#RITSU!! such a good boy
s2pdoktopus · 2 years
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Ritsu accepting all of his brother, even the part that he rejects. I love him so much. Such a good brother <3
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danieyells · 1 month
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SSR warding cards "Final Defense"(jp: "最終弁論" "Closing Statement") and "Twilit Syndicate"(jp: "クライムシンジケート" "Crime Syndicate")!
They can be earned through doing more higher star level Nightmare Raids over the next 7 days!
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sallymew4 · 1 month
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more stageplay pic redoodles but its just reigen being an ugly freak
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here have this too <3 bonues featuere . for funs
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tiger-grace · 2 months
page 3 of mp100 pen doodles :D
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I’m really taking full advantage of my one pack of colored pens
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telebi · 2 years
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did you fall for someone else? someone else? see, i think this is another specialty of mine.
The End of the World With You | Episode 01
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acanthemp3 · 1 year
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girl do NOT look to ur right
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sysig · 7 months
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Anime good :) (Patreon)
#Doodles#MP100#Shigeo Kagayama#Reigen Arataka#Ritsu Kageyama#Forgive the anglicized name order lol#MP100 was another one of my breakfast anime! Admittedly I did not Just watch it during breakfast tho lol#It was too good ahhhh I kept finding my thoughts returning to it throughout the day!#I probably ended up watching an additional episode or so per day over however long it took haha - drastically cut down the number of days!#The lead ups to the finales especially got me - there was no way I could for the whole next day to see them through!#Plus getting to see those beautiful EPs gosh <3 What could be better than some absolutely stunning animation ♥#I was quite impressed the whole way through :D The cast was great and the animation was beautiful and fluid and impressive#And the technical ability that went into the painted animation! Gosh!!#But most of all - of course - it's just a good solid story <3 Of course it's beautifully expressed but it's just - good down to its bones#I love a story like that :) Mob is such a wonderful character and he's surrounded by good people ♥ It made my heart happy to see#He's loved and he loves <3 That's my very favourite!#Unsurprisingly to me I was most enamoured by the brother relationship who could've seen that coming lol me? Siblings? Pfsh ♪#Ritsu's a sweet boy as well <3 I cried at him crying from Mob not even considering forgiving him because there was never anything to forgive#Not me shorter older sibling feeling exactly the same way hhghghh I'm fine ;;#Reigen is such a fun deadbeat supportive adoptive dad haha ♪ He's hard to pin down! Loved his redemption arc(s) :)#Flawed individuals my beloved <3#Such an enjoyable cast and set of circumstances! I might actually have to give OPM a proper go sometime soon if this is the writing quality
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flowersize · 2 years
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@mobtober2022 Day Three: Ghost/Spirit
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deydenier · 2 years
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REIGEN. prepare for another can of worms so bad i had to censor some bc it was too personal!
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ok. reigen. ive said a LOT about him, already wrote a pretty good summary to WHY i like him and why he's a stand up guy who is frustratingly and compellingly human in all the mistakes and fuck ups he made. I like him a lot. of course. i like him in a way that he is my dark mirror. my cautionary tale. as i succinctly put in These Tweets:
"Thinking about reigen again (saying this as if looking at him and thinking about him is peering into the dark mirror of my psyche and how his downfall would be mine lest i change my ways and ideals on becoming a person and what it means to be someone of worth)"
"He is so me (the tone of my voice is that less of admiration and awe and more reluctance and unending doubt on oneself)"
Since this is less meta and more My Opinion on them, let me paint you a picture. because god knows im Not Normal About Him
i am 15. this is the first time ive read and watched mp100. i see reigen, a stand up guy who has good intentions and is a good mentor to his disciple. I go "wow! hes so cool!" unaware of the Nuances of his character, his blatant and obvious flaws of being selfish and self serving, who has made a home in this obviously flawed and bound to fall apart Normalcy he has with mob. I have bought into his lies.
i am 19. i am now a certified Adult (i was very much still immature then) with all the cards to prove it and i still dont get him. he frustrates me. He fucks up in a way that is arguably avoidable, even without the gift of foresight. He's childish at times, immature even, but somehow he always know when to flip the switch. to be more serious. to read the room. i dont get why he keeps his business going when he's completely capable in doing something more lucrative. why couldnt he just do something that makes more sense?
