can’t believe that pathetic little treehugger pulled something like that!”
“She ain't gonna get away with it, Pun'Kin.”, the teen boogeyman snarled, his bugs hissing with fury, “Nobody messes with you on my watch.”, he said darkly, before he kissed her forehead, “She's gonna pay, her and her freak!”
The tentacled sorceress giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, a wicked smile entering her face.
“We'll make them suffer, my dearest. Every single one of them.”
The Heroes…
After the villainous lovebirds had left, with a heavy sigh, Snow Mylene sat down at the table with her hands fiddling in her lap. That had not gone in any way like she’d hoped. Was a simple, civil conversation too much to ask from these villains? Apparently so…
A soft smile crossed her lips as she felt a familiar pair of large, strong hands rest on her shoulders. Placing her own small, delicate hands over her boyfriend’s, she took a deep breath to relieve her tension before speaking.
“I really didn’t want there to be trouble. I didn’t mean to…”, the softhearted princess trailed off, unable to lift her eyes from the ground, “Maybe if I hadn’t…”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, songbird. That witch started it, trying to attack you. The only thing you did was defend yourself, and you didn’t even hurt her!”, QuasiIvan was quick to reassure his girlfriend, moving to sit besides her and allowing her to cuddle against his side, “You’ve got nothing to feel guilty about.”
“I probably shouldn’t have made that comment about her eels. I knew it was something that would make her angry.”, the petite royal said after a moment, the tiniest bit of shame at her pettiness creeping in the back of her mind.
“Knowing her, they would probably deserve it. I can’t imagine pets of hers being anything but rotten!”, the hunchbacked teen told his girlfriend, kissing her forehead before his expression grew solemn, “And don’t worry. If that oversized sack of fleas even tries to touch you, I’ll turn him into scrap fabric for Zoe’s clothing repairs.”, he said darkly, making the princess smile.
“We should probably get back to the others.”, Snow Mylene said softly, getting to her feet, only to squeal and then release a soft giggle as her boyfriend swooped her up in his arms.
“Let’s go, my princess.”, and with that, he carried her back to the rest of the heroes, all full of praise for her act of self defense.
And here it was! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 6 months
Mirrorverse Crossover - Mylene
The sea witch felt as though she could throw up as she watched the princess practically float to her seat. Sweet little songbirds fluttered around her, at her feet were some squirrels and rabbits.
“Revolting…” Mylensula sneered. “Simply revolting.”
“I’m sorry!” Snow Mylene explained. “My little friends feels comfortable around, and I wouldn’t shoo them away.”
“I’m going to be sick!” Mylensula groaned as Snow Mylene nuzzled a songbird against her cheek.
The other villains watching made gagging noises to show their disgust. Mylensula just rolled her eyes and let out a knowing chuckle.
“Oh come now. I’ve seen the way you take care of your ‘poopsies’.”
The sea witch let out a “hmph” and tossed her hair. “My little darlings are superior to your little fleabags! Just as I outclass you in every way” she said, her voice dripping with arrogance.
As expected, Snow Mylene remained humble. “Well you are quite the enchantress. I couldn’t make your sort of deals if my life depended on it.”
Mylensula didn’t soften at the compliment. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” she sneered.
At this point, QuasIvan couldn’t help but let out a grunt of annoyance. “Can’t she take a compliment?” he muttered.
“My scallop ain’t need any hero to tell ‘er how great she is! She’s perfect in every way!” Ivan Oogie gushed, with spiders spinning heart-shaped webs in his eyes.
“Doesn’t stop you from yapping about her constantly.” Kimton snarked. 
His hero counterpart waved him off. “There’s nothing wrong with letting the world know you’re dating a queen.” He said, snuggling AriOndine, who giggled and pecked his cheek.
“For once, I agree.” Juleficent admitted, grasping QRC’s hand.
Back in the meeting room, Mylensula began to grin once again.
“How on earth are you the fairest in all the land?” she said, her voice clearly mocking the idea. Snow Mylene began to frown, as she had always been rather insecure about the mirror’s declaration.
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never really felt as though I deserved that title.” she admitted. Mylensula’s grin became even wider.
“Oh but you didn’t have a choice, did you? After your daddy croaked and your mother was already six feet under.” The villain taunted, cackling with glee.
Snow Mylene felt time stop as she relived the memories of being driven away by her stepmother and watching her father die. She took deep breaths to calm herself.
“And even worse, you repay his sacrifices by partnering with a freak.” Mylensula jeered.
“I haven’t insulted your darling ‘bugaboo’, so I’ll ask for the same level of courtesy when you speak about my gentle harmony.” Snow Mylene replied, her tone incredibly curt.
“And what are you going to do about it? Sing me to death?” Mylensula mocked.
“Well, it’d be a shame if my woodland friends discovered a new type of seafood.”
The sea witch’s eyes dilated as she let out a roar of fury.
“DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN MY BABIES! YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WHELP! I WILL TURN YOU INTO A POLYP AND LOCK YOU IN THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA!!” Mylensula screamed, her tentacles whipping about as she rushed to attack the princess. AriOndine let out a gasp of fear and hid her face in Kimules’ chest.
Snow Mylene merely rolled her eyes and grasped the villain’s arm, giving it a small twist with her fingers. The sea witch immediately went down, out for the count. There was a moment of silence… before a deafening roar of fury from Mylensula’s boyfriend.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Ivan Oogie snarled, rushing to Mylensula.
“If you would let me explain-”
His wrist was suddenly grabbed by QuasiIvan, who had rushed in as well.
“If you so much as lay a finger on my songbird-”
“I can help with that!” Nath of Hearts offered, pulling out his axe.
Ivan Oogie suddenly freezed as a pair of delicate hands hit the pressure point on the back of his neck.
“She did no such thing.” Marilan stated icily. “Your precious sea witch is only unconscious, because of a nerve technique. She’ll wake up in ten minutes, tops. I would know, I’m the one who taught Mylene that move. Calm down now.”
She pressed harder on the spot, causing Ivan Oogie to yelp in pain.
“AAAGH! Alright! Alright! Just lemme go!” he squealed. She does so as he limps over to Mylensula and picks her up, scurrying away.
“Y’all are gonna pay! I swear!”
