bloodhaven · 2 months
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this was a good post but queerautism is a fake system and pro paraphile so maybe dont put it on my fucking dash when they intentionally go out of their way to spread misinfo about a serious mental illness
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fite-club · 7 days
isn’t a ‘bad take list’ inherently a dni list and you’re disrespecting your own ask title?
no. this is also why i think it’s funny when i interact with the people on that list and they make a big deal about how i’m interacting with them when they’re on that list. before i called it the “bad take hall of shame”, it said “i automatically distrust your opinion if you follow/reblog the following”. there is a difference between saying “these people aren’t allowed to talk to me” and “these people make terrible arguments and spread misinformation”.
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identityarchitect · 1 year
was the mutual us =0 we're nosy as shit sdfsdfsdfd <- would not really be upset if it was indeed us dw
twas not yall!!
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I keep forgetting that there’s a few more popular blogs that follow my silly little ecclectic fun times
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syspunked · 2 years
can osddid systems who are pro endo follow you?
sorry if this is weird, we just don’t wanna break any boundaries /gen
Depends if you can stay civil (you would be surprised how hard that seems to be lmao), are willing to think critically about endo terms/are willing to listen when anti-endos and contra-endos point out something sketchy, dont use any offensive endo terms (and yes sysmed IS offensive considering that we have also been harrassed by transmeds and it would be shitty saying antis or contras are anything like them tbh). The bare minimum, genuinely hoping im not asking too much.
Especially the last part since the main reason we dont like them is because we (as in almost every member, syskids included) have been harrassed by them ever since stepping foot into the system side of tumblr. But other than that? I dont see why not tbh, this should be a safe place for dissociative systems yknow? I hope those boundaries are fair!
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anthology-moved · 2 years
What’s QueerAutism (if you don’t mind me asking), I couldn’t find anything when I looked it up
Hey! QueerAutism is a tumblr user who's opinions and actions I don't agree with or support. There's been a lot of back and forth about it and it's actions, but ultimately, this is my blog, I have blocked them, and I don't want to interact with their supporters for my own comfort.
To be very clear - this isn't anything against queer autistic people or anything like that. Hope that helped!
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wetwareproblem · 10 days
Hey, @queerautism, I'm getting your hatemail.
Dammit, anon, at least learn to aim your bullshit correctly.
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queer-adhd · 7 months
were you a part of the queerautism drama like 2 years ago i feel like i remember you but i may be mistaken
I think that actually hurts my feelings a little bit tbh
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"Gee prismatic-bell! How can you live this nicely and free in so many tumblr tankie heads?"
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to be fair my tankie friend I feel the same way about fuckers still reblogging child sexual harraser Queerautism and transphobic self hating kahanist Oxfordcommaguy
I don't care how good their points are one groomed several disabled teens and the other has been antisemtic to queer and religious Jews
DO NOT REBLOG them expect to callout or mock them
to answer your question is because xe reblogs so many posts and tankies are forced to behold a jew outside the jumblr ghetto and it drives them into a murderous rage
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consuocrochet · 7 months
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Hey there! This is Rouke from @queerautism and @afaintcloudyhaze - And this will be my blog to document my crochet journey, which is my main focus at the moment, plus any embroidery, felting, sewing, etc I do.
I am disabled, and deal with chronic pain, hand pain, motor skill issues and dyscalculia. So often I have to adapt things so I can do them my own unique way!
I hold both my crochet hook and my working yarn on my right hand, and move my work with my left.
Please feel free to interact, I love talking about this stuff and it would make me really happy! (And I'd love to follow your craft blog too, please share!)
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fite-club · 10 months
i am a 27 year old trans man who has been on T for over 8 years. i’ve been passing as male for the last 6 or so years. i live in minneapolis, the 4th queerest city in the US, but was raised in the deep south in a very catholic family. i am gay and date men exclusively, cis or trans. i’ve got a bachelors degree in sequential art and have been around tumblr discourse since 2012 (not proudly, you insufferable twerps). i have in fact been active/supportive in local lgbt organizations and events for several years. i am aggressively pro-palestine and have zero tolerance for zionist sympathies. i smoke a lot of weed and i’m really good in the sack.
bad take hall of shame: transmascpetewentz, spacelazarwolf, genderkoolaid, doberbutts, nothorses, ftmtftm, queerautism, whitehairedanimeboyfriend, trans-androgyne, vaspider, roach-works, transvarmint, neotrances/ardourie, gamblegun, impunkster-syndrome, cyberatioum, velvetvexations, gettinontopic, tiny-steps-forward, etc
perhaps consider asking me for my thoughts and opinions instead of taking the word of strangers who hate me and are specifically making shit up to make me look bad
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queerautism · 16 days
youre like the king of getting asks from people that have just. totally, 100% made up a guy to be mad and decided to pretend its you. like. its incredible. just wild. off the wall, completely out of left field no basis in reality asks going haha! checkmate! while holding up a paper bag they wrote your name on and smacking themselves in this face repeatedly with it
how could rouke queerautism do this????