I am 21. I get it now
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roastedbeefed · 2 years
Having ritsu thoughts
Genuinely such a great character he’s just so funny with his teenage rebellion arc but also he’s kind of a sad character?
Not even talking about his tenuous relationship with mob, but just on how lonely he seems to be?
Like he’s one of the “popular kids” in school, or at least high up on the hierarchy; seen as handsome, smart and athletic, but before he met the awakening lab kids, I don’t think he had any friendships that were shown on screen!
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“Seems a bit hard to get close to” yeowch
And honestly, I’m pretty sure we see Teru and the awakening kids together more than with ritsu!
Not at all discounting shou’s presence, and I’m honestly really glad that the two of them are friends (especially with that one bit of the handbook where they go fishing and just talk about their families? Very sweet) but ritsu seemed to have closed himself off for a very long time
In the show, mob gets this huge circle of friends that he really cares about, but I feel like ritsu is much more the kind of person that puts all his care into a very small group of people
Which is fine on its own, but after the incident when he and mob were little, ritsu was on his own for years, and I know from personal experience that even if you have talents and people that admire you, it doesn’t shake off the feeling of loneliness if you don’t have friends you feel comfortable with
Especially since most of ritsu’s relationships with people that aren’t his brother (which is a whole other mess)are pretty antagonistic for the first good bit of the show
Luckily by the end of the show, it really seems like ritsu fits in with people more, and his closer relationship with mob and shou, as well as a seemingly less stressful student council environment makes him seem more carefree and like the funny middle schooler he actually is
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daily-mao-isara · 1 year
Day 244 : ! era homescreen voiceline with Ritsu!
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Ritsu :
Ah, it's Maa~kun♪ Maa~kun is always doing his best, he's so great~
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Mao :
What's going on? I'd be happy if Ritsu was doing his best too so that it wouldn't be a burden to me who worked hard~?
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months
You will pry the Autistic Kageyama Ritsu tag out of my cold dead hands actually
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fiendishartist2 · 2 years
the other half i guess i'm giving to you– mp100
"Oi, Mob. Does this photo still look haunted to you?"
Reigen lazily called to his apprentice across their barebones office. They had only seriously been in business for a few months– a few months longer than Reigen ever imagined he would keep this up. But here he was, scuffed loafers propped up on his cheap desk, a bootlegged copy of Photoshop on his laptop balanced on his leg. He spared a glance to the boy single handedly keeping this business going; sure Reigen pulled his weight, but if Mob didn't continue to show up at the office every day, Reigen would be a private investigator by now. He wasn't sure how he felt about this outcome yet.
"Mob?" Reigen huffed, looking at his apprentice at his "desk" (he was 11, he didn't need a real desk, Reigen told himself. The plywood box covered in his mom's old tablecloth the kid sat at had nothing to do with Reigen's empty bank account) where Mob was fast asleep, his cheek squished against its surface. He trotted up to Mob, leaning down dramatically and snapping his fingers. Mob lifted his head, sleepily propping it up on his folded arms. He sniffled.
"Mmmph?" he mumbled. He cracked open one eye to look at his mentor. Reigen crossed his arms and shot him an annoyed look.
"Is this really a good time for a nap, Mob?" Mob responded with a long yawn. Reigen's eye twitched.
"Sorry, shishou. It won't happen again." Reigen pointed at him, levelling him a scowl.
"You're damn right it won't. I can't pay you for sleeping on the job." As Reigen strutted back to his desk, clicking his heels the whole way to make his point, he thought he heard a low, confused mutter of '...pay?'.
