sleepyminty · 7 months
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Respect to those who tanked
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sonso1 · 1 month
RR1: Giải Pháp Dưỡng Bóng Dàn Áo Xe, Bảo Vệ Lâu Dài
RR1 là sản phẩm chất lượng với công thức bảo vệ tối ưu, hiện đang là lựa chọn của nhiều khách hàng để dưỡng bóng dàn áo xe hiệu quả.
Xịt RR1 sẽ làm sáng bóng các bộ phận nhựa xe máy. Để có kết quả tối ưu, hãy sử dụng trên các bề mặt hoàn toàn khô và sạch.
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nekoekko-art · 2 months
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thank you Sinclair for being RR MVP for 3 seasons (this won't change in future RRs)
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peppermint-candy · 6 months
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little-lanterns · 1 year
rr2 is giving me a mental illness that can only be cured by playing a league match with the most dogshit teammate to ever exist
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stastnesova · 2 months
New Comic Haul Arrived!!
I got 26 in this box (it was my big quarterly haul I budget for) but here’s my favs:
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Robin 3000 #1 and #2 they’re thick and actually perfect bound with writing on the spine, which I didn’t expect. You also can’t tell but the title “Robin” is shiny and metallic ink
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These two with moving covers!
The Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Assassins (which is actually Batman and Robin Vol 2 #23.3) has a 3D holographic cover which looks really cool with the foreground fire and background ninja
The other is Robin III part 3, with a really cool “barrier grid animation” moving cover. You grab the bottom of it and pull slowly, and the lines are supposed to match up with the cover to create a moving picture (it works best if you unfocus your eyes and lay it completely flat). In this case, Tim beating the shit out of a Russian gangster while Huntress tries to stop him. It’s also double sided, so if you flip the interior page over you get an animation of King Snake and Lynx flexing.
(I already have two more of these covers for parts 3 and 4 of Robin III, I’m hoping to complete the set on day. I’ve been incredibly lucky finding all of these separately so far)
Finally, the pièce de résistance of todays haul:
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A first printing near mint copy of Red Robin #1!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it when I was idly clicking through my usual titles for a double check before final checkout. Idk who returned this one so I could snag it online, but thank you!!
0 notes
givehimthemedicine · 1 year
NINA and the magic of VHS ✨📼
I think I just figured out a big part of how NINA works. here's how Brenner is "altering" past events.
something just hit me about this footage that's been staring me in the face this whole time.
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before I come to my Big Point, let me establish a few things:
the camera codes don't match
s4 keeps giving us camera POV footage that's labeled per camera. we see codes like CAM 071, CAM 039 and CAM 114.
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what's weird about that? nothing, except... here are what the tape labels in the NINA library look like:
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alphanumeric codes like CAM B2, CAM A5, CAM TR2. not a single one with just the three-digit numerical codes.
k, put a pin in that.
the NINA library is so spotty
Brenner tells El, "Everything that took place in my lab was captured on video tape. Every success and every failure."
but the dates we saw in that closeup are so sparse. it takes only a dozen tapes to span a month of footage leading up to the massacre (a time period you'd think they'd save every second of):
CAM B6 08-10-79 CAM B5 08-12-79 CAM A2 08-20-79 CAM B5 08-25-79 CAM TR1 09-2-79 CAM RR2 09-4-79 CAM C6 09-6-79 CAM RR1 09-6-79 CAM C4 09-7-79 CAM B5 09-7-79 CAM TR2 09-8-79
no idea what a lot of these camera codes denote, but it's not too hard to guess RR means Rainbow Room.
I can tell you off the top of my head that there are four cameras in the Rainbow Room. and one in each corner of the training rooms, at least one apiece in test rooms, bedrooms, hallways. at least one apiece in observation chambers of test rooms - otherwise the One banishment footage wouldn't exist (is that a bit odd now that I think of it?).
