#Raphael Poindexter
shortspiderdude · 2 months
Too Young To Be Old
Miles:*looking at everything in Recluse's apartment in Recluse's dimension* This place is kind of weird. Gwen:*staring at everything that Recluse owns and realizes there isn't a lot of stuff* It's really bleak. Pavitr:*shrugs as he sits on Recluse's couch* Eh, it's not the worst. I mean the man's old. Hobie:*playing with Recluse's gameboy he found under the couch* I like it. The stuff's kind of vintage. Raphael:*feeling the gray hairs coming in*...I'm thirty-one ya little snots.
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littledemonlorne · 5 months
How Hobie And Recluse Met
Hobie:*minding his own business and chilling* Recluse:*screaming as he falls from seemingly nowhere and lands flat on his face*.... Hobie:*poking him in the side with the toe of his boot*...you okay? Recluse:*falls onto his back and gives him a double thumbs up* Wicked. I'm just wicked, dude. *red patch growing on the front of his mask at a concerning rate* Hobie:*doing his best to not be freaked out*...uh huh...do you want a tissue? Recluse:*getting up and taking his mask off* Yes, please!
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savemeafruitjuice · 8 months
Lee Mikey 2012? Maybe he’s being annoying and the others get revenge
Sure thing! I'm getting a load of requests right now, but I'll try to write one every day or two!
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Lee! Michelangelo
Ler! Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo
TW! Implied swearing
Tumblr media
(this gif is so silly 👆🗣️‼️‼️)
It was another casual day, the turtle teens going about their lives. Leo was meditating, trying his best to figure out another one of Master Splinter's mysterious inquiries; Donnie was examining yet another Kraang machine and Raph was training, beating the crap out of a punching bag.
Everyone was doing something productive- except for Mikey. He hadn't been able to focus all day. Once one thing caught his interest it lost its spark after a couple minutes. Needless to say, he was bored.
The freckled turtle began humming yet another song, but ended up forgetting the rhythm, instead opting to just lay on the ground.
That is, until he got an idea.
Tiptoeing to his brother's room, Mikey snuck through the hallway in an attempt to distract himself. He made it into the room and immediately found what he was looking for: Spike. Raphael had always been protective of his pet tortoise, but because he wasn't in his room, he was free to play with him! Right?
Apparently not, because as soon as he had the reptile cradled in his arms, the fiery turtle bursted into the space, startling the orange-clad. "Mikey, do you mind telling me whaT THE F-" "Raphael. We do not use that language in this household."
An unexpected voice sounded right in Raph's ear. He jumped a little, although he immediately knew from the quiet tone that it was Leonardo. He let out a sigh, before remembering why he was mad in the first place. "Mikey came into my room without my permission! And even worse, he's messing with Spike! What if he hurts him?!"
While saying this, Leo sighed and gently took the said creature from Mikey, earning a little groan of annoyance as he was returned to Raphael. "Whatever. I'm boooored!" "Then just stop being bored." Raph deadpanned, a smug grin creeping up his face as his brothers rolled their eyes.
"Do you think if I scream really really loud, that pizza will start falling from the sky?" Leo and Raph looked in utter confusion and disbelief at who they were almost ashamed to call their brother. Almost. "What? What does that even mean?" both teens chimed in unison. "I dunno. I'm bored."
"Bored, huh?" a new voice approached, Donatello making his way towards the others with something that appeared complicated in hand. "Allow me to enlighten you on this new tech I'm working on. It's actually completely made of m-"
Donnie was cut off, Mikey jumping in the air with newfound energy. "Completely made out of burgers? Milkshakes? PIZZA?" "What? No, you numbskull. Never mind, you're not of the proper intelligence to understand anyways." the purple-masked turtle scoffed, though it didn't deter Mikey from being a pest for the time being.
"Your nerd stuff is boring anyways. I want something fun to do! Surely you could think of something, poindexter?" "Hey! That's rude!" conflict was building between the two, and Leo, unable to deal with yet another headache, had a plan that benefited all of them. Well, except for their ears.
"Alright, alright! That's enough!" the katana user pushed the brothers apart, directing their attention to him instead. "Mikey, if you want something fun to do, I'll give you something fun to do." and with that, Leonardo tackled his brother to the ground, seating himself upon his waist and pinning his flailing arms beneath his knees.