A couple minutes passed when Reigen heard a solid 'thunk' come from Mob's desk. He looked up only to see his mop of black hair splayed on the desk as his apprentice, once again, slept on the job. Reigen hummed, this was starting to get ridiculous. Mob wasn't one to shirk his responsibilities; actually he was dedicated to his work to an almost uncomfortable degree. Mob showed up at the office exactly 25 minutes after his school let out: the amount of time it took him to walk there. He tended to look at Reigen like he hung the moon, especially when he came up with some of his patented 'calm down or inspire Mob' lectures. He never acted disrespectful or sceptical or even bored when he was with Reigen. Something was up and Reigen was just curious enough to want to get to the bottom of it.
Reigen squatted in front of Mob's short desk, gently shaking him awake. He woke with a start.
Mob's eyes were red rimmed and puffy; his face flushed a sickly red and his nose dripped a steady stream of snot. Reigen held back a gag at the sight. Part of him regretted choosing to hire an 11 year old.
"Ah! I fell asleep again!" Mob's scratchy voice squeaked. He broke out into a nasty coughing fit. Once it was over and Reigen was sure Mob was done spewing his kid germs everywhere, he felt Mob's forehead with the back of his hand. Mob leaned in subtly to his cold hand, in contrast to his burning skin.
"Shit- don't repeat that." Reigen hissed. He stood up and pinched the bridge of his nose. What if a client comes in? He contemplated, I can't take a sick kid to an exorcism. He considered just sending Mob home but one look at the boy shot that idea down. He was tipping forward in his stool, just barely keeping consciousness. Not to mention how he had already passed out sitting up twice; Reigen did not trust him to get home safely by himself. And Reigen definitely didn't want to walk the boy home himself, he wasn't sure if the kid's parents knew he was Reigen's apprentice. He didn't even know if they knew Mob was psychic. Those were two conversations Reigen hoped he would never have.
Another, more appealing, thought popped into Reigen's mind. What if he just dealt with it here? He was sure there was a corner store just around the block and they definitely (probably) had cold medicine he could pick up for Mob. Then, Mob could just nap it off and be good as new before any clients came in.
Reigen smirked at his perfect plan. With a flourish, he pointed at his teetering apprentice.
"Get up, Mob! We're going shopping!" His glinting smile faltered as Mob struggled to get off of his wobbly stool. He stood in front of his mentor, swaying in place, wheezing and sniffling like just standing was a Herculean task. Reigen realised this might be harder than he thought. No problem, he scoffed, Mob's just a tiny kid, I can totally carry him there.
After a bit of contemplation, Reigen scooped up Mob, tucking him under his arm and holding him with the grace you would give to a sack of potatoes. The boy went completely slack, probably already asleep again, glad to be off his feet.
Reigen set out for the store, once again feeling great about this plan.
Reigen no longer felt great about this plan.
He was mistaken about the distance between the office and the nearest corner store. It was not 'right around the block' like he boasted– instead, Reigen had to lug around Mob for several blocks, nearly dropping the boy more times than he'd like to admit.
He was also mistaken that he was strong enough to carry around an 11 year old boy; Mob looked deceptively small, but he had the density of a bag of bricks. Or maybe Reigen was just out of shape. Either way, by the time they made it to the store, Reigen arrived walking tipped to one side, sweaty and tired. He just barely kept his grip on the boy fast asleep at his hip. His only saving grace was that Mob slept like the dead- not once did he wake up, no matter how many close calls there were involving his head and the sidewalk.
Reigen shakily stumbled into the corner store. He bodily shoved the door open with all of his weight. He heaved Mob further under his arm, using the back of his other hand to wipe the sweat that was collecting on his forehead. All at once, he collapsed against the check out, panting from exhaustion.
The woman behind the counter eyed him cautiously, but still smiled politely, trying to give him her best 'I'm so uncomfortable but I still have to be nice to the customers' face. Reigen could barely care at this point; people looked at him weirdly all the time– he was a weird guy after all– and in this circumstance he was way too tired to bother dialling it back.
"1-" he wheezed, "1 bottle of cold medicine," he adjusted a slightly snoring, congested Mob under his arm, "Kids medicine, please." He added.