Finally we get our next crossover! As you can see, Snow Mylene isn't as dainy as she appears on the surface. Me and Weeby had so much fun writing it and we can't wait to see what you guys think in the comments and reblogs! @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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snowflakes-s · 2 years
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
Do you have a list of hero names you use for your aus? I sometimes get them confused with each other...
Well, now we do. Let's go through the lists. The structure of these are as follows: Miraculous - Holder - Superhero Name
Miraculous AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Mouse - Juleka - Souris Blanche
Pig - Amelie - Nacre
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Lynx - Marc _ Sleuthlynx
Dog - Sabrina - Cheri
Rooster - Felix - Ripper
Bat - Mylene - Dread Queen
Tiger - Kim - King Tiger
Goat - Ondine - Faun
Monkey - Bridgette - Harlequin
Raven - Nathaniel - Achlys
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Noctua
Ox - Ivan - Iron Bull
Horse - Alix - Liberte
Rabbit - Rose - Lapine
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Kagami - Ryuko
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Salvation AU:
Ladybug - Luka - Metal Bug
Black Cat - Kagami - Kuro Neko
Bee - Marinette - Bumblebee
Spider - Nathalie - Black Widow
Mouse - Alya - Muridae
Fox - Marc - Fantastic Fox
Lynx - Lila - Lincina
Dog - Nathaniel - Familiaris 
Rooster - Audrey - Eris
Bat - Felix - Hades
Tiger - Alix - Tigrix
Ant - Tomoe - Ari
Goat - Nino - Sanguine
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Raven - Anarka - Sorrowful
Deer - Sabrina - Fawn
Owl - Zoe - Owlet
Ox - Chloe - Crimson
Koala - Sabine - Mama Bear
White Cat - Adrien - Chat Blanc
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Gabriel - Paon
Butterfly - Colt - Emperor
Snake - Juleka - Vipress
Dragon - Mylene - Draconne
Turtle - Bridgette - Aegis
Absolution AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Mouse - Juleka - Whisper
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Rooster - Nathaniel- Scorned
Raven - Marc - Mourn
Deer - Alya- Fawn
Wolf - Alix- Fera
Ox - Ondine - Ira
Rabbit - Rose - Bunelle
Butterfly - Nathalie - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Paradise AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Hope
Black Cat - Felix - Cat Noir
Spider - Felix - Araneae
Bee - Chloe - Ambrosia
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Black Cat - Zoe - Sith
Mouse - Nathalie - Dragnet
Fox - Bridgette - Void
Dog - Sabrina - Agape
Rooster - Juleka - Wrath
Pig - Alix - Circe
Bat - Rose - Dread
Tiger - Nino - Aurora
Goat - Luka - Sin
Wolf - Alya - Huntress
Rabbit - Mylene - Luna
Peacock - Amelie - Erinona
Butterfly - Emilie - Echidna
Snake - Adrien - Aspik
Dragon - Kagami - Delphyne
Turtle - Gabriel - Alexiares
Cow - Kim - Siegfried
Swan - Ondine - Odette
Separate Worlds AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Lady Beetle
Mouse - Alya - Gold Mouse (Biker) Cream (Reporter)
Fox - Nathalie - Vixen
Dog - Felix - Flairmidable
Raven - Luka - Nevermore
Owl - Alix - Snow Owl
Goat - Nino - The GOAT
Peacock - Juleka - Ghoul
Butterfly - Adrien - Iris
Snake - TBA
Dragon - Rose - Cinder
Turtle - Mylene - Chelone
All That Remained AU:
Ladybug - Marc - Scarlet Lord
Black Cat - Felix - Cath Palug
Bee - Sabrina - Aviator
Mouse - Juleka - White Mouse
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Dog - Chloe - Lady
Rooster - Ivan - Talon
Bat - Tomoe - Koumori
Tiger - Adrien - Tigre Rose
Goat - Nino - Ibex
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Glauca
Ox - Kagami - Senketsu
Horse - Alix - Chevalier
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Emilie - Hera
Butterfly - Nathalie - Faerie
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Mylene - Drakon
Turtle - Socequline - Warden
Cicada - Marinette - Cicada
Chameleon - Nathaniel - Changeling
Swan - Zoe - Valkyrie
Cow - Ondine - Scarlet Cow
Dolphin - Amelie - Amphitrite
Amaranthine AU:
Ladybug - Chloe - Carmine
Owl - Chloe - Minerva
Black Cat - Zoe - Midnight
Dove - Zoe - Atropos
Butterfly - Adrien - Adonis
Snake - Luka - Atropa/ Juleka - Belladona
Mouse - Luka - Atropa
Dragon - Marinette (Nimue) Longg (Guenevere) Marinette and Longg (Mordred)
Fox - Alya - Rena
Siren's Song AU:
Ladybug - Kagami - Lady Beetle
Black Cat - Ivan - Razor
Peacock - Ondine - Siren
Bee - Mylene - Honey Bee
Fox - Luka - Maestro
Butterfly - Marinette - Iridescent
Raven - Adrien - Scourge
Dragon - Zoe - Wyvern
Bat - Juleka - Banshee
Swan - Rose - Venus
Turtle - Chloe - Mariana
Pig - Felix - Aetolian
Mouse - Nino - Director
Owl - Sabrina - Seeker
Robin - Lila - Pettirosso
Shark - Alix - Megalodon
Seal - Alya - Oblivion
Dog - Marc - Eros
Dolphin - Aurore - Sea Breeze
Koala - Nathaniel - Belphegor
Lynx - Colt - Lyncus
Rabbit - Amelie - Artemis
Horse - Emilie - Eleutheria
Ant - Max - Formica
Chameleon - Tomoe - Grandeur
Cow - Gabriel - Hou Yi
Spider - Nathalie - Neith
Dove - Sabine - Chang'e
Tiger - Socqueline - Tiger Lily
Bear - Kim - Otso
Bloody Bug Au:
Ladybug - Alix - Bloody Bug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Ox - Adrien - Tarueau
Bee - Alya - Bomb Bee
Pig - Sabrina - Porcelet
Dog - Rose - Pom Pom
Rooster - Chloe - Gallic Chick
Tiger - Marinette - Lady Tigress
Goat - Marinette - Faun
Black Cat - Juleka - Death Noire
Horse - Felix - Llameri
Rabbit - Luka - Harlequin
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Hawkmoth
Dragon - Mylene - Hydra
Turtle - Nino - Carpace
Snake - Marc - Ouroboros
Mouse - Max - Apollo
Ox - Kim - Minotaur
Monkey - Juleka - Badb
Fox - Nathaniel - Fennec
Tiger - Ivan - Crimson Tiger
Court of Miracles AU
Ladybug - Marinette
Black Cat - Felix
Bee - Chloe
Spider - Manon
Mouse - Jessica
Pig - Chris
Fox - Lila
Lynx - Nora
Dog - Sabrina
Rooster - Aurore
Bat - Nino
Tiger - Fei Wu
Ant - Penny
Goat - Jagged Stone and Luka
Monkey - Bridgette
Raven - Delmar
Wolf - Alya
Owl - Max
Ox - Ivan
Koala - Kagami
Horse - Ali
Rabbit - Rose
Peacock - Adrien
Butterfly - Zoe
Snake - Juleka
Dragon - Mylene
Turtle - Socqueline
Chameleon - Nathaniel
Cicada - Marc
Swan - Ondine
Cow - Kim
Robin - Aeon
Dove - Mireille
Dolphin - Nathalie
Seal - Veronique
Shark - Jalil
Bear - Alix
Baku - Wayhem
Wendigo -
Pixie -
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backmaskcd · 2 months
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closed event starter for @ofescapisms (mylene)
"I didn't know if you'd be here or not," Delphi's voice was soft as she spotted Mylene, going to sit next to her, holding out a snow cone. "Since, you know. You just birthed a whole tiny human. I thought maybe you'd prefer to stay home and rest."
