#R.I.P. The Casket
goodbysunball · 2 years
Best of 2022
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Here it is: my yearly summation of the small labels working through rising costs and punishing manufacturing delays, the artists making music unafraid of chance, and the freaks supporting all of it in spite of the daily consequences of a ruling class increasingly detached from reality. Lots more that deserve accolades from more prestigious publications, and I'm sure they'll get 'em, but these are records that were inseparable from certain points of my year, including now. Yeah, they were all kinda my favorite at one point, and could be again tomorrow, but Kilynn Lunsford is #1 for a reason. Glad to be back at shows, however sparingly, experiencing all the awkward camaraderie and room-silencing/room-flattening performances that come with them. It all feels more necessary than ever. Up and up in a world of lava. Happy New Year, everyone.
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Kilynn Lunsford, Custodians of Human Succession (ever/never)
Joe Colley, Deformation of Tone (Total Black)
Kitchen's Floor, None of That (Petty Bunco)
Thomas Bush, Preludes (Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox)
Hissing, Hypervirulence Architecture (Profound Lore)
Tim Goss, Afterfly (Penultimate Press)
Carla dal Forno, Come Around (Kallista)
Rose Mercie, ¿Kieres Agua? (Celluloid Lunch/Jelodanti)
Incipientium, Belastning (Förlag För Fri Musik)
Siobhan, Body Double (Nostilevo)
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The Body & OAA, Enemy of Love CS (Thrill Jockey)
Brain Tourniquet, s/t 7" (Iron Lung)
CIA Debutante, "The Punch" b/w "The Garden" 7" (Digital Regress)
Cube, Proof of Bells CD (H&S Ranch)
Darksmith, Imposter CD (Throne Heap)
Gaoled, Bestial Hardcore 7" flexi (Iron Lung)
Greymouth, Twilight Furl 7" (Kashual Plastik)
Horrendous 3D, s/t 7" (Black Water)
Incipientium, Inhuman CS (Kashual Plastik)
Primitive Man, Insurmountable 12" (Closed Casket Activities)
RRR Band, s/t CS (Petty Bunco)
Sprite, Epic Sundry CS (Tropical Cancer Rort)
Stomachache, Hiss Noise Whir CD (Lagniappe Exposure)
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R.I.P. Young Slo-Be
42 Dugg & EST Gee, “Thump Shit”
BandGang Lonnie Bands, Scorpion Eyes (Anti Media/TF Entertainment)
Denzel Curry feat. Key Glock, “Walkin (Remix)”
Earl Sweatshirt, SICK! (Tan Cressida)
Lil Durk & Gucci Mane, “Rumors”
Maz G x GuttaFoe, “Win Some, Lose Some” - what is going on in Milwaukee
Starlito & Troy Money, Cheap Phones & Turkey Bags (Grind Hard)
Billy Woods, Aethiopes (Backwoodz Studioz)
Young Slo-Be, Southeast (KoldGreedy / Thizzler on the Roof)
Z Money, Back 2 the Blender (self-released) - thx @raygarraty
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Pictured: Angels of Mons
Live shows
The Body at 529, Atlanta, GA (May 17)
Primitive Man, Mortiferum, Jarhead Fertilizer, Body Void & Elizabeth Color Wheel at The EARL, Atlanta, GA (May 20)
Brain Tourniquet, Excavate & Thirdface at DRKMTTR, Nashville, TN (July 16)
Reeking Aura at the Brickyard, Knoxville, TN (November 11)
Bitchin Bajas, Maspeth & Angels of Mons at the Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN (December 11)
Five songs that made my daughter dance every time they hit the deck
Bitchin Bajas, "Quakenbrück" from Bajascillators
Can, "Halleluhwah" from Tago Mago
Rose Mercie, "Cats and Dogs" from ¿Kieres Agua?
Träden, "När lingonen mognar (Lingonberries Forever)" from Träden
YL Hooi, "W/O Love" from Untitled
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haleyvent · 1 year
And I'm sorry for your loss But I told you that I'd be gone! I'll rest in peace, singing our song Writing lists on why you were wrong!
Laying down up in my casket While my girls hittin' some acid Now you're crying with a passion Like you're not one throwing hatches!
creep-p r.i.p
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thedenofravenpuff · 7 years
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Atjour Service loves to play morbid, those coffins sure look comfy too.
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sc14-weirdo · 4 years
So being a Fantom for awhile now and JATP took over my life and Playlist,  I have a dumb, dark, Its 3 in the morning theory on how Julie’s Mom [Rose]died:
Before that, let me get this straight, we all know Julie’ mom has a favorite flower aka a Dahlia. So hear me out, I looked up a dahlia meaning and this is what it says :
‘Elegance, Inner Strength, Change, Creative, Dignity, Lasting bond’
Now let me tell you some of the colored dahlia meaning:
Red- Strength and Power (Give to a sick or recovering friend)
White- Innocence, Pureness, Focus
Pink/Purple- Kindness, service, beauty
Black- Betrayal, sadness, aka negative emotions
Blue/Green- Change, Fresh start
A lot of the meanings can be said what Julie’ Mom is like when she was alive. And now hear this, I looked up on Dahlia tattoo meanings (for reasons) and this is what I also saw out of nowhere. 
In the Victorian Era, The Aztecs had used this same flower for many reasons, Food source, expressing  feelings, (graceful even in stressful times), and get this, It was also used by the Aztecs for Epilepsy.
And now the exciting/sad part of the Theory: Rose at a young age was a smart, creative, talented, energetic child. Her parents was a bit over-protective so as she grew older, she grew a bit rebellious. She sneaks out to see rock bands, concerts, and other things. An incident happened and next thing she knows she is in the hospital. A few days has passed and she had her first epilepsy in her life.
 It took awhile to process what has happened but she accepted what has happened to her. A few years has passed with some hiccups here and there. Check ups to monitor in the hospital, she was always gifted Dahlia’s every time she went to the hospital, being curious she asked one of he nurse what does the flower mean. The nurse told her and Rose never looked at Dahlia the same again. More years past and she now works at the Orpheum.
[And then she meets Sunset Curve, death happens]
She and bobby met and became great friends and all that jazz. 
She meets Ray and her life became something more special . Dated, Fell in love, got married and had 2 Beautiful children. Then something terrible happens.
Julie gets called to the office, she sees her dad, eyes blood-shot red, she was confused by as what is happening so she asked him what happening. The next words that came out of his mouth broke her heart. No words can explain what emotions Julie felt at that moment. Her mom just died a few hours ago from her epilepsy. 
Past forward, to the funeral, the Molina slowly walked up to the casket where lies Rose Molina, they say there finals words before walking away. Julie stood there, a single black Dahlia in her hands and she placed it on her body. Saying her last good bye, she walked away.
And Scene. 
And that is my Theory On how Julie Mom died + a bonus scene on how the death was played, Julie reaction, and Funeral. 
[It would also be another call out for Cameron Boyce (R.I.P.) as Kenny Ortega did name Luke and Carlos after him. ]
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Kingfield's Fourth Anniversary - Day 3
Your Hand in Mine
The Entity had grown tired of her usual show. Trials were efficient, but now a tad dull. So, she looked for inspiration, and found it in the games and stories humanity had created. Their purpose was to elicit emotion, so they would serve The Entity well until she decided to go back to doing Trials. Thus, this is how David and Dwight found themselves in a new game. But some things never change. Stakes are high, death is always nearby, and a foe stands in their way. [Basically, Kingfield but it's the video game ICO. And they got turned into teenagers. R.I.P.]
