#RPA government agencies
usasvam · 10 months
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Transform customer experience in Government Organization By Automation Technology
With government customers also being taxpayers, there’s an inherent need to strike a balance between service delivery and efficiency - and automation can offer that! With the help of RPA government agencies can ensure better, faster, and more efficient services for customers. talk to SVAM to know how automation can help.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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At Beale Air Force Base , in California, you would think that the SR-71 Blackbird program would be the biggest blackest deepest secret. You would be wrong.
The biggest secret was Senior Bowl.
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M-21 and D-21.
According to Air Force Test Center History Office documents, all manned flights over the Soviet Union were discontinued by President Dwight Eisenhower after Francis Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane was shot down May 1, 1960. However even if the US government was planning on using satellites for reconnaissance, the technology was still a few years away and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) determined unmanned drones could fill the gap until satellites became viable.
For this reason in the 1960s the famed Lockheed “Skunk Works” developed the D-21 a highly-advanced, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) designed to carry out high-speed, high-altitude strategic reconnaissance missions over hostile territory.
The D-21 required a mothership to launch given its ramjet engine, which needed to be air-launched at a certain speed to activate. Initially, Lockheed testers used an M-21 (essentially a modified SR-71 Blackbird) to air launch the D-21 drone. The D-21 would be launched from the back of the M-21. Ideally, after conducting its reconnaissance mission it would eject a hatch with photo equipment to be recovered either mid-air or after the hatch landed.
However, on the fourth flight test, the D-21 experienced an “asymmetric unstart” as it passed through the bow wake of the M-21 causing the mothership to pitch up and collide with the D-21 at Mach 3.25. Crewmembers Bill Park and Ray Torick ejected from the M-21, but Torick’s flight suit became ripped and filled with water when he plunged into the ocean where he drowned.
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B-52 and D-21.
After the accident and after the death of Ray Torick, a test flight engineer, the M-21 launch program was cancelled but testers still believed the D-21 would make a valuable reconnaissance vehicle and decided to launch the drone from B-52Hs under a top secret test program named Tagboard. The new code name for the D-21 project became Senior Bowl.
It was Kelly Johnson, President of Skunk Works, who suggested to use the B-52. As a result of Johnson’s advice two B-52’s were modified: 61#0021 and 60#0036. Both B-52’s are still in the US Air Force (USAF) inventory. The ultra secret 4200 test squadron was formed at Beale.
Only a few of the men that flew the SR-71 had been read into the program: out of necessity one of the few included my father Richard “Butch” Sheffield, SR-71 RSO who had already been read into Oxcart in 1965. In his unpublished book he writes that on the flightline he was with Bob Spencer, SR-71 pilot. They were taxing out when they saw the B-52 with a drone underneath it. Spencer asked ‘What is that under that B-52?’ My Dad responded ‘I have no idea.’ He couldn’t tell Bob Spencer the truth.
These two B-52‘s were kept away at the end of the runway apart from any other operations.
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D-21 drone.
The D-21s were used on four flights over communist China but none of these missions fully succeeded.
Two flights were successful, however the imagery could not be recovered from the D-21’s hatch. The other two operational flights ended with one being lost in a heavily defended area and the other D-21 simply disappeared after launch.
The main mission of the D-21 was to fly over China and take pictures of its nuclear weapons test facility in the remote west central of the country near Lop Nor.
The pictures were supposed to be dropped in the ocean and recovered by the Navy. During the Cold War this information was necessary for the defense of the US.
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. B-52H Stratofortress 2nd BW, 20th BS, LA/60-0008 “Lucky Lady IV”.
The fourth and final mission of the D-21 drone took place on Mar. 20, 1971 and was undertaken by D-21 #527. Experts at the 4200th Support Squadron and at Skunk Works concluded that #527 must have malfunctioned. It was thought to have gone down near Lop Nor. This drone is on display in China at their national aviation museum. So we know that it got close.
Senior Bowl lasted from January 1968 until Jul. 15, 1971. Interestingly, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ben Rich (then retired president of Lockheed’s Skunk Works) finally had an opportunity to tour Russia himself. While in Moscow, the KGB presented Rich with a gift of what they thought were the remains of a stealth fighter that had crashed in their territory. As it turned out, the wreckage was actually pieces and parts of the lost D-21 Drone!
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Page Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
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This model is available from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
NEXT JA-37 Viggen pilot explains how he was able to carry out the first successful Swedish Air Force intercept of an SR-71 Mach 3 Spy Plane over the Baltic » PREVIOUS « The story of the Fleet Air Arm F4Fs that overwhelmed Luftwaffe Bf 109Gs and why the little Wildcat could be more than a match for the legendary Messerschmitt Bf 109
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Linda Sheffield Miller
B-52 StratofortressB-52HCIALockheed D-21Program TagboardProject Senior BowlU.S. Air Force
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techforce-services · 27 days
Future Trends and Innovations in Salesforce Government Cloud
Salesforce Government Cloud has been a game-changer for the public sector, providing a secure, scalable, and flexible platform that meets the unique needs of government agencies. As digital transformation continues to reshape the landscape, the future trends and innovations in Salesforce Government Cloud are poised to further enhance the efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness of public sector operations. This article explores the key trends and innovations that will define the future of Salesforce Government Cloud, particularly focusing on the roles of Salesforce partners in Australia, the significance of certified Salesforce consultants, and the impact of Salesforce implementation partners in driving this transformation.
1. Enhanced Security and Compliance
Security and compliance are paramount in the public sector, and Salesforce Government Cloud is continuously evolving to meet these needs. Future trends indicate a stronger emphasis on advanced security features, including:
Zero Trust Architecture
With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is emerging as a critical security model. ZTA ensures that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, is trusted by default. Salesforce Government Cloud is expected to integrate more robust ZTA principles, providing government agencies with enhanced protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.
AI-Driven Threat Detection
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing threat detection and response. Salesforce Government Cloud will likely incorporate more AI-driven tools that can identify and mitigate threats in real time, ensuring the safety of sensitive government data.
Compliance Automation
Government agencies must comply with a myriad of regulations. Future innovations in Salesforce Government Cloud will focus on automating compliance processes, reducing the administrative burden on agencies while ensuring they meet all regulatory requirements.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Automation
AI and automation are at the forefront of technological advancements, and their integration into Salesforce Government Cloud is set to revolutionize public sector operations.
Intelligent Process Automation
Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) combines AI and automation to streamline complex processes. Salesforce Government Cloud will leverage IPA to automate routine tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. For instance, AI-driven chatbots can handle citizen inquiries, freeing up human resources for more critical tasks.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics uses historical data to forecast future trends. Government agencies can utilize predictive analytics within Salesforce Government Cloud to anticipate citizen needs, manage resources more effectively, and make informed policy decisions.
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves the use of software robots to perform repetitive tasks. Future innovations in Salesforce Government Cloud will include more RPA tools, enabling government agencies to automate administrative tasks, reduce errors, and improve service delivery.
3. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication
Effective collaboration and communication are essential for government agencies. Salesforce Government Cloud is set to introduce several innovations in this area.
Unified Communication Platforms
Unified communication platforms integrate various communication tools into a single interface. Future enhancements in Salesforce Government Cloud will focus on providing a seamless communication experience, allowing government employees to collaborate more effectively regardless of their location.
Collaboration with Salesforce Partners in Australia
Salesforce partners in Australia play a crucial role in enhancing collaboration within the public sector. These partners provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of Australian government agencies. By leveraging the expertise of Salesforce partners, government agencies can implement advanced collaboration tools and improve their overall efficiency.
Mobile Collaboration Tools
With the rise of remote work, mobile collaboration tools are becoming increasingly important. Salesforce Government Cloud will offer more robust mobile solutions, enabling government employees to access critical information and collaborate on the go.
4. Data-Driven Decision Making
Data is the backbone of modern decision-making processes. Salesforce Government Cloud is evolving to provide government agencies with advanced data analytics capabilities.
Advanced Analytics Platforms
Future trends indicate the integration of advanced analytics platforms within Salesforce Government Cloud. These platforms will offer powerful data visualization tools, enabling government agencies to gain deeper insights into their operations and make data-driven decisions.
