#Space Geezers (episode)
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Simply because Emerald wishes to see the future,
she and the Inspector end up on what seems like an abandoned space station … which turns out to be home to a bunch of doddering pensionsers.
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intermundia · 9 months
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im obsessed with the cover of this magazine i found from 1999 which i think looks like the jedi order had some kind of a space tiger beat equivalent full of hot gossip about notable jedi lol
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there are a couple good quotes in the article, like here's ewan about the jedi on screen:
"They frown a bit, and they're good fighters. They stand for everything that's good. Nobody frowns better than Liam and l in this movie because we have the Jedi frown. We're just kind of cool geezers."
i genuinely believe that the decision to have the jedi frown was enough to tank their reputation with a large number of fans who found that off-putting and cold. if the jedi had smiled more, i guarantee that the number of fans who say that they were responsible for their own fall would be much smaller.
like think about it!! literally just bc mace windu frowned at anakin in the phantom menace, people malign his character so much. they read it as anger or disdain, but he was just frowning bc the jedi frown. they are serious people!! yoda said it in episode 5: "a jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind."
there is a lot that can be unpacked about frowning, the american norms of smiling and facial performance of emotions, and the discomfort people feel when those norms are violated. as someone with flat affect, i FEEL THAT. i love that the jedi are serious and focused. they're space wizard monks, yk?
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the other good quote is about how ewan intentionally tried to match alec guinness's voice:
"in the scene in his house where he shows Luke his laser sword for the first time, he's got such a specific voice — the Obi-Wan voice we know... kind of a fatherly voice."
ewan attempting to sound fatherly did things to those of us who are.. sensitive to such things 😅 it's like catnip for my brain personally lol
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queencoldart · 1 month
I had a weird dream last night. In my dream I was watching a new episode of Dragon Ball Super and there was this female-presenting character that belonged to Freeza's race. This character was referred to as he/him because this race is supposed to be like Namekians in the sense that it's supposed to be completely comprised of male-presenting asexual beings. This one just had curves, boobs, prominent eyelashes and a feminine voice.
Anyway, this female-looking alien I am going to refer to as not-Freeza emotionally destroyed Freeza by calling him a geezer. Something about being called old by this person just really bothered the tyrant. The two annoyed the hell out of each other and Freeza got so pissed at not-Freeza during one of their encounters that he destroyed the planet they were butting heads on.
This royally pissed off not-Freeza because not-Freeza's an avid collector of designer handbags and in the process of blowing up that planet, Freeza had just destroyed the most exclusive, one-of-a-kind luxury handbag in the universe that not-Freeza had been searching for for a while.
So now Freeza has a rival who swears revenge on him in the form of a batshit crazy member of his race who also has an entire fleet of space ships and a personal army for some reason.
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pistachions · 2 months
HI. HELLO. I said a while ago that I REALLY wanted to compare up my favourite shows cuz they're both SOOO undderated and here that is
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First.. I feel I need to introduce both shows
If you didn't know.. it's made by the creators of and takes place in the same universe as phineas and ferb (it has a crossover too !!).. but as its own show, its SO unique. It follows a boy called milo who suffers from a family curse called Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong) and his adventures with his friends !! Most of the episodes are just like general shenanigans that follow milo but it does have a plot that is introduced later on :) Also, because its made by the creators of pnf, its got the same humour .. it's really funny
The main trio are milo murphy, zack underwood and Melissa chase (in that order on the picture below) and they have a ... pretty standard TV trio dynamic, BUT all of the characters are SO fun and likeable!! Like, for instance, zack was in a regionally famous boyband and other fun things like that :)
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Remember how I said there's a plot introduced later.. yeah, well it's basically created by these geezers (dakota and Cavendish, in that order on the photo below) who are introduced as time travellers set out to save pistachios. They're really funny and also voiced by the shows creators (or the same vas as doofenshmirtz and major monogram). They also REALLY remind me of me and my best friend, which means like ... nothing if you aren't us, but if you have a similar dynamic, it's SO fun to see
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I dont want to spoil the plot much at all but the first season is about time traveland the second is space travel. If I'm honest the 2nd season.. isn't great cuz they made doofenshmirtz a main character but plot wise its still fun (season 1 is amazing tho still nothing tops it to me) so here's a picture from missing milo (one of the main plot episodes in s1)
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And now to..
I'm gonna be so fr.. I've watched this show since release but have like 0 fandom interactions with it (thats a lie actually i have like 10 but thats not the point) so idk how much introducing it needs (still any is too little to me. imo this show should be standard watching for everyone) so anyway... the show doesn't rlly have a PLOT like all the episodes are stand alone, buutt it does mostly follow Mitchell as he starts at strange hill high and all the insane things that happen there (idk how to explain it cuz of how different every epiosde is but its SO good pls trust me). Its also fully posted on YouTube cuz it's like.. old and cancelled or smth so that's always good (not the cancelled bit tho lol)
Just like mml, shh also follows a main trio and has a great side cast. It's trio is becky butters, Templeton and Mitchell tanner (in that order below) and again have a .. pretty standard trio dynamic BUT more like the kind of British TV drama dynamic (.. cuz its set in a british secondary school). I LOVE these geezers SO much and they're just that kind of cast that to this day, I still don't know which one I'm more like
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Because its not got a plot to vaguely explain, I'm going to tell you about my favourite episode 99 things to do with a time machine. It's one of my FAVOURITE episodes from any show ever. I love it. (I think it was also the first shh episode i watched cuz i watched it live on tv first before like.. downloading the whole show in 4 different places). The premise of the episode is that the gang is late for school so Mitchell decides to change the school clock so it doesn't LOOK like they're late. This actually turns back time and they abuse the hell out of this. Here's an image.
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Ahhh.. this is like the MAIN bit but for 2 shows that are like permanently engraved in my brain its actually challenging me sm to compare them up like this. Why? No clue. Getting people to watch both is literally what I set out to to lmao
Like I said, most of mml and ALL of shh basically revolve around whatever shenanigans the trio are doing. In mml they're very much unintentional cuz of murphy's law and the episode normally involves doing whatever to overcome the damage. This is more like the opposite for shh. The trio normally end up discovering smth wild going on in their school and mess about with whatever it is. Two examples I chose for this is mmls athledecamathalon, where the pitch gets destroyed and milo helps his sport team win, and sshs first episode, king Mitchell, where the gang discover a Knight who serves mitchell
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These aren't exactly the CLOSEST comparisons I could make .. but you get the idea. VIBE wise they are VERY similar
I also want to talk about the setting. Mml takes place all round danville (at different time periods too) and then a planet called octalia by the end of s2. Shh takes place EXCLUSIVELY in the school .. cuz it's puppetry and yk theyd have to actually BUILD a set
Ngl tumblr ate the rest of my essay. Twice. (Probably served me right for not having a backup but oh well) and it's kinda annoyed me. I promise you they're so similar is vibe PLEASE watch them both they're great
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oxventurequotes · 1 year
Hi, me again. I was the one that asked the favourite Oxventure series question. Feel free to just call me J (I may be popping back in and out again to ask questions anonymously (anon because just that extra layer of privacy while still being active, y'know?)).
