coffeenewstom · 7 months
Nespresso: Fünf schnelle Fakten zur Zukunft von Kaffee
Kaffee ist das Lieblingsgetränk der Deutschen, inzwischen beliebter als Wasser und sogar Bier. 167 Liter wurden in Deutschland pro Kopf durchschnittlich im Jahr 2022 getrunken. Doch die klimatischen Veränderungen in den Anbauländern könnten dafür sorgen, dass wir unsere Gewohnheiten anpassen müssen. Um Kaffee für die Zukunft zu bewahren, müssen alle zusammenarbeiten – angefangen bei einem…
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invinciblerodent · 17 days
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i spent longer on this than i care to admit
(th. there's a brand of coffee. called Bellarom. they sell it at Lidl. you get it.)
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smimon · 8 months
Hi, I was preparing my coffee and forgot to add coffee. How is your morning going
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Ladies please reblog to spread the word about these ladies and their fight to protect their homes from the destruction of the Oil industry
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DECEMBER 15, 2022 7:00 AM EST
Nenquimo, co-founder of Amazon Frontlines and the Ceibo Alliance, is a Waorani leader who has won the Goldman Environmental Prize. Mbuthuma is a leader of the amaMpondo people in South Africa and spokesperson of the Amadiba Crisis Committee, a collective that defends her community’s rights to steward their ancestral land.
We are two Indigenous women leaders writing from the frontlines of the battle to save our oceans, our forests, and our planet’s climate. We have good news to share: We know how to beat Big Oil.
From the Amazon rainforest to the shores of the Indian Ocean in South Africa, we have led our communities to mighty victories against oil companies who hoped to profit off our territories. In September 2022, we succeeded in getting a court to revoke a permit that would have allowed Shell to despoil Indigenous farming communities and fishing grounds along the pristine Wild Coast of South Africa. Just a few years earlier in April 2019, we organized Indigenous communities deep in the Ecuadorian rainforests to resist the government’s plans to drill in pristine rainforests and were victorious, protecting half a million acres of forests and setting a legal precedent to protect millions more.
Both were David vs. Goliath victories—and both were opportunities for us to learn where to point that fabled slingshot.
Big Oil has the deepest of pockets and a horrific track record when it comes to corruption, scandal, and environmental crimes. Across the world, Indigenous and local communities know that once the industry gets a foothold in our lands, it leaves ruin in its wake. For instance, the A’i Cofán people of Ecuador’s northern Amazon have borne the brunt of decades of oil industry contamination, deforestation, and health impacts. And the Ogoni people of the Niger Delta have lost their fishing and farming lands to polluting oil operations, and have seen their leaders threatened and murdered when they dared to speak out.
As frontline communities, we must work together to stop Big Oil before they enter our lands. But this, in itself, is no easy task. The industry offers alluring promises of “progress” and “development.” And they have people—in government, the military, police forces, shadowy paramilitary groups, and sometimes in our own communities—who are willing to intimidate, harass, and even kill leaders like us who have the courage to stand up to them. They also have billions of dollars riding on getting permits to suck the oil out of the ground and sea.
So, how did we stop them?
First, we kept our communities together. We fought against the industry’s “divide and conquer” tactics by grounding our battle in our own sacred connection to our lands. Our ancestors and elders understood, as we do today, that Mother Earth is sacred and worth fighting for. We are connected to her through our breath, our stories, our dreams, and our prayers. She gives us everything: water, food, medicine, shelter, meaning. And in return, we protect her.
We also helped our people cut through the false promises and threats by exposing Big Oil’s lies and abuse around the world. That is, we made sure our villagers could learn from the A’i Cofán people of Ecuador, the Ogoni of the Niger delta, and the countless other frontline communities that have suffered at the hands of Big Oil.
As Indigenous women leaders, we know that if we can keep our sacred connection to the land and keep our people united, then we have a fighting chance against any oil company in the world.
We also have the law on our side, which makes Big Oil really vulnerable. In 2007, the U.N. General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which recognized our right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) for any activity that affects our ancestral lands. Our shorthand is “Nothing About Us Without Us.” We, Indigenous peoples, the ancestral owners of some of the most biodiverse, carbon-rich places on the planet (the places that the oil industry wants to get their hands on more than anything), have the internationally recognized legal right to decide what happens on our land.
In South Africa, we were able to protect 6,000 square miles of pristine marine ecosystems off the Wild Coast, saving dolphins and whales from deafening seismic blasts on the ocean floor while also protecting local communities and our planet’s climate from the threat of ramped-up offshore drilling. And on the other side of the world, in Ecuador, we leveraged our internationally recognized rights to protect some of the biodiverse rainforest in the Amazon, jamming the Ecuadorian Government’s plans to drill across millions of acres of Indigenous territories.