The cashier looked down at Mob with wide, confused eyes. She hesitated, staring at the top of his black bowl cut before her gaze flicked to Reigen, who was shooting her a manic grin he probably thought was reassuring. She shook her head as she turned around and picked out a random brand of medicine from the shelf behind the counter. Without even asking if this was the brand he wanted, she rang it up. Judging by her half-lidded, glazed over expression, she never intended on asking anyways. Reigen didn't mind, he just wanted to get the hell out of here and relax at his desk.
Reigen leaned Mob against his hip, digging around in his suit pockets for his thin wallet. He procured the sorry excuse for a wallet triumphantly, face glowing with success. That is, until he realised he would have to get out his money single handedly. He glanced between his two occupied hands before resigning to opening his wallet with his teeth.
In this delicate balancing act, Reigen hadn't noticed his hold on his apprentice slipping, until a soft thump was heard by his feet. A still sleeping Mob landed face down on the dirty carpet beneath their feet. Reigen almost screamed.
"Sir. Are you going to pay or not?" the cashier's monotone voice drolled, giving away no emotion except contempt.
"Y-yes!" Reigen yelped. Turning over his wallet above the counter, he shook out his loose change. He leaned down to pick up Mob again, praying to anyone who was listening that he didn't break his nose or anything in the fall.
Reigen faltered. Instead of wrapping an arm around his middle, he lifted Mob up by his underarms. He hauled the boy up, resting his head on his padded shoulder. He leaned the boy on his hip, with an arm supporting him under his legs.
He grabbed the bottle of cold medicine just in time for the cashier to state the measly 200 yen he gave her wasn't enough. Conveniently, he didn't hear her as he sped out of the store with his head ducked down– just in case they had any cameras. For privacy's sake, of course.
He walked (ran) out into the orange glow of the late afternoon.
Mob was dumped into the faux leather seat of Reigen's desk. Reigen slumped, his arms trembling from use as he slumped against his desk.
Mob stirred in his seat. He yawned, breaking into another coughing fit, drier and rougher than the last. Reigen remembered why he set this whole plan into motion in the first place.
Mob wiped his tired eyes, "...Shishou?" He yawned again, "Why is there dirt on my face…?" Reigen coughed, covering an embarrassed squeak.
"No time to think about that, Mob!" Reigen declared with confidence, in direct contrast to his appearance; he was leaning against his desk, the arm propping him up visibly shaking. He struggled to lift himself onto his desk, but after a few attempts, he was finally off of his feet. He scooted over so that he sat in front of his apprentice. Shooting a self-satisfied smile, Reigen smoothed down his wrinkled suit and resumed his air of not-quite professionalism.
"You're very sick, but no need to worry! I've got just the thing to help! Now where did I put that…" Mob's feverish brain was sluggish and he struggled to keep up with his mentor's conversational pace. Well, more than usual.
Reigen brandished the half-stolen cold medicine, holding it up for Mob to admire. Once Mob hummed a tiny note of approval, he went searching in his desk drawers for a teaspoon. After a few minutes of rummaging, he procured one from the depths of his desk. He furiously wiped the suspicious unknown grime from its surface on his suit jacket. Mob wrinkled his nose at it; he rubbed his nose in confusion when it twinged with pain.
Reigen read the label carefully, before pouring out a single dose of sticky red medicine in the teaspoon of dubious cleanliness. Mob took the medicine without protest, however as soon as he tasted its fake cherry flavour, the paperwork cluttered on Reigen's desk flew across the room, like they had been picked up by a stray breeze. Reigen sighed– crisis flawlessly averted.
"Alright, that should do it." Reigen set down the spoon and bottle, "You rest up and let the medicine take effect."
"But, Master, it's almost dark," he pointed to the window behind him, "I sh-" he yawned, "Should be home by now." A bead of sweat rolled down Reigen's forehead.