"Hey, not cool bro! What gives?" Mikey strained, attempting to free his arms, but to no avail. "Uh... Leo? What are you doing?" Raphael questioned, crossing his arms in confusion as he stared at the two. "Yeah, you're not gonna hurt him, are you?" the purple chimed in, slightly concerned as the leader of the group didn't usually participate in the whole 'Bullying Mikey shenanigans'.
"No, of course not." Leo waved them off, dismissing the turtles apparent concern. Mikey let out a sigh of relief. "I'm just going to... alleviate his boredom." he wiggled his fingers at Mikey's plastron, causing the youngest to let out a little "Eep!" while the others made the connection. Anticipatory giggles immediately came out of his mouth, evil smirks overcoming Raph and Donnie's faces.
"Youhu can't doho this! Lehet me gohoho!" Raphael stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "No dice, man. You messed with Spike- now I'm gonna mess with you." and with that, fingers were digging into the trapped turtles rib-area, causing a loud shriek to bounce off the walls. Donatello flinched a little at the noise, but made his way over too as he recovered, setting his machinery down.
Leo smiled, glad that his brothers were agreeing on something- even if it was at Mikey's expense. The nunchuck-user was giggling his head off, laughter only intensifying as Donnie came forth and began poking various places on his plastron, taking note of the different reactions he caused.
Leo spidered along his brother's neck, startling slightly when he screeched. "You've been a pest all week. You had this coming." Raphael and Leonardo agreed, easily following the smallest's movements as he wiggled about.
"PleHEHEAse! Ihihi'm sOHORRY!" Mikey continued to evade his brother's hands, though it didn't do much. Legs kicked out as the turtle shut his eyes. When Leo switched to squeezing instead of spidering, his laughter increased tenfold, trying to tilt his head to one side to block the attack, only for the sensation to switch to the other side, the cycle continuing.
Donnie had moved down, experimentally squeezing the freckled-turtle's knee, carefully dodging a kick aimed at his head. Now Mikey was writhing. His knees were a definite bad spot for him, and he could only take so much before he started begging.
"DOHONIHIHIEE! STOHOHOHOP! IHI- I CAHAHAAN'T!" after glancing at his face, Raphael shrugged and dug into his armpits as Donnie let out a "Woop!" in celebration at his discovery. Leo, however didn't want to overdo it, and called them off.
"Okay guys, I don't think he can take much more. We'd better stop." their fingers slowed as Michelangelo gasped for air. The blue-themed turtle climbed off of him, patting his head. Donnie crawled forward to inspect his brother's face to make sure he was okay. Mikey curled in on himself, giggled slipping out every once in a while, but overall seemed okay. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Ihi'm fine. Thahanks Don." and with that, he let out a yawn, rolling onto his side. "Just don't try any funny business in my room again." Raph chimed in, all of the brothers watching as Mikey fell asleep.
"At least we tired him out for a while, huh?"
There we go! Didn't expect that one to be so long but whatevs! I hope you enjoyed more of my obsession-induced turtle chaos. 🤭
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canonrpfinder · 9 days
I'm on the search for threads for my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
About Me:
21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I try my hardest to do daily replies, but I work full-time during the week, so it may take me 2-3 days to reply at times. I have no triggers and do enjoy writing NSFW/smut. However, that's not a requirement. MxM ships are my strong preference. I'm willing to take on a very limited amount of MxF.
Be 21+ to interact. Write in third person. At least 1 reply per week. I'm okay with waiting longer. Just let me know beforehand if you can. Be open to writing MxM, even if we ultimately end up going with MxF. Be willing to brainstorm. For some ships, I have particular ideas in mind already. For others, I won't have much in mind; I'd like to come up with a plot together for those. In either case, I'm also willing to listen to any ideas you might have.
I'm just going to list my main muses for each fandom (anyone in bold I'm particularly interested in writing as). I have my favorite ships, but I'm always willing to discuss others.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Astarion Ancunín
Cazador Szarr
Dark Urge
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
James!Harry Osborn
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Nathan Summers
Willem!Norman Osborn
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
If you'd like to work something out, like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can.
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prpfz · 2 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for 21+ writing partners for my five biggest fandom obsessions right now. 🐺
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. Third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so I can't guarantee daily replies. I try to get them up as soon as I can, which may only be a day or could be closer to 3-5 days, so patience is a must. I don't expect perfect grammar but average to above average is what I tend to look for. I may ask for a writing sample, and you may ask me for the same.