AO3 Link
Dwight awoke, prepared for another trial. But, he quickly noticed that something was different. He was in a cage with no means of escape. He began to panic, shaking against the bars. The Entity never did crap like this. After seeing the futility of trying to escape, he took deep breaths to calm himself down. He looked around to see what he could notice… a long way down and a set of spiraling stairs too far away to reach, even if he could break out. At least he seemed safe, for the time being. He didn’t doubt for a second that this wasn’t The Entity’s doing, and hell and despair was bound to break loose eventually.
Dwight sighed and waited with a fearful anticipation for things to progress. As he nervously chewed on his nails, he noticed something about himself. Something was on his teeth… braces. He quickly prayed that what he thought was happening wasn’t happening. He felt his face, feeling the telltale bums of some acne, got up and noticed that he felt shorter, and sunk back to the floor of the cage with a groan. Yup, that thing turned him into a teenager. The Entity was undeniably cruel, but this was a new low for her.
He wondered why The Entity would do such a thing. Had the sight of blood and gore finally become tiresome? What did she have to gain from what she was doing now that she wasn’t already getting before? Dwight almost didn’t want to think about it. Then, he heard another call out to him.
“Oi! Someone there?!” the other boy called out from below. Quickly Dwight scurried to the bars of the cage to see who could be.
“Yes! Yes! Someone's hEre!” he frantically called out, his voice cracking as he screamed “here.” He couldn’t be bothered to care. The sight and sound of another person was comforting.
“All right! Just ‘old tight then!” the boy said. Dwight noticed that it seemed familiar, and a spark of hope emerged.
“David! Is that you!?”
“…Holy shite, Dwight?! ‘M on my way luv!” David assured, shifting from a jog up the stairs to a full on sprint. By the time he reached where he was level with Dwight, David was out of breath. “Is it… is it really you?” he huffed.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Dwight confirmed with great joy. He felt so happy to see David he could cry.
“Well, a sight for sore eyes I’ll say, and a new sight at that too.” he said, noticing Dwight’s younger appearance. Dwight blushed away at the compliment, hiding his face behind his hands. Then, he realized that David must also be in a younger body as well. He shifted his fingers away from his eyes to get a look at his boyfriend in teenage form.
“Aww, David, you’re so cute!” Dwight exclaimed as he moved closer to the edge of the cage to get a better look. Don’t get Dwight wrong, he loved how rugged David looked, but he couldn’t help but fawn over the teen David.
“God, don’t bloody remind me…” he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Even his voice was kinda cute now, nowhere as deep as his adult self. His face was a bit softer from having yet to deal with trying to heal from fighting so much. It was even a little chubbier. And of course, he was a lot shorter, but shorter than expected. His hair was in a simple style, cut a similar length all around rather than a fade on the back and sides with a tuft of hair on top. He also seemed to have the beginnings of some muscle definition, rather than the well defined body his adult self had. None of that really mattered to Dwight though. It was David, and he was gonna love David no matter what.
“But you are cute!”
“How ‘bout we get you out first ‘fore we start this.”
“Oh, right, right! Hmm…” Dwight hummed as scanned around for something to help in that regard.
“You know, you’re pretty cute too.” David said as he awaited orders from Dwight. He too was shorter, but had a similar haircut to his adult self. His face was softer, A little lankier too, but still obviously Dwight. None of it really mattered though. It was Dwight, and he was gonna love Dwght no matter what.
Even if their bodies had regressed, their love and memories with each other persisted.
“How ‘bout wE-” Dwight began in a mocking tone, but then his voice cracked. He quickly covered his mouth. “Don't you dare.” Dwight said.
“Wasn't gonna say nothin’ luv.” David responded as he held in a fit of laughter. He knew he wasn’t in any position to laugh either, but seeing Dwight like this was fantastic, fun even. He imagined that his boyfriend felt the same way anyhow.
Eventually, Dwight spotted a lever higher up. After jumping through a window and a bit of navigation, David finally reached it. And thankfully, it did the trick, slowly lowering the cage.
“Nice!” Dwight celebrated with a hop and a fist in the air.
“Right. See you down there luv!” David happily nodded.
David felt as if he couldn't get there soon enough, perhaps because of his shorter stature now. But, he did. Once back at the floor level, Dwight directed him to a spot where he could jump and land on top of the cage. Hopefully, they could both jump on it at the same time and break the chain, and hopefully the lock too or a bar or something.
On the count of three, David jumped to the cage as Dwight jumped up. They landed at about the same time, causing a chain to break under the sudden force. The cage fell a few feet with a loud clang. David slipped off as it hit the ground, fortunate to land on the stone with his behind rather than his head.
The lock was broken upon impact, and the cage door creaked open.
"Yeah, we did it!" Dwight celebrated as he took a step out. Unfortunately, his foot got caught on the lip of a platform, causing him to trip, landing right on top of David. Embarrassed, they both remained in a quiet shock for a moment.
"You, uh, come 'ere often?" David joked. Dwight laughed at the cheesy line.
"Nah, but maaaybe I will if you're here. Maybe." Dwight quipped.
"Ahh, cheeky. Sounds like y'need a little convincin'."
"Do I? I'm not sure you can." Dwight said, knowing very well what he was doing.
"Sounds like a challenge. I like a challenge." David smiled, and closed his eyes as Dwight leaned in. But, that kiss did not come.
Suddenly, Dwight's weight was lifted off of him. He opened his eyes to see that Dwight was just as surprised as well. A shadow lifted him up and over its shoulders in a familiar manner.
"Hey, lEt gO!" Dwight shouted as it carried him away. Quickly, David picked up an unlit torch and dashed over to the shadow.
"Fock off bugger!" David yelled as he slammed the makeshift weapon over its head. It fell to the ground, releasing Dwight in the process. With one more good swing to its back as it lay stunned on the floor, the shadow disappeared into nothing. Swiftly, David cast aside the torch and rushed to Dwight's side.
"You good Dwight?" David asked, looking him over to make sure nothing was amiss.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm alright. What was that?" he wondered, looking past David to where the shadow was felled.
"I don't know, but I don't think we're in a trial, not a normal one anyhow." David noted as he helped Dwight up.
"Yeah… Say, how did you end up here?" Dwight wondered, hoping some light could be shed on the situation.
"Don't know. Woke up in one a them caskets over there. Managed to knock it over and break free. You?"
"Woke up in that cage." Dwight pointed. Still in the dark.
"Any reason she might do this to us?"
"Probably a million reasons. But for now, we have no way of knowing." Dwight sighed. "But, at least we're stuck with each other." Dwight said on a more positive note, and pecked David on his cheek, making him blush.
"Stuck with me huh? 'M wounded Dwight…" David said, turning his back to his love, pretending to be hurt.
"Aww, can I ever make it up to you?" he wondered, knowing the answer already. He embraced David from behind, throwing his arms around the other and resting his head on top of David's.
"I dunno, maybe." he teased. Then he realized what was happening. "Wait a bloody minute… are you taller 'an me?"
