baconcolacan · 9 months
When christmas mass is over Im going to be so homosexual….
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cimicherrychanga · 6 months
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Complicated Relationship with God (As Seen Through Lyrics in the Character's Playlist)
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Fic Snippet: Complicated Relationships
Religious trauma comes in some interesting flavors when gods walk among you.
random little snippet from The AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged that i thought y'all might like
~500 words, canon-typical gods and possession talk, also some referenced murder.
Xornoth had been inside Aeor's church exactly once since...since Everything.
It had been the night they'd taken the throne; once they'd talked Scott down from his panic enough to sleep they'd left him in the palace and gone straight to the church. They'd thrown the door open and stormed across the threshold and up the aisle to the altar. Lurching side to side with exhaustion and unfamiliarity with the added gangliness they'd gained from their most recent growth spurt. Trailing mud and blood and the smell of the soot and smoke that was all that remained of their parents' corpses.
The few priests still there had scattered. Even those who had taken their side. Xornoth had ripped the crown from between their antlers and slammed it down on the fine woolen altar cloth, staining the white and gold with the rusty-brown of old blood. Their father's blood.
"If he ever hears your voice the way I hear Exor's," Xornoth had proclaimed through gritted teeth, the heat gathered at their fingertips singeing the fabric. "Then I will burn this place to the ground, grind the ashes into the midden, and turn that statue of yours out there into so much dust."
That's not how it works, you fool! The demon in their head roared in rage, You cannot escape me. And he cannot escape my brother. It is fate! Balance! A Battle forever locked!
Xornoth did not look away from the golden antler crest above the altar. "Do you understand me, Aeor?"
There was no response in words but the atmosphere in the sanctuary shifted, the few candles still lit flickering as if bent by a breeze. A vague sense of acknowledgement rolled over Xornoth's soul and they took the choked off anger from the place in the back of their mind where Exor dwelt to mean it was an affirmative.
Xornoth had never been an elf of many words. They left the heat-warped crown there on the altar, glistening golden in the low lights.
And Scott's mind had always been his own.
His mind but not, apparently, his life, Xornoth thought as, decades later, they once again stood on those same, flawless quartz stairs, a different crown for the same kingdom settled between their antlers, a weight rendered almost invisible from familiarity.
And whose fault is that? Exor sneered. Xornoth ignored him. Turning on their heel to jab a finger at the back of the stag statue's head.
"If I step foot in here and you smite me, Scott will be sad. And he'll have to be king and then he'll never have a full nights sleep ever again and you know it."
They pause a moment. There is no response but there is no roll of thunder either or sudden stormhead over the mountains, so that is probably as good as Xornoth is going to get.
Enough procrastinating. They have a brother to apologize to.
AU Masterpost
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daz4i · 1 year
i am aware i will sound. ig ignorant is the right word here? but every time like. i watch a wendigoon video where he brings up his connection to religion. or when he brings up other creators of horror content who are religious and use it in their horror. i am so baffled
like to me, from all the people i met throughout my life (both jewish and christian), it's hard to think about religion as a good thing. i know more people who are ex-christians or ex-orthodox jews than ppl who believe in god (or rather, the ppl i do know who believe in god, aren't really people i was ever close to. more like neighbors in my old building). religion is something that has been traumatic to most people i know who had any connection to it. i personally see it as something that's been forced on me and is still forced on everyone in my country regardless of if we believe in it or not, ever since we were kids
(not to mention my personal gripe with god as a trans + disabled person lmao. my biggest enemy fr)
so seeing people treat religion as something positive is. ig the best word here is. alien to me. people using it in horror not as the thing that's horrifying (or rather, using demons as the thing that's horrifying, rather than the god fighting them) just feels wrong
logically i know people find meaning in it. i heard stories of belief saving people's lives. i have met people who are incredibly sweet and still religious (tho, i can count them on one hand). but at the same time, as a whole concept, and the way its people are currently working to ruin the lives of almost everyone in my country besides themselves, i can't help but view it as something vile. the things it makes people do are awful. the wars it causes. the human rights being trampled because of it. it's hard to imagine how someone could be entrenched in it but come out kind while still holding onto faith
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metamatar · 2 years
a deeply distressing truth is that we are never ever getting rid of reactionaries cutting and pasting modern science to validate their religious beliefs as it satisfies them. this post was in reaction to tumblr users who believe in animism employing the same strategies as hindutva fascists who suggest that mythological stories corroborate the fictional vedic science of plastic surgery. people will resurrect religions gleefully using the discoveries of a decidedly irreligious method and you can't even enjoy pointing out that their concessions to empiricism have actually poked holes in their religious beliefs because we have a worldwide increase in pseudoscientific quackery and wellness bullshit that is killing people.
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deadgirlsam · 2 months
thinks about arab sam celebrating ramadan all alone at stanford. yet another aspect of his life he can't bring himself to share with jess. bawls my eyes out
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quatregats · 10 months
Yes my finals are going great! (<- has been obsessing over Solomon a Gaenor for the past 48 hours and has been rendered completely incapacitated by it)
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
so glad i have therapy tonight im. Ready to talk about scary things
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dolores-slay · 1 year
Had an idea about a space operaesque story of a fanatical nun combing the universe for the second coming of her religion's saviour who was prophesized and finding it in a woman who Does Not Want to be that. They fall in love but it's weird and painful bcs how do you parse genuine care for another person from fanaticism for what they represent that can and has made you do horrible things. How to be the other person and know if you're loved for you or for what you represent. But idk people would prob say it's copying locked tomb or something
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louiswilliamtomlinsons · 11 months
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baconcolacan · 11 months
Hey quick thing, does Tom in any of your AUs express any kind of religious trauma? Or things that make Tord go
‘huh’ *jots down in a notebook*
At like any point in his life? Doesn’t have to be big or anything just something that managed to trickle into his teen/adult life unconsciously
You’re talking to a catholic guy.
Yes he has religious trauma, in all AUs lmao
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thefootnotes · 2 months
its been a while since ive been to church but im thinking about asking my mum to take me to a friday service at my primary school
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satellite-blossom · 4 months
I'd really like it if people stopped blasting Americans Christian songs right under my window. 😭
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shorlinesorrows · 9 months
hey y’all sorry for the sudden burst of religion-related posts I just discovered there are chill religious queer people on tumblr and nearly cried with joy
if you come to tumblr and want to avoid religion for whatever reason (I know it’s hard for some people, for a variety of reasons) feel free to block the tag shorline (re)blogs religious stuff
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mainfaggot · 1 year
I'm always tiptoeing nonsense rules set by my mother and walking on eggshells around her as to not set her off and it's so exhausting god
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theskymahtin · 1 year
does anyone have recs for any sort of media that provides an interesting take on religion ESPECIALLY (but not limited to) non-christian/catholic religion
fiction or non-fiction, any format :D
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