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fontasticcrablettes · 8 months
Mylene Wilder died to protect her son but her last words to him was really "if only you weren't born" :/ Like she said that to this tiny traumatised child who was so happy, few minutes before, because she accepted to play with him in the snow and who is now traumatised. No nice words to rassure him, noooo "you shouldn't be born".
You needed to break his heart even more lady?
Right!? Like she's a touch more complex than "she just hated him and every memory he has of her is negative" but to make those her final words to him? Talk about emotional trauma!
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amandacastroworld · 1 year
Miraculous: Mars needs Boys
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Mylene: Ivan!
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Ivan: Ivan, Ivan, Ivan.
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Mylene: Oh, no! I activated the launch system.
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Marc: Are those Akumas?
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Nathaniel: The hairy guys are good, and the uniforms are bad.
Let's just hope we don't see... Hawk Moth!
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Nathaniel: No! Marc! You gave me your helmet? No! No! Marc! No! No! No! Marc! Marc! No! No! No! No, Marc! Marc, no! No. Marc, you have to come home with me. You have to come home with me! You're... you're my boyfriend... and I love you! No! No, no, no, no, no.
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Ivan: No!
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Nathaniel: Ivan! My boyfriend!
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Ivan: Bingo. Nathaniel! I'm coming, buddy! I got it. I got it. Lift him head.
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Marc: Nathaniel. You saved me.
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Nathaniel: No. It was Ivan.
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Ivan: No, bro. No, it was you, man. It was you.
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Marc: Oh Nathaniel. My love.
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Mylene: Nathaniel! Ivan! I've got the ship under control...
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Nathaniel: I can buff out the scratches. Come on, Marc. We gotta go.
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Marc: We gotta go. Oh, OK.
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Hawk Moth: Stopping right there! This is not over. You will surrendering.
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Mylene: Hey! Surrender this!
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Hawk Moth: Mylene! What are you doing?
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Mylene: I will not letting you do this.
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Amanda de Brown meets Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette's Friends, when Marc Anciel was under the Snow Queen Amanda de Brown's Magic Wand, he accidentally killed Miss Brown when the latter pushed saved Mylène Haprèle out of the way. Seeing Miss Brown's body, he nudged her hand trying to wake her. After realizing what he had done, Marc Anciel was greatly devastated by what had happened. When Marc Anciel is tricked into attacking her.
The End:
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darthhope-in-space · 25 days
Characters with chronic conditions... how FUN
I just finished binging House MD (also known as NOT studying), so here's a list of characters with chronic conditions complete with my annotations. This may or may not change in the future, I'm just good like that.
TW: traumatic injuries (like a lot of them, stay safe people), death, illness/chronic conditions
(I did as much research as I could, but if I get anything wrong please feel free to correct me!)
Aisling - impaired vision due to albinism (she's an albino marsh dragon, yes it makes sense, keep up)
Cedarson - bone condition probably similar to Paget’s Disease of Bone (I LOVE that name. Whoever Paget is deserves a naming award.)
Einar - Huntington's disease (hm... I wonder if that was influenced by anything...)
Fennel - multiple sclerosis/MS (this is actually really important to the plot, so House, you can't take credit for this one)
Grey - HIV
Snow - asthma
Olive - osteogenesis imperfecta/OI (she's also the clumsiest creature this side of the equator. It's a great combination)
Rusty - gastroparesis (poor Rust, has gotta deal with his crazy siblings [above three] and all this)
Karic - hemophilia (and he's also a CF carrier, that's important later)
Lelan - a lot of injuries from a bomb (autocorrect tried to change that to inquires, and I personally find that hilarious)
Mirosev (Karic's son) - hemophilia and CF (I can't tell you how much research it took to find a genetic condition Karic could pass to his children while remaining asymptomatic AND being a species that reproduces via parthenogenesis. I gave up, if you can't tell. Just pretend it works)
Mylen - fibromyalgia
Nwol - burn injuries from a cannon (he's dead, btw)
Oakley - chronic pancreatitis and diabetes (I've just realized that I've given almost every single child character an illness... and that I've named them all after trees).
Rein (Karic's other kid) - CF (HEY, another one House can't take credit for. Rein was dying long before I watched ten thousand hours of a medical drama)
Remté - osteomyelitis in right legs, multiple chronic injuries resulting from crushed joints (the palace got invaded, how kind)
Rhysn - chronic myofascial pain syndrome (gotta love that name)
Rierśa - muscle spasms and tightness in right foreleg (that's Alsan's fault, blame him)
Rowan - Lupus (IT'S NEVER LUPUS!!!!!!!!!!!)