The realization hit Dwight like a truck. He backed away to confirm their suspicions, and a happy smile spread across his face. He even giggled a little.
"I'm am so going to enjOy this!" he cried as he pulled David in for an embrace one more. Dwight was about a little more than a head taller than his boyfriend, so David's head came to rest at Dwight's chest.
"Well don't get used to it luv. We both know how we end up. M' late growth spurt is gonna kick you in the arse." David said, trying to sound annoyed and angry as he leaned into the hug. He wasn't though. He was going to enjoy this while he could too. With one final squeeze, Dwight let his boyfriend go.
"Alright! Let's see… how are we going to gEt out of here…" Dwight said as he scanned the surroundings. The dim light by torch gave just enough light to be able to see.
"How 'bout behind 'ere? Looks like there's another room." David noticed with a light kick to the bottom of the pillar-wall.
"Oh yeah, you're right. Maybe we could…" Dwight began to wonder. But, once his fingers grazed the stone, a bright light shone, blinding them for a moment. Once the sudden spark of light faded, the pillars moved to reveal a corridor to another section of the place.
"Well damn. I knew your fingers could work some magic, but not like that."
"David!" Dwight yelled, his face reddening with embarrassment. David chuckled as Dwight gave him a light slap on his arm.
"Sorry babe, couldn't resist." he said, a devious little smile on his face. Then, he took Dwight's hand. "Well, we should get a move on luv. Doubt our benefactor 'll be merciful if we sit 'round twiddlin' with our thumbs. Don't think she'll be giving us answers to much either."
"Yeah, you're right. As long as we got each other, we'll be fine." Dwight affirmed, tightening his grip. With a kiss, they proceeded onto the next room.
After a series of steps to help Dwight navigate the area and fending off more shadows that began to look familiar upon closer inspection, which they tried not to dwell on, they finally made it outside. They were still hand in hand when the fresh air hit them. Their hands rarely broke away from one another during the ordeal.
"Wow, It's nice out here." Dwight said quietly.
"Yeah. Wouldn't expect something like this from her."
The place was beautiful, with no ominous vibe to boot. They guessed they were stuck in some kind of castle, an old looking one at that. They didn't recognize it from anywhere, and David distinctly didn't recognize the architecture. Didn't seem like a place built in the future or modernity either, unless complex stonework made a comeback. Then, Dwight noticed a bench nearby in the shade.
"How about we rest for a moment? She probably wouldn't make a bench if she didn't want us to use it." Dwight reasoned. His experience told him that The Entity was quite the minimalist. While her recreations of trial settings were faithful, her additions were bare, and her subtractions were many. The result was a place that was exactly what it needed to be, nothing more, nothing less.
"Yeah, I could use one. Legs are bloody killing me after all those stairs!" he rightfully complained.
He took a seat first, Dwight taking the one next to him. They leaned against each other, taking in the peacefulness of their surroundings. There was a light breeze. Birds chirped as they flew by, and the air was a comfortable warmth. Eventually, they closed their eyes and fell asleep on the cool bench, hands still intertwined.
It was their first truly peaceful sleep in a very long time.
They eventually awoke, feeling refreshed. They stayed together on that bench for only a few moments longer. They didn't want to give her a reason to interfere with an otherwise relatively acceptable ordeal. They'd take this over a trial any day. They briefly hoped the others were alright too, off on their own odd but agreeable adventure.
They continued on with their journey, David helping Dwight get from point A to point B because he wasn't exactly a physically strong guy, and defeating shadows that threatened to not only take Dwight, but also pull at their heartstrings. Many times, David swore he would never let them take Dwight into that dark with them.
Many more times, they found comfort in simply being with each other. That lay in their rest stops at the benches, gazing at the serene scenery, and even in exploring the sprawling castle. For all its concerning mystery, it's grandiose couldn't be denied. Thus, they chose to enjoy the exploration too, in part out of spite against The Entity. By comparison to the trials, this place was a heaven.
But, people make mistakes. Ancient, and Great gods don't.
David was the first to wake this time, stretching with a loud groan that awoke a still sleepy Dwight.
"Five more minutes…" Dwight sleepily moaned.
"All right luv, five more." David agreed, and curled up closer to Dwight. He blindly searched for Dwight's hand and took it into his. By then, it was instinctual. Didn't want any shadows sneaking up and taking away his love. It was a damn good excuse to always be holding hands, even if they got sweaty and clammy easily. Neither minded though.
What they imagined were five minutes , the couple was up and continuing their journey. They crossed a bridge into an assault by the shadows. It was the most shadows they had encountered in a single attack. But, Dwight was confident in David, and David in himself.
However, that confidence proved to be their mistake. David had strayed too far from Dwight.
"David! Help! Oh god. David!" Dwight cried out as he beat his fists on the shadow's back. He tried kicking it as he flailed, but to no avail.
"Dwight? Dwight!" David screamed once he saw what was going on. He beat his way through the shadows as fast as he could, fueled by the desire to save his love, by the fear of losing him. He clawed his way through the horde more and more frantically as Dwight grew closer and closer to the void from which the shadows emerged, and into which he would surely disappear.
It was not enough. It was too late. As Dwight was submerged into the portal, he could still glimpse what lay outside of it. He saw David continue to struggle, tears running down his face with a pained and intense expression on it. Then, a wave of energy, and he froze, that despairing look on his face forever etched into Dwight's mind as it was onto the stone corpse.
"No… No no no no no!" Dwight hoarsely screamed, tears of his own flowing relentlessly. He futilely tried to reach out for David's outstretched hand, but he couldn't reach, couldn't feel the warmth from that small act of intimacy anymore.
This place was different. What if death here truly was the end? Both men would have been alright with that at one point. But now, they had each other, a great reason to live .
He was eventually dropped off somewhere by the shadow. He almost didn't notice with grief consuming him. But then, he heard it, a familiar song.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
He quickly got up, wiping his tears away even though they continued to flow and blur his vision. He could make out the thing in front of him. The lullaby that was anything but a comfort made it clear it was the huntress. Yet, it didn't exactly look like her. She was shrouded in much darkness. She only seemed to retain her pale mask and skin.
Her head methodically swayed to her song like a slow metronome. He readied a fighting stance like David had taught him. She got up, and slowly walked towards him. Inch by inch, his stance weakened, along with his will. He then found himself falling to the floor, curling into a ball.
Finally, she stood before him. Gently, she picked him up, and held him close as if he were a small child and not a lanky teen.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
Despite knowing, he leaned into it, holding tighter. Perhaps it was selfish, but he focused on trying to fool himself into thinking it was David. Back in his strong, comforting arms, something he was sure he would never feel again now.
He wailed in despair. Eventually, his weeping stopped. He too was stone now. Yet, the shadowy huntress continued her lullaby, and continued to cradle him in her arms, happy and content that the little one was calm now. Finally, a success in the one hunt that eluded her.
"Five more minutes…" Dwight sleepily moaned.
"All right luv, five more." David agreed, and curled up closer to Dwight. He blindly searched for Dwight's hand and took it into his.
Refreshed, the couple continued their adventure. Soon, they came across the largest horde of shadows that had come across yet. They were defeated soon enough, David sticking close enough to Dwight to be able to protect him in this instance.