You're so right, I just have no idea what 90% of them are talking about. It's so obviously nonsense and it has nothing to do with me, they're just embarrassing themselves
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Sometimes I remember that like two really big blogs that I kinda admire follow me and I don't know what to do abt that
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Gotta say, seeing you support QueerAutism (who is a known harasser, has supported serious antisemetic stuff, is violently anti psych, and frequently posts kink content to a minor friendly blog) is… rough.
Y'all have gotta stop just saying things in people's inboxes with no links no screenshots no nothing and expecting people to take that as gospel. Especially since so many transmascs have gotten this exact treatment for just talking about transandrophobia.
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circulars-reasoning · 2 years
The Final Post About This Shit
God, it's been like a month since my last huge post, could y'all let me chill? This took me 2 fucking days to write, let me rest.
This is going to be far more disorganized than my usual debunkings/long posts in that I have Covid, many blogs have been deleted in this drama, and I am also not actually wanting to make this post. The only reason I am is because many individuals refuse to stop going, and it's causing more and more drama, and my friend is at his fucking wits end with your shit. So here - here's the definitive post on the Wesk VS JAS VS Aith VS lostagainandfoundanew bullshit that's been going on all month.
This shit has led to my friend, one of the people I love most in this world, completely breaking down in front of me due to the harassment they're facing right now. I hope that everyone involved in this situation feels sick when they read everything that's happened, and that you can comprehend the downward spiral you have sent multiple horrifically traumatized individuals with dissociative disorders. I'm not going to stoop to the lows of the likes of which are contained in this long post, but do not think for an instant that I care about any one of you anymore. I hope you all delete your fucking social medias and touch grass, and never, ever fucking interact with me or my people ever again.
TW for discussions of suicide, harassment, misinformation.
The Beginning - Aitherias Tower.
This all started over on Aitheria's-Tower's blog. Aitheria posted a blocklist which included many individuals. Here's the second form of the blocklist:
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As a reminder, this is the second form of the blocklist. The original also included the user chaos-in-one with the following:
"chaos-in-one - As far as we know, still friends with DIa. Allowed for mocking of specific system member quirks, xenogenders, and more in their server solely because of who it was speaking about or creating them."
Let's take a brief pause and address some misinfo, as it makes me uncomfortable to not do so:
[Redacted Name]: I won't touch the first bullet point out of respect for my health.
SysmedsareSexist and JustAnotherSyscourse: This is actually completely accurate and was never questioned. It's valid to dislike this.
UltrabrightFlashlight: This point is going to be incredibly important going forward, as I have a few theories kicking around in my head. But anyways - Ultrabright was deleted, because the block evasion was false. Here's the clearing up of that misunderstanding.
(Remember the name Mythica-Plurality, as that is going to be very important later.)
monogrxm: Only just one of Dia's many blogs, this has all already been addressed by Dia, apologized for, explained, or written off as misinformation. You can check Dia's blog yourself.
QueerAutism: While it is anti-psych, it absolutely did not almost kill a follower with misinfo, and this is a bold faced lie that was started to discredit QuA. It actually helped the user in question in finding emergency medication, and Queer-ADHD helped the user with understanding how to care for their seizures. I debunked all of this over at @memoriesofthecircularroom when it happened.
Eroticcannibal: Oh no, this one is actually fully accurate.
Chaos-In-One: This link shows all of that drama being explained. The fact of the matter is, that was I believe around a year ago at this point, was apologized for numerous times, the individual in question stepped away, and deleted the problematic server. Notably, Chaos-in-One was only alerted to this by an asker, who sent the ask 20 minutes after the post had been made, on a blog with very few notes and maybe 2 original posts that weren't reblogs, and the blocklist itself had no notes. This is a little shady, but obviously not proof of anything. Regardless, this all begs the question...
Why the fuck was this blocklist posted publicly anyways? What was the point? Blocklists do nothing but stir up drama (as seen with this past month, Chaos-In-One's immediate ask about the situation, or idk, every single example of a blocklist prior to this one).
Well, JAS saw fit to call this out through the use of memes.
While I do not personally agree with reblogging directly from Aith here (for my own reasons), I do agree with JAS for calling out blocklist behavior in a community that has been absolutely torn apart by blocklist drama. (Lest we forget the "Pro Endo Callout" Dia had been making before the doxxings began, last time this shit happened.)
On my side of this discourse, I watched as Aith grew more and more angry at JAS for "block evasion" (you didn't have him blocked) and people losing their minds about it (more on this in part 2). This triggered my own anger, as I had recently been dealing with [Redacted Individual] interacting with me in Syscourse, who I did not realize had me blocked, who had never blocked me before now, and was now claiming block evasion. I was also reminded of the past 5 years I've spent in syscourse, wherein people repeatedly whined about block evasion without ever actually having blocked them. You would think, sometime, in those 5 goddamn years, someone would have thought to google how to block from sideblogs even once.
So, in my frustration, I made a quick post. "Learn to block bitches." I made it meme-style, I made it fast, and I wanted to just be done with it. I didn't even tag it as syscourse - it was just a fast quick post on my vent blog.
