#R I P that otto aye
Kenji refuses to go to school
Inabber: Kenji!!!!! It's time for school.
Kenji: No.
Inabber: Yes.
Kenji: No.
Inabber: You have to go to school.
Kenji: Please human. I shall not go to school since I'm a dog
Inabber: It's dog school. Lewis and Alex are waiting for you.
Kenji: Ugh. Fine.
Lewis Buchan: Aye. Hurry up. Me and Alex want to go to the pub.
ImAllexx: Yeah. Your car ride awaits.
Kenji: Ugh. Fine.
Inabber: See ya after school.
*At Dog School*
WillNE: Darcey. Look at this new pup.
Kenji: Firstly. Don't call me a new pup. Secondly. I can do more things than your fat geezer can do.
Darcey: Don't insult me. (RIP Darcey)
Kenji: Please shut the fuck up.
Ginger: Hey.
Darcey: Hey. Oh my God. Look at this hot thing.
Kenji: Ugh. Another dog.
Memeulous: *Walks in with 6ix9ine the hottest dog known to dog*
6ix9ine: Hey ladies.
Kenji: Ugh. Competition.
6ix9ine: Your a cat.
Kenji: I'm a shiba inu.
6ix9ine: Why is there a cat?
James Marriott: *Walks into the class with Otto*
Darcey: OTTO!
Kenji: Please make this shit show be over and done with.
James Marriott: Hey lads. Let's go to the pub.
Kenji:I want to eat the cat.
Kenji: *eats Otto*
Kenji: Everything.
Teacher: COOLER NOW! (If you know the tv show the cooler is from,tell me your fave character from the show and marry me.)
Kenji: Fine.
*Home from Dog School*
Inabber: Why did I get a call from school saying that you ate a mf cat?
Kenji: Cause you suck.
Inabber: Got a new flatmate out of it. Meet James.
James Marriott: Hey.
Kenji: For fuck's sake
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myownantichrist · 4 years
Andrew vs. Aaron
Alan vs. Alexander
Aiden vs. Adam
Brennan vs. Brayden
Brandon vs. Braxton
Bentley vs. Brimley
Cayden vs. Camden
Cole vs. Cameron
Cade vs. Chandler
Denver vs. Dallas
Deklan vs. Dylan
David vs. Dennis
Ethan vs. Ezra
Eitan vs. Elijah
Emmanuel vs. Eden
Fabio vs. Ferdinand
Finnegan vs. Finley
Fernando vs. Frankie
Gavin vs. Gus
Gumby vs. Gerrick
George vs. Grant
Harper vs. Harley
Hayden vs. Henry
Harlow vs. Hank
Ian vs. Ivan
Indigo vs. Iris
Indiana vs. Iris
John vs. Jericho
Jacob vs. Jameson
Jasper vs. Jedidiah
Kayden vs. Koa
Kent vs. Kyle
Kevin vs. Konner
Lars vs. Liam
Levi vs. Lance
Lester vs. Lorenzo
Michael vs. Matthew
Maverick vs. Mason
Madison vs. Micah
Nolan vs. Nathan
Niko vs. Nathaniel
Nicholas vs. Nate
Ocean vs. Oscar
Orville vs. Otis
Otto vs. October
Patrick vs. Percy
Preston vs. Paisley
Parker vs. Passion
Quincy vs. Quinn
Quada vs. Quinten
Quailen vs Quidditch
Raven vs. Riley
Rowan vs. Rod
Ray vs. Roy
Skylar vs. Scott
Storm vs. Steven < my favourite name for a son, if I ever have one..
