#RBB Eclipse
amphiptere-art · 1 year
The colored refs for red blue and black are finished!
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At some point there will be a notes ref that I will post. But for now you can see these guys in full color. Plus I kept the size chart lines behind them. So you can tell how tall they are. (Also little stick figure for Frankie the cat)
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Blue Moon of course you guys have seen before. But I'm posting the ref again anyways so they can be in a nice little package.
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Sun and Moon are both here. Moon in his workspace attire. Looking like he just got off of work, and sun still living the jester life but with baggy arm warmers and the bells on his arms instead of his wrists.
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You then have the too therapists available. Old lunar, who I have not talked about much but essentially is TSAMS lunar who has gone through all the trauma and knows the pain. And then you have golden. The Gold Old Grandpa bear who is there to help with Blue Moon's hunger spikes and a place to hide.
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You then have the elusive computer. Who all you really need to know is the face. The father to Blue Moon and the one who regrets his programming.
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Hey, Moon, your whole thing with Sun is kinda weird. Would love an explanation for what’s going through your head there.
"What do you mean? We're just friends. There's nothing suspicious about being friends."
"It's mighty suspicious when there a siren!"
"They aren't a siren!"
"Phh. I don't have enough time to deal with this. I'm going to find out where we are and where to go. I don't want to have that thing on our ship any longer than I have to."
Blue Moon puffs up angrily. Offering a small growl towards moon. It only causes moon to roll their eyes. Although Sun does give them a slightly nervous glance.
"Gahhh. Yeah, no. I don't want to have this argument either."
"The sirens probably just going to go swim and find ta closest port."
Both sun and moon look towards Captain eclipse with discontent. Moon narrowing his eyes while sun rolls his. Moon fixes his wraps angrily and stomps down towards below deck. Sun looking like they want to follow him but instead tapping their feet inpatiently while giving Captain eclipse a glare.
"You have to be by far the rudest person I know of."
"Ya? deal with it. I'm a pirate Sunny. Kind of my job. Know how about you work with ta sails and our new crewmate ta get us going as fast as we can. I'm going to go up towards ta helm. I think around Northwest of here there should be a couple more inhabited islands."
Captain eclipse briskly walks up to the helm. Sun staring angrily after them. Stamping his foot with restrained anger before heading over to the ropes holding the sails. Blue Moon looking around a confused. Still blinded.
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The show starts. Yet the world is falling. The whispers of help are calling. The Sun, the Moon, maddened with murder. attacking the Eclipse that should have been their herder. The Earth wants to swallow them all whole. a blackened star is the only one who is trying to dig out of the hole. Whether or not they will succeed. Depends on a strange cube that speaks for those who cannot be perceived.
Help the characters in the red blue and black au. Sun and Moon have been taken over by their kill codes. This world's Eclipse (also goes by Blue Moon), a lunar and blood Moon hybrid, attempting to help. Unfortunately they only can do so much against their ire. Earth is not as kind as she could be. A hatred seated deep as she forcefully manipulates Eclipse to do her bidding. Black Star, an dead Eclipse from another dimension given a chance. Is the only one that seems to have a chance at fixing what's broken. He can only do so much though. Perhaps you could help?
Askable characters. If they are crossed out, they are not available
Eclipse / Blue Moon
Black Star
RBB Moon
RBB Earth
RBB Computer
RBB Roxy
RBB Monty
The prequel RBB travels of the cube. Has a lot more Blue Moon.
More explained Red, blue, and, black history. ↓
In a world where tsams Eclipse never emerged, Sun was taken over by his kill code instead, causing him to become irritable. Moon noticing this decided to also recheck his code. Realizing that his kill code is also emerging attempted to make AI in order to suppress it.
One of these AI only known to him as red moon (Blood Moon) failed because it was too aggressive. The other known as suncopy (lunar) also failed due to a loving nature. He threw them in the computer as failed experiments. The computer deciding he would take the issue into his own hands crafted this universes Eclipse. Who goes by the universal name Blue Moon.
Despite Eclipse's best efforts, moons kill code soon took over. The star was unfortunately "lost" and so there was no way to reset the damage. So eclipse learns to care for his maddened brothers. Honing his craft in magic with his best friend Golden.
One day a small mysterious cube floats on by and decides to make eclipse its host. Causing the poor bot to sporadically teleport to different universes much to their brother's distaste.