This time around I just wanted to ask, if you had to pick one adventure from each of the series that you would consider your favourite, what would it be? (Don't have to answer for Deadlands since that ain't complete yet) Because see for me, it'd probably be Plandemonium from D&D (just loved the utter chaos of planning that went on it that episode), YASP for One-Shot Wonder (again, utter chaos), Dead Man's Worth for Deadlands (twists and turns and Andy's smug face) and The Astor Gambit for BitD (1. Johnny is reason enough. 2. The Wonderful Mechanical Man was there).
hi j!!! you have excellent taste in episodes!!! sorry it’s taken me a while to get around to replying to this, i just moved back into my uni flat so life has been busyyyyyy
as per tradition – the short answer will be up here and the wall of text/explaining under the cut 😊 d&d: heist society and a fishmas carol bitd: first flight of the sparrowhawk osw: dread deadlands: dead man's worth part i
heist society was the first ep of oxventure i ever watched (completely by accident lmao, i was so confused) so it holds a lot of nostalgia for me but i also think it’s one of the stronger episodes of early oxventure? i mean it has everything. red room full of blood. sexy minion outfits. I’VE RUN THE LABS. tinnies. what’s chess? fucking effervescent. everyone seems to have settled into roleplaying and d&d and i love a whodunnit mystery and there’s literally never a dull moment in that episode. a fishmas carol is also a close fave – the adventure pit, SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH CORAZON!, cthuludad, alfred strangetide my beloved, egbert seeing the ninja turtle, IRON! but then again its so hard to pick favourites, especially with oxventure because the thing is about oxboxtra and johnny is that it's kinda impossible to put them in a room together and the outcome not be fucking hilarious. dine hard, also brilliant. ship happens. unreal estate. SECT APPEAL! basically every time i think of my fave i remember a different episode and change my mind.
sparrowhawk is my fave blades episode because it brought us The Aeronaughty Boys aka the best named group in oxventure history. but also because i think kasimir and barnaby/mike and johnny bounce off of each other so well? it’s classically opposites attract and so funny to watch hardened criminal kas be Astounded by barnaby’s scheming. and because i love the way johnny has a very proud expression on their face any time they watch luke dm, it’s so sweet. i also love a crimsnight carol because oh my god the capellenaga family and their snakey snakey hair (did we ever find out if lilith’s dad had snake body hair?) but also starting the adventure with the name evan “the geezer” screws was such a fucking power move and set the silly tone of the whole ep perfectly. also baby edvard my beloved. all iterations of edvard my beloved. andy was given so much space in which to play and play in it he did. other faves of mine are the astor gambit, murder at volisport academy (edvard's reaction to lilith's snake hair is so sweet), AND THE LAMPBLACK WEDDING HOW COULD I FORGET!? jane and ellen are such an underrated combo.
as for one shot wonder, admittedly i haven’t watched enough to really pass comment, as mentioned in the previous ask i struggle with new content/formats/guests and i desperately wish i didn’t. my mind just gets very fixed on something it likes The Way It Is and any change to that is immediately so very difficult to settle in to. autism things. but from what i have watched, the dread episode is fan-fucking-tastic. i wish we’d had time to get more into killian’s character because there was some foreshadowing that didn’t have a chance to go anywhere, madison (as all of ellen’s characters are) was immediately so intriguing, i refuse to believe that brad’s name isn’t actually gregg and, once again, when luke westaway gets his sticky gm paws on a game, you know it’s gonna be good.
deadlands is shaping up to be great, i love love LOVE. the accents and the aesthetic and the vibe of the weird west, it’s such a perfect game for andy to dm and as far as the episodes go, dead man’s worth part one is my favourite. the ending oh my GOD the ending. the first real pc death in oxventure! it’s such a tonal shift from what we’ve previously been given where situations have been perilous but never truly deadly. i was sobbing buckets because 1) somehow in less than two episodes johnny had made nate so very endearing and 2) it was such a tonal shift. andy’s shit-eating grin too oh my god. and luke and jane’s faces.
so again, it’s another essay from me going “i love this but i also love this and this and this”, it’s just so hard to choose favourites because, as i said before, i think it’s impossible for an oxventure to not be incredible. the chemistry between everyone just makes everything they touch turn to ttrpg gold. it’s literally the reason that i started this blog? i kept spamming my best friend with “oh my god _ just said-“ and whilst they welcomed/even encouraged that, consistently spamming them with a lot of d&d shit with no context (and then the subsequent context in a five minute voice note) wasn’t very conducive to me keeping my nearest and dearest near and dear and getting all the brainrot out somewhere. hence my personal corner of tumblr dot com. it’s all my favourite moments, every bit that makes me have to pause and take a stim break bc laughter isn’t enough, every silly line or tongue-in-cheek joke that just makes me incredibly happy. they’re all my favourites!
ty for the ask and apologies for the essay/vague ass answer! i love talking abt oxventure and sometimes i feel like if i don’t i may go a little mad :3
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aechteaseawb · 7 months
i kind of want to write chapter one girajera. whatever the fuck was going on in the earlier episodes you get it. like sometime after gira became king but before jeramie did
“Y’know,” Gira jumps at the voice ringing out behind him, “it’s equally important to take a rest here and there.”
He hasn’t realized his door’s been pushed open at all, but his guest must’ve been standing there for a while, with an unhurriedness that’s scarcely found in Gira’s social circle.
“Jeramie!” he calls out. “How long have you been-”
A comically loud stomach growl interrupts him mid-sentence. He always thought that only happens on TV! Oh, this is embarrassing, but Jeramie only pushes in a little food trailer and tells him, “It’s already half past two. Your maids were getting worried that you weren’t responding to their door knocks!”
“They were?” Dang it. Gira didn’t hear any of it, too engrossed with deciphering the legal jargon on the new merchant route proposal! He’s just got so much on his plate now all of a sudden, and there’s so much catching up to do that Gira sometimes loses track of the time, this being the third occurance of the week, and it’s only Tuesday! “I’m going to have to apologize for that later…” he mumbles, mostly to himself.
“Well, never mind that for now,” Jeramie says, stepping right into his space and helping him sort the scattered loose pages into neat stacks, like it’s the natural thing to do. He serves the plates on the trailer onto Gira’s desk in a playfully large bow. “Bon appétit, your majesty.”
“Ah, thanks,” he says, not sure what else to say.
“You’re most welcome,” Jeramie answers with his usual cryptid smile.
He never quite knows what to think of Jeramie.
Gira hasn’t had that many chances to get to know him yet, so he doesn’t know where to land his judgment. It certainly doesn’t help that Jeramie enjoys shrouding himself in mysteries and riddles. Gira’s tried, he swears he has! But he really, really still doesn’t know how to read the subtext! And the result is that he’s now spent a whole lot of time staring at Jeramie’s face stupidly without coming to any kind of substantial conclusion.
Well, his face is very beautiful, there’s that. And his skin is in very good condition for a two-thousand-year-old. His eyes look unspeakably old sometimes, but when he smiles after a successful prank, when his eyes crinkle, he looks indistinguishable from any teenage schoolboy. 
Does two thousand years do that to a person? Gira can’t begin to imagine going two weeks without washing his face, but it doesn’t seem to bother Jeramie. Most things don’t seem to bother Jeramie.
Jeramie always looks so self-assured about his movements, and he doesn’t seem to shy from any encounter, unshaken even when he was being threatened, or treated with hostility. Maybe it’s because he’s seen far too much, so not much can unfaze him anymore, and now he goes around doing whatever he pleases. But Yanma once said, He’s just a socially-inept old geezer with too much time on his hands.
“Jeramie,” he says, “what did you have for lunch today?”
“Me?” Jeramie’s eyes widen. Gira wonders when was the last time anyone asked him about what he had for lunch. “Thank you kindly for asking, but no need to worry, really,” he says. “I don’t eat in the same way you do.”
Gira has absolutely no idea what he means by that, but… “You eat human food, right? I’ve seen you eat.”
“Yes,” he says. “I eat human food, but-”
“Here,” he scoops up a spoonful of egg and shoves it in Jeramie’s face. “You haven’t eaten anything today, right?”
“Well, now!” Jeramie exclaims. “Pardon, me, then.” He carefully lays his left hand on Gira’s wrist, and leans forward to take a bite. He can hear the sound of Jeramie’s teeth clinking against the silverware.
it is very amusing to me to have yanma call jeramie an old geezer
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
is there a strictly auditive piece of media that has inspired you in some way ?
Audio only media, hmm?
I'll tackle this as a hypnosis question and a general question individually because I'm not 100% sure how to parse it.
For hypnosis Ella Enchanting is my big inspiration. Goddess' stuff is way too high production to even enter my mind as a possible avenue and it blows my mind that I sleep in the same area as some of the files that I listen to nightly were recorded. It kind of makes me feel I should be better at this because every single thing that the most highly produced files I know of (and the podcast episodes that she ran too) are theoretically in the same space as me.