Their journey continued. Brave David clearing jumps that made Dwight quake, Dwight jumping after some coaxing from David, David catching him and pulling him up when he came up just a bit short. Taking care of more shadows, opening more pillars with magic. Eventually, they came face to face with their antagonist for the first time. She appeared in a spark of light and dark.
Hm hm hm hm hm hm hmm
Hmm hm hm hm hmm hm hm
Still holding hands, David put himself between her and Dwight, his trusty stick drawn.
"Fock off you bloody monster!" David yelled at her.
Dwight. I'm waiting for you, dear child. she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice and smile, arms outstretched towards him to welcome him. Come to where you belong! Yet, as she spoke, her lullaby did not stop. She also spoke in both her mother tongue and the one they both understood.
"Fuck off!" David yelled. With a scream, he charged at her with the stick. It proved effective against shadows, why not her? The answer was magic. A field of energy simply made him unmajestically flop back, knocking the stick out of his hand.
"DavId!" Dwight yelled as he rushed to his side.
This is the thing you follow? What are you doing with something like that? she said to Dwight.
Dear Dwight lives in a far different world from you. Know who you are, and leave him for that reason. she ordered David, and in a spark of light, the shadowy Huntress vanished.
"Are you Alright?" Dwight was quick to ask. "'M fine. Had my arse handed to me there," David groaned, "but I'll live. A better question is what the 'ell’s she on about?"
"I don't know. Who ever knows what those monsters think." Dwight said. They both figured she was someone who wouldn't make much sense if she spoke anyhow.
So, they went onward, now knowing of their greater enemy in this game they were thrown into by The Entity. Since their trusty stick, now partially burnt, had proven to be slightly less trustworthy, they were unsure of how they would defeat the huntress, if they could, or if that was even the endgame of his ordeal. There were still many things unknown about The Entity and this game.
After the usual fanfare, they came to rest at a bench looking out to the ocean. Despite the overcast sky as well, it remained comfortably warm. With the time for repose upon them, their minds wandered. Dwight still held onto David's hand, letting him absent-mindedly rub his palm. Eventually, their wordlessness was broken.
"Hey Dwight?"
"I love you, y'know?"
"I know. You know I love you too, right?"
"I do."
"Good. I'm glad."
Their journey to find a way out of the castle continued on. The threat of various types of shadows, small and many, flying, and the normal ones, persisted. Traversing the place was a team effort neither minded.
For such moments when it was just them, they could imagine they were teens living a grand, fantastical adventure together like those of storybooks. They both wondered how their lives could have turned out if they had known each other when they were younger, before The Entity. Realistically, they both knew that their meeting probably wouldn't have resulted in anything meaningful, all things considered. But, they dreamed of something wonderful all the same.
"No… No no no no no!" Dwight hoarsely screamed, tears of his own flowing relentlessly. He futilely tried to reach out for David's outstretched hand, but he couldn't reach, couldn't feel the warmth from that small act of intimacy anymore.
This place was different. What if death here truly was the end? Both men would have been alright with that at one point. But now, they had each other, a great reason to live.
Dwight continued to try and break free of the shadow's grip, to escape and run back to David. And do something, anything. But, they came out of the portal soon enough, and Dwight was at the feet of the shadowy Huntress.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
Dwight screamed and rushed at her, hitting her repeatedly as she did not react to his weak blows.
"Give him bAck to me, damn yOu!" he bawled as his voice cracked.
She tried to comfort him with an embrace, but he pushed her away. He began to run. As he did so, he began to turn to stone.
She calmly walked over to him, and saw the saddening expression on his stone face.
Another failed hunt of that which is elusive. She hoped there would be more successes in her future. She knew that feeling of success in this elusive hunt now, and wanted it more and more.
"You think it's bad I wouldn't mind staying here forever?" David wondered. Dwight gave it some thought.
"Nah. I don't think so. This place isn’t sO bad. A lot better than any trial, that's for sure."
"Well, more than that. I don't 'ave a lot going for me back home. At least 'ere, I don't 'ave to worry 'bout that."
"Yeah… I get what you mean." Dwight replied. He didn't have much going for him either back home. He wasn't even sure what would happen if he got back.
Would he end up when The Entity picked him up, or ten years into the future. Either way, a lot of adjustment would be in order. The only thing he did know was that he and David would be able to find one another since they came from about the same time. That also begged the question if they would remember each other. Dwight didn't want to remember all the terrible torture and death he saw and endured. But, he didn't want to forget David and the friends he made while there.
"But, I still think I want to go back. I still want to be somebody. I want to live a real life. I think I'm brave enough to do that now." Dwight said with quiet pride.
"'M sure you'll do great luv." David was happy for him, but this also made him sad. Maybe that thing was right…
"Thanks David, for believing in me." Dwight gratefully said, and leaned against David as they say.
"Welcome luv. I'll always believe in you." he replied with a smile. It quickly faded though. He could believe in Dwight, always would. Couldn't say the same for himself.
Dwight felt David hold onto him more tightly. At first, he interpreted it as an act of affection more than anything else. But, he couldn't shake the odd feeling that something was up with his boyfriend.
"What's wrong David?" he asked, pulling apart so he could look at him. David averted his gaze.
"… You wouldn't leave me, would you?" he asked after a moment of hesitation. Such moments of vulnerability were difficult for him still. Though, admittedly easier than before.
"What? No! David, I-" Dwight began, realizing what David was really talking about. "David, come on, look at me." Dwight begged, and gently lifted David's chin.
He looked into Dwight's eyes for only a moment before returning to look down.
"I'd never leave you behind, alright? Wherever I go, I want to be by your side. Now matter where or when we are, that's not gonna change. I love you." Dwight finished, placing a kiss on David's forehead. David returned the gesture with a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks babe. Needed that." David said, returning to cuddling with Dwight. He smiled and felt a warmth spread across his body as Dwight enveloped him. It was a good feeling to know that Dwight wanted to be by his side.
"Well, this place looks 'bout right." David noted. It appeared to be a gate leading to the outside. Behind it, a bridge. "Wanna work you magic again luv?"
"Here goes nothing." Dwight said, and cautiously grazed the door. And just like last time, a spark of light. But this time, it's magnitude and intensity was far greater, eliciting a scream out of Dwight.
David yelled for him, but was pushed away by the light. When it faded, the gate began to open. David ignored it, and rushed to Dwight's side as he lay on the ground.
"Dwight. Dwight!" David said with great worry as he tried to shake the other awake.
“I’m alright.” he grumbled as David helped him up. “Come on. We should hurry.” David hummed in agreement, and led the way, holding Dwight’s hand as he ran behind.
At the bridge’s midpoint, something unexpected happened. A beam of a spark of light hit Dwight, holding him back and sending David tumbling forward and off the edge. He just barely caught the ledge, and hurried to pull himself back up. Then he noticed that the bridge was retracting, separating him and Dwight.
With a grunt, he jumped the gap, narrowly missing the ledge. But Dwight was quick to act despite being zapped, and grabbed onto David’s hand. Dwight struggled to pull him up. As David struggled too, Dwight felt a terrible feeling. It began with his feet, and spread up his body, taking his legs, waist, torso. It was a literally heavy feeling. Despite this, he continued to try and help David up, as he had done for him many times during their adventure. Then, he sensed another. He didn’t need to look up to see who it was, nor did he care.
