#RIP John Lennon
duranduratulsa · 6 months
The Beatles - Something
Song 🎵 of the day 2: Something by The Beatles (1969) from Abbey Road #thebeatles #something #abbeyroad #johnlennon #RIPJohnLennon #RIPGeorgeHarrison #georgeharrison #paulmccartney #ringostarr #60s
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thecreativemillennial · 9 months
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Ozzy osbourne paying tribute to the late John lennon
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allenkleinofficial · 3 months
Paul McCartney destroyed so many young lives with that bussy
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Yesterday (2019) - John Lennon Scene
“You made it to 78″ 😭
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ohjohnnysblog · 2 years
I Still Miss Him
John Lennon was murdered 42 years ago today.  I was in university. A friend woke me up to tell me and I burst into tears. I'd been a Beatles fan since I was 9. I'd just bought his new album. His music - with the Beatles and solo - shaped my world view. Pretty sure I learned my sarcasm from him too. I still miss him. #RIPJohn
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barelyaveragebarley · 11 months
Another bad morning living in the timeline where John Lennon never had Twitter
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taepomme · 2 months
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sry im not very active, here some tradi bc i got a new pen and i loooooovvveeee it
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ringosmistress · 2 months
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nickisgirl · 2 years
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jinyanalei · 10 months
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my new favorite evening routine is to cry about this
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zilabee · 4 months
Tony Bramwell on John
- People gravitated toward John
- John was okay, considered crazy maybe, but not violent. [...] “If you hang out with that John Lennon,” mums—including mine—would warn their sons, “you’ll get into trouble!”
- He was the rebel we longed to be.
- At a young age John saw and heard things that nobody else did. Voices in his head and faces reflected in mirrors would talk to him.
- He was a born leader, a wild, yet charismatic boy
- You never knew if he was telling the truth, and it didn’t much matter. He was simply mesmerizing.
- In later years when we grew close, John told me how he used to think he was going crazy. At home he said he would gaze into the mirror and ask when he would become rich and famous. “Soon John, soon,” the mirror would seductively reply.
- The visions were huge and all-encompassing and instilled in John the absolute conviction of his own greatness. He often said he was different from the rest of us—probably from another planet.
- I used to sometimes see him staring into the mirror in dressing rooms [...] the other lads would preen and fix their hair without thought, like we all did, but John would seem to go into a trance.
- He was like the Fonz before the Fonz existed.
- He could well have been psychic, or even the genius he was later thought to be, but to adults he was always just a pain in the arse
- He portrayed himself as a natural rebel, but I think he was quite unhappy
- In fact, you could never really get close to John. Even when he was talking to you there was always a sense of isolation
- There was something about the way John looked and stood and even walked that spelled sex and trouble
- he dressed like [the Teds], but didn’t live the life or fight the fights. He just walked the walk. They also despised the fact that he came from a middle-class home and went to a grammar school, while they were genuinely tough working-class navvys
- He was funny, as well as being irreverent and totally insecure
- Despite being a brilliant songwriter, John wasn’t as deep as people thought he was, but he was an original
- John was a notoriously lousy drinker. Two of anything was his limit, but he always demanded large Scotches and Coke.
- [John] was the first to start worrying about money. The more they had, the more he worried it would suddenly vanish
- People deferred to John because he looked the peacenik part. He was shortsighted and wore glasses, which made him look political and academic. He looked concerned. He probably was concerned. He looked deep, but he was not Socrates
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Happy birthday to the greatest manage ever/ fifth Beatle Brian Epstein 💝💖
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nikidontsurf · 1 year
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The Beatles during their interview at Dublin Airport, before their concert at Adelphi Cinema, November 7 1963.
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"But there was a gentle side to John. On one of the very rare occasions my wife Lesley came to see a concert, I remember we were in the dressing room at the Streatham Odeon before the show. The room was heaving with people and the boys were in a huddle in one corner having something approaching an argument about something musical. All of a sudden, Lennon’s powerful voice rose above the rest: 'GET FUCKED.’ Then everything went quiet. And John’s head slowly emerged from the crowd. 'Sorry, Lesley, I got a bit carried away.’ That was John Lennon, the wild man of rock, apologising for swearing, embarrassment showing on his red face. John Lennon was a special guy and I suppose I always felt the most protective of him. Not that he needed anyone’s protection, of course, it was just that because he was so up-front and outspoken I always wanted to go after him explaining to people that he’d only been joking and that he was a really nice bloke underneath. Somehow he was more vulnerable than the others because he did wear his heart on his sleeve sometimes. He needed looking after. John Lennon was in the office once and I was getting the documents together for their trip to the United States. I saw that John’s passport had had the photo ripped out of it. I started to tease him about it saying, 'That’s a bit daft, Lennon. Even you have to have your photo in your passport.’ He said, 'Well, I hated it. It was a horrible photograph. Get me a new one.’ I tried to explain you couldn’t just stick a new one in. 'Oh you can do it, Mr Fixit,’ he laughed. I went down to Petty France in London and tried to explain my problem to an official. I told him the photo had fallen off. He explained that it could not do that because it was such strong glue. I had to admit John had ripped it out and threw myself on his mercy. He agreed, considering who it was, but he insisted I tell Mr Lennon not to be a stupid boy again."
Alistair Taylor, With the Beatles
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franklyimissparis · 8 months
how it feels discussing the mclennon dynamic on tik tok vs tumblr
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wideminded-dreamer · 1 year
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Oh my god oh my god oh my GODDDDDDDDD
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