Valir - deafness due to childhood meningitis (that episode was awesome; hallucinations of your best friend's dead girlfriend and almost killing your employee is most certainly top-tier doctoring)
Veseim - visual impairment resulting from traumatic injury (the palace was invaded again)
Hawkins - epilepsy (look, we're out of alphabetical order again)
Tamsin - leukemia (that's IMPOSSIBLE to spell)
Kuol - chronic abscesses, pain, and joint instability due to traumatic puncture wounds (or would the be called slash wounds? He was injured at war and the other side uses NOTHING but sharp crap)
Lucian - CRPS around his right foreleg, severe back pain due to spinal injuries, osteoarthritis in both shoulders and neck due to crush injuries (a boat's mast fell on him, thanks Lars)
Sacha - (note that she's a griffin) chronic pain and instability in wings
That's it folks! Again, if I got anything wrong, my apologies. This is solely for fun – combine medicine and character creation, who wouldn't like that?
Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day (or night, whichever you prefer).
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freezegirl · 8 months
five times happy:     ( five times the sender made the receiver happy. ) / zoe
5x // @goldshadows' zoe nunez
01: it's colder in the maxville ice arena than zoe thought it would be. even if she's all layered up. even if she's on her third cup of hot cocoa. kie is the last person to do her routine and zoe had promised to be there. so that keeps her going. the promise she'd made.
"and closing off nationals, it's khione goossens, skating to 'toy box' by disco diva mylene cruz!"
kie's dark hair is fashioned into a tight, high ponytail. and the dress she wears evokes a sensual kind of snow queen and it has more sheer panels than the regular outfits kie has worn on the ice so far.
it's out there. one might even argue that it's skirting the line. but it fits the theme of the night: self exploration and self expression through art. that, and kie has told zoe about the katarina rule so many times that zoe could write an essay on it or recite it in her sleep.
not too clothed; not too bare. no point deductions. not for this. so long as everyone keeps everything tasteful and modest.
their eyes meet for but a moment. but one moment is enough for zoe to see how happy kie is to see her. then, khione smirks, self assured, and the final routine of the evening begins.
hide your toys under the bed time for this doll to get fed turn the lights down, come in now let the games begin
fire boy is gonna lose his shit, zoe thinks to herself with a grin, as she readies herself to start filming.
02: "you owe me hot cocoa after this," zoe says, "or at least glühwein. or honey mead." kie laughs in response: "christmas was three weeks ago, but sure, i'll run a lap around the venue after we're done here, see if i can get some for you. red or white?"
they're almost done with the ice sculpture festival and kie's still having the time of her life, prancing around the place and commenting on every single sculpture before taking a bajillion selfies. zoe? not so much. sure, the sculptures are absolutely gorgeous, but she could've done with less freezing temperatures.
"no but really though," kie says after she's taken a selfie next to an icy flamenco dancer. "i'm glad you're here, zo. i'm glad you said yes to this. thank you. it means the world to me."
03: "thanks for partnering up with me," kie whispers, "i hate this class. i hate everything about this." zoe just looks at her, doesn't say anything. doesn't have to. because the look on her face is enough: no shit sherlock. everyone who's anyone knows that khione goossens hates medulla's telepathy lessons with a burning passion of a thousand fiery suns, which is highly ironic, considering she's not a pyrokinetic. "but i don't hate you," kie finishes her little rant with a small, yet sincere, smile.
04: "okay, let's go: you, me, fuck, marry, kill: avengers edition. i'll go first: captain america, thor and---"
"---not bruce banner, he's already married to faith lehane, or, rather, banner. faith banner. can you believe i actually met her the other night and i didn't recognize her until way after the fact?! like, wow, that's almost as bad a faux pas as not talking to that one girl at avengercon who was wearing the most gorgeous ororo munroe cosplay i've ever seen in my entire life."
"you're a nerd," zoe says and her voice is filled with affection.
"i know," kie smiles but the smile on her face fades when zoe concludes the little list: "iron man."
"ugh, couldn't have given me miss widow, could you?" kie pouts. "or kate bishop? or ant-man's daughter? or spidey? or the runaways? or cloak and dagger?!"
"maybe in the next round," zoe concedes and runs her hand through kie's hair as her eyes flutter shut and she contemplates her choices.
"before i begin," kie says, "i would like to go on record and state that i am very aware that all of them are older than me and that all of this is conjecture and that in real life, none of this would work. and also, none of them are warren. so they automatically lose."
"kie!" zoe groans. "just tell me already!"
"i---i would sleep with thor because i genuinely feel as though he would treat me right, and also, can you imagine the philosophical discussions we could have? because if you go back far enough, everything connects! like there's this irish water goddess named danu and there is also an indian primordial water goddess named danu. so i would like to talk about where, if and how norse myths could allign with indian lore."
zoe coughs and tells her she can say 'fuck'. kie flushes and tells zoe that she knows that: "right, yes, okay. so, i would sleep with thor. i would marry cap because i think he's a good man and would be a good husband - this goes for mister rogers and mister wilson as well. which leaves iron man. i would kill him. with kindness. 'cause i feel like that man could use a bit of that after all he's been through."
05: "zo, seriously. you are an omega level mutant." just like kie herself. just like all of their friends. "there is no one i would want by my side more than you while we're tracking down michael baxter, okay? i am so happy you're here. and believe in you. i believe in you."
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regalun-street · 1 year
Émerveiller| Miraculous x Ladybug!oc| 0 Prologue|En Présentant
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And when she walked out she stepped into what could be described as a war zone. Cars were filled upside down, pieces of the road torn apart, projectiles were being thrown haphazardly, and there was so much noise.
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I didn't mean for it to happen.
(Screams tore through the air, as the temple was bathed in flames. Smoke fills Fu's lungs as he stands drowned in fear and regret. Frozen in horror as he watches from the opposite side of a door, as a blue creature devours. )
I just wanted to eat something, I was hungry.
( One of the Monks spotted his frozen form, "What are you doing Fu, take the miracle box and leave!" he screams. The sentimonster turns its head in his direction, growling as it flicks its tongue. "Protect it with your life.")
If I had just waited, then it would never have happened.