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and that's not including the tripod cameras with which are recorded close up footage like plinko and the cat.
so, why so few dates and camera angles?
@lilly-flowerr once kindly calculated an estimate about how many VHS tapes would be produced from 100+ cameras' worth of continuous footage for the duration of the HNL program and the result was in the ballpark of several million.
tbf, Brenner never claimed this was all the footage. so I figured, likely, this library actually just houses a pared-down selection of footage relevant to the massacre.
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but the problem with that idea is... consider how when we see El get NINA'd with RR footage: she's being shown four views of the room at once. that's already impossible, based on the selection we see available in the library. there aren't even four RR camera views represented on that shelf, let alone all from the same day.
pin that too.
live feeds vs playback
I thought hey, if those camera POVs had dates and everything on them, why isn't that stuff on El's NINA videos? are they hiding that data to facilitate screwing with her?!??
which, yeah. but here's the One banishment footage that Brenner watches alone. no dates on that either:
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so I went to look for other times we've seen lab playback to see if there are ever dates.
Hopper checking out the pipe in season 1; Owens reviewing Will's checkup:
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that's actually a plot point on the Hopper one because he decided the lab was lying to him about which night that footage was of - if the tapes showed dates onscreen, that wouldn't have been an issue.
so then I thought, ok, if that data doesn't appear on playback, it must only display on monitors showing live feeds, and that stuff doesn't actually get recorded onto it. right?
well here are some live lab feeds: El and the cat; detained Nancy and Jonathan; scientists watching Will's checkup; Owens directing Bob to safety from demodogs. no dates anywhere.
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so... if there's no data on live feeds or on playback.... where ARE those dates on the NINA cameras being displayed? there's no internal viewer on those security cameras, like looking through a camcorder viewfinder, so it's not like it's merely "the camera's view" unseen by any actual entity.
so like... who's seeing that? how are we seeing that?
pin that too. I promise we're getting close.
OSD (on screen display)
quick bit of context for those who didn't grow up with VHS.
in VHS days, your video camera (if you had it configured to do so) would put the date onto your home movies. it wasn't a separate layer you could turn on/off after the fact, like DVD subtitles. if that feature was turned on while you were filming, that date was forever fused onto the footage itself. any time you ever played that tape back, you would see that date. there's no way to get rid of it.
osd however - PLAY PAUSE FFW and all that - those labels aren't fused onto the actual footage. they appear momentarily only as you navigate the tape with your VCR. DVD players do the same thing, you're probably familiar.
you can watch the osd labels appear/disappear as Joyce investigates Will's Halloween tape, while the date stays put.
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they give us the live camera view of Bob (which has just the date) vs Joyce playing it back on her VCR later (which has the date and also osd). why the timestamps are different is a whoooooole other post.
so now that we're all on the same page about how dates vs. osd works on VCRs,
I'll bring you to the only time I DID find dates on lab playback:
4x6 when Brenner pops this tape in his VCR.
"who's even seeing those ?" Brenner. yeah, that's not my stunning realization. but look what we see up in the top left corner: osd. PLAY.
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so here finally is my point: if PLAY appears on the screen as a result of Brenner hitting play on his VCR....
let me direct your attention to the upper left corner of that other footage:
those camera POV shots all say 🔴REC.
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those aren't recordings.
they ARE recordING.
Brenner is taping these past events, live, during NINA.
"how do you explain Little El showing up in some of the camera povs? brainwash her all you want, but she would show up big on a tape being recorded in 1986."
indeed! which is why I'm not going so far as to claim Brenner is recording The Actual Past. what I do believe is that he's recording El's memories of the past, in which she is Little El.
"and how are you gonna say Brenner is able to record El's memories right out of her head with a VCR? yes this is fiction, but VHS technology isn't. c'mon."
it's not actually that far fetched! El canonically has a very similar ability - it's been swept under the rug in comparison to the glamor of telekinesis, not used since season 1, but it's well established:
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she not only can hear people remotely, but also relay what only she is hearing via radio/intercom to where others can then hear it.