I dunno. Maybe one day I will ask her how the hell she did what she did.
For Ella she has about the same production as I do and is focused on the same area of concept based fantasies. She's way more energetic, inventive, practiced and polished than I am, but I see Ella and have a feeling of boldness that says I can do better if I commit myself.
I really need to more often.
Also back to Goddess for a moment, but The Realm of Bliss Podcast was one of my earliest gateways into legitimizing my kink. Up until then it felt like a sex thing people in relationships did or a medical tool that was done with clients or a theatrical performance piece for stage magicians. There weren't many episodes, but Realm of Bliss really brought me in to the fold. It's why I call Goddess my oldest friend in the community-- ignoring the collar and such.
For Other Media...
I used to be big into podcasts, particularly Maximum Fun network. There were so many MBMBAM jokes in my circle and I felt Adventure Zone helped me be a better DM. I listened to some stuff like Tanis and Rabbits but Rabbits burned me real hard and kind of poisoned the well for me.
Never got in to Night Vale but tried really hard for a friend who enjoyed it. I wanted to have common language with them. Listened to well over 20 episodes. They would have benefited me trying Magnus Archives but I didn't have the drive for it.
To give respect where respect is due, radio plays in general make me very happy and have since I fell in love with the Welles version of H.G Wells classic War of the Worlds in my teens. If Radio 4 did a dramatization of any of Gaiman or Pratchett's work I was there eagerly. I consider radio adaptation of Neverwhere to be the definitive telling of the story (and the Marquis focused original side story too) and deeply enjoyed Mort when it was done. Good Omens was nice but the TV version is best.
When I was young I listened to radio a lot and focused in on those radio dramas. It was either that or listen to Caeser the Geezer prank people, which dad liked but... not my cup of tea.
So when I was heavy in to tabletop I used to do a LOT of audio files as rewards and cookies for players. One character I had hours of audio and hundreds of thousands of words of backstory because they played an amnesiac and I wanted to make their life feel lived in and make the people feel more real before they showed up in canon.
Then I just became addicted to it and did it for fun. The group's DM was always better than me at it. Every time I got audio from them it felt like a fully realized piece where mine was conceptual at best.
I guess auditive media is something of a focus of mine, even if I can't really define my preferences or the things I gravitate towards.
Thank you for. The question, anon. This was a good one that got me thinking about things that haven't crossed my mind in years.
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skelegun · 29 days
I watched “The Cockpit” last night, which is a 3 episode OVA from 1993 based on a manga by Leiji Matsumoto. What’s notable about is that each episode tells a different story about an axis soldier during WWII. Leiji Matsumoto, for those who don’t recognize the name, was a famous mangaka with a very distinct art style, best known from Galaxy Express 999, Space Battleship Yamamoto, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and in the west for Interstella 5555.
Anyways, the first episode was titled Slipstream. It had the most promising premise but ended up being the least interesting. Plot is that Germany has developed the atomic bomb first, and is getting ready to test it. A luftwaffe ace named Erhadt is tasked with escorting the bomb to Peenemünde. However, he encounters his old flame who has been working on the project, and of course she looks exactly like Maetel from Galaxy Express 999, she convinces him that it would be better for humanity if the atomic bomb was destroyed on route to the test site. Yaddya yaddya yaddya, he lets the bomb get destroyed by enemy fighters on purpose, the end. This episode is extremely melodramatic in typical Leiji fashion, if you know you know.
Episode 2 was titled Sonic Boom Squandron and follows Ensign Nogami, a kamikaze Ohka pilot who fails his first mission by being the only survivor of the bomber he was on. He gets assigned to a new bomber, and talks with the new crew about how he wished to have been the rocket scientist and to be the first man on the moon, but now because of the war he has essentially turned himself into a rocket. Of course there is also a tall weepy woman he has feelings for, though this time Leiji resisted making her blonde. Anyways, next day comes, and he proudly and successfully kamikazes himself into an American aircraft carrier. Somehow the photo of the woman he loves ends up on the bridge of the American ship, and the captain says that Japanese must be crazy, he then receives a call report that an atomic bomb has just been dropped on Hiroshima, shortly before the ship explodes. They make a big deal in this episode by talking about how the Ohka was a highly feared weapon by the allies and that once launched from their parent bomber they were essentially unstoppable by allied countermeasures. This is incredibly false, American forces derisively referred to the Ohka as a “Baka Bomb” and most of them never reached their targets because they were usually intercepted. I also want to point out here that Hiroshima was bombed on August 6 1945 and the last documented Kamikaze attack using Ohkas was on June 22 1945, and they were all shot down before reaching their targets.
Episode 3 is titled Knight of the Iron Dragon, and was surprisingly my favorite of the 3. It follows two privates in the Imperial Japanese Army during the battle of Leyte. One is an old geezer and the other is a young boy, the younger one has a motorcycle (the titular iron dragon), and is determined to make it back to his comrades, the older fella decides to accompany him in the side car, even though they both secretly know it’s already too late. I think I liked this episode the best because it lacks much of the melodrama of the first episode and isn’t strangely propagandistic like the second. For example this episode treads similar ground to the last episode, they are both about Japanese soldiers carrying out suicide missions at the end of the war, but in this episode the mission really is portrayed more of a Quixotic act of folly, unlike episode 2 where the dude takes out a fucking aircraft. The only kinda notably weird thing in this one is there is a part where they get false flag attacked by an American piloting a Japanese plane, which like I can’t find any documented evidence of that being a thing, and the idea of doing a false flag attack in an active war zone when your side has an overwhelming advantage seems like a good way to just get yourself friendly fired.
Overall the animation was great, but the writing was kinda meh. They deal with controversial subject matter, and but the only one that actually felt a little questionable was the second episode which portrayed the Ohka as a desperate but highly effective weapon when in reality it was an abject failure, also the way the crew of the bomber proudly cheer Nogami on as he launches is like probably historically accurate maybe but it’s still is kinda bruhhh. Also while it was based a manga, each episode was directed by a different director, so without having read the manga I can’t say how accurate this OVA is to Leiji’s vision. So yeah idk, if you like anime and WWII, or strange OVAs from the 1990s, I would recommend it I guess.
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morganacorp · 5 months
I know that episode was A LOT. But one small thing that I loved was that at this point in the series we've kind of gotten used to certain teamups--Grace and Sadie have history and are both traditional journalists. Lola and Kimberlyn seemed at first like they'd be the least likely to have any kind of friendship, and yet they both have felt like outsiders and as if they're in the wrong job/not being true to themselves. And we've seen those friendships get deeper with the women standing up for/choosing each other ie Grace threatening Dale when he takes Sadie's seat and Lola calling Eric out on his mistreatment of Kimberlyn. And I LOVE all that, but I also loved that this episode we got to see Kimberlyn choose to get closer to Sadie. They have the most diametrically opposed political views it seems like, and Grace even started to step in to take the more traditional/expected role. But Kimberlyn was like "no, I said I can do it. Let me do it." And it really shows how far she's come, and feels directly tied to her reaction after that old geezer candidate died. She is starting to see that the values she has still matter to her, but weaponizing them or attacking those who don't hold them, the way Liberty News does, hurts real people. Sadie is her friend. And she doesn't approve of this choice, but she doesn't lecture her at all. Or pry. She does let her know what her own boundary is, she's not comfortable talking about the pregnancy as something detrimental to Sadie's life, but even that is acknowledged and then moved away from instead of becoming a battle line. I just--this episode showed that sometimes friendships take work, they're not natural and smooth and you don't agree on every little thing. But they are still beautiful and worth forging. Really really loved that aspect.
- 🐞
All of this!!!!
I really liked how Lola stood up for herself and refused to interview the Freshman, and didn't hesitate to go after Josie when she found out about the twitter thing. She's young and she's not a professional reporter, but she'd not gonna be someone's mouthpiece!
The part with Kimberlyn offering to take Sadie was heartwarming. Grace was already in mom mode looking for a way to help but Kimberlyn was firm and offered to do it. She said it herself "I may not agree with your choice, but I can be there for my friend" (something like that). She cares enough for Sadie to know she needs someone to be there for her, not someone to judge.
