#Randy Noblitt
stopchildabuse · 2 years
Cult and Ritual Abuse
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Cult and Ritual Abuse
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Cult and ritual abuse discusses the idea that ritual abuse is an age-old phenomenon and it is found in many cultures throughout the world. It explores the many specific psychiatric symptoms caused by ritual abuse, including dissociative identity disorder. The book gives suggestions for effective ways to deal with the legal and social problems that can result from this severe form of abuse. A new diagnosis “Cult and ritual trauma disorder” is proposed in this edition. Cult and ritual abuse was first published in 1995 with a revised edition in 2000. [1]  
The book was co-authored by James Randall Noblitt, a clinical psychologist and the executive director of a professional organization dedicated to treating survivors of cult and ritual abuse.[1] Noblitt is a professor and Director of the Psychology program at Alliant International University.
1 Comments and critiques
2 References
3 Related Pages
4 Articles and Books
5 External links
Comments and critiques
Kenneth E. Fletcher in a Psychiatric services review, discusses evidence of ritual abuse from the book and states that parts of the book are interesting and intriguing with uneven writing at times. Fletcher concludes that those interested in the topic of cult and ritual abuse will find it a worthwhile read.[2]
An article in the American Journal of Psychotherapy stated that “Whether or not one believes in MPD and/or Ritual Abuse, this book provides one with what is probably the most comprehensive and reasonable review of the subject that has appeared up to now.” [3]
Noblitt, J.R.; Perskin, P.  Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America (2000) Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 269 ISBN 027596664X http://books.google.com/books?id=zJkTTpfyJ-8C
Fletcher, K., July 2001 Cult and ritual abuse: Its history, anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America, revised edition Psychiatric services Volume 52 p. 978-979 http://www.psychservices.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/52/7/978
Coomaraswamy, R. Summer 1996  Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America  American Journal of Psychotherapy 50, 3 p. 383 http://www.ajp.org/
Related Pages
Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse
Extreme Abuse Surveys
Ritual Abuse
Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century
Ritual Abuse Torture
Satanic Ritual Abuse Evidence and Journal Articles
Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse
Articles and Books
Noblitt, J.R. (1995). “Psychometric measures of trauma among psychiatric patients reporting ritual abuse”. Psychological Reports 77(3):743-747. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8559911
Noblitt, R.; Perskin, P. Ritual abuse in the Twenty First Century (2008) Reed Publishers, Bandon, OR p. 552  ISBN 1-934759-12-0 http://www.rdrpublishers.com/catalog/item/6339393/5820690.htm
External links
An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy
Ritual Abuse articles
Ritual Abuse Cases
Extreme Abuse Survey
0 notes
unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Hey, I’m trying to start to learn about some of the subjects you talk about here, but I’m finding it hard to distinguish legitimate information from conspiracy. Any tips on getting started in this regard? More specifically, are there any peer-reviewed scientific research papers or books about programming, and how it relates to DID systems?
I don’t like to brush things off as conspiracy theories right away, because that’s counterintuitive to learning and discovery, but the vagueness of this information is a bit challenging to me. Things like symbolism, for example, come across more as spiritual, so it’s confusing when they are presented as fact without source. Would love to know if there’s been any successful research about those kinds of aspects of programming. Thanks for your hard work, and I wish you luck!
I recommend going to the CIA reading room and searching the following for a starting point: MKULTRA MKSEARCH MKOFTEN ARTICHOKE BLUEBIRD MKCHICKWIT
Search the following terms: Government behaviour modification programs Government behaviour control programs
Search the following names (There a lot of people these are a few): Donald Ewen Cameron William Sargant Igor Smirnov Dr. Louis Jolyon-West
For articles search these names; Alison Miller Randy Noblitt, PhD Colin Ross
Here are some links to sites
The Black Vault
The Black Vault MK Ultra
Empirical and Forensic Evidence of Ritual Abuse
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victoryzen · 7 years
"GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!" & Lessons from Whoville: my one-minute Sabbath morning sermon, Aug. 6,2017 by Keely Dorran.
GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM! and Lessons from Whoville: my one-minute Sabbath morning sermon, Aug. 6, 2017, by Keely Dorran.
