hello-francigena-here · 3 months
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"If Simon walks in the middle of us, then we could talk over his head"
This is Simon feeling both very anxious and very excited about being chosen, he's scratching his arm for some relief🙂
Angry rejected Piggy in the background ❤️
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
I'm saved. (sixth and final entry)
I am glad to say that I have finally been rescued and am on my way back to England. My last day on the island was very chaotic to say the least. After Piggy’s death, I spoke to Sam and Eric. Jack has forced them into submitting to him by beating them the entire night, and they had been on watch. Although they were technically a part of Jack’s savages, they provided me with information about what is to happen: the savages were going to hunt me down and one of them had sharpened a stick at both ends. I don’t even want to comprehend what the double-ended spear means, but I can tell it does not mean good things. I hid immediately in hole under a tree, curling up like an animal with nothing but a spear to keep me safe. As the boys were hunting me, they had set the island on fire, I assume to draw me out. Before they found me though, they dropped a boulder on a spot they assumed me to be in. I was very lucky to not be in that spot. Roger, who had sharpened the stick on both ends, found me and we wrestled for a bit before I broke free and ran to the beach, almost running into the sailor that had found us. Even though they had all turned against me, I still took the responsibility of leader in the end. I took the responsibility over Simon and Piggy’s death and for all of the destruction that happened to the island. I looked back at Jack and he looked like he was going to say something after I said that I was in charge, but he kept quiet because I think even he knew that this would not be good for us if the adults were to find out what all actually happened during our stay. 
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lotfsblog · 3 years
Ralph coming back to camp: Piggy What's wrong?
Piggy, crying: I lost the kid with the birthmark
Ralph: What? How?
Piggy: We were playing hide and seek and I've been seeking for like three hours..!
Ralph: You sure you checked everywhere?
Piggy: Yes but he's not normal. He went to MAGIC camp. They like escape stuff and eat...coins.
Ralph: It's probably not that bad
Piggy: You don't understand, the other day he made me pick a card and a bird flew out of my mouth. There ARE no BIRDS here! Where. Did. It. COME FROM!
Ralph: Okay maybe you should just-
Birthmark kid: TADAA!
Birthmark kid: Illusion 😀
inspired by this tiktok:
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red-dead-merridew · 5 years
Haha what if I hunted a pig for you? 😳 jk
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sourk4t · 5 years
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Ralph and Jack staring at each other .. You can love it and share it ! <3 
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bubblegum-god · 4 years
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doodle time
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
Rest in Peace my boy Simon. (fourth entry)
Simon is dead. It feels weird admitting it. Jack hosted a feast last night, and once the rain started we all went crazy. A dance started and poor sweet Simon was in the wrong place at the wrong time; he fell into the circle and we all went mad. I could not even recognize his body after the savages, I along with them, had finished murdering him. He was screaming about something before he was killed, but the energy was too high to understand what he was saying. His last words will never be recorded, and his body will never be recovered as it drifted out into the sea. I’m just going to say a few words about him to memorialize him. Simon, though I only knew him for a short time, was always a hard worker; when all of the boys would go off and play, Simon would stay and work on things with me. He is the reason why we have three working shelters, as rickety they may be. He was a little strange at times, and he disappeared often, but I could always trust him to be at every meeting and to help me out when the need arose. I knew that I could always count on him to be a sane thought when everybody went crazy, and even when all of the boys left me, Simon still remained faithful to my leadership. I will never forget how he passed out at our first meeting, and I will forever miss him. Rest in peace, Simon. You’ve deserved it. 
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
video part 2
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
video part 1 (it wouldnt let me submit the whole thing in one post so I had to split it up)
Ralph - Bee Fore
Jack - Rylan Dupuis
Piggy - Chrisanta Dunbar
Roger - Mathew King
The Rock - Steve Caudillo
special thanks to Dresden Rulite for being the man behind the camera.