She didn't judge her when she said she'd like a baby later on. She didn't try to change her mind and convince her to keep it. She didn't try to start an argument when she said she wished Sadie didn't see it as her saving her life. She was a good friend.
And Sadie encouraging her to follow her dreams, and getting her an appointment with her role model so she could talk about her plans and see what it takes... That's friendship.
I loved how even though they were all surprised, no one asked when or who got her pregnant, even after talking about 'the guy'. And Lola was more surprised she got laid and was still tense than anything else 🤣 and in the end they all showed up to support her, no one mentioned the situation, or tried asking her how she was doing, they just showed up and offered to leave if she wanted space. That's friendship too.
I love the episode so much. I think this might be my new favorite.v
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
Ok this hasn’t been asked abt BUT
I got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain (again)
Specifically in terms of his protectiveness.
In the last OJV ask I got I mentioned that he and Kyle have the most parental tendencies of the Star Seven, and boy oh boy do I have some thoughts on Stan’s knight in shining armor complex!
I won’t get into the Kyle part of that bc 1) I have talked wayyyy too much abt that on ao3 and here, and 2) that’s a whole separate long ass post and I would probably combust.
But!!! First focusing on the M5:
So growing up together they were all generally referred to as “Stan’s Gang”, which he was like wait why are they my gang but then he grew to love that bc they were his people. He loves them with all of his soul (ojverse Stan is a lover for sure) and he is EXTREMELY protective of everyone and kind of (smh this man) sees himself as the dad of the crew. Done with everyone’s bs, the “fun” parent. A lot of that comes from his resentment of Randy, his desire to keep everyone out of true danger and not be flaky despite his own problems. This is especially poignant with Kenny.
So Stan and Kyle VERY much see Kenny as “their egg” (yes I’m borrowing from the “Stan is a protective father” note of that episode) and they really look out for him growing up bc of his shitty home life. Really all of the M5 have a soft spot for Ken, but Stan and Kenny understand each other on a spiritual level. Though Stan doesn’t consciously know abt Kenny’s immortality and IS his Ride Or Die Disaster Bi in all things reckless, the second something goes wrong he’s there, swooping in and reminding him that “yeah you can be a crazy bastard, but don’t you dare die”. He’s less overbearing than Ky gets when Kenny gets hurt, but he’s there to be like “hey man you’re good, you gotta be careful tho”. He was the first to INSIST that he pay kenny in full for his art and commissions stuff regularly through their entire lives.
With Marj, it’s really, really complex. I mentioned before in my OJV Stan hcs (thank you to the wife for that ask btw) that he was the first person she went to when she realized she was a girl! Bc he’s always been pretty emotionally honest and accepting of everything, and she was dealing with her crush on Kenny too and Stan notoriously THINKS he’s slick in being a massive simp so two birds one stone lmao. He was pretty clueless at first but that protective instinct kicked in and he was like GIRL WE GONNA FIND YOU SOME RESOURCES! Also, I’ll do a post abt how NO ONE in the OJV Star Seven is neurotypical soon, but i briefly mentioned in The Wacky Adventures of Craig And Kyle that Marjorine has the ‘tism as well, and Stan is NOT the person to go to when you’re having a meltdown, but rest assured he WILL get you to someone who is. Like she can tell him “Stan I’m feelin a little…” and he will IMMEDIATELY find her Kenny or Kyle. Kyle’s obviously his go to when things are out of his emotional scope, and that extends to Craig later down the line.
So TWEEK!!! Oh god Tweek and Stan’s relationship in the OrangeJuiceVerse is so important to me. They’re the first encounter of the Broken Bottles Quartet, and that moment when Kyle figures out about Tweek’s problem, Stan was full man-with-the-plan mode about how to help him! Before he takes Tweek to AA, he’s at ye ol’ meetin’ hall talking to the old geezers in the local group and it’s like:
“Hey, Stanny Boy, good to see you back, how you healin up (smh I did break his ribs for good reason I promise) got anything to share?” “Actually yeah, I’m gonna bring someone with me in a few days, but you guys HAVE to give him space he gets really nervous.” And the longtime AA peeps who are prone to being overly friendly back off and let Tweek just listen that first time, and Stan is consistently checking in and with Stan’s support Tweek slowly gets more comfortable, and Stan is SO fucking proud of him and he’s his sponsor for a LONG ASS TIME before he officially is.
As for Cartman, once he moves away, Stan will call him up pretty frequently to check in, like “hey fatass how’s the wedding planning company coming?” “Fuck off, hippie did you get the-“ “YES I got the beef jerky club membership quit sending me that shit” “heh, sweet.” “Asshole, but seriously are you doing okay?” “Yes you photosynthesizing dildo. The Jew looks tired in his last facebook post check on him” “I got him, Cartman” “you guys are assholes” “we love you too” “gross” smh theyre so unserious.
But yeah that’s this episode of me not shutting tf up abt OrangeJuiceVerse
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The more things change, the more they stay the same. For instance, The Ninth Inspector premiere ‘Lily’, in which a wheelie bin that swallowed Minnie farted.
Seems Rachelle D. Tavies hasn’t moved past the toilet-humour stage yet.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Ain't that cute, CW and CW stans.
So, @dotthings had dropped a link to a tweet for CW news about their ratings and, specifically speaking, that they no longer have a single show over 1 Million Viewers (way to go, boycott crew, keep making noise--but smartly, where you don't boost their socials or product mentions.)
But something else caught my eye.
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Now, for those of you who don't know, ad space is sold according to demographics. Which is why, say, daytime TV or certain channels have more AARP and medicare ads, because most people watching TV then are geezers while Gens X-Z toil away at work and shit.
Primetime TV is, however, sold mostly to the 18-49 demographic which is also what the modern "live ratings" decimal points you see are for. Most specifically, CW's premium demographic was their 18-34 (Gen Y and Z), but X still kinda counts depending on the ad sales.
So when you see a show has, say, a 1.0 rating, that's in 18-49. And that's what primetime ads that make networks money are sold off of.
Curiously, this tweet tries very hard to make it look like Walker is the most successful on the network, when its size is still greatly inflated by a number of viewers well outside of its target demographic.
While CW as a whole is nosediving, their top by demo (read as: making them money, because it's not watched by seniors in retirement)
1. Kung Fu (0.2, 956K)
2. The Flash (0.2 736K)
3. Walker (0.1, 979K)
4. Supergirl (0.1, 617K)
5. Legacies (0.1, 500K)
The exact order within demo is estimated-- listed by demo first, audience second. This is also not inherently true, because for example some more of an audience size may be outside of the demo the same way Walker's is. And it's almost 2 AM and I ain't got time for hunting down the raw viewership in every demographic on the fucking CW.
Either way by looking at Flash and Supergirl's ratings and audience size, we can easily estimate there being about 250,000 old farts outside of the viewing demographic/ad targeting inflating the numbers cuz yeehaw Walker. Given, that's also a lot smaller than the near-million of those it started with. Just like it's other ratings have been thirded.
These are the same listings that Supernatural used to clock ~3rd in, with a 0.3 demo this same season (fall 2020-spring 2021 is considered one season), 0.4 last year, 0.5 before and so on.
Ratings decline year to year is standard. This kind, within the same TV season, is absolutely fucking not.
It seems that all the ads on Fox News over and over, and all the gas station renovations, and everything else has not made Walker worth a goddamn. Not all the star power of Jared Padalecki. Not it hitchhiking off of SPN and using it as a promo push. Not all of Jared's livetweeting to boost value (which hasn't trended since March anyway). Nothing.
SPN, a 15 year old show, had a 1.118 or 1.062M audience, depending which half of the season you're looking at (or average them out.) It received next to no real advertisement beyond a few EW/TVG magazines and its ads were all quarantined to the CW. It was this same TV year. And a full run. It received no huge push at the start of the season unless you count some tumblr ads, for that first 2.4M viewers that went down the drain in like 4 eps. Walker's still has like 8 episodes to continue declining.