Sorin vs. Solomon
Trevor vs. Travis
Todd vs. Taylor
Taytum vs. Tanner
Ulysses vs. Uman
Umbo vs. Uno
Utah vs. Usher
Vance vs. Vincent
Vern vs. Vayde
Vernon vs. Vayden
Walter vs. Wyatt
Wade vs. Winter
Wallace vs. Whisper
Xenon vs. Xayden
Xayler vs. Xavier
Xandon vs. Xennan
Yvonne vs. Yonder
Yuletide vs. Yasser
Yancy vs. Yancer
Zeeland vs. Zayden
Zion vs. Zenon
Zander vs. Zenner
Acacia vs. Alexa
Aurora vs. Annalise
Avonna vs. Alessandra
Brogan vs. Brooklyn
Bianca vs. Brigitta
Bailey vs. Brynn
Carlotta vs. Christine
Cheyenne vs. Cescily
Cecilia vs. Cassidy
Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah
Devia vs. Daytona
Dakota vs. Darcy
Evonna vs. Eliana
Emerald vs. Evangeline
Eden vs. Eliza
Felicity vs. Fiona
Faith vs. Faye
Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora
Grace vs. Gretchen
Genesis vs. Galaxy
Gabriella vs. Greta
Harper vs. Hope
Holly vs. Hailee
Harmony vs. Harvest
Imogene vs. Ivy
Isabella vs. Iris
Irene vs. Ingrid
Jessica vs. Jacinda
Jade vs. Juniper
Joanna vs. Joy
Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee
Kennedy vs. Kendall
Katelyn vs. Katrina
Lacey vs. Linsey
Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty
Lara vs. Lola
Morgan vs. Madison
Mackenzie vs. Miranda
Marissa vs. Monica
Nora vs. Natalie
Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole
Niki vs. Noelle
Ophelia vs. Ocean
Olivia vs. Onna
Opal vs. October
Passion vs. Primrose
Penelope vs. Pixie
Pandora vs. Palace
Quintessa vs. Quincy
Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi–lah-lah)
Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh)
Reyna vs. Riley
Rosanna vs. Rosemary
Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh)
Skylar vs. Skye
Serena vs. Simone
Shailey vs. Sienna
Tessa vs. Taylor
Tia vs. Tiana
Taytum vs. Trixie
Una vs. Uta
Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba
Ula vs. Ursula
Violet vs. Vylette
Veronica vs. Victoria
Valencia vs. Valerie
Wynona vs. Whitney
Wynter vs. Whisper
Willow vs. Wanda
Xaila vs. Xara
Xana vs. Xenon
Xavier vs. Xena
Yasmin vs. Yvonne
Yvette vs Yolanda
Yori vs. Yaya
Zayara vs. Zion
Zayana vs. Zoey
Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): Chloe Elizabeth.
Do you like it? Yeah.
What your parents almost named you: Clara.
Your favorite girl’s name (first and middle): I don't know.
List five unique names of girls you have met:
List five girl’s names you don’t like:
List five girls name you really like:
Your first best friend’s name: Janice.
Your siblings names: -
The name of the first pet that you loved: Brandy.
What you would be named if you were the opposite gender: Ian. Ew.
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surveysonfleek · 4 years
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden Brandon vs. Braxton Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan David vs. Dennis
E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris Indiana vs. Iris
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate O Ocean vs. Oscar Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod Ray vs. Roy S Skylar vs. Scott Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno Utah vs. Usher V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan Y Yvonne vs. Yonder Yuletide vs. Yasser Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah Devia vs. Daytona Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy Gabriella vs. Greta H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest I Imogene vs. Ivy Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper Joanna vs. Joy K Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee Kennedy vs. Kendall Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October P Passion vs. Primrose Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi–lah-lah) Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh) R Reyna vs. Riley Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh) S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney Wynter vs. Whisper Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): not saying coz it’s too unique and would come up on a google search lol. Do you like it? i do like it now. growing up it was annoying having to spell it out etc but whatever. What your parents almost named you: erika. so weird. Your favorite girl’s name (first and middle): first name definitely will be sierra. idk about middle. List five unique names of girls you have met: i’m blanking out right now but i should start listing this as i meet people. List five girl’s names you don’t like: honestly the only names i don’t like are related to girls that i don’t like with that name lmao. List five girls name you really like: haha too lazy to. Your first best friend’s name: pearl. Your siblings names: rather not say. The name of the first pet that you loved: sky. What you would be named if you were the opposite gender: no idea actually!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have a name survey because these are always fun.
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden: Both of these are awful but I guess I gotta pick. Brandon vs. Braxton Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden: Again, both equally cringey for me. Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler: Chandler is a cute name for a girl, but I have a bias for Chandler Bing too hahaha. D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan: I prefer the spelling Declan, though. Also, I technically like Dylan just a little bit more and would have picked it, but I like it for a girl. My sister had a classmate named Dylan and it sounded really good on her. David vs. Dennis E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden: Again, I prefer the name Eden for girls.
