#Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Adventure
k--havok · 3 months
I finally finished Chapter Seven of Rane and Korzan
I have been stuck on this chapter for literal months/almost a year so I am SO happy it's finished! I'm not entirely sure if the magic worldbuilding makes sense or anything but that's okay for now since it is a first draft. Gonna share a little snippet tho under the cut :)
R&KFA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
“How so? How would you describe magic?”
“Well, it depends on the magic, of course. Druidic magic is quite different from Abyssal magic. The Abyss is chaos personified. It’s a bit different from other magics in the Material Plane. The way I always understood it, magic is a weave that passes through everything. Leylines across leylines that can and do touch all living and nonliving things. You need to work your fingers into that weave and open yourself to it.”
“But, as you stated, the Abyss is chaos. A paradox. It will follow this weave you speak of. And, in the same plane, ignore it entirely.”
“Not quite.” Slipping out of her cloak, Rane held up the starry sleeve to Korzan. “Look closely at the fabric. It is not completely solid. Between the fibers of fabric there are gaps. Small. Insignificant in most cases, and only felt in certain situations, such as if it rains. The water soaks through those gaps. Abyssal magic does too. It enters the weave, but also soaks through it. It is both a destructive and neutral force. A paradox in magic, as is the nature of the Abyss. You are forcing it to follow one direction. One way. Your way. You need to open your mind and your body to however it wishes to greet you.” Rane pauses. “At least, that is my patron’s and my understanding of it. I did not learn this by natural means. And it goes against everything I did learn about magic while studying.”
“I see,” Korzan eventually said. “Your magic here sounds… complicated. Strict. From the Material Plane I hail from, it is not a weave. It is more… like an ocean. It is the rain in your analogy. It can be water. Or ice. Snow, or in the air. Or whatever properties anyone wishes to meld it into.”
“That… sounds quite powerful,” Rane said, awe in her eyes and voice.
“It is. Was.”
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mercurialsmile · 2 years
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1 bust down, 2 to go!
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incurablestyle · 2 years
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Busts I did for Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Adventure for my WIP post.
You can read more about the project here!
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k--havok · 2 months
I have already written so much of R&K today and I am so excited for this fight scene about to come up!! I may be able to at least get chapter 8 halfway or even 3/4s the way complete with any luck!!
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k--havok · 2 years
15 Questions: Character Edition
Shout out to @ceph-the-ghost-writer for tagging me in this! I absolutely love games like these and getting into my character's heads!
Since I am trying to get back into the swing of things with Rane and Korzan, I think I will be using Rane for this one!
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
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Are you named after anyone?
Not that I am aware of. I was born on a rainy day, and thus was named Rane. As for that spelling... well, you would have to ask my parents their reasoning.
When was the last time you cried?
I do not quite remember. I believe it was when I fought an injured owlbear. Even when hurt, they have nasty claws and bites. But from sadness? Years ago. It's hard to be sad when you travel as I do. It keeps the mind from wandering off.
Do you have kids?
Rane sighs. Oh, if my life had gone the way I wanted to, I would have by now. I've always wanted kids. Perhaps it is fortunate I do not. My ex-fiance... well, he would have been a terrible father. But I do want children one day. At least two, in fact. But I do not see it happening any time soon.
Do you use sarcasm?
Only with those who deserve my sarcasm and scorn. Rane's eyes unfocus as if she's listening to someone else. Yes, Leshrun. You especially deserve my sarcasm. Stupid evil sword.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their clothes or armor. You can learn a lot about a person based on what they are wearing. Especially their shoes. Worn boots covered in dirt mean that someone has been on foot traveling recently while polished shoes indicate a life of luxury in the city. Beyond wealth, someone's clothing can also indicate what they do for a living, what they are up to, and a glean into their personality as well. Fashion is absolutely fascinating, isn't it?
What's your eye color?
Hazel, I believe. Although I've been told it's more yellow than green. I am not human, so perhaps for aasimar our eye color varies more. I am not certain.