Aith then added me to the blocklist, disgusted by how I supported block evasion, and how I defended JAS's behavior. =_= I, unfortunately, do not have a screenshot of this one. However, I very calmly and politely explained my situation to Aith in DMs, in private, and settled the matter. I was then removed from the blocklist, and blocked by Aith.
Only for two anon askers to immediately try to start shit with me over my friendship with JAS. One of which, I deleted, as it mentioned [Redacted Name] who I will not ever be mentioning on this blog again through my own volition.
I received these asks while driving. Due to the unhealthy obsession with Syscourse I have, which I Have been very open about this addiction, I checked them while driving. I then checked Aith's blog to see what had sparked this ask to my blog. I then saw an untagged suicide threat directed at JAS in a way to blame him for it. I then nearly drove my car off the road in a dissociative fugue.
What a delightful way to start my work day.
I've been incredibly open about how syscourse makes me suicidal. It's why I'm working on coping skills with my therapist, in a way to combat this psychological need I have to participate in it. So seeing someone's untagged suicide threats (which this user posted, twice) in order to stay updated on the harassment my friend was receiving was triggering, to say the least.
Despite that, I tried to write two very long, very rambly drafts about my feelings. One was clearly written out of a trauma response, and got scrapped (though I still have the screenshots). The second was similar to this post - long, rambly, with screenshots, and a full in depth explanation of every single ounce of nuance the situation held.
And then I took a step back, like my therapist has been suggesting, and said "is this productive for me?" And the answer was no. The answer was "I am doing this out of a need to be validated, and a need to be understood. I can find the validation and understanding I need in other places." I also checked the blogs involved again, and I saw just... how much everyone wanted the drama to die. So I wanted it to die too. So I did my best to kill it - with a meme and stupidity, tagging it as venting and not syscourse as I wanted the discussion to die. Mind you, this took me a literal entire day to post, because I was that caught up in what the "right" choice was. I felt that AT and others involved would appreciate me not continuing the bullshit, and trying to just get people to stop, while also keeping things light.
Only for AT to once again add me to the blocklist for being a despicable person on par with the others on that list.
"Circular-bircular and related blogs - Taking the genuine harassment I have received from JASC completely unseriously, responding to genuine questions on the matter with childish non-serious responses and refusing to take accountability when JASC is using their name in excuse for the harassment."
I'm very sorry that I tried to avoid damaging my own health by choosing to not continue drama in such a way that I thought you wanted. I'm so very sorry that I have been incredibly open about blocklists and callouts being an intense trigger for me, to the point that I quite literally have an alter who handles callouts and blocklists, all because of my experiences with them in the past. I'm so terribly sorry that I did not take accountability for someone else, my friend, who knew I nearly crashed my car over your suicidal ideations, chose to defend me from your immediate cut-throat nature deciding that any post about blocking people was somehow a callout on your shitty behavior.
Sorry - am I getting too heated? /pa
I think I'm allowed to be a little angry, at this point. This has been a long, long, stupid drama, with everyone involved getting irrevocably fucked up in the process. And the fact of the matter is, I shouldn't have to explain I nearly crashed my car. I shouldn't have to explain my triggers. I shouldn't have to reveal any of this. I should be able to simply ignore an ask - but I couldn't even just delete it, because when I do shit like that, I get called out. I have in the past. If I don't acknowledge every ounce of drama, I am suddenly somehow evil. So I acknowledged the asks in a silly way, in such a way as to dismiss them, so I didn't fucking kill myself. And I'm not blaming you for my suicidal ideation - I'm pissed that it wasn't properly tagged, but I understand you were in a horrible place. What I'm angry about is the fact that I had to see it because an asker wouldn't let me stay out of the drama that I Had already expressed wanting out of.
And here we are again, with a novel length post and more drama. Because god forbid anyone lets me take a damn break.
Continuing on: Finally, Aith blocks everyone, deletes the initial blocklist and almost all of the drama, and stops interacting with everyone. JAS does not interact further, I do not interact further, and this is the way it should've been from the start. It should've honestly stopped there.
So what does this have to do with Wesk?
The Middle - Weskcourse and Harassment
You're going to have to forgive me, because since Wesk deleted, it is incredibly hard to find all of the evidence needed for this part.
Wesk came onto the scene with a very new-seeming blog, and commented on the discourse going on.
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"As the person Ultrabright did this to"?
As in, you're mythica-plurality (told you they'd be relevant again)?
AKA, mythica-syscourse, Jakecourse-Of-Violence, AKA, Wall-of-Fleshcourse, AKA, the person who repeatedly told multiple anti-endos to kill themselves, who harassed multiple individuals (past blocks), and who I personally had multiple conversations with in an effort to help you? You mean that mythica-plurality? (This was confirmed by a pro-endo who helps moderate an inclusive server I am in).
I suppose it's not very surprising to see, given that you repeatedly suiabited people on your own blog, such as telling someone who suggested Aith get off tumblr to "kill yourself like a good little leech instead of giving me shit for the actions of someone that I barely even know." Which is odd, given that I could have sworn you claimed to be Aith's friend at one point... Though, given that I can't find evidence of that now, I'm going to retract that point.