Randy Noblitt, a psychologist & researcher who teaches at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant Univ in Alhambra, reminds me of Dr. Whoovie in the cartoon version of Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who special– see this video at 3 mins 15 seconds for a song/part if the story that i love so much…
The Who’s: dr whoovie, dr whoovie, you were absolutely right you warned us and you warned us but we didn’t see the light
the things you told us all were true if we only, only, only knew
dr whoovie, dr whoovie, from here on in we believe in you
just tell us what we have to do just lead us and we’ll follow you we’ll save this town we’ll save this world
just tell us what we have to do
Dr Whoovie: what to do? I wish I knew!
Horton: Keep up your courage now; Don’t let it sink! things are getting better, much better! (I think…)
Love this story & so many of Dr Seuss’s creative efforts. Happy memories of my mom reading to Dania & I as little kids at bedtime.
Dr. Randy Noblitt & his wife / fellow activist Pamela Noblitt have supported survivors of extreme trauma and ritual abuse for decades- long before Brianna Lea Pruett & I recognized we had survived such challenges earlier in our lives. Randy & the Alliant Int'l Univ. student body invited Brianna & I to speak on a panel about our experiences with trauma & dissociation, and to share our visual art related to these experiences, about five years ago.
It was empowering, to say the least! I hope to continue the work Brianna started by writing a book to support other survivors and to give tools to parents & families that will enable them to recognize signs & symptoms of ritual abuse and protect their own children from such harm.
The greatest challenge survivors face in getting support, healing & creating safety for themselves is societal and familial denial- which in turn is exacerbated by the organized criminal efforts of parties & individuals invested in covering up genuine evidences of their crimes, and obfuscating the truth by disseminating disinformation and confusion (online and off).
We Americans are so good at recognizing evil in hindsight- like the Holocaust of WWII- but what can we do to prevent such present and future atrocities?
For more info & resources: http://ritualabuse.us
Part 1 of 2: http://youtu.be/rDlnRtmXRSo Part 2 of 2: http://youtu.be/B-RSxb2d_3A
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stopchildabuse · 2 years
Information on Neil Brick
Information on Neil Brick In 1995,  Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter.  In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.
There are now 165 newsletters online at http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/ with many conferences with online transcripts and ordering information http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/
The Modern False Memory Syndrome Movement in the United States – Neil Brick  https://neilbrick.com/articles/the-modern-false-memory-syndrome-movement-in-the-united-states-neil-brick/
The 2021 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference   August 14 – 15, 2021  Speakers include: Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE, Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman and Ellen Lacter.  Internet conference information:  http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/
Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick (Transcript of PowerPoint) https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/mind-control-and-how-to-stop-it-neil-brick/   This presentation explained how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of mind control will be presented.
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2021 Conference Presentations  https://survivorship.org/the-survivorship-ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-2021-conference-presentations/
This year’s presenters: Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Randy Noblitt, Sarah Nelson, Elana Christensen, Eileen Aveni and Annika Lundin
The 2020 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference  August 8 – 9, 2020 Internet conference information: http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/  Speakers included: Dr. Laurie Matthew – OBE, Dr Sarah Nelson – Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee, Neil Brick, Kieran Watson (manager with Izzy’s Promise – Dundee, Scotland) and Dr. Randy Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Noblitt.