Holy fuck.
Anyway go Kung Fu. I can't watch it, Bobo King, but I'm with you in spirit. You dropped this
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That tweet's doing a whole lot of lifting though. And some reach. Full workout.
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insomniacowl · 4 years
Neon Genesis Evangelion analysis chapter 7: Human instrumental project Seele’s Version type B & C
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Including the two that will be covered in this chapter, we have identified 5 different HIPs. This shows why the concept of HIP is difficult to pin down when it comes to the discussion of the series.
Getting meta for a moment, Seele’s HIP version B: The use of Tabris in the initiation of the “Third impact”, was an improvised plan that they hurried in the fly, but it seems to have been the same for the producers of the series. In looking at the storyboard drafts, and materials from the planning phase of production, Nagisa Kaworu was not supposed to be an angel. Rather, it was a cat that he brought along that was supposed to be (thus episode 22 was initially called ‘The cat and the transfer student’).
Returning to our main analysis, even though Seele’s scenario required all of the angels to be repelled, they decided to cause the “Third impact” via using Kaworu. Nagisa Kaworu refers to the angel Seele created and we should understand his existence to be the container for Adam’s soul (We will delve in deeper on what this means in the following chapters).
Therefore, as Kaworu’s identity as Adam preceded his existence as an Angel, Seele believed that by imposing their desire on Adam and using him to cause the “Third impact”, the atonement of humankind would be possible
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Gendou: The Lance of Longinus that served as our biggest obstacle is gone. We don’t have much time left; the final angel will appear soon.
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Gendou: Once that is done, we can be together again.
Of course, since this form of atonement is not in line with the idea of causing the “Third impact” solely via human hands, HIP type B was not the most favourable for Seele either. Yet due to Gendou throwing the Lance of Longinus into space, initiating type B was a compromise for the old men of Seele. So, let us see what those old men have to say after sending Tabris to Nerv headquarters.
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Fuyutsuki: I cannot believe they would do this
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Gendou: Those old geezers are trying to make us hasten their plans
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Humans are foolish and shall repeat the mistakes of the past. Unless atoned for by their own hands, humans will never learn.
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We will not borrow the strength of Adam or the angels. We will do it ourselves.
These are the words from Seele spoken during Tabris’ decent through central dogma in episode 24.
Since by this point, most of the viewers are aware of Kaworu’s identity as an angel, it would be difficult to understand why Seele would send Kaworu to Nerv as the ‘Fifth Children’. This confusion makes the words spoken by Seele to be authoritative or philosophical, but taken into the whole context, we can see that this is a complaint against the actions taken by Gendou.
Especially the “We will not borrow the strength of Adam or the angels”. Since Seele is using Tabris,(although artificially created) who is still an angel, it might seem contradictory for them to say such a thing. It definitely is, but more than that, that sentence embodies their criticism, and jealousy against Gendou who has Adam in his grasp and is planning to fuse with Lilith.
If we rip away the cryptic manner of speech, what lies beneath is this, “We are not going to be as shameful as Gendou. We are going atone for our sins even if we have to send an angel using our own hands”. Even Nerv would not have expected Seele to send an angel to cause the “Third impact”, and Seele’s plan of “Hah, Gendou, you dare go against our plans? Well here’s some punishment for you” succeeded to a degree.
Yet we all know what happened when Tabris was standing at the crossroad of choice. He relinquished his right of choice to Shinji; to a Lilin.
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Kaworu: You (Lilins) are not a being that deserves to die like this. You all deserve to have a future.
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I’m glad that I was able to meet you
Now, let us remember how Yui and Gendou are rejected by Shinji and Rei, respectively. We can see this happening again over here With Keel (and Seele as a whole) and Kaworu. By Shinji, a Human boy, Rei who is Lilith, and Kaworu, who is Adam. Especially for Kaworu, whose exposure to Lilin from his moment of birth where only the old men of Seele who only had suicide in their minds.
It likely struct him deeply when he met Shinji, a boy who had a different view regarding the concept of living, and felt that if it was anyone that deserved the right to choose the future of humans, it would be Shinji.
And thus Seele’s version of HIP: type B fails
Tabris, being the angel of freewill chose his own death through Shinji’s hands. The old men of Seele labelled this action as betrayal and had to come up with another way to accomplish their version of the HIP.
This is what I refer to type C, the one that happened according to plan up to the very end during the End of Evangelion. Type C refers to the use of Eva unit-01 for the initiation of the “Third Impact”
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With the consumption of the S2 engine, Eva Unit-01 became as though god.
What made the “Third Impact” using Eva unit-01 possible were two things. First, this Unit being based on Lilith. Second, that it has consumed the S2 engine; the fruit of life (This happening in episode 19), making Eva Unit-01 a perfect being.
By possessing both the Fruit of knowledge and the Fruit of life, this “God” can help make the HIP happen in the way the controller would want it to (this explains why Gendou was so confident in throwing the Lance of Longinus into space). Yet because It was Gendou that was in charge of Eva Unit-01, Seele had many obstacles to overcome to make type C happen.
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Mass-produced Eva required for the ritual of atonement being deployed.
Using Unit-01 that has become a god to initiate the “Third impact” is the commonality Seele’s type C had with Gendou’s version of HIP. What Seele had to prevent was Gendou’s personal Will being allowed to determine how the ritual took place. To prevent this, Seele initiates a brutal attack on Nerv, killing off everyone in it, and tried to capture the Evangelions for the purpose of the ritual.
How this goes on is what we see happen in the End of Evangelion.
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avengersobsession · 5 years
Four weeks later. Anybody still care what I think?
Okay, anything I think needs to be tempered by this: I went in spoiled. For just about everything. Not intending to, but I saw the biggest spoiler accidentally (KR dies) and I couldn’t deal with any ambiguity on that one, so I hunted down every spoiler hint available to see if that was true. And I disliked almost everything I heard—Palpatine’s return, Rey Palpatine, Ben’s death, very little Rose. I was so, so, so prepared to hate everything (except the promise of Reylo and a Reylo kiss—take what we can get). I went into the theater thinking, “Ugh. Let’s get this over with.”
Fellow Reylos, I loved it. Maybe that was because I was spoiled? I maintain and will maintain that Palpatine’s return was dumb. I also maintain Palpatine lied. But my attitude to all the things I didn’t like was, “Well, if they were gonna do this...they did it as well as it could be done.”
Dumb: Palpatine’s return. Reality: Opening with Kylo Ren stalking across the system to confront the old geezer, cutting through everything in his path like a cold joyless bastard? Saying, “Fuck nosferatu here, imma go get Rey and overthrow this guy and rule the galaxy with her”? Ohhhh yeahhhhh.
Dumb: Retconning Leia as a Jedi at this late date. Reality: Leia being a Jedi Master, training Rey, having her own lightsaber? OHHHH YEAHHHH. I’ve been wanting Jedi Leia since Empire.
Dumb: Going after a MacGuffen as a main plot (again). Reality: A fast-paced multi-world quest featuring Rey/Finn/Poe with funny snarking (“You were a spice runner?” “You were a stormtrooper?” “Oh, we gonna do this now?”), Chewie as a true companion at risk, Lando’s return, Rey cooing over babies, Kylo showing up here and there through the force bond to freak out and interrogate Rey, funky hidden sand caverns, Rey healing scary space snakes...guys, this was all levels of OH YEAH for me. It was fun, it was exciting...it felt right for Star Wars, what can I say?
Dumb: Shafting Rose. Reality: ...there was so much going on already! You couldn’t fit any more people on the Falcon without it turning into...look, there’s a MST3K episode of the movie Lost Continent where the party of 6-7 prepares to head out on the expedition. “Are we ready?” “I’m good!” “Can’t wait to get out there.” “Yeah, let’s go.” And JoelandBots riff, “Everybody get a line?” That’s what it would have turned into. I wish there had been more time for her but I also recognize her major story arc was completed last movie. She was not treated disrespectfully here but there just wasn’t enough time. (Us MCU Hawkeye fans are all looking at Rose Tico fans saying, “what are you, new?”)