( Every cell in his body screamed to run, to flee, but he stood there petrified in fear. The sentimonster, sensing his position advanced towards him and Fu's life flashed before his eyes, the world around him forgotten.)
They wouldn't have died, and all those other miraculous' would've never been eaten.
( Suddenly he felt pain in his forehead, and a cool liquid dripped from his head. He touched unconsciously ,only to be greeted with his own blood. Realizing he was able to move again, Fu grabbed the box and fled. Blood pumping and adrenaline coursing through his veins as he ran farther away from the screams, the order, from everything.)
What happened was because of me, created by me.
(And the beast followed.)
They're gone because of me.
( He continued to run on the snow floor, white all he could see. Even as the cold winds whipped harshly across his face and his fingers numbed from how tightly he held onto the Miracle box. He continued on.)
Now it seems karma has caught up to me and what's left for me is to accept it.
( The sentimonster chasing after him with, hot on his tail. Fu did not even so much as take a glance over his shoulder as he maneuvered away from the sentimoster's attacks, dodging anything that would've slowed him down. Even as a split in the mountain appeared he jumped over it with no hesitation.)
And because of that I must do this, I'm sorry I can not stay with you longer.
(It wasn't until he noticed the lack of attacks on him and monstrous shrieks did he dare to look
back. Fu bracing himself turned and let out a relieved sigh, at the absence of the sentimonster. Rubbing his cold nose, Fu continued forward into snowy winds.)
Forgive Me.
( And when it cleared he was gone, the miracle box along with him.)
"Merci bien." Queen thanked Mrs.Cheng softly with her order in hand. Her expression blank as her chocolate brown eyes scanned the pâtisserie as if searching.
"Looking for Marinette?" Mrs.Cheng asks. Her voice has its usuals gentle tone though there's a slightly apologetic note mixed in it. Queen paused and focused her attention back on Mrs. Cheng.
"Is Marinette not here?" she asked and Mrs.Cheng shook her head."No, she is. It's just that she has a small cold."
"Oh," Queen chewed her bottom lip. 'If she's sick then she can't possibly come with her to the movies'. And if she doesn't come then Queen will be forced to end up third-wheeling Ivan and Mylene.
Not that she minded, but she was looking forward to it.
After all, it'll be the first time she'd go to the cinéma.
With a sigh, Queen dug into her pocket and pulled out Marinette's ticket."Can you tell Marinette that I said 'I hope she gets better.', Mrs. Cheng."
Mrs. Cheng nodded, giving her a smile as Queen gave her the ticket. "Don't worry dear, I will. Oh and tell your parents I said Hi."
Queen's lips curled up a little as she nodded, giving her a wave as she made her way toward the door. "Bye."
"Goodbye dear, see you soon." Mrs.Cheng said, waving back.
Queen waved back for good measure before opening the door.
And when she walked out she stepped into what could be described as a warzone. Cars were filled upside down, pieces of the road torn apart, projectiles were being thrown haphazardly, and there was so much noise.
And in the middle of it was Chat Noir and Carapace fighting-
"Run an Akuma!"Some screamed, narrowly dodging a street lamp being thrown at them.
Yeah, that.
Queen sighed.
When she thought she could catch a break, Le papillon just had to akumatize someone.
"Whoever you are, Le papillon, I hope you slip and bust your head.", she cursed under her breath before running to somewhere she could safely transform.
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𝟟𝟞𝟡 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤
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msweebyness · 5 months
Question for Class of Heroes!
Quasivan, how did you and Mylene White met each other? And what were your lives like before you met?
(One of my very first Class of Heroes shorts was about this! Linked here!)
QuasiIvan: Well…we met on our first day here at DuPont. I’d run off into the forest to be alone, because, well, people weren’t being all that welcoming to me…but then I heard the most beautiful voice singing. Just like an angel.
Snow Mylene: (Giggles) That was me. When I first met him, I was just immediately drawn to how gentle and sincere he was. He had the kindest eyes and the sweetest smile.
QuasiIvan: I was just shocked that she was talking to me, that she wasn’t…afraid.
Snow Mylene: How could I possibly be afraid of you, my gentle harmony? (She stands up on her tiptoes and kisses his forehead, making him blush)
QuasiIvan: We’d…both prefer not to talk about some people from our past.
Snow Mylene: Yes, we both had someone who would have preferred us dead than alive, the minister and my stepmother. But we’ve left those people behind, found better families, and we’re happier for it.
QuasiIvan: Much happier. (They rest their foreheads together)
@artzychic27 @imsparky2002
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Heroes - Snow Mylene
Mylene - Snow White
A young princess who has an extreme passion for the environment, and wants to protect her furry friends. She has lots of experience singing to woodland creatures in the woods. She has created and donated to countless charities dedicated to saving the planet and the forests.
Her stepmothers antics and horrible acts have caused her to be quite petrified of apples. She never touches the stuff.
Her voice is incredibly beautiful, and her songs have been known to bring tears to the eyes of those who hear them.
She may look petite and harmless, but she’s been training with Kagami in order to defend herself from kidnappers.
Her and Ivan are happily dating, and she was the one to really make him see he wasn’t a monster.
Oh my! It’s Snow Mylene. She’s a princess with a green heart rather than a gold one. You can check her out at Class of Heroes by Weeby. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for thoughts on the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Snow good: Businesses, kids deal with warm weather in New Brunswick
Josh Cormier has been plowing driveways and parking lots in the greater Moncton area for twenty years, but he hasn't been very busy lately.
By this time last year, crews from Cormier Property Management had made at least ten trips to clear snow from commercial and residential properties.
Due to the lack of snow this year, they've gone out just once.
"As far as commercial stuff, we have some clients who pay us for the season. Residential stuff, you get 100 or more driveways. People want to pay by the time. If they're home, they may want to do their own driveways every once in a while but we go out and do them. If you're relying on that to make tractor payments, it's pretty rough," said Cormier.
The lack of seasonal snow is also tough on businesses that sell and service all-terrain vehicles and snow blowers.
Jon Arsenault, the store manager at Broadview Powersports in Riverview, N.B., said the lack of snow is definitely affecting business there.
"We're not selling as many snow blowers as we normally would this time of year. We really do need the snow to fall and for people's machines to break and need service, or for them to decide to get a new unit," said Arsenault.