However. I am not going to retract the point that I am about 99% positive that mythica-plurality is the two eddies, eddiesramblings. You know. The people that Aith were so against in the first place. The people that Aith fucking despised from Chaos-In-One's Server.
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Sadly, I am struggling to find proof, as a shit ton of these blogs have been deleted, but I did manage to find this ask mentioning Mythica is the Eddies, which was never refuted by anyone, and I personally recall talking to the eddies myself on the tumblr messenger, to help them in their struggles. So... The Eddies (quite possibly) are defending someone who hates them???
God I need a conspiracy board.
Alright. So, Weskcourse, who we now know has often created new blogs for the express purpose of harassment, is seen interacting with numerous other users. The screenshot above was the first interaction, where Wesk was upset at JAS for interacting with Aith. To put it in perspective, the "why are you so insistent on interacting" was from where JAS chose to apologize to Aith in case it was a misunderstanding, and directly address the fact that Aith was still spreading misinformation about people. Wesk obviously didn't seem to care about the misinformation as much as the fact that Ultrabright had personally harassed them (which goes on to be unproven).
Wesk continued to go after everything JAS said, including this post about how JAS was harassing people (this is not harassment), this post where they are angry that JAS said people shouldn't use their suicide as manipulation (like Aith did), and finally, the post that started the latest rounds of syscourse, this post, where Wesk suddenly revealed that JAS had somehow endagered their life (what happened to Ultrabright???).
JAS, rightfully, was confused by this claim, and tried to ask what on earth had happened. In that, SAS (an alt of JAS) was sent this ask:
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Which, upon investigation, was referring to Oops-All-Syscourse (not to be confused with oopsallsyscourse).
Wesk claimed that SAS had posted a screenshot of their DNI, which led to people harassing them, which led to people doxxing them IRL. They also claimed they asked SAS to take down the post, to which SAS blocked them.
One: This is the post SAS made. There is no identifying information other than what is publicly available for literally anyone to see, as it was a publicly made post. Furthermore, SAS is raising an important question. The DNI isn't being mocked - they are questioning "what KIND of diabilities" as many individuals claim they experience disabilities they do not actually have. Lastly, this was a year ago, which is not the 3 years Wesk originally stated, and is vastly different from their current DNI.
Two: This is what the anon in this screenshot is actually referring to. Not SAS - but Oops-All-Syscourse.
JAS, rightfully, says "this is not my drama to interact with" and doesn't reply beyond letting Wesk know they would own it if they posted that (which all they posted was the DNI, which they owned up to, and it literally was public). Wesk, not content to let that lie, then started vagueposting JAS, telling people repeatedly to kill themselves, and insisting that JAS was ignoring the entire situation without owning up to it, which JAS of course responded to.
To his credit, JAS did his very best to avoid the drama. However, directly after this came...
The Middle Part 2: Yandere Simulator
Things died down for all of about 5 minutes, with JAS stepped back while receiving suibait asks, and Wesk telling people to kill themselves regularly, until a new blog showed up called lostagainandfoundanew. Here's what we know about the situation:
On the 11th, a "new" blog called lostagainandfoundanew (henceforth called Lost) "threatened" Wesk with an IP address and a statement to "leave JAS alone."
About 10 minutes later, Lost then doxxed the individual (I will not be posting the address here, in case the doxx is legitimate). Wesk immediately confirmed the doxx was real on their very public tumblr blog.
At 4pm on the 11th, JAS received an ask, directly from the blog (meaning it was a main account of its own), in a yandere style "are you proud of me senpai" way. He was incredibly unnerved and did not respond. Notably, this completely obsessed yandere blog does not and never had followed JAS.
Upon digging into the blog, we found two posts, both around the same point as the original "harassment" from JAS, where Lost denounced the anti-endo community, and stated they didn't condone any harassment. Odd that an ex-anti-endo is suddenly riding JAS's dick hard enough to break it, but here we are???
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The last time the blog had been active was early in 2021, and it is nearly 2023. Why is this random blog suddenly popping up, out of the blue, to harass this random user?
Oh don't worry, that got answered: Wesk later admitted that this was the person who doxxed them to their abusive ex last time, to support JAS. Only... that really does not line up at all with the posts we see here? And none of this was brought up in 2021 when it supposedly happened?
Let's take a pause from the bullet points to breathe, because that's a lot. Let's review some of that information.
An Ex-Anti Endo who hasn't been active in over a year is suddenly doxxing a Small Pro Endo (supposedly for the second time, with no evidence given for the first time) in the name of a Big Anti Endo, who they're supposedly seeking the attention of in a flirty yandere way.
Can anyone else see how batshit insane this is? Is it just me???
The worst part is, the IP address is complete bullshit, and the actual address leads closest to a coffee shop, but is genuinely just an empty street with a few businesses nearby. The address itself has no postal code, meaning it is not a legit address. Not a house, which is what Wesk first claimed.