Brenner was filming this test on a tripod camera, which wouldn't have been affected by the cut in power that happened when El started relaying. so he walked away from this moment with a recording of something only El was able to hear.
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which is exactly how NINA works. add video technology, and there ya go. if it didn't already exist in 1983, this scene was Brenner discovering the concept.
Brenner's tapes aren't the tapes El is being shown.
watch this in 4x7: he inserts this tape, hits play, and then we cut to El in NINA, watching all the monitors flash to life with footage of herself in the infirmary for her bullying concussion.
the implication from the editing is that this particular VHS yields that particular footage for El to watch, but that's a false assumption they want us to make.
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first, playing one VHS doesn't result in several screens with different footage rolling all at once. one VHS only holds one camera feed. all NINA's monitors can't be fed by one VCR.
second, "Infirmary" would most likely be abbreviated "I" or "IR". the tape he played said CAM TR2, which could stand for either Training Room or Test Room. El experiences 9/8/79 "memories" of both, so I'm not sure which this would be. regardless, it's not Infirmary.
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third, as we've covered before, all the lab footage El is shown inside NINA is devoid of dates and cam codes. that's not characteristic of the tape we saw Brenner play in his VCR.
fourth, as we also covered before, not all the camera angles El's seeing are even represented on that shelf of massacre-month tapes.
so Brenner may indeed have captured everything in his lab on video tape, but the VHS library we and El are shown while he says that? pretty sure that's NOT what these tapes are.
it's implied that he's popping tapes into his VCR at the same time El's off in her memories. but if it's not for the purpose of showing them to her.... what is he doing with his?
"but nat, his finger hit play, not record."
well they're not gonna SHOW us him hitting record or we'd guess!
he's hitting play to get the tape queued up to the right spot to record on, which you gotta do with a VHS or else you could overwrite something important that's already on there.
if Brenner is recording whatever El is seeing, wouldn't that help explain:
the varying appearance of El as both big and little within the camera povs. at this moment, El is big because she's aware she's her current self (she's fully conversing with Brenner). this is definitely not really past footage, because it's not like Little El stood up on a chair and yelled into a camera in 1979. after this point though, she accepts what's going on and submits to the "memories" in which she is little, so she's seeing herself as little, so from then on she appears as Little El on the fresh tapes.
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the different camera labeling within NINA and its library of tapes - they need to differentiate between old/real/fake/new camera views.
the sparsity of the VHS library - maybe only key moments need to be overwritten
this camera-yelling moment actually is a potential match for one of the tapes on the shelf. it's Sept 4, 1979, and it's in the Rainbow Room. CAM 071 09/04/79 could be the overwriting of CAM RR2 09-4-79. on the other hand, if that were true I'd expect to also see 09-4-79 training room and hallway footage to match those other povs we saw, and I don't, so idk.
the light circle game is the only NINA footage we ever get to see both live camera POV and playback of (although it's not actually the same moment, the dates and cams are different). the numeric camera code on both of these is part of my support for the numeric camera codes representing new footage.
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regarding the date and cam code being different on those two bits of nearly identical footage…. what if I... plugged this into Multiplayer NINA theory real quick and said that maybe CAM 126 is fake-old footage that's been more recently rerecorded in someone else's NINA? that maybe that's what's on all of Brenner's tapes before he records El's new stuff onto them?
so here's my current thinking of how NINA works:
decide how you wish El remembered an event and compile cherrypicked real footage and/or staged footage supporting your version of events.
manipulate and gaslight El so that she doubts the veracity of her own memories.
drug her and throw her in a sensory deprivation tank where your selected footage clockwork-oranges her into "fully re-experiencing" your version of events.
presto! the most powerful person in the world now believes your version of events is true because she genuinely remembers it.