Real-Time Data Access
Real-time data access is essential for timely decision-making. Salesforce Government Cloud will continue to enhance its real-time data capabilities, allowing government agencies to access and analyze data as it is generated.
Data Integration and Interoperability
Interoperability between different data systems is crucial for comprehensive data analysis. Salesforce Government Cloud will focus on improving data integration capabilities, ensuring that government agencies can seamlessly integrate data from various sources and obtain a holistic view of their operations.
5. Citizen-Centric Services
Delivering citizen-centric services is a primary goal for government agencies. Salesforce Government Cloud is set to introduce several innovations that will enhance the citizen experience.
Personalized Citizen Engagement
Personalization is key to improving citizen engagement. Future enhancements in Salesforce Government Cloud will enable government agencies to deliver personalized services based on citizen preferences and behavior. For example, AI-driven insights can help tailor communication and services to meet individual citizen needs.
Omnichannel Service Delivery
Omnichannel service delivery ensures that citizens can interact with government agencies through their preferred channels, whether online, via mobile apps, or in person. Salesforce Government Cloud will offer more robust omnichannel solutions, providing a seamless experience across all touchpoints.
Self-Service Portals
Self-service portals empower citizens to access information and services independently. Future trends indicate the development of more intuitive and user-friendly self-service portals within Salesforce Government Cloud, reducing the need for direct interaction with government staff and improving overall service efficiency.
6. Role of Salesforce Consulting Services
Salesforce consulting services are instrumental in helping government agencies navigate the complexities of digital transformation. Certified Salesforce consultants provide the expertise and guidance needed to implement and optimize Salesforce Government Cloud solutions.
Strategic Planning and Implementation
Certified Salesforce consultants assist government agencies in strategic planning and implementation of Salesforce Government Cloud. They help identify the most suitable solutions, develop implementation roadmaps, and ensure successful deployment.
Training and Support
Ongoing training and support are essential for maximizing the benefits of Salesforce Government Cloud. Salesforce consulting services provide comprehensive training programs for government employees, ensuring they are well-equipped to use the platform effectively. Additionally, continuous support ensures that any issues are promptly addressed, minimizing disruptions to government operations.
Customization and Integration
Every government agency has unique needs, and off-the-shelf solutions may not always suffice. Salesforce consulting services specialize in customizing and integrating Salesforce Government Cloud to meet specific requirements. This ensures that government agencies can leverage the full potential of the platform to address their unique challenges.
The future of Salesforce Government Cloud is bright, with numerous trends and innovations poised to transform public sector operations. Enhanced security and compliance, AI and automation, improved collaboration and communication, data-driven decision-making, and citizen-centric services are just a few of the advancements on the horizon. Salesforce partners in Australia, along with certified Salesforce consultants and implementation partners, will play a pivotal role in driving this transformation, ensuring that government agencies can leverage the full potential of Salesforce Government Cloud to enhance their services and operations. As these trends continue to evolve, government agencies can look forward to a more efficient, transparent, and citizen-focused future.
Salesforce public sector
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interest-articles · 3 months
2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks to Buy With $200 Right Now and Hold for Decades
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Palantir Technologies and UiPath offer attractive investment opportunities for limited capital investors.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our world, transforming industries and reshaping the way we work and live. As AI continues to gain momentum, investors are looking for opportunities to capitalize on this growing trend. Fortunately, investing in AI stocks doesn't require a fortune.
With just $200, investors can explore promising options that have the potential to generate long-term wealth. In this article, we will delve into two AI stocks, Palantir Technologies and UiPath, and explore why they are attractive investment opportunities for those with limited capital.
Palantir Technologies
Palantir Technologies, a leading data-mining software producer and machine-learning specialist, is the first AI stock to consider. The company initially gained recognition for its work with government and defense agencies, analyzing vast amounts of data to detect potential threats in real-time. However, Palantir has now expanded its presence in the commercial sector, with its artificial intelligence platform (AIP) playing a crucial role in this transition.
AIP, designed as an operating system for enterprises, is revolutionizing businesses by leveraging AI and large language models (LLMs). This multimodal platform allows organizations to integrate data from various sources, enabling them to make informed decisions. Palantir's AIP boot camps have been instrumental in acquiring new customers and expanding its existing customer base.
By showcasing the platform's potential for rapid deployment and its ability to address real-world challenges across industries, the boot camps have proven to be highly effective marketing strategies.
Furthermore, Palantir's core business is also thriving. The company's focus on crafting industry-specific solutions has set it apart from competitors and garnered a loyal customer base. While the government sector still contributes significantly to Palantir's revenue, the company is actively increasing its roster of commercial clients.
This shift will enhance Palantir's margins, as private clients offer greater pricing flexibility and encounter fewer regulatory obstacles.
Despite a 200% surge in share price over the past year and a 45% increase in 2024, industry experts remain optimistic about Palantir's future. Analyst Dan Ives of Wedbush Securities referred to the company as a "launching pad of AI use cases" and upgraded his target price to $35, suggesting a potential upside of nearly 40%. With the success of AIP, its industry-specific focus, the shift towards commercial customers, and the potential for further share price gains, Palantir presents a promising long-term investment opportunity.
The second AI stock to consider is UiPath, the leader in AI-powered robotic process automation (RPA). UiPath specializes in building software bots that streamline repetitive office tasks, reducing errors and saving time. The company is also leveraging machine learning and natural language processing to enhance its automation platform with advanced capabilities, such as document understanding.
UiPath's tailored approach to automation, focusing on specific industries, has been highly effective in offering differentiated and impactful solutions to clients. The of AI-powered products like Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) has positioned UiPath ahead of its competitors, enabling the company to secure larger and more strategic deals. IDP's ability to understand documents is particularly valuable for industries such as healthcare, finance, insurance, and public health, where managing forms, invoices, and documents is labor-intensive.
UiPath ended fiscal 2024 with a strong customer base of 10,830, including numerous new large enterprise clients that are keen on investing in automation platforms. The company is also scaling up its large-customer base, with a 15% year-over-year increase in customers with annual recurring revenue (ARR) over $100,000. The growing number of customers with ARR over $1 million further demonstrates the increasing priority of automation among C-suite executives.
In terms of financial performance, UiPath exceeded consensus estimates in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024. The company delivered its first-ever quarterly profit and ended the fiscal year with $1.9 billion in net cash and no debt. Despite these impressive achievements, UiPath's stock trades at a relatively low price-to-sales ratio, making it an appealing investment opportunity.
Artificial intelligence is transforming industries and creating investment opportunities for individuals with limited capital. Palantir Technologies and UiPath are two AI stocks that offer attractive prospects for investors. Palantir's successful AI strategy, industry-specific solutions, and shift towards commercial clients position it for long-term growth.
UiPath's leadership in AI-powered robotic process automation, its tailored approach to specific industries, and its impressive financial performance make it a compelling investment choice. With just $200, investors can participate in the AI revolution and potentially build long-term wealth.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Ioan Iacob, Founder & CEO at FLOWX.ai – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ioan-iacob-founder-ceo-at-flowx-ai-interview-series/
Ioan Iacob, Founder & CEO at FLOWX.ai – Interview Series
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Ioan Jacob, is the founder and CEO of FLOWX.AI, a revolutionary AI Application Modernization Platform for enterprise mission-critical applications. It is a modern event-driven platform built on a microservices architecture. It uses the most popular industry standards for process modeling, business rule management and integrates as easily with legacy systems as with the latest APIs and RPAs.
What initially attracted you to computer science?
I’ve always been captivated by the concept of leverage—the idea of force multiplication. Computer science, to me, represents the ultimate tool in amplifying the most valuable capability of people: the human mind.
It offers an incredibly rapid path from idea to realization—a trait that has propelled the exponential surge in innovation over the last 50 years. This power of rapid transformation and impact is what initially drew me to computer science.