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If they do this every time you get into it with JAS (who, mind you, had no idea you were Mythica/Fleshcourse/Jakecourse/Etc until I started writing this post, you gave no clarification of this point, and people genuinely have not interacted with you in so long that even I forgot you existed) then why the fuck do you keep getting into it with JAS? If any of this is fully, totally, 100% legit, and that's a strong IF at this point with how much sketchy shit is happening, then why are you still getting into it? If this is legit, a genuinely unstable individual is doxxing you for their yandere love. STOP FUCKING INTERACTING IF THAT'S THE CASE OH MY GOD?
Jesus Christ.
Let's keep going.
Everyone reports Lost to get the blog taken down, because if the doxx is legit, we don't want it hanging around. Wesk thanked everyone, and things honestly died down in public for like two days.
In the meantime, JAS was being spammed stalker messages from the yandere, suicide threats, and dealing with shit in his personal life. And yet, no, JAS Is the big scary one to blame here, not the clearly fucked up asker.
An unrelated blog who I personally know, to whom I was venting about the entire situation, made a post about this: oopsallsyscourse (not to be confused with Oops-All-Syscourse). They made a post about how the doxxing had been faked, and how nobody was saying anything about it, and how that was fucked up.
They received "proof" that the doxx was real.
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This is not proof that the doxx was real - it is simply proof that there is a discord account for the Lost individual. The account has existed since 2020, and they joined an Emoji server 3 days after creation.
Any investigation I've made into the "Starlight sys" has drawn a blank, particularly because galaxy themed system names are a dime a dozen, so it's hard to narrow down. (More on this at the end of the post).
This proof was left to sit for a bit, as it's not actually proof of anything, and is genuinely pretty flimsy at best. Anyone could've made this account. It's not indicative of a real person.
Sadly, said person, on December 16th, tried to join the Survivor’s Network, the server that Dude and I both moderate for. This was intensely triggering, and they were banned immediately.
This leads us to...
The Current Bullshit: Satoriships, Deletion of Evidence, and the Return of Aith
Satoriships. They're a new blog, having posted for the first time 6 days ago from today. Keep in mind that this means the blog came into being during the very brief pause in this syscourse drama, when nothing was happening other than JAS receiving harassment, during drama that involves (let me remind you) someone who has frequently created numerous blogs which are known for harassment and death threats.. They began to follow numerous anti-endo blogs, many of whom had them on their DNI. It got to the point that sysboxes made a very gentle post, made for anti-endo anti-ship individuals, to ensure they were checking who followed. Satori was not pleased about this post and bitched about how they don't check DNIs. (Wasn't breaking DNIs the reason why Wesk and Aith had issues with JAS? So it's fine for you to break them, but not for JAS?)
Satori, 2 days ago, then decided that they were going to defend Wesk. Why? According to Satori, Wesk and them have been RP buddies for 5 years. Satori states the doxxing was very real.
Let's look at all of the evidence Satori provides.
Evidence One that the doxxing is real: "First, from a close friend of the system running Weskcourse."
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Uh. Hold on a minute, let me just -
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(Shout out to my singlet friend who knows literally nothing about syscourse for helping me with this!)
So... This screenshot effectively proves nothing. People sometimes go on the internet and lie, and genuinely, I don't think you CAN prove the doxx is real without giving some deeply personal information. I think it might be more important to, idk, stop trying to interact with those who don't believe you and maybe take a break for your own health? That sounds like a much better idea.
Let's see what other proof is there...
Another discord DM conversation with Weskcourse, who we know is going to say the doxx is real because they already have said it is (whose username is Lord Mythicum, btw, which is further evidence of being Mythica-Plurality if the name is anything to go by, and will be important information later).
Another discord DM conversation with a "close IRL friend of Weskcourse"
Another discord DM conversation with "Weskcourse's IRL cousin"
There is no proof that any of these people are who they claim to be beyond their own testimony
All of these follow the same script, which easily could've been handed out before hand, as I demonstrated with my singlet friend above
Each of the conversations provided happened minutes between each other. Conversation 1: 7:34pm to 7:39pm. Conversation 2: 7:40pm to 7:42pm. Conversation 3: 7:45pm to 7:47pm. Conversation 4: 7:52pm to 8pm. I don't know about you, but for me, coordinating 4 completely different people to talk with me in the span of a single half hour would be a feat of Godlike proportions - and you managed to do it with no edited messages, no interruptions in the conversations, no mistakes whatsoever.
I think people are well within their rights to call out the sketchiness of this.
Oh but the "proof" that the "doxxing" is "real" does not stop there!
We have the new Lostagainandfoundanew blog! (Which is password protected, but don't worry, another unknown user named the Asylum System totally knew the password was "boobie"). Let's check it ou-
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Oh. Hmm. Let me try mobile?
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Don't worry guys - my singlet blog to the rescue. Let me log into my other account on tumblr, the likes of which nobody actually knows abou-
It's the same shit. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Hey, buddy, if you wanna use someone's blog as evidence, it needs to be accessible. You couldn't have taken some screenshots of the blog or smth? "More evidence is coming" Oh boy, I can't wait for this drama to continue after everyone involved has literally stated, out loud, that they want the drama to end, and the only reason I'm making the post is cause people won't just stop interacting with everyone else. FFS guys.