I'm mainly looking for canon x canon pairings but canon x OC and OC x OC are on the table. MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to taking on a limited amount of MxF. As far as plots go, as long as it makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I'm okay with keeping things clean or writing NSFW/smut. Just let me know what you're looking for there.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships for each, but I'm open to discussing plenty of others.
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3):
Arvir (m!OC ; Tiefling ; Cleric of Bane)
Elkantar (m!OC ; Durge ; Drow ; Sorcerer)
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who (DW):
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Interview with the Vampire (IWTV ; TV show only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The X-Files (TXF):
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
Like this post, if you'd like to work something out, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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darkrpfinders · 9 days
I'm on the search for threads for my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
About Me:
21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I try my hardest to do daily replies, but I work full-time during the week, so it may take me 2-3 days to reply at times. I have no triggers and do enjoy writing NSFW/smut. However, that's not a requirement. MxM ships are my strong preference. I'm willing to take on a very limited amount of MxF.
Be 21+ to interact. Write in third person. At least 1 reply per week. I'm okay with waiting longer. Just let me know beforehand if you can. Be open to writing MxM, even if we ultimately end up going with MxF. Be willing to brainstorm. For some ships, I have particular ideas in mind already. For others, I won't have much in mind; I'd like to come up with a plot together for those. In either case, I'm also willing to listen to any ideas you might have.
I'm just going to list my main muses for each fandom (anyone in bold I'm particularly interested in writing as). I have my favorite ships, but I'm always willing to discuss others.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Astarion Ancunín
Cazador Szarr
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Malandir (My Dark Urge ; Male Drow Fighter)
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
James!Harry Osborn
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Nathan Summers
Willem!Norman Osborn
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
If you'd like to work something out, like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can.
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roleplayfinder · 9 days
I'm on the search for threads for my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
About Me:
21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I try my hardest to do daily replies, but I work full-time during the week, so it may take me 2-3 days to reply at times. I have no triggers and do enjoy writing NSFW/smut. However, that's not a requirement. MxM ships are my strong preference. I'm willing to take on a very limited amount of MxF.
Be 21+ to interact. Write in third person. At least 1 reply per week. I'm okay with waiting longer. Just let me know beforehand if you can. Be open to writing MxM, even if we ultimately end up going with MxF. Be willing to brainstorm. For some ships, I have particular ideas in mind already. For others, I won't have much in mind; I'd like to come up with a plot together for those. In either case, I'm also willing to listen to any ideas you might have.
I'm just going to list my main muses for each fandom (anyone in bold I'm particularly interested in writing as). I have my favorite ships, but I'm always willing to discuss others.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Astarion Ancunín
Cazador Szarr
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Malandir (My Dark Urge ; Male Drow Fighter)
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
James!Harry Osborn
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Nathan Summers
Willem!Norman Osborn
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
If you'd like to work something out, like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can.
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findroleplay · 4 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for various fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+ to interact and please be communicative!!!
About Me: I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. Daily replies won't happen because I work full-time during the week. I try to get replies out within 3 days (sometimes sooner). If it's going to take longer than 5 days, I'll let you know. I don't double because I don't have the free time to do more than one thread per person. I like to write NSFW/smut. While I always seek it, it's not a requirement for any of these.
What I'm Looking For: Various fandom roleplays. Canon x canon is my preference but I'm willing to discuss canon x OC. MxM ships are highly preferred. FxF and MxF I'll do but on a more limited basis. I tend to stick to canon or canon divergent plots. No AUs that are way out there. As long as it makes sense within the canon universe, I'll usually be okay with it. When writing threads, I don't expect more than one reply per week from my writing partner. When plotting, I like to hear back within 2-3 days. I'm willing to wait longer. Just please let me know if it is going to take you longer or, if you forget to do that, please respond to me when I reach out to see what's going on.
I'll be listing the characters I'm most interested in writing right now. In most fandoms, I can write more. I have my favorite ships for each. I'm always willing to try out new ones, though, so feel free to suggest anything once we start talking.
Baldur's Gate 3 - Astarion, Gale, Raphael, one of my four m!OCs (Drow Sorcerer, Dark Urge Half Elf Wizard, Tiefling Ranger, Dragonborn Wizard)
Doctor Who - Dhawan!Master, Fifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor
Game of Thrones - Alliser Thorne, Beric Dondarrion, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bucky Barnes, Eddie Brock, Erik Lehnsherr, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise - Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise - Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Slaughter/Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer, Tex Sawyer
If you'd like to work something out, please message me (preferred) or like this post and I'll reach out to you first.
