#Radio Svoboda
russianreader · 7 months
Dmitry Kuzmin: To Save One Person
Dmitry Kuzmin in 2019. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia “It is probably too late for the world, but for the individual man there always remains a chance.” This formulation from Joseph Brodsky’s Nobel Prize speech grew out of the two-hundred-year Russian liberal tradition of tiny, good deeds accomplished in the maw of Leviathan, and over the past two years it has inspired many. Each refugee rescued…
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Speciální host Radio Svoboda
Známý ruský spisovatel Dmitrij Gluchovskij se v interview Radio Svoboda mj. probírá tím, v co se vlastně mění Rusové, jaké jsou příčiny:
"V lidech je podněcována zvířecí nenávist."
"I po konci světa my, ruští lidé, budeme dál pokračovat v tom duchu, který nás ke konci světa přivedl."
Dmitrij Gluchovskij (Дми́трий Алексе́евич Глухо́вский) je ruský spisovatel a žurnalista narozený 12. června 1979. Jeho tvorba je převážně v žánru sci-fi a magickém realismu. Ve věku osmnácti let publikoval v roce 2002 na svých webových stránkách knihu Metro 2033, kterou poskytl ke čtení zdarma. Tato kniha si celosvětově získala přes 3 milióny čtenářů a v roce 2005 byla publikována i knižní formou. Stala se rovněž předlohou úspěšné počítačové hry. V roce 2007 vydal svou druhou knihu Soumrak a roku 2009 byla vydána kniha Metro 2034, ruský bestseller roku, která byla také k dispozici na internetu zdarma. Jako novinář působil Dmitry v EuroNews TV, Deutsche Welle a RT. Také píše články pro Harper’s Bazaar, l’Officiel a Playboy. Gluchovskij žil v Izraeli, Německu a Francii. Hovoří pěti jazyky.
Nedávno vyšel jeho článek „Kreatury“ na serveru open-doors
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kamogryadeshi · 15 days
❗the Russians hit a hotel in Mykolaivka, in Donetsk region. The bodies of two men, who were animal volunteers from Kharkiv, were unblocked from under the rubble. They came to the city to sterilize homeless animals
Photo: Radio Svoboda
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dontforgetukraine · 28 days
“I dreamed of being exchanged on August 24,” a Ukrainian Defender who returned from captivity says. Ukraine returned 115 Ukrainian Defenders from Russian captivity on [Ukraine's independence Day]. They also include those who were taken prisoner in the first months of 2022. 82 Warriors who defended Mariupol were returned, including about 50 Azovstal defenders, sailors, three border guards, six National Guardsmen from the Chornobyl nuclear Power Plant, and soldiers who took part in battles in Kyiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kherson regions.
Source: Radio Svoboda
Translation: Anton Gerashchenko
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mariacallous · 4 days
On September 16, President Vladimir Putin issued a decree ordering the Russian military to expand its troop numbers by 180,000 soldiers, bringing the total number of active servicemen to 1.5 million. The new policy, set to take force in December, will increase the total size of the Russian Armed Forces to 2.38 million personnel. Speaking to journalists on Tuesday, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said the increase was necessary due to the “number of threats [on Russia’s] borders.” Radio Svoboda compiled reactions to the army boost from Russian propagandists, politicians, and analysts. In English, Meduza shares a selection of these comments.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
A Russian patrol ship has been destroyed off the coast of Crimea after being attacked by Ukrainian sea drones in another blow to Russia’s Black Sea fleet.
The ship – the £51million-valued Sergey Kotov, a Project 22160 patrol vessel – was struck by several of Ukraine’s Magura V5 naval drones, according to Ukrainian military intelligence service Gur.
The service said the Sergey Kotov “suffered damage to the stern, right and left sides” before it sank near the Kerch Strait in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
A Gur spokesperson, Andriy Yusov, said: “As for the crew, the details are being clarified – there are dead and wounded, but it is likely that some of the crew managed to evacuate.”
In a statement on social media, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence said: “+1 Russian ship was upgraded to a submarine.
“Tonight, military intelligence’s special unit, ‘Group 13’, attacked the patrol ship of the Russian Black Sea fleet… Nice start of the day! Great job, warriors.”
Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk said “right now, this ship is on the seabed” and claimed a helicopter may have sunk alongside it.
While Ukrainian intelligence official told Radio Svoboda that Russian sailors on board the vessel had been injured or killed.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 month
There is already an accurate geolocation of burned and damaged equipment of the Armed Forces of the RuZZian Federation in the village of Oktyabrske near Rylsk - Radio Svoboda has created a map By the way, in the video 14 RuZZian Army Trucks were Destroyed + Personnel
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le-veilleur · 3 months
These doctors should be treating kids, not clearing the rubble of their hospital.
Ukraine, Kyiv, 08.07.24
(video - Radio Svoboda)
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shattered-pieces · 6 months
Just looking at Wikipedia entry for russia (human rights) you can see how systematic and horrific it is. Seeing it all together really shows it vividly. Not surprising for anyone who follows russia or what it does in Ukraine. Really, shouldn't have been surprising for anyone who followed it to see what it did in Ukraine (probably even worse with anti-Ukrianian attitudes and no oversight, no limits). Expecting it, more should have been done against it. We should be shocked, like some are shocked at the barbaric videos after crocus. Enough to do whatever possible to not allow it to spread. Or any more people become victims of this inhuman system.