From below, Dwight could see the shadow Huntress looming above Dwight, staring down at him with a smile. Then he saw it. She was turning Dwight to stone. It was too late.
“I’m sorry. I- I love you.” Dwight said through tears, and let go of David before the petrification wave could take him too. David plummeted to the waters below, a range of emotions overtaking him before he blacked out.
When David awoke, he was on the rocky entrance of a cave. He’d lost his trusty stick in the fall, and was left with nothing now. There was only one way to go, so David went into the cave. All there was for him to do now was find his way back to the castle, and save Dwight. Or die trying.
That thing was right. He wasn’t like Dwight. He wasn’t strong in those wonderous ways that Dwight was. Maybe it was a tad pathetic or unhealthy, but it's who he was. But so what? He could always work on that later. And he loved Dwight, and Dwight loved him. For now, he would do all that he could: focus on saving his boyfriend.
The cave and subsequent areas proved to be more daunting than the castle. But, David persisted, even managing to find an axe that carried the spark of light and dark. It would surely prove useful later when he beat that thing to bits for what it had done.
The whole time, David could not help but notice that his hand felt so empty without Dwight holding onto it.
He tried holding the axe in that hand, but it did not provide any comfort. The handle was hard and cold, like stone. Nothing like Dwight's warm and soft hands. He quickly switched the sword back to his other hand and pressed forward.
Many more shadows manifested as he found his way back into the castle. Without Dwight and his insight, David found the place to be more puzzling. Now that he was alone, he couldn't help but focus on the fact that these were more like shades than mere shadows. Many of them were in the image of fellow survivors: friends and acquaintances.
He saw them emerge from the caskets, the same kind as the one he broke out of. He really hoped this was some sort of cruel joke by The Entity, and not really them. Regardless, at the end of the day, it was them or him and Dwight, so David did not hesitate to force the shades to dispel. He appreciated the axe since it took care of the enemies quicker. He would have appreciated it more back when he had Dwight to protect.
And eventually, he found Dwight, frozen in place, reaching out to David and surrounded by those shadows.
"Get away from him!" he ordered the wretched things. That got their attention, and they went for him, only to quickly be dispelled.
Solemnly, David walked up the steps, and fell to his knees in front of the statue, letting the axe fall too. He placed his hand into his love's. What was once alive with warmth and love was now dry and cold and hard. He began to weep.
"I'm sorry Dwight… I'm sorry…"
How long he stayed there, he wasn't sure. But eventually, he picked himself up, and the axe.
"I'll be back. I promise."
With that, he proceeded onward. He held the axe up to a set of stone pillars. A spark of light, and they moved to reveal an elevator. He could hear the Huntress's song echoing from above.
This struggle would be over soon, and he and Dwight would be united. That's how these kinds of things went. Beat the bad guy, and things would be fine.
The elevator reached the top with a clang. Past the wide hall and in the open room at the end of it, the shadow Huntress sat.
Hm hm hm hm hm hm hmm
Hmm hm hm hm hmm hm hm
You come for the release of death. It is not an escape. she revealed to David as he angrily walked down the hall.
You come for a love you don't deserve. Love is not eternal. she told him as he stared her down in the middle of the room.
"And wot in the blazes do you know about love, either of you?" he questioned with a rage in his voice.
She laughed, and the lullaby was the only sound of hers to remain. A field of energy then surrounded her. From it, a wave flew out. David braced himself, with the axe in front to shield him.
And it worked. The wave flew around the axe, and a quick glance showed that the two nearby pillars could be used as protection too.
With a battle cry, David charged at the Huntress. The axe clashed with the force field, knocking the weapon out of his hand and sending him flying back. He saw her charging up to send another wave out, and hurried to take cover behind a pillar. Once the wave of light and dark passed, he hurried to the axe and rushed at the monster again.
Once more, he was thrown back. Though this time, the sword landed closer to him. He blocked another wave, and attacked again. All the while, she swayed to her song as she sat on the throne.
David rushed at her once more. With a roar, the barrier shattered, and the axe embedded itself in her chest. She stopped her lullaby for a moment before weakly resuming it.
Sing 'nonomori'
Say 'nonomori'
It's all we have left
She gently said. And with one final, bone-chilling laugh, there was a flash of light, and the shade huntress was simply gone. The force sent David flying backwards into the air. His back hit a wall, and he fell to the floor, unconscious.
Dwight woke to a thundering roar. He didn't know where he was. As he got up, he noticed he was a shadow now, sparks of darkness flying off him. He looked around, and saw that two blockade pillars had been opened. He knew it was David, hoped it was anyhow, and rushed over, going up the elevator.
His suspicions were correct. David lay in the center of the room. Dwight ran to his side. He wasn't dead, thankfully. Just unconscious. Another rumble, and Dwight realized that the place was falling apart. Quickly, but gently, he scooped David up. It took less strength than he thought, likely because of his condition.
Running on intuition, Dwight traversed the area, finally coming to a lone boat tied to a dock. Carefully, he set David in it. He considered getting in, but decided against it. He had the feeling he was done for, or would be soon enough. He didn't want to cause David any more pain. So, he pushed the boat, and let it drift away towards the nearby shore away from the island. He hoped for the best for David as a sadness enveloped him while he watched the boat become smaller and smaller.
David found himself waking up in the boat, which had since landed on the beach. There was a dull pain at the back of his head, but he ignored it. He got up and stepped out of the wooden boat, but tripped and landed face first in the sand. A real great way to start things.
He picked himself up and dusted himself off, scanning the beach as he did so, and saw nothing at first. But then, in the distance, he saw something lying on the beach. With nothing better to do, he began to walk towards it. As he neared it, he realized the figure looked familiar, and began to sprint towards it. Even closer, he saw that it was Dwight.
"Dwight! Dwight!" he called out as he shook the other awake.
"Five more minutes…" he groaned as he turned to face away from what awoke him. David laughed, and began to cry tears of joy as he picked Dwight up, thoroughly waking him up in the process.
"Huh? David? David!" Dwight exclaimed as he realized what was going on and tightly embraced him back. He too began to cry tears of joy.
They briefly broke apart to look into each other's eyes, and kissed.
Hand in hand, they sat together, watching and listening to the waves, and sharing a watermelon they found growing in a patch not too far away. They did not know how long they would have this moment, where they felt love and contentment so intensely. They didn't ponder on how long they would have this anyhow. They just wanted to live in that moment then and there, so they did.
"Hey, you think we can count this as our first real date?" Dwight asked before taking a bite of a piece of watermelon.
"Do y'want it to?"
"Do you?" Dwight asked in return. David pondered the question for a moment.
"It's a nice place, innit? Nice for our first date." David answered. "Would take you somewhere fancier, but, y'know." Dwight chuckled at that.
"As long as you're here, this is perfect." he smiled. David pecked Dwight's forehead in response.
Hand in hand, the lovers leaned against one another, feeling a love they thought they would never feel.
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incorrectdbd · 4 years
Ace: Suits are for the living. That's why, when it's my time to R.I.P. I'm going out of this world the same way I came into it. BUCK NAKED. Yeah. It's gonna be awesome. Open bar for the guys, open casket for the ladies.
