#Quebec City highlights
travelernight · 5 months
Ultimate Canada Journey: 10 Stops You Need to Make
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mikerickson · 1 year
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Lifting my self-imposed embargo because I'm weird and don't like posting on social media when I'm on vacation.
I'm at a point in my life where I can financially justify at least one international vacation a year and figured I'd finally cross off the Great White North from the bucket list. I'd never been and Andrew hadn't been back in a very long time despite having dual citizenship. Anyways, just got back, and a bullet-point breakdown of the highlights is after the cut:
I wish every international flight was under two hours; EWR to YQB was almost comically fast.
Had my first French conversation with the very nice lady at the car rental counter for about ten minutes. She complemented my pronunciation and grammar, and wished me luck on the trip. Every French interaction after this point was a linguistic battle for my life that I lost (Toutes les Québecois parlent trop vite pour moi).
We had some time to kill before the hotel check-in so we went to a mall in the suburbs just so we'd have a food court with some options. Turns out shopping malls are not only alive and well but fucking thriving in Canada. I haven't seen a mall that packed with people outside of December since the nineties.
Quebec City was very dense with old architecture which made it feel very European. It was also apparently built on a fucking cliff with streets at 60 degree inclines, which also felt very European.
Took a tour of the Quebec Parliament building (beautiful structure), and apparently they used to be bicameral, but voted to abolish their Senate in the 60's and they were the last Canadian province to do so. What a concept.
It's one thing to know on paper that Canada has about 1/8th of the population of the US, but I was not prepared for just how empty the countryside felt. For someone like me, living in the northeast my whole life, the idea that cities in close proximity to each other not having continuous stretches of suburbs and other smaller cities connecting them was completely foreign.
On the highways I kept thinking I was speeding because I'd look down at the dashboard and see the number "100", but 100 km/h is only like 62 mph, which is nothing.
Similarly, I kept getting sticker shock every time I spent money, and kept having to remind myself that $1 CAD was like $0.73 USD while we were there.
It was really cool to see that the complex for the 1976 Montreal Olympics is still maintained and actively used (we stumbled upon a skateboarding competition and I did not feel cool enough to be in that crowd). Sometimes you hear horror stories about Olympic villages bankrupting cities and falling into disuse afterwards, but that's definitely not the case here.
Montreal is apparently known for their local bagel culture, but their bagels have enormous holes in the middle of them, so you have less cross-sectional area for spreads and they don't really work for sandwiches. My faith in NJ/NY bagel superiority remains intact.
Every city we went to had dedicated bike lane infrastructure and young families with kids, but Montreal definitely had the most of both. Tons of parks, too. Simultaneously felt like a larger and smaller city than I was expecting.
Poutine is okay, but I wasn't prepared for the cheese to squeak when you bite into it. Very odd sensation.
The main Parliament building for the federal government in Ottawa (Centre Block) is stunning, but closed; apparently it's been under renovation since 2019 and isn't expected to be reopened until 2032! In the meantime, we took a tour of where the lower House of Commons is currently meeting. We learned that their electoral districts are routinely re-drafted by a non-partisan committee and that they occasionally add new seats to the legislature to account for changes in population. I had to seethe jealously in silence for the rest of the tour.
Also toured their Supreme Court building (way more Art Deco than I was expecting). We learned that there's currently a vacancy because a Justice recently retired because they're required to step down when they turn 75. I had to seethe jealously in silence for the rest of the tour.
Every single city had automatic/self-serve parking garages where you didn't have to interact with a human (which I was very thankful for), but in Ottawa they have this little jingle that the machine sings at you when you take your ticket, which I found very amusing.
On the drive to Toronto we took a quick detour into the Thousand Islands (yes, like the salad dressing) and visited Boldt Castle, which is technically in New York state. After seeing it in practice, the idea of living on your own private island is more appealing than ever.
Toronto feels like an exercise in what happens when a nation's largest city is allowed to grow without being hemmed in by ridiculous geography. As someone who grew up in NYC, this is another concept foreign to me. The GPS did get very tripped up navigating a particularly gnarly interchange however.
Toured the Ontario Legislative Assembly (yet another beautiful building). At this point we were really good at asking tour guides stuff like, "so if happens, do you guys have a plan?" To which they would reply, "well, no, but let's just hope that never happens!"
I now understand why the Great Lakes are effectively freshwater inland seas; you really cannot see the other shore, and Lake Ontario isn't even the biggest one!
YYC to EWR was under an hour. That's definitely going to spoil me for future trips going forward.
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travelladiesapp · 8 months
Safest Countries for Solo Female Travelers
In an ever-changing world, the perception of travel has evolved, brimming with powerful, courageous women who explore the globe solo. This leap into the unknown can be both exciting and intimidating, but with a careful selection of destinations, safety does not have to be forfeited for a memorable adventure. This article highlights the five safest countries that can promise solo female travelers an experience enriched with culture, stunning views, warm hospitality, and most importantly, safety
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Known for its technological advancements juxtaposed against a backdrop of well-preserved, rich history, Japan tops our list. The country is renowned for its exceptional levels of safety, making it ideal for solo female travelers. Japanese people are gracious hosts and uphold values of respect and humility that define their culture. Public transport is reliable and operates accurately to the minute, and streets are generally illuminated and populated even at night. From the scenic beauty of cherry blossoms in Kyoto to the fascinating city life of Tokyo, your journey through Japan is expected to be unforgettable.
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Widely recognized as one of the most gender-equal countries globally, it comes as no surprise that Iceland is the second on our list. Boasting incredibly low crime rates, the Land of Fire and Ice provides not just safety but also the captivating beauty of its natural wonders. Whether it's the Northern Lights, the Blue Lagoon, or the majestic waterfalls and geysers, Iceland delivers a thrilling adventure for travelers, always within a safe environment.
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Another Nordic country that ranks high in safety is Finland. Finnish people are generally quiet but very polite and respectful, and criminals are few and far between. The bustling city life of Helsinki, combined with the serene landscapes of Lapland, makes Finland a great destination with ample cultural immersion or relaxation, depending on your preference.
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For solo female travelers seeking English-speaking destinations, Canada arrives as a safe haven. Canadians are renowned for their friendly disposition, and the nation flaunts an impressively low crime rate. Its cities, such as Vancouver and Toronto, are clean and safe, with efficient public transport systems. Moreover, the spell-bounding beauty of the Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, and the charm of Quebec add variety to the discovery journey.
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Often touted as one of the friendliest countries in Europe, Portugal is a hot spot for solo female travelers. With its safety record, gorgeous coastline, captivating history, delicious cuisine, and welcoming locals, Portugal has so much to offer. The Portuguese people uphold the values of hospitality and are always willing to extend a helping hand to tourists, ensuring your stay is safe and enjoyable.
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oldbutnotyetwise · 8 months
My Last Happy Birthday To My Dear Elizabeth
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     As my ALS marches on stealing more and more from me, the lists of my “Lasts” continues to grow.  In the past few weeks I had my last Christmas and my last New Years.  This week I shared my daughters birthday with her, the last one I will ever share with her.  Next year by the time her birthday rolls around I will be long gone from this earth.