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand: I very hesitatingly picked Fabio hence the italics, but I very much dislike both. This is also what I’ll be doing for the rest of the names on here. Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie: For the millionth time, Frankie is cute for a girl (this is where y’all really see that I prefer daughters more HAHAHA), and this is also because there’s a local singer named Frankie that I really admire.  G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris: Can I just say these are both better off as girl names? Indiana vs. Iris: And these, too?
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner: I prefer the spelling Connor, though. L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate: I honestly like both. I can go with naming a son Nicholas then giving them Nate as a nickname. O Ocean vs. Oscar: I hate nature names and Oscar screams old-guy-name to me. Sorry to all the Oscars :( Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod Ray vs. Roy: I have a bit of a sentimental attachment to Roy cos it’s an occasional nickname Gab’s dad uses. S Skylar vs. Scott: Only because a high school classmate named her kid Schuyler and that baby is seriously adorable, bubbly, and well-behaved. Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno Utah vs. Usher: I dislike most geographic names, but I’d rather I name my baby Utah then have them be sang sex-themed songs by Usher by meaner kids throughout their childhood lmao.   V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden: I really wanted to pick one name for each question, but being stuck between a chemical element and a name ending in -den is an easy no to both for me. Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan Y Yvonne vs. Yonder: These names are getting more awful now that we’re ending dude, lmao. Yuletide vs. Yasser Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah: But I prefer the spelling Deirdre. Devia vs. Daytona Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye: Both have always been on my blacklist for girl’s names, sorry lol. Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy: Please don’t make these names happen. Gabriella vs. Greta: I love both names and have always liked the name Greta because of Greta Garbo, but I’m obviously biased towards my girlfriend so Gabriela/Gabriella it is. H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest: Again, both cringe material but I guess Harmony makes me cringe juuuuuuust a little less. I Imogene vs. Ivy Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper: Juniper would be cute if a baby can stay a baby forever lmao, but I’m generally not a fan. Joanna vs. Joy: But I like the spelling Johanna more. K Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee: Can I just pick the nickname? I hate the other two options :(( Kennedy vs. Kendall: I’d pick both, but thinking as a future mom, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be mercilessly teased for being given a name that’s usually understood to be more masculine in nature. I know we’re all about breaking stereotypes and all, but y’all – realistically, kids can be pretty fucking cruel. Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean: Only picking Ophelia because I’m generally not a fan of nature names, but there are a lot more better options if I wanted to name my kid after Shakespeare plays, like Beatrice or Emilia. Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October: Was never a fan of gemstone names, and there are much better month names than October. P Passion vs. Primrose: I feel the same way for Primrose as I do with Juniper. Mostly cute with babies, but is less cuter on grown-up girls. Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi--lah-lah) Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh) R Reyna vs. Riley Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh) S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie: Tatum would be a better spelling. U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula: Only because it can be a Friends reference lol. V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney: Winona > Wynona, but still. Wynter vs. Whisper Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): Robyn Isabelle.Do you like it?I hated the name Robyn throughout my childhood because I always got teased about it. When I got to college and everyone just kinda matured and told me they liked the way my name flowed, I ended up warming up to and loving it.What your parents almost named you:I was almost named Ariel after the Disney princess, and I know my parents were also thinking of naming me Katrina/Katherine/Kaitlyn.Your favorite girl's name (first and middle):Olivia. I don’t have a pick for middle name yet.List five unique names of girls you have met:Shauna, Shontrice, Unila, Ciamae, Rheezan.List five girl's names you don't like:I mostly dislike in-your-face weather/nature names like Winter, Snow, Amethyst, Cloud, Gaia, or Daffodill. But some, like Cheyenne, Rose, and Luna are super cute, too.List five girls name you really like:I’ve done this like 10 times on 10 different surveys but I like names such as Olivia, Elizabeth, Mia, Ava, and Isabella.Your first best friend's name:Kaye.Your siblings names:Nope.The name of the first pet that you loved:Tobi, my pet rabbit.What you would be named if you were the opposite gender:I’ve never asked my parents about this, actually. They’d probably go with a Spanish/Hispanic name, seeing as they went with Joaquin for my brother but were also thinking of naming him Diego.