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cardest · 4 years
Halloween playlist
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Halloween playlist By Cardest October is my favorite time of the year! Here is 300 songs or so I put together I think will make your Halloween rock! 001 The Misfits - Scream! 002 Alice Cooper - The Nightmare Returns 003 Acid Witch - I'm Back (Sorcery cover) 004 John Carpenter\Alan Howarth -  Halloween Theme 005 King Diamond -  Halloween 006 Ghost - Mummy Dust 007 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 008 Fantomas - Der Golem 009 Doyle -  Cemeterysexxx 010 Mastodon -  Halloween  (Instrumental) 011 Cramps -  Human Fly 012 Fright Night Soundtrack - Armies Of The Night 013 Shooting Guns - [Wolfcop Soundtrack - Wulver 014 Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party 015 Type O Negative -  Halloween In Heaven 016 Phantasm  OST - Funeral organ-dwarf in hearse 017 Grave Robber -  Skeletons 018 John Carpenter -  Theme from "The Fog" 019 45 Grave -  Night Of The Demons 020 The Birthday Massacre -  Horror Show 021 Bernard Herrmann - Psycho (theme) 022 The Misfits - Friday the 13th 023 Blood Ceremony -  Coven Tree 024 Goblin - Profondo Rosso 025 October 31 - The House Where Evil Dwells 026 Michael Jackson -  Thriller 027 Bobby 'Boris' Pickett & The Crypt Kickers - Monster Mash 028 Ministry -  Every Day Is Halloween 029 Sleepy Hollow movie Theme 030 The Damned - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 031 October 31 - The house where evil dwells 032 Rigor Mortis - poltergeist 033 Necrophagia -  Reborn through Black Mass 034 Fantomas - Rosemary's Baby 035 Pseudo Echo - His Eyes (from the Friday the 13th V OST) 036 Misfits -  Dig Up Her Bones 037 Sigh -  Graveward 038 Christian Death - Church of no return 039 The Rocky Horror Picture Show -  Over At The Frankenstein Place 040 With The Dead -  Nephthys 041 David Bowie- Scary Monsters (And super creeps) 042 Early Man - Creature From The Black Lagoon 043 Hellbound Hellraiser 2 Theme 044 Rob Zombie - Dragula 045 Misfits - Night of the Living dead 046 Ramones - Pet Semetary 047 Roky Erickson - I walked with a zombie 048 Blue Oyster Cult -  Don't (fear the reaper) 049 The Munsters TV show theme 050 Slayer -  Necrophobic 051 Type O Negative - Wolf Moon (Including Zoanthropic Paranoia) 052 The 69 Eyes -  Lost Boys 053 The Vision Bleak -  The Night Of The Living Dead 054 The Devil's Blood -  I'll Be Your Ghost 055 Ghost B.C. -  Ghuleh / Zombie Queen 056 Voltaire -  Brains! 057 The Shrine -  Tripping Corpse 058 Zig Zags -  The Fog 059 Doyle -  Land of the Dead 060 Danzig - On A Wicked Night 061 Fantomas - One Step Beyond 062 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Dear Prudence 063 The Misfits -  Nightmare on Elm Street 064 Warren Zevon -  Werewolves Of London 065 The Cramps - Creature From The Black Leather Lagoon 066 King Diamond -  Trick Or Treat 067 Arcturus -  To Thou Who Dwellest in the Night 068 Deicide - Dead But Dreaming 069 Zombie Ghost Train - R.I.P 070 American Horror Story - Theme Song 071 Antonius Rex - Necromancer 072 THE WOLFGANGS - Cannibal Family 073 THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME 074 Queens Of The Stone Age -  Burn The Witch 075 The Hellfreaks - Boogieman 076 Ghoultown - Drink With The Living Dead 077 Fantomas - Experiment In Terror 078 Coil - Main Title (Unreleased Hellraiser Theme) 079 Autopsy -  Skull Grinder 080 Beastmaker - Eyes Are Watching 081 S.O.D. - Freddy Krueger 082 Christopher Lennertz - And So It Begins Supernatural OST 083 Xandria -Vampire 084 Slayer -  Ghosts Of War085 085 With The Dead -  Living With The Dead 086 Devil Master -  Listen, Sweet Demons... 087 G Tom Mac - Cry LIttle Sister 088 Celtic Frost - The Usurper 089 The Moving Sidewalks - Crimson Witch 090 Electric Wizard - Black Mass 091 Return Of The Living Dead Theme 092 Carcass - The Master Butcher's Apron 093 Cedell Davis - She's Got the Devil in Her 094 Zombi OST  - Zombie Vs Shark 095 Rob Zombie -  House of 1000 Corpses 096 Calabrese - Vampires Don't Exist 097 Dario Argento's LA TERZA MADRE - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 098 The Damned - Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 099 Danzig -  Bodies 100 Slayer - Postmortem 101 Fantomas -  The Omen (Ave Satani) 102 Cannibal Corpse - The Cryptic Stench 103 The Vampires of Dartmoore - Hallo, mister Hitchcock 104 45 Grave -  Party Time 105 Coffins -  Decapitated Crawl 106 The Misfits -  Them 107 Talking Heads - Psycho Killer 108 Denial Of God - The Curse Of The Witch 109 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme 110 Anthrax - Bordello Of Blood (Tales From The Crypt) 111 Iron Maiden - Phantom Of The Opera 112 The Exorcist Theme 113 Demented Are Go -  Hotrod Vampires 114 The Creepshow - Zombies Ate Her Brain 115 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 116 Voltaire - Zombie Prostitute 117 HorrorPops - [Bring It On! #09] Walk Like A Zombie 118 Death  - Open Casket 119 Friday The 13th Original Theme Song 120 Wesley Willis - Vampire Bat 121 The Cult - The Witch 122 Dracula (1931) Theme Bela Lugosi 123 Slayer - Live Undead 124 Re-Animator Theme 125 Ray Parker Jnr - Ghostbusters 126 Megadeth - The Conjuring 127 Santana - Black Magic Woman 128 The Who - Boris The Spider 129 Entombed -  Evilyn 130 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds -  Red Right Hand 131 Twisted Sister -  Burn In Hell 132 The Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein 133 Electric Wizard -  Dunwich 134 Danzig - Skin Carver 135 King Diamond - Them 136 Salems Lot Theme 137 Dio -  Dream Evil 138 Tenacious D -  Beelzeboss 139 Dokken -  dream warrior 140 The Doors -  The Ghost Song 141 Saint Vitus - White Magic/Black Magic 142 The Vampires of Dartmoore -  Crime and Horror 143 Fantomas -  Spider Baby 144 Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me 145 Samhain -  Halloween II 146 Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla 147 The Five Blobs - The Blob 148 Rob Zombie - Superbeast 149 The Cramps - Big Black Witchcraft Rock 150 Phantasm Theme Song 151 The Addams Family TV theme song 152 Slayer - Black Magic 153 Necrophagia -  Rue Morgue Disciple 154 Bastard Priest -  Ghouls Of The Endless Night 155 Ennio Morricone - The Thing (theme) 156 The Vision Bleak - The Wood Hag 157 Soulfly -  Cannibal Holocaust 158 Creepshow 2  - Original Theme Music 159 Dracula theme - Bram Stoker's