Scary movies plays or happy endings? Note: Movies don't exist in this fantasy world!
I've never been to the theater. At least, not one outside the few small plays I've seen in Neverwinter as my time as a student. I think I would prefer happy endings. I have witnessed too many scary things in my life. I do not think watching it be reenacted would interest me.
Any special talents?
As an aasimar, I am part celestial, so I have several abilities that humans do not have, such as the ability to perform minor healing as well as make objects shine with light. However, other aasimar most likely have similar abilities to me as well. I've never met another aasimar, though. Not counting those abilities, I do think of myself as an alchemist. It is what I specialized in when I enrolled in college. I also like to think I am quite proficient at most weapons as well-- whether it be a sword, bow, dagger, or throwing axe.
Where were you born?
In a tiny town you've most likely never heard of off the Sword's Coast. I was born in my parents' tavern. I believe an acolyte from the local temple assisted my mother as well. I can only imagine the surprise they all had when I was born with wing nubs!
What are your hobbies?
Alchemy, of course. Although is it a hobby if it is a skill that keeps you alive? I also enjoy reading and studying different subjects, such as weaponry and monsters. I've recently been out in the field writing my own notes and have been practicing ciphers to encode them, just in case. After all, perhaps the wizards aren't wrong about protecting your intellectual property. I also enjoy learning new languages and meeting new people. It's one of the highlights of being a traveler.
Have you any pets?
Oh no, it would be hard to keep a pet. I have thought of getting a familiar, but I do not think it would assist me with the things I would like to do. Besides, I already have to deal with Leshrun. He almost counts as a-- Rane drops her sentence and winces as Leshrun certainly starts admonishing her in her mind.
What sports do you/have you played?
I was never interested in sports. Unless you consider learning how to use weapons and slay monsters a sport, of course.
How tall are you?
I am six feet and three inches on my flat feet. My boots tend to add an inch or two to my height.
Favorite subject in school?
Alchemy, of course! Too bad the courses were... not quite as loved and respected as the other magical courses. My advanced alchemy classes were always so small and nearly got cancelled every semester. It wasn't the only reason why I left higher education, but one of several.
Dream job?
As a child, I always dreamed of being an adventurer. A hero. Someone who slayed dragons, rescued princesses, and starred in bard's tales far and wide. I do not quite meet that definition currently. I have slayed no dragons, rescued no princesses, and I doubt any bards are singing of my adventurers regarding chasing goblins and hunting game. There is something out there for me. I am meant for something. Whether one wants to call it a job, destiny, or a child's naive dreams doesn't matter to me. I know I am here to help others, and that is exactly what I will do.
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No Pressure Tag: @dogmomwrites @novel-emma @authoralexharvey @samfoxheartwrites @aether-wasteland-s @awordchemist @verba-writing @saintedseraph and an open tag for you!
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k--havok · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
@winterandwords tagged me for this game! Thank you so much!
My words are make, meal, more, and meet. I will be pulling from Rane and Korzan yet again!
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
No pressure tag: @moondust-bard @aether-wasteland-s @saintedseraph @space-cadead @rachaellawrites and an open tag for you! Your words will be: Fast, Muggy, Dying, and Tree!
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Uninterested, Korzan turned back to the campfire. He cleaned out the cold ashes from the night before and began to coax a new flame to rise. 
After feeding the fire its due, he glanced over his shoulder to see what Rane was doing. She had continued to make noise and mutter to herself in a guttural, growling language he did not recognize. 
“At this point, you could feed me owlbear and I would be fine,” Korzan said. He gratefully accepted the rations Rane offered; a bit of dried and salted meat, a piece of bread, and a few berries. He gulped the entire meal down without tasting it, sighing softly as the food hit his empty belly.
The two passed another corralled section of wheat. Unlike the golden oceans they had passed earlier, the weeds grew wild behind the fence. The wheat sagged beneath the abusive sun, stalks shriveling and dried out. 