Now, with FLOWX.AI, we’re redefining how mission-critical software can be built—which means we have an opportunity to boost the growth curve itself.  Our world runs on enterprise software – banking, utilities, agriculture, defense – enterprise software undergirds our civilization.  And there’s so much leverage to bringing the best technology to the enterprise, because that impacts so many lives downstream, and this is why we think we can be so helpful to the world. Today we’re spending trillions of dollars to build, run and maintain that layer of technology.
So, think about it: what if we could make building enterprise software orders of magnitude more efficient?
This would enhance vital services like banking, utilities, or defense—making them more interconnected, user-friendly, and more efficient for people to use. And, maybe even more importantly, with the resources freed up we could considerably accelerate the pace of innovation.
Imagine, for example, a world where government agencies can quickly develop and deploy advanced AI systems to streamline public services, improve healthcare delivery, and address pressing social issues. By optimizing enterprise software development, we can unlock a new era of technological progress and societal advancement.
We’re not just part of the tech revolution; we’re redefining its boundaries of what’s possible.
You previously Co-Founded Qualitance, a platform that designed technology and products for Fortune 500 companies and startups. What was one of the more interesting projects that you worked on, and what did you learn from this experience? 
We were involved in a range of digital transformation projects at Qualitance with both Fortune 500 companies and startups.
This experience brought us to a crucial realization. Despite the rapid evolution in consumer digital products and substantial investments by large corporations, there was a massive gap in building and taking digital solutions to market, especially in mission-critical and core business areas like banking.
This challenge was (and still is) especially pronounced in the financial sector, but is equally prevalent across all enterprise sectors.
We understood the need for digital transformation platforms to provide capabilities on three key dimensions that are today challenging the enterprise:
Integration – it needs to be able to integrate seamlessly with existing complex technology landscapes – from heritage mainframe architectures to modern systems
Rapid modern digital product development – being able to respond to market needs and regulatory requirements in almost real-time.  There is tremendous competition and the IT and business teams need to build modern digital products that provide excellent user experience quickly and cost effectively,
Robustness – reliability, scalability, security: because enterprises handle mission critical workloads, these are non-negotiable requirements.
These observations are at the core of building FLOWX.AI. Our focus is on empowering large enterprises to quickly and efficiently develop and modernize digital platforms, while integrating seamlessly capabilities of any existing or new systems.
When did you first realize that the current methods of software development are broken and not scalable? 
Complexity in the enterprise world has increased exponentially, and so have costs and the time it takes to get products to market.
This is what I’ve experienced working alongside many talented teams in the enterprise world for more than a decade. I have seen how being able to develop robust and good software remains incredibly expensive—despite the access to amazing talent and the proliferation of technologies designed to solve the problem.
Before FLOWX.AI, the only options for developing digital in the enterprise were either inflexible vertical solutions or massive custom development projects trying to blend together multiple technology platforms.
As a result, teams in the enterprise world are constrained by lack of flexibility to build what they need and are limited by proprietary programming languages and legacy systems. This, coupled with the increase in complexity, is holding the most talented teams back. These teams get sucked into tedious and low-return work that barely, marginally moves the needle. Spiraling IT costs along with diminishing returns is one of the toughest challenges enterprises face. This was particularly evident within large financial services organizations.
I can’t emphasize enough how frustrating this is for everyone in the space. It’s depressing for engineers who have to do tedious and unexciting work. It’s keeping business leaders back because they can’t provide their customers with the intuitive, scalable, and connected services they need. So this is what we responded to. We had been working side by side with these people. In fact, we had been these people throughout our careers. So we really understood them and we wanted to fix this problem, to give them back the control of their technology, of their business.
What was the genesis story behind FLOWX.AI?
We had been working on the platform that ultimately became FLOWX.AI for over a decade. We had this massive feeling that we’re sitting on something incredibly powerful, but we couldn’t quite put our finger on it.
Then, during a meeting with Revolut’s team in London, it hit us.  When we learned that Revolut’s business was built on top of Barclays core banking system, we realized that we had on our hands a platform that could enable any bank to develop robust and beautiful mission-critical systems at a speed that was orders of magnitude higher.
Then, our first customer, the largest bank in Southeastern Europe, adopted our technology and started using it as their default digital development platform for a large part of their business— building digital platforms that were facing both customers and employees—from the entire in-branch onboarding for both retail and corporate banking to asset management platforms.  Witnessing the speed at which they were able to develop confirmed we were indeed on the verge of a new revolution. With the same team and existing systems, they were able to  develop in several weeks what used to take a year or more with FLOWX.AI.
Our innovation is the FlowX AI Core, enabled by a scalable, robust, and open architecture. Our AI Core is the first-ever enterprise AI that can cohesively model technology, business processes and business rules, and user experience.  We have been big believers for a long time now in the power of AI to augment and accelerate human potential, and we have brought it to fruition within the core of our platform.
What are some of the current problems with how enterprises are currently viewing code generation?
The challenge with automated code generation is the perception that it is—or that it should be—universally applicable, especially in handling complex systems. While effective for simpler applications, it often falls short in more sophisticated environments. This isn’t just a limitation of the technology itself but stems from the intricacies in creating detailed specifications that such systems require. Automated tools, unlike human engineers, lack the nuanced understanding necessary to bridge and fill in specification gaps, adjust complex logic, and manage deep integration and decision-making processes.
Moreover, there’s a risk in underestimating the value of human input and expertise. Although automation can speed up certain development processes, it hasn’t yet evolved to fully grasp and manage the complexities of advanced systems.
At FLOWX.AI, we have taken a slightly different path. Our approach leverages AI to enhance, not replace, human expertise. We focus on using AI to augment human capabilities, ensuring that the development of complex systems is not just accelerated but also precisely tailored to specific business requirements. This strategy aims to strike a balance, harnessing the speed and efficiency of AI with a “human-in-the-loop” approach, retaining the critical insights and adaptability of human oversight.
Why is replacing coding with no-code or low-code tools not the solution?
The limitations of no-code tools stem from their inherent simplicity which, while user-friendly, fail to meet the specific and complex needs of large-scale enterprises. Low-code also lacks the full power and control of the widespread programming languages—and further, it creates a resourcing constraint, having to find or upskill resources. And what businesses need is the freedom and flexibility to build and innovate. This is why we brought together generative AI with no-code visual design on an open BYOC architecture which can be extended with any programming language.
However, the focus of digital product development goes beyond coding. It encompasses the creation of efficient processes, intuitive products, and seamless user experiences. This holistic approach is vital in addressing the multifaceted challenges of enterprise solution development.
FLOWX.AI was built to meet the end-to-end needs of building digital twins for enterprise businesses. We don’t just focus on coding; we leverage the power of AI to assist in accelerating building complex, bespoke enterprise solutions that consider all aspects of the digital product development lifecycle.
Could you share your views on the benefits of creating a hybrid of low-code and coding?
Creating a hybrid of low-code and coding is very powerful because it offers a unique blend of efficiency, flexibility, and customization.  It provides speed, while still enabling complete control over what people build.
This is part of what we offer. Our approach integrates AI, no-code, and coding techniques to build comprehensive digital solutions. I can break this down into four main areas:
AI-Generated Baseline: Today, the FlowX AI can generate around 60% to 80% of the development process. This AI layer speeds up the creation of fundamental components—process, code, user experience—significantly, reducing initial development time.
No-Code Visual Development: With visual design interfaces, we allow for quick assembly and modification of applications, enabling rapid prototyping and accelerated iterative development loops. This usually takes completion to 90-95%.
Bring-Your-Own-Code (BYOC) for Customization: The remaining bits, which require specific and detailed customizations, are handled through traditional coding BYOC in any programming language. This allows for the creation of highly tailored solutions, ensuring that the final product meets the exact needs and specifications of the customer.
AI-Assisted Development and Optimization: our AI helps enterprise teams maintain consistency over time as they modify and update functionality and experience, but also suggests improvements—from technology to process and user experience—and monitors and identifies problems in real-time.
