#Queretaro Autonomous University
tumsozluk · 2 years
UCLA Labor Center and Mexican university team up to advance worker rights
UCLA Labor Center and Mexican university team up to advance worker rights
Inspired by the UCLA Labor Center’s approach to labor research, education and union and community engagement in Los Angeles, the Autonomous University of Queretaro in central Mexico recently opened the doors of a new labor center, Centro Laboral UAQ. Leaders from the university’s new labor center marked the occasion by hosting an inaugural forum that convened more than 130 labor representatives…
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kuramirocket · 2 years
Central Mexico Lures Videogame Industry with Fair
The central Mexican city and state of Queretaro, the headquarters for some of the country’s main industries, on Wednesday kicked off the “Queretaverso,” an event whereby Mexico is hoping to attract the videogame sector and other creative industries.
Mexico represents between $1.5 billion and $2 billion of the Latin American videogame sector’s total estimated value of $7 billion according to the director of Altered Ventures
At Queretaverso, which will run until Aug. 5 at the Queretaro Convention Center, developers, universities, companies, investors and entrepreneurs will all gather to attract an industry that on the global level is valued at some $180 billion.
The director of Altered Ventures emphasized Queretaro has a proven tradition of industry creation, just as came about decades ago with the automotive and aerospace industries, a double feat that could be repeated now in the software sector.
“(The state) has an individual tradition of taking in its hands … the creation of the future, which I think can be something really replicable in other industries. Not only Queretaro, all of Mexico, can become a development region.”
Within the framework of the industry fair, the municipality of Queretaro announced the creation of the “Bloque” Innovation and Creative Technology Center, a public space designed to facilitate access to new technologies, close the digital gap in society and foster technological development.
“This is the moment of the immersive technology industry, the metaverse, in which we must participate (and) position ourselves as one of the most important hubs in Latin America,” said the mayor.
“We want young people to launch (businesses), we want new unicorns to emerge from our country here,” he said.
Meanwhile, Queretaro state Gov. Mauricio Kuri emphasized the importance of helping this industry to take things “to the next level.”
“You have to back technology (and) innovation and not see it as something that can only be done in other countries,” he said.
Among the attendees at the fair were young people such as a software engineering student at the Queretaro Autonomous University and one of those who sees her future in the creative industries.
“(You have to come) to see more or less what you want to specialize in when you get a little older, the working and job opportunities. (In Mexico) we’re already very advanced but I think that we can still move forward a great deal more,” she said.
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Visitors samples videogame technology at the Queretaverso videogame and innovative technology fair in Queretaro, Mexico, on Aug. 3, 2022
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dancer4813 · 7 years
Okay, so I keep forgetting to post about this because I keep forgetting it’s happening, but in a week I’m going to be in Mexico! :O :D
A few of us from my dance company are travelling to Queretaro, Mexico to take/help teach master classes, and to rehearse and perform with other dancers from the Autonomous University of Queretaro! 
They say we should have internet access down there, but I don’t know how much, or if I’ll even have time to do things on the internet (as far as I can tell most of our days are scheduled from 10am - 9pm). 
[[[Just an FYI for my followers - prepare for a semi-blackout from my side (AOS will be done for the summer, but I’ll be missing an episode of CR livblogging - when I don’t show up, that’s probably why). <3 
I’m super excited about this trip, even if it’s still surreal that it’s even happening! Does anyone out there have tips for travelling down there, though? (I already know I shouldn’t drink the water or eat the fruit, and that I should have modest clothing...) I’d love any advice I can get! ^_^
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