by means of El's electronic relay abilities (induced with a buttload of drugs), these false memories that only El is seeing, inside her mind, are displayed for all to see on monitor in NINA's control room.
pop a plain old tape into a plain old VCR and hit record, capturing whatever's on the monitor.
presto! now you have irrefutable original video footage of a past event that never happened.
now you can show that proof to someone else - the government, the media.... or perhaps more importantly another NINA subject, as an ingredient in your tampering with their memories.
so. I can't prove the ol' MindFucker4000 is also a time machine, not in this post, but I do still feel like there's time stuff involved as well. because I can't think of a way right now to claim that recording someone's manipulated memory of the past actually changes that past, meddles with timelines, etc.
can you? I don't have all the nuts and bolts ironed out, but I welcome your thoughts while mine gel!
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Looking at that Robins quiz and what order I put the various relationships in in terms of what compels me, and you know what? Tim & Damian is probably third for me, in that their problems are bidirectional and due to the other sitting RIGHT in a blind spot and insecurity of theirs, their bickering and competition is fun actually, and it’s toned down a lot in nastiness since Batman & Son through to RR1.
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postsofbabel · 2 months
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tevvyline · 6 months
(Learning method type combination rules continued) The ask questions and answer questions learning method has four types: General Question Learning Method (GQLM), Partial Question Learning Method (PQLM), Reading Question Learning Method (RQLM), and Characteristic Question Learning Method (CQLM).
11. Letters are used to simplify the combination process. The letters A for affector, E for effector, M for mixed, and OB for object are added before type letters. Part time and full time are added before the letters A, E, M, and OB and are separated by a space. For example 2PT AG1. [Type letters] GQLM 1 = G1 GQLM 2 = G2 Systemic PQLM 1 = SP1 Systemic PQLM 2 = SP2 Repeating RQLM 1 = RR1 Repeating RQLM 2 = RR2 Topic RQLM = TR Part CQLM = PC Time CQLM = TC Mental image CQLM = MC Wh- question CQLM = WC Look CQLM = LC Important CQLM = IC No answer CQLM = AC Know CQLM = KC (Number) part time = (number) PT Full time = FT 12. The types outside of the smallest square bracket [ ] can affect attributes in different ways of the combined types in the smallest square bracket. GQLM 1 = make something be asked all the time or remove something. Ex. [1PT AWC × AG1 [MSP1 × MWC × EG1]] = one or more wh- questions chosen by Wh- question CQLM can have their systemic number removed, making them asked all the time. The AG1 is targeting MSP1 and this means AG1 removes the systemic number for one or more wh- questions. GQLM 2 = change a specific attribute of a type. Ex. [1PT AWC × AG2 [MSP1 × MWC × EG1]] = one or more wh- questions chosen by Wh- question CQLM can have their systemic number increased or decreased. The AG2 is targeting MSP1 and this means AG2 increases or decreases the systemic number for one or more wh- questions. Wh- question CQLM = choose one or more. Examples [1PT AWC × AG1 [MSP1 × MWC × EG1]] and [1PT AWC × AG2 [MSP1 × MWC × EG1]] have both an outside Wh- question CQLM. The 1PT AWC type is targeting the MWC type and this means "choose one or more wh- questions". Systemic PQLM 1 = choose a number for the second result of something. First result and second results: - systemic number: first result is not asking one question with the value of the systemic number decreasing by 1 and second result is asking one question when the value decreases to 0. - ask limit: first result is asking one question with the value of the ask limit increasing by 1 and the second result is not asking one question with the value of the ask limit decreasing by 1. Ex. [ASP1 x [MSP1 x EG1]] (systemic number for all types of questions) = means that all types of questions get a systemic number and once the systemic number reaches 0, you ask a certain number of questions chosen by the number of the ASP1. No answer CQLM = reverse something Ex. [AAC x 1PT MSP1 [MG1 x ESP1]] (ask limit for all types of questions) = means that the MSP1 first choses how much the ask limit value of all questions decreases when not answering a question (asking a question can increase the ask limit value by 1 and not answering a question can decrease the ask limit value by 3). The "second result" turns into a "first result" target for the MSP1 when the AAC affects it. This means that you can choose how much the ask limit value of all questions types increases when asking a question. If you want to affect both the first result and the second result, you can make the combination [AAC x 1PT MSP1 x 1PT ASP1 [MG1 x ESP1]]. Repeating RQLM 1 = change one of a type's characteristic when the characteristic is used one time. Ex. [1PT RR1 [MSP1 x EG1]] (systemic number for all types of questions) = means that the RR1 choses the starting value of the systemic number every time the systemic number reaches 0. For example, the starting value of a systemic number could be 4 and after it reaches 0, it could be 2. 13. When combining, you need to find the highest number of possible combinations. For example, [ASP1 x AWC x EG1] = a systemic number is given to all types of questions + all the wh- questions chosen are asked all the time.