I'm due to the dimensional shenanigans from the cube. An eclipse from another dimension is saved from death. This eclipse renames himself Black Star and becomes the older brother to Eclipse.
It is then the earth finally arrives like she should have. But she's not the same as when she started her journey. Time has hardened her love with the brothers into a hate. Finding use in eclipses's strength, she makes use of them. Black Star the only one knowing of her dark secret.
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sigery · 1 year
tf Travelers/Lords/Etc
Lord Night (True Ending?)
Blacky (multi familial, bad ending # 1 'gem')
Nee Nee (is there a name for this verse?, traveler)
Mad King (lonely bean, non canon)
'Baby Traveler' (tf Bloodmoon family, baby mishaps)
Hazard (rle, traveler)
Kitten (rle, s-traveler)
Ghosty (rle, bad ending #2 'dead but not gone')
Void (rle, bad ending #3 'dungeon')
NB (rle, bad ending # 1.5 'early release gem' non canon?)
Mer Night (rle, non canon?)
Mer Blacky (rle, non canon?)
'Baby Traveler' (rle, baby mishaps, canon?)
Erebus (lg, s-traveler)
Static ("horror" au, traveler?)
Void (Inferno, bad ending #3 'dungeon')
Void (Saturn, bad ending #3 'dungeon')
That pre-trapped Lunar (Inferno, 'Eclipse is scared')
Refracted Glow (RBB, traveler?)
Void (CC, bad ending #3 'dungeon')
ctos!Traveler (Lord Jeopardy, traveler)
There are almost definitely more but this is off the top of my head.
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog, @synthcoyote, Inferno Anon*, @amphiptere-art, @artoutoftheblue)
*not sure if I'm supposed to tag your actual account since you still use anon mostly?
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churchydraws · 1 year
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And now I turn @amphiptere-art Eclipse into a dragon. I'll admit I kinda started projecting Cynder onto them a little and almost made their marking on their chest into a marking on their forehead, but decided against it. I also considered giving them actual horns but decided against that as well to avoid a cluttered look.
While HS Eclipse I imagine to be a fire element, I think RBB Eclipse would be an electric or shadow element, though fire also feels fitting.
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Hey do you think TF lunar would try to correct his name if he was adopted by Blue Moon? Blue Moon calls people by different names. For lunar's it's soft glow and reflected light. And RBB Sun and Moon would literally just call him Sun copy, since that's all the lunar AI was ever called before he was merged into RBB Eclipse/Blue Moon. So TF lunar would be called these things in the red blue and black universe.
He’d find the nickname blue moon gives him very sweet. He’s used to being called by cruel or condescending nicknames so such a soft nickname would make him really happy so he wouldn’t correct him about it. Though he wouldn’t like the nickname sun copy nearly as much as it makes him feel like they don’t consider him a actual person. Which he’s used to, but still it hurts. He doesn’t bother correcting them though because he doesn’t see the point not thinking they’ll listen.
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While I have moved over my role plays here. I also am allowing all my characters to be asked here. In a mixed void of sort of all continuity. So let's go over how this all works.
Crossover continuity-
If you ask a question of a character like: "how do you like XXX character?" Or "how did you feel about this one event (linking the roleplay)" They will answer the question as a character and not a role play response.
Storyline continuity-
This is what I'm usually going to revert to. They will always respond with the current knowledge of the storyline. Of course there are ones that only have a setting, and therefore will have not many events to talk about.
I will note. Non-adoptable blue moon will also be considered somewhat. But only in the context of a needed event.
Remember you can ask characters in a more storyline and evolving world here.
Now for everyone who is askable.
Oh boy this is going to be a list. For those who don't want to scroll through this. It's basically everyone and anyone I have ever created. Including things like the warehouse AU, mechanical Medic, Shadow wars, and any other creative idea I've made. The list is mostly for those AUs that aren't well known.