The key advantage of this hybrid approach can be seen especially when it comes to making changes and maintaining the software. Teams developing on FlowX.ai can add in just a few weeks new functionality that would typically take years to add to an existing system.  That is because we provide features that help users easily make modifications and because our platform encapsulates most of the complexity, handling non-functional requirements such as scalability and security. As a result, any code that needs to be created or modified lies in more isolated components, providing for more control and testability.  This setup makes it easier to change, track and audit changes, but also to test things – leading to a massive reduction in effort and maintenance.
Ultimately, combining AI, no-code, and traditional coding, balances speed and ease of use with the ability to create highly customized and complex enterprise solutions because it blends the speed of gen AI with the accessibility of visual design and the full power and control of programming languages.
More importantly, this approach frees up engineers from a lot of tedious tasks and ongoing maintenance, so innovation doesn’t stall.
How will AI augment engineers versus replacing them?
Our belief is AI can not and will not replace engineers, it will augment their capabilities. The fundamental human element in engineering involves sophisticated thinking and problem-solving, areas where human intellect and creativity are irreplaceable. AI is adept at handling about 80% of tasks, particularly those that are repetitive or considered low-value. AI excels at efficiently processing routine work with speed and accuracy, ultimately enabling them to focus on higher-level problems and innovative solutions.
This is a net-positive for engineers. The key moving forward is to figure out how to create a synergistic relationship where each complements the other, leading to a more productive and innovative engineering environment. This approach underscores a future where AI and human intelligence work in tandem, each playing to their strengths to achieve greater outcomes in the field of engineering and beyond.
Can you discuss the innovative application modernization platform that FLOWX.AI has developed?
FLOWX.AI is the first ever unified platform for end-to-end enterprise digital development, with an open architecture that makes it easy to develop and extend further – with any programming language.
At the core of the platform there is an intelligent orchestration layer that can integrate fast any – literally any type – of existing system, through the intelligent integration layer.  On top of the orchestration layer teams can develop modern digital products again very fast – through our AI-powered omnichannel user experience layer,
As I mentioned previously, FLOWX.AI brings together AI-assisted development, low-code / no-code as well as full coding capabilities. This combination provides enterprises with a flexible, scalable and robust platform they can use to build and take applications to market.
We built FLOWX.AI in response to lack of innovation in application development. Traditional methods are often too rigid and cost prohibitive. No-code solutions, while promising in theory, have frequently fallen short in meeting the specific and complex demands of modern enterprises.  Vertical point solutions are inflexible and hard to customize and develop further – they’re not designed for continuous development.
Our customers are achieving remarkable results. For instance, many of our customers can integrate around 20 systems in just 4-6 weeks and develop, build, and launch complex digital solutions like digital mortgages within 8 to 12 weeks.
Why is this solution able to scale so well?
FLOWX.AI is built on a state-of-the-art, elastically-scalable, event-driven architecture, which relies on microservices and containerization. The use of microservices architecture further enhances scalability by allowing for the independent scaling and updating of different parts of the application without disrupting the entire system.
This fully cloud-native framework ensures agility, resilience, and scalability, crucial for handling the dynamic demands of enterprise-level digital product development. It is also an infrastructure-agnostic architecture, which can be deployed in any cloud / multi-cloud / hybrid cloud setup or on-prem.
It also provides high availability and fault tolerant deployment setups, which are vital for maintaining uninterrupted service in mission-critical applications.
The combination of microservices and containerization in an open architecture positions FLOWX.AI as an ideal platform for enterprises looking to innovate rapidly while maintaining high standards of reliability and security. This architecture not only supports the current technological needs of enterprises but also positions them to effortlessly adapt to future advancements and challenges in the digital landscape.
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insidenarrative · 1 year
History of Robotic Process Automation
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The automation of user interface (UI) testing marked the beginning of RPA. It typically implies testing visual components of points of interaction to ensure they work accurately and a client won’t experience any issues working with the application. In comparison to today, there were few computer models available in the 1990s. However, the primary persona of the typical computer user began to shift from employees of large corporations and government agencies to regular home users. This was largely because Windows 95, the standard operating system at the time, came out. As a result, the shift sparked the development of UI testing as the requirements and screen sizes varied. Companies adopted the agile development concept at the end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s. One of its key principles emphasises putting people ahead of processes and tools. In addition, businesses recognized the necessity of speeding up their operations to maintain market competition. As a result, a number of UI testing and quality assurance (QA) automation scripts were born out of necessity.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
How The U.S. Department Of Labor Is Leveraging Its Data Rich Environment
How The U.S. Department Of Labor Is Leveraging Its Data Rich Environment
Governments are awash in data. ​​To make sense of this data, gain insights, and to better serve citizens, agencies are turning to technologies such as automation, RPA, and ML and AI to better manage data, extract additional value, and improve processes and workflows. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is one such agency that is crafting a unique approach for using emerging technologies across its…
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thefinancialpyramid · 2 years
The Impact Of Technology And Automation On Today’s Businesses
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Integrate automation into your business strategy or risk getting left behind.
Over the last year, companies had to embrace technology and automation to maintain operations and keep customers serviced.
Almost every business had to implement new systems and solutions rapidly to overcome immediate challenges brought on by the pandemic.
Even if the trend existed before 2020, the last year saw unprecedented acceleration that is likely to continue. Every business owner now understands what benefits are available from process automation and advanced IT infrastructure. For the workforce, the opposite may be true as emerging technologies are making some jobs obsolete.
The Benefits of Technology and Automation for Businesses
Introducing new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotic process automation (RPA) are now part of a solid business strategy. Some of the advantages that come from these technologies include increased productivity, higher rates of production, better quality service, and the efficient use of materials.
Depending on the type of business, new technologies exist that could disrupt almost every process in the organization. The companies that already embraced modern technologies were able to adapt quickly, while those that dragged their adoption had to overcome a steep learning curve.
Technology and automation are disrupting operations like:
· Manufacturing — Robots and remote operations enable manufacturers to reduce their workforce while increasing production quantities.
· Administration — Remote access solutions and cloud infrastructure helps organizations to keep workers productive from anywhere.
· Analytics — AI and ML systems are creating predictive models that companies use to analyze operations, created accurate forecasts, and automate supply chains.
· Customer service — To improve customer service, AI bots can record, communicate, and engage with customers while routing requests to the relevant department.
· Data capturing — RPA can automate repetitive tasks by capturing information from invoices, orders, or service requests.
Additionally, companies need to increase cybersecurity capabilities using AI to help filter out incident notifications. The performance benefits available from technology and automation make it an attractive business strategy for any kind of organization, capable of building a resilient and future-proof company.
Impact of Technology and Automation on the Workforce
For some workers, the new capabilities could pose a risk to job security. In any environment where work is predictable and processes remain structured, automation has the potential to replace middle-skilled workers.
Industries where the automation potential remains high include manufacturing, accommodation, food services, and retail. In the United States, it could represent as much as 51% of work activities. By 2018, analysts predicted that automation and emerging technologies could cut the workforce by as much as 10% — but the good news is that it will add 3% new jobs.
While blue- and white-collar jobs may be at risk, it does create a demand for “new collar” jobs where non-traditional education helps organizations with their technology adoption. Training for new collar jobs may include vocational schools, software boot camps, technical certifications, and on-the-job mentorships or internships. In short, these workers stay up-to-date with all the latest developments in automation and technology, and can serve a company’s operations better.
Speed Up Your Technology and Automation Adoption
There are many technology service providers that can help firms, private companies, and government agencies to speed up their technology adoption. With a team of technologists, engineers, and IT professionals, any organization can implement new systems that improve productivity, speed up task execution, and enhance security throughout their operations.
Credits: Tim T. Mercer
Date: Mar 25, 2021
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2021/03/25/the-impact-of-technology-and-automation-on-todays-businesses/?sh=7d61c635e912
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ai-solutions · 3 years
U.S. Government Officials Struggle To Find A.I. Solutions
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They Need I.T. Consulting for A.I. Solutions Education
As it turns out, 3/4 of government decision-makers battle to choose the right artificial intelligence solutions for their branches, a KPGM report found.
Still, over 50% of respondents to a KPGM overview said AI is moderate to completely functional in their organization, according to "Thriving in an AI World," a report the professional services firm released March 9. And in the following two years, respondents said they plan to utilize AI to improve measure automation and analytics.