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popbee · 6 years
Celine、Givenchy 竟一直都讀錯?惡補 75 個名牌發音就不再尷尬!
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讀錯品牌或設計師的名字,的確是頗難堪的事。無論你準備投身時尚行業,或者只是以購物為嗜好,能讀準拗口生僻的名稱,總會令人另眼相看。但別以為看起來很長的才有難度,平日我們常見的 Dolce & Gabbana、Celine、Louis Vuitton……以英語來發音其實也不太準確。雖說在這國際社會下這不是大問題,但學會它正宗的讀法,除了可以用來展示你對時尚的熱情,也是對品牌的一份尊重呢!以下是 《i-D》整理的 75 個品牌的正確讀法拼音,還附上教學影片,從今開始學起來吧!
Ahluwalia Studio: Ah-Loo-Wah-Lee-Ah Stu-Dee-Oh Alyx: Ah-Leeks Ann Demeulemeester: Ann De-Mule-Eh-Meester ASAI: A-sigh Azzedine Alaïa: Ah-Zeh-Deen Ah-Lie-Ah
Balenciaga: Bah-Len-See-Ah-Gah Balmain: Bahl-Mah Bottega Veneta: Bow-Tay-Guh Vah-Netta
Celine: Sell-Een Chalayan: Cha-lie-on Christian Louboutin: Christian Loo-Boo-Tan Comme des Garçons: Com dey Gah-sohn Courrèges: Koor-Ahj Cottweiler: Cot-Why-Lah CMMN SWDN: Com-on Swe-den
Dior: Dee-Or Dolce & Gabbana: Dol-Chey and Gab-ana Doublet: Doob-lay Dries Van Noten: Drees van Know-Ten
Eckhaus Latta: Eck-house La-Ta Erdem: Ur-dem
Fiorucci: Fee-Oh-Roo-Chi
Gareth Pugh: Gareth Pew GmbH: Ge-Em-Be-Ha Givenchy: Gee-Von-Shee
Haider Ackermann: Ay-Der Ak-Er-Man Hermès: Er-Mez Hyein Seo: Hyeah Suh
Issey Miyake: Iz-zah Mee-Yah-Key
Jacquemus: Jack-e-moo Jean Paul Gaultier: Jon Paul Go-Tee-Ay Junya Watanabe: Joon-Yah Wat-An-Ah-Bey
Koché: Kosh-Eh
Lanvin: Lahn-Vahn Loewe: Loo-Eh-Vey Louis Vuitton: Loo-Ee Vee-Ton Ludovic de Saint Sernin: Loo-da-vic De San Ser-nan
Maje: Mahj Maison Martin Margiela: May-Sohn Mart-in Mar-Jhell-Ah Marques’Almeida: Mar-Kes Al-May-Da Marine Serre: Ma-Reen Ser Marta Jakubowski: Mar-ta Yuk-Ow-Bofski Miu Miu: Mew-Mew Moschino: Mos-Key-No Mowalola: Moh-Wah-Lo-Lah
Noir Kei Ninomiya: No-wah Kay Nee-Nom-Ee-Yah Nike: Nai-Kee
Ottolinger: Otto-Ling-Er
Paria Farzaneh: Pah-Re-Ah Far-Zen-Eh Pihakapi: Pee-Ya-Kap-Ee Prada: Pra-Da Proenza Schouler: Pro-En-Zuh Skool-Er Pyer Moss: Pee-air Moss
Ralph Lauren: Ralf Lor-En Rochas: Row-Shahs Rokh: Rock Rodarte: Row-Dar-Tay Roksanda Ilincic: Rok-sanda Ill-In-Chik
Sacai: Suh-Kai Saint Laurent: San-Loh-Ron Salvatore Ferragamo: Sal-Vah-Tor-Re Fer-Ra-Gah-Moh Sies Marjan: See Mar-Jahn Simone Rocha: See-Mone Ro-Sha Sonia Rykiel: Sewn-Yah Ree-Key-El Stüssy: Stoo-See Sunnei: Sun-ee Supriya Lele: Soo-Pree-Ya Lay-Lay
Thierry Mugler: Tea-Eh-Ree Moo-Gler
Vetements: Vet-Mohn Versace: Versa-chay Vionnet: Vee-Oh-Nay
Walter Van Beirendonck: Wal-Tur Van Bai-Ren-Donk
Xander Zhou: San-der Zoo
Yohji Yamamoto: Yo-Gee Yam-Ah-Mo-Toe
Zegna: Zen-Ya
Kendall 膺本年最高收入模特,吸金力比前輩 Karlie Kloss 還高兩倍! Google 2018 年度深圳玩樂排行榜出爐,這個聖誕假期就跟著玩! 年度時尚之最出爐:Google 搜尋榜的 2018 流行關鍵詞頭 4 位! 2018 年寫下歷史的 8 場時裝秀:你可以少看任何一場,就是不能錯過這些!