Evidence Number Whatever The Fuck:
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"This feels real" is not the evidence you think it is. This isn't even evidence! It's personal testimony again! It's also FURTHER FUCKING SUIBAIT. CAN Y'ALL STOP FUCKING RESORTING TO TELLING PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES???? Jesus christ I'm getting triggered all over again. Fucking hell.
The last piece of evidence is the "horrifying" discord about of LostAgainAndFoundAnew, which was posted above, and messages from Emoji Hell, the server where this person is evidently writing about how much they wanna be noticed by JAS-Senpai.
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Just gonna cover this one now - Satori has an extension that allows for their cursor to be placed on existing text to help them follow along, which evidently shows up in screenshots. I was suspicious about this fact too, as cursors typically show up when you are typing something yourself, but I'll accept this as truth.
People obviously called this shit out.
Here's system-stings, calling out the inconsistencies brought up about the blogs being brand new or almost brand new, which seems to indicate they are created specifically for this drama.
Here's Satori's response:
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I'm going to actually come back to the DiscordUsername thing at the end, don't worry Satori <3
You stated the password came from someone who has legitimately never even been a part of this entire saga. Bro.
You were antiship and became proship? Just like weskcourse, the person people are now suggesting you might be?
You mean you have a sideblog, just like Weskcourse has been known to have 50 Million+ of?
None of this actually answers how fucking shady this entire situation is. I think people are well in their rights to call out how shady this is.
Here's SAS calling out the time inconsistencies, the fact that only these random ass start-up blogs are the ones continuing the drama, and calling out (yet again) that these discord usernames are uncensored, and the cursor being shown.
Satori's response:
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(Does not address the time inconsistencies, the fact that they're a brand new blog - though I suppose they did that with Stings a moment ago - or the usernames). But don't worry guys, there are apparently 5 more people still waiting to continue the drama! Boy howdy I can't fucking wait for this bullshit to continue!!! /s
In the meantime, JAS posted the following:
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And right afterward, Weskcourse deleted their blog. This was later revealed to be due to mental health reasons, but it is, once again, particularly odd timing. Which was then called out.
Enter Aith, back into the drama once more, to "defend a fellow pro-endo." (As a reminder, Wesk is Mythica-Plurality, aka, the Two Eddies, aka, someone Aith went on record saying was part of the reason Chaos-In-One was on the blocklist that started this whole drama).
SAS made a post detailing the entire drama. Here's aith's response.
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If you say you aren't interacting with someone anymore, if you have them on a public blocklist (which you then deleted, but it is assumed you still believe the same thing you said about a week and a half ago), if you say you shouldn't interact for your mental health - fucking stop looking and hold true to your block. You blocked SAS for a reason. So stop interacting, stop prolonging something that you yourself have indicated was unhealthy for you.
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But nope, you continued to participate (while admitting you didn't want to) by making claims (what you yourself admitted was just you being petty) about oopsallsyscourse and JAS being the same person (later claiming they "type the same" which... I have never seen oopsallsyscourse write the novel length posts seen from JAS, nor with the amount of screenshots and sources provided.)
I think this post someone made sums up the drama very very well.
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oopsallsyscourse has personally said, in conversation, in public servers, why they're so invested in this drama.
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oopsallsyscourse also chimed in on Aith's post about the claim I had made at one point that they were friends (which we now know is definitely false, I wish I could see Wesk's blog to see if I'm misremembering). Here's the full conversation, which had its last update that I can see 21 hours ago. Let's look at this:
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So... you follow people in the pro-endo community, strictly because they are pro-endo, despite breaking their DNIs? So... You do. Exactly the same shit you put people on a blocklist for in the first place.
WHY THE FUCK DO YOU FOLLOW THEM? My fucking god can people start making sense for 5 goddamn seconds. Chalk this up to another inconsistency.
And oopsallsyscourse's response to the petty bullshit conspiracy post:
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"But sick men should rest" aww thanks bby I do appreciate the kindness. Sadly, I think you're absolutely right that these people won't believe this post I've finally been dragged into - they'll just argue that I"m biased (you know, the Most Centrist Syscourser Ever who has been INCREDIBLY vocal this ENTIRE time about disagreeing with the actions of like everyone fucking involved in this bullshit, but whatever, public discord screenshots be damned I guess).
And now...
The True End: I Fucking Hate This Shit
Let's do this, shall we? The part I didn't share publicly yet: I'm going deep into this deep dive.
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Well, Satori did invite anyone who wanted to join: "the server name is Emoji Hell if you can find it." Let's see what we can about this server:
The rules for the server, written by CorpseHusband, the username of the admin, were written in October of 2020. Many channels on the server are completely empty, and many users have not been active in literal years - which is an accomplishment given that there are only 9 members.
Right off the bat, we see that Lost has some beef with a new user when they join in October 2020 - very soon after the server was created.
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Oddly enough, Lost is not the Starlet System. They are the Millennia System, and Starlet System is actually one of the blanked out users above - and is actually the server owner. I won't share the personal details of their pluralkit or tupperbox entires in the introductions channels, but here's some evidence of this:
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So it's very odd to see their about profess they are the starlet system in their bio. I'm reaching out the the Starlet System now for more information, but as they have not been active since, as far as I can tell, October 6th of 2020, this may be a bit difficult.