     I enjoy my time with Elizabeth, this year for her birthday Robin and I ordered in food from her chosen restaurant, had desserts from an area bake shop, watched a movie and then played some Mexican Train Dominoes, which is a bit of a family tradition.  It was a quiet but nice afternoon and evening.  As much as I was enjoying this time I will admit that I was struggling a bit, but I managed to hold it together until after Elizabeth had left to go home.  Elizabeth had just gone out the door to go home when the emotional floodgates burst open, the devastation of knowing that I will never again be with her on her birthday sharing the joy of her reaching another age milestone.  No more birthday cards or gifts to buy for her, it’s done, it’s over, she will carry on without me as she should, just as I have after losing my own parents.  I suppose it’s this whole circle of life thing.
     While Elizabeth was here I had joked with her that I was struggling with this whole having a Middle-Aged Child.  Earlier in the day I had shared this lament with my Step-Mother, but I gained little sympathy from her as she pointed out that all of her offspring are well into their senior citizenship.  Intrigued or perhaps depressed at this thought when I shared it with her, Elizabeth pulled out her phone and goggled the average life expectancy of a female in Canada, and learned it is 84.47 years, so having just turned 42, she was indeed “Middle-Aged”.  There is no disputing that she does actually look 10 or 15 years younger than her actual age.
     There was a time Elizabeth and I would plan adventures for her birthdays.  For her twenty-third birthday I flew to New Zealand to spend three and a half weeks touring the south island with her in an old rental car we named Sputter.  On her actual birthday we were backpacking across lush green mountaintops, going from warm sunny weather into an ice storm and back to warm temperatures as we came down out of the mountains.  This was only time I ever had Elizabeth all to myself on her actual birthday, it also lives on as one of my favourite memories.   For her twenty-fifth birthday I picked her up in Ottawa and we drove to Quebec City for a few days, this also coincided with a brutal cold front that was setting record low temperatures for the month of January there.  We booked a walking tour and the poor guide must have thought us crazy, it was only the two of us on the tour, he added a lot of church interiors to the tour just so we all didn’t freeze to death.  When Elizabeth’s twenty-seventh birthday was rolling around she was living in England and we decided to meet in Paris for her birthday adventure.  I met her at the Charles DeGaulle Airport and together we hauled our suitcases onto the subway and found our way to our rented apartment for the week.  Okay if I’m being honest here, Elizabeth found our way to the apartment, I just followed along like the well behaved parent I was.  We walked all over Paris for the entire week, and on Elizabeth’s actual 27th birthday were standing on top of the Eiffel Tower together, another life highlight for me. 
     I would like to introduce you to the amazing woman who has the good fortune, or perhaps misfortune of sharing half my DNA,  Elizabeth Louise entered this world on a cold January day at 3:58 p.m. at the Niagara Falls General Hospital.  She was named after two of her great-grandmothers.  If memory serves me correctly she was 6 pounds 8 ounces and measured 17 inches tall.  I was there when she made her entrance, but in all honesty it’s all a bit of a blur to me now.  
     She grew up being a happy child, an active child and a pretty well behaved child, yes and dare I say it, a very cute child. 
          We moved to a country home where Elizabeth stayed with my wife and I, until she moved to her Mom’s the summer she was fourteen.  Elizabeth and I always got along very well, she was a good helper and like to learn so she and I would be building or fixing things in the workshop, or changing electrical fixtures in the house or working on the truck or tractor.  I was a runner and when I would go for a run Elizabeth would often join me on her bike, carrying my water bottle.  During the run we would have the nicest conversations, away from all other worldly distractions.  It is one of the things I am very grateful for, that Elizabeth and I were always able to talk.
     When she finished the University of Ottawa she went to New Zealand and Australia living in each country for six months.  Later she moved to England and lived in Leeds for a year, using her grandparent’s British Lineage to get her a work Visa.  After returning to Canada she lived in Toronto before meeting a partner who she followed out to Victoria for several years, and then down to Colorado for several more.  
     She has worked for Ikea in four different cities and three different countries.  Then in her thirties she decided to go back to school where she qualified as a welder which is the career she continues to pursue.
     Elizabeth has always been somewhat fitness oriented, maybe she thought it looked like fun all those years earlier when she rode her bike beside me as I ran.  One year she gave me the gift of running with me in a Father’s Day 5K in Ottawa, it was her first race.  It was cold, it was raining and there was a large hill on the course.  We finished that race side by side but she was in tears and physically spent.  I thought that might have been both the start and the end of her running pursuits, but it turned out she was no quitter.  We ran numerous other races together over the years, and in time I no longer had to wait for her, it was her waiting for me.  In time she has beaten just about all my running records, and done several marathons compared to my one.  If that wasn’t enough she then took up Triathlons and eventually completed an Ironman, finishing under her goal of fourteen hours.  Now days she is also competing in fitness competitions through her gym, in her last one she won her age category and was the third female overall.  She was, and continues to be a fitness machine.  
     Now the person behind all these achievements also happens to be one of the nicest, kindest, most thoughtful people you could ever meet.  Yes, you’re right I am very biassed, but I’m also right about this.  She makes me so very proud, she will live on long after I am gone, and where she goes, a part of me will always go with her.  
     Sometimes in life we search far and wide for inspiring people or great stories, but sometimes we should stop and look a little closer to home, because sometimes those around us have stories just as amazing as those we seek out.  Such is the case with Elizabeth, this beautiful, kind, wise, world traveller, adventurer, athlete and all round incredible person.  She also happens to be my daughter, my legacy, and my best contribution to trying to make this world a better place.
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Under the theme "From Darkness to Light," the 32nd Black History Month aims this year to highlight the richness and diversity of Quebec's Black communities, as well as to create moments of exchange and reflection among the population.
From Feb. 1 to 28, the Black History Month Roundtable will hold various cultural, educational, social and historical events to promote and celebrate the contribution of Afro-descendants to Quebec society.
At a press conference held Wednesday morning in Montreal, the organizers presented the program of activities, which will take place in several cities in the province.
Throughout the month, the public will be able to attend conferences, workshops as well as film screenings, in addition to wearing the green heart with a black stripe, a symbol of participation in the festivities. [...]
"In the course of the pandemic, we realized the enormous contribution of Afro people, and more specifically Black women ... especially in the hospital environment, as orderlies, nurses or doctors. These are all profiles that allowed us to understand the importance of the contribution of Black people in Quebec," said Schelby Jean-Baptiste.
In Canada, Black women workers are mainly in the health care and social assistance sector, according to Statistics Canada data from 2021. One-third of Black women are employed in this sector, compared to 22.5 per cent of the rest of the female population. For Black immigrant women, this proportion climbs to nearly 38 per cent. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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exosorcery · 8 months
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@dukeoftheblackstar tagged me EVER so long ago to fill this in, and - in typical Life of the Teacher fashion - I am just now getting time to do it. So here you go.
It's been so long since I was last able to post, I'm gonna just assume everyone has forgotten who I am.
Name: Kim :) My nickname is Kasey/KC.
Pronouns: They/them
Where do you call home? Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada - a little city on the Bay of Fundy. Interestingly, CNN voted it THE place to visit in the world just recently. I am still in shock over that.
Favorite animal: Horses. I love to ride. I used to lease a horse but it became cost-prohibitive and now I just WISH i rode horses. My favorite breed is the Morgan horse. Rode them waaaay back when and loved them.