The 2020 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2020-conference/2020-conference-video-presentations-and-powerpoints/
Presentation on Izzy’s Promise Izzy’s Promise offers training and consultancy services; Conducts research into causes of ritual abuse and any ways of preventing or relieving the suffering caused by abuse. Presentation on Ritual Abuse Network Scotland (RANS) RANS provides information and a safe place to talk for survivors of ritual abuse. https://www.rans.org.uk/
Rebuttals of “Satanic Panic” Theory and “False Memory Syndrome” https://ritualabuse.us/research/rebuttals-of-satanic-panic-theory-and-false-memory-syndrome/
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2020 Online Conference Regular Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 16 – 17, 2020 Clinician’s Conference – Friday May 15, 2020 https://survivorship.org/ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-2020-conference Speakers Included: Dr. Randy Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Noblitt, Dr. Karol Darsa, Neil Brick and Cristina Mardirossian, LMFT https://survivorship.org/the-survivorship-ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-2020-conference-presentations/
Petition:  Stop Misinformation and Attacks on Survivors of Trauma and Their Helpers by The Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction https://www.change.org/p/trauma-survivors-and-their-helpers-stop-attacks-on-survivors-of-trauma-by-the-satanic-temple-s-grey-faction/ http://chng.it/6H6sfxqR
THE ORGANISED AND RITUALISED ABUSE OF CHILDREN: THE CURRENT INTERNATIONAL SITUATION – February 26, 2020  Dundee, Scotland  https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/the-organised-and-ritualised-abuse-of-children-the-current-international-situation/
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors – Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/misinformation-campaigns-against-survivors-neil-brick/
Negative Social Movements 1) Nazism – The Third Reich 1920 – 1945 2) Modern American Right Wing Political Movement 3) The Satanic Temple – Grey Faction and Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves (both aliases)
Recovered Memories and Dissociative Amnesia – Scientific Evidence and Accuracy Rates   There is scientific evidence in support of the phenomena of dissociation and recovered memory in Holocaust survivors. https://ritualabuse.us/research/recovered-memories-and-dissociative-amnesia-scientific-evidence-and-accuracy-rates/
The 2019 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/ August 17 – 18, 2019 DoubleTree near Bradley International Airport  Windsor  Locks, CT
Speakers include: Alison Miller, Neil Brick and Daniel Roemer. Excellent Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Last Weekend https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/excellent-child-and-ritual-abuse-conference-last-weekend-300903328.html Article about the conference. “Attendees report that it was an excellent conference, highly educational with books, literature, presentations and special performances on Saturday night.”
Possible Hate Groups – How Do They Effect Survivors and Their Resources  https://neilbrick.com/articles/possible-hate-groups-how-do-they-effect-survivors-and-their-resources/
A Survivor’s View of Recovery from Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/a-survivors-view-of-recovery-from-ritual-abuse-by-neil-brick/
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2019 Conference https://survivorship.org/ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-2019-conference/
Speakers included: Alison Miller, Randy Noblitt, Eileen Aveni and Neil Brick
Survivorship Conference May 2019 – Promotional Video
A Survivor’s View of Recovery from Ritual Abuse
by Neil Brick  Recovery from ritual abuse can take many years. Recovery may include working through memories, building functionality and developing more effective ways of interacting and integrating emotions. Every individual has different experiences that lead them through the recovery path. Neil Brick will discuss his long journey healing from severe abuse. This will include ways he has learned more about himself, ways he has learned to develop healthier interactions with others and ways he has helped others along the recovery path.
Neil Brick presented at: The 2018 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference August 18 – 19, 2018 in Connecticut https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/
His topic: Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes. https://neilbrick.com/articles/neil-brick-conference-presentation-2018-changes-in-awareness-of-severe-abuse-and-child-abuse-crimes-over-twenty-five-years/
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2018-conference/changes-in-awareness-of-severe-abuse-and-child-abuse-crimes-over-twenty-five-years/
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick https://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=227656
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. https://ritualabuse.us has been published for over 23 years. https://neilbrick.com
Articles by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com http://neilbrick.blogspot.com https://ritualabuse.us/smart/neil-brick/ https://independent.academia.edu/neilbrick https://plus.google.com/+stopritualabusetoday https://twitter.com/neil_brick
Neil Brick has worked hard to build a research base for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors.  Neil Brick has worked to develop advocacy efforts to help survivors and their helpers. There are online articles with inaccurate information about Neil Brick.  This web page responds to factual errors about Neil Brick and his work. Those interested in contacting Neil for an interview may write [email protected] for more information. Neil Brick has always been a strong advocate for people thinking for themselves. Neil Brick has encouraged people to use their critical thinking skills and fully research topics. In one presentation, Neil Brick stated : “Please use your own judgment and research everything as fully as possible. Don’t accept anything anyone says simply because they say it is true or claim to be an expert. Try to check it out for yourself.” Several of Neil Brick’s articles (listed below) provide readers information on how to avoid being mind controlled and encourage readers to find out for themselves about topics from as many sources as possible. Advocacy Alert Petition to Stop Attacks Against Child Abuse and Ritual Abuse Survivors and Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/petition-to-stop-attacks-against-child-abuse-and-ritual-abuse-survivors-and-neil-brick/ Please sign at: https://www.change.org/p/protect-child-abuse-survivors-petition-to-stop-attacks-against-child-abuse-and-ritual-abuse-survivors-and-neil-brick Please sign this petition to show support for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors. One may use the check box below the signature area to keep your name confidential. We are asking everyone to sign this petition and let others know about it. Let’s stop the attacks against child abuse survivors and their helpers.