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Here you’ll find the fandoms + the characters I write for. For each fandom, I only listed the characters I’m more familiar with/that are more known, so keep in mind I might write for other characters within those fandoms as well.
I also might write for other fandoms and characters that aren’t listed, so in doubt just ask :)
In italics are my favorite characters/characters I’m most comfortable writing for. 
Remember to read the rules and happy requesting :) 
Fandoms + characters
Chronicles of Narnia
Lucy Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Susan Pevensie
Dark Knight Trilogy
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Billy Batson
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Freddy Freeman
Steve Trevor
The Flash
Barry Allen / Flash
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
Cisco Ramon
Iris West-Allen
Wally West/Kid Flash
Gar Logan / Beast Boy
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
Jason Todd / Robin
Kory Anders / Starfire
Rachel Roth / Raven
Deadly Class
Marcus Arguello
Maria Salazar
Ander Muñoz
Guzmán Osuna
Nadia Shana
Samuel Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos
Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
Aerith Gainsborough
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair
Rufus Shinra
Tifa Lockhart
Vincent Valentine
Zack Fair
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Newt Scamander
Nymphadora Tonks
Ron Weasley
New Generation kids
La Casa de Papel / Money Heist
Sergio / Professor
Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
MCU (all movies)
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Lady Sif
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T’Challa / Black Panter
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
X-Men (all movies)
Alex Summers / Havoc
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Logan Howlett / Wolverine
Neena Thurman/Domino
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Netflix shows (all)
Elektra Natchios
Benjamin Poindexter 
Billy Russo / Jigsaw
Colleen Wing
Frank Castle / Punisher
Jessica Jones
Karen Page
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Agents of SHIELD
Al Mackenzie
Bobbi Morse
Daisy Johnson / Quake
Deke Shaw
Lance Hunter
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider
Yo-Yo Rodriguez
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Daniel Sousa
Jack Thompson
Fantastic Four (Susan and Johnny Storm)
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Gwen Stacy
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Finn Shelby
Grace Burgess
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
May Carleton
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tatiana Petrovna
Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Thalia Grace
Pirates of the Caribbean
Angelica Teach
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
Will Turner
Gideon Blackburn
James Stewart
Leith Bayard
Luc Narcisse
Mary Stuart
Sebastian de Poitiers
Stéphane Narcisse
Alec Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales
Emma Carstairs
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Jem Carstairs
Isabelle Lightwood
Julian Blackthorn
Gabriel & Gideon Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Maia Roberts
Mark Blackthorn
Simon Lewis
Raphael Santiago
Tessa Gray
Ty Blackthorn
Will Herondale
Chris P
Elias Bakkoush
Eliott (SKAM France)
Eskild Tryggvasson
Eva Mohn
Even Bech Næsheim
Isak Valtersen
Lucas (SKAM France)
Noora Amalie Sætre
Robbe (SKAM Belgium)
Sana Bakkoush
Sander (SKAM Belgium)
William Magnusson
Yousef Acar
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Armitage Hux
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
Din Djarin / Mandalorian
Cassian Andor
Han Solo
Jyn Erso
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Teen Wolf
Allison Argent
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
John Murphy
Monty Green
Raven Reyes
Octavia Blake
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
The Society
Allie Pressman
Becca Gelb
Grizz Visser
Harry Bingman
Kelly Aldrich
Sam Eliot
The Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five
Vanya Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson
The Witcher
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
John Proudstar / Thunderbird (The Gifted)
Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Robert Fischer (Inception)
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak & Dagger)
Other fandoms I might write for depending on the request/my inspiration:
10 Things I Hate About You
Black Lightning
Cloak & Dagger
Little Women
Now You See Me
Pride and Prejudice
The 5th Wave
The Gifted
The Maze Runner
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solplparty · 2 years