Cereal of choice: Um, good question. I love MINI WHEATS but they make me gain weight faster than you can say YUM. So, no. I love them - but, NO.
Are you visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Auditory OUT. I walk around talking to myself every single hour of the day. The busier the day, the louder and more constant the dialogue. My High School students just nod and smile, now. Their mums and dads (who had me as a teacher) did me a huge favor by warning them it just was my way of processing; I am not peculiar.
First pet: A stray Tabby chonker my family named Tuna. I still seem to adopt cats from all over the neighborhood... Expo, Fanta, Oliver... The list goes on and on, and I STILL do it. That's how I got Simon (the cat I have now. AKA "Pussy Pissyfoot".
Favorite scent: I am a perfume collector, so this will be a super precise answer. I LOOOOVE Vintage Poison (I know. Cringe.) A super modern one I like a lot is Fenty. Try it and thank me later.
Do you believe in astrology: Yep. I was an amateur astrologer in University in the early 90's. I also read palms and was really good at that. I am a Gemini, Moon in Pisces/Aries, Gemini Mercury, Sagittarius Mars and Taurus Venus. My chart is all over the board. I am sure this is no surprise to the people who know me well.
How many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? I've lost count. My favorite I Tunes playlists are my 80's playlists. I also love my Bjork and Kate Bush playlists.
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies.
Song that makes you cry? "End of Innocence" by Enigma. Every time... but they're happy tears. It brings back wonderful memories of driving across Quebec with my family in the 90's. Quebecois have terrific taste in music and the rural stations ALL had this on their station playlist.
Song that makes you happy? "Faces" by Clio.
And finally, do you write/draw/create? Yes :D
The above image is a painting/with artistic filter I did for another graphic novel I have been working on forever. I was the reference for the female character Case... I feel like I'll never finish it. Bummer :(
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zealoptics · 10 months
Chasing Winter Adventures in the Great White North: A Vanlife Tale Beyond the Clichés
By Alex Arseneault
When we hear about Vanlife most people see the classic cliché of someone laying on his bed rear doors open with a view on the ocean, right? For me, it’s anything but that.
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My name is Alex Arseneault, I live in Quebec City (Qc), Canada and I consider myself as a ‘’weekender adventurer’’. Experienced Kitesurfer / mountain biker / Snowboarder, I try to make the most of what my region has to offer while still have a normal job. The best tool I have found to make all those outdoors sports so much easy to handle is a Van. I often say to people that our van is our ‘’Mobile Chalet’’ ; it allow us to chase the best (Or worst) conditions, bring all the gear, be home everywhere and be selective on the destination.
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This winter I wanted to go explore further and experience what the alpine backcountry skiing has to offer in our region and because life is better when you are in good company, I wanted to do this trip with my girlfriend & our dog. Meet Cynthia & Gustav! The spot on the radar: The Chic-chocs mountains in Gaspesie. We prepared ourselves with an AST1 Course early in the season and analysis of the approach & terrain of each mountain in the Gaspesie National Park. Thank to the APP Ski Haute-Gaspésie that give so much information’s and you can also use it in GPS mode to find the official skintrails & descent hallway.
There we go. It’s early February, it recently dumped 25 to 40 cm in the mountains, the conditions are at their best. We checked the Avalanches & Weather Forecast, loaded the Van of food, water, gear and hit the road for a 6-hour road trip. The route become quite scenic when we left the Trans-Canadian highway and reach the route 132 along the Saint-Lawrence River. This road is famous during the summer but let’s say it can be quite hazardous during winter. We get excited when we reach the small village of Saint-Anne-des-Monts, which is the entrance of the Gaspesie National Park. The view is insane while we drive on the sinuous road between the mountains. At this point, we have no more signal. No cellphones, no internet, nada. Just us, our small house on wheels and the white mountains.
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We spent two days at a mountain called Mount Lyall. Well parked at the entrance of the skin track, we made our basecamp in the parking thanks to SEPAQ that allows autonomous Camper to stay in the parking for 25$/day. A dry toilet Cabin is at our disposal if required. We had amazing conditions, beautiful weather and even manage to bring Gustav with us for a descent in the treeline. What a nice experience, we felt so grateful to be out there together and enjoy winter at his best. Let’s be honest, winter in the east can somehow be challenging. Trip like this, certainly reconciles us with those ‘’Quebec winters’’. Oh... and speaking of ''challenging'' did I mention that it announces extreme cold during our journey? Well, Environment Canada has issued extreme cold warnings that covers most of the province with wind chills expected to be between -38 and -42 degrees Celcius. Not worried, we build our van for it, but we knew we were not going to go snowboarding in the backcountry in that temperature, let’s say that it would not be safe or even fun.
So, before this major polar vortex hit us, we spend another day in a mountain called Hog’s back. Same basecamp setup, different terrain. We did two laps on this mountain, but the conditions were a bit more challenging when we reach the Alpine terrain. A crust of ice covered the entire alpine territory which made the terrain unstable and difficult to cross. We then decided to stay in the treeline limit and managed to find some powder again. The highlight of the day was the encounter with a Caribou, a first for us! We were extremely lucky since this species is endangered. What a beautiful creature!
The next stop of our trip is a small village called Murdochville. This old mining town reborn from its ashes and has become the hub for backcountry skiing and snowmobiling in East Canada. We wanted to see this place, somehow sticked in the 80’s by its architecture and see what it has to offer. We parked the Van at the Chic-Chac resort wich has a ‘’Vanlife’’ space and offers access to showers and more... After a well-deserved shower, we spoiled ourselves with dinner at the Chic-Chac headquarter. This place is famous for parties and hosting events!
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The next day we walked the town and finally went for a lap on Mont Porphyre. Being located just outside the northern limit of Murdochville, this mountain allows residents and town visitors to ski directly from town. As the day progresses, temperature drop every hour and strong Northwest wind is picking up. We checked the forecast and there were no chances of doing any outdoors activities for the next two days in this ridiculously cold weather. We ended up driving in a polar vortex blizzard for 6 hours at 25 mph but managed to reach my friend’s house and spend the coldest night still comfortably installed in our van. Let’s just say that the webasto heater has run like never before.
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We spend the cold weather playing card games and drink hot chocolate next to the fireplace at my friend’s house.
I conclude on this quote: ‘’Winter forms our character and brings out our best.’’ Better enjoy it? #Exploremore
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ousama · 1 year
the last recorded fatal bear attack in New Hampshire took place in 1784, on an eight year old boy. since then, fatal bear attacks in New England have been fairly uncommon, even back when the area was not as "urbanized" as it is now. much of the east side of the country (canada has its own problems, as northern quebec has its share of bears) is not at particular risk for deadly bear attacks. this is more likely due to the rapid urbanization and the populations of black bears, which are comparatively smaller and less confrontational (or predatory on humans) than their brown counterparts. iirc the last wild bear-related death in pennsylvania was also hundreds of years ago, and the more recent ones have all been in captivity (as in new york, etc). the first ever (recorded) deadly mauling in new jersey occurred in 2014. there have been a few instances in tennessee as well.
comparatively speaking, the western side of the united states, and central canadian provinces, have a much higher risk of fatal bear encounters. central canada and the western US is much less populated (bar cities), more forested, and contains more threatening bears. the grizzly bear can reach heights up to 9 feet and have a bite force of 1,000 psi. they are also a little bolder than black bears, and bear spray can be ineffective on them.
the most recent cases of (wild) fatal bear attacks have occurred mostly in alaska, montana, alberta, saskatchewan, manitoba, wyoming, and colorado. the overwhelming majority of human victims were hiking or camping when the attacks occurred. bears as a whole tend to avoid towns and large groups of people. they know how to pick their battles.
attributed causes have varied. some attacks are defensive, some are predatory. bears do eat people. alive, in fact. that's what makes them a bigger threat than big cats- they don't kill their meals before they start eating. there was a recent black bear attack in arizona on a camping ground (which is what made the attack so bizarre) where a man was dragged away from his camper and eaten alive. it took several minutes of passive attacks to dissuade the bear before someone with a gun stepped in. but the man was already dead by then.