Dumb: Rey Palpatine. Reality: STILL DUMB. I’ll say more later.
Dumb: Hux: “I’m the spy.” Reality, still dumb, but his “I don’t care who wins, I just need Kylo Ren to lose,” is pure Kylux subtext. Bitter exes, so sexay.
Dumb: Ben dyi— okay, wait. Not dumb. A very real potential outcome for this story. Honestly, I never thought JJ Abrams meant Kylo to live after he became a patricide. I DIDN’T WANT THAT THOUGH. I wanted Reylo and Reylo wedding dress and Reylo babies on parents’ hips and gahhhhhhh. And yet? This is not a bad death if there had to be death. Unredeemed Kylo Ren = bad death. Stray blaster because sometimes people just die for no reason = bad death. Redeemed Ben who is tried and executed = bad death. But this is a narratively understandable death. Fuck, it would have been really, really hard to have happily ever after with the war criminal/patricide/genocide First Order leader, wouldn’t it’ve? This is the guy who cost the deaths of his father, his uncle, and his mother just to SLOW HIM DOWN, migod. They could have worked around it, yes. As my S.O. says, “there was never gonna be Poe-Finn-Rey-Ben poker night, ‘k?”, but we could have had Ben and Rey go off together, create a new Jedi training temple and never mention the name Kylo Ren again. It. Would. Have. Been. So. Beautiful. But he was redeemed, he was Ben again, he was lovely, he was brokenhearted, he gave his life to save the Jedi Rey who was the woman he loved. AND HE SMILED AND WAS GLAD TO GIVE IT. Oh, my heart. Reylo 4evah.
Okay, the good that was not dumb at all:
-Who said this was paced badly? It was so exciting! What did you want, sitting on couches? There’s a reason the prequels are all but disavowed.
-KYLO STALKER-CHASING REY. Ah ha ha. Oh. Oh my god, every beautiful horrible line of his. “The next time I see you, you will take my hand.” “The only way you’re getting to Exegol is with me.” TAKING THE NECKLACE omigod that was the sexiest moment in the whole goddamn series. I was so expecting him to say, “I’m a NICE GUY, why don’t you want me?” next, ah ha ha. Really, it was just so characteristic of the post-rejected TLJ Kylo that absolutely had to be. He had tried being nice, no, really—“You’re nothing. But not to me.” Ah ha ha, oh, KYLO, you beautiful idiot piece of trash.—now he’s going to turn the screws. And Rey, going for the lightsaber every time to make it a fight because she doesn’t want to talk to his stupid stalker ass. It. Was. Perfect.
-C3P0 not being a prick! He was prissy and annoying and actually funny this time around, but he put away the everpresent dickishness this time. Wow. Best Threepio since...ever, maybe.
-Doing what they could with Leia. I have craved Jedi Leia forever so I’m forgiving what should have actually felt like “too little too late.” And I’m never going to get over her achingly lovely embrace with Rey.
-Han. Han. Han. I don’t even love Han nearly as much as Luke and Leia and I’m still enraptured with this moment. Does everybody get that in TFA, Han walked out on that bridge with his son knowing he was very possibly going to his death? At the hands of his own son? That when Kylo said, “I don’t know if I have the strength to do what I need to,” Han fucking knew that he was warring, that what he wanted to do was kill his father so that he would have committed an act so heinous he could never never go back to the light? That Han knew that? And gave him his life willingly because he was ready to take that chance Kylo would not do it, but also that in killing him it might haunt Kylo and help him turn back later? Han is not an idiot. And he’s that much of a loving father. So when we got to the echo of “...to do what I need to,” it was that turning point that Kylo was at last feeling. YAYYYYY.
-New characters. I liked them! They were engaging and had intriguing presence.
-Rey Skywalker. Okay, some of you hate this. But I’m more than fine with it. The Skywalkers have been the most important people in her life: mother, father, soulmate. Why shouldn’t she claim it and refuse to let the line end with the dead? Though I would have been equally happy with, “Just Rey.”
-Force dyad. You know what that means? That means in TFA when Kylo says, “What girl?” it is subtextually possible that he already knows what girl—the dyad part of him he’s always felt. Ooooooooooooooooh.
-Passing the saber via forcebond. God, I wish I hadn’t been spoiled for that one.
And now, it’s time for:
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(Note. I’m not telling you it IS this way. I’m telling you this is my headcanon and I’m sticking to it.)
-So Palpatine’s alive, sort of. In him are the spirits of ten thousand Sith or whatever, which he can wield, but he’s still a walking corpse.
-He’d prefer to possess the body of a great force-user but they’d have to allow it, ritually. Kylo Ren would be good for this, but he could also be a useful ally. Meantime the Jedi Rey presents a threat. Kill her, she’s out of the picture, good enough. He could have her body to possess if he turns her, though.
-So if Kylo Ren finds him, he’ll make an ally of him and tell him to kill Rey.
-If Rey finds him, though, he’ll convince her to turn. How? Rey doesn’t want power. He’ll give her the one unshakeable thing she wants. A family. A lineage. A destiny.
-His “I don’t want to kill you, I want you to kill me,” “you are my granddaughter,” lines are just that: lines. He shows his true colors later when he snarls, “a worthless scavenger cannot inherit the dark side.”
Liar, liar, Mustafar on fire. Her parents were filthy junk traders. Rey of Jakku. Rey Nobody. Rey Skywalker because she adopts it. There’s my truth. Pbbbbbthhtttpbbthhht.
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kprciffdw · 4 years
Kim Possible: The Extremely Secret Files-Part 2
Back at the shuttle bay, they had a chance to stand around to take a look at Dr. Possible's shuttle. Ratchet: "Wow, I have to admit, that is one impressive looking ship." Kim: "Yeah, my dad built that, actually. Although, I'm quite surprised that both this and the space station were able to arrive here at such great speed; nothing that anyone back home has ever built came close to anything that phenomenal. Even my dad was surprised by that." Ratchet: "Hm…perhaps we can look into that while we work on it. The only problem at the moment is where to start." Kim: "I'm already on it."
Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator. Kim: "Wade, you there?" Wade: "Hey, Kim, how's the mission going?" Kim: "Um…we're kind of in a snag at the moment. We found the space station, but we nearly fell into another one of Drakken and Shego's deathtraps." Wade: "Yikes! That must have been rough." Kim: "Yeah, it was, thought we would never make it out of there alive. Fortunately, we were saved by someone who lives out here in the middle of space. Here, let me introduce you to him."
Kim held the Kimmunicator in front of Ratchet. Kim: "Wade, this is Ratchet. Ratchet, this is Wade, a 10 year old super genius who works with us on all of our missions." Ratchet: "Um…hello…Wade, it's…good to…meet you…" Wade: "Oh, my gosh! It that…an alien!? A real live alien!? I can't believe it! It's an actual alien! This is so much better than last week's episode of Space Passage and that was the best episode yet!" Ratchet: "Uh…is he OK?" Kim: "I…wouldn't worry about it too much." Ron: "Hey, Wade? You think that's cool? Check this out!"
Ron then held the Kimmunicator in front of Clank. Ron: "There's an actual robot!" Clank: "I beg your pardon, young man?" Wade: "Whoa! No way! A real live robot! And it talks!" Ron: "Yeah! And possibly so much more!" Clank: "I do not feel comfortable right now." Kim: "Guys, focus! We need to get started on how we're going to modify my dad's space shuttle." Ratchet: "Kim's right, there's a lot of work that needs to be done. We really don't have any time to mess around."
Kim looked towards Ratchet in a somewhat surprised manner. Ratchet looked back at her in as he seemed confused. Ratchet: "Uh, Kim? Are you OK?" Kim: "Huh? Oh! Yes…I'm…I'm fine. Let's figure out what we need to do."
