#Rachelle D. Tavies (show runner)
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A time-travelling bounty hunter with an implied attraction to the Inspector? Why not bring back Captain James Haggard?
I guess the show runner didn’t want to trigger the audience with full-on homosexual situations.
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As it happens, the plot of ‘.world’ bears a very strong resemblance to the Small Beginnings 50th-anniversary audio play ‘Mumbleworld’, released 10 years ago.
Contrary to what the show runner said about having come up with the idea nine years before writing the script for this episode.
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Rachelle D. Tavies promises that this season’s finale
will be ‘the greatest in television history’, much like she said about the Series 4 finale in 2007.
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The Cosmic Tinker claimed to have ‘adjusted’ the Inspector’s history,
meaning that the all-powerful being changed something about the Inspector’s lives, effectively giving the show runner free rein to change anything about the programme that doesn’t suit her or the stories she intends to tell.
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Going forward, the programme will be by season, not series.
What in the name of mainstream media did you do? (That's Warner World Plus putting its stamp on Inspector Spacetime!)
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BTV had little faith that Rachelle D. Tavies would successfully revive Inspector Spacetime in 2004.
Nineteen years later, the programme is a full-fledged franchise with three spin-offs and still going strong.
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Considering how Rachelle D. Tavies treats family members in the various programmes she’s helmed,
it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that the Inspector keeps getting slapped for no apparent reason other than for abuse.
‘What did I do to deserve that?’
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The more things change, the more they stay the same. For instance, The Ninth Inspector premiere ‘Lily’, in which a wheelie bin that swallowed Minnie farted.
Seems Rachelle D. Tavies hasn’t moved past the toilet-humour stage yet.
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Is there any truth to the rumour that ‘IS’ might be coming to an end?
It seems Warner Bros. World Plus hasn’t committed to a third season under returning show runner Rachelle D. Tavies.
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It was good that the current show runner didn’t try to retcon
how Anubis was allegedly sent to his death in ‘The Ziggurats of Venus’.
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Considering how Rachelle D. Tavies has treated organised religion before,
it’s jarring that she’d have the Inspector say the replicated BOOTH was held together with ‘faith and prayers’.
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It would be interesting to learn why Rachelle D. Tavies chose 24 ells (roughly 27.4 metres, or the length of the HMS Titanic) for the distance the old woman was at from Emerald at all times.
But, it doesn’t seem she’s willing to talk about it.
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Considering the first time Rachelle D. Tavies served as show runner, the Infinity Knights had been wiped out by the Time Wave, but later turned up in great numbers,
it makes one wonder whether she’s trying to pull the same bait-and-switch on viewers this time, too.
‘I’m the last of my kind. All the Infinity Knights are gone, for good.’
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The show runner has yet to explain why that drizzle developed
every time Emerald had a strong emotional response.
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There’s advance rave reviews for Lyman Spong’s ‘Kablooey!’
Rachelle D. Tavies even says it’s the best script Spong has ever written, and not just for Inspector Spacetime.
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Rachelle D. Tavies has called BTV’s demise ‘inevitable’.
What with the issues with the licence fees and the fragmenting of the media markets, it’s highly probable.
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