I've read cases of elderly women feeding bears on their rural properties and then being mauled. shocking. but almost all attacks happen rurally, in national parks, forests, etc. alaska seems to be the only place where morning joggers get mauled by bears but it's fucking alaska. what else would you expect from trying to urbanize alaska.
my boyfriend was telling me about the sankebetsu brown bear incident, which I find REALLY interesting because of the circumstances. took place over a few days, in a town (though newly established), and it killed nine people. super interesting I'd definitely recommend looking into it.
I hope you enjoyed this. I really don't care about anime discourse but I like reading about bear attacks.
source: wikipedia's list of north american fatal bear attacks. my boyfriend and I had a date last night and I read the list to him
thank you for this highlight of my day already
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factinhistory · 4 days
What Happened on September 18 in Canadian History?
September 18 has witnessed numerous significant events in Canadian history, from pivotal moments during colonial conflicts to modern political controversies. This article examines key moments on September 18, showcasing the wide-ranging impact these events have had on Canadian culture, politics, and society. Through military triumphs, the expansion of media services, and political challenges, September 18 has left an indelible mark on Canada’s historical landscape.
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What Happened on September 18 in Canadian History?
Battle of Quebec Ends, French Surrender to British (1759)
On September 18, 1759, the Battle of Quebec came to a dramatic close, with French forces surrendering to the British. This marked a decisive moment in the Seven Years’ War, also known in North America as the French and Indian War. The battle, which culminated in the British capture of Quebec City, was a critical step in the British conquest of French territories in Canada. General James Wolfe, leading the British forces, defeated the French under General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham just days earlier, a victory that shifted the balance of power in North America.
The fall of Quebec on September 18, 1759, signaled the beginning of the end for French colonial ambitions in Canada. It allowed the British to solidify their control over what would eventually become the core of modern-day Canada. This event had long-lasting effects on Canadian history, leading to the establishment of British dominance in North America and laying the groundwork for the development of the Canadian state. The battle remains one of the most important military engagements in Canadian history, marking a turning point in the country’s colonial era.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Authorized for Radio Service (1942)
On September 18, 1942, the Canadian government officially authorized the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to provide radio services across the country. This moment was a critical development in Canada’s media landscape, as the CBC would go on to become one of the nation’s most influential public broadcasters. The decision to authorize CBC for radio service was rooted in the need for a unified national broadcaster that could offer Canadian content and ensure a Canadian voice in the face of increasing American influence through commercial radio.
The establishment of the CBC’s radio service on September 18, 1942, was more than just a technological milestone; it was a cultural one. The CBC played an essential role in fostering Canadian identity, promoting Canadian arts, news, and music, and providing a platform for national discussions. Over the years, CBC Radio has become synonymous with Canadian public broadcasting, contributing to the country’s cultural and informational infrastructure in profound ways. Its creation was a key step in promoting a distinct Canadian perspective in the media.
Yellowknife Becomes Capital of Northwest Territories (1967)
On September 18, 1967, Yellowknife officially replaced Ottawa as the capital of the Northwest Territories. This change was part of the broader process of decentralizing governance in the vast northern regions of Canada. Prior to this, the government of the Northwest Territories was administered from Ottawa, far removed from the people and landscapes it was meant to govern. By establishing Yellowknife as the new capital, the federal government aimed to bring governance closer to the communities and industries of the North, where resource extraction, especially mining, played a pivotal role in the economy.
The designation of Yellowknife as the capital on September 18, 1967, was a major step toward recognizing the importance of the northern territories within the broader Canadian federation. It helped promote regional autonomy and highlighted the significance of the North to Canada’s future, particularly in terms of resource management and development. Yellowknife remains a symbol of the growing political and economic importance of the northern territories in Canadian history.
Farm Aid VII Concert Held (1994)
On September 18, 1994, the Farm Aid VII concert took place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Although this event occurred outside of Canada, it was part of a broader initiative in which Canadian musicians and activists played an essential role. Farm Aid, which began in 1985, was a movement to raise awareness about the struggles of family farmers in North America, including those in Canada. Canadian performers like Neil Young were pivotal in the success of the Farm Aid movement, using their platform to highlight the challenges facing small farmers and advocate for agricultural reform.
The participation of Canadian artists in Farm Aid events, such as the one on September 18, 1994, reflected the interconnectedness of agricultural issues across North America. Neil Young, in particular, used his influence to draw attention to the plight of Canadian farmers, whose livelihoods were threatened by corporate farming practices, market volatility, and changing trade policies. The concert was part of a larger effort to ensure that small-scale farming remained viable in an increasingly globalized agricultural industry.
Farm Aid 17 Concert Held (2004)
Ten years after the 1994 concert, Farm Aid 17 was held on September 18, 2004, in Auburn, Washington. Once again, Canadian artists like Neil Young headlined the event, alongside other North American performers, to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable agriculture and the threats faced by small farmers. Farm Aid 17 continued to shine a light on the struggles of family farmers, not only in the United States but also in Canada, where similar issues of corporate consolidation and economic challenges affected rural communities.
The Farm Aid concert on September 18, 2004, demonstrated the ongoing commitment of Canadian artists and activists to agricultural issues. This event underscored the importance of cross-border solidarity in addressing the shared challenges faced by farmers in both Canada and the United States. The annual Farm Aid concerts have since become an enduring symbol of advocacy for agricultural reform and sustainability.
Federation Cup Victory for Russian Tennis Team (2005)
While not directly related to Canada, the Federation Cup victory on September 18, 2005, marked an important event in the world of women’s tennis. In Paris, the Russian team, consisting of Elena Dementieva and Dinara Safina, clinched their second consecutive Federation Cup title, defeating France in the final. Although this event took place on the international stage, it was an example of the growing global interest in women’s sports, including tennis, which had strong Canadian representation in subsequent years through players like Eugenie Bouchard and Bianca Andreescu.
This event on September 18, 2005, is a reminder of Canada’s increasing involvement in international sports competitions. With tennis growing in popularity in Canada, successes in global tournaments helped to inspire the next generation of Canadian athletes, who would go on to achieve significant milestones in the sport.
Trudeau Election Controversy (2019)
On September 18, 2019, during the Canadian federal election campaign, a photo surfaced of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing brownface makeup at a 2001 event. The release of the photo created a political firestorm in Canada, with accusations of racism leveled against the sitting prime minister. The controversy dominated the news cycle, raising questions about Trudeau’s judgment and the broader issues of race and privilege in Canadian society.