Dracula theme 160 Monster Magnet -  19 Witches 161 Blood Ceremony -  My Demon Brother 162 Janet Jackson - Black Cat 163 Cramps -  I Was A Teenage Werewolf 164 Nosferatu - A Symphony of Horror 165 The Evil Dead - Pencil It In 166 White Zombie - Cosmic Monsters Inc. 167 Fred Schneider - Monster 168 Men At Work - Dr. Heckyll & Mr. Jive 169 Cathedral -  Hopkins (The Witchfinder General) 170 Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science 171 A Nightmare on Elm Street - Theme Song 172 The Misfits -  Halloween II 173 The Guess Who - Clap for the Wolfman 174 Inter Arma -  Scarecrow 175 Royal Thunder -  Sleeping Witch 176 Slayer - Spirit in Black 177 Yoga -  Flying Witch 178 Down - Witchtripper 179 Witchcraft -  Ghosts House 180 Serge Gainsbourg -  Docteur Jekyll et monsieur Hyde 181 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Into The Woods (The Witch) 182 Deicide - Dead by Dawn 183 Elm Street - Elm St's Children 184 Acid Witch -  Trick or Treat 185 Satyricon -  Black Crow On A Tombstone 186 Possessed - The excorcist 187 Electric Wizard - Satanic Rites Of Dracula 188 Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) 189 Predator Soundtrack - Main Title 190 Kryst The Conqueror - Doctor Phibes Rises Again 191 Ministry -  Every Day is Halloween (remix) 192 Megadeth - Devils Island 193 The Misfits - From Hell They Came 194 Devil Master - Black Flame Candle 195 Soiuxee and the Banshees - Fear (Of The Unknown) 196 Cradle of Filth -  Her Ghost in the Fog 197 Goblin - Witch (Suspiria Soundtrack) 198 Cliff Richard - Devil Woman 199 NIN - Dead Souls (From The Crow Soundtrack) 200 Alice Cooper - Teenage Frankenstein 201 Misfits -  Cold in Hell 202 John Carpenter - Halloween 2019 Theme (Main Title) 203 The Damned - Grimly feindish 204 Slayer -  At Dawn They Sleep 205 Atrium - Doctor Jekyll 206 Serge Gainsbourg - Docteur Jekyll et monsieur Hyde 207 Darkthrone -  Graveyard Slut 208 Faith No More -  Zombie Eaters 209 Candlemass - Demons Gate 210 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 211 Rigor Mortis -  Vampire 212 Rob Zombie -  In The Age Of The Consegrated Vampire We All Get High 213 BLOODY HAMMERS -  Witch Of Endor 214 Ghost -  Spirit 215 Autopsy -  Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves 216 Alice Cooper - Keepin' Halloween Alive 217 Old Man's Child - Return Of The Night Creatures 218 Black Sabbath -  Black Moon 219 The Misfits - Walk Among Us 220 Early Man -  Frankenstein: I'm Dead Alive 221 Ghoul - Dungeon Bastards 222 Slayer -  Spill The Blood 223 Carcass -  Corporal Jigsore Quandary 224 Over Kill - playing with spiders/ skullcrusher 225 Frankie Stein And His Ghouls - Elbow Twist 226 Mercyful Fate -  Black Masses 227 The Elm Street Group - Do The Freddy 228 Instant Funk - Witch Doctor 229 Cathedral -  Tombs Of The Blind Dead 230 Celtic Frost - Necromantical Screams 231 Grave Digger -  Witch Hunter 232 Basil Kirchin - Dr Phibes' Theme 233 Necrophagia -  Coffins 234 The Misfits -  Monster Mash 235 The Vision Bleak - Witching Hour 236 The Vision Bleak -  A Witch Is Born 237 Megadeth - Last rites/loved to death 238 Overkill -  Frankenstein 239 Dave Edmunds - The Creature from the Black Lagoon 240 Death - Zombie Ritual 241 John Fogerty - Eye Of The Zombie 242 Nunslaughter - Ouija 243 Main Title (Stephen King's IT) 244 Goblin -  Zombi 245 White Zombie -  I, zombie 246 XTC - Ballad Of Peter Pumpkinhead 247 Misfits -  Green Hell 248 Autopsy - Embalmed 249 Slayer - Haunting The Chapel 250 The Devin Townsend Band -  Vampira 251 The Frantics - Werewolf 252 Black Sabbath OST by Les Baxter - Main theme 253 Slasher Dave - Moldy coffins 254 Morricone Youth's Night of the Living Dead - Driveway to the cemetary 255 Bob McFadden - The Mummy 256 Screaming Jay Hawkins - I put a spell on you 257 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams 258 Buddy Haydock & The Boppers - The Raven 259 Helloween - Halloween 260 The Ghastly Ones -  Draculon (with intro) 261 Echo & the Bunnymen - People are strange 262 Exhumed - Slaughter maniac 263 Nightmare Before Christmas OST - This is Halloween 264 Cerrone - Supernature 265 The Specials - Ghost town 266 The Cramps - Surfin' dead 267 David Bowie's Labyrinth OST - Magic dance 268 Lalo Schifrin Abominable OST - maine title 269 The Castle Kings - You can get him Frankenstein 270 Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the moon 271 The Grave Mistakes -  Dig your own grave 272 Demons 2 OST -  Videomix 273 Wolfmen of Mars -  Mouth like Piranha 274 Entrails - The cemetary horrors 275 Obituary - Blood soaked 276 Cannibis Corpse - Mummified in bong water 277 Dawn of the Dead OST -  theme song 278 Exodus - Piranha 279 Danny Elfmann's Nightbreed OST - end credits 280 Rigor Mortis - Wizard of gore 281 Ancient Order of the Droids -  Torus 282 The Damned - Black is the night 283 Angry Birds Seasons Halloween - Haunted Hogs Theme 284 Dunwich Horror OST by Les Baxter - Black mass 285 Chopping Mall OST -  movie theme 286 The Simpsons Tree House of Horror - Halloween Special theme 287 The B-52's  - Devil in my car 288 Cannibal Corpse - Beyond the cemetary 289 Sturgil Simpson - The Dead Don't Die 290 Chained to the Dead - Beheaded by Berrymen 291 Sisters of Mercy - This corrosion 292 Exhumed - Defenders of the grave 293 The Cure - The forest 294 Book of Love - Witchcraft 295 Alice Cooper - Welcome to my Nightmare 296 TSOL - Wash away 297 Death  - Born Dead 298 Scooby Dooby Do  TV Show - theme song 299 Dead Vampires - The Day after Halloween 300 Danny Elfmann's Beetlejuice - main title 666 ACID WITCH -  I Hate Halloween 999 Misfits - Halloween 
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jedivoodoochile · 4 years
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(R.I.P.) Dimebag Darrell (August 20, 1966 – December 8, 2004)
Eddie Van Halen donated his original black-and-yellow-striped 1979 Charvel "Bumblebee" guitar, which was featured on the back cover of Van Halen II, to be included in the casket.
A few weeks prior to his death, Abbott had met Van Halen and asked him for a replica of the Bumblebee. Van Halen said at the funeral: "Dime was an original and only an original deserves the original."
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allstarsmash · 4 years
she opens the casket, revealing the dead man, wearing a... sleeveless jacket?
“he wanted V.I.P. in place of R.I.P. on his grave,” she answers, “so let’s hope he enjoys vesting in peace.”