But the law alone isn’t enough. To move courts and politicians—and to create legal exposure and reputational risk to companies—we need global community support to keep going.
That means getting financial resources to the frontlines, so that we can protect our leaders, organize our communities, and secure our rights. Only a fraction of 1% of all climate funding currently makes it to Indigenous communities on the frontlines of the climate battle. We need to change that.
It also means sharing our stories and shining a spotlight on our struggles, so that local courts and politicians know that the world is watching. Public solidarity not only prevents corruption and back-room deals, but it also energizes our grassroots campaigns.
We need to continue to pressure governments around the world to finally adopt our internationally recognized right to decide what happens in our lands in their national laws and constitutions. Our peoples have been putting our bodies on the line in the battle to protect Mother Earth for centuries. It’s not only a moral imperative that global governments finally recognize and respect our right to self-determination, but it is also one of the most urgent and effective climate strategies—it’s no coincidence that we are the guardians of over 80% of our planet’s biodiversity. In the Amazon rainforest, half of the remaining standing forest is in our territories. Without us and without our territories, there is no climate solution.
To have a fighting chance of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we can’t afford to be opening up new oil fields in the lungs of the earth. We need to keep our forests standing. We need to transition to renewable energy.
We are writing this because we see that world leaders, businesses, and NGOs are only making slow, incremental progress on climate despite the urgent existential threat we face. Instead of getting frustrated, we’re doubling down on sharing our formula with other Indigenous guardians on the ground.
We know that time is not on our side—but our spirituality and our rights are. So here’s one idea from two Indigenous women leaders that beat the oil industry, and protected our oceans and our forests: Listen to us for a change.
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kp777 · 4 months
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grrlmusic · 1 year
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Rainforest Alliance
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Von der Tasse zum Feld: Die schockierende Wahrheit über Kaffee und Umwelt
Kaffee – für viele von uns beginnt der Tag nicht ohne eine frisch gebrühte Tasse dieses beliebten Getränks. Doch während wir den aromatischen Duft und den belebenden Geschmack genießen, denken nur wenige über die Reise nach, die die Kaffeebohnen vom Feld bis in unsere Tassen zurücklegen. Noch seltener betrachten wir die tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen, die der Kaffeeanbau auf unsere Umwelt hat. In…
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lilliankillthisman · 2 years
I am a man of fine taste and refined palate which is why i buy dark chocolate at £1.65 for 500g
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suetravelblog · 3 months
Exploring Kuching Malaysia
Darul Hana Bridge and Sarawak Parliament Building Kuching is one of the most exotic and beautiful places I’ve visited in my travels. The tropical weather requires considerable adjustment for those unaccustomed to heat and humidity, and a daily swim in the lap pool helps! Kuching Apt Lap Pool Daytrips I’ve been exploring the surrounding areas but have had difficulty booking daytrips. There aren’t…
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isocertificationuae · 5 months
Rainforest Alliance Certification Farm Requirements: The RAC Seal in 2024
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The Rainforest Alliance Certification is an esteemed seal that connotes a pledge to sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship. Farms that accomplish this certification stick to severe rules pointed toward safeguarding biological systems, advancing biodiversity, and supporting the prosperity of farmworkers and local networks.
In this thorough aid, we dig into the center Rainforest Alliance Requirements and rules in 2024 A.D that farms should meet to achieve Rainforest Alliance Certificate.
The requirement for economic agribusiness has never been more noteworthy. By giving a useful structure to responsible agriculture, and a designated set of developments. The Farm Requirements can assist farmers with delivering better yields, adjusting to environmental change, incrementing their efficiency, putting forth objectives to accomplish their sustainability implementation and target speculations to address their most serious dangers. 
The farms' requirements are intended to help authentication holders amplify the positive social, environmental, and financial effects of agriculture while offering farmers an upgraded system to work on their livelihoods and safeguard the scenes where they reside and work.
Forestry and Wood Products 
Meets Rainforest Alliance requirements for SmartLogging
Meets Rainforest Alliance requirements for Check of High Protection Worth Woods
Meets Rainforest Alliance requirements for Nonexclusive Chain-of-Custody
Confirmed as meeting Rainforest Alliance's least section-level prerequisites for SmartStep
Rainforest Alliance Requirements
This part makes sense of the requirements for sourcing adequate volumes of Rainforest Alliance Certified Farm items or fixings, manufacturing them into purchaser goods, and guaranteeing dependability and chain of custody during the process. The goal is that the eventual outcome will be qualified to bear the Rainforest Alliance Certified (RAC) seal.