Rane pointed the sight out to Korzan. “See? Just left abandoned.” 
Korzan sighed through his nose. “Looks like we found the source of the undead. Happy now?” 
“No. There is more for us to see, I’m sure of it.” 
He didn’t dare peer at Rane to read her expression. Her disgust he knew would meet him. Instead, he gazed into the twisting trees of the forest. 
“People… and my friends….” Korzan gave one brief shake of his head. “They were screaming for me to run….” 
Korzan closed his eyes.
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k--havok · 2 years
Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Update 3
Date: Feb. 19, 2023 | One | Two | Three |
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
Note: Name change is on purpose to make it more fun and look cleaner!
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Alright, we are back to Sunday updates. Yay!
I didn't write too much this week yet again. On, well, anything. I went back to work after my little mini-vacation and wow, why is it that no matter how short the vacation it is never long enough and it's always a drag to go back to work? Truly a mystery.
Sleeping issues and issues with dr. appointments really ate my time up this week since I was waiting on a lot of phone calls or sleeping in later than I usually do during the day, not giving me a lot of time before work to sit and write. I think everything is figured out (for now).
Unfortunately next week is looking to be busy, if not busier due to meetings, appointments, and work. So I probably won't write too much either. But I will do my best, as always.
I did manage to, at the very least, listen to some music that reminded me of these two knuckle-heads and wrote a little here or there as well. My partner has also been super busy this week due to getting a new job so he hasn't been available either.
I've always been someone where I cannot force the words to come out. If I try, it almost physically hurts, like a headache or like nausea. Which is why I am sometimes really slow when it comes to writing. On the bright side, when I really want to write something, I can easily bang out 12k in under 2 hours if I'm super inspired. Wish it happened more often tho.
Anyways, I decided to go ahead and put another excerpt under the cut!
“Welcome,” the older woman said. “How may we be of assistance to you?” 
Before Rane could respond, Korzan jabbed a finger in her direction. “This one got attacked by zombies and needs some healing. Are you a cleric?” 
Rane crossed her arms. With one wing, she batted Korzan’s shoulder in admonishment. “I apologize for my companion’s rudeness,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “I am Rane. And the rude one is Korzan.”
Korzan cut Rane a sharp glare, but she ignored it. “And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” she continued. 
The woman’s eyes darted between the two, but an easy smile eventually curved the wrinkles of her soft, papery skin. “I am Elsoh, a cleric to Eldath. I suppose, since you are hurt, you need the services we provide at the temple?” 
Rane bowed her head in reverence, placing the palm of her hand against her breastbone as she did so. “Indeed, if you have the magic and supplies to spare.” 
Elsoh chuckled. “I am pleased to assist anyone who has fought those horrible abominations out there. Come over here, dear. We will need to take your armor off so I may look at your injuries.” 
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k--havok · 2 years
Seven & Seven
Got tagged by @menagerie-of-monsters for this game, thank you!
Rules: Post 7 lines (or paragraphs, or whatever!) of your WIP, then tag 7 people
Alright, I think I'll pull 7 lines from Rane and Korzan since it's been a hot minute since I've shared anything about em!
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
Korzan’s eyes widened as he peered over the map. His mouth hung open ever so slightly. 
“This doesn’t make sense.” Korzan ran his now crimson finger across the coastline. It didn’t match the Western coastline he was familiar with. In fact, almost nothing about the map matched anything he was familiar with. Not the city names, town names, or even the roads and geography.
No Pressure Tag: @saintedseraph @writingpotato07 @vsnotresponding @winterandwords @on-noon @oh-no-another-idea @faelanvance
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k--havok · 2 years
Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Adventure: Update 1
Date: Feb 5, 2023
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
If you would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know!
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So I totally stole this idea from @space-cadead (hope that's ok!) Of blogging and talking about my progress to keep myself accountable for this project.
I'm gonna try to blog an update every sunday regarding this project. That being said, sometimes I do work sundays so I will put a notice if that is the case as I won't be able to blog.