Making it even more difficult is the fact that the proxies for the Millennia System do not exist in any of the bots I've checked. PluralKit has no record of the system code, and Tupperbox has no record either. I tried my best, but it seems that whoever posted the 2020 system members in that server has since deleted those proxies, which is concerning, given that Lost Again And Found Anew is still active in the server. It seems odd that they're still active with no information about them beyond the yandere style messages and bio...
Further shadiness comes in the lack of activity in the server. This user was last active (before the drama) on 05/08/2021, when they boosted the server twice. There was almost no chatter between then and now (none of which is from them), in which the most that really happened were people leaving and joining the server.
At least, until Weskcourse joined the server. Remember how I said that discord username thing would come back, Satori?
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Now, we do have confirmation that this is Weskcourse, based on the SatoriShips screenshots. If I wanted to, I could actually DM Weskcourse right now, furthering the harassment. Thankfully, I'm not a fucking asshole, and I can actually not interact with people who I've said I won't interact with. Remarkable!
What we do not have confirmation of is when Wesk left the EmojiHell discord Server, nor why they chose to join the EmojiHell discord server, given that the screenshot of the Yandere Bullshit (which did not include all of the disgusting shit LostAgain was posting) happened on December 16th, long after LostAgain had been active. It's almost like Wesk joined the server, knowing Lost was there, and suddenly the drama continued. It's almost like the LostAgain yandere shit didn't start until after Wesk had already been in contact with JAS, and as of yet, there is absolutely no evidence provided, beyond testimony of someone who has repeatedly harassed anti-endos that LostAgain doxxed them in 2021.
I'm still waiting on the user Starlet to respond to my DMs, but I have very little hopes of this happening. So let's review the entire drama, TL;DR style:
AT makes a very public blocklist, which includes heaps of misinformation, and (as it is a public blocklist) inherently supports drama-hungry individuals causing shit.
Chaos-In-One gets an immediate ask continuing drama. They are removed from the blocklist upon apology.
Ultrabright responds to AT to correct misinformation. AT informs Ultrabright that this was due to the Mythica-Plurality drama from who knows how long ago.
JAS responds to the blocklist with a meme.
AT is upset that JAS interacted, despite having not googled "how to block from a sideblog" once in this entire time.
JAS responds with another meme.
AT continues to interact with JAS, once again being upset.
During this, Ultrabright is removed from the blocklist.
JAS explains why he is still interacting, which involved the misinformation about Ultrabright.
AT learns how to block people after taking a vaguepost of mine about [Redacted User] and other bullshit in syscourse to be a vaguepost about them, and after I took it upon myself to explain to AT how to block from a sideblog (which numerous other users also attempted to do, despite my username and theirs not being "google it")
Weskcourse jumps on the drama declaring that Ultrabright is the person who harassed them (hence confirming they are Mythica-Plurality)
AT posts public suicidal thoughts, untagged, which triggers me and causes JAS to create a post asking people not to manipulate others using untagged fucking suicide bait.
Weckcourse then changes their tune to say that JAS personally harassed them after this post comes out.
AT puts me back on the blocklist after I refuse to engage further with the drama that triggered my suicidal ideation.
AT then deletes the blocklist, proving it was pointless in the first place.
Weskcourse continues to go after JAS, insisting that JAS harassed them, eventually adding that it was on the SAS blog, and that SAS had posted a DNI of theirs 2-3 years ago, which led to harassment.
SAS has to go digging to find the post, from a year ago, which had no identifying information and nothing that was not publicly shared.
It is revealed via anon that the person who popularized the post was Oops-All-Syscourse, who is no longer active in syscourse.
JAS leaves Wesk alone, as this all seems to be a huge misunderstanding.
Wesk continues to go after JAS, and after any anon they receive, suibaiting each of them.
JAS responds to Wesk saying "look, I have no idea what you're talking about," as Wesk is making claims that are not true (such as asking JAS to take down the post, or JAS blocking them).
Wesk is "doxxed" (via a fake IP address and a shady-at-best address) by LostAgain, a user who is (supposedly, though the evidence dates to December 16, 2022, three days ago) obsessed by JAS.
Everyone collectively loses their shit, reports the "Doxxer," and looks into the doxxing, only to discover the shady details.
Nobody calls out how shady it is because everyone involved has professed wanting it to fucking be done with.
Wesk thanks everyone for getting the "doxxer" removed from tumblr.
JAS continues to receive stalker yandere asks that go unpublished, which he does not mention publicly to avoid more drama.
oopsallsyscourse, a close friend of mine who has heard me bitching about how this drama is affecting my friend JAS, takes it upon themselves to post about the shadiness of the doxx.
Wesk throws a fit and insists the doxx was real.
Someone comes to oopsallsyscourse with "proof" the "doxx" was real (said proof being recorded at 12/16/2022, which is well after the doxx at this point).