Trump and Fascism This page is a data dump of articles about Donald Trump, those working with Trump and historical articles about fascism. Fascism uses different types of mind control to control people. Donald Trump has been accused of using propaganda and mind control techniques to win the election, to control people’s opinions of him and to control their opinions of other topics. This page contains excerpts from articles related to this topic. https://neilbrick.com/articles/trump-and-fascism/
Neil Brick’s conference presentation transcripts: Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference https://youtu.be/GGoaYw3pEZs Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – Freedom from Mind Control https://youtu.be/SxBO2HU4R_M
How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference and Freedom from Mind Control – 2017 Presentation by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/how-to-avoid-being-mind-controlled-at-a-conference-and-freedom-from-mind-control/ Topics include: Neil Brick, Satanic Temple, Grey Faction, Doug Mesner, Lucien Greaves, mind control, propaganda, hypnosis, ritual abuse The Urban Legends of Those Attacking Ritual Abuse Theories and the False Logic of False Memory Proponents and Their Occultist Supporters – Presentation at the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference Second half of the article discusses the Grey Faction, a part of the Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves/Doug Mesner.   https://neilbrick.com/articles/the-urban-legends-of-those-attacking-ritual-abuse-theories/ How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference  https://neilbrick.com/articles/how-to-avoid-being-mind-controlled-at-a-conference/ The Battle to Stop Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/the-battle-to-stop-ritual-abuse/ Doing the right thing and getting stronger at the same time, a survivor’s path to recovery and helping others by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/doing-the-right-thing-and-getting-stronger-at-the-same-time-a-survivors-path-to-recovery-and-helping-others/ Recent Child Abuse Crimes and Efforts to Unite Survivors by Neil Brick  https://neilbrick.com/articles/recent-child-abuse-crimes-and-efforts-to-unite-survivors/ Always Getting Stronger: Giving Survivors a Voice in the World by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/always-getting-stronger-giving-survivors-a-voice-in-the-world/ The Myth of Panic – Exposing Theories Used to Cover Up Ritual Abuse Crimes by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/the-myth-of-panic-%E2%80%93-exposing-theories-used-to-cover-up-ritual-abuse-crimes/ Fighting the Spin : The Truth about Child Abuse Cases by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/fighting-the-spin-the-truth-about-child-abuse-cases/ The Move from Blame the Victim to Blame the Helper by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2010-conference/the-move-from-blame-the-victim-to-blame-the-helper/ Ritual Abuse, the trenches of the stopping child abuse movement by Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/ritual-abuse-the-trenches-of-the-stopping-child-abuse-movement/ Debating The Non-Believers – Getting equal time for Survivors’ Views by Neil Brick  https://neilbrick.com/articles/debating-the-non-believers-getting-equal-time-for-survivors-views/ Stopping Ritual Abuse – What can we do today by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf07/stopping-ritual-abuse-what-can-we-do-today/ The 12-step Healing Process and Survivor Advocacy by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf06/the-12-step-healing-process-and-survivor-advocacy/ How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf05/how-healing-from-ritual-abuse-and-mind-control-works/ How can we advocate for survivors of ritual abuse by example and advocacy? by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf04/how-can-we-advocate-for-survivors-of-ritual-abuse-by-example-and-advocacy/ Stopping Mind Control and Healing by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf03/stopping-mind-control-and-healing/ My healing and helping others by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf2002/my-healing-and-helping-others/ My Most Recent Memories and My Personal Growth by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf2001/my-most-recent-memories-and-my-personal-growth/ Trigger management and conference safety presentation by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/conf1999/trigger-management-and-conference-safety-presentation/
Other papers, articles and transcripts written by Neil Brick