[be loved] 한국인이 가장 사랑하는 팝 음악 ep.27 II “나 이 노래 알아!” 인트로만 들어도 알 수 있는 인기곡만 모아모아 https://youtu.be/9AvnYtCy244 하필이면 요즘 날씨에도 찰떡! #한국인이가장사랑하는팝음악 #플레이리스트 #oldpop #Modernpop #올드팝 #모던팝 #불후의명곡 #인기팝송 . . 00:00:00 Adam Lambert - If I Had You 00:03:51 Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape 00:07:20 Scouting For Girls - She's So Lovely 00:11:05 Lenka - Everything At Once 00:13:45 The Ting Tings - Great DJ 00:17:10 Old Man River - La 00:20:33 Human Nature - To Be With You 00:23:20 The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved 00:27:23 A Great Big World - Say Something 00:31:14 Natalie Imbruglia - Shiver 00:34:58 Sara Bareilles - Bottle It Up 00:38:02 Earth, Wind & Fire - September 00:41:38 Boney M - Sunny 00:44:55 Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 (A Little Bit Of…) 00:48:36 Perry Como - Papa Loves Mambo 00:51:18 Buster Poindexter - Hit The Road Jack 00:54:34 Joe - I Like Sexy Girls 00:58:35 Blu Cantrell - Hit 'em Up Style (Oops!) 01:02:47 Ciara - Hotline 01:06:13 John Legend - Green Light (Feat. Andre 3000) 01:10:59 Raphael Saadiq - Radio 01:14:23 The Lightning Seeds - You Showed Me 소니뮤직코리아 Sony Music Korea
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shortspiderdude · 11 months
If They Came To Recluse's Universe
Hobie:*leading everyone into Recluse's dimension* I gotta warn you guys. He's a bit...much. Pavitr:*shrugging* He makes up nicknames on the spot and tries to be cool. He's nice but, nerdy. Gwen:*hadn't met him*...so why are we going to him then? Hobie:*turning slightly* He's made sure that Miguel can't hop into his dimension thanks to some deal he made with this Universe's Sorcerer Supreme. Miles:*looking around* So where is he? Recluse:*drops out of nowhere* Hello fellow spider-folks~ *shakes Hobie's hand* Good to see ya, Dork. *pats Pavitr's shoulder* Acrobat! Fun to have you here. *shakes Gwen's hand* Nice to meet ya, Ballerina. *fist bumps Miles* Hey, little dude. Miles:*confused*...but, I'm taller than you?
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littledemonlorne · 5 months
Tag Team
Miles:*fighting Recluse's universe's Doc Ock* Can you please tell me why your Doc Ock is a robot?! Recluse:*helping him* Uhh...the real one died cuz of old age. I think? He made this one in advance to more or less carry on his work. *barely dodges a tentacle swiping at his head* He just likes being a public nuisance instead. Miles:*also ducking* Yeah, I can see that. Recluse:*grabbed from behind and slammed into the ground face first* GAH! Miles:*runs over to him, flips him over, and holds up two fingers* Are you okay, Recluse? How many fingers am I holding up? Recluse:*bleary and staring up at him* What fingers? Miles:*genuinely freaking out* Recluse:*laughing a little* Chill, two. I was messing with ya little dude. Miles:*annoyed and debating on shoving him into a dumpster*....you dork.
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davidisen · 8 years
NYC Music I Like Mar 1-7
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
This Week
<<<SPECIAL>>>: Tuesday, Feb 28 through Sunday, March 5, Django a GoGo, an amazing week of workshops and concerts presented by Stephane Wrembel. More info here. Concerts that are open to the public listed below.
Wednesday, March 1, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (Most Wednesdays.) 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Bruce Edwards (guitar). Andanada.   7:30 PM: The Robert Edwards Quintet w/ Rob (trombone), Joe Magnarelli (cornet), Dave Barron (bass), Aaron Kimmel (drums), Adam Birnbaum (piano). Smalls. 8 PM: Django a Gogo presents Django Flamenco w/Alfonso Ponticelli and Juanito Pascual (guitars).  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 10 PM: Tatiana and the Mood Swings w/ Tatiana Eva Marie (vocals), Amos Rose (guitar), Joanna Sternberg (bass). Jalopy. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (Most Wednesdays.)
Thursday, March 2, 7 PM: Bill Scorzari, Live in the Lobby. The Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue, NY 8 PM: Django a Gogo presents Rhythm Future Quartet w/ Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Max O'Rourke (guitar), Jason Anick (violin), Greg Loughman (bass).  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 8 PM: The Blacktail Songbirds w/ Molly Ryan (vocals), Dan Levinson (reeds), Mike Davis (cornet), Terry Waldo (piano). Blacktail. (Most Thursdays.) 8 PM: Andy Statman Trio w/ guest Pete Rushefsky. Charles Street Synagogue. 8:30 PM: Gene Bertoncini (guitar) and Josh Marcum (bass). Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. (Most Thursdays.) 9 PM: Abbie Gardner. Rockwood One. 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.) 10:30 PM: Linus Wyrsch Birthday Celebration Jam Session w/ Gene Bertoncini (guitar), Josh Marcum (bass) and special guests. Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.