Also, since Rane and Korzan is a project between me and my partner, I will only be sharing excerpts of my own writing unless he gives me permission.
This week I really didn't work on the story as much as I should have due to writer's block unfortunately. I just wasn't all that happy with my writing and just couldn't seem to get motivated. Luckily for me, my partner swooped in more or less and started finishing up Chapter Five for me since I was having issues.
Chapter Five still isn't quite complete yet, but it probably has a page to go until completion, more or less. It's always interesting working with someone else on a story since it's nice to bounce ideas off one another, but also mine and my partner's writing styles and strengths really vary; its to the point where its really distinctive where my voice begins and his voice ends.
As this is a first draft, it's not too big of a deal at the moment. We're trying to focus on getting the words and scenes down and will focus on editing later. But wow is it hard to do that!
Either way, under the cut is a small excerpt from Chapter Five:
The tavern consisted of one rectangular room. Round tables were scattered across the ashy wooden floors. A lonely and empty fireplace was squashed into the back wall and surrounded by worn chairs. 
The bar hugged the right wall and held several bar stools; two of them seating older human men. They barely glanced up from their tankards as Rane and Korzan entered.
The stench of dry stone persisted into the building. The creak of heavy boots against a wooden floor broke the seedy silence that blanketed the tavern. 
Korzan and Rane exchanged another long look. Although it was the afternoon, the tavern was surprisingly void. Rane shrugged and proceeded to approach the bar. She swung herself onto one of the seats, letting her pack drop to the floor. Her height and long legs kept her feet planted on the floor. 
With one last grimace, Korzan followed and joined Rane. He sat between her and the wall, keeping his head and horns down as he did so. The tips of his boots brushed against the wooden boards. 
“Still holding up?” Korzan whispered to Rane. He eyed her armor, but was unable to find any red seeping through. 
“Just fine,” she said, flashing her teeth in a grin. 
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k--havok · 2 years
So I am currently working on a WIP introductory for Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Adventure and it will include a tag list!
So for those who are interested in being updated whenever I post snippets and info about the WIP, please interact with this post (like or reblog it) and I will go ahead and add you to the post.
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k--havok · 2 years
Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Update 4
Date: March 13th, 2023
| One | Two | Three | Four |
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
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It's been a while!
I've been super tired and busy the past few weeks. I'm working OT basically all March, which is def. odd for my career, which means it was too good to pass up. Also I've been trying to learn how to ride a bike (yes I am 25 lol) and working on my mental health. All of that together has left me with basically no will to write.
But! I did manage to finish Chapter 6 of Rane and Korzan and I hope to start on Chapter 7 this week as well. Mayhaps even finish if I can find the time to! We shall see.
Working on Rane and Korzan has really made me feel better about my first drafts. I find that it's been a lot easier to kinda let go and not worry about the things I am writing. I also think its been easier since Rane and Korzan have a pretty external conflict, while a lot of my other works tend to be more internal, which is a lot more difficult for me to write. But I am getting there.
When it comes to planning vs pantsing, I've always struggled with all of the above. When I pants, I lose steam in the middle. When I outline I ALSO lose steam in the middle, but because the story tends to start doing its own thing and going off the rails, leaving my outline in the dust.
I know there is a middle ground, but I've never really found footing on it till now. Even tho there are things popping up in the story I didn't expect, it's not making me go off the rails or even freak out. In fact, it's helped me build out some of the side plots, which help fill in the story and bring some interesting character interaction along with it!
Anyways! Excerpt from Chapter 6 under the cut! · ─── ❖︎· · ─────── ·❖︎· ─────── · ·❖︎❖︎❖︎· · ─────── ·❖︎· ─────── · ·❖︎ ─── ·
As soon as the two left the temple, Rane released her grip on Korzan’s wrist. “You know, antagonizing those who just healed me isn’t the best course of action to win the trust of these townsfolk.”