Evolving as a Movement – Taking a Step Forward https://neilbrick.com/articles/evolving-as-a-movement-taking-a-step-forward/ How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships by Neil Brick  http://ritualabuse.us/research/sexual-abuse/how-childhood-sexual-abuse-affects-interpersonal-relationships/ The Etymological Antecedents of and Scientific Evidence for the Existence of Dissociative Identity Disorder by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/research/did/the-etymological-antecedents-of-and-scientific-evidence-for-the-existence-of-dissociative-identity-disorder/ The Neurological Basis for the Theory of Recovered Memory by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/research/memory-fms/the-neurological-basis-for-the-theory-of-recovered-memory/ The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane Doe by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/research/memory-fms/the-alleged-ethical-violations-of-elizabeth-loftus-in-the-case-of-jane-doe/ Propaganda & Mind Control by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/ Ritual Abuse and Its Political Implications by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/ritual-abuse-and-its-political-implications/ Solidarity in the fight against Ritual Abuse and Torture by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/solidarity-in-the-fight-against-ritual-abuse-and-torture/ Advocacy and Saving Lives by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/advocacy-and-saving-lives/ Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Presentation by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/ritual-abusemind-control-presentation/ Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and information on the backlash by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/research/data-proving-the-existence-of-recovered-memory-ritual-abuse-mk-ultra-and-information-on-the-backlash/ How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda by Neil Brick http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/how-cues-and-programming-work-in-mind-control-and-propaganda/ Video on youtube – Proof ritual abuse and Satanic ritual abuse exists by Neil Brick http://www.youtube.com/user/stopritualabuse Information on harassment of Neil Brick and SMART Neil Brick’s response to attacks and harassment by false memory proponents. Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet: For almost a decade Douglas Misicko using several aliases (including Douglas Mesner and Lucien Greaves) has harassed groups helping child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. He has also harassed groups providing research in support of child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. In 2013, he and others created a group called the Satanic Temple. One part of this group is called the Grey Faction. The Grey Faction states they “invade” conferences. These conferences  are provided to help and educate child abuse, rape and trauma survivors and their helpers. https://neilbrick.com/articles/grey-faction-satanic-temple-and-lucien-greaves-fact-sheet/
Exposing Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves – co-founder of the Satanic Temple and Grey Faction presenter https://neilbrick.com/articles/exposing-doug-mesnerlucien-greaves-co-founder-of-the-satanic-temple-and-grey-faction-presenter/ Reply to the Grey Faction’s Petition to Revoke the License of Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/reply-to-the-grey-factions-petition-to-revoke-the-license-of-neil-brick/ Alison Miller’s reply to Evan Anderson, Grey Faction Director of The Satanic Temple (TST)’s Grey Faction
“The reason I discontinued my membership in the College of Psychologists has nothing to do with the Grey Faction’s harassing complaint about my writings and online videos. I left the College because I am 78 years old. I retired two years ago.”  – Alison Miller
“That is why I resigned, not because I was about to be found guilty of promoting unscientific conspiracy theories. Anderson has posted his complaint and the College’s response, distorting the story by omitting the College’s letter to me and my response to it. As for not being allowed to call myself a “psychologist,” that is the situation for every retired psychologist. It is similar for other health professions, and it does not indicate that the work I did was inferior or that I was found guilty of unethical behavior.”  – Alison Miller https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/alison-millers-reply-to-evan-anderson-grey-faction-director-of-the-satanic-temple-tsts-grey-faction/
Reply to the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction online guest post https://neilbrick.com/articles/reply-to-the-satanic-temples-grey-faction-online-guest-post/ Rebuttal to the Grey Faction Lucien Greaves presentation about SMART and additional Grey Faction information about Neil Brick https://neilbrick.com/articles/rebuttal-to-the-grey-faction-lucien-greaves-presentation-about-smart-and-additional-grey-faction-information-about-neil-brick/ Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 7 – Radio Interview Rebuttal http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-7-radio-interview-rebuttal/ Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 6 – Examiner.com article http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-6-examiner-com-article/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-5/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-4/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-3/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update-2/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner-update/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/douglas-misicko-alias-douglas-mesner/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/harassment-by-false-memory-proponents/ http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/rebuttal-to-the-report-from-the-smart-2009-conference/