Rainforest Alliance & Sustainable Agriculture Network 
The Rainforest Alliance Certified (RAC) seal is tracked down in cafés, general stores, planes, trains, and lodgings all over the planet. The seal guarantees consumers that items come from farms that are overseen as per the thorough norms of the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), where laborers and their families appreciate noble, safe circumstances, and where untamed life and territories are secured.
Percentage of Certified Content 
The level of guaranteed content utilized in an item decides how the seal might be utilized. The Rainforest Alliance urges organizations to utilize 100 percent ensured content, whenever the situation allows, in any item bearing the RAC seal.
Sourcing Single Ingredient Products 
The Rainforest Alliance empowers organizations offering single fixing items to source 100 percent of these items from RAC farms. For an item to bear the RAC seal without a disclaimer proclamation, the fixing should be obtained 100 percent from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. Some 10% inadvertent or unanticipated blending might happen, to such an extent that the eventual outcome offered to buyers contains no less than 90% ensured content.
Labeling Single Ingredient Products 
Single-ingredient products that are obtained 100 percent from Rainforest Alliance farms may bear the RAC seal without a disclaimer explanation on the packaging or in showcasing materials.
Sourcing Multi-Ingredient Products 
The Rainforest Alliance’s strategy on multi-ingredient products is intended to guarantee buyers that in any item bearing the RAC seal. A lot of the center fixing or potentially a huge part of the whole item is obtained from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. This arrangement is likewise intended to help organizations in gathering material guidelines administering environ advertising claims.
Labeling Multi-Ingredient Products 
Depending on the obtaining and manufacturing specifics for the product, there are three choices for utilizing the RAC seal on composite or multi-fixing items.
Option A: Fully Certified Content
Option B: Minimum Certified Content with Scale-Up Plan 
Option C: Controlled Blending
Rainforest Alliance Certification in UAE sets a high bar for reasonable agriculture, including environ, social, and monetary contemplations. Farms that accomplish this certification exhibit their obligation to responsible land stewardship, biodiversity protection, and local area prosperity. By sticking to thorough requirements and principles and embracing persistent improvement, certified farms add to a more economical and impartial food system for the present and people in the future.
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ascent-emirates · 7 months
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coffeenewstom · 1 year
CoffeeB: Weltweit erstes Kaffeekapselsystem ohne Kapsel bei Edeka
Ab sofort können EDEKA-Kund:innen in allen teilnehmenden EDEKA-Märkten in Deutschland endlich CoffeeB erhalten, das weltweit erste Kaffeekapselsystem ohne Kapsel. CoffeeB verwendet anstatt herkömmlicher Aluminium- oder Plastik-Kapseln kleine Bälle aus gepresstem Röstkaffee, die lediglich von einer gartenkompostierbaren Schutzschicht aus Alginat umgeben sind. Mit CoffeeB erweitert EDEKA sein…
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iso-updates · 7 months
Coffee and Conservation: Nurturing Sustainability through Rainforest Alliance Certification
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At the core of each and every coffee bean lies an account of the cultivation, reap, and sensitive harmony among nature and industry. As shoppers become progressively aware of their decisions, the interest in economically obtained coffee has flooded. In this pursuit, the Rainforest Alliance Certificate has arisen as a guide for liability and environment stewardship inside the coffee business.
This article dives into the meaning of the Rainforest Alliance Certification, revealing its significant effect on coffee quality, sustainability practices, and the jobs of the farmers who develop the world's most loved jazzed beverage.
The Essence of Rainforest Alliance Certification:
Rainforest Alliance Certification is something beyond a name; it represents a pledge to moral and reasonable agricultural practices. For coffee, a harvest frequently connected with weak biological systems, this certificate fills in as a directing light for makers and shoppers the same. By sticking to a bunch of thorough guidelines, coffee farms with Rainforest Alliance Certificates add to the safeguarding of biodiversity, preservation of normal assets, and the general strength of the biological systems they work inside.
Elevating Coffee Quality:
Quality is at the center of each and every coffee lover’s mission, and Rainforest Alliance assumes a vital part in guaranteeing a predominant coffee experience. Affirmed farms are expected to follow best practices in cultivating, handling, and post-reap management. This prompts better beans as well as empowers ceaseless improvement in cultivating procedures. The outcome is coffee that fulfills the sense of taste as well as epitomizes the embodiment of ecological obligation.
Sustainable Practices for a Changing Climate:
Environmental change presents huge dangers to coffee-cultivating areas, influencing yields and the prosperity of supply networks. Rainforest Alliance Certificate tends to these difficulties by advancing environment shrewd Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard. Certified farms execute measures to alleviate environmental risks, for example, agroforestry practices, water preservation, and soil well-being management. By embracing these sustainable practices, coffee farms become stronger even with an evolving environment, defending both the business and the climate.