This same day, the “doxxer” tries to join the Survivor’s Network discord, a discord dedicated to healing from our trauma as people with complex dissociative disorders, and greatly triggers Dude.
SatoriShips chooses to defend Wesk, posting "evidence" that is not only easily faked, but doesn't... actually prove anything, as it is private testimonies and, at best, the "vibes" that Wesk gives off.
Sick and tired of this bullshit, I decide to go straight to the fucking source, and do a deep dive into the Emoji Hell server, discovering that there is no record of LostAgain being obsessed with JAS until after all of this drama unfolded, and no record of LostAgain being the original doxxer whatsoever.
And where has this left us?
Aith, not being touched by anyone but anon messages, who they could shut up by just turning off anon. The blocklist was deleted, so clearly didn't need to be posted publicly in the first place, and they now know how to block people correctly.
Weskcourse, who deleted their blog, whose main is for some fucking reason now trying to syscourse (You ain't the lord of shit, get out of the syscourse tags and let it fucking drop already).
SatoriShips, who has existed for 6 days, suddenly coming in with "evidence" that isn't evidence, prolonging this shit.
oopsallsyscourse, who was trying to deflect the harassment JAS is receiving by taking the drama onto themselves.
Me, sick with Covid, writing an essay long post because none of you will let this fucking go.
And JAS.
Who has been receiving daily harassment, who has dealt with constant shit from you all and others in their fucked up life, who is trying their best not to spiral from all of this. JAS, who is the person who helped me most of all to confront my plurality, who has taught me so many coping mechanisms, and who has supported me daily since I split 4 damn times in the past year. JAS, who is one of the sweetest people I know, who you all only get glimpses of through tumblr screenshots on a goddamn silly syscourse blog that has been doing nothing but posting people's cute pets for the last goddamn week in order to try and stay mentally well.
I have Dude's (that's JAS) express permission to share this next part, and that is the only reason I'm going to. I won't share everything - he shouldn't fucking need to, but I genuinely feel like people need to understand what they're doing.
Dude has been on the receiving end of absolutely god awful fucking horrific childhood trauma. He suffers from OSDD, and suffering is a good word for what I've witnessed tonight. He has worked so hard for years now, around 30 years now, to just survive and thrive as the person he is. He was stabilizing recently, and had not reached out to a therapist in two years.
Tonight, in the course of me making this post, I contacted Dude with the server information, the part I added at the end. And Dude... he spiraled, completely. He has suffered so much in the past, including shit that is incredibly eerily similar to a lot of what's happened in this situation. He immediately went into flashback-mode, and started having a very public crisis in two different servers I share with him. It's ongoing, and he's thankfully reaching back out to his therapist about everything, but it's fucking inexcusable.
For people who claim to be against harassment, how fucking dare you all. How dare you call what Dude did "harassment." How dare you call this situation anything other than what it was: an inconsiderate person starting petty drama, who then could not handle the backlash when people called them out, who then was backed up by a known harasser and a disgusting individual, who is being backed up by some unknown goddamn rando who's friends with them. You all are going after JAS with everything you've got.
But not the actual person you claim is doxxing people. Not the actual person who has my friend in a crisis at the moment, and has me genuinely scared they will hurt themselves, all over you petty bullshit about a blocklist.
I am sickened by everyone involved in this situation, but particularly Aith, Wesk, and Satori. I cannot comprehend how you all thought this was okay. I cannot comprehend how you all still have yet to let the drama go, how you all continue again and again to push buttons that did not need to be pushed. I cannot comprehend how you all haven't learned to block and keep them blocked. I blocked all of you, some of you before this drama started, and I did not go back until I had to make this post to stop the harassment against my friend.
And LostAgain?
I have no respect for you, which is a hard thing to accomplish. Kindly find someplace else to shout into an abyss, and never utter JAS's name again.
Now will all of you please
Shut the ever loving fuck up.
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aintgonnatakethis · 9 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @bagheerita thank you! ❤️️
Last song: Inmate 8576 by Adam Jensen
Currently watching: Motive, a Canadian police procedural which has the hot as fuck Louis Ferreira as one of the leads. Highly recommend 👍
Three ships: Any combination of the three SGU boys Telford, Rush, and Young, though I'll count that as one for interest's sake. I've been reading a fair bit of Daniel Craig era Bond/Q recently and something I always like is James Flint/John Silver from Black Sails!
Favorite color: Red
Currently consuming: A baguette.
First ship: I think classic era Doctor/Master, specifically 3/Delgado. Grew up watching reruns of it and their swordfight was a big highlight.
Relationship status: Will have been with my boyfriend for 12 years this March, been together since we were 18.
Last movie: The Killer, with Michael Fassbender in it. It was... kinda bad lol
Currently working on: Chapter 4 of the second part of my SGU vampire AU, which I had no idea was going to take over so much of my brain when I started writing part 1 earlier this year. Young's gonna have my teeth marks in his brain by the time I'm done with him!
Tagging (no pressure): @judgeverse @queerautism @transmascpetewentz @eldritch-gay-frog @paracosim @emptyblankvoid @tfagswag @tigerinkangel @yharnamsnewslug
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