It was anything but wonderful at the Winter Wonderland Park in Riverview Wednesday.
The sliding and snowboard hills were closed and so too was the skating pond. Both were reduced to nothing more than slush.
CTV's Kalin Mitchell says snow is expected for the Moncton area Thursday afternoon through Friday near lunchtime.
Total snowfall could approach 10 centimetres, but no significant snow is expected until early next week.
Despite the lack of snow, there was no way Jacqueline Cormier was going to deny her daughter's birthday wish.
Mylene wanted to go sliding for her seventh birthday so the family came to Moncton's centennial park to slide on a grassy, icy hill.
"We didn't really notice until we got here and she said, 'Maybe we'll have to go to the park instead,' but we said we'd try it and they're having fun anyways. But there is very little snow," said Cormier.
Jo Ann Colepaugh and her grandson Otto were visiting from Miramichi, 90 minutes north of Moncton. There isn't much snow there either.
"We have a little bit of snow, a little bit of ice. Too mild for any snow to stay but we make our fun," said Colepaugh.
Otto shouted out an enthusiastic "yeah!" and then hit the hill one more time for the day.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/PUSEfpD
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celestiall0tus · 3 months
Court of Miracles - Chapter 11 - Solstice of Change
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Luka stepped off the teleportation pad into the winter plaza. Snow fell from unseen clouds and didn’t dust the ground. Warmth surrounded him and the others that flooded the plaza for the event. Many of the families that arrived rushed straight to the main plaza where the families celebrate outside the manor the crown families dance and make merry within. His eyes scanned the crowd for the snakes, but they weren’t to be found. He turned around towards the enchanted winter forest to see the snakes that arrived head right for there.
            Anarka tsked beside Luka. “Have they no shame? Their heir is right here, and they run off to find that beastly girl.”
            Luka flinched. “R-right. Uh, Mom? I’m going to see Adrien. I think you’ve kept us apart long enough.”
            Anarka scoffed but didn’t fight Luka.
            Luka bowed his head and head off into the forest. He trotted down the perfectly carved paths Mylene made into Adrien’s little frozen glade. Luka’s eyes widened at the frozen willow trees and their ice crystal leaves. They glistened in the bright silver moonlight that added to their beauty. He admired the trees when he heard laughter echo from further in. He trudged through the powder snow to a large frozen lake where a woman identical to Adrien skated around with other peacocks and families.
            Luka grinned. “Adrienne!”
            Adrienne stopped and grinned. She broke from her skating posse and tackled Luka into the snow. “Oh, my handsome snake! I’ve missed you so much!”
            “I’ve missed you too, my dazzling peacock. How’ve you been?”
            “Ugh, dreadful! I couldn’t see you for more than a week because of that stubborn mule of a mother of yours. Honestly, what mother would keep her son from seeing his partner?”
            “Apparently Anarka. I suppose it’s just… the snake way.”
            “Well, she should get used to me by now. I am your mate, which makes that mule my mother-in-law, unfortunately. But enough about me for once. How are you? How is your injury?”
            “Healing well. It’s just been boring since Anarka has kept me holed up in the snake district and away from the others considering Sass’s warning. It definitely would have been better with you there.”
            Adrienne smirked and cuddled closer to Luka. “Perhaps we could skip out on that stupid ball. It is the same every year and I’m sure we won’t be missed. We usually aren’t.”
            “It’s tempting, love, but I need to see Juleka. This is the first time for a lot of things, and I want the night to go well for her.”
            “Well, I’ve not heard good things so far. I’ve had droves come over to my little glade from hers as they whine and complain about it being boring and not very festive. Those same people are saying you should have done the preparations instead of her.”
            Luka grimaced. “How little they realize. Between you and Mylene, I don’t actually prepare anything.”
            “Maybe, but at least we made it fun.”
            “Have you seen what hers is?”
            “Well, no, but I can only imagine with what a kill joy she is.”
            Luka pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. “Let’s go look.”
            “What? Why? Can’t we just cuddle?”
            “Later. I have to see for myself.”
            Adrienne groaned but followed Luka as they treaded from the glade, through the forest, and approached the snake glade. They shuddered as a cold breeze wrapped around them as they neared the barren trees. They looked into the glade to see several large bonfires around the outside with yule log piles near each fire. Many members of the snake family had already gathered around the fires and rested beside them as they basked in the warmth. In the center was a raised smooth stone platform dusted with uneven piles of snow. Juleka sat on the platform in naga form with a full body veil around her that he assumed kept her warm. Other snakes sat on and around the platform in a solemn moment before they retreated to the fires. As each went to the fires, they grabbed a yule log and tossed it in.
            “Wow. I can see why so many are saying this is boring. Where’s the fun? Where’s the music? Where’s the everything? It’s all gloomy and depressing. Just like-.”
            “Death,” Luka finished.
            “Yeah, that. C’mon, let’s go back to my glade.”
            “I’ll catch up with you. Let me just… pay my respects.”
            Adrienne pursed her lips but didn’t stop Luka.
            Luka stepped lightly through the hard, crunchy snow. He approached the platform and saw it was a dark stone, almost black with a snake scale texture. He tilted his head but knelt at the base and curled up on a corner of it. He let out a sigh as the quiet mixed with the occasional crack and pop of a bonfire and hushed buzz of the other snakes wrapped around him.
            Luka relaxed as he let his mind wander as he enjoyed the moment of solace. Away from the main family, away from Anarka, in a safe haven away from it all. It felt right being in this space. It wasn’t fun and festive, but it was what he experienced in every winter in the mundane world. Cold, harsh, but quiet. It allowed for these moments of rest and thought.
            Guilt gnawed at Luka at the missed opportunities. That Juleka’s powers never developed sooner. That they treated her the way they did. She didn’t deserve any of it. She was family and deserved so much better. Even now that her powers had emerged and she’s everything the Elders had longed for, there was so much push back that he didn’t understand.
            Luka understood that Juleka’s pain and past had inflicted deep wounds on her. Her lashing out, her hurting him, everything was just her reacting to that pain they had caused. He wanted to make things right. He wanted to see her happy and where she always belonged. In the court, as the snake heir. It was her right by birth, yet they forced it on him still.