The emergence of this photo on September 18, 2019, had significant implications for Trudeau’s re-election campaign, forcing him to confront issues of systemic racism and personal accountability. The incident also spurred a national conversation about diversity, inclusion, and the legacies of colonialism and racism in Canada. While Trudeau apologized for the photo, the controversy remained a central theme of the 2019 election, influencing voter perceptions and political discourse.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Statement on Indian Government Involvement (2023)
On September 18, 2023, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a significant public statement regarding the killing of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia. Trudeau alleged that agents of the Indian government were responsible for the assassination, which had occurred in June of that year. The victim was a vocal advocate for Sikh separatism, a movement that seeks to establish an independent Sikh state called Khalistan. Trudeau’s accusation led to diplomatic tensions between Canada and India, with both countries expelling diplomats in retaliation.
This revelation on September 18, 2023, marked a dramatic escalation in Canadian-Indian relations, raising concerns about foreign interference and the safety of political activists within Canada. The incident underscored the complexities of Canada’s multicultural society and the challenges that arise when international politics intersect with domestic issues. The situation remains a significant diplomatic and political challenge for Canada, with long-term implications for its relationship with India.
September 18 has been a day of critical developments in Canadian history, from military conquests and media milestones to political controversies. Each event discussed above has contributed to shaping Canada’s identity, culture, and position in the world. Whether through the expansion of its broadcasting services, its involvement in international sporting events, or its political challenges, September 18 continues to stand as a day of historical importance for Canada. These moments reflect the country’s evolving role on the global stage and its ongoing efforts to navigate both internal and external challenges.
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roomchailimited · 1 month
Winter Wonderland: A Traveler’s Guide to North America’s Best Snow Destinations
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Winter in North America transforms the continent into a magical wonderland, offering a variety of snow-covered landscapes perfect for both adventure enthusiasts and those seeking serene, picturesque settings. From the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the charming snow-laden towns of New England, there is no shortage of destinations where winter’s beauty is on full display. For Bangladeshi travelers looking to experience the best of winter, North America provides an array of unforgettable snowy escapes.
The Rocky Mountains: Colorado’s Winter Paradise
Colorado is renowned for its world-class ski resorts and breathtaking mountain vistas. Aspen and Vail, two of the most famous destinations, offer more than just skiing. Aspen is known for its vibrant cultural scene, including art galleries and upscale dining, while Vail boasts a European-style village with luxurious amenities and a variety of winter sports. Both destinations offer expansive ski terrains suitable for all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Beyond skiing, visitors can enjoy snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and scenic gondola rides that showcase the stunning winter landscape.
Whistler, British Columbia: Canada’s Premier Winter Destination
Whistler, located in British Columbia, is Canada’s largest and most popular ski resort. Nestled in the Coast Mountains, Whistler offers over 8,000 acres of skiable terrain, making it a paradise for winter sports enthusiasts. The resort is famous for its reliable snowfall, diverse range of activities, and vibrant village life. Visitors can indulge in activities such as skiing, snowboarding, heli-skiing, and après-ski entertainment. The picturesque village at the base of the mountains provides a cozy atmosphere with numerous dining, shopping, and entertainment options, ensuring a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.
Vermont: New England’s Snowy Charm
The state of Vermont in New England is home to quaint towns and idyllic landscapes that become even more enchanting under a blanket of snow. Stowe and Killington are two of Vermont’s top winter destinations. Stowe, often referred to as the “Ski Capital of the East,” offers a quintessential New England experience with its charming village, historic inns, and excellent ski slopes. Killington, known for its extensive ski terrain and vibrant après-ski scene, attracts both families and avid skiers. Beyond skiing, visitors can explore the region’s scenic trails for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and even sleigh rides.
Quebec City, Quebec: A Winter Wonderland with European Flair
Quebec City transforms into a fairytale-like setting during the winter months, combining historic charm with festive winter activities. The city’s highlight is the annual Quebec Winter Carnival, one of the largest and most famous winter festivals in the world. Visitors can enjoy ice sculptures, parades, snow slides, and a variety of outdoor activities. The iconic Château Frontenac, overlooking the snow-covered St. Lawrence River, adds to the city’s magical ambiance. For a unique experience, travelers can visit the nearby Ice Hotel, where everything from the walls to the furniture is made of ice and snow.
Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada: A Winter Haven with Scenic Beauty
Straddling the border of California and Nevada, Lake Tahoe is a stunning winter destination known for its crystal-clear lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The region offers an abundance of winter activities, including skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Heavenly and Squaw Valley are two of the most popular ski resorts in the area, offering a mix of challenging slopes and breathtaking views. In addition to skiing, visitors can enjoy snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and scenic cruises on the lake. The combination of outdoor adventure and the serene beauty of the lake makes Lake Tahoe a perfect winter getaway.
North America’s winter destinations offer a diverse range of experiences, from adrenaline-pumping adventures on the slopes to cozy retreats in charming villages. For Bangladeshi travelers seeking the ultimate winter escape, these snowy wonderlands provide the perfect backdrop for creating unforgettable memories.
Plan Your Winter Escape with Roomchai Limited
Roomchai Limited is here to help you design the perfect winter getaway to North America’s top snow destinations. Whether you’re looking for thrilling ski adventures or serene snowy landscapes, Roomchai Limited ensures a seamless and unforgettable travel experience. Embrace the magic of winter with Roomchai Limited, and discover the best that North America has to offer.
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jjr1971 · 2 months
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Very rough regional divisions in the United States. I've been doing a lot of Domestic Travel since the COVID-19 pandemic has largely abated....it's still out there, to be sure, but I'm fully vaccinated & boosted and wear a mask in large gatherings. I didn't used to care about Domestic Travel and always pined for European travel like I did in my 20s but the airfare was just so godawful expensive. Vienna, Austria remains a pipe dream. But Domestic Airfare, I found, was a lot more reasonable. When Biden first took office, it felt like Happy Days Were Here Again and I celebrated by attending Otakon 2021 in Washington DC, then later Anime NYC in November of 2021. Washington DC is one of my favorite vacation destinations and I've been multiple times now. But I'd NEVER been to New York City in my life and finally decided to just freaking GO already. People in the South complain that New Yorkers (NYC residents they mean, mostly) are "rude"; I did not find that to be the case. New Yorkers are stressed and busy and get annoyed if you waste their time, but they're generally alright people and can be quite funny. I fell in love with the 20-something girl who ran the pizza joint I stopped at for lunch a few blocks north of the Ferry Terminal on Staten Island. I loved her genuine New York accent & sass. She was a brunette with piercings, probably a college student. I had my first New York pizza at her establishment and it was incredible. I learned the secret to New York pizza is in the expertise put into making the crust. It was SO flavorful and made you take notice of it! No pizza I've had since has ever measured up. In 2022 I went to Seattle, Washington for the first time, for SakuraCon. I loved the PNW! Got to visit with some old friends from Houston who moved to Seattle and the con was great too. I enjoyed exploring Pike Place Market and riding the Monorail to the Seattle Space Needle park. A few months later in 2022 I went to Anime Boston...my first ever trip to Boston, MA ever. The convention was a blast but I also took in a lot of sight seeing in and around Boston. The highlight of my trip was visiting the USS Constitution, the oldest ship still in active service with the US Navy. It felt so amazing riding the water shuttle back across Massachusetts Bay...cooling breeze, beautiful sunny Spring Day...SO relaxing...Glad to finally see this great American city, having already visited New York (2021) and Chicago back in 2006. At the tail end of 2022, I ventured out to Portland, Oregon for Kumoricon for the first time. I loved it so much I came back in 2023, the very next year. And like in 2022, I had lunch at PDX before hopping on the Red Line MAX train downtown....at the same place with the same bartender. I told her there's no way she would remember me, but that she had been my bartender exactly one year ago for this same convention. She was amused by this and said "welcome back!". I loved Portland at this time of year in late fall....the leaves are so beautiful. The weather is cool but not cold. And Kumoricon is like the Platonic Ideal of an anime convention for me....not too small but not too big either.....just right in terms of size. In 2023 I got really adventurous and decided it had been far too long since I last visited Canada (for my honeymoon in 2003--in Montreal, Quebec). So I flew myself up to Calgary, Canada for Otafest. I had known Calgary as the site of the Winter Olympics in my youth. I really enjoyed Calgary very much and was delighted how diverse it actually is, much more than I was expecting. It's a beautiful city and I would love to go back someday. Or live there, if I could ever get used to Canadian winters, hehe.