"Y-you should be home?" Mob nodded heavily. But he's still sick– he's dozing off mid-conversation! I can't send him home like this! Horror dawned on Reigen; Oh my god, I'm going to have to call his parents. One look at Mob– already curled up and drooling in his sleep– and Reigen's resolve melted away. He sighed in resignation and drew out his phone from his pocket. Today had ground him down and he was finally ready to let his delusional plan die out.
Reluctantly, he flipped open his phone, fingers hovering over the number pad.
"Mob?" He started digging his own grave, "What's your parents' number?" Mob rattled off a phone number he was probably taught to memorise. Reigen punched it in, sucking in a sharp breath as it rang once, then twice– then with a click, a woman was talking.
"Hello? Who is this?" Reigen cleared his throat, voice cracking.
"H-hello Mrs. Kageyama! This- this is Reigen Arataka of Spirit's and Such Consultation-" He was cut off by a gasp.
"Oh! You must be the nice man Shigeo spends his afternoons working for! I don't think we've properly met before." Her words stopped Reigen dead in his tracks. You know about me?? He thought.
"Y-you know about me?" His big mouth supplied. Despite his growing embarrassment, Mrs. Kageyama just chuckled.
"Of course I do, little Shige talks about you all the time!" He looked down at the boy comfortable enough in his office to nap in his chair. He was softly snoring.
"He does…?" Reigen said in a small voice.
"Y'know," Mrs. Kageyama continued, "that boy just loves you to death. It's astounding actually," her voice turned incredulous, "Shige usually has so much trouble connecting with people. But he talks about you like you're his best friend."
Her words were materialising and tying a very complicated, very impressive knot around his heart. He could cry if he wasn't so focused on seeming like a responsible adult to Mob's parents.
"Actually, I was calling about your son." That sentence made him feel old. He shuddered.
"Oh no..." She sighed, sounding resigned, "Is he acting out with those abilities of his again? I promise we can pay for any damage he caused-" Reigen choked back a surprised noise. So she knew about her son's psychic powers? That definitely made this easier.
"No, he's very well behaved!" Reigen hastily corrected, "I was just calling to tell you he might not be home on time. He seems to have come down with a nasty cold." He leaned back, crossing his legs and getting more comfortable.
"I gave him some medicine, but he's napping. He's so tired, I don't think I can let him walk home in this state."
Mob's mother hummed sympathetically, "Poor little Shige... He's been off all week, but we had no idea he was sick! Don't worry yourself with him any more, we can come pick him up right away." Reigen felt ice cold dread wash over him. They're coming here?! I have to meet both of them, in person? I'm so screwed, he screamed internally.
"Sounds great! I can finally meet the people who raised such a nice boy like M- uh, Shigeo!" He caught his slip up just in time. He couldn't let them know he had such a demeaning nickname for their son, no matter how endearing he now found it. Mrs. Kageyama chuckled again.
"Oh stop it, we'll be over in a few." Reigen hummed his goodbyes with carefully practised sweetness, just barely keeping his calm. As soon as he snapped his phone shut, he melted into a sweaty puddle.
"Okay! This is fine!" He jumped off of his desk, pacing around the room.
"I can do this- all I have to do is convince Mob's parents I'm a good mentor. I trick Mob into thinking that every day!" He stopped, "But I've only had to trick Mob. What if they see right through me?!"
He whirled around and threw open his drawers, digging around desperately for stray coins. The racket he was creating woke Mob.
"Here!" Reigen slapped 300 yen into Mob's palm. He blinked at it sluggishly, "Take this and tell your parents I pay you 300 yen every day!" Reigen took him by the shoulders and shook him around a little.
"You got that, Mob?" Mob just nodded, mostly to appease Reigen so he would stop shaking him. He was dizzy enough as it was; he didn't need to add 'throwing up onto his shishou's shoes' to the list of mortifying things he did today.
Reigen startled at the sound of a car pulling up to the curb outside. He sprung up, smoothing down his dirty blond hair and fixing his crumpled suit (although there was nothing he could do about the faint sweat stains…). Looking at least a little more presentable in his thrifted suit and worn-out shoes, Reigen let the Kageyamas in with a polite smile.