↓Here's the big list↓
Blue Moon
RBB Earth
RBB Moon
RBB Monty
Dead bear
Old lunar
Old Sun
Old Moon
DH Earth
DH Sun
DH Moon
LL Sun
DH Monty
DH Frank
LL blood moon
LL Lunar
EB Eclipse
EB Blood Moon
EB Lunar
Algol (kinda)
Mer Blue Moon
Demon Blue Moon
Fey Crimple
Fey Blue Moon
Warehouse Moon
Warehouse Sun
Warehouse Dim
Perrfect thief YN
Perrfect thief eclipse
Perrfect thief Moon
Perrfect thief sun
Ralph the repair dragon
Mechanical medic Sun
Mechanical medic Moon
Rusty wheels Rattler
Rusty wheels Sun
Rusted Wheels Moon
Cryptid eater YN
Cryptid eater Sun
Cryptid eater Moon
Saving Waves Moon
Saving Waves Sun
Saving Waves Darkened Dawn (eclipse)
Saving Waves Silver Reflection (Luna)
Saving Waves Rescue personnel (I'm not listing each caretaker that works with what mer.)
Stop you silly siren Captain Eclipse
Stop you silly siren first mate Sun
Stop you silly siren navigator moon/siren Moon.
The brother
The sister
Light Dragon King
Light Dragon Prince
The hybrid
The hybrids partner
Probably more AUs. I just don't remember them right now.
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angelhummel · 4 years
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⭐ Every Rachel Barbra Berry Outfit
1x17 Bad Reputation
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Don't you wanna dance? Just a little dance
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Larry Library Vision Early stages Before 1D
HS1 Fineline Love on Tour index Tour Photographer Harry's aesthetic Harry’s House Coachella ONO 22 You Are Home Campaign As It Was Eroda 2.0 Late Night Talking keep Driving Daylight* MFASR Satellite Leaks Documentary “LOT 2.0” Tour Tour HSH Index Politics Vocal
Pleasing Harry’s Acting Career DWD My Policeman Venice Film Fest
The boys’ careers Harry’s Public steps Louis professional Marketing The industry Its a small world Media Stunt Freddie stun 7.0 Intrusive eyes Met Gala Social Media RBB+SBB
World Tour Index Louis Tour 2022 WTour 2023 Louis Aesthetic Parallels Photographs Barricade Festivals 22
Buzzing BMG Hit 28 AFHF Glastonbury LT2 Leaks BTM FITF OOMS FITF 2023 WT ONO 22 2023 promo
Larry coding Louis' coding Harry's coding Songs WMYB TPWK Rings Receipts tattoos LGBTQ Curiosities Eclipse H Writing Song L Writing Songs Gender-fluid House
Larries Sculptured Art Long Hair Louis Vacation Lou-eans LHH Lou’s Album Harry’s Album mad Family Flirty vs Jealousy
Fan Art Funny stuff Quotes One direction F&F Gossiping Chaos
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
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Trying to get out of my art block by doodling. I can't tell if it's working. Got a little bit of RBB eclipse and his magic. Some doodles of the cryptid eater from my cryptid eater AU. A bunch of snakes and dragons. And my first attempt at drawing Golden Freddy.
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So, how long have you been friends with Moon, Sun? And how long has the ship coincidentally been plagued by that siren Blue Moon saw under it?
It is now the next day.
"We've been friends long enough with Moon to know they aren't doing anything suspicious."
"You've been friends with them Sunny boy! I ain't going to be friends with a siren!"
"Gerr. Look, sirens like to pick ships if they don't got a territory. It's not my fault this old racket of gears had one on his tail. Moon came on to the ship after I joined him. There is, no correlation!"
"Bah hoo! Ya barely know ta sea. Ya ain't got any good information about those seabeasts."
"I had my books at home! They told me well enough!"
"Dear God. Do you guys ever stop talking!"
Both Captain eclipse and sunny look towards the new voice. Blue Moon whining lightly attempting to look towards the noise. Still blindfolded.
The new person looks human. Although their skin tint and face looks strange. It was a split lip and off looking eyes. Their skin color looks faded. A bunch of netting is caught up in their hair. There arms are bound tightly with wraps. Looking strangely bumpy. They wear a baggy shirt. Their pants very much the same. Thick boots on their feet. All of it looks worn. Lucky had been stranded on an island and swam onto the boat itself.
"Sorry Moon. We didn't mean to wake you. You this bucket of gears."
"Yeah, no kidding. Loud mouth captain. Now can ya tell me what the hell that is."
Moon points vaguely at the Blue Moon. Blue Moon themselves straightening slightly. Captain eclipse grumbling and fiddling with their hat.