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flyandtravel · 2 months
5 Best waterfalls to visit in Kullu Manali
Kullu Manali, nestled in the heart of the Indian Himalayas, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and cascading waterfalls. These waterfalls, each with its own unique charm, provide a refreshing retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. From the serene Jogini Waterfall to the majestic Rahala Waterfall, visitors are treated to breathtaking views and tranquil surroundings. Exploring these waterfalls offers not only an escape into nature but also an opportunity to experience the rich culture and traditions of the region. On the other hand, Canada's most populated cities, including Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Quebec City, offer a different kind of allure. These cities are vibrant urban centers that blend modernity with cultural richness. Each city has its own unique attractions, from Toronto's iconic CN Tower to Montreal's historic architecture and Vancouver's scenic coastline. Living in or visiting these cities provides a glimpse into Canada's multicultural society and dynamic urban life. Whether you're seeking the natural splendor of Kullu Manali's waterfalls or the bustling energy of Canada's populous cities, both destinations promise unforgettable experiences that highlight the beauty and diversity of our world.
Here are some of the best waterfalls to visit in Kullu Manali:
1. The Jogini Waterfall: One of Kullu Manali's most well-known waterfalls, Jogini Waterfall, is close to Vashisht Village. Surrounded by lush foliage and the calming sound of falling water, it offers a tranquil escape into nature. Beginners and nature enthusiasts alike will find the relatively easy hike to Jogini Waterfall ideal as it passes through gorgeous paths, apple orchards, and little streams. Small shrines are located close to the base of the waterfall, giving visitors a more spiritual experience. The waterfall is also significant religiously for the community.
2. Rahala Waterfall: Rahala Waterfall is around sixteen kilometers from Manali on the route to Rohtang Pass. This waterfall is tucked away amid thick silver birch and deodar woodlands, providing stunning vistas and a cool ambiance. Rahala Waterfall is a great place for leisurely walks and picnics because of its tranquil surroundings and mild climate. By the waterfall, guests can unwind, take in the breathtaking scenery, and take some amazing pictures. The region offers trekking and rock-climbing options for those looking for adventure, which increases the excitement factor of the trip.
3. The Waterfall of Jana: About 35 kilometers from Manali, in Jana Village, is where you'll find Jana Waterfall. This lesser-known beauty, with water cascading down amid organic rock formations, has a rustic, unspoiled charm. Jana Waterfall is the ideal getaway from the bustle of the city because of its peace and unspoiled beauty. Travelers can also experience the customs and way of life of the locals by visiting Jana Waterfall, where they can partake in traditional Himachali cuisine and friendly hospitality. Photographers will find Nirvana at this magnificent site, which has countless opportunities to capture its beauty.
4. The Rozy Waterfall: A short drive from Manali, in the picturesque village of Rozy, is the hidden jewel known as Rozy Waterfall. There are fewer people at this waterfall, making it a serene and private encounter with the natural world. The image of the water falling in numerous tiers is magnificent and enthralling. The rolling hills and thick trees of the surrounding area accentuate Rozy Waterfall's alluring charm. Visitors can enjoy the peaceful surroundings and establish a peaceful connection with nature in the region surrounding the waterfall, which is ideal for nature walks and exploration.
5. Waterfall Knoi: Knoi Waterfall is an unusual location that provides visitors wishing to see less well-known sights in Kullu Manali with a quiet and peaceful haven. This waterfall is a hidden gem that is just waiting to be found because it is situated in a distant place. Knoi Waterfall's serene atmosphere and unspoiled beauty make it the perfect place for relaxation and meditation. The peacefulness of the surroundings and the sound of the flowing water create the ideal setting for relaxing and refreshing. Bird enthusiasts will find the region surrounding Knoi Waterfall to be a sanctuary due to its abundance of birdlife. While visiting the waterfall and its surroundings, visitors can see a variety of bird species and enjoy the richness of the area.
The best waterfalls to visit in Kullu Manali, such as Jogini Waterfall, Rahala Waterfall, Jana Waterfall, Rozy Waterfall, and Knoi Waterfall, offer a perfect blend of natural beauty and tranquility. These waterfalls provide an ideal escape for nature lovers and adventure seekers, showcasing the pristine landscapes and serene atmosphere of the region. A Kullu Manali package can help you explore these stunning spots conveniently, ensuring a memorable and relaxing experience amidst the Himalayan splendor. On the other hand, Canada’s most populated cities Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Quebec City present a vibrant mix of urban life and cultural richness. These cities are hubs of activity and innovation, offering diverse attractions, from iconic landmarks and historical sites to bustling markets and beautiful parks. Each city has its own unique charm and appeal, making it an exciting destination to visit or live in. Whether you are drawn to the serene waterfalls of Kullu Manali or the dynamic urban centers of Canada, both destinations promise unforgettable experiences. A well-planned Kullu Manali package can make your Himalayan adventure seamless, while exploring Canada’s populous cities will immerse you in a world of modernity and cultural diversity.
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aperoappartement · 2 months
Discover Your Ideal Home with Apero Appartement Terrebonne
Finding the perfect apartment can be a challenging task, but Apero Appartement Terrebonne makes the process seamless and enjoyable. Located in the picturesque city of Terrebonne, Quebec, Apero Appartement offers a range of modern, comfortable, and well-designed living spaces that cater to various lifestyles and preferences. Whether you are a young professional, a family, or a retiree, Apero Appartement Terrebonne provides an exceptional living experience. This article explores the features and benefits of Apero Appartement and highlights how aperoappartement.com can assist you in finding your ideal home.
Why Choose Apero Appartement Terrebonne?
Apero Appartement Terrebonne stands out for its commitment to quality, comfort, and convenience. Here are some key reasons to consider Apero Appartement for your next home:
Modern Design: Each apartment is thoughtfully designed with modern aesthetics and functionality in mind. Spacious layouts, high-quality finishes, and contemporary fixtures create a stylish and comfortable living environment.
Prime Location: Situated in Terrebonne, Apero Appartement offers easy access to essential amenities, including shopping centers, restaurants, parks, schools, and healthcare facilities. The convenient location ensures that everything you need is just a short distance away.