“As if they would trust me anyways,” Korzan said with a grumble. “Besides, what cleric allows local bureaucracy stop her from tending to those in need?” 
Rane pinched the bridge of her nose. “Well, it sounds like we have more people to talk to now. We should find this captain. He may know more.”
Korzan grunted. 
As the two began their return to the town, a slow and wry smile crept up upon Rane’s lips. She couldn’t quite bite down on her small, amused chortle. She eyed the tiefling from the corner of her hazel eyes, shaking her head. 
“What?” Korzan asked when her glances became too much. 
“And you said that we should leave these people to their own problems. And now you are arguing with clerics regarding their sense of duty to help others. I suppose it is a bit hypocritical, is it not?” 
“Not at all. I am no cleric and don’t live here. I have no duty to these townsfolk.”
“Of course.” Still, Rane’s amused smile refused to fall. 
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k--havok · 2 years
OC Pronouns Tag
@vsnotresponding tagged me for this game which I think is awesome! thank you very much.
I'll be covering my current WIPs for this and will also be including characters that I may not have mentioned on this blog before.
No pressure tag: @saintedseraph @winterandwords @authoralexharvey @nanashi23 and an open tag for you!
Waking into Divinity
Casrath - He/Him Rylie Hill - They/Them Jessica Lambert - She/Her Damien Cross - He/Him Leo [last name pending] - He/Him The ThreadWeaver - Does not use pronouns (is only referred to by name)
Rane and Korzan
Rane Pallas - She/Her Korzan - He/Him Leshrun - He/Him
Monster Millionaire Romance
Karla - She/Her Amell - He/Him Ilona - She/Her Sullivan - He/Him
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k--havok · 2 years
Rane and Korzan's Fantastical Adventure Update 2
Date: Feb. 14, 2023 | One | Two |
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know!
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I know it's not Sunday, but I was out of town that day and didn't have the means to make an Update, so here I am 2 days later and tired as hell since my sleep schedule is pretty shot!
Anyways, with that out of the way, I will admit that I haven't really been writing much. Real life decided to throw me everything at once (as it is bound to do) and I haven't had the energy or motivation to sit and write Rane and Korzan.
Now I did work on some other projects (mainly Waking into Divinity) so I am still writing. Just not as focused as before. Which tracks since my ability to focus is poor at best.
Anyways, Chapter Five is still not quite complete. My partner is still working on it as he's trying to figure out how to word things next. Which is totally fair, mind you. I decided to go ahead and start on Chapter Six. I suppose that's the one good thing about having an outline to work off of; I know what's going to happen next so I can jump ahead.
I managed about 3 pages this morning, a lot of it description-heavy. My eyes have been really strained the past 2 days so writing has been a bit difficult. The fatigue also doesn't help.
Either way, I am glad to have made at least a little bit of progress! I find that trying to write a little every day; whether it be a sentence or several pages really helps keep me on track.
Like last time, below the cut will be an excerpt from Chapter Six!
Korzan followed Rane silently as the two made their way up to the wooden front door. Unlike the tavern’s door, this one hung open. Green curtains inside were pulled back to the side. The musky scent of soil, fresh rain, and gardenias seeped from the temple. 
Korzan cut a look toward Rane, arching a brow. “Do you know what god this is?” he asked. 
“Perhaps?” Rane said, the word tilting at the end with a question. “I suppose we are about to find out.” She sucked in a breath and stepped through the entryway inside, Korzan still close on her heels. 
The interior of the temple was just as small as the outside. It was a square room with stone tiles and paneled wooden walls covered in ivy and other climbing plant life. Ferns hung from the arched ceiling in pots, green leaves bursting with color spilling out. Several cushions were scattered around, along with cots. 
The sudden scent of salve shot through the pair as they stood in the foyer. Several of the cots hosted resting guards and townsfolk. Two humans--a man and a woman--flitted about the injured, offering words of comfort and the soft, green glow of healing magic. They were donned in green robes with blue threaded through. 