To determine the best AI solutions, agencies should first define their utilization case, said Rob Dwyer, KPMG advisory principal specializing in innovation in government. Robotic interaction automation is a typical passage point to AI in the public area because merchants in that area are grounded, and it's relatively easy to earn small wins that can drive support for other AI endeavors, he said.
Government Use of Chatbots for Covid-19 Unprecedented 
There are several classes of AI, ranging from the simpler, easier-to-implement RPA and chatbots to complex natural language processing and PC vision. Utilization of some basic AI technologies increased during the past year: 75% of states sent chatbots to assist with questions on joblessness, COVID-19, and different topics, according to a report from the National Association of Chief Information Officers. Gartner predicted that 70% of client interactions will involve emerging tech, for example, chatbots by 2022, up from 15% today.
"Do you require something to orchestrate everything and fire off automation … like an automation backbone, or do you require something to quickly interface with legacy frameworks in a beautifully easy way? They're not all the same," Dwyer said of solutions. "All the providers - in any event, for something like RPA - have a bit of a different approach."
“While considering their options, agencies should make utilization of existing technology and labor force assets, referring to technical reference models for guidance”, Dwyer said. Sometimes the issue is with how to access innovation, however, sometimes agencies have the devices yet don't have a clue how to utilize them. Additionally, more intricate AI requires more current technological foundations, like the cloud.
"If you don't have the data and you don't have it in an accessible place, it's hard," he said. "At the point when you get into the more sophisticated technologies like PC vision and actual, real cognitive [AI], that turns into a different issue set" because data has to be in the cloud however accessible to the applications – even to far off devices on the organization edge, he said.
Starting small, rather than creating a detailed overarching plan, can help, as well. "The state of play and the capabilities of the industry change so quickly that – I'm not saying don't plan – you can invest a great deal of energy planning something that gets outdated before long," Dwyer said.
A.I. Solutions Implementation and I.T. Modernization With The Help of The Biden Administration? 
Overall, study respondents are optimistic about the innovation, with 77% calling for a more aggressive approach. Specifically, 79% said they believe the Biden administration will advance AI adoption, 74% said the government is dedicated to training representatives to utilize AI and 71% said laborers already have the skills required for it.
Although further developed AI requires further developed foundations that agencies might not yet have, opportunities for measure automation are limitless, Rob Dwyer said. Yet, he's worried about agencies using automation as a reason to avoid or delay overall IT modernization.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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At Beale Air Force Base , in California, you would think that the SR-71 Blackbird program would be the biggest blackest deepest secret. You would be wrong.
The biggest secret was Senior Bowl.
According to Air Force Test Center History Office documents, all manned flights over the Soviet Union were discontinued by President Dwight Eisenhower after Francis Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane was shot down May 1, 1960. However even if the US government was planning on using satellites for reconnaissance, the technology was still a few years away and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) determined unmanned drones could fill the gap until satellites became viable.
For this reason in the 1960s the famed Lockheed “Skunk Works” developed the D-21 a highly-advanced, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) designed to carry out high-speed, high-altitude strategic reconnaissance missions over hostile territory. However, on the fourth flight test, the D-21 experienced an “asymmetric unstart” as it passed through the bow wake of the M-21 causing the mothership to pitch up and collide with the D-21 at Mach 3.25. Crewmembers Bill Park and Ray Torick ejected from the M-21, but Torick’s flight suit became ripped and filled with water when he plunged into the ocean where he drowned.
After the accident and after the death of Ray Torick, a test flight engineer, the M-21 launch program was cancelled but testers still believed the D-21 would make a valuable reconnaissance vehicle and decided to launch the drone from B-52Hs under top secret test program named Tagboard. The new code name for the D-21 project became Senior Bowl.
It was Kelly Johnson, President of Skunk Works, who suggested to use the B-52. As a result of Johnson’s advice two B-52’s were modified: 61#0021 and 60#0036. Both B-52’s are still in the US Air Force (USAF) inventory. The ultra secret 4200 test squadron was formed at Beale.
Only a few of the men that flew the SR-71 had been read into the program: out of necessity one of the few included my father Richard “Butch” Sheffield, SR-71 RSO who had already been read into Oxcart in 1965. In his unpublished book he writes that on the flightline he was with Bob Spencer, SR-71 pilot. They were taxing out when they saw the B-52 with a drone underneath it. Spencer asked ‘What is that under that B-52?’ My Dad responded ‘I have no idea.’ He couldn’t tell Bob Spencer the truth.
These two B-52‘s were kept away at the end of the runway apart from any other operations. The D-21s were used on four flights over communist China but none of these missions fully succeeded.
Two flights were successful, however the imagery could not be recovered from the D-21’s hatch. The other two operational flights ended with one being lost in a heavily defended area and the other D-21 simply disappeared after launch.
The main mission of the D-21 was to fly over China and take pictures of its nuclear weapons test facility in the remote west central of the country near Lop Nor.
The pictures were supposed to be dropped in the ocean and recovered by the Navy. The fourth and final mission of the D-21 drone took place on Mar. 20, 1971 and was undertaken by D-21 #527. Experts at the 4200th Support Squadron and at Skunk Works concluded that #527 must have malfunctioned. It was thought to have gone down near Lop Nor.
Senior Bowl lasted from January 1968 until Jul. 15, 1971. Interestingly, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ben Rich (then retired president of Lockheed’s Skunk Works) finally had an opportunity to tour Russia himself. While in Moscow, the KGB presented Rich with a gift of what they thought were the remains of a stealth fighter that had crashed in their territory. As it turned out, the wreckage was actually pieces and parts of the lost D-21 Drone! ~ written by Linda Sheffield Miller for Aviation geekclub
@Habubrats71 via X
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Airborne ISR Market is driven by better operational efficiency during air surveillance, border surveillance
The global Airborne ISR Market size is estimated to be valued at USD 9.9 billion in 2021. It is projected to reach USD 12.8 billion by 2026, recording a CAGR of 5.1% in terms of value. The market is driven by factors such as the rising demand for phased array radars for better operational efficiency during air surveillance, border surveillance, and commercial applications.
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The airborne ISR market is growing at a significant rate across the world, and a similar trend is expected to be observed during the forecast period. The rising demand of UAVs for airborne ISR applications, increasing procurement of Airborne ISR systems due to growing transnational and regional instability, increasing use airborne ISR based geological surveying for scientific research purposes, rapid advancement in artificial intelligence, big data analytics and robotics technologies are fueling the growth of the airborne ISR market.
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The Airborne ISR market is being driven by the increased adoption of advanced combat warfare systems to gain an advantage over enemy forces and the increasing defense expenditure of various countries. Industry players are undertaking R&D activities that focus on improving the capability of these radar to perform in all-weather conditions and provide support in commercial as well as defense operations, such as long-range surveillance, search & rescue, drug interdiction, counterterrorism, and maritime environmental support, among others. Along with this, an increase in the usage of UAV systems and the need for ground surveillance and communication act as key driving factors for the Airborne ISR market.
Development and procurement of modern airborne ISR systems, such as targeting and surveillance systems and communication systems, for various applications is driving the demand for the airborne ISR market globally. In February 2019, US border security agencies started using targeting and surveillance systems upon aerostats on the US-Mexico border which are particularly good at detecting low-flying aircraft, such as the ones drug smugglers use, because their radar isn’t blocked by hilly terrain the way ground-based radar can be. Newer, smaller versions can fly closer to the ground and carry radar that can better identify people.
Based on end user, defense segment is anticipated to register the highest growth from 2021 to 2026
In the defense end user segment, airborne ISR systems have used the department of defense intelligence agencies and other government applications. Airborne ISR systems function as a data grid that collects critical information from various sensors, such as radar, sonar, and electro-optic, which are installed on various airborne platforms. In May 2021, the US Department of Defense awarded a combined USD 950 million multiple award contracts with a firm-fixed-price task order to a total of 22 different companies which include key players like L3 Harris Communications Integrated Systems, Leidos, MAG Aero, Meta Special Aerospace, Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Textron Corp., etc. Contractors will provide various Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers engineering assessments, procurement of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors and related equipment, integration of ISR sensors into non-standard aircraft, and contractor logistics support for non-standard aircraft with ISR sensors.