Friday, March 3, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.  7 PM: Peter & Will Anderson (reeds). Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 8 PM: Django a GoGo w/ Al DiMeola, Stochelo Rosenberg, Ryan Montbleu, Stephane Wrembel (guitars), others. Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall. Info . . . tix. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona's, This Friday Reggae w/ The Brooklyners featuring David Langlois (washboard), others. Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Saturday, March 4, 11 AM: Songs inspired by “Cool Hand Luke” by Glass Carnival w/ Sasha Papernik (vocals), Justin Poindexter (vocals, guitar), Dave Speranza (bass), Mark Dobbyn (guitar), Peri DiLorenzo (fiddle). Nighthawk Cinema136 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Followed by the movie. Info. 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) 12:30 PM: Amos Rose jazz duo w/ vocals. Jules Bistro. (Most Saturdays.) 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 7 PM: New York Mandolin Ensemble w/ Steven Antonelli, Wayne Fugate, Richard Robinson, Roy Goldberg, Bob Green, Barry Kornhauser and Barry Mitterhoff, (mandolins). Church of St. John Nepomucene, 411 East 66th Street in Manhattan. Info. Tickets at the door ($10). 7 PM: Hazmat Modine, w/ musicians such as Joe Daley (tuba), Pam Flemming (cornet), Kevin Garcia (drums), Reut Regev (trombone), Michaela Gomez (guitar, steel guitar), Erik Della Penna (guitar, banjo & vocals), Steve Elson (wind instruments), Wade Schuman (diatonic harmonica, lute guitar, vocals). Terra Blues. 7:00pm Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Darren Wallis (guitar), David Shaich (bass), John Campagna (sax). Chappaqua Station, Chappaqua NY. 8 PM: Django a GoGo w/ Paulus Schafer.  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 8 PM: Mama Juke Duo w/ Amos Rose (guitar) and Elijah Bridges (guitar). Santos Anne, Williamsburg. 8 PM: Eddie Barbash & His Orchestra. The Roxy. 9:30 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey Five: Born To Swing! w/ Svetlana (vocals) Billy Test (piano), Rob Garcia (drums), Endea Owens (bass), Corey Wallace (trombone), Charlie Caranicas (cornet), Michael Hashim (sax & other reeds), Dewit Flemming Jr (tap dancing). Joe's Pub. Info/tix. 9:30 PM: Jovino Santos Neto (piano) w/ Itaiguara Brandão (bass), Mauricio Zottarelli (drums). Club Bonafide.
Sunday, March 5, 11 AM: Songs inspired by “Cool Hand Luke” by Glass Carnival w/ Sasha Papernik (vocals), Justin Poindexter (vocals, guitar), Dave Speranza (bass), Mark Dobbyn (guitar), Peri DiLorenzo (fiddle). Nighthawk Cinema136 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Followed by the movie. Info. 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Sundays.) Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band w/ Sweet Megg (vocals, guitar), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). House of Yes. (Most Sundays.) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 5 PM: Roda de Choro with Regional de NY. Genuine Brazilian choro with a slight NYC accent. Beco. 5 PM to midnight. Django a GoGo party & jam session hosted by Stephane Wrembel, including many great players. Barbes. 5:45 PM Terry Waldo’s Gotham City Band. Fat Cat. 6:30 PM: Glenn Crytzer All Stars. The Row Hotel. 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), and this week Scott Robinson (miscellaneous wind instruments), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Patrick O’Leary (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 8:30 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds) plays the music of Django Reinhardt, hosted by Koran Agan (guitar). Cornelia Street Cafe. 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.)