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purplesmmr · 7 years
more dwsa headcanons pls!!!!!! ❤️
aaaAAAA !!! anon, of cou r s e! i would LOVE to !! ❤️❤️❤️ i lov my kidsi’m jus gonna do the same layout as my other one bc it’s Neat lol (yet again, credit to @wordofyourbodyreprise for helping me out w these)
has a secret star trek obsession 
he’s also a huge military history buff
def a ravenclaw
he smells like a library & old spice bc he’s a ne r d
he’s fuckin Tall
he does swimming, football, and track
he’s totally the philosophical drunk
ends up goin to mit bc he’s a Smarty Pants
he also ends up getting a doctorate in something (idk,, mb physics??) but doesn’t do anything with it besides teaching at a college
has a cat named alexandria (yes after the former library in egypt) but he will veh eme ntl y deny that the cat is his
he sings when he’s drunk
will stop everything she’s doing to pet a dog
she’s a dancer n a rly fukcign good one at that
likes to color bc she cannot actually Art
she goes to juilliard for a bit before dropping out & then going back to school to become an elementary school teacher
plays the flute
Does Not Do Running Sports
she has asthma
she n ernst went to the same catholic combined elementary & middle school
that said, they dated to half make sure ernst really was gay, and half to hide that fact from their school
talks in her sleep
is al w ay s singing or humming something
ends up with a collection of deaf animals
gallaudet bb !!
he’s always twitchy & jumpy and yet he drinks highly caffeinated things anyway
got a handjob from melchior once their freshman year (it made him realize he was ace)
he’s shorter than his gf (martha)
smells like vo5 ocean breeze conditioner, cigarette smoke, and hair gel
gryffindor for some reason??
he’s still in his teenage emo phase bc he works at hot topic (he used to work w his brother there but alex got fired. from hot topic)
he, otto, n mart all live together n they’re ha p p y
no one ever rly knows where she is
smells like acrylics and pine trees
ends up going to yale for art but double majors it and does law too
her lawyer ass throws martha’s pos dad in jail for the rest of his mcfuckin miserable life
makes it a Thing every week to make sure her nails are short enough ;))))
doesn’t trust herself with any pets besides fish
she has two named vincent and claude
she found out a year after she had them that vincent was actually frida
she’s the drunk person that you can’t tell is actually drunk
she has Birds
slytherin baby
always smells like conditioner and nail polish
she took violin lessons for the longest time
for as Tol as she is, she can curl up so sm al l when she’s sleepy or is having a Rough Time
plays guitar
shows up at melchiors house unannounced sometimes??