Kim walked off, Ratchet continued to keep his eyes on her as she walked off, a small grin appeared on his face. Kim: "Wade, can you analyze the shuttle? Ratchet is planning on doing some modifications to it." Wade: "What kind of modifications does he have in mind?" Kim: "Um…well…he was thinking about some weaponry and I would guess a few other things, too." Wade: "I'll need to look into a lot of the alien technology. That might help with how we're planning to do this." Kim: "That would make sense, actually. Ratchet, you wouldn't mind if we look into a lot of this technology, would you?" Ratchet: "Not at all. What's mine is yours. Help yourself to whatever you need." Kim: "Sounds great. We're good to go, Wade. I…wouldn't be surprised if you were looking forward to…doing something like this." Wade: "Are you kidding me!? This is like a life long dream of mine! I can't tell you how much I have been itching to look into alien technology! I'll get on it right away." Kim: "Thanks, Wade. Let us know when you have finished sorting through all of this."
She placed the Kimmunicator on a nearby crate. Ratchet: "Well…um…sounds as though your…Wade is…very eager to help us out." Kim: "Yeah, to say the least. So…since there isn't anything we can do about the shuttle at the moment, perhaps we can use this time to…get to know each other?" Ratchet: "You know what? That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. It may help a little with supporting each other through all of this."
Soon enough, Kim and Ron sat down with Ratchet and Clank and spent some time talking with them. Ratchet, within a large amount of time, told them about everything that he and Clank had been through. Ratchet: "So, anyway, after we defeated Drek and saved the entire galaxy, we have been pretty busy with a lot of the festivities. There were parades, press conferences, fancy dress balls." Clank: "And the wiener roast at Al's." Ratchet: "Oh! Yeah, that. And then things started to slow down a bit. After that was…uh…um…" Clank: "There was that Grand Opening at Groovy Lube." Kim: "Groovy Lube?" Ratchet: "It's a dance club…type…place. Don't ask about the name. I thought that was last week or so." Clank: "It was actually 6 months ago." Kim: "Hm, sounds like you guys have been through a lot." Ratchet: "You could say that. Just recently, we had an interview with a show called "Behind the Hero". Told them all of that stuff that we just mentioned to you guys. Seconds later, we were transported here where we spoke with some old geezer who goes by the name of Abercrombie Fizzwidget, who this the CEO of…"
Just then, Ratchet was interrupted by Ron trying to hold back his snickering. Kim looked at him in an annoyed manner, Ratchet and Clank did the same but in a concerned manner. Ratchet: "Uh, is he OK?" Kim: "Don't worry about it, he tends to get like this." Ratchet: "Um, OK…as I was saying, Mr. Fizzwidget, who is the CEO of Megacorp told us that…"
He was interrupted again by Ron snickering. Ratchet this time looked at him in an annoyed manner. Ron stopped after noticing that he was being stared at by both Ratchet and Kim. Ron: "Sorry, it's just Fizzwidget sounds like a funny name, that's all." Ratchet: "Yeah, that's great. So anyway, Mr. Fizzwidget told us about…"
Ron snickered yet again, which was really getting on Ratchet's nerve. Ratchet: "Will you stop doing that already!?" Kim: "Ron, seriously!" Ron: "Sorry, KP, I can't help it." Kim: "Perhaps you should go speak with Wade and check on how he's doing." Ron: "Copy that, KP, maybe he has found something interesting by now."
Ron got up and walked off. Ratchet: "Hopefully, that will be the last of any interruptions for the time being. Now then, Mr. Fizzwidget told us about a secret biological experiment that was stolen from the company by some masked thief and I was asked to get it back." Kim: "And you agreed to take on the mission." Ratchet: "Well, I did, Clank was offered a job as the head accountant of Megacorp, which included a sweet penthouse at a metropolis on another planet."
Ron rushed back over. Ron: "A sweet penthouse? Sounds like an awesome deal! Way to go, Clank!" Clank: "Thank you, Ron, and you are right, it is a great deal. Perhaps you would like to come see it for yourself sometime." Ron: "Would I ever?" Kim: "Ron, we're still on a mission of our own, remember?" Ron: "Oh, right, KP, get back Dr. P's space station, then check out the sweet penthouse on that other planet. Got it!"
Ron rushed off again. Ratchet: "Is he always this out of focus?" Kim: "You have no idea." Ratchet: "So…that's what we have been through. But enough about us, tell me about yourself. I'd like to know about you and the kind of life you have." Kim: "OK, well, first off, I'm still in high school and so is Ron. I'm the head cheerleader at Middleton High, our mascot is the Middleton Mad dogs. I pretty much live an ordinary life as a high school student, but I also live a double life as a teen crime fighter." Clank: "Really? I did not expect that." Ratchet: "Hm…an ordinary high school cheerleader living an extraordinary double life as a teen crime fighter. Sounds fascinating." Kim: "Yeah, you could say that." Clank: "So, Ms. Possible, what sort of things do you do during your double life?" Kim: "Well, I travel all over my home planet, fighting all sorts of criminals and evil masterminds, dealing with other kinds of worldly problems, save the world over and over again. Basic stuff like that." Clank: "Basic stuff? You mean you see this as standard?" Kim: "Pretty much. No big." Ratchet: "And I'm guessing that this is one of your missions, right?" Kim: "Yes, that's right. Although, I've never been to another galaxy before. In fact, going all the way out here isn't seen as something that's possible, yet." Clank: "Possible? You mean your kind is not capable interstellar travel?" Kim: "No, not yet, but we may be someday."
Ratchet seemed to be intrigued by Kim's story. Ratchet: "So, Kim, as a crime fighter, you must attract all kinds of danger. Sounds like my kind of lifestyle. You must be some kind of hero on your home planet." Kim: "Yes, that's exactly right." Ratchet: "Me, too! I've been seen as a hero throughout the entire galaxy. I have also done a lot of traveling, but to more than just one planet in actuality." Kim: "So, you've traveled to multiple planets? Hm, we haven't even started traveling to neighboring planets in our star system." Clank: "Traveling from one planet to another is a way of life here. This must seem like something that is new to you, Ms. Possible." Kim: "Yes…it is…very new." Ratchet: "Sounds kind of…primitive, but that doesn't mean you aren't fascinating or anything like that." Kim: "Thanks…" Ratchet: "So, anyway…back to the subject involving you. I'd like to know more about this double life of yours. How long have you been doing this?" Kim: "Oh, I would say a few years now; a little after I started high school." Ratchet: "So, how did all of this start?" Kim: "Well, it was right after my cheerleading tryouts, I was called out to…"
Kim went on to tell them about the story of her first mission. As she continued on, Ratchet became more and more fascinated by her. Clank took notice of his fixation towards her, which sort of concerned him. Kim: "So, after that one mission, my double life as an international crime fighter took flight and my reputation skyrocketed into fame." Ratchet: "Wow, that…is amazing. You're really something special, aren't you?" Clank: "Hm…the nature of your lifestyle sounds very complex. How are you with balancing these 2 separate lifestyles of yours?" Kim: "Well, dealing with high school is no easy feat; I manage the best I can, but crime fighting? That's easy. So not the drama." Ratchet: "So, you think high school is difficult but crime fighting is easy? You really are something else." Kim: "Please, it really is no big. Really. I can do anything." Ratchet: "Yes you can."
Ron walked back over. Ron: "Um, by the way, Ratchet, I've been wanting to ask you this. What species are you? I can't seem to figure out if you're some kind of strange…pointy… eared…tiger or cat person with a lion's tail or if you're some just other type of animal that we have never seen before. So what are you anyway?" Ratchet: "I'm a Lombax."
Ron stared at him with a blank look on his face. Ratchet: "An alien species?"
Ron continued staring at him. Ratchet: "One you've obviously never heard of before?" Ron: "Yeah…I'm trying to determine if you're a part lion, part tiger or some other cat thing or perhaps some other kind of other cat creature…person or something like that. Kim, can you help me out here?" Kim: "Let's just file him under "undocumented alien species" and leave it at that." Ron: "Works for me." Ratchet: "(groan) Fair enough."