Monday, March 6, 7 PM: The Abbie Hollander Band. Rockwood Three. 7 PM: “Divine Ella” w/ Brandee Younger (harp), Jean Baylor (vocals), Camille Thurman (alto sax and vocals), Courtney Bryan (piano), Dezron Douglas (bass) and Kassa Overall (drums). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, the full band w/ Tamar Korn (vocals), Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Andrew Hall (bass), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Kevin Dorn (drums) and Skip Krevins (guitar). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7 PM: Peter & Will Anderson (reeds) w/ Julliard alumni & students. Paul Recital Hall, Julliard. 8 PM: Eddie Barbash Bluegrass Band. Rockwood One. 9:30 PM: First Monday Bluegrass Jam hosted by Michael Daves. Rockwood Three. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Belfry. (Most Mondays.) 9 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey 5 - Svetlana (vocals), Jon Weber (piano), Mike Hashim (reeds), Charlie Caranicas (trmpt), Rob Garcia (drums), George Delancey (bass). Back Room Speakeasy - 102 Norfolk Street. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Jim Campilongo, Roy Williams, Luca Benedetti (guitars). Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, March 7, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Vinny Raniolo (guitar), David Shaich (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays). 9:30 PM: Mama Juke w/ Amos Rose, others. (Most Tuesdays.) East Village Social, St Marks @ Ave A. 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Most Tuesdays.)  10:15 PM: Michael Daves' Wax Lion. Rockwood Three. (Most Tuesdays.) 11 PM: Trad Jazz Jam hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. The Original Hot Four house band is Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Gordon Webster (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Jared Engel (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
March 8, 7 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds), Mark Shane (piano), Kevin Dorn (drums) play the music of Benny Goodman. Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 8 PM: Bill Scorzari. At Finley's of Huntington, Huntington, NY.
March 9, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 9 PM: Sam Raderman Quartet w/ Sam (guitar), others. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 10, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Tony Trischka (banjo) & Territory. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
March 11, 8 PM: Celtic Appalachian Celebration w/ Mick Moloney, Athena Tergis, and The Green Fields of America, w/ Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Liz Hanley (fiddle and vocals), Jerry O'Sullivan (uilleann pipes and whistle), Brendan Dolan (piano), Niall O'Leary (dancer) and special guests Erynn Marshall (fiddle), Carl Jones (guitar, mandolin, banjo), Sheila Adams (singer), Megan Downes and City Stompers (dancers), Haley Richardson (fiddle), Jake James (fiddler and dancer). Symphony Space. Info/tix. 10 PM: Alash (Tuvan throat singers). Barbes.
March 13, 7 PM: “Ella is Present” w/ Terri Lyne Carrington (percussion), Casey Benjamin Charenée Wade (vocals). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 8 PM: Mike Davis (cornet) and friends celebrate Bix Beiderbecke. The Bickford, Morristown NJ. Info/Tix.
March 14, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 9 PM: Brother Roy w/ Roy Williams (piano, vocals). Rockwood Two. 10 PM: Michael Daves (guitar). Rockwood One. 11 PM: Jordan Tice & Horse Country. Rockwood One.
March 15, 9:30 PM: Gordon Webster Band CD Release w/ Gordon (piano), Charles Turner (vocals), Danny Jonokuchi (cornet), Danny Lipsitz (reeds), Rob Edwards (trombone), Ricky Alexander (reeds), Danny Zieman (bass), Kevin Congelton (drums). Joes Pub. Info/tix.
March 17, 8 PM: Leann Rimes. Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue NY. Info/tix.
March 18, Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix. Margi Gianquinto and the world famous TBD band featuring TBA (wtf) and TBA (ftw). J House, Riverside CT.
March 19, 12:30 PM: Brunch with w/ Hilary Gardner (vocals) plus Greg Ruggerio (guitar) & Joel Forbes (bass). North Square. 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo (piano) & Ehud Asherie (piano). Fat Cat.
March 21, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 22, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 7:45 PM: Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield CT. Info/tix.
March 23, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 9 PM (unconfirmed time): Jon-Erik Kellso Quartet. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 24, 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli  (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Larry Fuller (piano), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Kitano. 
March 25, 2 & 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Stephanie Nakasian (vocals) & Veronica Swift (vocals) with the Tardo Hammer Trio. Kitano.
March 26, Noon: Women of the Guitar w/ Sheryl Bailey, Jiji Kimm, Kaki King & Ann Klein. 92nd Street Y. Free but limited seating. Info 2 & 7 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. Time?: The Peewee Russell Memorial Stomp w/ Midiri Brothers Quintet, Peter and Will Anderson Quintet, Dan Levinson's Russell of Spring Band & Professor Cunningham and his Old School. Birchwood Manor, Whippany NJ. Info/tix.
March 27, 7 PM: “J’adore Ella,” w/ Les Nubians (sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix.