Community Living: Apero Appartement fosters a sense of community with shared amenities such as fitness centers, social lounges, and outdoor spaces. These features encourage social interaction and provide opportunities for relaxation and recreation.
Safety and Security: The safety of residents is a top priority at Apero Appartement. The property is equipped with advanced security systems, including surveillance cameras and secure entry points, ensuring a safe living environment for all residents.
Pet-Friendly: Understanding the importance of pets in many households, Apero Appartement Terrebonne offers pet-friendly apartments, allowing you to bring your furry friends along to enjoy your new home.
The Benefits of Living in Terrebonne
Terrebonne is a vibrant city that offers a perfect blend of urban convenience and suburban tranquility. Here are some benefits of living in Terrebonne:
Natural Beauty: Terrebonne is known for its beautiful landscapes, including parks, rivers, and green spaces. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking in scenic surroundings.
Cultural Attractions: The city boasts a rich cultural heritage with numerous historical sites, museums, and cultural events. Residents can immerse themselves in the local culture and history of Terrebonne.
Accessibility: Terrebonne’s proximity to major highways and public transportation makes it easy to commute to Montreal and other surrounding areas. This accessibility is ideal for those who work in the city but prefer a quieter residential setting.
How aperoappartement.com Can Help
Searching for an apartment can be overwhelming, but aperoappartement.com simplifies the process by offering a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. Here’s how aperoappartement.com can assist you:
Detailed Listings: The website features detailed listings of available apartments at Apero Appartement Terrebonne, complete with descriptions, high-quality photos, and virtual tours. This allows you to explore different options and find the perfect apartment from the comfort of your home.
Advanced Search Filters: With advanced search filters, you can easily narrow down your options based on your preferences, such as the number of bedrooms, price range, and desired amenities.
Expert Assistance: The team at aperoappartement.com is available to provide personalized assistance and answer any questions you may have. Their expertise ensures that you find an apartment that meets your needs and preferences.
Apero Appartement Terrebonne offers a unique blend of modern living, convenience, and community in the charming city of Terrebonne. With thoughtfully designed apartments, prime location, and excellent amenities, it’s an ideal choice for anyone looking to rent in the area. Visit aperoappartement.com to explore available listings and find your perfect home today. Let aperoappartement.com guide you through the process and make your apartment search a pleasant and successful experience.
For More Info :- 
Chambre a Louer Terrebonne
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Canada's AI Development Companies: Pioneering Tomorrow's Technology
Canada has become a major player in the world of artificial intelligence (AI), creating an environment where innovation and growth thrive. With strong government support and a focus on research and development, artificial intelligence companies in Canada are leading the way in transforming industries from Toronto to Montreal.
The Canadian AI Landscape
At the core of Canada’s AI success are its world-renowned universities and research institutions. Schools like the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of Alberta have produced some of the best AI researchers and engineers. This academic strength has fueled the rise of many AI development companies, ensuring a steady flow of new talent and groundbreaking ideas.
Government initiatives, such as the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy launched in 2017, have played a crucial role in this growth. By providing funding and resources, this strategy aims to boost research, develop talent, and foster collaboration between academia and industry, cementing Canada’s position as a global leader in AI.
Leading AI Development Companies in Canada
Element AIFounded in Montreal in 2016, Element AI quickly made a name for itself by developing AI solutions for businesses. The company uses advanced research to tackle complex challenges in sectors like finance, retail, and manufacturing, helping organizations improve efficiency and drive innovation.
DeepMindDeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., chose Edmonton, Alberta, for its first international research lab. This move underscores Canada’s appeal as a hub for AI research and development. DeepMind’s presence has enriched the local AI ecosystem, attracting top talent and fostering collaborations with leading academic institutions.
CoveoBased in Quebec City, Coveo specializes in AI-powered search and recommendations. Their solutions enhance customer experiences by providing personalized content and insights. Major companies across e-commerce, healthcare, and finance sectors use Coveo's AI technology to optimize digital interactions and drive growth.
Mila - Quebec AI InstituteLocated in Montreal, Mila is a premier AI research institute that partners with industry leaders to develop innovative AI solutions. Founded by Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in deep learning, Mila has become a hub for AI research and talent. The institute's collaborations with Canadian AI companies have led to significant advancements in machine learning and neural networks.
The Impact of Canadian AI Development Companies
Canadian AI companies are making significant contributions across various industries. In healthcare, AI is revolutionizing diagnostics, predicting patient outcomes, and personalizing treatment plans. For example, Toronto-based BlueDot uses machine learning to monitor and predict the spread of infectious diseases, providing crucial insights for public health officials.
In the financial sector, AI-driven companies like Quandl, also based in Toronto, are transforming data analysis. Quandl’s platform aggregates and analyzes large datasets, enabling financial institutions to make informed, data-driven investment decisions, thereby enhancing efficiency and profitability.
Moreover, AI development companies in Canada are addressing environmental sustainability. Firms like Ecopia AI use AI to analyze geospatial data and create high-definition maps for urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster response. These applications demonstrate AI’s potential to tackle global challenges and improve quality of life.
The rise of AI development companies in Canada highlights the nation’s dedication to innovation and excellence in artificial intelligence. With strong government support, a rich talent pool, and a collaborative ecosystem, Canada is well-positioned to continue leading the AI revolution. As these companies push the boundaries of AI technology and its applications, they are not only driving economic growth but also creating solutions that have a profound impact on society. The future of AI in Canada is bright, with endless opportunities for innovation and progress.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Quebec again revises deficit increase in 2023-2024 to $7.5 billion
Article content QUEBEC CITY — The Quebec government has once again revised the increase in its deficit for the 2023-2024 financial year — to $7.5 billion — highlighting a context of stagnation in economic activity in the province. It represents an upward revision of $1.2 billion from the figures presented in the Coalition Avenir Québec budget last March. At that time, the deficit was forecast at $6.3 billion, up from the previous evaluation of $4 billion. Article content The CAQ asserts economic uncertainty led to a revision of the balance in the budget attributed mainly to a decrease of $1.1 billion in own-source revenue. In its report on Quebec’s financial situation published June 28, the government maintains the stagnation is in part attributable to temporary factors, such as difficult weather conditions, forest fires and strikes in the public and parapublic sectors. The government highlighted as well a reduction of the top two personal income-tax rates on personal income announced in the 2023-2024 budget had the effect of moderating the growth of own-source revenues. According to “preliminary results” presented on Friday, expenses advanced more quickly than revenues, growing by 2.2 per cent. As well, portfolio expenses increased by 2.5 per cent, notably in health and social services, family and higher education. The deficit linked to activities, that is before taking into account payments of revenue dedicated to the $2 billion Generations Fund, was set at $5.4 billion. Quebec Finance Minister Eric Girard said the increase in the deficit did not call into question the government’s plan to return to a balanced budget “at the latest” in 2029-2030. “We have been at work since March to optimize government action and we are continuing to review of all government spending to identify sources of saving,” he said in a communiqué. When the budget was presented, the government said the projected deficit for 2024-2025 would reach $11 billon, taking into account the contribution to the Generations Fund. The government said it would launch an operation to “optimize” the actions of the state, with the goal of generating additional revenues of $2.9 billion. Recommended from Editorial ‘It’s not true that it’s the worst deficit,’ Legault fires back at critics Quebec budget highlights: With record $11-billion deficit, province looks for savings Quebec budget: Opposition slams CAQ ‘incompetence’ as deficit balloons Share this article in your social network Source link via The Novum Times
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iwebdatascrape · 3 months
Unveiling the Canadian Fast-Food Chain Location Data Scraping for Market Analysis
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Over the past five years, the Canadian fast-food industry has experienced significant growth despite evolving consumer preferences and heightened competition—the sector projects to sustain this momentum, with an anticipated annualized growth rate of 4.4%.