"That is our new crewmate. They're a land witch from another world. They're able to create wind so we can sail as we please."
"Really. How intriguing. They're massive. What's with the extra sail and bindings though. Looks like he's getting ready for a storm."
"They are apparently terrified of the water. Earlier they were scratching the mast to bits. The bindings in the blindfold help calm them."
"Hahahah! Ya aren't built for sea are ya? We're dropping them off at the next port right."
"That's the plan."
"Good. They look like trouble anyways."
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jiwooshiddenkard · 2 years
MJ: All Night
JinJin: All Night
Eunwoo: All Night
Moonbin: All Night
Rocky: All Night
Sanha: All Night
Seonghwa: THANXX
Yeosang: THANXX
Wooyoung: THANXX
Jongho: THANXX
Jisoo: Lovesick Girls
Rose: Lovesick Girls
Jennie: Lovesick Girls
Lisa: Lovesick Girls
Jimin: Love Yourself: Her
Sungjin: You Make Me
Jae: You Make Me
Young K: You Make Me
Wonpil: You Make Me
Dowoon: You Make Me
Miyeon: Oh My God
Soyeon: Oh My God
Soojin: Oh My God
Minnie: Oh My God
Yuqi: Oh My God
Shuhua: Oh My God
Yeji: Vogue Photoshoot
Lia: Vogue Photoshoot
Ryujin: Vogue Photoshoot
Chaeryoung: Vogue Photoshoot
Yuna: Vogue Photoshoot
BM: Gunshot
J.seph: Gunshot, e.L.e photoshoot
Somin: Gunshot
Jiwoo: Dumb Litty, Gunshot, e.L.e photoshoot
Vivi: Why Not?
Yves: Why Not?
Jinsoul: Why Not?
Haseul: 1
Kim Lip: Why Not?
Chuu: Why Not?
Heejin: Why Not?
Hyunjin: Why Not?
Gowon: Why Not?
Choerry: Why Not?
Olivia Hye: Why Not?
Yeojin: Why Not?
Solar: Spit It Out
Moonbyul: Eclipse
Wheein: Water Color
Hwasa: Maria
Irene: SG 2021, RBB
Seulgi: SG 2021, RBB
Joy: SG 2021, RBB
Yeri SG 2021, RBB
Sangyeon: Gen Z
Jacob: Gen Z
Younghoon: Gen Z
Hyunjae: Gen Z
Juyeon: Gen Z
Kevin: Gen Z
New: Gen Z
Q: Gen Z
Juhakneyon: Gen Z
Sunwoo: Gen Z
Eric: Gen Z
Yeonjun: 0X1=LOVESONG
Soobin: 0X1=LOVESONG
Beomgyu: 0X1=LOVESONG
Taehyun: 0X1=LOVESONG
Heuning Kai: 0X1=LOVESONG
Suyeon: Oopsy
Elly: Oopsy
Yoojung: Oopsy
Doyeon: Oopsy
Sei: Oopsy
Lua: Oopsy
Rina: Oopsy
Lucy: Oopsy
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sigery · 8 months
I just realized Chaos has 4* Eclipses
Hourglass: the pre-October time travel (abused by Bloodmoon), sassy and willing to use the excuse about him being "just a child" to his advantage.
Black Star: 'canon' Eclipse that died in August 2023 and was reborn into rbb. Still an asshole but at least trying to be a good brother to Blue Moon
Pyxidis: 'canon' Eclipse that died in October 2022, ended up in the forest, eventually fixed himself up but never made it back to the actual pizza plex, currently under house arrest and not allowed near labs or left alone for too long.
Ruin Daydream: Went by Eclipse previously. 'canon' Ruin cured at the end of October 2023. Legit cured and just kinda socially awkward. Adjusting pretty well, doesn't know about the timeline split and no one is suppose to tell him.
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Hey so how is dying fire (TF servant sun) going to degrade over time? He's literally being treated no better than dirt. RBB Sun and Moon treat him as if he was a Roomba. Teasing him for his faults and shoving him to do random activities for them. Usually not thanking him for his deeds, and if they do it's with euphemism.
Blue Moon treats him as if he was a full-on villain in jail. Always believing that he's going to trick him or his family. Harshly punishing him for things he cannot control. Shocking him repeatedly over a long period of time. Using him as a punching bag for his anger. Taking fingers and hands when he's hungry. Little care for how much he fights or cries.