Based on platform, unmanned systems segment is anticipated to register the highest growth from 2021 to 2026
Unmanned systems include Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) in which the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is controlled by a pilot using a radio data link from a remote location. UAS can also include an autonomously controlled UAV or, more likely, a semi-autonomous UAV. Unmanned systems offer surveillance solutions by integrating TCAS, Terrain Awareness, Transponders, Distance Measuring Equipment and ADS-B into a single simplified unit that provides unmeasured tactical performance and safety. In August 2020, AeroVironment, Inc. announced it received a firm-fixed-price contract award valued at USD 45 million for RQ-11B Raven small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and initial spares packages. These will be used by soldiers to conduct battlefield reconnaissance and provide their units with a greater level of security.
North America is projected to lead the airborne ISR market from 2021 to 2026
Significant investments in R&D activities for the development of advanced ISR solutions by key players and increased demand for precision and accurate ISR systems are some of the factors expected to fuel the growth of the airborne ISR market in this region. The US is expected to drive the growth of the North American airborne ISR market during the forecast period, owing to easy access to various innovative technologies and significant investments being made by manufacturers in the country for the development of improved military ISR and geospatial monitoring systems. Several developments have taken place in the field of airborne ISR in the region. For instance, in January 2020, Telephonics Corporation (US) successfully developed and tested its MOSAIC Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) surveillance radar system with the US Navy’s MH-60S helicopter. The MOSAIC AESA surveillance radar is capable of performing continuous scheduled Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) imaging tasks while simultaneously conducting surveillance, detection, and tracking operations.
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, such as Lockheed Martin Corporation (US), Northrop Grumman (US), Thales Group (France), Raytheon Technologies Corporation (US), Hensoldt AG (Germany), and BAE Systems (UK), among others.
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flippinflipnews · 2 years
Government provides housing for ex-rebels in Negros
Government provides housing for ex-rebels in Negros
DUMAGUETE CITY – The first batch of housing units for former rebels of the breakaway rebel group Rebolusyong Partidong Manggagawa-Pilipinas/Revolutionary Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPMP/RPA/ABB) in Negros Oriental will be turned over this month to the beneficiaries.
Brig. Gen. Leonardo Peña, commander of the Philippine Army's 302nd Infantry Brigade based in Tanjay City, Negros Oriental, told the Philippine News Agency on Wednesday the turnover of the first six housing units will be done after the Holy Week.
“We don’t have a specific date yet although the houses have been completed, but definitely it will be this month at the earliest or in early May for Kapatiran members in Negros Oriental, as part of President Rodrigo Duterte’s whole-of-nation approach,” Peña said in mixed English and Filipino.
The RPMP/RPA/ABB is a breakaway group of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) and is now known as "Kapatiran", which has a standing peace agreement with the government.
The Core Shelter housing project in Sitio Ling-ab, Barangay San Miguel in Tanjay City is a collaborative effort of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), through the Philippine Army, and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (formerly Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process), under the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA) program.
“The housing site will accommodate 60 families of profiled Kapatiran members who have 'surrendered' to the government over the past 10 years or so,” Peña said.
The six housing units will be the “show window” of this collaboration to show the government’s sincerity in helping former rebels in their new life away from the underground movement, he said.
The 542nd Engineering Construction Battalion of the Philippine Army is undertaking the building of the concrete houses.
The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.
The National Democratic Front has been formally designated as a terrorist organization by the Anti-Terrorism Council on June 23, 2021, citing it as “an integral and inseparable part” of the CPP-NPA created in April 1973. (PNA)
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rpatech · 2 years
4 ways in which financial institutions are leveraging RPA for fraud detection
The Banking and Financial Services sector is heavily reliant on standard processes and systems. The BFSI sector is also one that is highly susceptible to fraud and fraudulent behavior. Especially in the wake of COVID-19 and new digital initiatives, there has been a rise in incidents of fraud and the threat is only looking large. As per a Deloitte India survey, the key reasons leading to the rising cases of fraud include the large-scale remote work models, increasing customers leveraging non-branch banking channels, and the ineffective use of forensic analytics tools to find and mitigate potential frauds or threats. The solution lies with leveraging RPA in Fraud Detection that can reduce the overheads associated with traditional fraud prevention processes and get faster, more accurate results.
Failure of traditional models of fraud detection
A majority of banks and financial institutions use rules-based systems with manual evaluation for identifying fraud. These methods worked well in the past but with fraudsters and cyber criminals becoming more sophisticated, the older methods for identifying and mitigating risks are simply not fast enough.
Over the years, fraud patterns have transformed and evolved faster than the rules-based processes. This has led to multiple issues. For instance, false positives or undetected incidents as a result of the high volume of banking data. This is where robotics process automation comes to the rescue.
Implementation of RPA in fraud detection
RPA solutions are ideal for use cases that need to analyse vast reams of data quickly and then apply rules-based actions to it. RPA is then ideal for the automated, repetitive and rules-based financial macros of fraud detection.
Not only is this solution cheaper and faster, it is more efficient as it gets rid of the manual errors and enables the workforce to focus on less tedious and more creative work.
Here’s how implementing RPA can help in fraud identification and mitigation:
1. Reassessing current processes
Banks and financial organisations can program RPA bots to review current and historical financial transactions to find anomalies and atypical patterns that can indicate illegal or fraudulent activities.
This also helps at the broader business level because implementing RPA will require the financial institution to study, document, assess the current processes, leading to deeper insights and identifying high-risk areas.
2. Elimination of human errors
By strategically incorporating RPA into the business processes, banks and financial institutions can significantly reduce the human interaction and chances of manual errors. Employers can instead focus on other important tasks, eliminating the chance of clerical errors.
3. Improved trade monitoring
With a rise in financial crimes and money laundering, many companies and government agencies seek the help of intelligent automation to fight financial terrorism. RPA bots, when integrated with other automation technologies, can process each and every transaction for potential fraud and flag high-value transactions as appropriate. RPA’s capability lies in sifting unstructured data and the bots can identify risks much faster than a manual process.
4. Automated threat detection
Monitoring thousands of web pages or reams of application data would be a huge task for any fraud detection team. However, this task would be much simpler, faster, and easier for a bot.
Two of the common use cases where RPA solutions can be leveraged to implement automated threat detection include:
● Copyright infringement
RPA bots prevent copyright infringement by quickly scanning through suspected websites for your confidential or copyrighted information such as patents, trade secrets etc.
● Pricing information
In order to boost sales and steal your customers, many websites or companies may sell your products at lower price points that are impossible to match. One thing that RPA bots do well and quickly is to collect and aggregate pricing information to see whether your offerings are being sold online illegally or set at lower price points.
Why should RPA be used for fraud mitigation?
Fraud impacts various organizations in multiple ways. When an RPA solution is integrated into a well-structured process, the human element can be minimized, leading to faster processes, fewer errors, and improved customer experiences. A survey of 164 Financial Executive International members shows that RPA is underutilized to prevent and detect fraud. The survey highlights some benefits that companies hoped to achieve through RPA. These included reducing employee time on low-value-added tasks, mitigating human errors, and reducing costs.
Benefits of using RPA for fraud detection
Implementing fraud detection bot, banks and financial institutions can see a noticeable difference in the ROI of this automated labour. For instance, time spent in processing requests can be reduced to 50% and exception rate can be slashed to zero. Some of the other benefits include enhanced service-level agreements, reducing hours of manual labour to minutes of automated work, elimination of human involvement in bulk processing etc.
Final thoughts
RPATech’s customized financial bot solutions don’t just help your organisation to save on costs or work faster, it helps you to work smarter. By adopting RPA, you join the league of several other industries and create a competitive advantage. If you want to understand how RPA adoption creates a win-win situation for both your employees and customers, get in touch with us for a consultation.
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The Pivotal Role of HIPAA Compliance in ensuring Data Security in Medical Apps!