The Constitution of Russia forbids arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment. Chapter 2, Article 21 of the constitution states, "No one may be subjected to torture, violence or any other harsh or humiliating treatment or punishment."[97][98] However, in practice, Russian police, Federal Security Service[99][100] and prison and jail guards are regularly observed practicing torture with impunity - including beatings with many different types of batons, sticks and truncheons, water battles, sacks with sand etc., the "Elephant Method" which is beating a victim wearing a gas mask with cut airflow and the "Supermarket Method" which is the same but with a plastic bag on head, electric shocks including to genitals, nose, and ears (known as "Phone call to Putin"), binding in stress positions, cigarette burns,[101] needles and electric needles hammered under nails,[102] prolonged suspension, sleep deprivation, food deprivation, rape, penetration with foreign objects, asphyxiation - in interrogating arrested suspects.[102][1][6][7][103] Another torture method is the "Television" which involves forcing the victim to stand in a mid-squat with extended arms in front of them holding a stool or even two stools, with the seat facing them. Former serviceman Andrei Sychev had to have both legs and genitals amputated after this torture due to gangrene caused by cut bloodflow. Other torture methods include the "Rack" or "Stretch" which involves hanging a victim on hands tied behind the back, the "Refrigerator" which involves subjecting a naked victim sometimes doused in cold water to subzero temperatures, the "Furnace" where the victim is left in heat in a small space and "Chinese torture" where the feet of the victim laying on a tabletop are beaten with clubs. In 2000, human rights Ombudsman Oleg Mironov estimated that 50% of prisoners with whom he spoke claimed to have been tortured. Amnesty International reported that Russian military forces in Chechnya engage in torture.[97]
Radio Svoboda ("Radio Freedom", part of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) reported that an unofficial movement "Russia the Beaten" was created in Moscow by human rights activists and journalists who "suffered from beatings in numerous Russian cities".[114] In June 2013, construction worker Martiros Demerchyan claimed that he was tortured by Sochi police. Demerchyan, who spent seven weeks constructing housing for the 2014 Winter Olympics, was accused by his supervisor of stealing wiring. Demerchyan denied the allegations but when the victim returned to work to collect his pay, he was met by several police officers who beat him all night, breaking two of his teeth and sexually assaulted him with a crow bar. He was treated in hospital, but doctors told his family they had found no serious injuries on his body.[115] Torture and humiliation are also widespread in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The term dedovshchina refers to systematic abuse of new conscripts by more long-serving soldiers.[116] Many young men are killed, raped or commit suicide every year because of it.[117] It is reported that some young male conscripts are forced to work as prostitutes for "outside clients".[118] Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia works to protect rights of young soldiers.
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russianreader · 2 years
"Our Family Is Dead": The Story of Yegor Balazeikin, Suspected of Torching a Military Enlistment Office
Yegor Balazeikin. Photo courtesy of RFE/RL Yegor Balazeikin is sixteen years old. In late February, he was detained in Kirovsk, a town in the Leningrad Region: according to police investigators, he wanted to set fire to a military enlistment office, and now he stands accused of “attempted terrorism.” Later, a second criminal case was launched against the schoolboy, also for allegedly attempting…
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sarahc351 · 7 months
Ces chaînes indépendantes en langue russe seront animées depuis l’Europe à destination de la Russie, de la Biélorussie et des territoires ukrainiens occupés.
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kamogryadeshi · 6 months
A house in Vinnytsia region that was hit by a Russian drone last night. Two dead and three injured are known.
Video: Radio Svoboda
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cyberbenb · 8 months
Governor: Russia carries out 250 air strikes on Avdiivka in 2 weeks
Russian forces dropped 250 aerial bombs on the city of Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast in just the first two weeks of the year, Governor Vadim Filashkin told Radio Svoboda on Jan. 15. In comparison, the ci Source : kyivindependent.com/governor-…
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mariacallous · 1 month
Shipping out the conscripts: Journalists at Radio Svoboda spoke to human rights activists and soldiers’ parents in Russia to decipher where in the country the military is drawing conscripts for planned deployments to the Kursk region. According to the report, the scale of these transfers is currently limited to a handful of places: Murmansk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Belgorod, Rostov, and Tyumen. The conscripts in Murmansk are scheduled to be transferred to Kursk, but not until September (suggesting that military planners don’t expect a quick resolution to Ukraine’s incursion). 
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Norvēģijas valdība gatavo jaunu militārās palīdzības paketi Ukrainas bruņotajiem spēkiem. Kas ir zināms Ar informāciju vizītes laikā Kijevā dalījās Norvēģijas premjerministrs Jonass Gārs Stērs. Jaunā palīdzības pakete ietvers raķetes IRIS-T pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmai. Turklāt Ukraina saņems aprīkojumu teritorijas atmīnēšanai. Pagaidām nav informācijas, kad sāksies ieroču piegādes. SAM IRIS-T SLM dienestā Ukrainas bruņotajos spēkos Tiem, kas nezina IRIS-T ir pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēma, kas paredzēta spārnoto raķešu, raķešu, lidaparātu, dronu un helikopteru iznīcināšanai augstumā līdz 25 km un attālumā līdz 40 km. Ukraina tagad ir bruņota ar IRIS-T pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmām SLS un SLM modifikācijās. SAM IRIS-T SLS modifikācijā Avots: Radio Svoboda
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ultrajaphunter · 9 months
BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. Commander of the UKR Air Force, Mykola Oleshchuk, reports that the RuZZian Ropucha-class landing ship Novocherkassk (BDK-46) has been sunk in the occupied Crimean port of Feodosia.
UKR sources now confirm that the RuZZian landing ship Novocherkassk was struck by Ukrainian aircraft carrying guided missiles. https://bbc.com/news/world-europe-67821515…
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In March, 2022, Novocherkassk was damaged by UKR shelling in Berdiansk.
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In addition to the landing ship Novocherkassk sunk by the UKR air force on the night of 26 DEC, another vessel is on the harbor bottom.
According to reports from Radio Svoboda, the other casualty is identified as the RuZZian training ship UTS-150.
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