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
I am sick of Jack Merridew. (third entry)
I need to rant for just a second. Jack has been getting on my nerves for a while now and I really need to get it off of my chest. First things first, he is a total bully to everybody, especially Piggy. I know that Piggy deserves it sometimes but the lengths he goes to is just too much. Just the other day, he punched Piggy in his gut for being annoying; that situation could have been solved with a simple “shut up.” His choir boys are not any different either, they’re all so rude to the littler kids, except for Simon, he’s literally an angel compared to them. Secondly, he keeps trying to rope the other boys into creating a new tribe with him as chief. He thinks that just because he knows how to get the pigs, he would make a good leader. He hasn’t even taken into account the amount of stress leading this many people puts on a person. There are expectations you have to meet and examples you have to set for the younger kids. Food isn't the only thing that is going to help us survive. We need shelter, water, a signal, much more than just food. Pigs aren’t even the only thing to eat. There are berries and fruits all over the place. Thirdly, he is always sending all of the boys on a riot and causing them to completely take their focus off the task at hand. Just a little bit ago, he gathered a group of boys and they all painted their faces and killed a pig. It was an absolute outrage. They kept chanting this one chant, it seriously looked like they were in a cult. If he keeps going like this, I might have to talk to him. Jack is getting too crazy for someone who is ugly without silliness. 
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
we got fire now boys. (second entry)
A little while after Jack, Simon, and I explored the island, I called a meeting. As soon as I finished blowing the conch, the entire platform was crowded full of little boys. At this meeting, I confirmed the suspicion that we were all on an uninhabited island and the fact there are no adults to keep us in line. Jack broke in and started rambling on and on about how we would need an army of hunters to catch pigs for us, and then he started talking about how he almost got a pig but it got away too quickly. Jack also stabbed a tree, I think he is starting to scare some of the littleuns. We determined a few rules and regulations to keep everything in order until we get rescued. My father told me once that the Queen has a room full of maps of every island in the world, so surely she has a map to where we are. All of the littleuns say that they’ve seen some sort of “beastie” and they’re afraid of it; I personally do not believe that it is a big deal because they are just children, but it could lead to further problems if they continue to be afraid. I proposed an idea. There is a mountain with a flat ledge on it; if we were to build a fire on the ledge, it could be used as a sort of smoke signal to notify passersby that there are people on this island who need rescued. As soon as I mentioned fire, everybody went absolutely bonkers. They started hooting and hollering like a pack of wild animals and they started sprinting up the mountain before I could even finish my thought. We used Piggy’s glasses to start the fire, but he was being a total whinny baby about it and kept shouting about how he had the right to talk because he had the conch. We then decided a new rule: the conch does not count on the mountain. 
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baileyaddilyn · 10 months
I'm on an island. (first entry)
I have no idea where I am or what is going on. One moment I am on a plane, the next moment I am in a jungle. At least I think it’s a jungle, I really have no idea though. I don’t seem to be too banged up from it; just a few scratches and bruises, nothing too serious. There is this really fat boy that I recall seeing on the plane that has found me, he keeps ranting about his aunt and his ass-mar. There is a clearing in the woods that leads to a beach which has led me to believe that I am stranded on an island. The fat boy who told me his name is Piggy found this strange shell and he keeps telling me to blow on it, something about it makes a noise if you spit in it and he can’t do it because of his ass-mar; turns out that it makes a really loud, trumpet-like sound. All of a sudden a whole bunch of boys start clambering in from the forest, a few of them I recognize from the plane, Piggy is gathering their names now. It looks like the youngest boy is around six, the oldest so far looks to be me. A group of twelve boys came marching in all military-like; it was kind of intimidating, but their leader, Jack, is really, disgustingly, ugly so it was all right. He said we needed to explore so myself, Simon (one of Jack’s boys, he passed out it was funny), and Jack went to explore the area. We walked along the shoreline and traversed all throughout the jungle, finding a mountain and finally concluding that we were stranded on an island. While we were exploring, Jack found a pig stuck in some brambles, but he couldn’t kill it because he hesitated and it got away. Since the boys voted me chief, I need to call a meeting to discuss rules and enact a plan for rescue. 
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red-dead-merridew · 5 years
Piggy: Gee, that conch is really breathtaking
Ralph: ...
Piggy: Get it? Because of my asthm--
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red-dead-merridew · 5 years
The main thing me and Jack Merridew have in common is we're both ugly.
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red-dead-merridew · 5 years
Lotf boys getting in the pool
Ralph: *Does a perfect dive*
Jack: *Tries to do a dive, ends up belly flopping*
Piggy: *Is pushed in (by Jack ofc)*
SamnEric: *Links arms, then jumps in*
Simon: *Calmly dips in*
Maurice: *Belly flops on purpose (to make the others laugh)*
Roger: *Tries to jump on Piggy*
The rest of the choir boys: *Canon ball*
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sourk4t · 5 years
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Everyone knows that Jack is a smart boi  ♡ ♡
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