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The modern era of digitalization has brought about transformative changes in the healthcare sector. Global spending on healthcare services is on the rise, a bright future awaits this industry for sure! Healthcare service providers are hiring Healthcare App Development Companies and freelance Healthcare App Developers and leveraging advanced technologies to deliver premium-quality services to their patients. Advanced healthcare mobility solutions are helping the users to actively track their basic health statistics like tracking their heart rate, checking their blood glucose/ BMI level, availing online doctor consultation services via the app, appointment booking, etc. Moreover, both patients and practitioners can access electronic Health Records/electronic medical records whenever required.
But, despite the convenience quotient of using digital healthcare services via an app, data security happens to be one of the greatest concerns of the healthcare industry. These medical apps are susceptible to data breaches, hacking, cyber-attacks, etc. which can pose a risk to the sensitive medical data of patients, causing massive losses to medical facilities. Therefore, healthcare organizations should be more vigilant of their software and cyber-security practices. For avoiding theft, misuse, and fraud of the patients’ data, healthcare applications that have patient’s sensitive data have to be HIPAA compliant and strictly adhere to the HIPAA rules and regulations in the US
What is HIPAA?
HIPAA refers to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actand is issued by federal regulators. This Act mandates a set of safety and privacy standards to protect the confidentiality and availability of medical records and sensitive patient information. Initially, the purpose of introducing this act was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the medical organizations in the U.S. With time, several rules were added to the Act to protect the individually identifiable health information commonly known as Protected Health Information (PHI). These rules influence the functioning and security protocol of healthcare mobile applications.
The entities covered under the HIPAA Act are health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and healthcare providers that use electronic media for transmitting data such as health claims, coordination of benefits, referral authorizations, etc. These entities may comprise small/large organizations, institutions, research centers, individual practitioners, and even government agencies.
How HIPAA Compliance plays a major role in protecting data privacy in Healthcare Apps?
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Adhering to HIPAA for data privacy is federally mandated for healthcare facilities and other Healthcare IT service providers such as healthcare mobile app development services and mHealth development services. So, let’s understand why HIPAA compliance plays a major role in protecting data privacy in Healthcare Applications.
Data Privacy
The importance of capturing data has risen over the years to improve the overall healthcare operations, using advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), RFID technology Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Chatbots, etc. The personal information of patients, their contact details, and medical reports are recorded and saved digitally by several hospital bodies. As such, maintaining data privacy is important to ensure that only the relevant information is shared with the right set of people and at the proper time. This strategy helps providers to build trust amongst the patients.
HIPAA compliant apps abide by strict rules to ensure data security and privacy. These apps are hosted on HIPAA-compliant servers to ensure that all the HIPAA standards are fulfilled correctly. They have to display a link in the privacy policy of the mobile app, while the users download the app. The apps take consent from the patients/users before storing their information. Furthermore, the users are informed about how their data will be used.
Security of the healthcare data
Data breaches can lead to disastrous consequences for patients, hospitals as well as healthcare facilities. Fraudulent insurance claims, extortion, or identity thefts are likely, and once this data is hacked/lost, it can be devastating for both patients and medical providers. So, it is essential to secure patient data stored in electronic medical record systems, data concerning the hospital workforce, or other back-office data.
A HIPAA compliant mobile app solution ensures the safety and privacy of healthcare data. The medical app users can access the data only through a secure login procedure. Additionally, two-factor authentications are applied for more security and all data presented in the app can be only accessed using a secure PHI key. Besides, in case the mobile device is lost or stolen, personal user information cannot be accessed easily owing to the advanced security standards and encryption. Data stored on database servers are also encrypted to prevent easy access to healthcare data.
Secure transmission of data
In many large Healthcare Organizations with multiple branches, the medical data needs to be shared with several doctors or concerned authorities. If such hospitals use a mobile app for data transmission, it must be as per HIPAA rules and regulations. Moreover, hospital bodies should audit data from time to time for ensuring that the user data in the app isn’t accessed inappropriately or modified abruptly. Furthermore, in the case of remote monitoring of patients using wearable technology, like IoT or AI; only the required data will be transferred to ensure the security of data. For this reason, the communication networks of the apps possess integrity control mechanisms.
A HIPAA compliant software solution ensures that the amount of sensitive data stored in them has access limitations when the device is carried outside the hospital premises. Additionally, when users delete these apps, any related health data is deleted completely from their device. Remember that HIPAA laws apply only to the apps using PHI i.e. protected health information. Therefore, the data transferred from an app that does not deal with personally identifiable information need not be protected under HIPAA guidelines.
Notification of healthcare records breaches
Today, there is a high possibility of sensitive Healthcare data getting fraudulently accessed by hackers. However, if the Healthcare app is HIPAA compliant, it needs to notify affected individuals about the breach of data without unreasonable delay and this notification should not be sent later than 60 days. This policy is mandatory for all apps that are adhering to HIPAA Compliance to abide by data breach notification laws. As per these laws, eligible data breaches are obliged to alert the users or relevant parties.
Some of the data breaches may not cause serious repercussions to medical facilities. In case any disclosure of information, unauthorized access to it, or loss of personal information is bound to cause serious damage, then such breaches are known as eligible data breaches. They can cause financial losses or even damage the reputation of the medical organization. So, the mobile app they employ should be HIPAA compliant and should send prompt notifications to users.
Key Takeaways:
Today, data is the biggest asset for any industry vertical, and healthcare bodies are no exception to it. Today, most hospitals implement diverse innovative digital technologies to deliver improved services to their patients. However, the medical data handled by apps are vulnerable to security and privacy threats. In order to protect this data, these digital healthcare apps must follow the HIPAA guidelines. As per HIPAA compliance, the covered entities need to administer physical, technical as well as administrative safeguards for PHI in place for ensuring privacy, integrity, confidentiality, and security of healthcare data. Therefore, while hiring a Healthcare app Development Company for tailoring an outstanding app for your medical facility, you must necessarily follow the standard HIPAA regulations.
To know more about our core technologies, refer to links below:
WordPress App Development
Flutter App Development
PHP App Development
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goneutrinos · 3 years
Gartner named Neutrinos as Global Vendor in Six Hype Cycle Reports
Neutrinos were named in the first five reports for its advanced Multi-Experience Development Platform, Front-End Development Tools, and Back-End for Front-End Pattern.
Neutrinos were named in the first five reports for its advanced Multi-Experience Development Platform, Front-End Development Tools, and Back-End for Front-End Pattern.
Neutrinos were named in the sixth report for its Intelligent Document Processing Capabilities in-built into its Low-Code, Multi-Experience Development Platform.
Find detailed information about each Hype Cycle™ Report below. If you prefer a summary, click here.
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Neutrinos were recognized by Gartner in its 2021 Hype Cycle™ Reports. Neutrinos featured as a sample vendor in six reports:
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for User Experience, 2021
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for the Future of Applications, 2021
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Software Engineering, 2021
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Digital Government Technology, 2021
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Consumer Engagement with Healthcare and Wellness, 2021
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Enterprise Software, 2021
Neutrinos were named in the first five reports for its advanced Multi-Experience Development Platform, Front-End Development Tools, and Back-End for Front-End Pattern.
Neutrinos were named in the first five reports for its advanced Multi-Experience Development Platform, Front-End Development Tools, and Back-End for Front-End Pattern.
Neutrinos were named in the sixth report for its Intelligent Document Processing Capabilities in-built into its Low-Code, Multi-Experience Development Platform.
Find detailed information about each Hype Cycle™ Report below. If you prefer a summary, click here.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Enterprise Software, 2021
The 25 capabilities and technologies presented in this report enable enterprise software leaders to drive technology development and product delivery agility. Enterprise software is necessary as it is the catalyst for a composable enterprise. One such technology is Intelligent Document Processing.
Gartner named Neutrinos as one of the top 10 Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendors worldwide.
As organizations worldwide move towards high-value, cost-saving, and end-to-end document processing solutions, IDP will broaden its functionality and integration into various business processes. As per Emerging Technologies Venture Capital Growth Insights: Robotic Process Automation, Venture Capital (VC) Investment is now focused on companies offering complementary technologies to RPA. A significant complementary segment is Content Ingestion that includes IDP and OCR-based capabilities.