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k--havok · 2 years
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @oh-no-another-idea (thank you!)
No pressure tag: @jjm-blogspot @dogmomwrites @bookish-galaxy @writingpotato07 and an open tag for you!
Trusting Rane to take care of the undead remnants, Korzan turned and walked away. He kept walking until he couldn’t remember the stench of zombie guts. 
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k--havok · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
Aight so shoutout to @writingpotato07 for tagging me! 
Since I’ve been working on my still yet unnamed D&D story, I decided to pull from there. I only have roughly 12 pages written for it, tho, so it may be slim pickings for me, haha
Words that cannot be found will be replaced with funfacts about the characters instead! 
Anyways, my words are: Touch, Embrace, Kind, Phone, Easy
“Here,” she said. She moved slowly, so as to not startle him. Her left hand glowed a soft, silvery light. Gently, she ran her palm across his forehead. 
He jerked back at her touch, but she had already sunk a healing glow into him.
Rane is my original D&D character and is actually the first character I made 100% on my own. I made her back around 2017, altho her original version is very different than her current version. Some tropes/inspo for her include: fairytales, folk heroes, magical girls, the damsel saves herself, bright lights cast dark shadows, and small beginnings. 
When Korzan returned, he found Rane had set up her small tent. She was crouched down next to her pack, taking out what looked like traps of some kind. 
“What are you doing?” Korzan asked as he started setting up the campfire. 
Korzan is my partner’s OC and is his first D&D character (he’s a very old character... not even sure how old tbh). Korzan is actually a 3.5 character, which is also the “version” he comes from. Since he is dropped into what is basically a 5e world, a lot of things are different for him, even though some things are the same. Korzan wasoriginallyl a Sorcerer in 3.5, but my partner has some issues with the sorcerer class for 5e and thus he is a warlock in his 5e version. 
Rane trailed a few paces ahead of Korzan, keeping her head forward. She walked with a lax and easy stride, her pack still clinking and clanking with her supplies. 
Korzan watched her back for a second. She had pulled the hood of her starry cloak back over her head. A few stray wisps of white hair flew away from the front of the hood, and the silver caught the fading golden light of the afternoon. 
Some of it may be a little clunky since I haven’t written in a while and I am attempting a voice/style I do not use often. I hope to revise and smooth everything over once I finish the novella, of course. 
Anyways! I am going to go ahead and tag @space-cadead @moondust-bard @rachaellawrites @wildswrites @dogmomwrites @winterandwords 
Your words are: Face, Music, Hurt, Very, and Enough. 
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k--havok · 2 years
Heads Up, Seven Up Tag
Huge thanks to @jjm-blogspot for tagging me in this game!!
I’ll go ahead and tag @winterandwords @writersandpoetsunited @leighvalentin @faelanvance @wildswrites @writingpotato07 and @writing-moth (No pressure if you don’t wanna tho) 
I’ve been in the biggest funk this entire November (like every year). My partner has noticed and we decided to start writing our dungeons & dragons story together. So far I’ve been doing most the writing, and he’s going to be helping me with content and line editing. 
My inspiration has been dead in the water and it most likely shows but what can ya do. 
Rane tilted her head to the side. For a second, he thought she would comment on his rudeness. Instead, she simply pointed upward and behind him. “We are about a day out from Waterdeep. Right at the crossroads of the Long and High roads.”
Korzan looked up at the sign she pointed at. He frowned, taken aback. “Waterdeep?” the name felt strange in his mouth, like it didn’t quite fit. 
“Yes? You know, off the Sword’s Coast?”
Korzan blinked owlishly. His frown deepened. “Pardon?”
Rane crossed her arms. “Maybe yer a lil’ more addled than I thought,” she said. 
Her odd accent struck out to him yet again. It did not grate on his ears, not quite, but he was lucky her drawl allowed him to piece together what she was saying. 
When he didn’t respond right away, Rane pressed on. “Well, where’re you from, then?”
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