Empowering Coffee Farmers:
The effect of the Rainforest Alliance Certificate reaches out past biological contemplations to the actual heart of coffee creation for the farmers. Affirmation enables farmers by giving preparation and assets that upgrade their agricultural abilities, advance fair work practices, and further develop general homestead management. This strengthening converts into better livelihoods for coffee-delivering networks, encouraging monetary security and making a positive pattern of reasonable turn of events.
What does it mean that Coffee is “Rainforest Alliance” Certified?
Anyway, what does it take to become Rainforest Alliance in UAE certified? To be certified, the farm should pass yearly investigations that incorporate financial, ecological, and social audits. The RFA guarantees the ranch is paying their laborers basically the nearby lawful lowest pay permitted by law and that all-important specialists are given legitimate preparation and hardware. 
Farmers are urged to utilize regular irritation avoidance techniques and a portion of the natural guidelines the homestead needs to arrive at to assist with bug counteraction. Pesticide use is totally permitted if all else fails, and just a negligible number of low-influence pesticides can be utilized. RFA certification expects that any laborers utilizing pesticides should have legitimate safety gear and be fittingly prepared to deal with the synthetics.
The Rainforest Alliance looks to make a positive, harmonious connection between the coffee farmer, their yield, and the environment around them. The RFA urges farmers to utilize their local, common habitat to assist with making their yields more productive and sustainable through their certification process.
Consumer Confidence and Ethical Choices:
As the consumer becomes more reliable about the beginnings of their items, Rainforest Alliance turns into an image of trust. The certificate guarantees purchasers that their coffee has been delivered in a way that lines up with ecological and social obligations. This, thus, drives interest in certified items, empowering more coffee makers to take on sustainable practices.
Forests and biodiversity
The Rainforest Alliance Certification in UAE has been attempting to safeguard the world's forests for over 30 years. With our reinforced certificate program, there are many more advancements and improved requirements to do that with significantly more effect. It has precluded deforestation, yet additionally the annihilation of all environments, including wetlands and peatlands. Farmers should increment local tree cover, and give geolocation information to risk with maps that show deforestation areas of interest, from there, the sky is the limit. While cultivating frequently hurts biodiversity, it can likewise add to nature's richness.
The 1,000-hectare Aquiares Bequest Coffee in Costa Rica, which sits between the country's biggest safeguarded region and a volcanic mountain range, is a heavenly illustration of how cultivating practices intended to support biodiversity and sustain soil can reestablish the general soundness of a biological system. General Manager Diego Robelo expresses that since the homestead started its sustainability change with the Rainforest Alliance a long time back, it has gone from utilizing a full-sun monoculture way to dealing with developing coffee under the shade of local trees. 
As the biggest Rainforest Union-certified coffee farm in Costa Rica, Aquiares has been a trailblazer in sustainability, establishing in excess of 50,000 trees and successfully interfacing two significant untamed life hallways. Presently the homestead flaunts 76 unique local tree species and 140 bird species, 103 of which hadn't been seen before Aquiares started working with the Rainforest Alliance.
In the powerful scene of the coffee business, Rainforest Alliance Certification remains as a gatekeeper of quality, sustainability, and the prosperity of coffee farmers. Its importance goes past a simple name, enveloping a guarantee to protection, dependable cultivating, and the occupations of the individuals who devote their lives to developing the ideal mug of coffee.
As we appreciate our day-to-day mix, let us recognize the job Rainforest Alliance Standard plays in protecting the sensitive harmony between the universe of coffee and the environments that support it.
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glorsymon · 7 months
Semplicemente Buongiorno a Tutti! Oggi puntata dedicata al "Pensare Troppo" ... Buon Ascolto! Simone Barnaba https://www.spreaker.com/show/simone-barnaba Ecco i link delle playlist associate a questo podcast: Classifica Sanremo 2024 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6AcV7Cbfs8gjznpzdXaJqV?si=2df2472ee101407b Buongiorno PopRock https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7tHvbqvkYCBQtaoVFKCNnn?si=090c5952a41c4d73 Buongiorno PopCubano https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73uei6vI8eTXi1GBX3x3om?si=daf8ea2c53134bd8
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veggiechannel · 8 months
Sta circolando in questi giorni sui social la notizia che esiste un legame tra il logo della rana e la presenza di insetti, facendo credere che nel Nesquik ci sia dentro della farina di insetti o addirittura di rana.
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drakvuf · 8 months
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Hogy áll éppen a békás konteó, miben hisznek most a retardok?
Oltás vagy rovar van benne? Vagy csak szimplán rákot kapok?
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