As they came into the office, Reigen greeted them with the same sweetness he practised over the phone, only faltering when he noticed a mop of unruly black hair trailing behind the two parents. Mob had never mentioned having any siblings.
The boy was small but just a bit taller than Mob. He had the same straight black hair, but instead of falling into a neat bowlcut, it stuck up in untamed spikes. His face was sharper than Mob's; higher cheekbones, a pointier chin, sharper dark eyes. Still, he had the same round, pinchable cheeks as his brother. Unlike Mob's constant blank expression, the younger boy looked outwardly unamused by his office. Reigen's smile strained.
"Hi!" Reigen all but shouted, "So nice to meet you all, I'm Shigeo's mentor, Reigen Arataka!" He decided to leave out the whole 'greatest psychic of the 21st century' thing; the Kageyamas didn't look like the gullible type to appreciate his eccentricities. Especially considering the way Mob's younger brother was prodding at the things in his office with a disinterested scowl.
Mr. Kageyama shook Reigen's hand firmly, shooting him a wide grin, "Hey there! So you're the man whose been training our little Shige." He took a look around the office, eyeing the posters plastered on the walls. His searching halted at the child's drawings pinned up behind Reigen's desk, "Nice to know he's in good hands." Reigen fought back a flattered giggle, flapping his hand dismissively at the statement.
Mrs. Kageyama busied herself with checking on Mob while her husband sized up Reigen. She brushed back his bangs and felt his forehead, confirming Reigen's assumption that Mob was sick with a bad cold. She scooped her son into her arms, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. As she inspected the cold medicine Reigen gave to Mob, she nudged her youngest to say hello to Reigen.
The boy shuffled over to him. Reigen felt an aggressive tug on his pant leg, looking down from his conversation with Mr. Kageyama to the boy trying to get his attention. He squatted down and smiled at him.
"What's up, kiddo?" Despite being put off by the boy's intelligent eyes searching him with an unprecedented amount of suspicion, Reigen reached out a hand to pat the top of his head like he would with Mob.
"Hey!" Reigen reeled back, cradling his hand away from the youngest Kageyama. He hoped the amount of restraint he held to not punt the little shit that just tried to bite him couldn't be seen on his face. Through gritted teeth, he tried to laugh it off.
"Well, you're quite the spirited little-" he coughed, "-young man, huh?" Mrs. Kageyama looked mortified, while her husband just laughed.
"Oh my- Ritsu! You apologise to Mr. Reigen right now!" He didn't even look remorseful.
"No, no, it's alright!" Reigen smirked at the boy. He could use this opportunity to look even more mature in front of the Kageyama parents, "I understand that little Ritsu doesn't want his hair messed with." The boy looked about ready to tackle him.
"You're much too nice, Mr. Reigen." She shook her head disapprovingly.
"Please, just call me Reigen. I hardly think of myself as 'Mr. Reigen'." That one was true; Reigen didn't like to be overly formal with anyone. He never felt like he was deserving of such a stuffy, mature honorific. Much less in front of his apprentice's parents, nearly 15 years his senior. The only person he kept titles like that up with was Mob– and that was mostly because the boy insisted on it.
"Who knows," he continued good naturedly, "If Shigeo continues as my apprentice, we might be seeing much more of each other." He pitched forwards a little as Mr. Kageyama clapped his shoulder.
"If you're free tonight, we'd be happy to have you over for dinner."
Reigen thought of his small, dark apartment; he probably hadn't had a home cooked meal since he moved out of his parents' place years ago. He beamed at his guests, the first real smile he had worn all day.
"O-of course! That sounds great!" His barely controlled joy must have shown because Ritsu rolled his eyes like it was the most pathetic thing he had ever seen.