March 28, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 29, 12:30 PM: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project. UBS Atrium, Weehawken, NJ.
March 31, 7:30 & 9:30 PM: John Pizzarelli. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
April 1, 8 PM: John Prine. NJPAC. Tix. 8 PM: Acadia Swing w/ Svetlana & The Delancy Five, Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers, others. Connollys on W. 45th. Tix.
April 3, 7:30 PM: Richard Dowling (piano) & Jeff Barnhart (piano) play the music of Scott Joplin. Bickford Theatre, Morristown NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 & 9:30 PM: Danilo Brito Quinteto. Dizzy’s. Info/tix.
April 11, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 17, 8:30 PM: Frank Vignola's Guitar Night w/ Frank (guitar), Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Gene Bertoncini (7-string guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Vinny Raniolo (guitar) and Nicki Parrott (bass). The Iridium.
April 20, 9 PM: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo (guitars). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 28-30, Brooklyn Folk Festival. St Ann's Church. Full Line-up here.
May 9, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
May 13, 7:30 PM: Rhiannon Giddens (violin, banjo, vocals). Alice Tully Hall. Info/tix.
<<<SPECIAL>>> May 15-21. New York Hot Jazz Camp directed by Molly Ryan & Bria Skonberg . Info & registration info here.
May 18, 8 PM: David Crosby. Westbury Theatre. Info/Tix. Tix on sale February 3.
May 27, 7:30 PM: Battle of the Big Bands. Info/tix.
June 6, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
October 13-15, Jeff & Joel's House Party, Branford CT. Info.
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canonrpfinder · 2 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for 21+ writing partners for my canon x canon ships for my five biggest fandom obsessions right now.
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. Third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so I can't guarantee daily replies. I try to get them up as soon as I can, which may only be a day or could be closer to 3-5 days, so patience is a must. I don't expect perfect grammar but average to above average is what I tend to look for. I may ask for a writing sample, and you may ask me for the same.
MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to taking on a limited amount of MxF. As far as plots go, as long as it makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I'm okay with keeping things clean or writing NSFW/smut. Just let me know what you're looking for there.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships for each, but I'm open to discussing plenty of others.
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3):
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who (DW):
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Interview with the Vampire (IWTV ; TV show only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The X-Files (TXF):
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
Like this post, if you'd like to work something out, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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prpfz · 7 days
I'm on the search for threads for my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). 🕷️
About Me:
21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I write in third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I try my hardest to do daily replies, but I work full-time during the week, so it may take me 2-3 days to reply at times. I have no triggers and do enjoy writing NSFW/smut. However, that's not a requirement. MxM ships are my strong preference. I'm willing to take on a very limited amount of MxF.
Be 21+ to interact. Write in third person. At least 1 reply per week. I'm okay with waiting longer. Just let me know beforehand if you can. Be open to writing MxM, even if we ultimately end up going with MxF. Be willing to brainstorm. For some ships, I have particular ideas in mind already. For others, I won't have much in mind; I'd like to come up with a plot together for those. In either case, I'm also willing to listen to any ideas you might have.
I'm just going to list my main muses for each fandom (anyone in bold I'm particularly interested in writing as). I have my favorite ships, but I'm always willing to discuss others.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Astarion Ancunín
Cazador Szarr
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Malandir (My Dark Urge ; Male Drow Fighter)
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
James!Harry Osborn
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Nathan Summers
Willem!Norman Osborn
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
If you'd like to work something out, like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for 21+ writing partners for my five biggest fandom obsessions right now.
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. Third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so I can't guarantee daily replies. I try to get them up as soon as I can, which may only be a day or could be closer to 3-5 days, so patience is a must. I don't expect perfect grammar but average to above average is what I tend to look for. I may ask for a writing sample, and you may ask me for the same.
I'm mainly looking for canon x canon pairings but canon x OC and OC x OC are on the table. MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to taking on a limited amount of MxF. As far as plots go, as long as it makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I'm okay with keeping things clean or writing NSFW/smut. Just let me know what you're looking for there.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships for each, but I'm open to discussing plenty of others.
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3):
Arvir (m!OC ; Tiefling ; Cleric of Bane),
Elkantar (m!OC ; Durge ; Drow ; Sorcerer)
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who (DW):
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Interview with the Vampire (IWTV ; TV show only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The X-Files (TXF):
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
Like this post, if you'd like to work something out, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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