We conducted an in-depth analysis by scraping fast food chain data in Canada, including Tim Hortons, KFC, Subway, McDonald's, Starbucks, Dairy Queen, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Wendy's, and Burger King.
Key Insights:
Tim Hortons emerges as Canada's largest fast food chain, boasting a formidable presence with 5532 stores nationwide.
Toronto emerges as the city with the highest concentration of fast food locations in Canada, hosting 870 stores.
Ontario leads among Canadian provinces with the highest number of fast food locations, with 5,536 stores.
By scraping restaurant data, we found that Tim Hortons asserts its dominance as Canada's premier fast-food chain, boasting the most significant footprint with a formidable network of establishments. Following closely behind is the renowned sandwich giant Subway, securing the second position with an impressive tally of 4023 locations nationwide.
However, the correlation between the sheer number of fast-food locations and revenue generation can be more complex. Despite Subway's extensive reach, it's worth noting that revenue metrics reveal a different story. McDonald's and Starbucks, two industry titans, surpass Subway in revenue earnings despite potentially having fewer physical locations.
It underscores a crucial point: while the breadth of presence is undoubtedly essential for market saturation and accessibility, the revenue performance of fast food chains is due to various factors beyond sheer location count. Brand loyalty, menu innovation, pricing strategies, and customer experience are pivotal in determining sales figures.
In essence, while the number of outlets serves as a significant indicator of market penetration, it's the strategic execution and overall brand performance that truly dictate financial success in the competitive fast food landscape.
Cities in Canada with the Highest Concentration of Fast Food Locations
Our restaurant data scraping services found that Toronto emerges as the indisputable leader among Canadian cities, boasting the highest number of fast food chains with a staggering 870 stores. Following closely behind is Calgary, with 773 establishments, and Edmonton, with 578, securing notable positions in the fast food landscape.
Ontario stands out as the province with the most significant presence of fast food locations, surpassing all others in the country. Impressively, out of the 15 cities highlighted in the data chart, six are situated within Ontario, underscoring the province's dominance in accommodating these popular dining options.
This distribution highlights the robust demand for fast food offerings across major urban centers in Canada, particularly within Ontario's vibrant market. The concentration of fast food chains in these cities signifies the accessibility and popularity of such dining options among residents and visitors alike, reflecting broader consumer preferences and market dynamics.
Locations of Tim Hortons Across Canada
Synonymous with Canada's coffee culture, Tim Hortons maintains a robust presence nationwide, boasting 5532 locations. Ontario has the highest concentration of Tim Hortons outlets, with an impressive count of 3,070 stores. Following closely behind is Quebec, with 675 locations, and Alberta, with 400 establishments.
Despite its iconic status, Tim Hortons faces formidable competition in the evolving coffee market. Over time, Starbucks and McDonald's McCafe have emerged as strong contenders, capturing a considerable portion of the coffee market share from Tim Hortons. This shift underscores the dynamic nature of the industry and the need for Tim Hortons to adapt and innovate to maintain its competitive edge amidst increasing competition.
Canadian Subway Store Locations
In Canada, Subway boasts a robust presence with 4023 locations nationwide. Ontario holds the lion's share with 1,010 outlets leading in store count, followed by Quebec with 628 and British Columbia with 332. Globally, Subway is the largest fast-food chain based on its extensive store network.
Starbucks Stores Across Canada
In Canada, Starbucks boasts a network of 1,466 locations, with Ontario leading the pack at 601, followed by British Columbia at 308 and Alberta at 291. Toronto stands out as the city with the most outlets, representing 12% of the country's total Starbucks presence.
While Canada ranks second globally in Starbucks store count, surpassing the US in per capita coffee consumption underscores its significance in the coffee market.
McDonald's Outlets Across Canada
In Canada, McDonald's operates 1,455 restaurants, marking an 80-store uptick since 2018. Ontario with 500, Quebec with 304, and British Columbia with 197 outlets are leading the pack.
McDonald's continues its innovative approach by introducing its plant-based burger, developed in collaboration with Beyond Meat, to select locations in Ontario, catering to evolving consumer preferences for alternative protein options.
Dairy Queen Outlets Across Canada
Dairy Queen, renowned for its ice cream and hamburgers, boasts 776 locations across Canada. Ontario leads with 117 outlets, followed by Alberta with 180 and British Columbia with 117.
Canada claims 10% of Dairy Queen's global outlets, underscoring its significant presence in the country's culinary landscape.
Kentucky Fried Chicken Outlets Across Canada
KFC, with 654 outlets in Canada, dominates the fast-food landscape. Ontario leads with 258 locations, followed by Alberta with 90 and British Columbia with 61.
In a strategic move to boost digital sales, KFC has broadened its online ordering avenues. Through Google Search and Maps, customers can conveniently place orders for pick-up or delivery without navigating to KFC's website or a separate food delivery app, aligning with the brand's goal to surpass offline sales with digital transactions.
Domino's Pizza Outlets Across Canada
Domino's Pizza operates 500 locations across Canada, with Ontario leading the pack at 240, followed by Alberta with 80, and British Columbia with 75 outlets.
Pizza Hut Outlets Across Canada
In Canada, Pizza Hut boasts a total of 400 locations, with Ontario topping the list at 158 outlets, followed by Alberta with 80 and British Columbia with 77.
Wendy's Outlets Across Canada
In Canada, Wendy's maintains a network of 367 locations. Ontario leads with 195 outlets, followed by Alberta with 70 and British Columbia with 51 locations.
Burger King Outlets Across Canada
Burger King operates 289 locations across Canada, with Ontario leading the count at 120, followed by British Columbia with 41, and Quebec with 32 outlets.
Restaurant Brands International, Burger King's parent company, has ambitious plans to expand its presence in Ontario and Manitoba by opening 100 new stores within the next five years, showcasing a strategic growth initiative in key Canadian markets.
Canadian Fast Food Embraces Sustainable Dining Trends with Plant-Based Offerings
There's a notable shift in Canadian consumer dining habits towards environmentally-friendly choices. Fast food chains are adapting by offering healthier, sustainable options. Plant-based foods have gained popularity, with many chains introducing Beyond Meat sandwiches, including Starbucks, McDonald's, and Subway. In January 2020, Impossible Foods gained approval in Canada, allowing Burger King to offer the Impossible Whopper. With increasing interest in plant-based diets, fast food companies have an opportunity to innovate and cater to evolving consumer preferences.
Stay ahead of evolving consumer trends in Canadian fast food with our comprehensive location analysis! Explore the shifting landscape of popular chains and uncover valuable insights to drive strategic decisions. Plus, leverage the power of retail store location data scraping to gain a competitive edge in understanding market dynamics. Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay informed and make informed choices for your business growth. Get started now!
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