And so, Reigen found himself having the best meal of his adult life, surrounded by the family of his young apprentice. It wasn't the (amazing) food (that he gratefully accepted leftovers of, by the way), or even the free ride home afterwards that made the evening great; it was the company. For the first time in a long time, Reigen spent a significant amount of time with people who cared about him– people who actually felt like his friends. It was perfect; even if, halfway through dinner, Mob passed out face first into his food.
That night, Reigen went home to an apartment that felt a little warmer, a little less empty, and a little less lonely.
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automatic-midnight · 5 months
My biased, really unpopular take is that I think rit/su/maya is an objectively boring ship.
#just to be clear I don’t hate it there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the ship it’s just such a nothing burger to me#like ok yes without a doubt Maya has a crush on Ritusko absolutely this is backed up by canon material#but from Ritsukos side the most the viewer comes away with is that Ritsuko holds mayas skills in decently high regard#a few moments of friendly chit chat and that’s it#it would be one thing if we actually saw Ritsukos more personal opinions on Maya but we never see that so fandom has to fill in the blanks#and now barring that all aside it’s just a ship dynamic even when fleshed out in fanon that im not intrigued by#in a show where the characters are so messy and terrible the ship feels so out of place#ohhhh Maya could fix Ritsuko NO she could not#the only way I could find the ship interesting is if you get weird with it#like focus on the inherent power imbalance of a boss and an employee how would they deal with that?#how would things change as the show progresses and Maya realizes Rituskos blurred morals#how would the ship work with Gendo in the picture? how would Maya actually help ritusko overcome her issues and deep rooted problems#and even with all that being said it’s just not interesting to me#Maya doesn’t have enough going as a character for me to care to ship her with Ritsuko#this is partly why I like misaritsu so much#you know so much about their individual characters and their dynamics that it’s easy to expand it further into hypothesizing#their relationship in a romantic light#evangelion#like misato and Ritsuko are individually super well written fleshed our characters and on top of that put in moments like the elevator scene#or Ritsukos flashback to talking about when Misato hooked up with Kaji for a week#or just every time Ritsuko looks at Misato if you really want to reach#there so many moments of good characterization between them that it’s so easy to ship them#the point I’ll give to ritsu/Maya is that the one sided crush is 100% intentional and implied in canon#Misato and Ritsukos relationship (as far as I’m aware) was never intended to be romantic or queer coded or anything like that#i’m not delusional#I don’t think anno or sadamoto was writing subtextual nuclear toxic yuri when they were thinking about Misato and ritsukos relationship#no one was in the writing room saying “oh boy I can’t wait to write subtext about how comphet Ritsuko is in unrequited love with Misato”#I’m not that far gone but purely from a potential ship perspective misaritsu has so much more going for it#asu/rei too that’s another super interesting f/f ship that people ignore#asurei isn’t my do or die ship but that’s a ship that’s genuinely super interesting to think about as a potential romantic relationship
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Episode 7 of 8
Ritsu's Redemption Arc
This Japanese BL isn't for everyone I'm sure. We all have those BL's we just don't connect with for whatever reason (no judgment from me)
In Episode 7 we see Ritsu isn't the heartless SOB we thought. Yes, he ruthlessly crushed Masumi's heart leaving him completely broken (let's face it the only people that can do that are one's we care for in most situations)
We see that Ritsu with a female friend saying he actually did love Masumi, he even tried contacting Masumi through social media (via a friend of Masumi & Ritsu) who told him what Masumi suffered as a result of Ritsu.
Plus Ritsu delivered a heartfelt apology and Masumi reveals basically he still loves Ritsu.
In addition I have to give it to the series for inclusion. In (GIF 6) is a technical male but is gender non confirming. Their name is IDEGAMI BAKU playing a dual role of sorts as a female character that died (seen in flashbacks) and as that female's characters brother who is an exact replica of their dead sister.
And they are amazing in that role. Both roles.
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the worst recent upset was that mika called our friend (that we're out to) "good boy" because "oshi-san says that always works on me :)" and the next day i went Did he really fucking say that. i'm so sorry -🪴
that is so good tho......... give mika a headpat for me he deserves it
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