Learning method type information Question type information and learning skills Question styles, reading styles, affected and affect questions/answers, learning combinations Learning method type combination rules Learning method type combination rules (continued) List of learning method type combinations
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saicomps · 2 years
Undefeatable - Tomoya Ohtani feat. Kellin Quinn (from Sonic Frontiers)
Mabinogi R1 Composition MML code under the cut
I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me
I'm what you get ✨ when the stars collide ✨
Now face it you're just an enemy
Melody - 1144
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Harmony 1 - 540
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Harmony 2 - 423
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thinkragelive · 2 years
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2019 : Random Beauty
East of Akureyri on RR1, Iceland.
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sonso1 · 3 months
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❓ Bạn có ngờ rằng chỉ một lần xịt dung dịch bảo vệ RR1 bí quyết của các anh thợ máy. Bí quyết đi liền theo năm tháng từ những anh mới chập chững vào nghề cho đến khi tuổi nghề các anh đã lên tới vài năm, chục năm,…
✅ RR1 kh��ng những bôi trơn mượt mà, còn bảo vệ các bộ phận khỏi rỉ sét - giúp máy móc chạy một cách ngoan ngoãn không để lại tiếng động.
✅Thiết kế chai xịt gọn, nhẹ giúp việc sử dụng thực sự thuận tiện, thậm chí cho những người vụng về nhất.
✅ Chỉ cần "xịt, xịt" và mọi thứ đã chạy êm ru.
👉Và RR1: không giống như người yêu cũ phụ lòng, RR1 luôn giữ lời hứa!
👉Một lần xịt, xóa tan những tiếng ồn từ những vết rỉ sét, chống lại sự ăn mòn, tái rỉ, làm mới bugi, ốc vít,… và không bao giờ làm bạn thất vọng.
😉Với RR1, mọi thất vọng về máy móc "kêu to" đều tan biến _________________
👉Liên hệ mua hàng ngay từ hôm nay nhé https://sonso1.com/san-pham/dau-boi-tron-da-nang-rr1/
Hotline tư vấn và đặt hàng: 0985 68 01 01
Công Ty Cổ Phần Sơn Số 1 Việt Nam
VP: 176 Trường Chinh, P. Tân Hưng Thuận, Q.12
Website: sonso1.com
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collectingall · 4 months
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∀ Graded 2023 Rookies & Stars Anthony Richardson #RR1 Rush RC Football Card PSA 10 http://blog.collectingall.com/T826kp 👉 shrsl.com/4fuj5 👈
0 notes
vseproavto · 5 months
Rezvani Retro RR1: американский ретромод по мотивам легендарного Porsche 935
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2024/04/27/rezvani-retro-rr1-amerikanskij-retromod-po-motivam-legendarnogo-porsche-935/
Rezvani Retro RR1: американский ретромод по мотивам легендарного Porsche 935
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0 notes
diariomacho · 5 months
0 notes