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victoryzen · 7 years
David Bowie / May Day Aftermath
David Bowie was a profoundly innovative "rock artist" (his words). I see that level of innate creative innovation in my son's work, as well. I'm feeling down, bummed, exhausted though I slept well / late. I feel vulnerable, like I can't protect myself from people who take advantage of my family or myself- I feel powerless to help them or myself- and constrained to silence abt my own experiences w/ extreme abuse because I don't want to be condescended to the way people do when they think you're crazy or lying or confused but won't just say it because they think you're too weak to accept their version of "the truth" ( denial or moral ambiguity couched in "non-judgment" because, as my mother says about the many YEARS of sexual abuse my son endured from the time he was a toddler through 8/9 years old- from her 2nd husband, "I didn't see it happen".) "For those who love, everything is clear; for those who don't... what can be done?" - Marc Chagall FYI, If my son wanted me to keep the abuse he endured & his suffering relating to that private, I would. But he's comfortable w/ my being open abt it, the way I'm open about the sexual & ritual abuse I endured. I was afraid to go to sleep last night, so much so that even after 1 Atarax & 2 Benadryl, I sat on the edge of my bed fighting sleep from abt 11:50PM until about 12:30AM. It was only after that, w/ my christian/ mormon hymns playing, and after about a half hour or hour of prayer that I felt safe enough to sleep. Being a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse SUCKS but I prefer it over the alternative- I'm deeply grateful to be alive, to be free /aware of the torture I endured, and grateful for the support of people who BELIEVE ME like Randy & Pam Noblitt, Neil Brick, Ellen Lacter, my son Seth & my late sister, Brianna Lea Pruett, and other survivor-friends like David Shurter, Victorious Heart, Lynn Schirmer, Staci Sprout, Trish Fotheringham (to name a few who are public about the fact of their survivorship). May 1st, aka Beltane aka May Day, is a pretty triggering date for me- there was a panoply of abuses heaped on myself and other children & youth during this cult "holiday." (I have pagan friends who celebrate these ancient holidays who do not abuse anyone, least of all children, for the record- I am not judging or condemning them; I am more afraid of pedophiles who claim to be Christian - because I probably sit next to them unknowingly in church when I'm able to worship the God of MY choice according to the dictates of MY conscience.) My family is mostly totally unaware of it, which rips me up, because most of them simply choose to deny that bad things happened to any of us, because they're afraid & they trust the abusers in the family / group of family "friends" over the survivors who speak out and refuse to tolerate any abuse. It makes me feel so, so sad & vulnerable to love & be loved by my family so dearly, and yet to not be believed by them, to see them treating known abusers like nothing's wrong. [Cut: a paragraph about contributing causes of my younger sister's suicide. I don't want to be accused again of "making drama" or blaming others for my sister's actions, so I'm pasting that into a private journal. And now I feel angry, like it's just more "covering up" of the truth for the morally vague deniers in my family, more silencing of victims who speak out. Brianna would say FUCK THAT, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH... or she would've said that, at some point, if she were here.] I miss my sister. She was my best friend. One of them. How can you hurt so much even knowing you're loved? Mortality can be so confusing- I don't want to give up my family members that I know try to be their best selves. No one is perfect, but I'm glad I have a blog where I can say THIS HURTS without being made to feel like I'm accusing or blaming people unjustly, or judging people I love. Seems like there's just no way to win! Like I'm not SUPPOSED to feel the way I feel, like I'm wrong no matter what. And now if I say these things it's like I'm adding to my mother's burden of having lost Bri, or causing her to worry. Don't worry, Mom- I won't commit suicide, but I still hurt. A lot.
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