            Luka couldn’t wrap his head around it. The Elders were desperate to have a return to form. To bring back power to the court. They needed the few Highborns in power to achieve that. They needed to make more Highborns to ensure their vision. Keeping him as heir harmed their goal. It hindered the snakes that loved Juleka. It robbed them of what they should be doing. It would return them to that they sought. They had to look no further for evidence than this right here.
            This area, this glade, it was everything the winter solstice should be. Luka knew that. Winter was a time of quiet and reflection. It wasn’t meant to be thrilling or exciting. It was when everything returned to seed and rested in death before it could return. Everything here was what the celebration should be, but Juleka was still dismissed for this. They would rather he “prepare” a frivolous party with meaningless nothings than truly appreciate the season for what it was: death.
            Luka looked up at Juleka with tear-filled eyes. She deserved so much more. He wanted to give her so much more. He just wanted to be happy. To see her smile like she did when they were kids. To welcome him again with open arms. To make up for all the wrong he ever did. He didn’t want her to hate him. He didn’t want her to curse his name. He just wanted to be a family again. He wanted his sister back, but he didn’t know how to get her back.
            A gentle hand touched Luka’s shoulder. He jumped and looked over at Adrienne knelt beside him. She opened her mouth, looked at Juleka, then at Luka.
            “It’s time. The Solstice Dance is about to begin.”
            The platform shifted as Sass raised his head as a monstrous anaconda. Adrienne grimaced and hid behind Luka while Luka bowed his head to Sass. He glanced up as Juleka moved down towards the forest. He watched the shadow of her silhouette pass by, uncertain if she saw him there or if she cared. Sass transformed into his human form and followed Juleka out of the glade. The other snakes that were around the faux platform moved over to the bonfires.
            “Luka, we don’t have to join them. Like I said, they won’t notice. I mean, Anarka might, but no one else will.”
            “What about Juleka though?”
            Adrienne opened her mouth, then shut it. “You really are worried about her, aren’t you?”
            “Of course. She… I just… I… I don’t want her to be alone anymore.”
            “Well, if we’re going to go, let’s go. We’ll keep an eye on her together.”
            “Thank you, Adrienne. Truly.”
            “Yeah, well, it’s important to you, so it’s important to me.”
            Luka smiled and kissed Adrienne. “I love you.”
            “I love you too. Forever?”
            “And for always.”
            Juleka hid in a dark room while she listened to the clamor of partygoers rush into the ballroom. Her nerves ate away at her with each long minute that passed. Sass materialized beside her in his kwami form.
            “You know, hiding in a closet isn’t going to make this any easier.”
            “Would you just hush? I’m just… I’m just trying to psyche myself up.”
            “What has you anxious?”
            “The whole ass party. I know we talked about this, rehearsed, covered my remaining powers, the whole everything, but I’m just nervous.”
            “Look, best advice I can give you is let’s get this over with. I don’t want to be around these people any longer than necessary.”
            “Fine, but I’m keeping the veil on.”
            “Oh, come on! We spent hours on your dress, makeup, everything.”
            “I know, but what if they gawk at me? What if they trash my outfit? What if they think it’s too immodest? Not that I care, but I mean, I don’t want all to think that.”
            Juleka blushed and looked away.
            “Juleka, you’re talking about the heir to the kwami that doesn’t believe in such coverings, and I have to fight with her to show some semblance of decency despite her very nature. I don’t think Mylene will care.”
            “Fine. How about… how about I enter the ballroom all mysterious and you take the veil off? Sound good?”
            “Fine. Let’s get going. I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be, and I know you don’t either.”
            Juleka nodded and took several deep breaths. She squirmed her way out of the closet into the hallway. She took slow steps the closer she got to the ballroom. She peered into the massive room and the horde of partygoers.
            “I don’t think I can do this,” Juleka muttered.
            Sass transformed and took his human form. “You can. I’ll be there with you. Let’s do this together.”
            Sass offered his arm to Juleka who took it. She took a deep breath as he led her into the room. She kept her eyes forward as heads turned towards her. The crowd parted as the other heirs stepped forward. She grimaced as Sass stopped and tugged at her veil. She gulped hard as she looked at their fluffy, bright, and festive clothes. Marc made his way through and stepped out front.
            “Juleka! I’m glad to see you join us. Families, members of the court, I’m-!” Marc started.
            “I present the first Highborn snake since the time of plague and pestilence. The first shifter the court has seen in millennia. My preferred heir, Juleka Couffaine!” Sass announced.
            Sass tore off the veil that shrouded Juleka. Silence gripped them like death as they gawked at Juleka. She wore a ragged black dress with the back torn down to her hip, the skirt in tatters with a rip clear up the front to just below her hip, and ombre stockings and gloves that petered out around her shoulders and thighs that made her look diseased. The turquoise of her hair was gone, and her pitch-black hair draped around her like a heavy veil. The top half of her face was covered with a dull iron snake skull mask and her eyes hidden behind black fabric in the mask.
            Juleka took a sharp breath and held her head high. The other heirs and the crowd buzzed while Marc paled, and Felix glared at her. She took a gingerly step on her tiptoes as she exaggerated her movement to mirror her moving as a naga, putting more sway into it. She felt Sass close to her as they took a place on the dance floor. Sass offered his hand. She took a deep breath and took it. The floor cleared, music started again, and the lights dimmed.
            Juleka and Sass nodded as they danced to the slow, somber tune. Darkness was cast upon the crowd while the only light was on the empty dance floor. The light lost its warmth and turned a cold blue like death. She shivered as cold filled the area that was chased away by the magic of her clothes. She tried to focus on Sass but couldn’t ignore the soft whispers through the darkness.
            Juleka had heard them since the festivities started. Nearly everyone that entered her glade left as soon as they saw the true nature of winter. They made their disgust known, berated her, jabbed that Luka should have been the planner, and more. The only people that didn’t turn away from the truth were the snakes, the ones like her. Even Luka didn’t turn away but embraced the season.
            The music hastened to a harsh, guttural, and haunting melody. Juleka closed her eyes as she trusted Sass to this part of the dance as they had practiced. Their movements became swift and deadly as they glided around the floor. The whispers faded as she fell to her thoughts.