Neutrinos enable enterprises and developers to build IDP solutions through its low-code platform. Key IDP capabilities, such as Smart Capture, Recognition, Classification, Extraction, Validation, and Integration, transform unstructured data hidden in documents into structured and usable data. Enterprises can eliminate data entry errors and accelerate document processing time by 80% with AI-powered automation.
Neutrinos IDP increases business velocity with better visibility and accurate insights on enterprise data stored in documents. Industries heavily dependent on document-based processes, such as Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, Government Agencies, Transport, Supply Chains, and many others, would benefit considerably from Neutrinos IDP.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Reports
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for User Experience, 2021
The innovations presented in this report reflect the macro trends in UX across all industries in terms of platforms, methodologies, processes, collaborations, and adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Design and Development. UX is required to create high-quality digital products and services to drive measurable business and customer value.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for the Future of Applications, 2021
This report contains the central components for architecture, design, and delivery of future app experiences. Encompassing a wide range of innovations and new-age technologies, the future of apps should empower software leaders to adapt and respond faster to deliver on progressive business opportunities.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Software Engineering, 2021
The practices and technologies presented in this report are helpful to software leaders to facilitate innovation and agility in their organizations. Software Engineering is important as it is an evolving discipline supporting digital businesses.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Digital Government Technology, 2021
The platforms and technologies presented in this report empower government agencies to advance digital maturity and contribute to the organization’s objectives in the best way. It is vital as these technologies accelerate digital transformation in government agencies.
Gartner® Hype Cycle™ Report for Consumer Engagement with Healthcare and Wellness, 2021
The technologies and related ideas tracked in this report would create the greatest impact on healthcare and wellness engagement. It provides a holistic view of consumer engagement helpful to healthcare and life sciences CIOs to make strategic technology decisions.
The Impact of Multi-Experience Development Platforms
Gartner states that Multi-Experience Development Platforms enable scalable and distributed development both in architecture and teams of fit-for-purpose applications across all digital touch points and modalities.
Out of hundreds of MXDP providers worldwide, Gartner picked Neutrinos as one of the top 13 sample vendors for Multi-Experience Development Platforms.
Multi-Experience Development Platforms are essential as they unify front-end app development activities across heterogeneous types of applications. It enables seamless, enjoyable, and persistent User Experience (UX) across all these applications. MXDPs accelerate development velocity and maximum reuse.
According to Gartner, MXDPs have a major impact on businesses across all industries. MXDPs help to:
Create  superior and seamless app user experiences across multiple devices and augment human senses, such as vision, auditory, and touch.
Construct complex front-ends to speed up app development and deployment in a simple and composable design.
Increase engagement and loyalty in developers through smooth development experiences.
Allow cross-platform development and reduce the number of development teams in an organization.
About Neutrinos
Gartner named Neutrinos in the 2021 Magic Quadrant for Multi-Experience Development Platforms for its innovation and contribution towards advanced integration capabilities and open-source architecture. Open-source architecture prevents platform lock-in, and superior integration capabilities enable app deployment in multiple platforms and channels.
Neutrinos is ISO/IEC 27001 certified for assured data security. Neutrinos featured in CIO Review India Magazine under 10 Most Promising Insurance Technology Solution Providers in 2021.
Neutrinos offer a Low-Code, Multi-Experience Platform with advanced AI and related capabilities. IDP capabilities are built into the Neutrinos Platform. Business Users, Professional Developers, and Citizen Developers can quickly build mobile apps, progressive web apps, IoT apps, wearables, and digital twins on the platform. Enterprises can custom-build apps with IDP capabilities to meet business needs.
Build Advanced & Secure Applications on Neutrinos Platform Rapidly!
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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The story of the D-21 Drone and project Senior Bowl, the Most Secret Program ever developed by the famed Lockheed Skunk Works
At Beale Air Force Base (AFB), in California, you would think that the SR-71 Blackbird program would be the biggest blackest deepest secret.
But you would be wrong.
The biggest secret was Senior Bowl.
The top secret D-21, the high-speed, high-altitude spy drone air launched from the the back of a Mach 3 A-12 aircraft
M-21 and D-21.
According to Air Force Test Center History Office documents, all manned flights over the Soviet Union were discontinued by President Dwight Eisenhower after Francis Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane was shot down May 1, 1960. However even if the US government was planning on using satellites for reconnaissance, the technology was still a few years away and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) determined unmanned drones could fill the gap until satellites became viable.
For this reason in the 1960s the famed Lockheed “Skunk Works” developed the D-21 a highly-advanced, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) designed to carry out high-speed, high-altitude strategic reconnaissance missions over hostile territory.
The D-21 required a mothership to launch given its ramjet engine, which needed to be air-launched at a certain speed to activate. Initially, Lockheed testers used an M-21 (essentially a modified SR-71 Blackbird) to air launch the D-21 drone. The D-21 would be launched from the back of the M-21. Ideally, after conducting its reconnaissance mission it would eject a hatch with photo equipment to be recovered either mid-air or after the hatch landed.
However, on the fourth flight test, the D-21 experienced an “asymmetric unstart” as it passed through the bow wake of the M-21 causing the mothership to pitch up and collide with the D-21 at Mach 3.25. Crewmembers Bill Park and Ray Torick ejected from the M-21, but Torick’s flight suit became ripped and filled with water when he plunged into the ocean where he drowned.
Tagboard Flyers: the story of the B-52 bombers that carried the D-21 Mach 3 ramjet-powered reconnaissance drones
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B-52 and D-21.
After the accident and after the death of Ray Torick, a test flight engineer, the M-21 launch program was cancelled but testers still believed the D-21 would make a valuable reconnaissance vehicle and decided to launch the drone from B-52Hs under a top secret test program named Tagboard. The new code name for the D-21 project became Senior Bowl.
It was Kelly Johnson, President of Skunk Works, who suggested to use the B-52. As a result of Johnson’s advice two B-52’s were modified: 61#0021 and 60#0036. Both B-52’s are still in the US Air Force (USAF) inventory. The ultra secret 4200 test squadron was formed at Beale.
Only a few of the men that flew the SR-71 had been read into the program: out of necessity one of the few included my father Richard “Butch” Sheffield, SR-71 RSO who had already been read into Oxcart in 1965. In his unpublished book he writes that on the flightline he was with Bob Spencer, SR-71 pilot. They were taxing out when they saw the B-52 with a drone underneath it. Spencer asked ‘What is that under that B-52?’ My Dad responded ‘I have no idea.’ He couldn’t tell Bob Spencer the truth.
These two B-52‘s were kept away at the end of the runway apart from any other operations.
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D-21 drone.
The D-21s were used on four flights over communist China but none of these missions fully succeeded.
Two flights were successful, however the imagery could not be recovered from the D-21’s hatch. The other two operational flights ended with one being lost in a heavily defended area and the other D-21 simply disappeared after launch.
The main mission of the D-21 was to fly over China and take pictures of its nuclear weapons test facility in the remote west central of the country near Lop Nor.
The pictures were supposed to be dropped in the ocean and recovered by the Navy. During the Cold War this information was necessary for the defense of the US.
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B-52H print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. B-52H Stratofortress 2nd BW, 20th BS, LA/60-0008 “Lucky Lady IV”.
The fourth and final mission of the D-21 drone took place on Mar. 20, 1971 and was undertaken by D-21 #527. Experts at the 4200th Support Squadron and at Skunk Works concluded that #527 must have malfunctioned. It was thought to have gone down near Lop Nor. This drone is on display in China at their national aviation museum. So we know that it got close.
Senior Bowl lasted from January 1968 until Jul. 15, 1971. Interestingly, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ben Rich (then retired president of Lockheed’s Skunk Works) finally had an opportunity to tour Russia himself. While in Moscow, the KGB presented Rich with a gift of what they thought were the remains of a stealth fighter that had crashed in their territory. As it turned out, the wreckage was actually pieces and parts of the lost D-21 Drone!
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Page Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
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Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
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