Shortly afterwards, Kim did some more talking with Ratchet and Clank. She talked about her and Ron being friends since preschool, Ron's misadventures at Camp Wannaweep, Ron getting his pet naked mole rat Rufus. She eventually went on to talk about Wade, the 10 year old super genius who helps out Kim and Ron on their missions as well as brief them on their missions. Ratchet: "So, Kim, how did you and Ron meet Wade?" Kim: "Oh, well, that's an interesting story, it all started when…" Wade: "Kim, come in, are you there?" Kim: "Oh!"
She got up and walked over to the Kimmunicator. Kim: "Hey, Wade, did you finish up with analyzing all of the alien technology?" Wade: "Absolutely! I have also been looking into integrating all of this into your dad's space shuttle. While I was able to do that, I came across a very startling discovery." Kim: "What kind of discovery?" Wade: "It's something unbelievable! Your dad's space shuttle is partially made from alien technology." Kim: "What? Really? Do you know exactly from where?" Wade: "This is where it gets interesting. I'm picking up multiple traces of technology that originates from the galaxy that you're in now as well as a few others. And it's not just the space shuttle that I'm picking up these traces from, but also the space station." Kim: "No way! The Impossible Space Station of the Future? Did dad know about this?" Wade: "I don't know, I didn't share these findings with him, yet, but judging by how surprised he was by the speed of both of them, I would think he didn't." Kim: "Hm…very odd…" Wade: "But thankfully, from these findings, it should be a cinch to integrate a lot of the equipment that Ratchet planned on having installed." Ratchet: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get started on suiting up this space shuttle with even more non-Earthly equipment." Kim: "Yes, let's do it. Drakken and Shego won't know what hit them."
Eventually, Kim and Ron worked with Ratchet and Clank on the modifications to the space shuttle. Ratchet: "OK, we should have everything we need to suit up this Earth vessel." Kim: "Yeah, I would think so, too. At least…hm…" Ron: "Well, yeah, sure. We have this thingy, do-hicky for that front part, then there's this thinga-ma-bob for the…that thing, and there's the what-chu-ma-call-it for the uh…what-chu-ma-call-it and then there's this strange thingy…for…the…thingy…I think…"
Ron looked towards Ratchet with a nervous grin on his face, Ratchet stared back at Ron in an annoyed manner. Ratchet: "Why don't you just leave the technical stuff to me, Clank and Wade? You just deal with…screwing in all of the loose ends." Ron: "Um…OK…"
Ron walked off. Clank: "An unusual young man, isn't he?" Ratchet: "Does this guy go on all of your missions with you, Kim?" Kim: "Um…almost…" Ron: "Hey, KP, check this out, I think I found something cool! Oh, no…oh, no! AAAAHHHH! KP! THIS THING IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"
Ratchet placed his hand on his forehead, greatly irritated, Kim was embarrassed. Ron: "AH! RATCHET! DO SOMETHING!"
At that time, they could hear the sound of something tearing. Ron: "Ah! Oh, no! Not the pants!" Kim: "Not again."
Ratchet went over to handle what was happening. Everything eventually quieted down. Ratchet then dragged Ron back alongside everyone else. He then let go of Ron and glared at him, Ron just chuckled nervously. Ratchet: "Don't touch anything! The last thing we need is something getting wrecked!"
Ratchet walked off as Ron watched him. Ratchet returned beside Kim and Clank. Ratchet: "Let's just get started on this before any other mishaps occur."
Everyone else agreed and walked off. Ron, noticing his pants, snatched them back, then was spooked by something and ran off screaming.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Rebels thoughts part 1/?
so having finally finished all four seasons of rebels I HAVE THOUGHTS. probably mostly spoilery. probably multiple posts in not very much order.
* i’m not sure what race / ethnicity ezra is supposed to be. at first i thought he just had blue hair to be punk like how sabine always has colored hair, but i think it’s meant for black. his dad looks exactly like an extra out of “prince of egypt” so i am headcanoning him as space sephardic effective immediately. this doesn’t change much.
* @virusq gave me a basic character rundown ahead of time, which included “freddie prinze jr as a jedi”, and i’m like “i only know him from mass effect 3″, and she’s like “basically the same character but doesn’t call anyone lola”. so now y’all get a digression on mass effect. early in each game you can recruit a heavy-hitting soldier-type character to watch your back if you are squishy. i tend to play squishies, so i bring these characters along most places. in game one, i had a giant alien buffalo turtle character voiced by steven barr whom i love all to pieces, and in game two i had a sarcastic old cockney geezer voiced by robin sachs whom i love possibly even more. so game three’s hotheaded young beefcake marine voiced by freddie prinze jr (who nicknames you “loco” if your player character is male, which is deserved honestly, but “lola” if female) had some *serious* competition and i didn’t really latch onto him.
which means i was extremely startled when i immediately identified kanan jarrus as The Mom Friend and latched onto him within i think literally five seconds of screen time. i had not expected kanan to be my fave at alllll.
* virusq did not, as it happens, mention that the purple guy with the weird facial hair was voiced by steve blum (who often voices wolverine) doing his best hugh jackman impression. there was yelling. at least zeb doesn’t usually do the little “heh. heh. heh.” laugh like steve blum’s character in mass effect 2 (another alien buffalo turtle, to whom the player character accidentally becomes battlemom), or i would have been EVEN MORE discombobulated!
* i like that hera is the best pilot without having the force. the whole force = piloting thing gets way overdone.
* i got really, really bored of mandalorian bullshit by the end of the show. i don’t know why i find those episodes so boring. although the whole warring clans honor culture thing is a lot more fun with irreverent bipedal turtles the size of monster trucks.
* chopper is kind of a bully. i never did grow to like him. even with getting some backstory for him, i liked him best when he was interacting with the bitchy robot friend he makes, ap-5.
* the kallus retcon on the ice moon was pretty disorienting even knowing it was coming. also, fandom really built a *lot* out of what, five episodes? i know fandom does that, but... wow. *cackles* Hey, at least it was Kallus/Zeb (which I will admit went pretty damn Canon Gay at the end) and not, oh, say, Kallus/Kanan? Usually I expect the main OTP to be both white guys, but I guess being purple doesn’t interfere as much as being a human of color. /snark
(I may possibly have Opinions about the ways character race skews fandom statistics. Have had, ever since I couldn’t find any Jack+Teal’c friendship fics back in SG-1.)
* #hotkallus was in fact disturbingly hot. Didn’t expect to get that much out of a change of hairdo and keeping the sideburns. I still think it’s funny that Zeb and Kallus have coordinating facial hair, though.
* There were several points where I probably would have gotten more out of the show if I’d seen Clone Wars first, but I don’t think I’m probably going to wind up watching Clone Wars. Especially with the new season coming up, which makes it both an open canon and a guaranteed downer ending.
* I really liked the way the show did continuity. You could miss an episode without losing too much, but there were enough little callbacks to reward watching the whole thing straight through. I especially liked Sabine’s repainted TIE fighter in season one and the way Ezra’s calling himself “Jabba the Hutt” eventually backfires on him.
* Even not counting Thrawn, the Imperials in this show learn from the Rebels’ actions over the course of the show, which is pretty neat to someone raised on strictly episodic ‘60s TV like me. 
* Thrawn, like Sterling from Leverage, never loses. He may not always win, but he never loses. The show did a really good job of making him genuinely fucking scary and badass.
* I understand why fandom wants the Thrawn and Ezra roadtrip back from the Unknown Regions, because that’s some buddy comedy bullshit right there, what with Ezra’s main superpower being to annoy anyone stuck in an enclosed space with him, but why did nobody tell me the show ends with a *canonical* Ahsoka and Sabine epic roadtrip looking for Ezra? C’mon, that’s some good story fodder right there. Granted we don’t have much on how Sabine and Ahsoka interact in canon, but that would be really interesting.
* Something about show!Lando bothers me, and I think it’s the fact that he just doesn’t quite sound enough like Billy Dee Williams. Obviously this is a potential problem whenever they show a movie character and have to cast a voice actor -- Leia didn’t have Carrie’s startlingly deep alto either -- but somehow Lando was the only one where it really bugged me.
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