            The snakes didn’t judge Juleka. She watched as they were confused but embraced it. They needed no instruction and knew what to do. She had watched as each one came, expected them to leave without all the fun party festivities, but they stayed. They partook in her solace and reflection before they joined others at the yule bonfires. Amongst all the surprise was when Luka joined the solace.
            Juleka had watched him like a hawk. She didn’t trust his intention and waited for him to belittle and berate her, but it never came. She watched him take part in the quiet. She watched him reflect. When she saw the sorrow and despair in his tear-filled eyes when he looked at her, she was confused. He never looked at her like that before. She wanted to believe it was a trick, but it felt too honest, too sincere to be a trick.
            The music entered their crescendo as Sass took over the dance. Juleka allowed her body to go completely limp to imitate a dead body. She reveled in the ghastly whispers of the court as they bore witness to their macabre dance. They shared in the same remarks she had heard all evening, but it felt different here. This time, it was her that was ruining their mood. It was her that was reminding them what the season truly is. And she wouldn’t let them forget it.
            Sass and Juleka’s dance came to an end as Sass dipped Juleka and let her fall. The crowd all gasped when Sass caught her arm when she was not an inch from the ground. He lowered her to the floor and placed her hands on her stomach. He took her veil and covered her body, then picked her up. He headed for the exit when Marc called out.
            “Where are you going? The party has just started.”
            Sass stopped. “We won’t take part in this frivolous revelry anymore. You all should be ashamed you even allow this to continue.”
            “I don’t understand. It has always been this way, Sass.”
            Sass opened his mouth when Juleka rose up. She tore off her veil, jumped out of his arms, and faced the crowd.
            “You have forgotten your ways long ago. You ignore the truths to indulge in frivolous nonsense. Do any of you have any idea what winter really means?” Juleka challenged.
            “It’s a season of celebration, when we release unwanted habits, prepare for new beginnings, and usher in special energies, positive and negative.”
            “And that is where you are wrong. Every single one of you. Winter is time of quiet, reflection, and rest. It is the season where all returns to seed and the world is covered in a blanket of death. And once the death has passed, life finds its way back in the spring. Instead, you squander the season and what it offers on these parties. It’s no wonder the court has fallen so low. It’s no wonder you’ll never see another Highborn or shifter like me!”
            Juleka’s breath caught when she realized the words that escaped her. The entire audience gasped and was in a fit over her words. She opened her mouth but stopped herself. She turned and headed to the exit. She stopped at the door and looked back at everyone.
            “Enjoy your little party… and your own slow death!”
            Juleka stormed out while the ballroom behind her was in an uproar. She ignored them as she left the mansion and stepped out into the main square. The other families stopped and gawked at her. The other snakes perked up and rushed up to her.
            “My Lady, what brings you out here?” a young woman asked.
            “I’m returning to my solace. You are all free to join me, if you wish to indulge in what this season offers. If you’d rather squander it, then stay out of my glade.”
            Juleka continued through the plaza to the forest. She glanced behind her to see the snakes followed her, but no others. She breathed a small sigh of relief. She didn’t want the other families to join her. She just wanted those like her.
            Juleka’s step faltered before she corrected her stride. The thought surprised her. Her as one of these snakes? She had spent the past couple of weeks refuting and denying them, but here she embraced them. She saw how much like them she was. Or rather, how much like her they were. A smile tugged at her lips at that thought.
            Juleka held her head higher than before as she led her family to her solace.
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dryly-dryly · 6 years
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Yaz a giderken son karlar.
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mochinek0 · 4 years
DD2020: Snowglobe
Lila, Alya, Nathaniel, Mylene and Ivan had gotten together for some winter wonderland fun. Lila had insisted that they go to the ice rink, only to find it was closed for a private booking. Lila had claimed she booked it in advanced just for them. They had decided to treat her once it was evident that her special plans had fallen through.
As they made their way through the park, they spotted Marinette with a strange boy, in the midst of a snowball fight. Not too far away from them, was a pink gift bag. Without a doubt, Alya knew the bag belonged to Marinette. She quickly took the bag and handed it off to Lila. They quickly walked away with the bag, laughing at what would soon be her confused face. At Lila's loud gasp, they turned around to see the guy who was with Marinette, holding a knife to Lila's throat.
"I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you." he growled.
The group froze. They had no idea this would be an outcome. They figured Marinette would cry over the missed gift. They weren't expecting a confrontation.
"Dami, you're too fast!" Mari exclaimed, catching up to the group.
"You hired a bodyguard?" shouted Nathaniel.
"No." she answered, "Damian's my boyfriend and he doesn't like things stolen from him."
"Your boyfriend?" asked Mylene, "What about Adrien?"
"I haven't had feelings for Adrien for a couple years!" Marinette exclaimed.
"Give me my bag." Damian demanded.
Ivan looked at the blade pressed to Lila's throat and handed it over without question. Damian took the bag and shoved Lila towards them.
"Stay away from my girlfriend." he stated.
Sabrina's father noticed the altercation and made his way too them.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"He held a knife to my throat!" Lila sobbed, clutching to Alya for dramatic effect.
The group claimed it was unprovoked.
"She stole from me." Damian said, "I was merely getting back what was rightfully mine."
"My boyfriend, Damian Wayne, will hear about this and you'll be charged for assault!" she cried.
Officer Raincomprix took out his handcuffs and made his way to Damian.
Damian held up his hand and pulled his wallet out, showing the officer his ID.
"I would like that girl arrested for theft and slander." he stated.
Without a word, the officer handcuffed Lila instead.
"You can't due this to me!" she shrieked.
"Yes, he can." Damian replied," I, Damian Wayne, will charge you for stealing from me and you can bet, I will sue you for using my name to you advantage." showing off his ID to her and her group.
Lila paled as she saw he was indeed Damian Wayne.
Damian picked up the pink bag and pulled out a snow globe, before handing it to Marinette.
"Oh, Dami!" Marinette gasped, "It's beautiful! Is this picture from our first date?"
"It is, Angel." he answered.
Marinette pulled him into a kiss.
"Happy Anniversary, Habibiti." Damian spoke.
"Happy Anniversary, Dami." Mari smiled.
The group felt conflicted between the newly revealed couple and Lila being shoved into the back of the police cruiser. They decided Lila was more important and left to reason with Sabrina's father.
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