she doesn’t go to college right away bc she needs a Break
it’s ridiculous how much she loves her boyfriends,,
like she’s always ready to kill someone if they fuck w them
had braces as a kid
he’s soooo bad at remembering to wear his retainer
he prbly lost it lbr
slytherin as well
goes to caltech bc he’s Fancy
he has a earthy/woody smell w a lil bit of smokiness. no one knows how he smells like that
he’s shorter than his bf and it makes him Mad
always knows when people are lying
he smokes and ernst Does Not Like That
as i’ve said before, my boy is depressed
bc of that depression + self destructive behaviors (probably learned from moritz) he’s one of the guys who’ll stub out cigarettes on his skin
he’s got a big gay crush on chris evans
he anxiously taps but it’s always in a three-four pattern
bites his nails
he has a notebook for pressing and diagramming plants
he presses flowers for all his friends
he’s got some in a phone case to make it pretty
gets ver y loud and swears a lot during sex
he’s naturally left handed but was forced to use his right hand in elementary school bc they thought left handedness was the devil’s work
he smells like orange ginger shampoo
he’s a soccer nerd and also does knowledge bowl
he’s,,, a fuckign band student an d a wrestler
he gets shit all the time for wresting from his friends (specifically otto)
he n otto are gryffindor buddies
as mentioned previously, he plays a fuckton of instruments 
piano, cello, trumpet, percussion, slide whistle, french horn, oboe, alto clarinet, and my personal favorite, the super bone
he ends up with sooo many dogs
smells like valve oil and rosin. even after he showers and does laundry
he sometimes doesn’t think before he says things and ends up making ppl upset
h*cka jewish
he got melitta to listen to Emo bands like fall out boy and panic! at the disco but in return, she got him to religiously listen to lana del rey
golden retriever guy. that’s all i have to say on the matter
smells like charcoal and fire smoke
he’s an artsy hoe who likes to do portraits of his gf
he knows how to surf
ends up going to unc for college, not really sure what he’s gonna do for a career
he eventually becomes a pediatric nurse who loves all the kids and sneaks small animals in for them
proposes to martha a nu m be r of times but she’s happy with things as they are (she eventually says yes though)
he gets really good at being able to calm moritz down when he’s not doing too well
would drop literally ev  ery th in g for mo and mart
she’s dating marianna wheelan and they’re adorable
wendla’s best friend
has some kind of Twin Telepathy with melitta
she smells like hazelnut 
she’s hoh and uses sign in most public situations, melitta usually acts as her translator
makes constant closet jokes
always has a deck of cards on her
she’s got some depression
has a combined playbills collection with melitta
Huge crush on tom holland
gay for brenda song
makes terrible puns at even worse times
has a te r ri b le memory and adhd
loves to just,, sit in small coffee shops to feel the atmosphere
smells like vanilla
she, hanschen, and thea are all witches (so is martha)
loves crystal and candle magic, is really good about sensing auras
tarot master
she and thea are supposed to follow hanschen out to california for college after they graduate, but melitta ends up staying on the east coast
tends to excessively beat herself up about things, even after people aren’t mad anymore
never leaves the house without stones and/or crystals
always shading, always vague posting
she’s a hufflepuff
smells like a combination of floral and fruity
her fashion sense is to die for and everyone goes to her for advice
everyone minus ilse that is bc she’s ilse and she makes her own fashion rules
would totally make the red carpet her bitch
v confrontational
lives in a constant state of Denial that she’s related to bobby
Mom friend that makes everyone’s appointments for them
during the winter season at school, she carries two thermoses around
one is hot chocolate and the other is vodka
she charges melchior for the vodka
she has asthma too and likes to make jokes about “ well thank god i don’t run”