The only one that might give him care is crushed glow. But even at that crushed glow has heard from dying sun's Lord night exactly what he did. Knowing that he was one of the versions of sun that actively tried to drain Night of his life essence. Refracted Glow probably not offering much more than fearful glances.
Golden would only look at him with judgment. Constantly giving him the look of "why didn't you ask?" Disappointment and anger displayed amongst the judgment. Many of the other residents of The Pizza Plex sharing Golden's attitude.
His name sun is rarely used. Not even his nickname is referred to often. Many of them just calling him thing. Blue Moon sharing a more malicious tone by calling him deceivers, demons, and slavers.
He watched his brother and Monty die. Snapped in half and devoured by the one who He now has to call Eclipse and Master. Watched as another version of his brother got pinned down and locked in the recesses of his mind as crushed glow took over. Knowing he could do nothing due to protocol restrictions and magical bindings that would snap him in half.
How exactly is dying fire dealing with all this.
Oh very poorly. After a while of this treatment he’d probably consider letting himself be killed by one of the magic protocols. What’s the point of being around when he’s this miserable? He’s definitely in a position very similar to traveler.
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notnorrr · 4 years
tagged by @powerandglxry thank u🥰
the rules are to answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better :)
• gender: female
• star sign: pisces
• height: 1.76 cm / 5'9"??? sorry idk how feet and inches work
• time currently: 9.20 pm
• birthday: march 9th
• favourite band/group: red velvet - mamamoo - twice - blackpink. I used to really like the1975
• favourite solo artist: lana del rey - sunmi - kim petras - moonbyul (yes i hate men)
• song stuck in my head: ughhh so many, el beso (mon laferte) - you calling my name (got7) - pretty savage (blackpink) - cry for me (twice) - positions (ariana grande) - nunu nana (jessi) - aya (mamamoo) - dingga (mamamoo) - i love you 3000 (jackson wang) - dream of you (chungha) - malibu (kim petras) - i miss you (mamamoo)
• last show you binged: chilling adventures of sabrina (last season, but i didn't finish it :c) and some episodes of vikings
• other blogs: none
• last thing you googled: cm to feet :D
• why i chose my url: it's pretty similar to my actual first name. whenever my friends texted me really fast they would touch the R instead to the E, as they're next to each other in the keyboard, and that's how norlia came to the world. i find it to be really cute.
• how many people are you following: 227
• how many followers do you have: 108
• average hours of sleep: 5-10
• lucky numbers: 22, 9
• instruments: piano
• what i am currently wearing: a cute blue dress that i bought like 3 years ago
• dream job: housewife to a rich white man that has a pinky ring. yes i am unwell. also anything that doesn't require me to think that much. gardening?
• dream trip: london - budapest - bucharest - moscow
• favourite song: girl idk. all the songs that i mentioned before plus: off to the races - norman fucking rockwell - 24 (all by miss lana del rey) - eclipse (moonbyul) - obsession (exo) - i can't stop me (twice) - 24 - full moon (both by sunmi) - dawndididawn (dawn) - gucci (jessi) - red (hyuna) - la rouge - in & out - russian roulette - rbb - power up - monster (all by red velvet)
and that's it! I'm tagging @blackxones @erinia @bilingualpelotuda @merlinaes @shianu @london-duchess @ratedbangtann @elfwoodfae @alltidvinter and anyone else who wants to do it! I won't reach 20 accounts to tag lol so sad
I am aware of the fact that i barely interact with you guys. so please do this only if you want to!
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blbabysworld · 4 years
English K-pop Songs
Bad Boy - Red Velvet
Cat and Dog - TXT
Cherry Bomb - NCT 127
Congratulations - Day6
Double Knot - Stray Kids
Eclipse - Got7 (on YT - on TV)
For Life - EXO
Highway to Heaven - NCT 127
Latata - G-idle
Levanter - Stray Kids
Love Talk - WayV
Lullaby - Got7
Oh My God - G-idle
Play It Cool - Monsta X
RBB (Really Bad Boy) - Red Velvet
Regular - NCT 127
Shoot Out - Monsta X
Slump - Stray Kids
Thumbs Up - Momoland
TOP - Stray Kids
What You Waiting For - Twice
You Were Beautiful - Day6
Zombie - Day6
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