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ruminativerabbi · 4 years
As I suspect it did all Americans, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death took me by surprise. I knew she wasn’t in good health, of course: that much was public knowledge. But I didn’t understand how close to the end she was; perhaps she herself also didn’t. But regardless of who knew what and when they knew it, her passing constitutes a major loss for the Court and for the nation. In many ways, she exemplified the Jewish ideal of a life devoted fully and wholly to the pursuit of justice. For Jewish Americans, therefore, her loss was, if not more consequential than for other citizens, then at least more personal.
I will say, however, that I was surprised by the announcement that Justice Ginsburg’s body would lie in state at not one but two locations: for two days at the Supreme Court itself and then for a third day at the U.S. Capitol (where she will become the first woman ever to be awarded that posthumous honor).
Obviously, these are both huge honors that not everybody gets. And that’s really to say the very least: since 1852, for example, when Senator Henry Clay’s body was put on display in the Capitol, the honor of lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda has only been accorded to thirty-six individuals, including twelve U.S. Presidents and four Unknown Soldiers. (The honor is automatically offered to deceased Presidents and former Presidents, but has to be accepted by the family of the deceased—which is why the bodies neither of Harry S. Truman nor of Richard Nixon lay in state in the Rotunda.) Otherwise, the honor is on offer solely by congressional resolution or, if that is not practically possible, then by unanimous approval by the congressional leadership. And then there is also the slightly lesser honor of “lying in honor,” as opposed to “lying in state,” a distinction with, as far as I can see, only two specific differences other than in name: the bodies of people who lie in state are guarded by an honor guard of five, each representing a specific branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, while the bodies of people who lie in honor are guarded by officers of the U.S. Capitol Police Force; and those who lie in state, like Justice Ginsburg, are laid out upon a catafalque originally constructed for the funeral of Abraham Lincoln, while those who lie in honor are set out on alternate biers. For the record, Justice Ginsburg will not be the first woman at all to have her body on display in the Capitol; that honor already went to Rosa Parks. But Rosa Parks lay in honor, while Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in state. In any event, Justice Ginsburg will certainly be the first Jewish American to lie in state at the Capitol. And she will only be the second Supreme Court Justice offered that posthumous tribute, the other being William Howard Taft who was also a former President when he died in 1930. (She will therefore be the only Supreme Court Justice who wasn’t also a former President to be awarded the honor.)
The whole idea of delaying burial by putting the body of a deceased individual (even inside a casket) on display for days and days could not run more counter to Jewish tradition, which calls for a speedy burial followed by a week of mourning. And how much the more so when Yom Kippur, which will end the shiva week no matter how much or little of it has happened, is only days away. When the actual burial will take place has not been made public, only that Justice Ginsburg will be interred “next week” at Arlington National Cemetery next to her husband Martin, an Army veteran. (She will thus become the fourteenth Supreme Court justice to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, joining, among others, Earl Warren, William Rehnquist, President Taft, and Warren Burger.)
That she personally chose not to be buried in a Jewish cemetery didn’t surprise me—that die was cast when Justice Ginsburg’s late husband was buried there in 2010—but also stirred up some strange feelings in me, which have now installed themselves next to my feelings about the whole “lying in state” thing. Of course, these matters are themselves screen-issues that serve merely as the outer face of the inner question they mask: the degree to which the Jews of the United States are essentially Jewish Americans (whose bodies lie in state if they earn the right and who should more than reasonably agree if they earn the great honor of burial at Arlington) or American Jews (whose funerals should be scheduled for as soon as possible after they die and who should then be laid to rest in Jewish cemeteries among the other men and women of the House of Israel).
Is there a level of public service at which the good individuals do somehow frees them from the obligation to bow to the traditions of their own people? Queen Esther agreed to spend her days—and all of them, not just the ones told about in the book that bears her name—she agreed to spend her life as the wife of a Persian emperor and we endlessly valorize her courage, her daring, and her decisive pluck in the face of a looming catastrophe that she herself could possibly have avoided entirely but which would have surely resulted in the annihilation of Persian Jewry. Surely, we’re not going to carp about whether or not she had a kosher kitchen installed in the palace or a mikveh! But is the analogy truly apt? Justice Ginsburg was not, after all, set in place by kismet to rescue the Jews of America from some latter-day Haman! Still, she did find her remarkable way onto the nation’s highest court, where she devoted her entire career to the pursuit of justice, equity, and fairness. And she brought only renown to the Jewish community, who looked on her as an example of someone who rose to her position of great power not by hiding her Jewishness or dissembling in its regard, let alone by denying it, but by speaking openly and proudly of herself as a Jewish woman. She wasn’t exactly an American Esther, but in her own way she paved the path forward for American Jews—and particularly for American Jewish women—to think of no level of public service as beyond their station or beyond their grasp.
Back in 1988, I admired Joseph Lieberman intensely for his refusal to campaign on Shabbat when campaigning to represent Connecticut in the Senate. But when he himself moved away from that position in 2000 to become Al Gore’s running mate, I found myself unable to respect him less. Sometimes, you can control the moment and sometimes the moment controls you!
I suppose the expected response for a rabbi would be to decry the fact that Justice Ginsburg’s body will be put on public display for three long days until she is finally laid to rest in a place that is, at the same time, our nation’s most revered cemetery and a non-Jewish place of burial. And, at least on some level, I do feel that way and wish that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s final appearance in this world had been in keeping with the very Jewish tradition regarding which she so often spoke warmly and, no doubt, wholly sincerely. But I am also—and I say this fully aware of the paradox in my feelings—I also feel enormously proud to think of her casket resting on the Lincoln catafalque in the most august setting America has on offer and, yes, to think of her finding her final resting place among the greatest political, juridical, and military leaders of our nation.
One of the prices we pay for maintaining the integrity of our beliefs is having to endure the discrepancy, illogic, and paradox that come from sincerely holding beliefs that do not fit at all well together. Are there people the various components of whose worldviews are so well integrated that they simply harbor no mutually-contradictory or -incompatible beliefs? I suppose there might be, but I myself am not among them. And so, at the same time I am repulsed by the whole notion of delaying a Jewish person’s burial so that his or her remains can be put on display for admirers to admire and for viewers to view, I am also filled with pride at the various posthumous honors paid to Justice Ginsburg and I find myself able to mourn her passing without any ambivalence at all. She was a giant of the law and, at the same time, a Jewish American who exemplified the finest American and Jewish values. May her memory be a blessing for us all. And may she rest in peace.
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lindsaykburton · 5 years
Harry in tighty whities with R.I.P. directly on the ass next to a casket
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New Audio: JOVM Mainstays R.I.P. Return with an Epic, Mind-Altering Bit of Thrash Metal
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays R.I.P. Return with an Epic, Mind-Altering Bit of Thrash Metal
Now, over the past year or so, Portland, OR-based doom metal quartet, R.I.P has added themselves to a lengthy and eclectic list of mainstay artists I’ve written about throughout the history of this site. And as you may recall, the quartet’s highly-anticipated sophomore effort is slated for an October 13, 2017 release through…
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corvin-ito · 5 years
Jimmy Casket is canonically a canibal and i once had a rp with someone else (on G+, r.i.p weird rps i did-) where Casket litterally bit off a piece of someone’s arm
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