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survey1000 · 4 years
114. Names
A Andrew vs. Aaron Alan vs. Alexander Aiden vs. Adam B Brennan vs. Brayden Brandon vs. Braxton Bentley vs. Brimley C Cayden vs. Camden Cole vs. Cameron Cade vs. Chandler D Denver vs. Dallas Deklan vs. Dylan David vs. Dennis
E Ethan vs. Ezra Eitan vs. Elijah Emmanuel vs. Eden
F Fabio vs. Ferdinand Finnegan vs. Finley Fernando vs. Frankie G Gavin vs. Gus Gumby vs. Gerrick George vs. Grant H Harper vs. Harley Hayden vs. Henry Harlow vs. Hank I Ian vs. Ivan Indigo vs. Iris Indiana vs. Iris
J John vs. Jericho Jacob vs. Jameson Jasper vs. Jedidiah K Kayden vs. Koa Kent vs. Kyle Kevin vs. Konner L Lars vs. Liam Levi vs. Lance Lester vs. Lorenzo M Michael vs. Matthew Maverick vs. Mason Madison vs. Micah N Nolan vs. Nathan Niko vs. Nathaniel Nicholas vs. Nate O Ocean vs. Oscar Orville vs. Otis Otto vs. October P Patrick vs. Percy Preston vs. Paisley Parker vs. Passion Q Quincy vs. Quinn Quada vs. Quinten Quailen vs Quidditch R Raven vs. Riley Rowan vs. Rod Ray vs. Roy S Skylar vs. Scott Storm vs. Steven Sorin vs. Solomon T Trevor vs. Travis Todd vs. Taylor Taytum vs. Tanner U Ulysses vs. Uman Umbo vs. Uno Utah vs. Usher V Vance vs. Vincent Vern vs. Vayde Vernon vs. Vayden W Walter vs. Wyatt Wade vs. Winter Wallace vs. Whisper X Xenon vs. Xayden Xayler vs. Xavier Xandon vs. Xennan Y Yvonne vs. Yonder Yuletide vs. Yasser Yancy vs. Yancer Z Zeeland vs. Zayden Zion vs. Zenon Zander vs. Zenner
A Acacia vs. Alexa Aurora vs. Annalise Avonna vs. Alessandra B Brogan vs. Brooklyn Bianca vs. Brigitta Bailey vs. Brynn C Carlotta vs. Christine Cheyenne vs. Cescily Cecilia vs. Cassidy D Diedra (pronounced Dee-ay-druh) vs. Delilah Devia vs. Daytona Dakota vs. Darcy E Evonna vs. Eliana Emerald vs. Evangeline Eden vs. Eliza F Felicity vs. Fiona Faith vs. Faye Flavia (pronoucned Flah-wee-uh) vs. Flora G Grace vs. Gretchen Genesis vs. Galaxy Gabriella vs. Greta H Harper vs. Hope Holly vs. Hailee Harmony vs. Harvest I Imogene vs. Ivy Isabella vs. Iris Irene vs. Ingrid J Jessica vs. Jacinda Jade vs. Juniper Joanna vs. Joy K Kaleidoscope (Kallie for short) vs. Kaylee Kennedy vs. Kendall Katelyn vs. Katrina L Lacey vs. Linsey Lynnea (proncounced Lynn-ay-uh) vs. Liberty Lara vs. Lola M Morgan vs. Madison Mackenzie vs. Miranda Marissa vs. Monica N Nora vs. Natalie Nevaeh (pronounced Nev-ay-uh) vs. Nicole Niki vs. Noelle O Ophelia vs. Ocean Olivia vs. Onna Opal vs. October P Passion vs. Primrose Penelope vs. Pixie Pandora vs. Palace Q Quintessa vs. Quincy Quaila vs. Quilala (Kwi–lah-lah) Queen vs. Quiencia (Kwee-ence-ee-uh) R Reyna vs. Riley Rosanna vs. Rosemary Rhonda vs. Rodica (Roe-dee-kuh) S Skylar vs. Skye Serena vs. Simone Shailey vs. Sienna T Tessa vs. Taylor Tia vs. Tiana Taytum vs. Trixie U Una vs. Uta Ulyssia (You-liss-ee-uh) vs. Umba Ula vs. Ursula V Violet vs. Vylette Veronica vs. Victoria Valencia vs. Valerie W Wynona vs. Whitney Wynter vs. Whisper Willow vs. Wanda X Xaila vs. Xara Xana vs. Xenon Xavier vs. Xena Y Yasmin vs. Yvonne Yvette vs Yolanda Yori vs. Yaya Z Zayara vs. Zion Zayana vs. Zoey Zen vs. Zara
Final questions!
Your name (first and middle): Michelle Kimberly Do you like it? Yeah, I’ve always liked the fact I was named after my Aunt Kim. What your parents almost named you: Mom liked the name Jasmine but I guess decided with Michelle. Your favorite girl’s name (first and middle): I’m honestly not sure, I’ve always liked the name Alexa. List five unique names of girls you have met: i’m blanking out right now but i should start listing this as i meet people. List five girl’s names you don’t like: honestly the only names i don’t like are related to girls that i don’t like with that name lmao. List five girls name you really like: haha too lazy to. Your first best friend’s name: Rebekah, Stacey, and Ashlee Your siblings names: Tasha, Aiden, and Bryson. The name of the first pet that you loved: Kimmie. What you would be named if you were the opposite gender: I think mom said Josh but I’m not completely sure.
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